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m THEHGERS * • OUR COLLEGECOLLEC WORLDROAR^ •* m Vol. V. No. 1 THE TIGEK'S ROAR November, 1951 Colorful Parade, Beautiful Queens, Selective Service Gridiron Victory Mark SSC's Scores Announced Homecoming Celebration of 19,00 students who look the Selective Service One »f tin- most beautiful ami festive Homecoming observances ai Savan- College Qualifications Tests last -Spring nah Stale College was staged on November 10. With "Harvest Time" as the and Summer made a score of 70 or central theme, some thirty-two floats representing the various areas of the belter. Major General Lewis B. Her- College moved along a parade route which covered Thunderbolt ami the main shey, Director of Selective Service, re- thoroughfares of Savannah. ported today, and be also reminded The fast-stepping Savannah Stale Marching Baud, led by Professor L. Allen college studenls that the deadline for Pyke; the Ballard-Hudson Bund of Macon; and the Woodville High School Band submitting applications for the Decem- of Savannah provided the spectators ber test playing field. The SSC Marching Baud 13, 1951, is approaching. He spirited music and set the pace for the followed with several displays, includ- said a further breakdown of the re- sults the ing a "Salute lo Florida Normal": of former tests would be The parade was led by Chairman "Bicycle Wheels"; "Oldsmobile"; "Sur- available within a short time. Frank Tliarpe, nf the Homecoming Com- rey with the Fringe on Top"; "Locomo- The new series of tests will be given mittee, who acted as parade marshal. tive"; anil "Double S." Thursday, December 13, 1951, and During tin- afternoon a football game An Alumni reception in the College Thursday, April 24, 1952, by the Ed- between SSC and Florida Normal was Inn followed the gridiron victory. ucational Testing Service of.J'rinceton. played on the Athletic Field. At the Jersey, The Homecoming celebration came to New at more thrtrf f,000 differ- half-lime, a coronation ceremony, award un effective close when Ed Wiley and ent centers throughout the United presentation, and a hand display were his orchestra played merry melodies States and its territories. The blanks presented. at Hie gala Homecoming Dance, held may be obtained by the registrant at sen: r, Miss Mary Ford, was ere in Willeox Gymnasium. any local hoard office. "Miss Savannah Stale' by Mi L. D. Winning floats in the parade were General Hershey stressed the impor- ...Jfr'S |3« ; .,. Kennedy, president of the &General tance of all eligible students taking the those sponsored by the Alpha Phi Alpha §:-_™,d!H*i -mwm Association. Alumni He presented the fraternity, the Freshman class, the lest, and indicated that those who do charming queen with an inscribed Tattnall County Alumni chapter, the not have lest score results in their replica of a football, after which she Homecoming Division. Winning decor- cover sheets may have u "very difficult responded with grace befitting her royal ation cars were sponsored by the Sa- time indeed" in convincing their local status. Miss Ford was attired in an vannah Alumni chapter. Effingham boards that they should he deferred orange suit with blue, .accessories, in Alumni chapter. Winning citations for as students. keeping with school blanks for December the colors. Her building decorations were I the College Application the attendants. Miss Jewel Gamble and Library, Powell Laboratory^ School. 13, 1951 test must be postmarked nut Miss Wylene Harris, were beautifully The SSC Cheering Squad is to be later than midnight, Monday, Novem- THESE LOVELY LADIES REIGNED OVER SAVANNAH SIAIE COllEGE'S HOME- COMING ON NOVEMBER 10. Florida N & I. Memorial Institute will meet the strong dressed in blue, which provided contrast commended for its fine performance ber 5. 1951. Applications for the Savannah Stale College Tigers on the Savonnah Stale Collegi- Aihlei.c field for the with the queen's attire. President W. and attractive attire. Miss Gerald in c April 24, 1952, test must be postmarked homecoming till. They are from lefl to right: Miss Sylvia Wylene Harris, Senior, K. Payne. li.-ad, later than Mar. .i 10. SSG and Eddie Lind- Hooper is director of tHe Squad. not 'midnight; Soperton, Georgia, attendant; Miss Mary Agnes Ford, Senior, Omaha, Georgia, "Miss sey, president of the Student Council. Much praise is due the Homecoming 1952. Savannah. Stole", and Miss Jewell Gamble, Senior, Vidalia, Georgia, attendant. parlieipated in the ceremonies. Committee, which consisted of W. B. To be Gen. .,1 |i, Mrs. Eldora Marks, critic teacher Nelson, chairman of the Division ol Mary Ford Reigns at Powell Laboralorv School, was pre- Trades and Industries; Eddie Lind sey, sented as Homecoming Queen of the Sludent Council president; Wilton C. (1) Intend to request deferment as Savannah chapter of the Alumni Asso- Scott, director of public relations; Miss a student; (2) he satisfactorily pur- As Miss Savannah State ciation. Misses Eunice Wright and Louise Lauticr, assistant professor of suing a full-time college course: (3) Dorothy Harp, employees of SSC, served English; Mis-. Juanita Sellers, director must not previously have taken a Se- Uy a majority which exceeded tl nearest contender by thirty-three votes sponsored as her attendants. of the Reading Clinic; Rutherford lective Service College Qualification a Student-Council elect n. Savannah State College students de- red Miss Ford. Savannah Slate," for the 1951-52 A gold tup was presented lo Miss Locketlc. Division of Trades and In- Test. Mary Agnes "Mis; school term. Beatrice Brown, charming junior busi- dustries; Miss Done! la Graham, princi- Students whose academic year will enil in ness major from Statesboro, who won pal. Powell Laboratory School; Mrs, January. 1952, General Her- Miss Ford received sharpest competit: for the title from ,> s Sylvia Wylene first place in the Fire Prevention Essay Ella W. Fisher, department of physical shey said, are urged lo apply for the Harris, an English major from Soperton, Georgia, who served a in attendant for contest recently sponsored by the Com- education; Felix J. Alexis, superinten- December 13, 1951. test, so they will her second consecutive year. Miss Jet rel Gamble, a mother ics major from munity of Thunderbolt. Mayor Leonard dent of buildings and grounds; Miss have scores in their files when the local Vidalia, Georgia, was the second runner- hoards reconsider their cases in Janu- Woods of Thunderbolt, made the award Louella Hawkins. College librarian; up and attendant to the queen. A total attended this institution, making Miss ary. to Mis- Brown. William H. M. Bowens, public rela- of siq lovely lassies made bids for the Ford a fine representative of Savannah (Continued on Page 5) Prior to these activities, the Ballurd- tions; and Frank Tliarpe, Division ol title including Miss Dorothy Mclver, of State College. Miss Alma Ford, sister industries, of Hudsou Bund, of Macon, presented a Trades and ami chairman Savannah, Miss Mable Fortson of Co- of Ihe queen, is presently a sophomore series of colorful formations on the the Homecoming Committee. lumbus, and Miss Careta Kose Lot son. at Savannah State. Poweli Lab School of so that victorious "first Savannah the Miss Mary Agnes Ford is a good lady" had not time of it at the Moves Forward easy example of fine womanhood, possessing polls. ihe qualities of congeniality, modesty, The pupils and faculty of Powell Miss Ford, wiio hails from Omaha. integrity and industriousness which have laboratory School are happy to begin Georgia, is the elder daughter of the won for her the respect and admiration another school year after our summer Alfred Fords, former Savannah resi- of her colleagues. vacation. dents. She attended the Richland High This year's royal trio succeeded Mrs. During the summer. Mrs. L. T. Wil- School, Richland, Georgia, before en- Beautine Wiiliams Hardwick. "Miss Sa- cox and Mrs. D. C. Hamilton taught tering Savannah State in the Full of vannah Stale for 1950," Miss Sylvia classes in the college department, while 1918. Miss Ford graduated with saluta- Wylene Harris, of Soperton, and Miss Mrs. R. S. Dobson ami Mrs. E. D. torian honors and was the recipient of Dorothy Harp of Bainbridge, attendants Marks attended Columbia University. several awards in clothing during her to the queen. We are very proud of our new. effi- high school career. While attending the In their initial display of pompous cient principal. Miss D. J. Graham, Richland High School, she was "May dignity and gracefulness, queen Ford Under her splendid leadership, wc ore Day Queen." a member of the Home and her attendants reigned well. On be- endeavoring In do man) things which Economies Club. 11 member of the Dra- half of Savannah State, her kingdom, will aid in promoting a more fioitful matics Club, and treasurer of the and ihe students, her subjects, wc wish year for both pupils and teachers. senior class. for the queen a most glorious and pleas- i-> theme "Safely and Health" the At Savannah State she is a member ant reign and to her we dedicate the three, ol grades four and six. Wc were of the senior class, the Home Econom- words, "Long Live the Queen." icy I anil enlightened by having ics Club, and the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority. our F. Wallace to own officer speak She is present doing her sludent teach- our pupils mi this subject. Officer ing at the Alfred E. Beach High School Professor Long in- address Wallace began by reading in her major field of home economics. the Bafct) laws Attends National uud pledge ol Chatham Her major interest is in sewing and her in iominor SSC PRACTICE TEACHERS HOIO SEMINAR-The group ft session dlicuu- county. I. .-in- -••-- repeat after the ambition is to become a Home Eco- ing problems pertaining lo dossfoom operotion.