■ ■ ' ^ } '-Tj. V J ' V f . I- ’ ■ •. ■t'-- ' > - 15IESDAY, FEBRUARY 22. 1986 AYertKe Daily Net Pr Run Thd Weather PAGE SIXTEEN Per the We«4c m$ti F^wast af L, . VFeather iHanrti^kfr lEofnittg ifprjalb Peh.,,18. 1M8 8 Woodiand.St.; Mm . Dorothy Daw- daodjr, ealder tonight.. Lost Uh And«fson-8hea Post yrw Aux­ Auxiliary Holds kilts, 800 Woodbrldga S t ; George SEE 11,620 86. Thnradny. partly claody, eaalee. iliary Will hold a regular meeting Receipts fm m Sale of Useful Articles Gakeler, Bolton Road, Vernon; > Clareaea H, Aaderawe. far Member af the Audit High in mid 8«h.. mlTown t^ fgh t at 7:30 at the post home. Michael Mooney, 41 Florence St.; Bureau at drmlattan : TolloWlng the meeting a George Memorial Servic<^ Mrs. Elsie Hann, 15 Walker St.; M anchesU r^A City o f VUlago Charm fort Northfteld Club t» Mra. Ruth-Unden. i l Pleaaant / LOANS \ ^ Book-Author lunch- Washington Birthday social w ill be Donated to Center by Mrs. Colpitts oa second martgagaa mad nota- enjoyed. American Legion Auxiliary, S t\ R o c ^ lle , Mra. Ruth Oakmi con in Ocn< Hill Hall on Mswh mobiles. Also Insonutoe. (Claeeifled Advnrtlilag nn Paga it) luncheon i« open 'By WHITNEY JACOBS ^ « t a brief tmstnesa meeting last andSUMihtar. 34 JE. Middle T ^ e ,; VOt. LXXIV,*NQ,i3 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN,rJVEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23. 19S5 PRICE CENTS 18 at 13:80. If she wahted'to indulge in self Erneit WngwelL 1?FI> Ah CONNECTICUT VALLE)^ to the pui>Bc.' cketa are.available A son. M ark Phillip, w’as born night in the Lsgioii Home, held a and/flaiigl in D., Creenwood. at the Hartford HMpltal on. Feb. pity, Mrs. Bessie polpitts, 496 N. Mrs. Mildred Gardner s Realty-«nd InTcstment Co. A-X from t i n . mambriai seryica for Mist Viola ter.H Avon St.; Mrs.. M a f^ Goiil'oiild 118 Ooleman TW6 of the fi\T 17 to-Mr. and Mrs. R ^ h Belhiar- Main St., could , probably work;; • 34 East Center Rtree* Victoria Rice, a member who died end daughter, bouth oventry; • &I1-8-455S authora apeakln^ Aat day are: do, 57 Constance D r .^ ic baljy is overtime at it. BfUt this Is not her 1 datigh- y / t Robert C fcriato^r. author of a grandson of Mr. and Ml^i. L. Bel- recently and daughter of Mrs. El­ Mrs. Ann Wochomurk way, and because of her refusal to ter.'W est Wmingb ' "Around ■ the World, on, ISO," and luardo of Law'rence. MSsA. and of mer Rice, past president of the I g e HMen Van Pelt WU*(n. author of Mrs. G. E Seele:,’ ''of Deed River. give up, the retarde^ly children at DISCHARGED TODAY; Joan Aux'illary. Mrs. Francis l>wyer, Marie Haney, IW Parker St.; Pat­ "eilnibln* Roees. The cpiiple has a daughter the Bunce Center havia much for president, and Mi’”- Raymond Gos- Suzanne. ricia B en n ln g^ , 236 Main 8t. which to thank her. a^ln, chaplain, Ndraped the charter Mrs. Lorrain^Lyneh and son. 125 A aon wa» born at the\Hartford Although aishul-in who has only and conducted the service, at the Prospect St/ Rockville; Mrs. Janet Seven Hoapttal on Feb. 18 to Mr. and A.3.C. Edw ard D. Phillips, son of been outside once in th.e last Six close of which a male quartet from 'Herfi'ck iuSd son. 81.High St.; M rs.! HALE'S / Mra. Gerald Shannon, 40 EJdridge Mr. and Mrs. How ard E. Phillips. years, she has managed .to con­ hartfor'd sang the "Old Rugged Rose Ve/ 367 Main St.; Louis St. 278 Hackmatack St., is ^pending a tribute between 880 and llOff to Cross." DeCarU; Dart Hill Road. Rockville; Hea^uariers 17 day furlough at his h6nv before the school since it opened last Mrs. Dwyer announced that the Jerepuah Horgan, 16 Phelps Rd, n te T>'ler-Circle of the North going to Camp Kilmer, N. J., to District meeting- will be held Fri­ I , I . \ . te Reds May. .Methodist Church WSCS will meet await shipment to Ca.s,ablsnca. She is careful to point out that day, Feb. 25, at the Legion Home a £ ^ e church tomorrow night at French Morocco..He completed his it is only through the generosity in Glastonbury, and that the Aux- o'clock. basic training at Sampson Air of others that she has been able iliqry will hold a rummage sal- tockville Native New Haven, Feb. 23 (/P)— * "«w mdictmant agalnet the 'orce Base, N. Y.. and took fur­ •V to do this. They send her rem­ Monday, MarCh 14, at the Legi< U.S. Judge Robert P. Ander- seven. A.3.C. Robert E. Johnaon. aoji of ther air police training aV Maxwell nants of cloth Or discarded items Home, bhe also called attentloi/tb The seven, who are chargM with Ah: Force Base, Montgomery; Ala. Passes ill Maine aon today diamisned federal _ — (— ^ ^ ---------------------- Carl J. Johnaon of 323 Center St., and. exercising her Ingenuity, she the annual auction of~the/Host nisnea lea e ra i violating the Smith Aot, are; ' --------- PN— has been transferred from Keesler fashions useful articles for sale, scheduled for Api-il 6 at the grand/ juryju ry ' in_________ d ictm e n ts; slmonAilverman. also known as Erhanuel Lothersn^Church will ■ I don’t want any glory ,for Usbon FalU, Maine, iPeb. 22 (Ah Con- Yxylor, Alfred Leo Harder. \ Air Force Base, MisS^, to Alaska. A Legion Home. against seven alleged Pontiff in First Ge^remony Since Illness ^ . radar operator, he graduated from enter\the Lenten season tomorr this," she pays, "I'm only doing the Mrs. Wilber LlUle. Americanism Charles E. Lyons, 59, a native / Suseman Reanlclr. and nrtticut Communist party Dimow, all New Haven; Manchester High School in June, rOw, >^h Wednesday, with three Lord’s' work." For someone who chairman who waa /m charge of Rockville and former president Says Plan 1 services \of Holy. Communion at finds it difficult to mov* fyom one I e 4 d e r s and organizers! jsc<^ Goldberg. TruRdmll: James 1854 and entered the service that of the. program, introduced Mrs. of the Warrenton Woolen Co. at month. 11:00 a. m., 7 and 8:30 p. m, On spot to another, she does an amaz-* \ Theodore Fairbanks,' Americanism charged with conspiring to Sherman Tate, Hartford, and Rob- the foHowlW Wednesday evenings Ing amount of labor. chairman of the 1st District, and Torrington, Conn., died here last tMch and adv.ocate the over-^ art Champion Skins, Old Say- Is Invitation during “LenS s Lenten “ Quiet But then, hart w'ork Is not un­ Commander Roberl Retersen, both night S t the liome of a brother, brook. ^ la n Schwever, 23, of New .tiirow of the U.S., govern­ Kdirt by FBI York, N. Y.. charged with speed­ Hour"'will Be held, except on known to her. for her husband died of whom spo:<e briefly. Mrs. Little James T. Lyons. March 30 when, the Luther League whfn she w'as 36, about 32 years L>u>ns has been, aasocia ted" with ment by force and violence. They-were arrested by the Fed­ ing last weatc ' had the charge also pi-esentrt Fast Comfiiander eral Bureau of Investigation in will present the, play. "The Other ago. Their four small children Judge Johiv S. O. Rottner. who the Worumbo Woolen Mill here for / The Indictments, handed down To Inflation GhuFjehilL Says nolled in Town Court RoiiqM. Rtfri9«raton ' Cross." All sresinvited to attend needed bringing up and sh» was six months. He w-as^a war veteran nearly eight months ago, were dis- New York City and Connecticut gave a most Inspiring talk on the during the Memorial Day weekend any or all of thes^ special Lenten determined to do It herself. , theme oL"Fosterlng and Perpetu­ and A member of/the Torrington WoflMrt and AR mis’-ed on-the grounds that the in­ Our Lady of the Most Holy dicting jury panel w^aa dra^n from last year. ............ /Washington, Feb. 23 (/P)— Reaary Ctrcle will mSet tomorrow servlcea. Nurse Many Years ating h 100 per cent Americanism." Elks and Serra (CTub. He leaves a -London, P'ebyZS <A*)—Prime Mini.ster Cbui/hill aaid today She worked as a nurse for many, widow, -Mr.x. w r y D. Lyons, his Oth«r AppHoncts a list of persons whose .qc^hlifics- Their Indictments followed a President FisenhoweV today evening at 8 o'clock at the' home I" Anha- Mae Richards and Nancy ’ tions the jury commission had closely guarded grand Jury eea- there i.s ho oheation of Britain being invQlVc^ militarily or v of Mra. James E. FiUpatrick, 209 years and was able to keep .the Slover, ,tw-o of the members of brother and x^sister, Mias Mary A. called the Democratic plan Mrs. Cyrene Booth.\l06 Spruce family togther. A son and her only failed to thoroughly check. Such sion in the Federal Building here “indeed out/oeing needed in the defenae”,bf offshore i.sjAtid.s, ' Hilliard St. Co-hostesses for the St., is chairman of thV food-sale Trtop 1, Girl Scouts who toured ■ Xyons of I^tsfteld, Mass. for a |20-a-head tax cut an. daughter still live In the same held a checl. la required by both federal on June 4. <. held by the Chine.se Nationalists. evening will be Mrs. Barbara Di- which Sunset Council NA 4.^, De­ Europe last summer, showed in- j Funeral/ services will be and state statutes.
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