1424 Fighting with at Least Two Hands Tied (Conservative
#1424 Figh*ng with at least two hands *ed (Conserva*ve Democrats Manchin and Sinema) JAY TOMLINSON - HOST, BEST OF THE LEFT: [00:00:00] Welcome to this episode of the award-winning Best of the Le* podcast, in which we shall take a look at the poli;cs of obstruc;on in the service of big donors' interests while sacrificing the ability to run a func;oning democracy in the process, to win-win. Clips today are from The BradCast, Start Making Sense, The Majority Report, The Takeaway, Deconstructed and the Thom Hartmann Program. West Virginia's Robyn Kincaid on the maddening Joe Manchin - The BradCast - Air Date 6-9-21 BRAD FRIEDMAN - HOST, THE BRADCAST: [00:00:26] Ac;on Funds Survey found that the bill was extremely popular among all voters in the state, Republicans, Democrats, Independents alike. In West Virginia, respondents supported the bill, the For The People Act, by 79%! 79 to 15% in favor of the For The People Act, which Joe Manchin opposes. The Democra;c proposal also enjoys high levels of support among Republicans, specifically, despite ongoing efforts from several right wing, dark money groups to have the state senators vote against it because, well, among other things, it gets their dark money out of our elec;ons, and it helps prevent billionaires that run those dark money groups from buying elec;ons. That's why, of course not a single Republican member is suppor;ng the bill, nor will they support it. That's their money, as they see it, that's their way to buy elec;ons.
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