Congressional Record—House H5364
H5364 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 12, 2003 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin, Mr. ROGERS Ms. LEE, Mr. CROWLEY, Mr. LAHOOD, PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS of Michigan, Mr. KIRK, Mr. JONES of and Mr. JANKLOW): North Carolina, Mr. WOLF, Mr. BOU- H.R. 2441. A bill to establish the Millen- Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of CHER, Mr. REYNOLDS, Mr. ENGLISH, nium Challenge Account to provide in- committees were delivered to the Clerk Mr. HALL, Mrs. NORTHUP, Mr. creased support for developing countries that for printing and reference to the proper KNOLLENBERG, Mr. HAYWORTH, Mr. have fostered democracy and the rule of law, calendar, as follows: DREIER, Mr. MCINNIS, Mr. CRANE, Mr. invested in their citizens, and promoted eco- nomic freedom; to assess the impact and ef- Mr. HYDE: Committee on International SHAW, Mr. SOUDER, Mrs. WILSON of fectiveness of United States economic assist- Relations. Supplemental report on H.R. 1950. New Mexico, Mr. ROGERS of Ken- ance; to authorize the expansion of the Peace A bill to authorize appropriations for the De- tucky, Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas, Corps, and for other purposes; to the Com- partment of State for the fiscal years 2004 Mr. REHBERG, Mr. CALVERT, Mrs. JO mittee on International Relations. and 2005, to authorize appropriations under ANN DAVIS of Virginia, Mr. BACHUS, By Mr. FILNER (for himself and Mr. the Arms Export Control Act and the For- Mr. SIMPSON, Mr. BAKER, Mrs. EMER- MCHUGH): eign Assistance Act of 1961 for security as- SON, Mr. OXLEY, Mr. SIMMONS, Mr. GRAVES, Mr. PENCE, Mr.
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