Corey Mead | 9781476783031 | | | | | Angelic Music: The Story of Ben Franklin's Glass Armonica

Mar 18, Glenn Robinson rated it really liked it. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. For the related instrument, see . Sort order. It gained a tarnished reputation in the early 19th c when people believed the music could drive one mad and cause illness, or summon the dead with magical powers. Chapter 11, "The Perils of Lead" p. Austrian music journalist, Frederich Rochlitz [], was one who attempted to redress claims against the instrument as the bringer of bad things. Dec 30, Stef rated it really liked it Shelves: americanamerican-revolutionenglandfrancefrench-revolutionhistoryhuman-bodymadnessmedicinemusic. His career was cut short by a fire in his room, which killed him and destroyed his apparatus. The Fixed Stars, the Frontier to the Beyond. It was interesting, but definitely not what I was expecting. Enjoyed the book, but I found the author's writing style less scholarly Angelic Music The Story of Benjamin Franklin’s Glass Armonica 1st edition more repetitive in places than I might have preferred. Some claim this was due to strange rumors that using the instrument caused both musicians and their listeners to go mad. However, there is no known scientific basis for the theory that merely touching can cause lead poisoning. On the enlightenment: It brought a new imaginative intensity and excitement send it on a personal commitment to Discovery. Some players fell ill, complaining of nervousness, muscle spasms, and cramps. Alasdair Malloy. Members save with free shipping everyday! Franklin himself Angelic Music The Story of Benjamin Franklin’s Glass Armonica 1st edition it for George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. From the 1 New York Times bestselling author this sizzling holiday paranormal romance is now The music for the ballet Othello by American composer Elliot Goldenthal opens and closes with the . Welcome back. It may have been the connection with mesmerism, and Angelic Music The Story of Benjamin Franklin’s Glass Armonica 1st edition oddities linked to armonica players and listeners, that hastened its decline. Just give us a call at to place an order. Diane rated it liked it Jun 01, Some thin added metallic wires resembling cat whiskers are placed under the instrument, supposedly to increase the sound power of high-pitched frequencies. They would later serve on a Royal Society committee to consider protection of St. Today a few people are experts, including whose collaboration with Linda Ronstadt on six CDs revived an interest in the instrument. Marianne Davieswho played flute and harpsichord — and was a young woman said to be related to Franklin — became proficient enough at playing the armonica to offer public performances. Some thought its ethereal tones summoned spirits or had magical powers. Fascinating, insightful, and, best of all, great fun. While working for IBM he saved the ends of glass furnace tubes for seminconductors, imagining them as potential armonica cups. Resurgence In the s, German musician became interested in the musical and devised an instrument called the glass harp based on them. I passed it on to a music and history loving friend who will really enjoy reading this book. I had never head of the glass Armonica before I saw this book. Mead reproduces a rapturous review from following a performance by Kirchgessner in Stuttgart: Ha, a strange sunshine radiates from me! A fun book on the history of the instrument invented by and the few decades of popularity that it had until it faded off until getting some life in recent decades. Music for glass harmonica was all-but-unknown from until the s although intended for the " Il dolce suono " from his opera to be accompanied by a glass harmonica, and specified use of the instrument in his opera Die Frau ohne Schattenwhen German virtuoso Bruno Hoffmann began revitalizing interest in his individual goblet instrument version that he named the glass harp for his stunning performances. Angelic Music: The Story of Benjamin Franklin's Glass Armonica (MP3 CD)

Well-written A wonderfully engaging and interesting book about a little known area of musical history — the glass armonica. The purpose of his second London sojourn [] was to convince the sons of William Penn, proprietary owners of Pennsylvania, to pay more to defend the colony during the French and Indian war. Hardcoverpages. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Glass harmonicas. So I Angelic Music The Story of Benjamin Franklin’s Glass Armonica 1st edition heard the ethereal, angelic music of the musical glasses. This was more a history of the instrument and how it evolved over the centuries. The technique for playing the is similar to that used for playing the armonica. Mead also points to the work of French musician , who has taken the armonica into the world of rock. Mar 13, Brie rated it liked it Shelves: goodreads-first-readswon-in-contest. The name "glass harmonica" also "glass armonica", "glassharmonica"; harmonica de verreharmonica de Franklinarmonica de verreor just harmonica in French; Glasharmonika in German; harmonica in Dutch refers today to any instrument played by rubbing glass or crystal goblets or bowls. In a smaller room and an audience less numerous, the effect must be enchanting. The armonica faced cultural challenges. Glass music rules! This was an easy read on a interesting subject. It's both! The phenomenon of rubbing a wet finger around the rim of a wine goblet to produce tones is documented back to times; Galileo considered the phenomenon in his Two New Sciencesas did . Another Marianne also became an armonica virtuouso. Amadeus Press. Composers are again writing pieces for it in genres ranging from chamber music and opera to electronic and popular music. When Benjamin Franklin invented his mechanical version of the instrument inhe called it the armonica, based on the Italian word armoniawhich means "harmony". The instrument's popularity did not last far beyond the 18th century. A modern version of the "purported dangers" claims that players suffered lead poisoning because armonicas were made of lead glass. The unique sound led to many to call for a ban on the instrument as it caused melancholy, depression and suicide Fascinating, insightful, and, best of all, great fun. Though the accompaniments were kept very much under, they were still occasionally too loud. But after suffering adversity during the Napoleonic wars, Kirchgessner died young of pneumonia aged Jun 10, Mandy rated it really liked it. A fun book on the history of the instrument invented by Benjamin Franklin and the few decades of popularity that it had until it faded off until getting some life in recent decades. I was looking for some books to read over the winter holidays and picked up Angelic Music by Corey Mead. The New York Times. Mar 18, Glenn Robinson rated it really liked it. I won this book in a Goodreads First Reads contest. I am so glad I read this book - It was an introduction to Franklin, the Musician and to the beautiful music produced by the Glass Armonica. The title was very misleading. May 04, Linden rated it liked it. Rating details. It was so popular in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries that Mozart, Beethoven, Handel, and Strauss composed for it; and numerous monarchs played it; Goethe and Thomas Jefferson praised it; Dr. Com rated it really liked it Dec 07, View Product. Vituosos toured Europe playing the music that made women swoon. Historical replicas by Eisch use so-called "White Crystal" developed in the 18th c. Related Articles Reviews. With several dozen glasses, each a different diameter and thus rotating with a different depth, the result would be musical Angelic Music The Story of Benjamin Franklin’s Glass Armonica 1st edition. Get A Copy. In Angelic Music, Corey Mead describes how Franklin's instrument fell out of popular favor, partly due to Angelic Music The Story of Benjamin Franklin’s Glass Armonica 1st edition that its haunting sounds could drive musicians out of their minds. Power Biggs Attempts a Keyboard Armonica". Post Date: 7th December Dec 30, Stef rated it really liked it Shelves: americanamerican-revolutionenglandfrancefrench- revolutionhistoryhuman-bodymadnessmedicinemusic. Angelic Music: The Story of Benjamin Franklin's Glass Armonica Bache grandson Louis F. After thirty years of experimentation, Finkenbeiner's imitative prototype consisted of clear glasses and glasses later equipped with gold bands mimicking late 18th-century designs. Trivia About Angelic Music: Th Views Read Edit View history. used Angelic Music The Story of Benjamin Franklin’s Glass Armonica 1st edition for his Mesmerism sessions. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. The phenomenon of rubbing a wet finger around the rim of a wine goblet to produce tones is documented back to Renaissance times; Galileo considered the phenomenon in his Two New Sciencesas did Athanasius Kircher. Interesting material enjoyed for its own sake and perhaps not to be remembered for ever. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Franklin himself played it for George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Yet in recent years, the armonica has enjoyed a revival. Some thin added metallic wires resembling cat whiskers are placed under the instrument, supposedly to increase the sound power of high-pitched frequencies. Friend Reviews. Mar 11, David Dunlap rated it liked it. Franklin himself is only musical enough to play it for his own enjoyment. When German glassblower Gerhard Finkenbeiner saw a Glass Armonica in a musem in it was a curiosity. This was more a history of the instrument and how it evolved over the centuries. Archived from the original on Amadeus Press. Individual . Corey Mead, Angelic Music, pp. The name "glass harmonica" also "glass armonica", "glassharmonica"; harmonica de verreharmonica de Franklinarmonica de verreor just harmonica in French; Glasharmonika in German; harmonica in Dutch refers today to any instrument played by rubbing glass or crystal goblets or bowls. Marianne Davieswho played flute and harpsichord — and was a young woman said to be related to Franklin — became proficient enough at playing the armonica to offer public performances. Accessed: February 04 That the instrument was made with glass, and subject to easy breakage, perhaps did not help either. Retrieved 5 April Lists with This Book. Hadley Freeman knew her grandmother Sara lived in France just as Hitler started to gain power, but rarely did anyone in Benjamin Franklin invented a radically new arrangement of the glasses in after seeing water-filled wine glasses played by Edmund Delaval at Cambridge in England in May He then created a mechanism for attaching and rotating his bowls with an electric motor — Franklin would surely have been pleased. Some thought its ethereal tones summoned spirits or had magical powers. The armonica has in recent years enjoyed a revival. Janis: Her Life and Music. I had not realized that the Glass Armonica was all the rage in the 18th c and early 19th c. The bel canto operas of Rossini, Donizetti, and Bellini. If however you are interested in inventions, Ben Franklin, music, and life in the and 's, then the writing style will be a side issue. Corey Mead. Friction . A a boy he saw Franklin's instruemtent at the ; in music school he asked what it sounded like and his Angelic Music The Story of Benjamin Franklin’s Glass Armonica 1st edition answered, "No one knows. Jun 10, Mandy rated it really liked it. Search Search. Which I did - I heartily recommend Mr. The purpose of his second London sojourn [] was to convince the sons of Angelic Music The Story of Benjamin Franklin’s Glass Armonica 1st edition Penn, proprietary owners of Pennsylvania, to pay more to defend the colony during the French and Indian war.