^65 Main St. ~' awan. N.J. 07747 ☆ The Weekly Newspaper

2 0 C e n t s vol. 7 NO. 30 Thursday, June 2, 1977 Regan resigns as superintendent, to get $70,000 in severance pay

By David Thaler during the next two years, it was learned. the district. stating its dissatisfaction with his perform­ discussed them last night at an executive MATAWAN Regan also will receive payment for fringe Appointed superintendent in 1971, Regan ance and the areas in which it expected session. Dr. John F. Regan has resigned as benefits, believed to be vacations and sick w as granted tenure in 1974. The board passed improvement. Under the Sunshine Law, the board does superintendent of schools, T h e Independent days, it was learned. a special resolution giving him tenure before At that point, the board was considering not have to permit the public to attend has learned. Ramsay Associates, a consulting firm he normally would have earned it, explaining trying to remove Regan for cause, an action meetings at which personnel matters are retained earlier this year to evaluate the that he had earned a vote of confidence. rarely taken against a superintendent of discussed: Regan’s resignation will be accepted by operation of the district’s central office, will But soon after he obtained tenure, a schools in N e w Jersey. R e g a n could not be reached for c o m m e n t the Board of Education at a meeting to be be authorized to search for candidates to majority of the nine board members became T h e board wa s told, however, that even if it last night. held a 8 tonight at the old Broad Street succeed Regan. . disenchanted with him. T w o years ago, the succeeded in ousting Regan, it faced a long Only three of the incumbent board School, according to reliable sources, and The board also is expected to form a board withheld his salary increment, and and expensive legal battle. If Regan suc­ m e m b e r s w e r e in office w h e n R e g a n w a s Deputy Superintendent Anthony Nuccio will committee which will help screen the last year, it gave him what several me m b e r s ceeded in the battle to retain his job, the granted tenure. They are Board President be appointed acting superintendent. candidates. The committee, according to said w a s a cost-of-living increase. But with board w a s told, he would be entitled to the Judith Hurley, Michael Kidzus, and John The board will agree to pay Regan several sources, will include teachers, the most recent salary increase, Regan pay he would have received if he had Comerford. $70,000—the equivalent of two years salary— administrators, students, and residents of received a detailed letter from the board remained on the job while waiting for his day Ms. Hurley cast one of the two dissenting in court. votes on the resolution granting Regan In April, R e g a n agreed to consider tenure. The other negative vote was cast by resigning, if he and the board could negotiate Felicia Peters. T h e vote for tenure came an acceptable amount of severance pay. immediately before the annual school board Builder sues Marlboro Negotiations began immediately, it was election. T h e board apparently intended to learned. guarantee Regan tenure, regardless of the All nine board members reportedly agreed results of the election. that R e g a n should be replaced. Virtually all of the candidates, however, The terms of the agreement were com­ praised Regan’s performance as super­ for apartment variance pleted this week, and the board presumably intendent. John F. Regan By Lee Duigon The suit charges that the denial is invalid lawsuit,”-Badach said. “We were well within MARLBORO because it was predicated upon assumptions the deadline.” • which have no basis in fact, w a s contrary to Croddick said he didn’t know about the suit Better security promised A developer w h o wants to build a 200-unit garden apartment complex on a 16-acre tract law, and denied the firm due process. because he hadn’t been served with any off Route 520 has filed a suit challenging the T he suit also charges that Marlboro’s lack papers. Zoning Board’s decision to deny him a of provision for multifamily housing consti­ “I do n ’t know w h y it took so long to serve variance. tutes exclusionary zoning. the papers on the township,” he said. “It State prison farm to stay could be because the firm just changed The developer, Heer-Lenwall Realty Inc., “We threw that last count in, realizing that attorneys.” a local firm, w a s denied a variance for the Judge Lane has already ma d e his decision,” By Lee Duigon B a d a c h said he “just came on the case” will help decide which prisoners are good confined perpetually under maximu m se­ project in April. The property is currently B a d a c h said. “It’s a m o o t point.” MARLBORO security risks. zoned for residential use. after the firm’s original attorney left to take curity will b e c o m e so adapted to prison life “I think we have a good case strictly on the another job. Although security measures at the Rah­ Rahway State Prison Superintendent Rob­ that they cannot adjust to freedom. “Ho w can he sue us?” Council President way State Prison farm will be improved, variance application,” he continued. “The In his resolution, Croddick said the Heer- ert Hatrack promised to notify the State “I know cases of guys wh o have come out Lawrence Grossman wondered. “He can’t neighboring communities should not expect land is ideally suited for multifamily Lenwall firm ha d no legal standing as a Police baracks in Colts Neck immediately of prison and can’t even go into a diner and upset a zoning ordinance that’s already the state to close the minimum security when a prisoner escapes from the camp. The before the court." housing. It’s on a county road, with easy corporation because “an examination of order a me a l lor themselves’,’ Mulcahy said. access to other parts of town, and it’s not facility,Dept, of Corrections Commissioner policy had been to notify the Marlboro Police The township’s zoning ordinance, which public records reveals that the corporate Msfyor Arthur Gold' * t asked, “Is there near a residential area.” charter of Heer-Iinwall Realty Co., Inc. w a s Hubert Mu l c ah y told officials from Marlboro, and then the State Police,who would send out makes no provision for multifamily housing, teletype messages to locai barracks. any way you can have minimum security (at T h e suit w a s filed M a y 18. forfeited for non-payment of franchise taxes Colts Neck, and Freehold Township at a was overturned last year by Superior Court Tuesday night meeting. Mulcahy said he would be available to the camp) with m a xim um security around Judge Merritt Lane. Judge Lane gave the Councilman John Croddick has intended to on Jan. 5, 1976.” it?” local officials by telephone and would m e e t township until July to change the ordinance, introduce a resolution tonight asking the “That’s n e w s to m e , ” B a d a c h said. “Th e Also, Mulcahy said, the state will not with t h e m in e m e r g e n c y situations. If he “That would undermine the whole purpose but the township has appealed the case and state to revoke a right-of-way covenant councilman is probably 100 percent wrong.” restrict the inmate population of the camp to were not available,he added.Hatrack would of the m i n i m u m security facility .which is to Grossman expects to get a stay of the order granted to Heer-Lenwell on the assumption “I looked that up not long ago,” Croddick prisoners who have committed only non­ represent h i m at meetings. help reintegrate prisoners into society” until the appeal is heard. that the property would be developed for said, “but they could have gone down in one violent crimes. The commissioner promised to meet M u lca hy said. “When we send an inmate to a Heer-Lenwall’s attorney, Francis Badach, apartments. day and paid their taxes.” The state is committed to a policy of “periodically” with local officials to discuss m i n i m u m security camp , w e realize that Lakewood, said it is not necessarily in his The covenant should be revoked, Croddick Grossman said the firm’s corporate status rehabilitating offenders to enable them to security at the prison farm,reviewing prob­ w e ’re taking a certain risk. But we have to do client’s interest to wait for a n e w zoning said, because the firm did not m ee t the would not alter the right of its stockholders to re-enter society, M u l c a h y said, and the lems, answering questions, and listening to everything we can to help the inmate make it deadline for filing an appeal of the Zoning sue the township. m i n i m u m security farm is needed as a tool of ordinance to be adopted. suggestions. when he returns to society,and if we send an “We really have no idea how the new B o a r d ’s decision. The firm should have appealed to the reintegration. T h e camp currently holds 134 inmates, inmate to the prison farm, we have made a ordinance, when and if it’s adopted, will “I guess he didn’t know about our council before filing the suit, he added. “Once you decide to go d o w n the path (of Mulcahy said. Most of them are employed on judgment that h e ’s worth the risk.” affect our property,” Ba d a c h said. “We have rehabilitation and reintegration),” he ex­ w o r k details at Marlboro State Hospital—20 Mulcahy recently ordered prison authori­ the right to appeal a denial of a variance, and plained,“then you have to decide that you’re on painting details,49 in food serviceand 35 in ties to screen out inmates serving sentences that’s what w e did.” going to ma k e judgements and that mistakes the dairy—“where they get paid the out­ for arson, sex offenses, and first-degree Ennis replaces Nappi will sometimes be made.” standing w a g e of $1.10 a day.” m u r d e r from eligibility for m i n i m u m securi­ T h e state will m a k e a judgement of h o w “As someone moves through the penal ty—although the maximum security facili­ much security is necessary at the prison system;’ he explained, “he moves through ties are overcrowded, he added. farm, he added, and will provide it. varying degrees of security. T he re’s a lot of “We have vacancies in other camps as borough police chief Mulcahy promised to implement changes public sentiment for locking up prisoners and throughout the state” he said, “because w e UNION BEACH Farley reported that the police are at the prison farm and in the state’s policies throwing away the key, but let’s face it—95 don’t have enough prisoners who meet the The Borough Council last week appointed cracking down on the owners of abandoned “within four to six weeks.” According to the percent of them will eventually be back on criteria for m i n i m u m security. W e feel it’s Sgt. Michael Ennis to replace Capt. Joseph and junked cars and plan to have 160 vehicles commissioner,the state will: the street. W e try to get th e m ready for it.” better to back them,up in the jails than to Nappi as borough police captain, effective towed away. —Screen inmates more thoroughly to Without m i n i m u m security facilities, he take the risk of putting them under mi n i m u m July 1. eliminate those w h o are likely to try to continued, there is a danger that prisoners security.” Police have already towed away 28 escape, or who could pose a danger to the Nappi, who holds the permanent rank of vehicles,he said, and the owners have been community if they did escape. sergeant, has been serving as captain on a fined in Municipal Court. —Requisition approximately $5000 for provisional basis for several years. T h e state P rim ary issues phony, Civil Service Co m m i ss ion ruled however,that improved lighting at the facility. Nappi could not be promoted permanently Matawan bans —Requisition new security alarm systems because he had not passed the captain’s Civil for doors a nd w ind ows at the camp. Service test, according to Councilman Vin­ —Place a sergeant on each of the three cent Farley. watering lawns, guard shifts. In the past,one sergeant had to regular D em s charge divide his duties a m o n g all three shifts. The commission ordered a test, Farley MATAWAN TOWNSHIP “The council has recognized that there are explained,and issued a certified list contain­ In additionJVlulcahy said,the department is washing cars setting up a computer system which will Control of the local Democratic organiza­ s o m e bad roads, W ick e said, adding that it ing Ennis’ name as one of the successful tion will be at stake Tuesday w h e n voters go has e m b a r k e d on a long-range capital applicants. MATAWAN BOROUGH provide statistics on escapes, recidivism to the polls to select candidates for four improvement program to solve the problem. The Borough Council Tuesday unani­ (repeat offenseshand other information that In other action,Councilman Robert Keat­ Townshp Council seats and 26 county W i c k e and his running mates said that ing reported that the State Dept, of Environ­ mously passed an emergency resolution M atawan man committeemen. taxpayers cannot afford to have all of the dealing with the current water shortage. mental Protection has ordered the borough improvements made in one year. to employ emergency water conservation T h e resolution, which b e c a m e effective A group of insurgents is challenging the The township has spent more than $1 finds A ndy Indy, measures for the second consecutive year. yesterday, prohibits the watering of lawns, regular organization, fielding three candi­ million to improve the municipal water The order, he explained, requires all filling of both above- and below-ground dates for the council and contesting mos t of system, the candidates said • non-essential uses of water curtailed during s w i m m i n g pools, and the private washing of the county committee seats. wins free dinner peak periods whenever pressure drops below cars. Commercial car washes will, however, T h e county committee will select a MATAWAN TOWNSHIP safe levels. be permitted to remain in opeation. Violators municipal leader the week after the primary. Board sets policy M a t t h e w Miller, 346 Riverdale Drive, Watering lawns and gardens and filling may be issued summonses by borough Vincent Guariglia, a former leader, is recognizes a me a l ticket wh e n he sees one. swimming pools would be prohibited during employees. If convicted, a fine of up to $50 challenging Norman Kauff, the incumbent, Miller saw one—Andy Indy—hiding in peak hours, Keating said. m a y be assessed. for the position. on reporting fires the Candia advertisement in the M a y 25 As an alternative,he said, residents should T h e mo v e ca m e after widespread violation The regular slate is comprised of Deputy KEYPORT issue of The Independent, and when we water lawns and fill pools during off-hours. of an emergency decree issued last week to Mayor George Hausmann; Wilma Green­ In the wake of a recent fire at Keyport called him yesterday, he was ready with “If w e conserve water voluntarily, the curb water use. Because the ban h ad not span, who has been active in community High School, the Board of Education last the answer which wo n a free dinner for two mandatory measures will not be necessary’,’ been adopted by the council, but rather organizations but not in township govern­ week adopted a policy to deal with all future at T h e Islanders. he said. issued by Mayor Victor Armellino, there ment; Desmond McMahon, vice chairman fires in borough schools. W h e n pressure drops below safe levels,he were doubts as to whether it would hold up in of the Recreation Advisory Committee; and Each week,The Independent selects the T h e m o v e c a m e at the end of a one-hour explained,the local water plant mu s t be shut court. Borough Attorney Robert F e l d m a n Michael Wicke, Planning Board chairman. name of a reader at ra n d o m and calls hi m session during which representatives of the to ask w h e r e A n d y Indy is hiding. T h e down until the pressure increases again. At stated that he felt the ma y o r had the power to The insurgents’ candidates are Steven Fire Dept., administrators, and teachers correct answer wins a dinner for two at such times,the borough has an arrangement issue the decree, but felt the resolution would Orbach, wh o was forced to resign last month gave varying accounts of action taken in with the W. Keansburg Water Co. to provide assure no legal complications. as a management intern with the township The Islanders, the borough’s popular previous fires. Polynesian restaurant. service until the plant is back in operation. Armellino noted that he had received four because he wa s seeking political office; Ian The Islanders’ Steven Wo n g will prepare According to Keating, the borough has an calls Tuesday from residents complaining Goldstone, who has served on a New York When questioned, high school principal special dinners,not found on the menu, for application pending with the state to drill that the ban could cause severe damage to board of education; and Sheila Byrne, a Jerome Zampelle admitted that minor fires the winners of the A n d y Indy contest. deeper wells to increase water supples. . lawns. He pointed out, however, that the trustee of the Strathmore S wim and Tennis which had been extinguished immediately A n d y is hidden in a different advertise­ The borough has also filed applications rationale behind the resolution was to Club. sometimes were not reported to the police. ment each week. Many readers have been with the federal Environmental Protection provide the fire department with adequate The insurgents have charged that the Instead, he said, they were reported to the calling The Independent to tell us where he A g e n c y for funds for a n e w treatment and water supplies. Township Council, controlled by Democrats, superintendent of schools. has been hidden. T o be eligible for the distribution system .estimated at $2.5 million, “I asked th e m if they’s rather pay $500 for M em orial service has done an inadequate job in keeping streets The Fire Dept, representative said that on contest, however, your n a m e m u s t be according to borough officials. a n e w lawn or $60,000 for a n e w h o m e . ” he Howard Drake, commander of VFW Post repaired, is responsible for a rusty water M a y 25, a silent alarm wa s received from the selected at random from a reverse The council introduced the 1977 salary said. “Eventually that’s w h a t it will c o m e 4'_’47, and Susan Rooney, president of the problem in Cliffwood and Cliffwood Beach, high school. W h e n two trucks and two patrol telephone directory,and you must receive ordinance, which provides municipal e m ­ d o w n to.” Ladies Auxiliary, led memorial services and delegates too much authority to Town­ cars arrived, they found that a repairman a call from The Independent asking about ployees a general increase of approximate­ T h e ban will remain in effect until the Monday at Prospect Park, Keyport. ship Manager Donald F. Guluzzy. had accidentally tripped the alarm. The Fire Andy. ly 5 percent. A public hearing is scheduled mayor decides that the emergency no longer The organization candidates contend that Dept, had not been notified that repair wo rk (Photo by James Atkins) for Thursday, June 9. exists. the issues are not valid. w a s being done. Addar finishes A group called the North American Phalanx, organized battle training in Colts Neck in the early LINCROFT Resources Center on the capped, shut-ins a nd those 1800s, m arket ed the first cer­ Brookdale Community Col­ second floor of the Human w h o prefer to learn at home. Private Kervin J. Addar, eal sold in boxes in the nation. lege is offering a music Affairs Institute. Music 100 will be aired 7 to 8 son of Mr. an d Mrs. Stanly T. appreciation course this There are four occasions p.m. Mondays; 11 a.m. to Aldar of 25 Beers St., key­ spring over its o w n radio sta­ when the student must come noon Tuesdays, and 8 to 9 port, has completed infantry tion, W B J B - F M . to the campus: the first class p.m. Wednesdays and Sun­ combat training at the M a ­ I LITTLE RED BARN T h e course offers three meeting on M a y 14 in the days. rine Corps Base, C a m p P e n ­ credits for listening to 15 one- Performing Arts Center, time Students can register at the dleton, Calif. J GIFTSH0P | hour lectured aired four to be announced; and exam­ Office of Admissions and During the six-week times weekly over W B J B at inations in the Testing Center Records on the m a i n floor of course, he received class­ | Handcrafted Gifts | r o o m instruction an d partici­ 90.5 on the F M dial. Prof. following each of the three the Administration Building. * Located neor St. John's Church j pated in field exercises in­ Joseph Szostak said students course units. The hours are 9 a.m. to 4 | Between Hwy. 35 and 36 m a y follow the course at their Music 100 will teach stu­ p.m. and 6 to 8:30 p.m. volving infantry tactics. His KEYPORT | own pace, review or catch up dents the properties of music, Monday through Thursday; training centered on the j on missed broadcasts by ac­ media, or musical expres­ and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday. duties of a rifleman, with ■ 264-5232 j quiring matching cassette sion and the form musical For further information: emphasis on squad tactics Open 10 to 5 j tapes of the broadcasts avail­ utterance takes. 842-1900, extension 341, or and the techniques of fire of | Closed Mondays able in the college Learning It is geared for the handi­ Admissions, extension 468, the squad’s weapons. ,-ioa, or 213. WAREHOUSE W e build our 1 PRICE'S pools to stay dean Buy Direct From Our \W arehouse..and S a v e ! Stop In - Outdoor mass Members of Immaculata Concepcion Church, Broad Street, mass on the Keyport waterfront. No Fancy Displays Keyport. gathered at Beach Park Sunday for an outdoor (Photo by James Atkins) Convertibles from $99 Box Springs from $69 Pool manager says Hazlet lost & Mattress Dinettes from $39 $2,000by not rehiring him Living Room Suits from $ 199 By Lee Duigon was in the union and helped —and that’s an unknown full-time principal clerk of Bedroom Suits from $199 HAZLET organize it,” Lamb said. factor.” the club ever since it was Recliners from $79 Joseph L a m b , former pool Weigand admitted that Bertha Lamb, Joseph’s separated from the recrea­ manager of the Swim and “there will be m o r e total mother, has resigned her tion division several years Tennis Club, claimed recent­ dollars spent” on pool m a n ­ position as operator of the ago,” W e i g a n d said. “Sh e ’s LOTS MORE ly that the Township Commit­ agement this year and that club’s kitchen to protest the the one w h o ’s knowledgeable tee’s decision to replace h i m L a m b ’s position in the union committee’s treatment of her in the pool’s operation. She STOP IN AND SAVE! with new employees will cost hurt his chances of getting son. w a s the only person to wh o m ••• autom atically. Hazlet taxpayers more than the job. “I cannot wo r k for anybody the job could have been $2,000. His request for a n extra w h o cuts m y son’s throat,” given.” . FIELD FURNITURE L a m b , a Dept, of Public $500, W e i g a n d said, did not she said. “It’s all politics, and I f y o u w a n t t h e f u n a n d relaxation of a s w i m m i n g p o o l , Weigand said the commit­ 7-11 E. Front St., Keyport Works employee, served as influence the decision to re­ there’s also age and marital tee regrets losing La m b as Open Monday thru Friday without the hassle of cleaning, w e h a v e the answer— pool ma n a g e r for the past six lease him. discrimination involved.” pool manager and that there III a.m.-4 p.m. Closed Saturday summers, transferring from The Township Committee, La m b is 25 years old and we re “no objections about his The Arneson Pool-Sweep" automatic p o o l c l e a n e r . he explained, faced a poten­ his D P W job. single. past performance.” * YAVi .VttVi T/a SI faST .V+S'i rfcY! .TSVi T/fcSl fo v ; ,YaY, Y#S1 Y+Sl fa Y l fa S ; YgVi l/AVi YgSn W e build our pools with y o u r enjoyment in m i n d . The township recently tial conflict between L a m b ’s Mrs. L a m b ’s departure, hired Charles Mc C a n n as pool position as shop steward and A n d what can be mor e fun than a pool t h a t k e e p s i t s e l f W e i g a n d said, r e m ov es her manager at $175 per week his responsibilities as pool $2,200-$2,400 salary from the sparkling clean, 7 days a w e e k . Completely automati­ and Joan Osborne as assist­ manager. club’s payroll. ant m a n a g e r for $150 per “As shop steward, he could You Have Been Walking ^ cally. That's w h y w e r e c o m m e n d t h e Arneson Pool- “It’s in the committee’s week. It also promoted the have been called away from thoughts to utilize a couple of S w e e p . It's the most reliable automatic pool cleaner club’s principal clerk, M a r y the pool at any time to handle working girls who were there All Over Us! Crawford, to the post of a union problem,” Weigand last season to take over Mrs. ...AT MOST FAST FOOD RESTAURANTS in the world. . director with a $500 increase said. L a m b ’s duties in the kitchen, IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD. L e t u s show you h o w inexpensively y o u c a n o w n in her $6,515 salary, accord­ The union has been working under Mrs. Osborne’s super­ ing to Business Administra­ without a contract since the W e sell a n d install n e w c o n c e p t s in ceramic, slate a n d quarry y o u r o w n pool— and keep it sparkling clean without vision,” Weigand said. floors & walls tor Robert Weigand. beginning of the year, he “There will have to be a L a m b said the D P W paid MAINTENANCE FREE (No Waxing or Scrubbing) lifting a. lcnrwsVi. Call m e t o d a y for a free estimate. continued, and when a con­ slight adjustment in their h i m $1,850 last season to DURABLE - ATTRACTIVE tract is finally signed, its salaries, but it w o n ’t c o m e m a n a g e the pool, with no terms might be unfavorable out anywheres near the extra pay for working over­ Free Estimates & Designing Service to the township in its relations $2,200-$2,400 w e would have time or on weekends. The C entral Jersey Pool with Lam b as pool manager. paid Mrs. Lamb.” ARMOR FLOOR township balked at rehiring The committee also had Lam b and his mother both "House of Ceramic Design" him, he said, w h e n he asked second thoughts about accused the committee of for a $500 bonus this year for y / & Supply Co. Inc. L a m b ’s Civil Service classifi­ giving preferential treatment S H O W R O O M

A perfect Keepsake CRODDICK WE MUST RAISE diamond, guaranteed in writing and permanently registered. K e e p s a k e * YOUNG CASH!!! Registered Diamond Rings CASHIER Will DEDUCT AT REGISTER S a y r e w o o d BAUMAN J e w e l e r s 5 0 ° 1 o 7 5 o f f o f M a t a w a n AFULL SERVICE JEWELER FOR MARLBORO TOWNSHIP COUNCIL SALE STARTS WED. JUNE 1st COLONIAL PLAZA VOTE TILL?? SHOPPING CENTER Route 34 at DEMOCRATIC-COLUMN 6-JUNE7,1977 Lloyd Road Matawan 583-2000

AIRPORT PLAZA RT. 36 HAZLET, N . J . 7 3 9 - 9 1 1 9 Open Daily 10 a.m. to i p.m. E m p o R i u m Paid For by The Candidates Thurs. I Fri. Til 9 p.m. P.O. Box 106 Open Daily 10-6 Fri. Til 9 Ring, troai $100 lo 110.000 * « M a rlb or o, N.J. 0 7 7 4 6

I? A © p i n i o n The Inquisitor/Lee Duigon

1 THE ■BAYSHORE « <• * Louts invade shore for Memorial Day weekend

INDEPENDENT^ • "A at-*' j A Memorial Day weekend visit to the could have sworn Poppa Lout was the same Hubba-hubba and his troglodyte crew piled tossed their cookies on the sidewalks, and Vol. 7 No. :s« Keyport June 2, 1977 Jersey Shore provided many outstanding boor who had ruined m y breakfast the into a nearby booth and proceeded to lace the staged an impromptu demolition derby after examples of loutish behavior. previous morning. air with witticisms like “Ayyyy!” and the bars closed—a sterling exhibition of I must award the grand prize to the couple I wish I had turned around and made a “Duhhh!” Happily, the snail’s pace of the American culture at its carefree best. Published every W ednesday who roomed down the hall from m e in the threatening gesture. It might have been waitress inspired them to depart. T h e final prize goes to the unsung heroes of b y motel. They added new weight to the axiom better than listening to the twit behind m e A n honorable mention must go collectively the highways, those immortals who ignored Monmouth Communications that boorish parents raise boorish kids. regale his family with his persistent at­ to the owners of the service stations on Lo n g stop signs, red lights, traffic cops, and Keyport, N .J. 07735 After shark-fishing until 2 a.m., I was tempts at comedy. Beac h Island. In s o m e mysterious fashion, one-way streets in their glorious efforts to After a soliloquoy on the importance of 7 3 9 - 1 0 1 0 a w a k e n e d at 7:30 a.m. by the frantic patter all of their rest r o o m s went out of order emulate the Indy 500. It must be nice to drive of little feet in the hall, and the shrill, “tootsies”

R e g a n ’s Band parents thank ful Wilma Greenspan, the fourth member of the Township Council will always be of the I urge all citizens of Marlboro w h o are alarming the residents as to the problems he the RegularLetters Democratic Ticket has shown s a m e politicalTo persuasion. The This, however, is Editorinterested in their future an d in government foresaw. Then, he promised to “fight for resignation Sir: tremendous leadership as president of the not enough! The individual councilman must that is responsive to the people to vote for their rights” at the Zoning Bo ard meeting. As president of the Lloyd Road Band Matawan Chapter of Women’s American be able to operate smoothly with his or her Kushner, Scafidi and D e s m o n d on June 7. Anyone who has followed Barry Kushner’s Parents Assn., I would like to extend a O R T and her involvement in the W o m a n ’s colleagues ^n d to put the best interests of the David B. Gross antics both in print and on the floor of the Dr. John F. Regan is expected to resign thank-you to the citizens of M a t a w a n Division of the Greater M o n m o u t h Federa­ township first,before any personal considera­ 48 Sandburg Drive council room, would know that “good ole” tonight as superintendent of the Matawan Township, Matawan Borough and the sur­ tion. She was also involved with FISH. tions. Morganville Barry has received his reciprocation ouster Regional School District. rounding towns who contributed so generous­ Wilma Greenspan has had total involvement It is,therefore,important that the voters in Kushner’s ‘shifts’ from his beloved T.J. party, w h o m he also ly to the Lloyd R o a d Middle School Band. and commitment to service organizations of the primary election select candidates w h o fought for. I would hope that everyone Although the resignation should c o m e as a These funds were used to help defray some this nature for the benefit of the residents of give promise of being capable of doing just Sir: reading anything regarding Mr. Kushner surprise to no one who has followed of the costs involved in our recent trip to this area. It is also very refreshing to see a that. It sounds wonderful to hear “we want and his party or whatever—will r e m e m b e r developments in the district, it is sure to Florida, in which we won a bronze medal. qualified woman running for the M a t a w a n W e wh o have already served on the council horses instead of houses and trees instead of the m a n for what he really is! raise many questions which should be I would also like to thank the Lloyd R o a d Township Council again. are all too aware of the importance of tenements.” Surae Wolf answered. Student Council, who contributed to the The insurgent group of Democrats does not cooperation among the various personalities Yet, it wa s n ’t too long ago wh e n the school 172 Gordons Corner Rd. band. have the qualifications, the involvement in who make up the council each year. As districts we r e set, that the very person n o w Marlboro There is no doubt that the Board of The Lloyd Road Middle School Band will the community, nor the experience to lead members of the Democratic party, we have “pleading” for these things led the home­ Education sought Dr. R e g a n ’s resignation. A not forget the people of the communities and the Democratic ticket to victory in Novem­ very carefully studied the candidates who owners of his development in a protest F r e s h a i r f o r M a r l b o r o majority of the board felt that the need for a will try to be responsive to the people w h o ber. Just wanting to be a councilman is not are running in the primary on June 7. W e against sending his children a n d theirs to Sir: change in leadership w a s critical enough to have contributed so generously to our enough. One must have the experience, have reviewed their background, listened to school with the “farmers and horse owners.” After reading.the newspapers in recent warrant paying Dr. Regan $70,000 in success. ability, interest and dedication to be a them talk, and, in almost every case, have He certainly changes his mind rather weeks, I a m convinced that Barry Kushner, severance pay in exchange for his resigna- Mary McMahon councilman in Matawan Township. interviewed t h e m at length. quickly—like the changing tides. Barry Helen Scafidi, and Richard D e s m o n d are lion. President I a m therefore asking all good Democrats It is with full knowledge of our responsibili­ Kushner is one man I would not like truly the breath of fresh air that Marlboro Lloyd Road Band Parents Assn. to get involved and support the regular ty as elected representatives of the people of governing m y municipality. As for the rest of needs. Both the resignation and the severance Democratic organization of Monmouth Coun­ the township that w e have ma d e our choices his slate, as the tide goes, so does the shifting They are honest and forthright in present­ pay were negotiated quietly during the past Regular Dems backed ty ticket by voting for the Democratic of those we believe have earned your support sands! ing their views. T h e y have brought to the severalmonths. A negotiated resignation was Sir: candidates in Column 6 at the primary on in the primary. I urge every Marlboro Democrat to vote public attention all that has been hidden the only way. apparently, that the stalemate I read with great interest an article June 7. T h e ticket of W i l m a Greenspan, Michael for Croddick, Y o u n g and Bauman on June 7 behind closed doors these last few years in between the board and the superintendent appearing in the News Tribune of May 23 Barbara Berger Wicke, Desmond McMahon, and Deputy to continue the stability, honesty and Marlboro. could be broken. concerning a verbal attack on a Matawan 15 Avalon La ne Mayor George Hausmann is committed to a integrity of our Township Council. They want to preserve our lovely town and Townsh ip Planning B oar d decision. M a t a w a n Township continuation of the sound, progressive gov­ Deena Passaro stop rapid development of garden apart­ It seems to me that the attack was ernment we have tried to give you these past 12 Hamilton Ave. One question Which arises is wh y the board ments which will ruin our school system. ill-founded and poorly prepared. Yet, the two years. They have pledged themselves to Morganville was so eager to give Dr. Regan tenure three Sexist candidates They represent the viewpoint of Marlboro, same people who make these attacks are devote their time a nd energies to the w o r k so let’s all m a k e sure w e vote for t h e m on years ago and then almost immediately Sir: Insurgents ‘disruptive’ n o w asking us to vote for t h e m as better that is necessary to keep the township decided he was not the m a n who should be This past weekend, one of the insurgent June 7 in the Democratic primary. alternatives to the regular Democrats. I m o v i n g forward. Sir: running the school district. Democratic candidates stopped with his Joseph Schoenholtz don’t understand how these people, who While each of the candidates will bring to I have seen that the regular Democratic 8 Longfellow Terr. Once tenure was granted,' there was c a m p a i g n m a n a g e r at m y house to ask for obviously do not have the energy to the council his or her ow n particular skill and organization of Monmouth County has been Morganville almost no w a y to make a change in m y and m y husband’s vote in the Democratic investigate or check out the true facts of any ability and a background rich in training and attacked by a group of insurgents in the superintendents without a financial settle­ primary on June 7. When these two situation, can really be expected to receive experience,they will do mo r e than that. A s a Democratic primary this year. After careful Vote Colum n 6 ment. The board wanted to make a change, individuals came to our house, I w a s greatly votes in the Democratic primary. team, the totality of their assets is greater examination, I have found that the in­ because it felt that Dr. Regan was neither insulted when they only asked to see the m a n Sir: I appeal to all m y fellow regular D e m o ­ than the su m of its parts. It is as a t e a m that surgents appear to be a clique of personal providing the leadership the district needed of the house. Do they consider the wife a crats to support the regular party ticket in they should be elected. friends that have gotten together for the I was recently surprised to meet the nor fulfilling the responsibility it wanted a second-class citizen? regular Democratic candidates for Township the June 7 primary an d vote for the regular W e urge all registered Democrats to vote purpose of personal gain in the hope of superintendent to assume. These individuals spent one half-hour dividing and disrupting the regular D e m o ­ Council, Wilma Greenspan, Michael Wicke, Democrats, Wilma Greenspan, Michael arguing with m y husband about what great on June 7,and it is with deep conviction that Wicke, Desmond McMahon, and George w e ask you to vote for Greenspan, Wicke, cratic organization in Matawan Township. Desmond McMahon, and George Hausmann, accomplishments they could do if elected in as they walked through m y district. I was The board which granted Dr. Regan tenure Hausmann in Column 6. McMahon, and Hausmann for Township This would have a detrimental effect on all obviously did not do its homework. There Matawan Township and didn’t have the very happy to see them and I found that they Louis Rosen Council. the residents of Matawan Township. It courtesy to even ask if I w a s at home. were ver informed and knowledgeable was evidence at the time that the case for 202 Van Brackle Rd. Mayor Edward E. Kaufman appears to be a personal vendetta of several H ow can one expect people without the about Ma* wan Township. tenure should have been examined more M a t a w a n T ownship Councilman Eugene T. Sadowski individuals. simplest courtesies to perform as represen­ In cont ' .it to this, w e received a piece of closely before action was taken. One board Councilman Ernest Edwards W e have been recently reminded in the member sent a memorandum to his col­ tatives of all residents of the Township of Nixon interviews of what the end result of the paper in our mailbox left by an insurgent Matawan prim ary M a t a w a n ! Councilman Richard B. Wolfe leagues citing s o m e of the evidence and personal vendetta can be. There can be no group of Democrats, saying “Sorry we Sir: I ask that all wives in Matawan Township Matawan Township raising questions which he contended should r o o m for this in the Democratic primary. It missed you.” It is strange since m y wife and I would like to urge the De moc r a t s of vote for the regular Democratic candidates, be answered before a vote on tenure was is the duty and obligation of Democrats to I w er e home the entire day and no one Matawan Township to come out and support Wilma Greenspan, Michael Wicke, Desmond taken. Both the memorandum and the Pleasant ‘shock’ represent all the people. Vote for the regular knocked at our door. It appears that the the organization candidates in the June 7 McMahon, and George Hausmann. It’s about evidence were ignored in the rush to grant primary. The four candidates—Wilma (Editor’s Note: The following letter wa s sent Democratic organization of Monmouth Coun­ insurgent group is just going through the tenure. time that w e had another woman on the ty in Column 6. Wilma Greenspan, Mike general motions but is not interested enough Greenspan, Michael Wicke, Desmond Mc­ Township Council and with this Democratic to Mayor Arthur Goldzweig of Marlboro and Wicke, Desmond McMahon, and George in campaigning to actually stop and meet the Mahon, and George Hausmann—are people ticket, I feel that in N o v e m b e r w e can be submitted for publication.) S o m e residents are certain to ask wh y the H a u s m a n n have been involved in civic people. w h o have been involved in township activi­ assured of a woman on the council and Dear Mayor Goldzweig: board did not seek to have Dr. Regan activities in M a t a w a n Township for m a n y I would like to thank the regular D e m o ­ ties and are really interested in the people of continued Democratic control of Matawan I w a s very surprised to receive the letter removed for cause if it believed he was not years. They have and will continue to crats for the time they spent with me. I think Matawan Township. They are not seeking Township. from you re: the unbudgeted school tax. I fulfilling his responsibilities. T h e answer is represent all the people of M a t a w a n Town­ that all people should go out and support the revenge or personal gains in any way. I urge I further would like to say that the sincerely appreciate your concern on m y that it is almost impossible to remove a ship for the benefit of all the people of regular Democratic candidates who have the people of Matawan Township to vote insurgents should learn that husbands and behalf. I have already written to the superintendent who has tenure. The board’s Matawan Township. shown both in their past experience and in C o l u m n 6 for your local Democratic candi­ wives don’t always vote the same way and Governor, Sen. (Alfred) Beadleston, and research indicated it has never been done in Joseph Pauciello their campaigning that they are concerned dates—Wilma Greenspan, Michael Wicke, that a wife should be accorded the same, (our) Assemblymen. N e w Jersey. 830 Lakeview W a y and involved and will spend the time to do a Desmond McMahon, and George Hausmann. respect as the husband. If they want to meet O n past occasions I have had the pleasure Cliffwood Beach good job for Matawan Township. Vote Stuart Bier to meet with other township officers—M a r y If the board had attempted to remove Dr. members of the family, they should ask for C o l u m n 6. 131 W a r r e n Drive Denton (business administrator), who grant­ R e g a n for cause, there would have been a both the husband a nd the wife. Walter Isemann M a t a w a n Township ed m y family permission to go on the town Scafidi’s candidacy protracted legal battle, which would have Everyone knows that a woman’s vote 751 Cliffwood Ave. farm, and Joseph La Mura, the tax assessor. d a m a g e d the school district far mo r e than it counts equally as her husband’s. Vote Sir: Matawan Township D em s’’ record C o l u m n 6. Having co m e from N e w York, it is difficult will suffer from the loss of $70,000 in Mrs. Helen Romaine Scafidi’s announce­ to accept that public officials had any severance pay. Sir: Sondra Goldstein ment that she will run in the Democratic Regulars’ experience The record of the Democratic Township 234 Claire Ct. concern for their constituents. primary this June is a pleasant surprise. Sir: M a t a w a n Township Living here is a cultural shock in a very The district has suffered from lack of Council in Matawan Township is something I have worked with Helen in several county On Tuesday, there will be a Democratic pleasing way. leadership for several years. Wh e n the board to be proud of. civic affairs an d can honestly say that she is primary in Matawan Township. The regular Dem s bring progress Jay Rothenberg became disenchanted with Dr. Regan, it The residents of Matawan Township have one of a few rare species known as “good Democratic ticket is being challenged by 10 L e n a p e Rd. tried to wo r k around him. W h e n that proved seen the creation and expansion of a Sir: people.” three insurgents. If one looks at the qualifi­ Marlboro ineffective, it tried to force hi m to perform to recreation program that includes all seasons During the past three years of Democratic Barry Kushner and Richard Desmond are cations and the experience of the regular its standards, continuously questioning and and with great involvement for the youth and control, Ma t a w a n Township has expanded its Kushner slate backed people wh o m I have never met but by Democratic candidates in civic and govern­ criticizing him. That didn’t w o r k either. senior citizens of this town. D e s m o n d M c M a ­ services to the community. W e now have an association with Helen, I feel that they are m e n t activities, you would find that the ticket hon, one of the regular Democratic organiza­ excellent recreation program, a fantastic Sir: also “good people.” of Wilma Greenspan, Michael Wicke, Des­ A change had to be ma de , a nd under the tion of M o n m o u t h County candidates, has beach reclamation project, free health pro­ The voters of Marlboro are faced with an M y only regret is that Helen Scafidi is mond McMahon, and Deputy Mayor George circumstances, $70,000 w a s not too high a been deeply involved as a member and is grams, and m a n y other valuable services. important choice for their future in the June running in Marlboro instead of Manalapan. H a u s m a n n is a ticket with experience in price to pay. now vice chairman of the Recreation With all these improvements, our munici­ 7 primary. M a n a l a p a n ’s loss is Marlboro’s gain. government, recreation, civic organizations, Advisory Committee. pal tax rate has declined in ,the face of The three candidates running on the James M. Patrinick and general involvement in all aspects of life A lesson apparently has been learned from Michael Wicke is presently chairman of spiraling inflation. I can only attribute this to clubhouse line are portrayed looking over a Former Vice President in M a t a w a n Township. this experience. The board reportedly has the Matawan Township Planning Board. good legislation a n d government by the map headlined “pr o g r e s s , prosperity, M a n a l a p a n Democratic Club The insurgent group would like you to decided to seek the help of the community in This board has accomplished in the last four Democratic-controlled council. people”. They are undoubtedly deciding Re ject Kushner believe that they, too, are involved. Ho w­ selecting a successor to Dr. Regan. It is years, under Democratic control, a revision I’m for continuing this record an d will vote w h e r e their political cronies will build their ever, the list of activities that they would considering appointing a committee which of the master plan and the revision of the Column 6 for the regular Democratic developments to reap their windfall at the Sir: present is quite limited. T h e regular D e m o ­ would include residents, teachers, students, zoning ordinances of the township, as well as candidates, Wilm a Greenspan, Michael expense of us taxpayers. This they call I have just read with great amusement the crats have lived in M a t a w a n Township for and administrators. the implementation of the new land use act. Wicke, Desmond McMahon, and George progress. “lovely”, letter from Republican Janice m o r e than 54 years. Mr. Wicke has shown dedication in working H a u s m a n n . Meanwhile, they have sh o w n their blatant Miller “praising” Barry Kushn er for his I would ask that all concerned Democrats That would be a vast improvement of the with the Planning Board since his recent Robert Feldman disregard for the public by claiming that “best interest” in our community! T h e letter vote Column 6 on Primary Election Day, past practice of having the board interview appointment as chairman and prior thereto, 84 A y r m o n t L ane there is a master plan for Marlboro; only it is w a s so full of sugar an d spice that I wond er if Tuesday, June 7, and show your support to candidates behind closed doors and then as a m e m b e r . Matawan Township not to be opened up (ala Pa n d o r a ’s box) until the little girl really kn e w wh a t wa s going on the regular Democratic organization of presenting the winner of the competition to The bulk of the changes in our government, after the June 7 primary. Thus they are able at her expense! Monmouth County for the good job that they the public the night he is appointed to the job. including extensive services to the residents Council likes regulars to circumvent the zoning issue. From what I recall, the restaurant in have done in the past four years in Mata w a n of Matawan Township, have been accom­ Sir: On the other hand, Barry Kushner, Helen question was to be situated on about five Township. Vote Column 6 for Wilma Green­ . The board should also establish a pro­ plished while keeping the existing municipal It is generally accepted that for a Scafidi and Richard Desmond have clearly acres of land, no w h e r e near enough to the span, Michael Wicke, Desmond McMahon, cedure for obtaining meaningful evaluations tax rate approximately 6 cents lower than governing body to carry out its function in an spoken out on this issue, which is of Pleasant Valley area to disturb them. I also and G eorge H a u s m a n n . efficient and successful manner,it must,as is of the superintendent from the sa m e groups, prior to the Democratic control of the p a ra mou nt importance for all Marlboro recall that there wa s never an issue raised to Jeffrey Carle true of every board of directors,be composed so that it has m o r e than just the opinions of council. Deputy M a y o r George H a u s m a n n residents. T h e y are not beholden to any the development of this much-needed attrac­ 58 C amb r i d g e Drive its nine me m b e r s on which to base a decision was instrumental in keeping the tax rate of m e m b e r s w h o are willing and capable of political bosses an d other po wer brokers wh o tion to the Marlboro area until “Barry” Matawan Township d o w n a n d yet getting m o r e services for working together as a team. are land holders and speculators in Marl­ made it his ow n personal windmill! First, he to renew the top administrator’s contract or (Continued on Page 10) grant h i m tenure. residents of the township. Under our partisan system.the majority on boro. charged into the Pleasant Valley area

\i tv V- Club na m e s department M organville sew er accord seen chairmen M A R L B O R O ing and police station. The until our appeal is heard.” d u c e d,” Grossman said. The two member townships firm will be paid $7,500. Troy asked when the coun­ “And an interim ordinance Mrs. Jerry Kosinski, pres­ of the Western Monmouth T h e council had originally cil would hold public hearings w ill not be introduced unless ident of the W o m a n ’s Club of Utilities Authority, Marlboro contracted the firm of Skid­ on a new zoning ordinance. Laurence Harbor, has an­ and Manalapan, are on the more, Owens, and Merrill to “You’ll have the hearings the Appellate Division says nounced the appointment of verge of adopting service do the job, but recently when something is intro- we absolutely have to.” department chairmen. contracts to construct a s e w ­ learned that the Skidmore They are drama, Alison er system for Morganville, firm had to back out because N ursing center honors Gallagher; international af­ according to WMUA Chair­ of earlier commitments. WE HAVE IT ALL! fairs, Sophie Holden; litera­ man Lawrence Grossman. Witthoefft a n d Rudolph ture, Ro se Ha m h a u s e r ; m u s ­ The service agreements, were former members of the 40 adult volunteers ic, Carol Powell; public af­ G r o s s m a n said, at a T o w n ­ Skidmore firm, which recom­ HOMEOWNERS * HAZLET Meglio, Gail August; and fairs, Louisa Palmer; and ship Council meeting ’ last m e n d e d them, G r o s s m a n A total of 40 adult volun­ Felicia Troise, Junior W o m ­ social service, Angela DiBel- week, would probably be said. la and Carmela Quinn. adopted in July, “and then The council awarded a teers were honored this a n ’s Club, Middletown. MANUFACTURING MOTORCYCLE Adult volunteers are need­ Mrs. Kosinski has also an­ it’s just a question of going $17,540 contract to Maccaf- month at an appreciation nounced the appointment of out for bids.” fieri Gabions Inc. to install luncheon at Brookdale N ur s­ ed at Brookdale to assist in committee chairmen: m e m ­ Eugene Gorzelnik, Roose­ gabions (erosion control de­ ing Center on M a y 13, 1977. the activities program, take BOAT bership, Velma Russell; by­ velt Avenue, asked Gr o s s m a n vices) at two sites on town­ They are Hazel Purnell, the gift cart to the floors, and LIFE * laws, Thelma Wosatka; can­ how the townships could ship brooks. coordinator of Volunteers of serve as drivers on outings RETAIL * dlelight, T h e l m a Wosatka; adopt service contracts in If the gabions are effective, Monmouth County Board of a n d trips. For m o r e informa­ tion: 264-5800. dark horse, Harriet Pesat- July when the deadline for Councilman H o w a r d Klau Social Services; the Rev. W O R K M E N ’S UMBRELLA TRUCK sky; education, Verna Deer- the authority to accept a $3.3 said, m o r e m a y be installed Anthony Cartenuto, St. Bene­ in; finance and audit, Th e l m a million federal grant for con­ to stop flooding an d erosion in dict’s, Holmdel; Rabbi Barry Girl Scouts tap COMPENSATION LIABILITY Wosatka and Doris McGuire; struction of the sewer system other areas. Dov Lerner, Temple Beth vice president friends of the library, Sophie falls in June. The Allen Blacktop Co. was Ahm, Matawan; the Rev. AUTO * llolrion: historian. Arlene “We will indicate to the a w a r d e d an $84,950 contract Grant Vandermark and the FREEHOLD Walling: hospitality. Geri federal government that the to build tennis courts and Rev. Ludwig Weinrich, St. Mrs. Ray Jicka, Marlboro, Tohaczynski: program. Eve­ service contracts will be other facilities at two n e w Mary’s Episcopal Church, w a s elected recently to a two- lyn Smith: public relations. passed,” he answered. municipal parks at Nolan Keyp or t; Rabbi Robert Port, year term as vice president of T e m p l e Ohav Shalom, Sayre- the Mo n m o u t h Council of Girl Olga Hutchison and Gladys “So, h o w long will it be Road and Marlin Estates. ville; Muriel Banner, Bell Scouts. Watson; scholarships, Verna before I can flush m y toilet Coalition candidate Mich­ Laboratories; Rose Terrano- Deerin; club silver, Mae without having m y septic ael Troy asked the council Mrs. Bennett Williams of One Stop Insurance Service Since VOUA va, Salvation Army; Jean itnuromt/ iaow.n 't J *r Eriksen; sunshine, Marie tanks overflow?” asked an­ what action has been taken to Holmdel was elected nomi­ Unterberger, minister t o Chanley; telephone, Jacque- other Morganville resident, prepare a new master plan nating committee chairman, nursing homes, St. John’s 138 MAIN ST. 566-0003 lin Weeks; fashion show, Jean Thorsland. a n d zoning ordinance b y the and Mrs. Alfred Casagrande, Methodist Church, Hazlet; Matawan, and Mrs. Edward Evelyn Runyon; and year “I would say the ne w sewer July 6 deadline imposed by MATAWAN 566-0004 Winifred Pargeans, First Scott, Colts Neck, we re elect­ book, Rita Novotny. system could be constructed the court. Presbyterian Church, Mata- ed to two-year terms as me m - and put in operation by about Grossman said an interim m zoning ordinance m ay not be w a n; Adopt-A-Grandparent bers-at-large. A pioneering step in voca­ a year from August,” Gross­ needed if a stay of the court program—Lynnette Daugh- tional training w a s taken by m a n said. order is granted by the state e r t y, Josephine Andrews, N e w York Telephone 75 years In other action last week, Appellate Division. Marjorie Curry and Gerda ago, w h e n it opened the first the council hired the archi­ Superior Court Judge Mer­ Van Wallwjk; T o m m y Lands, training school for operators tectural firm of Witthoefft ritt L an e last year ordered Hazlet First Aid Squad; and at Irving Place in Manhattan and Rudolph, New York, to the township to provide for Hazlet Fire Chief Jessie Tur­ in the spring of 1902. design a ne w municipal build- 1,600 units of low- and mid- lington. dle-income housing, 40 per­ Also, Judy Michalski, St. cent of which must be multi­ M a r y ’s, New Monmouth; family units. Leonard Maxwell, Debbie CARDOF THANKS The Appellate Court, how­ Feldman, Pat Cohen, Audrey ever, recently decided that Vaughn, Bonnie Munson, Ren The family of Joseph Miele wishes Lane’s order to Holmdel to Cartan, Bill Haslach, Sherry Beabout, Judy Choi, Valerie to thank the friends and neighbors provide for 2,100 units w a s invalid. Best, Helen Irwin, Anna for their expressions of sympathy “The appeals court ruled Biancardi, Mary Hancik, and and kindness during our period of that a judge can’t set the Barbara D e Vilbiss; Libbie bereavement. numbers,” Grossman said, Markowitz, Temple Shalom, “and that’s what our whole M a t a w a n ; and area Girl appeal is based on. That’s Scout and Brownie Leaders, w h y w e expect to get a stay Susan Altavilla, Annette MATAWAN TOWNSHIP DEMOCRATS VOTE COLUMN "6" JUNE 7TH MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF DEMOCRATIC COUNCIL:

1. Long Range Capital Improvement Programs to improve drainage and reconstruct and improve streets. W o r k to be supervised by township engineer and will save township m o n e y by performing work formerly done by consulting engineers.

ATT 2. V., Improved Our Ability to Obtain Federal and State Aid saving local tax dollars which funds were used to expand health services,fund WILMA GREENSPAN capital improvement projects and hire employees to perform township functions at no cost to township.


Clif fw ood Beach Recreation Project is being completed with the aid of state and federal grants. This project will include tennis There’s never been a N O V A courts, basketball courts, playground, picnic area a n d parking facilities. tim e like right now . B ecause w e C hevy dealers 4. have been working Expanded Health Services offering free health clinics for all age groups. ’ overtim e to assem be the greatest line-up 5. Completed 4,000 foot sea wall stabilizing slopes to prevent future of buys you’ve ever seen. erosion of the cliffs with the aid of state and federal monies.


Purchased Cliffwood Beach W a t e r Company to reduce fire tax to residents,presently working with experts and technical equipment to eliminate rusty water.

All the above and more is being accomplished w hile cutting the tax rate in 1976 and by cutting it again in 1977. This m eans each resident receives C o m e price 'em more from local government at a lower a t m unicipal cost. GEORGEHAUSMANN CONTINUE THE PROGRESS TOWARD BETTER GOVERNMENT a S H VOTE COLUMN "6" JUNE 7TH d e a le r Muller Chev. PD. FOR BY S.N. ROBINSON 221 CASHEL DR., MATAWAN Rt 34 Matawan hat’s H appening?. A Brief Guide To Bayshore Area Events

The Independent’s practical techniques for Today is the deadline to The Covenant W o me n of A course in speed reading, A story hour for children in will be the speaker at a T h e Matawan Township dren’s films and cartoons "What's " column dealing with classroom prob­ enter the Manasquan River the Evangelical Covenant to be conducted 7:30 to 10 grades one and up will be meeting of the A h a v a C h a p ­ Senior Citizens Club will hold from 2 to 2:45 p.m. Th e films is provided as a free public lems, maintaining class­ Canoe Race, sponsored by Church of Laurence Harbor p.m. Mondays. Wednesdays, held at 2 p.m. at the M a t a ­ ter of B ’nai B ’rith Wo m e n , to a luncheon and Chinese auc­ are “Whale Who Became a service to the community. r o o m control and discipline, the County Park System and will hold a strawberry festi­ and Thursdays, will begin w a n Library, 165 M a i n St. be held 8:30 p.m. at the tion at 12:30 p.m. at T e m p l e Star," "Zoo’s Eye View,” Any organization interested and relating to students. For scheduled for 9 a.m. June 11. val 4:30 to 7 p.m. at the tonight at Brookdale C o m ­ Robertsville School. Shalom, 5 Ayrmont Lane. and “Astronoughts." The Union Hose Auxil­ in having an event appear in more information: M o n ­ The eight-mile race will church. munity College, Newman For more information: 739­ iary, Union Beach, will spon­ The Union Beach Memor­ this column must submit the mouth College Project begin at the Iron Bridge in Springs Road, Lincroft. T h e 1848. Prof. Arie van Everdin- sor a flea market 10 a.m. to 4 ial Library will sponsor free information before 5 p.m. TEACH Coordinating Office, Howell Park and end in S u n d a y , course will end Aug. 29. T h e gen, Monmouth College Art p.m. on the firehouse movies for children at 10:30 A storytime for children Friday for publication the 175 W e s t w o o d Ave., W e s t ­ Brice Park, Wall Township. fee is $50. T o register: 842­ Dept, chairman, will conduct J u n e 5 grounds, Florence Avenue. a.m. will be held at 10:30 a.m. at follow ing Wednesday. wood, N.J. 07675 (664-9100). More information can be 1900, extension 315. a ceramics workshop today Rental will be $3 per table. the Holmdel Library, Holm­ obtained by calling 842-4000, A Frisbee competition will A square dance, sponsored through Aug. 5 at the college. The Volunteer Services Monmouth College will of­ David Thelen will speak on Organizations or individuals del Road. extension 50, between 8 a.m. be held at 10 a.m. at Thomp­ by the County Park System, Students will receive indi­ Dept, of M o n m o u t h Medical fer a summer p r o g r a m for “Sexual Stereotypes” at a m a y participate by calling and 3:30 p.m. son Park, Ne wm an Springs will be held 8 to 11 p.m. at the vidual assignments and will Center, Long Branch, is children with learning dis­ meeting of the Bayshore Kathy Harriott, 264-7434 or F r i d a y , Road, Lincroft. . Holmdel Pa r k Shelter, Lo n g ­ be given daily consultation offering students interested abilities and other handi­ The Old Bridge Theater Chapter of Parents Without Judy Van Leeuwen, 739­ J u n e 2 4 street Road. Tickets are and criticism. T h e workshop in careers in the health­ caps. The program, open to Guild’s production of “A T h e M e m ori al Assn. of Partners at 8:30 p.m. at the 1764. $1.50. For more information: is open to students a n d area care field an opportunity to youths age 5-14, will be con­ Funny Thing Happened on Monmouth County will hold Cobblestones, Route 35, Mid­ A total of five children’s A benefit softball game 842-4000 between 8 a.m. and 5 residents. A painting w o r k ­ w o r k at the hospital at least ducted 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. the W a y to the F o r u m ” will dletown. For more informa­ films will be shown from 3:30 its annual meeting at 10:30 between the Matawan Rot­ p.m. shop will be conducted dur­ 25 hours a week during the M o n d a y through Friday open tonight at Carl Sand­ a.m. at the First Unitarian tion: 566-1070. to 4:30 p.m. at the Hazlet ary Club and the Matawan ing the s a m e period at the summer. Information about from July 5 to Aug. 5. burg High School, Route 516. Church of Monmouth Coun­ Library, 251 Middle Rd. Th e Recreation Commission will M o n d a y , college. It will be taught by the six-week program can be Enrollment is limited to 45. Performances also will be ty, 1475 W . Front St., Lin­ T h u r s d a y , films are “Three Little R a b ­ be played at 7:30 p.m. at the J u n e 2 0 bits,” “Three Little Pigs,” Prof. Vincent DiMattio. obtained by writing to Rita More information can be given June 4 and June 10-12. croft. T h e association, con­ J u n e 9 Middlesex Road recreation A. Bander, director of volun­ obtained from the college’s Tickets can be obtained by cerned with planning for “Peter and the Wolf.” “Mole A two-day workshop on field. T h e g a m e will raise T h e Bayshore Chapter of in the Zoo." and " T h e M a d Monmouth College will teer services, at the hospital, Learning Center. calling 679-4736. Senior citi­ simplicity, dignity, and econ­ funds for D eb or ah Hospital, Cancer Care will hold its 200 Second Ave., or calling zens will not be charged omy in funeral arrange­ beach ecology, sponsored by Baker.” conduct a workshop on the Applications are available Browns Mills. Donations can annual garage sale 10 a.m. to 222-5200. extension 462. admission, the guild says, ments, will hear a talk by Brookdale Community Col­ use of music as therapy for for a federally funded pre­ be sent to Victor Fabrovic, 19 4 p.m. today and tomorrow S a t u r d a y , but should call for tickets. Robert I. Ansell of Asbury lege, will be held 9 a.m. to 3 mentally and handicapped A Civil Service e x a m i n a ­ Weldon Rd., or Edward Dil­ at 69 Avondale Lane, M a t a ­ school program offered to Park, a lawyer. p.m. today and tomorrow at J u n e 2 5 people. The workshop will be tion for youths seeking a children in three areas of the Films for pre-school chil­ Sandy Hook. The fee is $20. lon, 31 Colonial Drive. wan. The sale will raise held 9 to 9:50 a.m. Monday nomination to a service aca­ Matawan regional school dren will be shown at 10:30 A softball g a m e matching Registration can be complet­ funds for home-care services The Library Assn. will The Union Hose Ladies through Friday until Aug. 5. demy will be held Sept. 16, it district. To be eligible for the a.m. at the M a t a w a n Libra­ the youths and adults of for advanced cancer patients again show pictures and ed by calling 842-1900, exten­ Auxiliary will conduct a flea More information can be was announced by Sen. Har­ program, a child must be 4 ry, 165 Ma i n St. Th e films are Cross of Glory Church will be and their families. D o n a ­ n e w s articles of the borough sion 315. T h e workshop will market 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at obtained from the college's rison A. Williams Jr. (D.- years old by Oct. 1 and reside played at 2 p.m. at the tions of merchandise for the dating to 1800. At 11 a.m. and "Bear and Mouse,” “Stone be offered again June 11-12. the firehouse. Union Beach. director of summer sessions. N.J.). T o be eligible for a in the Cliffwood Avenue. Soup,” and “Rich Cat, Poor church, Cambridge Drive, sale can be arranged by 2 p.m. there will be a presen­ Tables will be rented for $3 nomination, a youth must be Ravine Drive, or Broad Cat.” Ma t a w a n . . F r i d a y , calling 566-7899 or 566-7683. tation of colored slides taken each. Kathy Hariott is chair­ at least 17 but not yet 22 Street school districts. Th e J u n e 10 for the borough's 50th anni­ A cake sale sponsored by Indian activities will be m a n of the event. T h e annual card party of W ednesday, years old by July 1, 1978. 36 children who will be versary. Cake sales, refresh­ the Middle Road Village held 10 a.m. to noon at the the W o m a n ’s Club of Laur­ J u n e 2 9 More information about the A pre-nursing test, r e- ments, trash-and-treasure accepted for the p r o g r a m Senior Citizens will be held Holmdel Park Activities S u n d a y , ence Harbor will be held at 8 Civil Service examination will attend class 2'2 hours a quired by s o m e schools of and book sales will be held 10 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Center, Longstreet Road. J u n e 12 p.m. at the Lions clubhouse. can be obtained by writing to day, five days a week, at the nursing, will be given at 8 a.m. to 4 p m . outside, A trip to the Larrison Middle Road Village club­ Tickets can be obtained from a.m. at the Charles E. G r e g ­ weather permitting. On dis­ Turkey Farm, sponsored by Williams at R o o m 352, R u s ­ Cliffwood Avenue School. The Holmdel First Aid any W o m a n ’s Club member. house, Golden Road. M o n d a y , ory School of Nursing at t h e Matawan Township sell Office Building, W ash­ Applications can be obtained Squad will hold a dedication play will be an anniversary J u n e 6 Perth Amboy General Hospi­ A storytime for children Dept, of Parks a nd Recrea­ ington, D C. 20510. at the schools. For m o r e A program of rock and ce r e m o n y for its ambulances quilt m a d e by senior citizens tal. T h e test is Open to high will be held at 4:15 p.m. at tion for senior citizens, is information: 566-1800, exten­ disco music will be present­ from 1 to 6 p.m. at the squad and designed by Dawn M c ­ Tho Matawan Township The monthly meeting of school graduates, seniors, the Marlboro Library, 56 Connell Mazzo, depicting Un ­ scheduled for today. T h e sion 240. ed by M u r r a y the K, a disc building, Crawfords Corner Health Dept, sponsors a free the Covenant W o m e n of the and juniors. Arrangements Wyncrest Rd. ion Bea ch from early days to seniors will be charged 56.80 jockey, 8-11 p.m. at the Road. More information can immunization clinic for chil­ A screening program for Evangelical Covenant to take the test must be for a turkey dinner. Reser­ Holmdel Park Shelter Build­ be obtained by calling 946­ the present. Admission will dren of school age 8:30 to Cooley’s Anemia, a heredi­ Church of Laurence Harbor completed by June 3. They be free. vations can be made by ing, Longstreet Road. 8488 between 8 and 10 p.m. T u e s d a y , 9:30 a.m. the first Thursday tary blood disorder, will be will be held at 7:30 p.m. at can be made with Marga­ calling 583-4200, extension 24. of every month at the Wino­ conducted 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. J u n e 21 A pancake supper will be S a t u r d a y , the church. ret Nimetz, school registrar, T h e Ayelet Chapter of na Darrah Health Center, 145 June 4 at the M a t a w a n at 442-3700, extension 453. A course in sign language held 5 to 7:30 p.m. at the A pajama storytime will B ’nai B ’rith W om en will Broad St T h e clinic adminis­ Italian-American Assn. club­ J u n e 4 for intermediate students Evangelical Covenant be held 7 to 7:30 p.m. at the sponsor a flea market at the T h u r s d a y , ters inoculations for dipther- house, Route 35, Laurence T h e Hazlet Library, 251 will begin today at Brook- Church of Laurence Harbor. The Lloyd Road Middle Marlboro Library, 56 W y n ­ Middle Rd., will show three Strathmore Shopping Cen­ J u n e 3 0 ia. pertussis, tetanus, polio, Harbor. The disease usually d a 1 e Community College, School Concert Band will crest Rd. ter, Route 34, Matawan. measles. German measles, affects people of Mediter­ children’s films from 3:45 to Newman Springs Road, Lin­ present its eighth annual 4:30 p.m. The films are “The Space is available at a cost of M o n d a y , and mumps. Appointments ranean ancestry. Victims re­ Prof. Edward Jankowski croft. Th e class will be held 7 A family film program will concert at 8 p.m. at the Magic Rolling Board,” “The $5 to anyone interested in J u n e 2 7 can be m a d e by calling 583­ quire blood transfusions all will conduct a sculpture to 9:30 p.m. Tuesdays and be presented at 7:30 p.m. at school. Admission is $1.50. Practical Princess,” a n d selling merchandise. For 4200, extension 35. their lives. workshop today through July Thursdays for four weeks. the Holmdel Library, Holm­ “Do n ’t.” m o e information: 566-3486 or The Marlboro Library, 56 . After M a y 31, food stamp The Sisterhoods of Temple Free diabetes screening 15 at M o n m o u t h College. T h e 583-4388. T o register: 842-1900,ex)315. Wyncrest Rd., will sh o w chil­ del Road. applications will not be ac­ Shalom and Temple Beth and blood pressure testing workshop will be held morn­ A Greek festival will begin cepted at Matawan Town­ Ahm, Matawan, are orga­ will be conducted for M a t a ­ ings and is open to students at noon today at a f a rm on M o n d a y , ship Hall, 147 Lo w e r Ma i n St. nizing a winter handicap wan Township adults 3 to 4 and area residents. Route 34, Holmdel, approxi­ J u n e 13 mately two miles south of the Residents of the Matawan bowling league which will p.m. at the Municipal Court T h e Ayelet Chapter of area will use the Keansburg bowl Tue sda y afternoons at chambers, 147 L o w e r M a i n B ’nai B ’rith Wo m e n will hold Strathmore Shopping Cen­ T h e Public Affairs Dept, of office of the County Board of the Strathmore Lanes, Route St. Appointments are not ter. Sponsored by the Greek the W o m a n ’s Club of L a u r ­ Kozloski backsing law, is permissive.pension bill a tag week through June 12. FREEHOLD ber of women are now par­ necessary. F o r m o r e infor­ Orthodox Church Kimsis Tis ence Harbor will meet at 11 Social Services, 262 Main St. 34. Each team will have M e m b e r s will solicit contri­ Assemblyman Walter J. “In other words, the g o v ­ ticipating as m e m b e r s of mation: 583-4200, extension Theotoku (Dormition of the a.m. at the home of Louise T h e office is open 8:30 a.m. three women. For more butions in front of area Kozloski has announced that erning body of the municipal­ volunteer fire companies, 35. Virgin Mary), the festival Palmer, department chair­ to 4 p.m. M o n d a y through information: Joan R o u m at stores. For m o r e informa­ municipalities will be author­ ity m u st provide for it by first aid or rescue squads, will continue until Sunday m a n. Friday. 583-9726 or Phyllis Brooks at A nature crawl is sched­ tion: 264-8577. ized to provide a pension to ordinance or resolution, and Kozloski said he believes the evening. Greek food will be 566-9262. . uled for 10 a.m. at the A drama club meeting will widowers of any volunteer is not ma n d a t e d to do so,” he same benefits should be Tickets to the fifth annual The first of four Monday served, arts and crafts will Jewish Festival of tile Arts, Holmdel Park Activities be held 4 to 5 p.m. at the firefighter or first aid or said. available for m a l e and fe­ N e w Eyes for the Needy, a evening prog ra ms for people be exhibited, and folk dances Center, Longstreet Road. Marlboro Library, 56 W y n ­ rescue squad worker who Since an increasing n u m ­ male volunteers. to be held June 16 at the non-p r 0 f i t organization who have diabetes will be will be performed. crest Rd. dies as a result of injuries Garden State Arts Center, based in Short Hills, collects The Evening Membership held 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. in the are being sold by the Ayelet used eyeglasses and sells sustained in the performance Dept, of the Keyport Lit­ all-purpose room of Mon­ A blood bank will be con­ A zoo storytime for chil­ Chapter o f B ’nai B ’rith t h e m to raise funds for pre­ of duty, if the Assembly­ erary Club will hold a yard mouth Medical Center’s Al­ ducted 6:30 to 9 p.m. by St. dren will be held 2 to 2:45 Women. Tickets can be scription glasses and artifi­ m a n ’s proposal can clear the sale 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on exander Pavilion. Joseph’s Council of the p.m. at the Hazlet Library. THE ANSWER ordered by calling Roberta cial eyes for low-income peo­ Knights of Columbus, Key­ Senate. Beers Street, opposite the The Keyport Senior Citi- 251 Middle Rd. TO SAVING MONEY Eisner at 566-5049 or B a r ­ ple wh o have sight problems. port. T h e bank will be Kozloski said that present Keyport Legion Apartments. zens.will me et at 1:30 p.m. at RE-INSULATE WITH U.S. STEEL SIDING bara Maffai at 566-3486. The sunglasses m a y be sent On sale will be household conducted at the council hall, T u e s d a y , law gives authorization to 30 YEAR GUARANTEE by prepaid parcel post to the V F W post, Third and A crafts show featuring the items, toys, jewelry, baked Route 35. J u n e 1 4 provide for the p a y m e n t of a N e w E y e s for the Needy, Wave rl y streets. UNBEATABLE PRICES w o r k of students at Marlboro goods, and lunch. pension to the widow or minor Short Hills, N.J. 07078. and Freehold Regional high Mrs. Larry Sarlo will be S a t u r d a y , Dr. Gregory H. Locke will children, and that his amend­ An educational program CENTRALPARK schools, is being held at the installed as chairman of the . J u n e 11 speak on kinesiology, the art m e n t adds the s a m e benefit for people wh o have diabetes Aluminum Siding Specialists Brookdale College C o m m u n ­ T h u r s d a y , M a t a w a n W o m a n ’s Club of body language and nutri­ for a widower. H e stated will be held 10:30 a.m. to 4 A bowling party will be tion, at the monthly luncheon further that the pension, 16 PARK CIRCLE, ity Arts Center. The show, J u n e 2 Evening Membership Dept, TOM MAZZA JOE MARANZANI | p.m. at Monmouth Medical held at Harmony Lanes, of the M a t a w a n C h a m b e r of which is free, will run until at 7:30 p.m. at the American which is covered under exist­ 727-0654 OLD BRIDGE, N.J. 721-0509 Center, 300 Second Ave., Middletown, by the Ayelet C o m m e r c e , scheduled for June 3. It includes works of The King of Kings Players’ Hotel. Freehold. Also to be L o n g Branch. - Chapter 0 f B ’nai B ’rith noon at the Islanders, M a i n m a c r a m e , weaving, batiks, production of “Came lo t” will installed are Mildred L. M o r ­ W o m e n . Tickets, $17.50 per Street. Reservations can be a n d jewelry. be presented June 2-4 and The fifth annual Garden rison, vice chairman; Mrs. couple, include two games of m a d e by calling the chamber June 9-11 at the King of State 300, a proficiency con­ Andrew Stofan, recording bowling and dinner at the office at 583-1155. Registration is open for Kings Church, Cherry tree test for pilots, will begin at secretary; Mrs. Ralph Ba- Matawan Township’s Fourth brisky, financial secretary; House of Chong, a Middle­ Farm Road, Middletown. 9:30 a.m. at Marlboro Air­ The Keyport Senior Citi­ of July parade. Any group and Mrs. William Wein- town restaurant. More infor­ port, Route 79. Contestants zens will take a bus trip to fFflSTEST PRINTER interested in participating in The W o m a n ’s Club of Key­ traub, corresponding secre­ mation and reservations can will fly to check points in the W a t c h u n g inn, S o m e r ­ the parade may call the port will hold an executive tary. be obtained by calling Elaine Maryland, Delaware, and ville, for lunch and a per­ recreation office, 147 L o w e r committee meeting tonight Homst ein at 583-2755 or Pennsylvania and return to A course on crafts will be formance of the show “Any M a i n St., at 583-4200. exten­ at the home of Mrs. E.O. Elaine Goldberg at 583-2837. Thorne to prepare progra ms Marlboro. They will be taught today through July 15 Wednesday.” sion 24. A flea market sponsored and plans for the club's next judged on time and fuel at Monmouth College. The by Cadette Girl Scout Troop I N T O W N Parents Without Partners season. consumption. course will cover basic tech­ Sponsors cocktail parties and niques with fibers, dyes, and 194 of Hazlet will be held 9:30 W ednesday, A thrift sale will be con­ The Matawan High School a.m. to 4 p.m. at the J.M. dances 8 p.m. to midnight classes of 1933 and 1932 will fabrics, including m a c r a m e , J u n e 15 ducted by the Washington weaving without a loom, Fields parking lot, Route 35 the first and third Sundays of hold a reunion at 7 p.m. at Engine Co. Ladies Auxiliary stitchery, tie dye, batik, and Hazlet Avenue. Spaces The Central Jersey Blood the month at the Hideaway the D o n Quixote Inn, Route 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. today and are being rented for $5. They Bank, 210 Newman Springs Lounge. 2 Fearey PL, Mor­ 34. quilting, and soft sculpture. gan. Admission is $3 for tomorrow at the Jackson Enrollment is open to stu­ m a y be reserved by calling Rd., Red Bank, will hold m e m b e r s and guests. Street firehouse, Matawan A n arts-and-crafts exhibit dents and area residents. 264-0840 or 264-0689. open house 1 to 8 p.m. 'today Borough. Proceeds will be will be held on Front Street, and tomorrow. Visitors will Old newspapers will be col­ A bicycle safety jambo­ used to help finance con­ Keyport, by the Keyport T u e s d a y , be able to see the entire lected 9 a.m. to l p.m. the ree, sponsored by the Indian struction of a n e w firehouse. Chamber of Commerce Re­ blood bank procedure, from last Saturday of every month J u n e 7 Hill School P T A of Holmdel, tail Promotion Committee. the giving of blood by a donor by the Faith R e f o r m e d A children’s workshop on will be held at the school. Local artists a nd craftsmen Mrs. Charles Springhorn to the typing, testing, and Church, 215 Middle Rd., leathercraft will be conduct­ Youths in grades 2-3 will will display their work. will demonstrate the tech­ other processing of the Hazlet. ed 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. at the participate from 9 to 11:30 nique of m a k i n g floral deco­ blood. Monmouth Museum, N e w ­ The Hazlet Senior Citizens rations at a meeting of the a.m.; students in grades 4-5, The Keyport Bicentennial man Springs Road, Lincroft. lub will hold a trash-and- from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.; and Ball C omm i t t e e is seeking Matawan Township Senior T h u r s d a y , T h e second part of the work- • treasuresale9 a.m. to 5 p.m. grades 6 and up, including photographs of six former Citizens Club, to be held J u n e 16 shop will be conducted the at Veterans Memorial Park, adults, 3 to 5:30 p.m. mayors of the borough: W.E. 12:30 p.m. at T e m p l e Sh a ­ same time June 9. For more 1776 Union Ave. T h e club is A craft p r o g r a m on three­ W a r n (1911-12), W.R. Lath­ lom, 5 A y r m o n t Lane. information: 747-2266. seeking donations of mer­ A bus trip to the Philadel­ dimensional decoupage will a m (1913), T h o m a s L. Smith chandise which can be sold. The Friends of the Mata­ phia Zoo will be sponsored by be held 4 to 5 p.m. at the (1923-24), E a r 1 H a g a m a n For more information: 739­ w a n Library will m ee t at the county Park System. Marlboro Library, 56 W y n ­ (1934), Robert Rothwell F r i d a y , 0653. 9:30 a.m. at the library, 165 Buses will depart at 8:30 crest Rd. (1939-40), and George Birch J u n e 3 M a i n St. a.m. from Shark River, Jr. (1941-42). T h e committee B o y Scout Troop 237 of Thompson, and Turkey A bus trip to the Henry has asked that anyone who A p r o g r a m for couples Matawan will hold a car The Drama Dept, of the Swam p parks and will return Dupont Winterthur Museum knows wh e r e photographs of interested in learning about w a s h 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the W o m a n ’s Club of Laurence at approximately 5:30 p.m. and Gardens, Delaware, will the mayors can be obtained breastfeeding will be held at First Methodist Church, At­ Harbor will meet at 8 p.m. at T h e fee for transportation is begin at 8 a.m. at Brook­ call Mrs. A n n e Bohm at 264­ 8:30 p.m. at Cheesequake lantic A v e n u e and Church the home of Ahson Gal­ $5; for admission to the zoo, dale Community College, 5703 or Mrs. Vera Williams firehouse. Route 34. The Street. lagher, department chair­ $1.50 for adults and 50 cents New m a n Springs Road, Lin­ 1st THOUSAND at 264-3049. program is sponsored by the m a n . for children under 12. Regis­ croft. T he cost is $17. For K(Camera Ready) $1 1 95$10.00 PER THOUSAND La Leehe League. For more A trip to the N e w Jersey tration is required. A $5 The First Church of Christ W ednesday, m o r e information: 842-1900, Typesetting & Pasteup Additional ADDITIONAL information: Karolyn Stein, Pine Barrens will be con­ check written to the Boa rd of extension 315. Scientist will hold services J u n e 8 and Sun day school at 10 a.m. 566-0617; or Phyllis Schwei- ducted by Brookdale C o m ­ Recreation Commissioners del, 583-2249. munity College. A bus will Sundays during the summer The American Social Club, should be sent to Philadel­ F r i d a y , depart from the college, 10% Discount For Non Profit Organizations months. The church is locat­ whose members are senior phia Zoo Bu s Trip, M o n ­ J u n e 17 T h e 55th annual banquet of Newman Springs Road, Lin­ ed at 84 Broad St., Keyport. citizens an d residents of mouth County Park System, the Monmouth County Coun­ croft, at 8 a.m. T h e cost is B o x 326, Lincroft, N.J. 07738. A storytime for children THEHj BAYSHORE * * ☆ Project TEACH, a profes­ cil of Parent Teacher Asso­ Keyport Legion Apartments, $12. For more information: will me e t at 1:30 p.m. at the For additional information: will be held 2 to 2:30 p.m. at sional development course ciations will be held at 6:30 842-1900, extension 315. 946-2669. the Hazlet Library, 251 M i d ­ for teachers, will be offered p.m. at Mike Doolan’s Res­ A m e r i c a n Legion Post 23, 81 W. Front St., Keyport. dle Rd. by Monmouth College this t a u r a n t, Spring Lake The Marlboro Volunteer Holmdel will hold a town summer at 14 off-campus Heights. Tickets, $10, can be Fire Co. will hold a roast T h e children’s films “Re d meeting 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at S a t u r d a y , Independent☆ The Weekly Newspaper locations, including Middle­ obtained by writing to Edith beef dinner 5 to 8 p.m. at the Balloon” and “Rocket Rack­ the high school, Crawfords J u n e 18 town and Rumson. The Stromwasser, R D 2, 100 firehouse, Route 79. Tickets et” will be s h o w n f rom 4 to Corner Road. A $1 registra­ course, which carries three Manaqua R d., Freehold, are $4.50 for adults an d $2.50 4:45 p.m. at the Holmdel tion fee includes lunch. For Dr. Stephen Tarnoff, ob­ 81 Broad St. Keyport 739-1010 graduate credits, covers N.J. 07728. for children. Library, Holmdel Road. more information: 264-5174. stetrician and gynecologist,

♦ t TH E IN D EPEN D EN T June 2, 1977 Page 7 gndidate, councilman discuss zoning Matawan girl earns degree Save Money: HACKETTSTOWN Use Our Advertisers’ Coupons Kushner, Grossman stage impromptu debate Deborah May Lloyd, daughter of Frank Lloyd, 167 explained. “If you have IARLBORO ed lot size requirements while tive. M y proposal would keep Main St., Matawan, received apartments, you’ll need a Democratic primary candi- preserving your density.” our density relatively low. It an associate in arts degree rent control board; and the ate Barry Kushner last His concept could not be would be cheaper for devel­ from Centenary College at ICandjaF time to create a rent board is eek defended his positions expanded to include apart­ opers to build in other towns, the commencement exercis­ before the first unit is built. a planning and zoning in an ments, Kushner added, be­ where the density is higher.” es, held Ma y 21 at the John M. Then a developer can know npromptu debate with Coun- cause an apartment devel­ Grossman pressed Kushner Reeves Building. ahead of time what kind of IrlilraV b'tiU LliLrt il President Lawrence oper must “squeeze as many for his definition of multifa­ Miss Lloyd received the ON rents yo u ’ll permit, before he rossman. units as he can onto one mily housing. college’s annual prize in art, YOUNG JUNIORS invests his mo n e y in building Kushner ha d issued a chal- square of land” to make a “I go with what the court a w a r d e d to the student w h o apartments here.” q u a l i t y s p o r t s w e a r :nge to debate to the regular profit. defined—a whole series of has done the best work in the •emocratic primary slate, Grossman doubted that things,” Kushner said. “I “Are you saying that we art department. Her work Kushner’s proposal would re­ wouldn't put in apartments can use a rent control ordi­ v .i„#« ouncilman John Croddick, will b e c o m e part of a p e r m a ­ Shorts to V tanley Bauman, and Stanley sult in cheaper housing. unless they were shoved nance to guarantee that the nent collection at the college. down m y throat.” roung. Bauman and Young, “So m e b o d y ’s still going to developers would not come V at w a i “Well, what would you put in?” Grossman asked. te Sts /ho attended the Thursday be charged for all that open Scouts to clean Pants ight council meeting, de­ land,” he pointed out. i n?” Kushner demanded. “Rent control is needed to “Pretend yo u ’ve been elect­ T h e cost of the land, K u s h ­ fulfill the requirements of the V®»„*» lined the invitation. playground site t e S IS "Debate what?” Bauman ner replied, could be divided ed. and that it’s your respon­ M o un t Laurel decision,” S kirts sked, “We d o n ’t feel it’s among homeowners “under sibility to make the deci­ Kushner said. “If rents go too HAZLET • Huge Selection ot Young Junior Sportswear an option of several arrange­ sion.” Girl Scout Troop 376 has in eesy to core for Fabrics featuring Double iroper to debate on zoning high, low-income families Knits, Cotton & Cotton Blend. lecause w e ’re still in litiga- Lawrenee Grossman Barry Kushner ments—cooperatives, condo­ “I’d probably opt for town­ ca n ’t live in the apartments.” adopted the Raritan Valley • Groat Selection of Solid Colors & Novelty miniums, or a real estate house s,” Kushner said. playground as its service Pittems including Denims & Gingham Checks. ion on that. All w e can say is jects for which informal dis­ “I hope that doesn’t hap­ trust.” ’ Townhouses are preferable to “I see—you want to guar­ project. • Sipes 6 to 14. hat we vigorously oppose cussions were held in his pen.” Kushner said. “Oh! So you’re for condo­ apartments, he added, be­ antee low-income housing,” T h e girls plan to clean the ;arden apartments.” claim that applications for “It doesn’t,” G r o s s m a n re­ G r o s s m a n said. “Mr. K ushner doesn’t real- miniums!” Grossman said. cause they are owned, not playground area regularly 5,600 units of ne w housing are plied, “because there’s noth­ Morv — Tbvr w - r il. “If our zoning is ever com­ rented. “No,” Kushner replied, “it and report any broken equip­ 10 A .M . - « P .M . y have a campaign; he has currently pending before the ing in the court’s require­ pletely overturned in court,” “With apartments, you’re will just make developers go m e n t to the Recreation C o m ­ To*-Sa*. in anti-campaign,” Young Planning Board. ments that says anything Kushner answered, “we ’ll dealing with housing for a someplace else m o r e profit­ mission. 1040 ROUTE 35 i N o n o i h t v.n*** M ill) MIDDLETOWN ;aid. “This challenge to de- “On the other hand,” about building multifamily have to look for an alterna- particular income group,” he able than Marlboro." >ate is a last grasp at the Grossman pointed out, “an housing—all w e have to do is itraws. All h e ’s done is to informal discussion also tips to ma k e sure that some area nake a lot of unfounded ac- the developer’s hand. It is provided for it.” ;usations throughout t h e works both ways.” Kushner aired a planning ;ampaign. I don’t think the The major difference be­ proposal which he said would Deople of Marlboro will fall tween an informal proposal meet the court’s require­ or those scare tactics.” and a formal application, ments for small lot sizes and “I’m not surprised that Grossman explained, is that lower-cost housing while pre­ :hey wo n ’t debate me , ” Kush- the board is required by law serving the township’s rural ler said. “I fail to understand to act upon a formal applica­ character and existing dens­ A'hv they w o n ’t bring the tion within a certain period of ity. issues before the people.” time. Kushner’s plan is based on Croddick, who was not at “We ’ve thrown out a lot of the assumption that land the meeting, said the next informal proposals,” Gross­ contributes a relatively small jay that he would be willing m a n said, “but when we deny fraction to the total cost of a more than a drug store •nfSwers to debate Kushner and his a formal proposal, the devel­ house, far outweighed by the running mates, Helen Scafidi oper can appeal to the court.” cost to the builder of running ■ & % : » % r . 1 1 and Richard Desmond, at any “There’s nothing wrong in water, sewer, electric, and time. with informal discussions,” other utility lines. “If they want to debate, I Kushner said, “but comi ng If new homes are built on don’t care,” Croddick said. before the board at a time very small lots, Kushner “I’m not afraid of those tur­ w hen the township's zoning Is said, and if the township keys.” being challenged, an infor­ retains one-half to two-acre Grossman, who will not be mal proposal could influence zoning, small houses could be seeking re-election, w a s glad the final out co me of the n e w clustered together on one to take up K u s h n e r ’s chal­ zoning ordinance." portion of the proposed acre­ lenge. “Do you mean,” Grossman age, with the rest of the land “I’ll enjoy this,” he told an remaining as a “common asked, “that the board, after K i n g S i z e audience of township officials having seen an informal pro­ area” of open space. 20 Inch 2 Speed Tropic Sun Sudden Tan and residents. Kushner and posal for so-many units on a “Carry that a step far­ L a w n C h a i r Dlcalite Calvert Park Grossman took seats at the certain lot, would include the ther,” G r o s s m a n said, “and Breeze Box Fan Tanning Oil L o t i o n o r F o a m Filter Powder G r a s s S e e d press table, w h e r e a reporter proposal in a n e w zoning or­ you have row houses or apart­ agreed to serve as modera­ dinance? And by that logic, ments.” tor. the board could also hear an “It m a k e s no case for m u l ­ Kushner and Grossman t i p 1 e dwellings,” Kushner informal proposal and then 8 oz 4-oz. first clashed on the propriety deliberately zone away from said. “All it does is to let you Matching Lounge Lotion of holding informal discus­ it.” accomplish your court-order- sions between developers and the Planning Board at a time when the township is under f S g '] court order to prepare a n e w CARPETS master plan and adopt a new /§ ANTHRAFIIT B 1 zoning ordinance. I FILTER f I Kus hne r s a w no real dis­ i COAL U I N LI. Ml tinction between an informal discussion and a formal ap­ plication filed by a developer. “Once an application is T u f t e d P o r t a b l e S o l a r c a i n e P r e s u n Anthrafllt presented, formally or infor­ Chair Cushions Grill Border Fence mally, you have to recognize S p r a y S u n S c r e e n Filter C o a l 3 Ft. SECTION the existence of the applica­ tion,” he said. “Even if a discussion is informal and non-binding on either side, it still gives an indication to the developer of the direction of the board.” Kushner has included pro-

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Out Refwfafuw Reafo O k S lu w M eti AMERICAN BANK EXPRESS AMERICARD 2 4 W . FRONT S T . , OPEN Fri. Nite til 9:00 KEYPORT BR0WNT0WN RT. 516, OL D BRIDGE • MATAWAN RT. 34 « LLOTD RD. • HAZLET RT. 35 5 POOLE AVE State results available M ataw an schools pass test MATAWAN tion of the State Assessment Information about the mid­ Matawan students in a program three years ago. dle school or high school test state-wide education test Anyone interested in the scores m a y be obtained from Vic Vittoria and Val losa, the new owners of The Stable, announce have scored favorably, John performance of specific stu­ the Guidance Dept, or build­ Palsha assistant superintend­ dents,classes or grades at the ing principal. OUR GRAND OPENING ent of schools, has an­ elementary school level m a y District results for grades 4, nounced. obtain information from 7, and 10 may be obtained THURSDAY JUNE9th T h e test w a s administered classroom teachers or school from the state assessment Complimentary Buffet From 9 P.M. Til? to fourth-, seventh-, and 10th- principals, Palsha said. p r o g r a m director. now appearing ALSO EVERY THURSDAY NITF IS "DISCO NITf" WITH LIVE D.J. BOB MAlONf. grade students. fRtf hustle lessons thurs. nites bv robbin sareattv. According to Palsha, % LAMINATED SHADES WOVEN PRODUCTS percent of the fourth-grade EVERYONE Also HUSTlE exh,b,t,on c students scored above the RIVIERA & VERTICAL BLINDS THURSDAY SPECIAL: FRIDAY SPECIAL: state’s m i n i m u m standard in WALLPAPER IN STOCK . S P E C IA L IZ IN G in Stuffed Lobster Tails Dinner 5 7 5 0 Chicken Parmigan Dinner j ^ 2 5 reading and 85 percent scored * / WITH CHOICE Of SPAGHETTI OR POTATO J SALAD BAR INCLUDED above the minimum in HANDPRINTS VINYLS MATCHING FABRIC * SALAD BAR INCLUDED mathematics. O n the seventh-grade level, NEW CARPET DEPARTMENT 9 5 he said, 82 percent of the PRIME RIB DINNER '■» 5 WITH A GLASS OF CHAMPAGNE students scored above the m i n i m u m in reading an d 67 • LUNCHES DAILY FROM 11AM • DINNERS FROM 6 to 10 percent, in arithmetic. I I Cub Scouts honored Seventy-nine percent of the COCKTAIL HOUR DAILY 5 to 7 high school sophomores S h a d e WITH COMPLIMENTARY HORS DEOUVRES •SANDWICHES ANYTIME t ub Pack :Sii o ou it’s interesting to note that Cutlass has become one of A me r ­ ica’s mos t popular cars in a t i m e when ne w car buyers are so Seville. International in size, but unmistakably Cadillac in its hard to please. Y o u ’ll find Cutlass to be a car engineered and decidedly personal styling, luxury and impressive attention to detail. manufactured to meet the needs of today's demanding buyers. The standard 5.7 Litre Electronic Fuel-Injected engine for instant BEFORE YOU BUY . . . COMPARE OUR DEALS response and smooth, consistent performance. Choose From a F u ll Selection of

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[ Vikings register SKIP LASSEN Area schools close to titles 3 wins in week T h e Vikings picked up Kevin Hanley (3-0) helped his Keyport, Matawan, a n d to 15-9. Th e Huskies will get a run singles for the Raiders. Minker hit a two-run homer bottom of the seventh on a STEERING ANP SUSPENSION three wins last w e e k in the own cause with four singles Holmdel are homing in on crack at the tournament Lloyd was the winning pitch­ against H o f f m a n in the first, walk to Lionetti, N e m j o ’s H a z 1 e t Y A L Intermediate while striking out eight bat­ high school baseball cham­ championship at 2 p.m. Sun­ er and T o m Davis took the after Lenny Sawyer scored on double, and Sawyer’s two- League, defeating the Hawks, ters and walking only one. pionships. d a y against an opponent to be loss. an error. Cliff Lobello h a d a run single. 5-3, the Bears, 13-1, and the Clarke picked up his second announced. SPECIALIST Keyport won the C Division Mandeville hit his ninth leadoff ho m e r in the fifth and T h e Hornets stole h o m e Royals, 5-3. win in relief against the crown Tuesday with a 16-7 Willie R o a c h stole t w o h o m e r of the season, a three- John Lionetti recorded to three times to nail R e d B a n k In other Intermediate Royals, replacing Early in victory over Manchester; bases for the Huskies and run blast in the first inning, stolen bases. Holmdel pitcher with its sixth straight loss. League games, the Rovers the fourth inning and shut­ Matawan defeated M a n a ­ scored twice. George Smith as the Huskies overthrew St. R o b Purcell evened his re­ ting out the Royals until the Pinch-runner Brett Cedar- shaded the Athletics, 5-4, and squan yesterday, 5-1, in the had a two-run single in the J o h n ’s. cord at 4-4. the Warriors downed the Vikings finally scored two second inning. dahl swiped the,plate in the Monmouth College Tourna­ H o l md el ’s victory over Pt. Holmdel blew a 4-1 lead Ramblers, 9-2. runs in the ninth. Humphries cracked h i s second inning after a triple by m e n t an d will try for the Pleasant Beach wrapped up against Tom s River, carried The Vikings' Mike Clarke Clarke also provided a good third home run for Keyport, a winning pitcher Peter Balas tournament title Sunday; and the Hornets’ conference re­ the g a m e into extra innings, went the route against the portion of the Vikings’ fire­ solo shot in the fourth inning, (3-0). Lobello singled to lead Holmdel wrapped up its con­ cord at 12-4 an d boosted their a n d lost it in the ninth. T h e Ha wk s, striking out the final power with a double and a but gave Matawan three runs off the fourth, stole second, ference season yesterday by overall mark to 16-8 for the tying run scored in the se­ three batters, to even his triple, scoring the tying run in on passed balls in the fourth beating Pt. Pleasant Beach, first winning season in the venth when an umpire ruled and scored on a single by record at 1-1. Clarke held the the sixth inning. E d Petti took a n d sixth frames. K e n M a n - 5-2. school’s history. that first baseman Nemjo’s Lionetti. S a w y e r reached Royals to three hits an d a the loss for the Royals. deville belted a solo shot for The Hornets defeated Hoff­ John Nemjo hit a two- foot c a m e off the bag on a base on an error and Lobello walk, gave up two unearned The Rovers’ Mike Murphy the Huskies in the eighth. m a n Thursday, 10-4, in the run h o m e r for the Hornets in throw from shortstop. Toms went to third, co min g home runs, and struck out 10. walked eight Athletics but Roach, Mandeville, a n d Central Jersey Group I semi­ the first inning, his second of River scored two more before on a successful double-steal. T h e Vikings broke a 3-3 tie struck out 14 and gave up only Phil Esposito each knocked in finals a n d will face Dunellen the year. Jeff Minker (3-1) M c G o w a n put out the fire. S a w y e r m o v e d to third on a with two out in the sixth wh e n three hits. Losing pitcher at 3 p.m. today in Sayreville two runs for Ma t a w a n . Russo got the win with Greg M c ­ fielder’s choice and then stole Ralph Marinello doubled and John Stover fanned 11 and for the group championship. and Ron Thompson hit two- G o w a n in relief. T h e Hornets rallied in the home. scored on a single by Ed issued four walks. In earlier games, Keyport Lavolpe. Clarke singled and The Warriors’ Mike Finlay clinched the division title Lavolpe scored on a single by lost a no-hitter to the R a m ­ SKIP KNOWS HIS BUSINESS AND HAS JUST COMPLETED TESTS BT THE Thursday by beating Red Andy Gemmill. blers in the fourth inning, NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE EXCELLENCE FOR Bank Regional, 8-3; Matawan Dan Early victimized Bear settling for a two-hit, nine- CERTIFICATION IN HIS FIELD. upset Keyport last W e d n e s ­ Huskies snap Lancers1 skein strikeout gem. John Daly and pitchers Art Lynch, Pete day, 10-5, and surprised top- Vitale, and J i m Quinn for a D a n Carroll both went 2-for-2 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR ALIGNMENT ranked St. John Vianney for the winners and D o n home run, a triple, a single, SPECIAL AN D WE WILL ALSO GIVE YOUR CAR Friday, 7-6; and after H o l m ­ and a walk. Viking pitcher Warren provided excellent A FREE 23 POINT SAFETY CHECK LIST TO del missed a chance to play in in Monmouth tournament defense behind the plate. the Monmouth College Tour­ By Tom Fusco able .77 eamed-run average D o w n 1-0, the Lancers tied on a sacrifice, stole third, an d Carloni blasts John McCann smacked a PREPARE YOUR CAR FOR THE SUMMER. n a m e n t by losing to T o m s Last w e e k w a s a w e e k of and has tallied % strikeouts the score in the third inning scored on George Smith’s solo h o m e r for the R a m ­ River South last Wednesday, ups and d o w n s for the St. in 73 innings. Rich Gresh, the when Dunn’s double drove infield grounder. 4 ho m e runs blers. Losing pitcher Doug 7-6, the Hornets defeated R ed John Vianney Lancers. losing pitcher, is n o w 3-5. home Hank Benedetto, who Against Neptune (12-14), Hyman recorded 10 strike­ B a n k Tuesday in a confer­ After St. Rose temporarily Tim MacMahon’s one-out had singled earlier. Vianney exploded for five outs. . ALIGNMENT SPECIAL ence game, 9-4. halted Vianney’s 18-g a m e single in the seventh spoiled Vianney broke the 1-1 dead­ runs in the third inning. for Bo m b e r s winning streak with a 2-2 tie, Fernicola’s no-hit bid. lock in the bottom of the Keyport tapped Man­ Barker reached first on an James Carloni last week Huskies plan REGULAR $15.00 chester pitching for 19 hits, the Lancers entered the M o n ­ seventh when Tim B i e r- Vianney scored both runs in infield hit an d m o v e d to slammed four home runs in RE SET CASTER i CAMBER m o u t h College Invitational schmitt unloaded a two-run 1 0 9 5 including home runs by win­ the top of the first. Mark second on Ryan’s single to two games as the Bombers registration RE SET TOE-IN-CHECK BALL ning pitcher Nick Russo, Tournament, beat Neptune, Barker reached first on an homer over the left center JOINTS AND ALL STEERING COMPONENTS center. _ lived up to their name by Registration for the M a t a ­ George Jackson, and Lance 6-2, in the first round, but lost error, m o v e d to second on a wall. D u n n blasted a 360-ft. h o m e drubbing the Giants, 26-5, and wan Township Huskies Pop Humphries. a 7-6 heart-breaker to M a t a ­ poor pick-off attempt and ad ­ The Matawan-St. John con­ run to left field for a 3-0 lead. the Mets, 21-4, in the Hazlet W a r n e r football pr o gr am will T h e win brought the R aid­ wan Regional High School. vanced to third on a passed test w a s tied three times It w a s his fourth this season. Y A L 8-Year-Old Clinic. be held at 11:50 a.m. a nd 2-4 In the South Jersey Paro­ ball. before the Huskies scored a ers’ record to 15-7. Russo and In other Clinic games, the p.m. Thursday, June 9, and chial B State Tournament, run in the last inning to hand Terry Deitz doubled later in WE GUARANTEE OUR SERVICE FOR 90 DAYS Tom Caden each picked up After Frank Ryan walked, Giants beat the Dodgers, 18-5, Saturday, J u n e 11, at Giusti Vianney (24-2-1) advanced to Vianney its second loss in 27 the inning before DiBenedet­ OR 4 0 0 0 MILES, W H I C H E V E R C O M E S FIRST. IF four RBIs and Humphries Matt Dunn drove Barker and the Yankees downed the Field on Archie Street (off the semi-finals by defeating games. to s m a c k e d the Lancers’ drove in three runs. home with a single. Dunn, Dodgers, 6-2. Cliffwood Avenue) and at the OUR REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT FAILS IN Bishop Eustace, 3-1, and M a ­ w h o leads the Lancers with a Steve Bethune was credit­ second h o m e r of the inning. Russo tossed a four-hitter The Bombers the Strathmore Lanes, Route 34. NORMAL SERVICE WITHIN THAT PERIOD- ter Dei, 2-0. .409 batting average, no w has ed with the win, although he In the St. Rose-St. John at R e d B a n k for his seventh Giants under a 38-hit attack All boys living in M a t a w a n WE'LL FIX IT FREE OF CHARGE. PARTS & Against Mater Dei (13-9), 36 hits on the season an d 31 relieved T.R. Bethune mid­ contest, righthander Mike victory as the Raiders col­ led b y Joe Tucker an d Billy Township, 8-13 years old, w h o LABOR. righthander Rich Fernicola runs batted in. w a y through the contest. T o m McCormick (4-3-1) hurled a lected 13 hits. John Doerr Kneipher, who each went will not be 14 until after Aug. went the distance and hurled Mike DiBenedetto drove Ganter suffered his first loss one-hitter. H e also struck out clouted a two-run homer in 5-for-five, an d G u y Meyer, 31 and wh o will not be in high a one-hit, eight-strikeout per­ R y a n home later in the inning this season. H e is n o w 7-1. 12 Lancers. Fernicola started the second inning and Jack­ Keith O ’Neill, and Larry school, are eligible. forma nce en route to his ninth with a base hit to center. K e n Mandeville’s first-inn­ the ga m e for Vianney but wa s son knocked in two runs with Wallbank, w h o drilled four Each child must be ac­ victory against one setback. Against Bishop Eustace ing three-run homer gave relieved by Chris Fr y (5-0-1) . W e honor a double in the sixth. hits apiece. Carloni and companied by a parent. A 2 6 4 - 1 6 0 0 It w as Vianney’s ninth shut­ (15-9), Fernicola again went M a t a w a n a 3-1 lead, but the Steve Trichario belted a M a t a w a n ’s Jeff Lloyd (8-2) David Vuksanovich homered birth certificate or other out this season. the distance, allowing four Lancers came back with two two-run homer in the first held Ma n a s q u a n to six hits as for the Bombers. Noel Beal proof of age is required, along Fernicola holds a remark­ hits while fanning 11. runs on Angelo Scalcione’s inning for St. Rose. The Lanc­ the Huskies’ record climbed h a d three hits for the losers. with a $10 registration fee and triple. Scalcione leads the ers tied the score in the sixth. Carloni slugged three home a $5 participation fee. The Lancers with five triples this Designated hitter J i m H u n ­ 200 HWY. 35 runs, including a grand slam, maximu m fee is $25 per M YTAAGirls Senior Division season. ter walked an d Benedetto * I as the Bombers collected 26 family. KEYPORT, NJ. ,oryourconvemence In the seventh, the Huskies reached on an error before hits against the Mets. For more information: broke a 6-6 tie when Mande­ R y a n ’s base hit scored both O ’Neill had four hits for the Margaret Carr, 566-5229. ville walked, mo v e d to second runners. Gonlick snuffs Comets' rally winners and Tucker, Knei­ pher, and Davy Cohen each had three. Chris B z d e w k a Against the Pintos, the seven RBIs. Shortstop An­ A clutch defensive play by h o m e r e d for the Mets. shortstop Judy Gonlick last Mustangs got homers from ri r e a Silberberg collected E d P l a t t ’s seven RBIs week gave the Valiants a 9-7 Scholes, starting pitcher M a ­ three hits and three assists M ore Sports on helped the Giants beat the MATTY’S victory over the Comets in ry Sheehan, Ann Marie for the winners. Lynch, and Pat Pickering. Renner was the winner as Dodgers. Platt went 4-for-4, (he Matawan Township YAA as did teammates Mike Sheehan was the winning Ihe Sharks beat the Mariners. Girls’ Senior Division. Pages 15,17,18 Sciallo, Billy Bonny, and AUTO PARTS pitcher against the Comets. Renner, Lisa Barsky, Jan Gonlick killed a bases- Robert Steinberg. Steinberg Yolanda Mandel’s triple Corton, and Terri Russo loaded threat by the Comets turned two unassisted double FOR ALL OF YOUR helped beat the Mustangs for doubled for the Sharks. with a shoestring catch of a plays. Valiant pitcher Karen Lane. line drive. K a r e n L a n e w a s Steve Hall, M i k e Valente, AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS Mandel homered against the the winning pitcher. a n d Buddy Doughty each had The Pintos edged the Mus­ Pintos, as did winning pitcher LETTERS TO THE EDITOR two hits for the losers. Laurie Garner and Dawn STRETCH GAS THIS SUMMER WITH tangs, 4-3, behind Janet Well- (Continued from Page 4) 24 J oh n St. The Yankees’ Donny Fiore, Darrierau. TUNE-UP & REPLACEMENT PARTS stead's pitching and good Morganville Thomas McGarry, and Paul Sandy Jones was the win­ F a i r h i r i n g p o li c y defensive work by Susan DelloStritto each stroked FROM MATTY'S! ning hurler as the Comets FROM AIR FILTERS TO WIPER BLADES WE CARRT ALL BRAND NAME Markowitz and Noreen Bliss. Sir: Insurgents backed three hits against the Dod­ In the Minor League, the downed the Pintos. A m y Mar­ It is a sh a m e wh e n the youth of a town are REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR JUST ABOUT EVERT CAR. WE CARRT THE Sir: gers. Jimmy Endrichs and LARGEST STOCK OF PARTS A ACCESSORIES IN THE AREA. Sharks defeated the Barra­ tino and An n Corley h o m e r e d the pa w n s in the hands of its administration. Government is a creation of man, so it Danny Prudenti drove in runs cudas. 10-9, with help from for the Comets. W h e n the young people of Marlboro apply for should be people helping people. W h e n local for the losers. two home runs by winning In the Minor Division, the jobs with the summer recration program, COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE AND office is used by people to help themselves, pitcher Anna Renner. Mary Barracudas defeated the Sea- they are hired not just on the basis of their H o m e Safety INDUSTRIAL MACHINE SHOP they destroy the essence of the free Renner, Andrea Axelrod, and hawks, 12-4, on three home qualifications but on the strength of their In spite of all the hoopla democratic process. . ______SERVICE.______Andrea Elgart doubled for runs and eight RBIs by parents’ political involvements. over the mov ie “Jaws,” only I urge all of Marlboro to support Barry the Sharks. winning pitcher D u r a n Sher­ Barry Kushner, Helen Scafidi and Richard 50 people are killed by Kushner, Helen Scafidi, a n d Richard D e s ­ LOWER MAIN ST. "SINCE 1947" In other recent games, man. Third baseman Sally Desmond have worked out a method by sharks annually in United mond so that we can restore the democratic Mustang relief pitcher Jen- Leiman sparkled on defense which applications would be filed and States waters. According to MATAWAN CALL 566-1058 process in this town. marie Scholes retired five with three assists and two approved without the applicant’s na m e being the National Safety Council, Elaine R. Siegel Pinto batters in order to save putouts. revealed until the decision has been made. average annual death s 27 T r u m a n Drive a 13-12 win. In other minor circuit These young people would then know that caused by accidents around Marlboro In other senior games, the games, the Barracudas de­ they have been chosen for their o w n worth. the h o m e total 25,000. M o r e Mustangs wiped out the C o m ­ molished the Mariners, 22-9, Sheila Myles people are killed every day ets, 15-1, and fell to the and the Sharks downed the 13 Guest Drive New leadership in home accidents—70—than Valiants, 5-4; the Valiants Mariners, 10-7. in an entire year by sharks. Morganville Sir: defeated the Pintos, 10-6; and Sherman picked up the win On June 7, I a m voting Column 7 in the the Comets beat the Pintos, against the Mariners, strok­ Regulars endorsed Marlboro Democratic primary. I a m voting 11-8. ing a homer and a double for G M O W N E R S : Sir: for Barry Kushner, Helen Scafidi, and Mr. Goodwrench has a Marlboro residents should be pleased and Richard Desmond. W ildcats, Royals split gratified by the regular Democratic party’s I support Barry Kushner, Helen Scafidi, careful and thoughtful selection of Stan a n d Richard D e s m o n d because their op­ Service Special for you. Y o u n g a n d Stan . B a u m a n to join John ponents have offered nothing but glossy to keep title race close Croddick on the Township Council! pictures. Both Mr. Young and Mr. Bauman have I support Kushner, Scafidi, an d D e s m o n d , The race between the Wild­ at the plate led the Royals been active in Marlboro for many years. because their opponents have refused to cats and the Royals in the past the White Sox. Reger They know the workings of the township and debate the issues. AIR CONDITIONING Matawan Township YA A Sen­ started for the Royals and have demonstrated good sound judgment in I support Kushner, Scafidi, an d D e s m o n d ior Division remained close helped his o w n cause with a each and every facet concerning the people because they offer n e w a n d independent last w e e k as each t e a m split triple. Scott H or n got the win they deal with. leadership. two games. in relief. We need people on our council with Join me, so that together we can return Winning pitcher Perry Sil- SERVICE T h e Wildcats b o w e d to the experience and knowledge and Mr. Crod­ go ve rnment to the people. Warriors, 7-2, and defeated letti, Russ Bailey, and Mike dick, Mr. Y o u n g an d Mr. Bauman are the Steven C. Kantor the Rangers, 8-0. The Royals Clarke each rapped out three 19 Brunswick Drive PLUS PARTS dropped a 9-5 decision to the hits for the Yankees to beat only m e n w h o fill the fill. Rangers and beat the White White Sox hurler Justin Mc- Florence Stasiulewicz Morganville 30 IF REQUIRED. Sox, 11-9, to remain a half­ C a r t h y . Gary Kingsley game behind the Wildcats. tripled for the losers and L&J SERVICED 3 8 Good Thru June 30, 1977 In other games, the Yank­ Ad a m Kolodin made three ees topped the White Sox, sensational catches in left N o w you can m a k e sure things s t a y c o o l w h e n the 13-3, and lost to the Warriors, field. VOLKSWAGENS weather gets hot—with our G M air conditioning 7-3. Despite two double plays by Se r v i c e Includes: service special. Our trained mechanics will Mark Schulman was the the Yankee defense, the Wa r ­ • SAVE YOU MONEY Recharge refrigerant winning pitcher for the W a r ­ riors went on to win behind thoroughly check all a s p e c t s air c o n d i ­ C h ec k entire air conditioning o f y o u r Bier’s pitching and Mark riors against the Wildcats. •GIVE YOU system for leaks tioning system. If repair is n e e de d, w e c a n put Chris Quidore took the loss. German’s relief. Schulman everything in order n o w s o y o u ’ll b e read y for the Steve Bier, Billy Morachnick, and Anthony Cardulo h i t C h ec k all hoses and Paul Silverman each had doubles for t h e winners. DEPENDABILITY Adjust all belts n e x t heat wave or your vacation. M a k e o u r air + VW INSPICTION PREPARATION two hits and two RB I s for the Clarke wa s the losing pitcher. Save Money on Gas with Regular V W Service C h ec k system for proper output conditioning service special y o u r first stop. It's a winners. + VW PARTS DEPT. al L&J. P r o m p t Efficient Service, Rea so n­ + REBUILT V W ENGINES small price to pay to insure c o o l d r i v i n g all Bobby Quidore tossed a Planets able Prices. + COMPLETE VW REPAIRS shutout for t h e Wildcats Of the nine known plan­ + PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE s u m m e r long. against the Rangers. Ken ets in our solar system, + REASONABLE PRICES M r . G o o d w r e n c h s a y s , “Ke e p that great G M feeling with G e n u i n e GM P a r t s . ” Lerner and Chip Carey two, Mercury and Venus, L&J REBUILDERS pitched for the losers. move around the sun in Vanderburg Road The Rangers’ strong pitch­ orbits smaller than that of Please feel free to call us OLDSMOBILE ing beat the Royals, who had the earth. Jupiter is the 431-4646 with any problem you may (at R R‘ Ave.) have concerning your Volks­ Mike Reger and Garry Elwell largest planet in our solar wagen — we are looking CADILLAC ,41uyiu forward to serving you. on the mound. system and is 400 million 9 to 9 M on. th ru Thurs. Billy Ga m l i c h ’s 4-for-4 stint miles away from earth. 9 to 6 F r id a y Marlboro 100 Newman Springs Rd. 9 to 4 S a tu r d a y TH E IN D EPEN D EN T June 2, 1977 Page 11 Clean-up tips A i r , oil, gas filters vital Match wits of ‘wise men’ now against For All Your Printing Needs: help preserve in care, perform ance The Independent, 739-1010 car’s beauty knowledge of certified technicians People who wouldn’t think poor gas mileage and pro­ of smoking an unfiltered ciga­ ducing excessive pollutants. The car that weathered the rette or drinking unfiltered Air filter should generally be Here are some questions asked by "For a Good Deal & a Good Deal More" big winter storms of ’77 coffee realize the benefits changed as part of a tune-up deserves a spring clean-up 1SIASE of candidates to be listed these filters can offer. Pe r ­ every 10,000 miles.' and some cosmetic pamper­ haps not as well known is the OIL FILTER S—p r e v e nt ing to help preserve its beau­ in directory as qualified importance of the filters that sludge, metal particles and tiful body and interior. help protect cars from pre­ other contaminants from M E R IC A N INC To guide owners with an Next time one of those self-proclaimed car experts mature wear and poor per­ reaching critical engine automotive beauty treatment begins dom inating an otherwise pleasant social con­ formance. parts. It is generally recom­ in mind, John Farley, Chrys- versation, try cutting him down to size w ith this quiz. A I R FILTER—The .role of mended that oil filters be ler’s m a n a g e r of technical Questions are among the easiest selected from a the air filter is to keep replaced with every oil services, offers 13 tips, start­ sample text created by the National Institute for abrasive dust and dirt out of change. ing with the interior: Automotive Service Excellence, the agency respon­ the carburetor. Wh e n clogged GA S FILTER S—These sible for certification of automotive mechanics. 1.) Most car upholstery with dirt or punctured, the keep water and foreign par­ S S T HWY 35 at BEDLE RD..HAZLET 264-1776 fabrics are treated with soil- Incidentally, a list of men who know the answers result m a y be rough idle. ticles from reaching the fuel to these questions may be found in the “Where to resistant finishes that make .system. They usually require, Find Certified Mechanics for Your Car” directory. dirt sit on the surface. replacement at 12,000 miles. Prevent loose dirt from work­ It lists repairs establishments of technicians who ing into the fabric by frequent meet NIASE standards. To order the directory, send $1.95 to NIASE, 1825 K Street, Suite 515, W ashington, vacuuming. Or keep a whisk D.C. 20006. b r o o m in the glove compart­ michelin tire sale ment and brush frequently, See correct answers at the bottom. unless fabric has raised ta­ 1. AN ENGINE IS USING TOO MUCH OIL. pestry threads that brushing Mechanic A says that worn valve guides could be the Make Your Move To could d amage. cause. 2.) To clean the ne w velours Mechanic B says that tapered cylindered walls could Brains as well as brawn are required of these men who are and other fabric upholstery be the cause. taking the National Institute for Automotive Service Ex­ Mithelin, or auto carpeting, vacuum Who is right? cellence exam of candidates for certifications as qualified, loose dirt and treat stains. (A) A only. and for listing in the widely available directory, shown Then use foam cleaner or a (B) B only. taking the test. And Get Your M oneys mild detergent or soap. Apply (C)-Both A and B. suds first to an inconspic­ (D) Neither A nor B. uous area to be certain it 7. A CAR LACKS STABILITY ON A LEVEL ROAD. w o n ’t da m a g e color or finish. Michelin X WW Sizes For American Cars 2. WHICH OF THESE STATEMENTS IS (ARE) TRUE Mechanic A says that too much negative camber could Rub sparingly with a sponge ABOUT A LIQUID COOLING SYSTEM? be the cause. ■ into small area at a time. S«l« (1) A thermostat that is installed backwards w ill cause Mechanic B says that too much positive camber could Wipe off excess suds and s i x * Ixcka afe M e * P.I.T. the engine lo run at a lower temperature than normal. be the cause. moisture, first with a damp (2) A radiator pressure cap that is not fully seated Who is right? 168.13 89.17 . 50.39 1.77 cloth, then a clean, dry cloth. w ill cause the coolant to boil over at a higher temperature. (A) A only. 3.) Clean vinyl or leather (A) 1 only. 178-13 63.66 53.36 1.99 (B) B only. . upholstery with suds from a (B) 2 only. 178-14 66.37 5 6 . 4 1 3 . 13 (C) Both A and B. bar of mild, non-alkaline soap (C) Both 1 and 2. . 1 8 8 - 1 4 7 1 . 1 7 6 0 . 4 9 3. 3 0 or special leather or vinyl (D) Neither A nor B. (D) Neither 1 nor 2. 1 9 8 - 1 4 78.46 64.14 ■ 3.81 cleaner. (Some vinyl uphols­ 8. THE STEERING WHEEL OF A CAR IS NOT CEN­ 3 0 8 - 1 4 6 1 . 6 7 6 9 . 4 3 3. 66 tery cleaners also clean vinyl 3. ALL OF THESE CAN CAUSE AN AUTOMATIC TERED WHEN TRAVELING STRAIGHT DOWN THE tops). TRANSMISSION TO SLIP EXCEPT: ROAD. 318-14 88.81 75.48 3. 98 4.) To remove water-based (A) Hardened servo seals. Mechanic A says that the steering wheel should be re­ 198-18 79.48 6 7 . 5 5 3. 6 6 stains (ketchup, milk, ice (B) Worn planetary gears. moved from the steering column and its position changed. 308-18 86.40 7 3 . 4 4 3. 8 4 cream, coffee, s o m e can­ (C) Plugged Sump filter. Mechanic B says that the steering wheel should'be 318-18 9 1 . 7 0 7 7 . 9 4 3. 13 dies), use dull-edged knife to (D) Faulty one-way clutch. turned to center and the toe-in readjusted. 3 3 8 - 1 8 9 8 . 6 6 8 1 . 3 3 3. 3 9 r e m o v e as much substance as Who is right? possible. W i p e with a cloth 4. MECHANIC A SAYS too m uch clutch pedal free play 330-18. 109.04 93.68 3. 33 (A) A only. dampened with warm water. may cause the clutch to drag when disengaged. 338-18 118.00 3.81 (B) B only. 9 8 . 4 3 If stain persists, rub lightly MECHANIC B SAYS not enough clutch pedal free (C) Both A and B. 8 8 7 8 - 1 8 <89.32 5 8 . 8 3 3. 3 4 with cloth wet with cleaning play may cause the clutch to slip when engaged. (D) Neither A nor B. 0878-14 73.31 6 3 . 3 1 3. 3 4 fluid. (A) A only. (B) B only. 8 8 7 8 - 1 4 7 7 . 7 3 6 6 . 0 6 3. 63 5.) Scrape oil-based stains 9. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE MASTER CYL­ (butter, mayonnaise, grease, (C) Both A and B. INDER CHECK VALVE (S) ON CARS EQUIPPED W ITH P 8 7 8 - 1 4 0 4 . 1 3 7 1 . 5 1 3. 8 0 lipstick) with a dull knife. (D) Neither A nor B. DRUM BRAKES? H B 7 S - 1 4 9 8 . 3 3 8 1 . 0 3 3. 0 7 Use solvent-type spot clean­ (A) To allow the driver to pump-up the brakes. HB78-1S 94.48 80.38 3.16 er. Start outside and w o r k to 5. IN ROAD TESTING A VEHICLE YOU FIND THAT THE STEERING WHEEL SHAKES FROM SIDE TO (B) To prevent air from entering the hydraulic 1878-18 98.43 8 3 . 6 8 3. 39 center to avoid leaving ring. SIDE AT HIGH SPEEDS. s y s te m . Blot up excess and loosened . Mechanic. A says that static out-of-balance of the front (C) To prevent wheel lockup by reducing the oils with clean white paper hydraulic pressure. wheels could be the cause. M I C H E U N 7 0 S E R I E S X W W towel. (D) To reduce pedal pulsation by controlling Mechanic B says that dynamic out-of-balance of the GR70-14 — 71.ST OR-70 IS — 73.65 6.) Chewing gum or tar hydraulic pressure. front wheels could be the cause. G R 7 0 - 1 4 — 7 7 . 7 S H R - 7 0 1 5 — 0 0 . 7 0 should be hardened by chil­ Who is right? ling with a cube of ice. T h en 10. BOTH HEADLIGHTS ON A CAR ARE DIM IN proceed as for oil-based (A) A only. HIGH BEAM AND NORMAL IN LOW BEAM. WHICH OF THESE COULD BE THE CAUSE? stains. (B) B only. M ichelin ZX Tires For Im ported 7.) White stains left on (C) Both A and B. (1) A poor headlamp ground. carpeting by salty snow and (D) Neither A nor B. (2) A shorted headlamp switch. (A) 1 only. slush can be removed by 6. ALL OF THESE COULD CAUSE TIRE WEAR IF And Compact Cars. vacuuming, then careful (B ) 2 o n ly . BIB' NOT W ITHIN MANUFACTURER’S SPECS EXCEPT: T U S E U S S BLACKWALL w o r k with a stiff bristle wire (C) Both 1 and 2. THE (A) Caster. (D) Neither 1 nor 2. . MICHELIN , brush. For stubborn stains, (B) Wheel balance. takl apply a solution m a d e with MAN (C) Toe-in. iixe h d M M f a M m ; P.I.T. one cup of table salt to a quart (D) Camber. of water. W a s h off with foam- a-oi a-6 a-8 a-z v-9 > s a-s a-z > i =sja«suv 1 4 8 - 1 3 3 9 . 6 8 3 1 . 1 7 1.16 type upholstery cleaner. 188-13 48.83 3 8 . 7 0 1.39 8.) Vinegar cuts the film on inside and outside glass. U s e 148-13 41.69 3 5 . 4 3 1.23 two tablespoons to a pint of 1 8 8 - 1 3 4 6 . 6 0 3 9 . 6 1 1.48 water. 168-13 81.77 4 4 . 0 0 1.61 9.) M u d and corroding road 178-13 84.63 4 6 . 6 0 1.00 salts can be r e m o v e d from The fresher 1 6 6 - 1 4 8 0 . 9 7 4 8 . 4 2 1.70 unseen spots at a do-it-your­ self car wash. A i m the warm, 176-14 89.03 8 0 . 8 4 3.01 pressurized soap spray from 188-14 04.14 8 4 . 5 1 3 . 2 4 the hose underneath the car, y o u r p l u g s 1 6 8 - 1 8 ’ 6 0 . 4 8 5 1 . 3 8 1.03 particularly at fender wells, , 178-18 83.04 6 9 . 7 3 3.18 |u-ww) rocker panels and inside sur­ 1 6 8 - 7 0 - 1 3 8 2 . 4 4 4 4 . 8 7 1.84 faces of bumpers. 10.) T h e liquid soap that the better your m ileage 178-70-13 88.78 49.99 1.73 relieves dishpan hands (not 1 8 8 - 7 0 - 1 3 68 .0 1 8 8 . 2 8 1.98 strong dishwashing machine 188-70-14 60.36 8 8 . 9 5 3. 08 soaps) helps the do-it-your­ 19 6 - 7 0 - 1 4 x i h t 9 6 . 9 0 , 8 1 . 8 5 2.33(14x««t) self car washer by preventing and perform ance. 3 0 8 - 7 0 - 1 4 x i k t 1 0 3 . 7 6 2.46(14xw«t) water spots. 8 7 . 3 4 11.) D o n ’t wash the car in W h a t d o spark plugs h a v e t o d o with mileage and performance? A spark plug the sun or when paint is hot. is w h a t starts the b u r n of gasoline in y o u r c a r ’s engine. T h e better the spark, the After soaping a n d rinsing, do n ’t wipe with a dry cloth. It better the b u rn , a n d t h a t m e a n s better mileage and performance. M ichelin X Radial Tires can scratch the paint surface. H o w c a n y o u tell w h e n it’s time for fresh plugs? A plu g s h o u l d b e g o o d for 1 0 , 0 0 0 U s e a damp towel or t o 12,000 miles. After that, it’s p r o b a b l y time for a replacement. For Light Trucks squeezed-out chamois. C o u l d y o u just clean y o u r p l u g s ? C l e a n i n g helps, but will not restore a plug to its 12.) To restore showroom n e w condition. Your best bet for better mileage and performance is with a fresh XCA 18 • M m Serf* P.I.T. shine to an older car, use a cleaning paste or liquid spe­ s e t o f C h a m p i o n spark plugs. cifically r e c o m m e n d e d for S o fill ’er u p w i t h C h a m p i o n s . N o t o n l y have they sparked 6 7 0 - 1 4 X C A 0 7 0 . 3 0 5 9 . 7 5 3. 98 deeply imbedded grime. m o r e race winners than a n y o t h e r 6 7 0 - 1 8 X C A D 7 7 . 0 4 6 5 . 4 8 3 . 1 8 T h e n apply polish. A one-step b r a n d , t h e y ’re m a d e just right cleaner an d polish will do for 7 0 0 - 1 8 D 8 8 . 3 0 7 2 . 5 0 3.42 a newer car with only a mild f o r y o u r car. C h a m p i o n . *40,000 Mile Limited Warranty the w o r l d ’s best­ 7 8 0 - 1 0 O 1 0 1 . 0 6 3 . 9 6 coat of road film. 8 5 . 9 0 Michelin'* Warranty (or 'X' Radial Highway Pas­ 13.) A daub of w a x over a selling plug. senger Tire end zX' Radial Passenger Tpe sniall break in paint stalls 800-16.8 XCA D 1 1 2 . 3 7 9 5 . 4 2 3. 87 shown here covers tread life (or 40,000 miles spread of rust. Better yet, of wear within 48 months from date of pur­ 800-16 XCA 1 1 1 7 . 0 8 1 0 0 . 1 9 3. 98 chase, when tire is used on passenger vehicles treat with a touch-up paint in normal service, in the United States. Credit coded to your car’s color. Put or refund (at Michelm's option) is equal to 9 B 0 - 1 6 . S i x c a D 1 3 8 . 0 4 1 1 7 . 8 4 4 . 9 8 current "Michelin Suggested Exchange Price" a minimal amount of paint on multiplied by percentage of warranted mileage the touch-up brush and stroke 1 0 - 1 6 SXCA D 1 4 4 . 4 7 1 2 2 . 7 9 8 . 1 0 not run pn tire. lightly. Warn ing signals for bad brakes Unlike a tire that suddenly goes flat without a warning, your car’s brake system often MULLANEY'S gives you ample notice that danger is imminent. Learn­ TIRE & CAR CARE ing how to recognize those warning signals ma y give you time to correct the situation CENTERS before a crisis occurs. 0AKHURST r — , MATAWAN The action of your brake (Midway between Eatontown , ' . . ka£xJo t Mull oney pedal is a good barometer of & Asbury Circles)t \ » mm ------brake condition. A low brake i c o n D l OC I W.AI.O Honor — VTIW Main & Broad St. pedal indicates need for fluid lOOa Kt. 03 C6orfl. | in the master cylinder or a brake adjustment. APjONj Te g 's 31-9600 0:“r;:r* a TEL. 566-9580 A spongy action in the pedal could signify air in the lines, deteriorating hose or worn rubber parts in the Fill ’er up with Champions. Toledo. OH 43661 Sooner or Later You'll Buy Tires At Mullaneys master cylinder.

/ Page 12 TH E IN D EPEN D EN T June 2, 1977 -I Gas station blossoms into tire center i SAVE MONEY: USE OUR i i i Mullaney looks back on growth as businessman ADVERTISER’S COUPONS i j

By Dolly Thieme responsibility of leasing his ing to hiring, and included the corporation, but speaks of its er of our wholesale tire M A T A W A N own station when he graduat­ fundamentals of servicing expansions in terms of "we,” division, and we are suppliers Many a high school boy wh o ed in 1964 at age 17. and maintaining cars. H e because, he said, "the suc­ to many municipal and gov­ is enrolled in college prepara­ “I leased a place from an also attended a General M o ­ cess of the company is the ernment agencies.” j tory courses works part-time oil c o m p a n y on Route 34,” tors training center in Union, result of the efforts of all its Mullaney said the recent JDWTKTM O X 9 in a service station for extra Mullaney said, “and spent an d in 1967 enrolled in a employees, all good people.” recession wo r k e d in favor of spending money, but few the next five years educating major training course with H e wa s advised in 1969 that the growing business because come to the same decision myself and developing the the Hunter Co. it wa s risky to pick a location car prices increased, and Joseph “Buddy” Mullaney business. O n e of the things I H e is n o w a distributor and off Route 34 for a station, he most people repaired the did shortly before gradua­ learned was that by leasing I adviser for Hunter, m a n u f a c ­ said. But he followed his vehicles they had instead of tion. w a s helping to m a k e the oil turers of safety and other hunches. opting for n e w cars. J “I w or k e d for m y brother company rich. In 1969, w e had “We always went after "A automobile equipment. “In the beginning, w e jack­ 111H J i {* Robert in his station while I the opportunity to buy our That single leased station ed cars up outdoors to change repeat business instead of COMPLETE LINE was in school,” Mullaney M a t a w a n location, so w e was parlayed into the present tires, a nd believe me, it w a s aiming for a one-time cus­ recalls. “I didn’t think I w a s incorporated a n d became tire center at Broad and Main very cold that winter,” he tomer,” he said. “Our best enough of a student to go on to Mullaney Tire Service Inc.” streets, a large warehouse on said. “Now we have complete advertising has been by word college at that time, and Included in the education Church Street, an Oakhurst car care service, and fleet of mo u t h from our customers truthfully I w a s very inde­ during those five years w a s a tire and car-care center on and ‘off-road’ service for w h o c o m e to us if their car pendent and wanted to make six-week training course in Route 35 which recently cele­ tractors and trucks. W e dis­ has a flat tire or if it needs a good living. Continuing with $200 worth of repairs.” Philadelphia, which Mulla­ brated its first birthday, and tribute a full tire line and are Steel Belted Radial 78 a formal education just didn’t ney said was an opportunity a third center, planned for the representatives for G e n ­ Mullaney said the car care ELITE and 70 Series s e e m right for m e . ” to learn the basics of running eral, Michelin, and Cooper centers offer discount pro­ Route 9, Freehold. ELITE Joseph "Buddy” Mullaney Instead, he took on the the business, from bookkeep­ Mullaney is president of the tires. Ted Phelan is manag- grams for purchases by OTHER SALE FEDERAL PRICE groups such as teachers, SIZES EXCISE TAX senior citizens, and other DR78x14 48.21 2.38 organizations, and mentioned ER78x14 49.05 2.47 H ow to m ain tain car’s safety equipm ent the Golden Age program, FR78x14 51.97 2.65 offered through the centers BR78x!3 GR78x14 53.62 2.85 Much of the safety equip­ ards by a wide margin. erated controversy over its by General Tire and Rubber XR-7S-XX Size, White Sidewall, HR78x14 56.96 3.04 ment on your car was ma n­ It’s still a good idea to merits but he favors it and Co., which entitles older GR?8x15* 55.87 2.90 dated by the Federal Govern­ check the belt retractors, urges front seat passengers citizens to a 15 percent dis­ NOW ONLY... HR78x15 58.81 3.11 ment but it’s up to you, the according to Haeusler. He to raise the head rest to the count on an y item or service, JR78x15 - 60.46 3.27 motorist, to make sure the cautions: proper height. If the head rest even sale-priced items. 4 4 « 6 LR78x15 64.54 3.44 devices continue to do their “You can’t check shoulder should come down when the Mainstays in the business, job. belts on ne we r cars by tug­ car is driven over a bump or a he said, are his brother White Sidewall Except for so m e exertion in ging at them. You have to railroad track, it obviously, Robert, and Bill Chlebowski fastening lap and shoulder slam the brakes and that needs tightening. in Matawan, and Ron Hynes plus $2.06 Federal belts, the safety features should lock the belt. A speed Door latches: Their job is and Walter Flanagan in Oak­ i G/S 4 Excise Tax require little effort on your of 15 to 20 miles an hour would to keep the passengers from hurst. A n d he credited his part. However, that doesn’t be enough for the test—but be being thrown from the car in wife Ma r y for “patience with mean that regular mainten­ sure nobody is driving in back the event of a collision. Sta­ m y long "hours.” ance or inspection should be of you.” tistics prove the chances for Active in the community, Steel Belted Radial — Metric Sizes H e w a r n e d that seat belts G1S 4 ignored. survival are greater if the Mullaney is a past grand OTHER SALE FEDERAL The Automotive Informa­ with retractors should be ex­ passenger remains in the car. knight of Knights of Colum­ SIZES PRICE EXCISE TAX tion Council consulted one of a m i n e d to determine whether Latches should keep the door bus, St. Joseph’s; a m e m b e r 165Rx13 32.86 1.81 the auto industry’s pioneers additional webbing can be closed even when the lock of St. Joseph’s Assembly, 4th 185-70x13 41.81 1.95 in the vehicle safety area for pulled while the belt is being button is “up.” Some latches, Degree; a regional board 165Rx14 36.53 1.89 his recommendations. H e is worn. in time, b e c o m e “hair-trig­ member of United Jersey 1SSRxl3 165Rx15 38.10 2.03 Some other safety device Roy Haeusler, who even has gered” and even a slight Bank; and a m e m b e r of XXXR-XX Available: Black Sidewall earned the plaudits of the tips: bump against the door or the several business organiza­ G S 4 RADIAL Steel Belted industry’s severest critics. Energy absorbing steering door handle can cause the tions. A source of pride, he Block Sidewall, GOLD SEAL Radial Haeusler, who retired as a column: E v e n the slightest door to fly open. T h e handle said, is his position on the OTHER SALE FEDERAL safety engineer, was wearing vertical m o v e m e n t in the or lever should move at least advisory staff of Brookdale SIZES PRICE EXCISE TAX belts long before they be c a m e colu mn calls for a service a quarter of an inch before it Community College’s auto­ BR78x13 36.60 2.06 the law of the highway and check. Two small, hidden releases the hatch and opens motive technology program. DR78x14 39.78 2.38 always wears a safety hel­ capsules hold the column the door. “It’s as fine a p r o g r a m as 3 0 ie ER78x14 41.49 2.47 met. rigid, but give w a y in the Do or locks: T h e lock but­ can be found,” he said, “and plus $1.67 Federal Excise Tax FR78x14 43.98 2.65 • Seat and shoulder belts are event of a crash. tons can become faulty and in addition it’s offered at a seal7 3 0 ,0 0 0 GR78x14 45.39 2.85 one area you do n ’t have to be Lights: It’s a simple matter there m a y be times when you m i n i m u m cost.” HR78x14 49.22 3.04 concerned about. to see if they all glow but an think the door is locked, but it While safety equipment on cars needs maintenance, one item Mullaney said that after MILE Details of this 30.000 Mile GR78x15 48.45 2.90 “The belts on your car are owner frequently misses the isn’t. This is particularly true that requires no care is the seat belt assembly. Therefore, two years of preparation, he LIMITED WARRANTY Limited Warranty available on request. HR78x15 50.93 3.11 good for the life of the car,” flasher system that warns of po w e r door locks. O c c a ­ owners can always buckle up with assurance, according to is looking forward to the start |R78x15 53.34 3.27 Haeusler says. The webbing other traffic w h e n a car is sionally, check the doors on safety engineering experts. of construction of the "newest LR78x15 55.11 3.44 has been subjected to pro­ stalled. T h e flasher should be the outside to make certain you can move the seat by lease when a passing car car care center in Freehold, FREE MOUNTING BALANCE & VALVE Available: White Sidewall longed periods of artificial blinking half the time as they lock properly. applying body pressure, it causes the parked vehicle to where he plans to locate the radiation to determine how opposed to an inconsistent Seat latches: There are isn’t latching and is danger­ sway. Releasing the brake corporation offices. After they resist brilliant sunlight. pattern. This is especially safety standards on seat ous if the car is moving. should require a firm effort. that, he has an eye for an T h e belts withstood all tests.” important in daylight so the strength but the latching Parking brake: Owners of Safety checks on tires, foot Oc e a n County location. MOTORCYCLE TIRES In the past year, seat belts flasher can be seen. Incon­ mechanism should keep them cars with manual transmis­ brakes, steering, etc., have “It’s all possible through used in the southwestern part ■ sistency me a n s the flasher is firmly in place—enough to sions use this equipment, been necessary since the first the efforts of the whole t e a m & TUBES of the country for many years approaching its last blink. hold fast in a 30-mile-an- especially when parking on a s i n g 1 e-cylinder runabout of good, hard-working people w e r e re m o v e d for inspection. Head rest: Haeusler con­ hour crash. Obviously, it slope. It can b e c o m e “hair- made its American debut w e have,” he said. They passed federal stand­ cedes this device has gen­ c a n ’t be tested too easily. If triggered” in time and re- before the turn of this cen­ FRONT END SPECIALISTS tury. A popping sound which in­ Today, we have dual brak­ creases in tempo with higher COMPARABLE LOW PRICES ON NOH-RHDIMS ing systems on all cars. If one engine speeds and stops in­ RT. 35 NORTH system goes, you still have stantly when the ignition key AT AMBOY AVE sufficient braking to bring is shut off at fast idle origi­ BAYSHORE TIRE your car to a halt. nates from the ignition sys­ (McDonald's) Haeusler advises periodic tem. 457 Amboy Ave. Cliffwood I m F iE L B S check of the brake fluid level. m iffXi fy 7 ; Hissing, crackling or click­ Open Daily from 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. “When the brake warning ing sounds that occur irreg­ Phone: 566-0092 Open ACCSSSOP/SS light glows, it’s not really a Saturdays from 8:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. D flC O OP MOTOPCPAST ularly and are usually worse S fu x Hue m tn warning,” he says. “It me a n s on rough roads usually stem s u m s u p m t s j / that one of your systems is from dash board instruments j o u r UUWM OF T IJH E W*MlO [9 7 not operating.” PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE EACH SE T such as fuel gauges. He has some further advice 6 o r 8 cyl. 4, 6, or 8 Cyl. 8 MILLIMETER SPARK PLUG WIRES on replacing brake fluid: Includes Uni-Set for GM cars. $ 1 2 .9 7 S E T ______“Before you check the fluid HUBBY B U Y MOW ACS A I* F /irfP S level, wipe the area around it to make certain no dirt enters OUR FINEST 4 PLY POLYESTER CORD TIRES 4 9 9 the fluid chamber. Other­

THIS WEEK ONLY! B EA C H wise, it might have been

LIM IT 8 Change air filter regu­ better not to check it. Also, Q u a k e r S ta te , P e n n zo il o r w.j larly for improved do n ’t use fluid that hasn’t Havoline straight weight oil. A l engine performance. been kept in a n airtight 8 rPA C ff STfPSO container. Moisture destroys the fluid.” • Slide bar controls Finally, the safety expert • Powerful sound • Push button track notes the growing popularity BILL ROSE A2 B M 6 88a p -16 selection of sun roofs an d w ar ns own­ SERVICE MANAGER EXPERT INSTALLATION AVAILABLE ers to make sure the roof is properly latched—especially if you d o n ’t w e a r seat belts.

I WHITEWALLS $3.00 MORE Add coolan t

I SIZE B la c k w e ll W h ite w a ll F .E .T . & S a le Price S a le Price o ld tire to absorb heat

I A.78-13 $22.00 $25.00 $ 1 .7 2 EXCHANGE - Delivers up to 460 cold cranking AMPS ■ B78-13 2 4 .0 0 2 7 .0 0 1.82 • Delivers up to 550 cold cranking AMPS from engine • Delivers up to 135 minutes of reserve capa J E78-14 26.00 29.00 2 .2 3 city • Delivers up to 140 m inutes o f reserve capa­ 1 F78-14 2 8 .0 0 3 1 .0 0 2 .3 7 city In these days of rising costs WE'LL GIVE YOUR CAR • High impact polypropylene container for f G78-14 30.00 33.00 2.53 • Calcium grid alloy - less terminal corrosion longer life H 7 8 -M 3 5 .0 0 2 .7 3 • Sizes to fit most American cars of buying and maintaining a G 7 8 -1 5 3 1 .0 0 3 4 .0 0 j 2 .5 9 • Special alloy grids for maximum power car, two necessary items re­ H 78-15 3 6 .0 0 2 .7 9 BATTERY POST PROTECTORS 87C EACH DAVE BOGART THE SERVICE IT NEEDS, J7 8 -1 5 — 3 8 .0 0 2 .9 6 m a i n virtually free. T h e air SERVICE WRITER 178-15 4 0 .0 0 3 .0 9 s s p u / c s S P t c / A is an d water for tires and cooling system respectively WHEN IT NEEDS IT. /U S/ AMO OH SPfC/A l are still available at no cost. While recognizing this fact, 1 8 8 maintenance experts remind STOP IN AND MEET OUR MISTER GOODWRENCH, WHETHER IT'S motorists that, even in year- » YOUR choice o f any major oil brjnd in stock round warm weather areas, BILL ROSE, OUR SERVICE MANAGER, OR DAVE BOGART & » COMPLETE chassis lubrication (fittings extra) » BRAKE fluid if needed water alone will not ade­ • GEAR lubrication if needed quately cool your engine. JIM CAMPANOT, OUR SERVICE WRITERS, OR RICH WILSON, additional services extra Extra heat generated by COAAPISTS SPAMS OUSPMAUl more powerful engines, au­ OUR SHOP FORMAN. ALL PROFESSIONAL SERVICE PEOPLE. tomatic transmissions and air conditioning requires a WE'VE GOT GENUINE GM PARTS, THE TOOLS TO DO THE S * 8 8 ! 7 4 s 8 coolant with a higher boiling JIM CAMPANOT I AtirSkUPASSt lm ■ SERVICE WRITER, JOB RIGHT AND PLENTY OF GM CHEVROLET KNOW-HOW. d ru m typ e O U S P M A U l point than water. ALL U.S. CARS A 50 percent mixture of AND THAT MAKES THEM GOOD MEN TO KNOW FOR TOP HERE'S WHAT WE DO ON ALL 4 WHEELS disc front coolant anti-freeze and water drum rear is r e c o m m e n d e d for cooling QUALITY SERVICE. • Install premium brake linings • T o u g h , D u r a b l e , L o n g Lasting Construction • Resurface drums • Replace pads systems in most areas. • Rebuild wheel cylinder’s • Rebuild calipers If you are stuck in heavy • Designed For A Stable Ride & L o n g M i l e a g e 'tf'e're a flood deal belter!' • Replace brake hardware • Replace hardware traffic and your cooling sys­ • Bleed, flush and refill system • Resurface rotors • All American's Most P o p u l a r T i r e V a l u e • Inspect master cylinder • Complete overhaul rear tem shows signs of overheat­ • Repack front wheel bearings brake assembly ing, shut off the air condi­ CHEVROLET tioner. Also, w h e n you c o m e to a BankAml RICAWD stop, shift into neutral and M uCHEVROLET l l e • BMW r FIELDS PLAZA “race” the engine to increase circulation of coolant and the RICH WILSON Oil 123 sSb in HWY 34 & S. ATLANTIC AVE., MATAWAN 566-8000 HWY. 35 & HAZLET AVE., HAZLET 739-1122 air flow f rom the fan. SHOP FORMAN Health officer raps township for illegal dumping By Lee Duigon “If w e ca n ’t get a permit,” bage at the entrance.” W e i ­ yards of dirt" from the site, dump the garbage out so we in Keansburg and in other HAZLET he said, I guess w e ’ll have to gand said. the excavator sold the land to can put out the fire, w e d be neighboring towns, Hanson The township’s annual put up with people dumping “Yo u ’ve seen other com­ the township in the early breaking the law and they’d said. “spring clean-up’’ has creat­ debris all over the township. munities where people have 1960s. The “big hole" has nail us for it,” he said. "But Hans on inspected the site to ed a m e s s for Health Officer Where they dump now, nobo­ no place to dump their broken been gradually filled ever the people who are dumping determine if it poses a public Patrick Hanson and Business dy can see it. If debris is furniture, o 1 d mattresses, since. on Leocadia Court are break­ health hazard. Administrator Robert Wei­ dumped everywhere, we'll be and other debris that’s too big Sa n Felice complained that ing the law, and nothing is "I did find s o m e signs of gand. as unsightly as some other to be picked up b y the regu­ debris gathered in the spring done about it." rodent infestation," he said, Hans on last w e e k investi­ towns where this has hap­ lar garbage collector,” he clean-up was taken to the The Leocadia dumping site "hut the area is not an gated a complaint made by pened.” added. “If people don’t have Dept, of Public Works garage does not compare with dumps imminent threat to health." Gabriel San Felice, a Hazlet To stop the dumping, Han­ a specific place to dump their on Leocadia Court and left resident who owns a garbage son suggested, the township debris, they’ll dump it any­ there to be shoved into the carting firm, that the town­ should cordon off the access where.” excavated area. "The Strippers ship allows d u m p i n g at L e o ­ road leading to the site and The dumping ground on “Wh a t it am oun ts to is that cadia Court. install “No dumping" signs. Leocadia Court, behind the they're operating a dumping Hanson confirmed the “If people can't get to the First Aid Squad building, is site without a permit,” he Flow-over Method . charge and advised Weigand site, they’ll drop their gar- suitable because the excava­ said, “an d with no legality to stop the dumping. tion eventually will be filled whatsoever. It’s been done “I do not believe that this Jerez reports in, covering all the garbage, for years." Furniture Stripping dumping should be allowed to to Marine base W e i g a n d said. In the past, the township continue,” he said in a m e m o “We ’re reclaiming land has hired a carting firm to Does not harm wood veneer or glue joints to the administrator. “It is in Pfc. Louis D. Jerez, son of there," he explained. “Over carry debris away during the direct violation of N e w Jer­ Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Jerez the years, w e ’ve been filling clean-up operation. T h i s JUNE SPECIAL____ sey Dept, of Environmental of 206 Cashel Drive, Mata­ in that big hole with dirt year, no carter w a s hired. STRIPPED OF PAINT Protection regulations.” wan, has reported for duty removed from other projects The operation was handled by Painted or Varnished ROCKERS OR VARNISH with the Marine Third Force Weigand has asked Hanson in the township. Periodical­ the Dept, of Public Works. 1 PER CUSTOMER WITH THIS AD Service Support Group, Oki­ ly, we hire a bulldozer an d all SanFelice operates Sano to find out what, if any, state PORCH & UPHOLSTERED ROCKERS EXCLUDED ^ j 2 001 * 1 5 ^ laws are being violated. nawa, Japan. the debris gets covered." Carting Inc., Keyport, which OFFER EXPIRES JUNE 30th EA. If there is a violation, he A 1975 graduate of M a t a ­ The site once was a farm handles s o m e of the garbage said, the township will try to wan Regional High School, and then wa s sold to an exca­ collection in the township. 186 HIGHWAY 34, MATAWAN, N.J. get a permit to operate the Jerez joined the Marine vator, W e i g a n d said. After “If one of my garbage OpfMMt* Grand Union Hours: Mon. thru Fri. 9 to 5 Patient Governm ent D ay Corps in January 1976. removing “about 100,000 trucks catches fire, and we 583-4510 fri. 7 to 9 Sat. 9 to 12 The (lifl'sule Health Care Center, .Matawan Township, recently held a Patient Government dump site legally. Day during which patients assumed administrative posts and operated the 108-bed long-term health-care facility. Assistant Administrator Geraldine S. Crockett (standing) watches as patient Florence Glennon (left) and Sadie Alston, R.N., health service supervisor, compare notes. Opened in October, 197H, Cliffside offers around-the-clock nursing, physical and occupational therapy, and special diets. Agencies join to train adults for clerical, assistant jobs

KATONTOWN ration of letters and manu­ operative care, cardio-pul- The Monmouth Adult Edu­ scripts, tabulations an d other m o n a r y resuscitation, hospi­ cation Commission (MAE- job-related applications. T h e tal safety and communica­ You Gotta Do COM) and the Comprehens­ course provides 200 hours of tions. The course’s instruc­ ive Employment Training instruction. tor is Ella M a y Clark, a Act (CETA) are combining For students who have registered nurse. resources to train area resi­ some typing background and The eight-week dental as­ dents for e m p l o y m e n t as want to regain and develop sistant course is taught by clerk-typists, dental assist­ speed and accuracy on the Carrie Saltbart. Areas cover­ ants, and nursing assistants. electric typewriter, MAE­ ed include the role of a dental T h e objective of the clerk- COM is giving a clerk-typist assistant, dental a n a t o m y typist and clerk-typist re­ refresher program. Review and physiology, patient m a n ­ You have to move fast to take advantage of the super specials at the fresher programs, according of standard office practices agement, sterilization of in Furniture Hustle!'Clearing House! Truckloads of terrific buys arrive daily, and are te MAECOM, is to train will be given during the struments, and dental X-ray. m snatched right up by our happy custom ers. W altz through our 3 floors of people in typing and related 75-hour course. Classroom study is combined fabulous buys, including designer's samples, floor samples and office practices, enabling T h e MAECOM nursing as­ with observation of m o d e r n discontinued items. You'll say our low, low prices is m usic to your ears. them to enter or re-enter the sistant p r o g r a m is given at dental practice in a dentist’s w o r k force. T h e instructors Freehold Area Hospital over office. You gotta do the hustle, so come on down to the Furniture Clearing for the programs are Helen a four-week period. The stu­ All participants receive in­ House— where you buy furniture you can afford! Litts and Micki Usen, both dents receive daily instruc­ struction in job-seeking tech­ MAECOM employees. RED WOOD ARM CHAIRS tion during the 3-11 shift. niques and the employment WALL MIRRORS T h e clerk-typist training Among the subjects covered interview before getting job NOW FROM And Cushions . « « p r o g r a m for beginners offers are patient care, t e a m nurs­ referrals from M A E C O M Values to $149.00 OTTOMANS Limited Supply NOW instruction in typing, prepa­ placement counsellors. ing. pre-operative and post- For every Room NOW FROM Values to $99.00 Values to $199.00 WICKER SIDE AND ARM CHAIRS,TABLES, LIVING ODDYour KITCHEN Choice CHAIRS NOW FROM ValuesSWINGS, fo WINE $269.00 RACKS, ETC NOW FROM 9 8 8 Special Selection CAMPAIGN CHESTS -OB. ROOM SETS Assorted Colors and Finishes NlllClHlOlLlS Herculon Traditional Sofa, Loveseat, Oak,BUNK Pine,BEDS White, Maple, Natural, i | > i A O O Values to $199.00 NOW FROM Chair. Assorted Color selection 5 9 8 « ■ Values to $499.00 NOW FROM WALL UNITS f r o m Reg. $599.00 NQW 2 8 8 8S DESKS - A f t A Many Styles ROUTE 3 4 and LLOYD RD. MATAWAN, N .J . i For every Room NOW FROM 4 2 ★ SIMMONS HIDE-A-BEDS o ^ O f t A 0 ° l ■ Colonial Herculon, Sofa, Loveseat, & JU Chair. Assorted Color selection. Values to $459.00 Assorted Styles Fabrics-^9- O w ■ SPECIAL PREVIEW OF OUR NEW LOVE SEAT HIDE-A-BEDS 0 0 Reg. $699.88 NOW 0 0 0 8 8 WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM WHERE Values to $289.00 FROM 199 I Green Naughahyde Sofa,399' Loveseat, WE OPEN AND PRETICKET ITEMS PERS0N...SAT. JUNE 4 I Chair. Extra deep and comfortable. BEFORE SETTING-UP IN SHOWROOM - i HUNDREDS OF DOLLAR SAVINGS Ideal for Den. 3 9 9 * 8 Reg. $749.00 NOW HERE. ______DINING ROOM TABLES & CHAIRS Byrd 9 piece Brick Red Pit Group Misc. Hutch Burrets for your needs, SPIDERMAN j Reg. $1250.00 NQW 7 9 9 8 8 available - If you don't see it, ask for it —it's here. 11 AMto4PM{ BEDROOM SETS THAYERReg. $199.00 COGAN CORNER CHAIRS NOW 8988 i Bassett 7 piece Modern, Burl Finish AssortedSWIVEL ROCKERS Colors NOW FROM j H Reg. $898.88 NOW 4 9 9 8 8 HUNDRED OF EXTRAS AS FOLLOWS: ■ Values to $199.00 FIRE SIDE PULL-UP CHAIRS ROMWEBER SILVER CHESTS 1CQOO 8 Piece Spanish Bedroom Set FROM Triple Dresser, Chest, Headbord, Frame, Assorted Colors and Styles 8988 Reg. $499.00 NOW 1 Twin Mirror. FREE Bedding with this set! Values to $249.00 WYMAN WALL MIRROR AO88 ■ HUTCH TOPS Reg. $149.00 NOW Reg. $699.00 N o w O 2 A 9 A 9 B oe8 For Den, Dining Room and Bed Room ■ Q B 8 ODD NIGHT STANDS « c«S i Night Stands available at $49.95 Each Values to $289.00 NOW FROM ■ Values to $199.00 NOW FROM 1 ^ RED WOOD TABLE TWO BENCHES 7 * 0 0 ODD DINING ROOM CHAIRS o s8 ■ Dixie 7 Piece Bedroom Values to $259.00 NOW FROM # Values to $265.00 FROM O Triple Dresser, Twin Mirrors, Head­ ODD BEDROOM CHESTS AO, s ■ board, two night stands, Chest on Chest Values to $268.00 . FROM OV r : ODD KITCHEN TABLES OA 88 ■ Reg. $1499.00 NOW Values to $159.00 FROM X** 850°° ODD BUNK BED LADDERS , ■ 7 piece Contemporary Bedroom Values to $89.88 FROM I Triple Dresser, Twin Mirrors, Head­ SIMMONS STUDIO COUCHES OQOO ■ board, Two Night Stands, Armour Values to $289.00 FROM RECLINERS, Vinyl and Herculon and ■ B'E™640°°r Values*to $589.00 "<°M 7 9 ” i FIGURINES _ SUPER SHOOTER Values to $99.00 FROM | _ ASSORTMENT ■ L A M P S 0 8 8 “ Now you can have your Values to $89.88 FROM O own WeD Shooter just like ■ MATTRESS AND BOX SPRINGS otta8l Spiderman' AlsoHulkand Captain America shoot­ Twin Size - Factory as is FROM3 8 | ■ ers Chouse your favorite ■ Full, Queen, King, also available at NICHOLS REG. LOW PRICE 1.99 i ■ slightly higher prices. HEY KID S... ■ ■

■ FREE cas'h ■ s\0' o S p i d e r m a n O A u ■ ■ Buttons to the Tss-SSSSSS - ■ ■ O o S S ° ■ first 2,000 ■ I V ■K i d s o n l y . Comic book heroes like Captain America, Hulk. Batman. Super­ man, Wonder Women and ■ i Spiderm an will autograph any “Funs- Spiderman are your shields tuff” m erchandise purchased during his against a dull summer. ■ ■ appearance. i Some actors believe that if their shoes squeak, they will have bad luck! Entertainm ent SAVE MONEY USE ADVERTISERS' Amateur entertainers COUPONS get their chance at Lily’s By Cathy Prager Lily saloon in Texas, is kn o w n Lily’s and now play every Take Dad To Dinner OLD BRIDGE ‘.for its informal, authentic Friday night, could be said to For Father's Day! In the tradition of the Old frontier atmosphere, food, epitomize the pervasive FULL COURSE DINNER SPECIALSI West, Roy Matthews cele­ and spirits; perhaps this is “mellow country” sound. Fruit Cup. Soup or Tom ato Juice Tossed Salad w ith Dressing MONDAY — Veal Parmesan with Spaghetti brated the second anniversa­ why so many of the acts T h e y base their o w n c o m p o ­ ------* 1 % LB. LOBSTER l9” TUESDAY — Golden Fried Chicken______3.95 ry of Lily Langtry’s last we e k sitions and their perform­ which play there lean toward WEDNESDAY — Roast Prime Rib of Beef au jus 3.25 ance of other writers’ songs ------★ CLAMBAKE J6 ’ 5 Stuffed with Crab Meat with a showcase featuring country and folk music. The THURSDAY — Corned Beef ond Cabbage 4.95 on “strong vocal harmony ------INCLUDES: LOBSTER TAIL, SHRIMP, SCALLOPS, CLAMS, CORN local performers w h o have small stage and the nature of Vegetable-Potato. Ice Cream or Fruit Pies and Coffee 3.95 ON THE COB, CHICKEN. auditioned or played at his the place—food is available and crisp guitars.” Although they are pleasant and sweet- ’ 5 "saloon and place” on at all times, and people are LUNCHEON SUPER ★ SHANTY SUPREME J9 Route 9. always eating—also set lim­ sounding, I find the Half 99 INCLUDES A URGE ASSORTMENT OF TASTY SEAFOOD DELICACIES. Matthews, who is known its on the size and decibel Brothers rather bland. Frank SPECIALS FROM S1 and Gorgo, who also play among the local performers level of groups that can play ★ LUNCHEON FROM s2 50 there regularly, work with PLUS OUR REGULAR MENU WITH ALL THE AMERI­ for his encouragement and comfortably. CAN and continental dishes f r o m peanut i t Above Includes our Super Sobd Bor Consisting of Seafood, the sa m e basic influences and help (he even Helps those who T h e net result is that many BUTTER SANDWICH TO FILET MIGNON Vegetables, Fruits, Cheese, and Breads. ideas, but their bouncier gui­ d o n ’t make his tryouts find of the “progressive coun­ HOURS. other bookings), threw a tars a n d a hint of a calypso Banquet Facilities from A O N S A T 11:3 0 a .m . t i l 2 a .m . 583-9220 try,” “mellow country rock,” 10 to 230 people tor so­ Major Cr+dit sssssssssssss$sssss$ssss$SUNDAY 1 p.m . to 11 p.m. party for representatives of and “contemporary folk beat ad d interest to their cial affairs also wedding Ctrdt Acctpt+d the media and the music rock” singles and duos (as performance. packages Prices very reasonable industry, because he felt it they variously describe them­ Joe Connors, “the ma n of a w a s “appropriate to do so m e ­ selves) sound pretty, but they thousand songs, faces, jokes thing for the entertainers wh o sound alike. Unfortunately; and surprises,” usually pre­ 264-6820 f i n i n g A* are responsible for Lily’s sur­ this type of program tended sides, in one persona or Highway 35 6 Broadway vival.” That something, he to emphasize the similarities. another, at Lily’s on We d n e s ­ Keyport, N.J. hopes, will be discovery. Individual acts which sound days. H e plays guitar and his quite good on their o w n own contrivance of tambour­ e (Eottage^Jmi The special “Original M u s ­ blended into the general m u ­ ine and hi-hat cymbal, and he ic Showcase” grew out of the sical tone of the evening and sings anything from Irish talent nights held every M o n ­ LUNCHEON SPECIAL all but disappeared. sailors’ ballads to 1950s doo­ ■4LNT‘“ NOON — 3 P M. R a r e a p e day down at Lily’s. T h e talent All of the artists w h o ap­ w o p rock, as well as his o w n MatyJane and Charles Fitzpatrick SOUP N SANDWICH $1.1 nights are open to anyone Oo4(lo, a giant red orangutan, will arrive in Holmdel peared last Monday, despite stuff. Last Monday, disguised with the urge and the courage TUES: Roast Beef, Cole Slaw, Pickle Monday w ith Hoxie's Great American Circus. The circus will the homogeneity of their as himself, Joe was serious FpyiteYau to Come And Meet IJs at r.A to perform for a live audi­ WED: Roast fresh Ham, Cole Slow, Pickle give performances at « and X p.m. at the Holmdel Firehouse, sounds, w er e far above the for a change. I like hi m better Holmdel and Crawfords Corner Hoad. ence. THURS: Corned Beef, Cole Slow, Pickle Gong Show level of a m a t eur on Wednesdays. • I I / , , .... Last Monday night, the 15 performance, and there were Daisann McLane, who also FRI: Fried Filet, Cole Slaw, Pickle BEVERAGE EXTRA acts selected to play h a d 15 several who were outstand­ plays in a women’s band The illusion! ... minutes each to present ing. Geoff Berne of the Eng­ called Too D a m n Mean, cut PLUS OUR REGULAR LUNCHEON r % themselves and their songs. AND DINNER SPECIALS lishtown Music Hall brought through the musical sweet­ Although the evening pro­ along Rich Gulya and Mike ness that dominated the eve­ lit e i ^ BANQUET FACILITIES gressed smoothly, the format Esposito to demonstrate the ning with hbr “Hard Lumps FROM 10 to 75 PEOPLE gave it an odd ambience: It bluegrass music that is enjoy­ Blues,” a comment on S & M w a s a little like listening to BURLEW'S CLIFFW OOD INN, Rt. atmosphere. Seafood specialties. ing a sudden revival, but they chic. She sings in a strong, 149 W. FRONT ST. a.* 35 & Cliffwood Ave., Cliffwood, Prim e specials 12 p.m., Monday F ri­ the radio.' do n ’t count. blues-influenced voice with 583 1 1 26 I ta lia n A m e r ic a n r e s t a u r a n t ; day. Dinner 'til 10 p.m. Monday Sun­ KEYPORT 264-1263*"*’ day. Open 7 days, Am erican Express Lily Langtry’s, patterned • The Half Brothers, who an edge to it and, even when if cocktails and pizza. Lunches from ll SPECIAL LUNCHEONS SERVED & M aster Charge accepted. 12-3 WES SAT a .m . D in n e rs fr o m 4 p .m . ' t i l m id n ig h t . on Ju d g e R o y B e a n ’s Jersey have b e c o m e a fixture at she is singing of California (almost every musician, it BUTTONWOOD MANOR, Route 34, DON QUIXOTE INN, Route 34 (at the ; hr Matawan. Dining in a charming w in d m ill) , M a ta w a n , 566 7977. L u n c h ­ seems, has a hymn to the PACKAGEGOODS lakeside setting. Specialties duck eon noon to 3 p.m. Tues.-Fri. Closed dinners, seafood, and prim e ribs of beauties of the Monterey BEER-WINE-LIQUOR Mondays. Dinner 5-9:15 p.m. Tues., ‘Star W ars’ offers beef. Lakeview Terr'ace dining room. Thurs., 5-10:15 p.m., Fri., 5 11 p.m. peninsula in the north or the Cocktail lounge & bar. Music Wed., Sat., 19 p.m. Sun. Catering service SANDWICHES 41 HWY. 36 Fri., Sat. Cuisine: Am erican Conti available. Banquet facilities to 300 freeways and smog of L.A. in nental. Prices: Luncheons a la carte people. Most credit cards accepted. the south) she writes lyrics KEYPORT, N.J. S1.50-S4.25. D in n e rs a la c a r t e $3.95 old-fashioned fun $10.50. Hours: Luncheon, noon-2:30 HOUSE OF DRAGON, Hazlet Plaza, with a nice ironic touch. p.m. Dinner, 4-10 p.m . (Sat. 11 p.m.) R o u te 35, H a z le t, 264 9885. C o m p le te By Lee Duigon Skywalker (Mark Hamill), Rod & Judy, who describe 739-2002 Sundays, noon 9 p.m. Day Closed: Cantonese dinners and a la carte. Also “Star Wars” is the best whos e father w a s a kind of their sound only as “co n t e m ­ N o n e . P a r tie s : to 300. A d d r e s s : R te . house specialties. 11:30 a.m . to 10:30 34 P h o n e : 566 6220. p.m. Mon. Thurs, 11:30 a.m. to mid science fiction film to c o m e mystic knight of the gaiaxy, porary,” presented sophisti­ CHICKEN HOLIDAY, 307 Broad St., night Fri. & Sat., noon to 11 p.m. around since “2001”. A n d it’s Kanobe must get the robot to cated harmonies and accom­ M a ta w a n , 566 6995. T a k e - o u t c h ic k e n , S u n d a y . the rebel base before the -OPEN FOR LUNCH- ribs & seafood, salads. Party plans a lot m o r e entertaining. paniment, based on R o d Di- available from dinner to a banquet. RED OAK DINER & RESTAURANT, Death Star can make its Giovanni’s guitar and Judy Saturday O p e n l l a .m . to 10 p .m ., 7 d a y s a w e e k . Remember when science Monday thru Thursday R o u te 35, H a z le t, 264 8356. O p e n 24 move. There, perhaps, scien­ D u n le av y’s rich, sm ok y hours daily. Breakfast, luncheon, din­ 11:30 to 10:30 4:00 to 11:00 C O L T S N E C K IN N , R o u te 34 & 537, fiction used to be called ner, late snacks. Com plete menu at all tists can analyze the plans voice. T h e y se e m e d to be the C o lts N e c k , 462-0383. S m o r g a s b o r d “space opera,” before it de­ Friday Sunday times. Reasonable prices. Complete luncheon Mon Fri noon to 2:30 p.m. an d find a w e a k spot in the m o st jazz-oriented group of 1:30 to 10:00 home baked pastry selection. Facili­ veloped a sense of self-im­ 11:00 to 11:30__ C o c k ta il h o u r , 4:30 6 p . m ., h o t a n d c o ld ties available for parties. invincible space station, thus hors d'oeuvres, dinner served from 5 portance? As in any good those performing. p.m. to 10 p.m., weekends to 11 p .m . Western or war movie, a good preserving liberty in the gal­ The most original note of Entertainm ent Wed., Fri. & Sat. Now TEN BROECK'S SHANTY INN, Route axy. 79, M a ta w a n , 583 9220. L u n c h e o n sp e science fiction film used to the evening was struck by SALAD CHOWDER featuring Dick Richards at the organ, & BAR cials every day, blackboard specials. Director and screenwriter with two pianos. tell a story of good guys a nd Marla Lewis, who plays gui­ Specializing in seafood. D in n e rs George Lucas has tried sci­ tar and sings in a style she CLAMBAKE CHOWDER POT, 41 Route 36, Key served noon to 12 p.m. daily. Enter bad guys, s o m e of th e m a bit MONDAY ONLY p o r t , 739 2002. D in in g in c o z y , n a u tic a l tainment Wed Sun larger than life, battling it out ence fiction before, in “THX- calls pop-ragtime-blues-jazz. AT THIS PRICE $ ^ 9 5 in s o m e exotic setting. 1138,” one of those sci-fi Her compositions and her movies burdened by a social performance of th e m showed • 4 Lobster Toils Students present play “Star Wa r s ” goes back to conscience.. He has also tried • Steamed Clams Reg. the old Flash Gordon formu­ an interesting and eclectic • Steamed Shrimp HOLMDEl. structor, 20 students served pure entertainment in versatility, from the jivey, • Eor of Corn - 9.95 la, using dazzling special T h e Modern Language Spanish food in a cafe setting “American Graffiti'.” In Lambert, Hendricks and • P o ta to SAVE s2 0 0 effects and grandiose music • Clam Cakes 7 Dept, of St. John Vianney while the play was per­ to put the viewer under its “Star Wars,” Lucas com­ Ross-type “You D o n ’t Hafta High School recently staged formed. spell. bines the two for his best film Listen to M e All the Ti m e ” to DAILY SPECIALS EXCEPT HOLIDAYS to date. “El Barrio” at the school for The program, the school The story is simple. The a mo r e classic “Bout with the “Star W a r s ” relies heavily the faculty and administra­ said, gave the students an bad guys (the galactic e m ­ Blues.” Lewis has a slightly COMPLETE on comic relief, supplied by tion. opportunity to demonstrate pire) are trying to wipe out husky, idiosyncratic and ex­ bickering robots, a plethora SHORE DINNER Under the supervision of their knowledge of Spanish the good guys (interplaneta­ pressive voice, which she of bizarre aliens, and snappy TUESDAY ONLY Sharon Trotta, language in- language and culture. ry rebels) with a planet-sized uses effectively. $#95 dialogue. This keeps the ac­ Last M o n d a y ’s special AT THIS PRICE space station, the Death Star, tion from slowing down as it • Shrimp Cocktail or 'j Doz. Clams which can destroy entire showcase was the first of a 2 did in Lucas’ novel, which s h e ll worlds. A rebel princess projected four per year which • Choi ce of Clam Chowder preceded the film by several steals the plans for the Death Matthews wants to use to help • BROILFD o r FRIED SEAFOOD ."dud**. months. COMBINATION Star and hides th e m in a little local entertainers borrow the 6 •Fish •Shtimp •Scallops E v e r y trick in the special- robot. ears, so to speak, of people •Lobster Tail •Vegetable •Salad effects book is used—detail­ •Coffee *lce Cream or Rice Pudding The princess is captured, w h o are in a position to help ed miniatures, hyped-up pho-: t h e m realize their ambitions. 2 *4 t . the robots get away, and WED. tography, elaborate c o s ­ It was also recorded by Jeff & THURS. embark on a search for an tumes, dancing computer EATONTOWN aged, semi-legendary gener­ T h o m p s o n of N B C radio for SPECIALS read-outs, a n d animated al, Obi-wan Kanobe, played an album which will bring it’s Great Fun! Roller Rink monster-models. The special ALL YOU masterfully by Alec Guin­ them to the attention of a Sessions nightly 7 30 to 11 PM Rt, 35 Eotontown, N.J* effects, in a word, are superb ness. wider audience of potential CAN EAT! Motinees Sot . Sun , & Hohdovs 2 to S P M —every bit as good as the 5 4 2 -5 8 5 8 Assisted by young Luke angels. standard set by “2001”. Perhaps the best special These open talent nights, effects in the film c o m e in a which are also becoming PLAZA ARENA scene depicting the interstel­ popular at several N e w York RIRPORT P’.fiZfi SHOPPING CENTER lar equivalent of a water­ City clubs, could take the front bar. T h e scene is mind- place of vandeville and HIGHWAY 36 HAZLET, N.J. 264-9260 boggling—spacemen from B r o a d w a y chorus lines as a countless worlds, each one proving ground for young GRAND OPENING m o r e alien than the next, talent. An d wh o knows...may­ BUY REDUCED PRICED TICKETS NOW AIR CONDITIONED mingle to drink, brawl, brag, be so m e day one of th e m will The totally complete rotter rink ond family fun contor. and listen to popular music go out on stage a kid and HOLMDEL FIRE CO. MEMBER Tho most modem & beautiful focility in the Northeast. played by creatures who look c o m e back a star. HOLMDEL PHARMACY PLAZA ROLLER SKATING SCHEDULE like fetuses. HOLMDEL FIREHOUSE co: i/s MON. EVfc — 7:30-10:30 (Adm . $2.00) ROLLER SKATING “Star Wars” is immacu­ TUES. EVE.— 7:30-10:30 (Adm. $2.00) lately produced, well-acted, T u e s . W e d . T h u r s & F r i 7 30 11 W ED EVE. Fam ilv Nite—7:00-l0:00 (Fam ily Adm. $3.00 individuals $1.75) S a t & S un 25pm & 7 30 11pm i THURS,. E V E .— 7:30-10:30 (Adm. $2.00) well-written, and well-direct­ FRI EVE —7:30-10:30 (Adm . $2.00 (75 cents additional to 12:30) SOUTH AMBOY ARENA i ^ TICKETS * FRI EVE.— 10:00-12:30 (Adm. $2.00) ed. It’s an old-fashioned^ m o ­ S te v e n s & SAT. A.M.—Kiddies and Parents—10:30-12:30 (Adm. $1.00) • vie made even better by 6 th A v e n u e s , S o u th A m b o y SAT. & SUN. AFT.— 2:00-5:00 (Adm . $1.50) i $ 2 . 0 0 CIRCUS DAY $ ' * 0 0 A ir Conditioned for your com fort SAT. EVE —7:30-10:30 (Adm . $2.00) (75 cents additional to 12:30) modern film-making technol­ $2,001 727 1122 " S in g le s W e d n e s d a y N .te " S A T . E V E . 10.00-12:30 ( A d m . 52.00J ogy. A n d it doesn’t resort to S U N . E V E -7:30-10:30 (Adm. $2.0o) bare breasts, foul language, Complete Lesson Program . Special Rates to Groups. or flying gouts of blood to Rink Available for Private Parties "CLAM BAR ON THE WATER" impress its audience. See it. •FRIED FISH •CLAMSONTHE V2 SHELL STEWARTS DRIVE-IN ♦ DIAMOND JIM < •STEAMERS •HAMBURGERS *HOTDOGS BANQUETS •ICE COLD BEER ON TAP OPEN UNTIL 10PM NITELY WEDDINGS - BAR MITZVAHS - LUNCHEON ME E T I N G S FEATURING OSCARMAYER FRANKS Cocktail Hours with Unlimited EA T ON OUR OUTDOOR DECK Hors D'Oeuvres OR TAKE OUT ORDERS AVAILABLE (BACON & CHEESE) Ch a m p a g n e Toast ★ SUPER DOG 9 Course Dinner Beer & Soda Unlimited BRING THE FAMILY ★ CHILI DOG W e d d i n g Cake . O p e n Bar, Unlimited Liquor [ ★ TASTY FRANKS Flower Centerpieces & Candles OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 1 0 A.M . to 8 P.M. ALL FOOD COOKED TO ORDER Linen Tablecloths Per Person 353 WEST FRONT ST. KEYPORT PHONE566-1727 Bridal Suite r m 3 4 7 MAIN ST. IROUTE 7 9 ) M ATAW AN RTE. 34, MATAWAN 583-1405

1 2 / 1 2 ATLANTIC MiCHL AHD5 YEAR END PRICES, NOllY Vi -..V.: Ai *. • F

Mechanical Insurance MIDDLE TOWN Coverage RED DANK

At Your GM Dealer MIC Agency OLD IIHDGC J U m A BUICK OPEL MAOISOM T»P RO U TE 7? MORGAN V IL L E M ARLBO RO no 36/36 HWY 35 AT PKWY EXIT 117, KEYPORT FREEHOLD 62 LOWER MAIN ST. 264-4000 MATAWAN 5 6 6 - 2 2 9 9 House hunters Ma Bel pays hefty lax b l Call 739*1010 M onday-Friday 9:00-5:00 N e w Jersey Bell Telephone largest amount of taxes from get lower rates Company paid m o r e than $6 Bell Telephone w a s Keyport, C lassified A ds Deadline for Classified is M onday 5:00 P.M . million in real estate, person­ which collected $246,203.42. al property and franchise Holmdel received $221,­ on mortgages taxes in Monmouth County B y Willis W. Alexander last year, according to Gil 931.59; Marlboro, $195,791.42; Announcements Dollar Ads Wanted to Buy Business Services M a t a w a n Township, $115,­ Executive Vice President Gillespie, the co m p a n y ’s area FOR SALE—4 Jalausie windows with American Bankers Assn. c o m m u n i t y relations m a n a g ­ 769.03; Hazlet, $95,297.11; WANTED TO BUY—U.S. Coin Collec Relax—Personalized lawn ANN DOHERTY'S brother John J. screens, sizes tw o 9 ft. 8 in ., t w o 7 f t . 5 in ., Typewriters & Calculators tions All transactions held in strictest er. Colts Neck, $72,669.12: M a t a ­ Dooley passed away M ay 24. 1977. She S100. C a ll 787 6192. APPLIANCE REPAIR & shrub care is only a call confidence. He-She Trading Company, R efrtgera and her sister Elizabeth Schroeder live tors. Freezers. Dishwashers. Clothes DISCOUNT prices Spring is bringing good P .O . B o x 6 11, S o u th O ra n g e , N .J . 07079. away. In the Bayshore, the m u ­ w a n Boro. $58,116.33; and in Keyport,N.J The services are Thurs. TWO TW IN-SIZE Boxspring & Mattress Washers & Dryers. Ranges. Ovens. also traded & repaired ne ws for house hunters. nicipality which received the Union Beach, $29,562.70. morning, June 2 at 9 a.m in Cliffwood Sets, $50. A ll four pieces, 583-4170. Humidifiers, etc Installed and Serv Pruning. Thatching, Spring P a r k , N . J . Builders are starting m o r e ic e d clean-ups. Complete Turf SERPICO'S DON'T BUY a new poof liner, buy mine. Situations C a ll A R T a t 264 2124 new homes than w e ’ve seen U s e d o n e s u m m e r $50, 4 ft.x20 ft., filte r Care. Red Bank, N.J. 6 6 for s o m e time. A n d there’s Legal Notices $20, a t 104 C e n tr a l A v e . c o r . th St., W. F r e e e s tim a te s , 679 4696 a f t e r p .m . C a ll 747-0485 K e a n s b u rg . Wanted FORMICA SPECIALIST—Will cover plenty of mortgage money your old cabinets economically, w ith available. LIKE NEW—-Whirlpool convertible Formica. New Formica kitchen cabi­ INSIDE & OUTSIDE B & S LANDSCAPING LEGAL NOTICE WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN in my washer & dryer LX E 4900 Series, gold, nets, counter tops & vanities M atawan Regional School D istrict home for working mothers, 2 yrs. old & In addition, interest rates $300 for pair. M oving, must sacrifice, R U S S M O R IN PAINTING up Meals included Nursing experience, & PAVING INC. on conventional mortgages NOTICE is hereby given that the 566 2442. 264-9017 a f t e r 6 p .m . N e w driveway construction. B o a r d of Education ot th e M ataw an 264 6065. Call continue their slight decline, Regional School District w ill hold a MOVING—Must sell refrigerator, $75. B E S T T O P S O IL Resurfacing of old drive­ special meeting on Thursday, June 2, n o w averaging 8.98 percent Lawn-Boy lawn m ower, $50, box springs GOOD FILL DIRT, SAND, ETC. 291-3012 after 3 p.m. 1977 a t 8 p.m. at the Administration CHILD CARE in m y home, experienced, ways, parking lots. & m a ttre s s e s $25 p e r s e t. 946 8770 Building at Broad & South streets, r e fe r e n c e s , m e a ls in c lu d e d , 566 3360. for new homes; 9 percent for Matawan, N.J E C K E L 'S TRUCKING 264-4077 anytime 44 566-7148 existing ones. At said meeting, the board w ill take " ROUND TABLE—2 leaves, custom 591-9707 form al action on the following items and p a d s , 4 chairs, $175. Ruby glass water A n d finally, as in previous such other business as may properly pitcher $35, twin bedspreads $30. Call come before it: years, ho m e s continue to be a MATAWAN 566 4333 Help Wanted TOP SOIL, FILL DIRT, SAND. ETC. SPECIALTY FIREPLACES CARPET SERVICE INSTALLATION & REPAIRS good investment—rising in $53,50 0 A g e n d a FREE ESTIMATES P e rs o n n e l G.E. W ASHER—$10, refrigerator $25, MERICO ENTERPRISES, INC. BRICK & STONEWORK value at a pace comfortably electric range $35. All operating, 583­ BROILER M-F—part-t i m e, flexible 739-1009 1 Low rates. Q uality work This immaculate Ranch must be seen. Offering EDWARD J. SCULLION 3803. schedule, must have m inim um y e a r ahead of the rate of inflation. BARBEQUES FULLY INSURED S e c r e ta r y experience. Apply only. Lily Langtry's, 3 large bedrooms, banquet size dining room, M a fa w a n Regional School D istrict C A L L 264-5599 D a y s If you decide to take FOR SALE- Boy's Vista 10 speed bike Route 9, Old Bridge. M R M PAINTERS science kitchen, utility r o o m , 2 baths, central $50., G irl's Ross 3 speed bike $50., Two 583-9593 N ig h ts 4.68 I n t e r io r 566-6708 J u n e 2, 1977 INSTALLATIONS GUARANTEED advantage of these facts to do F78 14 studded tires, w hite walls $15., LEGAL SECRETARY with at least 3 E x te r io r air, wall to wall carpeting throughout. All sitting s o m e spring shopping, here’s 566 3652. yrs. experience, 5 days per week, on a park-like setting. One Year W a r r a n t y complete benefits, generous yearly Experienced college students w ill paint SLIPCOVERS------DRIP! DRIP! DRIP! a tip worth considering be­ LEGAL NOTICE CLOSING CERAMIC STUDIO, 250 fired bonus & outstanding pay scale. Mail your house for less than you think. Call fore you begin: T h e well- included. Realtor. TOWNSHIPOF MATAWAN o b je c ts , $200 o r b e s t o ffe r . C a ll 583 4466. resumes to Secretary, P.O. Box 81, M a r k , 566-8522 o r 566-5641. Sola $55 - Chair $32 I will fix all types of roof K e y p o r t, N .J . 07735. known rule of th u m b that you P U B L I C N O T IC E T O O W N E R S O F Y o u supply the fabric, we'll leaks. ” B O R R O W P IT S A N D S O IL M I N E S Pants too long, dresses too big, do the rest. All workman­ can generally afford a home Garage & BEAUTICIAN—manager operator with M a r y w i l l f i x it. Free estimates The Berg ftgencg The Township of Matawan is in the fo llo w in g . P a r t t im e w e e k d a y s . C a ll 566 two and a half times your C all 566-1131. ship guaranteed: Also final stages of planning a beachfill 9472 e x c e p t W e d s . E v e n in g s 591 9398. income may no longer be project in the Cliffwood Beach section of drapes and reupholsterv. Yard Sales Matawan area. 566-1348 F r a n k 's C o n s tr u c tio n the Township. The project consists of the 671-2384 accurate. With today’s taxes, 5 8 3 -5 0 0 0 p la c e m e n t o f a p p r o x im a te ly 250,000 REAL ESTATE SALES—We have im ­ interest and mortg age costs; cubic yards of sand in front of and HUGE Neighborhood Garage Sale—7 SYLVIA MARIE 132 Highway 34 Matawan adjacent to the Cliffwood Beach seawall fam ilies, children's clothes, toys, appli­ mediate openings for sales personnel, NEW CAR BROKER FOAM------as well as increased deduc­ that is now under construction. As part ances, household items, tools, building licensed or unlicensed. If you are READER & TRUE ADVISOR of the planning phase of the project, the tions for social security, materials & more, 146 Aberdeen Rd.. ambitious, enthusiastic and have the Cut To Size Are you worried? Afraid to United States Corps of Engineers has Save money on your next car. Let a M a ta w a n , J u n e 2 n d , 3 rd , & 4 th , 9-5. desire to succeed in a rewarding profes­ We recover Breakfast Nooks, Di­ make decisions? federal and local income requested soil sam ples from land source new car broker make your purchase sion then call or write us today for nette Sets, Living & Dining Room borrow pits to determ ine their com pati­ Just one consultation with the personal, confidential interview. We f o r y o u . F r e e d e ta ils . C a ll 566-5890 o r taxes; and increased food bility with the existing m aterial at the MARC WOODS—Matawan, Thurs & Gifted Reader and the answers project site. Any owners and or opera have what the others wish they had. write Frank Hinfey, Broker - 5 and transportation costs, it Sun., 9-4, things for boys, home, in A-l chairs HASSOCK SHOP are yours. Established in A s tors of borrow pits who wish to be LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION. H ighland A v e ., M a ta w a n , N .J . 07747. Interested c o n d itio n , 32 U n io n S t. considered as suppliers for this project bury Park since 1932. we have might add u p to a monthly should have two representative samples 671-0795 been giving never failing advice YARD SALE—Sat., June 4th & Sun., B e ts y r o s s A g e n c y , 117 R te . 35, payment that consumes too of approxim ately five pounds in weight Open 8:30-5:00 Fridays till 9 on any and all Problem s of Life K e y p o r t, N .J . 264-3456 delivered to the offices of T&M Associ­ June 5th, 10-5, at 50 Ravine Way, off such as HEALTH, BUSINESS, much of your salary. ates, Matawan Township Consulting Lakeshore Drive, Cliffwood Beach. in a MIKE WELSTEAD M ARRIAGE, ETC. For appoint­ Engineers ai 213 Highway 35, Middle ment or more inform ation, call Y o u r best bet is to check town Township, New Jersey on or before MOVING— Everything must go! House­ J u n e 8. 1977. Of m ajor consideration in TREE WORK & COMPLETE BATHROOMS 775 5327 with your local banker for hold goods, garden equipment, toys, WANTED! the selection of acceptable borrow Licensed and Unlicensed all types of plum bing, heating, air career in sources w ill be m aterial type, com pati­ books, 1 Edgemere Dr., M atawan, June help in calculating the month­ conditioning & ceram ic tile w ork. All bility with existing materials at the 4th, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. No early callers. LIGHT HAULING ly payments for homes whose project site, and haul distance to the Real Estate Salespersons types of alterations. Wanted to Buy p r o je c t s ite . 7.02 10 BROOKLAWN DR., Hazlet. M ulti­ prices are roughly twice your fam ily sale, Wed., June 8th , 10-4, f u r n i ­ Full Time Only 583-3062 FREE ESTIMATES annual income. Real Estate? ture & misc., great buys. Due to the tremendous volum e of 21)4-7947 or 566-2028 WANTED LEGAL NOTICE business, our Matawan Office On c e you know what you Keyport Board of Education S a t. 10 4, a c ro s s fr o m M a n z o f ie ld , L lo y d Then you’ll want to know finds it necessary to expand its AIR CONDITIONING NAZI OR JAPANESE Road, M atawan, pool filters, air condi can afford, h o w do you select facilities to more than double its NOTICE TO BIDDER tioner, counter top stove, furniture, bunk B & H EXCAVATING a home? The most important m ore about the original capacity. There is imme- * Central-Automobile WAR SOUVENIRS b e d s , etc. 566 9407. Sealed proposals w ill be received at diate opportunity available with W ater, sewer lines, drainage sys­ consideration i s location. the Office of the Board of Education, the Matawan Office to join our Window Units tems installed. Highest Prices Paid Secretary, Central School, Broad Street, Here are s o m e things to ask dynamic National Real Estate Bulldozing & Backhoe Service S T E R L I N G THOMPSON Keyport, New Jersey, for the furnishing 2:00 sales organization listed on the installation & Service Bluestone & Fill D irt 739-9723 alter 5 p.m. yourself: and delivering of m ilk, at p .m . Tennent Rd. prevailing time, on Monday, June 20, Am erican Stock Exchange. For Sale Morganville , 1977, at w hich tim e the proposals w ill be The Persons selected m ust have 566-1465 —Schools; Are they con­ School of Real Estate publicly opened and read. A ll interested enthusiasm, drive and the attitude Diamonds venient? Is there transporta­ Each day finds more people focusing on a career in persons are invited to be present. BUNK BEDS—new with bedding. Com­ that can spell success. 591-9529 536-3525 Specifications for the w ork containing tion? D o they have a good real estate. They are motivated by a number of factors. , plete sets, first quality. Factory packing W e'll give you the.com petitive Diamonds conditions and terms may be obtained SAKOWSKI BROTHERS, INC, a desire for a change, a need for individual expression, ■ from the Secretary of the Board. $115.00. C a ll 264-9588. edge in a com petitive field. If you Masonry work Building & Complete reputation? qualify, a draw against com mis­ Diamonds an opportunity for personal involvement, the attractions The Board of Education reserves the Fireplaces —Public Facilities; Are right to reject any or all bids and to 2,500 old-new RED BRICKS available, sion can be discussed. Commis­ of a "people business", and the many challenges which waive im m aterial inform alities. sion earnings with THE BERG RENOVATION parks, playgrounds and stacked in bundles of 500. Bargain! Patios - Porches We Buy Diamonds favor neither age nor sex nor formal educational achieve­ B e tw e e n 6 & 7 p . m ., 566 3658. AGENCY are high plus you can swimming pools nearby? Is ment. DONALD A. HILL become part of the Exclusive Berg Interior & Exterior Painting Secretary-Business Adm inistrator 583-5083 566-6421 Highest Prices Paid 7 there a fee to use them? Keyport Board of Education ON SPECIAL— All vegetable plants at V Agency Bonus Program. LEN LORE The Sterling Thompson School of Real Estate P.O. Box 10 “ p r ic e . S m a ll e v e r g r e e n s & s h a d e tre e s 50 Free Estimates —Taxes: What are the courses afford a rapid, but thorough, indoctrination into Keyport, New Jersey Fora Confidential Interview SAYREWOOD JEWELERS percent off, off Hwy. 35 (before Foxy current rates for property, real estate fundamentals from both the theoretical and K e y p o r t, N .J . 07735 Lady), Fairview Ave., So. Am boy, 721 - Please Call La rry Santangelo, 583-2883 R e g io n a l M a n a g e r Colonial Plaza the practical point of view. 0208 ( c lo s e d T h u r s . & S u n .) . school, sewer and other tax­ J u n e 2, 1977 5.94 583-5000 MRS. SARAH B & S Landscaping Inc. Shopping Center es? Are they-likely to go up? The courses are programmed to fully prepare stu­ RT. 14 AT UOTD RD.. MATAWAN —Zoning: Is the surround­ dents. not only for the increasingly difficult and com­ Real Estate THEA division BERG of Berg AGENCY Enterprises, CARD READING Clean top soil-fill dirt- ing area restricted to resi­ prehensive stale examinations lor licensing, but tor his or L E G A L N O T IC E \ Inc. stone-grading and raking 583-2000 dential zoning? Are there her immediate entry into the exciting and rewarding BOROUGH OF M A T A W A N \ world ot real estate brokerage Listed on the American Stock ADVICE ON ALL PROBLEMS new lawns. plans to develop industry, R E S O L U T IO N N O . 77-6-1 \ Matawan Borough E x c h a n g e Buying & Selling roads or other facilities? You Will Learn All About the Real World ot Real WHEREAS, a state of emergency 3 308 Smith Street 4 F a m ily , f u l l y r e n te d . $53,000 le&J&tatePLe 566-7148 RARE COINS exists w ith respect to water availability —Transportation? H o w Estate from Practicing Professionals: The Real Estate 34 w ithin the Borough of M atawan, and K e y p o r t 132 Highway , M a t a w a n , N .J . Perth Amboy, N.J. GOLD COINS long will it take to travel to Profession . . . Contracts . . . Appraising . . . Special­ WHEREAS, it is required that pre Hurley Street, 2 story, 3 BR, dining ized Fields of Real Estate . . . Taxation and Assess­ ventive m easures be taken to insure that room, basement, garage, immediate SANTOS CONSTRUCTION STAMPS work or shop? Is public ment . . . Mortgage Financing . . .and Much, Much YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE HOW adequate water pressure is available for possession. $29,500 , HI 2-9891 Complete & Incom plete fire protection, sidewalks, driveways, transportation convenient? LITTLE IT COSTS TO ADVERTISE ON Corn Collections More! NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE­ M a ta w a n THIS PAGE. CALL 739-1010 Monday 2 patios & foundations TOP DOLLAR PAID —Property values: How SOLVED by the Mayor and Borough fam ily, near shopping, immediate thru Friday from 9.00 a.m . to 5:00 p.m. Council that the following emergency Instruction J E R S E Y C O IN & much have homes in the area 30 Hour Course Mornings or Evenings possession. $41,900 and ask for the Classified Department. w ater conservation measures shall be in Free Estimates Low rates STAMP EXCHANGE sold for in recent months? More Than Prepares You For The effect as of June 1, 1977: K MART PLAZA 1 .) No watering of lawns shall be Sterling McCann Camp REAP—Summer Day Program R T . 35. H A Z L E T Are values going up or down? Comprehensive State Exam a llo w e d . R e a l E s ta te B r o k e r s for children w ith learning disabilities. 7 739-2462 264-2531 2.) N o p riva te w a s h in g of cars shall be 566-9666 Autos For Sale w e e k s e s s io n $350, 3 o r 4 w e e k s e s s io n —Overall: Is the area a llo w e d . available. July 5th-Aug. 19th, ages 4 to 3.) No filling of outdoor pools, either attractive? Have neighbors in-ground or above-ground shall be RETIR ED MAN has 3.000 sq. ft. shop, 15. Professional staff experienced in Registration Now AUTO INSURANCE CENTER saved CLEAN WE ARE, INC. BUYING SILVER COINS improved their h o m e s ? Is steam heat, complete electricity, facili­ special education. A sum mer of fun & a llo w e d . young driver over $200. COMPARE. W e will clean your house Any person violating this resolution ties for men & women, air cond., rear learning combining recreation, sociali­ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ there excessive noise or air 6 Phoenix Brokerage, 65 Hwy. 36, Key like ours. Call for free, For Next Class Starting Soon shall be issued a summons. Such garage plus room apt. upstairs. W ill zation & basic academic skills. Swim ­ summons may be issued by any regular p o r't, 264 3087. pollution? accept down payment & assume m ort­ m ing, trips, Olympics, all sports, special estimates & reasonable Payinq up to 200 percent over face or special police officer, fire compoany g a g e . C a n b e se e n a n y t im e . C a ll 264-2629. events. Call M onm outh County Assn. for v a lu e .o r a ll U .S . S IL V E R C O IN S 1964 member, or other municipal official. 1973 C A P R I V -6 (2600), 4 s p e e d , s u n r o o t rates. Jerry -495-2381 A Realtor can help you Children w ith Learning D isabilities, 544­ a n d Call 671-6300 p rio r ■ Such sum mons shall be returnable in the & new brakes, 31,000 miles. Asking M atawan Borough M unicipal Court and HAZLET JUST LISTED 1224. answer these questions Y o u 4 $1,800. C a ll 566-3308. or F r a n —787-9371 if found guilty, any offender shall be Bedrooms, dining room, game room, A ls o S IL V E R D O L L A R S . 1935 a n d might also want to contact For Brochure & More Information fined in an am ount up to $50.00. PRIVATE Swimming Lessons avail­ 18x12 heated Florida room. Central air, Va 8 before, paying S3 75 and up Approved by N.J. Real Estate Commission The M ayor is hereby given the authori­ 1975 C HEVY ton Truck, V- , P .S ., d is c the local zoning or planning 28x20 sw im m ing pool. M int condition. able. Certified instructor, rates vary. ty to issue an order rescinding these brakes, rear bum per, radio & heater, 4 ( ALL FOR QUOTE O n ly $55,900. C all 566-4162 or 222-4120 evenings. board. But, do take the time. restrictions when the emergency condi­ w h e e l d r iv e , 4 s p e e d s t ic k , 8 f t . f le e t b o x , 2 Locations KEYPORT — ENGLISH TUDOR 264-3456 or 264-1676 tion ceases to exist. low m ileage. 739-2916 If you ask the important ques­ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a 3 bedrooms, dining room, modern HAPPY HOURS Kindergarten Nursery, J o b after 6 P.M. Rt. 18 E. Brunswick & Monmouth College copy of this resolution be published in kitchen, den, full basement, 16x32 in­ Rt. 34, M atawan. Register for fall. Call tions before you buy—you full in the Bayshore Independent and g r o u n d p o o l. V a c a n t. A s k in g $38,900. 566-0936. w o n ’t be sorry later. further that copies be posted through­ MATAWAN MOTHER-DAUGHTER out the m unicipality. Auto Dealers P r in t in g 3 bedrooms, den, game room, fireplace M ADELINE H. BUCCO in living room plus a one bedroom apt. Drive a Datsun TUTORING Top Dollar B o r o u g h C le r k with separate entrance. VA-FHA W el­ FOR ALL YOUR come if qualified. Only $46,900. Then Decide Graduate student 9.18 J u n e 2, 1977 ACE UNGER REAL ESTATE WASHINGTON’S PRINTING NEEDS R e a lto r 264-2500 A U T O S A L E S tutors evenings F o r WISE BUY | LEGAL NOTICE 37(1 Broad St. English, Spanish, Biology ' Hazlet Twp. Board of Health Lots & Acreage Kevport. N.J. •Quick Service " GfniHG Caucus Meeting of the Hazlet Town­ J u n k C a r s MARRIED? 3(0-1323 Call 566-2133 ship Board of Health is scheduled for No need to throw your money away pay i n g J u n e 6, 1977, 8:30 p.m . at Township H all MATAWAN TWP—W i 1 1 •High Quality Annex, 319 M iddle Rd., Hazlet. W E B U Y CARS rent! This mint condition h o m e has a master build to suit on lOO’xlOO’ SUMMER 7 8 7 - 1 1 9 7 JUDITH SPIELER •Low Priced bedroom with a separate dressing room (could S e c r e ta r y wooded-lots. City water, Bring in your title and septic. Bi-Level, Colonial, registration and leave with be a 2nd bedroom), eat-in kitchen, full-dry J u n e 2, 1977 2 34 READING IMPROVEMENT Ranch, C a p e Code, $38,900- a check. S JUNK CARS j basement, 1 V2 car garage. Exterior is mainten­ PROGRAM CALL s $42,500. Spring Occupancy. ance-free aluminum siding. Truly a "Wise Buy" LEGAL NOTICE lowed Away Same Day BOROUGH OF KEYPORT C-.'ll ^66-2828. T O M ’S FO R D for the prudent couple starting their n e w life Z o n in g B o a r d o f A d ju s tm e n t ! THE INDEPENDENT 2

Kevin Crawford’s grand and Restuccia in relief. D o ­ Scott M c C a n n , E d Keenan, slam and Jimmy Hanley’s nadio and Restuccia each and Dan Mosera each had one two home runs last week scored two runs and Gilligan RBI for the Raiders. Rod capped a seven-game Dodger scored three. Catcher J a m e s Smith w a s the losing pitcher What Are We winning streak in a 13-4 Riebe starred on defense, with Eddie L e h a n in relief. victory over the Braves in the gunning down two would-be Taylor, Spatafora, Pete Hazlet Y A L 10-Year-Old Min­ base stealers and making two Gemmill, and Mark Cruez or League. putouts at the plate. each knocked in three runs The Dodgers also defeated Andy Csaszar paced the against the Mohawks. Cruez Going to Do the Orioles, 15-8, the Eagles, Colonials with a triple and had a two-run homer and 6-4, and the Mets, 22-3. three walks. Claude Martini, Hayes and McKlister each In other division games, the Paul Merker, and Richard had two RBIs. Malloy also Colonials lost to the Mets, Rosenzweig picked up two drove in a run as Hayes 12-8, and the Eagles, 10-3; and hits each. pitched three frames to raise the Jet Stars beat the Orioles, Mike Lloyd’s three-r u n his record to 3-1. T h e Giants With All These •\ 9-6. homer and Dave Facendo’s are 7-3. The win against the Braves three doubles beat the Colon­ T h e Mohawks got a strong was the seventh in a row for ials for Eagle reliever Scott performance from Jeff Klig­ the Dodgers. Jack Waugh Byrne. ma n , w h o had five R B I s on a w a s the winning pitcher, with Csaszar pitched three pair of triples. David Krebs . Jimmy Mullins in relief. Han­ scoreless innings for t h e took the loss. Air Conditioners? ley’s two four-b aggers losers, striking out eight. G u y T h e Raiders staged eight- brought in three runs. Center Impallomeni took the loss in run uprisings in the third and fielder Tommy Donovan relief. fourth innings to o ve rc om e made two excellent plays Jet Star pitcher S a m Bar- the Falcons’ 7-1 lead. A n ­ W e are going to sell with m e n on base. betta hit a solo h o m e r a nd a thony Rivelli and E d V a n Rich Mazzucco hit a two- double against the Orioles, F e c h t m a n hit two-run run h o m e r for the Braves, good for two RBIs. J i m m y h o m e r s for the victors and and Scott Stein took the loss. Brown knocked in two runs Ken Dominguez had a grand Hanley hit two more with two hits and James slam for the losers. K e e n a n them at Super homers and teammate Sal Benoit connected for a triple got the win in relief of Smith. Straniero also homered twice and a single. McCann knocked in four as the Dodgers beat the Anthony Douglas rapped runs with a pair of triples and Orioles. All four ho m e r s were out two singles and two Mosera and Smith each Discount Prices!! three-run shots. doubles f o r the Orioles. stroked two hits. Tony Ves- Crawford was the winning Teammate Gary Gross had a poli played excellent defense pitcher, bringing his record double and two singles. and drove in one run with a to 6-0. Center fielder Lou single. Rivelli also played Nine Days Only Scagnelli snuffed a three-run 9-Year-Olds well in the field. Orioles uprising in the third, T o m Molloy’s grand slam Sean Ennis unloaded a making a superb catch of a h o m e r and Jeff Taylor’s solo three-run triple for the losers long shot off the bat of shot paced the Giants in a 17-6 and Bob Service provided Sole Ends June 11 Michael Roman. Roman and victory over the Raiders. strong defense. Dominguez teammate Rich Fossani fin­ In other division games, the w a s the losing pitcher. ished with two hits each. Giants defeated t h e M o ­ George Lehan took the loss. hawks. 17-7, and the Raiders The Dodgers overcame a outslugged the Falcons, 18-14. History recognizes J. E m ­ 2-0 Eagle lead with four funs Taylor (4-1) was the win­ ery. Jr., of Charlestown, pmpNfl pmpNp pmpNp pmpNp pmpNp in the third inning on C r a w ­ ning pitcher, going 3-for-3 at Mass., as the first business ford’s triple. Straniero’s the plate with two RBIs. customer for the telephone. 6 , 0 0 0 B T U 8 , 0 0 0 B T U 1 8 , 0 0 0 B T U 1 2 , 0 0 0 B T U 8 , 5 0 0 B T U double scored two more in the Brian Hayes and Kevin Mc- H e paid $30 a year rental for one line and three phones in HIGH EFFICIENCY UNIT HIGH EFFICIENCY UNIT fifth and made Crawford a Klister each drove in three runs with triples and Vincent the spring of 1877, just 100 Originally s32700 winning pitcher. Originally s24595 Originally s39995 years ago. Another commer­ (EER 8.7) 115 VOLTS (EER 9.9) 115 VOLTS The Eagles scored twice in Spatafora and Mike Ricchone cial customer had phones put the first but the rally w a s each had one RBI. Ricchone Originally s34900 in earlier, but E m e r y wa s the NOW NOW NOW Originally s39900 stopped by Dodger right field­ also made two outstanding er Jeff Ganz, who made a fielding plays. first to pay his bill. running catch of G r e g Ko- var’s two-on, two-out blast. * ] 9 9 o o $27900 $27000 Mullins hammered M e t ENROLL NOW-SUMMER WORKSHOP 9 Classes a Week . s 3 6 9 00 pitching for seven RBIs on * 1 7 9 ° ° now now (One class a week $10 a Month) J U 7 JL 7 three hits, including a grand 40 slam. Ganz made his pitching BEGINS JUNE 27th THRU JULY 23rd (MON. THRU THURS.) debut in relief of Crawford in BAllET - TOE - JAZZ - TAP - ACROBATIC the fourth inning, going the ANDREA KUZIAK rest of the w a y and giving up FEDDERS WHIRLPOOL WHIRLPOOL WHIRLPOOL WHIRLPOOL two runs. SCHOOLOFDANCE Met starter Frank Donadio Highway 34 at W oodbrook Dr. 6 , 0 0 0 B T U 8 , 0 0 0 B T U 1 3 , 5 0 0 B T U 1 8 , 0 0 0 B T U left in the third inning after 1 4 , 0 0 0 B T U giving up 16 runs on 11 hits. fTiatawan 583-1444 (EER 7.1-8.8) (EER 9.3) (EER 9.8) 115 VOLTS 230 VOLTS Reliever Rich Restuccia was Originally s37900 rocked for six runs on six hits. "CAPPELI A" SPRING RECITAL Originally s24995 Originally s327°° Originally s46595 Originally *44695 Donadio turned in three JUNE 7 7 - 6PM strong innings against the NOW ONLY 1 - NOW NOW NOW NOW Colonials, with John Gilligan MATAWAN REGIONAL HIGHSCHOOL, S. ATLANTIC ST. $ 2 7 9 » 5 $ 2 2 4 « s 2 9 9 95 $37995 DISCOUNT PRICES > 3 8 5 ” 25 % OFF - SPECIAL OFFER- These ore just o few of the Air Conditioners ON $100 OFF on which w e ’ve sloshed Prices. TREES & ON ALL FLOWERING fTlony more in stock. W e must reduce our inventory HANCIN6 BASKETS Take advantage of these tremendous bargains. SHRUBSOffer Expires June 7

58 ■ I SALES t SIGISMONDI TELEVISIONS 591-1141 GREENHOUSES 5 7 1 LloydAuthorized Rd. 5 8 3Scotts - 3 5 3 5 Dealer Matawan APPLIANCES SERVICE PLANTS SHRUBS-TREES 566-3884 « -i Tennent Rd. Morganville mmhm