Michael Moorcock,John Davey,Jeff Vandermeer | 403 pages | 15 May 2009 | Tachyon Publications | 9781892391865 | English | San Francisco, CA, United States Best of Michael Moorcock, The - Tachyon Publications

Michael John Moorcock born 18 December is an English writer and musician, primarily of and fantasywho has also published literary novels. As editor of the British science fiction magazine New Worldsfrom May until March and then again from toMoorcock fostered the development of the science fiction "New The Best of Michael Moorcock in the UK and indirectly in the United States, leading to the advent of cyberpunk. Michael Moorcock was born in London in December[4] and the landscape of London, particularly the area of Notting Hill Gate [5] and Ladbroke Groveis an important influence in some of his fiction such as the Cornelius novels. Nicholas by Edwin Lester Arnold as the first three non-juvenile books that he read before beginning primary school. Moorcock is the former husband of Hilary Bailey by whom he had three children: Sophie b. She illustrated some of Moorcock's books, including covers, including the dustjacket. He was an early member of the Swordsmen and Sorcerers' Guild of America SAGAa loose-knit group of eight heroic authors founded in the s and led by Lin Carterself-selected by fantasy credentials alone. Moorcock is the subject of four book-length works, a monograph and an interview, by Colin Greenland. He followed this with Michael Moorcock: Death is No Obstaclea book-length interview about technique, in In the s, Moorcock moved to Texas in the United States. Moorcock's works are noted for their political nature and content. In one interview, he states, "I am an anarchist and a pragmatist. All of them end on a note which often states quite directly that one should serve neither gods nor masters but become one's own master. Besides using fiction to explore his politics, [14] Moorcock also engages in political activism. In order to "marginalize stuff that works to objectify women and suggests women enjoy being beaten", he has encouraged W H Smiths to move 's series novels to the top shelf. Moorcock began writing while he was still at school, contributing to a magazine he entitled Outlaw's Own from on. In at the age of 17, Moorcock became editor of Tarzan Adventures a national juvenile weekly featuring text and Tarzan comic stripwhere he published at least a dozen of his own "Sojan the Swordsman" stories during that year and the next. This remained unpublished untilwhen it was issued by Savoy Books with an introduction by M. John Harrison. At 19 years of age [6] Moorcock also edited Sexton Blake Library serial pulp fiction featuring Sexton Blakethe poor man's Sherlock Holmes [19] and returned to late Victorian London for some of his books. Writing ever since, he has produced a huge volume of work. This movement promoted literary style and an existential view of technological change, in contrast to " hard science fiction ", [20] which extrapolated on technological change itself. Some "New Wave" stories were not recognisable as traditional science fiction, and New Worlds remained controversial for as long as Moorcock edited it. During that time, he occasionally wrote as " James Colvin ", a "house pseudonym " that The Best of Michael Moorcock also used by other New The Best of Michael Moorcock critics. Moorcock makes much use of the initials "JC"; these are also the initials of Jesus Christthe subject of his -winning novella Behold the Manwhich tells the story of Karl Glogauer, a time-traveller who takes on the role of Christ. In more recent years, Moorcock has taken to using " Warwick Colvin, Jr. Moorcock talks about much of his writing in Death Is No Obstacle by Colin Greenland, which is a book-length transcription of interviews with Moorcock about the structures in his writing. Moorcock The Best of Michael Moorcock also published pastiches of writers for whom he The Best of Michael Moorcock affection as a boy, including Edgar Rice BurroughsLeigh Brackettand Robert E. All his fantasy adventures have elements of satire and parody, while respecting what he considers the essentials of the form. Although his heroic have been his most consistently reprinted books in the United States, he achieved prominence in the UK as a literary author, with the Guardian Fiction Prize in for The Condition of Muzakand with later shortlisted for the Whitbread Prize. In Moorcock was named by a critics' panel in The Times as one of the fifty best British novelists since Most of Moorcock's earlier work consisted of short stories and relatively brief novels: he has mentioned that "I could write 15, words a day and gave myself three days a volume. That's how, for instance, the Hawkmoon books were written. This is reflected in his development of interlocking cycles which hark back to the origins of fantasy in myth and medieval cycles see "Wizardry and Wild Romance — Moorcock" and "Death Is No Obstacle — Colin Greenland" for more commentary. None of this should be surprising given Moorcock's background in magazine publishing. Since the s, Moorcock has tended to write longer, more literary "mainstream" novels, such as Mother London and , but he continues to revisit characters from his earlier works, such as Elric, with books such as The Dreamthief's Daughter or The Skrayling Tree. With the publication of the third and last book in this series, The White Wolf's Sonhe announced that he was "retiring" from writing heroic fantasy fiction, though he continues to write Elric's adventures as graphic novels with his long-time collaborators Walter Simonson and the late James Cawthorn — He has also completed his Colonel Pyat sequence, The Best of Michael Moorcock with the Nazi Holocaust. Moorcock is prone to revising his existing work, with the result that different editions of a given book may contain significant variations. A new, final revision of almost Moorcock's entire oeuvre, with the exception of his literary novels Mother LondonKing of the City and the Pyat quartet, is being issued by Gollancz and many of his titles are being reprinted in the United States and France. Many comics based on his work are being reprinted by Titan Books under the general title The Michael Moorcock Library, while in France a new adaptation of the Elric series has been translated into many languages, including English. Moorcock's work is complex and multilayered. The success of Elric has overshadowed his many other works, though he has worked a number of the themes of the Elric stories into his other works the "Hawkmoon" and "Corum" novels, for example and Elric appears in the and Dancers at the End of Time cycles. His Eternal Champion sequence has been collected in two different editions of omnibus volumes totalling 16 books the U. There have been several uncompleted attempts to make an Elric film. In February BBC Studios announced that they had secured the rights to series of fantasy novels, which feature Hawkmoon as their hero. Another of Moorcock's creations is Jerry Corneliusa kind of hip urban adventurer The Best of Michael Moorcock ambiguous gender ; the same characters featured in each of several Cornelius books. These books The Best of Michael Moorcock most obviously satirical of modern times, including the Vietnam War, and The Best of Michael Moorcock to feature as another variation of the Multiverse theme. Pegging the President PS. Since the s he has worked on novels containing autobiography and fake autobiography mixed with fantasy and parody beginning with "Blood" and "The War Amongst the Angels". His most recent sequence began with "The Whispering Swarm", published to critical success in With "Kaboul" Denoel he continued to publish original work in France. Moorcock is a fervent supporter of the works of Mervyn Peake. He cites Fritz Leiberan important sword and sorcery pioneer, as an author who writes fantasy that is not escapist and contains meaningful themes. These views can be found in his study of epic fantasyWizardry and Wild Romance Gollancz, which was revised and reissued by MonkeyBrain Books in —its first U. Moorcock is somewhat dismissive of the works of J. He met both Tolkien and C. Lewis in his teens, and claims to have liked them personally even though he does not admire them on artistic grounds. Moorcock has also criticized writers for their political agendas. He included Robert A. Heinlein and H. Lovecraft among this group in a essay, "Starship Stormtroopers" Anarchist Review. There he criticised the production of "authoritarian" fiction by certain canonical writers, and Lovecraft for having antisemiticmisogynistic and extremely racist viewpoints that he weaved into his short stories. Moorcock has allowed a number of other writers to create stories in his fictional Jerry Cornelius universe. Brian AldissM. Many others have appeared on a Moorcock Facebook page. In an interview published in The Internet Review of Science FictionMoorcock explains the reason for sharing his character:. I came out of popular fiction and Jerry was always meant to be a sort of crystal ball for others to see their own visions in The Best of Michael Moorcock the stories were designed to work like that — a diving board, to use another analogy, from which to jump into the river and be carried along by it. Jerry, as Harrison said, was as much a technique as a character and I'm glad that others have taken to using that method. The two men appeared on stage at the Vanbrugh Theatre in London in January where they discussed Moorcock's work. The story is set in Karadur-Shriltasi, a city at the heart of the Multiverse. A second novel, Dragonskinwas described as being in preparation, with Constantine as the main writer, but has not yet been delivered. Moorcock abandoned a memoir about his friends Mervyn Peake and Maeve Gilmore because he felt it was too personal. He wrote prose and verse for The Sunday Books first publication in French to accompany a set of unpublished Peake drawings. His book The Metatemporal Detective was published in His most recent book to be published first in French is Kaboulin In NovemberMoorcock announced [34] that he would be writing a Doctor Who novel for BBC Books inmaking it one of the few occasions when he has written stories set in other people's "shared universes". The story merges Doctor Who with many of Moorcock's characters from the multiverse, notably Captain Cornelius and his pirates. In he announced his completion The Best of Michael Moorcock the second volume The Woods of Arcady. The Best of Michael Moorcock Jerry Cornelius novella Pegging the President was launched in at Shakespeare and CoParis, where he discussed his work with Hari Kunzru and reaffirmed his commitment to literary experiment. Moorcock is a member of the College of Pataphysicians. The first of an audiobook series of unabridged Elric novels, with new work read by Moorcock, began appearing from AudioRealms; however, Audio Realms is no longer in business. The second audiobook in the series — The Sailor on the Seas of Fate — was published in There have been audio-books of Corum and others, several of which were unofficial and A Winter Admiral and Furniture are audio versions of short stories. The Deep Fix was the title story of an obscure collection of short stories by James Colvin a pen name of Moorcock that was published in the s. The first album New Worlds The Best of Michael Moorcock was released in The album included The Best of Michael Moorcock White and a number of regulars in the credits. A second version of the New Worlds album was issued in under the album name Roller Coaster Holiday. A non-album single, "Starcruiser" coupled with "Dodgem Dude", was belatedly issued in Inas a trio with Pete Pavli and Drachen Theaker, some recordings were issued on Hawkwind, Friends and Relations and a limited-edition 7" single of "Brothel in Rosenstrasse" backed with "Time Centre". These were sessions for planned albums based on two of Moorcock's novels, Gloriana, or The Unfulfill'd Queen and The Entropy Tangowhich were never completed. Following Stone's death inMoorcock made plans to complete the album with producer Don Falcone. InMoorcock announced the completion of The Best of Michael Moorcock album, and it was released 11 Octoberon Cleopatra Records. Moorcock collaborated with the British rock band Hawkwind [38] on many occasions: the Hawkwind track " ", for example, included verbatim quotes from Moorcock's novel of the same nameand The Best of Michael Moorcock worked with the band on their album Warrior The Best of Michael Moorcock the Edge of Timefor which he earned The Best of Michael Moorcock gold disc. Moorcock also wrote the lyrics to " ", a Sci-Fi satire of the public information broadcast, that was part of Hawkwind's Space Ritual set. Moorcock appeared on stage with the band on many occasions, including the Black Sword tour. His contributions were removed from the original release of the album, recorded on this tour, for legal reasons, but have subsequently appeared on some double-CD versions. Moorcock also collaborated with former Hawkwind frontman and resident poet, Robert Calvert who gave the chilling declamation of "Sonic The Best of Michael Moorcockon Calvert's albums Lucky Leif and the Longships The Best of Michael Moorcock Hypeplaying guitar and banjo and singing background vocals. He is credited with singing lead vocals and playing guitar and mandolin. The Best of Michael Moorcock by Michael Moorcock

Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade The Best of Michael Moorcock. Javascript is not enabled in your browser. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. Learn how to The Best of Michael Moorcock JavaScript on your browser. Born in London inMichael Moorcock is a prolific and award-winning writer with more than 80 works of fiction and non-fiction to his name. Inthe London Times named Moorcock in their list of "The 50 greatest British writers since Home Authors 1 Michael Moorcock 2. Age Teens. Language English French German Italian. Add to Wishlist. The Gormenghast Trilogy. The Knight of the Swords Corum Series 1. The Queen of the Swords Corum Series 2. Pre-Order Now Add to Wishlist. The Illustrated Gormenghast Trilogy. The Bull and the Spear Corum Series 4. The King of the Swords Corum Series 3. Old Mars. The Wrecks of Time. The Oak and the Ram Corum Series 5. The Sword and the Stallion Corum Series 6. Conan the Barbarian Epic…. The Moorcock Library: Elric…. The Knight of the Swords…. See All Formats. The Queen of the Swords Corum…. The Eternal Champion: The…. The Illustrated Gormenghast…. The Bull and the Spear Corum…. The King of the Swords Corum…. The English Assassin: The…. Phoenix in Obsidian: The…. Master of Adventure: The…. The The Best of Michael Moorcock and the Ram Corum…. The Sword and the Stallion…. The Dragon in the Sword: The…. The Sundered Worlds. Modem Times 2. : The…. Related Searches. A mirror-image of his former self, Jerry Cornelius returns to a parallel London, armed with On the trail of the grotesque Bishop Beesley, Jerry hunts The Best of Michael Moorcock a mysterious device capable of View Product. A Demon in Silver The Best of Michael Moorcock of the Archons. A new stunning epic fantasy for readers of , Michael J. Sullivan and Brian Sullivan and Brian Staveley. In a world where magic has disappeared, rival nations The Best of Michael Moorcock for power in a continent devastated by war. When a young farm girl, Livia, demonstrates Lone Sloane: Gail. Lone Sloane, the Ulysses of space, cosmic freebooter and rebel, endlessly struggles against dark gods, Lone Sloane, the Ulysses of space, cosmic freebooter and rebel, endlessly struggles against dark gods, robotic entities and alien forces! Following on from his adventures in Lone Sloane: Delirius, Sloane finds himself captured and sent to a prison planet, where a Reliant on magic and herbs A year A year has passed since Elric left Imrryr, his palace and his throne, leaving behind a heartbroken Cymoril. For a year he has walked the Young Kingdoms, Modesty Blaise: Lady in The Best of Michael Moorcock Dark. Stories from the classic newspaper strip Modesty Blaise are collected here in the latest in Stories from the classic newspaper strip Modesty Blaise are collected here in the latest in Titan's deluxe library series. With story introductions that Modesty Blaise: The Grim Joker. As dangerous as she is desirable, Modesty Blaise, the cult creation of best-selling writer Peter Primeval: Fire and Water. When strange anomalies in time start to appear. Professor Cutter and his team have to Professor Cutter and his team have to help track down and capture a multitude of dangerous prehistoric creatures from 's distant past and terrifying future In this brand new original The Best of Michael Moorcock by Michael Moorcock | NOOK Book (eBook) | Barnes & Noble®

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. In this definit "Moorcock crosses genres, bends boundaries, and breaks rules as only a master storyteller can. In this definitive collection, discover the incomparable stories of one of our most important contemporary writers. Newer work handpicked by an expert editing team includes one previously unpublished story and three uncollected stories. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. More Details Original Title. Other Editions 3. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Best of Michael Moorcockplease sign up. Be the first to ask a question about The Best of Michael Moorcock. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of The Best of Michael Moorcock. Somehow, despite having read massive amounts of science fiction and fantasy, I never managed to break open a Michael Moorcock book. Not one. Well, that just changed and his work is nothing like what I expected. If you are familiar with his work, this collection is a chance to revisit old friends like Elric. For us newbies, it is a smorg Somehow, despite having read massive amounts of science fiction and fantasy, I never managed to break open a Michael Moorcock book. For us newbies, it is a smorgasbord of different offerings, often no more than a brief glimpse into the different characters and worlds Moorcock created. However, In some cases, the glimpses were just too brief to really connect with a character and their universe. In many cases, I found the wonder was not always in the plot as in the complex and very descriptive worlds created. His writing is often dense prose that creates worlds and layers of experience and emotion. Within this collection, some of the real gems include the reincarnation of Jimi Hendrix, a time travel journey to meet Jesus and John the Baptist and experience their world, a love story played out across holes in the fabric of the universe in an alternate history of the United States with a restaurant at the vortex of time and space, and alternate histories as World War Three plays out with Cossacks on horseback galloping through Southeast Asia. The Best of Michael Moorcock is an unexpected richness and depth to many of the stories. Many thanks to the publisher for providing a copy for review. View 1 comment. Apr 03, Stefan rated it really liked it Shelves: fantasyscience-fictionliterary-fictionshort-story-collection The Best of Michael Moorcock, advance-reading-copy. The collection, lovingly edited by John Davey with Jeff and Ann Vandermeer, is nothing short of excellent. There are really no bad stories here, and some that are simply stunning. As someone who has read many of Moorcock's novels but barely any of his shorter work, I was amazed at how well the author's skill "The Best of Michael Moorcock" is a brand new collection of the legendary author's best short fiction, containing several of his classic stories, as well as one previously unreleased story. As someone who has read many of Moorcock's novels but barely any of his shorter work, I was amazed at how well the author's skill - so much better known for the long, sweeping epic - translates into the much more concentrated short form. Also amazing is the ease with which Moorcock switches tones and styles, The Best of Michael Moorcock the light-hearted to the overwhelmingly deep, from fantasy to SF to non-genre fiction, from the joking staccato prose of "London Bone" to the lyrical sadness of the Elric story "A Portrait In Ivory". It's easy to see why this man is a legend. One of my favorite aspects of this book are the subtle typographical touches added to each story's title - e. Each one is different and somehow relevant to the story, and they give the book an old-fashioned - in a good way! SF fans have been lucky this The Best of Michael Moorcock, with The Best of Michael Moorcock excellent best-of short story collections so far: first Tor released a brilliant Gene Wolfe collection, and now there's Tachyon Publications' Michael Moorcock collection. If, like me, you weren't very familiar with these authors' short works yet, getting these books is practically a must. Jun 02, Fantasy Literature rated it really liked it. The Best of The Best of Michael Moorcock Moorcock is a collection of the legendary author's best short fiction, containing several of his classic stories, as well as one previously unreleased story. As someone who has read many of Michael Moorcock's novels but barely any of his shorter work, I was amazed at how well the author's skill — so The Best of Michael Moorcock is a collection of the legendary author's best short fiction, containing several of his classic stories, as well as one previously unreleased story. As someone who has read many of Michael Moorcock's novels but barely any of his shorter work, I was amazed at how The Best of Michael Moorcock the author's skill — so much better known for the long, sweeping epic — translates into the much more concentrated short form. Also amazing is the ease with which Moorcock switches tones and styles, from the light-hearted to the overwhelmingly As the afterword admits, a title like that was always going to be asking for an argument; starting out as a hack of the old school, Moorcock was insanely prolific for many years. Like my dad says, in the time most people write a bad chapter, Moorcock would have cranked out a bad trilogy and crank is definitely the operative word for some of them. Still, unpolished and corny as it is, some of that work is essential to understanding his project. Whereas the selection here feels a little too much As the afterword admits, a title like that was always going to be asking for an argument; starting out as a hack of the old school, Moorcock was insanely prolific for many years. Whereas the selection here feels a little too much like the respectable The Best of Michael Moorcock, just pulp enough but no pulpier — the larger-than-life figure who'll leave the litfic types ever so gently scandalised, but not too much The Best of Michael Moorcock. Which is to say it concentrates on his later work, with even characters like Elric or Jerry Cornelius appearing in oblique revisits, rather than the more openly adventurous material which made their names and Moorcock's. Which is to say, there's a disproportionate amount of stuff with no overt genre elements, and yes A Winter Admiral is a beautiful story, with certain subterranean links to the Von Bek dynasty and thus the whole crazy edifice of the Eternal Champion and beyond. But for every Winter Admiral there's an Opium General, which may be well-regarded but nevertheless feels like an underpowered revisit of Roeg's Performance and Moorcock's own peak Cornelius. Hell, even the Shakey Mo solo story, while it has a certain rarity value, could almost pass for realism were it not for his resurrected passenger, and too often feels like a parody of the disappointed sixties survivor's lament which, in fairness, may at least be deliberate ; the full Burroughs homage of The Deep Fix is even more trying, and one of the longest pieces here to boot. To be fair, the magnificently blasphemous time travel story is present, in more or less its original form, and the tale of the Clapham Antichrist has a wonderful note of West London Arthur Machen. London Bone has its slightly clunky politics, but also a real Angela Carter music hall vigour; what would later become the opening to Blood - which I've The Best of Michael Moorcock 20 years or more and never begun - recalls the modulation of his old mucker M John Harrison's style, and indeed the subject of a rip in space-time, in the Kefahuchi Tract trilogy. And seeing so many different Moorcock worlds jumbled together was always going to help bring out the pattern in his multiversal carpet. But a less polite, more representative selection would have been a magnificent book indeed. But then perhaps I'm just sulking at the absence of my own favourite creations of his, those godlike, childlike, naive sophisticates from the End of Time. Netgalley ARC Oct 20, K. I picked this book up, because Michael Moorcock was one of the authors Alyson Publications recommended as having queer characters. I decided to try Moorcock again years later. What I found was many a female character acting as a receptacle for male characters to interact with and show off to. On the plus side, the stories were rich with detail. Moorcock has an excellent eye for p I picked The Best of Michael Moorcock book up, because Michael Moorcock was one of the authors Alyson Publications recommended as having queer characters. Moorcock has an excellent eye for painting a unique landscape and bringing it to life with words. Unfortunately I kept hearing the ghosts of former editors while reading his sentences. Break it up. Many a therapeutic vent and retaliatory writing fragment later, I was able to pick up the book The Best of Michael Moorcock. I had to give Moorcock The Best of Michael Moorcock for writing a scene awful enough to upset me The Best of Michael Moorcock badly. Unfortunately the scene was so horrific, it overshadowed the rest of the story. The end felt The Best of Michael Moorcock after that moment. It may The Best of Michael Moorcock a lot of readers. The magical special effect created by the drug made up for the inclusion of more empty female vessels, waiting for the main character to interact with them. Morl, Mr. Hand, the Vampire, and Farlowe. This story was in the same league as some of my favorites by Stephen King and Clive Barker. Her character shone through, undiminshed, in spite of this. Other female characters felt crippled in their development at times. This hobbled development diminished the landscapes, making them smaller, less grand than they could have been. The stories are good, in spite of this. The Best of Michael Moorcock or not you enjoy this depends on your expectations and your tastes. Jun 05, Dan Trefethen rated it liked it Shelves: science-fictioncollections-single-author.