EC 073 536 EA 004 882 AUTHOR Johns, Thomas L., Comp

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EC 073 536 EA 004 882 AUTHOR Johns, Thomas L., Comp Dt_ CUMENT RESUME EC 073 536 EA 004 882 AUTHOR Johns, Thomas L., Comp. TITLE Public School FinancePrograms, 1971-72. District of Columbia, and OutlyingAreas) . INSTITUTION Office of Education( HEW), Washington, D.C. REPORT NO DHEW-OE-73-00001 PUB CATE 72 NOTE 389p. AVAILABLE FROMSuperintendent of Documents,U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402(Stock Number 1780-01126 $3.70 or $3.25GPO Bookstore.) EEPS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$13.16 DESCRIPTORS Adult Education; Bond issues;Capital Outlay (for Fixed Assets); *EducationalFinance; *Elementary Education; Equalization Aid;Junior Colleges; *Public Schools; School DistrictSpending; School Support; School Taxes; *SecondaryEducation; *State Aid; State School District Relationship ABSTRACT This publication describesState funds transmitted to local agencies for the supportof elementary and secondaryeducation. Each distribution identifiedas a separate fund by the State is described in terms of (1)title, CO legal citation, (3) appropriation for the schoolyear or estimate,(4) percentage of total State funds transmitted, (5) expenditure restructions, (6) calculation of district allowance/(7) State and local shares allowance, of the (8) district requirements forparticipation,(9) extent of participation, and (10) distributionschedule. In addition, the report includes information describinglocal property assessment procedures, State provisions forequalizing local assessments,local taxing authority and limitsthereto, local borrowingprovisions including the issuing and saleof bonds, voting requirements, limitation on debt, andprovisions for school budgetsand audits. Although technical in natureand intended primarily forpersons familiar with the field of schoolfinance, the publicationcan also be used by lay personsto gain a general understandingof the mechanics of State school financeprograms. A related document is ED 0514 547.(Editor/3F) FILMED FROM BESTAVAILABLE COPY runic; SGBON, FINANCE FRa,;RAH56I971-72 (,Stotrc. Di.,..ltrirt of Columbia, ona Ontlyinr, Arua ILED AND EDITED BY THOMAS L. JOHNS SPECIAL/ST, STATE SCHOOL FINANCE TASK FORCE ON SCHOOL FLNANzE ASSISTED BY JANET S. FOERSTER EDUCATION PROGRAM SPECIALIST U.S. DEPARTINT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Elliot L. Richard4on, Sceretary Education Division S. P. Marlandj Jr., AsO.staor socrpIy 04440P 01 Education John R. Ottina, Acting Commis nor U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION&WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO- DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIG- INATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPIN- IONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDU CATION POSITION OR POLICY. Previous ouhlleations in this neries are tinted below! Public School Finance Programs of the PorLygight States, 197.9-5. (Circelic 224) Puhlii School Finance PrivraM. At the Untied Hiaies,1953-54. (Misr. NO. 22) Public School Finance Programs of the United StAtes 1957-55. (Di; 22002, Mi,,le. No.13) Revenliu ft roil For the Public Schools in tho UnitedSin, ]1O.5) (OP 22013, MLNe. No. Stale Pro lrams [Or Public School Sul cart lo62-63, OE-22023, Misc., No 52) Puoj I School Finance Program4.1 966h7. (cm 924-786) 15151 ic School Finance Programg, 1966-69. (Of 22002-6)) U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 197Z Fur of by thu Superintendent of Documents, U.S. (40eernmoot Printing Ot bee, Wushinmon, D.C. 20402 Price $3.70 domestic postpaid or $3.25 CPO Bookstore Stock Number 1780-01126 CONTENTS EAKK INTRO:AN:MN FUND CLASSIFICATION TABLES 3 PUBLIC SCII0OL FINANCE PR0GEAMS1 ALN13AMA A1A'TRA NEW HAMPSHIRE 205 NEW JERSEY ARIZONA 18 213 ARKANSAS NEW MEXICO 221, 23 NEW YORK CALIrOKNIA 13 234 COLORADO NORTH CAROLINA 243 'CONNECTICUT NORTH DAKOTA 250 1WW';.ARE OHIO 254 e OKLAWMA 243 FIALOA 70 OREGON 270 CETI-HI/A 60 PENNSYLVANIA 217 so 37 IPAHO RHODE /SLAND 290 2 SOUTH CAROLINA 295 ILLINOIS 94 SOUTH DAKOTA 305 INDIANA 107 TENNESSEE 311 100, 115 TEXAS 317 KANSAS 12L KENTUCKY as UTAH 323 VERMONT LOUISIANA 133 140 VIRG/NIA 344 141 WASHINGYLAND 351 151 MASSACHOSETTs WEST VIRGINIA 357 155 WISCONSIN MICHIGAN 162 365 WYOMING 373 MINNESOTA 148 DISTRICT OV COLUMBIA 379 MISSISSIVB1 174 AMERICAN SAMOA 380 MISSOURI 162 CANAL ZONE 381 MONTANA let; GUAM 382 NEBRASKA 194 PUERTO RICO .tR3 NEVADA 'd01 VIRGIN ISLANDS 385 ACKNOWLEDGMNT Thc d,'.cription of oth !iSats. ,',01q01 linan':0 program waa PrOPared Ly a ,ehool finan,, HJuuialLNL from Ole ro,peesive State is Looperario71 ,LUI1LI U.S. MILL., ofEcilluatiu.. Thu 11.1.4, and title or the g;ialies, gi,Ln on [he I [lit page utfl,,Ch StatPtdItptLn Tip; Office, empret,a, appreciation to Ow tail finans otialistN for making this pohlicatton potithip. LNtRQtli 1 I n:. hI t! Fritvcu. tilt l/i7.! I. Lii. ill. Ill i 1vi!n I p.iidI iii. pI1II.iby .tiilt.or. Cli un-i ticking indyp..hnily .1 iiiI n..iLi inliii_u 1. nilil Liv till iv In i' iiLIl__iL1 Lb. litLtV,iitItitfl,IiittiLI,ti n illtci 1. 1 1ij ii t Ilji.[i I Utldu.l itl liuiichii!iit. VIII I. I Iv iii II rIPitil u I L I LILLi ill 1 I I i ..t ii L liv Ii LI I I I I bItt.. Liiiit inhclin Itt I I I I I I ni ill. Iiu. Ihnr ui_rn tui.vtv 1 tittitLitilI..r Ii_I5 it Iluiliiilil1 litIt IL tIlt inlikily th.iL uN lu-I IISlut.uIiuil 1 II.lSIiiinfIIII It, lii iIIIIII'l_ untIl itmuttud tiuIrnIittl lint!iiILi'lIdiiiliviitcIi'Lly 1.11 pIruini I I II III II I III II I II it I I I 111) V I LII 1 I I LI Y r I ii ii. 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