Compiled and Published by E .. G. SPRAGUE, Ph. B., M. D.


To the Descendants of EDWARD and CHRISTIANA


At the outset it must be understood that anything original is disclaimed; scissors and copying-pad have been used so freely on everything pertaining to the subject that a printed list of references would considerably increase the size and cost of the book; church, grave-stone, probate court, vital town records in Mass., and a large part of New England have been searched to secure Sprague data.; and lastly no attempt has ever before been made (so far as I know) to publish a Genea­ logy of Ralph. Colonisl iromir;rants by our name came from England, and twelve years ago while in London I made an attempt at the Somerset House to procure material concerning their progenitors for an introductory chapter to this volume. Ex­ orbitant charges precluded satisfactory results and research "·orkwas abandoned. It has already been alleged that Hol- - land was the cradle of the Sprague family; that they were "·eavers there and so oppressed by the stiff duties imposed on their products, they emigrated to England in the 15th or 16th century. Records of the family have been found to reach back to the 14th century, the name being spelled in a. variety of forms however. Sir Edward Spragge, Admiral of the Blue, who "·as drovn1ed during an engagement "ith Cornelius Van Tromp of the Dutch Navy off the of Holland Aug. 11, 1673, wa..i;; son of Captain Litchfield Spragge of the English Army and grandson of Captain John Spra.gge, an Army officer in Queen Elizabeth's time. He "·as knighted by Charles II on his ship Triumph Jul. 1, 1665 and his Coat of Arms ''reproduced is gule, a fess between three trefoils. Crest out of a na.vs.l cro",i, a demi-lion crowned". The above dates being con­ temporaneous with the lives of the Sprague boys who came to the New World negative a direct relationship and our title to the Sir Edward Coat of Arms. It bas been well kno",i for 6 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GE!-.~OGY. some that the ,\ill of Edward Spr?,gue of Upway had 1 been handed down to us through the f mnily of lu.Jph , but not until recently has it become so well known that the Sir Hugh Sprague Coat of ..i\.rms bad been preserv.ed and equally prized by the Wtlliam1 family. .Among the early immigrants, whose descendants have become very numerous "·as Francis Sprague who arrived in Plymouth,, Jul. 1623 in the ship Ann. The descen­ dants of Nicholn..s Sprake or Sprague who settled in Billereca, about li20, have become today a very large family. Ralph, Richard and William crune to Salem, ~Iass. in 1628. William settled in Hingham, Mass. raised n. large family of children and his descendants today are numerous and ·widely scattered. · Richard had no children. Ralph, our forefather, settled in Malden, 1\-Isss., where he brought up a large family. Three of his sons had children and their descendants ha.Ye been traced out generation after generation to the present, as indicated by the charts or family trees on f ollomng pages. These charts not alone serve to quickly run ones line back through the several generations to Ralph's father Edward of England, but to show by the names in italics that a consider­ able number of men are yet to be accounted for before the wotk can b;: entirely complete. Some of these perhaps brought up families in neighboring or distant states, many doubtless died -without issue, ms.king the genealogy more nearly complete than the charts indicate. More might be done but slow progress would be e.'\.~ected and I take leave of this very pleasant work not through lack of interest in it but time required to pursue it. While the early records of this compilation do not correspond with some others in every particular, let it be remembered discrepances are not easily reconciled. No name has been introduced but what h3S been approved by some one, and I 3.m pleased to mention my indebtedness to W. F. Bucknam of Stoneham, Mass., for records of the several children in the 2nd, 3d, a.nd 4th genera- !NTROD'OCTION. 7 tions not mentioned by others. For the invaluable and un­ remitting favours of Dr. W. V. Sprague of Chauncey, Ohio, who recently published the genealogies of Francis, William and Nicholas Sprague I am under special obligations, as well as to my father John H. for the material concerning the 5 descendants of J onathan , the pioneer of our Vermont branch of Spragues. A vast amount of material has been contributed by Finney Sprague of Dayton, 0., F. W. Sprague of Brookline, ~lass., and Rev. C. C. Carpenter of Andover, Mass. Most every family of the present generation here furnished some­ thing, and to all I e.'\9tend my thanks for their assistance which was so essential and cheerfully given. EDWARD G. ·sPRAGUE.

Barre, Vt.,, June 1, 1913.


PAP ,V'JLL OF EowARD...... • • . . • ...... • . . . • ...... • 13 ~'lCESTRAL CILUtTS. . • . . . • . . . . • . • . . . • ...... 17 Enw ARD AND CHlUSTik'iA. . • • . . . . . • ...... • ...... • • . . . 23 GENERATION 1...... 25

' GE:!\'"ERATION 2 ...... 31

GE~"ERA.TION 3...... 37 G~"'ERA TION 4 ...... 47 GENER.-\.TION 5·...... 65

GE...,'"'ER..\.'I'70N 6 ...... + •••• + • • • • • • • • 85 GE1''"'ERATION 7...... 117 G~~RATION 8 ...... 169 GE~~R.A.TION 9 ...... ~ ...... 237 GE.'-~TlO::i,;' 10 ...... ~ ...... 293

APPE::ir."'l>tx. • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • . . • • • • • • .. 301 b,-OE.X OF sPR.\Gt;E.. • • • • • • . . . . • ...... • • . . . . • ...... + • • • • • 303 I~~EX OF AssocuTE NA ...,ms ...... 31i


Contents of Photo-Engravings.

• P~c Co.-\.T OF •.\R.,1s...... • ...... • 12 FULLIXG MILL OF UPWAY...... 23 CHURCH OF uPWA y. . • ...... • ...... Z3- EDWARD6...... 95 EDWARD D., ...... 117 AsA1...... 128 LEOXARD7 ...... ·...... 128 EDGERTO~•...... • ...... • . . . ..•.. : . . . • • . . . . 128 · ALFRJ:01...... - . . • . • . . . . . • •..... ·...... 132 ZraA7 ..•..... _ ...... : ...... : ...... 132 EowJ\.RD•...... • 132 Joli)j Z.s ...... : . 132 AVERY W.7 ...... : ...... 148 PETER T.,., .. ,,, .... ,, ...... ,, ..... a, •••••••• , ••••• , 154 REV. EDWARD P., ...... 164 HE~Y E.s...... 174

LUX.-\ SPRAGUE PECKS •..•.•...•.••. .♦• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 182 . Joa,-,; z.s ...... -...... 184 FOSTER G.s...... 184 ALBERT •.\.s ...... : ...... 190 OTHO s.. .\.i...... 192 Jo~ H.s ...... 195 MILTON A.s...... 200 ADA K. SPRAGUE PRATTS ....•.••.....••...... •• 204 Pm).."EASS...... 221 JOSEPH H.s...... 222 1\IURTHA. ..\.s...... 150 RICHARD L.o...... 173 JOHN B. C.o ...... 174 ALBERT A. 2ndo: ...... 256 FR.A..'.K J.o ...... 262 W. F. BucK..~A.,tn...... 285 GEO. w. BATES9...... 286 F. ..\.. BucK..-...r.ut!l...... 287

11 uHe benreth po.rty per fess, Ermine and Argent, in chief a Lyon pnssnnt, Gules. By the name of Sprague, gmnted to Sir Hugh Spmgue, Esq., then living in Gloucestershire, Engl:ind, in the year 1580, by Sir Wm. C. Clnrencicu.~ and from srud grant descends to the ll!l.Ille and family of Sprague." The above is an exnct copy of the very ancient writing on a card attached to the coat of :ums.

l::? ...... ~~ii .if . .f.f......


The VIth day of June in the year of our Lord God, 1614.

In the name of God, ..

I, EDWARD SPRAGUE of Upway in the County of Dorset, fuller, being sick and weak of body, but well and perfect in mind, thanks be given unto .,tjmjghty God, do ordain and ap­ point this my last Will 3.D.d Testament to be made in mann~ and form following. That is to say, first of nll, I do bequeath my soul unto Almighty God, my saviour and redeemer, and my body to be buried within the church yard. As for such tem­ poral goods as God hath blessed me withall, I give and be­ queath as hereafter follows: viz.. I give unto the parish church of T)pway ten shillings. Item-I give unto the poor of the said parish of Upway ten shillings. Item-I give unto Ralph Sprague my eldest son one of the oldest pair of shears in my shop and one lesser pair called the quarrell. I t,em-I give and bequeath unto my eldest daughter Alice Sprague fifty pounds,. to be within one year after my decease. Item-I give and bequeath unto Edward Sprague my second son, two pairs of shears and twenty pounds to be paid likewise within one year after my decease. Item-I give and bequeath unto Richard Sprague my third son twenty pounds to be paid when he shall be one and twenty years of age. Item-I give and bequeath unto Christopher Sprague my fourth son twenty pounds to be paid when he shall be of the age of one and twenty years. Jt,em-I give ·and bequeath unto William Sprague my youngest son twenty pounds to be paid when he shall be of the age of one and twenty years. All the rest of my goods moveable a "ld unmoveable I give and bequeath unto Christian [Christiana] Sprague my wife whom I do make my whole [sole] e.xecutrix of this my last Will and Testament.

•Pages 13. 14. 15 and 16 an, a reprint from the Gen. A .. B. R. Sprapc"s Gene-­ a.logy of the Sp~ of America. 13 14 THE RALPH SPRAGUE G&'lEALOGY.

ME.l'\1:OR.A}..TD: that if Richard Sprngue, Christopher Sprague or William Sprague shall happen to die either of them before they shall be of the age of one and twenty that then his legacy to be divided bet'\\•een the other two, or if two of them shall happen to die before they shnll be of the age of one and twenty years, that then their legacies to remain to the other then living. Finally, I do :ippoint Henry Samweys and \Villia[m] Bryar overseers of this my last Will and Testament in pres­ ence of those whose nnmes are underwritten.


his JOHN' X TAYLER. mark MEllo&U."D: that whereas, the living of the aforesaid Ed­ ward Sprague doth fall unto his son Ralph Sprague after his decease, the said Ralph Sprague doth upon his father's request promise that his mother Christian [Christiana] Sprague shall quietly enjoy the said living until he shall be one and twenty years of age. NOTE. \Ve are indebted to one of the descendants of the SJ:?mgue Family ,1:ho settled in Ma.Iden, for the copy of this W'ill of Edward Sprague, the father of the Spragues, who came to Salem in 1628. The writing is distinct and the parchment in fine preservation. In settling the estate of the late c;pt. William Sprague, or Leicester, Mass., who died in 1832, it was found by the executrix or his Will, among many__ other papers, dn.ted in l\'Ialden and Charlestown, from 1628 to 1675. This curi~ty was never discovered by Capt. Sprague, and is highly valued by his children. His father's name was Joseph,. who mo"red from Malden to Leicester. 15

L.'--vE..."'.;TORY. A true and perfect Inventory indented of all and singular the-goods, rightes, chattels !l.D.d dets of Edward Sprague late of Upwn.y in the county of Dorset, FULLER, deceased, made the sixth dn.y of June, and appriced and valued by Thomas Leball, J obn Sellar, Wtllia[m] Brynr and Francis George, as follow­ ~th, viz. 1614. ...£ s. Imprimus, his wenrini:t Apparell, lll Item, n. piece of Russet cloth, 1 Item, two beds f umished, - - - . 111. Item, one coverled and a. carpet, - - l Item, ten pair of sheets, board cloths,,•with two ...... pair of pillo"· byes, and six table napkins, llll Item, thirteen silver spoons, - - - ii X Item, one cupboard, nineteen pewter vessels, three candle sticks, and three salts,· - 11 X Item, four coffers, one chest, two chairs o.nd n. ftasket - - XVl ' . Item, n. sword and dagger .. vii Item, two other beds furnished, 11 Item' mill, ------.1 X Item, a. ssck of wheat and a of malt, - l X Item, iron ropes, \\-ith other old yron [ll'On,] 1 Item, one willow, four old tubs "\\ith a. bed.lop, V1 Item, one table, board and cupboard, - X Item, five barrels, with other timber vessels, 11 Item, two frying pn.ns. one spit, two a.ndyron.~, three pair of pothooks, "ith other kytchin · stuff, ------X Item, one and twenty brass vessels, viii Item, butter and cheese. - · - 1 vi Item, :i. cheese press, a ladder trcoo., with other .. small implements, - - - - u Item, four payer [pair] of fuller's '1-ith the shcs.rbords and iron bnr,, and scs.les and weights '\\ith other things nt the mill, Wl Item, three sa.cldles, - - - - xv Item, one pyge, [pig,] - - - 1 Item, seven kyne, with three yearlings, :ex... Item, one horse, - - - - w Item, fourscore sheep and forty two Iambs, 40 Item, four acres and a half of com, viii Item, due unto the a.dministrn.tri.~ without speciruly, - XVI X Item, due upon bond, 131 V1 . Suma,imus lnventury, £cchiii Vl 16 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.


WE, GEORGE, by Dhine Providence, Archbishop of Can­ terbury, Primate of all England and Metropolitan, make it known that on the 13th day of the month of October in the year of our Lord, 1614, at London, before that venerable man Sir John Benet, Knight and Doctor of Laws, custos or com­ missary of our prerogative court of Canterbury, due proof was made of the Will of EDWARD SPRAGUE, late of Upwaie in the county of Dorset, in the diocese of Bristol, of our prov­ ince of Canterbury, deceased, having while he lived and at the time of his death, goods, rights and credits in the diocese or peculiar jurisdiction. Upon the production and proof of this same testament, the administration of all and singular, his goods, rights and credits, the accounts, calculations and reckonings of an admin­ istration of this sort having been beard without diminution from the same, are adjudged to to us alone and not to any other judge inferior to us. A commission was issued for administering all and singu­ lar, the goods, rights and credits of the said deceased and all things whatsoever contained in his will to CmusTI.ANA SPRAGUE, widow of the said deceased a.nd the e.""ecutrix nomi­ nated in his Will, well and faithfully to :idminister the same an to make a full and true inventory of all and singular, the goods, rights and credits of the said deceased to be brought into our prerogu.ti-ve court of Canterbury, on the 2nd day after the feast of St. Obmsus, bishop, and also to exhibit and return a full and true computation, calculation, or reckoning thereof. Given on the year, day, and hour above written, and of our translation the fourth year. EDMUND WOODHALL, Register.

(Translated from the originnl Court Latin, in 1902.) Chart I 1st Gen. 2nd Gen. 3d Gen. 4th Gen.

JOHN•••••••• l&il.'i 1652 STOWER r·1686 JOKATHAN 1679 JOHN 1689 JOSEPH 1691 JONA.THAN •• Nnthaa. 1656 1693 DAVID 1698 JOl:IN' •• ...... BUNKER 161' 1101 &mucl 1704: RALPH .•.. 1603 WILLIAM 1695 TIMOTHY EDWARD •••• 1700 1663 EBENEZER 1701 HEZEKIAH 1707 EDWARD ••. PHINEAS .... 1700 1665 rHINEASSAMUEL 1712

SAMUEL 1688 SAMUEL ..... RICHARD 1662 1692 JOHN .sAl\f.UEL ...... 1108 1632 JOl:IN .... , ... 1Jol111 WILLIAMt !EDWARD IWJLL[AMu,n .... PHILIP PHU-.~ .... Da.nitl lo37 Ralph. 1674 These charts contain the names of males with issue printed in hea""... type. Italics are .. used for names untraced. Data concerning these " ...ould be welcomed by the ;,ublisher. fWilliam Genealogy recently published. 17 Chart II 4th Gen. 5th Gen. 6th Gen. 7th Gen. 8th Gen. 9th Gen. John 1710 Benjamin EDWARD A •• ,ARTHUR W. 1743 1847 EdlDaJ'd ARTHUR W. 1745 1849 Juhn HENRY L 175" 1851 ., JOSEPH ••••• · JEDWARD D .• IRVIN A. .•• · ICARL o. M. 1761 1802 1855 IRVIN A. N U') STEPHEN •.•• ,John B. '° 1793 l!U9 -Z STOWER ••••. BENJAMIN •. - 1686 1717 ..... ASA ..••• •, , • • 1CEORGE H .• JG,orae A• 0 1795 1834 Charla S. ..., STEPHEN •... 1764 EZRA s .... " IEZRA ••••••••. I ROSCOE 1799 1839

JViUiam lSOl EDWARD .•hr.i 1719 17G7

JONATH.A.'IJ .. ,Jonralha,& - 1679 1710 Jolin . JOHN ....•••• ,JOHN...... 1701 1712 1749 J01rph lSO:? SA.MOEL ..•.. ,SAMUEL JOHN...... • . 1721 1764 1689 ' Richard 1725 Xatlian 17::?j Laicr~nce 1747 EDWARD 1750 ~ Chark• JJ. ~ JOSEPH ...... ,JOH."'- .••....• 1774 ._ 1',91 1713 JONATHAN .. (Edwr.rd II • 1779 ISO:.? z JOHN ••••..•• SAMUEL •.••. IBmjamin F. < 1752 Ulll = JONATHANT LAWRE.~CE.. 1810 ~ 1781 l.Aicrentt z tSl!? 0 I ""':I JOHN B. C. 1817 IHORATIO L. HORATIO J •. RICHARD L. 1823 LOUIS C. HORATIO .••. 1784 RICHARD T •• , RICHARD H. Darid 1830 BENJAMIN 0. 1;.;2 DAVID ••..•• · (JONATHAN.. .ltichael 1698 U,28 1757 JOHN B. C. •Vost:• HENRY E •.•• SHIRLY E • 1750 1837 IHARRY G.

B"nke, 1750 BUNKER ••••• , SAMUEL ••••• Sczmw:l 1701 1724 17.:.3 John 1758 Simon 1760 Chart III 4th Gen. 5th Gen. 6th Gen. 7th Gen. ,,8th__ Gen. 9th Gen. EDWARD ••••• ,JOHN 1720 1750 JOSHUA 1811 1774 Joa-r,h A. 1814 TIMOTHY .•. Charla 1752 1!117 JOHN •.....•• Jahn .tt. 1778 1801 JOSIZPII...... JIJfllJthGn OriaA C. 1722 1;00 ll!IU DanH!l II. 1800 Jahn 1700 fJOSEPH •.••• · 1HORA.Cit A-•• , Jaaf1,h S. WILLIAM. • • • 1783 1818 1/orau 8. 1763 OTIS William 1791 1!121 ASA ...•. ····· IJOtL"'ll K...... ,WILLIAM w. W,Uwm 1797 1841 GEORGE K. 1763 JOHN Z. ...•. J SIMEON A. 1837 JOHN .•••..•. 1773 PRENTICE LEONARD ••• 1840 IHARRY F · 1800 F~~ G •• • LEONARD. P.

EDGERTON.· CLARENCE. - ~1½T~NB 1809 I 11146 I •

CHARLES 1830 ALFRED...... LYMAN •...•• I ANDREW L. 1804 1832 EDWIN .•..•.. I ULYSSES G. JONATHAN .. 1836 1739 ALBERT .I\. EDWARD •.••. ZlBA...... 1835 l'Tn 1806 OTHO S. A.•. ( ALBERT A.2d WILLIAM .. 1839 1695 I TYLER E. •• · IAUGUSTUS p EDWARD ...• 1845 TYLER E. 1808 WALTER C •.. , HUBERT W. 1851 EDWARD JOHN V. JOHN ..•..... ,JOHN H ••.... EDWARD C. 1815 1838 IWILLIAM H.

Edll/QTd JAMES ...... HfflT/1 DARIUS ...... J Dnri1111 I~11 1781 D~

GEORGE W •. ,Gftlt"ge 1820 Egbt:rt Sw'llt:r'A. JOSHUA 1823 1791 AUCUSTINN. Senrn- 1826 17!1:I DAVID C ••• •· FRANK J. 1833 ICHAS. M. JOSHUA. ?of •• ·) RALPH J. RASEY 1835 HE.,"RY H. FLOYD .••.••• 17&5 ISRAEL ..... · 1Edr»in 1801 1827 J.rrul B. B. Iii.ram l~G lSOO ISRAF.L .••••• 1741 Wolli

4th Gen. · 5th Gen. 6th Gen. 7th Gen. 8th Gen. 9th Gen•

• MaUlaeu, TI'. ISYLVANtJS P. 1781 1820 MA'ITHEW W TIMOTHY . . EZRA V ••••• Ilimn, E. 1760 1786 1826 1851 EDWARD.... , 1SYLVF.STER 1819 TIMOTHY .. 1700 TimoU.11 I.AA John TIMOTHY . • 17DO 1762 WiUiam 17!12 Acn-on 1703

ff) EBENEZER. .• ,EBE?lo"EZER ..,= 1701 1728 WILLIAM 1787 IMILTON A. •• ICHAS. M. --= AVREY ...... 1839 1794 - WILLIAM W. J~lfil"· .... ' J~W:,·· ...... Fiffi:CIS C. JOHN...... 18.'\1 IEDWIN B. 1733 ELIAS ...... ,Dawl A. EDWIN B. • • I 1775 lfl03 11135 JOHN F. Elia• JI. MARO M. Ja,an 1807 1837 JONATHA."'J.. 1i'81 JAMES B ..... IFRA.."'JKLIN B. 1135 IJOSEPH..... • 1840 11'71 !JOSEPH W ••. 1802 !ELVIN E. 1830 William 1704 IJOHN •••••.•• !CHARLES£. HE7..EKIAH •• LUKE W. 1826 1707 WILLIAM.... 1796 GEORGE E. 1769 ELI. .. • .. • .. .. 1829 1797 JOHN FRANKL. lffl 1837 ES H WILLIAM •.•. NATHAN ..... ANDREWS T,ICHARL • 1738 1802 wl~N N. 1843 JASON ...... jJohn 11'75 WINFIELD$. 1866 JIUtJJ:W& DON H. 1709 CLINTON .... Stephen JOSEPH S.. • 1869 IPAUL G HEZEKIAH.. 1771 1810 1740 ASA WILLIAM A.. !ASA W. 11'75 1814 1869 JOSE .••.....• LYSANDER 1117 181"

PHINEAS, ... PHINEAS .. ,., JHE?lo"RY ...... !Charla 11. 1751 171'7 1807 William 1770 Ridial'd P. l,!IG PHINEAS ..... JJOHN

JOHN ~ESH•• !PHINEAS W. 11s1""".. 1827 PHl::'lo'EAS ..... IPHl:'l.'EAS.... DR. JOHN .. l 1700 1125 1754 P....,.....,., • .,.., .. T ... •. IJOSEPH1829 H. 1792 JOHM FREDERICK WILLIAM I ~, 1756 A.l794 JOHN... . . • . . WILLIAM 1816 C'I.J JONATHAN .. 1784 DANIEL F. < DANIELL ... C ~ JONATHAN .. ChMki 1818 ! HARLES A. z 1761 1790 GEORGE P. SAMUEL •••• • 11826 -;:. 1793 SAMUEL ..•.• !CHARLES L - 1835 SAMUEL ••.. · 1Samw.Z CO'ITON •.... ICO'ITON 1712 1745 1765 1805 Chart V 4th Gen. 5th Gen. 6th Gen. 7th Gen. 8th Gen. 9th Gen. THOMAS .... • I Nalhan 1748 1773 THOMAS ••.•• NatJaan J7ll 1752 Sa,rnuil 1770 SA.MUF.L •..•. NATHAN ..... Jama H. 1714 I 17115 1688 Jab,,z WILLIAM 1733 1766 Da-,i,J 1741

Rkhard 1723 Jami!• 1733 EBENEZER.. • 1JOSEPH G. EBRNF.ZER.. • I 1762 1787 RICHARD .... 1691 1735 RICHARD 1764

JOSEPH ISARAH w ..•. IJOSEPH E.. .. IJ4ff7Jh w. • • • · • · 1764 1782 1831 1739 Jo.tiph

DARIUS •••••• , DANL y D •.• • JONATHAN D 1784 1820 IDANLY D. . CHARLES ••• • IOrltinda 1822 M arri.l MORRIS ...•• JONATHAN •• 1786 ELISHA.•••••• I HOMER E. I 1825 1761 MORRIS T. 1829 Aaa I Nanntml 1788 ROBINSON • • IFRANKDANlEL THOMAS..... Willmarth ERNEST 1790 IAUm EDWIN LEONARD •••• 1E.:ra B. 1786 . WYMAN •.•. 1Laren::o JOHN •...•.•. WYMAN 1788 ~ 1735 1763 Benjamin 1790 JAMES ••.•••. IDani11l H. 1790 Jam~• ISAAC ...... ISAAC ...... E:ra 1767 1793 · 1-c EZRA ...... 1Charlu E. 1800 'Gwr(lt: THOMAS..... ICharla JOHN' •• .... • • Clark. 1710 Eli. William F. I 18.."0 Ebfflr.ff' S. 1823 SAMUEL WILLIAM B.. Samual B. JOHN •.••.... l'76S .. • • • I lffl 1823 1708 ~nit"- , z IJamu18..">9 W. 1;r.s Pennt:l II. · 1832 • •••>eo W IJAMES L., •• • 1DANIEL H ••• I EIU'li'EST L. J~••c..:> •• •• 1812 1840 . 1172 ELISHA R. •.• , E. Chffb

1st Gen. 2nd Gen. 3d Gen. 4th Gen. 5th Gen. 6th Gen. 7th Gen. 8th Gen. 9th Gen. 10th Gen. 11th Gen. William 1722 Juhn 17:?'li John EDWAllD..... 1752 ROGER. ••••••• Willia"' LEONARDR•• ,NATH.A.'lilEL jFRANK M. Q 1n1, 1154 1814 1114«. == RALPH ••.•• PUINF-AS ... ,WILLIAM ••• Joa,ph Joo,r>h JAMES E. •.•. ,JAMES E. ~:···I I 11.;1 1775 1844 • WILLIAM D. Q JAMF.S.... . • • D.\RIUS••...• JOSEPH •••••. ' 1784 1816 ~ 1730 DARIUS A. Phi.lip 11149 Danid JAMES ••..... 1753 ELDEN WILLIMI S •• f ClL-\RLES D. FRANK 1853 IARTHUR .JAM£S B. •.. IMILTON C •.. fCLARENCEMIW. RALPH 1821 1849

DANIEL ..... · I limn, D. 17119 lll:I:?

Chnrlu DARlUS...... Benjamin SETH L. l7'Jl DARIUS W ••. ,CLIFFORDL.,PAULC. I 1833 1858 DAVID C.

JOSIAH ..••.. , .1/a,,,.,nd 17')4 Jam

EDWARD SPRAGUE, father of RALPH, lived in Upway (Upwey), Dorsetsbire, England, a small hamlet sit­ uated midway between Dorchester and ,v eymouth the sea­ port, four miles from either town and at the foot of the Ridgway Hill where the river Way takes its rise. He was a fuller by trade, and it is claimed that his fulling mill of 300 years ago (shown in cut) has been but recently demolished. He pos­ sessed considerable property for his time, as his will and inventory show. That he was a man of quality, the preamble to his will bears testimony. Reference therein is made to the yard of the church shown on opposite page. Upway town records have been destroyed l?Y fire since bis time, so that many things of primary interest are unobtainable. The original will of Edward, made .Jun. 6, 299 years ago and probated Oct. 13, 1614, a few days after his death, requesting Ralph to "promise that his mother CHRISTIANA shall quietly enjoy the said lh-:ing until he shall be one and twenty years of age", (memorand p. 14) has been handed down, in fine preservation with writing distinct, to the present genera­ 3 tion through Ralph1, John~\ Edward , William", Joseph\ 6 ,vmiam , etc. (p. 92). Of no less interest is it that the Sprague Coat of Arms should have been handed down to us through his 1 3 4 other son William to '\Villiam.2, .J onathan , Benjamin , 7 Ephraim\ Holmes°, Caleb , CharlesR and is now in the pos­ session of Charles F.0 of Lyne) l\fass. This ancient painting, ".;th card attached describing the Crest, though cracked and faded by time is still quite well preserved. The '\\;dow Christiana married John Corbin of U pway.


3 Alice m. Ricbn.rd Ea.mes Jn.n. 5, 1615 u.t Fordiogton St. Gcorp:e Church. Lived at Pombcrry l\Iill, u. neighboring village nnd near Dorchester. 4 RALPH b. 1603. 5 Edward. 6 Richard b. 1605. i Christopher m. Ann, du.u. of \Vn.ltcr Grey of Bridport, Eng. S William b. 1609. First Generation

4 Ralph 1 (s Edward), was b. 1603 1n Upwcy, Dorset County Englund a.nd m. Joan \Varrcn in Fordington, St. George Church, Dorchester, Dorset County, England August 15, 1623; came to Snlem, !\'In..-;~., in 1628 with his two brothers, Richard and \Villiam, his wife and two little boys, John and Richn.rd. Whether actuated by desires for religious liberty or by hopes of gain there is some controversy. With several other:,, they journeyed twelve miles to a hill on the north side of the Chn.rlcs River, and on the south n.nd southeast slope they made a settlement in 1628, building their homes ins. semi-circle on the two acres of land Governor Endicott grtlllted to of them. This settlement, called Charlestown, wn.s with­ in the present city limits of . Here they found one solitary white mn.n. Thomas ,v elforcl, an Englishman, living in n. pallisadoed house upon their arrival. This territory wn....; owned and occupied by the :\•{agsachu~ctts Indi!tns, n.. powerful but friendly tribe, ,,;th Sagamore John a,; Sa.chem, who them permission to settle. \Vhethcr the Sprn.gues to Americn. in the Abigail or the Lion'.r; Whelp is imma­ terial hut their u.rrh·a.l has been convincingly shown by the Hon. H. H. Sprague, to be in 1628. The following spring l\Ir. Bright, a minister and l\!r. Graves, an engineer, '\\ith :i. hundred others. joined them. September 28, 1630, Ralph wns one of a jury imp~1nelcd. Thi~ ,Yn.s the first jury in :i\:Iassnchu­ setts. In his short life offorty-scven years he was u. very prom­ inent mn.n. On October HJ. 1630. he requisition to be ad-. mitted a~ a. Freeman of the Colony, n.nd took the Frecmn.n's oath liuy 1S, 1631. At General Court this month he was mn.dc constable and in regular succession, sergeant, ensign, lieutenant and of militia. !\:Iny 18, 1631, he was admitted n. Frcemu.n. October 14, 1632, he and his wife were dil'\missed from the "Congrcga.tion of Boston" (25) 26 TIIE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEOLOGY. to enter into n. new body at Charlestown. In 1634 was made one of the first selectmen of Charlestown. In 1\iin.y, 1635 was Representative, and frequently afterwards, 1636-1638, 1644-1645. In 1639, he a member of Artillery Company. Nine years from the settlement in Charlestown, Rn.lph n.nd Richard owned large tracts of land on the opposite side of Mystic River, near Ell Pond, which they called "Pond Feilde." This W!t.S in the west pn.rt of l\iin.lden, now Melrose. Ralph had ninety acres, and Rich!l.l'd, sixty acres. At Ralph's death, he bequeathed his homestead, and its farm, to his sons, John and Phineas, and his farm in "Pond Fcilde" to his sons Richard and Srunuel. His home wns located near what is now 1\1:ountain Avenue. By a letter dated March 25, 1651, one John Corbin of Upwey, England, appears to have been Ralph's fothcr-in-1::t.w. A copy of this letter is to be found in the N. E. H. and G. Reg. IV 289. In Lochford's Note Book several leg:il papers and letters of 1638-9 from Ralph Sprague and Joan his wife wherein it is expressly stated that her father had died and that his name wns Richard Warren, so that instead of John Corbin being her father, he had prob­ ably married her mother, the ";dow \Varren. Besides the N. E. H. and G. Reg. much information can be obtained from the Bradford's History of , The Young's Chron­ icles and Hutchinson's History of Massachusetts, Frothing­ ham's History of Charlestown and from the "Glimpse of the Beginning of the Massachusetts Bay Settlement" by H. H. Sprague, et. al. The Charlestmvn Land Records, page 53, describes (1638) twelve different pieces of real estate in Rn.lph's possession. His homestead consisting of one acre of ·,iearable land-- with a dwelling house U.1Jon it and other aptina.nces" was situated at the east of the common, butting south and west upon the highway, hn.ving Mystic River on the northeast. Ralph Sprague, sometime of Fordington, Dorset, fuller, afterwards of Charlestown, N. E., planter, and his ~ife, Joan, dau. of Richard Warren of Fordington, husbandman, sent in 8-9-1638 power of attorney to \Vm. FIRST GENERATION. 27

Derby of Dorchester, England, gentleman to demand and receive such portion as might come to them from W nrren's estntc and remit the snmc through Sprngue's sister Alice (Sprague) En.mes of Pomberry Mill near Dorchester, and a. letter 1'-·ns sent the same day by Ralph to his sister Alice

about this same matter. In August, 16401 Ralph, and his W!fe, Joan, made John Holland of Tinekleton, Dorset, fuller, an attorney to receive of John Co..x of Bowlington, and Eliza­ beth his "ife, executors of Richard Warren, deceased, seven pounds given by his "ill to said Joan and her children John, Jonathan, Richard, Samuel, Mnry, Phineas, or any other sum due unto them. (Ref.-N. E. H. and G. Reg. LI 1897 105.) He d. in September, 1650, at the age of 47, in Malden, Mass., which has been the home of some of his descendents during all -0f these 250 years. His will wn.s dated June 11, 1650 and en­ tered in 1651. Joan his ·widow, m. Deacon Edward Converse of Woburn, Mass., September 2, 1662. She d. there Feb­ ruary 24, 1680. CmLDREN.* 9 · John, b. 1624 in Engln.nd. 10 Richard, b. about 1627 in England. 11 Jal,e:; d.about 1651, soon after signing in the settlement of his father's estate; left "idow, Judith; no children. Had been in in Bnrbndoes for his uncle Richard. 12 Samuel. hap. June 3, 1632, in Cha.rlest01,,;11. 13 Mary, bnp. Sept. 14, 1634, in Charlestown. 14 Phin~ bap. l\lay31, 1637. -15 Jonathan, d. Dec., ~650 in :Malden.

6 Ricbard 1 (s. Edward). In the year in which he came to America, the first meeting of the settlers of the town of Charlestown was recorded and his name with his brothers Ralph and Willirun stood a.~ the h

Xo CmLoREx.

8 \Villiam1 (s. Edward). Youngest of the family, and still a minor, came to America with his brothers in 1629. Lived in Charlestown until 1636, as his name appears in the records of the various meetings during this time. In 1635, he m. ~Iillicent, dau. of Anthony Ea.mes, and the following FIRST GENERATION. 29 yeo.r he removed to Hingham with bis fn.ther-in-lo.w, where they had obtained grants of land. Here mnny public offices were assigned to him, n.nd from their nature it is evident he was held to be n mn.n of intelligence and strict integrity by his fell ow townsmen. It appears from his will that he pos­ sessed a large ln.nded estn.te and a. competency of personal property. He d. in Hingham, Mnss., October 26, 16i5 when about sbcty-sbc years old. Millicent his widow d. in Hingham, February 8, 1695-96. His descendents today nre numerous and distinguished as the genealogy of the descendents of Wil­ liam1 which has recently been compiled and published by Dr. W. V. Sprague of Chauncey, Ohio shows. Mr. Everett, in bis oration at Chn.rlestown, that the three Spragues, "the founders of the settlement of this place," "were persons -0£ character, substance, and enterprise; excellent citizens, generous public benefactors, and the heads of a very large .and.respectable family of descendents."

CHILDREN. Anthony, hap. in Charli,tov.'11, June 23, 1636; d. Sept. 3, 1719. John, hap. in Hingh:i.m, April, 1638. Samuel, bap. I\Iay 24, 1640. Jonathan, bnp. l\'Isr. 20, 1642; d. July 4, 1647. · Persis, b. Nov.12, 1643. Joanna, b. Dec. 164.5. Joruuhan, b. ,._fo,y 28, 164S. William, b. July 2, 1650. Mary, b. April 25, 1652. Hannah,b.Fcb.25,1654;d.11ar.31,165S.

Second Gene:ration

9 John~ (s. Ralph1, Edward). Lieutenant John was b. 1624 in England; d. in Malden, June 24, 1692. Gravestone marked sixty-eight years. Fouryears old when he came to America, took the Freeman's May 18, 1653; was tall .of stature and of fine appearance; succeeded his father in his homestead; was engaged in shipping in foreign trade with his uncle Richard; Representative to the General Court in 1689-91; selectman of the town many years. Some of . the early town meetings were held. at his house; belonged to the militia in Ma.Iden, advancing from ensign to captain, was with Major Willard in 1676; served in King Philip's War among others in those dark days. He was known as Captain John Sprague. He bought the Ell Pond farm from his brothers Richard and Samuel in 1652, (Richard's part being sb..-ty-seven acres of tillage land), which he bequeathed to his two sons,John and Phine!l.S. He owned many parcels of real estate as recorded by "Wyman" n.nd among them was four acres near the top of Bunker Hill. His esta.te settlement Middlesex Probate Court No. 16068, mentions Lydia, his wife, and sons John, Phineas, Samuel, Edward, Jonathan, and daughters Lydia Greenland, Hannah Stowers, Deborah Sprague, and Sarah Fosdick. March 2, 1651, be m. Lydia, dau. of Edward and Lydia (Joyce) Guffe of Cambridge, Mass. She was b. in England and d. December 11, lil5 in Ms.Iden._ In the will of l\1rs. Margaret Witchfield of Wmdsor Ct., made in Cambridge, l\fass., proved October 5, 1669, the children, John and Lydia., were each given £5.

CHILDRE.~. 16 John, b. Mar. 9, 1651-2. 17 Lydia. b. Sept., 16534. 18 J ooa than, b. Aug. 8, 1656. (31) 32 TUE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEOLOOl".

19 Sammlt b. Dec. 21, 1G5S; n cu.rpentcr by trade. HitJ fin;t wife Louise Burrill d. of childbirth in 1096, one ycu.r niter mu.rrfo.~c. In his ,,·ill which he mnde n.t the time of his, Dec, 12, 1i43, he mcntionf' his wifc Elizabeth nnd other rcln.tivcs. He left no issue. Shed.June 30, 174S. 20 Jlary, b. Feb. 13, 1661. 21 Edward. b.1663. 22 Phineas. b. Dee., 1665-6. 23 Deborah, b. July 21, 1668. 24 Hannah .. b. 16iO. 25 Sarah, b. Dec., 16i2.

10 Richard2 (s. Rnlph1, Edward), b. in England, came to America. in his mother's arms in 1628. He wn.s a sr a captain of the pink''Cmkient," for Nevis nnd St. Christopher, November 14, 1664. Succeeded to pnrt of his uncle Richard's estate and foreign shipping trade \\ith Barbadoes. 1\1:. Eunice, dau. of Leonard and l\la.ry (\V ard) Chester, February 25, 1672-3.. She was b. June 15, 1645, and d. in Charlestown

May 2i, 16761 (monument.) She was admitted to the church January 23, 1675-6. He m. secondly Katherine, dau. of Amos Anderson of Stonington, .l\, May 7, 1679. She was b. Jn.nuary 6, 1655 n.nd d. July 22, 1701, (monument with Capt. Richard). He d. October 7, buried 13, 1703. He made his v.;n October .5, 1703, probated the 18th, -deYi:;ing to five sons of Bro ..John :i.nd t,,·o sons of Samuel a farm; to daus. -0f John; to dau. of Samuel; to \Vinefred Dc,.~er; to lvia.ry Edmands; to the poor of the town; to the ministry; to ~Iary Everton dau. of bro. Phineas; to ~istcr Clark, wife of Timothy of Boston; .£50 to the free school of Charlestown; £400 to Harvard College. During the Dutch ,Yu.r 1674, he commanded AD. armed vessel of twelve guns and cruised in Long Island Sound for the protection of the coastwise trade. In 1680-1, March 16, Capt. Richard commnnded the 2d train-band of Charlestown. He was Representative in the Generul Court from Charlestol\"D. in 1681 nnd for several years after. He joined the First Church in Chn.rlestown in 1681. In 1681-2, he recruited 3.5 n. member of the Artillery Company, and in SECOND GENERATION. 33

· 16834 became first sergeant of the He marched with his company into Boston on the memorable 18th of April 1689, and assisted in the revolution against Andros. He was made one of the "Council for the safety of the people and conservation of the peace/'* which wns estn.blished for the provisional government of the colony; but when the con­ vention of the colony, subsequently chosen, besides taking temporary measures for the public safety, assumed to in- •stitute a new government- -without the sanction of the crown, he, with other leading. citizens, protested and ap­ pealed to their majesties, William and Mary, believing the :u;:tion of the convention unconstitutional and contrary to their oaths of allegiance. He wn.s thereupon deprived of his captaincy, expelled from the House of Representatives for "his contemptuous carriage against the government," and n.rranged before the court for "seditious libel." He was, however, acquitted of the charge and was elected to represent the town in the General Court until his death. Frothingham in a note, (page 203), cites, as an instance of the e:-.."J)ense attencling funerals, th!it of Richa.rd Sprague in 1703. "Among the ch:irges, there for gloves £62 12s; and gloves for Bess negro, 2s 6d; for gloves and hat bands, £3, 2s; for black serge and crape, £2, 16s; for crape to cover the leading staff, halberts, etc., 14s, Id; for rings, £41, 6s, ld; for "inc, £15, !0d. Total-£147, 16s." Regarding the same funeral, Sewell writes in his Diary-"October 13, 1703. Capt. Richard buried. Mr. Russell, Capt. Ha.yman, Capt. Belcher, Mr. LeYerett, Capt. Cary, Capt. Fowl, bearers. Is buried in Mr. l\iiorton's tomb. I was there. Most of the scholars, Joseph for one. l\1y gloves were too little. I gave them him. Governor there."


12 Samuel2 (s. Ralph1, .Edward). Lieut. Samuel, bap. in CharlestO\\'ll, Mass., June 3, 1632. m. in Boston·, August • Eutcbitll!IOu'sHistory of ::\-1:IM .• 3d Ed.. Yol I, P. 340. THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEOLOGY.

23: · 1655, to Rebecca Crawford by the Deputy Governor Richard Bellinham. She was. b. in 1633 and d. on the 8th of July, 1710. • His home in Malden was on the south side of the present Pleasant St., east of the river and not far from the Coytmore mill. He must have been a man having good self control and all of the christian graces according to the fol­ lomng incident for "A youth, Thomas Shepherd struck S3.muel Sprague two blows, Sprague did not strike back but said 'What dost thou meane to play the foole? I: am Resolved: I: will: not strike:' although the other dared him with many Reuiling Speeches." He was appointed town "clarke" of Malden in 1685; selectman many years; took the FreemB:11's Oath March 22, 1689-90; commissioner to join with other towns in 1687 to make the county tax rate; was Representative and dep0:ty to the General Court from 1681-1686 and from 1688-1693; and was its secretary from 1682 to 1685; lieutenant of the militia in 1685 and is referred to in the early histories as lieutenant. In 1652 he sold to his brother John his share of the Ell Pond estate which his father Ralph had bequeathed to him. His brother Richard willed his estate to Samuel's two sons, Samuel and John in 1703. He d. October 3, 1696 in Malden. His estate was divided for his two sons in 1697.


26 Rebecca,b.1657;d.Junel5,1658. Zl Samuel, b. May 4, 1660; cl. in infancy. 28 Samuel, b. ~lay, 1662. 29 Re~ b. Sept. 1666. 30 John., b. 31 Winefred, b. Dec. 31, 1673.

13 Mary; 2 (dau. Ralph, 1 Edward.) She was bap. in Malden September 14, 1634, d. November 26, li17. She m. Daniel Echnands, s. of Walter. He took the Freeman's Oath May 11, 16i0, in Charlestown and d. in 1688 at the age of 60 years. SECOND GENERATION. 35

Both were admitted to the church Jun~ 14, 1668. He was a. felt maker by trade, in Charlestown, Mass. CHILDREN.

32 RichardEdmanda1 b. June 12, (bap. July 23), 1664. 33 MaryEdmanda, b. Feb. 22, 1666-7; d. Dec, 18, 1667-8. 34 Jonathan Edmand8, b. July 24, (bap. July 25), 1669; in. Ruth Froth­ ingham. 35 RalphEdmanda, b. Nov. 15, (bap. Nov. 19,) 1671: m. and was in the- Barbadoee trade for his uncle Richard. .. 36 Mary Edmands, b. Oct. 28, (bap. Nov. 27), 1673. She m. Eleazer Dowse in 1693.

·14 Phineas2 (s. Ralph1, Edward), hap. in Charlestown,. Mass., May 31, 1637, and d. intestate in Malden January 23, 1690. He m. Mary, dau. of Edward and Elizabeth Carrington in Lancaster by R. Russell, December 11, 1661. She was b. in 1642 and d. December 11, 1667. He then m. Sarah, dau. or WUUa.m and Sarah Hasey of R.urnrot?y Marsh,January5, 1669. She was b. in 1647 and d. in 1718 at Andover, Mass. He was one of the seventy-four proprietors and free-holders who shared in the allottment of the commons; took the Freeman's­ Oath March 22, 1689; was Representative to the General Court in 1691; was with Lieut. Joseph Hasey, his brother-in­ la.w, in the Three County Troup in 16i5-6; and with Major Willard in 1676; and with Captain Wheeler the same year. For a time he was captain of his uncle Richard's barque Consent, in trade with the Ba.rbadoes; later he kept in way a certain line of merchandise which he bartered with his neighbors. The widow m. Moses Tyler of Andover, Mass.,. before 1703 and d. there in 1718.

CHILDREN. 37 Mary.b. .. 38 Phineas, b. Dec. 27, 1670. In Boxford, Essex County, Mass., his death is recorded April 3, 1693. 39 William, b. Nov. 21, 1672.

40 Ral.ph1 b. Nov. 1674; was in Barbadoes trade for his uncle and poSS1'bly settled there. 36 ·THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEOLOGY.

41 Katherine, b.1682. 42 Martha, "Bewitched" in 1692; m. Richard Friend in 1703. 43 Sarah, b. April 23, 1686; m. Eben Stevens. 44 Joanna, b. April 27, 1688; m. James Frye, Jr., or Charlestown; both killed in n.n Indian raid in Methuen in 1717. 4!i h. Mar.1.1690. Third Generation

3 1 16 John (s. John:\ Ralph , Edwn.rd), b. in Malden Ma.rch 9, 1651-52. He m. Elizn.beth, dau. of Richard n.nd Joo.nnn. Stower of Chn.rlestown, who was b. in 1651 n.nd d. in Malden September 28, 1736. He wns admitted freeman and given his estate March 22, 1690, which wa.s the old place on Maple Street and n. pa.rt of "Pond Feilde" which his father had bought of his uncles Richard and Samuel in 1652. In 1693, 1699, and liOl he wn.s school master, and ''is chose chool-mnrstar for y" year insueing to learn Children n.nd youth to Reed and wright and Refmetick according to his best Skill" in 1702. The house of entertainment kept by Richard Stower, next to the penny ferry on the l\{ystic side, finally came into bis possession and continued in the name well into the nineteenth century. This ancient house at the southerly junction of Bro:idway and Bo,v Streets in Everett, and known ns the house w::i.s demolished in 1894. "He was ltjlled by a limb of a tree of his 0\\11 falling" December 16, 1703. Settlement of his own estate dated :\1arch 8, 1703-4 in Mid­ dlesex Probate document No. 15069. \V1oow Elizn.beth's will, .July 28. 1732, probated November 27, 1736, divised to n.11 children except John and ~In.ry, to gr:1ndchilclren John, Elizabeth and l\.fary Sprague, Joseph Sweetser, Elizabeth Tufts, John, Mary and Samuel Bodman, to grn.ndchild Elizabeth Sweetser, to sister Emerson Ex.x.

CHII.DREN. 46 Hamwh, b, 1670. 47 Elizabeth. b.1676. 48 John, b. July 28, 1685. He W3,S a wo~ted comber and for a time fol- lowed the maritime tr-.l

3 2 17 Lydia (dau. John , Ralph', Edwn.rd), b. September 1653-4 and d. January 20, 1704-5 in ~!alden, Muss. Shem. John Greenland Jr., a carpenter n.nd farmer. He was a deacon and the most influentinl member in the church for many years. Took the Freeman's Onth, October 22, 1678; d. October 17, 1728 in his eighty-fifth year. His "ill ,vns dn.tcd in li25 and was proved Jmiunry 24, li29, devising to grand.. <:hild Shute n.nd granddaughters Elizabeth Watts and to Lydia Ma.'\'.:well. They lived for n time in Charlestown, Mass.


52 Lydia Greenland, b. Feb. 2, 1072-3.

3 2 1 18 Jonathan (s. John , Rn.lph Edward), b. in l\Ialden, August 8, 1656; m. lVIary, dau. of John and Hannah (Mel­ lows) Bunker of Charlestown, lv!, about 167i. She d. July 30, 1714 aged, fifty-sb,. He was in garrison at Groton in 1675; ""as "ith Cu.ptrun Mnudsley in 1675 and 1676 and with Captain Henchmn.n in the "long march'' so called. His son John, in his father's right, ,vns one of the grantees of Narragansett No. 2; took the Freeman's Oath March 2_2, 1689-90. He was one of the most active men in his generation having much to do in surveying and laying out farm Jots, the common, highways, etc. ; holding the office of select­ man consectively from 1699 until 1721. He d. intestate in Malden, Mm-ch 8, 1730-1.

53 Jonathan. b. Xo,·. S, 1679. 54 Lydia. b. 1~. 55 Eunice. b.1684 . .56 Richard, b. June 28, 1686. \Vhcn IS years old be w:is chosen by the town as the shepl:erd to keep "ye tov..'ll flock of sheep for the yeer." He died in li20 unmumcd, leaving !l. will devised to his brothera John, Joseph, Xnthan, D:L\id and Bunker, !l.D.d to his sisters Sarah, Lydia and Z\lary. THIRD GENERATION. 39

57 John, b. May 7t 1080. 58 Joseph, b. Oct. 24, 1001. 50 Nathan, b. Feb. 2r 1603-4. 60 Ha1mal,. b. Mu.y 25, 160G; m. Joseph lnJtro.hnm. 61 Maey. b. lfoy 25, 1606. 62 David, b. Auµ;. 15, 1098. 63 Bunker. b. April 14, 1701. 64 Samuel, b.1701.

3 2 1 21 Edward (s. John , Ralph , Edwn.rd)1 b. in l\ifoJden, Mnss., 1663.. He m. November 14, 1693, Dorothyt dau. of John Lane, by the Rev. Mr. \Vigglesworth. He W!lS o. miller by trade and owned n. com mill situated on the three mile brook near Ell Pondt n.nd an important factor in the life of this new and gro'\\;ng community. The power which supplied the mill was secured by raising Spot Pond nine feet by n. dam and the center of strife and en.use of lawsuits which have continued to the present generation. He was for mri.ny years a tithingm:m, whose duty it '1W.S to watch over the moral welfare of u. specinl charge, preserve order in the meeting house, and enforce the general obser­ vance of the Lord's day. He was chosen town treasurer, March 9, 1695-6, which is the first record of u Malden Town tren.surer. In 1698 he was constable, was selectman in 1699-1703-1704-lil0 and ngnin n.t the time he died,. lil5, on April 14, (one month after the election.) He represented the tov.'11 in the General Assembly in 1696 and in 1703.. Was captain of the l\Ial.den militia n.t the time of his death. Mid­ dlesex Prob!!.te document No. 15060, a long drawn out affair mentions v.ife Dorot~y Sprague, son \Villium, "fo.rmer",. Timothv ''miller''. Ebenezer ''miller''· Hezekiah '~bln.cksmith'r ... ' . ' ' ,. and daughters Dorothy, Ann, Jemima, Lydia, a.nd Phoebe. William Sargent of Malden was gu:i.rdfan for Hezekiah during his minority. In 1i27 Hezeki:th 3.lld Ebenezer were both lhing in Groton. His widow d. l\In.rch 29, 1727, aged fifty­ seven, ''and wa.s the only ·wife of said Sprague.. '' 40 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GE!>lEOLOGY.

CWLDREN, 65 William. b. S<•pt. 4, 1095. 66 Anna, b. Mar. 20, 1696-7; m. Benjamin Faulkner on :\for. 22, 1738; d. Or.t. 2G, 177G. 67 Dorothy, b. Sept. 9, 1G9S; resided with Timothy; d. unm. 68 Timothy, b. ~fay 23, 1700. 69 Ebenezer, b. Xov. G, 1701. 70 Jemima. b. Xov.3, 1703. 71 Lydia, b . .Aug. 26, 1705; unm. nnd wns housckC{'per for Timothy most of her life;

3 2 22 Phineas (~. John , R!llph1, Edward), b. Decem- ber 1665-66 in :\fo.Jdcn. Took Frccmn.n's Oath lVfo.rch 22, 1690; d. August 29, li36. He settled about two milcsnorth of his father when he was m. in 1iOO to Elizabeth, dau. of John and liary Green. She was b. February 3, 1673, d. in li47. At the time of the death of his father which occurred in 1692, he inherited a homcsteud out of the original Ell Pond form, which his grandfather Ralph had purchased of the Indians in 1639. At the time of his death, he bequeathed his two farms to his two sons, Phineas~ hnsing the Ell Pond farm and Samuel huving the old homestead~ which in li61 he deeded to his brother Phineas. ,v as a sol


74 Elizabeth. h. Oct. 11, 1G90. '75 :Mary. b. Oct. 15, 1693. 76 T

SO Lydia, b. Dec. 11, 1708. 81 Samuel, b. Sl'pt 27, li12.

23 Deborah3 (dau. Johnz, Rnlph1, Edward). She was b. in 1668. She m. '\Villiam Mellens, s. of Ja.s. l\ifellens; had one child. He was b. August 22, 1671, and was a ·mariner. She m. (second) Samuel Bucknam, s. of Joscs, at !vfo.lden, September 22, 1697. He d. July 3, 1751. (Grave stone n.t Malden.) ,vm proved 1751. Shed. .August 17, _1756.


82 Deborah Jlcllens, b. Oct.5, 1695; m. John Brintwnll, 1712. 83 SamuclBucl..-nam, b. April 7, 1699; m. Eliznbcth Richardson, 1738. 84 ·PlwcbcBucknam, b. Oct. 22, 1700; m. John Green, Jan. 1, 1721. 85 AbigailBucknam, b. June 6, 1700; m. Bcnj. B1!1Dey, 1725. S6 Lydia Bucknam, b. J n.n. 23, 1704; m. Peter Tufts. 87 1.lfcltitablcBucknam, b. Oct. 1, 1705; d. 172G. 88 William Bucknam, b. Xov. S, 170G; d. 1707. S!f JohnBucknam, b. N'ov. S, 1707; d.1725. 90 Bucknam, b. July 3, 1709; m. Ann Pote, 1736. 91 BcnjaminBucl.."1tam, b. Sept. 1, 1711; m. Hebeccn. Pw-ker, 1743. 92 Dcbora!tBucknam, b. :\for. 11, 1713; m. Willi!Ull Waite, 1738.

3 2 24 Hannab (dau. John , Ralph1, Edward). She was mcntionc·d in her father's will. m. Samuel· Stowers, s. of Joseph and l\fo.ry (Blaisdell) Stowers of Charlestown. '\'Vas a carpenter by trade. His "ill was probated :\larch 8, 1721- 2. He d. in 1721 aged fifty-si~.

CIULDUE:X. 93 Sam1zclSlo1ccr.,;, b. July 17, 1602; m. AbiE,! (Green) Vinton. 94 JolmSlotccrs, b. :\fay 21, 1696; m. S!ll"' in 172J. 95 JlanJSlowcrs, b. Xov. 2:3, 1699. 96 JoxephSto1i·erx, b. Oct. 11, 1705.

3 2 25 Sarah (dau. John , Rruph1, Edward), was b. 1672 ...3. She W!l.S admitted to church February 3, 1716-17. She m. Jonathan, son of John Fosdick, who was b. July 25, 1669. He was a caulker by trade. 42 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEOLOGY.

CHILDREN, 97 Sa,:ahFosdick, b. April 30, 1693; m. Mu..ximilian Do,v~c, li21. 98 LydiaPosdick, b. June 21, 1696; d. Mnr. 9, 1607-8. 99 Ann Fosdick, b. nnd bnp. Nov. 9, liOl; m. Jonathnn Rnmsdcll. 100 JonaJJ1anFosdick, b. Sept. 25, 170S; m. Ko.thcrine Phillipps. 101 Benjamin Fosdick, h~ Dec. 20, 1713; joiner by trnde, lived in Nan­ tucket.

3 2 28 Samuel , (s. Snmuel , Rnlpb1, Edward), b. in Malden, Mass., in M:1y 1662, ·and d. in Malden, December 27, 1739. Hem. Sarah, dau. of John and Sarah (Wheeler) Green, who w:i.s b. in 1\-Ialden, January 14, 1676-7 and d. there February 2, 1743-4. He was selectman of the town of ,l\,Ialden, 1699- l 702-12-13-16-17-21-24. On February 5, 1738 he mlled his estate to his widow and eight children, and to the child of Mehitn.bel Hay. CHILDREX,

102 Sarah,b.Sept.16,16S5;d.Sept.16,1685. 103 Sarah, b. Sept. 26, 1686. 104 Samuel. b. Feb. 2, 16SS.9. 105 Elizabeth. b. 16S9. 106 Richard. b.16!l2. lOi Mehitable. b. June 30, 1694. 108 Rebecca. b. l\lny S, 1696. 109 JferaJ, b. Feb. 26, 169i-S; d. Sept. S, 1703. 110 Winifred. b. Dec. 30, 1699. 111 Abigail. b. Xov. 15. 1702. 112 John. b. Sept. 15, 1708. 113 Mary. b. Dec., 1709.

3 1 29 Rebecca (dau. Samuef, Ralph , Ed,v3Id). She was b. in September, 1666. She m. Ebenezer, s. of Richard and Austin, January 27, 1691-2. He was a saddler by trade. He d. January 16, 1723 in his si:.\.-ty-first year and adminis­ trn.tion of his estate was granted to Rebecca. February 16, 1723. She d. in Boston, in November~ 1769. (Ma.rked by grave stone.) THIRD GENERATION. 43

CHILDR&."'i. 114 Joseph Austir,, b. 1693; m. Rebcccn.Scotton, 1730. 115 BenjaminAuatin, b. Feb. 24, 1696; d. July 11, 1715. 116 Rebecca Austin, b. Feb. 8, 1699; d. Fcb.12, 1713-14. 117 Ebcne:erAu.stin,b.J:m21, 1703-4;m. :MnrySmith, 1732. 118 John Austin, b, 1\·In.y 15, 1706; m. Hsnnn.h Cn.lly, 1732. 119 Natltanid.Austin, b. Feb. 3, 1708; m. Elizn.bcth Cross, 1732. 120 Timothy Austin, b. Dec. 6, 1710; d. lVfoy24, 1716. 121 Rebecca AU8tin, b. Aug, 21, 1715; m. Thomas Prentice. 122 Benjamin ..4.?Ulin, bnpt.Junc22, 1716;m. Elizabeth ,Yaldo. 123 Timothy Austin, b. l\-Iar. 9, 1718; m. Lydia ,vntdo. 124 Samuel ..-1 ustin, b. l\Iay 6, 1721; m. "1ritney.

3_0 John3 (s. Samue1=z, Ralpb1, Edward). He inherited his _father's homestead. He w3.5 mentioned 3.5 a legatee in his uncle Richard's will in 1 i03. In his own estate settlement dated February 2, 1738, per lVIiddlese..'\: Probate Rec., No." 15070, mention is made of his wife Elizabeth and his three children. He owned rights granted soldiers of N arraganset W a.r, that lay at W achusett. CHILDRE..--.:. 125 John, b. 126 .J.liary, b. ; m. John Godd:trd of Roxbury, Nov.15, 1732. 127 Rebecca, b.

3 2 31 Winefred (dau. Samuel , Ralph\ Edward), b. December 31, 1673 in Mruden; m. Capt. John De.'\."'ter, s. of John and Sarah De,rter of l\:Ia.lden. l\ras des.con of the church. Appointed captain of the Foot Company by Gov. S:imuel Shute. Owned land n.t Spot Pond near its outlet. Will was proved December 10, 1722,

CHILDREX. 128 John Dexter, b. Jan. 3, 1606; d. :\fo.r. 4, 1697. · 129 Winrfrcd Dexter, b. :Mar. 30, 169S; d. June 30, 1698. 130 , b. Oct. 2-1, 1700. Re,·. Dedham G. H. C. 131 Timotliy Dexter, b. Au~. 2, 1703; d. Xov. 30, 1703. 132 Timothy Dexter, b. April 28, 1704; d. Aug. 17, 1704. 44 THE Ru.PH SPRAGUE GE1'"EOLOGY.

133 John Dexter, b. Dcc.19, li05; m. (1) Hewett; (2) Hill. 134 J amu DexLer, b. mentioned in his father's will 135 RichaTd Dc:rter, b. June 15, 1713; m. l\Ichitnble Putnnm;was an M. D

1 37 Mary3 (dau. Phineas~, Ralph , Edward). She m. Fownell Everton, the s. of William Everton, who was b. March 20, 1665-6. Resided in Charlestown, Mass.


136 Jlfary Everton, b. Oct. 2, 1687. 13i Joanna Eoerton, b. J:m. 3, 1689-90; in l\fo.ry Hudson's will; m. Nichols Hymes in Boston, 1713-14.

39 William3 (s. Phineas:?, Ralph\ Edwa.rd), b. Nov ember 21, 16i2. \Vas only eighteen years old when his father died in Janumy, 1690, while Abigail was not b. until the follow­ ing March. This family of eight minor children "'·ere brought up in Salem or some nearby town (perhaps by their Grand­ father, William H:i.sey) 7 and were the only Spragues living in this part of the county during th_is generation. The sister Martha is spoken of in connection '\\ith the Salem

Witch-crnft7 nnd wns m. in Salem. .Another sister, Kntherine, was m. in North .Andover. The brother Phineas d. in Box­ ford at the age of twenty-two. He m. Ha11Il3.h Spofford, dau. of Frnncis Spofford of Rowley. In li22, he was residing in Mendon, Mas.s., ns wns his sister A.bigail. The children were born in Andover.

138 Edward, d. l\.fo.r. 5, 1730. 139 Philip, d. li70. 140 Daniel.

3 2 41 Katherine (d:i.u. Phineas , Ralph1, Edward). She was b. in 1682. d. in Andover, l\'Iass., February 22, 1758. She m. Capt. Timothy Johnson, l\'Iny 3, 1705, and they lived THIRD GENERATION. 45

in Andover. He was n. s. of Timothy and Rebecca (Aslit) Johnson of Andover, Mass.; b. March 20, 16i9 and d. in li71, aged ninety-two years.

CHILDREX. 141 TimothyJohnson, b. Feb. 21, 1706; cl Feb.14, 1707. 142 Child Johnson, b. Mar. 27, 1711. 143 Samuel Johnson, b. Mar. 23, 1713; m. Eli.zn.bcth Gage Apr.22, 1742. 144 DauglderJolmson, b. Jn.n.16, 1715; d. :\Iay 8, 1715. 145 .t1saJohnson, b. lln.r.27, 1716:m. Anno. , 1736. 146 Son Johnson, b. Dec. 27, 1717. 147 Sarah Johnson, b. :Nov. 29, 1719; m. Peter Osgood Sept. S, 1742: had ten children.

3 2 45 Abigail (dau. Phineas , Ralph1, Edward), b. two months after her father d. in ....\.ndover Mass., to which place her mother had gone with her large family of children in 1690. She m. Daniel Lovett of Mendon, Mass., and she d. there, April 13, 1718 He d. November 18, 1748.

CHILDRE~. 148 Phineas Lovell, b. Aug. 13, 1711. 149 HannahLovet.t, b. l\Iar. 28, 1713. 150 JahannaLovetl, b. lVIny 12, 1714. 151 AbigailLovelt, b. l\tiay 10, 1717.

Fourth Generation

47 Elizabeth" (dau. John,3 John:?, Ralph 1, Edward.) She d. lVIarch 12, li52, in her seventy-sixth ycn.r. Grave stone in Malden. She m. Samuel, son of Benjamin Swcetzer of Ch:i.rlestown. He d. July 18, ("about 11 o'clock at night") and was buried the 21st, 1757, at the age of eighty-three. (Grave stone in Malden.) CHILDREX. 15:.? ElizabelhSwectzer, b. llar.15, 1607-S; m. Samuel Tufts. 153 AbigailSweetzer, b. June 16, 1699; d. Sept. 5, 1758, nged 59. 154 SamuelSu:cdzer, b. Apr. 3, 1701; m. lVIary Burditt in 1736. 155 JohnSwcetzer, b. Feb. 12, 1702-3; m. Elizabeth Stevens in 1738. 156 Jacob Sweetzer, b. Apr. 6, 1705; m. Elizabeth Fessenden in 1732. 157 ilficJurelSweetzer, b. i-.Ia.y 19, 1707; m. lln.ry Smith in 1731. 158 JosephSwutzer, b. m. l\lary Undcrhay in 1733. 159 LydiaSweetzer, b. l\lar.19, 1710; m. Daniel Merritt. 160 StephenS-weetzer, b. Dec. 16, 1714. 161 J'.,far1JSu:ectzer, b. June 25, 1721; d. December 16, 1721.

3 49 Stower" (s. John , John,:? R.alph1, Edward), b. in 1686,. in Malden. ,vith several others of the south church in the south part of the town of l\1alden he petitioned His Excellency Jonathan Belcher Esq., The Honorable Council and Honorable House of Representatives in General Court assembled in 1735, to have compassion on their circumstances and form them into a distinct precinct, "ith their proportions.I part of

all the rights of the .ministerial lands belonging to the tol\~7 etc., A charter was granted December 24, 173i !llld at the first meeting of the precinct which wus held J:inuary 23, li38, Stower Sprague was chosen . one. of the assessors. He "·as selectman in li32 and held various town offices. He m. Phoebe Brintwell, da.u. of John, January 25, lilO by Nichols Paige, J.P. She d. l\Iarch 15, 1743, aged fifty-


one years, three months, twenty-three days. Grave stone in lVI:i.Iden. m. secondly., .Rebecca. Dc:tl of Boston, October 6, 1746-47, by the Re-,·. l\Ir. Ellis Gray. She d. in 1747, aged thirty-two. Grave stone at Kings Chapel. After his second marriage he lived in Charlestown.


162 John, b. Dec. 29, 1710; w:is a physician; settled in X-cwbu.ry, Mnss., and ~fay 24, 1753 joined in deeds with the rest of the heirs of his mother's cst:Lte in Z\Iuldcn. 163 Phoebe, ~vestone gives agc-, 6 years, 4 months, 20 days; d. Jan. 6, 1718-19. 164 Benjamin, b.Junc27, 1717. 165 Edward, b. July :29, 1719. 166 ~fary.b.Scpt.20,1723. 167 Esther, b. XO\·. 5, 1726; m. Dr. David Buckman :\.Iar. 4, 1745, a physician in Malden. 168 Phoebe. b. :'\fay -1, 1730. 169 Elizabeth, b. Apr. 26, 1732.

50 Abiah" (dau. John3, John:?, Ralph1, Edward), b. August 21, 1687, in Charlestown, ::.\foss. m. \Villirun Bodman in Charlestown, l\Iay 17, 1708. Here four children were b. though dates were not giYen. Two children were mentioned in the grandmother Elizabeth Spr:.1gue~s will in 1732 in l\1:alden. Se\·eral children not mentioned here d. in childhood. She d. in 1766. CmLDRE:-;. liO JohnBodman, b. Sept. 28, 1712. 171 ManJBodman, b. S(•pt.16, lil6. li2 SarahBodman, b. )fay 11, Ii22. 173 .:laronl:Jodman; b. :\far. 14, 1724:. 1i4 .tlmosBodman, b. )Iar l:?, 172,. 175 WilliamBodma1t, b. June Ii, 1733.

1 53 Jonathan" (~. Jonathan3, John=::, Ralph , Edward), wa.s b. in :\Ialden XoYember 8, 1679, and d. Xovember S, . FOURTH GENERATION. 49

lil9. Grave stone in l\falden. Hem. Elizabeth Hn.sey who survived him. She then m. 2 Elisha Tuttle.

CHILDREN. 176 Hannaht b. Feb. 2, 1716-17; mnrringc intentions publL'lhcd No\". 10~ 1736 to John Coll of Boston. 177 Jonathantb.Sept.13tl719.

3 2 54 Lydia" (dn.u. Jonathan , John , Ralph1, Edward). She was b. in 1682, and m. John Good,,;n, a housewright, on November 25, 1714 at Boston where they lived. She d. ip. 1739. CWLDREX. 178 Samuel Goodwin, b. Mar. lG, 1716-17; m. Elizabeth Willard n.t 21; m. (2) May Birch ut 48 and m. (3) Rebcccn Jepson nt 84.

55 Eunice" (dau. Jonn.than3, John:?, Ralph1, Edward), b. in Malden in 1684, m. Joseph Cook of Cambridge, Mass., where they continued to live. He inherited his father's homestead and was a farmer. He was b. October 16, 1761. s. of Joseph and ~Iartha Cook. He d. in his sbcty-eighth year. Shed. at the age of thirty-four years, one month and nineteen d:i.ys.

179 Eunice Cook, b. June 2, 1716; m. Ebenezer Bradish in 1739. 180 Joseph Cook, b. Mar. 5, lilS; m. Elizabeth Stratton in 1739.

3 2 1 57 John" (s. Jonatban • John , Ralph , Edward), was b. in l\Ialden, l\-fo.y 7, 1689, lived in Charlestown. He m. September 20, 1711, Elizabeth, da.u. of Ebenezer and Thankful (Benjamin) Austin, who was b. in Charlestown, April 26, 1687, and d. there April 5, 1759. Occupa.tion gunsmith; dealt considerably in real estate. \Vill probated l'.1:arch 19, 1759; devised to wife Eliza,beth one-half the real esta,te during life and one-half to children: s. John executor of v.·ill. The 50 T1n: RALPH SPRAGUE GENEOLOOY,

residence !i;Old by heirs to Snmucl in 1i50. Her will wo.s proved N ovcmbc-r 12, 1i71. CmLDnEs. 181 John, b. June 12, 1712. 182 Tlw11!jul, b. Auµ;. 7, 1714; rn. Paul Fo.rmcr of Boston, Aug. 9,1744: d. Dec. 26, 1701. 183 Riclwrd, b. Au11,. 27, 1716; cl. Oct. 24, 171G. 184 Edmund, b. Ft•b. 22, 1717-18; d. Mn.r. 5, 1717-18. 185 Ricliard, b.June30, 1719n.ndd.June 10, 1721-22of Hmnllpox. 186 Samuel. b. April G, 1721. 187 Elizabeth, b . .April 14, 1723. 188 Richard, b. '-Iny 2, 1725. 1S9 .iVathan, b. :\fay 2, 1725; he ww; n 41 founder" n.ncl "lnborer"; a.ppenrs in census of 1700; convcyNl hiH fi4hnre of his fothcr't-1 estate to his brother John in 1746 und hi!-1 interest ns one of "Austin's heirs" to John Austin Jr., 1774. mo Jlary, b. Oct. 22, 1727; m. Xnthnn "~nitc. 191 Rebecca, b. Apr. 20, 1730; d.; unm. wHl dated June 29, 1771.

4 3 2 58 Joseph (s. Jonatho.n , John , Ro.lph1, Edward), of Cambridge was b. in ~Ialden, October 24, 1691; d. March 12, 173i-8; grave stone at Cambridge; m. first, in Cambridge, November 30, 1714, So.rub Stedman (First Church Records), who d. January 29, 1722; a~ed thirty years at Cambridge; and secondly, :February 1, 1727-8, Eleanor Phipps. He was a saddler. ,vidow Eleanor's will, August 14, 1739, devised to ~ons-in-law John and Jonathan, to dau. Eleanor; to sister Greeley an

61 Mary4 (da.u. Jona.tha.n3, John:?, Ralph1, Edward). Founnt GENERATION. 51 was b. May 25, 1696 in Malden. She m. Jonathan, s. of John and Lydia (Chipman) Snrgent May 26, lili. He ,vas b. April 17, 1677; d. October 27, 1754. They moved to Mansfield, Conn. Shed. Mn.rch 14, 1787.

CmLDREX. 196 Nathan Sargent, b. Aug. 27, 1718; m. :\lnry Sargent June 24, 1742. ~ and secondly 1i'nry Denny; settled in Leicester, :\lass. 197 John Sargent, b. Xov. (i, 1720; m. Hnnno.h "rndkins July 24, 1740. 198 ..llarySargenl, b. l\ilnr. 7, 1722; m. Josiah Stowers Nov. 9, 1743. 190 HannahSargcrl.l, b. Feb. 8, 1724; d. in infu.ncy. 200 EbenczerSargc11,t, b. Nov. 4, 172G; d. in infancy. 201 LydiaSargcnl, b. Nov. 28, 1728. 202 IlannahSargent, b. Oct.18, 1730. 203 Ebenezer Sargent., b. Apr. 13, 1732; d. in infancy. 204 Sargent, b. Nov. 4, 1733. d. in infancy.

4 2 62 David (s. Jonatbnn3, John , Rnlph\ Edward), was b. in Malden August 15, 1698 and d. in Cha.rlestO\\'"D. December 26, 1747. He m. Abigail, dau. of Phi:lip and Jo3.lllla (Cutler) Russell, who wns b. in Lexington September 11, 1700, and d. in Charlestown, October 5, 1750. Occupation founder n.nd gunsmith. ,vill dated December 23, 1747; probn.ted February 15, 17..J.8; devised one-hn.lf to ";fe. CHILDREX. 205 .Abigail, b. Feb. 6, 172.5-G. 206 Jonathan, b. Jan. 6, 1728-0;bap. the 12th. 207 ..4bigail, b. July 7, 1732; hap. the 9th. 208 .:1 bigail, b. X ov. 22, 1734; hap. the 24th.

3 2 63 Bunker" . (~~ Jonathan , John , Ralph 1, Edward), b. April 14, 1701 in :\Ialclcn, l\I:.iss. ,Yith his ";fe, ~iartha~ they lived in l\:Iedford, :\Ins~., and hud three children. He d. January 9, 1728 in hi::- twenty-eighth year, (by the First Parish Unitarian Church Record.) She d. October 27, 1755.

CmLDnE:i-:. 209 Samuel~ hap. Sept. 2, 1724. l 210 JI ary, b. Jan. 12, 1725. ~ Both were nruncd in the division or THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEOLOGY.

Grnndf nthcr J onnthan's Samuel Sprague Sr., of l\luldcn appointed gu:i.rdian in 1735. 211 B1mker, bu.p. Aug. 4, 1728; (church record) d. 17!?9 aged 10 months, 7 du.ys; (gravestone record.)

3 65 William" (s. Edward , John,2 Rn.lph1, Edward), b. September 4, 1695 at l\Iystic Side, Charlestown, ln.ter part -0f l\fo.lden. In 1721 he was constable of l\1alden. "l\ilay 21, 1728 \Villiam and Dorothy, his wife, conveyed to the town -0f lvialden by a deed of gift a certain piece of land purely and entirely fortbe building and placing a new meeting-house."

He was a very devout man, very active in church matters1 and had considerable influence 0Yer what disposition should be made of the income of the ministerial lands of the town. Hem. Dorothy, dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth (Potter) Floyd January 1, 1717-18 by the Rev. Daniel Parsons. She was b. October 29, 1699; made a ";n dated November 25, 1775. He was a farmer, living in Malden and d. intestate November 21, 1747.

212 Mary. b. Dec. 25, 1718. 213 Edward, b. Jan. 24, 1720. 214 Joseph, b. Oct. 26, 1722. 215 Nathan, b. Oct. 24, 1724; d. Sept. 2, 1749. 216 John, b. Sept. 29, 1728; d. Sept. 2, 1747; buried in )[cdford, :\lass. 217 Eli::abe!h, b. ~fay 12, 1736; m. Ebenezer \Viley 0£ Reading, Jo.n. 2, 1754. 218 Dorothy, b. Feb. 6, 1737-S; d. Feb. 20, 1738. 219 Jonathan, b. Apr. 7, 1739. 220 Israel. b. Oct.13, 1741.

2 68 Timothy" (s. Edward3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. in l\i!alden, l\fass., :\'Iay 23, 1700. d. October 10, 1765; was a. rc8ident of l\'Ia.lden; succeeded his father and grandfather Captain John in the homestead; was well to do, possessed considerable land, several houses, a fulling mill and a grist mill, both getting power from Spot Pond, which was in itself FOURTH GENERATIO~- 53

n. valuable possession now that it had been raised by a nine foot dam, giving abundant water privilege. He built what wn.s known as the guard house near the dam to protect it and lived there. Though annoyed and hm-rnsscd through his life by towns trying to gPt u. title of Spot Pond, which had been in the pos~cssion of the Sprn.gucs one hundred years, and by law suits concerning the o\·crflow of adjoining meadows~ he succecdccl in preserving the dam and pond at great cost and sa.crifice of time. This wns a great blessing to future generations who now enjoy the beauties of the :\iiddlesex }'ells Re,ervution. This property was all disposed of in his will which be October 3, 1765, to hi:; family, beside be­ quests to several othcr8; for instance, to his cousin Joseph of Leicester he gave two negroes, Christie and Jethro. He held many positions of trust. In 1739, as agent for the town, he petitioned the court to rule that there be n9 gates hung across any town road. Traveling at this time WM entirely on foot or horseback and the inconvenience of gates had not been great, but vehicles were beginning to be used and unobstructed roads were det:ir~1.blc. Hem. :\fo.ry Legg of S!l.lem, .April 14, 1737, who cl. January 5, 1739. There i~ some evidence that he m. a Sarah ,vhipplc of Ipswich; all reliable dates are wanting however. He m. Sarah Connery of Stoneham, October 18, 1759. She WU:5 a dau. of John and Sarah (Fenson) Connery.


221 Matthew Whipple~ b. Dec. 24, 1760. 222 Timothy b. Oct. 2, 17'62. 223 Sarah, b. Apr. 21, 1765; m. Willhun Puncbnrd of Salem, Dec. 6, 1785.

3 69 Ebenezer• (s. · Edward , John , Ralph1, Edward),. b. Nov·ember 6, 1701 in l\Ialden, i, He d. in 1756 in which year he was ta..~ed in )Ia.Iden, though he probably was living at the time in Groton. He m. Eunice liontague, who d. in 1774 on the 10th of April, aged si:\.-ty-seven. October- THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEOLOGY.

29, 1732 Ebenezer and '\\ife were received into church in Groton from the church in Dedham, Mass. In 1736, he moved to Harvard, Mass., a.nd bought a farm situated on both sides of the rond n.t the old L:mcastcr s.nd Stow Leg line, v;hich he sold in 1i 44. He wn.s !ln inn-holder during the entire time he wu.s in Hnrvard and was the first to receive .a retailer's license in the town. He moYed b!lck to Groton in 1748. CmLDREN.

224 Ebcne:er, b. Jan. 21, 1727-8; _m. Abigail Henton liay 20, 1754 in Swn.nzcy, N. H.; d. Sept. 0, 1754. 225 Nalhan, b. :M!ll'. 21, 1732; d. Oct. 7, 1746; age 15 ye:ll"S. 226 Eunice. b. NoY. 16,..J.733. 227 Anna, b. Sept. 21, 1735. 22S Eli.::abelh, b. Aug. 4, 1737. '229 lvfary, b. Dec. 28, 1 i39. 230 Jemima, b. Oct. 20, 17-12; d. Sept. 5, 1744. 231 · Jemima, b. Oct. 10, 1744.

3 2 70 Jemima" (da.u. Edward , Jobn , Ralph\ Edward), ,vas b. NoYember 3, 1703 and was m. to Joseph .Jenkins !viay 7, 1730, by J. Richardson, Justice of the Peace, at l\fedford. They lh.. ed in l\:Ialden and l\Iedford. He was a f a.rmer; served in the French and Indian W, and d. at Fort \Vil­

liam Henry in 1758. She d., his widow, January 11 1 liS0.


232 JosephJenJ...-ins, b. :\Iar. 29, 1732; m. Phoeb~ ~ewhall. 233 Jemima Jenkin.~, b. ,July 2, 1734; d.173.;. 234 Jemima b. Mar. 7, 1740. } t . 3 235 ..4bi:;ail, b. :'\far. 7t 1740. wm ,

1 3 2 1 72 Hezekiah (s. Edward , John , R:tlph , Edwa.rd), b. l\.'.Iay 16, 1707; d. April 29, 1740. He,vas eight years old when his fat her d.; was adopted by a family in Groton; he became a blacksmith lh,.ing in Groton and Dedham, l\!!l.Ss. m. Elizabeth Avery dau. of \Villinm°, and Esther (Hunting) FOURTH GENERATION. 55

Avery of Dedho.m. October 30, 1729, by the Rev. Samuel De::'\.~er. His estnte settlement, l\iiiddle£exProbnte document No. 15066, ,vn.s dated .July 28, 1740. He was admitted to the First Church of Dedham, Jn.nuary 14, 1728. l\fiss Avery, May 19, li28; both were dismis~ed to the church in Groton, October 28, 1733. CHILDREN. 236 Elizabeth, b. Sept. 2, 1731. 237 John. b. Aug. 22, li33. 238 Jcnathan, b. Oct."30, 1735. 239 William. b. l\-In.r. 22, 1738. 240 Hezekiah. b. May 23, 1740.

4 3 73 Phoebe (cbu. Edw:u-d , John::\ Ralph1, Edward)_. was b. November 17, li09; m. Ezekiel Jenkins, August 3, 1732, of Malden. He ta.ught school for many in Malden, d. March 20, 1790 at the age of eighty-one. She d. Janua.ry 11, 1780. CHILDREN. 241 PlwcbcJcnkins, b.June21, 173.3;d. lfo.y21, 1752. 242 .;l/nrgarel J cnkiwi, b. Au~. 28, 1734; d. 17S.5. 243 E:ckielJe1tki.,1.-., b. Oct. 17, 1736; m. in 1762 :\J:i.r,:arct Floyd. 244 .:.1fanJJenki1m. b. Oct. 25, li38; m. in li71 Edmund Rand. 245 EdrcardJenki.,t..'i, b.June 10, 1740. 246 DorotliyJcnkins, b.Scpt.4, 17-l2;m. in 1769Stephcn '\Vcllms.n. 247 Lo~'iJcnkins, b.July2, 1744. 248 E:raJcn/..."ins, b. l\l!U'. 21, 1746-7; d. in 1769. 249 PhocbcJe11kins, b. Apr. 9, 175:J; m. in 1776Jacob Pratt.

3 2 74 Elizabeth"' (dau. Phine:i...;; , John , Rnlph1, Edward), wn.s b. October 11, 1690 and m. Janu:iry 4, 1715~ Samuel ·l\1:ower (grandson of Richard, immigrant in the Blessing 1635). They lived in :\!alden, l\Iass. He d. in \Yorcester, l\Ins$., in 1760. CHILDRE,:. 250 Elizabeth Jlowcr, b. Oct. 28, 1716; m. Jonathan Lynde, Dec. 12, 1739. 251 AbigailJfoiccr, b. JI:iyS, 171S;m.J:ibezSru-gcnt. 56 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GE~OLOGY.

252 Samuel Jlou~cr, b. Oct IS, 1720. 253 Ephraim ..l!01Ccr, b. Feb. 9, 1723. 254- Jnhn.J!orcer, b. Dcc.1S, 1727. 255 Lydia, b. Sept, 15, 1726. 256 Jonallwn J/owcr, b. Apr. 23, li30.

75 Mary" (dau. Phincai', John:: Ralph1, Edward), was b. October 15, 169;3 und m. Joseph Lynde October 21? 1714; d. July 2, l iSl. They lived in n.Ialden. He was n proud !Lnd haughty man but commanded the respect of the com­ munity. s. of Dea.. Joseph and Elizabeth Lynde; d. l\-In.rch 6, 1762. CmLDru;.-..;. 25i Joseph Lynde, b. Feb. 24, 1716; m. :\-!:iry Sprague. 2.58 JabczLyrtdc, b. Apr. 22, 1719; m. Rachel P:a.rkcr. 259 JlnryLyndc, b. Dec. 24, 1721; m ••Jabez Green. 260 HaruuiltLynde, b. ?\fo.r. 18, li24; m. John BuckilllD'l. 261 Pliocbe Lynde, h. Feb. 16, 1726-7; m. Benjamin Sprague; No. 164. 262 Eli::abcthLyt1dc, b. XoY. 30, 1729; m. Phineas Green. 26.1 Nathan Lynde. b. Ju)y 13, 1i32; m. Lydia Green. 264 Lydia Lynde, b. Sept. !?5. 173i; m. Howard.

3 77 Phineas.i (s. Phincas 1 Johnz, Ralpb1, Edward), b. January 13~ 1700--01 on the same old homestead on Ell Pon de of his ft1.thers before hin1, thut he brought up his f umily and where he cl. June 1:3, 1775. He m. a.t l\Iedford April f1, 1723, Rebecca, dau. of Jo~eph and Elizabeth (Tuft~) Lynde of 1Iulden. She was b. July 14, 169G and d. April 30, 1788. He was u very prominent man in town affair~; had been lieu­ tenant of the militia manv vears !lnd in his will in which be .. ol bequeathed his homestead to his son Phineas, he mentions bis gun and sword. He was a very zealous n.d,·ocutc of American rights u.t t.he time of our Rc,·olution. \Yright in his Historical Di:-:course December 1, ISaI, at l\f:uden,. says of him: ··He was quite advanced in years at the breaking out of the war: but \,·a..~ one of the individuals connected with Cap't. Hutch's company, mentioned as starting for Concord FooittH GENERATION. 57

in the night, after having lain at Beecham.,s Point during the day. Mr. Sprague was very deaf, but his heart was as impervious to fea.r as his ears were to sound, and when the rest of his party were flying from the view of the enemy, he was seen upon a piece of rising ground swinging his bat and shouting victory." CmLl>REN. l65 Phineas, b. Sept. 19, 1725. 266 Rebecca, b ....\pr. 8, 1730.

3 1 79 Lois" (dau. Phineas , John2, Ralph , Edward), was b. November 18, li05. She m.SamuelGreen, February 15, li28, in Malden, where they lived.. She d. in 1801. Mr. Green d. September 23, 1782 ..

Cmx.»u.."'i. 267 Samuel Green, b. Apr. 15, 1729; m. Hannah Green; {2) Mary L:mmnn. 268 Phineas Green, b. Ma.y 14, 1731. 269 Lois Green, b.July2, 1734;d.July10, 1736. 2i0 Lois Green, b. Oct. 27, 1737; d. same d:iy. 2i1 James Green, b. Feb. 12, 1742; unm. 2i2 Mary Green, b.June27, 1746; m. Amos Upham; had.5 children.

81 Samuel'' (s. Phineas,3 John:?, Ralph1, Edward), b. September 27, 1712; d. ne·cember 23, 1768. m. January 11, 1736, Martha, dau. of Benjamin and l\!Ia.ry Hills. She was b. March 21, 1714-15 and d. September 13, 1750.. m. (2) Rachel Floyd of Chelsea in 1752. He deeded the old home­ st~ad, his father willed him, to his brother Phineas in 1761,. and moved av.~ay from Malden, 1'.lass.

Cmt.DRE.."'-- 273 Martha, b. Oct. 23, 1737. 274 Eli.zabelh, b. J:t.n. 31, 1738-9. 2i5 .:.lfary, b. Dec. 25, 1740. ..9 ..,6 Sarah, b. 1743. .58 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY•

217 Samuel, b. 1745. 278 Lydia, b. ?tilay23, 1747. 279 Loia, b. July 13, 1750.

2 103 Sarah' (dau. Snmuel3, Samuel , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Mnlden September 26, 1686; m. William Green, s. of William and Elizabeth (Hills) Green, March 30, 1708. He d. in 1755, aged seventy.. two years. They lived in the Charles­ town end of M:ilden and then in Leicester, Mass., to which place they moved in 1720.

CHILDREN. 280 .Vary Green, b. Mar. 22, li09. 281 SarahGrecn, b. Scpt.13, 1711; m. Hezekiah Ward Oct.13, 1737. 282 Hep::i.bahGreen, b. June 13, 1714. 283 William.Green, b. July 6, 1716; m. Rebecca. Tucker, Sept. 25, 1737. 284 Israel Green, b. Apr. 10, 1721; m. l\.fo.ry Holden ~iu.r. 9, 1742; lived in Petersham. 285 CluirlcsGreen, b.Apr. 18, 1722. 286 NalhanGreen, b.Apr.10, 1729;m. Dorcas Sawyer Oct. 211750. 287 ~lar1;Grecn, b. Aug. 18, 1731.

2 104 Samuel" (s. Samuel3, Samuel , Ralph1, Edward), was b. in Malden February 2, 1688-9, ruid d. in 1\-Ialden, Mass., intestate, May 7, 1753, and was buried in Stoneham, Mass., May 7, 1753, where there is :1. gravestone marked "Elder Sprague." He m. Jommn., dau.. of John and Elizabeth (Green) Lynde, who was b. in l\1ruden, February 22, 1696-7, and who d. there June li, 1739. He then m. April 3, 1740, Mary, dau. of Thomas and l\I:tria (Russell) Prentice. He settled on land deeded him by his father in Stoneham, near Spot Pond. One of the signers of the incorporation of the church in Stoneham; elected one of its presiding elders; was a black­ smith by trade and carried on the manufacture of shoes. Figured prominently in town and church affairs.

CmIJ,REN. 288 Joanna,b.Dec.31,17li;d.unm. FOURTH GENERATION. 59

289 Samuel, b. Jn.n. 2, 1719-20; m. Anna Smith; (2) Anna. Brooks; had no issue; slic d. 1809. A prominent man nil his life; Cnpt. 0£ o. complllly or minute men nt Lexington, at Bunker Hill; was member or com. to revise the constitution in 1783; d. o.t Stone­ ham, Mny 30, 1803. 290 Thomas. b. l\tn.y 1~ li21. 291 Nathan, b. Aug. 21, 1724. 292 Mary, b. Dcc.25, 172G;m.J::uncsMcycrNov.5, 1762. 293 Mehitable. b.Aug. 9, 1729. 294 Jonathan, b. Dec. 23, 1731; soldier in French and Indian War; d. in Stonchnm, 1761; lcf t 8 acres Tufts Lot, Bro. Samuel Admr. 1761. 295 Jabez, bap. Feb. 3, 1733. (Stoneham) 296 Sarah~ b!lp. May 26, 1737. (Stoneham) 297 David, bap.Apr.19, 174l;_grond juror Woodstock Ct.1785.

2 105 Elizabeth" (dau. Samuel 3, Samuel , Ralph\ Edward), was b. in 1690 and m. Nathaniel, s. of William Green, .April 21, 1713, in Malden. He was a. carpenter, and was b. September 28, 1689. They lived in Charlestown, Stoneham and Leicester.

CmLDRE..-..;. 298 ElizabethGreen, b. Nov. 3, 1714, n.t Malden; m. Bcnj. S:mderson. 299 Winifred.Green, b. July 16, 1716 at Charlestown; m. Bcnj. Baldwin. 300 SonGreen, b. and d.1719. 301 Nathaniel Green, b. Apr. 16, 1721; a minister; m. Tabithn. Prentice. 302 llfchitabl.cGreen, b. Jn.n. 21, 1724; m. Smnuel Crul in 1746. No. 335. 303 Phineas Green, b. July 10, 1728; m. Judith••••••;lived in Leicester. 304: BeniaminGreen, b. May 21, 1731;m. Lucy Masters.

2 106 Richard" (s. Samuel3, S::i.muel , Ralph1, Edwat"d), was b. in Malden, 1692. He m. Abiel, dau. of Joseph and Susanna, (Frost) Whittemore, December 25, 1722. She w·as b. in Crunbridge, Mass., August 6, 1701, :i.nd d. at Medford, August 27, · 17 57. He later m. J 03.Il.D.a Os.ks, August 24, 1758. She d. December 20, 1786, aged eighty-six. 2r1Iarch 3, 1767 s.dministrn.tion of his estate ws.s granted to Eben Sprague of Danvers n.nd Jos. Eustes, at the request of his widow, Joanna. He d. intestate at Medford, December 9, 1766. 60 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

CBILDKE.V. 305 Richard, b. Sept. 23, li23; m. Mary Hollimd, May 24, 1752. 306 Jamea, b.Aug.8, 1725;d.July 6, 1728. 307 .Abigail, b. Feb. 23, li26; d. July 12, 1728. 308 .Abigail, b. Oct. 13, 1728; m. Joshua Eustes of Chelsea. l-fay 25, 1757. 309 Mary, bap. July 11, 1731. 310 James, b. Oct. 28, 1733. 311 Ebenezer, b. June 12, 1735. 312 Huldah, b. Jan. 28, 1737; m. J. Frothingham or Charlestown, 1757. 313 Joseph, b.July 13, li39. 314 Stephen, b.Feb.25, 1741;d. Feb.21, 1742-3.

3 2 107 Mehitable' (dau. Samuel , Samuel , Ralph1, Ed­ ward), was b. June 30, 1694 and d .. in 1721. Shem. James, s. of Peter Hay, of Lynn, a shopkeeper, on January 22, 1712, in Malden.

CBILDRE..V. 315 James Hay, b. Feb. 16, 1713-14. 316 Peler Hay, b. Feb.12, 1715-16. 317 Meh.ilable Hay, m. Jons.than Brown in 1740. 318 Mary Hay, b. Feb.12, 1720-2l;m.Jonas Green in 1743.

108 Rebecca" (dau. SamueI3, Samuef, Ralph1, Edward), b. May 8, 1696 in Ma.Iden, Mass; d. July 20, 1772; grave­ stone in Stoneham, Mass. In 1716 she m. Edward Bucknam, who d. at Stoneham, May 14, 1777, age eighty-two. Children b. in Charlestown.

CHILDRE.""i. 319 Edward Bucknam, b. Nov. 23, lilS. 320 &becca Bucknam, b. Nov.19, 1722; m. Daniel Green. 321 SusannaBucknam, b. Fcli. 23, li26. 322 JohnBud..,u:m, b. Sept.13, 1730; m. Anna Wright. 323 Na.thanBtu:knam, b. Ap• .14, 1735; d.1\1:i.y 16, li.51.

3 110 Winifred' (dau. Samuel , Samuef\ Ralph1, Edward), wasb. December30, 1699. Shed. May21, li39. m. Michael FOURTH GENERATION. 61

Brigden, May 20, li20. He was s. of Michael Brigden of Charlestown, b. July 11, 1698, b~p. ,vhen eight monthsold, and was admitted to the church December 31, 1721, and soon became a deacon, serving many years. He was a blacksmith, dealt largely in real estate and lived in Malden. He d. August 18, 1767. CHILDREN.

324 WinifredBrigden, b.Apr.11, 172l;m.Ba.rnn.busDavisJr.1 1740. 325 MichaelBrigdcn, b. l\iiar. 17, 1723; capt. of company and marched to Fort William Henry Aug. 16, 1756. 326 TimolhyBrigden, b. Mar. I, 1724; d. Oct. 7, 1726. 3,,-.. , TimothyBrigden, b. Nov. 21, li26;m. Sn.rn.h.Hutchinson; cl. 1770. 328 llfanJ Brigden, b. May 21, 1729; d. Aug. 27, 1729. 329 J oltnBrigden, b. Oct. 9, 1730. 330 Nalh.anielBrigden, b. Feb. 26, 1731; lived only a few days. 331 N atha.nielBrigden, b. Mar. 30, 1733; lived only a.few dn.ys. 332 ZachariahBrigden, b. Dec. 21, 1734;m-Elizabeth Gillam 1774. 333 .J.l!aryBrigden, b. Sept. S, 1736.

3 111 Abigail'' (da.u. Samuel , Sa.muef\ Ralph1, Edward), was b. November 15, 1702; m. Samu~, s. of John Call, who was a. heel maker, oxfords, etc. He was admitted to the church February li, 1722-3, and she was admitted March 24, 1722-3. Shem. (2)JohnHamenin 1748. Lived in Charles­ to"~ Mass. CHILDREN. 334 Abigail Call, b. Apr. 11, li22; m. Eben Dike of Dudley. Msss. 335 Samuel Call, b. Dec. 17, 1723; m. l\'lchitable Green. No. 302, his own cousin. 336 JoscphCall, b. Feb.11, 17~26. 337 JamcsCall, b.Sept2, 1728. 338 ..lfartha Call, m. Samuel Holden of ~Iarblehcad at Stoneham.; June 6, 1757.

112 John" (s. Samuel3, Samuel:?, Ra.lph1, Edward), was b. in Malden, September 15, 1708. He m. first at Malden, by the Rev. J. Emerson, April 11, 1734 to Judith, dau. of Daniel and l\'.fary (Bucknam) Green. She was b. in Malden, 62 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

September 22, 1715. He m. secondly Dorothy (Green) Brown, dau. of Jacob and Dorothy (Lynde) Green, April 12, 1758. Moved to Killingly, Ct., in 1752. The first record of. birth in town was of this family. He was deacon of the South Society of Killingly Church in 1774; one of the witnesses to the will of Samuel Curtiss of Hebron, Ct., dated li!ay 24, 1733. The inventory of John Fairbanks of Middle­ town, Ct. was taken by John Sprague and John Adame, Jan.nary 8, 1744-5. He was a. mason by occupation. d. there December 11, 1796. CHILDREN. 339 John, b. Apr. 20, 1735. 340 J udilh, b. Jnn. 16, 1736-7. 341 Sarah, b. Apr. 29, 1738. 342 Daniel.b.Jan.31, li39-40. 343 Mary, b. Feb.17, 1741-42. 344 Phoebe, b. Feb. 5, 1743-44. 345 David, b. Apr. 18, li46; m. Rebeccn. Wardsworth of Sutton, Mass., J:m. 2, li72; was member of the Baptist Church in W. Woodstock, Ct., where he lived. 346 Euniu, b. Dec. 14, 1748. 347 Ann, b. Nov. 20, 1752-53. Resided in Malden, Mass.

4 3 2 113 Mary (dau. Samuel , Samuel , P-.alph1, Edward), b. in Malden December, 1709; m. Joseph Lynde April 17, 1740. Ha was known as ensign from the office he held in the militia. He wa.s s. of Col. Joseph and Mary (Sprague) Lynde. He d. July 4, 1798, eighty-two years old. She d. July 3, • li88. Resided in Malden, Mass.

CHILDREN. 348 Mary Lynde, b. Apr.19, 1741; d.Js.n.12, 1753. 349 JosephLynde, b. Feb.10, 1743;m. MaryPortcr. 350 HannahLynde, b. June 10, 1746;m. Amos Howard. 351 PhocbeLynde, b. Sept.15, 1748;d.July 13, 1753. 352 Elizabeth Lynde, b. June 9, 1iSO; d. July 12, 1750. 353 Lydi.aLyrule, b. Oct. 29, 1752; m. Nathan Eaton. · 354 JfaryLynde, b. Feb. 27, 1755; d. July 17, 1761. 355 BenjaminLynde, b. Oct. 2, 1758; m. Mary Sprague. No. 343.

356 PhoebeLynde, b. Apr. 61 1761; m. John MitcheIL Fotram GENERATION. 63

2 138 Edward" (s. William.3, Phinen.s , Ralph1, Edward), m. Martha Luck of Rowley, Mass:, February 22, 1721, in Andover, Mass., where their children were b. and where he d. March 5, 1730. Timothy Johnson, his brother-in-law, appointed Administrator, March 16, 1730. Natbnn Barker, appointed guardian of Roger, Elizabeth, William and Joseph, minors, children of Edward Sprague, 1731. Bond on fil_e incomplete. Nathan Barker appointed guardi3ll of John, minor child of Edward Sprague, April 3, 1731. Distribution of estate made one-third to Mnrtba Sprague (widow), two­ thirds to children, Roger, Elizabeth, John, William and Joseph; Roger to have double portion. All personal estate.

CHILDREY. 357 Elizabeth, b. October 11, 1721. 358 WilUam, b. Mar.4, 1722-23; ba.p. l\fo.r. 22, 1724. 359 Jolin, b. Dec. 24, 1724. 360 R01ter. b.Scpt.19, 1726. 361 Edward, b. Apr. 25, 1728. ' 4d. inyc ln.ttcr end of ye month l\Ich., 1730." 362 Joseph. b. May 18, 1730.

2 139 Philip" (s. Willio.m.3, Phineas , Rs.lph1, Edward), m. Miriam White December 7, li21. They lived in Andover,· Mass. Shed. in 1766, n.nd bed. in 1770.

CmLDREX. 363 Eliza.beth, b. Mar. 11, 1722; d. April 29, 1788. unm. 364 ..\firiam, b. Dec. 17, li26; m. :\lich:icl Cocs July 1S, 174S in Salem,. Mass.

Fifth Generation

6 3 2 164 Benjamin (s. Stower4, John , John , Ralph1, Ed­ wnrd), b. Jun. 27, 1717, in Mn.Iden; m. Phoebe, da.u. of 3 2 1 Joseph and Mary' (Phinens , John , Rnlph ) Lynde Mch. 20, 1743; b. Feb. 16, 1726-27 in Malden. She out-lived Ben­ jamin tl.lld m. (2) EzraSnrgentin 1792. Shed. in 1820. Benja­ min wn.s a selectman in 1759 and held various town offices. Was a trooper in the French war of 17 49; lived in Mn.Iden near what is now the Everett or Malden bridge and d. Feb. 15, 1791. CmLDREN.

365 Benjamin, b. Mch.18, 1744; woa in the Lexington Alarm; enlisted Apr. 26, 1775 in the 8 mos. service with Capt. Benjamin Hastings, Cot. \Vhitcomc; m. Mary Ryder Nov. 21, 1765 at WellBeet, Mass. 360 Edward, b. Sep. 25, 1745. 367 Phoebe, b. Nov. 29, 1747. 368 Mary,b.Dec.25, 1749;d.Jun.30,1752. 369 Elizabeth, b. Jan. 29, 1751-52. 370 Jfary, b.Jul.31,1754. 371 John, b. Aug.31, 1756. 372 Hannah, b. Aug. 13, 1758. 373 Joseph, b. Feb. 9, 1701. 374 Stephen, b. Jul. 27, 1764. 375 Asa, b. Nov.18, 1767. 376 William, b. Nov. 27, 1771; d. Oct. 27, 1794, age 23.

5 3 2 165 Edward (s. Stower\ John , John , Ralph1,Edward), b. Jul. 29, lil9 in l\Ialden; m. Lydia.Howard, Jun. 10, 1744, record of same recorded in E. Cambridge. She was du.u. of Jonuthn,n and lfercy Howard and b. Apr. 21, 1722. Resided in Malden. He d. intestate in lii5. His wife s.nd dau. 1\'.Iercy being dead, his property wa.s administered and signed by his grandchildren. (65) 66 THE RALPH SPRAQUE GENEALOGY.


377 Mercy, b. Apr.17, 1745.

3 2 166 Mary5 (dnu. Stower", John , John , Ralph 1, Edward), b. in Mn.Iden Sep. 29, 1723; m. Thomns, s. of Thomas and Mary W a.yte, Jun. 13, 17 46. He d. Sept. 25, 1784, n.t the age of S9. Shed. Jan. 5, 1773. Lived in Malden, Mass.

378 Ebemzer lVayte, b. Mch. 21, 1747. 379 Thomas lVautc, b. Oct. 6, 1749. 380 .Jfary Wayte, b. Jul. 25, 1753; d. Oct. 12, 1754. 381 ~l[ary Waytc, b. Dec. 22, 1755. 382 Hannah Wayte, b. Apr, 12, 1750.

6 3 2 168 Phoebe (dau. Stower", John , John , Ralph1, Ed­ ward), b. Mn.y 4-, 1730 in Mn.Iden; m. John, s. of John and Elizabeth (Mitchell) Knower of Mn.Iden, Jun. 17, 1746. Resided in Malden. CHILDREN.

383 John K.nowcr, b. Jan. 7, 1747. 384 Thomrz.s K1ioWl'I', b. Dec. G, 1748. 385 Eliza!JCth Kn,,wcr, b. Dec. 21, 1750; m. 1769, '\Ym. Low of Chelsea.. 386 George Knower, b. Feb. lG, 1753; m. 1787.NancyShute. 387 Phoebe Knower, b. Feb. 18, 1755; d. 1'1nr. 3, 1764. 388 Rachel Knower, b. Apr. 10, 1757; m. 1781, Samuel Grover.

3 3 169 Elizabeth (dau. Stower", John , John2, Ralph1, Edward), b. Apr. 26, li32 in Malden; m. John Green Jr., Nov. I, li51, s. of John and Phoebe (Bucknam) Green, he d. in 1797 age 69 yrs.; farmer and mason in Malden. She d. Jun. 23, 1811. FIFTH GENERATION. 67


380 ElizabethGreen, b. Feb. 23, 1754; m. Joseph, 1780. 300 PhoebeGrecn, b. Mch. 26, 1756; m. Iso.o.c Chittenden, 1787. 301 CaJlu:r-i1wGrcen, b. Jun. 6, 1758; m. Joel \Vhitemorc, 1785. 302 JohnGrcc1i, b. Dec. 27, 1700. 303 GeorgeGrecn, b. Nov.17,' 1762. 304 WilliamGrecn, b. Nov. 8, 1764; m. Nancy Paine, 1791. 305 NancyGrcen, b. Oct, 14, 1765; d. Dec. 26, 1785. 30G Sabra Green, b. Sep. 4, 1768. 307 Susanna Green, b. Dec. 7, 1770; m. Elipbelet Hadley, 1797.

6 2 181 John (s. John•, Jona.thnn'\ John , Ralph 1, Edward), b. in Cbn.rlestown Jun. 12, 1712; m. Feb. 27, 1737, Lucy, do.u. of Jann.than o.nd Elizabeth (Bates) Richardson, b. Apr. 6, 1712. l\ intentions were published n.t Chelmsford, "John Sprake Jr., Feb. 18, 1738, etc." He was a founder by trade, lived in Charlestown n.nd Billerica., Mass.


398 Abigail, b. ~lny 30, li39; m. '\Vm. Hurst of Boston, Jun. 26, 1760. 390, b. Oct. 15, 1741. 400 Elizabeth, b . .Aug. 22, li43; m. ,vm. Yeaton or Portsmouth, N. H., Dec. 8, 1763. 401 Lydia, b. Jun, 19, 1747. 402 John, b. Dcc.31, 1749. 403 AfanJ,b.~Icb. 1,1758.

5 3 2 186 Samuel (John", Jonathan , Jobn , Ralph1, Ed­ ward), b. in Charlesto""D., Mass., Apr. 6, 1721; m. at Charles­ to'\\"ll, Apr. 5, 1744, Margaret, dau. of Joseph and Ann (Phillips) Newell, who was b. in Charlestown Sep. 16, 1722, and d. at the same place Mch. 26, 1759; m. (2) Jul.4, 1760, Sarah Eaton of Boston. His children ,vere all b. in Charles­ town; founder by trade. ------~-~~68 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY. CHILDREN. 404 MarCBret, b. Dec. 2, 1744. 405 Samuel, bnp. Feb. 26, 1764. 406 Sarah, bnp. Jul. 7, 1765. 407 Mary, hap. Jun. 28, 1767. 408 Jenny-Day, bap. Dec. 26, 1773.

3 2 187 Elizabethl5 (dn.u. John", Jonathnn , John , Rulph1, Edward), b. Apr. 14, 1723 in Malden, l\Inss; d. Jul. 17, li99; . m. St1.muel, s. of Samuel and Anna Wnyte, Jul. 18 1751. He was b. Dec. 14, 1709. Lived in Boston n.nd Newburyport.

CHILDREN. 409 John Wayte, b. Aug. 5 (bnp. Aug. 11), 1754. 410 Nat.lianiel Waylc, b. Apr. -1 (bu.p . .Apr. 11), 1756; m. :\Inry Sprague, d. Jn.n. 18, 1796 in !\.Irudcn, left no children.

6 2 194 John (s. Joseph4, Jonathun3, John , Ralph1, Ed­ ward), b. 1713 in Cambridge, M~s. distinguished physician in Dedham, Mass., and long enjoyed an C:\~en'Sive n.nd lucrative practice. Graduated ut Harvard college in 1737; was a. pupil of the celebrated French physician, Dr. Louis Dal Honda, whose dau. he m. He commenced business in Boston and continued to reside there until after the death of his first wife in 1756; m. (2) l\iirs. Esther Harrison, n. lady of fortune and removed to Dedham, where he continued until his death Mu.y 29, 1797. Dr. Sprague received a good medical education; was endowed with more than a common share of natural acumen and being :1, very careful observer of morbid phenomena became eminent among his brethrens for his skill in diagnosis. He possessed the unbounded confidence of his patients. "Unto him men gave car n.n


411 Lawrence, b.1747; graduated ~I. D. Hnrvo.rd, 1768. 412 Edward, b. May 20, 17.'i0. 413 John, b. Sep, 10, 1752.

3 2 1 206 JonathanZi (s. David", Jonathan , Jobn , Ralph , Edward), b. n.t Churlcstown, lVInss., Jnn. 6, 172S-29;m. Dec. 27, 1750, Rebeccn, dnu. of John n.nd Elizabeth (Abbott) Gill, who was b. Jun. 10, 1730, in Charlestov;n, Mass. Paige's History of Cambridge, p. 292, snys "Jonathan Sprague was a. subscriber for 10£, 14s. to the new Meeting House erected at Cambridge in 17 56-57, und had n. pew therein." He was a. brass founder; d. in Charlestown, l\ Jun. 5, 1759. Will probated Jun. 19, 1750, di vised to wife and four children.


414 David, b. Jul. 9, 1752; m. n.nd hn.d ones. David. 415 Elizabeth, b. Jul. 27, 1755. 416 Jf-ichael, b. ~lay 8, 1i;;7, 417 Jfoses, b. l\1ch 11, 1759.

3 2 209 Samuel1', (s. Bunker', Jonathan , John , Ralpb1, Edward), bnp. in l\,fulden, Mnss., Sep. 2, li24; d. Apr. 17, 1797. J nn. 24, 17 49 m. Eliza.beth '\\'. ade, dnu. of Cap. Samuel and Lydia (Newball) W ndc by the Rev. Jos. Emerson. She was b. Mn.y 18, 1729. They lived in l\1edf ord and Charlestown. He was a Revolutionary soldier.


41S Bunker, b. Oct. 30, 1750. 419 Elizabeth, b.Jo.n.2G, li52;d.Jan.21, 1753. 420 Samuel, b. :Mny 11, 1753. 421 l\fartha, b. Oct. 30, 1755. 42'2 Elizabeth, b. Feb. 9, 1757. 423 John, b. Jun. 7, 1758. 424 Simon., b. Feb. 2, 1760. 70 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

6 3 2 212 Mary (dnu. Willin.m', Edwnrd , John , Rnlph1, Edward), b. in Mn.Iden, l\'.Iass., Dec. 25, 1718; m. Thoma..'l Wn.yte, Jun. 13, I 746, s. of Thomns nnd Debora.h (Hnssc) Wnytc; d. Jan. 5, 17i3. He d. NoY. 5, 1787. They lived in Mn.Iden.

425 Ebenezer lVayte, b. l\foh. 21, li47;m. Eliznbcth Grover in 1770. 420 Thomas lVayte, b. Oct. G, 1740; m. Lydia. Hitchins, 17il. 427 Jl,Jary Wayte, b. Jul. 25, 1753; cl. Oct, 12, 1754. 428 J.llary 1Vaytc, b. Dec. 22, 1755; m. Dr. Jnbcz Dow or Kingston.

420 Hannah lVayte, b . .Apr. 121 1750. 430 Elizabeth JVayte, b. 1761; m. Philcmon l\,lunroc of Lexington in 1784.

5 2 213 Edward (s. \Villinm4, Ed·wn.rd3, John , Rn.lph1, Edward), b. J a.n. 24, 1720 in Mn.Iden, l\Iass; m. Dorothy Skinner, Nov. 23, 1740 in ~Ialden, l\.Iass., by the Rev. l\iir. Turrell, W::LS selectman in l\'1alden in 1766.

431 Jolin, b. Aug. 20, 17f0; d. Sep.17, 1753.

5 2 214 Joseph (s. ,villiam", Edwn.rd3, John , Rulph1, Edward), b. Oct. 26, 1i22 in :?\.Ialden,; l\Ias~.; m. Phoebe Hutchinson of 1Ialden Aug. 26, 1747, dau. of John und l\Iary Hutchinson, b. :\Iay 5, I i24. Lived for a time in Dudley, l\Iass., but moved soon to Leicester, l\:Iass., the first of the name to locate there. There they brought up their family of children and there he d. in 1792; she in 1811. Adminis­ tration was granted to his will Nov. 6, 1792, recorded in Vol. 24 of the· County records, page 387. The widow Phoebe and children Timothy, William, Sarah .Upham a.nd l\in.ry Sylvester are mentioned. FIFTH GENERATION. 71

CHILDREN. 432 Sarah, b. Nov.10, 1748. 433 ~lary, b. ~In.y 20, 1751; d. Jun. 4, 1751. 434 Timothy, b. Jun. 23, li52. 435 Mary, b.1\.lu.y 23, li55. 430 John,b.1iCO. 437 Wllllam, b. l\Ich. 15, 1703.

3 3 2 219 Jonathan (s. Willinm", Edwnrd , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Apr. 7, li30 in l\'.Inlden, Mass.; m. }.,Iury, dnu. of Solomon and Mary Townsend, Apr. 11, li60. She d. l\.Ich. 16, 1 i61, leaving baby Jonnthnn. Apr. S, li62 he m. (2), Tabitha Burdett, dnu. of Joseph and Tabitha. She was b. Mch. 10, li40 and d. l\'.Iny 15, 1806. He was n noted carpenter and joiner of his time, and worked at his trndc in lVInldcn and Mcdford. Herc mo~t of the twelve children were born. He sold his property in Malden for 83,000.00 continental money which proved worthless and left him dependent on his daily ln.bor. In consequence of his skill as n. mechanic in the erection of building8 he was frequently culled "Cap­ tain." I-Ic wn::; executor of his moth<'r's will in 1775. In liiS with his wife nnd two children commenced hi~ pioneer journey on horse-back to make a home somewhere in Ver­ mont. For a time they stayed in Cardington, N. H., later called Dorchester, then went to Hanover, N. H., where he laid out and built one of the co11Pgc buildings by square rule,

which is claimed to be the first building- in this vicinitv~ to be built by this method. An amusing incident concerning it is that sonic one of the workmen who was only f amiliur ,vith the scribe rule, and db-appointed in not getting the contract himself, sawed off one-half inch of Jonathan's ten-foot pole. however, discovered it before much use had been made of it and after thL, the pole was measured every morning to guard against further trouble. Deeds are recorded in Randolph, on Oct. 15, 1792 and lich. 12, 1793 conveying to him 100 acres of land in the S. E. p::t.rt of Lot 85, where after 72 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY. returning from Malden with the rest of his children, he built the one nnd one-ho.If story French roofed house which still stnnds one-half mile below No. Randolph village (which was known in those days n.s Fa.rewcll village), nnd is a very modem, well-preserved, up-to-dntc looking house today. He took the Frecmn.n' s oath there in 1795 and d. Jan. 1822.


438 Jonathan, b. Feb. 9, 1761; was a sea captain o.nd was lost at sea. 439 William, b. Aug. 17, 1763; no records found or any descendants; if there were n.ny which is doubt£ul. 440 Mary, b. Apr. 4, 1705; m. Daniel Kenney. 441 Lucy, b. Jul. 7, 1767; d. Nov. 20, 1793. 442 Dolly, b. Dec. 2, 1769. 443 Elizabeth, b. Sep. 25, 1771. 444 John, b. Jan. 6, 1773. 445 Edward, b. Jul. 5, 1774; d. Jul. 21, 1774. 446 Lydia, b. Dcc.13, 1776. 447 Edward, b. Nov. 20, li79. 448. Durcas, b. Jan. 7, 1780; m. Jonathan Smith. 449 Darius, b. Dec. 10, 1781.

5 3 2 220 Israel (s. Willirun4, Edwa.rd , John , Ra.lph1,. Edwn.rd), b. Oct. 13, li41 in Malden,, m. Phoebe, dau. of Samuel nnd Sarah (Upham) Hascy of Chelsea, Mass., Mch. 25, 1762 in Leicester. They lived in Athol, Mass.,. where she d. Jun. 13, 1782, age 41; m. (2) Mrs. Ruth Fisk, dau. of Moses and Ruth (Hill) Larned of Templeton, Mass.,. Oct. 16, 1783. They lived for n. time in Gerry, l\fuss. She d. Feb. 27, 1813, age 57. ,villin.m Sprague n cousin deeded him a farm for Sl,200 in Phillipston, Mass., Sep. 10, 1821. He d. in Phillipston, intestate, Nov. 21, 1823.


450 Dm-othy, b. Dec. 16, 1762, in Athol; d. at Athol, May 4, 1844. 451 Hasey Floyd, b. Nov. 1, liG5; hap. Nov. 3, 1765 ns "Asa.Flood.'" 452 Esther, b. Oct. 28, 1768; m. Ebenezer Knight, Jan. 5, 1786. 453 Israel, b. Sep. 21, 1784; d. !\-f a.y 23, 1795. FIFTH GENERATION. 73

454 Ruth, hnp. at Phillipston ,Jun. 22, 1780. 455 Child, b. nnd d. nt Phillipston :May 5, 1700. 456 William, bnp. l\.foy 31, I 701.

221 MatthewW:,, (R. Timothy", Edward3, John:;\ RnJph1, Edward), h. Dec. 24 1iGO in Mn.Iden; m. Lydia. Vinton who d. Mch. 17, 1824. Received n good port.ion of his father's property in Jund, buildings a.nd money. In 1i87 he removed to Stoneham and resided nt the extreme East end of Spot Pond. He was a farmer and shoemaker by occupation. By nnture quiet and unassuming. Disposing of his property n.t n time when depreciated currency caused the ruin of mnny families he lost whnt wns in reality n p;ood fortune. He d. Mch. 30, 183i.


457 ~lfa/thew Whipple, b. 1781; d. Dec. 28,1828. 458 Child, d. Jnn. 6, 178G. 459 Timothy, b. Oct. 21, 1786. 460 Lydia, b. Feb. 27, 1789; m. ""m, Barton Sl'p. 7, 1834. 461 Edward.

3 222 Timothys (s. Timothy4, Edwnrd , John::, Ralph1, Edward), b. Oct. 2, 1762 in l\Inlden, Mass.; m. Azubnh Need­ ham; b. Oct. 10, li64 in Tewksbury, 1\:lnss., dnu. of John and Prudence (Steams). Sold his half interest of his father's estate n.nd moved to Billerica, ~Iass., where seven children were b. Lived in Henniker and Bedford, N'. H., (Hist. Henniker, 1880, Cogswell, 617; Hist. Bcdford, 1079). Occupa­ tion clothier.


4G2 Sally, b. F£>b. G, 1786. 463 Tirrwfliyt b. FC'b. 12, 1788. 464 John, b. Jn.n. 3, 1700; m. Apr. 8, 1814, Betsey Hildreth. 465 lJ'illiam, b. ,Jan. 22, liD2. 466 Aaron, b. Dec. 4, 1793. 74 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

467 Alice, b, l\Ich. 14, 1707. 468 Belsey, b. Dec, 10, 1708; m. l\fo,y :?-1, 1818 Abija.h Hildreth. 469 Ebenezer, d. Apr. 3, 1810 a.t Henniker.

5 2 226 Eunice (dnu. Ebenezer\ Edwnrd3, John , Rnlph1, Edward), b. in Hnrvard, 1\1:nss.; Nov. 16, 1733; m. Capt. Ebenezer Marsh, Dec. 13, li77, s. of Ebenezer and Martha (Marsh) Marsh of Montague, lVInss., and was b. nbt. 1750.


470 Ebenezer J.l! arsh, b. 177~0; m. Cln.ri8.'4o. Ba.rd well, 1800. 471 Zcnas ;.l[arxh, b. 1780-8:?; m nod resided in N, Y. State. 472 ~llartin ..lfarsh, b. 178Q-83; went to sen. u.nd never heard from. 473 Z ineri JIarsh, b. 1785; m. Crcusa.1:Iubburd in 1806.

6 4 237 Deacon John Spra~ue (s. Hezekiah , Ed,1tnrd3, 2 John , Ralph 1, Edward), b. in Dedham, Mass., Aug. 22, 1733; m. at Attleboro. Sep. 30, 1756, 11Iary, du.u. of ,Joseph Everett of .Attleboro; d. l\!Iur. 2, 1816, in her 7Gth year, (Gravestone Pluinville Cemetery, "Trentham, Mass.). He bought land in Attlc-boro, Mar. 2:3, 1758 (Bristol Co. Deeds XVIII, 327). Aug. 12, 1778, seventeen du.ys private in Cap. Alex. Foster's company of Col. Thos. Carpenter's regin1cnt in campaign in R. I. (Daggett's Hi~t. .Attleboro, 140); d. lviay 13, 1813, (Grn,vcstonc Plainville Cemetery). His ";n, dated Jun. 18, 1801, approYed Jul. 6, 181:3, names all the children below except David and A.very, (Bristol Co. Probate, XLVIII). Children were all b. in Attleboro.


474 Hannah, b. Feb. :.?0, 1758; m. --Bri~ or \\'rcnthum, Scpt. lG, li84:. 475 Dm•ul, b. Apr. S, 1759; d. Xm.·. 12, 17G0 in Attleboro. 476 John. b. Dec. 10, 17Gl. 477 Ilc:ekiah, b. :\Ich. 29, 1764. 478 Ai1ery, b. Sep. 3, 1766;

480 Bcl8cy, b. Apr. 29, 1ii3; d. unm,, :\lny 2, 1835. 481 Elina, b. Oct. 27, 1775. 482 Jason, b. Feb. 11, 1i81; IQ'ncluatcd in 1803 from Brown UnivcrMity; preceptor or the Hip;h School nt Nc\\-port, R. I.; d. in the U.S. Army in 1825.

3 1 238 J onathanc. (s. Hezekiah"', Edwnrd , John:\ Ralph , Edward), b. Oct. 30, li35.; d. Mch. 13, 1811. First wife Abigail d. May 12, li6i; m. (2) lVIirinm ('Vright) Brooks of Greenfield, l\,f ass., in 1768. Seth Field J. P. 0£ N ortbfield, performing the ceremony. She wns b. in Mch., 1731 and d. 1\1:ch. 14, 1816. Dec. 22, 1748 she m. Joseph Brooks of Deerfield, her first husband. They hnd several children, Uri Brooks being one of them. Jonathan Sprague wns a. Revolutionnry soldier and "'as with George ,va.shington n.t Valley Forge nnd nt the bn.ttle of Ticonderoga. Children b. in Gill, lVInss.

483 Child, d. Au~. 31, 1777. 484 Joseph, b. l\Ich.18, 1771. 485 Tirzah, b. Jun. 20, 1772.

5 3 2 239 William (s. Hezekiah", Edward , John , H.nlph1, Eclwur


486 Tryphenn, b. in Roxbury, l\lch. l0t 1707. 487 William, b. in Ro:icbury, Apr, 27, 1700. · 4&~ Kathcriw·, b. in Trmplr.ton, Xov. 13, 17i0; m. l\nowlton. 489 Elizabeth, b. in Tcmpl~ton, Feb. 11, 17i!J. 490 Jnson, b. in Templeton, Muy 12, 1775. 401 Eunice, b, in Templeton, Oct. 14, 1777; m. Amwiu. Turner of ,var

240 Hezekiah6 (s. I-Iczckinh", Eclward3, ,John:!, Ro.lph1, Eel wo.rd), b. in Groton, Mn.~s., M ny 23, 1i 40; ,vns the first of the family to settle in Franklin Co.; n. carpenter nnd farmer, nnd d. in Bernardston, l\1ch. 31, li95; m. Aug. 13, 1768, Rn.chel (Byam). She ,vns b. in Chelmsford, Mns8., and d. nt the age of 91 yrs., Jnn. 24, 1831.


403 Hezekiah, b • .Aug. 14, 17GO. 49-1: Stephen, b. Tan. 14, 1771. 495 Elizabeth, b. Feb. 15, 1772; unm. 496 Jlary, b. Jan.14, 1774; m. Joe Green. 497 Asa. b. l 77t,. 498 Jose, b. l\iln.y S, 1777. 499 Apphia. b.Jan.10, 1783

2 265 Phineass (s. Phineas", Phineus3, John , Ralph1, Edwur

Cnrr.onii;N. r,oo 1/annah, b. Nov, 10, li40; cl. Jun. 7, li52. 501 Phlncus, b. Jul. O, l i51. 502 John, b. ,Jn.n. 13, 1;r,4, u03 Daniel, b. Feb. 18, 1755; d. Oct. 11, 1ii3. 504 WIiiiam. b. Jun. I, li5G. 505 Hannah, b. S<.'p, 5, 1767. 506 Jonathan, b. Jul. 30, 1761. 507 Mary. b. Feb. 14, lil>-1, 508 Cotton, b. Aug. 30, 1765. 609 Samuel, b. Dec. I, 1767; d. Dec. 23, 1708,

2 266 RebeccaG (dau. Phineas\ Phinens3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Apr. 8, li30; m. Joseph Howo.rd of Mn.Iden, Sep. 29, l i5i. He d. Feb. 8, J 7i6, age 49 years. She d. Jul. 18, 1790.


!HO Rebecca Howard, b. Feb. 7, 1753. 511 Joseph Howard, b. Apr.21, 1756; d. Dcc.15, 1758. 512 Phineas Howard, b. Sep. 4, 1758; d. Nov. 17, 1;;;s. 513 Jlere1J Howard, b. Aug. 14, 1764. 514 Dorca., Iloward, b. Sep. 6, 1767. 515 Joseph Howard, b. Dec. 14, 17u9; m. Dec. 29, 1703 Lydia Xorwood. 51fl Plwl!f,e 1/ou·ardt b. Fr-b. 4, 1775; d . .:\pr. 30, l i78.

268 Phineas Green5 (s. Lois", Phineas3, John:?, Ralph1, Edward), b. 1Iny 14, 1731 in l\Ialdcn; m. Jan. 31, 1755 Eliz!Lbcth Lynde, dau of Capt. Joseph, and lVIary. She d. Feb. 9, Ii57, age 28 yrs.; m. (2) Elizabeth Sargent in I i60, dnu. of Phineas and Abigail; was a lte,.. olutionary soldier.


517 !JtJi.sGreen, b. Nov. G, 1755. 518 Eli::abr!hGrccn, b. Xo,·. 23, 17G0; m. X::i.thaniel Stowers. 519 AbigailGrcen, b. l\lch. 0, 17G2; m. John Connery.

520 JlartJ Green, b. Feb. G1 li(i4; rn. John Vinton. 78 'ruE RALJ1H SrttAOUtc GENEALOGY,

&21 SamuclGrc,m, b. Nov. 8, 1700; d. in infancy. 522 Phlncu1 Green, b, Nov. N, 17tiu. r;23 Ja111c«Grcc11., b. Aui,c. 28, 1708; m. Cho.rlottc Jenks. r;2-1 E:raGrccn, b. Dec, 7, 1772; m. Su,mn \Vudo, Josr11liGrcr11, b. l\Iny 21, 1775; m. llnry Hamden, LyrliaGrr.r,1, b. Fl'b, 14, 1778;m. \Vm. Emerson. 1/amiahGreen, b. Oct. 4, 1780; m. Jn.met1 Roulstonc.

6 4 2 1 273 Martha (dnu. Snmud , Phincns3, John , Rnlph , Edwnrd), b. in Chcl~cn, lVIn~s., Oct. 23, 1737; m. Joseph Green Jr., of Stonehnm, Mns8., Aug. ~6, 1757; b. in Mn.Iden, l\.Ynss., 1730, s. of JoHcph nnd Ruth (Dexter) Green. Five children were b. in Stonehnm n.nd three in Chelsea.


528 Joscpl,Grccn, b. Xov. 21, 1758; m. Susruuu.1. Pratt in 17i9. 520 .llartltaGreen, b. Nov. 3, 1761; m. Sn.mucl Low. 5:30 BenjaminGrcen, b. l\Ich. :?1, 1703; m. AbiJtail Pratt. 531 James Green, b. &-p. 20, 1700; m. Joo.nna 5!32 Lydia Green, b. Oct. 2"..?, 1760; m. William 533 SamuelGrccn, b. Feb. 18, 1;;1; urun. 534 StcpltenGrcC11, b. Oct. 20, 1i76. 535 JlannahGrern, b. Jul. lG, 1770; m. Amos Lyon.

278 Lydia6 (dn.u. Samuel"', Phinens3, John·\ Ralph1, Edward), b. in l\-Ialdcn, l\Iass., l\Iay 23, li47. Sep. 12, 1771, she m. Lieut. Jonathan 1Villinms, s. of John and Elizabeth (Stendmnn) ,vulinms of Roxbury, l\Ins~.; b. Nov. 18, 1745, and d. Feb. 18, 1794.


536 Lydirt lVilliams, b. Aug. 21, 1773; d. :Mar. 3, 1774. 537 Jonathan lrilliams, b. SC'p. 3, 1775; d. Feb. 11, 1825. 538 John lVilliams, b. Feb. 28, 1778; d.1847. 539 Lydia lV·illiams, b. llay 14, 1780; d.1847. 540 Samuel 1Villiam8, b . .Aug. 12, 1782; d. Sep. 9, 1785. 541 Lou Williarns, b. Feb. 9, 178-5; d.1847. FIFTH GENERATION. 70

o-12 Sa11mel Willim11s, b. Oct, 3, 1787; d. 1830. L-13 Sarah. JV-llliam", b. Oct. U, 1701.

3 2 290 Thomasli (s. Sn.mucl4, Snmucl , Snmuel , Rn.lph1, E


544 Thomas, bn.p. Feb. 26, 1748-10. 545 Natl,,an, bnp. l\Ia.y31, 1752. 546 ..llartha, bnp. l\-Ich. 30, 1755; m. l\Ioscs Hnll, 1775. 547 Sarah, b. Feb. 1, l 762; d. in infancy. 548 Sarah, b.Scp.l,1764. 549 Sanmel, b. ::\fo.y 26, 1770.

6 3 291 Nathan (s. S::imuel"', Samuel , Samuef\ Ralph1, Edward), b. Aug. 21, li24 in Mn.Iden, Mnss.; admitted to church I i42. Marriage intentions were announced Feb. 25,. 1750; m. l\fary Hovey, (dau. of James and Elizabeth) Apr. 17, 17.50 in l\iJ!tldcn. She was b. Oct 24, li27. Children b. in l\Ialdcn. He "•3s n. man of probity and "rorth; held many offices of trust.


550 Eli::abeth, b. Feb. 2'2, 1751; d. :\Icb. 28, 1751. 551 ElizalJCth, b. Dec. 14, 1753; m. Nater Hatch of Boston, 1773.. 552 JlanJ, b. Apr. 7, 1756; rn. Cleft Hatch of Pcmbrookc, Jan. 13, 1774. 553 Sarah, b. Oct. 12, 1759. 554 JameJJ Ilot•cy, b. Apr. 1, 1765. 555 \, b. Aug. 26, 1766. 80 Tmc RALPH SPRAOUE GmNEALooY.

6 3 1 293 Mehltable (da.u. Sn.muel', So.mucl , Sa.mucl:r, Rnlph , Edward), b. Aug, O, 1720 in Malden, Mass,; m. Richard Fillebrown of Cambridge, Oct. 13, 1750, by Rev. James Os­ good. Liv~d in Arlington, Mnss.


550 JameaFillebrown, b, Nov. 24, 1751, 551 SamuelFillebrown, b. Nov. 28, 1753. 558 Daughter, b.Jun. 3, 1750. 559 RiclmrdFillebrown, b. Mny 14, 1758; d. 1750. 500 MehitablcFillcbroum, b. May 14, 1758; d.1758. 501 Mehilablc Fillebrown,b. Feb. 1, 1761.

6 2 296 Sarah (dau. Snmuel', Samuel3, Snmuel , Ralph1, Edward), b. May 26, 1737 in Stoneham,; m. Oct. 25, 1766, Anthony Hadley of Stoneham.


562 Mercy Hadley, b. Nov. 28, 1767;m. Heieki&hRichn.rdson. 563 Willis Hadley, b. l\Ich. 29, 1769; m. Abigail Hndley; a Rev. soldier. 564 Peter Hadley, d. young. 565 Betsey Hadley, m. James Damon. 566 King Hadley. 561 Uriah Hadley, b. Oct.17, 1778; d. age 100 .. 56S Nathan Hadley. . 569 Eben Iladley, lh·cd in Woburn. 570 Stephen Hadley, m. Ann Clef ton. 571 Frederick Hadley, lived in Woburn.

311 Ebenezer5 (s. Richard', Samuel3, S:1muel2, Ralph 1, Edward), b. Jun. 12, 1735.; m. Jan. 9, 17GO, Hannah Upton of Danvers. Thev lived in Salem and Danvers, Mass. He d . •Jan. 5, 1801; :--he d. 1 month and 8 days later.


572 Ebenezer, b. D{'c. 1, li62-3. 573 Richard, b. Xo,·. 20, 1764. Frrr11 GENERATION, 81

674 Mary, b. Feb, 10, l 7HO; unm,;

313 Joseph~ (s. Richard\ Samuel 3, Samucl2, Ralph 1, Edward), b. Jul. 13, 1730; m. Snrnh ,vhitc. He wns a. major of the 1st Rcgt. Essex 1777-8 in the Revolutionary ,v nr, and lived in Salem, l\iinss. and Atkinson, N. H.; d. Feb. 13, 1808 in Salem. :Mrs: Spra.~c was dau. of James and Sarah (Bailey) ,Vhitc of Atkinson, N. H.; b. Jun. 7, 1742 nnd d. May 2, 1807 in Salem, n. truly cxcc,>llent woman.


580 J ose7,h. 581 Sarah w.. b. Nov. 26, 1704.

6 2 319 Edward Bucknam (s. Rebecca", Samuel3, Samucl , Ralph\ Edward), b. Nov. 23, 1718 in Stoneham, Mass.; lived and d. there Oct. 15, 1802; m. Sn.rah Hill Jan. 5, 1742, dau. of Dr. Isaac and Sarah (\Vright) Hill of ,voodstock Ct.; m. (2) Lucy, dau. of Benjamin n.nd Esther Damon of \Voburn, NoY. 28, 1783. He was a well educated man of his time, to,,m clerk 17 yrs., deacon of the church 35 yrs., filling many positions of trust.


582 Ebenezer Bucknam. b. Ja.n. 29, 17 43-14. 583 WilliamBucknam, b. Jul. 15, 1747; d. Xov. 23, 1750.

339 John° (s. John\ Samuel\ Samuef, Ralph\ Edward), b. Apr. 20, 1735 in 1Ialdcn, ::\Ia.~s.; moved with his father to Killingly Ct., in 1752; m. Dorothy Brown of Stoneham, 82 Tup; RAtrH SrttAOUE GENF::Atoov.

Feb. 7, 1758. In 17S0 movr.d with wife nncl thrC'c boys to .. ,vinhnll, Vt. A farmer by occupation. d. Jnn. 22, 1814.


584 Jonathan. b. 1761. 585 Wymnn, b. 1703, 586 Jsanc, b. 1767. 587 John, b. 1i70.

6 3 2 342 Daniel (s. John", Snmucl , Snmucl , Ralph1, Edwn.rd), b. Jnn. 31, 1739-40 in Mn.Iden, Mni;s, fiis first wife was Selah \Vnrdsworth. On Mny 9, 1780 m. Sybil Hutchins, ,vhich is the first recorded mnrrin.gc in the to,vn of Killingly Ct. Cnme to I(illingly from l\iialdC'nr lVInss., with his father in 1752. \Vas mentioned in his grnndfn.thcr Daniel Green's w"ill, dated Jnn. 1, 1754 and proved Sep. 3, 1i59. By occcupntion ,vn.s n. blacksmith. A Revolutionary soldier, nnd d. Feb. 28, 1826.


588 Samuel, bn.p. Sep. 1, 1i65. 589 Danul, bn.p. Jun. 5, 1768. 590 James lf''ardsworth, bn.p. Sept. 20, 1772. 591 ..lfary, bnp. )-lay 28, 1775. 592 Selah, bn.p. Oet.14, liSl. 503 Elizubeth, hap. Oct. 3, 1784. 594 Elisha Leavens. bap. Apr. 6, 1788. 595 Sybil, bn.p. Au~. 24, 1794; m. Da.";d Parkhurst of Providence, R. I. 596 Daniel Green. hap. Sep. 11, 179G.

360 Ro~er5 (s. Edward4, ,villiam3, Phinea:?, .Ralph\ Edward), b. Sep. 19, 1726 in .Andover, Mass. '\Vith his "ife Sarah lived in Xew Braintree, l\·Iass., where the births of their nine children were recorded. In the Hampshire Co. Probate records we find that in the town of Che~-tcrficlc! in Book 13, page 462, John Sprague was appointed administrator to Roger Sprague\; estate in 1782. Guardian appointed to Elizabeth, . FIJITH GENEUATION. 83

Hnnnnh nnd M nry, minor children of Roger Sprngue in 1783, in Book 13, p, 558. Distribution of to John Sprngue, Suso.nnn Spro.p:uc nlia.s Allen, Lydia Sprague nlin.M SylveRter, Snra.h Sprngue, Martha Sprague, Eliza.beth Sprague, Hannah Sprnguc nnd Mnry Sprnguc, children of H.ogcr Sprague, Book 14, p. 142. Occupa.tion not given.


u07 Suaanna,b.Feb,8,1760. 508 John, b.Apr.3, 1752. GOO William, b. Aug. 26, 1754. 600 Lyd·ia, b. May 8, 1757. 601 Sarah, b.1\-lch. 10, 1760. 002 Jllarllia, b. Aug. 3, 1762. 00.1 Elizabeth, b. Ju.n. 8, 1765. 604: Hannah, b. Jan. 22, 1768. 605 Jlary, b. Jun. 24, li71.

6 3 2 1 362 Joseph (s. Edward", Willirun , Phinen.s , Ralph , Edward), b. May 18, 1i30 and lived in Methuen, Mass.; d. Jul. 20, 1i56 (l\iiethuen vital record, page 338); m. Jemima dau. of James and Martha Willson before li51; b. in Methuen, Mass., Mar. 29, li31. She m. (2) Oct. 25, li59, Enoch :\Ierrill, and hnd 5 children; d. Apr. 28, 1812.


600 Joseph, b. Aug. 25, li51. 607 James, bap. }Ich. 4, 1753, (1st Cong. Ch. Rec.). 608 Martha, b. Feb. 17, 1755 • •

Sixth Generation

367 Phoebe" (dau. Benjn.min'\ Stower", John\ Johna, Ralph1, Edwo.rd), b. in Malden,, Nov. 29, 1747; d. Apr. 23, 1801; m. Asn Ha.tch of Boston, by the Rev. E. Willis, Apr. 13, 1i60. Hnd three children. He d. and she m. (2) Henry Phillip Sweetser of Charlestown, Mass. He d. in 1792.

CHILDREN. 000 Asa 1/atcli, b. Aug. 30, 1771. 610 Phoebe J/atch, b ...... ; m. Do.vid Bailey in Mar.1791. 611 Mary Hatch, b ...... ; m. Stephen Rhodes. 612 llannahSwcetser, b. Dec. 10, 1787.

0 1 2 372 Hannah (dau. Benjamin S, Stower", Johna, John , 1 Ralph , Edward), b. in Mn.Iden, Aug. 13, 1758; m. John Graham, May 14, 1780, and d. in Jul. 1793. Lived in Malden.

CHILDREN. 613 llannahGraham, b. Jun. IO, 17S1. 614 JolinGraham, b. Nov. 11, 1785. 615 PollyGraham, b. Aug. 24, 1787. 616 PhoebeGralw.m, b. Nov. 29, 1791.

373 Joseph6 (s.· Benjamin'\ Stower", Johna, John:::, Ralph\ Edward), b. Feb. 9, 1761, in Charlestm,,♦n Mass.; m. Alice, dau. of Samuel (b. 1734) and Abigail (Sweitzer b. 1734) Dowse, Dec. 14, 1788. She was b. in 1766. Sam­ uel Do,vse was a. s. of Sarah (Fosdick 1693) Dowse, grandson of Sa.rah (Sprague No. 25) Fosdick, dau. of Capt. John and Lydia Goffe. Joseph Sprague was sea captain and d. in Dec., 1820. Lived in Charlestown. 86

CmLDKKN, 617 Alice Dou,1t., b. Oct. 1702; d, Oct. o, 1700, 618 Ann Dowse, b, Apr. 8, 1706, 619 Daughter, b, 1700jd. Sep, 20, 1700, 620 , b, 1802.

3 2 374 Stephen° (s. Benjamin!\ Stower◄, John , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Jul. 27, 1704 in Mn.Iden, Mass.; m. Rachel Sargent Apr. 10, 1702, dau. of Ezra and Deborah Sargent, b. Sep.18, li67, who d. Sep. 19, 1801. He outlived her three months, lacking one day. Resided in Medford. Estate settlement Oct. 1, 1810, Middlesex. Probate records men­ tioned children etc., was known a.,q Captain.

621 Stephen, b. Feb, 15, 1793. 622 Asa, b. Oct. i, 1795. 623 Ezra Sargent, b. 1799. 624 William, b.1S01; lived in Augusta, Me.

0 3 2 377 Mercy (dnu. Edwardr\ Stower\ John , John , Ralph1, Edward), b: Apr. Ii, 1745, in Malden; m. Joseph Burditt, Oct. 2, 1761. Marriage intentions announced Jul. 26, 1761.

Cm Lo 1. EX. 625 LydiaBurditt, b. Jan. 15, 1763. 626 JosephBurdiu, b. Jun. 9, 17G5.

6 5 3 2 401 Lydia (dau. John , John", Jonathan , John , Ralph1, Edl\"ard), b. in Charlestown, Mass., Jun. 19, 1747; m. Jun. 4, li6i, Benjamin, s. of ,,idow Elizabeth Hooper, of Bidde­ ford, Me. ''She came from the Eastward to tO'\\'ll and was notified 1758, and was in the valuation list 1771, not paying, StXTH GENECtA'rtoN. 87 tax·nbu.tcd 1771, having been long abt:1ent." Benjamin Hooper d. in Biddcford, 1803, ngc 82.

CHILD, 627 Benjarni11. /looper, h. Feb, 22, bnp. Feb, 28, 1708,

2 402 John° (s. John\ John", Jonathan3, John , Ralph1, Edward), bn.p. Dec. 31, 1749 in Charlestown, Mass. In Edgar­ town,,vital records; is found date of his death to be by drowning Dec. 6, 1804, age 55. And records of the baptism of the children of J obn nnd Mary Sprague as follows:

CHILDitEN. 628 Grace, bup. Apr. 24, 1701; m. Bcnj. Smith Jr., 1\fo.y 18, 1794, age 19. 629 Joltn, bnp. Dec. 5, li91. 630 Joseph, hap. Oct. 10, 1802; m. Harriet Furgeson of Tisbury, Mass., Jul. 5, 1821. . 631 Lucy, bnp . .Apr. 24, 1791; m. Samuel Coffin Jul. 31, 1813. 632 ltlary, bnp. .Apr. 24, 1791. 633 Peg(l1J, bup. Apr. 24, li91; m. ,vrutcr ...... Jul. l, 1798. 634 Pr.u:lla, bup. Oct. 12, 1791; m. John Cleveland, Dec. 29, 1810. 635 Susantia, hap . .Apr. 24, 1791, 11; m. Samuel Ht-reford, 1801.

0 5 3 2 404 Margaret (dau. Samuel , John\ Jonathan , John , Ralph\ Edward), b. in Charlestown,, Dec. 2, (hap. 9) 1744; m. David, s. of David ,vood, Aug. 22, 1765, a baker. She d. in Andover, May 22, 180i. He d. in Andover, Dec. 28, 1808, age 66 years, 9 mo.

CUILDREX. 636 Ruth Wood, b. Jul. 5, (hap. 6,) liG6; m. Xsthaniel Gorham. 6.37 ..llargarcl lf'ood, b. Apr. 4, 1768; m. ,va.rd C. Dean; d. in E."

641 Sm,m~l Woori, b. Oct. 2tlt 17i•l; d, nt8t, EuMt.ntiu,., Feb, 1700, 642 lV-illinm n,ood, b, l\Inr, 31, 1777; livoo in Bm,ton, N. Y, and Phila.. 643 lleujamin 1Vootl, b, Feb, 17, 1770td, Sep, 20, 1707. 044 Timotl,y lVood, b. Apr. 13, 1781. 64li bane w· ootl, b, Jul, 6, 1782; loMt nt l!ICU. nbout 1801. 646 NalJiattiel lVnod, b. Nov. 24, 17So; d. Sep, 21, 1786.

1 3 405 Samueln (s. Samuel \ John", Jonatho.n , John:r, Ralph1, Edward), bap. Feb. 26, 1764. A barber by trade and held real esta.te from 1792 to 1801 in Charlestown, Mass.; m. Deborah ...... , .... .

CHILDREN. 647 Dauul,ter,d. Nov.15, 1705, age 4. 648 A child, d. ~ ov. 30, 1797, ngc 18 mo. 649 A child, d. l\lny 22, 1800.

6 3 2 406 Sarah (dau. Samuel:;, John", Jonathan , Jobn , Ralph1, Edward), bn.p. Jul. i, 1765, in Charlestown, Mass.; d. Dec. 31, 1836; m. Edward Bell, s. of Thomas and Hannah (Crafts) Bell, who was b. in Boston Feb. 3, li66; d. Oct. 18, 1809. CHILDREN.

650 Edtcard Bell, b. Au~. 5, liSS; m. Eliza Low French, 1817; (2) l\fn.ry Dill, 1841. 651 SamuelBell, b. Fcb.17, 1790;d. Aug. 8, 1791. 652 Sam ml Bell, b. XO\·. 14. 1791 ; m. Rebecca Dill; d. linr. 1815. 653 SaraliBell, b. Jan. 5, 1793; m. Xathan Brewer. 654 lla,mahBell, b. Feb. 8, 1795; d. ~Ich. 6, 1795. 655 David lVoodBell, b. Jul. 12, 1796; d. 1826 in Xew Orleans. 656 CltarlesBcll, b. Feb. 6, 1799; d. 1799. 657 Cltarlc.,Bell, b. Sep. 9, ISOO; d. 1800. 658 Hannah Bell, b. Oct. 12, 1802; m. Andrew Rouleston, and (2) Capt. 1\layhew Cottle. 659 T!,on1W4 Crnft.~Bell, b. :\fo.y 9, 1S04; m. Hnnnn.h \Vilson. so

6 407 Mary" (clu.u. Samur.1 , ,John", ,Jonathn.n3, ,John:i, 1 Ralph , Edwnrd), ba.p. Jun. 28, li07 in Chu.rlcHtown, Mu1-1M.;

1 m. 'rhomns ,vrip;ht, Jr. of Co.mbridJCl , l\1u.HH., Sep. 21, 1782. He was in rnilitu.ry service two month~ under Lciut. ,Jo.1cph JohnHon n.t Cambridge in 1777; also 15 day8 guardinp; prifmners of convention .Jul. 1778. Lived in Cambridge, l\ila~H.


060 Thomm1 lVn'ght, b. Jun, 30, 1784. 001 Jol,n lrriyht, b. Dec. 10, 1785. 602 Polly lVright, b. Mny7, 1788. 663 Bc11jambt Hooper lVright, b l\far. 2fl, 1700. 664 Eli:ulU'tli JVriultl, b. Jun. 3, 1703. om; Lury lrrioht, b. Sep. 0, 1705.

6 3 2 412 Edward (s. John\ Joseph", Jonatha.n , John , Ralph\ Edward), b. May 20, 1i50, in Cambridge and d. Dec. 16, 181i; pastor of the Congo. church at Dublin, N. H., 177i-8; m. Sept. 24, li60, Martha Hill; and (2) Sep. 26, 17i8, ~Irs. Hannah Fitch. She d. Jul. 10, 1818, in Keene, N. H., in her 81st year. He graduated from Harvard in ISiO, was ordained 2nd minister of the church in Dublin, N. H., lVIay 12, 1801, his father having d. 3 or 4 years before, he received bis legacy and thereupon relinquishPtl his $alary from this date. His residence was on lots 9 and 10, rruigt V near the centre pond; after 1801 he had a residence in Keene, but kept his Dublin house open and furnished for his (,ccasional use while his wife continued to live in the Keene horn(). Dec. 9, 1817, he met "ith an accident ,vhich resulted in his death Dec. 13 he made his "ill, a copy of which and a probate record is kept in .the To,,~ History. He was wealthy; drove his coach "ith 4 horses, gave the town S5,000 for support of the religion in the Congo. Society, ~d gave his physician and friend Dr. l\'Ioses Kidder $2,000. To John Twitchell and Alline Newhall each, provided they stay in his service during his natural life S300. To the town as fund for support of 90 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

public schools Sl0,000, and the residue to the town for the use of school purposes. His portrait is on page 162 of the Tov.~ History and much is said therein in various places of incidents and anecdote, obituary and eulogistic, as also the long grave stone inscription of himself and ff arm sh his wife. No mention is made of any children. The will was dated Dec. 13, 1817, It "·as probated Feb. 3, 1818, Elijah Parker of Keene Rv. Account allowed Feb.1823. Inventory in 1818 was 530,060.39.

No CBILDR~...-.

6 3 2 413 John (s. John·S, Joseph", Jonathan , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Cambridge, Mass., Sep. 10, 1752. Studied medicine in Europe. Graduated from Harvard 1792. Resided at Milton, Boston and Dedham, Mass. He d. of consumption ~i, 1800. His estate was divided Jan. 7, 1801, mention being made of six children, and the heirs of Esther Sweet and Elizabeth Sweet. His widow Rebecca d. Jul. 2, 1811, aged 58.

CHILDRE...... 666 Charles H., b. Feb. 3, 1774. 667 Eli::.a D., b. Ms.y 7, 1776; m. Ss.muel Sweet. 668 E8tha, b. Dec.14, 1,,7;m.aMr.Sweet. 669 .Jonathan, b, Sep.16, 1779. 670 Lawrence, b. May 3, 1781. 671 Horatio, b. Dec.19, 1784. 672 Rebecca, b. Jul. 22, 1787; m. Cap. A. Eustis, U.S. A. 673 SarahC., b.Oct.11, 1789;m.JohnMcGuire.

6 3 2 421 Martha (dau. Samuel\ Bunker', Jonathan , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Malden Oct. 30, 1755; m. l\r1oses, s. of John and lfs.ry (Keiser) Hall Nov. 28, 1775, in Malden; b. Nov. 28, 1i50. CHILDREN, 67-t John Hall, b.Oct.5, 177'6;m.Ss.rnbHills,Jan.4, 1808. 675 ~Mosu Hall, d. 1778. 676 Jfariha Hall, b. 1780; m. Robert Eames. S:o.."TH GENERATION. 91

677 Betsey Hall, b. d. 1781. 678 Marg Hall, b. 1783; m. William Barrett. Feb. 12, 1804. 679 Mosu Hall, b. 1785. 680 Elizabdh Hall., b. 1787; m. Chas. Lewis. 681 J amu Hall, b. May 29, 1788; m. &lly Sargent, Oct. 28, 1810. 682 Lucy Waite Hall, m. Micah Perkins. 683 Simon Sprague Hall, b. 1791; d. in Rhode Island, 1806. 684 Aaron Hall,livedinTroy,N. Y.

0 3 2 432 Sarah (dau. Joseph\ William\ Edward , John , Ralph\ Edward), b. Nov. 20, 1748; d. Sep. 26, 1812; m. Daniel Upham of Templeton, Mass., in Oct. 1764. He was b. in Malden, Mass., Dec. 18, 1743, s. of Nathaniel and Rebecca (Dill) Upham of Templeton, Mass. Occupation was cord­ wainer; d. Oct. 3, 1812.


685 Polly Upham, b. Oct. 11, 1766; d. Sep. 10, 1812, unm. 686 Sarah Upham, b. Aug.28, 1767;m. Jun.11, 1799; D. Woods. 687 Phoebe H. Upham, b. Apr. 7, 1772, d. Sep. 29, 1812, unm. 688 Barnard Upham, b. Jun. 16, li74; m. Betsey Hubbard. 689 John Upham, b. Aug. 30, 1776; m. Martha. Holbrook; (2) Susanna, Parker. 690 Rebecca D. Upham, b. Dec. 1778; m. Jan. 10, 1804 Job Sawyer. 691 Daniel Upham, b. Mar. 21, 1781; m. Mary Sawyer. 692 Joseph Upham, b. Jun. 23, 1783; m. Eliz.:~.eth Howe; (2) Catherine Bush. 693 Joshua Upham, b. Apr. 7, 1786; d. Oct. 28, 1812, unm. 694 Samuel Upham, b. Feb. 21, 1788; m. Persis Stone. 695 Roxalana Upham, b. Aug. 12, 1791; m. C. Gilbert; 1816; (2) J. Lord, 1818.

8 5 3 2 434 Timothy (s. Joseph , William', Edward , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Jun. 23, li52 in Leicester, Mass.; m. Mary, dau, of Jonathan and Mary (Carle) Sargent Jun. 17, 17i3. She d. Oct. 6, 1813, age 40. He ws.s a farmer by occupation, selectman many A bombardier in the 92 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GE1''"EALOGY.

Revolution; d. Jan. 8, 1815 in Leicester, Mass. Will allowed Feb. i, 1815, in Vol. 46, p. 118; Children, Jona.than, Betsey, Catherine, Josehua. and John Sprague a.nd Polly Knights mentioned. CHILDRE..'-. 696 Joshua, b. Nov. 9, 177-1. 697 Polle. b. l\'Iny 12, 1776. 698 John, b. Apr.14, 177S. 699 Phczbe, b. Oct. 30, 1781. 700 BehnJ, b. l\lay 13, 1784. 701 BcistJ, 2d, b. Feb. 3, 1787; m. Stephen Trask, l\1ay 19, 1818. 702 Catherine, b. l\Ich. 2i, 17S9. 703 Jonathan, b. Apr.:!:", 1790.

435 Mary0 (dau. Joseph\ '\'\rilliam", Edward3, John::, Ralph\ Edward), b. in Leicester, Mass., l\Iay 23, 1755; m. Peter Silvester of Lnncastcr, lVIass., Oct. 12, liSl, s. of Peter and Deborah (Torry) Silvester, b. in 1755. Lived in Leicester..

CHILDRES. iM Phoebe Silvester, b. Apr. 30, 1782. 705 Joseph Silt•ester, b. Oct. 16, 1784; m. Dec. 25, 1817 Polly Holden. 706 William Silvester, b. J:1I1. 3, 1786; m. l-Ia.y 22, 1831, Tirzah Converse. 707 ..llarySilvcster, b.Jul. 27, 17SS. 708 OlsionC.Silveater, b. Oct. 1, 1792.

0 2 437 William (s. Joseph\ \Villiam4, Edward3, John , 1 Ralph , Edward), b. 2tiar. 15, li63 in Leicester, l\fass., m. Sarah Sargent Apr. 24! 1782, dnu. of Nathan and l\1ary (Denny) Sargent ,Yho d. Sep. 24, 1837, age 74. He d. Aug.. 25, 1831. He was a "·ell known citizen of Leicester; lived on the farm where his father liYed one mile north of the village and called "\Voodland Site" ; "·as captain of one of the militia companies of the town; at one time deputy sheriff of the county; filled many offices of public trust. In his will which was allowed Nov. 1, 1831, he mentions his wife Sarah and 93 children; recorded in Leicester, book 72, p. 214. Among his papers were found the will and inventory of his ancestor Edward Sprague of Upwey, England, a. copy of which is found on the eru-ly pages of this book.


709 Joseph. b. Jul. 25, 1783. ilO Rebecca, b. Apr. 9, 1785; popular school teacher; d. Feb. 13, 1844 unm. 711 Rox)\ b. Feb. 8, 1787. 712 Lana, b. Jan..16, 1789. 713 Otis, b. Apr.17, 1791. 714 Horace, b. Jun. I, 1793; d. Sep. 6, 1803. 715 Alice. b. May 22, 1795. 716 Daughter, b. Apr. 25, 1797. 717 Laura, b. Sep. 25, 1798; d. Aug. 4, 1800. 718 Laura, b. Dec. 3, 1S00; d. Nov. 9, 1852. unm. 719 Horace William, b. Jun.15, 180,1; d. Mch. 26, 1805. 720 Eliza Edmond~ b. Jan 22, 1806.

6 5 3 2 442 Dolly (dau. Jonathan , William", Edward , John , Ralph\ Edward), b. in l\iiedford, Mass., Dec. 2, 1769; d. Jul. 24, 1866, in Randolph, Vt. John Weston was b. Middleboro, Plymouth Co., Mass., in Oct. 1767, here they m. Dec. 7, 1791, and settled in Randolph, Vt. on a farm. He d. there Apr. 4, 1838.

CHILDREX. 721 John TVeston, b. l\lch. 21, 1794; d. Mch. 27, 1797. Lue1J Weston, b.Jul."4, li!l6; m. Aug.10, 1858. 723 Betsey lVe-v'""ll, b. Jul.14, 1798. 724 Dolly W, · 1 .. 1, b. :\!ch. 22, 1801. 725 John \Veston, b. l'.Ich. 22, 1801. 726 Abijah Weston, b. Feb. 13, 1804. 727 Daniel Weston, b. May 13, 1807. 728 Jehiel Weston, b. Jun. 2, 1809.

6 5 443 Elizabeth (da.u. Jonathan , William', Edward3, 2 John , Ralph\ Edwa.rd), b. in l\:Iedford, l\, Sep. 25, 1771; 94 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GE:\"EALOGY.

m. Abijah Osgood, li92, in Randolph Vt., ·where they lived on a farm.. He was s. s. of William and Hepsibah (Denton) Osgoodt b. in Barre, liass., Feb. 23, li65; cL Apr.. 17, 1826. She d. l\'lay 5, 1811.

CHILDRE.'.. 720 Polly Osgood, b. J9.Il. 7, 1793: m. Samuel George; (2) Franklin Hall. ?30 Harvey Os~ood. b. Jul. 9, 1796. 731 William Osgood, b. Jul. 15, 1798; m. 1:Icb. 18, 1827 Almyra Dibbell; m. (2) Dolly Smith, Sep. 1, 1855. 732 Fanny Osuood, b. Jan. 17t 1S01; m. llny 1S2S, Zebina. Belknap. 733 Tabitha Osgood, b. Dec. 7, 1802; m. 1\foh. 20, 1832, Riley Blodgett. i34 A biah Osgood, b. NOY. 11, 1804; m. in 1827 John 11orrill 735 Betsey Osgood, b. Jan. 21, 1S06; m. l\fo.r. l, 1834 Edwin Hatch. 736 Abijah Pascal Osgood. b. Nov. 25, 1809.

6 3 444 John (s. Jonathan'\ William", Edws.rd , John::, · Ralph1, Edward), b. Jan. 6, 1773; m .. Sally, dau. of Ass. and .Abiah (Giddings) Story, !\.1ch .. 2, 1797•. He ·was 14yearsold "phen his father moved into Randolph, on the middle branch of the White River. There were very few inhabitants in the town then and grain v-·a..s very scarce, and none could be bought nearer than Gov. Cbitenden's in Williston 50 miles away,-no roads some of the distance and no guide to go by but marked trees. His father sent him, boy as he was, to buy grain for the family. He was to pay for the grain 'With a co-r.· which he drove or led. The cow was very old as apparent by the many wrinkles on her horns. John had two ounces of indigo and a pe1''ter plate for spending money. The story goes that the Governor thought the co,v was pretty old and couldn't allow very much to which John ·replied that she had three ·wrinkles when she was born, and was not as old as she looked. He purchased a. lot of "1ld land on the East Hill, two miles from the village of E. Randolph, Vt.; built a.loghouseand moved his bride into it, and went to '\\·ork clearing the land. The farm is now owned by Charles Waldo. He moved his :.r ...... I• .~ • ~ .. ··. ~ • • • 1t,/ .. • • " ~ I I~ _.,...... _ -~ ~ ,., •' ~--~.... ~- f: ...... _...1 ... :..i. ... · . .r • ...... ~ ~...... • I • ... I ...... :J, .,. ' ~: ...... ' '•1,

+ . ., .. , •...... d_._ -­ . ~ ... ~ ..,.,, -· . , ... •' • •


... .

Sn...-ni GENERATION. 95 household goods on a two-horse sled, and after the goods were loaded he used to say that there was room enough on the sled then to dance an eight band reel. In politics he was an abolitionist; was n. Free-Will Baptist and had a strong personality. He. d. Jan. 27, 1849. "J. Z. S."'

CmLDREN. 737 Asa, b. Oct.19, 1797. 738 Richard, b. Jan. 8, 1799;d. Randolph, M:ay 17, 1826. 739 Leonard, b. Jan. 22, 1800. 740 Eunice, b. Jul. 21, 1805. 741 Edgerton, b. Jul 13, 1809. 742 .Abiah, b. Apr.19, 1815;unm. d. in Randolph, Feb. I, 1863. 743 Sally., b. Jan. 2, 1S17. 744 Lavin~ b. Apr. 9, 1819;.

6 5 3 2 446 · Lydia (dau. Jonathan , William', Edv.·ard , John , Ralph\ Ed~·ard), b. Dec. 13, 17i6; Oct. 25, 1795, she m. Ezekiel Story, who was b. Aug. 14, 1775, and d. Dec. 20 1816. He was a farmer in Randolph, Vt. She d. Aug. 30, 1836. CmLDREX. 745 LavindaStory, b. l\lch.16, 1797; d. No,·. 16, 1886. 74G EliasStcry, h. Apr.19, 1S00. 747 JamesG.Story, b. Jul. 9, 1804; d. Jul.17, 1826. 748 Betse,;Story., b. Nov. 28, 1805; d. l\!ny 15, 18"..5. 749 Lydia B. Story~, b. Dec. 2, 1S09. . 750 Adeline Story, b. Feb. 1, 1S14. 751 Harriet Story, b. Aug. 26, 1815; l\lch. IS, 1840 m. Loring A. Edson; d. Feb. 26, 1854.

447 Edward6 (s. Jonathan5, William', Edward3, John:\ Ralph1, Edward), b. Nov. 20, 1779; m ..A.senath, dau. of John Bliss Corliss, l\;fay I, 1799; she was b. Oct. 25, 1781 and d. Dec. 6, 1842. He d. Mch. 19, 1858. Edward Sprngue settled on a farm in the E. part of Randolph 96 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENE.A.LOGY.

Vt., where with his wife, Asenath had twelve children, nine of whom arrived to maturity :md had families of their own. His business for m:iny years WAS freighting country produce to Boston, lVIass., and bringing to Vermont such goods as the- merchants sold their customers, for this was before the days of railroads. He was a very devout m;in :ind "·as a deacon in the Free Will Baptist church and he wo.s much sought :ifter on the occasion of religious revivals in his own and adjacent communities. I take this sketch from Cleve­ ls.nd' s Genealogy: "In a family in an adjoining town were two brothers, Billings and Willis Hovey. Billings was not s. professor of religion, but his ~1fe was a pious lady, there being a great interest felt in the community on tlie subject of religion, eYening meetings were frequently held, and Polly be­ ing very an.~ous for her husband had arrruiged ";th a. younger member of the family to stay at home and care for the children, that Billings might accompany her on this evening to a. meeting at Uncle Samuel's; thist Billings declined; and she went ~1thout him, praying as she ,Yent. Aftcr she had gone Billings concluded to go privately as it ,vas now dark. He and Willis, ·who had also absented himself from the meetings crept silently into an adjoining room to listen to the exercises. K ow there were among the praying brethren "G ncle Samuel Hovey and Deacon Edw:l.l'd Sprague who were csp~.:ially gifted in prayer (an eccentric per~on when they pray the blessings shell right do""Il) and on this evening their petitions seemed more solemn n.nd wei~hty than usu:tl. Before their pr!l.yers were finished-Behold! the door opened and Billings and Wil~is walked into the room, fdl on their knees, ncknowlcdged their sins, begged for and obtained pardon for their sins." I remember well ,vhen q uitc a small boy attending the evening meetings in my grandfather's home; there were but few chair~ in the house, so wooden sap tubs ,verc brought into the old long kitchen and rough bon.rd8 ·were laid upon them for seating the worshippers. 'fhe room '\\"!LS heated by an old stone fireplace which ul:so furnished the light for the occ!l.~ion, ~upplemcnted by a few SIXTH GENERATION. 9i tallow candles. Grandfnther Sprague led the . meeting and though his education had been limited there was a deep pathos in his invocations that impress me with a feeling of awe and reverence after more than two-thirds of a century have passed away. A man that ha.s truly kno'\\"n God will truly impress you "'itb the fact. You may listen to the most scholarly discourse and if it lacks the spirit of Christ it is like sounding brass and tinkling cymbals.-"J. H. $.''

CHILDRE~. 752 Susan, b. Apr. 28, 1801. 753 Lyman, b. Nov. li, 1802; d. June. 14, 1820. 754 Alfred., b. Sep. 19, 1804. 755 Ziba, b. :May 14, 1806. 756 Edward, b.1\ifo.y 1, 1808. 757 Fanny,b.Scp.25,1810. 758 Polly, b. Aug. 24, 1812. 759 John, b. Apr. 6, 1815. 760 Harriet,b.Jan.24,1818. i61. Infant, b. Jan. 15, 1820. 762 Jane, b. Jul.11, 1821; d. Oct. 3, 1834. 763 Eleanor, b. Jul. 5, 1S23.

6 6 2 449 Darius (s. Jonathan , \Vtlliani', Edwa.rd3, John , Ralph 1, Edwn.rd), b. Dec. 10, liSl; m. Rebecca Chamberlain to whom six children were b. Shed. Jul. 19, 1822, age 33; m. (2) Lucy Pressy. He d. in Craftsbury, Vt. lviay 19, 1834.

CHILDRE:-,;. 764 James. b. Craftsbury, Vt. 765 Darius, went to :\Icxico. 766 BurdeUe, was n. Cll$tom House officer; was murdered on the Canadian Linc. 767 Arvilla, b. Craftsbury, Vt. 768 Philena, b. Crnftsbury, Vt. 769 Rebecca .Ann. b. Oct. 25, 1818. 770 Dexter, one or his daup;htcrs m. a Gallup :i.nd lh·cd in FitZ\,;lliam, X. H., a grn.nddaughtcr m. u. Girdler :md the family movPd to Xcwark, N.J. 98 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

i71 Elkn, b. Craftsbury, Vt. i72 Laura, m. bnd two children. 773 Castledana. b. Crnftsbury.

6 5 3 2 451 Basey F. (s. Isracl , \Villiam\ Edward 7 John , Ralph1, E~ward), b. Nov. 1, li65, in Athol, lvlass.; m. Mary

N ewhsll, l\'.lay 8, 1788 in Athol, b. Jun. 28, 17687 dau. of Hiram and 1 1Iary Newhall of Leicester, l\; lived at the time of· his marriage in Gerry, ~lass. In 1795 moved to Stratton, Vt., where he acquired several parcels of real estate. His home place was in Stratton Gore and was kno·wn as "Sprague Hill"; deeded land to his son Joshua in 1818 and in 1825 to his son ls!"ael; d. here in 1844, lviary, his wifed. Jun. 5, 1838.

774 Joshua. b. Jan. 31, 1791, in Phillipston. 775 Seaver, b. July 26, 1793 in Phillipston. 776 Lucy, b. Nov. 5, 1795, in Athol, m. Dn.vid Grant, Nov. 15, 1818 at Stratton, Vt. m Jcrusha., b. Dec. 5, 179S :i.t Str.i.tton, Vt.; m • .N. or J. Pike of \Vestcrn Mass., Aug. 21, 1814 a.t Str::i.tton. 778 Israel. b. Nov.12, 1S01 at Str::i.tton, Yt. i79 Hiram, b. Sep. 7, lSOG at Strntton, Yt.

6 3 2 456 William. (s. Israef', '\'\'-illiam", Edw:l.rd , John , Rslph1, Edward), b. in Phillipston, ~1:ass.; hap. there May 31, 1791; m. Anna Hill Sep. 24, 1820, who d. Apr. 25, 182~, age 30. Sept. 10, 1821, his father deeded him his farm with conditions of his support and of his daughter Dorothy as long as they lived. He d. l\Iay i, 1827, age 36. Admin­ istration of his estate was granted to Joseph Upham, l\ilay 17, 1827. Lemuel Newton was appointed guardian of the children l\Iay 22, 1828. CmLDn:r:.:x. iSO William Henry, b. Xov. 25, 1821. 781 Mary .4nn, b. Jul. 2i, 18'.?3. SIXTH GE!l.'"ERATION. 99

782 Franklin Harvey, b. l\fay rn, 1825. 783 JolmF., b.Apr.10, 1827.

11 4 3 459 Timotby (s. lvlattbew W.", Timothy , Edward , John:\ Ralph\ Edward), b. Oct. 21, li86 in Stoneham, l\iiass.; m. Eliza Pierce of Boston, l\iiass., Jun. 24, 1813, dau. Fred­ erick Pierce of Boston who d. Dec. 5, 1849, age 67. He was a shoemaker residing on the shores of Spot Pond. Was an a.dept v.ith a gun, very fond of hunting and fishing. For many ye!U'S he was the oldest person in Stoneham, and being a good story teller with an accurate memory bis home was frequented by callers, which he welcomed to the end of his life, "·hich occurred Jan. 24, 1881, in his 95th year.

CmLDREX. 784: Eli.zabcth, b. l\fay 29, 1814; m. Timothy \Vbeeler, May 29, 1831. 705 Martha A., b. :May 7, 1816; See No. 1405. 786 SarahG., b. Jul. 1818; d. Sep. 29, 1S39; unm. 787 Sylvanus P., b. Nov. 17, 1820; was. shoemaker; d. Sep. 31, 1842. 788 Zl!an;G., b. Dei:.14, 1822. 789 Ezra Vinton, b. Apr.14, 1826.

461 Edward6 (s. l\Iatthcw '\v-.i:;, Timothy' Edward3 ' ' John::, Ralph 1, Edward), m. l\Iary ..... He 1\"3.S a shoemaker in Stoneham, l\iass. CBILDREX. 790 Sylvester, b. Oct. 30, 1819. 791 Mary, m. Joseph Boardman.

6 5 476 John (s. John , Hezekiah", Edward\ John::, Ralph1, Edward), b. Dec. 10, li61, in Attleboro; m. in Templeton, Mass., Jun. 13, 1785, Betsey Hay'll·ard, who was b. Oct. 30, 1759 and d. Aug. 14, 1825. He moved from Attleboro, Mass., to Nelson, N. H.; d. l\liar. 1, 1840, in Parmer, 0., 100 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

while on a visit to his children. Children were all b. in Nelson, N. H. (Bible record.)


792 Wllllam, b.Jul.1, li87, 793 Harriet, b. Apr. 22, 1790;d. Nov.19, 1790. 794 Betsey Evcrcll, b. Aup;. 27, 1792; m. Francis S. Bryant, Feb. 15, 1815, inO. 795 Avery,b.Fcb.10,1794. 796 John, b. Jnn. 5, 1i96. 797 Tryphenn, b. l\for. 1, 1802. 798 Almira, b. Apr. 27, 1804; m. Elius Combs, Jan. 1837; d. Oct. 9, 1867.

6 5 3 2 481 Elias (s. John , Hezekiah", Euward , John , Ralph\ Edward), b. in Attleboro Oct. 27, 1775, and d. in Pittsfield, Mass., Oct. 2, 1832; m. Mary (or Polly) Hayden. He e..xe­ cuted his last deed in Attleboro, lVIar. 2i, 1821, and in the probate record of the settlement of his estate, the "idow, l\:!ary, and the following children, except Polly, are mentioned.


799 David Aven;, b. Dec. 3, 1803. 800 Permelia, b. Jun. 19, 1805. 801 Elia.~ Hayden, b. May 31, 1807; a mechanic, machinist, manufacturer o.nd business man. In 18.14 in Xcw York City he cnga~cd in manufacturing, nc;..."t in City, in 1S-12 in Columbus, O.; 1840 in ::,..1cconnclkwillc, O.; then Beverly, Hu.rrrnir, Zanes­ ville, Fredericktown, uod in 1866 settled in :\It. Vernon, 0., wlwrc- he wa.."> cn~aizcd in manufacturing in 1SS1. 800 Polly, b. Dec. 25, 180S. 803 Syfoia, b. Aug. 12, 1812.

6 2 484 Joseph (s. Jonathans, Hezekfah4, Edward3, John , 1 Ralph , Edward), b. in Gill, l\Iass., l\lch. 18, 1771, became an extensive farmer and d. here Aug. 16, 1843. On Sep. SIXTH GENERATION. 101

3, 1795, in Greenfield, l\, m. Annie, dn.u. of Eleazer and Annie Wrisley. She d. Mch. 1, 1837, age 64.

804 Abigail, b. Ma.y 24, li99. 805 Selina, b. Oct. 28, 1800; d. 1862. 806 Joseph Wright. b. Dcc.3, 1802. 807 Merceline. b. Mar. 14. 1804. 808 Lucinda. b. May 3, 1808.

0 2 485 Tirzah (dau. Jonathan\ Hezekiah", Edward3, John , Ralph 1, Edward), b. Jun 20, li72, in Gill, lvlass., which was at that time part of Greenfield; m. Jun. 25, 1797, dea. Timothy Slate, s. of Capt. Jonathan and Sarah (Burke) Slate, b. Dec. 6, 1772; lived in Bernardston, Mass., ,vhere he d. Feb. 22, 1847, she d. Aug. 1, 1850.

CHILDREX. 809 Vallonia Slate, b. Dec. 2.5, 1798. 810 Seorim Burke Slate. b. Sep.18, 1801. 811 Philander Merrick Slate. b. llch. 2, 1803. 812 Timothy Proctor Slate. b. Mcb. 25; 1805. 813 Miriam lfrigltt Slate, b . ..-\pr. 22 1807; m. John Coy, :\Ich. 26, 1850; d. Dec. S, 1852 in Bcmurdston, :\Ia.-.s. 814 Tirzah Minerva Slate. b. l\foy 1S, 1809. 815 Jonathan Spra~ueSlate. b. Feb. 9, 1811. 816 Justin Milton Slate. b. Feb. 28, 1814.

6 3 486 Tryphena (dau.\ Hezekiah", Edward , Johnz, Ralpb1, Edward), b. in Roxbury, lWass., l\

CHILDREN. 817 Juatua Knowlton, b. Jul. 3, 1791; m. Dec. 11, 1815,CloeHanra.ven. 818 Sullivan Knowlton, b. Jun. 23, 1793; m. Jan. 30, 1817 Isabel Bezold. 819 Chuter Knowlton, b. Feb. 6, 1796; m. Mar. 9, 1818 Snlly Bixby; m. (2) Susan Underwood Jun. 5, 1842. 820 Samantha Knowllon, b. Jan. 20, 1798; m. Luther Johnson. 821 Mika J. Knowllon; b. Jan. 17, 1800; m. (1) Lemyra Bartlett; (2) A. Abigail Howard; (3) Betsey Jones. 822 Tryphena Knowlton, b. Jun. 3, 1801; m. Jan. 11, 1820, Nathnniel Kidder. 823 Ro:z:anna Knowllon, b. Jul. S, 1803; m. Apr. 7, 1838 Simon Hunger­ • ford. 824 William Knowlton, b. Dee. 7, 1807; moved to Kentucky in 1837.

487 William6 (s. William\ Hezekiah\ Edward,. John:?, Ralph\ Edward), b. in Roxbury, Mass., Apr. 27, 1769; m. Lucy Watson of Brookfield, Mass., Feb. 21, 1792, b. Mch. 17, 1764, dau.. of John and Mary Watson. They lived and d. in Templeton, Mass., and were buried in the Center Burial Ground of Templeton. He built the second framed house in Templeton, and it was situated on what was known as Ladder Hill. He d. Apr. 25, 1821; she d. Aug. 19, 1823•. The widow and all the children mentioned in the will, which was allowed Oct. 16, 1821. Eli was appointed guardian of Nathan and Mary Oct. 16, 1821.

CHILDREN. 825 William, b. May20t 1794;bap. May 29, 1808. (Ch. Rec.)

826 Luke W . 9 b. Feb. 26, 1796. 827 Eli, b. Aug.19, 1797. 828 John, b. Mch.14, 1799; d. Apr. 20, 1823. 829 Nathan,b.Sep.28,1802. 830 Catherine. b. Jan. 9t 1800. 831 Mary b. b::i.p. May 29, 1S08 (Ch. Rec.)

6 3 2 489 Betsey (dau. William5, Hezekiah", Edward , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Templeton, Mass,, Feb. 11, lii3; d. Apr. 20, 1854; m. Joseph Knowlton a Revolutionary soldier, SIXTH GENERATION. 103

Mcb. 17, 1791, b. Jun. 27, 1760, n.nd d. Mar. 28, 1836. They lived in Templeton and Gardner, Mass.

CHILDREN• .832 Elmer Knowlton, b. Mnr. 4, 1792; d. Jul. 3, 1867, unm. 833 ltfelinda Knowlton, b. Jul 4, 1794; m. Simon Flint. -834 Lue1J Knowlton, b. Jun. 23, 1796; m.Apr. 15, 1817 Moses Haskell. 835 J'r/ ary Knowlton, b. 1798. -836 Stillman Knowlton, b. Mar. 17, 1802; m. Lydia Cheney in 1828; (2) Emily Thorp in 1831. 837 Cynthia Knowlton, b. Jun. 28, 1805. 838 Clari.88a KnouiUon, b. Mnr. 8, 1810; m. Geo. W. Hatch; (2) Calvin Childs. -839 ElizaLeth Knowlton, b. Jan. 13, 1813; m. Joireph Blood.

6 6 2 490 Jason (s. Wtlliam. , Hezekiah', Edward3, . John , Ralph1, Edward), b. May 12, 1775, in Templeton, Mass.; m. Dec. 26, 1798 Huldah Watson of Wardsborough, Vt.; was a farmer in Wardsboro; m. (2) ......

CmLD. · 840 John. b.

6 6 2 497 Asa (s. Hezekiah , Hezekiah", Edward3, John , Ralph\ Edward), b. 1775 in Guilford, Vt.; m. Sarah Hodge of Warwick; was a carpenter and farmer; was killed in the town of Gill during a thunderstorm in driving into a washout breaking his neck. Sarah was appointed guardian of Asenath, minor child, in Hampshire Co. Probate records book 20,-p. 34. Cmr.o. 841 Asenath. b. Apr. 3, 1806.

6 2 1 498 Jose (s. Hezekiah\ Hezekiah\ Edward\ John , Ralph , Edward), b. in Guilford, Vt., lVIay 8, 17i7; d. Nov. 30, 1852 104 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

in Bernardston, Mass.; was a carpenter and cooper by trade. With his brother Asa built the first framed house in Bernards­ ton. Jan. 26, 1809 m. Phoebe Hale, b. Aug. 6, liSl, in Ber­ nardston and d. there Ma.y 31, 1862.

CHILDREN. 842 .Joseph Stillman, b. Apr. 8, 1810. 843 Emcrancy, b. Mor. 20, 1812; d. Dec. 3, 1847, unm. 844 Avery William, b. Jul. 8, 1814. 84:5 Son, b. Oct. 17, 1816; d. Oct. 18, 1816. 846 Lysander Hezekiah, b. Jan. 19, 1818. 84i Son, b. Dec~ 9, 1S20; d. Dec. 9, 1820. 848 J

6 3 499 Apphia (dau. Hezekiah\ Hezekiah", Edward , 2 John , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Bernardston,, Jan. 19, li83; Feb. 17, 1808, m. Elihu, s. of Ephraim and Hulda ~Gale) To'\\"Ile, who was b. in Stowe, Vt. Nov. 23, 1781. He d. there l\1'ar. 12, 1843. She d. Nov. 11, 186i.

CHILDR&."i. 851 Hiram Towne, b. Aug. 6, 1810. 852 Sophronia Towne, b. Jul. 7, 1S12. 853 Arad Towne. b. Oct. 22, 1S14. 854 Jesse Towne, b. Aug. 28, 1816. 855 Louise To'\\-ne. b. Jul. 5, 1819. 856 Emory Towne. b. Mar. 11, 1822.

0 3 50i Phineas (s. Phineas'\ Phineas', Phineas 1 2 John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Jul. 6, 1751; m.Jemima Burditt, Apr. 19, 1774, dau. of John and Jemima. Burditta.nd b. Dec. 11, 1751 in Malden, Mass., where they also lived. He was­ volutionary soldier in Lexington Alarm. SJA"TH GENERATION. 105

CmLDRE...._. 857 Daniel, b. Nov. 9, li74; d. Feb. 14, 1775. 858 Phineas, b. Jn.n.10, li77. 859 William, b. Sep. 1, 1779. 860 Sally, b. Feb. 24, 17S2; d. Oct. 21, 1792. 861 Hannah, b.Jul.4, 1784. 862 Polly, b. Mch. 4, 1787. 863 Lydia, b. Apr. 1, 1790; d. in infancy. 864 Lydia~ b. May 9, 1793. 865 Richard Prince, b. May 27, 1796.

6 3 2 502 Dr. John (s. Phineas'\ Phineas\ Phineas , John , Ralph\ Edward), b. Jan. 13, 1754; d. of consumption·at the age of 50. m. Susanna Fowle; Jm. 2, 1781, who was b. in 1775 and cl. Nov. 23, 1781; m. (2) Elizabeth Poole, Oct. 21, 1783. She d. Jan. 21, 1808. He studied medicine with Dr. Simon Tufts of Medford, Mass. He engaged in the regiment of Col. Ebenezer Bridge ~fay I, 1775, acting as surgeon's mate to Dr. Walter Hastings for IS months; afterwards entered the naval service as surgeon of the armed schooner "Active", under Capt. Andrew Gs.rdner, of the ill fated fleet of Commodore Manley, and taken prisoner in 1777. He was exc.~hanged about the same time as Captain Watters and returned to Malden, where for a long time he practiced his profession and taught school. The attractions of the sea, however, may have exceeded those of the land, as he engaged as surgeon on the armed vessel "Thomas" in which he had the misfortune to again become a prisoner. He was carried to Kinsdale on the coast of Ireland where he was detained until the winter of 1781-82, when be was released and returned to America by the way of France. (The certificate of release is in the possession of his great grandson Phineas Warren Sprague on Commonwealth Ave., Boston.) It reads: "To whom it may concern: These are to certify that the Bearer John Sprague an .American Prisoner of War, late Surgeon on board the Thomas l\Ierchant Vessel, is set at Liberty. Pursuant 106 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

to an Order from the Hon'ble Commissioners for Sick and Wounded Seamen and for e.'\:changing Prisoners or War, Dated a.t Their Office on Tower Hill, London.. The Thirteenth Day of N ovembcr Instant. Given under my hand this Twenty-Second Day of November, 1781. Jno. How, Agent. For Prisoners of War a.t Kinsdale." From the celebration of the 250th annivcrsmjt of the in­ corporation of the town of Malden, May 1899 one of the historic spots marked by the Committee was "Corner Main and Salem Streets, Near here, Dr. John Sp~rrue, 1788-1803. He wss a. distinguished surgeon of the navy of the revolution."


866 John, b. Nov.1751. 867 Elizabeth, b. Oct. 5, 1784. 868 Pe~Thacher, b.Jun.30, 1792. 869 Frederick Augustus, b. l\I:1y 3, 1794. He wn.s a physiciann.ndprnc­ ticed medicine in Eagle, "~isconsin, being one of the vel')" succcss­ f ul practitioners in the sts.te; "·::i.s a. member of the state senate; 1864. 870 Susanna Fowle, b. l\Iay 4, 1797.

504 William6 (s. Phineas\ Phineas"', Phineas\ John:?, Ralph1, Edward), b. Jun. 1, 17.56; m. Susanna Merrill, Sep. 20, I i89; in the Lexington •.\la.rm, 17i5; in eight months service v.;th Capt. N. Hatch, Lieut. Col. Bond, 1775; drafted and marched for Horse Neck, v.ith Capt. John Walton, Col. Brooks, Sep. 26, 1776; in R. I. service with Capt. Stephen Dana, Col. Whitney, Ma~~- Jul. 1775; lost on armed brigantine, "l\iassachusetts"; d. Apr. 2, li9S. Liv·ed in l\Ialden. SIXTH GENERATION. 107

Cmu>RE..'i. 871 Susanna, b. Mny24, 1790. 872 Sarah, b. Aug. 15, 1792.

11 5 3 2 505 Hannab ( Phineas , Phineas", Phineas , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Sep. 5, 1757; m. Apr. 6, 1776, Unite, s. of Unite and.Lydia (Faulkner) Cox. They livedinMalden. He was a captain in the Revolution, and d. in 1816.

CHILDBCi. 873 Samuel Cox, b. Feb. 21, 1777; d. 1778. 874 Hannah.Cox, b. No,•.30, 1779;m.Edwnrd Newhall of Malden. 875 Rebecca Cox, b. Oct. 1, 1781; m. Jnmcs Green of Reading. 876 Betse1J Cox, b. Apr. 2, 1785; m. Bcnjnmin l\Ill.DSficld of Lynn. 877 SamueLCox, b. Jun.12, 1787; m. Betsey Stanton of Malden. 878 Unite Cox, b. Jun. 12, 1787; m. Snlly \Yaitt of M:tldcn. 879 Lemuel Cox, b. Jul. 12, 1789; m. Lydio. Han.den ofl\faldcn. SS0 Polly Cox, b._ Aug. 21, 1792; m. Jrunes Howard Jr., of Malden. 881 James Cox, b. May 18, 1794; m. Ssr.i.h D. Sargent of Malden 882 John Cox, b. Apr. 10, 179i; m. Lydin Andrews of Malden. SS3 Harriet Cox, b. Jul. 9, 1799;m.John Vinton of Stoneham.

6 3 506 Jonathan (s. Phineas:\ Phineas·', Phineas , John==, Ralph\ Edward), b. Jul. 30, 1761; m. Sep. 11, 1783, Kate Emerson of Reading, b. l\is.y 23, 1763, dau. of James and Elizabeth (Nichols) Emerson. He inherited from his father the homestead built for Phineas, the first of the name, over 100 years before, which he demolished and rebuilt; was s. soldier in. the Re,.·olutionary war, enlisting no less than 5 times. The first enlistment was Apr. 19, li75, served 2 months and 7 days, during which time he ws.s in the battle of Lexington and Bunker Hill as a prh·ate in Capt. John Philips' comp~y. 2nd enlistment Jul. lii5 served 12 months in John Brooks' regiment, etc. He lived in Malden, Mass. and d. l\Iay 25, 1845.

CHILDREN. 884 Jonathan, b. ::Mch. 16, 1764. 885 BcwJ, b. Mch. 4, 1788. 108 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GE~"EALOGY.

S86 Charles, b. Apr. 6, 1 i!>0. 887 Samuel, b. Feb. 5, 1793. S8S Kale, b. Apr. 28, 1795. 889 ..YanctJ, b. Jul. 28, 1797; m. Robert Jack or Cbnrlcstown, Nov. 2, 1S16.

6 2 507 Mary ( cbu. Phineas\ Phineas", Phined.53, J ohn , Ralph\ Edward), b. Feb.14, li63; m. Apr. 14, liSl, Benjamin Lynde, who was a. lieutenant in the Revolutionary army. He was the s. of Joseph (No. 25i) and l\lfo.ry (Sprague) Lynde; both b. and lived in Malden, she d. Nov. 8, 1842, he, Sep. 26, 1829, age 70.


S90 Polly Lynde, b. Jul.11, 17S2; m. Cap. Jonathan Barrett.. 891 Benjamin Lynde, b. Apr. 4, 1784; m. Xnncy Larrabee. 892 Nancy Lynde, b. l\Ich. 23, 17S6. S93 Joseph Lynde, b. lfoy S, 17SS; m. Phoebe Vinton. 894 Fanny Lynde, b. Apr. 6, 1790; m. J onn.thnn Barrett. S95 H annalt Lynde, b. Feb. 4, 1793; m. Robert Gerry. S96 DanielLynde, b. Apr. 27, 1795;m. Abbie Wyms.n. 897 JohnLyndc, b. Xov. S, 1797; m. l-Inry Larrabee, (2) llnry Green. 89S Warren Lynde, b. :\fay 15, 1799; m. X nncy Scarlett. S99 George Lynde, b. ).far. 22, 1S01; m. La\'i.rui. La Favor. 900 DeliaLynde, b. lfo.y 1, 1S03; m. Waldo Belknap. 901 Eliza Lynde, b. Oct.15, 1S05; m. Joscpb'Leccls. 902 Abbie Lynde, b .•Jun. 14, 1S08; m. Reuben Locke Jr.

3 2 508 CottonG (s. Phineass, Phineas", Phineas , John , Ralph 1, Edward), b. Aug. 30, 1765; m. Phoebe, dau. of Jabez a.nd Phoebe (Paine) Lynde, Dec. 26, li93, b."l'.1:ch. 27, 1774. He was a prominent and influential citizen, being a member of the legislature in 1823-4-5-6. The old "Pond Feilde" homestead which his great-great grandfather John bought of his brothers Richard and Samuel in 1652, and which had been in the family name ever since, to him at the death So."TH GENERATION. 109 of his father. He sold this in 1830, and it has since been cut up into house lots, and is now entirely covered by buildings.

CHilJ>RE!'.. 903 Phoebe, b. Jrui. 30, 1795; d. Xo\f.10, 1805. 904 JlannaJ,, b. Aug. 6, 179G, m. S:unuel Green in 1S22; d. Apr., 1848. 905 Ruth,. b. Mch.10, 1800; 906 Fanny,b.Jnn.10,1802. 907 Cotton, b. J:i.n. 12, 1805; d. Apr. 8, 1837. 908 Mary Ann. b. Apr. 14, 1S09.

5 3 522 Phineas Green° (s. Phineas Green , Lois", Phineas , John:i, Ralph1, Edward), b. Nov. S, li65, in Malden; d. in Reading. m. Jun. IS, 1789 Mehits.ble, dau. of John and Lydia Hart of Lynn.field. A shoemaker by occupation.


909 N ancJ1 Green, b. Sep. 27, 1789; m. Edwnrd Emerson. 910 Eben Green, b. Apr. 8, 1791; d. Apr. 7, 1831. 911 SamuelGrcen, b. :Nov. 6, 1792; d. 1793. 912 Sarah.Green, b. l\'1:1.y 5, 1795; m. Ezekiel Oliver. 913 CharloUeGrecn, b. Dec.10, 1799; d. in infancy. 914 Charlotte Green. b. Feb. 6, 1799; sec No. 887. 915 John Green, b. l\fay20, 1801; d. 1815. 916 PhineasGrecn, b. Aug. 20, 1S03; m. Clarissa Williams. 917 Lowell Green. b. Apr. 9, 1808.

6 3 2 544 Thomas (s. Thomas·\ Samuel", Samuel , Sa.muel , Ralph1, Ed"·ard), b. Feb. 25, 1748; (bap. 26) in Stoneham; m. · Hannah Hay l\'Iay 22, 17i2. He was a carpenter and farmer near his father on the east side of Spot pond; was a Revolutionary soldier.


918 Nat.J1an 1 b. Feb. 23, li'73. 919 Sarah, b. Feb, 1, 17-. 110 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GE:,.,"E.U.OGY.

6 3 555 William (s. Nathan~, Samuel", Samuel , Samuef\ Ralph1, Edward), b. Aug. 26, li66 in Malden; m. Sep. 20, liS9, Susanna, dau. of Snmuel and Sarah Merritt. Lived in Malden, though he wns a mariner nt the time he cl. Apr. "-, 1-9' -·9 CH14.DRE."-'. 920 Smanna,b.~lch.24,li90. 921 Sarah, b. Aug. 15, 1792; m. Amos Lynde, Nov. 26, 1829.

6 5 3 2 572 Ebenezer (s. Ebenezer , Richard", S3.Illuel , Samuel , Ralph1, Edward), b. Dec. 1, 1762, in Danvers; m. Molly Cross Sep. 21, 1785. She d. Jun. 28, 1i90, age 26. m. (2) Dolly Reed, Nov. 24, 1796. She d. May 3, 1848, age 80. ·

CBILDRE."'-. 922 Joseph G •• b. Apr. 20, 1787. 923 Be11jaminFranklin, b. ).for. 26, 1810; d. l\Iar. 29, 1810.

6 2 573 Richard (s. Ebenezer·5, Richard", Samuel3, Samuel , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Danvers Nov. 20, 1764; d. there Jul. 31, 1795. m. Betsey Cook, Nov. 13, 1791, who d. Jun. 14, 1801, age 31. CHILD. 924 Sally, b. Mar. 30, 1793.

6 5 3 581 Sarah W. (da.u. Joseph , Richard", Samuel , Sam­ uefl, Ralph\ Edward), b. Nov. 26, 1764, in Atkinson, N. H., in the home of her grandfather James White. She was a. direct descendant of William White the first settler of Haver­ hill, :Wiass.; a.lso of Rev. James Bailey the first minister of Danvers, then Salem Village; and also of John Johnson and 111 his wife who were both killed by Indians and their home burned when Haverhill was sacked in liOS. She cl. Jan. 29, 1844. Dee. 9, 1781, m. Dr. William Stearns of Salem, ~I ass. He was a graduate of Harvard in 1776; b. in Cam­ bridge,, Apr. 10, 1754, a son of ·Peleg and Elizabeth (Swinton) White. CmLDnE~. 925 Joseph E. Stearns, b. Sep. 9, 1782. 926 Jamu WliileStearns, b. Apr. 9, 1784. 927 Elizabeth Slctrt'nJJt b. Jul 24, 1787; d. Sep. 2, 1787. 928 lVilliam (.1/ojor) StcanuJ, b. Dcc. lGt 17SS; unm. 929 Eli::aStcarns, b.Jun. 23, 1701; m.1834, Cap.James Silver. 930 Sarah White Stearns, b. Jul.13, 1792; unm. 931 J oJJlmaBrackelt Steams, b. Dec. 21, 1794; m. three times. 93:? CarolincSlcanUJ, b. l\for. 20, 1798; unm. 933 JlarricLSleams, b. Jul 4, 1S00; unm. 934 Richard Sprar,uc Stearns, trn

6 5 582 Ebenezer Bucknam (s. Edward Bucknam. , Re­ 3 becca", Samuel , Samuef?, Ralph1_. Edward), b. Jan. 29, 1743- 44 in Stoneham; d. Portland, ~Ie., May 9, 1813. m. Nov. 1, 1762, l\iiary Hay, who d. l\iay 30, 1782; m. (2) Rachel Love­ joy dau. of Dr. Thomas and lVIerfo.m Hartshorn of 1\-Iarble­ head. She d. Sep. 17, 1853, in Stoneham. He wa.s a soldier in most of· the important engagements in the Revolutionary War. CIII.LI)RE..-..;.

935 SaraliBucknam, b. Jul 24t 1763; m. Jesse Green. 936 Ebcne::er Bucl..'7lmut b. Feb. 7, 1766;m. Lydin. Wheeler. !137 lrillimnBuck,inm, b. Jul. 7, 1768; d. Aug. 23, 1775. 938 ]fay Bucknam, b. :\fo.y 24, 1773; m. Peter Hay, Esq. 939 Edward Bucknam, b. Aug. •1, 17S9. 940 Lue1JBucl.-na..m, b. Dcc.19, 179l;m. Wm. B:uuicout. 941 .4.nnaBucl..'7lam, b. Dec. 7, 1793; m. Wm. W. Colesworthy. 942 .-tshael Bucknam, b. Aug. 1, 1795; m. Hannah Matthews. 943 WilliamBucknam, b . .-\ug. 9, 1798; m. lfary B. lfo,tthews. 944: J ~e Bucknam, b. Oct. 1, 1800; d.1806. 112 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

945 Rebecca Bucknam, b. Oct. 1, 1801; m. George Cowdrey. 946 Jesse Bud.-nam, b. Feb. 6, 1806; m. Frances Prentice. 947 Rad1clBucJ.."TUJm, b. Jul. 7, 1808 m. Johnson; (2)

6 5 3 2 584 Jonathan (s. John , John", Samuel , Samuel , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Killingly, Ct., in li61, and moved to Winhall, Vt., with his father in liSO; m. Phoebe Lounsbury and lived for a time in Bennington, Vt., where the children were b.

CHILDJU:.'I;, 948 Darius. b.1784. 949 Monis. b. Dcc.10, 1786. 950 Asa, b.1788. 951 Thomas. b. 1790.

6 1 585 Wyman (s. John5, John4, Ss.muel3, Samuel2, Ralph , Edward), b. in Killingly, Ct., about 1763 and d. in Winhall, Vt., in 1849.


Lcunard, b. 1786; lived in Schcneetru:ly, ~- Y.; had s. Ezra n., who lived in Greenville, X. Y. lryman, b.17SS; lh·ed in Winhall, Vt.; had two sons Lorenzo and Lewis. Benjamin, b.1790. livcd in Winhall, Vt.

6 586 Isaac (s. John5, John4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Ralph 1, Edward), b. in Killingly, Ct., in 1767; m. Sarah, dau. of Rev. Eliphalet and Hannah (Marsh) ,Vright, who ,vas b. l\:Iarch 7, 1766, at Killingly, Ct. He came v.ith his father and brothers Jonathan and ,vyman from Ct. to ,vinball, Vt., in 1780 and became a farmer there; was the first constable SIXTH GENEIL-\TION. 113 of the town in li96. It is snid he had seven children. He d. in Winhall, Vt., in 1813. CHILDREX. 955 James, b.1790. 956 Isaac, b. 1793; went to Illinois; 3 fo&OTUJ, Jnmcs, Ezrn nnd lsunc. 957 Ezro, b.1800.

3 587 John° (s. Johnr\ John", Samuel , Samuef\ Ralph1, Edward), b. in Winhall, Vt., liiO.

CmLoRE.-..:. 958 Thmnast lived in Rochester, N. Y.; hnd sons Geo. nnd Chas. 959 Clark, lived m l\Iich. 9GO Eli, lived in :Mich.

6 3 2 588 Sam.uel (s. Daniel\ John", Samuel , Samuel , Ralph 1, Edward), hap. in Killingly, Ct.. Sep. 1, li65, m. Ru­ hama Borden. Capt. of the militia of 80. Killingly in 1803; selectman of the town several years; d. Dec. 13, 1840.

CmLDREX. 961 William Borden, b. 1797; bnp. Aug. 1, 1802. 962 Selah, b.1798; b:i.p. Aug. 1, 1802; m. Seth Spaulding Dec. 1814. 963 Ruhamah, b. 1S00; bnp. Apr. 4, 1802; m. Dr. Havihh Mowry, 1828. 964 J!aMJ, b. 1802; hap. Ja.n 21, 1807.

0 2 590 James W. · (s. Daniel\ John", Samue13, Samuel , 1 Ralph , Ed,vard), b. Jul. 31, li72 in Killingly, Ct., bap. Sep. 20, 1772; m. ~ol1y Dodge at Hampton, Ct., Apr. 8, 1802. Was a devout man, deacon of the church in Hampton, Ct., where he lived and d. Sep. 15, 1841.


965 Lue1J, d. Aug. 28, 1827, agc20 yc!ll'S 10 mos. 966 James Lyric., b. Jul. 4, 1S12. 114 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

0 2 592 Selah (dnu. Daniel", John', So.mucP, Samuel , Rn.lph1, Edward), b. Jn.n.16, 1781 inKillingly, Ct., bap. Oct. 14, 1781; d. May 9, 1829. m. Charles Sho.rp Feb. 4, 1802. He was s. of \Villia.m and Sarah (Farrington) Sharp, b. in Pomfret, Ct., in 1779. They lived in Providence,, R. I.

CHILDREN. 967 Sophronia H.Sltarp, b. Dcc.19, 1802. 968 William D. Sharp, b. Aug. 29, 1804; lived in Putiltl.m, Ct. 969 Roxanna Sharp, b. Jun. 22, 1807. 9i0 Charles llennJSharp, b. Oct. to, 1809. 9il Frances A.• Sliarp, b. l\fo.r. 12, 1811. 97!? DanielL. Sharp, b. Jun. 2, 1815. 973 Sybil II.Sharp, b. Feb. 5, 1817; d. in infancy. 9i4 Sybil G.Sliarp, b. ::\Iny 10, 1819. 975 Darius Sharp, b. Aug. 28, 1825.

6 5 3 2 594 Elisha (s. Daniel , John", Samuel , Samuel , Ralph\ Edward), b. Nov. 16, 1787, bap. in 1788, Killingly, Ct., m. Mch 29, 1812, Clarissa, dau. of Rev. Israel Gay of So. Killingly, Ct., who died Nov. 2, 1831; m. (2) at Warren, Mass., on Nov. 27, 1833, Bathsheba, dau. of Capt. Aaron Bliss of Warren, Mass. She was b. Apr. 11, 1788, and d. Oct. 23, 1884. He lived at Killingly, Ct., and d. May 10, 1834.

CHILD RE:-.'. 976 Elisha Rodolphus, b. Feb 14, 1817. 977 Samuel Steams, b. Jul. 5, 1S19; b:i.p. Jul. 30, 1820.

6 5 596 Daniel G. (s. Daniel , John4, Samuel3, SamueI2 r Ralph1, Edward), b. Jul. 8, 1796 at Killingly, Ct., and bap. Sep. 11, 1796; m. Lucy Danielson Jan. 4, 1826, who• was b. Nov.19, 1806, d. Aug.28, 1827; m (2) Caroline (Wood) White Mar.11, 1829. She was b. Dec. 26, 1801, d. Nov.19,1879. Rev. Daniel Green Sprague was installed as pastor of Con-· Sor.TI-I GENERATION. 115 go. Cb. in Hampton, Ct., May 26, 1824, and dismissed there­ from at his own request, Apr. 17, 1838. He is mentioned in N. E. H. & G. Reg. XIII, 169; in Larneds Hist. Windham Ct., 1874, II 521, and in Memorial of Elder John White, 1860. In 1849 he traced his ancestry back to Ralph and prepared a very ingenious chart, giving to name the date of birth, and generation. He did this he said from curiosity and a desire to perpetuate the history of the Spragues in the United States. He was named after his great grandfather Daniel Green; d. jn Salem, N. Y., Jan. 10, 18i3.

CHILDREN. 9i8 Lucy Danielson, b. !\Ich. 19, 1827; d. Jan. 23t 1844. · 979 Daniel Jay, b. ~Icb.11, 1831. 9S0 Harriet N eu:ell, b. llch. 28, 1833; Sep. 23, 1686 m. Dr. John Lambert, address Salem, N. Y., d. Nov. 5, 1893. 981 George Leavens, b. Aug. 26, 1835; d. in iofuncy. 982 Henr1J lVood, b. l\Ich.15, 1838; d. in infancy. 9S.1 Edward Payson. b. Oct. 18, 1843.

6 3 2 607 James (s. Joseph\ Edward", . Wtlliam. , Phineas , Ralph1, Edward), bap. Mar. 4, 1753, in Methuen, Mass. (1st Congo Ch. Rec.); m. Persis, dau. of Abel and (Mary) Huse of• Methuen, Mass., Jul. 14, 1774. Lived in Pelham, N. H., and Methuen, Mass.; ~·as a soldier in Capt. Daniel Runnels Co., Col. Tash's Reg't, in lii6, (N. H., Re,... Rolls, 1, 411); wns the only Sprague lhing in Methuen, Mass., in 1 i90, (census report.)

CmIJ)RE..~. 984 Joseph, b. Jul. 20, 1775 in Pelham, N. H. 985 James, b. J,11. 14, 1776 in Pclhn.m, N. H. 986 Perm, b. Aug. 22, 177S; m. Simon Hebbord, 1798 in l\lethuen, Mass. 987 Elsey, b. Apr. 11, 1780 in l\Iethucn, l\ 988 JlfariJ, b. Oct. 13, 17S1. 989 Lydia, b. l\:fay21, 1783. 990 James9 b. Dec. 9, 1784. 116 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

991 Ekanor, b. Feb. 12, 1787; m. Elijah Hown.rd, 1806. 992 Daniel, b. Jan. 29, 1780. 993 Darius, b. Jul. 28, l 701. 994 Josiah, b. Apr. 27, 1704. 095 Frederick, b. Aug. S, 1796; settled on n. farm nenr Woodstock, Cham• pa.ign Co. 0., later moved to Indiana.

8 3 2 608 Martha (dau. Joseph\ Edward", William , Phinea.s , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Methuen, Mass., Feb.17, 1755. Dec. 8, 1778, m. Paine Morse of Methuen, who was b. there Aug. 13, 1747. He was s. or Joseph and Patience (Peacock) Morse. CHILDREN. 996 Nathaniel .~Iorse, b. Apr. 3, 1779; m. Hannah Bodwell Dec. 14, 1800. 997 Isaac .."4/orsc, b. Feb. 3, 1782; m. Mary Holt in 1809. 908 Jolin Jlorse, b. in 1784; d. Jul.18, 1786. 999 Rebecca 11!orse, b ...... ; m. l\fa.y 3, 1804 James Davis. 1000 ~lforse, b ...... ; m. Joshun. C. Kent. 1001 Jemima .ftforsc, b--; m. Sep. I, 1807 James :Marston 1002 Joseph 1.lforsc, b. Jul. 11, 1704; m. Achsah Smith. 1003 Susan Jlorsc, b ...... : m. Jonathan G. Davis. 1004 Nancy illorse, b ...... ; m. Sn.muel Dn.vis. 1005 Jolin ~\/orse, b.1809; m. Hnnnn.h Dn.vic;i. """• ~•~;• '"> T . ~' , .... ~ . .

.~ -;· .'. _ _,: . , .... ~ :.~ .. ~ . . ' ~ -~ .- ... . - .. ~ .... ~ . ~ .


Seventh Generation

7 6 3 618 Ann D. (dau. Joseph , Benjamin'\ Stower", John , 2 1 John , Ralph , Edward), b. in Boston Apr.S, 1796;d. Dec.15, 1848. Was for n. time a teacher of a select school; m. Daniel Rhodes a Boston merchant, Feb. 15, 1827. He was b. Jul. 13, 1786 and d. Sep. 25, 1857. They resided at 33 Indiana St., Boston, Mass.


1006 EdwardSpraoue Rhodes, b. Jun.13, 1828 1007 Franklin Rhodes. b. Apr. 26,.1831. 1008 Charles Rltodes, b. Sep. 2i, 1833; m. l\ilch.1881 Elizabeth J. Mitchell; d. Apr. 14, 1881.

1 6 3 620 Edward D. (s. Joseph , Benjamin\ Stower4, John , 2 1 J ohn , Ralph , Edward), b. 1802 in Charlestown, Mass.; m~Jun.28, 1848,AnnaShaw Auchincloss of New York in the Scotch Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Dr. MacElroy. She was a dau. of James and Anna Louise (Shaw) Auchincloss, d. Feb. 11, 1885, age 61, 9 days. His first wife, Augltsta M. Stevens of Brooklyn, N. Y., d. Mc.:h. 20, 1847. He was a merchant and d. at his home 330 West 23d St., N. Y. in 1860. Buried in Greenwood cemetery, Brooklyn, N. Y.


1009 Edward Autustus, b. lVIch. 14, 1847. 1010 ~trtlmr William, b. l\Iny 19, 1849. 1011 H ennJ Lynde, b. Feb. 28, 1851. 1012 Alice, b. Oct. 29, 1852. 1013 Irvin Auchincloss, b. J:in. 13, 1855. 1014 Anna Louise~ b. J:m. 24, 1858.


7 4 621 Stephen (s. Stephen°, Benjamin , Stower", Jona­ 2 than\ John , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Mo.Iden, Feb. 15, 1793; m. in Charlestown, Mnss., Nov. 28, 1816 Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph and Martha Barrett, b. Feb. 11, 1793. They lived in Boston; had three sons and one dau.


1015 JohnBarrcU, b. Jun. 13, 1810. 1016 Sophia, d. Oct.16, 1845.

7 3 2 622 Asa (s. Stephen°, Benjamin£, Stower", John , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Oct. 7, 1795, in Charlestown, Mass.; d. in Pittsfield, Mass., 1840. m. in Lee, Mass. Dec. 25, 1826, Elizabeth, dau. of William and Margaret (Plank) Van Buren, b. in Catskill, N. Y. Sep. 10, 1807; d. in Easthampton, Mass. Aug. 3, 1896.


1017 Stephen Dcca.tcr, b. Jul. 1828 in Ln.ncsborough, Mnss.; m. Mary Day. (2) Mary Leonard, no children. He d. in 1896 in Northampton, l\1nss. 1018 Saral, Eli::abeth, b. Feb. 1830 in Lanesborough; m. in 1848 Esbon Shorpe. She d. in Boston in 1851. 1019 Anna .Maria, b. 1831 in Lu.ncsborough; m. Thomas Boland in 1848; s. Charles still living in Lnncsborough. 1020 Geo~e Henry, b. Jun. 14, 1834. 1021 Eleanor Jane, b. Dec. 6, 1836 in Lenox, M38S. 1022 Catherine Nash, b. Aug.1839 in Pittsfield, 1'.lass.; d. in infancy.

7 6 5 3 623 Ezra S. (s. Stephen , Benjamin , Stower", John , 2 John , Ralph1, Edward), Ezra Sargent Sprague was b. in 1799 in Charlestov.'ll, l\; m. Deborah Sargent in Charles­ tO'\\'ll, Mass., May 29, 1824; d. Aug. 4, 1848. Shed. Aug. 23, 1825. He lived for s. time in Portland, Me. There m. (2) Sophia, Dec. 16, 1828. Later lived in Brewer, Me SEVE~TH GENERATION. 119

1023 Ezra, b. Feb. 2, 1830.

7 3 669 Jonathan (s. John°, John\ Joseph", Jonathan , 2 John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Sep. 16, li79 in Dedham~ Mass.; hap. Mch. 8, 1795; m. Mary Ann Winterton and lived in .Stoughton and Dedham, Mass.


1024 Edward Harrison, b. Jn.n. 24, 1802. 1025 Amanda, b.Jun. 26, 1803. 1026 Samuel, b. --1811.

7 3 670 Lawrence (s. John°, John\ Joseph', Jonathan , 2 John , Ralph1, Edward), b. May 3, 1781 in Dedham, Mass.; hap. there Mch. 8, 1795. Marriage intentions announced in Dedham, Mass., Sept. 13, 1804, to Sarah Titcomb of New­ buryport. Was a physician in Newburyport, Mass.


1027 Est.lier, b. Dec. 29, 1805. 1028 Sarah.Sledman, b. Oct.14, 1S08. 1029 Jonathan Titcomb, b. Jul. 3, is10. 1030 Lau:rence, bnp. Mny 10, 1812. (Epis. Ch. Rec.)

671 Horatio7 (s. John'\ John5, Joseph", Jonathan3, 2 John , Ralph1, Edward), h. Dec. 19, 1784 in Boston, Mass.; m. Victoria Marguerite Ecolastique Fleshelle, Dec. 3, 1816 in Gibraltar. She was h. Jan. 1, 1800 in Tangier, Morocco; d. in Gibraltar, Jan. 25, 1868. He d. at Gibraltar Mch. 20, 1848. He wa.s appointed Consul at Gibraltar by President Jackson and at the time of his death was one of the oldest official rep­ resentatives of our government abroad. It is but simple justice 120 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY. to sn.y that Mr. Sprague enjoyed in an eminent degree not only the confidence of his own government but of all citizens of other governments with whom he had official intercourse. Possessing a handsome fortune he was enabled to bestow a generous hospitality on such of •his own countrymen whom business or pleasure may have called to visit the Mediterranean. His hospitality was proverbial, bis mansion was ever open to receive them. Although absent from his native land about forty years he still took a deep interest in its welfare, and gladly manifested that interest on all suitable occasions. Many of his countrymen have partaken of his bounty and received from him such advice and assistance as is always most welcome when journeying in foreign lands. To the numerous officers of our navy who have from time to time visited Gibraltar, !v!r. Sprague was particularly attentive and kind. They, as well as many other American citi:r.ens scattered all over our oountl')", would bear ,villing testimony to the kindness of his heart, his generous hospitality and his devoted attachment to the land of his birth. This feeling became almost a passion. Tulany of th~ oldest officers of the navy knew him as a true and cherished friend. Mr. Sprague was a man of high moral character.· During an active business life which extended to almost half a century, no single act of dishonor could ever attach to his good name. He was the very soul of honor; his good name he valued above riches or all worldly honors, and thus loved and respected surrounded by a happy family circle, this upright merchant and most exemplary man was model to the growing generation. His memory "ill always be cherished as among the pleasant things of the past.


1031 JolmBarlholomew Charles, b. Oct. 20, 1817; d. at sea Jul. 10, 1882. 1032 Delphine }.far?J Roznia, b. Aug. 30, 1819; d. Oct. 13, 1819. 1033 Rebecca ~\fanJ Theresa, b.1\Ich. 31, 1821; d. Dec. 5, 1838. 1034 Horatio Jones.. b. Aug. 12, 1823. 1035 'Vid-Orine Francisca, b. llch. 24, 1826; m. Ch3S. Homer, Boston. SEVENTH GENERATION. 121

i03G Eloisa .Maria, b. Mcb. 25, 1828; burned to denth in St. Louis, Mo.. Jn.n. 26, 1872. 1037 Richard Tucker, b. Jul. 10, 1830. 1038 Delp/zinc, b. l\fay :.?0, 1832; d. in Bnltimorc, Md. 1039 Ann Maria, b. Feb. 18, 1834. 1040 Charles Dominique, b. Moy 15, 1835; d. N. Y., Dec. 10, 1888. 1041 Henry Elliott, b. Mcb. 7, 1837.

7 6 3 696 Joshua (s. Timotby , JosephL, ,vmiam", Edward , 2 1 John , Ralpb • Edward), b. in Leicester, Mass., Nov. 9, 1774; m. Lucy Hn.ynes, Apr. 30, 1809, (Ch. Rec.). He was a farmer in Leicester,; capt: of militia in 1813.


1042 Joseph Haynes, b. Oct. 31, 1810; d. Sep. 23, 1813. 1043 Iloracc, b. Oct. 9, 1811. 1044 J oacph A uguslw, b. Sep. S, 1814. 1045 Charles, b. J:::i.n. 21, 1817; w:is in business with an older brother in Alb:::i.ny, N. Y., very wealthy. . 1046 Eli:abclh, b. Jnn. 25, 1820; m. Mo.ttbcw O'Conncll of Leicester, a tanner by trndc; moved to Troy, N. Y. One d:Lu. m. :ind lived in Troy. Two sons o.ftcr grndun.ting from college bec::ime 1:1:wycrs in N. Y. City. 1047 Otis,b.Jun.26,182l;d.~fch.3,1842. 1048 Hayne..<1, b. Dec. 13, 1824; m. 1846 Natbo.n B. Ellis of \Yorccster.

7 6 3 697 Polle (dau. Timothy , Joseph'\ William', Edward , 2 John , Ralph\ Edward), b. May 12, 1776 in Leicester, Mass.; m. Jonathan Knight Jr., Mch. 22, 1798, a descendant of William 1 Sprague.


1049 Horace Knight, b. Jun. 23, 1799. 1050 Addison Knight, b. Sep. 22, 1803. 1051 }.faySargent Knight, b. May 30, 1809. 122 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

7 6 11 3 698 John (s. Timothy , Joseph , William', Edwn.rd , 2 John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Apr. 14, li78 in Leicester, Mass.; m. Sally Hubbard, Jul. 12, 1801. Lived in Leicester.

CHILDREN. 1052 John .Milton, b. Oct. 19, 1802. 10.53 Origin Cushman, b. Oct. 30, 1804. 1054 Daniel Hubbard, b. Jul.16, 1806. 1055 Son,b.Ja.n.16,1809. 1056 Son, b. Mch. 12, 1811.

7 1 709 Joseph (s. William \ Joseph'\ ,vmiam4, Edward3, John:\ Ralph\ Edward), b. in Leicester, Mass., Jul. 25, li83; went to N. Y. in 1809 and began his life's work as commission merchant. October 25, 1811 m. Maria DeBevoise, one of the honorable old families of the city. In 1825 was elected mem­ ber of the board of trustees of the village; in 1827 chosen its president and re-elected four successive years. In village politics he had long been a beneficent influence, and it was in large measure due to his efforts that the city of Brooklyn obtained its charter in 1833. He inaugurated the street­ cleaning system in spite of ridicule. As democrat of the Jack­ son school was candidate of that party for mayor in 1843 and re-elected in 1844. During his first term the whig members of the common council refused to attend meetings and he had them arrested on the charge of misdemeanor in neglect of public business and compelled their obedience. His earnest advocating consolidation resulted in the union of Williams­ burg and Bush\\:ick with Brooklyn. Repeatedly a member of the board of supervisors as late as 1851. A man of great influence and above reproach; d. Dec. 12, 1854.

CHILDRE....-. 1057 Sarah Jane. b. Jul. 21, 1816. 1058 Horace A .• b. Dec. 14, 1818. 1059 William, b. Apr. 2, 1821; left Brooklyn when a young man, and it is believed settled in N. J. SEVENTH GENEIL\TION. 123

7 1 711 Roxy (dau. Willin.m. \ Joseph", William\ Edward3, 2 John , Ralpb1, Edward), b. Feb. 8, 1787 in Leicester, Mass.; d. Sep. 20, 1870. On Oct. 21, 1805 m. Thomas Edmands of the well known publishing house of Lincoln and Edmands of Boston; s. of Thomas and Elizabeth (Wiley) Edmands, b. Jan. 25, 1780, d. Dec. 25, 1850. The first two children were b. in Charlestown, the others in Boston and Newton, Mass.


1060 BenjaminFranklinEdmands, b. Aug. 23, 1807; m. Catherine Raynor Oct. 29, 1833. Had i children. For m11ny years WWI Adjutant Gcncrnl of Mnss. 1061 John 1Vileu Edmands, b. May 1, 1809; m. Rebecca. A. Cushing, Oct. 29, 1835. Resided in Boston; was member of Congress from the Middlesex District in Hnd 9 children. 1062 HoraceS.Edmands, b. Dec.14, 1810; m. A. White, 1833. 1063 Josephus R.Edmands, b. Sep. 24, 1812; d. Oct. 27, 1816. 1064 Catherine R.Edmands, b. Jun. 13, 1814; m. Sheldon I. Kellogg, 1835. 1065 Josephus T. Edmands, b. Jn.n. 22, 1S16; d. Feb. 13, 1829. 1066 ElizabethB.Edmands, b. Oct. 4, 1S17. 1067 OiisEdm.ands, b. May 20, 1819; d. Aug. 6, 1820. 1068 1VilliamOtisEdmand!I, b. M:i.y4, 1821. 1069 J.LincolnEdmands, b. Nov. 4, 1823; m. Mary E. Hcns1mw, 1848. 1070 Adeline D.Edmands, b. Jul. 17, 1825; d. Nov.17, 1825. 1071 James Farwell Edmandst b. Jn.n. 23, 1827; m. Hn.nnnh Barry Crafts, 1852. 1072 Adeline D.Edmand$, b. Jn.n. 4, 1829; d. Apr. 4, 1829.

7 0 3 712 Lana (dau. William , Joseph5, William", Edward , 2 John , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Leicester, l\:Iass., Jan. 16, li89; m. Benjamin Edmands, a painter, NoY. 21, 1808, b. Jul. 18, 1782, d. Dec. 19, 1867. She d. Mch. 18, 1872. Lived in Charlesto"',i, Mass.

CHILDRES. 1073 Stephen Williams Edmands, b. Oct. 23, 1809; d. Sep. 2, 1814. 1074 Roxa-LanaGravesEdmands, b. Jan. 22, 1811; m. Rev. Wm. Phillips. 1075 Rcbeccu Jl,fariaEdmands, b. Aug. 3, 1812; d. Cambridge, M:lSS., 1881. 124 TUE 'RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

1076 Benjamin lValdoEdma1uls, b. Feb. IS, 1814; d. Mn.y 3, 1815. 1077 CathcrineSherburncEdmands, b. Aug. 15, 1815; d. Feb. 26, 1885. 1078 AliccST»'auucEdma,uis, b. Feb. 18, 1817. 1070 .1nnaFordEdmands, b. Aug. 30, 1818; d. Jun. 6, 1831. 10SO Sarah DenncuEdmands, b. Jn.n. 29, 1821; d. Jun. 14, 1874. 10S1 LauraEli::a Edmands, b. Oct. 9, 182'.?; m. Mr. ,vood of Lynn. 1082 lrilliam SprauucE

6 713 Otis' (s. William , Joseph°, William", Edward3, John:\ Ralph1, Edward), b. Apr. 17, 1791 in Leicester, l\fass.; n1. Catherine Denny, dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth (Hensbav:) Denny, Dec.. 31, 1820; d. Aug. 15, 1852. Shed. in 1875. Both ~·ere missionaries among the Osage Indians several years. Settled in Milwaukee, \Vis.

CHILDRES. lOSi Joseph, l 10SS Benjamin, \ twins, b. Jul. 13, 1823. Joseph d. in 1873; Benj:.unin,1853. Neither b:i.d children. 1089 TJtiUiam, b. Jul. 11, 1825; d: Jul. 31, 1833. 1090 Sarah, b. Nov. 3, 1826; d. 1853.

6 715 Alice' (dau. William , Joseph\ \Villiam4, Edward3, 1 John:?, Ralph , Edward), b. in Leicester, lviass., May 22, 1795; d. Jun. 5, 1868. m. Stephen "\Yiley, Sep. 4, 1828 in Charles­ town, lVIass., s. of William and Hannah (Smith) Wiley, b. Jan. 14, 1789 in Charlesto~-n, lVIass. Lived near the navy· yard. CHILDRES.

1091 WilliamS. Wilc1J, b. Oct.11, 1829. 1092 John lViley, b. Dec. 22, 1830. 1093 George Otis tViley, b. Jul. 8, 1833. 1094 .4.liceSpraguc Wiley, b. Dec. 27, 1834. SEVENTH GENERATION. 125

7 6 · 720 Eliza E. (dn.u. Willin.m , Joseph'\ ,Villiam"', Ed­ 2 wnrd3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Jan. 22, 1806; m. Henry A. Denny, Apr. 14, 1825; d. Jan. 14, 1884. Lived in Leicester, Mass. CllILDJtE.S.

1095 Joseph Waldo Denny, b. J!l.Il. 7, 1S20. 1006 William Sprague Denny, b. Feb. 25, 1828; m. three times; d. Dec. 25, 1008. 1007 SarahSpra(JUc Denny, b. Nov. 14, 1829; d. J!l.Il. 22, 1833. 109S JlcnnJ Walford Denny, b. Jon. 31, 1832; m. t,•,icc; d. Jon. 3, 1892. 1099 ArtlmrSilbcrl Denny, b. Dec. 10, 1833; graduate or Brown University d. in London, Eng., Jnn. 24:, 1SG4. 1100 Everett Augustus Denny, b. Oct. 31, 1836; m. in 1857; wns editor of paper in Chicago; d. of smnll pox in 1864. 1101 Sarah Eliza Denny, b. Jnn. 12, 1839. 1102 Roxakma llorwra Denny, b. Feb. 18, 1841. 1103 Susan Maria Denny, b. Jun. 6, 1843. 1104 Ella Christophene Denny, b. Aug. 28, 1845.

724 Dolly Weston7 (dau. Dolly6, Jonathan\ William', 2 Edward\ John , Ralph\ Edward), b. in Randolph, Vt., Mch. 22, 1801; m. May 18, 1825 John Waldo, s. of Abner and Sally (Goss) '\\i"'aldo, b. in Randolph, Vt.: Jun. S, 1797, and d. Feb. 28, 18i6. ClllLDRE:S.

1105 Charles Waldo, b. :\Ich. 26, 1S20; m. Chu.rlottc S. Fellows; a mcrch!l.D.t in Briggsville, Wis. 1106 Abner Weston \Valdo, b. J:m. 3, 1830. 1107 H. Marshall Waldo, b. Jul. 17, 1831.

• 7 5 725 John Weston (s. Dolly°, Jonathan , William', 2 Edward\ John , Ralph\ Edward), b. in Randolph, Vt., lVIch. 22, 1801; m. l\firiam Belkn:l.p. He was a farmer in Randolph.


1108 Irene Miriam Weston, b. May 2.5, 1842. 126 THE RALPH SPRAOUE GENEALOGY.

726 Abijah 0. Weston7 (s. Dolly°, Jonathan\ William", 3 Edward , John:!, Rn.lph1, Edward), b. in Randolph, Vt., Feb. 13, 1804; d. Sep. 20, 1853. m. Feb. 22, 1820 Lucinda. Holmes of Randolph where she was b. Jan. 10, 1805, n.nd d. Feb. 16, 1843. CHILD,

1109 Delia G. Weston, b. Apr. 23, 1837.

7 6 727 Daniel Weston (s. Dolly , Jonathan'\ \Villiam", 3 2 1 Edward , J ohn , Ralph , Edward), b. May 13, 1807 in Ran­ dolph, Vt.; d. Oct. 9, 1884 in Rock Falls, Wis. Oct. 30, 1832 m. Betsey E

1110 Antoinette Weston, b. Oct. 11, 1833.

728 Jebiel Weston7 (s. Dolly°, Jonathan\ William.', 2 Edward3, Jobn , Ralph1, Edward), b. Jun. 2, 1809; d. Mch. 1, 1892, in Randolph, Vt. m. Nov. 26, 1833, Amelia Wal­ bridge, who d. Mch. 31, 1891 in Randolph.

Csn.DRES. 1111 Olive Weston. 1112 Edwin Weston, d. Aug. 16, 1838, age 2 and 9 mos.

7 6 5 730 Harvey0siood (s. Elizabeth , Jonatban , William", Edward3, John\ Ralph1, Ed,,·ard), b. Jul. 9, 1796 in E. Ran­ dolph, Vt., ,vhcre be d. Sept. 12, 1859. m. May 19, 1829, Lucy Gay, da.u. of Rufus and Deborah (Gro~·) Gay. She was b. in Fairlee, Vt., Oct. 27, 1799 and d. l\!Ich. 3, 1850 in E. Randolph, Vt. He was a farmer. SEVENTH GENERATION. 127


1113 Geora,e Harvey Osaood, b. I\ilny 21, 1830. 1114 Calvin Gilman Osgood, b. Apr. 2-J, 1832; d. Jul. 24, 1835. 1115 Frances Elizabeth Osiood, b. l\'Iny 0, 1834. 1116 Deborah Jane Ostiood, b. Sep. 19, 1836. 1117 Mary L. Osttood, b. Jul. 29, 1830. 1118 Paschal A. Osgood, b. Jun. 4, 1842; d. in Rnndolph, Vt., Mch. s. 1900; m. in l\Iontpclicr, Vt., Jun. 1, 1873 Fanny Allen of Chclsen., Vt., dn.u. of John nnd Evn. (Cobb) Allen. Address, Randolph, Vt. 1119 Gilman Sanborn Os~ood, b. Feb. S, 1844.

7 6 6 736 Abijah P. Osgood (s. Elizabejih , Jonathan , ,villiam4, Edward3, Jolin?, Ralph\ Edward), b. Nov. 25, 1809 in Randol­ ph, Vt.; d. there l\iich. 20, 1888. m. Susan, dau. John and Susan (Belknap) Miles, b. Nov. 11, 1818. He was a farmer in Randolph.


1120 William Osgood, b. Dec. 5, 1843; d. Aug. 6, 1907. 1121 JolmOigood, b.Jn.n.1846;d.Apr.1864. 1122 Jlan'C?JOsgood, b. Oct.14, 1848; m. S:u-nh Pelton of Boston. 1123 EdgarOsgood, b. Dec. 5, 1850; d. Apr.1893. 1124 JoscphOsgood, b.J.:ov.19, 1852;d.Jun.19, 1900. 1125 Jennie 0s~ood, b. Oct. 25, 1854. 1126 Herbert Osgood, b. Jun. 22, 1857. He is a farmer living in E. Randolph, Vt. 1127 Fred Oigood, b. June 13, 1860; m. Emily Young; live in Boston. 1128 llelen JI. Osgood, b. May 28, 1867; m. Jan. 21, 1892 to Herbert S. Bragg.

7 6 737 .Asa (s. John , Jonathan'\ William", Edward',. 2 John , Ralph1,-Edward), b. Oct. 19, li97 in Randolph, Vt.; m. Jan. 4, 1828, l\Iary, dau. of Deacon Keith, b. Aug. 18,. 1803, d. May 29, 1889. For a couple of years after marriage be lived ·with his father, having bought a part of his farm. Then, selling his interest to his brother Leonard, he bought and moved onto a fa.rm in Brookfield, one mile above No. 128 TuE RALPH SrRAGUE GENEALOGY.

Randolph (then known ns Farewell Village), where he lived until his death, Nov. 4, 1880. An interesting and delightful circumstance in his old was that his five children lived so near him that he could sec them nil in a half-day's carriage drive. In politics he was a Democrat. ,v as not a member of nny church, but lived such n life tho.t when he died he hadn't an enemy in the world. .J. Z. S.


1129 Maryette, b. Nov. i, 1820. 1130 Sarah Ann. b. Aug. 6, 1833. 1131 Susan Frances, b. Apr. 15, 1836. 1132 John Keith, b. Nov. 21, 1841. 1133 Luna Arnold, b. Dec. St 1845.

7 5 739 Leonard (s. John°, Jonathan , William4, Ed~·ard3, John:, Ralph1, Edward), b. in Randolph, Vt., Jan. 22, 1S00; m. Apr. 24, 1832 Emily Goss dau. of Zib:i. and Persis (Corliss) Goss, b. l\Ich. 1, 180-5 in Claremont, N. H., d. Aug. 7, 1S78 in Randolph. They moved into a house he built upon the east part of hi~ father's farm which he bought of his brother Asa in 1831. Upon the death of his father and mother he bought of the heirs the remainder of his father's farm which com­ prised 200 acres. A very ingenious man, and manufactured "pump logs" which were used to conduct water before the advent of lead pipe. In politics he was a firm Democrat; in religion, a Univcrsalist. A man of good judgment, of fe,v "·ord.s, but a kind word for everyone; d. Jun. 24, 1871.


1134 Richardt b. Jul. 19, 18.13; unm.; d. Salem, :\I:1.S.'3., Au~. 28, 1855. 1135 FraM:U Corliss, b. Jul. 17, lS:~; unm.; ~duatcd at the University of Vermont in medicine, standing 3d in a. cl~ of 70 students Located in :\Iinncsota. and d. there Aug. 4, 1900. 1136 John Ziba~ b. Xov. 2!>, 1837. 1137 Prentiss Leonard, b. :\Ich. 14, 1840; m. Jennie in the 70"s; . ~... -

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Evta:H.Tox SPRAGUE, 1809.


in 1862 he went to Sheridan, Nev., where he bought a. cattle ranch nnd en~gcd c.xtcnsivcly in cattle n.nd horse raising; held offices of trust in the town nnd county in which he lived, being chninnnn of the boa.rd or County Commissioners at the time of his dcnth, which occurred in Mny, 1808; waa n Democrat in politics; n. Univcrsnlist in religion. 1138 Elmina Maria, b. Nov, 12, 1842. 1139 Foster Goss. b. Aug. 21, 1852.

740 Eunice7 (dau. John'\ Jonathan'\ ,villiam", Edward:', 2 John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Jul. 21, 1805; d. Nov. 30, 1901. m. Obadiah Hall, Feb. 3, 1835, b. Nov. 2, 1808 and d. Jan. 16, 1894. Lived in Randolph, Vt.

CmLDltEX. 1140 Charlotte S. Ilall, b. Dec. 10, 1835; m. Philnndcr Lougee Dec. 16, 1857; d. Jul.16, lSGO. 1141 Sarah E. Hall, b. Sep. 17, 1841. 1142 Elias Story Hall, b. Oi::t. 15, 1846. 1143 Clari; Sprague IIall, b. Jul. 2, 18.51; m. Ellen, dau. of Chnuncy and Eliz:i. (French) Fitts, at St. Johnsbury, Vt., Sep. 29, 1885. Address, Randolph Center, Vt.

5 741 Edgerton' (s. John°, Jonathan , ,villiam4, Edward3, John~\ Ralph\ Edward), b. Jul. 13, 1809 in Randolph, Vt., m. Philcna Carlyslc, l\llch. 28, 1838, b. in Goshen, Vt., in 1816, d. Jul. 22, 1S87 in Grundy, Iowa, at the home of her son who was living there. Edgerton Sprague lived two years in E. Randolph after marriage, then moved to Chelsea \Vest Hill where he lived eleYcn ye3.l's; went to Windsor, Vt., where he lived until his death which occurred while on a visit to his daughters in Grundy, Ia., Jul. 5, 1880. J. Z. S.

CHILDRE:S-. 1144: Laura .A., b. Feb. 22, 1839; m. S. H. Knapp; d. in 1898 in Grundy, fa. 1145 Ida M., b. Jun.14, 1845; m. F. B. Weston; d. Nov. 27, lSSOin Wind­ sor, Vt. 1146 Clarence M •• b. Aug.12, 1846. 130 TnE RALrn SrRAGUE GENEAT.. OGY.

7 4 3 743 Sally (dnu. John°, Jonathan~, Willinm , Edward , 2 John , Ralph\ Edward), b. Jan. 2, 1817 in Randolph, Vt.; m. Gilbert Morrill, Apr. 25, 1837, a farmer in Randolph and Tunbridge, Vt.; a. Mch. 29, 1886.


1147 MaryMonill. b. N'ov.1, 1838. 1148 Olivia Monill. b. Dec 4, 1842.

7 1 744 Lavinda (dau. John°, Jonathan \ William", Ed­ 1 ward3, John:\ Ralph , Edward), b. Apr. 9, 1819 in Randolph, Vt.; m. Samuel Fieldin;, ·nee. 12, 1843 in Randolph, where they lived; d. Dec. 8, 1880. CmLD. 1149 JohnFielding, b.184i.

6 749 Lydia B. Story• (dau. Lydia. , Jonathan\ William'\ 1 Edward3, John::\ Ralph , Edwa.rd)t b. Dec. 2, 1809 in R.3.ndolph -Vt.; d. Apr. 9, 1895. m. Philander, s. Isaac and Rebecca Grow of Tunbridge1 Vt., Apr. 10, 1834, a farmer in Randolph, Vt.


1150 Daughter, b. Dec. 18, 1835; d. in infancy. 1151 Betst1J S. Grow, b. Jul. 1i, 1S37; d. lfoy 15, 1840. 1152 E.SloryGrow, b. Sep. 6, 1839; d. Apr. 1, 1866. 1153 P. Elias Grow. b. llch.16, 1842. 1154 James I. Grow, b. Oct. 20, 184i; m. Dec. 25, 1867; d. Jan. 29, 1913; E. Randolph, Vt.

5 750 Adeline Story' (da.u. Lydia:\ Jonathan , \Villiam',. 2 1 Edward3, Jobn , Ralph , Edward), b. Feb. 1, 1814 in Randolph, Vt.; d. Feb. 14, 1898. m. ~lay 19, 1836, Daniel, s. of Josiah and Phoebe (Cushman) Washburn; b. Feb. 26, 1800, lived in Randolph, Vt., d. Oct. 22, 1886. SEVENTH GENERATION. 131


1155 JamuStory Washburn, b. May 21, 1837; d. Aug. 9, 1847. 1156 Julian Josiah Washburn, b. Nov. IO, 1842.

7 6 752 Susan (dau. Edward , Jonathan\ William", Ed­ ward3, John:\ Ralph1, Edward), b. Apr. 28, 1801 in Randolph, Vt.; m. Jonathan Wills; lived in E. Randolph; d. Jul. 15, 185i. He d. Dec. 29, 1866 at E. Bethel, Vt., age 70.


1157 George Wills, never mnrried. 11.58 Charles Wills, m. Nettie Green. 1159 H oracc Wills, m. Abbie Dickerman. 1160 H ennJ Wills, m. N cttie Booth. 1161 Edward lVills, killed Jul. 27, 1864 in Battle of Petersburg, unm. 1162 Bliss lVills. 1163 Adaline Wills, m. William Frink. 1164 Caroline Wills, m. James Gould. 1165 Jfary Wills, m. Arthur Boynton. 1166 Jane Wills, b. Jan.17, 1835. 1167 Phoebe Wills, m. N cwcll Hibbard.

1 3 754 Alfred (s. Edward6, Jonathan·5, William", Edward , 2 John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Sep. 19, 1804 in Randolph, Vt.; m. Sep. 5, 182i, Samantha, dau. of Da'\;d and l\i!artha (Hatch) Grow, b. Ja.n. 26, 1811 and d. Aug. 10, 1890; lived in ·the el.1;reme W. part of Chelsea, Vt., '\\·here his sb: children were b. and grew to maturity. Was a thorough farmer, a great worker and brought up his sons to take such pride in the home and delight in the labor of the farm that three of his sons settled on his own and adjoining farms, which crune to be known as the Sprague neighborhood. The old homestead although enlarged and changed by modern improvements has been kept in the name all these years and is now occupied by a. grandson. He d. Aug. 10, 1890. J. H. S. 132 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GE!-i~OGY.


1168 Luna. b. Jun. 28, 1828.. 1169 Chart~ b. Jun. 11, 1830. 1170 Lyman. b. Jul. 4, 1S32. 1171 Randolph, b. Apr. 17, 1834; d. Sep. 14, 1909, unm. 1172 Edwin. b. Oct:16, 1S36. 1173 Luthera Samantha. b. Feb. 23, 1850.

7 6 5 3 755 Ziba (s.· Edward 1 Jonatha.n. , William'.', Edward , 1 John::\ Ra.lph , Edward), b. in Randolph, Vt., May. 14, 1806; m. June 1834, Caroline, dau. of Colonel Sprague Arnold of Randolph, Vt. He was a farmer and dealer in all kinds of farm products; held several tov.'ll offices (selectman, etc.); representative from Randolph in 1S59 in the General .Assemb­ ly of Vt.; one of the leading citizens of the town-much respect­ ed and greatly beloved by his neighbors, who frequently sought his counsel and advice. Was deacon in the Free Wtll Baptist Church of E. Randolph for many years, until his death which occurred Mch. 20, 1867. J. H. S.


1174 Albert A .• b. l\fo.y. 19, 1835. 1175 Caroline .4mclia, b. Oct. 1S, 1836; d. in Geneseo, ~- Y., Apr. 20t 1903. 1176 Otho S. A .• b. May 13, 1839.

756 Edward7 (s. Edward", Jona.than\ William'\ Edward3, 2 John , Ralph1, Edward), b. l\'Iay 1, 1808; m. Clarissa, dau. of Orris Tyler, b. Jan. 30, 1813 and d. Apr. 19, 1874. He d. Jan. 1, 1890 at West Fairlee, Vt. He grew to manhood on the old homestead with such education as was to be obtained at the district schools. Early developed the desire for speculation and gratified it to the limit. Being an expert judge of men and values he dealt promiscuously in all kinds of stock, farm products and real estate. About middle life he was per-

SEVENTH GENERATION. 133 mnncntly injured in n. railroad collision which incapacitated him for business. He was a man of commanding figure, courtly grace and a thorough gentleman of the old school. There was no one during my childhood years whose annual visits of a few weeks I looked f onvard to with so much pleasure ns Uncle N ed~s. The children in our family hovered around him when :it our, of us striving continually to be in his sunshine, and he n.lways held our love, admiration n.nd esteem. J. H. S. . CmLDREX.

1177 Jane. b. Dec. 1, 1834. 1178 Helen, b. Jun. 10, 1837. 1179 Tyler Edward. b. Dec. 31, 1845. 1180 WalterC., b. Sep. Ii, 1851.

7 6 757 Fanny (dau. Edward , Jonathan'\ William4, Ed­ ward:;, John:?, Ralph 1, Edward), h. Sep. 25, 1810; d. Apr. 9, 1Si7. m. R. Converse Belknap Dec. 18, 1826, a farmer in Randolph, Vt. CHILDREX.

1181 Asenath Corliss Belknap, b. Dec. 16, 1827. 1182 Ellen Jane Belknap. b. Nov. S, 1839.

6 3 758 Polly' (dau. Edward , Jonathan"\ William", Edward , John:\ Ralph1, Edward), b. Aug. 24, 1812; d. Dec. 29, 1855 in Chelsea, Vt. m. in 1834 Eleazer Cate who d. in 1835; m. (2) Dn.vid, s. of David and ---(Stevens) Wiggins, b. Jul. 23, 1802, a shoemaker in Chelsea, Vt., d. in 1871.

CmLDREX. 1183 Eleazer S. Cate, b. l\fo,y 5, 1835; d. in Bradford, Vt., in 1900. 1184 Frances Wigg.ins, b. Xo,r.10, 1843. 1185 Edu:in IViggiM, b. Oct. 24, 1845; soldier in the Ch-ii War, and d. Apr. 1, 1862 in Chic:ig:o, Ill. 1186 Ellen A. ,viggins. b. Jul. 7, 1846. 11S7 Franklin£. Jrl{lgins, b. Au~. 31, 1848; d. Oct. 16, 1853. 134 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

7 6 3 759 John · (s. Edward , Jonathan'-, William", Edward , 2 John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Apr. 6, 1815 in Randolph, Vt. 7 6 m. Nov. 5, 183i Ruth Hibbard , dau. of Gurdcn (Robert1, 0 Salem, l\'.Iass., 1635) nnd Elizabeth (Hovcy ) Hibbard. She w·a.s b. Jan. 26, 1813 in E. Brookfield, Vt. She contributed the genealogical data of the descendants of Abiga.15 (Cleveland, Moses1 Cleveland, \Vobum, ~Inss.,1641) Hovey, for the Benja­ min Cleveland Genealogy published in 1879. d. Jun. 14, 1896 in E. Brookfield, Vt. When a boy his inclination to spcculnte exceeded his desire to do anything else to such an extent that he spent his vacations dealing in sheep pelts, wool and f n.rm products. .A.s a young man he became a drover f ollo\\;ng the Brighton market ·ror many years. Later in life den.It largely in real estate. \Vas noted for his good nature; a great favorite ".;th children, and was 0 Uncle John" to everybody; d. Feb. 2, 1892 in E. Brookfield, Vt. .


1188 John Hibbard, b. Nov. 5, 1838. 1189 Daniel Hovey, b. llny 12, 1843 in Chelsea, Vt.; d. Jul. 21, 1855.

7 6 760 Haniet (dau. Edward , Jonathan·\ William", Ed­ 2 ward3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Jan. 24, 1818; d. Feb. 17, 1861 in Stratford, N. H., m. William Lewis, s. of Oliver and Amanda (Hovey) Hibbard, Sep. 23, 1836, b. Aug. 6, 1816; d. Sep. 20, 1851 in Montpelier, Vt. Was station :\gent at the time of his death. CmLDREN.

1190 Edward Spraiue Hibbard, b. Aug. 5, 1837. 1191 Oliver Davison Hibbard, b. Brookfield, Vt., Jan. 14, 1840; m. (1) in Brookfield, Vt., Jan. 16, 1861, Octavia, dau. of \Villiam Fuller. She d. l\.Icch:mics-ille, Iowa, Dec. 29, 1865. m. (2) n.t ~lech:i.nics­ ·\'ille, 186i, Ella. A. d:i.u. John and Harm:ih (Palmer) Grace. Farmer; res. Stn.nwood, !own. Children d. in infancy. 1192 Coralin Hibbard, b. Oct. 13, 1844; m. Fmnk, s. of "~illiam Rolfe, n. native of No. Strafford, N. H.; d. Feb. 27, 1863. SEVENTH GENERATION. 135

7 1 763 Eleanor (dau. Edward', Jonathan'\· William\ Ed­ 2 ward3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Jul. 5, 1823; m. Andrew, s. of Luke Fitts, Mch. 9, 1846; d. Dec. 2, 1884. He was a farmer in Brookfield, Vt.

1193 CynthiaE.Fillll, b. Feb. 9, 1850; m. John Dickerman Oct. 26, 1869; d. Jul. 23, 1898. 1194 Edward A. Fitts~ b. Nov. 30, 1854. 1195 Lcllie C. Ful8, b. Aug. 1, 1864; d. Dec. li, 187i.

7 6 3 764 James (s. Darius , Jonathan'\ William", Edward , 2 John , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Craftsbury, Vt.; lived in Racine, Wis.; very prominent man, came within a very few votes being elected Congressman.


1196 Edward, b. Racine, Wis. 1l9i H cnnJ, b. R:icinc, Wis. 1198 Lewis, b. Racine, Wis.

7 6 767 Arvilla (dau. Darius , Jonathan:., William", Ed­ 2 ward3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Craftsbury, Vt.; m. James Coburn, lived in Craftsbury, where they both d. in 18i6.


1199 Darius Coburn, b. Aµg. 30, 1843; ::i.dclress Craftsbury. 1200 Silas 1V. Coburn, b. Nov. 9, 1845; d. May 7, 1892. 1201 Rebecca Coburn, b. Aug. 22, 1848; d. Aug. 9, 1862. 1202 Chester C. Coburn, b. Apr. 1S, 1851; d. Oct. 9, 1872. 1203 Phi.lea Coburn, b._ Nov. 12, 1853. } twins 1204 Philena Coburn, b. Nov. 12, 1853.

7 6 768 Philena (dau. Darius , Jonathan5, William", Ed­ ·ws.rd3, John~\ Ralph\ Edward), b. in Craftsbury, Vt.; m. Dr. Elisha Burnham of Craftsbury in 1842. He d. in 1850. 136 THE RALPH SPUAOUE GENEALOGY.


1205 J.E.Burnham, nddrc88 Dclcvnn, Minn,

7 1 769 Rebecca A. (do.u Do.rius ', Jonatba.n'S, William', Ed­ 2 wo.rd3, )ohn , Rn.lph\ Edward), b. Oct. 25, 1818 in Craftsbury, Vt.; m. in l\iiay, 1839 s. of Roger and Elizabeth B. (Goodnough) Granger of Randolph, Vt., b. May 19, 1814, d. in Boston, Mass., May 22, 1891. She d. l\iiay 5, 1879 in Randolph. CutLOIU~N.

1206 JamcsSl'Ta{JW!Grangcr, b. Jrui. 18, 1842; m. Mary Bullock (Ketchum) of Plu.inficld; Vt.; d. in Randolph, Apr. 1S92. 1207 GenrgcBurdcUeGranger, b. Apr. 7, 184i. He is stntion ngcnt of the 3d street Htation of Sa.n Francisco, Cnl. S. P. R. R. 1208 Charles Burnham Granger, b . .Aug. 20, 1852.

7 5 773 Castledana (dau. Darius\ Jonathan , William", 3 2 Edward , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Craftsbury, Vt.; m. Joel English, lived in Brunswick, Essex Co. Vt. Entire family dead except grandchildren.


1200 Spra!JUeEnglish, b. Brunswick, Vt. 1210 lVallaceEnglish, b. Brunswick, Vt. 1211 Henry English, b. Brunswick, Vt. 1212 Charle8Englisli, b. Brunswick, Vt. 1213 Mary English, b. Brunswick, Vt.

7 0 774 Joshua (s. Hasey F. , Israel5, ,villia.m\ Edward3, 2 John , Ralph\ Edward), b. at Phillipston, Mass., Jan. 31,1791; m. at Wardsboro, Vt., Jan. 1, 1815, Betsy, dau. of David Cum­ mings of Petersham, Mass., where she was b. Oct. 30, 1793 and d. at No. Adams, Aug. 30, 1866. He carried on farms, SEVENTH GENERATION. 137

in Stratton until 1829 and Wardsboro until 1836 when he moved to No., Mass., and a carpenter and builder; d. there Nov.10, 1862.


1214 Lucy E., b. Apr. i, 181G. 1215 MarthaL., b. Nov. 21, 1817; m. Dr. Justin Smith. 1216 Geo. Washington, b. Mch. 11, 1820. 1217 Almira Jcruslw, b. Feb. 10, 1822; m. \Villinm Hurd, lived n.t No. Adnms; d. Feb. 11, 1888. 1218 Seaver A mtin, b. Oct. 27, 1823; d. in N. Y. City in 1893. 1219 AuAustln NewelJ, b. Aug. 22, 1826. 1220 EfoiraBetsey Ann, b. Apr. 23, 1828; m. Samuel Parker; d.Jan.1, 1884. 1221 Luccnallf., b. Feb. 3, 1830; d. 11t No.AdllIIlS. 1222 David Cummin~. h. Jul. 3,183.1. 1223 Joshua Martin, b. Sep. 23, 1835.

6 3 778 Israel7 (s. Hasey F. , Israel\ William", Edward , 2 John , Ralph1, Edward), b. ·Nov. 12, 1801 in Stratton, Vt.; m. Mary·--. They lived in Stratton, Vt. His wife d. in Somerset, Vt., ..Tun. 11, 1842. He d. in Brattleboro, Vt., Mch. 20, 1863. CmLDRE."-.

1224 Edwin, b. Nov.16, 182i. 12"...5 ]sraelBarnardBaldwin, b. Nov.,-1836. 1226 J'\tfanJAnn Nancy, b. Jun. 30, 1S3S.

7 6 5 3 782 Franklin H. (s. William , Israel , William4, Edward , 1 John2, Ralph , Edward), b. in Phillipston, Mass., May 19, 1825; m. Nov. 8, 1849, Cordelia Esther, dau. of Joshuaand Martha (Harris) l\Ioore. He was a merchant in Boston; member of the ·legislature from Boston in 1858. In Sep. 1865 moved to Framingham, lvlass., living on the Winsor Moulton place prior to 1887. Representative from Framing­ ham in 1873-1874; a member of the Board of Selectmen in Framingham sb: years and member of the school board for nme. 138 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GE?li~ALOGY.


1227 Ma.T1;Cordelia, b. Jun. 4, 1851; m. Chauney U. Fuller, Scp.14, 1871. 12"..S Anna JIaria, b. May 24, 1855; teacher in Framingham. 1229 Hallie El'izabell,, b. Jun. 27, 1857; livf".S with pn.rents. 1230 Edward Franklin, b. Apr. l S, 1S61; lives in Framingham. 1231 .Myra "lfoore, b. Jul 27, 1865.

7 6 6 789 Ezra V. (s. Timotby , Matthew W. , Timothy", 3 2 Edward , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Apr. 14, 1826 in' Stone­ ham; marriage intentions to Sarah E. Wilkinson of Malden announced Aug. 29, 1846; resided on the N. W. side of Spot Pond. A shoemaker by trade; much given to hunting, fishing and boating. When the commissioners of the Metropolitan Reservation acquired what land they wanted, his home­ stead came within their bounds and his buildings were demolished. Moved to Lynnfield, Mass; had a largefamilyo£ children. CmLDRES.

1232 Sarah.Emd.ine, b. Jul 7, 1847. 1233 Hcnn;E::ra, b. Apr. 26, 1851. 1234 Nancy A.., b. Feb. 20, 1863; d. in infn.ncy.

7 6 5 3 792 William (s. John , John , Hezekiah", Edward , John:, Ralph1, Edwm-d), b. Jul. 1, li87 in Nelson, N. H.; m. Rebecca Smith dau. of Ezra and Phoebe Smith in Nelson, N. H., l\1ay, _1813. Lived in Hancock, N. H. for a time where their children were b. Moved to Smithville, N. Y.; O\\'lled a tannery and a shoe factory.; d. there Nov. 20, 1826. Mrs. S. m. (2) John Sargent, d. in Jeff. Co., N. Y.


1235 Emeline, m. Brigham; (2) H:lDSOn, lived in Jeff. Co., N. Y. 1236 Betsey Emily~ b. Jun. 6, 1816. · 1237 Ruth, m. Cyrenus Converse, lived in Belleville, N. Y. 1238 Harriett Lucretia, b. 1823. SEVENTH GENERATION. 139

7 3 2 795 Avery (s. John°, John'\ Hezekiah", Edward , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Nelson, N. H., Feb. 10, 1794; m. in Dublin, N. H., Jan. 1, 1822, Annie, dau. of Isaac and Cina (D'Etaing) Johnson, b. in Rockingham, Vt., Mar. 16, 1798, who d. at Strongsville, 0., Apr. 1, 1856. The five oldest children b. in Nelson, N, H., the last three in Strongsville, Ohio. He was a bl:icksmith by trade; d. in Strongsville, 0., Mch. 25, 1868. CmLDREN.

1239 Mnrcia. b. Dec. 29, 1822. 1240 l\farcus, b. Feb. 22, 1825; d. Nov. 3, 1828. 1241 William, b. Jun. 5, 1827•; d. Sep. 5, 1831. 1242 Lucia Amanda. b. Feb. 14, 1830. 1243 Ellen. b. Dec. 12, 1832. 1244 J.laryEvcrcU, b. Apr. 7, 1835; d. Sep.11, 1843 in Parma, 0. 1245 Ann Judson, b. Sep. 29, 1837; m. Luther Brainerd in Berea. 0., Nov. 1881; shed. Sep. S, 1912. 1246 Milton Avery. b. Nov. 7, 1839.

7 6 5 3 2 796 John (s~ John , John , Hezekiah", Edward , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Jan. 5, 1796 in Nelson, N. H.; m. at Lyndeboro, N. H., Nov. 13, 1823, Sophia Clark, who was b. Sep. 23, 1793 in Londonderry, N. H., ana cl. in Keene, 0. Jun. 9, 1857 He moved from Nelson, N. H. to Keene, 0., in l\-Iay, 1834; was a tanner by trade. During Pierce's ad­ ministration was appointed P. M. of Keene. Postage on letters was then from five to ten cents and foreign twenty­ f our cents. A way bill had to go ~ith each package, then wrapped and tied ~ith a. cord, and recorded in a book by the postm3.Ster. '\Vas a merchant; d. Jan. 5, 1877 at Bement, Ill. Cmi.DRE.....

1247 John J amcs, b. 1824; d. Jul 31, 1838. 1248 LUCIJ Ann Bradley, b. Mar. 30, 1826; m. Truman Osborn, 1850; d. in Keene, 0., ISSI. 1249 William Wallace. b. Apr. 16, 1828. 1250 Francis Clark, b. Feb 5, 1831. 140 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GE'-"EALOGY.

1251 Helen Sophia, b. Jn.n. 7, 1833; m.. Jn.s. H. Wilson, 1865; d. in Keene, o., 1901. 1252 Edwin Bruce. b. Jan. 23, 1835. 1253 Maro Murry. b. Dec. 21, 1S37. 1254 James Boadwin, b. Oct. 1. 1840.

7 6 3 797 Tryphena (dau. John , John5, Hezekiah', Edwa.rd , John:\ Ralph1, Edward), b. l\'Ich. 1, 1802 in Nelson, N. H.; m. Jerry Felt, Jan. 22, 1824; lived in Nelson where she d. Feb. 9, 1828. He was s. of Joseph and Elizabeth (Spafford) Felt, b. in Nelson, N. H., Dec. 5, 1795 and d. Mch. 22, 1866 in Ne"·a.rk, N. J. CmLDRE~.

1255 David W.Fell, d. Sep. 22, 1829, age4jTS. 1256 Harriet FcU, b. Jun. 24, 1826; m. Palmer Bishop Bryant, Mch. 14, 1859 in Newark, Wis.; d. Dec. 9, 1887 in Newark, Wis. He was b. Nov. 13, 1823 in Nelson, N. H.; s. of Fra.ncis S.andBetscy E. (Sprague) Bryant; d. Mch. 30, 1S89 in ill.

7 6 804 Abigail ·- (dau. Joseph , Jona.than\ Hezekiah\ Ed­ 2 1 ward3, John , Ralph , Edward), b. in Gill, Mass. May 24, 1799; d. there Jun. 4, 1834; m. Jan. 5, 1820, Justis Smith, s. of Caleb and Dorcas (Dickinson) Wrisley. A farmer in Gill Mass.


1257 Eli::abeth Henrietta WrislerJ, b. Jan. 20, 1821; ru. Calvin Barrett. 1258 Hul.ber.. Wrialey, b. Nov. 12, 1823; m. and lived in Fulton, Mich. 1259 Lockhart Wrisle1J, b. Aug. 2, 18"..5; m. Mo.rtha Goodnow; d. in New Sruem, 1867. 1260 Luke Wrisley, b. Jun. 28, 1827; m. Lucind::L Rice, d. 1852. 1261 Hollis Smith Wrisley, b. l\Ich.13, 1S2l; m. Lu:m.s. Brooks Rice, d. in Ornnge, Mass., 1SS1. 1262 Jul.ia Wrisley, b.-1831; m. Obed Arms; d. 1S60 in Deerfield, Mass. 1263 JosephSprague Wrisley, b. May 25, 183-l;d. May 26, 1834. SEVENTH GE::,,.~RATIO~. 141

1 6 5 806 Joseph W. (s. Joseph , Jonathan , Hezekiah", 3 2 Edward , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Dec. 3, 1802 in Gill, Mass., m. Mary Alvira Lyon, Dec. 20, 1827 in Gill, Mass. Lived and d. there Nov. 14, 1852. Shed. Mch.11, 1879, age 69 yrs., 4 mos., and 6 days.

1264 Sarah .4nn, b. Dec. 18, 1828, d. Feb.14, 1831. 1265 Ewin Lion, b. Dec. 22, 1830; m. Sn.rah. Spencer, Nov. 24, 1865 in Traverse City, Mich.; d. May 6, 1908; had no children. 1266 G®. Roller, b. Dec. 2, 1832; d. Nov. 3, 1833. 1267 Esther H •• b. Dec. 12r 1834. 1268 Ada Kate. b. Aug. 16, 1843.

807 Mercelina1 (dau. Joseph«', Jonathan\ Hezekiah", 3 2 Edward , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Gill, Mass., Mar. 14, 1804; d. in Providence, R. I., Sep. 24, 1878. Was a school teacher; m. Nov. 14, 1824, Jas. Day, s. of James and Asenath (Ely) Day, b. in Holyoke, Mass., Aug. 19, 1805; d. in Provi­ dence, R. I., Jan. 7, 1890.


1269 Edwin Ely Day. b. Sep. 3, lS'-5. 1270 Joseph Sprague Day. b. Jan. 30, 1827. 1271 Robert Day. b. Oct. 1, 18"...S. 1272 AnnaMariaDay.b.Nov. 10, 1830. 1273 Charles Wright Day, b. Feb. 19, 1833; m. Esther Sprague, (2) Jane Field; d. in Topeka, Kan., Mar. 27, 1883. 1274 Cornelia Mercelina Day, b. Apr. 14, 1839. 1275 Jame.s Peri-ins Day, b. Apr. 27, 1842; unm. 1276 Sarah Jane Day. b.Oct.17, 1845. 1277 Clari.s8a Day, b. Apr. 12, 1848; m. ":-m. H. Russell, 1869. Address, Y ekon Terroce, W estficld, Mass.

7 5 808 Lucinda _ (dau. Joseph\ Jonathan , Hezekiah', Ed­ ward3, John:.\ Ralph\ Edward), b. May 3, 1808 in Gill, Mass.;_ 142 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

d. Sep.15, 1847 in Gill. m. John Coy Feb. IO, 1833, s. of Lemuel and Sarah (Moffat) Coy, b. in Northfield, Mass., Mch. 4, 1800, and d. Jul. 22, 1870in Centralia., ID.


1278 Lucien Wri~tCoy, b. Dec.13, 1834. 1279 Joseph Sprague Coy, b. Mn.y. 30, 1837. 1280 Isabel L. Coy, b. Oct. 23, 1841. 1281 Jennie S. Coy, b. Aug. 26, 1846.

7 6 5 809 Vallonia Slate (dau. Tirzah , Jonathan , Hezekiah', 2 Edward3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Dec. 25, 1798 in Ber­ nardston, lVlass.; d. there, Aug. 23, 1873. m. Dec. 5, 1822 Dr. E. W. Carpenter, s. of John and Cynthia (Brown) Carpenter­ of Brattleboro, Vt. He ·was a practicing physician of Bernardston 40 years; d. Nov. 28, 1855, age 67 :yrs. 2 mos. and 21 days.


1282 Edward Jenner Carpenter, b. Aug. 24, 1825. 1283 John Erasmus Carpenter, b. Mch.11, 1827. 1284 Timothy Brown Carpenl,er, b. Jun. 13, 1829; m.-, 1887 Jennie Swrul. Address Toledo, 0. 1285 C'!JT1,US W aslibum Carpenter, b. Jan. 6, 1831; R. R. conductor and later proprietor of the Continental Hotel, Newark, N. J.; d. Dec. 5, 1902in Dover. N. J. 1286 Charles Elijah Carpenter, b. Nov. 9, 1833; d. in Bernardston, l\tI88B.,. May30,1856. • 1287 ..'1/ar,J Sophia Carpenter, b. Jan. 24, 1835; d. Mch. 30, 1856 in Ber­ nardston, :\I ass. 1288 Charles Carroll Carpenter, b. Jul. 9, 1836. 1289 Sarah Alexander Carpenter, b. Jan. 26, 1839.

7 6 810 Seorim B. Slate (s. Tirzah , Jona.than&, Hezekiah',. 2 Edward3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Sep. 18, 1801 in Ber­ nardston, J.\!Iass.; farmer in Bernardston, Mass.; d. there Mch.. SE\"E~"TH GENERATION. 143

6, 1866. m. Sophro~a P. dau. of Deacon Thomas and Sybil Snow May 4, 1828 in Bernardston, d. Jan. 11, 1856, age 49.


1290 Sheldon STWtD Slate, b. Nov. 28, 1828; m. Lucy E. Johnson, 1851; d.18i6. 1291 Seorim Burke Sulk, b. Dec. 24, 1830; m. Huldah l\I. Hole.-1857. Address Greenfield, Mass. 1292 Jeonette S. S'l.all, b. Apr. 27, 1834; m. Jonny 1\1. Hole,-1856. No children. . 1293 Julia S. Slate, b. Feb. 27, 1836; m. Alonzo P. Hole, 1857. No children. 1294 Tinah J.finerva Slale, b. 1\-Iay 12, 1843; d. Oct. 14, 1849. 1295 George Slate, m. Ellen S. Stearns of Hinsdale, N. H. 1296 Ellen D. Slate, b. Aug. 184i; d. Oct. ls: 1849.

7 6 6 811 Philander M. Slate (s. Tirzah. , Jonathan , He­ 2 zekiah\ Edwa.rd3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Mch.2, 1803 in Bernardston, Mass.; farmer in Bernardston, Mass.; d. Feb. 21, 1883. m. Mary Fish, 1\1:ay 7, 1835. She d. Aug. · 7, 1840; m. (2) Lucia Ann Kingsley Sep. 13, 1841; she d. Feb. 5, 1899.


1297 J.fay Helen ST.a.le, b. Mch. 20, 1836; m. Loren Hole, 1856; d. l\Ich. 22, • 1860. 1298 CarolineFushSlate, b. Oct. 21, 1839; d. J'.\lch. 22, 1840. 1299 AntoincUe.1.ll.Slatc, b.Jun.17, 1842;m.LukeAlb, 186i. 1300 Lucy Jane Sla.le, b. Feb. 14, 1844; m. Thomas W. Baldwin, 1883; d.1895. 1301 Merrick P. Slate, b. :Mch. 13, 1846; m. Julia ,v. Allen, 1869; resided in Greenfield. 1302 Thomas A. Slate, b. Dec. 25, _1853; d. ?tilch. 12, 1879.

-812 Timothy P. Slate1 (s. Tirzah°, Jonathan\ Hezekiah",. 3 2 Edward , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Mch. 25, 1805 in Ber­ nardston, Mass.; d. :U1Ich. 12, 1883 in Amherst, :0-,Iass. Farmer; m. Sarah M. Bragg Mch. 13, 1825 in Bernardston, where they 144 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GE?l."EALOGY.

lived most of their lives. She was b. Apr. 14, 1807, dau. of Israel and Rachel (Fet) Bragg of Bernardston; d. Aug. 15, 1884 in Amherst, Mass.


1303 Sarah Jlfaria Slate, b. May 10, 1827; m. B. Holmes Taylor, 1846; d. in Amherst, Mass. 1304 Sophia A:. Slate, b. Oct. 13, 1833. 1305 Flora C. Slate, b. Jul 11, 1835; m. T. S. Ashcraft, 1852; d. 1905.

6 814 Tirzah M. Slate' (dau. Tirzs.b.6, Jonathan , Heze­ 2 kiah"', Edward3, John , Ralpb1, Edward), b. lvlay 18, 1809 in Bernardston, Mass.; m. Feb. 24, 1829, Le"is McCloud and lived in Bernardston, then Amherst where the last child "·as b. She d. Jan. 15, 1892. Mr. McCloud d. also in Amherst, Dec. 10, 1884.


1306 Milton L. McCloud, b. Mch. 26, 1831. 1307 Uri Brooks McCioud, b. Dec. 16, 1834. 1308 J. Lang JfcCluud, b. Feb. 2, 1837; m. Mary Carter; lived in North­ ampton. 1309 Henry Martyn McCioud, b. Sep. 22, 1S3S. Sec No.1289.

815 Jonathan S. Slate' (s. Tirzah'\ Jonathan'\ Heze­ 2 kiah", Edward3, John , Ra.lph1, Edward), b. in Bernardston, l\'Iass., Feb. 9, 1811 ;became one of the famous old-time stage­ d.rivers in the Connecticut valley, residing in Amherst, l\'Iass., many years. Although past the military age he was Captain of the militia and enlisted in 1862 in the 52nd l'Iass. Vols., the oldest man in the regiment and served in Louisiana.; was brought home in 1863 in a precarious condition; m. (1) Cynthia Goodrich of ,v eathen5field, }Iass., in Apr. 1834. Shed. Jul. 4, 1835. l\Iay 29, 1S38 hem. (2) Electra E. dau. of Rufus and Camilla (Church) lVIa.rsh in l\iontague, M~., SEVEl\"TH GEXERATION. 145

where she was b. Nov. 29, 1S18; d. in Greenfield, Mass., Jul." 11, 1908. He d. Jul. 28, 1891.


1310 Lima Taylor Slate, b. May 14, 1839. 1311 Squires Slate, b. Nov. 29, 1841 in Amherst, :Mass.; member or the 4th Vt. Infantry in the Chi! war; v;ounded in battle; d. in, Nov. 5, 1862. 1312 Elli.I Camilla Slate, b. Aug. 21~ 1847.

7 6 816 Justin M. Slate (s .. Tirzah , Jonathan\ Hezeki3.h4, 2 .Edward3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Feb. 28, 1814 in Ber­ nardston, l\'.Iass. Lived on -the ·"·ell known Slate farm of. Bernardston; m. Lucinda S. Atherton, Nov. ·2S, 1844, b. Oct. 3, 1817, dau. of Horace and Rhoda (Cushman) Atherton of Bemar~ton; d. Sep. 7, 1889. He d. NoY# IO, 1901.


1313 Lyman Justin Slate, b. Nov. 2, 1846; m. Rosa \Vhitcome, she d. 1874; m. (2) Ros:il:md Bates, 1SS6. Address Hopedale, l\foss. 1314 Hc11drick Atherum Slate, b. l\1ch. 2, 1849; m. Eleanor Bixby,. 1887. Address Bernardston. 1315 Kendrick Timothy Slat.c, b. l\kh. 2, 1849. 1316 Frederick Allen Slate, b. l\1ay S, 1851; m. l\:Iaris. C:irter, 1S72 . .Address Greenfield, :\ 131i EmGcrtrodeSlate, b. Jan. 28, 1855; m. George \Y. Farnsworth. 1318 Rhoda Cushman Slate, b. Jul. 13, 1858.

826 Luke W.7 (s. Willin.m6, '\\'"'illiam'\ Hezekiah"', Edward3, John=\ Ralph1, Edward), b. Feb.26, 1796 in Templeton,l\liass.; m. Polly ,vnkinson, Dec. 23, 1824, in Templeton, lviass.; d. Jan. Ii, 1831. His "ill allowed Apr. 5, 1831. In this he mentions his ";do"· and both children. She was appointed guardian. She d. in 1840; her v.ill probated Oct. 22, 1840 both children mentioned. 146 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.


1319 Rebecca Walson, bnp. Nov. 2i, 1825. (Ch. Rec.) 1320 .Mary Ann, b. Dec. 16, 182i; m. Timothy Clark of Ncv.-ton, Mass.,. 1843.

1 3 827 Eli7 (s. William°, Willia.m \ Hezekiah\ Edward , John:\ Ralph1, Edward), b. Aug.19, 1797in Templeton, l\i!ass.; m. Mary Recd of Fitz"illfo.m, N. H., Nov. 13, 1824, dau. of Phineas and Elizabeth (Day) Reed, b ..Jul. 8, 1800 and d. in Ashfield, l\ He was a. t3.11Ilcr by occupation.


1321 John, b. JWl. 26, 1S26 in Templeton, Mass. 1322 George Elliot, b. Apr. 7, 1834 in W. Brookfield, ~Inss.; since 1855, Supt. of the Big Oak Fla.t R.R. to the Yosemite Valley. Bnnk director, etc., Address, Grovel.a.nd, Cal. 1323 Mary Reed, b. Nov. 11, 1835.

7 6 4 829 Nathan (s. Wtlliam , William'\ Hezekiah , Ed­ 2 ward3, John , Ra.lph1, Edward), b. Sep. 28, 1802 in Temple­ ton, Mass.; m. Sa.rah Andrews, dau. of Rev. Elisha and Wealthy (Lathrop) Andrews, b. Apr. 7, 1801 in Templeton, l\


1324 Ellen Rosella, b. l\'fay 13, 1835. 1325 Frank Lathrop, b.Jan.14, 1837. 1326 Andrews Thurston, b. Feb. 13, 1841. 1327 Watson Nathan. b. Jan. 13, 1843.

7 6 6 830 Catherine (dau. William. , William , Hezekiah", 2 Edward3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Jan. 9, 1800 in Temple­ ton, Mass.; m. Daniel ,vilkenson May 20, 1827; d. Jan. 1833. SEVENTH GENERATION. 147


1328 Leander Wilkenson. 1329 Edward Wilkenaon. 1330 John Wilkemon; m. Louise Guilford in 1857; lived in Ph.ilipston.

7 6 841 Asenath (dau. Asa. , Hezekiah'\ Hezekiah", Ed­ 2 ward3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Apr. 3, 1806 in Bernardston, Mass.; m. Cyrus Briggs of Brattleboro, Vt., Apr. 2, 1824, where they lived. He d. Oct. 15, 1863, age, 76 yrs., 4 mos., and 27 days. Shed. in 1900.


1331 .Martha A. Briggs, b. Apr. 8, 1S25; m. and lived in Keene, N. H. 1332 Asa A.Briggs, b. Apr. 8, 1827; d. Jun. 11, 1828. 1333 Samuel L. Briggs, b. May 23, 1829. 1334 SarahL. Briggs, b. Jul. 3, 1831; m. Miles Morton in N. Y. City; d. in \Vhntcly, 1875. 1335 HannahE.Briggs, b. Sep.12, 1833; d. Apr. 12, 1838. 1336 Henry E. Briggs, b. in. Montague, Jul. 11, 1836; unm.; d. 1871 in Bcrnnrdston. 1337 Charles, b. Aug. 28, 1839. 1338 Cyru1JBriggs, b. Aug. 5, 1841 in Whately, Mass. 1339 George N. Briggs, b. Dec. 23, 1843; unm.; d. in N. Y. City., 1861. 1340 Joseph Briggs, b. Jan. 6, 1846.

7 6 5 842 Joseph S. (s. Jose , Hezekiah , Hezekiah", Ed­ 2 ward3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Apr. 8, 1810 in Bernardston, Mass.; d. there Mch. 22, 1890. Cabinet maker and farmer. Mch. 9, 1861 m. Sybel, daughter of Benjamin A-liner of So. Vernon, Vt., by Lorenzo Brown. She was b. Aug. 14, 1831 in Lyden, ~lass.; d. in Bernardston, Feb. 7, 1885.


1341 Winfield Sect!, b. Jan. 2, 1866; d. 1890 in Bernardston. 1342 Clinton Miles, b. Apr. 27, 1869. 148 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

7 0 844 William A. (s. Jose , Hezekiah\ Hezekiah', Ed­ 2 ward,3 John , Ralph1, Edward), Avery ,villiam as he used to write his name was b. Jul. 8, 1814 in Bernardston, Mass. He was a highly respected farmer and ca.ttle dealer, a man of refined taste and gentlemanly manner so strict with his children they became impressed that it was as much of a sin to steal a pin as a dollar. He used to say ''pay to the cent, expect to the cent, and then if anything is left, give as judgment directs." He wn.s a close bot~nical scholar, able to name all kinds of vegetation. His father lost his entire property by signing a note for a friend, when Avery was eight years old. The fam­ ily saw quite a struggle, but l\'.Ir. Sprague being an excellent far­ mer, after improving a place for a year or so would sell it to some profit and lived on· no less than ten different farms before Avery became of age. Avery purchased with his older brother J oscph, the farm known as Sprague place in Bernards­ ton, lVIass. The pn.rtnership e,-."'tended for thirteen years and Lysauder bought out Joseph's interests. This partnership continued 35 years. Avery worked out by the month for fourteen years on big lumber and railroad construction jobs, then began lumbering and traded in working cattle. After working horses took place of oxen he lived a more quiet life, loaning his gains on real estate. At one time saved the col­ lapse of a bank by his shrewdness. In politics, liberal; in religion a. Universalist. His death occurred Oct. 8th, 1886, in Greenfield. m. Sophia Arms Newton, dau. of Obed and (.Allen) Ne,,-tonin Vernon, Vt., by LymanP. Bro"'~; b. Aug. 27,1835 in Shelburne, l\1:ass., d. Apr. 23, 1893.


1343 Susan Francllla, b ..May 21, 1862. 1344 Nellie Belle, b. Sep. 21, 1864:;d. Apr. 23, 1865. 1345 il[artha Abbie, b. Oct. 15, 1866 in Bernardston, l\; with shrewd n.nd conscientious business traits, broad religious :m.d political views she became a womn.n of grc!l.t ability :m.d influence. Con­ tributed the entire data of the descendants of Hezckin.b5 for the Ralph Spra(IUC Geneal-Ogy; a. very large branch, widely scnttered 4 4 - ·~ ~ ~~~<~ :·?~fZil.Qt;:~;r;,:~~ "tf-1r1•~~ • ~~ ~- • '! • t - .. ~-.\ ~-4, , · -, • .,__ ~ ~ iii,. -..., ,,. i ~!_,., t' ft..,_ .. ~~i<-1,e"".: V ~~ __.. {~ r. • ..... • ,. • ·, """~-".:!-:·. ,i~P . .• , , ~-_.~:~.::,)""~:;'~,.:v\.~- )'\.~;[':?Jft>.z- ~~:·::--:.~:_:..;~· .:<'.~~:;;'~~{{(::: .· ·}J}/:;-/:';.; i~l~Si " ...•, .. '~t;tzttf)" 1

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7 0 846 Lysander H. (s. Josc , Hezekiah:;, Hezekiah", 3 2 Edward , John , Rn.lph1, Edward), b. Jn.n. 19, 1818inBcrno.rds­ ton, where he always lived, following his trade as n carpenter and farmer; d. May. 8, 1895. m. Clorindiu. Looke of Vernon, Vt., Jul. 5, 1852, d. Dec. i, 1858, age 23 )Ts., 2 mos. and 11 days; m. (2) Nancy Streeter Rockwood of Vernon, Vt. She d. Feb. 12, 1890. He was honored by his to'\\'USmen with various town offices.

CmLDREN, 1347 AbbieEllen, b. Apr. 13, 1854; d. Jan. 2, 1861. 1348 JesaicStillman, b. Fcb.1855; d. Feb.1855. 1349 Mary Lurancy, b. Ma.y 29, 1856.

8 5 851 Hiram Towne' (s. Apphin. , Hezekiah , Hezekiah\ 2 Edward3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Aug. 6, 1810 in War­ wick, Mass.; m. Adeline l\Iorrill, Dec. 18, 183i in Morristown, Vt., who d. Dec. 27, 1892. Farn1cr, d. in l\Iosco,v, Vt., Jun. 23, 1877. CmLDREN.

1350 Emeline Tow,ie, b. Jun. 20, 1844; m. Alton 1loody; d. Jul. 2, 1911; ~ons, Spencer u.nd George hnve f amilics in Stowct Vt. 1351 Drclte Toumc, b. Jnn. 11, 1847; m. Howard Butts; d. 1908. Three sorIB, Harry t Leon n.nd Dwight. 1352 Jane, b. Nov. 14, 1849; d. Nov. 12, 1911; unm. 1353 Alice Towne, b. Jun. 7, 1853; m. \Villis Robinson; (2) \\"heeler. Lives in Ticondcro,za, N. Y. One child, Jennette \Vheeler; b ..Jun. 13. 1898. 150 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

7 6 6 852 (Sophronia) Towne (dau. Apphia ,Hezekiah , Heze­ 2 kiah", .Edward3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Jul. 7, 1812, in Stowe, Vt.; d. Mch. 21, 1885. m. Apr. 10, 1830, Solomon Robinson Stock·well at Stowe, Vt., where they lived. He was b. in Williamstown, Vt., Jul. 9, 1804 n.nd d. Apr. 23, 1882.


1354 Apphia T. Stockwell, b. Dec. 9, 1831; d. ~Ich. 1837. 1355 AndrewJ. Stockwell, b. Jul. 19, 1833; d. Aug. 23, 1882. 1356 Henry A. Stockwell, b. Jul. 15, l 835; d. Apr. 21, 1880. 135i Jerusha lV. Stockwell, b. Sep. 6, 1837; d. Oct. 3, 1865. 1358 Emory T. Stockwell, b. Jan. 0, 1840; d. ~lch. 21, 1856. 1350 Fraru:cs A.St-OckweU, b. Dec. 28, 1841; d.Ja.n. 1843. 1360 Elisha T. Stockwell, b. Sep. 11, 1843; m. Jean E. ~Iitchell 1869. Address, \Vildcr, Vt. 1361 Caroline C. Stockwell, b. Aug.17, 1845. 1362 Gertrude A. Stockwell, b. Nov. 2, 1847. 1363 GeorgeL.StockweU, b. Oct. 22, 1850. 1364 William M.Stockwell, b. Oct.17, 1853.

853 Arad Towne7 (s. Apphia°, Hezekiah6, Hezekiah", 1 Edward3, John=\ Ralph , Edward), b. Oct. 22, 1814, in Stowe, Vt.; m. Nov. 8, 1836 Acbsah Bowman in Stowe. Lived in Reedsburg, Sack Co., Wis., d. there Dec. 8, 1861. She d. in 1896, age 82.


1365 .4.ntiomtte Towne, b. Aui:i;. 19t 1837; d. Sep. 23, 1859. 1366 Emilie F. Towne. b. Nov. 2, 1840. 1367 EdmundB. Towne. b.Apr.11, 1843. 1368 Eva L. Towne, b. Nov. 1, 1845.

7 5 854 Jesse Towne (s. Apphia'1, Hezekiah , Hezekiah', 2 Edward3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Aug. 28, 1816, in Stowe, Vt.; m. Salome Seabury, Sep. 27, 1845; (2) Nancy Shaw, Apr. 14, 1850; (3) Malinda Alger Feb. 11, 1866. Was a shoe­ maker by trade, lived and d. in Stowe. Vt., Aug. 30, 1883. :\I AitTHA A. S l'JC.\.GCE. (Sec 1-18.)


CmLDREN• . 1369 Solon Rodney Towne, b. Dec. 20, 1846. 13i0 JeaBieLoui8e Towne, b. Mar.18, 1860; d. Dec.18, 1863.

7 6 1 855 Louise Towne (dau. Apphia. , Hezekiah\ Hezekiah', 2 Edward:', John , Rs.lph1, Edward), b. Jul. 5, 1819 in Stowe, Vt.; m. John Moody in 1838. He was a former, in Stowe, b. Feb. 28, 1816, d. Jan. 12, 1881; s. of Elihu and Rebecca Towne (Cady) Moody. Shed. Jun. 11, 1849.


1371 Jusie ilfoody, b. Dec. 12, 1839; d. Mcb. 1850. 1372 Addie J.loody, b. Sep. 2, 1841; m. E. Burnham; lived in Enfield, N. H., in 1865. . . 1373 Priscilla Moody, b. Jul. 27, 1843; m. A. Raymond or Stowe, 1864; d.1Si2. 1374 Nathaniel Moody, b.Nov.10, 1845. 1~75 Ermina Moody, b. Sep. 26, 1848; m. E. \V'ilkins, 1869. Address, Stowe, Vt.

856 Emory Towne7 (s. Apphia6, Hezekiah°, Hezekiah", 3 2 1 Edward , J ohn , Ralph , Edward), b. ~Iar. 11, 1822 in Stowe, Vt.; a carpenter and joiner by trade; d. in Waterbury, Dec. . ·29, 1891. m. at Stowe, Sep. 3, 1842, Sarah, dau. of Aaron and Sarah (Chase) Davis, b. in \Vest Topsham, Vt., in 1828; d. in ~Ioreto\\-n, Dec. 21, 1891.

1376 Henry B. Towne. b. in Stowe, Vt.

7 5 858 Phineas (s. PhineasG, Phineas , Phineas', Phineass, 2 John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Jan. 10, 1777 in Malden, Mass. ,v us n. shoe manufacturer and continued to make and carry bis .shoes from Malden to Boston until be d. at the age of 92. 152 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

He was a worthy citizen, highly esteemed and respected by all who knew him; m. Aug. 7, 1804, Sally Fuller of Leo­ minster, 1\-Iass. Shed. in l\iialden, Aug. 11, 1847, age 66 yrs. 1 mo. and 22 days.


1377 Elmira, b. Apr. 23, 1805. 1378 Henry, b.Jan.14, 1807. 1379 Sarah Ann, b. Nov. 17, 1809. 1380 Abeline, b. l\Ich. 9, 1812. 1381 Loise, b. Jul. 5, 1814; m. Anron Co?.·dry or So. Reading, Ma88,~ Dec. 28, 1845. 1382 Elizabeth, b. Mcb. 28, 1818; m. Timothy Wheeler of Stoneham, 1831.

7 6 5 864 Lydia (dau. Phineas , Phineas , Phineas\ Phineas\ 2 John , Ralph1, Edward), b. May 9, 1i93 in Malden; m. Samuel Poor of l\iialden, Apr. 6, 1817.


1383 Samuel Poor, b. Feb. 21, 1818.

866 Jobn7 (s. Dr. John°, Phineas'\ Phineas"', Phineas3,. 2 John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Nov. liSl in Malden, Mass.; m. Sally, dau. of Charles and l\.fary (Wait) Hill of Malden Nov. 17, 1805. She was b. Nov. 3, 1785. He was one of Maiden's most substantial, wealthy and honored citizens; occupation, merchant; treasurer of l\Ialden 18 years; held many offices of trust. In 1812 he published a brief history of the difficulties and trouble they were having in the Baptist church of which be was a member, about securing a minister. It was entitled "The History of Wars and Fightings Without Shedding of Blood in the Baptist Church in Malden." The history commences with the following original verses: SE"\"ENTH GENERATION. 153

My heart's desire is, and I'll proy The elder and t.hc deacon may Htwe all their wickedness forgiven, And ccnsc to sin, nod seek for Heaven.

And when their lives they do look over, And see they've sinn'd against Jehovnr 0, may they on their knees fall down, Confess to God, lest he should frown.

Now may the Lord, who dwells on high, Forgive their sins, and pnss them by, That through the Savior's love nnd merit They may eternal lire inherit.

It was :i. characteristic of this family to abound with wit, . humor and good nature. He d. Oct. 10, 1852.


1384 Sally, b. Dec. 20, 1807; m. Dr. Abraham Gould of Woburn, Mass.; Dec. 12, 1831. 138.5 John, b. Apr. 28, 1809; d. Oct.14, 1817. ·1386 Mary Crain. b. Apr. 2, 1813. 1387 AndrewJ~kson, b. l\-Ich. 2, 1815; d. Nov.·28, 1821. 1388 Susan Fowle, b. Dec. 29, 1818. 1389 Alrigail Nelson, b. Jnn. 22, 1820; m. Wm. B. Emerson; no children; d.Jnn.3,1S94. 1390 Phineas,b.Jan.23,1823. 1391 Charles Hill, b. Apr. 29, 1827.

7 5 867 Elizabeth (dau. Dr. Jobn6, Phineas , Phineas", 2 Phineas3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Oct. 5, 1784. m. Robert Foster of Chelmsford, Sep. 15, 1805. They occupied the Dr. John's house in 1807; keeping a tavern, which was demolished in 1857. Shed. Apr. 14, 1816.


1392 Robert Foster, b. Sep. 15. 1808; d. Sep. 15, 1808. 1393 Mary Foster, b. Sep. 8, 1809. 154 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GE!\'EALOGY.

1394 Emelia.Foster, b. Aug. i, 1813; d. in infancy. 1395 Emelia.Foster, b. Aug. 0, 1814.

7 5 1 868 PeterT. (s. Dr.Jobn°, Phineas , Phineas", Phineai , 2 John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Jun. 30, 1792 in Malden, Mass.; d. Jan. 13, 1879 in Greenfield, l\'Iass. m. Apr. 30, 1828 in Malden, Marin. Theresa Hussy, dau. of Joseph. She was b. Jul. 29, 1800 in Boston and d. in Greenfield, Nov. 15, 1878. Being apprenticed out to a shoemaker when only nine years old he bad but very little schooling but he was a great reader and became a well informed man, often quoting Goethe, Schiller and other authors. He had good mathematical ability and in the latter part of his life devoted much time to th·e subject of perpetual motion. In early· life was a 1\1:ethodist but later became a member of the First Unitarian Society. He was very peculiar in his manners but. a very generous hearted man, and it was his custom for years to leave with the grocer a sum of money to be given as he should see fit to the deserving poor. Went to Greenfield, l\:Iass., in 1815 and in his old age erected a fountain on the common at considerable expense as a gift to the town. ,vas the author of many quaint and origins.I sayings. One remark which he used so frequently that it be­ came a b:yv.-ord was "'Vell, there's a thousand things to every thing, and you can't always tell." Was a man of money and had enough to accommodate the many who in those days were looking for small loans. ,vhen a man came in whom he did not want to accommodate and yet did not want to turn away, (one of his pockets he called "the world") he would slap that pocket with his hand and say, "I'd be glad to accommodate you but there's not a dollar in this world that I can lay my hands on." In walking he carried his head drooping dmYn on one side looking at the ground. Someone one day said to him "l\.Ir. Sprague, why do you always hang your head down when you walk'?" He answered speaking slowly and delib­ erately, "Did you ever go through a field of wheat"?" "Yes." "Well, when you went through the field you noticed that some, P1-:TJ-:R THACHEU SPJtAG CE, 1702.

------Si,~vEN'rH GENERATION. 155 of the heads hung down nnd some stood straight up. ,v ell those that hung down hnd something in them." He mailed a letter to his son who was living in Hartford, Ct., addressed ns follows: " send this letter to one or the Sprngucs ,Vbcrc they mo.kc blue o.nd wooden nutmegs \Vhcrc 11 barrel or beer ww. whipped on l\ilonday Because its contents worked on Sundn.y. 1£ thcr<''ti anything more you wish to know To Hartford, Conn., just let it go. And when it ,zcts there they'll nil know His office 7 Central Row." Francis M. Thompson in his History of Greenfield, Mass., published in 1904, refers to Peter Sprague as "that senten­ , tious philosopher."

1396 Joseph Hussey. b. ~lch. 8, 1820. 1397 Helen M .• b. Jnn. 1, 1831. 1308 Sarah Gould, b. Nov. 23, 1832; d. l\Ich. 17, 1835. 1399 Sarah Gould, b. Oct. 5, 1835. 1400 ~Uary lV., b. Jan. 26, 1839; m. \Villirun A. Smith. 1401 Caroline Louuc, b. Jan. 20, 1842; m. Eben B. Parsons.

884 Jonathan7 (s. lonathan'\ Phineas\ Phineas'\ Pbin­ eo.s3, John2, Ralph1, Edward), b. l\Ich. 16, li84 in l\ialden,

i\1D.8s.; m. Hannah Barrett, Jul. 91 1805. She d. Sep. 28, 1811; m. (2) Susan Greeley in Boston, l\Iass., J u.n. 28, 1813; she d. l\tlch. 29, 186i. He lived at St. Johnsbury, Vt., ,vhen a young man and frequently visited there in later years. In his declining years he lived in Peterboro, N. H., and Cambridge­ port, l\iias~. and delighted in telling his grandchildren his ex­ periences in Vermont with the \\ild animals, especially about shooting a. bear which was trying to get into his pig pen one dark night. In 1860 inherited some of the old estate of 1 Ralph , which had come down to him in direct line. He d. Mch. 29, 1867 in Cambridgeport a.nd buried in Stoneham, Mass. 150 Tiu; RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

CmLDREN. 1402 Rebecca, b. 1806. 1403 Eliza, b. Sep. 27, 1811. 1404 Ltu:irula, m. La.mson. 1405 John, b. Feb. 8, 1810. 1406 Daniel Lynde, b. Dec. 30, 1818. 1407 Nanei1t m. ChM. Richn.rdt10n; reMidcd in Amherst, N. H. where shed. -; one son, Ed. ,v<:'nt to Cn.l. n.nd d. there. 1408 S1uart, d. unm. 1400 Dnup;htcr,. d. in infancy.

6 3 887 Samuel7 (s. Jona.than 6, Phinca.s , Phineas', Phinen.s , 2 John , Ralph', Edward), b. Feb. 5, 1793 in Malden, Mass., intentions of marriage published Mch. 14, HUS; m. l\'Ich. 29; 7 1818 to Charlotte Green , No. 014, his 3d cousin, dau. of Phineas Jr., and Hitty Green; she was b. Feb. 8, li99. He enlisted in 1812; lived in Stoneham and No. Malden, Mass.


1410 Charlotte. b. !\'lay 10; 1810. 1411 Susan Ann, b, l\lch. 3, 1823; m. Gilbert \Vnldl'on; bud ones. Ernest Gilbert; d. 1888. 1412 Gcoroe Pickeririg, b. Jtan. 27, 1820. Shoemaker or Stoneham, Mass. The last four or his lif c liv~ in )rcwport, N. H., where he d. of cerebral hcmorrh~e, l\Ich. 11, 1907; m. Harriet Newhall. No children. 1413 Jfary, b. Oct. 2, 1830; d. Sep. 20, 1832. 1414 .\!ary Y., b. :\lay 13, 183-1; m. Chas. I-I. Uphwn; hu.d 4 children. 1415 Samuel, b. Jun.19, 1835.

892 Nancy Lynde7 (dau. Mary'\ Phineas'\ Phineas\ 2 Phlneas3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Mar. 23, li86; m. Peter, s. of Joseph Barrett Jr., Jan. 5, 1806. He was b. in · Charlesto'\\"ll, Mass. Children all b. in·Charlestown, Mass.


1416 Louure Barrd.t., b. Nov. 19, 1813; d. in childhood. 141i Sman Barrett, m. l\lr. Raymond or ~1elrosc. SEVENTH GENERATION. 157

1418 Jo11cpl&BarrcU, m. SW"nh--ol Stonchrun. 1419 Aui&uatua Barrett, b. Aug, llt 1823. ·

7 3 905 Ruth (dau. Cotton\ Phineas\ Phineas', Phincas , 2 1 John ; Ralph , Edward), b. in Malden, Mass. Mch. 10, 1800; d. Nov. 27, 1832. m. l\'Iay 14, 1819 An.ron Vinton, s. of Ezra and Sarah (Green) Vinton; b. in Stoneham, Mass., Jul. 30, 1798. See No. 1410.


1420 Mary Vinton, b. Apr. 15, 1823; m. - Rn.msdcll. 1421 Aaron Vinton, b. Sep. 1, 1826; m. Abby Belknap in 1855. · 1422 GeorgcGray:Vinlon, b. Apr.14, 1829; m. Jsa.bel Leeds in 1850.

908 Mary A.7 (dau. Cotton\ Phineas\ Phineas\ Phin­ eas3, John2, Ralph\ Edward), b. Apr. 14, 1809; m. Geo. W. Barrett, Dec. 29, 1825. He was hap. in the Stoneham Church, Nov. 11, 1798. Lived in Malden, Mass.


1423 Jfary Barrell, b. Dec. 30, 1826. 1424 Jame8 Barrett, b. l\Ich.16, 1829; m. Stephen Phinney of Charlestown, Apr. 10, 1848. 1425 Fanny Ann Barrett, b. ~Ich. 31, 1831. 1426 SarahBarrett, b. Dec. 10, 1834. 1427 JonathanBarrett, b. Jan. 10, 1837. 1428 DavidBarrett, b. Dcc.14, 1838.

917 Lowell Green7 (s. Phineas Green1S, Phineas Green\ 2 1 Lois", Phineas3, John , Ralph , Edward), b. Apr. 9, 1808 in Reading, Mass.; lived and d. in Melrose. m. Parmelia, dau. of William and Nancy Scarlett of Tewksbury. She was b. ~Jay 27, 1807; d. in her40th year. 158 Tim ltALl 11t 81 1uAnu1~ G1cN1eAt.,onv.


1420 Lmt•rtl Grrrm, b. Oct, ,1, 1831; m. J~llcn Cl«!Cton, 1430 JolmL.Grccn, b, 1834; m. Cu.roHno Clr.Cton. 1431 Sll11utdGrccn, c.l, in Rending, 1432 Arubelht A. Green, b. Jul. 27, 18.17. Sec 1452. 143a Clwrlnltc A.Green, b, 18-lOj m. Aiu-on lindley, 1434 Jumt, AlunrtHJ Grun, cl, ut Old Point Comfort, Vo.., Sep, 6, 1803 in tJw U.S.A.

7 922 Joseph G. (~. Ebenezer\ Ebenezer\ H.icha.rd', Samuel\ So.mucPt, Ru.lph 1, Eclwnrd), h. Apr. 20, 1787 in Dan­ vcrti, l\lal"M, i bo.p. Aug. 24, 1788 by the Rev. Mr. Hoyt in Salem; m. Prii;cilln. Gould of Bradford o.t Salem, Nov. 13, 1823. They lived in Danvers, Essex Co.,


1435 CarolineAu,:tusta, b. Nov. 10, 1828.

925 Joseph E. 1 (s. Sarah ,v.", .Joseph\ Richo.rd",Samucl3, 2 1 Samuel , Rnlph , Edward), b. Sep. 9, 1782; s. of Sarah \V. and Dr. William Stearns of Salem, Mass. He later assumed the name of Sprague by the Legislative enactment in 1800 by request of his grandfather Joseph; m. Aug. 31, 1808, Eliza, dau. of Hon. of Haverhill. She d. Apr. 16, 1817; m. (2), l\Iay 13, 1819, Sarah Leonard Bartlett, sister of his first ";fc. Studied law with Hon. \Villiam Prescott, of Salem. After practicing la.w a. ~hort time, he an ardent politician of the Democratic party, but was more devo­ ted to aid othc>r aspirin~ politicians than to the seeking of offic-e for himself. He was an intimate friend of Judge Story; u. friend and corre~pondent of J. Q. Adams, and for a long time a. very influential leader of the Democratic party of that state i his political \\Titings were numerous. He was U. S. Deputy l\1arshall under Mr. Jefferson; Postmaster of Salem from 1815 to 1829; Representative three years in the ------SJCVJCNTJt GJ~NEUA'l'ION. loO L(l~iHlu.turc; n Sena.tor; member of tho Govcrnor'ij Council. In 1811, he waM appointed clerk or tht! EHMcx County Court by Governor Gerry. In 1830 he HUccccdcd biH fn,thcr­ in-lu.w, lion. Bailey Bu.rtk1tt, UH Iiigh Sheriff of EtiijCX County, nnd held the office until November, 1851; d. Feb. 22, 1852.


1430 1Villim11 1/arriB, b. ~foy 0, 1800; d. Au~. 30, 1812. 1437 Eli:aBarlldt, b, Oct. 1, 1810; m. Sep. O, l83u to Dr. Mnltby Strong, who wu.N b. Nov. 24, 1707; in Rochl'Nt<-r, N. Y. \Vit.hout i88uc. 1438 lVilliam 1/arri.lf, b. Apr. 24, 1813; cl. Aug. 14, 1813. 1430 Edwin LeBnrrnn, b. at Sulcm, Jul. 21, 1814; burnt to cll'uth by the curelcKHnl'~H of his nU1'8<', I•~cb. 13, 1810. 1440 WillimnEdwin, b. nnd cl. Fl'b. 12, 1817. 1441 Harriet Leonard, b. Nov. 23, 182!?;ofSnlC'm . . 1442 lVilli

939 Edward Bucknam' (s. Ebenezer Bucknam°, Ed­ 2 1 ward Bucknam'\ Rebecca", Samuel\ Samucl , Ralph , Edward), b. Aug. 4, 1 i89 in Stoneham, l\!Iass.; m. Sarah ,villcy of Ipswich, N. H. His occupation was chiefly Civil Engineer, laying out ~trcets in Boston and Stoneham; surveyed the Boston and Lowell R.R., etc. Soldier of 1812.

144.5 Edwin Bucknam, b. Oct. 4, 1812; m. Lucy :\lurdough. 1446 lVmTenBucknam, b. !\lch. 12, 181.-,; d. Nov. 18, 1h25. 1447 Dext,.:r Bucknam, b. Jnn. 3, 1817; m. Eliza Shen; (2) Emma .Ma.rtuin. 1448 Charles Bud.-,wm, b. l\.lch. :.?8, 1819; m. Ellen Page; (2) ~fo.ry Lucas. 1440 AlbertBucknam, b. Jun. 26, 1821; d. Dec. G, 1840. 1450 lVarrenlJuc:krwm, b. :;C'p. I:?, 18:?S; d. Oct. 9, 1830. 1451 OtisBurkrwm, b. Ju.n. 31, 1824; m. Susan Jones. 1452 Sumner W. Bucknam, b. Jan. S, 1833.

7 3 948 Darius (s. Jonathan6, John\ John", Samuel , Sam­ uel2, Ralph1, Edward), b. in Bennington, Vt. in 1784; m .. 160 TuJC RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

Celia Danly in 1808 at Holly, N. Y., do.u. of Jo.mes and 1-Iarty {Balluc) Du.nly, b. at Chester, N. Y. and d. in 1840 in Holly, N. Y. With his brothcrK in the spring of 1810 took up land one mile N. ,v. of Holly, N. Y. The following spring took their familic~, but returned to Vt. during the war of 1812. ,Vhilc rcturninp: to hiM lu.nd nt the close of the war with hi~ wife and child in his ox curt, he was offered 100 acrc8 of land which is now occupied by the city or Rochester, N. Y. for his ca.rt n.nd oxen. He d. at Holly, Mch. 6, 1868.


1453 Phoebe, b. 1816; m. Cyrue Kipp, 1836; d.1838, 1454 Jonathan, b. 1818; a ln.wycr by profcssion; d. Farmington, la. in 1842; unm. 1455 Danly Darius, b. Dec. 23, 1820. 1456 Celia, b.1822; m. Alonzo Recd, 1844; d. lstiS.

7 6 949 Monis (s. Jonathan'\ John , John4, Snmuel3, Sam­ uel2, Rn.lph1, Edward), b. Dec. 10, 1786 in Bennington, Vt.; m. Jerusba Thatcher, who d. Apr. 16, 1821, age at; m. (2) Dfo.dcna Day, who d. May 11, 1828, age 36; m. (3) Harriet Fletcher ""ho d. Apr. 19, 1831, age 40; m. (4) Polly Dorance who d. Oct. 22, 1866, age 72. He wu.s a farmer living in Mur­ ray, Orleans Co. N. Y.; d. there Oct. 22, 1844.


1457 Laura, b. Feb. 19, 181G; m. John Duff; (2) Joseph CW"lton. 1458 Eliza, b. Jan. 23, 1S19; m. :\lcGuirc; (2) Henry Davis; (3) Geo. Schudd. 1459 Charles. b. :\Ich. 30, 1822. 1460 Elisha, b. Aug.11, 182.5. 1461 Morris T .• b. Nov. 21, 1829. 14G2 Jlarrut, b. Apr. 1, 1831; m. Ambroi:1c Ripson. 1463 Polly, b. Apr. 19, IS.12; m. Knowles; (2) J. :\Iatchcn. Address, Clarkesville\ I a. 14H4 Rebekah, b.Jul. 11, ts.·H;d. Sep. 10, 185.1. 161

7 6 1 951 Thomas (t1. Jonatho.n", John , John", Samuel , 2 So.mucl , Ralph1, Edward), b. 1790 in Bennington, Vt. Lived in Murray, N. Y.


1405 Robinaon, hnd e. Frnnk, who livL-d in Brockport, N. Y.; Dn.nicl, Ernest and Edwin who lived in Rcndaburg, Wi!!I, 1406 lVillmarth, lived in Rcadsburg, Wis. 1467 Allen, lived in Iowa; one s.

7 2 955 James (s. Isaacfl, John'\ John4, Samuel\ Samuel , 1 Ralph , Edward), b. in Winhall, Vt. in 1790; m. and had one son. Sec data. furnished by Mrs. Isaac Sprague of E. North­ field, Mass i?l the Appendix.


1468 Daniel 11., b. in 1812.

7 2 957 Ezra (s.'S, John·\ John", Samuel3, Samuel , Ralph1, Edward), b. in 1800 in Winhall, Vt.; graduated at a Methodist Theological Seminary; was locn.ted at one time o.t N. Adams, 1viass., nlso So.nd Lake, N; Y. He served through the Civil War though over 60 years old. His wife, Phoebe, d. Jul. 15, 1838, o.gc 30.


146~ Cliarles Ezra. Until recently president of the Union Dime Savings Bmk, 54 \V. 32d Street, N. Y.

7 5 961 William B. (s. So.muel6, Da.n.iel , John4, Samuel3, 2 Samuel , Ralph1, Edward), b. in South Killingly, Ct. in li97 a. carpenter by trade; iived in Scotland, ,vtndham Co., Ct. By first wife, Hannah (Fuller), had two sons and a da.u., who grew to mn.turo ycnrt.1; by second wife, Joanna. (liutcbim), ono tt,


1470 llannah ftl., bn.p, Jun, 1, 1823. 1471 Ebem:er Sltven11, bnp, Jun. 1, 1823, 1472 lVilliamFu.ller, hnp, Jun, 25, 1820. 1473 Samuel Bordon, b. Oct, 16, 1823; bn.p. Aug. 1, 1R2•l. 1474 Jame, lV., b.1820. 147l'J Pennell JI,, b.1832.

7 3 966 James L. (~. Jo.mes \V/', Do.nicl6, John', So.mucl , 2 1 So.mucl , Ralph , Edwnrd), b. Jul. 4, 1812 in Hampton, Ct.; Mch. 28, 1838, at ~1:o.ncbeMtcr, Ct., m. Julietta D. White, a dc~cendo.nt 0£ Peregrine ,Vhitc, the first child b. to the Pil­ grims at Plymouth. She was b. at Bolton, Ct., May 21, 1814, and d. Apr. 6, 18i2 at Colchester, Ct. He wo.s a. blacksmith in Colchester; industrious, unpretentious, and respected citizen; d. Apr. 10, 1882. CmLo.

1476 Daniel Henry, b. Jun. 8, 1840.

7 976 Elisha R. (s. Elisha L.6, Daniel6, John', Samuel3,. 2 Samuel , Ralph', Edward), b. Feb. 14, 1817 in So. Killingly, Ct.; bapt. Jul. 30, 1820; m. Aleda Cherbonnier of Baltimore, Md.; Lawyer; d. in Guayaquil, Ecquador, Jul. 22, 186i.


1477 Elisha Cherbonnier, b. Sep. 10, 1847; d. 1908 in St. Louis, l\1o. 14i8 Emile Serven;, b. l!ch. 7, 1854; living in Baltimore, :\Id.

1 6 977 Samuel S. (s. Elisha L. , Danief\ John', Samuel\ 2 1 Samuel , Ralph , Edward), b. Jul. 5, 1819 in So. Killingly,. 103

Windham Co., Ct.; m. EHtlwr Picrcf!, dau. or Simon a.nd Lydia. HutchinH of l{illinµ:ly; d. Jun. 20, 1sor,. m. (2) Adeline M., do.u. or Dcncon LuciuH F. o.n


1479 Charles Hutchins, b. Oct. 10, 1844. 1480 1/enry Shepard, b. Dec, G, 1847; m. JC88ic S. Angu1rnr Hnrt!ord, Ct., Mch. 0, 1001. No children. Address, 100 Prospect St., Provi­ dcncc, R. l. 1481 Frank Ellsha, b. Nov. 5, 1850. 1482 Alida Esther, b. Nov. 28, 18.50.

11 3 979 Daniel J.7 (s. Daniel G. , Daniel'', John\ Snmuel , 2 Samuel , Ralph 1, Edward), b. l\'Ich. 11, 1831 in Hampton, Conn.; m. Oct. 30, 1861 at Peekskill, N. Y., Laura \V., dau. of George and Caroline (Pratt) Dayton. She d. in N. Y. City Oct. 9, 1887, age 51. He conducted a commercial agency. His death occurred in N. Y. ,City, Jan. 20, 1888. Children all born in Orange, N. J.

1483 Anna Louise, b. Aug. 23, 18G2; m. Geo. Simonson; d. in 1900 in l\Inplcwood, X. J. 1484 George Dayton, b. Jnn. 9, 1804. 1485 Laura Dayton, b. Sep. 11, 1867 1480 Fra11k Wood, b. Oct. 19, lSil; d. in inftmcy.

7 6 983 Edward P. (s. Daniel G ., Daniel\ John4, Samuel\ 2 Samuel , Ralph1, Edward), b. Oct. 18, 1843 in Westchester, Conn. Graduated nM vu.lcdictorinn or his clMll at the N. Y. UnivcrMity in 186•!, ho.ving tu.ken during his courMe the Sophomore Greek prize u.nd delivered one or the Junior ora­ tionl4; wru1 clcct~d to the Phi Beta Knppn Society a.nd joined the Zctn P~i fra.tcrntty; ~radua.tcd from Andover Theological Seminary in 1867, and the followinp; year wus ordained by the Troy PrcHbytcry. On Apr. 28 or the year wo.s im~ta.llcd pt\Stor of the Fir~t PrcMbytcriu.n Church, Sa.lcm, \VMhington County, N. Y. On this occn.sion, hiH father, the Rev. Da.nicl Green Spra.gue of South Orange, N. J., who n.ftcnvnrdH came to rc~idc a.t Sn.lem, delivered the charge to the pastor; m. Jun. 10, 1868 Saru.h Frances Dering, dau. of Henry Sylvester Derinp;, M. D., of Sctauket, L. I. On her mother'ti side, l\:lrs. Sprague :wo.s descended from Col. \Villiam Smith (known as Tangier Smith) of St. George's Manor, L. I.; on her father's side, from Henry Dering of Boston and Nathaniel Sylvester of Sylvester Mu.nor, Shelter bland. After a faithful and suc­ cessful pastorate of thirteen years n.t Salem, Dr. Sprague accepted a call from the First Presbyterian Church, l\:Icn.d­ ville, Pa. Here he became a member of scvern.l societies and \\'Tote many articles and lectures. One of the latter, ''Ten English Bibles," was delivered before college and seminary audiences; was often called upon for popular addresses and was a contributor to religious publicatioru;. \Vhile in Mead­ ville, Allegheny College conferred upon him the degree of Ph. D., and his Alma l\Iatcr, the honorary degree of S. T. D. In No\·. 1887, Dr. Sprague was called to the pastorate of the Second Presbyterian Church, Auburn, New York. Here his love of study and :;cholar~hip found a ready field in his connection with Auburn Theological Seminary and he served as president of it's board of commissioners. Conjointly with the honored Professor Ransom B. \Velch of the Scmiu.ary, he formulated a brief creed based on the Shorter Catechism and retaining mainly the phraseology of the present standards. It was an admirable piece of work, and it deserved and received much attention in many quarters. He also wrote an exposition

------SEVENTH CENEHA1'ION, 165 of the book of Roman~ which Wn.H both intellectually and spirituo.lly profitable. He WM thorough in hi11 professional studies, but WIUI not confined to these. Papers reo.d by him show an cxo.ctncsM of knowledge and. the ho.bit of original re­ search, n. mn.n or deep erudition and sound practical common sense in hiH ncccptnnce or many points of later science and criticism. Was stated clerk of Cayuga Presbytery four years and four times honored by being chosen o.s a com­ mi~sioncr to General Assembly. Dr. Sprague was eminent as a Ma.son. Holding the office of high priest or Federal Chapter, by his thorough knowledge of the craft and history and his devotion to it's lofty principles, he was known and esteemed in Masonic circles, throughout the state and nation. In Jul. 1895 at the earnest solicito.tion of old friends and parishioners, he returned to Salem to renew his pastorate in the church of his early ministry. Here, he d. Jan.. 7, 1902, honored, revered and loved.


1487 Ve.ta Dering, b. Nov. 21, 1870; graduate at ,veils College in the A. B. course. AddrCBS, Salem, N. Y. 1488 Edward Dering, b. Jul. 24, 1874; d. in infancy. 1489 Laura. Woodford, b. Sep. 29, 1875; d. in infancy. 1490 Deri:ng Jay, b. Oct. 22, 1877; graduate of Williams College in the . A. B. course in 1900; took graduate courses at the M &88. School 0£ Tech. and the N. Y. University with B. S. in 1905. Address, Salem, N. Y.

7 3 990 James (s. James6, Joseph\ Edward", William , 1 Phineasi, Ralph , Edward), b. Dec. 9, 1784 in Pelham, N. H.; m. Polly Bailey, Aug. 15, 1811. Settled on a farm 8 miles East of Springfield, 0. in 1812, where he d. Jul. 10, 1844.


1491 Curnelius, b. Mch. 31, 1812; d. in infancy.

1492 Fanny,b.Jan.231 1813. 100 'fmc HALPII ~1-'UAOUre GtCNIMLOOY,

1493 Leonard B,, b, Apr, 10, 1814, 1494 Darlu1, b, Mah, 31, 1810, 1-103 Onia,a, b, Efop. 4, 1818; d, Sop. 8, 1830. 1496 Jamn Balley, b. Jun, lll, 1821. 1407 Pt1ria, b. Dec, 21, 1823; d, Nov. 21, 18•i7. 1498 Sophial,, b. Feb. 10, 1828;d. Nov. 21, 1847. 1499 Polly, b, Aug, 17, 1830. 1500 Mariah, b, Jun, 22, 1834.

992 Danlel7 (M, Jumcti°, JoMcphl), Edward', William•, 2 1 Phinea.s , Ralph , Edward), b. Jan. 20, 1780 in l\1cthuen, Mass,; m. Dorothy (Bayle'ti Prov. Co. R. I. Il-662. Scituate). He lived in Bauston, Que. Ca.

CWLDREN, 1501 Henry D., b.1832, 1502 Son, resided in Conticook, Que.

7 1 993 Darius (s. James'\ Joseph!), Edward', \Villiam , 2 1 Phinen.s , Ralph , Edward), b, Jul. 28, 1791 in Methuen, Mass.; m. Dec. 22, 1817 in Stansted, Vt., Sally \Vorrall, a da.u. of John ,vorrall of Haverhill, N. H., b. May 22, 1800; d. in London, Madison Co., 0., Sep. 17, 1872. He d. in l\Iethucn, Ivlass., Sep. 24, 1858.


1503 Emily, m. Garner McIntire. 1504 Charla, d. at ,v. Jefferson, Mndison Co., 0., leaving several children. 1505 Benjamin. 1506 Sarah, m. Spicer Smith. 1507 Darius Worrall. b. Nov. 11, 1833.

7 3 994 Josiah (s. James6, Joseph·\ Edward', ,vmiam , Phineas2,Ra.lph1, Edward), b. Apr. 27, 1794inMethuen, Mass., settled first in Northern 0., then moved to Illinois, where his three children were born. SmvmNTH GJCNJCRATION. 107

CwLDJUCN'. lo08 Alamand, b •.....•••• 1600 Jame,, b ••• , •.•••• 1610 Daugla~r, b, .•. , ....•

Eighth Generation

8 7 6 1007 Franklin Rhodes (s. Ann D , Joseph\ Benjamin , 3 2 1 Stowcr",John ,John , Ro.lph , Edwo.rd), b. Apr. 26, 1831 in Bos-, ton, Mass.; m. Agnes Auchincloss, Jul. 6, 1858 in Peekskill, N. Y. She was b. Oct. 8, 1827, dau. of J n.mcs and Anna Stewart {Shaw) Auchincloss and sit;tcr of Anna, whom. E. D. Sprague, Franklin's uncle. He was a merchant in N. Y.; d. in Stam­ ford, Conn., Sep. 12, 1880.


1511 Annie Rhodea, b. Nov. 7, 1859. .Address, ~02 W. 74th St., N. Y. 1512 Benjamin Newton Rhodes, b. Jan. 3, 1863.

8 7 6 5 1009 Edward A. (s. Edwn.rd D. , Joscph , Benjamin , 2 Stower", John3, John , Rn.lpb1, Edward), b. l\Ich. 14, 1847 in N. Y. City; m. Jun. 10, 1868, Almira. ,v., dau. of Jacob S. and Sarah J. (\Veeks) Ode11, b. l\ilch. 21, 1849 at Peekskill, N. Y., and d. Sep. 1902. He was a broker, residing in Peeks­ kill, N. Y. in 1890.


1513 Sarah Sheldon, b. Jun. 26, 1869; m. Louis Larbndic; d. Dec. 23, 1896. 1514 Alire, b. Sep. 9, 1870; d. Apr. 8, 1906. 1515 Edv:ard Dow.1e, b. Oct. 15, 1871; d. Jul. 13, 1872. 1516 JuliaAugiuta, b. Ma.y 13, 1873. 1517 Lirthur William, b. Dcc.19, 1S77.

8 7 6 6 1012 Alice (dau. Edward D. , Joseph , Benjamin , Stower\ John3, John::, Ralph\ Edward), b. in N. Y. City,


Oct. 29, 1852; m. Oct. 29, 1873, Frederick ·Pentz Voorhees, s .. of David D. and Francis (Attaire) Voorhees. He ws.s for a time engaged in the cattle business in Cheyenne, Wyoming; d. Mcb. 20, 1902. Address 235 W. i6th St., N. Y.

1518 Frederick Poitz Voorhees, b. Sep. 27, 1874; d. Apr. 13, 1911. 1519 Anna Sprague 'Voorhees, b. Oct. 17, 1S76; m. J. A. \Ycbster, Dec. 6, 1900.

8 1 5 1013 IrvinA. (s.EdwardD. ,Joscph\ , Stower", 3 John , John::i, Ralph\ Edward), b. Jan. 13, 1855 in N. Y. City; graduated from Columbi3. College, 1876; m. Oct. 12, 1886 in Grace Church, Brooklyn Heights, N. Y., Julia J., da.u. of Carl Otto C. and l\1ary Louise (Holt) Miiller of Brooklyn, N. Y. She was b. Aug. 14, 1859. l\iir. Sprague is a coffee broker. Address, No. 210 W. 57th St., N. Y.

1520 Carl Otto 2\-fuller, b. Dec. 19, 1887 in Brooklyn, N. Y.;gradua.te from Princeton University, '09. 1521 Henry LeGrand, b. Aug. 26, 1893; d. Jun. S, 1S96. 1522 lnin Auchincloss, Jr., b. Sep. 11, 1S97 in Brooklyn.

8 7 6 1014 Anna L. (dau. Edward D. , Joseph , Benjamin'\ 2 Stower\ John3, John , Ralph\ Edward), b. Jan. 24, 18.58 in N. Y. City; m. \Villiam Sturgis, Feb. 28, 1888 in N. Y. He was b. Dec. 2, 1842 in N. Y. City; engaged in cattle raising for some time in Cheyenne, ,Yyo. Address, 254 W. 74th St., N. Y.

1523 Henry Sprague Sturgis, b. lfoh. 1, 1892 1524 WilliamSturgis, b. :Mch. 14,.1S93. 1525 AnnaLouiseSturgis, b. Oct. 22, 1S94. EIGHTH GE?<."ERATION. 171

1526 Edytlu:Stwr,ia, b. Jan. 27, 189i; d. Jan.17, 1901. 1527 Elizabeth H.Sturgu, b.Jun.19, 1907.

8 7 3 1020 George H. (s. Aso. , Stephen\ Benjamin , Stower', 3 2 John , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Lanesborough, Mass., Jun. 14, 1834; d. Dec. 20, 1887 in Boston. Lived in Hayden­ ville iind Easthampton, m. Julia Am1. Munyan, May 29, 1855, who was b. in Northampton, Apr. 11, 1834, and d. in Somerville, Mass., Dec. 11, 1893.


1528 George Asa, b. Jul. 12, 1859; m. 1894, Alice C. Smith or Boston. 1529 Annie Maria, b. Nov. 22, 186l;d. Dec.11, 1864:. 1530 Cluul.Stephen, b. Aug.12, 1866. 1531 WilliamEmory, b. Jan. 22, 1871; d. Dec. 9, 1876.

8 5 1021 EleanorJ. (dau. Asa', Stephen°, Benjamin , Stower', 2 John3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Dec. 6, 1836 in Lenox, Mass.; m. John Mayher, s. of John o.nd Bridget Mayher of Easthampton, l\tiass., at Haydenville, Mass. in 1855. He was b. in Albany, N. Y., Sep. 1831 and d. Oct. 5, 1901. Shed. Dec. 8, 1908

1532 Elizabeth Mayher, b. May 1856. 1533 El.eanor Jfayher, b ...... ; unm. Address, Easthampton, Mase. 1534 Mary Sprague Mayher. b. Sep. 21, 1868. 1535 Philip Mayher. b. at Easthampton.

8 7 6 5 1023 Ezra (s. Ezra S. , Stepben , Benjamin , Stower', 3 2 John , Jobn , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Portland, l\t!e., Feb. 2, 1839. Served 4 years in the Civil War with rank of Capt. of the 20th Regt. Conn., Vols.; resided in 1908 in New Britain, Conn., No. 84 Greenwood St.; his only child being dead, he 172 Tu.E RALPH SPRAGUE GE.'\""EALOGY.

wrote that as far as he knew he was the only survivor of his branch of the family.

1536 Roscoe, b J.

0 1026 Samuel8 (s. Jonathan·, Jolw. , Jobni\ Joseph", 3 2 Jonathan , John , Ralpii1, Edward), b. in Stoughton, ::\fass., 1811; a carpenter by occupation; m. l\!ary Kingsbury of Dedham, Mass., Apr. 25, 1833. She d. Jun. 18, 1853, age 41 years and 8 mos.


1537 Samuel ..lf••• _:_ Jn:n. 6, 1841; age 1 ye::i.r and 7 mos. 1538 Benjamin,i'., b. Sep. 3, 1843.

1029 Jonathan T.8 (s. Lawrencc7,John°,John'\Joseph4, 3 2 Jonathan , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Newburyport, Mass., Jul. 3, 1810. - Had several children.

1539 Sarah. b. 1856.

1034 Horatio J. 8 (s. Horatio', John°, Johns, Joseph", 3 2 Jonathan , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Aug. 12, 1823 in Gibraltar, Spain; m. Sep. 16, 1854 in Gibraltar, Antonia Thom Francea, b. in N. Y. and d. Sep. 17, 1877 in Gibraltar. He was appointed by President Polk l\fay 12, 1848, Consul at Gibraltar to succeed his father. Held the office until his death, 1901, a period of 53 years. Was made Consular Agent at Algeciras in 1854. Three years before he wa.s appointed Consul at Gibraltar, when only 23 years of age, he rendered valuable service to the United States Government in connec-

EIGHTH GE!\~RATION. li3 tion '\\itb the refusal of the Bashaw of Tangier to receive Thomas N. Carr as U nitcd States Consul Genc!"al. The :flagship Cumberland and the corvette Plymouth under Commodore Smith were sent to Tangier, and l\tir. Sprague went ashore to deliver and interpret Commodore Smith's communication to the Bashaw, to whom was allowed 24 hours to receive Consul General Carr. l\fr. Carr was received on the following day.

CmLDRE.'i. 1540 JohnLouiB, b. Aug. 27, 1855;d. l\In.y 31, 1886. 1541 Fanny Victorine 1'faria Loui8e, b. l\lch. 2, 1858; d. Aug. 14, 1879 at Nice, FrnncP. 1542 Rebecca ...Uargv.erile Jf. L., b. Dec. 7, 1859; m. Lieut. George F. A. \Yhitlock; d. Dcc.15, 1903. 1543 Antonio Clarisse :Jf. L., b. l\lay 17, 1863; m: Captain Robert Greey R. G. R., l\Iay 15, 1889. 1544 Horatio Louis, b. Apr. 29, 1867. 1545 Del.phine Anna J.,farie Louis, b. Oct. 24, 1869; m. Henry A. Byrne Dec. 30, 1899. 1546 Richard L

8 7 6 5 1037 Richard T. (s. Horatio , John , John , Joseph", 2 Jona.tban3, John • Ralph1, Edward), b. at the Consulate, Gibraltar, Spain, Jul. 10, 1830; m. at Marseilles, France, Aug. 8, 1860,Louise Fanny, clau. of Thomas and Louise (Brown) 0,.,-nard, who "·as b. in Parish of Jefferson, La., Mch. 11, 1840. He was a merchant of Boston in 1869, where his childr~n were all b.; d. in San Francisco, Cal., Jul. 17, 1898. Shed. Apr. IS, 190i in San Francisco, Cal.

Cmz.Dm:..-.q. 1548 Richard Homer., b. Apr. 11, 1862. 1549 Louise Victorine, b. Oct. 10, 1863. 174 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

1550 Fanny Alice, b. Nov. 27, 1865. 1551 T., b. Jul 28, 1868; umn.; d. 1900 at New Orleans, Ls.. 1552 Alice illaric, b. Feb. 26, 1Si5. 1553 BenjaminOznard, b. Jun. 13, 1S78.

8 7 8 5 1041 Henry E. (s. Horatio , John , John , Joseph', Jonathan3, John!!, Ralph1, Edward), b. Mch. 7, 1837 in Gib­ raltar, Spain; m. l\:fary, da.u. of William W. Goddard of Bos­ ton, 'Mass. Apr. 26, 1859. He returned to Gibraltar and on the dissolution of the parental mercantile house of Horatio Sprague, established himself there in his own name. After experiencing two years of phenomenal success in his business, the death of his wife in 1861 caused him to return to the United States and settled· in New York; m. (2) Harriet Goddard, sister of his first wife in 1869, of Boston, Mass. Im­ bued ,vith the inherent qualities of his father,was eminently S'qC'!essful for a period of 20 years. In 1S80, the English Bond· and Stockholders of the Denver and Rio Grande R. R., appointed him as their representative. He was instrumental in protecting their interests and as a member of the E."(ecuth.·e Committee ·with his col:lborator, the Hon. William L. Scott, Sens.tor from Erie Co. N. Y., brought about such essential changes that it was sa'\·ed from complete bankruptcy. After serving four years in this capacity he was made president of

the Colorado Coal & Iron Company of Colorado1 a collateral

company of the D. & R. G. R. R. 1 from which it detached itself and though the company was then in a precarious :financial condition, by careful and economical management, recovered and became an important factor in the manufac­

ture of steel and iron and mining of coal 1 commanding a lucrative and C:\.-tensive business throughout the entire West. After 6 years of active senice be retired. Address, l\ilari­ time Exchange Building1 78-80 Broad St. 1 N. Y.

CHILDREN. 1554 .\fm-y V., b. 1860; d. in infancy. 1555 JohnB. C., b. Aug. 14, 1872; Columbin. Grnmm:u- School; Columbia


College '94; Zetn. Psi. Address, Department or Taxes nnd Assessments, Hall or Records, N. Y. 1556 Shirly E., b. Jul 26, 1874. 155i HarridE., b. Mch. 26, 1876. 1558 HaTT1J G., b. Oct. 26, 1884.

8 7 1057 Sarah J. (dau. Joseph t Williama, Joseph~, Wil­ 3 liam", Edward , John:\ Ralph1, Edward), b. Jul. 21, 1816; m. Jotham C. Meeker, Nov. 24, 1845; lived on Adelphi Ave., cor. Willoughby Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.


· 1559 JoaephS. Jfeeker, b. Oct.19, 1846. 1560 JohnC. Jfeeker, b. Nov. 22, 1848. 1561 ,MariaS.. Meeker, b.J:1.Il. 9, 1851. 1562 .lfargreua.1.lfeeker, b.1856;d.1857. 1563 William ~lt ecker, b.

8 5 1058 Horace A. (s. Joseph7, William'\ Joseph , Wil­ 3 2 liam", Ed~·ard , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 14, 1818; m. Dec. 14, 1841. Before the Civil War was drill master at a military school on the Hudson River, and during the war served as Col. of the 13th N. Y. Vols.;~ had the reputation of being a splendid officer.


1564 JosephS., b. Jul. 30, 1843. 1565 Horace S., b. Sep. 16, 1849.

7 1095 JosephW.. Denny8 (s.ElizaE. , Williamt1, Joseph5 3 2 William", Edward , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Jan. i, 1826 176 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

in Leicester, Mass.; m. Lucy, of Austins. of Knight, a descendant of \Vtllin.m 1 Sprague, Aug. 31, 184i; she d. Sep. 24, 1850. m. (2) Roxann. W. Jennison, Nov. 12, 1851, who d. Mch. 25, 1866. m. (3) Celia Ewer Percival, Nov. 1, 1870; shed. Feb. li, 1897. He lived a very active and useful life; for many years he held such offices a.s chief of police, member of the common council of Worcester, Mass.; sheriff and clerk of the district court; had a splendid war record, serving from Apr. 1861 to Oct. 1864. Was provost marshall of his corps much of the time; served as Asst. Constable of the State of Mass. Edited the Dsily Worcester Transcript, and the Chelsea Daily and Weekly; d. a.t No. 133 Springfield St., Boston, Mass., Dec. 4, J 912.


1566 Edgar Francis Denny, b. Sep. 20, 1850. Address, Norwich, Conn. 1567 .ArthurOtia Denny, b. Aug. 19, 1852; d. Sep. 22, 1855.

7 6 1101 Sarah E. Denny!' (clau. Eliza E. , William , Joseph', 3 2 William", Edward , John , Ralph\ Edward), b. Jan. 12, 1839 in Leicester, Mass.; m. Lucius Merrifield, Aug: 16, 1857. Address, 688 Washington St., Brooklyn, N. Y.

1568 .Walter J.lferrifidd, b. Dec.13, 1858;d. Dee. 6, 1880. 1569 Henry Merrifield, b. Jul 1860; d. Jul.1876.

8 7 1103 Susan M. Denny (dau. Eliza E. , William.a, 3 2 Joseph·\ William", Edwa.rd , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Jun. 6, 1843 in Leicester, Mass.; m. Heney C .. Ward, U.S. A., Feb. 12, 186i. He is Brig. Gen. retired, living at Amherst, Mass. She d. Jan. 2, 1873. Children b. at Grenada, Miss.. EIGHTH GENERATION. 1i7

1570 .Arthur Sprague Ward, b. Jul 28, 1869; editor or a da.ily paper in l\iI:milln., P. I. P. O. Box 500. Unm. 1571 .Annie Ward, b. 1872; tc..:1ring$urope; unm.

8 1 5 1104 Ella C. Denny (dau. Eliza E. , Wtlliam.6, Joseph , 3 2 William", Edward , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Aug. 28, 1845 in Leicester, Mass.; m. John Anderson, U.S. A., Apr. 3, 18~7; now retired as Major and resides in Belchertown, Mass.


1572 Winnona Anderson, b. Jan. 3, 186.S n.t Humboldt, Tenn.; m. Cap. Evans, U. S. A., now major 'ln duty in Texas.

1 5 1106 Abner W. Waldo8 (s. Dolly Weston , Dolly , 5 3 2 Jonathan , William", Edward , John , RaJph1, Edward), b. Jan. 3, 1830 in Randolph, Vt.; m. Elizabeth A. Stanford. He was a merchant in Chicago, ill.


· 1573 AnnieE. Waldo, b. Dec. 5, 1853. 1574 Caroline H., b. Feb. 4, 1856. 1J75 Olive Western Waldo, b. Apr. 24, 1860. 1576 Nell.i£Jewd Waldo, b. Apr.10, 1866; d. Aug. 31, 1867. 1577 .AlbTo Waters Waldo, b. Apr. 18, 1869.

8 7 5 1107 H. Marshall Waldo (s. Dolly Weston , Dolly , 3 2 Jonathan:;, William", Edward , John , Ra.lpb1, Edward), b. Jul. 17, 1831; m. Dec. 20, 1858 to E. Agnes Blodgett. Address, Beloit, WIS.


1578 Sa:raJ,. G. Waldo, b.Aug. 3, !S6l;d. Oct. 24, 1866. 1579 JohnB. Waldo, h. Dec. 7. 1867. 1580 LuvicWaldo,b.Apr.S, 1876. 178 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

8 7 1108 Irene M. Weston (dau. John Weston , Dollye, 3 2 Jona.than&, William", Edward , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. May 25, 1842 in Randolph, Vt.; d. Jun. 25, 1878. m. Martin A. s. of Amos W. and Annie (Cochran) Tewksbury of Ran­ dolph, Vt., Oct 15, 1868. He was b. Sep. 21, 1835 in New Boston, N. H.; a. merchant in W. Randolph, Vt., many years.


1581 Mary Western Tewk8bunJ, b. Nov. 26, 1869; m. James B. Dixon in 1901. 1582 Carrie Irene TewksbunJ, b. Jul. 27, 1874; m. Joseph \V. Raymond in 1901. 1583 Zoa ;.lf artin Tewksbury, b. l\ln.y 22, 1878.

7 6 1109 Delia G. Westons (dau. Abijah 0. \Veston , Dolly , 3 Jona.than\ William", Edward , John=·\ Ralph1, Edward), b . .Apr. 23, 183i in Randolph, Vt.; d. Oct. 4, 1903. m. Mch. 3, 1859 Nelson ,v. Vinson of Williamstown, Vt., b. July 17, 1828, a farmer in Randolph,Vt.; d. Jul. 13, 1903.


1584 }Jina Vinson, b. Nov.11, 1S68. 1585 Stella M. Vinson, b. Dec. 15, 18i6.

8 7 6 1110 AntoinetteWeston (dau. Daniel "\Yeston , Dolly , 3 Jonn.thanS, ,villiam", Edwa.rd , John\ R~lph1, Edward), b. Oct. 11, 1833 in Ra.ndolpb, Vt.; d .•Jan. 7, 1909 at Rock Falls, ,vis. m. Jun. 29, 1852 at Portage, ,vi~. George H., s. of Preston and Laura (Huntley) Chamberlin. Was a. mer­ chant a.t Rock Falls, Wis.; b. Jan. 12, 1827,, N. H.

1586 Daniel Preston Chamberlin. b. Jun. 27, 1853 at Briggsvillc, \Vis- 1587 Jehiel Weston Chamberlin. b. Oct. 28, 1857, at Rock Falls, Wis. 1588 Laura Chamberlin, b. Sep. 2, 1859; d. ~:fay, 1861. EIGHTH GENERATION. 179

1589 Frank Chamberlin, b. Dec. 21, 1861; m. Oct. 7, 1886 at Galesville, W'1S., Elizubeth, dau. or Welcome A. and Caroline E. (Smith) Johnstone. Shewns b. at Willow Brook, N. Y., Mch. 28, 1864. He is a. retired druggist. Address, 340 2nd Ave., So. Minneap­ olis, Minn. 1590 George Harris Chamberlin, b. Jul 5, 1865. 1591 Neuu Chamberlin, b. May 27, 1868; m. Milton McNeel, Jul. 6 1910. Addresst ?.-loose Jaw, Sascatchewan, B. C.

8 7 1113 George H. Osgood (s. Harvey Osgood , Eliza­ 3 2 1 beth6, Jonathan'5, William", Edward , John , Ralph , Edward), b. May 21, 1830 in Randolph; d. Sep. 4, 1905. m. Dec. 9, 1851 in Tunbridge, Vt., Mary A., dau. of William P. and Mary (Parker) Wills, b. Oct. 6, 1827 in E. Randolph, Vt., andd. Nov. 25, 1876. He was a farmer in Randolph, Vt.


1592 Geo~e C. Os~ood, b. Jun. 5, 1854. 1593 Emma G. Osgood, b. Jun. 13, 1857. 1594 Will H. Osgood, b. Nov. 9, 1859. 1595 Cora J.lfay Osgood, b. Jul. 4, 1861; d • .Apr. 15, 1862. 1596 Harry R. Osgood, b. Oct. 2, 1863; d. :May 15, 1871. 1597 Annie F. Osgood, b. l\foh. 21, 1869. 1598 Harlie R. Osgood, b. Sep. 24, 1871.

8 7 1115 Frances E. Osgood (dau. Harvey Osgood , Eliza­ 2 beth\ Jonathan\ William", Edward3, John , Ralph1, Ed­ ward), b. May 6, 1834 in Randolph, Vt.; m. May 18, 1858 in E. Randolph, Vt., .Albert A., s. of Laban and lvia.rtha (Keith) Ainsworth, b. in Tunbridge, Vt., Feb. 27, 1833, a merchant in Manchester, N. H.; d. Feb. 26, 1905.


1599 NettieF. Ainsworth, b. Nov. 6, 1862. 1600 .Anna J.f. Ainsworth, b. Apr. 21, 1867; d. Feb. 25, 1892. 180 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

8 7 1116 Deborah J. Osgood (dau. Harvey Osgood , Eliza­ 1 3 2 1 beth0, Jonatban \ William", Edward , John , Ralph , Edward), b. Sep. 19, 1836 at E. Randolph, Vt.; m. Apr. 2, 1856 Joseph Barnett, s. of Joseph and Sarah (Glidden) Goodrich, b. Jun. 18, 1831 in Brookfield, Vt., a farmer in Randolph, Vt.


1601 HattieFrancesGoodrich, b. lfoh. 25, 1857; d . .Aug. 8, 1873. 1602 Lucy Marion Goodrich. b. Nov. 28, 1858. 1603 Sarah Glidden Goodru:h, b. Aug. 30, 1860; unm. and cares for an in- valid mother in Rn.ndolpb, Vt. 1604 John Barnett Goodrich9 b. Feb. 6, 1863 in Brookfield, Vt. 1605 Dana Richard Goodrich, b. Nov. 18, 1866 in Randolph, Vt. 1606 George Goodrich. b. Aug. 15, 1872.

8 7 1117 MaryL. Ostood (da.u. Harvey Osgood , Eliza- 5 3 2 beth6, Jonathan , William", Edward , John , Ralph1, Ed­ ward), b. Jul. 29, 1839 in Randolph, Vt.; d. Apr. 12, 1889. m .. Jun. 1, 18i3 in Montpelier, Vt., Ezra s. of Dyer and Betsey (Smith) Walker, b. in Chelsea, Vt., Jun. 22, 1831; d. Apr.· 21, 1889 in Randolph, Vt.

1607 Ezra Ralph Walker9 b. Apr. 29, 1882.

8 7 1119 Gilman S. Osgood (s. Harvey Osgood , Eliza­ 5 3 2 beth8, Jonathan , William", Edward , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Feb. 8, 1844 in Randolph, Vt.; d. Oct. 3, 1908. m. Nov. 11, 1869 in Barre, Vt., Hannah M., of E. B. and Hannah (GoodVw;n) .Tones, b. in Washington, Vt., Feb. 22, 1845. He was a farmer in Randolph, Vt.

1608 Lucy Gay Osgood, b. 1609 ClaraE. Osgood, b. 181

8 7 6 1125 Iennie Osgood (dnu. Paschal Osgood , Elizabeth , 5 Jonathan , William", Edwn.rd3, John:, Ralph1, Edward), b. Oct. 25, 1854 in R:lndolph, · Vt.; m. Hohn.rt, s. of Gordon and Jane (Angell) Peck, Oct. 30, 1Si5 in St. Johnsbury, Vt. A farmer in No. Randolph, Vt.; b. in Sheldon, Vt., Oct. 27, 1851.

1610 Hobart Henry Peck, b. Aug. 15, 18i7.

8 6 1129 Maryette (dau . .Asa.7, John , Jonathan·\ William', 3 2 Edward , John , Ralph1, Ed,,·ard), b. Nov. i, 1829 in Ran­ dolph, Vt.; m. Jan. 22, 1850 George 0., s. of Aquilla and · Margaret (Story) Stanley, b. Dec. 3, 1828 in Randolph, Vt. A carriage maker in N' o. Randolph, Vt., d. Apr. 1, 1913. Shed. Mch. 20, 1913.

CBII.DRE.~. 1611 Mary Almeda Stanley~ b. J!lll. 28, 1851. 1612 CharloUc D. Stanley, b. Jnn. 13, 1853; m. Oct. 18, 1881, F. C. Cone, s. or,varrcn C. and Emily (Clement) Cone. Res. No. Randolph. 1613 Flmcnce I. Stanley, b. Feb. 20, 1855; d. Jan. 3, 1875. 1614 Nellie ..U. Stanley, b. )foh. 25, 1861; m. Sep. 14, 18Si Dan E., s. of Thomas lrvin,t and l\~ary (Elliott) Sargent. Res. No. Ran­ dolph •.

8 7 6 1 1130 Sarah A. (dau ...A,,,sa , John , Jonathan \ William", 3 Edward , John:, Ralph1, Edward), b. Aug. 6, 1S33 in Brook­ field, Vt.; m. Jesse C. s. of Jesse and--- (Stratton) Wheat­ ley, l\i!ch. 16, 1852, was a. farmer in Brookfield, Vt., d·. Feb. 12, 1909. Shed. Aug. 12, 1912.

CHILDRE.V. 1615 Mary Keith Wheatley. b. Jul. 13, 18.55. 1616 l\.lunroe Sprague Wheatley, b. Apr. 19, 1859. 1617 Jessie E. Whe:itley~ b. Jan. 15, 1868. Sec No. 1615. 1618 Annie H. Wheatley, b. Oct. 22, 1874. 182 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

1131 Susan F. 8 (dau., Ass.7, JohnG, Jonathan5, William", 3 2 Edward , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Apr. 15, 1836 in Brook­ field, Vt.; m. Marshall, s. of Asa and Susan (Edson) Green, Jan. 1, 1856. He was b. in .Randolph, Vt., May 16, 1832; d. in Philadelphia, Mch. 13, 1893. . She m. (2) Joel A. Whiting in 1895.

1619 Mary Frances Green, b. Feb. 16, 1858 .. 1620 Samh Edna Green, b. Jul 15, 1859.

8 5 1132 John K. (s. Asa.7, John°, Jonathan , William 4, 3 Edward , John=\ Rs.lph1, Edward), b. in Brookfield, Vt., · Nov.. 21, 1841; m. Elizabeth W., dau. of D. H. B. and --­ (Woodward) Allen, Nov. 28, 1861. She was b. May 3, 1837 in Chelsea, Vt.; d. May 11, 1895 in Brookfield, Vt. He held many offices of trust and was a man of sterling·integrity; d. Nov.19, 1900.


1621 William. Woodward, b. Sep. 25, 1864; m. Anna S., dau. of Jesse W. and Abbie (Parker) Templeton, Apr. 15, 1891, b. Mch. 14, 1872, d. May 30, 1905; m. (2) Jul 2, 1906, Cora. Emma, dAu. of Charles ~I. and Abbie L. (Carruthers) Snyder, b. Dec 24, 1870 at Sodus, N. Y. For several. years he was sales manager of the Sharples Separator Co., at Port Chester, Pa. At present has controlling interest in the Tewksbury Store at Randolph, Vt., where he now resides. Knights Templar, l\1t. Sinai Temple, Mystic Shrine. 1622 George Keith, b. Apr. 9, 1872.

8 7 1133 Luna A. (dau. Asa , John6, Jonathan&, William:', 3 2 Edward ; John , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Brookfield, Vt., Dec. 8, 1845; m. Apr. 30, 1868 in Northfield, Vt., Cassius, s. of Reuben a.nd Hannah (Edson) Peck. He was b. in Brookfield, Mch. 3, 1842; was a. member of Borden's Sharpshooters in the Civil War; many years been trustee of the U. V. M. and ~·~ '-111 ... ~t~•• - ."-' ...-~.: ...... ,.,,,,.~ ~ .;,.. .,.. ; ...... , -'~ ..~-:~, ... ;.:, ::,.... :.~ .. ~


EIGHTH GENERATION. 183 the State Agricultural College, having charge of the Agri­ cultural College farm at Burlington, Vt. Mrs. Peck was a woman of much ability, very ready in composition, many of her poems were published; one of the brilliant women in the Sprague family; cl in Burlington, Vt., Sep. 6, 1901.


1623 Mary Aurelia Peck, b. Mch. 26, 1869. 1624 Luna .Almeda Peck, b. Oct. 31, 1870; d. Mch. 21, 1881. 1625 Marshall Knowlton Peck, b. Sep. 2, 1872; m. May 22, 1893, Fannie Knapp;d.Mch. l, 1896 at Parkersburg, W. V. 1626 Jennu May Peck, b. Aug. 22, 1874; m. Arthur M., s. of Martin R. and Susan Jane (Boynton) Flint, a merchant in Thomaston, Conn. 1627 Edith Hannah Peck, b. Jul. 29, 1876. '1628 Cassius Reuben Peck, b. Jul. 1, 1SS0; m. Lillian Valentine, adopted dau. of A. B. Valentine of Bennington, Vt., b. in Pit.infield, N. J. Aug. 1, 1876. He graduated from the University of Vermont in 1902 with the degree of A. B.; admitted to the bar in Burlillgton, Vt., in 1903 and practiced law with Hon. E. C. Mower. Went to Oklahoma in 1904 as Asst. U. $. Dist. Attorney for the territory of Oklahoma. In 1905-6 was a member and attorney for Osage Indian Allotting Commission. In 1909 located at Marsh­ field, Ore., as attorney at la.w. 1629 Floren.a Kei.t.h Peck, b. May 15, 1882; d. Dee. 22, 1882. 1630 MildredSprague Ptt:k, l 1631 .Marcus Ripley Peck, f twins; b. Jun. 25, 1884. She is a tca.cher in Burlington, Vt., Marcus, after gm.dun.ting from the Univer­ sity of Vermont in the class of 1906, went to Seattle, Wash., in the interest of the Standard Oil Co. 1632 Arthur Keith Peck, b. Apr. 5, lSSS; graduated from the University of Vt., in the class of 1910; admitted to the bar in Oregon in 1911; practising bis profe$ion in Marshfield, Ore. Basie Frances Peck, b. Jan. 27, 1890; etudying Domestic Science at Pratt Iostitute, Brooklyn, N. Y.

8 7 6 1136 John Z. (s. Leonard , Jobn , Jonathan:;, William\ 3 2 Edward , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Randolph, Nov. 29, 1837; m. Delia E. Smith, Jan. 15, 1873; who d. l\Is.y 22, 1873. m. (2) Aug. 6, 1874 Fanny H., dau. of Simeon and Mary 184 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

(Chamberlin) Bennett; b. Apr. 13, 1853 in Tunbridge, Vt. His youth was sp~nt with his parents working on the farm suroroP.~ and going to the district school, doing chores and sliding down hill in the winter. In 1863 he went to Plain­ wi(?h, W ~b~s., Qo. l'4inn., and got a position with Ozias Wu­ cox as clerk in a ·general assortment store. In Mch. 1871, he severed his connection '\\ith l\1r. Wilcox and returned to E. Randolph, Vt., where. he opened a general assortment store opposite the hotel. In 1872 he bought the Lewis Spencer place. In 1876 sold out his store to Albert Smith of E. Bethel. Apr. 2, 1876 ·the old hotel was burned whereupon he opened :the Spencer house ·for travellers, calling it the "Revere House". Here his two children were b. In May, 1881, he rented the hotel and moved his family to Manchester, N. H., where he w·orked in a grocery store a year and a half. The winter of 1882-3 he commenced driving a city wholesale and retail baker's cart, which he followed until 1898, when be retired from active business. In 1889 he bought some house lots at Prospect and Hull Sts., ,vhere he built his present home. Most of the lots were swamp land at the time, upon which 70 houses ha,·e ~ince been built. In religion a Universalist; in politics, s. Democrat.

Cim DRE..'l.

1634 Simeon Andrew. b. Apr. 28, 1875. 1635 Tame Adelia, b. Dec. 10, 1878.

7 6 1138 Elmina M.s (dau. Leonard , John , Jonathan5, 2 Willi3.Dl.", Ed,\·ard3, John , Ra.lph1, Edward), b. in Randolph, Vt., Dec. 12, 1842; d. Stowe, Vt., l\fay 9, 1907. m. at 1'1ont­ pelier, Vt., Jun. 18, 1873, Seneca Z., s. of John and Electra. (Schofield) Poor. A farmer in Sto~·e, Vt.; b. l\i!ay 17, 1837.

CBILI>RE..V. 1536 Richard A. Poor, b. Sep. 5, 187.5;d. Oct. 3, 1878. 1637 MarkL. Poor. b. Apr. 27, lSii.

Ew1rr11 Gi:~1mA-r10x.

7 1139 Foster G.1'1 (s. Lconurd , ,John'\ ,Jonathan'\ \Vil­ 1 linm", Edwurd:i, John~, Ralph , Edward), b. in Randolph, Vt., Aug. 21, 1852; m. Abbie .A., cltm. of Lamed L. and Aman­ da E. Pear8ons. A prominent and influential man: occupa­ tion, merchant. A


1638 Harry F., b. :\!ch. 21, 1877. 163V Leonard P., b. Auµ;. !?2t 1879; B. S., :\I. S., :\1. D. from U. Y. :\1. '02, '0.5, '00; honors in :\Iedicinc; Phi BctnKnppu; Knppn Si: ".Ila; Delta :\Iu; X. Y. State• :ind .Amcricim :\ledicnl ..:\ssocintiom1; Physici:in in :\lu.ry Fletcher Ho:-pital '0G-'0i; :\Ic

7 1141 Sarah E. Half' (dau. Eunice , John", Jonathan:;, William", Edward3, John::, Ralph1, Edward), b. in Randolph, Vt., Sep. 7, 1841: d. :\!ch. 26, 1901 in Brookline, i:Iass. m. Feb. 19, 1861 Charle~, s. of Jude and Abigail (Blodgett) l\ioulton, b. Xov. 12, 1S35 in Tunbridge, Vt.; d. ~lay 19, 1909 in Chelsea, Vt.


1641 Lilla E. Moulton. b. Oct. 29, 1S61. 1642 FrankL . ..lloulton, b. Apr. 18, 1864; d. Sep. 6, 1874. 1643 Charlotte M. Moulton. b. Jan. 13, 1868. 1644 Bennie F. Moulton, b. Apr. 24, 1872. 1645 Eunice D .•lloullon, b. lfay ?.?, 1876. 1646 Alice K . .lloulton, b. Feb. 20, 1882. 0 1647 Ethel G. Moulton, b. :\fay 18, 1886.

1 1142 Elias S. Haff~ (s. Eunice\ John°, Jonathan \ William\ Edward3, John:.\ Ralph1, Edward), b. in Randolph, 186 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY• • Vt. Oct. 15, 1846; m. Jul. 7, 1870, nt Middlebury, Vt., l\iiarion, dau. of Azro and l\iiary (Ray) Goodrich, b. Apr. 21, 1845. He is a farmer in E. Bethel, Vt.


1648 Blanche .ill. Hall, b. Jnn. 12, 1871. 1649 IlaudE. Hall, b. Apr. 19, 1872; d. Oct. 4, 1907. 1650 Cora E. Hall, b. Aug. 15, 1873. 1651 Gertrude E. Hall, b. Jun. 5, 1878; m. Dec. 17, 1902 George G., a. of Increase n.nd Lora M. (Gage) Buswell, b. Mch. 29, 1853; farmer in Randolph, Vt. 1652 Ruby J. Hall, b. Mch. 11, 1890; m. Nov. 18, 1908 Carl, s. of Joel n.nd 1\.Iary (Peck) Pierce, b. Nov. 28, 1882; n. mail c:i.rrier in Ran­ dolph, Vt.

8 7 6 1146 Clarence M. (s. Edgcrton , John , Jonathan6, Wil­ lfo.m4, Edward 3, John!?, Ralph 1, Edward), b. in Chelsea, Vt., Aug. 12, 1846; m. Nov. 25, 1875 Abbie E., dnu. of Benjamin :ind Ann (Fletcher) ,veston, b. Apr. 16, 1854 in Plymouth, Vt., and d. Nov-. 10, 1908, in Grundy, Ia. From 1SS2 to 1908 be lived in Grundy Center, Ia., now resides in Santa, Cul.

1653 Grace R .• b. in ,vir,dsor, Vt., Apr. 6, 1877. 1654 Ed~erton B •• b. Xov. 2.5, 1SS0. 1655 1/ennJ F., b. Feb. 1, 1889 in Grundy, Ia.; m. ~o"·· 24, 1910, l\Iinn., dau. of Daniel and Hattie (:\lacy) Deihl.

1147 Mary Monill8 (dau. Sully-;-, John6, Jonathan\ ,villiam", 3 Eclward • John\Ralph1,Edwu.rd), b. Xov. 1, 1838 in Randolph, Vt.; Jan. 18, 1859 m. John H.,. ~- of Hezekiah u.ncl Lucinda ('\V'illiams) Blaisdell; b. Nov. 14, 1834, farmer in Randolph, Yt., d. Jul. S, 1904.

1656 Sarah OliriaBlai:~dcll, b. lla.y 4, lSGO: d. Sep. 15, 1S62. l6fii JlaryEttaBla{sdcll, b . .Occ. 20, 1862; d. Jun. l, 1864. EIGHTH GENERATION. 1s;

1658 Gilbert M. Blaisdell, b. Nov. 6, 1866. 1659 Son, b. Dec. 1, 1870; d. Dec.15, 1870. l660 Sarah M. Blaisdell, b. Aug. 14, 1873.

1148 Olivia Monil18 (dau. Sally\ John6, Jonathan', 3 2 William", Edward , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Randolph, Vt., Dec. 4, 1842; d. Apr. 19, 1901. m. Feb. 21, 1872, John H., s. of Azro and Sally (Strong) Wood, a farmer in Randolph, Vt., b. Aug. 22, 1841.


1661 L. Grace Wood, b. Jan. 23, 18i3. 1662 ElhelG. Wood, b. Apr. 6, 1878; d. Sep. 3, 1881. 1663 John H. Wood, b. Dec.17, 1880.

1153 P.EliasGrow8 (s. LydiaStory7,Lydia6,Jonathan5, William", Edward3, John!!, Ralph1, Edward), b. in Randolph, Vt., Mch. 16, 1842; m. Nov. 26, 1863 Roxana, adopted dau. of Abel s.nd Mary (Kingsbury) Bigelow of Brookfield, Yt.. He ~·as superintendent of schools for many years in Randolph, 'V't.; a Yery prominent and much respected man; d. Aug. 21, 1S96.

CHILDRE~- 1664 BessieM. Grow, b.Aug. 7, 1867. 1665 Clarence S. Grow, b. Jun. 22, 1869; graduated from the Unh·ersity of Vt in Civil Enginccrin~, 1891; entered the employ of Garrigues & Lc-..cring, N. Y. City, contrnctors for steel frames for buildings and bridJtes, the following fall. H!l.S been advn.nced from the drafting room to superintendent and mUD!lgcr. Address 552 \V. 23d St., N. Y. 1666 l\lary B. Grow~ b. Feb. 21, 1S71. 1667 Grace G. Grow~ b. Jun. 5, 1877. 1668 Julian E. Grow, b. XO\". 14, ISSI; a graduate of the UniYcrsity of ,-crmont as achemist.

8 7 6 1156 Julian J. Washbum (s . .Adeline Story ~ Lydia , Jonathan\ ,villiam", Edwar

b. in Rnnclolpb, Vt., Nov. 10, 1842; m. in Brookfield, Vt., Fl'b, 10, 1866 l\!Iurthu, ncloptl~d clnu. of Abel und l\iiury (l{ingsbury) Bigelow of Brookfield, Vt., b. Oct. 31, 1840. He i~ vicc-prc~idcnt of thr, N ormnn \Vinrcl Plow Company. Adclrcs~, Bn.tuvin, N. Y.


1669 Edward A. \Vashbum, b. Jnn. 21, 1868. 1670 J!ary Firginia 1ra1tMmn1t b. ,Jun. 20, 1870; ~nduatc of Vassar Collc,z:c. Address, Bu.tu.via, X. Y.

8 1166 Jane Wills (do.u. Susan', Edward6, Jonn.thnn'\ \Vil­ 2 lium", Edward\ John , Ralph 1, Edward), b. Jun.17, 183.5 in E. Randolph, Vt.; m. John Hatch in Brookficl


1671 George llczlch, b.Jun.16, 185:?;m.:\faryCory. 1672 Frank Hatch, b. lluy 7, 1&3-1; d. Jun. 2, 1854. 1673 .Adrian Hn.tch, b. Sep. 30, 1856; m. Carrie Hurlow. 1674 Fred Hatch, b.1\fay 7, 1&38; m. I-1:1.ttie H!l),...-ood. 1675 Edward Hatch, b. Jul. 4, 1860; m. Currie Allen. 167G John Jlatch,b.J:.i.n.10, lSG-l;m.Cor:i.Derby. 1677 Lucy Hatch. b. Jun. 8, 1868. 1678 Phoebe Hatch, b. l\lch. 20, 1870; m. Ben Thnycr. 1679 Jennie /latch, b. SC'p. 13, 1872; m. Fran~ Fish. 1680 Datid Hatch, b. ,Jun. 2'2, 1874; m. Katie Burk. 16.Sl Luna Hatch, b. Jul. 3, 1S76; m. Fred Grant. 1682 Lorenzo Hatch, b. Feb. 11, 1878; m. ll:.i.ud Shaw.

8 6 1168 Luna (dau. Alfred', Edward , Jonathan-\ William", Ed·ward3, John!?, Ralph1, Edward), b. Jun. 28, 1828 in Brook­ field, Vt.; d. Ju.n. 25, 18i7. m. Alpheus, s. of .Joseph and Sarah (Glidden) Goodrich, b. Dec. 16, 1824; d. Dec. 6, 1858. Lived in Brookfield, Vt. EIGHTH GENEUATJON. 189


1083 EllaGoorlrich, b. Apr. 17, 1850; unm. 1084 Clara, } Twins, b. Oct. 1858; d. in 1850. 1685 Came,

7 1169 CharlesK (s. Alfrcd , Edward°, Jonathan\ ,vn­ 3 liam4, Edwarcl , John::, Rn.1ph1, Edward), b. in Brookfield, Vt., Jun. 8, 1830; cl. Oct. 21, 1804. m. l\-Ich. 24, 1857 Avolin, dau. of Almon and Sophia. (Gold) Arnold, b. Jan. li, 1836. Lived at Randolph, Vt. and in l\1inn.


1686 CarrieL., b. Jan. 21, 1860; d. :\lch. 16, 1860 in Brookfield. 1687 Jennie .11., b. Jul. G, 1862; d. Xov. 24, 1877 in Ru.ndolph. 1'3SS Lillian J\f ., b. Jnn. 11, 1866 in Oakwood, llinn.; several years a missionn.ry in Indm. Addrc::is, W Cl:lt Bolton, Vt. 1689 Eva R., b. Dce.18, 1870 in Viow., Minn.: d. Jn.n. 17, 1S71.

1170 Lyman8 (s. Alfred\ Edward°, Jonathan'\ \Villiam", 2 Edward3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. July 4, 1832 in Brook­ field, Vt.; m. Jan. 1, 1858, Abigail, dn.u. of James and Eliza (Alexander) Trask; b. NOV'. 10, 1832. He was a farmer in E. Brookfield, Vt.; d. l\Iay 22, 1910.


1690 Clara A.t b. Dec. 27, 1859; m. Ch::irles "·· Goodwin, a. of Joseph ,v. and Adeline (Wells) Goodwin, Jan. 1, 1880; a former in Chelsea. 1691 Andrew L •• b. l\,foy 9, 1864. 1692 Myrtie E., b. llch. 24, 1871.

1172 Edwin8 (s. Alfred', Edward°, Jonathan\ William", . Ed"·ard\ John::, Ralph\ Edward), b. Oct. 16, 1836 in Brook­ field, Vt.; m. Oct. 26, 1861, ~'!aria, dau. of Daniel and Julia. 190 . THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

(Hall) Whitney, b. Fcb.12, 1838; d. Jun. 30, 1884. He was a sol­ dier in the Civil War Co. C.15th Vt. Regiment;residedinBrook­ field, Vt.; m. (2) Mary (Edwa.rds) Gonycau. He d. Aug. 15, 1912.


1693 Ulysses G., b. Mch. 7, 1SG5. 1694 Mae, b. l\foh. 3, 1867. 1695 Edna, b. Mch. 10, 1897.

8 7 5 1173 Luthera S. (dau. Alfred ,. Edward°, Jono.than ; 2 '\V'illi~m4, Edward\ John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Feb. 23, 1850 in Brookfield, Vt.; m. Cyrus H. s. of Daniel and Julia (Hn.11) \Vhitney, Jun. 15, 1874, b. Aug. 12, 1852; a farmer in Brook­ field, Vt., d. Mch. 23, 1908.


1696 Daniel .4/frcd Whilney, b. Feb. 11, 18i6; m •. Ethel dau. of Lewis Smith, Nov. 18, 1895; m. (2) Annn. Hn.ll of .Anderson, Ind., ,.lch. 17, 1909, b. Jun. 27, 1883. He resides in Northfield., Vt. 1697 Da.i'id Day Whilnc1J, b. Aug. 6, 1878; W"cslcyan University Middleton, Conn.; h~ n professorship in thn.t University. · 1698 LeeRoyWhitney, b.Jun.24, 1886. 1609 Gladys Luthera TVhitne1J, b. lkh. 19, 1SS8. 1iOO Audrt:1J Dclortl8 WhitnerJ, b. Jan. 18, 1890.

1174 Albert A.8 (s. Ziba7, Edward\ Jonathan·\ William', 3 Edward , John:?, Ralph1, Edward), b. Randolph, Vt., l\.Iay 19; 1835; ,ir:iduated· from 'Kimball Unipn Academy in 1854; took the degree of .A. B. at Yale in 18.:59; m. at Royalton, Vt., Sep. 29, 1862 Nancy A., da.u. of Ebenezer At,,·ood. On account of unsatisfactory state of his health be abandoned his intention to qualify for the legal profession, and the mer­ c3.Iltile was chosen; Chicago was the place and wholesale grocery the trade selected. With borro"·cd capital he formed a partnership "-ith l\'Ir. Z. B. Stetson under the firm


name of Sprague & Stct~on in 1862. At the expiration of one year Mr. Stetson retired n.nd a new partnership wa.~ formed with E. J. W amcr, under the of Sprague & Warner. In 1864 0. S. A. Sprague, a brother of the senior partner, was ndmitted to the firm and the firm was reorganiz­ ed under the style of Sprague, ,vo.rner & Co., which style has remained ever since. It is now and has been for mnnv.... vcurs the leading wholesale grocery house in the United States. Is a director in the Chicago Telephone Co., Edison Electric Light ·Co.; one of the organizer~ and directors of The N orthcrn Trust Co., director since 1873 of the Relief and Aid Soc. (pres. 1887-90); trustee Chicago Orphan Asylum, Presby­ terian Hospital and Rush l\'Ied. College, director of the .-\rt Institute, member of the Yale Ass'n, Republican. Club:.;: Commercial (charter mem. and pres., 1882), Chicago, univer­ ~ity, Onwentsia, Chicago Literary, Caxton and Cliff Dwellers. Address 2i10 Prairie Ave., Chicago.

1701 Elizabeth Penn. b. Oct. 30, 1864. 1702 Carrie Arnold, b. Oct. 16, 1866; d. Sep. 9, 1Si4. 1703 Susy,b.Jun.7,1869;d.Xov.29,1873.

8 6 5 1176 Otho S. A. (s. Zibo.7, Edward , Jonathnn , ,villiam", Edwnrd3, John:\ Ralph1, Edward), b. E. Randolph~ Orange Co., Vt., l\·Iay 13, 1839; educated in district school, E. Ran­ dolph, and at Kimball union Ar.arly sergeant, Co. · G. 8th Vt., \:-01~., and went to Xcw Orle:.1.n~ in corps of Gen. B. F. Butler, but ufter ~hort service wu~ l'om­ pclled to resign, becau:;c of failing health. As ~oori !l.~ health would permit, WC'nt to Chicago, joining his brother~ ..-\: .:\. Sprague, and Ezra .J. \Varner, in t--stnbli:--hing firm of Spragut.•J 192 TnE RALPH SPRAGUE GE~EALOGY.

,vnrncr & Co., which has grown to be the lnrgcst wholesale grocery cntcrpirsc in the United States. He was n. director in the Pullmu.n Co., Elgin Nnt'l \Vatch Co., and Southern Cnlifomia. R'y Co. ,vus one of the Royal Greek Commis­ sioners to ,vorlcl's Colun1binn Exposition, und received from l{ing of Grcc<"C the cross of u.n officer of the Royal Order of the Savior. Clubs: Commcrciu.1, Union Lcnguc, Chicago and Chicago Litcrnry. Republican. As n. mcrnoriu.l to his wife he erected and furnished a hospital at, Calif. He died at Pasadena, Calif., Feb. 20, 1909. "lir. Sprague wn.s a b'TCat reader :ind a man of fine literary tastes. His private library was one of the finest in the city an


170-l- Jfary A. S11ragw:J b. Jul. 30, 1872 in Chicnµ:o, Ill.; m . .Adolph C. :\lillcr, Oct. i, 1805. He is profossor of Economics in the Uni.. vcrsitv.. of California. . 1705 Albert A., 2nd, b. l\fay 13, 187-1. 1706 Na11cy .11., b. Aug. 8, 1876. 1707 Lucy, b, July 3, 1878. 170S OthoS . .-l., b. Dec. 23, 1SS0;

1177 Jane" (dau. Edward\ Edward°, Jonathan\ \Vil­ liam4, E


1710 ClaraJ. U"ltilncy, b. :\.Ich. 7, lS:,-,; d. Feb. 11, 1859. till Nellie :\1. \Vhitney, b. Au~. 17, 18.57. lil2 Byron \V. \Vhitney, b. Xov. 10. lSGO. li13 Edward F. \Vhitney, b. Xov. 10, 18f..t.


1714 Nelson C. Whitney, b. Sep. 0, 1868. 1715 Betsey E. Whitney, b. Nov, 3, 1875.

0 1178 Helen~ (dau. Edward', Edward , Jonathan:., Wil­ liam", Eclward3, John:\ Ralph1, Edward), b. in E. Randolph, Vt., Jun.19, 183i; May 25, 1858 m. Granville P. Conn, a prac­ ticing physician of E. Ro.ndolph, b. in Hillsborough, N. H., Jan. 25, 1832; s. of William and Sarah (Priest) Conn. He was gradu­ ated from Dartmouth l\icdical College in 1855. A. ~i. wo.s conferred upon him from Nonvich University in 1880. In 1862, \\'"as commissioned surgeon of the 12th Vt., Reg. of Vol­ unteers; served until 1863 when he was mustered out of service \\ith his regiment. In '63 located in Concord, N. H. where he has since practiced his profession; R. R. commissioner · of N. H.; surgeon to B. & l\L R. R., filled many posts of honor • both medic:i.l and political ,,·ithin the city and state; appointed emeritus professor of hygiene at Dartmouth in 1908, having resigned the chair which be hn.d filled 14 years.

1i16 Frank lVin.'ilote Conn, b. n.t E. Randolph, Vt., Apr.27, 1860; gradu­ ated with B. S., C. E. nnd l\l. E., Xorwich University. Engaged in R. R. construction in Central America; m. l\1innie A. l\liller of Cal., :\Ich. 11,_ 1S91. 1717 Charles Fuller Conn, b. Nov.11, 1865.

8 7 1179 Tyler E. (s. Edward , Edward°, Jonathan\ Wil­ 3 liam", Edward , John:?, Ralph1, Edw.ard), b. at N'o. Stratford, N. H., Dec. 21, 1845; m. 1Ich. 7, lSil Charlotte A., dau. of Augustus and Jane Potter of Oneida County, K. 1:·., b. Jan. 4, 1847. He is a prominent dealer in live-stock and real estate. Address, Alta, Ia.


1718 Au~ustusP., b. Dcc.21, 1871. 1719 Tyler Edward, b. Feb. 9, 1874. 104 TUE RALPH SPRAGU}} GENEALOGY.

1720 EjficJa11c, b. JD.11. 21, 1877 in Bucnn Vista. Co., In.; d. Feb. 3, 1877. 1721 Jva, b. in Buena. Vista. Co., Ia.., JD.11. 25, 1878; m. Cnrl Larson, Nov. 16, 1904. . 1722 Clara, b. in Altn, In., Nov. 14, 1SS0; d. llcl1. 15, 1SS2.

7 6 1180 Walter C.,1 (s. Edwn.rd , Edward°, Jonathnn , 3 2 ,villiam", Edwnrd , John , Rn.lph1, Edward), b. in E.Randolph, Vt., Sep. Ii, 1851; m. Dec. 22, 1Si4 in E. Randolph, Vt.., Henrietta, dau. of Joseph u.nd Ann ('Vills) Lyon. Address, E. Randolph, Vt. CmLDRE.'i. 1723 Hubert Waller, b . .Apr.11, 1874; d. Jan. 20, 1S77. 1724 Clara, b. Oct. 20, 1S77. 1725 Edward, b. Sep. 15, 1S80; d. E. Rn.ndolph, Vt., Apr. 27, 1911.

6 1181 Asenath C. Belknapx (dau. Fanny', Edward , Jonathan:\ ,villiam4, Edward3, John~\ Ralph1, Edward), b. in Randolph, Vt., Dec. 16, 1827; m. Johnson, s. of Archi­ bald and Sabrina (Shurtleff) Jordan, b. in Plainfield, Vt., in 1825; a farmer; d. in Clifton, P. Q., June. 2, 1907. She d. Feb. 13, 1899 in Clifton, P. Q.

1726 William F. Jordan. b. Xov. 3, 1851.

0 1182 Ellen J~ Belknaps (da.u. Fanny', Edward , Jona­ than\ '\Villia.m4, Edward3, John==, Ralph\ Edward), b. in Randolph, Nov. S, 1839; m. Sep. 15, 1862 ,Jefferson, s. of Prosper B. !l.Ild Fidclicia (Hartshorne) Slack, b. Aug.12,1838, a farmer; d. Feb. 15, 1891. Shed. Jun. 7, 1904.


1727 Carolin Florence Slack. b. Au~. 2-1, 1863. 1728 Fred Com,·erse Slack, b. Oct. 11, 1865...... '' - . ··./~ ~>.i.-;, '';, -~<,,.,• l ;''.,: .··- ;'fl:~Nl!lliillJi ·; \i:/.• .. · j

·:,· ', ~' ,,



1729 Edward Prosper Slack, b, Jun. 30, 1860. 1i30 Eva Jane Slack, b. Oct. 28, 1871 in Norwich, Vt.; d. Jul. 29, 1SS7. 1731 Bertha Ellen Slack, b. Dec. 20, 18i7. 1732 Ca,m .1.llay Slack, b. Mch. 12, 1882 in Sharon, Vt.

8 7 0 1184 Frances Wiggins (dau. Polly , Edward , Jona­ than6, William", Edwnrd3, John:\ Ralph', Edward), b. in Chelsea, Vt., Nov. 10, 1843; m. Edward, s. of Rufus and Hannah (\Val bridge) Glysson, Apr. 1, 1866, b. l\ilay 16, 1841. Address, Brookfield, Vt.


1733 Eugene Clysson, b. Nov.16, 1S68.

8 7 . 1186 Ellen A. Wigg,ins (dau. Polly , Edward\ Jona­ 1 than\ William\ Edward:\ John:!, Ralph , Ed,Yard), b. Jul. 7, 1846 at Chelsea, Vt.; m. Franks. Rolfe· in 1863; a carriage maker in North Stratford, N. H. She d. in Laconia, N. H. in 1893.


1734 Cora .Jf. R-01/c, b. Apr. 16, 1864; m. ,villi:un R. Danforth, s. mer­ chant in No. Stratford, N. H., Jun. 10, 1891. She d. Feb. 22, H)Oi. 1735 Charle.~E. Rolfe,b. Apr.2'2, 1868 at No. Strntford, N. H.; m. Edith \Vyrmm, in 1006;hl' isnclothin~mcrchnnt. Address, Lynn, :\I3SS. 1736 Harriet S. Rolfe, b.Apr. 2"1, 1S74; m. J.P. Gifford, ll. D.,of R:in­ dolph, Vt., in 189i; d . .:\ug. 26, 1900.

7 1188 John H."' (s. John , Edward\ Jonathan\ William'\ Eclward3, John::, R!l.lph1, Edward), b. Kov.. 5, 183S in Brook­ field, Vt.; m. l\'.Ich; 17, 1860 in Chelsea, Vt., Elizabeth Julia\ dau. of George D. and }larriet (Hovey', Abigail [Cleveland} Hovey\ l\'1oscs Clcvcland1 of ,voburn, l\Iass., 1635) Bacon. She was b. :OI~h. 17, 1842. He was educated at Newbury 100 THE RALPH S11 JtAGUE GENEAJ.,OO\".

Acndcmy; n.lwu.ys in touch with hi~ father's business interests; a ln.rgc contributor to The Ilibbard Genealogy, published by Augustine G. Hibbnrd in 1001, and of this, The Ralph Sprague Genealogy. AtldrcHs, Randolph Center, Vt.

Cmt.nru:N. 1737 John ·va,ulevcr, b. Dec. 22, 1860 in Chelsea, Vt.; m. Ida. Bruce, Jul. 22, 1887 in 1\Iontpc-licr, Vt.; practicing lu.w u.t the time of hh~ which occurred in Bn.rre, Vt., Dec. 21, 1890. 1738 Edward George. b. Feb. 23, 1805. 1739 William Hibbard. b. Jan. 1, 1807. 1740 Ruth Hibbard. b. Feb. 21, 1874. 1741 Hibbard, 1 }b. Jan. 2'~, 1881; d. Feb. 13, 1882. 1742 lloi1cy, Triplets b. Jun. 22, 1881; d. Feb. 13, 1882. 1743 Harriet, b. Jun. 22, 1881.

8 0 1190 Edward S. Hibbard (s. Harriet', Edward , Jona­ than\ ,villin.m4, Edwnrd3, John\ Ralph1, Edward), b. Brookfield, Vt., Aug. 5, 1837; m. Brookfield, Jun. 16, 1862 Abb~c Folsomdau. Smith Folsom; d. Stanwood, Ia. Jon. 9, 1872.


174-1: Coralin Ilibbard, b. ~lay 15, 1863; d. Dec., 1S65. 1745 Clarence Hibbard, b. l\Iay 1, 1864.

1194 Edward A. Fitts"' (s. Elcn.nor7, Edward'\ Jonathan&, ,villiam4, Edward3, John:?, Ralph 1, Edward), b. in Brookfield, Vt., Xov. 30, 1854; m. Apr. 29, 1884 :\-Iinnie, clau. of ·Eli and Sally (Dickerman) Camp, b. Feb. 27, 1859 in Chelsea, Vt. He is a farmer and dealer in live stock. Addrc::;s, Randolph Center, Vt. CHILDl!ES.

1746 AndrcwEdwardFitls, b.Jul.12, 1886. 1747 Eli Camp FittJJ, b. Apr. 7, lSSS. 1748 ElearwrSpragueFilts, b. Sep. 30, 1893. 1749 SalUeB.FiUs, b. Feb. 28, 1896. 107

1208 Charles B. Gran~erH (~. Rcbcccn.7, Dnriu~n, Jona• 3 than\ ,viU~um", Edward , John::, Rv.lph1, Edward), b. Aug. 20, 18.52 in Randolph, Vt.; m. Aug. 3, 1880 in RanclolpbJ Luccllo. Lydia, dnu. of Nehemiah und Susan l\tlnria. (,Jones) French, b. Aug. 20, 1852 in Barre, Vt. l\ir. Granger is a carpenter and wood worker. Address, Arlington, R. I., 141 Franklin A vc.


1750 Cosic Rebecca Gran,ter, b. Oct.1.5, 1884:

0 1214 Lucy E. i; (dau. Joshua.7, Rasey F. , Israel\ 3 2 ,Villiam4, Edward , John , Ralph1, Edward)t h . .Apr. 7, 1816 in Stratton, Vt.; m. Henry ,vhitney of Stratton. Lived at No., l\-Iass. She cl. l\ich. 13., 1Si3.


1751 IJcnryJ. lVhilne1J. 1752 George lVltitncy. 1753 Charles lVhilncy. 1754 ftlartin lVhitney. 1i55 Seaver lVltilneu. 1756 Ada Wltilney 1757 il!arrJ TI'hilne1J.

1216 George W. 8 (s. Joshun.7, Hu~ey F.U, Israel\ ,vnliam", Edward3, John:, Rnlph1, Edward), b. l\:Ich. 11, 1820 in Stratton, Vt. Killed by a R. R. train in Springfield, l\'lnss.; Nov. 22, 185.5.


175S George .lf., killed during ::i.n cn,:::ap:cmcnt in the Ci\"il \Var. \Vidow lives in Ill. 1759 ..l[ary. 1760 Egbt!rl. 198 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

8 0 1219 Augustin N. · (s. Joshun.7, Hasey F. , Israel•', 3 2 William", Edward , John , Ralpb1, Edward), b. Aug. 22, 1826 in Stratton, Vt. Lived in Atchison, Kan., where he d. in 1891.


1761 Birdie, b. nt \Vardsboro, Vt.

8 0 1222 David C. (s. Joshua.7, Hasey F. , I~rael6, William", 3 2 1 Edward , John , Ralph , Edward), b. Jul. 3, 1833 at Wards­ boro, Vt.; m. Frances Julia ds.u. of Franklin and Polly (Backus) King of Chicopee Falls, Ma.'is., in 1852 at New Haven, Conn. She d. Jan 31, 1866 at Milford, Conn. Mr. Sprague was superintendent of a hat factory at Milford until his wife's death. Lived in Colorado several years, and while East on a business trip was struck by a locomotive in Rahway, N. J., Sep. 25, 1896 and instantly killed.


1... , 6,,_ S eaver, d • m• 1ru:mcy.:_, 1763 Frank Julian, b. Jul. 25, 1857. 1764 Charles May. b. Apr. 30, 1S60.

8 7 0 1223 Joshua M. (s.Joshua , HaseyF. , Israel'\ \Villiam4, Edw:i.rd3, John:\ Ralph 1, Edward), b. Sep. 23, 1835 in \V:ircls­ horo, Vt.; m. Helen Lyons. ,vent to California when the gold rush was on, crossing the plains in a prairie schooner. As­ sociated ,\;th construction forces of the Union Pacific R. R.; later real estate den.ler in \Yestchester Co., N. Y. Address, \Vhite Plains, N'. Y.


1i65 lf'alter, b. Feb. 22, 1876; d. 1876. 1766 Ralph J .• b. :\lch. 23, lSiS. 1767 Helen, b. Aug. 22, 1880; d. Dec. 1893. 1768 Ez-clyn, b. Feb. 23, 18&1; m. R. S. Voorhis, 1903. Address, "-"bite Phin!-t, X. Y. EIGHT}[ GENERATION. 199

1769 lltnry H., b. Mo.y 1, 1886; m. Veta Whitney, 1910. Address, Spoknnc, Wneh. 1770 Sulla, b. Aug. 6, 1888; m. 1909, G. J. Campbell. Address, North­ ampton, Mnss.

8 7 1236 Emily B. (dau. William , John°, John\ Hezekiah', 3 2 1 Edward , John , Ralph , Edward), b. Jun. 6, 1816 in Hancock N. H.; taught school for a time; m. Oct. 12, 1840, George Ives King, D. D., pa..stor of the 1st Pres. Ch. at Western, N. Y., s. Henry and Betsey (Allen) King of, N. Y., b. Jun. 1, 1815, d. Mch. 12, 1873 in the 5th year of his pastorate at Jerseyville, Ill. His longest pastorate was 12 years at Quincy, IIL For a time he was located at Hanover, N. J. Mrs. Sprague d. Mch. 7, 1891 at Lincoln, Neb., 1631 F. St.


1771 Emeline King, b. in Watertown, N. Y.;d. in infnncy. 1772 George King, b. in Watertown; d. in infancy. 1773 Ella King,. b. Feb. 27, 1849. 1774 Clara King, b. Jan. 15, 1851. 177,r; Cora King, b. in Hruiovcr, N. J.; d. Aug. 1856 in Quincy, Ill. 1776 lVillie King, b. in Hnnover, N. J.; d. Oct. 1S53 in H!lllover, N. J. 1777 lJJ'illiam lValter King, b. S<-p. 15, 185i in Qtincy, IlL; d. Aug. 1861.

8 7 1238 HarrietL .. (dau. \Villfo.m , John'1, John\ Hezekiah', Edward3, John::\ Ralph1, Edward), b. 1823 in Nelson, N. H.; m. Calvin Littlefield in 1848 at Belleville, N. ·y·. He was s. of John and .Am.ilia (Barney) Lit.tlefield, b. 1822; d. 1910. They lived at Aurora and Belle,;lle, N. Y. Shed. 1879.


1778 Clara Sprague Lilllrficld, b. 1849 in Aurorn. X. Y.; d. 1852 in BE'lle• ville. 1779 Rebecca :May Littlefield, b. Feb. 20, 1851. 1780 ..-1 nna JlaudLilllcficld, b. 1867 in Bcllc\-ille. 200 THE RALPH SPJL.\.GUE GE:S-EALOGY.

8 3 • 1239 Marcia (da.u. Avery!, John°,Johnli,Hezekiah~;Ed~ard , Johnz, Rnlph1, Edward),~b


1781 Nant1J Brainerd~ m. Fronk Chester. 1782 l.nuis Brainerd, m. Celia Brainerd. 1783 FrankBrai11erd, m. ~Jury-Robinson.

8 7 1242 Lucia Aroanda (dau. Avery , John°, Johns, Hezekiah"', Edward\ John::, Ralph1, Edward), b. Feb. 14, 1830 in Nelson, N. H.; m .. Jas.. Allen, Sep. 10, 1850 in Strongs­ ,ille, 0. Shed. Nov. 24, 1897 in •..\.lbion, l\,lich.


1784 J-IanJ Ann~1llcn, m. Curtis Dc1Volf. 1785 Julia Alle~i, m~ Ju.spcr ,v olcott. 1780 Emma...4Ucn, m. Ch:is. Hooper. 17S7 George A lien, d. in Garfield, \'f'ash. 1788 Stella .:1llen, m. Robert Uncles in P:JSadenn., Cal.

1243 Ellen8 (dau Avent' John 6 John5 Hezekiah" . 1 ... ' , ' ' Edward\ Johnz, Ralph , Edward), b. Dec. 12, 1832 in Nelson, N. H.; m .. Abija~· Hule_t, Sep. 10, 1851 in Strongville, 0. She~- in Albion, ~Iich., lI:iy-30, 1895.


1789 Williani Hulet, b. in Strongsville; d. in Iunsas City, :\Io. 1700 N cllie II ulel.

1246 Milton A.s (s. Avery\ John6, John:;, Hezekiah", 3 Edward , Johnz, Ralph1, Edwa.rd), b. Nov. 7, 1839 at Parma, Cuyahoga Co., O.; m. Apr. 21, 1863, Addie J., d:iu. of .Albert )-I. A. SPRAGt:"E.


Wing, d. Sep. 1, 1878. m. (2) Nov. 9, 1880, Eva Margaret, dau. of Thomas and Jane (Spensley) Elgin, b. Feb. 18, 1853 in Jackson County, Ia. He is president of the Berea Pipe Line Co., vice-president of The Union Sa\ings & Loan Co., vice-president of The Curtis-Ambler Realty Co., on the Board of Directors of The Cleveland South Westem Railway Co. Active in the Masonic Fraternity and has received the different degrees including the Scottish Rite, which v;as conferred at Cincinnati, 0., in 1884. Address, Cleveland, 0., 60 Public Square.


1791 Charles Jlf., b. Feb. 14, 1864; d. Mch. 16, 1877.

8 5 1249 WilHam W. (s. John7, John6, John , Hezekiah'',' 2 1 Edward3, John , Ralph , Edward), b. Apr. 16, 1828 in Nelson, N. H.; m. Julia, dau. of Willirun and Mary (Emerson) Skinner in Keene, 0., d. in Keene in 1906. Occupation, harness maker in Keene, 0.; d 17, lSSi.


1792 Lucy A.B., b. Dec. 5, 1859; d. Mch. 19, 1861. 1793 Ada ..llary, b. Xov. 15, 1863; d. in Macon, Gn.., 1895. 1794 Ida Fie~ b. Nov.15, 1863.

8 7 6 1250 Francis C. - (s. John , John , John5, Hezekiah", Edward:', John:, Ralph1, Edward), b. Feb. 5, 1831 in Mass.; m. Gertrude, dau. of Jrunes and Isabella (Compton) Smith, in St. Louis, 1\-Io., b. in St. Louis, Oct. I, 1840. He was a merchant in Keene, 0.; d. Nov. 19, 1898.


1795 Loui8, b. St. Louis, l!o.; d. there. 1796 LuluBellc, b. Scp.10, 1866 ;n Keene, O.; m. Dr. H.B. l\IcCurdy. 202 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

8 7 6 6 1252 Edwin B. (s. John , John , John , Hezekiah', Edward3 , John-," Ralph1 , Edward), b. in Keene, 0., Jan. 23, . 1835, in a log cabin. Commenced his adventuresome life at ten years of age by working in a general store and post­ office. In 1855 went to St. Louis and ran up the Missouri River to St. Joe, 600 miles, by boat as express messenger. It took two ""eeks to make a round trip, as the current was so strong insurn.nce companies obliged them to tie up to the bank night times on returning. This was before railroads were built there. In 1858 he became cashier for E. E. Bryant of Bement, Platt County, Ill., who carried on a general merchandise business. In 1863 began mercantile business on his o"~ hook on the Wabash R. R. at Milmine, being post­ master with commission signed by Abraham Lincoln. In 1865 be went to New Orleans on a business trip and on landing was obliged to take oath of allegience, register at the city office and stand draft. Although fortunate in not being drafted he was obliged to get a permit when he left the city. Finding the captain of the boat "Sultana" which sailed that day out of humor, he took the ne.'\."t boat "·hich left on the following day. In this he was fortunate for a. little above Memphis they came up to the "Sultana," blown up and sunk, with only her Jack­ staff sticking out of the water, ,,;th 1,850 of the 2,350 prisoners from Andersonville prison, which she had taken aboard at Vicksburg, carried down with her; m. Fidelia E. Bryant, dau. of Francis and Sarah (Briscoe) Bryant, Feb. 8, 1866, b. Jun. 25, 1841, d. Dec. 3, 1894 at Riverside, Cat They lived in St. Louis for ten years where he '\\·as bookkeeper for his cousin onaS2,000s:tlary. For twelve years he did a grocery business in Bement; from 1888 to 1906 lived in Riverside, Cal., carry­ ing on a grocery trade and setting out a ten-acre orange grove. Hed.1907.


1797 Edwin Bruce, b. Dec. S, 1865. 1798 Sophia Sarah, b. l\fo.y 1, 1871 nt Kirkwood, l\!o.; d. Jun. 12, 1872. 1799 John Francis, b. Sep. 1, 1874. EIGHTH GE.,~RATION. 203

1800 FrederickBriscoe, b. Apr. 16, 1877 o.t Bement, Ill.; d. May 7, 1878; · 1so1 Hattie Fidd:ia, b. Nov. 12, 1881 at Bement, Ill.; d. Aug. 8, 1882.

8 3 1253 Maro M. (s. John7, John6, John5, Hezekiah", Edward , 2 John , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Keene~ 0., Dec. 21, 1837; m. Lizzie McKee, dau. of Andrew and Fanny (Loye) McKee in Keene, Apr. 26, 1860, b. Sep. 19, 1840 in Plainfield, 0.; d. in Keene, Jan.13, 1871. His occupation, grocer.

CHILDREN. ·1802 Nellie Fie. b. Feb. 11, 1861. 1803 Lucy B .• b. May 29, 1863. 1804 Lizzie M •• b. Jan. 7, 1871. ·

8 5 1254 James B. (s.. John7, John6, John. , Hezekiah\ 3 2 1 Edward , John , Ralph , Edward), b .. Oct.. I, 1840 in Keene, O.; m. in Polo, Ill., Jennie Snooks, Dec. 25, 1873; who d. Jan. 31', 1894 at Riverside, Cal. His occupation, merchant. Address, San Diego, Cal..

CHILDRE:S. 1805 Grace, b. Apr. 2, 1876 in Bement, O.; d. 1S8S in W"itchita., Kan. 1S06 FranklinB., b. Jan. 10, 1878 at Great Bend, Kan.

8 7 1267 Esther H. (da.u. Joseph W. , Joseph6, Jonathan&, 2 Hezekiah', Edward3, Jobn , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Gill, Mass., Dec. 12, 1834; m. Charles W. Day 1273, Nov 20,1859 at De~'ter, l\.'.Iich.; m .. (2) Aug. 20, 1872 in Travers City, Mich., Reuben, s. of Re,-. Reuben Hatch of Oberlin, 0. Shed. Feb. 24, 1911. CBILDBEN. 1807 SybelA~esDay. b. Mch.16, 1864. 1S08 James Clifton Day, b. Jul. 16, 1865; d. n.t Grand Rapids, :Mich~ J:m. 12, 1904. 1S09 Charles Edwin Day,b. Sep. 24, 1866; resides at Incli:ma.polis, Ind. 1810 Clara Noble Day, b. Jul. 10, 1868; d. Scp.10, 1S6S. 204 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

8 8 5 1268 Ada Kate (dau. Joseph W.7, Joseph , Jonathan , 3 2 1 Hezekiah", Edward , John , Ralpb , Edward), b. in Gill Mass., Aug. 16, 1843; m. Edwin Spencer Pratt, Aug. 13, 1868 at Traverse City, l\'Iich., who cl Jun. 5, 1911. Mrs. Pratt was charter member of the Ladies' Literary .Association; organizer of the Eastern Star Lodge of Traverse City; •.\:ssociate editor of one of the city daily papers; published "Beauty Spots of the Grand Traverse Region,"· etc., etc. Residence "Hillcrest," Traverse City, ?viicb.


1811 Louis Albert Pratt, b. Jan. 9, 1S72. 1812 Winifred Esther Pratt. b. Jan. 6, 18i4. 1813 Elvin Spra~ue Pratt. b. Jul 16, 1876.

6 1269 Capt. Edwin E. Day8 (s. Mercelinn.7,. Joseph , 5 3 2 Jonaths.n , Hezekiah", Edward , John , Rs.lph1, Edward), b. in Gill, lVIass., Sep. 3, 1825; stonecutter; soldier; killed at the Battle of Fair Oaks, Va.., May 31, 1862 •. m. in Boston, Dec. 8, 184i, lviary F. Blaisdell, b. 1827, d. Jul. 1, 1852; m. (2) Sep. 30, 1855, Aura C., of Seth and Rowena. (Hosmer) Wood. She d. in Augusta, l\rie., Feb. 12, 190i. "Capt. Edwin Ely Day, s. of Jas. Day and lvlercelina Sprague was the first man in Greenfield to offer his services to the Union; was captain of the 'Greenfield Guards' Co. G. 10th Regt., l\:lass., V. M. who as a body voted in Feb. 1861 to hold themselves in readiness to go to the front at call On Sunday, Apr. 14th, following the firing on Fort Sumter, two mass meetings were held in Greenfield, o.nd a patriotic towns­ m~ volunteered to lend the money to fit out the compa.nv so they "·ould not have to wait for the to,\-"D. to call a meeting. Accordingly 83,500 was e:-..i,ended and the grey uniforms ths.t Capt. Day and his men wore to Washington were exchanged for the blue, and packed away. These were stolen during his famous raid on ,v asbington in 1864, to uniform some of the southern army. Capt. Day and his company ·were mustered

EIGHTH GENERATION. 205 in Jun. 21, 1861 and he held the position until his death o.t Fair Oaks." (Quoting from burial sermon.) "The 10th, after a quick muster at Camp Brightwood near W a.shington, was moved to the Peninsula and in the first battle in which it was engaged, at Fair Oaks, on the last day of May, 1862, Capt. Day was killed at the head of his company. He received three bullet wounds, one of them fatal. One was received after he had received the fatal one and had been laid on a stretcher to be taken from the field." He was buried on the field and si.~ months later disinterred and brought home to be among the familiar scenes of home and kindred. His going out was manly, noble and generous. He went con• scientiously and from a sense of duty. He conducted himself as became his office and position. He was a wise, faithful, useful and bravesoldier. Hed. asasoldier would v.ish to die if the ·appointed time had come, with his armor on amid the din and roar of battle. The fatal bullet pierced him as he stood facing the foe. In 1870, the comrades formed a post ~nd named it Capt. Edwin Day Post, G. A. R., and in 1885 the W.R. C. also honored him bycommemoratinghisname,vhen they organized a.n au.-tllary.

CmLD. 1S14 GeorgeEdwin Day, b. Jul. 25, 1851; m. Mary Hula.n; d. 1905.

7 5 1270 Joseph S. Day8 (s. Mercelina , Joseph6, Jonathan ,. 2 1 Hezekiah\ Edward3, John , Ralph , Edward), b. in Gill, l\, Jan. 30, 1827; engaged in the e~i>ress business; m. Sophia, of George Field, at Greenfield, l\t!ass., i1ay 20, 1851. She was b. in Greenfield, Mass., Nov. 8, 1823; d. in Peoria, Ill., Jul. 18, 1894. He d. in Peoria, Ill., Nov. 16, 1896.

CHILDREN". 1815 Alice Day, b. ~lch. 21, 1852 in Greenfield, ~lass.; m. J. Whitley, Jun. 1S80; d. Mar. 16, 1SS1. 1816 Elizabeth Day, b. :May 21, 1853 in Greenfield, l\,Iass.; m. E. A. Powell, 1876; d. 1904. 200 THE ltALl'H SPHAOUE GENEALOGY.

1817 George Day, b. Aug, 31, 18u4 in Greenfield, MD88.; m. Mnry Grosse, 1880. 1818 Kull,mrie D"ll, b. Sep. 11, 1858 in Mcnitotn., Ill.; m. Geo. Johnson, 1880. Adclrl"RS, 121 7th Ave,, Peoria, Ill.

8 6 1271 Robert Day" (s. Mcrcclino.7, Joseph , Jonnthan , 3 Hezekiah", Edwnrd , John:\ Rn.lph1, Edward), b. in Gill, Mass., Oct. 1, 1828; n. fa.rmcr; m. in Bcrno.rclston,, J o.n. 15, 1867, Abba, dau. of Seth a.nd Rowena. (Hosmer) '\\-'"' ood. She d. Mny 2, 1884 in Greenfield, Mass. Resided at Greenfield and Turner Falls, Mass.


1810 Jt.'1ttric Rou:cna Day, b. l\lch. 21, 1868. 1820 .llJary 1/osmer Day, b. Nov. 12, 1870. 1821 ClaraLillian Day, b. Feb. 7, 1873; m. E. D. Scott, 1907.

8 7 8 1272 Anna M. Day (dau. Mercelina , Joseph , Jona• 6 3 2 than , Hezekiah'', Edward , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Nov. 10, 1830 in Gill, Mass.; m. Chas. F. Day in Greenfield, Mass., Jun. 17, 1851, who d. Sep. 8, 1856; m. (2) Rollin M. ,Yitt; lived in Freeport, Ill. Living now "ith Alice her only living child at Cainsville, Alachua Co., Fla.


1822 Franklin HennJ Day, b. Nov.19, 1854; d. Jul. 2, 1910. 1823 Mary Blaisdell Day, b. Oct. 6, 1856. 1824 Alice Augusta lfill, b. Nov. 10, 1859; unm. 1825 Edwin Day lVitt, b. Au,:t. 17, 1863; d. Aug. 29, 1863. 1826 AlbertJ. lfitt, b. Nov. 21, 1866; d. Jul. 17, 1891.

7 1274 Cornelia M. Day!j (dau. Mercelina. , Joseph«\ 2 Jonathan\ Hezckiah4, Edward3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Gill, Mass., Apr. 14, 1839; m. Nov. I, 1860, in Cl9.rion, Ill., Edward, s. of Bailey and Rebecca (Phelps} Birge, who EIOHTlI GENERATION. 207

was b. in Hartford, Conn., Mnr. 23, 1834; d. in Roslindale1 Mass., Nov. 22, 1905. Her present adclre8s is 1529 Center St.,, Mass.


1827 Mary Rebecca Blrg,e, b. Oct. 11, 1861. 1828 Llewellyn Day Birge, b. Sep. 24, 1864 nt Florence, l\IU:18.; ru . .Annie L. Leith, Oct. 24, 1805, He d. Oct. 6, 1006 in Providence, R. I. 1820 Edward Bailey Birge, b. Jun. 12, 1868 nt Bny Villu1te, l\; m. l\fo.ry Thompson, Jun. 20, .1901. Addr~, 1014 No. Penn­ sylvo.nin. St., Indionnpolis, Ind. 18.10 Harry RusaellBirgc, b. Feb. 22, 1870 at Bny Stntc Villn.gc;

1276 Sarah J. Day' (dn.u. l\iiercclinai, Joseph°, Jona-­ than:\ Hczekio.h", Edward3, John!?, Ralph1, Edward), b. Oct. 17, 1845 in Gill, l\In~s. :Win.y 19, 1869 m. in Yellow Creek! Ill., G. U. LaFayette Rogers, s. of Oliver and Deborah (Lewis) Rogers, b. Nov. 26, 1831 at Willow Vale, New Hartford, N~-Y.; d. Apr. 11 1907. Her present address is No. 51 Doyle Ave., Providence, R. I.


1834 Milford D:- j Roiers, b. :May. 26, 1870.

1278 Lucien W. Coy8 (s. Lucinda·, Joseph°, Jonathan\ 1 Hezekiah4, Edwn.rd3, John!?, Rnlph , Ed"·ard), b. Dec. 13, 1834 in Northfield, l\Iass.; m. l\Ich. 13, 1866 "Abbie Marin. .. dau. of Isaac and Rebecca Louisa (Conna.ble) Burrows in Bernardston,, b. Feb. 7, 1841. l\Ir. Coy '\\·as in the­ employ of the J. Russell Cutlery Co. of Greenfield, l\Iass. for 6 years. From 1856 to 1861 lived in Ill. and :i\Io. · En- 208 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

listed in the l8t Mo. Engineers Dec. 7, 1861. Promoted to Second Lieut,, in Jul. 1862 and to First Lieut., in ~ov. 1862; mustered out of service Dec. 20, 1864. Eng~ in raising cotton in Ark. for u. time. \Vas collector of Internal Revenue from 1868 to 1872. For many years cashier of the First N a.tionn.l Bank of Little Rock, Ark., Pres. of the Bank of Commerce, Little Rock, and Pres. a.nd Treru:;. of the .4..rk. Loan and Trust Co. l\1I ember of the Loyn.1 Legion of the U. S. Address, Chesterfield, N. H.


1835 J ennJe Evelyn Coy, b. Jul. 8, 1868. 1836 Julia LouUJa Coy, b. in Greenfield, l\-Inss., Jul 22, 1870; m. Prof. \Villinm Esty, Jun.14, 1894. 1837 Lucien 11". Coy, b. in Little Roclc, Ark., Jn.n. 25, 1879; m. Aug. 14, 1003 in E. Dedham, Mass., Mn.ry Julia. cbu. or Jn.mcs \V. n.nd Salome (Ycislt:?y) :\IJler of Soldiers' Grmrc, \Vis.; occupntion, tr:i.vcling salesmn.n; office, 36 Bromfield St., Boston, :\lass.

8 6 · 1279 Joseph S. Coy (s. Lucinda', Joseph , Jona­ 3 2 than\ Hezekiah4, Edward , John , Ralph\ Edward), b. I\f:Ly 30~ 1837 in Northfield, Mass.; went to Illinois, 1856 .. Enlic,ted in company B, 62d Ill., Jan. 15, 1862; transferred to 61st regiment, U. S. Co. C, May 15, 1863 ,,;th mnk of first lieutenant; made captain of the same company Jun.. 10, 1864; served in various companies in :i\fiss., La. and Fla.; held several staff positions and finally made provost marshall of Clairbome Parish, La.., under Gen. Canby; mu~tered out of service on the e:\.-piration of his term, Jan. 9, 1866; m .. Sep. 10, 1865, 11atilda Amelia, dau. of Henry and Leah (Rethard) Herr, in Centralia, I!I., who was b. ~-Ich. 7, 1844 in \Yashington Co., Ill. Lived in Heney, Clinton Co., Ill .. He d. Nov. 2i, 1911.

CHILDRE!':. 1838 Ada .~[atilda Coy, b. Sep. 25, 1866 in Clinton, Ill.; unm. 1839 Joseph Waller Coy, b. Apr. 14, 1869 in \'\:-ashington, Ill.; d. Oct. 11, 1885 in Hoff m!lll, ID. EIGHTH GENERATION. 209

1840 Lucien Herr Coy, b. Nov. 30, 18il in Washington, Ill; m. Iuthryn Kendall Jul 21, 1906. 1841 Hmru Arthur Coy, b. Jan. 13, 1874 in Washington, ID.; unm.

O 1280 Isabel L. Coy8 (dau. Lucindn.7, Joseph , Jona­ 2 than5, Hezekiah4, Edward3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Barton, Vt., Oct. 23, 1841; m. in Washington Co. Ill., Edward Van Buren Huckelbury, s. of Edward and Mary W'lSe (Daily) Huckelbury, who was b. Oct. 8, 1832. Address, Centralia, Ill.


1842 Albert Page Huckelbury, b. Dec. 1, 1859. 1843 Arthur Eugene Hu.ckelbury, b. Mnr. 23, 1S61; d. Nov. 5, 1864 in Ccnt~TIL 1844 Mary Melvina Huckelbury, b. Mar.13, 1863. 1845 James Calvin Huckelbury, b. 1\'.ln.y 14, 1865 in Clinton Co., ID.; d. Nov. I, 1865. 1846 Emely l\lahala Huckelbury. b. Nov. 2, 1866. 1847 Lucien Bacon Huckelbury. b. l\ilch. 8, 1870. 1848 ErnestEdmund Hut:kdhury, b. Sep. 11, 1872. 1849 Bertha Bell Huckelbury, b. Feb. 3, 1876 in Wnshmgton Co., DL; d.Sep.11,1876. 1850 Charles Dumner Huckelbury, b. Dec. 1, 1Si7 in Wnshington Co., DL 1851 Alice Edith Huckelbury, b. llay 5, 1881 .i.n. Clinton Co., Ill.

8 6 1281 Jennie S. Coy (dau. Lucincls.7, Joseph , Jona­ 3 than·\ Hezekiah', Edws.rd , John:\ Ralph1, Edward), b. Aug. 26, 1847 in Gill, Mass.; m. Nov. 17, 1869 in Brattleboro, Vt., Cephas H., s. of Aaron and Syh-ia (Pike) l\'.Iorgan. Address, Orange, l\iass., 91 Prospect St.


1852 Bertha A. Jlorgan, b. l\Iar. 4, 1872 in Orange, l\lass.; she is presi~ dent of the Kentucky Clnssical and Business College at No. l\.1iddlctown,Ky. 1853 Percy H. Morgan. b. Jul. 6, 1873 in Hamilton, Ont. 210 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

7 6 1282 Edward J. Carpenter8 (s. Vallonia Slate , Tirzah , 5 2 1 Jonathan , HE.zekiah", Edward3, John , Ralph , Edward), b. Aug. 24, 1825 in Bernardston, :n,Iass., m. Mn.ry Jane Frink, Feb. 14, 1850. da.u. of Lyman and Laura (Lawrence) Frink of Deerfield, ?viass., d. May 16, 1900, age 73 YTS· and 6. mos. Resided in Brattleboro, Vt., where he conducted a. book~tore for 50 years; moved to Amherst, Mass., ""here he d. Jun. 16, 1900.


1854 Charla E. Carpenter, b. l\1cb. 31, 1851; m. l\largn.ret Athan, Aug. 27, 1873. He is a civil engineer at Topeka, Knn. 1855 Edward W. Carpenter,. b. Jul 1, 1856. 1856 Allan!Awrcnce Carpenter, b. Oct. 31, 1858; d. Feb. 25, 1860. 1857 Maud Carpenter,. b. Oct.11, 1867.

8 7 · 1283 John E. Carpenter (s. Vallonia Slate , Tirzah6, 5 Jorus.tha.n , Hezekiah", Edward3, John:\ Ralph1, Edward), b. Mar. 11, 182i in Bernardston, ~!ass.; "·as paymaster on the Wabash R. R., headquarters, Toledo, 0.; m. Elvira Homer Jul. 8, 1851, who d. Jun. 5, 1869. He d. Nov. 29, 1875.


1858 John Albert Carpenter, b. Oct. 13, 1853 in Northampton, I\iass.; drowned in Toledo, 0., ~In.y 21, 1870. 1859 Charla Homer Carpm,ter, b. Sep. 21, 1858 in Toledo, O.; d. Dee. 12, 1863. 1860 li-finnie Eluira Carpenter, !:,. Dee. 2, 1863 in Toledo, O.; d. Jan. 15, 1864.

8 7 6 1288 Charles C. Carpenter (s. Vallonia Slate , Tirzah , 3 2 Jonathan5, Hezekiah'', Edwaru. , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Bernardston, Mass., July 9, 1836; fitted for college at Goodale Academy, Williston Seminary, and Kimball Union Academy; prevented by ill health from entering college; as result of health excursion to Labrador became a missionary EIGHTH GENERATION. 211 to that under Foreign Missionary Society seven years; ordained (Cong.) Montreal, May 9, 1860; cashier of U. S. Christian Commission, Grant's Army, Dec. 1864 to April, 1865; superintendent Lookout Mt. Educational Institutions, Tenn., 1866-72; Andover Theological Seminary, 1875; pastor Peabody, Mass., 18i5-80; Mt. Vernon, N. H., 1880-85; journalist, Andover, Mass., 1886-1906 (editor of "Conversation Comer" Boston Congregationalist, "l\1r. Martin,") ; compiler of biographical catalogues of Phillips Academy and Andover Theological Seminary. A. M., Hamil­ ton Coll. 1869; Dartmouth Coll. 1S87. J.\,Iem. N. E. Hist. Gen: Soc. J\tir. Carpenter was far better k"'D.own to thousands of children and "Old Folks" all ovcrthela.nd for 20 years as "Mr. J\:iartin of the Conversational Corner" of the Con­ gregationalist, than by bis own name. Address, Andover, Mass.


1861 Geo~e Rice Carpenter~ b. Oct. 25, 1863. 1862 Charles Lincoln Carpenter, b. Jun. 17, 1867. 1863 WiJliam Bancroft Carpenter, b. Feb. 10, 1869. 1864 Jane Brody Carpenter, b. Nov. 4, 1871 at Lookout l\Iountain, Tenn.; A. B.) Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1897. In 1901 A.1\1., Columbm Coll.; teacher ?\.it. Holyoke; School; Eromn. '\Villard School, Troy, N. Y.; keeper of the Alumnae records, Abbot Academy, Andover, l\iI3SS. 1865 Miriam Feronia Carpenter, b. at Mt. Vernon, N. H., Sep. 21, ISSI; graduate of l\ilt. Holyoke Coll.; Colorado Coll., 1905; Sec. to Dean of Hm-vnrd·Univ.; Sec. to Pres., Rockford Coll.; assistant to the Denn of lit. Holyoke, Coll.

8 7 1289 Sarah A. Carpenter (dau. Vallonia Slate , Tir­ 2 zah6, Jonathan5, Hezekiah", Edwa.rd3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Jan. 26, 1839 in Bernardston, Mass.; m. Henry M. Mc­ CloudS, (No. 1309) Jun. 29, 1865. Address, Amherst, Mass. 212 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.


1866 Jfary Carpent,er AfcCluud, b. No,·. 28, 186i; d. Jan. 1, 1867. 1867 llfabel Carpenter JlfcCloud, b. Aug. 14, 1868; d. Aug. 14," 1868. 1868 Albert Ca.rpt:nlcr McCloud, b. Nov. 24, lSiO; ·m. Edna A. Carpenter, Aug. 8, 1894.

8 7 6 1304 Sophia A. Slate (dau. Timothy P. Slate , Tirzah , 2 Jonathan5, Hezekiah4, Edward3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Oct. 13, 1833 in Bernardston, Mass.; m. W. A. King Jul. 4, 1852. Mr. and Mrs. King recently celebrated the 60th anniversary of their wedding at their home in Cushing, Mass.

1869 Henry \Voodbrid~e King. b. Aug. 16, 1855. 1870 FwraJeanctte King, b. Jun. 25, 1858; te:i.cher; unm.

8 7 6 1306 Milton L. McCloud (s. Tirzah M. Slate , Tirzah , 5 Jonathan , Hezekiah", Edward3, John=, Ralph1, Edward), b. in Bernardston, l\fass., ~,Ich. 26, 1831; m. Mary Smith, Nov. 22, 1853. Both living , res. 1 East St., Northampton, lVIass.


1871 lVilliam.L. JlcCloud, b. Sep. 18, 1856. 1872 Jf. Smith JfcCwud, b. Apr. 24:, 1861. 1873 Luman K . .lfcCloud, b. Feb. 2, 1868.

8 7 6 1307 Uri B. McCloud (s. Tirzo.h l\iI. Slo.te , Tirzah , 5 2 Jonathan , Hezekiah"\ Edward\ John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Dec. 16, 1834 in Bernardston, l\'Iass.; m. Saro.h J. Graves, lived in Charlement, l\Iass.; cL l\Ich. 17, 1908. EIGHTH GE!l."ERATION. 213


1874 IrvinE... ~fcCloud, b. 1561;has three children:Ernest. Lina and Ada. 1875 Henry M. l\fcCloud, b. Oct. 18, 1863. 1876 Jerwit;B •.McCloud, b. No"·· 22, 1867; m.; has 2 children. 187i Waller L. JlfcCloud, b. Jul. 22, 1S69; m:; bus 1 child, Helene.

7 1310 Lima T. Slate,; (dau .. Jonathan Sprague Slate , 3 Tirzah°, JonatbnnS, Hezekiah", Edward , John:\ Ralph\ Edward), b .. May 14, 1839 in Amherst, Mass.; m. Jul.14,1868 Jam~ A. Horton, and resides in Greenfield, Mass.


1878 J essfe May Horton, b. Jun. 12, 1873.

8 7 1312 Ella C. S1ate (dau. Jonathan Sprague Slate , 2 Tirzah6,,5 Hezekiu.h4, Edward3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Aug. 21, 184i; m. Oct. 26, 1869 Freeman E. Payne of Greenfield, Mass. Address, Green.field.


1879 Fl.orenc.e Isabelle Payne, b. Noi.·. 5, 1870; m. Henry S. Franklin of Greenfield, 1\-Iass., where they now reside.

1321 John8 (s. Eli', "-illiam'\ \Villis.m,S Hezekiah", 2 Edward3, John , Ralph1, Edward)1 b. Jun. 26, 1826 at Fitz­ william, l\iiass.: m. Louise l\I. Guilford of Shelburn Falls, Dec. 25, 1849; m. (2) Martha B. Shattuck; he d. in Ashfield, Mass.• Sep. 8, 1897.

1S80 CharlcsEdu:ard, b. Sep. 22, 1850; m. Dclin. \Y:uker; (2) lfaud Smith; d. Nov. 1890; no children. 1SS1 Alice K., b. Oct. 31, 1856. 214 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GE1'1~0GY.

8 7 6 5 1323 MaryR. (dau. Eli , Wtlliam , Wtlliam. , Hezekiah", 3 Edward , John:!, Ralph1, E


1882 Charles William OrcuU, b. Oct. 5, 1858. 1883 Elliot WallerOrcuU, b. Jnn. 22, 1860. 1884 Will .1.lfansjieldOrcull, b. Nov. 11, 1862. 1885 FTed.AlmonOrcuU, b.Apr. 2, 1869.

8 7 6 5 1324 Ellen R. (dau. Nathan , William , Wtlliam , 3 Hezekiah'', Edward , John:.\ Ralph1, Edward), b. May 13, 1835 in Hinsdale, N. H.; m. May 1, 1855 a Mr. Mansfield in Keene, N. H. Shed. Sep. 15, 1903 in Greenwich, N. Y.

1886 AlfredL. JIamfield, m. l\Iary Childs.

8 7 6 5 1325 Frank L. (s. Nathan , Wtlliam , Wtlliam , Heze­ 3 kiah', Edward , John:!, Ralph1, Edward), b. J:J.D.. 14, 1837; m. Rilfo. M. Skiff of Chesterfield, N. H., b. Oct. 24, 1833; d. Jan. 20, 1902 in Keene, N. H. He was a furniture manu­ facturer; d. No,". 12, 1909 in Keene.

CHILD. lSSi FlurenceL., b. Apr. 12, 1861.

1326 Andrews T.8 (s. Nathan', William,° Willi:i.m.S, Hezekiah', Edward3, John:?, Ralph1, Edward), b. Feb. 13, 1841 in Hinsdale, N. H.; m. Josephine L., dau.ofCbas.3.D.d Lucy (Burbank) Mansfield of Winchester, N. H., Feb. 24, 1870. Lived for a time in Green"-ich, N. Y. Address, Winchester, N. H. EIGHTH GE1'1~TION. 215

1888 J eMie Andretts, b. Jan. 7, 1872; d. Aug. 10, 1875. 1889 Charles Harry> b. Dec. 27, 1879. 1890 Lura Josephine, b. Jan. 29, 1882; d. Jan. 9, 1885.

8 6 1327 Watson N. (s. Nathan~, William?, Wi11iam , 3 Hezekiah', Edward , John:9 Ralph1, Ed"'·ard), b. Jan. 13, 1843 in Hinsdale, N. H.; m. Mch. 14, !Sil, Malissa Reed in Boston, Mass. He was a leather board manufacturer; d. in Green­ "\\ich,_N. Y., Jul. 15, 1907. CHILD.

1891 Sarah .Mabel, b. Aug. 24, 1873 in Keene, N. H.

8 7 6 5 1333 Samuel L. Briggs (s. Asenath , , Hezekiah , 2 Hezekiah", Edward3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Ma.y 23, 1829 .in Bernardston, Mass.; m. Jan. 1, 1857 Ann Sullivan, in N. Y. City. The children were b. in N. Y.-tCity. He d. Sep. 27, 1894.

CHILDREX. 1892 George Briggs, b. Nov.19, 1857; butcher by occupation. 1893 Thomas Briggs, b. Jul. 25, 1860; cook at '\\'nytcs, Fulton St., N. Y. 1894 Sarah Briggs, b. Apr. 7, 1862; millin<"r, 9 Orchard St~, Newark, N.J.;unm. 1895 Cyrus Briggs, b. Jul. 20, 1867; coffee importer n.t Seattle, Wash.

8 7 0 5 1337 Charles Briggs (s. _.\senath , Asa , Hezekia.h , Hezekiah4, Edward3, John:?, Ralph1, Edward), b. Aug. 28, 1839 in l\Iontague, l\Iass.; m. :\fmha Ellen Rathburn, Apr. 22, 1880, who d. Sep. 21, 1893, age 43 yTs. He d. in 1904.

CHILDRE..'-. 1896 Luna Dais?J Briggs, b. Aug. 31, 1883 in N'orth.field,; matron of the Tulonguc Colored school in :Mississippi. 1897 ~'\Iinnie .4nn Briggs, b. Apr. 16, 1S86; in a. trnining school nes.r Boston. 216 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

1898 HaUieEllenBriggs, b. l\b.r. 19, 1889; d. in 1889. 1899 lllay AliceBriggs, b. l\Ich. 13, 1891; in a training school near Boston.

8 1340 Joseph Briggs (s .....\', .~a6, Hezekiah.5, Hezeki­ 3 ah", Edward , John:!, Ralph1, Edward), b. Jan. 6, 1846 in Sun­ derland, )!ass.; a shoemaker, lived and d. in Athol, l\fa.y 23, 1885. m. Ida Stella, dau. of Samuel Jennings of Athol, Jun. 30, 1870. Shed. Nov. 23, 1891; age 3i yrs.

1900 Samuel Leslie Briggs. b. l\kh. 27, 1871.

1342 Clinton M.8 (s. Joseph S!, Jose°, Hezekiah\ Heze­ 2 kiah", Edward3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Apr. 27, 1869; m. Theodosia Carrie Smith of Northfield, l\, Mch. 2i, 1890. Lived in Northfield, Ma.5s., ·where he d. Dec. 23, 1896.


1901 Don Harri8on, b. l\Ich. 3, 1891; sta.tion agent in Northfield, l\Inss. 1902 .1.lfarjoria Gertrude, b. Jan. 8, 1893; living with nn uncle in London­ derry, N. H. 1903 Helen Ruth, b. Jul. 22, 1894; in school in Northfield, l\·Iass. 1904 Paul.Gordon, b. Jan. 21, 1896; in school in Northfield, l\Iass.

8 7 5 1343 Susan F. (dau. William A. , Jose°, Hezekiah , 3 2 Hezekia.h4, Edward , John , Ralph 1, Ed,vard), b. in Bernards­ ton, Mass., 1\ilay 21, 1862. Taught school eleven years in Mass., ·vt., and l\'.Id.; m. Apr. 30, 1895, William Avery, s. of Lewis Alvah and l\fary A. (l\'.Ioore) Scott, b. Mch. 13, 1868 in No. Amherst, Mass. Still much interested in schools,. being member of school committees, etc. Present address, ·No. 52 Conway St., Greenfield, l\fass. EIGHTH GENERATION. 217

1905 Carl H crbert Scott, b. Dec. 28, 1897; d. Jan. -1, 189S. 1906 Elsie Sophia Scott, b. Jul 2, 1899. 1907 Beulah ,llary Scott, ·b. Aug. 13, 1900. 1908 Lewis AvenJScoU, b. Aug. 28, 1904.

8 5 1349 Mary L. (clau. Lysander H/, Jose°, Hezekiah , Hezekiah'', Edward3, John=\ Ralph\ Edward), b .. on tbeold Sprague farm in Bernardston, l\iass., l\Iay 29, 1856; m. Jan. 4, 1877 in Brattleboro, Vt., Charles \Yebster Deane, s. of Hiram and Melinda. (Slate) Denne of Gill. Address, Bernards­ ton, Mass.


1909 Jose Cutler Deane, b. Dec. 3, 1877. 1910 Fnoklin Charles Deane. b. Jnn. 19, 1879. 1911 Hurbie Artie Deane, b. Apr. 21, 1SS0 in Gill; d. Sep. 6, 1893. 1912 _Perley L. H. Deane, b. Aug. 9, 1881 in Gill; lumberman in Orange, l\fass. 1913 Bercia May Deane, b. Aug. 8, 1884. 1914 ..4.sael 1Villiam Deane, b. :May 28, 1886 in :\It. Hermon; In.borer and trader in Bernardston. 1915 Clorindia Deane, b. Feb. 13, 1889 in Bernardston; d. Feb. 17, 1889. 1916 Utley Deane, b. Feb. 11, 1895 in Bernardston; d. Feb. 14, 1895. 1917 Henry Elbert Deane, b. Aug. 11, 1896 in Berno.rdston.

8 7 1361 Caroline C. Stockwell (dau. Sophronia Towne , 2 Appbia'1, Hezekiah!\ Hezekiah", Edward3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Aug. 1i, 1845 in Stowe, Vt.; m. l\,Ia.y 30, 1865, Albert J. Sanborn at Montpelier, ·vt., b. at Craftsbury, Vt., Nov. 14, 1S30; s. of John and Peace (Davis) Sanborn; d. Apr. 22, 1880 at Newport, ,·t. Her address is 131 Florida St., Springfield·, ?v!ass.


191S ln-ingEllisSanborn, b. Xov. 28, 1866;unm. 1919 Jlaria Sanborn., b. Jun. 25, 1870; m. Francis H. ""ilJioms Sep. 9, 1896. 218 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

8 7 1362 Gertrude A. Stockwell (dau. Sophronia Towne , 0 3 1 Apphia , Hezekiah', Hezekiah4, Edwnrd , John:\ Ralph , Edward), b. Nov. 2, 1847 at Stowe, Vt.; m. at Middlebury, Vt., Mch. 7, 1873 Lewis Lyon of Milton, Vt., b. Jul. 5, 1845. Address, !vlilton, Vt.


1020 ErnCJSt L. Lyon, b. Dec. 25, 1873; d. Oct. 25, 1898.

8 7 1366 Emilie Towne (dau. Arad To\\"'D.e , ApphiaG, 2 Hezekiah\ Hezekiah", Edward3, John , Ralph\ Edward), b. Nov. 2, 1840 in Stowe, Vt.; m. Jonathan Hunter in Vernon Wis., who d. in 1882. Shed. Sep. 23, 1891.


1921 Jennie Apphia Hunter. b. Aug. 2, 1859. · 1922 Cella Antoinette Hunter, b. Apr.19, 1861. 1023 Ada A. Hunter, b. Jun.12, 1863; d. Nov. 26, 1864. 1924 Zelia A. Hunler, b. Apr. 5, 1865; d. Aug. 28, 1866. l!JZ.5 AnnaE. lluntcr, b. l\ilch. 30, 1867; d. Dec. 21, 1881. 1926 FrankA. Hunter, b.Aug.26, 1871. 1!127 Lydia I. Hunler, b. Jun. 3, 1873; d. Sep. 10, 1873. lfrl..S Alice Jf. Hunter, b. Sep. 2, 1874; m. Ole Moulden in 1901. 1929 Effie B. Hunter. b. Sep. 13, 1876.

8 7 6 1367 Edmund B. Towne (s. Arad Towne , Apphia , 2 Hezekiah\ Hezekiah", Edward3, John , Ralph\ Edward), b. Apr. 11, 1843 in Stowe, Vt.; m. Emogene L. lVIain, Mar. 2, 1865. .Address, Reedsburg, Sank Co., '\Vis.


1930 Clayton Towne, b Jun. 6, 1868. Address, Greenwood, W"is. 1931 Lester F. Towne. b. Feb. 18, 1871. 1932 Eldora C. Towne, b. Feb. 1, 1874. 1933 Arad S. Tou:ne, b. Jul. 14, 1876; m. Bertha Inghrun in 1899. 1934 li/aricE. TO?C1le, b. Feb. 17, 1887; d. l\lcb. 4, 1887. EIGHTH GENERATION. 219

8 7 8 1368 Eva L. Towne (dau. Arad Towne , Apphia ,­ 3 2 Hezekiah6, Hezekiah', Edward , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Nov. 1, 1845 in Waterbury, Vt.; m. L. J. Linnell, Oct. 30, 1867. He d. Nov. 25, 1905. Address, Belvedere, m.

1935 lrfary J. Li~nell, b. Jul. 10, 1869 in Caledonia, Ill. 1936 Bertha L. Linnell, b. Jan. 28, 1870.

8 7 6 1369 Solon R. Towne (s. Jesse Towne , Apphis. , 3 2 Hezekiah\ Hezekiah", Edward , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Stowe, Vt., Dec. 20, 1846. Received the degree of A. B. from Dartmouth in 1872, the degree of M. D. in 1875; prac­ tised his profession in Brookfield, Vt., one year. 12 years in Enfield, IYiass., then located in Omaha, Neb., where he is thoroughly devoted to his specialty of Public Hygiene, having served the city five years and the state seven. Bird study is his fad. Address, Station D, Route 2. m. in Jericho, Vt., Harriet Somers from Greensboro, Vt., b. Jan. 13, 1843.


1937 Je..'fS'ie J.lfargr.zret Towne, b. Jul. 5, 1874 in Hanover, N. H. 1938 ManJ Agnes Towne, b. Apr. 9, 1876 in Brookfield, Vt. 1939 Robert Somers Towne, b. Feb. 22, 1878 in Enfield, l\Iass; m. Frankie · Dashiell; have 3 children. 1940 Alice Christian Towne, b. Apr. 3, 1884 in Enfield,; m. Deweese.

8 7 6 1376 Henry B. Towne (s. Emory Towne , Apphia , 3 2 Hezekiah°, Hezekia.h4, Edward , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Stowe, Vt., m. Christina Preston, Jan. 1, 1883. Farmer; address, Stowe, Vt.


1941 Eva Towne. b. l\fo.y 15, 1893. 220 TUE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

7 6 1377 Elmira" (clnu. Phinea11 , Phinenen, Phinco.s , Phineas\ 3 2 PhineM , John , Ralph\ Edward), b. Apr. 23, 1805 in Mb.Iden, Mass.; m. George Emerson 0£ Malden, Sep. 4, 1825, s. of ,villiam and Mary (Vinton) Emerson of l\i!clrose, Mass.; b. Oct. 10, 1702; o. shoe manufacturer. She d. in Melrose, Mass., Jul. 20, 1885. CUILDREN'.

1042 Elmira Ann Emerson, b. Oct. 10, 1826; m. Iruwc Emcnion, Oct. 24, 1844. 1943 Sarah Jane Emerson, b. Nov. 3, 1828. Sec Xo. 1419. 1044 };/ary Vintnn Emerson, b, Mo.y 1, 1830; m. Robert \Vhccfor, Nov. 27, 1851. 1945 Harriet Louuie Emerson, b. l\Ich. 10, 1832; m. Robert \\1lcclcr, 1\i! u.y 25, 1856. 1946 Gcorue lVarrm EmertJon, b. 1\-Jch. 3, 1840; m. Lydia D. Hill, Oct. 10, 1864.

6 1378 Henrytt (s. Phineas', Phincas , Phincns6, Phineas', 3 Phincas , John~\ Ralph 1, Edward), b. Jan. 14, 1807 in l\'Ia.lden, Mass.; m. Harriet Cnpen of Saugus,, Jul. 3, 1834. She d. in Saugus, Aug. 24, 1839; age 23. Grave stone in the Old Cemetery in Saugus Center, Mass.

1947 Charles Henry, b. Jul. 9, 1839.

8 7 6 1379 Sarah A. (dau. Phineas ,Phineas'\ Phineas , 3 2 Phineas", Phineas , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Nov. 17, 1809 in l\'.Ialden, l\fass.; m. Amos Porter Lynde, Nov. 26, 1828.


1948 SarahElizabethLynde, b. Oct.10, 1830. 1949 Eliza AnnLynde, b. l\foy 28, 1835. 1950 Louise Jane Lynde, b. Oct. 14, 1837. U)51 Amos lVilber Lynde, b. Sep. 10, 1840. 1952 AustinSpragueLyru;h, b. l\Iay 11, 1846.


8 7 1380 Abeline (dau. Phineas , Phineas«\ Phineas\ Phin­ 2 eas', Phineas3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. March 9, 1812, in Malden, Mass.; m. Freeman Upham, Apr. 17, 1S134; d. Sep. 20, 1870.


1953 01Jgood Wright Upham, b. l\fay 2, 1835; m. Ann Pauline Dyer. 1054 Eveline Upham, b. Feb. 17, 1837; d. Aug. 24, 1844. 1955 Abbey Jane Upham, b. Sep.13, 1838; d. Aug.10, 1844. 1956 Charles Freeman Upham, b. Jn.n. 24, 1841; d. Oct. 9, 1871; unm. 1957 FrankE. Upham, b. Dec. 19, 1847; m. Clum Hudson, 1870. 1958 · Alice Jannelle Upham, b. 1854; d. in infancy.

8 7 6 1386 MaryC. (dau. John , Dr.John , Phinea..l:\5, Phineas', 3 2 Phineas , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Malden, Mass., Apr. 2, 1813; m. Caleb Waite, Jun. 15, 1834; d. Sep. 12, 1837.


1959 Abram Gould Waite, b. Dec. 6, 1836.

8 7 6 1388 SusanF. .(dau. John , Dr. John , Phineas·\ Phineas', 3 Phineas , John=\ Ralph\ Edward), b. Dec .. 29, 1818 in Mal­ den, Mass.; m. in Malden Jul. 24, 1839 Henry Hastings Hyde; d. Jun.13, 1871 in N. Y.


1960 Charles Henry Hyde. b. Mn.y 14, 1855.

8 7 6 1390 Phineas (s. John , Dr. John , Phineas\ Phineas', 3 2 1 Phineas , John , Ralph , Edward), b. Jan. 23, 1823 in Malden; m. in Spencer, Mass., May 9, 1850, Frances, of JerPmjab and Hannah (Nye) Grout. She d. Jul. 21, 1898, age 71. Mr. Sprague succeeded his father as Malden town treasurer, and held the office many; represented the town in the 222 TnE RALPH SPRAGUE GEI\.""EALOGY.

legislature in 1858-50; for 15 was on the boa.rd of as­ sessors, most of the time its chairman; held the office of w.ater registrar from the time it was established in 1874 until his death, Sep. 14, 1887. During the many·years hewasin busi­ ness and n. public officer, he maintained the respect of all his fellow citizens by his integrity of character n.nd faithfulness to the trusts reposed in him.


1961 John,b.Jnn.11,1852. 1062 CharlesS., b. l\fay20, 1853; d. l\Ich. i, 1860. 1063 EllaB., b. Jun. 28, 1854; d. Sep. IO, 1855.

8 7 6 6 1391 Charles H. (s. ,John , Dr. Jobn , Phineas , 3 2 Phineas", Phineus , John , Ro.lph1, Edward), b. Apr. 29, 1827 in l\faldcn, Mass.; was a coal merchant in Malden; m. Nov: 2, 1858, Emeline Martha, dau. of Stephen and Elizabeth Williams (Pollard) ,vinship in Malden. He d. Jun. 30, 1904.


1964 Phineas Warren, b. Aug. 4, 1860. 1965 Elizalietli U'"iTUJJiip, b. Jul. 7, lSGi; d. Jan. 10, 1874.

8 7 5 1396 Joseph H. (s. Peter T. , Dr. John°, Phineas , 2 Phineas', Phincn.:l, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Mch. S, 1829, in Greenfield, l\Iass. Prepared for college at Williston Academy in 1846; entered ,vnliams, had typhoid fever and the next year entered Harvard, graduating in 1851 with honor and was a Phi Beta Kappa man. Edited the Franklin Demo... crat two years then commenced the insurance business in which he became so successful, beginning as secretary of the Conway (Fire) Insurance Co. of Boston. Sep. 16, 1856, m. at Jamaica Plain, Ada, dau. of Dr. John Alexander and Sarah (Dickenson) Stevens; (b. in Charlestown, Jan. 17, 1838) and on that day went to Hartford, Conn., where he became

EIGHTH GENERATION. 223 engaged in his life's work. Here he gained a world wide reputation as an actuary; mayor of -the city and held many offices of trust, and d. Jul. 1i, 1898. A strong Democrat in politics, a Knights Templar and n. 32d degree 1\-Iason. No better sketch could be furnished than the tribute paid in the minutes of the Actuarial Society of America at the time of his death, which were as follows: "Actuarial Society of .Amer­ ica. At a meeting held Oct. 6th &.nd 7th, 1898, at ,vorcester, Mass. For the fourth time ,vithin the period of seven months has the resident membership of the Actuarial Society been diminished by death-Joseph Hussey Sprague the subject of this brief memorial sketch "~as born in Greenfield, :\:Ia.-;s., ,a descendant of an early colonial family resident in the historic town of Snlem. He was a graduate of Han.·ard University in the class of 1851, and attained, through a high grade of scholarship, an election to the noted Phi Beta Kappa Society. During his long residence in Hnrtford, Mr. Sprague was an active participant in both business and politics, serving ,\ith · fidelity and success in the legislative and executive depart­ ments of the city, holding the office of mayor for two terms, and the chairmanship of the board of street comn;iissioncrs for a period of· ten years. As a member of the Generu.l Assembly of the State of Connecticut, be framed the 1uost important legislation of the season, con.-.erving the interests of life and fire insurance. He acquired a reputation for marked ability as an underwriter in th3 business of fire in­ surance, but it "·as in the domain of life insurance that he found a congenial field for the employment of bis admirable mathe­ matical attainments, and while actuary of the insurance de­ partment of Connecticut he developed its techn_ical functions to the conditions of maturity. Intolerant of crudeness in :ill mathematical works, he early adopted refined methods of analysis, and computed with exceeding ingenuity and pre­ cision extended series of policy values, basep. upon the con­ tinuous theory .of mortality· and interest, and this valuable contribution w·as received with much approval by prominent 224 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

actuaries in Great Britain, including the distinguished mathe­ matician and writer, W. S. B. Woolhouse. Keenly discrim­ inn.ting in his estimate of men, measures and events, he wa.s considerate in forming and expressing individual convictions and infle.-tlbly faitqful to the claims of friendship as well ns the demands of per.sonal and official obligations. The death of Joseph Hussey Sprague, startling in its suddenness, severed ruthlessly the tics of family affections, and deprived the Actuarial Society of America of a zealous and gifted member, Jgracl C. Pierson, Sec.''


UlG6 Effie Prcscotl, b. Dec. 21, 1857 nt Hnrtford, Ct.; occupation, valua­ tion clerk of the Connecticut Irumrnnce Co.; address, No. 287 Thmnbull St., Hartford, Ct. It is fitting to mention that l\Iis!!I SpruJtt)e has rendered valuable services in the interests or "The Ralph Sprague Genealogy." 1967 Joseph Str1·cm1, b. Jun. 12, 1859; d. Oct. 22, 1861. 196S Sarah Spalding, b. Jun. 18, 1862; m. in Tokyo, Japan, Apr. 12, 1898, Rc-v. Henry Keller Miller, a. missionary, b. in Lcb&non, Pa.; s. of Daniel n.nd So.rah (Keller) ~Iiller. Address 221 N. 6th St., Reading Pa. or Tokyo, Ja.pnn. I\iirs. :Miller was an Episcopal missionary in Japan a numbc 0£ years. 1969 Frederick Huxsey, b. Jan. I, 1864; d. Dec. 5, 1868. 1970 Ada Josephine,b. Feb. 11, 1866.

8 7 6 6 1397 Helen M. (dau. Peter T. , Dr. John , Phineas , 2 Phineas', Phineas3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Jan. 1, 1831 in Greenfield, !viass.; m. in Greenfield, Feb. 6, 1850 to Alonzo A. Foster, b. in Irasburg, Vt., Aug. 10, 1826; s. of Henry and Sarah B. (Smith) Foster; and d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 31, 1887. l\Irs. Foster's address is 53 Fort Greene Place, Brooklyn, N. Y.

1971 Helen A. Foster, b in Greenfield, l\Ioss., Oct. 15, 1852. 1972 Harmt E. Fosler, b. Sep. 26, 1855 in Boston, 1\1888.; resides in Brooklyn, X. Y. EIGHTH GENERATION. 225

1973 Charles A. Foster, b. Jan. 5, 1860. 1974 Frank lV. Foster, b. ~lch. 22, 1862 in N. Y.; unm.; resides in Brook­ lyn, N. Y.

7 6 1399 Sarah G." (dau. Peter T. , Dr. John , Phinens·S, 3 2 Phineas", Phineas , Jobn , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Greenfield, Mass., Oct. 5, 1835; m. Wheelock Peet Bingham, s. of Rev. Moore Bingham in Greenfield, Jun. 2, 1856 by William Flint D. D., rector of the St. James Church; b. Nov. 12, 1833 in H~pton, Washington Co., N. Y., occupation, silversmith and jeweler; resided in Indianapolis, Ind., where he d. Apr. 1, 1899. Shed. Mch. 7, 1876.


1975 J.11 ary ftfooreBingham, b. Aug. 21, 1857; d. Oct. 4, 1863. 1976 George Mears Blnaha,m, b. Oct. 8, 1859. 1977 . Josephine Spraaue Blnaham, b. Apr. 20, 1864. 1978 Wheelock Prentice Bing.ham, b. Feb. 12, 1870. 1979 Sarah MorqanBinqha.m, b. Oct. 21, 1873; d. Feb. 4, 1898. 1980 Edith Louise Blngbam1 b. Feb. 14, 18i6.

8 7 6 1402 Rebecca. (dau. Jonathan Jonathan , Phineas\ 3 Phineas", Phineas , John:e, Ralph1, Edward), b. 1806 in Cam­ bridge, lVlass.; m.. aMr. Pevere1y; d. Apr.15, 1887.


1981 George Peverely. Address, 3 Armory Place, Cambridge, M888.

8 7 6 5 1403 Eliza (dau. Jonathan , Jonathan , Phinea.s , Phin­ 3 2 eas', Phineas , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Sep. 27, 1811 in Cambridge, Mass.; m. John Augustus Sassard of Bordeaux, France. Lived in Boston and later Cambridge, Mass., where she d. Sep. 27, 1895. 226 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.


1982 Erneat IlyacinthSaJJsard, b. Oct. 18, 1836; d. 1&55. · 1083 John Emile S

8 7 6 1405 John (s. Jonathan , Jonathan , Phineas'\ Phineas', 2 Phineas3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Feb. 8, 1816 at St.. 7 Johnsbury, Vt.; m. Nov. 5, 1840 Martha A. Sprague , No. 785, dau. of Timothy and Eliza. Pierce Sprague at Stone­ ham, Mass. She d. 1906. He was a shoe manufacturer; d. Apr.12, 1816 in Stoneham, Mass.


1988 John, b. }lay 9, 1843. For mWJy years wus in company with his brother in shoe business on Cambridge and Hanover Sta., Boston; accumulating o. large property; d. Jun. 20, 1909; unm. 1989 William, b. Jun. 27, 1845. After retiring from the shoe businC98 \\ith his brother in 1888 he conducted a provision store in St-One­ ham a. short time. For ten years he devoted his whole time to the duties of superintendent of streets, collector of taxes, etc. In 1898 was appointed P. }I. of Stoneham by Pres. 1\-IcKinlry, which office he still holds. A very active member of the I. 0. 0. F., D. of R., Canton Fells, A. L. of H., and of O. U. A. )l.; unm.

8 7 6 1406 Daniel L. (s. Jonathan , Jonathan , Phineas~, 3 2 Phineas4, Phineas , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Dec. 30, 1818; marriage intentions pu~lished at Stone­ ham, l\fass., Apr. 18, 1844 to Mary Pierce Hadley. She was b. Jun. 2, 1826 at Stoneham, Mass.; dau. of Onesimus and Mary (Pierce) Hadley, d. Oct. 2, 189i at Haverhill, Mass. He was a shoe manufo.cturer and a very wealthy man of his time; d. in Ha,rerhill, Jul. 5, 1882. EtOHTI-1 GENERATION. ,,2- .,, '


1000 Adelbert Daniel, b. Jun. 5, 1846; d. Aug. 29, 1849. 1001 George Cowdry, b. Jnn. 5, 1846; d. Feb. 12, 1840. 1992 Clara Almena, b. Nov. 21, 1848. 1993 Daniel Forest, b. Aug. 3, 1851. 1004 EdmundBurke, b. Jo.n, 22, 1854; he wne n lawyer in Worcester, l\iID.88.; d. unm. Jul. 5, 1880. 1995 Mny Ida, b. Nov. 22, 18.'jG. Sec No.1992. 1996 Charles Adams, b. Jul. 2, 1864.

8 6 6 1410 Charlotte (dau. Snmuel7, Jonathan , Phineas , 3 2 Phineas". Phinen.s , John , Rn.lph1, Edward), b. in Stonehn.m, Mnss., May 19, 1819; m. Jun. 1, 1840, Aaron Vinton, n. shoe­ maker of Stoneham, Mass. She d. Jun. 27, 1874. His first wife, Ruth Sprague, No. 905, d. in 1832,. leaving three children.


109i AdelaidtJ Vinwn, b. Oct. 27, 1842.

8 1 1415 Samuel (s. Samuel7, Jonathan11, Phineas \ Phin­ 3 2 en.s4, Phineas , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. in N. Mo.Iden, Jun. 19, 1835; joined the militia in Charlestown, Mass., a'i captain. Enlisted in Co. A., 12th Reg. for 3 years. Lost a leg at Antietam, Sep. 17, 1862 and was honorably discharged ·w:ith the rank of corporal; m. Fannie Larrabee in No. Malden. Address, l\fclrose, Mass. · ·


1998 Charles Lannon, b. l\lch. 31, 1858.

8 7 1419 Augustus Barrett (s. Nancy Lynde , Mary'\ 5 3 2 Phineas , Phineas\ Phineas , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. 9 in Chnrlesto'\\-n, Mass., Aug. 11, 1823; m. Sarah J. Emerson , 228 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

No. 1943, da.u. of George n.nd Elmira (Sprngue) Emerson, Oct. 29, 1848. He was a shoe manufacturer, in Melrose, MasR.; d. there Sep. 27, 1899. Shed. May 22, of the same year.

C1-t1LDRE.N'. 1090 George Augu.stua Barrett, b. Oct. 7, 1849; m. Alice F. Bailey, 1874; m. (2) Elizabeth So.ft'ord, 1890; d. in Stonchw:n, Maae., 1908. 2000 Charles Watson Barrett, b. Moy 0, 18.52. 2001 lVilUam Sumner Barrell, b. ~lay 28, 1854; d. Oct. 17, 1855. 2002 James s,,,.ague Barrett, b. Oct. 15, 1850; d. Dec, 26, 1864, Melrose. 2003 William Emerson Barrett, b. Dec. 29, 1858. 2004 Benjamin Lynde Barrell, b. Oct, 7, 1860. 2005 Arthur WarrcnBarreU, b. Jan. 4, 1864; m. Alice May; d.inWuhing­ ton, D. C., 1902.

8 7 5 1435 Caroline A. (dau. Joseph G. , Ebenezer , 3 2 1 Ebenezer'\ Richard", Saruuel , Samuel , Ralph , Edward), b. in Danvers, Essex Co., l\Iass., Nov. 19, 1828, m. in Salem, Mass., by the Rev. Brown Emerson, John Samuel Draper, Oct Ii, 1848. s. of Samuel a.nd Hannah C. (Rogers) Draper, b. Dec. 15, 1816; d. Jan. 19, 1864. She d. Aug. 1855.

2006 George S[JTar,ue Draper, b. Feb. 28, 1851; d. Jul. 28, 1852. 2007 Lemuel Draper, b. Nov. 3, 1852; d. in infancy. 2008 Carolina A u(l'UBla Draper, b. Aug. 4, 1855; m. John N. ,v oodfin.

8 8 5 1441 Harriet L. ( Joseph E.7, Sarah W. , Joseph , Richard", Samuel3, Samuef\ Ralph1, Edward), b. Nov. 23, 1822 in Salem, Mass.; m. Seth Hall Terry, a lawyer of Roches­ ter, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1855, b. Oct. 8, 1818; s. of Seth and Ann (Green) Terry, d. Jul. 29, 1884 in Charlotte, N. Y.

CHILDRES. 2009 1ValterClarke Terry, b. Jul. 8, 1858;d. Jun. 7, 1860. 2010 Seth SJJTague Terry, b. Sep. 23, 1862. 2011 Grm:eBartleU Terry, b. Dec. 31, 1864. E10HTH GENERATION. 229

8 7 0 4 1443 Caroline L. (dau. Joseph E. , Sn.rah W. , Josepb , 2 1 Richard", Samuel 3, Samµel , Rnlph , Edward), b. Jun. 21, 1827; m. Dec. 6, 1849, Rev. Charles Smith, Jr., b. Aug. 16, 1818; s. of Charles n.nd Alithea Smith, a graduate of Amherst Coll., n.nd Andover Theological Scm., settled first in \Varren, Mass., afterwards in "The Old South Church," in Andover, Mass. and in 1854 ,ve.s pastor or Shawmut Church, Boston.


2012 EdwardBartlcttSmith, b. Feb. 27, 1851.

8 7 1452 Sumner W. Bucknam (s. Edward Bucknam , Ebenezer Bucknam\ Edward Bucknaml\ Rebecca:', Samue1=1, Samucl2, Ralph1, Edward), b. Jan. 8, 1833 in Stoneham; d. there Mch. 18, 1911. m. Arabella A. Green, No. 1432, dau. of Lowell and Parmelia (Scarlett) Green of Reading; followed the sea in the Great Bank fisheries in early life; later manufactured electrical supplies.


2013 Richmond.Edward Bucknam, b. Nov. 19, 1859; d. Feb. 25, 1862. 2014 Wilton Francis Bucknam, b. Feb. 9, lSGl. 2015 Parmclia. PrincillaBuck"nam, b. Apr. 23, 1862; d. No\·. 26, 1864. 2016 ManJEzolaBucknam, b. Feb. 15, 1864; d. Sep. 2, 1864.

8 7 1455 Danly D. (s~ Darius , Jonathan6, John\ John", Samuel3, S::unuef-?, Ralph 1, Edward), b. Dec. 23, 1820 in Holly, N. Y.; m. Eunice Ann, dau. of Joseph and Rebecca (Squire) Budd, Jan. 30, 1845 at Hulberton, N. Y., b. Sep. l, 1820 and d. Apr. 20, 1885 at Holly. He was the first worshipful master of Murray Lodge of Masons, No. 380. Took 11. very prominent part in the social and political affairs of the county; supervisor, sheriff, etc.; d. ~Iay 3, 1892 at Springfield, l\Iass. 230 "fUJC RALl•tr ~l•UAOUJe 0:JCNJCALOOY.


2017 Pl&Mlu Ann, b, Doe. 11, 1840: d. Nov. 28, 1004 in Albion N. Y. 2018 Jonathan D., b. MQh, 6, 11448. 2010 JoaephBudd, b. Dec. O, 1850; d. 1802 in Albion, 20'lO Emeline Auguata, b. Moh. 23, 1Su8. AddrOM, Inglewood, Cal. 2021 Danl11 DariuaJr., b. Jul. 0, 1862 nt Albion, N. Y.; m. Mch, 14, 1000 Do.isy Mnud<", dnu. o( Cbwt, H. o.nd Mary (llaimon) Bau at Springfiold, 1\lnmi, Took the C, E. doRJ'co nt Comrll in 1886; with the Great Northern R. R., hcndqunrtcni at St. Paul, until 1004. Since thi-n with the G. T. P. R. R. AddrcM, BW'D8 Lake, B. C. 2022 SethBudd, b, Jul. 30, 1800; d. Nov. 0, 1872 in Holly.

8 7 1459 Charles (s. Morris , Jonn.thnnn, John'\ John', 3 2 Samucl , Sa.mucl , Ralph1, Edward), b. Mch. 30, 182~ in Murray, N. Y.; m. Lucina Lummhi, Apr. 17, 1843. A farmer by occupation.


2023 Oliva. 2024 Orlando; livet1 in Los Angell!S, Co.I. 2025 llforru, lives in Los Anp;ele9, Cal.

1 4 1460 ElishaH (s. Morris , Jonathan'\ Johnu, John ,S3:mu­ 2 1 el3, Samuel , Ralph , Edward), b . .Aug. 11, 1825 in Murray, N. Y.; m. Jul. 4, 1847, Amanda M. Tuttle, dau. of Ira and Jane (Brink) Tuttle, b. Jan. 29, 1829 in l\Iurra.y; d. there ,Tun. 15, 1884. He lived on the old homestead; d. there Sep. 22, 1905.


2026 Homer E., b. Sep. 5, 1848. 2021 Rodney, b. Jul. 24, 1850; m. Georgians. Nichols; d. Mch. 1, 1899. 2028 1 ra, b. Oct. 18, 1851; d. l\iich. 2.1, 1862. 2029 Jfartha, b. Apr. 8, 1856; m. F. A. Hayden; d. l\'Iay 14, 1909. E1on1·u GEN1CRATJON. 231

1 4 1461 Morris T. (A. Morril, ,Jono.thnnn, John , John', 3 2 So.mucl , So.mucl , Ralph 1, Edwo.rd), b. Nov.21, 1829 in Mur­ ray, N. Y.; m. Dec. 23, 1840 in Murray, Mary, dnu. or Ira and Jane (Brink) Tuttle, b. Mch. 7, 1823 and d. Jan. 8, 1899. m. (2) Franc B. Rook, Jun. 1890 in Clyde, N. Y.; lived in Holly, N. Y. His occupation was farming; d. Jun. 2, 1902 in Murray.

CJULD, 2030 Dora,b.Scp.22,lSOO;d.Mch.l,1875.

8 6 6 1473 Samuel B • (s. William B.1, Samuel , Daniel , 3 2 John", Samucl , Sn.mucl , Ralph1, Edward), b. in So. Kil­ lingly, Ct., Oct. 15, 1823, moved to Scotland, Windham Co. Ct.; m. Nov. 24, 184 7 Emma, dau. of Na.than and Sally (Hn.ll) Gallup, b. in Windham, Ct., Mch. 5, 1827; d. Mch. 28, 1878. m. (2) Lois G. Burnham or Scotland, Ct., Nov. 28, 1878. Was a teacher, later a farmer on the old homesten.d. Selectman, Justice, member of Congo. Ch. and Supt.of Sab­ bath School. In 1877 Representative in the Legislature.

CHILI>, 2031 lVilliamP., d. in childhood.

8 0 1476 Daniel H. (s. James L.7, James W. , Daniel'\ John", Samucl3, Samuef\ Ralph1, Edward), b. Jun. 8, 1840 in Colchester, Ct.; .principal of Bacon Academy. Served in the 24th Reg. Ct. Vols. in the Civil ,var. Teacher in the Refor... ms.tory School on Randall's Island, N. Y., resigning in 1874 to do insurance and literary work in Providence, R. I., ,vhere he lived until his death which occurred Jun. 29, 1899. Dec. 15, 1874, m. Eleanor Sinclair, dau. of Edward Scott and Susan (Hood) Rhodes, ·b. Mch. 5, 1843 in Providence, R. I.


2032 Ernest Le Grand, b. Dec. 22, 1876. 232 T111c HALl'II 81•1tAav11 GJONJCALOO\".

8 7 0 1479 Charles H. (H. Snmucl S. , EliMhtL L. , Do.nicl'\ John', 3 1 Sn.mut•l , Sa.mucl:i, Ro.lph , Edward), h. Oct. 10, 1844 in Killingly, Conn.; m. Hattie Thurber; lived in Providence, R. I., where he d. Nov. 17, 1000.


2033 llcrlu:rt T., b. Dre. 2i, 18iU; d. Jun, 3, 1884.

1481 Frank E.~ (s. So.muel S.7, Elisha. L.", Daniel'\ 3 2 John", Snmucl , Sn.mucl , Rnlph1, Edward), b. in Killinp;ly, Ct., Nov. 5, 1850; m. Maria Talcott, Feb. 10, 1887 in Pitt~ficld, l\fu.s~., b. in Albany, N. Y., Apr. 8, 1801; dn.u. of John and l\ S. (Peck) Lane; d. in Minnco.poli~, Minn., Jun. 15, 1907. l\lr. Spra.~uc's occupo.tion iH rco.l estate d('nlcr. AddreRs, No. 9o. So. 5th St., l.VIinnen.polis, Minn.

CUJLDREN. 2034 Esther, b. l\lch. 15, 1802. 2035 JohnLanc, b. Aug. 21, 1805.

8 6 1482 Alida E. (dau. Samuel S.7, Elisha L. , Daniel\ 1 John'\ Samuel 3, Samuel~\ Ralph , Edward), b. in Providence, R. I., Nov. 28, 1859; m. Dr. H. A. \Vhitmarsh, Oct. 2, 180.5, s. of E


2036 E::1thcr .11lidc n·hitmarsh, b. Jul. 22, 1896. 2037 Jl/arthaSpraguc lrhitmarsh, b. Aug. 21, 1902.

8 0 1484 George D. (s. Daniel J.•, Daniel G. , Daniel\ 2 John4, Samuel\ Samuel , Ralph1, Edward), b. Jan. 9, 1864 in So. Orange, N. J.; farmer; m. Sarah Chapman, who d. in EIOUTll O&NJCl\ATION, 233

Sing Sing, N. Y ., 1801; m. (2) Mny ChlLpmn.n. Mr. Sprnp;uP'M addrc!s itt Ovid, N, Y.


2038 Ruth, b, 180 l in Sime 8inp;, N. Y, 2030 llarriet U., b ; m. John Lumbert. 2040 LutJJ, b id, unm., ap;o 20,

7 0 1485 Laura D." (do.u. Daniel J. , Dnnicl G. , Do.nicl'-, 3 John', Sn.muel , SamucP', Ralph 1, Edward), b, Sep. 11, 186i in So. Ornnp:c, N. J.; m. G. H. Cobb, M. D. Address, So. Oro.ngc, N. J., Box 36.

2041 Samu.el llenry Cobb, b. Jnn. 15, Uml, Vienna, Autttriu. 2042 EdwardSpragueCobb, b, Mch.17, 1802, X. Y. City.

8 7 1493 Leonard B. (s. Jamcs , James", Joseph\ Edward': 3 2 1 William , Phineo.s , Rn.lph , Edward), b. Apr. 16, 1814 in Canada; d. Sep. 15, 1898. m. Malinda, dau. of Asn. o.nd J.ucy (Poole) Rice, Jan. 22, 1835, b. near Springfield, 0., Oct. 30, 1814; d. Aug. 28, 1872. He was n. farmer, largely interested in the raising of fine horses; sec. of the Clark Co. Agricultural Society for many years. He resided in Harmony town­ ship, Clark Co., 0.


2043 Lucy Almina, b. 1835; m. Alexander l\Ic:\lahn.n in 1861; d. in Lisbon, o., in 1907. 2044 Polly Ann, b. 1838; m. GilkC>y \Yallingsford in 18uG. 2045 Alice Dan:el, b. 1840; m. Elder Shryack in 1868; d. 1912 in KnnmLll. 2046 Amanda lfelvina, b. 1843. 2047 Nathaniel Bishop, b. Apr. 12, 1846. 2048 Orissa Adeline, b. 1848; m. llilton Cheney in 1871. 2049 ManJ S., b. 1851; m. l\loorc Goodfello"_.· 2050 FlorettaS., b. 1854; m. James Yco.zcll in 1S72. 7 1 6 1494 Darius" (14, Jamt!P1 , Jo.mci, , JoP1cpb , Edwo.rd', Willinm:t, Phim1oi', Rulphs, Edward), b. in Harmony town• 1'4hip, Clark Co,, 0., l\foh. 31, 1810; m. Jan. 1837, Sarah Rlcc, clu.u. of Eclwurcl n.ncl Lucy (Poolu) Rice; b. in 1816; d. Dec. l 8U0. He wruc u. fu.rmcr in Ho.rmony Townijhip: d. in 1882,

CUJLPIUCN, !!051 PrJrtlrcmi ,\lchtinn, b, Nov. 1K38; m. Wm. Priel'; lived in LtLl'lle, O.; d, in 1R72, ~o:;2 I~ue-iria Elnorat b. Dec. 1840; m. Wm. H. Banwell; livl'd in, Nrb.;

7 1496 James B.K (s. Ja.mcs , Jamci;", Joseph\ Edward\ 2 ,vminm\ Phinea~ , Ra.lph1, Edward), b. Jun. 15, 1821 near 8prin~fic•ld, Clark Co., O. In Lh1bon, 0., 1843, m. Sa.rah, du.u. of Isaac nnd Polly (Herriman) Chamberlain, who was h. :\!ch. 11, 1825; cl. in London, l\Iadison Co., 0., Jnn. 3, 1896. HC' was a phy~ician in Lisbon, Harmony Town~hip, and in London, 0. Doctor Sprague was n. Democrat in politics, a UnivC'r~alh1t in religion; d. l\'Ich. G, 1905 in Plattsburg, Clark Co., 0.


:!()!;7 J11nu_is lsa

8 7 5 1499 Polly (da.u. James , James'\ Joscph , Edward', 3 2 ,vmiam , Pbim.•a.~ , Ralph1, Edward), b. Aug. 17, 1830 in E1aH'ru GlilNteUATtoN, 235

Sprinp;ficld, O.; m. S. M. Cn.mcron, Jul. 8, 1861 o.t Springfield, O., who wa.K b. in ,vatcrtown, N. Y., Aup;, 5, 1822, d. Apr, u, 1805 in Milwnukl'c, Wi~. Sho cl, Mny 22, 1002.


2064 Hattie Cameron, b. Jun. 24, 18L4. 20Uu CUJ!nrd S., b. Nov, 0, 1800 l\t 01.1hko11h, Wirt.; d. Oct. 1, 1880.

14 5 1500 Mariah (dau. Jo.mcil,,l, JoMeph , Edwnrd', 2 \Villiam3, Phincn~ , Ralph', Edward), b, Jnn. 22, 1834 in Harmony Towni;hip, 0.; m. a Mr. McMahnn in 1853, d. Jnn. 23, 1898 in Springfield, 0. Mr. McMahan's nddrcHs i!! So. Vienna, Clark Co., O.


20titi George Me.\fahan, b. Jun. 30, 1854:; m. Eunice Harrison in 1878. 2007 Aylmer Mc.lfahan, b. Dec. 24, 1856; m. Liza. Jones in 1883. 2008 Willis .\fc.\tallan, b. May 27, 1864; m. 1804. 200fl Ellis McMaha11, b. l\lny 2i, 1804; d. a.t Lisbon, 0., 1880.

8 7 1507 Darius W. (s. Darius , James'\ Joseph'\ Edward', 3 2 ,vmi::i.m , Phineas , Ralph1, Edward), h. Nov. 11, ts33 at South Charlestown, Clark Co., O.; m. Phoebe A. dau. of Seth C. and l\fa.rgaret (Black) Lindo;ley of !\.:Iadisonville, Hn.milton Co., 0., who w:i..;; b. Jul. 17, 1829; d. Nov. 16, 1897. Mr. Sprague wn.s a Republican in politics; lived in Lisbon, Clark Co., and in Madisonville, Hamilton Co., 0. Served in the Vol. Navy during the Civil War, on the Ohio, Mississippi, Cumberland and Tennessee River!-; d. in Mch. 1912.


2070 Plora .M., b. May 18, 1853; m. C. E. Hnwley. 2071 Clifford L., b. Dec. 29, 1858. 20;2 Stella .JI., b~ Sep. 26, 1870; d. Sep. 5. 1R93.

Ninth Generation

11 1512 Benjamin N. Rhodesu (tJ. Franklin Rhodcs , 2 1 Ann D.7, Joseph", Bcnjn.min", Stower", John\ John , Ro.lph , Edward), b. ,Jan. 3, 1863 in N. Y.; m. Mch. 23, 1802inN. Y. Lillian Spuuldinp;, dnu. of Ma.rquig o.nd Eliza. (Wc~ton) Spo.ulding of Toledo, 0., b. ,Ja.n. 23, 18il. He is u. coffee broker; nddrcl!4s, 202 W. 7 4th St., N. Y.


2073 Newt.on Marquia Rhode,, b. Jan. 10, 1893. 2074 Madtloin F. Rhodes, b. Jul. 10, 1895. 2075 Beam Fuller Rhodu, b. Apr. 5, 1897. 2076 Stewart A. Rhodea, b. Dec. 1, 1809.

0 8 1532 Elizabeth Mayher (dnu. Elennor J. , Asa.7, 6 3 2 Stephen°, Benjamin , Stower', John , John , Ralph 1, Edwa1·d), b. 11ay, 1856 in Easthampton,; m. Dec. 26, 1883, Erastus G. Smith of So. Hadley, l\In..."5., professor of chemis­ try in Beloit College. Address Beloit, Wis., 649 Harrison Ave.


2077 Gilbert ~[organ Smith, b. Jan. 6, 1885. 2078 Philip l\fayher Smith, b. Sep. 15, 1887; m. Laura Belle Towles, May 6, 1912. 2079 Elizabeth Smith, b. Dec. 16, 1889. 2080 Rebecca Smith, b. Jun. 19, 1891. 2081 EleanM Sprague Smith, b. Dec. 17, 1899; m. l!ch. 27, 1910.

0 8 7 1534 Mary S. Mayher (dau. Eleanor J. , Asa , Stephene, Benjamin\ Stower", John3, John\ Ralph1, Edward), b. Sep. 2.18 Tllll; lutrH SrJtAGVM GENEALOGY.

21, 1808 at En.tttho.mpton, Mo.tJM.; m. Nov. 14, 1880 \Vnltcr L, Boyden at EMtho.mpton, M. of Charles Cook o.nd Julio. (~ r.wmo.n) Boyden. Occupo.tion, bo.nkcr. Addrcst1, 06 Allerton St., Plymouth, Mass.


:.?082 Waltt1 Ma'IJhtr Borµlen, b, Jan. 2G, 1893,

8 8 1535 Philip Mayheru (M, Eleanor J. , Aso.7, Stephen , 6 3 2 Bcnjo.min , Stower4, John , John , Ralph\ Edward), b. at Easthampton, Mass.; m. Katherine B. Thorndike Dec. 26, 1001 at Hopkinton, MasM. Address, Eastbo.mpton, Mass.


20~1 John Mayher, b. Nov. 24, 1902. 2084 Philip Mayher, b. Feb. 5, 1905. 208.5 Gretchen .MayMT, b. Aug. 19, 1906. 2086 Lawrmce L. Mayher, b. Feb. 17, 1910.

0 7 1539 Sarah (dau. Jonathan T.'\ Lawrence , John°, 1 3 2 John \ Joseph", Jonathan , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. in 1856; m. Jan. 30, 1877, H. W. Hubbell, an officer in the U.S. Army, in Trinity Church, St. Augustine, Fla.


208i Ethel Hubbell, b. Dec. 18, 18i7 in Boston, Mnss. 2088 Henry JV. Hubbell, b. Aug. 18, 1879 in Govcrncurs Island.

9 1 7 6 1548 Richard H. (s. Richard T. \ Horatio , John , 3 John'\ Joseph", Jonathan , ,John\ Ralph1, Edward), b. in Boston, l\ilass., Apr. 11, 1862; m. Isabella ,vallace Oct. 11, 1894. Address, Room 216 Russ Building, San Francisco, Cal. N1N·ru G&NJeltATtoN. 23U


2080 William lVallact, b. Aug. 20, 180,S, 2000 Thoma, O.t11ard, b. Au~. 3, 1800, 2001 Richard Jlomar, Jr,, h. Or.t. 26, 1901.

1556 Shirly E. 0 (M. Henry E.", Horo.tio7, John", JohnG, 3 2 1 Joseph', Jonathan , John , Ralph , Eclwo.rcl), b. Jul. 26, 1874 in N. Y.; m. Mo.rgucrittc E. Moretti, Sep, 11, 1807, Imbued with the influence oi his granclfather'M teaching!!4 he w~ inclined to the medical profeHsion o.nd aft!'r reccivin,z; o.n early education, embarked at once with camc8tneRM nnd pcr­ l':liHtency with the study of the profcssion, and niter grudunting, receiving the degree of Doctor of !\,lcdicinc from the N cw York Univt'rMity and Bclle,·uc mcclicnl college. Became u. member of the American Medical A~Hociation and New York Co. Medical Society Alumni of N. Y. Ho~pital for Ruptured n.nd Crippled; asst. for a number of year!-1 in the Vanderbilt clinic and Polyclinic Ho:-pital City of X cw York. and by assiduous and persistant work and excellent profesi,;ion­ al nnd faithful loving personal qualities ha,q built up a lucrative office business, the fruits of which he is now enjoying. He likewise holdq the position as Borough Chief of communicable disca:;e:-, New York Board of Health, which position he b~ already served some ten years.


201J2 Philip N. JI., b. Jan. 1, 1899. 2003 Harrv Shirly, b. Feb. 26, 1903,

1585 Stella M. Vinson° (dau. Delia \Vestonk, Abijah 6 3 2 \Yeston7, Dolly , Jonathan'\ \Villiam"', Edward , Jobn , Ralph\ Edward), b. in Randolph, Vt., Dec. 15, 1876; m. Jul. 4, 1904 Frank L. s. of Joseph and Janette (Freeman) Blodgett, a farmer in Randolph, Vt. 240 'ru,c RA.Lrtt S1•RAOUJC OmNJCALOOY.


2004 4\fabtl 1''. lllorloctl, b. Nov, G, 1000.

1586 Daniel P. Chamberlin° (s, Antoinette W cston", 7 3 Danil'l \VcMton , Dolly", ,Jona.than\ William', E


20fJ5 llarry II. Cl,nmbtrlin, b. n.t Rock Falls, \Vis,, Jul. 8, 1878. He m. Helen Trt't!Ha., dnu. or Peter a.nd Mo.ry (McMullen) Cr('lllt1in~cr o.t Ma.ndun, X. D. in 1001; living in Tacomo., \ 2096 Daniel \Veston Chamberlin, b. Sep. 30, 1870. 2007 Bessie ..1. Chamberlin, b. Bt Rock li'nlls, ,vis., Jon. 31, 1888. Teacher 0£ Domcst:c Science; address, Antigo, ,vis. 2008 Erma Chamberlin, b. a.t Rock Falls, \Vis., Oct. 25, 1892. 2099 Paul C. Chamberlin, b, n.t Rock Falls, "'is., Mch. 10, 1894. 2100 ~llarian Chaml>erlin, b. o.t l\lcnomonie, \Vis., Feb. 26, 1S97.

1587 J ehiel ,v. Chamberlin° (s. Antoinette \YestonS, 6 3 Daniel \Veston;, Dolly°, Jonn.than , \Villiam"', Edward , John:\ Ralph 1, Edward), b. Oct. 28, 1857 at Rock Falls, \Vis.; m. Oct. 18, 1887 at Eau Clare, \Vis., Clara Augusta, dau. of Martin and --- (Olin) Smith, who was b. Aug. 26, 1857 in Morley, N. Y., and d. Jun. 18, 1902 at St. Pn.ul, Minn.; m. (2) Feb. 15, 1906 :\linnie (Huntington) Yn.le at St. Paul, l\tiinn. He i:; an ~L D., (oculist and aurist) office 220 Lo,Yry· .Arcade, St. Paul, l\Iinn.


2101 Ralph lVeston Chamberlin, b. :May 30, 1891 at St. Pn.ul, l\linn. 2102 Harold Smith, b. Apr. 20, 1894 at St. PtLul, l\.Iinn. NrN'rn GJCNtcnATION', 241

11 1590 Georao H. Chamberlln° (M, Antoinette WcP.1ton , 7 3 Do.nicl \VcKton , Dollyn, Jonnthl\nl), Williu.m4, Edward , 1 John:,, Rulph , Edward), b. Jul. 5, .1865 n.t Rock Fnlls, Wis.; m. Hattie Garland, Mch. 10, 1888; d. Oct. 12, 1009 o.t "rucoma, Wn.~b. CmLDIUCN, 2103 Lou1'1e Chamberlin, m. 1-IWTy A. Canfield or Portln.nd, Ore. 2104 /Jelen Cluunberli,i, rc1tiJc11 nt TLLComu., \VN1h.

1592 George C. Ostood 11 (s. George H. Osgood", 1 3 Harvey Osgood , Eliza.beth", Jonn.thnn4, William", Edwnrd , 2 1 John , Ralph , Edward), b. Jun. 5, 1854; m. Jun. 30, 1873, Mary F., du.u. or Thomo.s o.nd Lura.nda (Bruce) Quade of E. Randolph. Occupation, R. R. Service. Address, Randolph, Vt. CHtLDUEN. 2105 W'i11field J. 08good, b. Mn.y 8, 1876 at E. Randolph, Vt.

2100 Daughter, b. Apr. 21, 1877 in Montpclicr1 Vt.; m. 1896, George Cloutth; d. Mu.y 10, 1896. 2107 Guy Clira.lon Osuood, b. Feb. 14, 18.Sl o.t No. Ra.ndolph, Vt. 2108 Grover C. Osgood, b. Oct. 21, 1884 u.t So. Royalton, Vt. 2109 llfark C. 0BUood, b. Nov. 28, 1887, E. Randolph, Vt.; m. Sadie Co.rlysle; d. n.t Rv.ndolph, Vt., 1908. 2110 Emma G. Osgood, b. Apr. 19, 1889 in Brnintrec, Vt. 2111 l/arry Osuood, b. Jun. 18, 1S91 in Northfield, Vt. 2112 Birt 011goo.J, b. Jan. 16, 1896 in Plainfield, Vt.

1593 Emma G. Osgood 9 (dau. George H. Osgood", 7 6 3 Harvey Osgood , Elizabeth , Jonathan\ William", Edward , John:, Ralph1, Edward), b. Jun. 13, 1857 at E. Randolph, Vt.; m. Frank, s. of A. J. Burroughs; m. (2) F . L. Pearsons, Oct. 3, 18i8; s. of Larned L. and Amanda E. Pearsons. Address, Randolph, Vt. CHILD, 2113 .Mabel L. BurrOU{Jhs, b. :Mn.y 10, 1S76; m. Nov. 7, 1897, B. E., s. of Burton and Laura (~1orr;U) Bl:i.isdell. 242 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GEl'l"EALOGY.

0 8 1594 Will H. Osgood (s. George H. Osgood , Harvey 7 6 5 3 2 Osgood , Elizabeth , Jonathan , William", Edward , John ,, Ralph1, Edward), b. Nov. 9, 1859; m. Josie Blake; killed in a. · railroad accident at Concord, N. H., Nov. 28, 1898.

CHILD. 2114 Will Osgood, b. at Concord, N. H.

1597 Annie F. Osgood0 (dau. George H. Osgood8= 7 0 5 3 Harvey Osgood , Elizabetb , Jonathan , William", Edward , 2 John , Ralph 1, Edward), b. Mch. 21, 1869; m. Jan. 26, 1892, J. W., s. of Asa.and Anency (White) Bennett, a farmer living in E. Bethel, Vt. CHILD.

2115 Dolly A.1,f.Bennett, b. May 10, 1893 in Randolph; m. Aug. 5, 1910 to Lonnie C. l\Iaban.

9 8 1598 Harlie R. Osgood (s. George H. Osgood , Harvey 7 6 5 3 2 Osgood , Elizabeth , Jonatha.n. , William", Edws.rd , John ,. Ra.lph1, Edward), b. Sep. 24, lSil in E. Randolph, Vt.; m. Jan. 9, 1910 Rena Lafrancis of E. Randolph, dau. of Nelson and Amette Lafrancis, b. Jun. 15, 1892 in Randolph Center,. Vt. CHILD.

2116 "Vit-ian Osgood, b. Jun. 25, 1911.

1599 Nettie F. Ainsworth9 (dau. Frances E. Osgood\, 7 6 3 Harvey Osgood , Elizabeth , Jonathan\ William", Ed,,tard , John:.\ Ralph 1, Edward), b. Nov. 6, 1862 in E. Randolph, Vt.; m. Feb. 25, 1892, Harry H., s. of Benjamin P. and l\Iarthn J .. (Carr) Burpee, b. in New London, N. H., Sep. 25, 1858 .. He is a postal clerk in l\fa.nchester, N. H. NINTH GE.'lERA'rION. 243


2117 Louiac E. Burpee, b. Nov. 5, 1894. 2118 Hmixml A. Burpee, b. Nov. 13, 1898.

1602 Lucy M. Goodrich9 (dau. Deborah J. Osgood8, 7 6 5 3 Harvey Osgood , Elizabeth , Jonathan , WUHarn", Edward , 2 John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Nov. 28, 1858 in E .. Randolph, Vt.; m. Nov. 27, 1879 John W., s. of Burton and Laura (Morrill) Blaisdell, b. Feb. 24, 1857, a farmer in Randolph.


2119 W. Ray Blaisdell. b. llch. 5, 1884. 2120 Eugene C. Blaisdell, b. Aug. 24, 1887. 2121 Dana E. Blaudell, b. l\lch. 5, 1S92.

9 8 16~ John B. Goodrich (s. Deborah J. Osgood , 7 5 3 Han·ey Osgood , Elizabethf\ Jonathan , William:', Edward , John!?, Ralph1, Edward), b. Feb. 6, 1863 in Brookfield, Vt.; m. Aug. 19, 1887 in Montpelier, Vt., Emms. Eliza, dau. of John and Celia •.\. (Allen) Gifford, who was b. in Randolph, Vt., Oct. 31, 1861. He is a cattle drover. Address, So. Royalton, ·vt.

2122 Julian Osgood Goodrich, b. Jun. 10, 1888. 2123 .-edith Emma Goodridi, b. llch. 22, 1891. 2124 John PcCZTl Goodrich, b. l\I:iy 15, 1894. 2125 George },,fyron Goodrich, b. l\Ich. 11, 1897. 2126 Celia Deborah Goodrich, b. J:m. 15, 1903.

1605 Dana R. Goodrich9 (s. Deborah J. Osgood8, 7 6 5 3 Har~;ey Osgood , Elizabeth , Jonatha.n , William\ Edward , John:?, Ralph1, Edward), b. Nov. 18, 1866 in Randolph, Vt., m. Feb. 22, 1897 in Strafford, Vt., Bertha Alice, dau. of Simon 244 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

and Betsey Ann (Dodge) Ordway, she was b. in Tunbridge, Vt., Jun. 21, 1878. Address, Randolph Center, Vt.

CHILDREN. 2127 Erneat Everdl. Goodrich, b. Aug. 22, 1899. 2128 Ethan Lawrence Goodrich, b. Jun. 1, 1901. 2129 ,1.\fabelle Ester Grar.e Goodrich, b. Oct. 9, 1904.

1606 George Goodrich9 (s. Deborah J. Osgood8, Har­ 7 6 5 3 vey Osgood , Elizs.beth , Jonathan , WiJ1iam\ Edward , John:?, Ralph1, Edward), b. Aug. 15, 1872 in Randolph, Vt.; m. Feb. 2, 1898 Amy Osgood, b. Nov. 6, 1879 in Tunbridge, ·vt. Farmer. Address, Randolph Center, Vt.

CHILDRE!i.. 2130 Edson Cecil Goodrich, b. Feb. 22, 1899. 2131 Jennie llfyra Goodrich, b. Jul. Zl, 1902. 2132 ..Uary Ada Goodrich, b. Jan. 18, 1905. 2133 Warren Osgood Goodrick, b. Dec. l, 1907.

1607 Ezra R. Walker9 (s. l1:ary W: alkers, Harvey Os­ 6 5 good7, Elizabeth , Jonatha.n , William:', Edward=\ John:?, Ralph1, Edward), b. Apr. 29, 1882 in Chelsea, Vt.; m. Alice Belle Chase Sep. I, 1909. Resides in Chelsea, Vt.

CHILl). 2134 .1.\lary Walker, b. May 31, 1911.

9 8 1610 Hobart H. Peck (s. Jennie Osgood , Paschal Os­ 3 2 good7, Elizabeth'\ Jonathan\ William"', Edward , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Randolph, Vt., Aug. 15, 1877; m. Lena, dau. of Clarence and --- (Battles) Hunt, Oct. 7, 1908. Address, Randolph, Vt.

CmLD. 2135 Gordon Peck, b. Jul 12, 1910. ')A­ NINTH GE..VERATION. _':l:i)

0 8 7 6 1611 Mary A. Stanley (dau. Maryette , Asa , John , 5 3 2 Jonathan. , William", Edward , John , Ralph\ Edward), b. in Randolph, Vt., Jan. 28, 1851; m. Feb.14, 1871, .Albert M., s. of Warren L. and ~Y (Clement) Cone, b. Nov. 19, 1846 in Randolph, Vt., d. Feb. 10, 1903. He was a member of the firm "Cone Bros., Tanners and Curriers." No. Ran­ dolph: Vt. CBILDRE."'i. 2136 J:;eorge A. Cone, b. Sep. 17, 1873; d. l·lch. 22, 1875. 2137 Florence E. Cone. b. Aug. 1, 1875. 2138 !t-label Cow:, b. Jul 20, 1877; d. Scp.2S, 1877. 2139 William C. Coru, b. Oct. 21, 1S7S. 2140 ~aryette S. Con~ b. l1ay 9, 1885.

8 7 6 1615 Mary K. Wheatley!» (dau. Sarah A. , Ass. , John , 5 3 2 1 Jonathan , William", Edward , John , Ralph , Edward), b. Jul. 13, 1855 in Brookfield, Vt.; m. in 1Si3 Silas D., s. of Joseph and Sarah (Hibbard) Newell, b. Jan. 14, 1851. She cL Nov. 19, 1885. He m. (2) Jessie E. Wheatley0 No. 1617, sister of l\fary K., Dec. 14, 1887._ Shed. Dec. 27, 1902.


2141 Eva Wheatley Newell? b. Jan. 26, 1S74. 2142 Guy Joseph Newell. b. Dec. 30, 1SS0. 2143 May Newell, b. :May 19, 1885. Sec 2141. 2144 InaSarah Newell, b. llch. 31, 1890; m. ,v. ,v.Austin.,Scpt., 1912. 2145 Glenn SiuuJ Neu:cll, b. ?\.fob. 14, 1897.

9 1616 Munroe S. Wheatley (s. Sara.h .A..· ..\.sa.7, John6, 3 Jon.a.than:;, William:', Edward , Johnz, Ralph1, · Edward), b. Apr. 19, 1859 in Brookfield, Vt.; m. Jun. 4, 1884 in Randolph, Vt., Jennie, dau. of Joseph and Seviah (Pike) Steele, b. Feb. 12, 1861. He is a fru-mcr in Brookfield, Vt.


2146 George Steele Wheallcy, b. Apr. 29, 1SS6; foreman of n. machine shop in Pittsburg; P3.. 246 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GE:-.'"EALOGY.

~147 Ernest •.Uonr~ Whea.lky, b. Oct. 29, 1SS7; graduntcd from N. U. as C. E., address Proctor, Vt.

2148 Lena. Seviah Wheatley1 b. Sep. 25, 1SS9. 2149. Arthur :John Wheat/.e1J, b. Nov. 13, 1891; in business in Connecticut. 2150 Bessie WMalley, b. Nov. S, lSg;l. 2151 Walter Henry Wheatley, b. Aug. 4, 1896. 2152 James Pike WhealletJ, b. Jul. 10, 1000.

1618 Anna HWb. eatley O ( Sa.rah 'SA. , •.\sa·, .. John 6 , 5 3 2 Jonaths.n , William◄, Edwn.rd , John , Rn.lph\ Edward), b. Oct. 22, 1S74; m. Sep. 22, 1896 in Brookfield, Vt., Frank E.,

s. of Sidney and Lepha (Clough) Allen, b. Sep. 51 1863 in Northfield. Farmer in Brookfield, Vt.


2153 Sidney Wheatley Allen, b. Apr. 3, 1898. 2154: Homer Ethan Allen, b. Jul. 26, 1S99.

9 8 6 1619 Mary F. Green ( Susan F. ,, John , 4 3 2 Jons.than"\ Willi~ , Edward , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Brookfield, ,rt., Feb. 16, 1858; m. Feb. 24, 1877, Franklin P., s. of John and n·Iary (Crane) Lamson, a farmer in Brook­ field, Vt.


2155 Marshall Green Lamson, b. Jan. 3, 1878. 2156 Lizzie Lamson, b. Apr. 30, 1SSO. 2157 George E. !Am.son, b. Jul. 3, 1881; resides in California. 2158 Arthur C. Lamson~ b. Feb. S, 1884. 2159 Louue E. I.Amson, b. Apr. 4, IS.Si. 2160 Elv:in C. Lam80n, b. Apr. 19, 1889; d. :\lay 2, 1899. 2161 Oscar C. Lamson, b. Oct. S, 1891. 2162 Carolyn F. Lam.son, b. Jul. 1, 1895. 2163 J. Lester lAmson, b. Xov. 6, 1897. ·------NINTH GENERATION. 247 8 7 6 . 1620 Sarah E. Green° (dau. Susan F. , Asa , John , 3 1\ William", Edward , John:?, Ralph , Edward), b. in Brookfield, Vt., Jul. 15, 1859; m. Oct. 25, 1888 Harold R. Burt, a. manufacturer in Philadelphia.,. Pa.

CHILDJU!:S. 2164 Rena Blanche Burt, b. Nov. 6, 1889. 2165 Jlfcrlon Rupert Burt, b. !\fo.y 30, 1892; d. Apr. 12, 1897. 2166 .Alice ilfildred Burt, b. Oct. S, 1894. 2167 Grace Gladys Burt, b. Oct. 7, 1896. 216S Clara Isabell Burt, b. Feb. 9, 1890; d. l\Iay 9, 1901. 2169 Dorothy Ethel Burt, b. Aug. 26, 1903.

0 8 1622 George K. (s. John K. , ...~a.7, John6, Jonathan\ 4 3 William , Edward , John:?, Ralph1, Edward), b. Apr. 9, 1872 in E. Brookfield, Vt.; farmer; m. J. Winifred, dau. of James W. and Huldah (Brailey) Parmenter at Waterbury, Vt., Jul. 2, 1895, b. Jan. 2, 1Si2. He graduated U. V. l\rI. class of 1894:, Alpha. Tau Omega; Supt. of schools, Brookfield, Vt. Farmer.

CHILDRES. 2170 Eli:abeth nr., b. Aug. 18, 1S96; d. Aug. 18, 1896. 2171 J amcs Parmenter, b. Aug. 23, 1S9S. 2172 John Keith, b. Aug. 3, 1902; d. Jun. 7, 1903. 2173 Doris Anna, b. Jun. 19, 1905. 2174 George Keith, b. Jun. 22, 1907. 2175 Joh11 Allen, b. Jun. 24, 1912.

9 6 · 1623 Mary A. Peck. (dau. Luna A.S, _..\s:i.7, John , Jonathan\ \Villiam4, Edwn.rd3, John::, Ralph1, Edward), b. ~Ich. 26, 1869; m. Nov. 23, 1899 at Burlington, Vt., Carlos Adams, s. of ,vHiiam 0. and --- (Kingsley) Shaw; a physician in Northfield, Vt.; shed. Aug. 6, 1906.


2176 Alden K. Shaw, } twins, b. Jul. SO. 1901 _ :2177 Arthur K. Shau:, 248 THE RA.I.PH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

9 8 7 8 1627 Edith H. Peck (dau. Luna A. , Asa , John 1 5 3 2 1 Jonathan , W-111iam"J Edward , Jobn , Ralpb , Ea,.,.ard), b. Jul. 29, 1876; m. May 5, 1896 .Charles Abner, s. of Charles H. n.nd Louise (Lyman) Bigelow, a in Northboro, Mass. Shed. Jul. 11, 1901. CHILD. 217S Dorothy J.,tay Bi,gelow, b. Jun. 4, 1897 at Bwlington, Vt.

9 8 1634 Simeon A. (s. John Z. , Leonar

Clm.DRES. 2179 Louise Amelia, b. F eh. 26, 1906. 2180 Clarence EmonsJ b !\fay 5, 1908. 2-10

9 1637 Mark L. Poor (s. Elmina -1\1. S, Leona.rd7, John\ 3 Jonathanl, Wtlliam", Edw:u-d , John!?, R:uph1, Edward), b. 2i, 1877 in Stowe, Vt.; m. l\i!aria Z. 1Ionroe ~Iay 10, 1904. Address, Stowe, Vt.

CUILDRE..~. 2181 Jolin. L. PO(JT, b • 2182 RobertL. Poor, b. 21S3 ~u onroe ..-1. Poor, b.

1638 Harry F.9 (s. Foster G.S, Leonard\ John°, Jona­ 3 thans, William:', Edw·ard , John~, Ralph\ Edward), b. lVIcb. 21, 1877 in E. Randolph. Vt.; m. Gertrude Graves, Jun. 20, 1900; was in the mercantile business "ith his father under the firm name of Sprague & Sprague, E. Randolph, Vt. Post­ master from 1901; d. l\1ch. 2, 1912.


21Sl Dorothy &"1., b. Jul. 10, 1901. 2185 Ham; F., b. Apr. 22, 1903. 2186 Jlrtlm.r H ., b. Sep. 9, 190-1. 2187 Ri.. .hard G., b. Aug. 31, 1906. 21SS EmilyG., b. Dec. 1S, 190S.

9 7 1641 Lilla E. Moulton (dau. Sarah E. Ha.118, Euruce , 3 2 1 John6, Joil!l.than:;, William', Edwru-d , John , Ralph , Ed­ ,,·ard), b. Oct. 29, 1861 in E. Randolph, ·v·t.: m. Aug. 27, 1884, AL G., s. of J. F. and Sa.rah (Clark) Prince, b. Dec. 1. 1859 in Roxbury, \:"' t.; a. florist in Iowa City, Ia.


2189 Walter H. Prince, b. Jul.!?, 1887 at Valley F:tlls, R. I. 2190 .l[yron A. Prince, b. Xov. 29, 1891 at Dov.-ncr·s Grove, Ill. !?HU Herbert Jfoulton Prinr:c, b. Xov. 26, 1899 :it Downer's Gro,·e, Ill. 250 THE R.-\LPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

9 8 1643 Charlotte M. Moulton (dau. Sarah E. Hall , · 7 6 3 Eunice , John , Jon.n.tha.n.S, Willium4, Edward , John!!, Ralph1, Edward), b. Jan. 13, 1868, in Randolph, Vt.; m. May 29, 1890 in Chels<:a, Vt., Adelbert B., s. of Martin S.. and Cather­ ine E. (Bryant) Carpenter, b. in Chelsea, Vt., Jul•. 15, 1S64, now a commission merchant in Somerville, l\Iass. $he d. in Somerville, l\{ass., Jan. 30,. 190i.

CHILDRES, 2192 Ernest ..-1. Carpenter, b. l\Ich. 30, 1891. 2193 ..11arum Ho-pe CarpenJer, b. Jul. 4, 1S92. 2194 J!arti.-,, F. Carpenter, b. Feb. 11, 1S94. 2195 IfallB. Carpenter, b. Jun. 10, 1896.

9 8 7 1644 Bennie F. Moulton (s. Sarah E. Hall , Eunice , 4 3 John0, Jonathan:,, William , Edward , John::, Ralph1, Edward), b. Apr. 24, 1872 in E. Randolph; m. Nov. 30, 1898, Annie B., dau. of Elijah and Ida E. (Glines) Camp, b. in Randolph, 29, 1876; d. Mch. 10, 1903 in Randolph, Vt.


2196 ·verna Evelyn J[oullon, b. )!ch. 23, 1900. 21!}7 Raymond Camp J[oullon, b. :\!ch. S, 1901.

1647 Ethel G. Moulton9 ( Sa.rah E. Hall5, Eunice", .John\ Jonathan\ ,vnliam"', Edward3, John:\ Ralph 1, Edward), b. :\Iay 18, 1886 in Chelsea, Vt.; m. Apr. 25, 1909 in Randolph, Elmer J., s. of John B. and Florence (Coner) Rogers, b. Dec.. 19, 18S5. Address Randolph, Vt.


2198 Royal C. Rogers, b. Apr. 5, 1910. 0 8 7 1650 Cora E. Hall (dau. Elias S. Hall , Eunice , John6, 3 Jonathan5, William 4, Ed"·ard , John2, Ralph 1, Edward), b. Aug. 15, 1873; m. Walter, s .. of John and Celia (Allen) Gifford, May 31, 1894. Address, Randolph, Vt.


219!.J Eunice .'1[. Gifford, b. l\1ay 7, 1S95. 2200 Elva H.Giiford, b. Jun. 26t 1901.

0 8 7 6 1653 Grace R. (ds.u. Clarence M. , Edgerton , John , 3 2, ,villiam.4, Edward , John , Rs.lph1, Edward), b. in Windsor, Vt., Apr. 6, 18i7; m. W. G., s. of Daniel and. Clara T.. (Estabrook) Kerr, Sep. 26, 1895 in Grundy, Ia. Mr. Kerr is n.n attorney at law in Grundy Ctr., Ia.


2201 Roscoe Sprague Kerr, b. Sep. 10, 1S96. 2202 Lau:rern:e lVilli.lm Ken-, b. Jun. 29, 1898. 2203 Daniel Estabrook Kerr, b. Aug. 28, 19C2.

0 7 1654 Edgerton B • (s. Clarence l\lI.8, Edgerton , John6, 2 Jonatha.ns, William'\ Edward3, John , Ralph1, Edward),, b. Nov. 25, 1880; m. Apr. 27, 1910 in Santa Ana, Cal., Agnes, dau. of Thomas and Emma. (Finley) ~lcBride, b. Oct. 30, 1882 in Antelope, Cal. He is an attorney-at-law and e..-xaminer of land titles. Address, Snnta. Ana, Cal., 1224 French St.


2204 Clarence Edward, b. Jun. 25, 1911.

1658 Gilbert M. Blaisdell9 (s. 11:ary l\forrill8, Ss.lly•, 6 2 John , .Jona.than\ William", Edward3, John , Rnlph\ Edward), THE R.\LPH SPRAGtrE GEXEALOGY. b. Nov. 6, 1866; m. Jan. 3, 1893 in Randolph, Vt., Jennie l\L, dau. of George C. and ,v ealthy (Rogers) Brigham, b. Sep. 13, 1872. Address, Randolph, Vt.

CHILDRE:S. ?205 Ernest G. Blauddl, b. Oct. 9, 1893. 2206 J.VeUie 0. Blai.sdell, b. l\lch. 11, 1903.

1660 Sarah M. Blaisdell0 (dnu. 1\-Iary l\Iorrill\ Sally7, 2 John•\ Jonathan-\ ,,··1niam", Edward\ John , Ralph1, Ed­ ward), b. Aug. 14, 1873 in Randolph, Vt.; m. in Randolph, i\Iay 24, 1899 ,Ya.rren S., s. of D:lll3. and Julia E. (Smith) ,·villiams, b. Oct. 4, 1862, a harness maker in Brookfield, Vt.

2207 .lfartJ E. Williams, b. :May 25, 1902. 220S Gertrude S. Williams, b. Jul. 31, 190-1. 2209 Jolm B. Williams, b. Sep. 6, 1906.

1664 Bessie M. Grow0 (dau. P. Elfo.s GrowS, Lydia B. 6 Stor:y:, Lydis. , Jonathan\ \Yilliam"', Edward3, John\ Ralph1, Edward), b. Aug. 7, 1867 in Randolph, Vt.; m. Dec. 31, 1900, Charles ~f., s. of Charleg and Sarah (1Iorrison) Waldo, b. Jun. 12, 1857, a farmer in Randolph.


2210 Thco

1666 Mary B. Grow9 (dau. P. Elias Grow\ Lydia B.Story7, Lydia.°, Jonathan\ ,villiam", Edward3, John\ Ralph1, Edward), b. in Randolph, Vt., Feb. 21, 1S71; m. Dec. 31, 1896 in Randolph, Vt., Frederick A., s. of •.\.mos and Sarah (Fish) Holbrook. He "·ns b. Jan. 12, 1866 in lfilford, l\{ass.; a graJuate uf the Universitv of Vermont as a chemist in 1894. Address is 692 E. 19th St., Brookl)"D., N. Y.


2214 HelenEli.:abelh llolbrook, b . .Apr. 13, 1008 in Xe\\" Haven, Conn.

1667 Grace G. Growu (dau. P. Elias Gro'\\·8, Lydia B. 7 6 3 2 1 Story 1 Lvdia., J Jonathan.'; J \"'illiam"If J , Edwa.rd r John 1' n-lph.,n.a , Edward), b. June 5, 1877 in Randolph, Vt.; m. Jan. 31, 1896, at Randolph, Dr. Louis ...'1.., s. of William and 2r!arcia (Carbee) Russlow, who was b. at DanYille, Vt., l\'.Iay 27, 1866. Dr. Russlow took degrees at U. V. M., and Baltimore, l\Id. and post-graduate work in N. Y. In general practice in Randolph, Vt. CmLDiu:.~.

2215 Paul Elias Russlow, b. Sep. 26, 1S98. 2216 .Zifarcia Grow Russlow, b. Feb. 25, 1905.

1669 Edward .f\.. Washburn° (s. J. J. Wa.shbum8, .Ade­ 6 3 2 line Stol)·;, Lydia. , Jonathan5, William:', Edwa.rd , John , Ralph\ Ed"·ard), b. Jan. 21, 1868 in Randolph, Vt.; m. l\1Iay 6, 1896, Frances ,-irginia, dau. of James P. and Frances Caroline (Davis) Marsh in Chica.go, Ill., b. in Chicago Apr. 5, 1866. Mr. ,vashburn is an attorney at BataYio., N. Y., County Judge of Geneseo County.


2217 Rowena .Uarsh Washburn, b. J!l.D.. 18, 1S99 in, N. Y.

9 8 1677 Lucy Hatch (dau. Jane Wills\ SllSs.n?, Edward , 3 Jons.thans, William", Edward , John~\ Ralph\ Edward): 254 THE RALPH SPR.AGTTE GEXEALOGY.

b. Jun. 8, 1868 in Sharon, Vt.; m. Jan. 9, 1894 Walter Brown of Bridgewater, Vt. Address, Randolph, Vt.


2218 Hazel 11[ae Brown, b. Oct. 2, 1896 in Lebanon, N. H.

0 0 1691 Andrew L. -·(s. Lyman8, ...\lfrcd7, Edward ; Jona-­ 3 2 than0, Willirun.4, Edward , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Chelsea, Vt., l\{ay 9, 1864; m. at Chelsea, Alice, dau. of Merrill and Harriet (Thayer) Flint, Jan. 2, 1893, b. Dec. 22, lSil. Justice of the Peace; farmer. Address, Chelsea, Vt.


22Hl Et•elyn .11. Sprague, b. Mch. 19, 1894. 2220 Lyman F. S]JTa{T..ze, b. Mch. 19, 1900.

0 8 7 0 1692 Myrtie E • (dau. Lyman , Alfred , Edwn.rd , Jona­ 2 than-\ William", Edward3, John , Ralpb1, Edward), b. l\i'Ich. 24, 1871 at Chelsea., Vt.; m. Sep. 30, 1895, William A. Shay of Concord, N. H., b. at Concord, N. H., Feb 19, 186i; a news­ paper correspondent~ d. May 2, 1906 in l\Iontpelier, Vt. Shed. Dec. 15, 1906 at Montpelier.


2221 ..lfargaret ll. Shay, b. Jun. 9, 1897.

0 8 7 0 1693 Ulysses G. (s. Edwin , Alfred , Edwa.rd , ;Jona­ 3 2 than\ William4, Edward , John , Ralph\ Edward), b. in Brookfield, Vt., l\'Ich. 7, 1865; m. Florence Graves, Jan. 1, 1890; farmer. Address, Brookfield, Vt.


2222 H-azcl Sprague, b. l\!ay 22, 1891. 222.3 Edwin Spr'3gl,le, b. Aug. 6, 1893. 2224 Ernest Sprague, b. Jan. 29, 1895. NI!'lTH GEXERATIOX.

9 8 7 6 1694 Mae (dnu. Edwin , Alfrcd , Edwnrd , Jonathan°, 3 2 Willimn", Edw:i.rd , John , Rnlph 1, Edward), b. in Brookfield, Vt., l\1:ch. 3, 1867; m. Frank, s. of Daniel A. Patterson, Oct. 26, 1888; farmer. Address, Brookfield, Vt.

2225 Anna Patterson. b. l\lny 1, 1890.

0 6 1698 Lee R. Whitney (s. Lutbera S.S, .Alfred\ E

2226 Dorothy llflJTa lVliilnerJ, b. Jun. 10, 1910; d. Feb. 16, 1911.

1701 Elizabeth P.0 (dau.. Albert A.S, Ziba.7, Edward\ 5 3 2 Jo_no.tha.n • William", Edward , John , Ralph1, Edward), h. Oct. 30, 1864 in Chicago, Ill.; m. Dr. Frederick S. Coolidge, A .l\iI., l\I. D., Harvard. ·,v· as president of his class in the academic department four years; business editor of Advocate; member of .:1 KE; A A rP; Class Crew and Philosophical clubs. Appointed by Faculty as chairman of committee to originate and carry out students part of the 2.50th-annivers::i.ry celebra­ tion; graduated with honors in mewcine; house surgeoa in the lvlass. Gen. Hospital; elected to the medical staff of the Rusk l\Icdical College of Chica.go; did general practice in Chicago eight years, when his health broke down and be required a different climate. ·For eight. years he has practiced general medicine in Pitt13field, :i\; on the staff of the City Hospital; Sec. of the Tubercular Association.


Albert Sprague Coolidge, b. Jan. 23, 1894. 256 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

1705 Albert A. 2nd0 (s. Otho S. A.'\ Zib:i.7, Edward~', 3 2 Jonathan.Ii, Willis.m"', Edward , John , Ralph\ Edward), b. ~fay 13, 1874 in Chicago, Ill.; m. Frances F., dau. of Henry and Laura (Field) Dibblee, Jun. 22, 1901, at Rye, N. H., She w::i.s b. Aug. 26, 1876, in Chien.go, Ill. He graduated from Harvard College at the right time. to take charge of the con­ struction of the great building which the vtholesale grocery house of Sprague, ,varncr & Co., moved into in 1909 at Erie and Roberts Sts. An eight story building "'ith ten acres of floor area; the most complete of its kind in ·existence. He proved to be an efficient superin~endent and ma.n..<\ger, became one of its directors and now has complete charge of the opera­ tion of the building, corner Erie and Roberts Streets, Chicago. Address, Lake Forest, IlL ·


2228 .4lbert A. 3rd, b. :\lay G, 1903. 222V Laura, b. Dec. 24, 1909.

1711 Nellie M. Whitney0 (dau. Jane8, Edwardr, Ed- 6 . ward , Jonathan\ William", Ed"~ard3; .TohnZ, Ralph 1, Edward), b. Aug. 17, 1857 at E. Randolph, Vt.; m. Sep. 24, 1S78, R.H., s. of Josiah and Claris5a. (Smith) Dearborn, b. Apr. 27, 1857; a farmer. Address,,;"{est Fairlee, Vt.


2230 Sarah J. Dt 'lrborn, b. Oct. 28, 1879. 2231 Clara B. E:.arborn, b. :\fo,y 16, 1881; d. Jun. 28, 1907. '2232 Lurana .4. Dearborn, b . .Apr. 28, 1885. 2233 Helen A. Dearborn, b. Aup;. 28, 1894.

1 6 1712 Byron W. WhitneyP (s. Jane\ Edward , Edward , 3 2 Jonathan.Ii, '\V'illiam", Edward , John , Ralph\ Edward), b. :Xov. 10, 1860; m. ~!ch. 28, 1884 Lydia :\L. dau. of Enoch .\LBERT ..\. SPRAGUE, 2so.

. Jackman and :\iariah H. (Downer) Tucker, b. Feb. 2i, 1868. A.ddress 20 Hunter St., Dorchester, Mass.


2234 l\labelle Alice \Vhitney~ b. Jun. 28, 1885 in Tunbridge, Vt. 2235 J cUa Glee lfhibtey; b. Oct. 4, 1887 in ,v. Fairlee, Vt. z.?36 Glenn Elmer lVltitnt1J, b . .Apr. 19, 1S90 in Post ~I ills, Vt. .

8 1713 Edward F. Whitney9 (s. Jane , Edward'°, Ed­ 3 ·ward6, Jona.than·\ William', Edward , John:2, Ralph1, Edward), b. NoY. 10, 1S64 in Randolph, Vt.; m. Feb. 25, 1889, Clara, dau. of William and l\iiary (Stevens) Jenkins of Vershire, Vt.; m. (2) Apr. 15, 1904 in Boston, l\riass., Isabell, dau. of Isaac and l\:Iary (Callahan) 11ayo. Occupation; barber. Address, 172 Ashmont St., Dorchester, lVIass.


2237 lVillie U"hitney, b. ).lay S, 1893, Onkland, Cal. 223S Jfildred Whitney, b. Feb. 28, 1905, Boston. 2230 ..lf alcolm W'/iitney, b. Sep. 2S, 1907. !?240 .Casper lf"hiiney, b. llch. 29, 1910.

9 7 1714 Nelson C. Whitney (s. Jane8, Edward , Edward'\ 5 3 2 Jonatha.n , ,villiam.'', Edwa.rd , John , Ralph\ Edward), b. Sep. 6, 1868 in Tunbridge, Vt.; m. Sarah, dau. of J!l.Iiles and Fannie (St. John) Cla.rk of Hookset, N. H.~ b. Jul. 12, 1866 and d . ..-\pr. 20, 1910 in Hookset, N. H. He is a plumber.


2241 Clrri.8tic B. ll"hilncy; b. Dec. 31, 1892.

7 1715 Betsey E. ,Vhitney? (dau. Jane8, Edw:i.rd , Ed­ 2 ·ward°, Joll!l.than\ William4, Edwa.rd3, John , Ralph\ Edward), b. Xov. 3, 1Si5 in \Y. Fairlee, Vt.; m. Sep. 16, 1S94 in N'ashua, THE R.\.LPII SPRAGUE GEXEALOGY.

N. H., H. A., s. of James T. and Ellen (Robinson) Jewett of l\Iorrisvillc, Vt. Occupationt ss.J.esmn.n. Address, Dorches­ ter, Mass. Can.DRE:-;.

Z-?-12 Gladys E. Jcu:t:11, b. Xov. 11 1S9i. 2"2-t:J Ralph $prague Jc,rclt, b. Xov. 26, 1900.

6 1717 Charles F. Conn° (s. Helent-\ Edward', Edward , 3 2 1 Jonathan:;, w·illiam", Edwn.rd , John , Ralpb , Edward), h. in Concord, N. H., Nov. 11, 1865; m. l\Iabel Dwight of Concord, N. H., in 1890; grnduate of Dartmouth in 1887 and is at present Vice-President and l\·Ia.nager of the Laurel Linc R. R. in Scranton, Pa.

· CmLD.

2244 Dtcight Conn, b. 1S91, a student !Lt Dnrtmouth Coll~<'-

1718 Augustus P.9 (s. Tyler E.8, Edward\ Edward°, 5 Jonatban , William", Edward\ John2, Ralph\ Edward), b. Dec. 21, 1871 in O'Brien County, Ia.; m. Ann Louwesa. Carpenter, Oct. 23, 1902; farmer. Address, Alta~ Ia.


2245 Dai'Ul Carpenter, b. :Xov. 21, 1004. 2246 Eugenic/.,,,, b. X o,.,-. 16, 1906.

9 7 1719 Tyler E. (s. Tyler E.8, Ed,,.. ard , Edward'\ Jona­ than'\ Willfa.m.4, Edward3, John\ Ralph1, Edward), b. in Buena Vista Co., Ia., Feb. 9, 1874; m. Cora Henkel, Apr. 13, 1897. Real estate and live stock dealer. Address. Alto., Ia.


2247 Charlotte E., b. Feb. 7, 1898. NI~TH GENERATION. 259

1726 William F. Jordan° - (s. Asenath C. Belknap8, 7 6 Fanny , Edwa.rd , Jonathan°, Willio.m◄, Edwa.rd3, John\ Ralph1, Edward), b. Nov. 3, 1851 in Northfield, Vt.; m. in Manchester, N. H., 1878, Jennie, do.u. of Osgood and Jennie M. (Osgood) Simons; b. in Eaton, P. Q., 1\-Iay 13, 1860. Occupation, night watchman. Address, Attleboro, liass., R.F.D.I. CHILDREX.

2248 \Vesley B. Jord:in, b. Feb. 20, 1879 in Clifton, P. Q. 2249 Et•a JI. Jordan, b. Jun. 6, 1883 in :\l:mchcstcr, N. H.; m. Da.niel A. l\Ii'-

0 7 1727 Carolin F. Slack (dau. Ellen J. Belknap\ Fanny , 3 Edward°, Jonathan-\ William", Edwa.rd , John=, Ralph1, Edward), b. Aug. 24, 1863; m. ~ich. 1, 1888 Ransom F., s. of ,vtllis L., and Angeline F. Roberts, :i. farmer, b. Oct. 14, 1865 in Sharon, Vt.; address, Royalton, Vt.


Z.?50 .lrcing Ransom Roberts, b. Feb. 12, 1891 in Strafford, Vt. ..,.,.-')z,...:;1 Linwood Belknap Roberts, b. Oct. 11, 1S95 in Strafford, Vt. -~- Stanley Lear.rill Robert$, b. Oct. 14, 1902 in So.' Roy:i.lton, Yt. 2253 l,.it'ian Florence Roberts, b. Apr. 24, 1906 in So. Roywton, Vt.

9 7 1728 Fred C. Slack (s. Ellen J. Belknap\ Fa.nny , 6 1 Edward , Jonathan\ \Villia.m4, Edward3, Jotm.2, Rs.lph , Edward), b. Oct. 11, 1865 in Lebanon, N. H.; shoemaker; m. Jun. 14, 1891 in Reading, I\-Inss ..Annie, dau. of Timothy and Julia (Burns) Reardon, b. Jun. 26, 1S66. Address, Reading, ~Iass. CHILDRE~.

2254 lfilliam Edward Slack, b. l!:.1.y 6, 1892. Z-255 Francis Timothy Slack, b. Aug. 19, 1893 .. 260 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GEXEA.LOGY.

9 8 1729 Edward P. Slack. (s. Ellen J. Belknap , Fanny7, Ed"·ard,. , Jonathan5 , ,vtlliam4 , Edward3 , John2 ,.u.a,n-lph1 Edward), b. Jun. 30, 1869 in Non,;ch, Vt.; m. Dec. 5, 1899 in So. Royalton, Vt., Jennie W., dau. of Edward Allen and Mary El en ('Vebster) Greene, b. J a.n. 12. 18i7; d. Sep. 5, 1910 in Sharon, ·vt. CmLD.

22.56 Larrrcru:c l"crnc Sl.ack, b. Jan. 28, 1002 in So. Royalton. Yt.

0 7 1731 Bertha E. Slack (da.u. Ellen J. Belknap8, Fanny , 3 2 Edward\ Jonathan\, Edward , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Dec. 20, 1877 in-Sharon, Vt., m. Jul. 13, 1901 in West Lebanon, N. H., Isaac Henry, s. of Josiah Piper and Nettie l\1ay (Willson) Wiggins, b. l\'.Ich. 27, 1881 in Barton, Vt., shoemaker. · Address, Derry, N. H.


2257 Guy Forest lViggin.s, b. Jan. 9, 1903 in Lowell, :\ 2258 George Harold lr'iggins, b. Feb. 18, 1905 in Lowell, :\foss. 2250 . Raymond HennJ n·iggirlS, b. Dec. 15, 1906 in \Yindh:un,. X. H.

9 8 7 1733 Eugene Glysson (s. Frances ,viggins , Polly , Edward\ Jonathan-'\ \Yillfo.m", Edward\ John\ -Ralph1, Edward), b. Nov. 16, 1868 in Brookfield, Vt.; m. Emma, dau. of Henry H. and '\V'ealthy (Hatch) Churchill, Jul. 22, 1891, b. in 1869. A prosperous granite manufacturer, Barre, Vt.


2260 lf'. Rulli Glysson, b. Oct. 22, 1897. 2261 Edward C. Glysson, b. Sept. 18, 1899.

9 7 0 1738 Edward G. (s. John H.8, John , Edward ~ Jona­ than\ ,villiam", Edward3, John\ Ralph1, Edward), b. Feb. Xt-:-.:Tn GEXERATIOX. 261

23, 1865 in Chelsea, Vt.; Ph. B., 1801; ~I. D., 1894, U. V. l\I.; general pructice si, years in Rumney, N. H.; representative in N. H. General Assembly; N. Y., Phil., and London, Eng., Eye nnd Ear Hospitals, HJOl-02; practice limited since then to specialties in Barre, Vt.; Commanclcry, Consistory, Shrine; Compiler n.ncl Publisher of The Ralph Sprayue Gencalooy; m. Hettie E., du.u. of George P. and Elizabeth (Paige) Cook of Rumney, N. H., Oct. 1, 1903.


2262 Eli::abetlt, b. Oct. 21, 1004. 2263 Ruth, b. llch. G, 1907; d. Xov. 10, 1007. 2264 Jo/m llibbard, b. Xov. 2S, 1908. 2265 1/cUi'c, b. Jan. 21, 1912.

0 8 1739 William H. (s. John H. , John\ Edward\ Jona.­ 3 than\ \Villiu.m:', Edwa.rcl , John:'\ Ralpb1, Edward), b. in Chelsea, Vt., Jan. I, 1867; m. in Northfield, Vt., 1893, Adeline L., dau. of Edson Dcwt!y and-Adeline L. (Houghton) Smith, who d. in E. Brookfield, Vt., Feb. 9, 1903, age 32; m. (2) Gertrude, dau. of Daniel G. and Chloe (Hooker) Bickford of Barre, Vt., in 1905. Graduated from Nornich Unh·ersity in the class of 1891; sheriff of Orange Co., ·Vt., from 1904-08; attorney ut law~ Chel:5ea, Vt.; Deputy County Clerk of Orange County Court. Address, Chelsea, Vt.


2266 Jolin William, b. :\.Ich. 27, 1S96.

1740 Ruth H.9 {dau. John H.S, John", Edward", Jona­ than'\ ":"illiam"', Edwnrd3, John:?, R::s.lph1, Edward), b. in Brookfield, Vt., Feb. 21, 1Si4; m. Sep. 3, 1895, James :\I., s. of .John Q. and Ann E. (Pratt) Angell of Stockbridge-, Vt., b. Aug. 4~ 1873. Farmer in E. Brookfield. "6"-- THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.


226i Ruie E .•·b1gcll, b. Jul. 23, 189S. 2268 Christine Elluie Angell, b. Dec. 15, 1904.

0 0 1743 Harriet (dau. John H.8, John", Edwnrd , Jona­ 3 2 1 thanL, 1'\i"'illiam", Edward , John , Ralph , Edwn.rd), b. ·Jan. 22, 1881; m. Feb. 7, 1899 El'\\in G. Harrington, farmer, s. of On,·ell and Lavina (Brown) Harrington, b. in Barnet, Vt., Feb. 17, 1873. Resides in E. Brookfield, Vt.


2269 JfargucrcUc E. Harrington, b. Feb. 1, 1000. 22i0 Edu-ard E. Hanir1gton, b. Jan. 21, 1903. 22i1 Harriet L. llarringtori, b. Aug. 18, 190i; d. Oct. 31, 1907. 2272 Winsome Flora Harrington, b. Oct. 13, 1910. Child, b. l\1foy, 1913.

0 8 1750 Cosie R. Gran~er (dau. C. B. Granger , Rebecc:1.7, 6 3 2 Darius , Jonathan\ William4, Ed'\\·ard , .John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Oct. 15, 1884 in Barre, Vt.; m. H. L. Harvey Oct. 24, 1906 and resides in Providence, R. I.


22;a .Alice Granger llan.•cy, b. Aug. 23, 1908 in Pro\·idcncc, R. I. 227-1 Helen Sprague 1/art•cy, b. Jan. 1, 1010 in Arlin~ton, R. I.

1763 Frank J.9 (s. David C.S, Joshua·, Hn.scy F.'\ 2 Israel\ ,villiam"', Edward3, John , Ralph\ Edward), b. at l\'Iilford, Conn., Jul. 25, 1857; m. in 1885 at Kew Orlen.ns, l\iary H., dau. of William and Harriette G. Kea tinge; m. (2) Oct. 11, 1899, Harriet C. dau. of Capt. Henry R. Jones, U. S. A. (retired), and Sarah (Chceseborough) Jones. In 1878 he graduated from the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis with high honors. He then took special courses in electrical

NI~TI-t GE:XERA.TlON. 263 work. During the ne:\.~ five years while aboard the U. S. S. Richmond in the Chinese waters, the training ship l\finncsota and the U. S. S. Lancaster of the j\1:editerraneu.n, and as a member of the jury of scientists at the Crystal Palace Exhibi­ tion at Sydenham, England, he continued his c~-pcrimcnts '\\;th incandescent electric lights, dynamo machines and gas engines. After one year as ussh;tant to Thomas A. Edison, bP organized the Sprague Electric Railway u.nd Motor Co., and developed the stationary motor for industrial operations. In 1886 he first exhibited the fundamental method of mounting geared motors for electric railwnys which has come into uni­ versal use. In 188i he equipped the Union Passenger Rail­ w·ays of St. J osepb, l\Io., and Richmond, Va., with motor cars having a complete overhead system, the latter of which was the comm\!rcial electric road on a large scale, and which laid the foundation of the modern trolley development. In 1890 he organized the Sprague Electric Elevator Co., develop­ ing the high speed screw elevator, the automatic house elevator and the two-motor drum elevator, and with the latter he equipped the Central London Railway. In 1897 he equipped the South Side Elevated Road in Chicago with the multiple-unit system, w·hich was the beginning of modem electric train operation, such as the underground, elevated and other road-; of like character, and is used in addition to the motor car trains for the electric locomotive operation of the N. ·y. Central, the X ew Haven and the Penn. railroads. He was awarded a medal at the Philadelphia Electrical Exhi­ bition, the gold medal at the Paris '£.'\.-position in 1889, the Elliot Cresson l\Ieda.1 by the Franklin Institute in 1902, the Grand Prize by the St. Louis Purchase Exhibition in 1904 and the Edison :\Iedal in 1911~ for inventions and developments in electric motors and electric rn.ilw3t·s and special achieve­ ments in the electric arts. He i::; Past-President and member of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers and the N'. ·y_ Electrical Society; member of the American Institute of Consulting Engineers; the American Society of Chil Engineers; the English Institutions of Civil and Electrical TnE RALPH SrRAOUE GENEALOGY.

Engineer:,; nnd the U. S. Nnvnl Institute, nnd nn associate mcmher of t hf' Society of N n.vnl Architects and lHnrinc Engin­ eer:,;. Ile is ~onsulting engineer of the Sprague Electric, General Electric n.ncl the Oti~ Elevator Companies; wn.s a men1hcr of the New York Central ~]cctricnl Commission, and recently sck1ctcd by the So. Pacific Company to prepare in collaboration with its officers, n report on the prn.cticu.bility of electrifyin~ the Sierra. N cvncla mountain section of the Sncramcnto Division of thu.t Company to increase its capacity, an operative problem generally admitted to be one of the most difficult in the railway world. He is a member of the Univf'rsity, Century, Engineers, N. Y. Railroad, City Lunch nncl Sleepy llollow Country Clubs .. In politics he is an in­ dependent Republican. His summer residence is at Sharon, Conn., his New ·York address is 241 ,vest End Ave., and 165 Broadway.


Frank D'Esmondt·. b. :\Ich. 29, 18S8 in:,;('\\" York;'grnduatcd ns C. E. in 1911 from Corn<-ll. Robert Chapmrm, b. AuJt. 3, 1900 in ~cw York. Julian Kiriu, b. ,Jun. 14, 1903 in :Xcw York. Prance.-i Althea, b. Aug. 9, 1906 in Sharon, Conn.

1764 Charles M.0 (s. DaYid C.S, .Joshua', Hascy F.'\ 2 1 1~r:1cl'\ ,villiam"', Edward3, John , Ralph • Ed,vard), b. Apr. :30. 1860 at )Iilford, Conn.; m. Julia )Iilk-r at No. Adams, )Jass., Jan. 26, 1882, b. Jan. 27, 1863, dau. of Alonzo and llarrict (Cary) :\Iillcr of Xo. Adams, :\Iuss. Graduating from Drury Academy, Xo. Adams in 1878, entered the employ of the Freeman )Ianufacturing Co., and for 15 years was head of the accounting department; director of the Co. many years as well as director of the Berkshire X at. Bank.; As~i~ta.nt Treas. of the \Vindsor Co.; Treas. and director of Sprague Electric ElcYator Co.; Assi~tant Trcu~. Renfrc,v· ).Janufucturing Co.; is now a:-:~ociated with the General Electric NINTH GENERATION. 265

Co., in the Department of Credits and Collections. Address,. 30 Church St., N. Y. CHtLDREX.

2279 Helen FranccH, b. :\tch. 20, 1884; m. Geo. F. Denit1on. Ju.n. 26, 1911. 2280 J.l!arrion ..\filler, b. Jnn. 23, 1888.

1766 Ralph J.0 (s. Jo8hua M.8, Joshua.7, Hasey F.fS, Israel\ 3 2 1 \Villiam", Edward , John , Rn.lph , Edward), b. Mch. 23, 1878 in N. Y. City; m. Anna dau. of August Anno. (Sauerwoun) Steinkamp, Jun. 14, 1894 in N. Y. City. l\i!r. Sprague's occupation is in the advertising service of Boullion-Sprague Inc., 118 E. 28th St., N. Y. Resides at \Vbite Plains, N. Y.


2281 Katharine. b. Jun. 17, 1895. 2282 Jfartha, b. Jnn. 17, 1897. 228.1 Joa/ma Jf., b. Jul. 13, 1898.

0 7 6 1773 Ella Kin~ (dau. Emily B.8, \Villiam , John , John5, Hezekiah", Edwu.rd3, John:?, Ralph1, Ed"~ard), b. Feb. 27, 1S49 in Rome, N. Y.; m. Xov. 3, lSiO, J. K. Smith, a merchant, ut Jerse)·irille, Ill., b. Dec. 21, 1844, s. of John and Sarah avicGuire) Smith, d. Apr. 9, 1882, in Jerseyville, Ill.; m. (2) John J. l\Iorrison, Sep. 27, 1S89 in Lincoln, Neb., s. of Robert and Alvira (Gillham) l\forrison, b. at Naples, Ill., ~o,·. 2i, 1842 and d. Jun. 25, 1900 in Lincoln, Neb. l\-'lr. l\Iorrison was u lawyPr. :i.rrs. l\Iorrison's address is 1631 . F. St., Lincoln, Neb. CntLDRES.

z>-84 Cora Frances Smith, b. Jan. 8, 1872; m. Geo. 0. Smith, 1906; m:uiagcr of a large Dry Goods House in Lincoln, Xcb. 2285 Clara Kin~Smith. b. :,\lay 5, 1S74. 2286 George lues Smith, b. Jun. 3, 1S76; d. Jun. 3, 1SS7. 2287 lVilfred Knox Smith, b. l\fay 12, 1879; nJdrc-ss Crct<.', :Xeb. 2288 Ella King ..lforrison, b. Aug. 20, 1S90; student Xcb. university. 2289 John King ..Uorriscm, b. Aug. 21, 1S91. 266 TIIE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

0 7 1774 Clara Kin~ (do.u. Emily B.8, \Villin.m , John", 5 2 1 John , Hezekiah4, Eclwn.rd\ John , Ralph , Edward), b. Ju.n. 15, 1851 in Hanovrr, N. J.; m. Oct. 22, 1873 Eusley Moore in_ Belleville, N. Y. ::W!r. Moore wn.s b. Apr. 16, 1846 in Springfield, Ill. Address, 856 ,v. State St., Jacksonville, Ill.

2290 Lawrence ..lfoore, b. Aug. 6, 1Si5; d. Feb. 19, 1877. 2291 William \Vatter Moore, b. Dec. 6, 1876. 2292 },fargaret King lloore, b. Aug. 16, 187'8. 2293 Emily .11inslic J.lfoore, b. Dec. 11, 1884. 2294 Gcorg.e King, Moore, b. J uL 15, 1886. 2295 Clm-a CaJ.lieriru: J&[oorc, b. l\Iay 2.5, 1S8S.

0 8 1779 Rebecca M. Littlefield ( Harriett L. 1 Wil­ 2 1 liam7, John°, John6, Hezekiah4, Ed,vard3, John , Ralph , Edward), b. Feb. 20, 1851 in E. Aurora, N. Y.; m. Rollin Steward in Grace Church, N. Y., Jun. 5, 1Si7. Address, 471 Washington Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.


2-'>96 Clara E. Steward, b. Nov. 4, 1878. 2207 .\,[aud H. Steward, b. Oct. 3, 1880.

9 8 7 1794 Ida F. (dau. William W. , John , John°, John\ 3 Hezekiah4, Edward , John2, Ralph1, Edward), b. No,·. 15, 1863 in Keene, O.; m. Edwn.rd Norman, Sep. 9, 1880 in Cashoc­ ton, 0., b. Dec. 1859 in Keene, 0., s. of George and Sarah ('Voods) Norman. CHXLORE,:.

2298 Daisy Norman. b. Mcb. 20, 1882 in Keene, 0. 2299 HamJ Norman, b. Oct. 6, 1883 in Amorn, Neb. 2300 Russell Leo Nonnan, b. Jnn. 11, IS.% in Aurora, Neb.: d. Dec. 3, 1886. 2301 Ray Norman, b. Nov. 10, 1887 in Aurora, Neb. 2302 Lkn;d Norman, b. !\Ich. 20, 1890 in Aurora, :N"cb. NzNnr GENERATION. 267

0 8 7 6 1797 Edwin B. (s. Edwin B. , John , John , John'», 2 Hczekinh', Ed,vard3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Dec. S, 1865 n.t St. Louis, Mo.; m. Maud, dn.u. of Dr. o.nd Mrs. Libbie (Snooks) Wells, Jun. 1896 o.t Polo, Ill. He is a fruit grower. Address, Portersville, Cn.l.


2303 Helen Dorothy, b. Dec. 4, 1901. 2304 Franci.8 Everett, b. Aug. 18, 1005.

8 7 1799 John F.9 (s. Edwin B. , John , John°, John\ 3 2 Hezekiah\ Edward , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Sep. 1, 1874 in Kirkwood, Mo.; m. in Chicago, Ill., Oct. 18, 1900, Lilly, dau. of James and Emma_ (Campbell) Peck of Bement, Ill. A grain dealer, address, Bement, Ill.


2305 Bryant. Peck, b. Dec. 9, 1911.

9 8 1802 Nellie F. (dau. 1\1:aro M. , John1,. John\ John.S, 3 2 Hezekiah", Edward , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Keene, 0., Feb. 11, 1861; m. Jesse, s. of Alex and Fanny (Peoples) Smith May 18, 1882. Shed. Nov. 1, 1890 in Keene, O.


2306 Blanch Smith, b. Oct. 13, 1883. 2307 Shaffer Smil.h, b. Jun. 23, lSSi. 230$ Russell Smith, b. Aug. 14, 1890; d. Nov. 9, 1891.

9 8 7 6 1803 Lucy B. (dau. Maro M. , John , John , John\ 2 Hezekiah", Edward.3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. May ·29, 1863; m. Byron E. Dyarxnan, Feb. 19, 1889, s. of Phillip and Louise (Evans), a farmer in Bement, Ill. 268 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

2309 Helen ..lf abel Dyarman, b. Dec. 23, 1889; m. Eo.rl Totten, Apr. 26, 1910, n. farmer in Bement, Ill. 2310 ..llargarel l.uJise Dyannan, b. llch. 16, 1898. 2311 Carrie l'{ell Dyarman, b. Oct. 5, 1901.

0 8 7 6 1804 Lizzie M. (dau,. l\'Iaro M. , John , John , John'\ 2 Hezekiah\ Edward3, John , Ralph\ Edward), b. Jan. 7, 1871; m. Oct. 19, 1892, Charles Baker, a farmer in Bemen~. Ill., b. Dec. 14, 1866, s. of S. Mn..'1C and Kate (Brown) Baker.


2312 ;.l[ax Baker, b. Aug. 14, 1S93. 2313 Gertrude Baker, b. Dec. 2, 1896.

0 1 7 1807 Sybel A. Day (dau. Esther\ Joseph W. , 3 2 Joseph°, Jonathan'\ Hezekiah", Edward , John , Ralph\ Edward), b. ~Ich. 16, 1864; m. Jun. 24, 1886 in Traverse City, l\iiich., ....\.llison Durand Baker. He d. Dec. 6, 1902. ~Irs. Baker's address is The Hoffman, Grand Rapids, l\'Iich.


2314 Balch Durartd Baker, b. lln.y 3, 1887; m. Dec. 12, 1910,Jane Gordon. 2315 Edrcin .:1llusonBaker, b. Jul. 1SS9 nnd d. seventeen days later.

0 8 1811 Louis A. Pratt (s. Ada K. , Joseph W.7, 3 1 Joseph\ Jonathan'\ Hezekiah"', Edward , Jobr:?, Ra.lph , Edward), b. in Traverse City, :\Iich., Jan. 9, 1872; m. Daisy Truesdale at Ann Arbor, l\fich., Jun. 1896; m. (2) Zella E. Hurd, Jlay 24, 1900. ?,.fr. Pratt's address is Grand Rapids~ :VIich.

2316 Helen Pratt, b, 1897; d. in infancy. 2317 Edu:in Hu.rd Pratt, b. Jun. 18, 1907; d. Sep. 2-1-, 1907. NINTH GENERATION. 269

0 8 1812 Winifr:ed E. Pratt (cla.u. Ada K. , Joseph W:7, 6 2 1 Joseph , Jonathan'\ Hezekiah'', Edward3, John , Ralph , Edward), b. Jan. 6, 1874; m. at Traverse City, Mich., Sep. 12, 1898 to Elmer E. ,Vhlte an attorney at law; clerk of the Circuit Court and Register in Chancery for Grand Traverse County. Address, Traverse City.


2318 EdwenaEsi11er U"ltite, b. Jun. 8, 1899. 2319 Louusc .Marion 1Vhite, b: F'cb. 23, 1902; d. Jan. 30, 1905. 2320 Frcdireka IIelcn lVltitc, b. Oct. 26, 1904. 2321 Elmer E-ugene U"hiic, b. Jun. 20, 1911.

9 8 7 1813 Elvin S. Pratt (s. Ada K. , Joseph \V. , Joscph6, Jonathan'\ Hezekiah", Edward3, John2, Ralph1, Edward), b. Jul. 16, 1Si6 in Traverse City, Mich.; m. Ada I. Smith, Jan. 24, 1906. Address, Traverse City.


2322 Helen Elizabeth Pratt, b. Jan. 9, 190S.

1827 Mary R. B~e9 (dau. Cornelia l\I. Day8, :\Ier­ 1 celina.7, Joseph°, Jonathan \ Hezekiah", Edward3, John::, 1 Ralph , Edward), b. Oct. 11, 1861 in Florence, l\1:ass.; m. Geo. A. Tyzzer, Apr. 15, 1886. Address, 1872 E. 73d St., Cleveland, Ohio. CHILDRE:-:.

2323 Dcuid Bir.gc Ty=er, b. llay 3, ISS7 nt \Y akcficld, lfoss. 2324 Helen Edward$ Tyz::cr, b. Jul. 5, lSSS nt Xatick, ).fass. 2325 Flcrencc Day Ty::cr, b. Jan. 8, 1892 at \Yinchester, l\.Inss.

0 8 1831 Russell H. Birge (s. Cornelia lL Day , :01:er­ 2 celina\ Joseph°, Jonathan\ Hezekiah\ Edward3, John , THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

Ralph1, Edward), b. Dec. 11, 1872 at Florence, Mass.; m. Edith Elcnnor Clarke, Sep. 16, 1903. He is a physician and surgeon in Cleveland, Ohio.


2326 RU8scll Clarke Birge, b • .Aug. 7, 1005. :?327 Jlargaret Jane Birge, b. :\luy 24, 1900.

1834 Millord D. Rogers0 (s. Sarah J. Day8, Mer­ 3 2 cclino.7, Joseph°, Jonathan\ Hezekiah", Edward , John , 1 Ralph , Edw:l.I'd), b. May 26, 1870 in Willow Vale, New Hart­ ford, Conn.; m. Florence Jillison, Dee. 16, 1896. They reside in Providence, R. I. CHILD.

23:.?8 Karlton Bruce Rogers, b. lfo.y 20, 1903.

1835 Jennie E. Coy0 (da.u. L. W. Coy\ Lucinda', 6 2 Joseph , Jonathanu, Hezekiah"', Edward3, Jobn , Ralph1, Edward), b. Jul. 8, 1868 in Bernardston, lviass.; m. at Little Rock, Ark., Jun. 7, 1893, Louis Derr, s. of Simon and Sarah .Ann (Sieger) Derr, b. in Pottsville, Penn., Aug.. 6, 1868. j_\,Jr. Derr is professor of physics in the Mass. Institute of Technology, Boston, l\ilass. Address, 83 Center St., Brook­ line, Mass.

2329 Thom

1842 Albert P. Huckelbury0 (s. Isabel L. CoyS, Lu­ 0 3 cinda', Joseph , Jonathan\ Hezekiah\ Edward , John==, 1 Ralph , Edward), b. Dec. 1, 1859 in Centralia, ,v ashington Co., m.; m. Mary Louise Cowell, Dec. 5, 1889. He d. Mch. 13, 1906 in Ashdown, .Ark. NINTH GENERATION. 271


2330 Alice Olive Huckclbury, b. Sep. 3, 1800. 2331 Edmortd Page /luckcll,ury, b. Dec. 12, ~895; d. Aug. 28, 1897.

0 8 1844 Mary M. Huckelbury (dau. Isabel L. Coy , 0 1 3 Lucinda', Joseph , Jonn.tha.n \ Hezek.iah4, Edward , John=, Ralph1, Edward), b. in Centralia, Ill., Mch. 13, 1863; m. Frederick C. Biermann, Oct. 5, 1882. Address, Cent~alia., Ill., R. F. D., No. III. CHILDREN.

2332 Edna Pearl Biermann, b. Z..Ia.y 8, lSSS. 23.1.1 Rosa Belle Biermann, b. :\Iny i, 1892; d. Sep. 4, 1893. 2334 Fred Sumner Biermann, b. Oct. 15, 1894. 2335 llicJwr,l Coyue Biermann, b. Dec. 4, 1S90.

9 8 1846 Emely M. Huckelbury (dau. Isabel L. Coy , 2 Lucinda', Joseph°, Jonathan\ Hezekiah\ Edward3, John , 1 Rolph , Edward), b. Nov. 2, 1866 in Centralia., Clinton Co., Ill.; m.. Charles Emil Dodillet, 13, 1893. Address, Centralia, Ill., R. F. D., No. III.


2336 J«lia .l!abcl Dodillet, b. :\lay 18, 1S94; m. Fred Bonner, Aug. 3, 1911. 2:l:37 .:1lbt7t Edmund Dodillet, b. J!l.Il. 16, 1S96. ~338 ""lmrlcs Adolph Dodillct, b. Jul. 11, 1897. 2.~30 Paul Emil Dodillet, b. Jun. 25, 1900. Z.~O .:lrtltur l-"ernon Dodillet, b. Aug. 26, 1904. 23-11 Ethel Loui8c Dodillet, b. Au,z. 30, 1907.

8 1847 Lucien B. Huckelbury9 (s. Isabel L. Coy , 3 2 Lucinda.7, Joseph°, Jonathan\ Hezekiah", Edward , John , 1 Ralph , Edward), b. Centralia, Clinton Co., Ill., l\!ch. 8, 1870; m. Clero Evelyn Brannan l\fch. 7, 1897, b. Aug. 23, 1874. Addr~s, Van Buren, Ark. THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.


2342 Jl{ary ]Habel Huckelbury, b. Jan. 16, 1898. 2343 Albert Colr,mbus Huckclbury, b. Apr. 2, 1900. 2344 Lucien ran Buren 1/uckclbury, b. NoY. 23, 1001; d. Dec. 13, 1901. 2345 CharlC8 Ernut Huckelbury, b. Sep. 16, 1902. 2346 Cleo Norma Huckelbury, b. l\Iay 12, 1905; d. Aug. 30, 1905. 2347 EJSlher ~llargucrue 1/w:kclbury, b. Jul. 4, 1900. 234S Ken1teth LafaycUe Huckelbury, b. Jan. 28, 1910. 2349 Frederick Do1iald Huckelburu, b. Aug. 11, 1912.

0 8 1853 Percy H.·Morgan. (s. Jennie S. l\.'.Iorgan , Lucinda7, 6 Joseph , Jonathan\ Hezekiah", Edward3, John:?, Ralph1, Edward), b. Jul. 6, 1873 in Hamilton, Ont.; m. Ada M. White in Orange, Mass., Jan. 1, 1900.


23.50 JIargarct Coy JIorgan, b. Dec. 1, 1901 in;c,'.!. 2351 Doris Ruth Jlorga11,, b. l!ch. 2, 1907 in Be\·erly, :\fa_,,..,,

1855 Edward W.. Carpenter9 (s. E. J. Carpenter'\ 7 3 Vallonia Slate , Tirza.h6, 1Tonathan5, Hezekiah", Edward , 2 John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Jul. 1, 1856 in Brattleboro, Vt.; editor of the Brattleboro Phoeni.-...: for many years; m. Esther l\L HastingsAug. 25, 1882, b. in Brattleboro~ Vt., 1860.


:2.3.52 1r·inifrcd Carpenter. b. :\lay I, ISS.'3. 235.1 Richard Carpenlrr, b. Apr. 25, 1886.

9 8 1857 Maud Carpenter (dau. E. J. Carpenter 1 Val­ 7 2 Ionia Slate , Tirzah°, Jonatbu.n:., Hezekiah'\ Edward3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Oct. 11, 186i in Brattleboro, ·vt.; m .. ~falcolm A. Carpenter~ Feb. 24. 1896. NINTH GENERATION. 273


2354 Edna V. Carpenter, b. Aug. 25, 1902. 2355 Millon E. Carpenier, b. Jul. 3, 1905.

9 8 1861 George R. Carpenter (s. C. C. Carpenter , 6 3 Vallonia. Slate1, Tirzah , Jonathan\ Hezekiah", Edward , 2 John ,, Ralph1, Edward), b. on the coast of Labrador, Oct. 25, 1863. Graduate of Harvard Univ. 1886 with two years of stµdy in Europe; Prof. of English in ?\;!ass. Inst. of Tech­ nology; Prof. Rhetoric, Columbia Univ. sixteen years. Author of many te).."t-books and biographies; D. C. L., Univ. of the South, 190i; m. Jun. 8, 1890, liary Seymour. He d. in N. Y. City, Apr. 8, 1909. CHILD.

2356 .1.lfargarel Seymour, Carpenter, b. Apr. 3, 1893 in Boston, l\luss.

9 8 1862 Charles L. Carpenter (s. C. · C. Carpenter , 3 Vallonia. Slate', Tirzah6, Jonathan\ Hezekiah\ Edward , 2 John , Rnlph1, .Edward), b. Jun.17, 1867 in Amherst, Mass. graduate of Dartmouth Coll., 188i; Thayer School of Engin-­ eering, 1889; Civil Engineer on Nicaragua and Panama Canals; Boston Bos.rd of Survey and U. S. service in Boston Harbor. Dec. 15, 1892 m. Charlotte Sullivan of Wilkes-­ barre, Penn. Now general manager Guantanamo and \Ycstcm R.R., Cuba. CHILDRE:\'.

~7 James Sullu:an Carpenter, b. Apr. 17, 1895, Andover, ~la"Js. 2'35S Thoma,s Rice CarpCJliel', b. Dec. 26, 1896, Andover, l\.I:J.:1s. 2.'359 Charle.s Carroll Carpenter, b. Nov. 15, 1901, Andover, 1Iu..-.s.

1863 William B. Carpenter (s. C. C. Carpcnter8, 6 Yallonia Slate', Tirzah , Jonathans, Hezekiah", Edward3, John=·\ Ralph1, Edward), b. at Lookout i'.!ountain, Tenn., .,.. ...,"'.t ' THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY•

Feb. 10, 1869. Graduate of Harvard Univ. 1890; A. M. in 1801. Instructor ~Iechanic Arts High School, Boston, :\·lass.; m. Dec. 21, 1893 Katherine Mary Hoyt of Wtlliams­ \"iilc, Vt. CmLDRES.

2360 1/ennJ Hoyt Carpenter, b. Sep. 4, 1804, \Yoon._~ckct, R. I. 2361 Katherine Carperiter, b. Xov. 21, 1895, ,voonsockct, R. I.; d. Nov.. 23, 1895. 2362 Jliriam. Feronia Carpenter, b. Sep. 13, 1898, \Yoonsocket, R. L

0 8 7 1869 Henry W. King (s. Sophia A. Slate , T. P. Slate ,. 5 Tirzah°, Jonath!tn , Hezekia.h4, Edwn:r:tl\ John:\ Rs.lph1, Edward), b. Aug. 16, 1855 in Cushirig, l\iiass.; m. Eleanor Perrin, Nov. 28, 1878. CmLD.

2363 Ethel S. King, b. Sep. 9, 1880 . •

1878 Jessie M. Horton9 (dau. Lima T. Slate8, J. S .. 7 6 5 3 Slate , Tirzah , Jonn.than , Hezekiah", Ed"·a.rd , John:\ Ralph1, Edward), b. Jun. 12, 1Si3 in Greenfield, Mass.; m. Arthur H. Putnam, ~Iay 29, 1899. Address, Greenfield, ~lass.

236-l Bernard H. Horton, b . .-\pr. 30, 1900.

9 1 1889 Charles H. (s ..A.ndrews T.8, Nathan , W"tlliam.6,. 3 2 "rilliamS, Hezekiah", Edward , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Dec. 2i, 1879 in Greenwich, N. ·Y.; m. Emma B. White, ...i\ug. 14, 1907, dau. of Daniel and Louise (Billings) White, b. Jan. 1.5, 1880 in Peterboro, N. H.. He is a. physician and sur­ geon. Address, Bridgeport, Ct., 168 W. Liberty St.


236.j .lfanRjield Daniel, b. D~. I, i!no. Nmm GE~"ERATION.

0 8 7 1900 Samuel L. Brigas (s. Joseph Briggs , , 0 2 Asa. , Hezekiah\ Hezekiah", Edward3, John , Ralph1, Ed­ ward), b. Mch. 2i, lSil in Athol, Mass.; m. Myra Ellen, dau. of Martin Hager, Mch. 19, 1892, b. May 6, 1Si2 in Colerame, Mass. He was an unusually congenial man; d. Jul. 30, 1908, in Athol. CHILDREX.

2-166 Carl Chadwi-ek Briggs, b. Jn.n. 20, 1893 in Greenfield, ~!ass.; printer. 2367 Jlarrion ..lfinervaBriggs, b. Sep. 30, 1901 in Athol.

9 8 7 · 1909 Jose C. Deane (s. liary L. , Lysander H. , 0 3 2 Jose , Hezekiah\ Hezekiah", Edward , John , Ralph\ Edward), b. in Bernardston, Mass., Dec. 3, 187i; m. Feb. 21, 1902 Gertrude, dau. of Gilbert and Lizzie (Atherton) Stacy of Swanzey, N. H., b. in Gill, l\tlass., Sep. 25, 1872. He is a painter and mechanic. Address, Millers Falls, l\i:Iass ..


2368 _Child, b. Dec. 25, 1906; d. Aug: 13, 1907.

9 7 1910 Franklin C. Deane (s. Mary L.8, Lysander H. , 6 2 Jose , Hezekiah:;, Hezekiah", Edward3, John , Ralph1, Ed­ ward), b .. in Bernardston, l\Iass., Jan. 19, 1879; m. Grace, dau. of Charles and Fannie (Hamilton) Thayer, b. Feb. 6, 1883 in Boston. Address, Bernardston, :\Iass.


2369 Charles Raymond Deane, b. Jul. 22, 1000 in Bernardston. 2370 Earle Franklin Deane, b. Feb. 11, 1902 in Gill; d. ~Icb. 15. 1902. 2371 Ralph Ernest Deane, b. Aug. 24, 1903 in Gill.

2372 Hurbic Franklin Deane, b. ).lcb. 281 1905 in Gill. 2373 Albert Waller Deane, b. Dec. 27, 1906 in Gill. 2374 Kenneth Francia Deane, b. Jan. 21, 1910 in Bernardston. 276 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

0 8 1913 Bercia M. Deane (dau. Mary L. , Lysander H.7, 6 5 3 2 Jose , Hezekia.h , Hezekiah", Edward , John , Ralph1, Ed­ ward), b. Aug. 8, 1884 in Bernardston, Mass.; m. Oct. 7, 1902, John H. Upright,b. in Rutsonville, N. Y., Jul. 13, 1878. Address, Greenfield, Mass.


2375 Jc81fie lI. Upright, b. Jun. 4, 1904. 2376 Sarah B. Upright, b. Jul. 7, 1907. '237i Ida ~,r. U-prighL, b. Aug. 29, 1909.

0 8 1921 Jennie A. Hunter ( da.u. Emilie Towne , A.. 7 6 5 3 2 Towne , Apphia , Hezekiah , Hezekiah", Edward , John , Ralpb1, Edward), b. Aug. 2, 1859 in Reedsburgh, Wis.; m. Scott ,v ellman, Feb. 23, 1878, lived in Reedsburgh, '\'V'is.; m. (2) Eugene Burington, Jan. 1, 1887 at Chamberlain, S. D. Shed. Sep. 12, 1902.


2378 Kate U"ellman, b. l\lay 25. 1870; m. Roy Dunham in 1901. 2379 Glen lrellman, b. Apr. 17, 1881; address Gan V:illey, S. D. 2380 Effie Bun~nglon, b. Xov. 23, 1889; m. :\I. Smith in 1909. 2381 Alice Burington, b. Dt-c. 4, 1896; a.duress Chambcrl!, S. D.

1922 Celia A. Hunter0 (dau. Emilie Towne8, A. 6 2 Towne.-, Apphia , Hezekiah\ Hezekiah'\ Edward3, John , Ralpb1, Edward), b . .Apr. 19, 1861 in Reedsburgh, Wis.; m. ,v. H. '\Yandell, Sep.12, 18i9 in Baraboo, \Vis.


2382 .llaud lrarulell, b. Oct. 1880; address, ,Yis. 2383 lrilliam lr'aruleU, b. Oct. lSSl; nddrcss Baraboo, \Yis. 2384 Jfne lrandeU, b. :\lcb. 24, 1885; m. Cl.Ll"l Lamberton, 1907. ')?C':""_vo,.., Kate lf"andcll, b. Sep. 7, 1800; lives in Brunboo, \Yi..;;. NINTH GENERATION. 2i7

1926 Frank A. Hunter0 (s. Emilie Towne8, A. 7 5 3 2 Towne , Apphia.6, Hezekia.h , Hezekiah", Edward , John , 1 Ralph 1 Edward), b. Aug. 26, !Sil in Reeds burgh, Wis.; m. Salona Brown, Feb. 1, 1893. Address, Reedsburgh, ·wis.

2.'JS6 Albert Asa Hunter, b. ~lch. 24, 1895. 2387 John Franklin llunlcr, b. ~lch. lU, 1807. 2388 J.lfary F. Hunter, b. Sep. 14, 1S98. 2389 Gc11-eviet1e L., b. Oct. 13, 1904.

0 8 7 1929 Effie B. Hunter (da.u. Emilie Towne , A. To,Yne , 6 3 1 Apphia. , Hezekiah'\ Hezekiah4, Edward , John::, Ralph , Edw~d), b. Sep. 13, 1876; m. Thomas E. Fitchett, Apr. 7, 1886 in Minneapolis, l\ilinn. They reside in Kansas City, Mo. C11ILDRE..~.

2300 Elizabeth H. FilcheU, b. Jan. 17, 1S97. 2391 Hubert G. Fildiell, b. Xo,·. 19, 189S. 2302 Ei,clyn E. FuchcU, b. Sep. 2..1, 1900.

0 8 1931 Lester F. Towne (s. E. B. Towne , A. Towne·, 6 3 2 Apphia , Hezekiah\ Hezekiah"', Edward , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Woodland, ,vis., Feb. IS, 1871; m. Fannie 1\1uzzy, Jul. 4, 1902. They reside in Lo:Valle, "\Vis.


2393 .4.9atha .lf. To1rr.e, b. Jul. 2.5, 1003. 239-1 John JI. Tou·ne, b. Xov. 22, 1904. 2.195 KcnnethF. To1cne, b . .:\UJ.?:. 4, 1906. 2.196 Georgia lr. Toirne, b. Apr. 4, 190S. 2.397 Elma E. Tou"ne, b. Xov. 20, 1909.

1932 Eldora C. Towne9 (dau. E. B. Towne,S A. To,vne',- 3 2 Apphia6, Hezekiah"\ Hezekiah", Edward , John , Ralph1, THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

Edward), b. Feb. 1, 18i4 at Greenwood, ,vis.; m. P. H. Slaney, Apr. 18, 1894 in Hub City, ,vis. Reside at Henrietta., \Vis. ClltLDRJ.;N.

2398 Katheryn Slaney, b. Feb. 16, 1895. 2300 lVinnefred Slaney, b. Apr. 10, 189i. 2400 .lfary E. Slaney, b. Sep. 1, 1809. 2401 Ilenry P. Slaru:y, b. Jul. 30, 1001. 2-102 Thomaa Slaney, b. Sep. 30, 1003. 2403 Elizabeth Slaney, b. Jul. 5, 1006. 2404 Joseph Slaney, b. l\Ich. 31, 1000. 2405 El1cin E. Slaney, b. 1i.foh. 28, 1010.

9 8 1936 Bertha L. Linnell (dn.u. Eva L. Towne , A. 7 6 2 Towne , Apphia. , Hezekiah\ Hezekiah", Edward3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Jan. 28, 1870 in Belvidere, Ill.; m. James Gough, Oct. 16, 1902. .Address, Belvidere, Ill.


2406 Gerald L. Gough, b. Oct. 17, 1903. 240i Jfaynard J. Gough, b. Aug. 30, 1P05. 2408 Evelyn E. Gmigh, b. Sep. 22, 1909.

9 8 7 1941 Eva Towne (dau. Henry B. Towne , E. Towne , 4 3 Apphia , Hezekiah!>, Hezekiah", Edwa.rd , John:\ Ralph1, Edward), b. J\1ay 15, 1893 in l\1oretown, Vt.; m. --­ Hoisington. Address, Stowe, Vt.


2109 Leonia Hoisington, b. Jul. 9, 1911.

0 6 1960 Charles H .. Hyde (s. Susan F.8, John\ Dr. John , 6 Phineas , Phineas", Phineas3, John:\ Ralph1, Edward), b. l\1ay 14, 1855 in Malden, l\'Iass.; m. Gertrude I. Fletcher1 NINTH GENERATION. 2i9

Dec. 25, 1877 in ,voburn, Mass. She was b. Dec. 2, 1857 in \Vobum, dau. of Bernard and Lydia. Susan (Horne) Fletcher. Mr. Hyde is a traveling salesman, address Malden, l\1Iass.


2410 Stutie Callender Hyde, b. Apr. 25, 1880; d. Aug. 14, 1883. 2411 Fletcher s,,,.ague Hyde, b. Apr. s, 1889. , 2412 Stanley lVinaftip llyde, b. Ju.n. 11, 1895.

1961 John° (s. Phineas\ John7, Dr. John°, Phineus~, 3 2 1 Phineas", Phineas , John , Ralph , Ed,va.rd), b. Jan. 11, 1852 in Malden, Mass.; m. Julia S., dau. of Artemas and Mittie (March) Harmon, Aug. 28, 1873, in Malden. lVIrs. Sprague v;ns b. in Madison, N. H., Feb. 23, 1849, and d. in Malden, Feb. 26, 1889; m. (2) Josephine P. Dickey of Malden, Mch. 24, 1892. Occupation, bookkeeper. Address, 19 Sprague St., Malden, Mass. CBILDRE...V.

2413 Phineas, h. l\lay 18, 1Si4; d. Oct. 23, 1874 in linlden. 2414 Alice Ryder, b. Apr. 4, 18i7; teacher.

9 8 1 6 1964 Phineas W. (s. Charles H. , John , T)r. John , 3 2 Phineas\ Phineas", Phineas , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Aug. 4, 1860; m. Elizabeth Sumner, dau. of Edward P ... and Annie B. (Trott) Shaw, Oct. 17, 1899 at Brookline, Mass. He is a coal merchant. Address, 471 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, l\Iass. CHILDRES.

· 2415 Phineas Shaw, b. Jan. 14, 1901. 2416 Charles Gordon, b. Oct. 3, 1903. ~17 Elizabeth Shaw, b. ~lch. 13, 1906. ·2418 Sally, b.Jun.3, 1910.

1970 Ada J.g (dau. Joseph H.s , Peter T.',.. D r. John6 , 5 3 Phineas , Phineas', Phineas , John:?, Ralph\ Edward), b. 280 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

Feb. 11, 1866 in Hartford Ct.; m. Oct. 29, 1891, Rev. Fred­ ·erick F. Kramer of Erie, Pa., a Protestant Episcopa.l clergy­ man. Warden of the Seabury Divinity School at Fiarbault, Minn. CHILDREN.

2419 Frederick S'/Yf

1971 Helen A. Foster0 (dau. Helen M\ Peter T.7,, 5 3 2 1 Dr. John6, Phineas , Phineas', Phinen.s , John , Ralph , Edward), b. in Greenfield, Mass., Oct. 15, 1852; m. Dr. James P. Barnett, Jan. 24:,.1878, d. Feb. 31, 1885. Her ad­ dress now·, Brooklyn, N. Y., 196 Washington Park.


2423 Seymore Foster Barnett, b. Jn.n. 29, 1879. 2424 Dore Barnett, b. Oct. 18, 1881; d. Aug. 1890. 2425 Gladys Barnett., b. Sep. 13, 1883. 2426 LeRoy Barnett, b. Dec. 18, 1884.

1973 Charles A. Foster9 (s. Helen M.S, Peter T.7,. Dr. John6, Phineas\ Phineas", Phineas3, John:?, Ralph\ Edward), b. in Boston, 1\1:ass., Jan. 5, 1860; m. Dec. 28, 1892 at Tacoma, 1V ash., Olive A. Lancing, b. at Omro, Wis. He is assistant Sec. of St.ate, Tacoma, Wash. Children vtere b .. at Puyallup, ,v ash. CHILDRE~.

2427 Eugene Lansing Foster, b. Jun. 6, 1894. 2428 Carroll Foster, b. Jul. 18, 1896.

0 7 1976 George M. Bin~am (s. Sarah G.8, Peter T. , 4 1 Dr. John6, Phineas\ Phineas , Phineas3, John::\ Ralph ,. ------NINTH GENERATION. Edward), b. Oct. 8, 1859 in, Ind.; m. Lilla Ho.rd-· ing Mackay of Dorchester, Mass., Mch. 11, 1905. He is one of Swift and Co. mn.nagers; resides in Dorchester, Mass.

2429 lVheelock Haywarrl Bingham, b. Nov. 28, 1907.

0 8 1977 Josephine S. Bingham (dau. Sn.rah G. , Peter 3 2 T.7, Dr. John'\ Phineas\ Phineas", Phineas , John , Ralph', Edward), b. Apr. 20, 1864 in Indianapolis, Ind. In 1882 m. William Lee, s. of Chas N. and· Caroline Lee, b. Oct. 19, 1856. in Ill. Clerk in building inspector's office. Address, 20 \V. 30th St., Indianapolis, Ind.

2430 Sarah B. Lee, b. Jul. 12, 1S80. 2;i:31 Josie L. Lee, b • .Aug. 5, 1888. 2432 Charles ;.V. Lee, b. :\Ich. 28, 1890. 2433 Helen F. Lee, b. l\Ich. 28, 1890; m. E. Ethington Oct. 16, 1910. 2434 · Marie K. Lee, b. Jan. 5, 1892. 2435 Lucetla C. Lee, b. Dec. 15,.1894. 2436 Ocy lV. Lee, b. ~o,... 28, 1896. 2437" Harriet A. Lee, b. Sep. 26, 1898. 2438 'William H. Lee, } t . b J _ 1 1 1902 ,,_439 Georgc B • Lee, \\,nS, • u . "' -·

1978 Wheelock P. Bingham9 (s. Sarah G.8 Peter T.7, 3 Dr. John\ Phineas\ Phineas"', Phineas , John:\ Ralph1, Edward), b. Feb. 12, 1870 in Indianapoli~, Ind; superintend­ ent of the Van Camps Packing Co.; m. Pearl Pence in 1900. Address, W a.tert-o"-n, Wis.


2440 lone Bingham, b. 1901. 282 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GE~~ALOGY.

0 7 . 1980 Edith L. Bingham (dau. Sarah G.8, Peter T. , 3 Dr. John'\ Phineas\ Phineas\ Phine::i.s , John=, Ralph\ Edward), b. Feb. 14, 1876 in Indianapolis, Ind.; m. John Valentine Dittemore, Feb. 16, 1898. l\'Ir. Dittemore was Vice-President of the Van Camps Packing Co., until he re-­ signed to take his present position as one of the five directors of the Christian Science Organization. Office in Boston. Address, 135 St. Paul St., Brookline, l\


2441 llarrid .tlnn DiUemorc, b. XoY. 28, 189S in ln

1992 Clara A.9 (dau. Daniel L.8, Jonathan', Jonathan°, Phineas1>, Phineas4, Phineas\ .John:, Ralph\ Ed,Yard), b. Nov. 21, 1848 in Stoneham, l\iass.; m. Nov. 4, 1874, John I. Sanborn of Haverhill, ~!ass. A banker and one of the largest shoe manufacturers in this part of the country. Ite retired from business a few years ago, very wealthy, and d. i\fch. 31: 1902. She d. Jan. 22, 1SS1. Hem. (2) her sister May Ida No. 1995, Dec. 14, 1885. Her address is Haver­ hill, :\-lass. CHILD.

2443 Ethd I. San'bom, b. Jun. 15, 1879.

1993 Daniel F.0 (s. Daniel. L.'\ Jonathan', Jonathan'\ 2 Phineas\ Phineas", Phinea:s3, John , Ralph\ Edward), b. Aug. 3, 1851 in Stoneham, ~Iass.; m. Lola C. dau. of Ebenezer and Betsey (Tucker) Daggett of Haverhill, :\lass., Aug. 11, 1873, b. Jan. 2, 1852. He was superintendent of a shoe factory and became an C"--tensiYe shoe manufacturer in Stone­ ham. At the time of his death which occurred at St. Peters­ burg, Fla, Feb. 19, 1908~ he was assistant appraiser of the NIXTH GENERATlOX. 283

Port of Boston. A Republicnn, very active in politics, but never sought :in elective office.


2444 BuBie Hadley, b. Mny 20, 1$74; d. Jnn. 6, 1$92. 2445 Albert Daggett, b. Oct. 12, 1875; unm.; nddrcss Hn.vcrhill, ).lass., 202 Merrimack St.; nttomey nt bw, ndmitted to the bnr in 190S. Member of &verhill Common Council H)M-S, the last ycnr President; very active in politics. 2446 Forest Otho. b. l\ln.y 2, 1883. 2447 Chandler, b. May 26, 1SS5; urun.

7 6 1996 Charles A.9 (s. Daniel L.8, Jonathan , Jonathan , Phineas\ Phineas", Phineas3, John!!, Ralph\ Edward), b. in Stoneham, Mass., Jul. 2, 1864; m. l\i!ay i, 1894 in Haver­ hill, l\'!ass., ·• .\nnie L. l\Iorse, dau. of Nathan S. and Caroline E. (W"ebster) l\:Iorse, b. in Chester, N. H., Aug. 12, 1866. Address Haverhill, l\, 99 Grove St.


244S Daniel Lau:rence, b. Jun. 14, 1S9S in Haverhill, :Mass. 2449 Roger Edmund, b. Sep. 2, 1903 in Derry, N. H.

9 6 1998 Charles L. (s. SamuelS, Samuel', Jonathan , Phineas\ Phinea.s"', Phinea.s3, John:, Ralph1, Edward), b. in :No. =-'-Ialden, l\'Ich. 31, 1858; m. Laura Etta Hardy of Somersworth, X. H.; b. ~lay 29, 1861. He graduated from the Boston Dental College i\Ich. 2, 1881. '\Y as worshipful master of ";--yoming Lodge of ).'.fo.sons from 1902-4. Dr. Sprague resides in l\Ielrose, l\.:fass.


2450 Charles Frederick, b. Apr. 7, lSSS; gradU:J.ted from the H:i.n·nrd Dental College Jun. 11, 1911. 2451 Ilarol.d Hardy, b. Sep. 7, 1S93; student in Brown University. 284 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENF.A.LOGY.

0 10 2000 Charles W. Barrett - Nnncy Lyndc7 2000 C. W. Bnrrettn-10 j Augustus Bnrrctts J 2003 \V. E. Bnrretto-10 1Sru-n.h J. Emcrsono ) \ E!mims, Phincns1, l\foryo 1 } PhincnsS, Phincns•, PhinC!l.83, John:, Rnlpht, Edward)

Phine:iso j Charles '\Y. was b. in 1Ielrose, l\'Iass., :\Iay 9, 1852; m. Apr. 14, lSSi, Anna T. dau. of J. L. and Ellen (Tyler) Lovering, who was b. in Quecbee, Vt., Sep. 21, 1857. He moved v.ith his father to Claremont, N. H., in 1869, and was interested with his father in the uBarrett Shoe lVIanufactory''. For two years he held a government position in Wa.shington, D. C., but for the last twenty ye3.l'S of bis life, v:as connected with the Boston firm of Raymond & Whitcomb in railroad work.

CmLDRE...... -. 2452 Leonard Lovering Barrett, b. in Claremont, N. H., Nov. 4, 1890; graduate West Point, 1912; address U. S. Army, Fort Warren Mnss.

2453 Tyler Emerson Barrell, b. in Claremont, N. H.7 Aug. 207 1893; Dn.rtmouth, 1915.

9 10 2003 William E. Barrett - (see 2000) b. in Jiel­ rose, l\:Iass., Dec. 29, lS.58; d. in West Newton, Ma.."8., Jan. 1906. Graduated from Dartmouth in 1880 and commenced newspaper work ·with the St A.lbans l'.-Ies­ senger. In two years he began work for the and in a short time became the Washington correspondent and in four years was made managing editor. Helped to start the Boston Evening Record and in 1886 became publisher of both papers. In 1888 organized the Advertiser Newspaper Company, holding the controlling ,r1LTOS F. BuCK..':A..\I.


interest himself. The Evening Record was the first successful one cent paper in Boston. Was elected from Melrose to the lower house of the Mass. Legislature in lSSi, serving si"'< years, five or which he was Speaker of the House. . In 1894 he was elected to the U. S. Congress from the Seventh Mass., District, re-elected in 1896; declined to run again on account of many business interests; m. Dec. 28, 1887 Annie Louise Bailey, dau. of Herbert s.nd Alice (Sulloway) Bailey of

Claremont, N. H. Her address is Fenwaygate, The Fenwa.y 1 Fifty-Sh:, Boston. Children b. in Melrose.


24.54 Wi!liamEmersonBarrell, b. l\fcb. 10, 1889; d. Feb. 22, 1890. ·2455 Florence BllTTell, b. Mch. 24, 1890. 2456 WilliamEmersonB~eLt, b. Aug. 7, 1S91; D::Lrtmoutb College, 1912. '2457 Ruth Barrell, b. l\!cb. 5, 1893. 2458 Constance Barrel.!., b. Jul 7, 1894. 2459 Barbara Barrell, b. :Xov. 15, · 1895; d. Sep. 11, 1896. 2460 Herlw:rt Bailey BaTTell, b. Nov. 16, 1896; d. Jan. 5, 1897.

2014 WiltonF. Bucknam0 · ( Edward Buckn:un7 Samuel \V. Buckn:uns J 2014 Wilton F. Bu.cknamD · { Ara.bell.a A. Gree'ls 1 · . ( Lowell Green, Ebenezer Bucknam.G, Edw:ird Buckn:ims, Rebecca-', Ss.muel3, S:imuelZ 1

Phineas Green•, Phinoas Green•, Lois•, Phinens>, John: j R:upht, Edward)

b. in Stoneham, Mass., Feb. 9, 1861; m. Sep. 17, 1884, Al­ berta M. Parker by the Rev. A.G. Bale at Melrose, She was b. at Westford, l\'Iass., Jul. 4, 1S66, da.u of James 286 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

Munroe and l\fo.rtha A. (Dudley) Parker; m. (2) Jun. 27,

1900 by the Rev. C. E. Beals1 Jennie Silver Moulton of Lynn­ field, l\iiass. · She was a. of Dea. Joseph S. and lVIary S. Moulton. He is a. historian and genealogist; author of "His­ tory of Boston Division No. 61, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers" ' 1Stoneham Two Hundred Years Ago". "The Bucknam-Buckman l\ilemoris.l", and other works in manu­ script. Mr. Buckn:un's knitting work for has been re:.earch work on the early inhabitants of the towns of li!a.l­ den, 1-Ielrose and Stoneham, ::ind he has become so familiar with the Lynde.~, the Greens,the Spragues and other promi­ nent families during the colonial period that early l\{alden is n. li,;ng present to him. Exactness and care in the preparation of :!vir. Bucknrun's notes of the early generations of the Spragues, creates a. conviction of authenticity. His address is 22 Gerry St., Stoneham, Mass. CmLDRE:-.. 2461 Edward Albert Bw:knam, b. Sep. 15, 1885; d. Nov. 9, 1897. 2462 Arthur Bertram Bucl..-nam., b. May 20, 1887; A. B., Dart. Col., 1910; Prin. Hinsdale, X. H. High School. 2-1:63 .:.,farwn Elizabeth Bucl.."nllm, b. Jan. 15, 1902; d. Apr. 25, 1903.

2014a. Geo~e W. Bates9 * b. Nov. 4, 1848 in Detroit,

:\Iich.; A. B., A. 1'I. 1 University of M~ch.; admitted to the bar in 187 4; commenced practice the following year in Detroit v:here he has since followed his profession, office 32-33 Buhl Building; one of the Commissioners of Mich. on Uniform State Laws; member of the University Club of Detroit; Society of Colonial \ in the Sta.te of :\fich.; Historian General and Vice President General ·of the N at'l Soc. of the Sons of the American Revolution. m. Apr. 26, 1887 in Detroit, Jennie 11aria dau. of R. E. and Caroline (Kelsey) Fowler, b. Jun. 15, 1858. CHILDREX. Stanley Fowler Bates, b. ?\fay 30, 1889. Yu-ginia. \\. B:1-tcs, b. Apr. 22, 1891. • •.\nce::,trnl line, nc:\.-t GEORGE,,~. BATES.

Fu.ASK A. BccKxA.,r.


2014b Frank A. Bucknam0 b. May 3, 1860 in N onvalk, Ct., For the past thirty years been connected with the Nn.son Manufacturing Co. of N. Y. City., the leading house in en­ gineering specialties in the U. S. m. Annie A. Roos, who was b. in Belmont, N. Y., Nov. 1, 1872. Address, New Rochelle, N. Y. CHILDREY.

John Roos Bucknn.m, b. May 27, 180S Lillian Estelle Bucknrun, b. Jul. 22, 1901.

201411 ( Samuel 0. Batcs8 Hn.nnah Bucknam 'l' Natluui BuckntuD,11 •Geori;e W. Bates9 ,l 1812 1T86 1754. Octavia Batu ~ Re~cca William• Graham Batu · ( 1S15 1 1772

2014b •Frn.nk A~ Bucknam 9 Jo•tmh Bucknam JVilliam Budmam Stephen Bucluwn' lRic!i.nrd Buclawn'l' Elizabeth StowersG EdUHU"d Bueknam 1S3-l 1707 ~ Emilv Bucl."Mm Maria. CarrnU 1/am,i Buzum TlwmM Bueknam Ila~£ Bucknam

John::, lWpbl, Edward

Richn.rd StO'l\'Cl'll~ {John Stower.,·1 HannnJi.:i (&e. Xo.:?.J) 17:!!? 1090 Judith Wait, Sarah Chamberlin Scm•m Sto,r~• t 1727 1 16w

•RcecivC!d too late for poi,;itions in e31'lier i:cnerntion!I. 288 THE RALPH St>RAOUE GENEALOGY.

0 1 1 2018 Jonathan D. (s. Danly D. \ Darius7, Jonathan', 2 1 Jobn6, John4, Sa.mucl3, Sn.muel , Ralph , Edward), b. Mch. 6, 1848 in Holly, N. Y.; m. Martha, dau. of John P. and Lydia (Simkins) Bratt of Middleburg, N. Y., in 1870, b. Mch. 30, 1850. Engaged in the manufacture of barrels and barrel staves for a time at I\'.nowlesville, N. Y.; took up farming in Holly from 1879 to 1885 when he became passenger conductor on the Great Northern Ry., between St. Paul and Brecken­ ridge, Minn., until he retired o.nd returned to Holly, N. Y., in 1905 and d. Jul. 5, 1907.


24:64 GertrudeBraU, b. Jun. 19, 1874; m. Allred F. Owen Jun. 2, 1904; resides nt 3437 Pnrk Ave., Minncnpolis, l\.linn.. 2465 Lois Bratt, b. Sep. 2, 1880; resides with her sister.

0 8 7 6 2026 Homer E. (s. Elisha. , Morris , Jonn.tha.n , John\ 3 2 John", Samuel , Samuel , Ralph1, Edward), b. Sep. 5, 1848 in Murray, N. Y.; m. Oct. 19, lSil in Lock-port, N. Y., Eliza A. Dysinger; a dau. of Geo. and Anna. M. (Miller) Dysinger, b. Jul. 19, 1850 in Royalton, N. Y. He is a farmer still carrying on the old homestead in Murray of his father and grandfather. Address, Holly, N. Y. CHILDREX.

2466 Roy D., b. Jun. 3, 1875 in Murrn.y; m. Elizabeth Jack, Sep. 7, 1897. 2467 .l\.faude D., b. Aug. 28, 187i in Murray. 2468 Pearle 1\.1., b. Apr. 22, 1887 in Holly.

0 7 2032 Ernest L. (s. Daniel H.8, James L. , James W.'5, 2 Daniel\ John", Samuel3, Samucl , Ra.lph1, Edward), b. in E. Providence, R. I., Dec. 22, 1S76. Served as page in the R. I. House of Representatives and as Page in the Senate. In 1894 appointed clerk in the office of Sec. of State, then Deputy Sec. of State, "~hich office he still holds. Past Mas- NINTH GENERATION. 289 ter of Orpheus Lodge, No. 36, A. F. A. M.; Commander of Gen. A. E. BW'llside Camp, Sons of Vets.; member of Edge­ "~ood Y n.cht Club, the Arion Club, and the Metacomet Club. Nov. 19, 1903, m. Magdalene, dau. of Andrew and Ada Dickhaut. She was b. in N. Y. City, Nov. 19, 1880. They reside on the Pautucket shore of Providence River, Providence, R.I. CHILD.

!?469 Marjory, b. Aug. 14, 1908.

9 8 7 9 2047 Nathaniel B. (s. Leonard , James , James , 2 Josephs, Edward", ,villiam.3, Phineas , Ralph1, Edward), b. Apr. 12, 1846 in Clark Co., Ohio; farmer; m. Isabelle Good­ fellow, Dec. 24, 1868, b. Dec. li, 1849, d. Mar. 22, 1890. Lived in Harmony Township, Clark Co., 0., d. Nov. 8, 1909.

2470 Ida i~fay, b. Oct. 25, 1869; m. John Hownrd Garrnrd, 1894. 2471 Frank l~!iUon, b. 1'.Iny 19, 1875; m. Daisy Skilh:ns.n, Aug. 8, 1905; Address Springfield, Clark Co., 0., "Big 4" Bnggnge Room.

0 8 6 · 2053 James E.. (s. Darius , James·, James , Joseph5, 2 1 Edward", Willia.m3, Phineas , Ralph , Edward), b. l\lich. 15, 1844 in Harmony To"£1Ship, Clark Co., 0., m. ~Ia.y, 1878, in Springfield, 0., Elizabeth Burk, dau. of James and Ellen (l\IcGurk) Burk, b. Jul. 1856, n.nd d. Oct. 1889. His occupa­ tion, Address, So. Charleston, Ohio, R. F. D., No. L


2472 3-!abel Elnora, b. l\fo.y, 1879; m. Charles Roddy, Nov., 1897. 2473 M?JTtkLuella, b. ifoh., 1SS1; m. J. L. l\IcDonnld, Feb., 1906. 2474 J amai EdwaTd, b. Dee., 1882. 2475 1Villiam Darius, b. :\'!ch. 1884; m. Juanita llclfohon, Jun., 1910. 290 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GE!,.'"EALOGY.

9 7 6 2055 Darius A. (s. Darius8, James , .James , Joseph\ 3 Ed"·a.rd", William , Phineas~\ Ralph', Edward), b. Jan. 31,

18491 n.t So. Charleston, 0., ,vhere he still lives as and farmer. Jan. 31, lSil m. Phoebe E. dau. of Robert and 1\.-Iary (Homer) Thorpe, b. Nov. 7, 1850 near Brooks Station, Clark Co., 0.


2476 Eva Blanch, b. Aug. 8, 1874; m. Roy ,vs.mer, Jn.n., 1901. 2477 Nellie Pearl, b. Oct. 19, 187i; m. Pearl Cheeney, Oct., 1903. 2478 Zella Naomi, b. Oct. 12, 1S79; m. ,villimn Hnnk, Feb., 1911. 2479 Flossie Hazel, b. Jul. 20, 1S87.

9 8 6 5 2056 William S. (s. Darius , James-:-, James , Joseph , 2 Edward", Wtllia.m.3, Phineas , Ralph1, Ed,vard), b. lVIay, 1853 in Harmony Township, 0., m. Lucy Wade; m. (2) Emma Frick. He d. Jul., 1905. Resided in So. Charleston, Ohio, R. F. D. No. 1. CmLD.

2480 Charles D .• b. Dec. 17, 1875.

9 8 7 6 2058 Cecelia F. (da.u. James B. , James , James , 5 3 2 Josepb , Edward", Willin.m , Phineas , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Harmony Township, Clark Co., O.; Jun. 21, 1845; m. Nov·. 11, 1864, F. C. Wragg in So. Vienna, 0. Address, Plattsburg, Clark Co., 0.


2481 Frank J. n~ragg, b. Jun. 23, 1S66 in Harmony Township, O.; m. Daisy King Jul. 16, 1891; d. Jan. 28, 1904 in Saul St. :\Iarie. 2482 Harry Elmer \Vragg. b. Jan. 28, 1869. 24S3 Sarah ..-inn lVragg, b. Jul. 28, 1S71; d. ).Ich. 11, 1890. 2484 Jfary Leonida Irragg, b. Apr. 10, 1875 in Hardin Co., 0. 2485 Charlie Sprague lVragg, b. Apr. 11, 1S77 in I~enton, Co., O.; m. Aug. 31. 1901; address 2512 Frnnklin Ave., Toledo, 0. NI:STH GE!,,"ERATION. 291

9 8 7 6 2060 Milton C. (s. James B. , James , Jamel\ Joseph , 3 Edward", William ,, Ralph\ Edward), b. Oct. 23, 1849 in Lisbon, Clark Co., O.; m. Aug. 20, 18i4, Alice Cary, dau. of Spofford and Rachel (Goodfellow) Hurd. She was b. Jun. 3, 1852 in Clark Co., 0., d. Sep. 2, 1910 in Summerford, Madison, Co., 0. Dr. Sprague ii;; still active in the general practice of his profession. His religion, Christian; a Demo­ crat in politics. Address, London, 0., R. F. D. 2.


2486 Clarence Milton. b. Jun. 11, 1875. 2-lSi Anna, b. l\fay 11, 1877; m. Willitun C. Ynrdler; nddress Summer­ ford, 0.

9 8 7 8 2064 Hattie Cameron (dau. Polly , James , James , 3 2 Joseph\ Edward", Wtlliam , Phine::i.s , Ralph1, Edward), b. Jun. 24, 1854 in Visna, O.; m. Willard Keith, Sep. 1Si3. Lived in Milwaukee, Wis.; m. (2) C. W. Forrist in l\'Ia.y 1909, tra,·eling salesman for Powell's confections. Address 12 Washington Ave., Albany, N. Y.


2488 Robert S. Keuh 1 b. Jan. 18, 1S76 in Milw:l.ukec. 24-89 Carrie 0. Kt:ilh, b. ~fay 16, 1S7S in Milwnukec; d. Xov. 27, 1880.

0 8 6 2071 Clifford L. (s. DariusW. , Darius·, Ja.mes 1 Joseph\ 3 Ed"·ard\ William. , Phineasz, Ralpb1, Edward), b. Dec. 29, 1858 in Madisonville, Ohio; m. Jun. 30, 1881 Loretta M., Stockett, b. Dec. 11, 1861 in Jamestown, 0., dau. of Ma.hlon and Eliza Jane (lVIiller) Stockett. ~Ir. Sprague is Tra.Yeling Passenger Agent, Detroit and Cleveland Navigating Co., office 50i Union Trust Building, Cincinnati, 0. Address, .:;,10 ~Iain St., l\Iadisonville, Ohio. 292 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.


2490 SelhL., b. 2\ln.y S, 1882; m. Eleruior Sentkcr in 1007. 2491 LeiJ,a H., b. l\Io.y 29, 18.S-l. 2402 Bel.en F., b. Sep. 2, 1887; m. Earl J. Easton in 1909. 2493 Paul C., b. Feb. 17, 1891. 2494 Phoebe D., b. Jul. 23, 1895. 2495 David C., b. l\tch. 14, 1900. Tenth Generation.

10 9 2096 Daniel W. Chamberlin (s. Daniel P. Cba.mberlin , 7 Antoinette ,veston'\ D:miel Weston , Dolly'\ Jonathanr., William", Edward3, Johnz, Ralph 1, Edward), b. Sep. 30, 1879, in Rock Falls, ,vis.; m. Jul. 19, 1902, in Foley, Minn., Clara, da.u. of Henry and Tola (Hawison) Miller, b. in Menomonie, Wis., Oct. 30, 1880. Re lives at Port Arthur, Ont., and is connected with the Pigeon River Lumber Company.


2496 Dorothy Antoindtc Chambali'n, b. Sep. 10, 1904, Rock Falls, Wis. 2497 . Daniel Henry Chamberlin, b. Jun. 14, 1906, l\lenomonfo, ,vis. 249S Helen C. Cl,amberlin, b. Apr. !?, 1911, Port Arthur, Ont.

10 9 2119 W. R. Blaisdell (s. Lucy l\L Goodrich , De­ 8 7 0 borah J. Osgood , Harvey Osgood , Eliza.beth , Jona.than\ 3 ,Villia.m"', Edward , John:?, Ralph1, Ed,va.rd), b. Mch. 5, 1884, in Rs.ndolph, ,rt.; m. in Stoch.-ton, Cs.I., Nov. 28, 1906, Daisy, dau. · of Charles l\L ancl Georgiana (Sutter) Paine, b. in Cal., Nov. 4, 1S86. He is a farmer in Randolph, Vt.


2499 Irene 0. Blaisdell, b. Aug. 21, 1908. 2500 Elain D. Blaudell, b. Jul. 9, 1910.

10 9 2137 Florence E. Cone (dau. l\Is.ry A. Stanley , 7 1Iaryette8, Asa , John\ Jonathan:;, \Villfo.m.4, Edward3, 1 John=, Ralph , Edward), b. in N. Randolph, Vt., .Aug. 1, 1875; m. ~Iay 4, 1S9i Clifford E., s. of Charles H. and Ellen (Durkee) Taft, b. Dec. 29, 1874, a farmer in Brookfield, Vt.



2501 Harold C. Taft, b. llch. 7, 1S98. 2502 ..l[argerel G. Taft, b. Sep. 6, 1S90. 2503 ...i\lauricc C. Taft, b. Dec. 27, 1900. 2504 J.lfabeUe A. Taft, b. Dec. 16, 1904.

10 0 2140 Maryette S. Cone (dau. l\1Ia.ry A. Sta.nley , l\1Iary­ ette8,\ John6, Jona.than~, ,vtlliam"', Edward3, John2, Ralph\ Ed"·ard), b. in N. Randolph, Vt., l\1:ay 9, 1885; m. l\:Iay 5, 1909, in Brookfield, Vt., Roy ~.\.., s. of ...i\..lbert J. and .\lice (Grout) Huse, b. l\iay 11, 1885 in l\'Iorrisville, Vt. Resides in Windsor, Vt.


2505 Slanle?J J. Huse, b. Jun. 1, 1910.

9 8 2141 Eva W. Newell 1° ( dau.1'.Iary K. ,Vhea.tley , Sarah A. , 7 6 1 Asa , John , Jonathan\ ,Yilliam", Edward3, John:?, Ralph , Ed,,·ard), b. in Brookfield, Vt., Jan. 26, 1874; m. Jan. 26, 1895 Vernon Barn~, b. Feb. 5, 1869, 5. of Horace and Cornelia. (Fairbanks) Barnes of Brandon, Vt. She d. Apr. 29, 1900. He m. (2) May Newel110 No. 2143 ~ister of E,ra W., l\:Iay 1, 1904. He d. 1908. She m. (2) Le,ris Duchaine of St. Claire, N'. Y. :Kov. 30, 1909.


2506 Florence Eva Barnes, b. :\.Ich. 2i, 1900 in R:1.ndolph, Vt. 2507 ~lfyron Newell Barnes, b. Jun. 19, 1905 in Brookfield, Vt. 2508 Earl Vernon Barnes, b. Jan. 23, 100S. in Brookfield, Vt. 2509 Theron Duchaine, b. :\lay 20, 1911 in Brook.field, Vt.

10 9 2142 Guy J. Newel1 c~. ::.\l:ary K. Wheatley , Sarah A;\ },. .sa7, John\ Jonat.ban5, \Villinm\ Edward3, John2, Ralph1, Edward), b. in Brookfield, Yt., Dec. 30, 1880; m. Marion, 295 dau. of Albex:t and lVIn.ry (Edwards) Gonyeau, Mch. 20, 1902. Address W. Berlin, Vt.


2510 Jf1lrul Edna Newell, b. Mch. 10, 1910 in Brookfield, Vt. 2511 Sil

2155 Marshall G.. Lamson10 (s.l\IaryF. Green°,Susan 1 6 2 F/, Asa7, John , Jonn.tha.nS, \Villfo.m", Edw:ird3, John , Ralph 1, Edward), b. in Brookfield, 'V't., Jan. 3, lSiS; m. Na.ncie .Ahem, Jun. 20, 1900, d. Apr. 27, 1901; m. (2) Sadie, ds.u. of Charles A. nnd Jennie (Abbott) Badger.

2512 JennieF.Lamson, b. Jun. 22, 1908.

. 2156 Lizzie Lamson10 (dau. :\tlary F. Green,, Susan F.8, 7 3 2 , John°, Jonathan5, William", Edwa.rd , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. in Brookfield; Vt., 30: 1880; m. Jul. 31, 1901, Frank H., s. of Henry A. and Edith (Wheatly) Wilcox, b. in '\Vinchendon, l\Iass., Dec. 27, 1876. He is a farmer in Brookfield, Vt.


2513 Clarence Henry lrilcoz, b: Jul. 27, 1902. 2514 Ge11.eV

2158 Arthur C. Lamson10 (s. l\1:ary F. Green°, Susan F.8, Asa\ John°, Jonatb~n5, William'\ Edward\ John:?, Ralph\ Edward), b. in Brookfield, Yt., Feb. 8, 1S84; m. Oct. 22, 1907, Gladys, do.u. of Cruden J. and Lydia :vr. (Ford) Holmes. Reside5, Brookfield, Vt. 296 THE RALPH SPR..\GUE GENEALOGY.


2515 Howard H. Lanl80n, b. Sep. 29, 1008. 2516 Edith lf. Latmon, b. Dec. 28, 1009. 2517 Irene Elizabeth La1TU1on, b. No,·. 17, 1010. 2518 Eather Glady8 Lamson, b. Feb. 28, 1012.

10 9 2225 Anna Patterson (dau. Ma.e , Ed'\\in8, Alfred7,. 6 6 3 1 1 Ed"'·ard J Jona.than ' '\Villimn" ! Edw"'4...... d , John~ , .l."\.a.1n- ph , Edv.·ard), b. l\Iay 1, 1890 in Brookfield, Vt.; m. Homer Holden,. n. farmer in Brookfield, Vt.


2519 Frank H omcr Holden, b. Oct., 1908. 2520 .Annie Holden, b. l\Iny 6, 1910. 2521 ~llargaret Jlay llolden, b. l'lay 0, 1911.

10 0 2234 Mabelle A. Whitney (dau. Byron W. Whitney ~ 6 3 Jane8, Edward\ Edward , Jona.than\ 1Villiam", Edward ,. 2 1 John , Ralph , Edward), b. in Tunbridge, Vt., Jun. 28, 1885; m. Howell R. Owen in Boston, l\Iass., Sep. 1, 1909, s. of E. Roger Owen. Resides in ,v aldegrave Road, Beckley, Kent,. England.

2522 Rauer G. lV. Owen, b. Sep. 4, 1910 in Beckley, Kent, En;.

2248 Wesley B. Jordan10 (s. 1Villfo.m F. Jordan~, Ase­ 7 nath C. Belknap8, Fanny , Edward'\ Jonathan\ ,villiam", Edward\ John~, Ralph\ Edward), b. Feb. 20, 1879 in Cliftont P. Q.; m. in Boise, Idaho, Genie Robbins, in 1906; addre~s Grant's Pass, Oregon.


2523 Eda ]lay Jordan, b. Apr., 1907. TENTH GENERATION. ?9-- '

10 0 8 2285 Clara K. Smith (dau. Ells. King , Emily B. , 5 3 2 Willi:un.1, John°, John , Hezekiah\ Ed,va.rd , John , Ralph1, Edward), b. l\ia.y 5, 1874 in Jeffersonville, m.; m. J. W. Jones, Feb. 14, 1900, druggist. Address Wayne, Neb.

CmLDRE~. 252-1 James._K1wx Jo,,es, b. Dec. 31, 1900. 2525 Ridh lVood,card Jona, b. Jn.n. 17, 1906.

2291 William W. Moore10 (s. Clara. :KingD, Emily B.8, 7 3 2 Willia.m , Jobn°, John\ Hezekiah", Edward , John , Ralph\ Edward), b. Dec. 6, 1876 in Jacksonville, Ill.; m. Julia Hoyt, Sep. 20, 1911. Address Indianola, Miss.

CmLI>. 2526 . William .Moore, b. Oct. 28, 1912.

10 9 8 2294 George K.. Moore (s. Clara King , Emily B. , 3 2 \Villiam7, John'\ John\ Hezekiah\ Edwa.rd , John , Ra.lph1, Edward), b. Jul. 15, 1886 in Jacksonville, Ill.; m. Mch. 26, 1910 Emma. Eugenia. McCabe. Address Jacksonville, Ill.

CmLD. George Ettsley J[oore, b. Jul. 15, 1912.

10 9 2296 Clara E. Steward (dau. l1a.y Littlefield , Har­ 7 5 2 riett L.8, William , John°, John , Hezekiah", Edward3, John , Ralph1, Edward), b. Nov. 4, 1878 in Rochester, N. Y.; m. in Minneapolis, 1\1:inn .. , .Aug. 11, 1903, Frank F .. Jewett U. S .. A., reside at Vancouver Barracks, Wash.

CmLDREX. 2528 Riduird Jewell, b. Aug. 5, 1900. 2529 Robert Jeu:ett, b. J:m. 10, 1911. 298 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

10 0 8 _2298 Daisy Norman (dau. Ida. Fie , ,villiam .'\V. , 1 3 2 John 1 John0, Johni;, Hezekiah\ Edward , John , Ralph 1, . Edwn.rd), b. l\iich. 20, 1882 in Keene, Ohio; m. in Keene, Oct. 31, 1902, Parker Adams, b. l\iich. 23, 1878, s. of John and Rhoda (Beall) Address Keene, 0.


2530 lVilma .Adams, b. Jun. 18, 1904. 2531 Ruth Adams, b. Sep. 13, 1906. 2532 Harold E • .4.dams, b. Jul. 31, 1910.

2330 Alice O. Huckelbury10 (dau. Albert P. Huckel­ 8 6 bury9, Isabel L. Coy , Lucinda\ Joseph , Jona.than\ Heze­ 2 kiah\ Edward3, John , Ralph\ Edward), b. Sep. 3, 1890 in Centralia, Ill.; m. Rufus Simonds Apr. 26, 1908.

CHILD. 2533 JIary Loui8c Simonds, b. Sep. 16, 1909.

10 0 2332 Edna P. Bierman (dau. Mary M. Huckelbury , 8 7 Isabel L. Coy , Lucinda , Joseph°, Jona.than"\ Hezekiah", 3 Edward , John=·\ Ralph\ Edward), b. 11:ay S, 1888 in Cen­ tra.lia1 Ill.; m. Charles L. Bremeyer, Aug. 21, 1907.

CmLDRE..'-. 2534: J!aMJ ..:lf. Brt:meyer, b. Sep. 6, 1908. 2535 Fred K. D. Bremc1Jt:r, b. Jul. 19, 1912.

2425 Gladys Barnett10 (dau. Helen A. Foster°, Helen 8 3 l\i. , Peter T.7, Dr. John°, Phineas\ Phineas", .Phineas , John:, Ralph 1, Edward), b. Sep. 13, 1883 in Brooklyn, N. Y.; m. Dr. Howard A. Kenore of Brooklyn.


2536 Dorothea Kenore, b. Oct. 28, 1011 :i.t Sheffield, :\fo._"li. TENTH GENERATION. 299

10 0 2430 Sarah B. Lee (dau. Josephine S. Bingham , 8 7 3 Sarah G. , Peter T. , Dr. John°, Phineas'\ Phineas", Phineas , 2 John , Ralph\ Edward), b. Jul. 12, 1886 in Indianapolis,. Ind.; m. S. Quinn, Sep. 9, 1907.. .A.ddress Indianapolis, Ind.


253; S. Quinn, b. 1008. 2538 W'm. Quirin, b. 1910.

10 9 2434 Marie K~ Lee (dau. Josephine S. Bingham , 6 5 3 Sarah G. R, Peter T.7, Dr. J obn , Phineas , Phineas", Phineas , John:?, Ralpb1; Edward), b. in Indianapolis, Incl, Jan. 5, 1892; m. A. M. Stewart, J3.ll. 2, 1911. Address Indianapolis, Ind. Cmw.

2539 .-1 ...l!. Stewart, b. :'.\foh. 28, 1912.

2446 Forest 0. 10 (s. Daniel F}\ Daniel L.'\ Jonathan7, 3 2 1 Jonathan6, Phineas\ Phineas", Phineas , John , Ralph , Edward), b. l\riay 2, 1883 in Haverhill, Mass.; m. Flora East­ man Dec. 24, 1804 in Haverhill, . dau. 0£ Charles W,. and Emily E. (Greeley) Eastman, b. Jul. 23, 1884 in So. Hampton, N. H. Graduate as chemist at the Mass. Institute of Tech­ nology; occups.tion, chemist for leather industry; address Olean, N. Y.

2540 Randolph Daggett, b. J3ll. 20, 1906, Everett, ~fas.-.. 2541 Eli:abeOt Daggett, b. l\Ich. 5, 1909, Haverhill, llo...lolS.

10 9 8 2480 Charles D. (s. William S. , Ds.rius , James\ 3 2°, Joseph\ Edward"", ,villiam , Phineas , Ralph1, 300 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GEXEA.LOGY.

Edward), b. Dec. li, 1875 in So. Charleston, Ohio. Farmer, address So. Charleston, 0.


2542 Elden, b. Jul., 1895. 2543 Frank, b. Feb., 1897. 2544 .Arthur, b. Apr., 1004: .. 2545 Louise, b. Jun., 1005. 2546 Kathleen, b. Jun., 1912.

10 0 2482 Harry E. Wragg (s. Cecelia. F. , James B/4, 6 James\ James , .Joseph\ Edward", \Villia.m3, Phineai\ Rruph1, Edward), b. Jan. 28, 1869 in Harmony Township, Ohio; m. ~Iinnie Faulkner, Jul 22, 1891. Address Plattsburg, Clark Co., 0.


2547 · Donald S. Utragg, b. l\fcb. 10, 1897. 2548 4lfabel L. lVragu, b. Jan. li, 1001.

10 9 8 2486 Clarence M. (s. l\filton C. , James B. , James\ 2 James'\ Joseph\ Edward4, William3, Phinca.s , Ralph1, Edward), b. Jun. 11, 187.5 in London, 0.; m. Jun. 21, 1905 at Carnegie, Penn., Elizabeth dau. of ,villiam H. and Harriet ('Villiams) Logan. She was b. Oct. 5, 1875 in Charleston, Ind. :VIr. Sprague is a Civil Engineer; Acting .Assistant· Division Engineer employed by the Penn. R. R. lines west of Pittsburg, Chicago Terminal Division. Address 333 Thorn St., Sewickley, Penn.


2549 James Logan, b. Xo\·. 8, 190S; d. Jan. 19, 1911. 2550 \V. Ralph. b. Aug. 26, 1912.

[So let it be; Ralph, first and last.] Appendix .

.JAMES SPRAGUE• (1'. ltinnc o( Grnmrille, (1) Ahii::ail D. b. Aup:. IR, 1821, S. Y.l (:?J 1-innc, bin_ pr. 14, 1824. b. DN". S.1700, in Wlnhnll, or Strn.tton, Vt. (3) RenjlUll, Y •• d. in infnncy. d. in Ill.• 1S53. (4) ).ItLry, h.1\Ich. :?5, 1S27. m. Lucy Elem Wood, Nov, 13, 1820.••.• (lil Jamt."J T, b, Au,:. 13, IS:.?!t. d. DC?C. 17. 18i8, a.,:c SO. (#j) Lynum W .,b. )kb. 2, 1S32. (7) Luev ~\., h. Sep, •1, lKM. · CX) Hnnnah S., b. Oct. 6, 1S3.~. d. 1001. (0) Sarah, b. Au,:. L, 1$-l 1. d. 1869.

(1) Abistail b. AUJt. 18, 1~:?1, d.Apr. 14, 1003. Denhimin La.F. Sheldon, b. Aug. 6, 18-10. m. Ln!nyctteSheldon,Oct.17. 1830•••.• d, 1S48. d. &-p. ::S, 1891, age 52. bDAC S. Sheldon, b. Sep. 10, 1844. d. ls.17. E,·n P., b. Aup;. 26, 1849. ,\lfnxl I.. b • .1\ua:.4, lS!'J3. (2) l,uuu~. b, Apr. l•I, 1824. d. Apr, 20, 100:.?. 1..n.Fnyet~. h. Jun. D. lSo:;;i. d. Sep. 1803. m. Polly U. (Grnvc11) Knap)!,Jul.:!,UWS. JnmeM, b. Aua:, 21, 1857. d. AUJ:. 1S63. 1'.tn-. Spl'DJtUc's address kl J::. Northfield, Eliza. 1-:., b. Dec. 1, lSGl. )IP.llh. Elm11r T•. , b. llny lJ, 1S64, d. ~ov, 18fl9. :Hertha. S., Apr.~,. 1SG7. J:irueKF., b, 0ct.24, 1871. nnlphA., h. Sep. 3, lSOl, d. 1801. (4) )IIU')', b. :\lcb. :!!i, 1S27, d. Xov. 24, Adin. u-mt SilM. m. Alire. b. Jul. 1s.;..'>. d.1 ~00. (.">)!! T., h. Aui:. 13, 1S2!J. d. Jun.3, l~njo.min T •• b. Au,:. 13, 1861. JS!JS. ~om.. m. Louii-eSmithScp. l, 1~. Ii-innc, b. Jun. lSi'l. d. Jnn. 6, lS!JO, ai::e!it;. Henry, b. 1S73. Archy, b. 1S77. d. 1S7'7. Lucy A., b. ~p. 4, 1~. Huntly W., b. Auit:. 29, 18:N. ( 6) Lyman W ., b. llch. 26, 1832. d. Oct. •> ISS., :\lru·y A. 0 l.ukt', d. ru::e 2. m.-i..nuro Lincoln Oct. 31. ls.11 ...... :Sdlic H.,b. So,•, !?2, 1S61. Guy.

{") I \ b Se 4 JS34 d X 90• ~Iinnie E., b. Jul. 1.;, l~!.l. m. Ei.ld3,•. 4 ~ui, ·• ·1> ~: • / •• • o,·.12. 1.• ""· I d,Jul.11, lS.."1. _,. ris:1-!nry · Orl'Cflt~r, Jn.n. 23, 1S.i8. Doui.:IWll'I P., b. Jun. 7, lSGI. · ' • · \\'nltt•r E .• b. 1S73. d. :\Icb. 7, lSS!l.

(301) Ioqulriett reaiirdlnir rel11doruahip r"quiro the followin1e,-Tba ,cenarat.lon or the la•t aommon 1Wcet1t.or ml1!1t. be danoted by the exponent numbrr1, then dedu,itina: 2 from oacb of the f'xponeot numben1 or any t.wo of bi" or her dolM?i!ndant.a acivaa tho l'l'latiun• ahip to o·d1 other, thu,._.,ohn1 and William~ (3dand litb aenerationK) arc til'!'t o.nd third coU11iDJ1 and NO on, In like manner, deducting l from the exponent. numbeni of o.ny of tho dOIICC!odani. of Ualpb1• 1111 comJ?iled, and 1 from anr of the i,xponcmt numbent of dmt­ crndantl!I of Rnlph'" brother William1 (n,ceotly puhluihcd). the relation•bip to many pro­ minent cowein11 may be determined.

(302) Index*

N1uncs in ifolica can be found M paged n.nd numbered in list or children only.

Nnmcs in heavy type cnn be found with family history ns p11goo and numbered, or, in list of children in previous gcnl'rn.tion o.s numbered. No. Ntlmo Pago No. N"mc Paco .,1 Edward ...... 23 11 Jabc~ ... . , ...... 27 ., Christiana ...... ' ...... 23 0 John ...... 31 3 .11lice ...... 24 15 Jonathan ...... ••...... 27 4 Ralph ...... 25 13 Maey...... "' .... I •••• " ..... 34 5 Ed·war,l ...... 24 14 Phinea,s ...... , ... 35 6 · Richard ... , ..... t • , ...... 27 10 Richard ...... •.. 32 7 Cltristoplter •...... •.•• 24 12 Sa~uel .. ,, ...... 33 s William ...... 28


No, Name p~ !":o, Samo Pa;e 45 Abl~ ...... 45 22 Phineas ...... 40 23 . Del>ora.h ...... 41 38 Phi-ncaa ...... •..• 35

21 Ed-ward .. I ••• I ..... II .... I 39 40 Ralph ...... 35 24 Hannah ...... 41 26 Rebecca ...... 34 44 Joanna ...... 36 20 Rebecca...... 42 16 Jo'bn...... " ..... ,. .... 37 19 Sa·,nml ...... 32 30 John ...... 43 ,,-_, Sam·uel ...... 34 18 Jonathan ...... 38 28 Samuel ...... 42 41 Katherine ...... 44 25 Sa-ra,h ...... 41 17 Lydia ...... 38 43 Sar@ ...... 36 42 Z',f artha ...... 36 39 Wlllianl...... 44 20 ~ir anJ .••. •..•.....•.... 32 31 \Vinefred ...... 43

37 Maey ...... I ••••••••• 44


No. Xame p~ Xo. Xame Pap 50 Abiah ...... 48 63 Bunker ...... 51 111 Abiaail ...... 61 140 Daniel ...... 44 66 Anna ...... 40 62 David ...... 51

• A fow irttltUlaritictl D.te due to data. being received after thr, book wu partly in print., 303 304 TnE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

~o. Namo l'11K11 No. ,ram!! Po,i;e

67 Dorothy ...•..•...... 40 113 Mary- I • ••••• ' Ill ...... 62 60 Ebenezer ...... 53 126 .\Iar,-u ...... 43 138 Edward ...... _.. 63 107 Mehitable ...... 60 47 Elizabeth ...... 47 100 lllercy ...... ,...... 42 74 Elizabeth ...... 55 59 Nailm,, ...... 30 105 Elizabeth ...... 59 139 Philip ...... 6.1 55 Eunice ...... 49 - Phineas ...... 56 46 HanriaJ, ...... 37 73" Phoebe ...... 55 60 llannah. ....•...... 39 108 Rebecca...... 60 72 Hezekiah ...... 54 1"-.. , &bect:a ...... 43 70 Jeinhna ...... 54 106 Richard ...... 59

4S Joh1t .•...... Ir ...... 37 56 Richard ...... •...... 38 57 John ...... 49 64 San,ml ...... 3~ 112 John ...... 01 81 Samuel ...... 57 125 Jol,n ...... 43 104: Sam.uel ...... , ...... 58 53 Jona.than ...... 48 78 Sarah ...... 40 58 Joseph ...... 50 102 Sarali ...... 42 79 Lois ...... " ...... 57 103 Sa.ra.h ...... 58 54 Lydia...... 49 49 Stower ...... 47

71 Lydia ...... 40 76 Tamt.hy ...... ■ ••• ,I •• I ..... 40 so Lydia. -. . . -II' Ill .. ' • • ■ Ill ...... ' • 41 68 Timothy ...... ,_52 .51 .'\{ary • • • ol • ■ • t • • • ■ • ■ t • • I 37 65 William ...... "

61 M-a.ry ■ •• "' ...... ■ ,I • I ..... 50 110 Winifred ...... 60

75 M-a.rv I , ••••• ■ •• ■ ...... I 56


Xo. X"mc PnJl:C ~o. Xame Pa,ce 205 A lrigail. . . . • ...... 51 165 Edward ...... 6.3 207 .11 bigail ...... • . . . . , . . . . . 51 213 Edward ...... 70 208 Abigail ...... • 51 361 Ed,card ...... 63 307 ,1 biyail...... GO 195 Eleanor ...... : ...... 50 308 Abigail...... 60 169 Elizabeth ...... 66 347__ , _.1n1i. ••• •. ■ • ■ Ill • • • • II -■ • ■ I .. G2 187 Elizabeth ...... 68 fl')- Anna ...... 54 217 Eliza1,cth ...... 52 164 Benjamin ...... 65 228 Elizabeth ...... •...... 5-1 211 Bu-nkcr ...•...... 52 236 Elizabeth ...... 55 342 Daniel ...... 82 274 Elizabeth ...... 57 297 Da-uid,.,. ,, • . • • .. • . • . . • . • . .. . 59 357 Elizabeth ...... 63 345 Dav-id- ...... 62 36.3 Elizabeth ...... 63 218 Dorothy ...... ,_.. " 167 Esther • ...... 48 2"...4 Eb.eru::er . .••.. ~ ...... 54 226 Eunice ...... 74 311 Ebenezer ...... 80 346 Eunice ...... 62 184 Edmurul ....•...... 50 240 Hezekiah ...... 76 INDEX. 305

No. Name Pna:o No, Narne l'ap li6 JIanfl,{J.h • • • • .. • • .. • • • . • .• 49 202 ~l{aTlJ • ...... 59 312 Hul.dali ...... 60 309 .J.Vary ...... 60 220 Israel ...... · ...... 72 343 ,1.\[ary ...... 62 288 Joa.nna ...... 58 221 Matthew W ...... 73 205 J CJ.bez...... " ...... 59 293 Mehitable ...... so 306 Ja1ncs ...... 60 364 ..lliria1n ...... 63 310 J a1nes...... 60 189 1'lalhan ...... ••. 50..., 230 Jemi,na ...... 54 215 ],,l all,an ...... -41 ...... :,_ 231 Je,ni·ma ...... 5-l -~')I')" },l'aJ.lian •...... 54 162 Jolin.· ...... 48 ~91 Nathan ...... ,.,. .. 79 181 John ...... 67 163 Phoebe .. ..•...... 48 194 John ...... ,...... 68 lGS Phoebe ...... 66 216 John ...... 52 344 Plwebe ...... 62 237 John ...... 74 265 Phineas, ...... 76 3.19 John ...... 81 101 Rebecca •...... 50 359 j 0/11& ...... , • • • • .. • ...... • .. • 6.3 266 Rebecca...... - 177 Jonallian ...... 40 183 Richard .•.•.. .•...... so" 193 Junathan ...... 50 185 Richard ...... 50 200 Jonathan ...... 69 188 RicJ1ard ...... ••.•. ,. •.•. 50 219 Jonathan ...... 71 305 Ricl1ard ...... •.•• 60 238 Jonathan ...... 75 360 Roger ...... 82 294 J ona.t.111111, • • • • • • • • • . . • • • • 59 186 Samuel ...... 67 192 Jo8c-ph ...... 50 209 Samuel ...... 69 214 Joseph ...... 70 277 Sarnuel .. ...•...... 5S 313 Joseph ...... 81 289 Sa1n·1iel ••. , .•.•• ••..••.• 59 362 Joseph .... ·...... 83 223 Sarall ...... 5.1 340 Judith...... 62 276 Sarah ...... 57 2i0 ~'ia ...... - . 58 296 Sarah ...... 80 2i8 Lydia ...... 7S 341 Sarah ...... 62 273 Mar-tha ...... 7S 314 Stephen ...... 60 166 Maey ...... -. "'. G6 182 Thankjul ...... 50 190 2lf anJ .•.•...... •.....• 50 .,,,..,200 Thomas ...... 79 210 ~lfanJ ...... 51 --- Timothy ...... 73 212 Ma.r)" ...... 70 2;39 \Villiam ...... --it) 229 J.1,I ary ...... 54 3.58 W'illiam ...... 63 -,--_,., .:llary ...... 57 • SIXTH GENERATION.

No. Xamc PtlltC Xo. ,;-Ame p~ 466 ..4aron ...... 73 375 Asa ...... 65

39S Abigail ....•...... •.... 67 497 Asa...... I I ...... 103 467 Alice .... . ~ ...... ;4 478 At'erJJ ...... ;4 499 Apphia ...... 104 365 B enJa1nin. . •••.• , •• •..••.• 65 306 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

,:o. X11mo p~ ~o. Same Pa«e 468 Belsey ...... 74 5i5 lla1,nah ...... 81 480 Belsey ...... "' ...... ---I,) 604 Ilannali ...... •...... 83 418 Bu·nker ...... 69 451 llasey F ...... 98 455 Cltild •...... 73 47; H c:ek'"iah . • . • • • . . , • • • • • • 74 458 Child ...... 73 493 II c:ek"iah . . . . . • . . • • • . • . . 76 483 Cltild •...... 75 58G Isaac...... 11.2 508 Cotton ...... 108 453 Israel ...... 72 503 Da1iicl •••...... I -I 577 J a111es • ...... 81

589 Daniel ...... 82 007 Jam.-es. ••If Ill ■ If ■ 1- • • ■ ■ I • ■ .. 115

596 Daniel G...... 114 554 James II .. II ...... 79 449 Darius ...... 07 590 James W •...... 113 414 Dai..W ••..••. . , ...... 60 482 Ja8on ... ■ PII ■■ .•ill ■ Ill ■•• ■••■ 75

475 David...... , ...... i4 400 Jason ...... Jo • 103 442 Dolly ...... _.,03 408 Je,,ny D ...... 68 448 Dorcas ...... _.,~- 371 John ...... ••...... 65 450 Dorothy ...... ,_ 402 John ...... 87

469 Ebenezer •...... 74 413 John,••••• ■•• t, •.,I• ... Ill• 90 5""",... Ebenezer ...... 110 423 Jolin ...... 69

366 Edu:ard ..•••...... 65 431 J ol,n ...... + ••••••••• iO 412 Edward~······ ...... 89 436 Jolin ...... 71 445 Edward ...... "'"') 444 John ...... 04 447 Edward ...... 95·- 46-1: Jolin ...... 73 461 Edward ...•...... 99 476 John ...... I- ...... 99 481 Elias ...... 100 502 Dr. John ...... 105 594 Elisha L ...... 114 587 John ...... 113 369 Eli::abclh ...... 65 59S Jol,n ...... S.1 400 Eli::abclh ...... 67 438 Jonathan ...... • 72 415 Eli::abelh ...... •.... 69 506 Jonathan ...... 107 419 Elizabeth ...... 69 584 Jonathan ...... 112 4-">2 Eluabeth ..•...... 69 498 Jose ...... 103 443 Elizabeth ...... 93 373 Joseph ...... 85

4S9 Betsey ...... ~ ... -t 102 484: Joseph ...... 100 495 Eli=al>eth ...... 76 580 Joseph ...... St 550 Elizabeth. . . . • ...... 79 606 Josepl, .... ,...... 83 .551 Eli;abeth . .' ...... 79 488 KaJ.ltcrine ...... i6 576 Elizabeth ...... •.. 81 411 Lawrence .....••...... 69 593 Eli::abelli...... 82 300 L1te1J ...... 6i ., 603 Eli:.abeth ...... 83 ., 441 Lucy ...... '.., 452 Esther ...... ' ... 401 Lydia ...... · ..... 86 491 Eunice ...... 76 446 Lydia ...... 95 3-.,,_ Hannah ...... 85 460 Lydm ...... 73 474 Hannah.· ...... 74 600 Lyd-ia...... 83 500 Hannah ...... - 368 ~llanJ ...... 65 .50.5 Hannah ...... 107" 370 illaMJ ...... ,...... 65 INDEX. 307

No. Nama Page So. :Sume PllKC! 403 illa-ri1 ••••• ••••••••••••• 67 588 Sam.uel ...... 113

407 Mary-...... 89 •106 Sara.h ...... i' I ■ ...... 88 433 .~lary ...... 71 432 Sa-rn.h ...... 91

435 ~lary. I ••••• " ..... I ••••• 02 547 Saralt ...... 79 -'),_ 440 ..,;.\[ ary ...... t ••••••••• .548 Sarali ...... " ...... " ...... 79 496 ~.1-1 ary. • . • ...... • ...... 76 553 Sarah . .... ,...... 79

507 Mary ...... I 108 601 Sarah ...•...... S.3 552 J1lary •.•• ...... 79 581 Sarah W ...... 110 574 "'l!a~ ...... 81 592 Selah ...... 114

591 ~,r ary. "' ...... ■ •••• 82 424 Si,rwn. ,. .... , ...... 69 605 .Jlfary ...... 83 374 Stephen ...... •• 86 404 Margaret ...... ~······ 87 49-1: Stephen ...... : ....• 76 421 Martha ...... 90 579 S11J1anna ••• ...... 81 546 •llartha ...... 79 597 S 1LBan1ia. • • • • • • • • .. • ...... • • 83 602 J!a.rlha • ...... •.... 83 595 Sybu ...... 82 608 Martha ...... 116 578 Ta1nisen ...... 81 457 JIat thew w· ...... i3 544 TholD.aS...... 109 3i7 Mercy ...... 86 434 Timothy ...... 91 416 .Jf ichael ...•. ..•...... 69 450 Timothy ...... 99 4i9 .i.llolly •• .•.••.•••.••••.. 74 463 Timothy ...••...... 73

417 ~,roses ■ ■ -11 -I ■ ,■ "" • 4 ■ I II t • • t, • II 69 485 Tirzah ...... 101 545 ,1,.\"'atlia,, ...... " ...... ; ...... 79 486 Tryphena ...... 101 501 Phineas ...... 104 376 lVilliam ...... 65 367 Phoebe ...... 85 437 William...... 92 573 Richard ...... 110 430 lViUia1n .•...... -II),... 454 R'Ulh ...... "" ...... 73 456 William ...... 98 462 Sal,ly ...... 73 465 l 11-....ill·ia.m.. . . • ...... • . • 73 492 Sal,ly ...... 76 487 William ...... 102 405 Samuel ...... 88 504 William ...... lOG 420 Sam'f.£el ...... 69 5.55 William ...... 110 509 Samuel ...... - 599 lJ.,...illiar,i ...... 83 540 Sa1nucl ...... 79' ' 585 Wyman ...... 112


~o. ,;nmc :o;o. ,;nmc Pqe 742 ..-lbWh ...... " .. 95 622 ...... 11S 1'>.. 804 Abiiail ...... 140 737 Asa. ■ I••• ,I ■■• ■-

754 Alfred ...... 131 950 • • "" ■ I ■ ■ I • ■ 11 • ... • -■ • ■ ■ ■- 112 il5 Alice ...... 124 841 Asenath ...... 147 c;1, Alice D ...... 86 ""9-' ., Avery- ...... ii ..... 139 798 .4. l,nira ...... 100 954 Benjamin .•.•.••. ....•.. 112 618 Ann D ...... 117 9'23 Benjamin F ...•..••••... 110 767 Arvilla ...... 135 700 Bel.s1.J ...... 92 3()8 THE RALPH SPRAOU1': GENEALOGY.

No. Nnmo No. Same P""c ;01 Bet.Ry ...... ~...... • 9:! 757 Fanny...... 133 885 Bels-y ...... '- ... 107 906 Fanny...... • ...... 100 794 Betsey E...... 100 782 Franklin H ...... 137 766 BurdcUe. . • • . . . . , ...... 97 905 Frederick .•...... •...... 116 773 Castledana...... 136 860 Frederick ..-1...... • . • . • • 106 i02 Cutherinc...... 0~ 081 George L...... 115 830 Catherine...... 146 028 Grace...... 87 666 Charles...... 90 861 Hamiah ...... 105 886 Charles...... 108 004 1/annah ...... 100 648 Child...... SS 760 Harriet ...... 134 950 Clark ..•...... 113 793 Harriet...... 100 907 Cotton ...... 109 980 Harriet N...... 115 857 Daniel...... 105 982 Henry 1r...... 11.5 992 Daniel...... 166 779 1/iram...... 98 979 Daniel J ...... 163 714 Horace...... 93 765 Darius...... 97 i19 Horace Jr. II •. ,...... 93 9-18 Darius ...... 159 Gil Horatio ...... 119 993 Darius ...... 166 761 Infant...... 97 6-17 Daughter...... 88 956 Isaac ...... 113 i 16 Daughter...... 93 778 Israel...... 137 799 Dai-id .:1...... 100 764 James ...... 135 7 70 De.rtcr...... 97 955 James ...... 161 620 Edward D ...... ll7 985 James ...... 115 756 Edward ...... 132 900 James ...... 165 983 Edward P ...... 163 966 James L ...... 162 741 Ed~erton ...... 129 762 Jane ...... ,...... 97 763 Eleanor...... 135 84S Jason ...... 104 991 Eleanor...... 116 777 J erusha . • . . . • ...... 98 771 Ellen...... 98 629 John...... Si 827 Eli ...... 146 69S John...... 122 9GO Eli ...... ·. . . .. 113 759 John...... 134 801 EliluJ H ...... 100 796 John...... 139 987 Ekley...... 11.: 828 Jolm ...... 102 976 Elisha R...... 162 840 John ...... 103 667 Eliza D...... 90 866 John ...... 152 720 Eliza E...... 125 7S.3 John F...... 99 784 Elizabeth...... 99 669 Jonathan...... 119 867 Elizabeth...... 153 703 J 01iatha.n • • • • . • • . • • . • • • • 92 843 Emeranc,J...... 104 884 Jonathan ...... 155 667 Est/ta...... 90 630 J oscph...... 87 740 Eunice ...... , ...... 129 709 Joseph...... 122 957 Ezra ...... ·.. . 161 984 Joseph ...... 115 623 Ezra S ...... 118 9"..5 Joseph E...... 158 789 Ezra V...... 138 806 Joseph W ...... 141 INDEX. 300

No. Namn Pnco No. ~amc, Paaa

842 Josephs ...... 147 080 Perm ...... I ' ...... I • ' " • 115 022 Joaeph G .... , ...... 158 808 Peter T ...... ,, ...... , .. 1&4

D04 J oalah ...... 100 000 Plu,c"bc ... .. " ...... ' . I I 02

006 Joshua ...... 121 003 Phococ . . t I ..... I ...... ' ... 100 774 Joshua ...... 13H i68 Phllena ...... 135

888 Kale ...... ,.. . . . • ...... • 108 858 Phineas. t ...... 151 712 Lann...... ~ .... ,.. . 123 607 Polle...... , ...... "' 121

717 Lacura •..... I I ...... I • ' .... 93 7us Polly ...... ~ ...... 133 718 Laura ...... 93 802 Polly...... 100

7i'2 Laura ...... 98 862 Polly ...... I t I I I I I t ♦ ■ 1- 105 744 "'Lavlnda ...... 130 634 Puelu1...... 87

670 Lawrence ...... 119 710 Rebecca .. .. it ♦ I I • - I t ■ .11 • 93 739 Leonard ...... 128 760 Rebecca A ...... 136 952 ~n/...... , ...... 112 738 Ric'Juzrd." ...... 95 849 IA,,i.nia ...... , . . . .. 104 86.5 R'i.chartl P •...... 105 808 Lucinda ...... - ...... 141 711 Rosy ...... 123 6.11 Luey ...... 87 963 Ruhli11wli ...... 113 776 L1,cy ...... 08 905 Ruth ...... " ...... 157

965 Lucy. I 'I ■ t • t • • • • ■ t -t • 1 • t • 113 743 Salty ...... 130 97'8 Lu.ey D ...... 115 860 Sally ...... 105 826 Luke W ...... 145 9"'..4 Sally ...... 110 863 Lydia ...... ·...... 10fj 887 Samuel ...... 156 864 Lydia ...... 1,i)- ""') 9"" Samuel S ...... 162 8.. .., -II ... I ••• ' • -II- ... " 989 LydUl ...... ■ 115 ' ... Sarai, ...... 107 753 L!J11U1n ...... 9; 919 Sarai, ...... 100 846 Lysander H ...... 149 921 Sarllh ...... 110 785 Martha A ...... 2:?6 673 Saralt C...... 90 632 ).\[an; .... , ...... 87 786..... SarahG ...... 99 791 Jlary ...... 99 ..j ,., Seai•er ...... 98 831 ..llaMJ .•... ..••...... 102 962 Selah .....· ...... 113 964 .,,lfanJ ...... • .. 113 805 Selina ... : ...... 101 9SS 4\lanJ ...... 115 845 Son ...... " ...... 104 781 JlanJ ...t •...••...•••.••• 98 847' Son ...... 104 908 Mary A ...... 157 621 Stephen ...... 118

788 JfanJ G ...... 99 .....,., ".. Susa.n ...... fl ...... 131 807 Mercelina ...... 141 635 Susanrw, . . , •...... 87 949 Morris ...... : .. 160 871 Susanna ...... 107 S.S9 Na1£C'IJ ...... , ...... 108 920 Su.sanna ...... 110 829 Nathan ...... 146 870 Susanna F ...... 106 ·1,,;r .. s- 918 atha n • . . . • ...... • 109 .' ' SywanU-8 P ...... 99 713 Ods ...... -... , ...... 124 i90 Sylvester ...... 99 633 Pcuw ...... 87 S03 Syltria ...... 100 800 Permelia ...... 100 958 T hom.a.s . . . . . -• . . • • ...... 113 310 THE H.ALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

So. Sumr P&ljCe Xo. .Xnme Pllite 951 Tho-ma.a ...... 161 844 Wllllam A ...... 148 707 Teyphena ...... 140 780 ll'illiam lJ ...... 98 624 lJ'illiam ...... S6 001 Willian1 B ...... 101 702 WIiiiam ...... 138 953 1~·.u,na,i ...... 112

82.5 1,,.,.iUUJ,,1 .... " ..... ■ " ...... 102 755 Zlba ...... 132 850 l f illia,11.,...... , ••. 105


Xo. ,,;'nme Paa:e !\o. Xnme PD.Q:C 1380 Abeline ...... , ...... 221 1040 Cl,arles D ...... 121 1347 Abbie E ...... • : .. 149 1469 Charles E ...... 161 1389 Abigail .V ...... 153 1301 Charles H ...... '>')O")--- 1268 Ada K ...... 20-l 1479 Charles H ...... 232__ , 14S2 Alida E •...... 232 1410 Charlotte ...... '>')""

1174 Albert A •.. Ill •• ■ ...... 190 1146 Clarence M •...... 186 1012 Alice ...... 169 1342 Clinton M ...... 216 1508 .tllamand ...... 167 1491 Cornelius ...... 165 . 14G7 Allen •...... 161 1054 Daniel JI ...... 122 1217 .rllmira J ...... 137 11S9 Daniel JI ...... 134 10"'-5 Amarula .....•...... 119 1468 Daniel JI ...... 161 1387 ..-1.ndrew J ...... 15.3 1476 Daniel H ...... 231 1326 Andrews T •...... 214 1400 Daniel L...... 226 124.5 A1i.n J ...... "' ...... , .... 139 14-5;3 Danly D ...... 229 1014 Anna L •...... 170 1490 Dering J ...... 165 14S3 .Anna L .•...... 163 1409 Daughter ..•...... 156 1019 .-1nna Jf...... 118 1,510 Daughter ...... 167 1039 .·tmw J!...... 121 1494 ~us ...... 234 12".?S .Anna Jl...... 138 1507 Darius W •...... 235 1010 .rl rthur lC ...... 117 122'2 David C •...... 198 1346 ~tsa W ...... 149 1038 Delpliiue ...... 121 1219 Au~ustin N ...... 198 1032 Del phiru: .ll. R ...... 120 1088 B cr,;amui...... 124 1471 Ebe•1czer 8 ...... ~ ..... 162 1.505 B en;amin...... 166 1196 Ed1rord ...... 135 117.5 Caroline .-1...... 132 1009 Edward A ...... 169 143.5 Caroline A ...... 228 14$..~ Edward D ...... 165 1401 Caroline L ...... 1--,').) 12.30 Ed,card F •...... 138 1443 Caroline L ...... 229 10'24 Edward II ...... 119 1022 Calherine X ...... 118 1172 Edwin ...... 189 1456 Celia ...... 160 1224 Ed·tcin ...... 137 1045 Cluzrlt}s ...... 121 12.52 Edwin B ...... , 20'.? 1169 Charles ...... 189 1439 Edrrin L ...... 159 1459 Charles ...... 230 1021 Eleanor J •...... 171 1504- Charles ...... 166 1460 Elisha., ...... 2:JO INDEX. 311

So. :-Jame PA.Ceo No. Name Pa,ce 1477 EUslia C...... 162 1378 Heney ...... 220 1403 Eliza ...... 225 1501 1/enry D ...... 166 1458 Eliza ...... • 160 1041 Heney E ...... 174 1437 Eliza B ...... 150 1233 Hmry E ...... 138 1016 Elizabeth ...... 121 1011 1/enry L ...... 117 1382 Eli::abeth ...... 152 1480 lltmry S ...... 163 1243 Ellen ...... 200 1043 llora~c ...... 121 1324 Ellen R ...... 2]4 1058 Horn.ce A •....•. "' ..••. 175 1138 Elmina 1\1 •...... 184 1034 Horatio J •...... 1-..,,_ 1377 Elmira ...... 220 1145 Ida JI...... 129 1036 JI ...... 121 }'>">""_;.:..:, I Bracl B. B •...... 137 1265 Elui1, L ... , ...... 141 1013 Irv-in A ...... 170 1220 Eluira B. :1...... 137 1509 J U11l(:,,J:J ...... • • • • • • • .. • ...... • " 167 1235 E,rwliTLC ...... ••• ·...... 138 1254 James B ...... 203 1478 Emile S .•...... 162 1496 James B ...... 234 1503 Emily ...... 166 1474 James 1v·•...•....•.... 162 1236 Emily B ...... 199 1177 Jane ...... "' ...... 192 1348 Jessie S •...... 149 1027 Estlieir • .,...... 119 1321 John ...... 213 1267 Esther H ...... 203 138.5 John ...... 153 Ezr,a .. I ...... 10"'..3 171 1405 John ...... 226 )492 Fanny ...... 165 1015 johnB...... ,...... 118 1139 Foster G ...... 185 1031 J·ohn B. C...... 120 113.5 FranciJJ C ...... 128 1188 John H ...... 195 12.50 Francis C •...... 201 1247 John J ...... , . ,...... , ... 139 1481 Frank E •...... 232 1132 John K ...... 182 13'"'..5 Frank L •...... 214 1052 John J.lf •..•.•...•.•..• 122 1486 Frank W ...... ,. .... lf,3 1136 John z ...... 181 1484 George D •...... 232 1454 Jonat.hau ...... 160 ]322 George E ...... 146 1029 Jonathan T •...... 172 1020 George H ...... 171 1087 Joseph ...... 124 1412 George P ...... 156 1044 Joseph .·l ...... 121 1266 George R ...... 141 1042 Joseph H ...... 121 1216 George W •...... 197 1396 Joseph H ...... 2'22 1470 Hannah JI...... 162 1444 Joseph n· ...... 159 1462 Hamel ...... 160 122.3 Joshua M ...... 198 1048 Harriet II...... ~. 121 1457 Laura ...... , ...... 160 1238 Harriet L ...... 199 1144 Laura .1 ...... 129 144J Hamet L •...... Z'-8 148:3 Laura D •...... 233 1229 1/aJtieE...... 138 1489 lAura ll"...... 165 1)78 Helen .•...... 193 1030 IA,irrence ...... 119 1397 Helen M •...... 224 119..i.; LeU!i.-t . •.....•...•..•.. 135 1251 Helen S ...... 140 1493 Leonard B ...... 23.3 1197 JlertnJ .•• ...... 1:35 1381 Loui.."-e ...... •••• ...••.• 152 312 TUE RALPH SPRAGUE GESEALOGY.

Xo. Pn,i:~ :So. Xnme Pn,cc 1221 L 11 ce1ia .11. . • ...... 137 1402 Rebecca, ...... ')4)"'-~ 1242 Lucia A ...... 200 146-l Rebecca ...... •..... 160 1404 Lucintla ...... 15G 1033 Rebecca JI. T ...... 120 l!MS Lucy A. B ...... •... 130 1319 Rebccta lJ! ....•...... 146 1214 Lucy E ...... 107 1134 Richatd ...... •.•. .... 128 1168 Luna ...... l&s 1037 Richard T ...... 173 1133 Luna A •.... ,., ...... 182 1465 Robirisou ...... 161 1173 Luthera S ...... 190 1237 Rtdli ...... 138

1170 ...... I ...... 189 1384 Sally ...... 153 1239 Marcia ...... 200 1026 Samuel ...... __1 ..., ..,..., 1240 .;.llarctlS...... 130 14J5 Samuel ...... ')()-

1500 Mariah ...... "' .. I .... "' 235 1473 Samuel B ...... 231 1253 Maro 1\-1 •...... 203 1090 Sarah ...... 124 1345 :..llarlha A ...... 148 1130 Sarah A ...... 181 1215 .lfartlia L ...... 137 1264 Sarah .:l ...... • . • 141 .1413 Jlary ...... 156 1379 Sarah A ...... 220 1320 ,;.lfanJ A •...... 146 1506 Sarah .ti ...... 106 1226 J[ary .-1. J,.\r •• ,., • • ' .. .,. .... • • 137 1018 Sarah E ...... 118 1227 .;.~[ary C...... , 138 1232 Sarah E ...... 138 1386 l\lary C ...... 221 139S SarahG ...... 155 1244 .llary E ....•...... 139 1399 Sarah G ...... ""--') .. ]349 l\fary L ...... 217 10.57 Sarah J ...... 175 1323 Mary R •...... 214 1028 Sarah S •...... 119 1400 Jlary TV ...... 155 1218 Seat•cr ..-1 ••••••.•••••••• 137 1414 JlanJ 1·...... J,56 1045 So1, ...... 122 1129 l\1aryettc ...... 181 1046 Sou ...... 122 12-16 Milton A...... 200 150'2 Sou ...... 166 1461 Morris T ...... 2:31 1016 lfopltia ...... 11S 1231 Jlyra JI...... 138 149S Sophi.ah ...... 166 1407 .J.\~a1'C1J ...... • • • .. • . • • . ... . • 156 1017 Stephen D ..... , ...... 118 ]234 ~'.rancy ..-1 ••...•.•••.•.• 138 1408 Slt8(l11, ...... , , , ... , . 156 1344 NcllieB ...... ]48 1411 Susan ..-1 •.••••..•••••.• 156 1495 Onixsa ...... 166 1131 Susan F ...... 182 105.3 Origin C ...... 122 1343 Susan F ...... 216 117G Otho S. A ...... 191 1~ Susan F ...... 221 1047 Oti.'f . ..•...... •. 121 1170 Tyler E...... 193 ]497 Peria ...... 166 1487 Vesta D ...... 16:3 1475 Pennell H ...... ]62 1035 'Vicurrine F ...... 120 ]453 Phoebe ...... 160 1180 Walter c ...... 104 1390 Phineas ...... 221 132i Watson N ...... 215 ]463 Polly ...... 160 1059 William ...... 122 1499 Polly ...... 23-1: 1089 William ...... 124 1137 Preuti-xx L ...... 1$ 12-H lVilliam ...... 139 1171 Rmulolplt ...... 1:r.? 1440 lVilliam E ...... 159 INDEX. 313

No. 1'11,cc No. ~ame Pa,ca 1472 iViU'iam F ...... 162 1249 William W •...... 201 1436 lViUiam II ...... 159 1466 Willmarth ...... 161 1438 W'iUiam ll ...... 159 1341 TVinfield S ...... 147 1442 lVilliam J ...... 159


So. No. Pa«c 10i0 Ada J ...... 270 1902 Clara A...... 282 li93 Ada .JI ...... 201 2071 Clifford L...... 291 lWO Jidelbcrl D ...... •...... 227 1903 Daniel F ...... 282 1705 Albert A. 2nd...... 256 2021 Da1uy D ...... 230 1514 .-tlicc ...... • . . 169 205.5 Darius A...... 200 2045 .Alice D...... 233 1545 Delphine A. Jf. L ...... 173 1881 .:1.licc K...... 213 1001 Don JI...... 216 1552 .Alice J.1 ...... 174 !?030 Dora...... 231 2046 .11 manda Jf...... 233 16.54: Edterton B ...... 251 1601 Andrew L ...... 254 1994 Edmund B...... • ...... 22i 1529 ..Annie .lf...... 171 1695 Edna ...... 190 1543 .-1 ntottfo C. JI. L...... 173 1725 Edward ...... 194 1700 .-1 maul...... 102 1515 Edu:ard D...... 169 1517 .Arthur lV ...... 169 1738 Edward G ...... ·260 1718 Au,lustus P...... 258 1797 Edwin B...... 267 1538 Bcnj'a111in F ...... 172 1720 Effie J ...... 1'94 1553 Benjamin 0 ...... 174 1966 E.ffie P...... 224 1761 Birdie ...... 198 1760 Egbert...... 197 2062 Cali,gta D ...... 2.34 19ft3 Ella B ...... 222 1702 Carrie ..·\ ...... 191 1701 Elizabeth P ...... 255 1686 Carrie L...... 189 1005 El~bcth U", ...... • 222 1520 Cnrl 0 . .\/...... 170 2020 Emeline .A ...... 230 2058 Cecelia F...... 200 2032 Ernest Le G...... 288 1996 Charles A ...... 283 2034 Esther...... 232 1880 Charles E ...... 213 1689 Ei•a R...... 189 1947 Charles JI ...... Z-20 1768 E,:clyn...... 198 1880 Charles H...... 274 1vo~.j)-o ctl1utyv : t ••...... , .. , •. 1-•,~ 1998 Charles L...... 283 1541 Fanny V • .ll. L ...... 173 1764 Charles M...... :?64 2070 Flom }~!...... 235 1791 Charles JI ...... ~ 201 1S.S7 Fl.orencc L ...... • 214 1530 Charles S...... 171 20,50 Floretta .S ...... 233 1002 Charle." S...... 222 206.3 Fra1tk C...... 234 l ""•°)t)' Clam ...... 194 176.3 Frank J...... 262 172-1--- Clara ...... 194 1806 Fmnklin B...... 203 1690 Clara .-1. ..•.•.•.•..... t~n 1800 F reuericl: B. , ...... 203 314 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

No. Namo No, Name PAKO 1960 Frederick JJ. • • . . . • • • . • . 224 2019 Joscplt B ...... , 230 1528 George A •..••.•...... • 171 1564 Joseph S .. , .. , . . • • . . . . 17fi 1091 George C.. • • • . • • . . • . . . . 227 1067 Jo&cpli S ...... 224 1622 George K...... 247 1516 Julia A ...... 109 li58 George kl•..••...... •. 107 1630 Leonard P...... 185 1805 Grace ...... , 203. 1688 Lillian Jr! ...... 189 165.1 Crace R...... 251 1804 Lizzie M...... 268 1743 Harriet ...... 262 1705 LouUf ..••...••..•...•. 201 1557 Harri.el. E ...... 175 1547 Louui c...... 173 2039 Harriet U • ...... 233 1549 Loui-lfc V ...... li3 1638 Harry F ...... 249 2052 Lucina E...... 234 1558 Harry G...... li5 1706 Lula B...... 201 1801 Hallie Jt", ...... 203 l 70i Lucy . .. ~ ...... 102 1767 Helen .•...••...... 108 2040 Lucy...... 2.'J,,1 1903 lIelen R...... 216 2043 Luc-,J ,1...... 23.1 1655 Henry F ...... 186 1792 LUC1J A. B ...... 201 1760 Henry JI ...... 199 1803 Lucy B...... 267 1521 Henry Le G ...... 170 1890 Lura J ...... 215 2033 H erbcrt T...... 232 1604 Mae ...... 255 1741 Hibbard ...... 196 1995 May I •...... 282 2006 Homer E...... 288 1759 illary...... • . . 197 1565 ll01'accc S ...... l.5 1704 J/ary A ...... 192 1544 Horatio L...... 173 2049 Jlary S ...... 233 1551 Horatio T ...... 174 }554 ~lfaMJ v• ...... , .. , .... 174 1742 HovetJ ...... 196 1902 J[aj'oria G...... 216 1723 Hubert W ...... 194 2020 Jfart ha...... 230 1794 Ida F ...... 266 2060 Milton C...... 291 2028 Ira ...... 2.30 2025 .l[orri>I ...... 2-10 1522 lnin A ...... 170 16nn..,... Myrt1e · E •...... 'l_.54 1721 Iva ...... •...... 194 1706 Nancy A...... 192 205.1 James E ...... 289 2047 Nathaniel B ...... 289 2057 James I ...... 234 1802 Nellie F...... 267 1687 Jennie .-1...... 1S9 2()'>..3 Olica ...... , ...... 230 1SSl3 Je,ssie A ...... 215 20'.?4 Orla,ulo...... 230 1961 John ...... 279 2001 Otla rulo R...... 234 1988 John ...... 226 2048 Ori.~xa .:t...... 23.3 1555 JohnB. C ...... 174 1708 Otha S. A ...... 192 1799 John F ...... 267 20.51 PartJienn JI...... 234 15-10 John L ...... 173 1004 Paul G ...... 216 20:15 John L...... 2."l2 1964 Phineas \V...... 279 17:J7 John V ...... 196 2017 Phoebe .4...... 230 2018 Jonathan D •...... 288 20-1-4 Polly A...... 2.'3.'3 INDEX. 315

No. Name Pa,ce No. N"me Pnao 1700 Ralph J ...... 265 2022 Seth B ...... , ..... 230 1542 Rebecca };[. 1"1. L .. , ... li3 15.56 Shirley E...... 239 1546 Richard L ...... 173 1034 Simeon A...•...... , 248 1548 Richard H ...... , . 238 1708 Sophia S .. , ...... 202

2027 Roo.,iey. llt •••••••••••••• 230 1770 St.ella ...... , ....•..•. 199

1530 Rosco ...... -II , •• 172 2072 Stella .ll...... 235 2038 Rull, ...... 233 1703 Susy .....•.. , ..•.....• 101 1640 Rmi1.. A •• ...... 185 10.'35 TOJUric .11 ...... ,. • 184: 1740 Ruth H ...... 261 1719 Tyler E...... 258 1537 Samuel }t...... 1-.,,.... 1603 Ulysses G •...... 254 1530 Sarah ...... 238 1765 lValter ...... •.•.. 198 1891 Sarali ...... " ...... 215 1089 W' illiam ...... , . . . 226 2054 Sarah C ...... •... 234 1531 William E ...... 171 2059 Sarah C•...... 234 2031 William. F...... 231 1513 &rtd, S •..... ,., ...... ,. ... 160 1739 wmtam H...... 261 1908 'Sarai,, S ...... 224 2056 William S...... 290 1762 Sem"l!r .. ,, • • • .. • ...... • • .. • .. 198 1621 William lV...... 182

TENTH GENERATION. No. !'.amo Piwic No. Pa«t!

2228 Albert A. 3d .. ■ ...... 256 241i Eli:abefh S ...... 2;9 2445 .11lbert D...... "" 28,1 2170 Elizabeth w ...... !?-17 2-114 Alice R ...... 279 2188 Emily G ...... 249 2487 AnTJ.a •...... !?91 2224 E 1"7'1e8 t • . . • • . • . • • ...... • . 254 2186 Arthur H ...... 249 2246 Eugenie L ...... 2.58

2444 Bessie II......

2447 Chandler ...... •.•..•• 283 2470 Flossie H ...... II •••• " 200 2480 Charle..'f D ...... 290 2446 Forest o ...... 299 2450 Charles F ...... 283 2278 France.v .·1 ••...••• , •••• 264' 2416 Charles G...... '>-9.. , 2304 Franci.i; E ...... 267 2'.?47 Cliarwtlc E ...... 258 2'275 Frank D ...... '" ...... 264 2180 Cl.arence E •.••...... 248 2471 Frank JI...... 289 2204 Cwrencc E ...... 251 2174 George K ...... 247 2486 Clarence M ...... ,.. ... 300 2464 Gertrude B ...... 288 2448 Daniel L...... ; ... 28-3 2451 Harold H ...... 28-1 2245 David C ...... 25~ 2185 Harry F ...... 249 2495 David C...... 292 .,..,..,_,2093 HamJ S ...... 239 2173 Doris .....1 . ., • 11 ■ • • • ■ • • .. I

2184 Dorothy .4. •...... ••. 249 2303 Helen D ...... 111 .... 267 2223 Edu:in ...... 2.34 2279 Helen F...... !?6.5 2262 Elizabeth ...... •.... 261 2492 Helen F...... 292 316 'rnE ltALl'H Ss•RAOUE GtcN}lALOGY,

No, N'nmr l'.,,a Nu. N11m,. I'••" :riou JI ct Ur...... • • .. • • • , • 2tH 2407 .11,uul D..•.. ... , .• , . , . 2NM

!.?470 /,/,, .\I ...... , ...... 2MO 2473 Jl/ t/rllt1 l,. ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' I • • • • :?SO 227•\ J,.,,,,,. }~ ... ,..... ,, . , . , 2NO 247i Nellie /',,. , , .• , , •.• , . 2UO 2171 Jt1me1t P .. , . , ..• , .. , .. 2•17 24U3 Puut C,,,,,., . •. , . , • , , 202 J I t 217 ,_,,,,.I'!• U fl f II. ,/ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I 2•1118 Pea r(c 1.lf, . , , . , , , , , , , . • 2NM 2204 Jnl,n II...... 261 2002 /'liilir, N, iii ...• , ..... 2,10 2172 Jolin K., ...... 247 2413 l'l,i11e,11t. , , .. , • , •• , . • • • 270 2200 Jc,/t" IV...... 201 241G l'liitumlf S• .• , •.. , • • • • • 270 228.'3 J 01tl11u1 Al .. , ...... • . . ~OG 2404 PlwdJc n ...... 20:.1 Z277 Juli11n K ..... , ...... 2U4 2187 llich11r,l G.. . , .• , .•.... 240 2281 K nllwrin,i .•.• , •... , .. , !.?Ou 2001 lliclutrtl II ...... 230 2220 Lnurti ...... •...•• , . . . 2fJ6 z.?iO llol,crt C ..... , ...... 204 !?401 Leila II...... • • ...... 21J'.! 2440 llot1cr E...... , .. , .. 28.1 !M05 LoiH B...... !?St~ 2•166 Roy D, , ...•. , . • . . . • • • 28..'°' 21 70 Lnu.i.JfC A...... 248 226:l Rull1. ... , .••..•• , . . • • • 261 2220 J~yman F ... ..••... , ... 2!'>4 2,us Sally...... • • ...... 270 247:? .11abel f; .. , ...... 2XO 2400 Seth L...... 292 2:105 .Jfati.'fjicl,l D ...... 274 2090 0...... 230 2400 JIar}ory...... 280 2475 lV D...... 28n :?:?SO .11arri.nn Jf...... 2M 2080 1Villia,n lV ...... !?!l\l 2282 .lfarlha ...... 205 24 78 Zella N. • ...... • 290

ELEVENTH GENERATION. So. So. Samo Puc 2!',46 KaJ/,J,,,er,,...... • • . . . 300 Eltkn ...... ,...... _... 300 2!".>4:i IA,,i8e ...... 300 Elizul>eth D •...... 299 Z",40 Ra.1uu,Cph D...... 299 Fra,,k ...... :300 :2.;r.o lrilUam Ralph ... , ..... :too 2r,49 J ame.s JJ, .... , ...... • 300 JND1tX. 317

Index of Associate Names.

'rhc chilli's number lu\K been ui~ed for itM fnmily number on pu.gc J(ivcn.

SECOND GENERATION. No. Srum., Par;e So. Xnmc 13 Edrnan


No. Nnmr No, Namo Pnae 29 Aln!, Rebecca ...... 42 17 Greenland, Lydia ...... 3R 23 Buckno.m, Deborah .... 41 41 Johnson, I(athcrine .... 45 31 Dexter, \Vincfrcd ...... 43 46 Lovett, AbijC!Ul...... 45 37 Everton, l\.1:n.ry •..•••••• 44 23 ltellcns, Deborah •.... , 41 25 FoRC.lick, SIU'tl.h ...••.... 41 24 Stowers, Hu.nnnh ...... 41


So. p~ Xo. Xamc Paae 50 Bodman, Abiah ...... 48 107 Huy, l\fchitnblc ...... 60 110 Briv;den, \Vinifrccl ... , .. 60 70 Jenkins, Jemima...... 54 108 Bucknn.m, Rebecca ..... 00 73 Jcnkin'J, Pliocbc ...... 55 111 Cnll, Abi~nil ...... 61 --'iJ Lynde, 1\Iary ...... 56 55 Cook, Eunice ...... ·19 113 Lynde, !'\-Iary ..•....•.. 62 5-1 Goodwin, Lydin...... 49 74 O'lowcr, Elizabeth ...... 00 711 Green, Lois ...... ,,·- 61 8arl,'l;cnt, lfory ...... ;30 10.'3 Green, Snrah ...... 58 47 Swcetzcr, Elizabeth ... 47 100 Grcc-n, Eliznbeth ...... 59

FIFTH GENERATION. ~o. Same PD,IEO P:u.-c 319 Bucknam, Edwu.rd. '. ... 81 168 Knower, Phoebe ...... 66 293 Fillcbrown, l\fohitable .. so 2'26 l\l~h, Eunice ...... 74: 169 Green, Eliza.beth ...... 66 166 \Vayte, !\-lary ...... 66 268 Green, Phinens ...... - 187 ,Ya.ytc, Elizabeth ...... 6S 273 Green, ~Iarthn ...... 78' ' · 212 \Ya.yte, l\1nry ...... 70 296 Hn.dlcy I Stu-nh ...... so 278 \Villiruns, Lydia ...... 78 266 Hown.rd, Rebecca ...... -' ' 318 T111c H.ALrH SPRAGUE GICNJCALOOY.

SIXTH GENERATION. 'So, NIUlll' r..., No, Niunn l'llff 400 Bell, Snrn.h ... , , .. , .• , , 88 443 0Mi,cood, Eliznbcth ... , .. 03

082, Ebcnczl!r ... , 111 502 Hhnrp, ~lu.h. I. I I •• I',' I 114 377 Burditt, Mttcy ...... , 80 48o Slntc, Tirznh, •.... , , .. 101 505 Cox, Hannah,., ...... , 107 o8l Steu.rntt, ~nru.h W•...... 110 372 Gmham. HtLnnah •...•. Ht, 440 Htory, Lydia ...... ,. or; li22 Green, PhinctVI ... , ..•.. 100 307 Swectzcr, Phoebe .•... , . · Ho

421 Ho.11, l\iln.rthn. .. I •••••• ' 00 435 Silv~~r, l\1n.ry. It ..... I 02 307 Hntch, Phoebe, .. ,., ... So 400 Towne, Apphio. •..•. , .. 104 401 Hooper, Lydia...... , 80 432 Uphnm, ...... 01 480 Knowlt.on, llctMey, ..... 102 442 \V l'Ston, Dolly ...... , oa 486 Know lt.on, Tryphcnu. ... 101 404 "~ood, Ml\l'KBl'Ot .... ' .. 87 507 Lynde, l\.la.ry ...... , .. 108 407 \Vright, l\.to.ry ...... so 608 l\fol'Me, l\ilarthu., ....•.. 116

SEVENTH GENERATION. Xo. N°IUDO Pnae No. Same Pl\ltf! 00S Barrett, Mary, ...... 157 743 :Morrill, Sruly ...... , . 130 892 Ban-ctt, Nnncy ...... 156 736 OMgood, A. p ...... )'>_,..

757 Bclknu.p, Fanny ...... 133 730 Os~1 :il ...... 126 841 Briggt4, Aaenath ...... 147 864 Poor, Lydia...... 152 939 Bucknam, Edwnrd ..... 159 618 Rhodes, .Ann ...... 117 768 Bumnnm, Phi1enn. ...•.. 135 815 Sln.te, J. S ...... 144 809 Cnrpcntrr, Vnlloniu. .... 142 816, J. lI...... 145 758 Cn.te, Polly ...... 13.1 811, P. :'-.L ...... 143 767 Coburn, Arvilla ...... 135 810, S. B ...... •. 142 sos C,oy, Lucinda ...... 141 812, T. P ...... 143 807 Dav. , l\Icrcelinn...... 141 852 Stockwc-11, ~phronio. ... 150 ;20 Denny, Eliza ...... 125 s.~ To\\"llc, •.\...... 150 712 Edmn.nds, L:s.nn. .•••...• 123 854 Towne, J ...... 150 711 Edmands, Roxy ...... 123 S.56 To,,'lle, E ...... 151 ;;3 EngliRh, ~tledrum .... 136 851 To\\'lle, H ...... 1-19 797 Felt, Tryphcna ...... 140 00.5 Vinton, Ruth ...... 157 744 Fielding, Ltn;nda ...... 130 724 ,v nlclot Dolly ...... 125 76.3 Fitts, Eleanor ...... 135 750 \\·ashbum, AdclincO.D. 130 867 Foster, Elizabeth ...... 153 726 \Ve.ton, A. 0 ...... 126 769 Grangcrt Rcbcccn...... 136 727 ".cston, D ...... 126 917 Green, Lowell ...... , . 157 72S ,va.ton, J ...... 126 749 Grow, Lydia ...... 130 725 \Ycston, J ...... 125 740 HaII, Eunice ...... 129 758 \Vi~n...;;, Polly ...... 13.3 700 Hibbard, Harriet ...... 134: 715 "·iley, .:\lie~ ...... 1~4 697 Knight, Polle ...... 121 830 \Yilkenson, Catherine .. 146 814 :\.IcCloud, Tirzab ...... 144 --,,•;J- \Villit, SUS3 n ...... 131 85.5 :.\Ioody, Louise ...... 151 804 '\Vrislcy, Abi~rul ...... 140 INDEX. 310


No, NAJM Puao No. Namo l"AIIO nu; Ahwworth, Frnnr.ett,, . , 170 1310 I-Iorton, Limo ••.• , , •. , . 213 1242 Allen, Luci11, •••• , , , , , • , 200 1280 Huckclbury, lsabl!l.,.,, 200 1104 And

1333 Bri,cp, s. L. I ..... t ...... 215 1368 Linnell, Eva.. , , , ...... , 210

1337 Bri~, c .. ,II •• II, ...... I. 215 1238 Littlefield, Harrfot, ... , , 100 1340 Brip;p:tJ, J, . . . , . . . • . . , . . 216 1370 Lynde, Sarah ...... 220 1462 Bucknwn, S. \V ..... , .. 220 1362 Lyon, Gertrude ...... , 218 1400 Cn.meron, Polly...... 235 1324 Mruudicld, Ellen...... 214 1282 . Cnrpcnter, E. J ...... 210 1021 l\ln.y her, Eleanor, ...••. 171 128.'3 Cnrpcntcr, J. E ...... , 210 1057 Meeker, SDJ'tLh ...... ,. 175 1288 Carpenter, C. C ...... 210 1101 Merrifield., Sa.rah, ...... 1i6 1110 Chamberlin, A ...... 178 1280 McCloud, Sa.rah ..•.... 211 1486 Cobb, Li,uru...... 233 1300 McCloud, M. L ...... ~12 1178 Conn, Helen...... , . 103 1307 Mr.Cloud, U. B...... • 212 1278 Coy, L. \V ...... 207 1(,00 McMnhu.n, l!nria.h ...•. 235 1270 Coy, J. s...... 208 1281 Mol'fittln, Jennie .....•.• 209 1267 Day, Esther ...... 203 1141 ~loulton, Snrah ...•.... 185 1209 · Day, E. E ...... 204 1321 Orcutt, :Mn.ry ...... 214 1270 Day, J. S ...... 205 1113 Os~oocl, G. H ...... , .. 179 12il Dny, R ...... 206 1119 Os~, G. S ...... , .. 180 1272 Day, Ann:i ...... 200 1312 Payne, Elln...... •.... 213 1340 Denne, l\tary.. .. • . .. . . 217 1125 Peck, Jennie •...... 181 1095 Denny, J. ,v ...... 17'5 113.3 P<'Ck, Lunn ...... 182 1435 Draper, Cru-oline ...... 228 1402 Peverely, Rebecca ...... 225 1377 E~crson, Elmira ...... 220 1138 Poor, Elminn. .•..•..... 184 UM Fitts, E. A •...... 196 1268 Pratt, Ada •...... •.• 204 1397 Foster, Helen ...... 224 1007 RhodCR, Franklin ...... 169 1184 Glysson, Frances ...... 195 1276 Roµ;crs, Sarah ...... 207 1116 Goodrich, D ...... 180 1186 Rolfc, Ellen ...... •.• 195 1168 Goodrich, Luna ...... 188 1361 Sll.Ilbom, Caroline...... 217 1208 Gr:ingcr, C. B ..... : .... 197 1403 Sasss.rd, Eliza...... 225 1131 Gre<-n, Ru..~ ...... •.. 182 1343 Scott, Susan...... 216 1153 Gro\\', P. E ...... 187 11S2 Slsck, Ellen ...... 194

1142 Hall, E. s.. II ...... ' •• 185 144.1 Smith, Cn.roline...... • 229 1166 Hatch, Jane ...... 188 1129 Stanley, l\fo.ryette...... 1S1 1190 Hibbard, E. S ....•..... 196 1014 Sturgis, Anna ...... 170 320 Tua-: RALru SPRAGUI!.: GJCNEALOOY.

!':u. N1m1n f'AIP' No. Nan111 1'11.ttG 1441 Trrry, Hnrrittt .... , ... , 228 1107 \Vn.lclo, II, M ...... 1;7 1108 TcwkMbury, lrrnr...... 178 1117 \Vnlkcr, Mnry,.,,,,, .. 1~0 130i Townct ~~. B... , ...... 218 1103 \Vu.rd, Hu,mn ... , ...... ~ 111; 1300 Town<', S, ll. •. , . , ... , . , 210 lloO Ww.hburn, J. ,J ...... 187 1:176 Townr, H, B...... ,,.,. :.?10 11ao '\\'hctLtlcy, 8nn1.i. , ..... HU 1380 Uphnm, Ahelin~ ...... 221 1482 \Vhitmn,1"4h, ,\Iida ...... :?32 1100 ViMOn, Delin. .•.•.. , , .. .,,.,178 1173 Whitnry, Luthrrn...... 100 1410 Vinton, Charlotte.,. , ...... , 1177 \Vhitnry, June~ ...... 102 1012 V oorhc<'M, ,\lier...... 160 1214 \Vhitnc-y, Lury ...... , 107 1:JSO \Vniw, Mury ...... 221 1..l)•f) , .. \Vitt., Annn,, ...... 200 1106 \\,'aldo, A. \V ...... 177 1148 \Vood, Olivin ...... 187

NINTH CENERATION. No, 'Saine Prwro No. Naron Pn,ct, 1618 Allen, Anna ...... 246 11'\57 Carpenter, Maud .. , .... 272 1740 AnJ(ell, Ruth ...... 261 18tH Cu.rpcnter, G. R ...... 2i3 18().1 Baker, Lizzie .•...... 268 1862 Curpcnt<'r, C. L...... 273 1807 Baker, Sybel...... 20S 186.1 C~ntcr, \V. B...... 273 1971 Barnett, Helen ...... 280 1r,8G Chamberlin, D. P ...... 240 2000 Barrett, C. \V ...... 284 1587 Chnmberlin, J. \V ...... 240 200.3 Barrett, \V. E ...... 2S4 1.300 Chnmherlin, G. II...... 241 2014n'!-4, G. \V ...... 286 1011 Con<', Mnry ...... , 245 1507 Bennett, Annie ...... 242 1717 Conn, C. 1" ...•...... 258 18-14 Bicrmun, :\Inry .... , ... 271 1701 Coolid~l", Elizaht'th .... 2;ia 1627 Biµ;t'low, Edith ...... 248 1909 Denne, J.C...... 275 1976 Bingham, G. l\iI ...... 280 1910 Deane, F. C ...... 275 1978 Bingham, \V. P ...... 281 1711 Dearborn, X l'Uie ...... 256 1831 BirJte, R.H ...... 260 1835 Derr, Jennie ...... 270 1602 Blai.-;clell, Lucy ...... 243 lflSO Dittemore, Edith ...... 282 1658 Blai.~ell, G. M ...... 251 1840 Dodillct, Emely ...... 271 1585 Blod~ett, StPlln...... 239 180.3 Dyarmn.n, Lucy ...... 267 15.14 Boyden, ~fory ...... 237 1929 Fitchett, Effir...... 277 1900 BriAA'!, S. L ...... 275 2004: Forrist, Hattie ...... 291 1677 Brown, Lucy ...... 253 1973 Foi-.tcr, C. A ...... 280 2014 Bucknam, \V. F ... , .... 285 1650 Gifford, Cora ...... 251 2014b, F. A ...... 287 173.1 Glys.~n, Eu~<'nfl ...... 260 1.599 Burpt>C, Xcttie ...... 242 1604 Goodrich, .J. B ...... 243 1921 Rurington, Jennie ...... 276 lf.o5 Goodrich, D.R...... 243 159.3 Burrou~h."l, Emma ...... 241 lf>OO Goodrich, G ...... 244 1620 Burt, Sarah ...... 247 19.'36 Cou,:?:h, Bertha ...... :?78 1643 Carpenter, Ch:s.rlotte ... 250 174.1 Hu.rrin~n. Harriet .... 262 185.5 Carpenter, E. \V ...... 272 1750 Harvey, Cosie ...... 262 INDEX. 321

No. Naniu . l'11a&0 No, N1uno Paao 1041 Hoil4ington. Eva. .... , ... . 27S lu12 Rho

TENTH GENERATION. :So. No. NRme Pn.ite 2208 .Ad!l.Ill:-1, Du.i.-!y. • • . • . • . • 298 2096 Chamberlin, D. ,v ..... 293 2141 Barn~, Evu...... 29-1 2141 Duchaine, }\,fay ...... 294 2143 B3J'tles, l\-!ny...... 294 -">'> •, ..,-3. H ruTJO;.:,!,,Vn,. _.,- \'1:-'" , H • • • • • . "6"_ .. 2119 Blaisdell; ,v. R...... 293 b. :!\fay 30. 2332 Brcmcycr, Edna...... 29S 2'225 Holden, AIUl!l...... 296 322 THE RALPH SPRAGUE GENEALOGY.

No, NAme Pnca No, NAtno Pnao 2140 Hul!IC, Maryctt.-0 •••••• , • 204 2142 Sewell, G. J ...... , .. 204 22t)(j Jewett, Cln.rn .... , ..... 207 2"..J.1 Owen, ~IRbrlfo, .. , .... , 20n f)t)QI'! ••Of} JonCM, Clnru. •... , . , .. , . 207 2430 Quinn, Snrn.h. , .. , ..•• , 2W 2248 Jordn.n, ,v, B., • • . • . . . 200 2330 Simondt1, Alire. , .. , .•. , 208 2425 Kcnore, Glndys ..•••.•• 298 2434 Stewart, :MBric ... , , . , . . 200 2155 Loml!IOn, M. G...... 29G 2137 Tnlt, Florence. , . , . . . . • 203 2158 Lrunson, A. C...... 20u 2150 ,vnco:c, Lizzie ...... 205 22Ul Moore, \V. \V •...... ,. 207 2482 \V rllfal:, lt. E...... • . . 300 2204 l\iloorc, G. I{...... 207