23465 Hon. Eric Cantor Hon. John Shimkus Hon. Betty

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23465 Hon. Eric Cantor Hon. John Shimkus Hon. Betty October 1, 2009 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 17 23465 Throughout his life, Ben Moore has an- completed training he joined the 28th Infantry ducing the federal deficit. Unfortunately, the swered the call to serve his family, his com- Division. His unit served admirably in France, Republican minority is trying to distract atten- munity, and his country. I’m proud to honor Belgium, Czechoslovakia and Germany. tion from the bill by offering a motion to re- him today in the United States House of Rep- In November 1944 he was taken prisoner commit that prohibits Federal funding to the resentatives. and held in Cologne, Germany. He was later Association of Community Organizations for f sent to Stallag 3G, near Berlin. After his re- Reform Now (ACORN). ACORN, a nonprofit lease he returned home to the United States organization that works to empower low-in- RECOGNIZING THE DESIGNATION and was eventually discharged. come Americans, does not receive $1 of Fed- OF SEPTEMBER AS I am pleased to honor Mr. Daniels and all of eral funding in H.R. 3221. ACORN is currently CRANIOFACIAL ACCEPTANCE our brave veterans for their service to our under investigation for possible wrong-doing— MONTH– great nation. May God continue to bless him these inquiries should proceed and final judg- and may God bless America. ments should be made. No organization found HON. ERIC CANTOR f guilty of criminal conduct should continue to OF VIRGINIA receive taxpayer support. However, it is inap- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES STUDENT AID AND FISCAL propriate and likely unconstitutional for the RESPONSIBILITY ACT Wednesday, September 30, 2009 House of Representatives to pre-judge the outcome of a formal investigation by prohib- Mr. CANTOR. Madam Speaker, I rise today iting Federal funding. I strongly urge my col- to recognize the designation of the month of HON. BETTY McCOLLUM OF MINNESOTA leagues to join me in opposing this political September as Craniofacial Acceptance Month. ploy and in supporting passage of H.R. 3221. September has been designated as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Craniofacial Acceptance Month to raise aware- Wednesday, September 30, 2009 CELEBRATING THE 25TH ANNIVER- ness and acceptance of the courageous chil- Ms. MCCOLLUM. Madam Speaker, I rise in dren and adults who live daily with craniofacial strong support of the Student Aid and Fiscal SARY OF DALLAS’ POLITICAL deformities. These brave patients and their Responsibility Act (H.R. 3221), which will end CONGRESS OF AFRICAN-AMER- families often face significant medical chal- the giveaway of $87 billion in corporate wel- ICAN WOMEN lenges over the course of their lives. While the fare to financial institutions for processing pa- commonly known cleft palate or cleft lip condi- perwork. Those funds instead will be rein- HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON tion may call for a simple surgical fix, there vested to expand the Pell Grant program, in- OF TEXAS are many other unique and complex anoma- crease assistance to community colleges, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lies which can require extensive surgeries support early learning to ensure more low-in- Wednesday, September 30, 2009 throughout a child’s developmental years. come children are prepared to start kinder- Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. In the 7th District of Virginia, a young con- garten. A savings of $10 billion will also be stituent of mine named Chase has a mod- Madam Speaker, it is with great pleasure that used for deficit reduction. I rise today to recognize the achievements erately severe craniofacial deformity. At the H.R. 3221 terminates the Family Federal age of 9, he has already had 28 surgeries and and celebrate the anniversary of Dallas’ Polit- Education Loan (FFEL) program. Instead, all ical Congress of African-American Women. hospitalizations to improve his ability to new federal student lending will originate breathe, walk, see, hear, and talk. He will This organization has been an integral part of through the existing Federal Direct Loan Pro- the Dallas community for 25 years, and I am need more surgeries as he grows. Despite his gram. This change will result in a more reli- many challenges, Chase and his family cele- proud of the work its members have done in able system for students and their families by the group’s quarter-century of existence. In brate his growth and milestones with joy. His avoiding risks in the private lending market, addition to keeping the community informed unique medical needs do not stop him from which were exposed in the recent financial cri- about candidates running for elected office, riding the bus to school and making friends. sis. Taxpayers will benefit from a more effi- the Congress registers voters and hosts fo- His big smile and enthusiasm for life have en- cient student loan system because eliminating rums for candidates so that they are acces- abled Chase and his family to approach each the unnecessary middleman will produce $87 sible to citizens. day with a positive outlook. billion in savings for taxpayers over the next The Political Congress of African-American This month also marks the 20th anniversary 10 years. Women and organizations like it are incredibly of the Children’s Craniofacial Association, an The Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility important for the well-being of our commu- incredible charitable organization that offers a Act also makes strategic investments to allow nities. These groups offer opportunities for network of resources and assistance to fami- more students to attend college and graduate civic and political leadership to people who lies with children who have deformities. The with less debt. The Pell Grant Scholarship pro- traditionally would not have been able to serve association’s mission is to ‘‘widen the circle of gram is increased by $40 billion. As a result, in such capacities. By engaging their commu- acceptance,’’ through promoting the message more than $75.5 million in additional funding nities, these organizations reflect our demo- that ‘‘beyond the face, there is a heart.’’ I will be provided to students in Minnesota’s cratic values and encourage everyone to be would like to commend the CCA for con- Fourth Congressional District over the next engaged in the political process. necting Chase, his family and other families decade. Additionally, this legislation strength- I commend Dallas’ Political Congress of Af- across America with resources to improve the ens and expands the Perkins Loan Program, rican-American Women for their civic leader- lives of these patients. I encourage all of my and it helps families by simplifying the com- ship and encourage my colleagues to join me colleagues to join me in raising awareness of plicated and time-consuming Free Application in recognizing this organization’s 25th anniver- the needs of these extraordinary individuals. for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)—the bill en- sary. Truly, the Dallas community has bene- f ables families to apply for federal student aid fited greatly from the Congress’ efforts, and I EARL DANIELS using their tax form. commend all of its members on their hard America’s community colleges are another work. HON. JOHN SHIMKUS priority investment in H.R. 3221. At a time f when millions of Americans are seeking new OF ILLINOIS BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH 200TH employment opportunities, this bill makes sig- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ANNIVERSARY nificant new funding available to retrain work- Wednesday, September 30, 2009 ers, prepare students for 21st century jobs HON. JOHN SHIMKUS Mr. SHIMKUS. Madam Speaker, I rise today and introduce students to post-secondary edu- OF ILLINOIS to honor World War II veteran Earl Daniels of cation. These investments will improve the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Strasburg, Illinois, as Strasburg American Le- quality of education for over 100,000 students gion Post #289 holds a dinner in his honor this that are enrolled in Minnesota community col- Wednesday, September 30, 2009 Saturday, October 3, 2009. leges. Mr. SHIMKUS. Madam Speaker, I rise today Mr. Daniels was drafted into the United This legislation is a historic opportunity to in- to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the States Army at the age of 18. After he had vest in education while, at the same time, re- Bethel Baptist Church in Caseyville, Illinois. VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:56 Apr 04, 2012 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\E01OC9.000 E01OC9 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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