Originary Technicity

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Originary Technicity Technics Before Time: Experiencing Rationalism and the Techno-Aesthetics of Speculation by David Nathan Rambo Graduate Program in Literature Duke University Date:_______________________ Approved: ___________________________ Mark B. N. Hansen, Co-supervisor ___________________________ N. Katherine Hayles, Co-supervisor ___________________________ Fredric Jameson ___________________________ Timothy Lenoir Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Literature in the Graduate School of Duke University 2018 i v ABSTRACT Technics Before Time: Experiencing Rationalism and the Techno-Aesthetics of Speculation by David Nathan Rambo Graduate Program in Literature Duke University Date:_______________________ Approved: ___________________________ Mark B. N. Hansen, Co-supervisor ___________________________ N. Katherine Hayles, Co-supervisor ___________________________ Fredric Jameson ___________________________ Timothy Lenoir An abstract of a dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Literature in the Graduate School of Duke University 2018 Copyright by David Nathan Rambo 2018 Abstract Technics Before Time: Experiencing Rationalism and the Techno-Aesthetics of Speculation proposes a philosophy of technicity, or a theory of what it means for tools, techniques, and technologies—or simply technics—to be technical. Logically anterior to the everyday utility of technical objects as well as to the notion of technics as prosthetics for human faculties, technicity is a category that allows me to elaborate diverse and creative participations in technical existences without presupposing an essentialist or techno-determinist ideology. Whereas other philosophies of technics delimit technicity to a presupposed range of what a technical object can be, I attend to the structures and processes that define a technical reinvention of reality. This opens the technical, including the human’s participation in it, well beyond both extensions of physical laws of nature (à la Gilbert Simondon) and consciously liveable memories (à la Bernard Stiegler). The dissertation has eight chapters organized into three parts, each with their own case study from popular culture that both exemplifies and challenges the theoretical arguments. Part One examines how effects pedals used by electric guitarists, known as “stomp boxes,” mediate sound across layered orders of magnitude and otherwise incommensurable domains of phenomena. This clarifies the superpositional structure of intentional acts in Stiegler’s underdeveloped notion of technics as “organized inorganic matter”; and it undermines Simondon’s exclusion of human and cultural aesthetic values from the physico-chemical functioning intrinsic to technics. Part Two moves to the domain of technical subjects, specifically the creative thought process by which iv transcendental phenomenology linguistically constructs concepts to explain worldly genesis anterior to all objectification. German philosopher Eugen Fink’s speculative critique of phenomenology foregrounds the written performance of conceptualizing the pre-conscious creation of horizons of experience, which finds a pop cultural analogy in the rules systems, instruments of play, and collective world building in tabletop role- playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons. Pushing Stiegler’s technical critique of phenomenology to its logical denouement, I convert transcendental subjectivity into a transcendental technicity that integrates human thought into a broader, distributed field of technical cognition. Part Three finalizes the formulation of technicity proper, not just its objective and subjective forms, with a speculative theory of invention that pertains to material processes at a general, neutral level anterior to their sociocultural and conscious integration. On the theoretical side, I deploy Alfred North Whitehead’s process philosophy to fill out the systematic categorization of technicity so that it obtains maximum applicability to actually existing technics. On the techno-aesthetic side, I levy my novel perspective against the intuitive interpretation that blood and gore in computer games represent violence. Instead, analyzed according to the technical form of the game, gore functions first and foremost as a non-mimetic operator of a computational structure that exists through a human player’s participation. The dissertation therefore intervenes into two broadly conceived trajectories of media theory: the prosthetic interpretation of technical media and the media-specific analysis of nonhuman phenomena. My elaboration of technicity provides an explanation v of how each trajectory correctly understands its target phenomena according to its presupposed domain of abstraction. Understanding technicity as a generic process of material invention offers a productive alternative to recent speculative philosophies that oppose the human to the nonhuman. Instead, it specifies the idea of technics in relation to the more general notion of the medium as a ground for particular existences, and it recognizes the inseparability of rational concept and the sensible particularities of experience. To the extent that the human, in its experience and social organization, is technically constituted, grasping technics at such a philosophically general level can expand the disciplinary range and creative potential of the humanities. vi Contents Abstract ......................................................................................................................................... iv Contents ....................................................................................................................................... vii List of Tables ................................................................................................................................. xi List of Figures .............................................................................................................................. xii Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................. xiii General Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1 The Materiality of Light ......................................................................................................... 1 A Media-Philosophical Modernity ...................................................................................... 8 The Approach ....................................................................................................................... 14 Organization.......................................................................................................................... 22 Part I. Technicity: Stomping on Sound .................................................................................... 28 Chapter 1: Originary Technicity ............................................................................................... 45 Co-originary technicity. ....................................................................................................... 50 Programming Technical Arche-Traces. ............................................................................. 56 Example, Part 1 ..................................................................................................................... 63 Prosthetic Philosophy’s Absent Invention ........................................................................ 67 Example, Part 2 ..................................................................................................................... 76 Reassessing Originary Technicity....................................................................................... 83 Chapter 2: Genetic Technicity ................................................................................................... 85 Technical Reality ................................................................................................................... 93 vii Example, Part 3 ................................................................................................................... 104 Invention and Concretization ........................................................................................... 113 Technicity’s Solipsism ........................................................................................................ 118 Example, Part 4 ................................................................................................................... 127 Chapter 3: Superintentionality ................................................................................................ 135 Towards a phenomenological reduction of prosthesis. ................................................ 143 Analysis of super-intentionality. ...................................................................................... 147 Example, Part 5 ................................................................................................................... 154 Rethinking Co-Evolution ................................................................................................... 160 Part II. Non-Phenomenology: Tabletop Speculations .......................................................... 172 Chapter 4: Technics of Subjectivity........................................................................................
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    DOCUMENT LIZSUME ED 071' C87 82 015 524 TITLE Project Musics Reader 2,Motion in the Heavens. .INSTITUTION Harvard Univ., Cambridge,Mass. Harvard Project _Physics. SPONS AGENCY Office of Education (DREW), Washington, D.C.,Bureau of Research. BUREAU NO BK-5-1038 PUB DATE 68 CONTRACT 08C-5-10-058 NOTE 233p.; Authorized InterimVersion EDRS PRICE MF -$0.65 HC-89.87 _DESCRIPTORS Astronomy; Instructional Materials;.*Motion; *Physics; Science, Fiction;. Science Materials; _Secondary Grades; *Secondary School Science; *Space; *Supplementary Reading Materials IDENTIFIER'S Harvard Project Physics ABSTRACT As a supplement to.Projpct Physics Unit 2, specially, selected articles are presented in this reader for student browsing. _Eight excerpts are given under headings:,the starry messenger, Newton_. And the principia, an appreciation of the earth, space the unconquerable, Is there intelligent life beyond the earth3,11 the life story of a galaxy, expansion of the universe, and Dyson sphere. Seven book passages. are included under. the, headings of the black cloud, roll call, a night at the observatory, Repler's celestial music, universal gravitation, a table of stars within twenty-two light years that could have habitable planets, and three poetic _fragments about astronomy. The remaining articles includea preface to the books of the ,revolutions, Kepler, Kepler on. Mars, laws of ..motion and proposition one,, garden of Epicurus, a search for life on earth at Kilometer resolution, the. boy who redeemed his father's _name, great comet of 1965, gravity experiments, unidentified flying objects, and negative mass. Illustrations for explanationpurposes . are provided. The work of Harvard. Project Physics has been .financially supported by: the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Ford.
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