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' > - 15IESDAY, FEBRUARY 22. 1986 AYertKe Daily Net Pr Thd Weather PAGE SIXTEEN Per the We«4c m$ti F^wast af L, . VFeather iHanrti^kfr lEofnittg ifprjalb Peh.,,18. 1M8 8

Woodiand.St.; Mm . Dorothy Daw- daodjr, ealder tonight.. Lost Uh And«fson-8hea Post yrw Aux­ Auxiliary Holds kilts, 800 Woodbrldga S t ; George SEE 11,620 86. Thnradny. partly claody, eaalee. iliary Will hold a regular meeting Receipts fm m Sale of Useful Articles Gakeler, Bolton Road, Vernon; > Clareaea H, Aaderawe. far Member af the Audit High in mid 8«h.. mlTown t^ fgh t at 7:30 at the post home. Michael Mooney, 41 Florence St.; Bureau at drmlattan : TolloWlng the meeting a George Memorial Servic<^ Mrs. Elsie Hann, 15 Walker St.; M anchesU r^A City o f VUlago Charm fort Northfteld Club t» Mra. Ruth-Unden. i l Pleaaant / LOANS \ ^ Book-Author lunch- Washington Birthday social w ill be Donated to Center by Mrs. Colpitts oa second martgagaa mad nota- enjoyed. American Auxiliary, S t\ R o c ^ lle , Mra. Ruth Oakmi con in Ocn< Hill Hall on Mswh mobiles. Also Insonutoe. (Claeeifled Advnrtlilag nn Paga it) luncheon i« open 'By WHITNEY JACOBS ^ « t a brief tmstnesa meeting last andSUMihtar. 34 JE. Middle T ^ e ,; VOt. LXXIV,*NQ,i3 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN,rJVEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23. 19S5 PRICE CENTS 18 at 13:80. If she wahted'to indulge in self Erneit WngwelL 1?FI> Ah CONNECTICUT VALLE)^ to the pui>Bc.' cketa are.available A son. M ark Phillip, w’as born night in the Lsgioii Home, held a and/flaiigl in D., Creenwood. at the Hartford HMpltal on. Feb. pity, Mrs. Bessie polpitts, 496 N. Mrs. Mildred Gardner s Realty-«nd InTcstment Co. A-X from t i n . mambriai seryica for Mist Viola ter.H Avon St.; Mrs.. M a f^ Goiil'oiild 118 Ooleman TW6 of the fi\T 17 to-Mr. and Mrs. R ^ h Belhiar- Main St., could , probably work;; • 34 East Center Rtree* Victoria Rice, a member who died end daughter, bouth oventry; • &I1-8-455S authora apeakln^ Aat day are: do, 57 Constance D r .^ ic baljy is overtime at it. BfUt this Is not her 1 datigh- y / t Robert C fcriato^r. author of a grandson of Mr. and Ml^i. L. Bel- recently and daughter of Mrs. El­ Mrs. Ann Wochomurk way, and because of her refusal to ter.'W est Wmingb ' "Around ■ the World, on, ISO," and luardo of Law'rence. MSsA. and of mer Rice, past president of the I g e HMen Van Pelt WU*(n. author of Mrs. G. E Seele:,’ ''of Deed River. give up, the retarde^ly children at DISCHARGED TODAY; Joan Aux'illary. Mrs. Francis l>wyer, Marie Haney, IW Parker St.; Pat­ "eilnibln* Roees. The cpiiple has a daughter the Bunce Center havia much for president, and Mi’”- Raymond Gos- Suzanne. . ricia B en n ln g^ , 236 Main 8t. which to thank her. a^ln, chaplain, Ndraped the charter Mrs. Lorrain^Lyneh and son. 125 A aon wa» born at the\Hartford Although aishul-in who has only and conducted the service, at the Prospect St/ Rockville; Mrs. Janet Seven Hoapttal on Feb. 18 to Mr. and A.3.C. Edw ard D. Phillips, son of been outside once in th.e last Six close of which a male quartet from 'Herfi'ck iuSd son. 81.High St.; M rs.! HALE'S / Mra. Gerald Shannon, 40 EJdridge Mr. and Mrs. How ard E. Phillips. years, she has managed .to con­ hartfor'd sang the "Old Rugged Rose Ve/ 367 Main St.; Louis St. 278 Hackmatack St., is ^pending a tribute between 880 and llOff to Cross." DeCarU; Dart Hill Road. Rockville; Hea^uariers 17 day furlough at his h6nv before the school since it opened last Mrs. Dwyer announced that the Jerepuah Horgan, 16 Phelps Rd, n te T>'ler-Circle of the North going to Camp Kilmer, N. J., to District meeting- will be held Fri­ I , I . \ . te Reds May. .Methodist Church WSCS will meet await shipment to Ca.s,ablsnca. She is careful to point out that day, Feb. 25, at the Legion Home a £ ^ e church tomorrow night at French Morocco..He completed his it is only through the generosity in Glastonbury, and that the Aux- o'clock. basic training at Sampson Air of others that she has been able iliqry will hold a rummage sal- tockville Native New Haven, Feb. 23 (/P)— * "«w mdictmant agalnet the 'orce Base, N. Y.. and took fur­ •V to do this. They send her rem­ Monday, MarCh 14, at the Legi< U.S. Judge Robert P. Ander- seven. A.3.C. Robert E. Johnaon. aoji of ther air police training aV Maxwell nants of cloth Or discarded items Home, bhe also called attentloi/tb The seven, who are chargM with Ah: Force Base, Montgomery; Ala. Passes ill Maine aon today diamisned federal _ — (— ^ ^ ------Carl J. Johnaon of 323 Center St., and. exercising her Ingenuity, she the annual auction of~the/Host nisnea lea e ra i violating the Smith Aot, are; ' ------PN— has been transferred from Keesler fashions useful articles for sale, scheduled for Api-il 6 at the grand/ jury ju ry ' in______d ictm e n ts; slmonAilverman. also known as Erhanuel Lothersn^Church will ■ I don’t want any glory ,for Usbon FalU, Maine, iPeb. 22 (Ah Con- Yxylor, Alfred Leo Harder. \ Air Force Base, MisS^, to Alaska. A Legion Home. against seven alleged Pontiff in First Ge^remony Since Illness ^ . radar operator, he graduated from enter\the Lenten season tomorr this," she pays, "I'm only doing the Mrs. Wilber LlUle. Americanism Charles E. Lyons, 59, a native / Suseman Reanlclr. and nrtticut Communist party Dimow, all New Haven; Manchester High School in June, rOw, >^h Wednesday, with three Lord’s' work." For someone who chairman who waa /m charge of Rockville and former president Says Plan 1 services \of Holy. Communion at finds it difficult to mov* fyom one I e 4 d e r s and organizers! jsc<^ Goldberg. TruRdmll: James 1854 and entered the service that of the. program, introduced Mrs. of the Warrenton Woolen Co. at month. 11:00 a. m., 7 and 8:30 p. m, On spot to another, she does an amaz-* \ Theodore Fairbanks,' Americanism charged with conspiring to Sherman Tate, Hartford, and Rob- the foHowlW Wednesday evenings Ing amount of labor. chairman of the 1st District, and Torrington, Conn., died here last tMch and adv.ocate the over-^ art Champion Skins, Old Say- Is Invitation during “LenS s Lenten “ Quiet But then, hart w'ork Is not un­ Commander Roberl Retersen, both night S t the liome of a brother, brook. ^ la n Schwever, 23, of New .tiirow of the U.S., govern­ Kdirt by FBI York, N. Y.. charged with speed­ Hour"'will Be held, except on known to her. for her husband died of whom spo:u>ns has been, aasocia ted" with ment by force and violence. They-were arrested by the Fed­ ing last weatc ' had the charge also pi-esentrt Fast Comfiiander eral Bureau of Investigation in will present the, play. "The Other ago. Their four small children Judge Johiv S. O. Rottner. who the Worumbo Woolen Mill here for / The Indictments, handed down To Inflation GhuFjehilL Says nolled in Town Court RoiiqM. Rtfri9«raton ' Cross." All sresinvited to attend needed bringing up and sh» was six months. He w-as^a war veteran nearly eight months ago, were dis- New York City and Connecticut gave a most Inspiring talk on the during the Memorial Day weekend any or all of thes^ special Lenten determined to do It herself. , theme oL"Fosterlng and Perpetu­ and A member of/the Torrington WoflMrt and AR mis’-ed on-the grounds that the in­ Our Lady of the Most Holy dicting jury panel w^aa dra^n from last year...... /Washington, Feb. 23 (/P)— Reaary Ctrcle will mSet tomorrow servlcea. Nurse Many Years ating h 100 per cent Americanism." Elks and Serra (CTub. He leaves a -London, P'ebyZS Scn. oUSn named for the girKs aunt, is a re­ should be evacuated is not one. the tarded child. WhetVVthls. was dis­ ske, Ellington Avenue. Rockville; tec clearance for House action, ' (R-Conn) to kill a proposed whose mission la the operation of, excellent wotkers\ln routine jobs. Mrs/Anna Oagnon, 698 W. Middle (D-Mo) of “coaxing” turruibout witness Harvey Matuspw would ’ - take effect on. personal burden of which frtis upon Her 5Q per ceiU pay increase for covered, Mrs. ColplttV sympathies Of cour.se. they sometimes require “to smear" Republican Senators., “That places them in a Pope Plus XJL attending his Srat cereinoiyr since his illness last /ear, wears a e^rloiM estpjes- Majesty’s government. And we were aroused and efforts directed the Bunce Center. / Tpke.; Mrs. Gladys Gamble, 431 tuxeif rtext Jan. 1. It would provide all members of UonRrPss- The money from these sales she i protection from the more un­ rt4ll-Si-; Nicholas Angellllo, 86 category far below Matusow." Me a 120 tax. reduction for each tax­ Sion as he talks with Celso Cardinal ConstantI in the Throne Room pf the ApoatollcJ^tilpee; Feb. *2. must recognize the natural preoc­ toward contributing to Hhe Bunce scrupulous members of society, but, ^ t'ereihon,v was a 45-mlnute meeting of the Roman CathoUr Churrh’s Congregation of Rnc4i. "The session cupations of other governments Defeat of Bush's move was a Center after it opened. donates to the group. If one i n ­ emlock St. earthy told repoitei-s in an inter­ payer and dependent, or a benefit strong indication the Senate would siders that, she sella an apron for society Is.'the Icjkcr if On indivldySi ADMITTED TODAY: Jeremiah view alao recorded for the tele- of 8100 for a family of five, sppraved steps tow'srd the beatification of 56 martyred vlctlnis of the Chinese Boxeh rebellion and ttvo who are immediately affected by As with mo"t groups doiBc work uaj’s talents are wasted. Ice Star Fled Ten Cardinals attended the rercmon.v. (AP Wirephoto via .radio from'Rome). the threatened attack from Com­ vote a pay increase from the pres­ dependent In part on contributions, 50 cent.s. or a b.nby’s hi* /or ,15 organ,',16 Phelps Rd.; William yiaion newsreels. Houae Speaker Rayburn '(D-Tex). | nuns, ent 815.000 to 822.500 a year. cents, it can be seen that she did Rheta Ann suffers from arthri­ Oggini. -102 School St. \ McClellan/ Informed of Mc­ retorting aha^ly to Eleenhower’s ! munist China. there never seems to be ^ ilte tis, and one arm ami one leg have Bush offered an amendment to enough money. So. Mrs. ColpV^ts a lot of .sewing to be abje to con­ BIRTHS TODAY: a son to Mr. Carthy's remarks, aaid "I wasn’t comments, auggested it ia Republi-1 "This is especially true at a time knock pay increases for Congress tribute the amount she,has in less, been stifl for some time. But the Mrs. Walter Sehub. Windsor. tr>'lng to gel him (Matusow), to Czechs ta Gain cans and not I^moytats who, have , vfhen the Chinese 'Communlsti makes aprohs. baby bibs, pot hoi' '.new cortisone treatment has been; out of a pending bill but allow in­ ers, handkerchiefs, and any num than a year. / ISCHARGED YESTERDAY: smesr anybody.” reached "the heigjita of financial keep stridently asaerting/thst the creases for fedrtal judges. Contribute, Remnants (joing wonders for her. .She now Janies Wood, 16 Pioneer Circle He eald that, on the contrary, Irresponaibllity." | i.sland.s are to be regarded as' 'a ber of different articles. These are Liberty, Safety t/. S. Assures Manila Treaty Sen. Kefauver (D-Tenn) fore­ sold at her home and at the 3ut she says she could not havb has almost the full u.se of her arm Lynn Commeau. Bolton; Theodore || he waa trying to clear up a refer­ Rayburn referred to GOP-spon-j stepping at.ons to the seizure 6f again and her leg is nearly normal.! Larson. 14.Laurel PI.; Linda Stone. r| ence In Matuaow’a testimony to cast that the Senate will approve monthly meetings of the group dohe this without help. Friends aored tax cuts laat yesr in the face Formosa itself, with all that must the bill "by a aubatimtial major- have\ sent her remnants from Development Rapid ! East Hartford; Frances Guay, 20 the late Ben. McCarran (D-Nev). Unx, Austria, Feh. 23 (F)—"J of an anticipated federal deficit a l-! mean for the (Jhtnese Natlonallats, SprinOTeld. Hartford. Gilead and She loves to be with her grand-j gpruce St.; Robert ' Leger, 3591 Otea Osin pa)ga . lhad ev*ryOilng,;but freedom and most twice/as big ss , estimsted Nations under G.eneraiiialmo Chiang' Kal- ‘‘ y-!’ ■ ' ■ H ■■ ' other tl»vns. And God has helped mother and un-lerstands almost j Matusow, Under questioning yes- -now. 7 ah.ek, who have been given, aheltar kefgHver, floor m ansgtr/or tha LET US FILL YOUR I give hei\lhe strength to continue everything that is said to her. For------^------: The Speaker afkled with a broad and protection there by the United bill, aaid in an interview he had Special ■with her Vocheting. knitting and meriy this was not the case. Since ] l:tS?^m "rm t*S^orth!f^?: ^ ^ words p r.u y HlroHav. note of/sarcaam:' S g - wge Bangkok, Feb. 2.3 (/P)— rws a / 'll e States, and whom' the U.S. are made no polls of sentiment. But I various',a/tiVities, she added. going/ to Mansfield, where the | t a ^ l ’S Z m y ^bcomnmtec, had | "When they didn't give the little bound , by over 14 years of com­ he added he thinks there are 60 Her giandiughter now goes to children a t f . given a great deal of A a e n a l i e r r i n s United states m a y assured j Z h u K o v L l a i m s or more votes .for the bill. He /eatifled that it wsg McCarthy who vakia.. summied up today her rea- folks anything last yesr and gave radeship in war both against the the Mansflcldv .Stale Training affection add attention by devoted i \ suggested that he make a 1952 the/dividend folks theirs, that was the Manila Pact nation.8 It.IS ^ • , aaid he thinks all the amendments BUSHY PHILODENDRON Boria for seeking political asylum (Chinese Communists and the Japa­ proposed will be beaten. •’^ School, traveling there each, day teachers, hw- development has i campaign speaking trip to Mon­ lyponaibiUty?’' prepared to stand firmly be- I T C nese Invaders of Uhina." / been rapid. ' in the United States. m ilita ry A time limit on the debate ap­ by thiss. She has b iefited so much tana and Washington, - and that At a newa conference here in the / liembcrats have charged . the PoKticaKHoj^s’ hind its commit- i r e p d r i l l g 1the teachlng\nd care that .One of the \big difficulties Inj Cites .Red d ils s ReJiiaed peared to insure final action late from McCarthy knew he would ^ He American zone of Austria. Misa GOP revision: bill, which included ments in the Fan East. (^uivhili told the House of Com­ j/PO T CAIXEP FOR AND she can;iiow read wNl, reriiember dealing with retarded youngsters, l against Sens. Jackson (D-Wssh) a tax cut on income from stork Secretary of State lilies, speak­ in the day. / is that they realize that they are ; Nachodaka told how, she made her mons Red (Ihina "failed to take Aacb child who is supposed to be and Mansfield (D-Mont) in the dividends, favorrt the wealthy and "" Saar Islue ing at the first elosed'\joor aesaion To Attack Reds That would send the measure to /I DELIVERED PROMI»TLY . on- the bus and hasYimproved different and norih*I children tend ‘ I wey to freedom hi Vienna a few advantage of the excellent oppor­ conference with the House. Which speeches. hours before she was due to return Mg coiporationa. ------; of the .eight-nation conference, i;e- \ AT NO EXTRA CHARGEfl greatly. to, emphasize tikis' unconsclou.sly.. I Raylwm alao noted Eisenhower tunity of making their vlevys earlier okayed a congressioMl pay these Ordinary kids cannot be blame/. Ilij The testimony was given s t e to her homeland. •nn. Germany. Feb. 23 (Jq— | port,edly said there should, be no Hoacow, Feb. 23 —Marshal known when they rejected, it \ FLOWERS BY WIRE This is often the case wit public hearing in which the sub- / ■ fMMidrrrt Flight For Yeare hab indicated Republicans are hike to 825,000 yearly. T h e Sen­ children. Mrs. Colpitts says.'Much for it ^causc they don't under- |||jl Of G E hancellor Konrad Adenauer was ' mistake about U^S. militVy “Wi-' Georgi- Zhukov. Riiaaia's new de- ate bill provides for.822.500. Both committee is searching for the/ q-j,* icc star said ■he .had been •eported today to have threatened ! gations in Soumeast Asia,/nd its fenae minister, today accused PHONE MI-9-7700 PINE PHARHACY can be done ao help such unfortu­ stand the nature of the probleyible/r. (ContiBiMd OB Psge Tsa) (Continued on Page Ten) contain comparable increases for fARTFORD RD, nates become useful members \pf But , through their actions thele /e- tnith about, Matusow’s confllctJhi considering' aacapa to the Weat to expel his.aecoTid largest coali-, intention to eftecute them the „f federal judges. CALL sworn ststements. He has/'sakl for yeara. Her opportunity came the community, for they are oft larded child is constantly re nhnd-' tion party unless it supports all Ml . A w . "preparing openly .a new war’ Both bills would retain the pres­ ed of his slowness. Cu. Ffr. that he Hed under oath akainst when ahe waa aent ' to/Vienna to of the Paris treaties. DuUea told the delegates ^ e , Red Chins and alleged Communists in coifrt trials take part in the 1955-world ice ent 83-090 exemption for Income -i Retarded children often have .an Parliamentkry debate’ on the their allies. He made the charge Ghiang Pullout tax purposes which Congrasa has. Iriliiitivc grasp of their surroimd- Model and cimgressional. hearings, and skating championshjpi laa.t week. Democrats Gut i pe.cts opens tomorrow with Aden- United ^tatei would vac-, the, day for Soviet \ had Jled abbut Ja c k in . Mansfield "U waa my big chahee." she voted its members. TYie theory is jng^ for which they art not given /'-il e ' m a \' auer'a foreign policy and perhaps ctlate in iU aland. that, this repays them in part for and some other Senators. said, "because I was not considered 1 A lie a ffO ' JT J.aiT O r hl» pouucal future at stake. The credit. ' When they are placed poUtIcaUy ralikble and • had not The foreign ministers of Great Zhukqv. wartime friend, of Of Nanchishanf. ' , ' the expense of maintaining tw o with other children whp are also Reg. $399.95 Seri. Watkins (R-Ulehl has said „ o /v Sqclallata form the chief oppoei- Britain, New ^aland, .^atralia, President' Eisenhower, sai«P the residences. Matusow, self-^stj«’led former Com- been permitted to perforpi in the tlon. ' ■ retarded, tlfelr differences are not West since 1847." / France, the Phllippinea, TTiBiland, ••monopolists'' head "aggressive Sen. Morse (D-Ore), who ob­ apparent and they-^do not with- iiiurilst. Is "deliberately trying to ■A leader of the Free Democrats Pakistan and the United States forces in imperialist countries" Seen Probable jected to the pending bill and up­ deetroy" other former Commuriisls Miss Nachbdaka fbnshed 18th For Reelemon (FD Pj aaid Adepauer. in a sur­ (haw into themselves sp deeply. among 22 compeUtors for the Aral set goals of mUitary security gre "setting up , political set Plans of Senate leaders to rush Then -they can start to learn. who have/testlfled for the govern­ prise. fast minutevultimatum, told and economic progress for South- i^roups and mUitary blocks and ex­ S ale * 2 9 9 ®® ment In court triala.and in con­ women's world flgu^ skating title. l^icago, Feb. 28—^ County JD P leaders he "could not guaran­ Taipei, I^ormoaa, Feb. -23 (8^ — The peopIe\)f the. town can be ; She sHd ahe m(rte her final de­ east Aaia, then took up the ta a to f ertlng every effort to .resurrect (CoaUnued on Page Ten) gressional Investigations of Com­ C3ei1t Richard J . Ugley WM nom­ tee" the party would remain in hia Signs multiplied today that Na­ proud, that so much i.s being done ; cision to flee lert than 34 hours coalition,•un'Ieas it votes fpr the hammering Manila Pact princlpl?! German* militarism." • / for these children. John / Craig, munism. inated mayor of Chicago yaate.rday into a bulwark against Commu- jfg declared today's. Army .and tionalist C^ina might be forced to Askad for comment about Matu- before she waa/duk to return , to Saar agreement. ' ^ president of the Manchester Assh. Prague Sunda/! On a laat-mlnute with the/backing of the regular^ .The Free Democrats, with 47 "'■in. Navy Day celebration ia being another painful decision—a pullout for the Help of Retardrt Clilldren. : Sow's testimony, McCarthy said he 9 Cu. Fh/ aaw a television newsreel last night shopping exprtition. She made an Democratic party organUation deputiei in the Bundestag (lower Secret Heasions _ held in an “atmofiphere of success-. from .Na'nchlshsn, northernmost has said. But there are always excuse to break^ away from other which turned its back on two-term house I, have denounced ..this Dulle4, first of the diplomata to f,|| gtniggle for fulftllment and anchor of (jhisng Kai-shek's ■ off­ more ways in which they can be of some of Mstusow's testimony. take the floor in the secret deliber Bulletins M o d e l "And I wasn’t surprised st any­ team membert./' incumbent Martin H. Kennelly. French-German a g r e e rp eh t as over-fulfillment of the fifth five shore island chain. I aided, and Mrs. Colpitis is. deter-; She took a street, car to har ho­ %tmhs,' vvas reported to Have given year plan, further powerful de­ thing a confeased perjurer and con- Daley political Veteran '' "sacrificing” the Saar. ' Cite Defenders’ Strength ' from the AP Wires 'mined to h>I|l. fcBsed liar would aay,” McCarthy tel, near the Chech legation, picked Daley, 52 and In politics nearly V The FDP leader quoted Adenauer tbs United -States' evaluation of velopment of heaYy .industry as "As lohg as (Sod gives'\m* the i up her bags and took a taxi to the all his adult life, defeated the 67- kg saying the Free Democrats the Asian '(aituatlon, and aaaurance the basis of the. upsurge Of all Official quarters suggested to said. foreign correspondents that it strength. I'll keep on making Reg. $287.95 year-old Kennelly, who waa seeking that U.S. fighting forces in the branches of the natjonal economy, MR.S. DRLSCOLI/ BLCKjiKED these things or doing an.Vlplng .FF a k r r . EUstBlast are adequate to cope would be. unwise to overestimate (Coatinned on. Page-Ten) (fjoattaned aa Paga Tea) his thin) four-year term, by more .(Conttnsed on Page Three) and of the consolidation of the Stato Capitol, Hart^ort, Feb. else I can," she says'. "Each child : 100,000 \ with any trouble. the capabilitiea of the defenders— than votes. '\ might of the Soviet state and' the. 38 (/Rv—Thf 'Denuicratir - con-, is pi eclqus and desei-ves his ^ Opposing D aley in the April '5 He pointed out the ^Unjted growth and'well being of our peo­ perhaps 5,000 guerrillas and regu­ S o i c lars. trolled Senate refused today to chance, even if It takes all w* ! eiecRon wRu be Alderman Robert States is indifferent to the* estab- ple.” ' confirm the nomination of. Mr*. have.'!, is her Idea on the subjertt. ! Merriam; S6-yaar-old Democrat. liahment. of a permv>*ut NATO His emphasis bn heavy industry And Natiousliat officials sudden­ ly stopped saying (that all offshore' Margaret Connor* Driscoll an a Mrs. Colpitts is one woman who | turned-Republlcan, wHo had little typs 'mVltpry force. Was in. line with recent speeches eomnion pleas judge. The s e ^ t is giving all she has, "w ith; God'a"i|!il Faure Program, Cabinet opposition from two candidates In News Dulles suggested an immediate by other leading sovernment bffl- islands ? without Exception --would be defended. *niey had been say- help.” ' the GOP primary. Culled from meeting of military chiefs from cials and newspaper editorials. confirmatioh and 18 agahiat. ------10 Cu. Ft. Oilcago'a last Repifbllcan mayor each of the eight nations to dis­ , Zhukov set. the pace for the Ar­ Ing they would, constantly, since - ‘i the Tac'hen Inlands wore evacuat­ Advertisement- iraa -WllUam Hale Thompson, from cuss the formulation of geileral my and Navy Day celebration in a COTTER CON F1R5IED Model •27-1931. military plana^ for the defense of speech to notables of the Gommvi- ed earlier this month. , Bittameaa of the campaign be­ Sen. B )'rt ib-V a) says he ia These strong hints of a possible State Capitol, Hartford, Feb. convinced President Eisenhower’s Asia against 'communist aggrei- nist party, govemmeht and armed 21 ,jp)— T h e Senate unanimous^' tween Kennelly, a tall, white- ■ion. forces last night at the Bolshoi evacuation of Nanchishan Indicate JOINS PARKWAY Paris. Feb. 28 ' (/fh—'K^gaT •vFaure’t speech. The actual vote haired bachelor, and Daley waa re­ 101-bllllon-dollar highway build? the United States must have given confirmed today the nomination Reg. $449.95 Faure today was appznved as naay not coma until late today, tng program Is "just pure pork He also proposed periodic meet­ Theater. It was his first speech of . Judge John P. Cotter as al flected in the mayor's terse state­ ings of thla group. Philippine since assuming the defense mln- a flat, "no" anawer -to Nationalist next Premier af Fraaer. The : Political obaervara aatimated ment last night conceding de­ barrel.’* . . . U.S. notified Noel appeals for help it th# Reds invade Superior, Court Judge. The BARBER SHOP affiriai National Assembly vote . this morning he would win with and Herta Field'it has withdrawn secret ballot vote was 84 to 0. feat. He did. not congratulate (Coatinned on Pnge Seventeen) (ConHnurt on Page Three) the tiny island. wM‘266-210r around 32a,voter.Thia would give Daley, as did another defeated all protection of them since, they The aituation appears to be tbia; The House concurred quickly * '*® ------1- I him a working,'majority—at-least decided to stay in • Communist The United States, while under with the Senate in conflrmlBg S ale 3 4 9 candidate, Benjamin S. Adamow- Cotter's nomination. The -vote Paris, Fab. 38 IB—Premier Edgar I for the prcsent- -of the 635-aea't ■ki. but aaid: Hungary. no openly announced commitment, Faure laid his program and prog- Ammbly. . . "1 concede the election to Mr. New Hampshire truck driver is might intervene against a Commu: was 217 to 2. • .1 th v .iin n .il It was believed that'Faure had Daley. I want to thank all thoae pulled from his cab in New Haven Alaska DtfMtti (2) nlat invasion of Quemoy or the pectlve cabinet before the National b y 'n ot aakUig and .beaten savagely' in what po­ Matsu Islands.-But it dofa not. re­ POUCC HOLD SIX Assambly today, asking *PPri>vaI *,;U- Asia Treaty conference Intenda to gattbn has not been completed,' Treaties rearming Wett G^^^^ RopOjjUcan Movement (MRP), forge "an instrumerit of American (Contlaiied on Pngn Two) according to Dr. tions on both European and Asian crisis. '"f'Vime Minister Adnan Mcndai^pa the second of a four-part serleo, probtcmi. ' ' , ” The runway, the' taxi and park­ VYaahlngton, Feb. 23 (A5~Sen, to-dusk air Mow* at Cgnisniiniat. 12 Cu. Ft. Model 4 Faure tried to win aupport New-York, Feb, 23 7F)--Lady ly by pisne for Baghdad capital of. describes the lives of inen stB' military Installation* on the Tal-: The' Premier-designate made no ly by plane tor 'Bagdad capital of ttoaed. at tUs base and the pilots ing atrip, the control tower, the Jackson (D-Washi, claiming that •waaping 'pledgea to any group in-I-from the Soclallata. but they Mary Orcavea, 34-yeai'-old daugh­ terrain features of^the approaches "a lot of valuable time has been shan Island* and nearby Pel- turned him down. They refused ter of 8 B r itis h countess, died un­ Iraq .. Gov. RIbIcoff tells press whs keep watrh steross the nar­ chUban today. Air Force bead- baiuy-dlvlded Assembly, in- conference Cionnecticut’a acrtdental row border be.tween Aliwka aad to the-field *t> tfn Soviet chart!. lost,’’- today urged the Eisenhower .■tead he auggeated unspactacular posts in his cabinet and would not der pussling circumstances in her Ruaaia.1 ..pilots have slept in these administration to submit at • once quarters announced. even promise to vote for him, al- luxurious Central Park West death rate of 39.8 per lOO.oitXl popu­ Siberia). 'moves to raise gradually the stand­ lation in 1954 is lowest hr country. qiionset-huts. , a comprehensive Civil -Defense $549.95 ard ot.Jiving in France, further tltoiigh they pledged they Would apartment early today. Virtually no one expects the Rus­ plan. MIOS HIT IN NORTH KORE,\ Detectives in New York (JUy and By ELTON C. FAY ■ atlmulata industrial pihductlon and not oppose him ayatematically;' < On a 'dreaaer at. her bedside sians to seek destruction of auch ■T donft think we have any such Washington, Feb. 2$ (P) —^Tho JACK VILLORA , „AIl Prices Include Your Old. Refrigenitor Faure , la a Radical Socialist police found several bottles' of Baltimore are reported piecing to­ AP Military Reporter plan now," he said in an Interview. work out distribution problems for gether events that led to under­ airfields as Gelenn. They would be Slate Dept, said today two Ko­ OPEN EVERY surplus farm products. (moderaite) like Mendea-France, Darbiturataa, 1 a c 1 u d i n.g • two Galena, Alaska, Fab. 33 OP)— too vail able as apringboarda for "Yet it la a year and a half since ^although generally considarad thought td i^ alaqping pills. world alayiag of Joseph Arbnowltz rean Ciunmuniat Jet fighter Jack 'VlUorB, formerly of Walter’s Faura'g bid for tjie pc;amiership This U.S. airfield jnust have high' attack on the continental Uhltrt the Ruaalana first exploded a ther­ destroyed by .American , THURSDAY EVENING bit more bn the conaervaQve Mde. A t flnt. oOcers termed her in Brooklyn , Sen. Kilgore ID-W, monuclear device, and a year Barber Shop, Main Street! has join­ Ap|>liance iOept. -— Oak St. Entrance , |- i cams A* government crista Va) aaya he doesn't think Senate priority on the potential wat* tar­ States. To seize them by alrbpme 5 were shot down over rasulting from the" ourter of Pierre Be served as Premier for ona death dMarent suicide. Later, get lirt of the Russian nir an^d attaek would be tempting for | tu s- since our own • big H-bomb teat at ed the Parkway Barber Shop-at CLOSED MONDAYS month in 1853. LaUr namtd fi however, they withdrew this de­ ahoul'd hujulre into ‘‘legal tbinklag” Korean territory, The jUandea-Franrt’ entered Its 19th nrroy .forces. sian almtegisU. 'to hold or retake Bikini. had started, Over the Interna­ 387 Center Street. (Next to Mor-' 8 dgf. The Assembly rejected three nance minisYef under Joseph scription and blamed "/n apparent of Judge John Marshal Harlan, "We know perfectly well now named to Supreme Clourt. • Only '3b0 mllea nwny--n .half them, thi- L’.iited State* w/ould tional. waters -of Yellow Se^ riaon's Paint' andWalipaper Stor/ pravioua candldatta—An;)olne Pl- Laniel. one of Frgnee's most con­ overdoes of sieepUig pUls.’’. have to fly troops In from the there ia going to be total deatruc- servative postwar premlars, he Finally, the Whole question waa NiUonal ^Ugioua . and Labor hoiirhy Je t fighter, only two hours wfien tear Red M)g ISa attack, Tomer Center and Cooper Sl-l- Jack aay, n a rr t Pflimlip and Christian south. , : Uoitiht the center of any target The CORR OJ-tN WFOS TO Tf. haldl/^ to that post for moat, a fi left open and an autopsy ordsrtd Foundation gtvea Ha hleaainga to^ )>y troop carrier p la n e — Ugh the ad aa Amerlcaa HAM PIamu. tip atSoviet SMaeria.

hM a host of friends, In town a{id ohn n a Asgambly was to dsb^ ^ CIO United Auto Workers’ driV8 I .(OsatimB ea Page Thrsa). ' he will be gla/ to see and greet M AN qtpfm C * for fuarantaod annual *raga.» - Tba Bovieu Imrtr tha preeise ; f ‘ .(Cl|8«*«M« Mi P fn gnsslloB a f .. sggirbYal * l oTgOBsii SB r jjjp i *«■ > . « •■ J- . ■ them in hie neiv jMsiiion. . J- ' ...... if' J ■ f

. . . . y

r - PAGBIWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN^ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 83, 1965 MANCHESTER KVENING H E R A L D . l^ANCHESTER, C O N N , WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1955 P i GE THREE Son, An pre-etectioii otateniMtii SPECIAL LI nc lauded all tha part/a candtdatas. RJ HS" Branch Office Issues tacInSbig SSe dally special Defense in the light o f new devel­ drive that approvat bf the Paris to witness presentation to Gov. Democrats Cut Douglas, howaver, said Daicy waa Chiang Pullout Report Break Ovgr 1,000 Registrations OMeiteN la tha Basket kockviile-Veriion opments. Adenauer Pins Tt-eatles will wreck .jtll hopes of Abrithom A, Itibtcbff and-former hia choice for the ' noininatlen. To Ihka Out 950 Zbukov Glaims The Atomic Energy (OmmiOslon uniting Germany and cOulcLI'ead to Gov. John Davis Lodge, Am 'Stevenson attended a rally for (AE C ) reported last 'Week thkt Worldbrld War HI.ill., osaadorbsaador to spam,Spain, thathe humanhuman\ela- Chicago Mayor Daley 'but did not oaihpatgn for Qf Naucliislian The local anb-braneh of the At Pharmacy State Motor Vehicle^Depf. had OAK GRILL deadly radioactive.falf-oul from a PpHtical Hopes The Aaenauer forces waintalfr-ffons awards of the National Jitm. ■ . ■ / ■ ila^a Preparuig hydrogen bomb'like that tested in thaa WestV-can’West'-can" negotiate.successneeotiate. success- fereneeterence of (KristiansChristians and JevJews. is Daley acknowledged victory at issued more than 1,000 so 6 A K ST., lilANCHESTEIt State Police Invesiigatifig ^ For Reefectioii Seen Probable ragiatration ranevi-als up to 2 Thieves Net $450 from the mi.d-Paeiflc last year could fully with the-Russians only from S^wreme Court Raymond $-TMNSlST0i the tumultous party headquarters contaminate'an area of roujlhly a position of stfenglh. They say in the Morrison Hotel. ■p.m. today, Danfcl Kerr, office On Saar Issue E. Mldw;in, himself A former Re­ ^ 0 Attack Reds 7,000 square mllea-^about the staa therefore the treaties to create a (CeotiaMil from Pece Om ), (Caatiauiad trsai Pags o a ^ 0Upcr\'i8or, reported.. Liggett'Rexall Di iport of Forged Check publican 'governor and. chairman 0 A Roman Catholic,. like 'Ken- of New Jersey. West European military union in­ of the event, will make the pres- rfff ^,AUT RAMA This brinira to more than 3,- • ’ Ml CtCA^I’ C »TA‘ : V- nelly, Daley .said that "in all that ' Green Road Las' (OoRtlBIMfi from FAgs Ooe) . Dr. Fleiivmlng haii] such a com- (OaatiBBed Page 0*e) while aarence Balek, ». 530 the number issued since cluding West German manpower er.tatlons in recognition of. the 112.0T I do and say, 1 shall co'nduct m y which the Nationaliata could not rriission aa propoOed should. re- service of Ribicoff and Lodge to **ir*’*rf f** polltlci unknown, got 4.32^, ' the offlce/was opened Thurs­ ikyllle, Feb,'23 >{Special) —w —wFirst First CongregatloCongregational Church to- must be ratified flrsL'- . HARTFORD, CONN. seif in the spirit o f , the prayer ilt holdout,. ' / About $480 waa STATE latry and Waa aiuijled, closely by port )>y May 1$ »o this session of^ "cannot aliyAya pluck ths ralalna the cause of "good Intergroup f* - ‘ StsOmpa Opponent* day. LM»y year, 1,105 renewals Police are. today investlgat-Jit-1 night Atat 8 ^cloc^clock with medita /A.densuei' is assumed o f a mas- SL Francis: 'Lord, make me an A withdrawal from l^chiahan braak loirt night at the a complaint by Second Select-ict-i tlon by the. Rev. George B. Hlg western oilservera for its bearing Congress coujd^ct- - . oiDll its recom- from the/cike'’ 'if thay are not also s{ve''"majority iii the Bitpdeatsg for latlons . . . during the recent guber­ Merriam swamped hip ti^'o op­ were tapued on the fourth day mendatioOs HEARING AIR > FEB. 23 FEB. 27 instnunent o f thy paaoe'." would atmoat cetfaihly/be quits a Rexail Pharmacy at 399 TODAY and THURSDAY ..nan Franklin G. Welles that a! gins, pastor.'pastor." FolicFollowing ttiere wilt on futurt Soviet mUiUry. policy. all the Ireatiea except the un­ natorial' campaign." , . ponent*. In 4,157 precincts, he had the offfee was open for a total But Jackson declared'“ thare is prepared "Bometlniea to gulp the ldf"!\v»0' AC‘.» ■ Daley, elected Cook County diffarent thing (roin/the 'Tachan’ according to Maxwell Miller, owner MO forged check was presented! be an.,iinormal coffee anji fellow- Among thosfe attending were bitter"'»i'ith the aweeL" ' " / popular French-German agreement Pr AeceOKJ ky Um Couadl aa FInaleel ' to' the Matsu group, 100 miles showed readings over .18, .above ^UmBT worth of groceries. the "Soviet p#pie Is » P«kce'lhV: • uatlon of/CltfiU, add then the proi?i- editorials published In February of the primary for the 80 city coun­ lai E. Stevenson's, cabinet. eotnetime^^uring the Mgm. C l^ n g The Community- Methodist Ing people, it knows ifs the 487-merhber Bundestag. MadkiM *M RthsMMiliaa of northwest of Formosa and also 20 which a driver's ability to operats According to McKee one\pf jhe As* anel r*9l%Aa* 1954: the television Station for its. Me Aswricia Medical AeieoadoSj cil seate. His running'mates for , Meriam wbn attention in miles off the coast. The Mataua time thefe is 9 p.m/he/said. Church at (>ystal Lake is' open strength,../4t Is not threatening Adenauer also .Aummifned the ^ibicoff, Lodge ipresentaiion last June of a "rumor Is considered impaired. '/I The’ kHM waa r e ^ M ^ to police MontH rnen left the store to entW the l eiryl Ordan immI fca 8iad city -clerk and city treasurer also City Council aa a reform and dominate the approachea to Foo­ all day u rd ^ for medal'atton find anyb^y with it. However. If ag- 1 cablne/to a final meeting, before ^clinic" teiecast .lfi cooperation with h i were nominated oyer candidates on ' The third driver fined,.1100 waa at about 10 this/mprulng and in­ car they were using whlleX^e prayer. T h ^ evening at 7:30 there h erdar acah»ad( nomy bloc advocate and apokes' chow, capital of Fukien Province. second started looking through gressors^duld attack our country sup^-higm v‘he House begins the three-day de Receive Awards the A/iU-befam6tlon League of the Kennelly tii^et. man. Ha was chairman of the Albert Palmer, 26, of MO Parker vestigation is pMMMing in charge Kams will be tC service of Holy Com­ and forge the Soviet jwople to take; M'ading in and oiit .of every ite on the decislvie second and B'lial ,'B'rlth.. A common asautnpUL>n here (a of Lt. RaymoM G ^ fin ahd Patrol­ his pockety for money to pay. foi But in the race for city treas­ Council's special committee In­ lat'the United State* wanted the S t, for operating a motqr vehicle munion/ up arma. then let them .blame pjjy jj, ^pgg^^g' tbird readings/bf the treaties. Ade­ More than 100 junior and senior while hta license was uhder sus­ man Albert Bcablea. the purchase. He fallied to come The Rev. Carl W. Saunders, nauer, four cabinet ministers and urer, kennelly'H rynn.irig mate, vestigating possible alliances be­ .ationaliats to withdraw from i » n a i up with, enough vmcney and asked thei^Ives.'- , 1/7^11 cltle* will hkve to '' huild Hartfor^;for¥ Feb.Fel 23 ((P)--Connect i- high school students will attend Morris. B. ^achs. clothing mer­ tween crime and polittca but gave pension. pa.itor of the cMethodirt Church, He declared the Soviet "°>-:4Kem eventually. But, in the light 48\ deputies were scheduled to cut’s Denriocratlclenriocratl Governor and his the banquet as special guests of chishan at the time of the miOKE/KIUR MAN McKee if he wo'Ul.d cash a $40 Gas h a. pure concentrated chant and bhilanthropist, lost by up the chalrmananlp when^ha de­ Originally he was. charged With will conduct the first of the Len­ dl«m. e'ong with all of oui- people^,h* Civilian Defense problem. viAs ap^ak during the session. Republican predecessor will hd the Conference. n evacuatio^ \ Ridgefield,/Feb, 23 (Ah—Smoke J K l cheek. ten mid-week services tonight at mpalgning under the slogan only abou/ 21,000 votes to John cided to Seek the OOP noBBination Oat Agattot Evacuation evading responsibility and opar- meet the J7th anniversary- of out*; muiu start-right now," honored at-the -Brotherhood Week uinn s fuel, leaves no ashes, poisoning raused'the death yester­ At first McKee was rehlctant, 7:15. There will'be a H oly (3omc Lef'a talk with the Ruasiani^ banquet C. Marciii, an insurance man, in for mayor. He is married for the Bift the NMonaliata seem to atlng '^ h o u t a license-at the time, armed forces by rallying c l^ l.y ; jackaon said the federal govern- of the Conference of At least 90 per cent of the court- second time. of hls'arrest on Feb. 3 by Patrol­ day of drorge- F. Smith, 46-yaar- but finally consented. • Welles 'munion serylce. The" WSCS Will now,); the Socialists have warned^ 'hi^iktlsns and Jews liere tomor- try's scjibols provide rhythnf band nor dirty by-products of ' the. clerk contest, Daley's candl have held ou y against this, while tpld police the check has been re­ arouhd the Communist p a i^ and /Vould .iiave to make large Merriam was born in the south man Robert Webb. / old turitey farmer, medloal exam­ meet after the service at 8 p;ro our own government." / grants to get the program rolling. at 'h{|ndreds of public meetings nlght. training in kindergarten and - pri­ **hiirnii|(y combustion. Less house- date, Aid. Benjamin M .. Becker, wrangling w ^ Washington on the turned by the liank. aide ward he represents, tha son Kancked Over Mall Bex.. / iner Jos^h 8. Bell said. The dead In Wesleyan Hall and the pastor*? Zhukov added that the Soviet' He, suggested it might tie in with and through elaborate propaganda omfe 800_i)ersons are expected mary grades, - __ 7 45, beat Marion Isbell, restaurant paaitiom of'' Q u a m o y and the man ^ d apparently heen reading Frank 1-aForge of the Stafford membership class will also be held vrork end cleaning owner, by nearly 160,000 votes. oT Prof. Charles B. Merriam, polit­ Mataua. \ The charges were changed to armed forces; "selflessly devoted; President Biscnh.ower'a proposal _____ 7 ■■ ■■ ical science expert at the Univer­ the one on which he was trfed af­ mokbig in bed when the bed Springs Barracks is Investigating; at 8 in the chapel. fq the people... are yigllantly; for a vast 101-bllllon-fiollar high- bills, with Gas . . ^ lunnellyi who acquired much A big Question now facing the swiosKrt the case. . The name fo rg ^ has sity of Chicago. ter investigation by Prosacutor caught fire. Cr. Bell added. Smith, A t the Ash-Wednesday service guarding the stale ?nd Intei esta of j Way building program. " weajth in the storage and mOving Nationaliala is how to: explain knged from his w4fe, ia also not been revealed. a t the First Evangelical Lutheran Merriam's r u n n i n g mates away a n ' ^racuation o f Nanchi- Keith. He said Palmar waa ar­ the" y.sTs.R. and are reddy at Sny-i -Jm, reiiommendlng hia program to / M ATC H LISS FUEL business, first entered politics in Charles R. Barrett for city clerk, by a daugtatar. - Giles) Spesiker Church tonight at 7;Sfl, Holy moment to carry out the .orders of CJon^eas yesterday, the President l_94l7 when the organization Dem­ ahan, if auch a pullout is ordered. rested because he, had kniocked Dr. Harvey MacArthur haa been Communion will be distributed. . and John Waner for city treasurer, over a mail box with the car he the' homelanfC party, and g5>vern- stressed that the natipn'a roads in ocrats drafted him as mayoral The goverament appears c6nfl- named as tbf guest speaker for Events About TOwb ment." / ' their present state would not per/ were without opposition in the RC' dent of U.S.\ support if 4)ucmoy was driving but that I^atiner notf- DIAMOND'S AfTOMATK, LOW COST candidate. He also had their pubUcan primary. the Sunday evening Lenten srylces PotaU) growers from Vernon, to­ Marshal Sokolovsky, writing to­ mit "quick evacuation___in case and the Mataua are subjected to f l^ the owners the next day. gether with growers from through­ support in 1951, but they dropped Thera wUl be aldermanic _con- at th e. U n io n CongregaGonal day InXhe government newspaper of an i atomic I attack on our key him this year and'selected Daley. massive biowa-^y the Reds. This Meanwhile, the complaint had Church. out the state are attending a meet- teata in 18 of the'city's SO warda been made. cities,’’ Army "'' Navy | . /* Democratic leaderk said they did confidence might lessen , the hu­ Guest Speaker mg looay -r ocnauo s r«a :.u r.m , Civil Defense administrator Val Gas House Heating in the April S election. In yester- miliation of another retreat. However, his license was Under not consi^r Kennelly an asset to The W.S.C.S. of the Vernon in Warehouse. Point. ' ■!?* Petersrin agreed evacuation'is the tey'a primary, 2 1 otganisaUon Against this Background, the suspension at the time of the in­ t TOP W T9 ! Damon Lodge, Knight. , Wff now doslqn. lottor A»k yavr. Hoofhig Ceiitrvcter or Harfford Cos Compony the .party. , \ ' DemocraU were elected outright Methodist. Ouirch will have key to cutting down the toll from The mayor, hqweVer, dj^ded to Interior, Miniatryw Tatao News cident. He pleaded guilty to this Jeff fhasiler Balk Bama* ^^ueat speaker. Dr. Amos Friend Pythias, will meet this evening a t! H***"'* a***! other Commu- an atomic attack. and furnisli any imf- and nine amre unopposed. Only four. Agency reported today that the charge and the fine waa set by Jaek Psiaarr BnA Cratrfa^ 8 o"clock at the VFW home e served. catioping in the South. , | Jet'l all peaceful pfopoaala by v{ie . (jafgnse planner.* are "scaring the Mataua.” Saa.. "Ois nriOsn la Ceats” erstie leadecB, Sen. PaurTlougIm fined $21; and Morris Levy, 27, of Ladies of the (murch and the com­ He 50-50 Club raeeu tonight Soviet government and carry-. daylights out Of everybody by des­ • POUCE, ate. and former Gov. Adlal E. Stev^fi Hospital Notes Miami Beach, Fla., who foreited a "M as Wllk a Mmiaa” 1 Mr. and'Mra. Stanley Leaizzal an Impudent policy bf provocations'' ignating as prime target* highly Same show, same time Thura. munity are invitil^ to aUend this In StiKk For $35 bond. meeting. \ 'Chestnutatreet at 8 o'clock. . land Ihreali." i^uOtriallzed areas like the Nau­ Pntianta Today: It t . i Other Cases Heard ■* New ArriVi^ls / At the. meeting of the W8C8 t<»; Sokolovsky declared the strength gatuck Valley, an^jellfhg everj’- Immediate Delivery Other cases were those of Wii- A daughter waa boiW yesterday night at Wesleyan Hall, Mrs. Doris of the’ soviet aimed forces, equip­ to g;el out or^be blown out." \ A DM IT T ED TBSTERDAT: WeHe# will conduct the devotioiial G)urt Gises Ham R. Fitzgerald. SO. Worcaater. at the C5ty Hospital tV,Mr. and ped with all sorts of moberh weap­ in a. telegram yeklerday to Civil Platinum Solitaire, Priced From Hunt. 21 Lenox St.; Imw- service. A skit, entitled, "The Well ons. is' growing every year. He Defenrt^ admlnUstralor Val Peter­ Mass., Arrested Feb, 13 by State Mra. Floyd Chaae of R F D -3 and a $675 tance O m verae, Bolton; Zknta at Syrhur" will be given unde7 the son, the\Conecticut Congressman Patrolman Paul Seaman for viola­ aon to Mr. and Mrg. /Alfred stressed the surprise element in direction of Mrs. Helen Loqg and war, increased by modern weaponj , said there la no cau.se for "undue Oxoto, 44 N. School St.; Stephen $100 tion pf rules nf the road.’ fined $12; Zweeres, 6 Franklin SL / Fined Eacli^ and Peter Konopka. 63, Hartford, Mra. Louise Usher. Four paat presi­ of huge destructive power, and alarm," He demanded replanning Arhmd, Bolton; M n. Anne Lfidyga, New Patient* /' dents. Mrs. Marie Waltz, Mrs. of air-atomic defense* of the high­ \ GLASSES DO MORE | 89 Horton Rd.; Richard Arthur, fined ItO for intoxication. said states threatened with attack The MICHAELS Treasure ^ e jit .speak.a rijrht out and proclaims that the Qne£^ Sta.m'pA. ^ Li Town Court Frank Wentink. 48, of Salisbury Patienta recently adni^ed tn\ Ruth Ellsworth, Mrs. Orinne Rob- "muat be ready and able to return ly Industrisl Naugatuck Valley in 124 Lanox St ; Mra. Helen Kovaci-, ■ dude Craig Jefferia. 3 Hughs. St.; 'inson. and Mias Ruth Parker will the ijght of recent H-bomb de­ diamond within is FLAW LESS I She’d like to know, and YOU want to be 109' HinI St.; Mra. Astrld Dougan, Mills, N. Y., whose $10 bond posted blow for blow." sat for parking within 10 feet of a fire Peter ToirCr, Garden Road. Ver­ •^honored with life memberships, velopment*. I sure! Engagement diamond in chest $285, tax included. Uae our divided 231 School St.; Mn. Antoinette Three men were fined $100 each non; Barbara Gerber. Aart Street: at tonight’s meeting. H ’ THAN HELP YOUR VISION Composep, 1 1 Cedar Si.; James J. hydrant was first ordered forfeited, Patter*on said he disagreed payment plan. / ■ . ■ , . . . I for driving infractions this mont- later appeared and In court was Cynthla- Bigl. South jSrotre Street; A/Americanlsm program will "with the theory that dispersal of SHIRT and PANTS Kelly, Ellington; Paula Ballsieper, Ing in Town Court, two on charges tha Rev. George/Brookes. Union be presented at the meeting of the concentrated industries is the an­ The modern/frames w ^ it you with will com^e- Given On C.0.0. Deliveries fined $3 after hta case was re- Effective CD Plan - / . A L L rOIXIR.B 70 Tanher St-; Mrs.'Victoria Ehg- of operating motor vehicles while ! opened Street; and Paul Meyer, 15 Brook~ American Legion Auxiliary tonight swer to the problem. This would ment your wan(robe, give interest to your expres­ lahd, 81 .S,\Main St.; Oscar Menge, under the influence of liquor snd ^ Pasquale A. Giovine 25 of West at 8 o'clOdk in the G.A.R. Hail. mean the relocation of thousands 121 High SL.. Rockville; Uertlyn lyn SL // . ■ ■ /Ifeld Nation’s Need dia io n d s sion and accciituati^ the glamour of your eyes! the other for driving while his Haven, charg^ u-ith bres'ch of the SuperMr Ckmrt The local-High School will lie, of skilled workers and a conse­ W ' for Pitney. 30 Lucien St.; Miss Flor­ liciense was under suspension. | peace, had the chorgA nniled on represented .by Miss Patsy SedttH quent housing problem."plus fftbt- Glasses are no longer a grim necessity. Insiead ence Doffin, 512 E. Middle Tpke.; The Winter term of the Tolland Francis R. Gsrdner of 30 Hyde ' recommendation of the prosecuting! County Superior Court resumed and Harry Ckihen at the Connecti­ (CoBtinued from O ae). motis expenses and time consumed 958 M AIN HT.—.MI-9-4398 thev are a decorative accessory to your costume. Mrs. Doris Siiversteln, 34 Gardrer St. pleaded not guilty to the charge ' attorney. ! cut Brotherhood Week Banquet to in cpnatriicting new plants and Army Navy D r; Lance .Stewart, Coventry; sesaiOfM toda'y with Judge Louis JEWELERS-SILVERSMITHS 'llere you cah choose from a wide assortment of of operating while under the in-1 Frederick Hoboth 80 of 3S Dud-' be held Thursday, at the Hotel Stat- area where such a bomb ia explod­ machiner>- located in so-called 997 MAIN STRr.ET Michael Murphy, 112 W. Center Shapiro presiding. i ' neiir frames . . . / g RANGE & FUEL OIL fluence of liquor but was convicted | ley St., charged with 'intoxicatiim ^ Aaaigned for tomorrow are the ler in Hartford honoring Go'Vernor ed.” nontarget areas.’’ MA.NCHE8TER St.; David Kaye, 109 W. Center by Deputy Judge JohX J. O'Connor. | at the Ome of hla arrest'on Mon- Abridiam A, Rinicoff gnd Ambassa­ Jackaon Ip a member of an St. following caaea: Shirley F.elden, THE ICNO^N NAME. THE KNOWH^QUALITY SINCE 1900 Atty. Jerome WMsh defended', day by PatH>lman John Mahoney, p.p.a. va, Jamas V. BucklOy, et al^ dor John Lodga. ' \ Armed Servicea Subcommittee INNlTRANtE HALES CLIMB - a d m i t t e d TODAY:'Carl Val­ Gardner knd attempted to show had the case continued until Satur- which yesterday opened a series New York. Feb. 23 (A’.—More peo­ entino. RFD 2, Bolton. ’ Christtae BtirlM. admx. Ys. Joseph' UmON OPTICAL I that all the qualifications neces-1 day. ^ r t w ; Hatti# C. Vince vs. Frank ‘Advertisement— k of hearings on Civilian' Defense ple are buying more life insurance, The BOLAND OIL CO. BIRTHS TODAY; A son to Mr. sary to prove operation of a ve- Sentcncea Saspended wisnieaki, et al; George Growther Food sale for the March of problem's. the Institute ct Life In -urtnee Gaudet Jewelers) U, and Mrs. Michael Fogllo, 1S3 hicla .were not present when he was Mias Francea'TVymbulak, 34, of Ts. Marcel Kessel, 'iht al, ; Carl LMrtes sponsored b. The Chrmian Defense mobilizer Arthur S. said yesterday in explaining why LESLIE CHRISTENSEN, Licensed Optician ■' TEL. MHcIm M 3-tnO Maple St. . arrested, The defense admitted in­ 936 Hillatown Rd,, was, given two Joseph Peirplo. et al vs. Stasia Apostolic Chiirch, Friday at 1 plm. Flemming, speaking for the ad- Uhe amoui.t of death claim benefits 11^85 ^AIN STBEEln^^ MANCHESTER DISCHARGED YESTB»ipAY; toxication, ^ *i*T>ended 60 day jail sentence* on (^oley, et al; Philip A. Becker, at Ford Station. mlnlstratloii, told the subcommlt-;/| paid t Gtrgrd. East Hartford; Rob­ Gardner slumped over the svtaeel Uon with alleged shoplifting In- Marie L. La sod', et al. tlirbugh the Manrhraler Evening k^ Herald, Rockville Bureau, located ert Kotsch, 67 Maple St.; John of an automobile standing at the rtdents at Gillqian. Inc., and Sage- Initiatiflin T"»lgh t j McAlliat^,, . 49 Wadsworth St.; intersection of Wadsworth and Alien Stores in Weat HaMford. ! at One Market Street, telephone <3iaaael / New Naves. r«sa, 6;M <111 RTU 6SIWIM HMOW T!ie Future Farmer; O f America i RorkvIUe &4l6$. KEITH^S iGREAT Mra. Louise Mullen and daughter, Main Strm a on Feb. 13. He said Miss Trymbuiak. a la b ^ c e d Oh Ckaasel fs Uarlfvrd, Csss. (If) INNBB SSNCTt'II Vvill hold its first regional Initial-J 4 'Hudson St.; Mr*. Mary Spencer. the igrntUon was op and the lights' probation for two years by\Deputy <'kaaael/l* Ptttadeia. Mass. CkSBSM M New BrUala. Ceaa. 6:M <61) TV THFATCB tlon ■ tonight at ilhe Sykea Audi- [ 11 Oakland St. ; Penny S^ncer, 198 were^urnlng on the car. Judge MiRoh W. Horwitz, Waa ar­ ■rilie EmperarJaamr'* CkaBBrt U Wsterbarr. Osss. (SI TMR MILLlOj^AIBK torium starting s,t 8. Members will Chestnut St.; M n. C3iroI KUehl. 16 Walsh made a motion for dis­ rested on Fab. 5. CtasXel U Hal,v«ke. Xaav. attend from Enfield. Glastonbury, OULD SEE THESE OK N. Elm St. ; M n. Phylila Jonea and missal of the case on grounds Ckaa'ael St flartasfiel6. JIaei. —Mary at Narasret Brawo- TRIPUMSrORfS the Tri-Ag of VVlllimantlc and this MIDWINTE daughter, 85 Henry St.; Mja. Bilza- that the' state had not proved iiir iT " ' (11) NAMICEBADE FABTT city. Members of the FFA wHl be beth Smyth, 196 McKee St>; Mrs. —Feicr UaaaM j opersUon :of the rnotor vehicle by :M (S I Ol'TOOOR ADVBN1TBB (I6> aoCBKV: raised from the green, hand de- !- Blaine Bagge. 156 Hyde St.; Al­ Garner or that he V a a phyalcalty *MATI!f EE DAn,Y 1:48 C'Ll’N I^OW HAS THIS CAR VALUES (Ml BAB M WE8TEBN THBA. Bsas.r. T.raata gree to chapter farmers. . j FOOD bert Ogren, 58 Wells St.; Jacque­ able to drive, 7 ’ TKB—"FIskMes Hers” BADUK No. 714 nation, to 'lonor the first pre ident James Sharpley. Bplton;! Uiane prove operation prior to the ar­ In CtoemaScope and (k>lnr ; / 6;It (HI JOfiV OENK for his interest in agriculture. N W 1955 2V At Carter Chevrolet! with Sfereoptoole Souad / SALE Ferrante, 51 Faikhor Dr.;,Rosahn rest, but enough ta show that it (H I OL'T WmT W|TB BILI. ■ .Ash Wednesday Service* Carlson, 122 Loomis St.; Mrs. was possible for the car to be 6:U (111 WOBLO S LOC'AI. NEB'S 6;H ( S-Sn BOBIOY DOODV Special services in observance of Share The Huge SavIngX Throiighniit The Kiitlro Store Evelyn Griswold, 71 Crestwood operated at the time Gardner waa SATURDAY “SIGN of tbefADAr <181 WROTEBN BllATBOl'SE FLETCHEB.S'r.S the opening of the Lenten season r i You’ll Find Suites And Occaaional Piece* For F,very Home’ I Dr.;'Mrs. Patricia Stewart and arrested. (H I r iL B of are being held in the chuyehea . . . At Sale Price* Thai Mean, Money In Your Pocket. Plan. daughter, 42 Sanford Rd, After considering the evidence, wttlt Jeff O i s l i ^ 6:N ( 61 8TAOK 6 F » R U A ^ 2 8 Jack Falaace. .•Terle CkarU.'.’ today. To Fill A L L Your Furniture Needs NOW: l! DISCHARGED TODAY; Mrs. the . judge found Gardner guilty (IS) JI'NIUB CBOMBOAD8 At both St.. Bernard's and SL Alice Hoar and daughter, 40 and fined him $100. ’ Shows $;i(L8:.80-9i48 "'F.drecra Na.lc Bsll” ' J (M l .NEB'S AT 8IX * Gkos Fimita^ Tops * Joseph's Catholic CniuAjhes, ashes Thtimaa St.j Rockville; Cha/loUe Also fined $100 on the same — aJaa — . (61) COWBOY PIAVU O I'SE -MIRRORS-. were dlatribaled at. the Masses AT J.W. HALE’S Vince’ht, 122 Cixm r St.;'Mn. Phyl- charge, William P., Lillis was ar­ 6.:ls (M l TBF. EABLT SBOW— this morning and similar distribu­ lia G e^w r 38 F; Mn. Anna rested on Route 15 by Slate Pa­ **8werd #f Heaer” (Fhrejllace and Door) Benefit of ManebesteX (161 8F.RIAL TINE OPEN SATURDAYS tion will take place tonight at the f Gagnon, 698 W. Middle Tpke.; trolman Paul Seaman on Jan. 30. “THE DETECTIVE” "RsrM '.Em Va Rara.” Asanciation For The Help of OPEN THURSDAY NIGHT 7:30 evening devotions. - ' / I David Kaye. 709 W. Center St.; Judged Uaflt t o . Drive with Alee atttnees (Hi TWlLIGNT TBFJITEB , , The Men's Union \viil untie /.for Retarded ChiMrea * 6:M < SI B^TBEB Eathnates Gladly Given Mn. Erneatiim Brown, 21 Harlan He Was brought to Manchester Shown 1:66-3':1« <18-161 BEWa the Ash Vk^c^ne-sday Commu/iion at Bmice School Police headquarters, exaniined by St.; MichaelyMurphy 112 W. Cen-

    THF.ATF.R, FROZEN COOKED LOBSTERS First National Bni ^ (66) kK.NATOR Ri an BENEFIT DANCE 678 M A IN S 'L — T E L . M l-l-5|W f (61) RIG TOW.N TO TAKE HOME S. 39-da.v warranty-ln-writlBg of Mancheitar...... '34 SB (H I FILM Hartford National m D A Y , PER. 25 — 9 »o 12 P.M. 8. (i.MAC Kinanclng Easily Il:4 ( ( SI CALL THE PLAT Bank and'Trust Co. 35 ' 88 S:U (161 WtlATNBB 11:66.( 81 COM6;nr HOVR Arranged Conn. Bank and S:M ( f) WOBLO NEWS TOOAY —Martla A Lewi* $ 1 . 6 9 Each Trust Co. . ______75 78 MUSIC RY_ FREDDIE'S VERSATH.es (II) INOt'flTJiy ON rSBADE , 7. Liberal Trade-In Policy (III MOVIK MI’aEl'M Manchester Truat . ., M 65 <611 WOBLO NEWS TONIGHT (16) tm RLO NEWM Firs Insoraaea Campnataa REFRESHMENTS. DONATION $1.00 6:H <161 NKWH BEPOBT 1:66 ( II NOBBY . E o m o M The SODA SHOPPE Aetna F ir e ...... 75 80 —llsrM W a»a.' (611 NKW8 A WEATHER Hartford Firs ...... 198 208 ll*-UIS(I'KlvA; FBAN A OLUE 1$ WEST M AIN ST., NEXT TO BONAN’S — ROCKVILLE National Fire ...... 100 104 <161 CLITBHOt'SE iThoenlx ...... 89 9,4 < «l WBATBEB . Rugs t;M <611 ISTTLB HMOW CLEANED $249 Vofue U ik' and lademalty loo. Osa. T.ia <161 8FOBT8 Bt'LLBTIN BOABO at* 1 Fo r $ Aetiia U f e ...... 178 188 1:U <16431 JOAN DALY—Kswi EavivM. _.. 1IH PLYIIOUTHJIUBURBAN 1951OIDSMOBILE CLUB OPE. <161 LITTKB KWOW Ila* ftM rt Aetna Caaualt.v ...... 195 205 V"' <611 atOBLIOBTS O n ly . ^ All $teel« foldlBc o m U Conn. General ...... ,460 480 ’ 7:U