

RAY BRASSIER Nr;"5o..ISso>ot$pecUat....eRealisrnneedStotJeginbya...:uv

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Roobm r-.. eiusts. ThtsqueslO:ln comes fivetoo )'9111'5 lateto



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Glal\lrm HorC1,,., min.·The 001 s101a 01 SpowlotMl Ramm'..,


Has SpeclAa!Ml Realism passed the e)(JS!eoce test? Gfallam Harman has oerta1nly served as its 1ndefaugable mdwife. No dot.tit rmdesty forbade him lrom ment1011ng that he is OOIMlr$SO!llng edrtor of the 'thriving txxik series' he cites. and the self-vdunteered editor of the new SpeoJlative Real­ ism section of the popular PhilF'apets website.' His dBlm ab::>ut p::15tdoctoral fellowships ard semester-Ieng 1..11!\lefSl!y

COIXSes 50\.llds i.i 1rrµessively academenote. flagging the 1nst11ut!C7\al recog11111on that is generally acceptedas the seal of ntellectual respectability. Yet here a note of cautlOn 1s n order. S1rc:e Ayn Rancfs ObjectMsm and L. Ron HOO­ bard"s Scentobgy havealso succeeded111 socu1rg toeholds

1n Amencanuniversity progrttmmes. Academicrecognt.on IS not CQn"1)el1rg by 1tsetr lllleSS 'M3 are tokl the names of the fellowshps and 1nst1tu110ns 1n question. Mo-eover. a sceptic m19ht be lorg1voo for queryirg the rehab1hty of e witness testifyingto Sperula11ve Reahsm"s 1ndub1tablee)(lstence from w11hln the pages of a pubhcet1on whose ortloal sU:imle •S "A ..lou'"nal of Spec:UatlVEI Realism·. And 1f existe-ice is to be maesured 1n terms of biogs. books. and Google hits. then SpeciJetM! ReahsmJags woefully ff!r behind Bigfoot.Yeti. and the Loch Ness Monster. all of whom havepassed Htirm1wfs "existence tes!" with flying cdours. Of course. no one has ever delllOCI the 1»11stence of tolk abcut SperulatrwRealism. To askwhether Sperulauve Realism deservesto betreated as a coheslVEI phllosophcel rmvement 1s not to denythe tl)(ISlence ol books. artides. anduniversity co.ssesthat do µit that. The real cvestlOrl is· Is this talk. and thecurrency of Harman"sSperulatllle Rea•sm b!"a"ld.' surtJc.ent

lhet...n:i1Sno!"""""""1�woul::l1he""""'":;pe0.Jlet""r9!llism-ber...,..,..;.bul ti0g0woul::lbeOOffi pr1n'9dbl'•'-"'11'"1lnt:u"sol�WO.tepm.ISIC.�1S1"""11hllt :>rl'lpr1l01""5woul::l....,.e..-°"""'*'t"'Yab:iul-�ret\.ced to ,,....kelng �·But 11 woul::llwdlynwt"'. snat8tlanlcnwoul::I to JUS!lfy the clam ti;:it 1t Q.Jaiflesas a rti�osoptvcalysignificant movement? In order to a-iswer this QRStton.1t 1s necessafV to dsen�le l-ied tooether as Soeculat1ve Realism all emeroed from the Slt:d1sciploe known as 'Continental rtillosoptr/. It is prJTia"1ly trose interested1n the ContnentaltradmOfl-whose ni.nt>ersewe cenainlynot negligtile. sirce they o:mpnse schol · ws 'Mll1mg 1n such f'lek:ls as comparative literature. cwt theory. media and o...iltu"al studies. cwchitectll'e. and other hU0'9"Nties d1sophnes-whose interest has been piqued by SpecUat1..e Realism.The novelty attrtiutedto thelatter 1s taken to resde•n the W

AftE!f' Fn1rude.! The reiec;tlOfl of co

1,.,.,.llbfbe-nto1,.,.worksorspao.Jo1M1r""*""'.indttsmp..C81oon �s...-.jorfaltme::!Mt,.,.m..rent��oftt·....,WOfl.indRa:Xa Ft>losop;ry'"LB-y;r(.G.iiafTU\..-.JN.�l..:1$).ThsSpewiorM> r...,. ea--rti ""'*""1a>dMar,..olsmlMeb:un1<2011]. fl>-J>"<= 21.)

WNio1""'9!,.,.�trllgllfdk:'s o:in-..00 ab:IY! t,.,. ""'""1Y 01 01,.,.,. ....;.ks""'"''"� b&ng,,.,,.ketedln:krths�.D"..tx.Jlhs-.... .,.o�Of"""li<"dtho•ntulectuel�'.!hlst581sslltloPR...,.,..15..-.:I p..-n'*5ts..nolphkJsoplw's.&t1alongtt'-"°"lwrs3lltoc•rryOU1thls1eisl<. Hamarica;becrl!dtedw1tl\.,._,1ngamwg<1

3. Q.Med!tssw>c.Altwfnr<><»AnfssoyCryoJ��n g

4. Myr....-eiolllllke1lwsd'llncl""'v""'ted""fd"""""""'10IM

5 ln2006.whle�m11J>"9P"11"ett>a�nalman..isoipt!OfNth./�"'1. o..r,....,vea�all5101suchpawigol!Evdar.ce"ltleallSedq..olalonslromFichuo.Schellng.Hegel. Sc:l'>opeMa>e<. NimlSJ:t>ll.HuSS

Gi:o:Jrnan. F\Jt.....-n. McOowel. a-dBIMdom. TllOSI! wflo Ille 10 .....1 that correl

61rd91!d.Toscano·s�l�""'"'ctt>ornnkso1$peculatrva -...mxhag

7. larlHeml!C$op!W"sMC>gOZ.-.en20Krseel.H.Q-aru.'Speculm"""RQIM ='.Tllworksn::o N«lorth.o1monerhasMeiliissru:<. theterm 'speciJative'is reducedtons ordmaryBqectrval sense. meaning'col'ljeCtural. lancilul. unsubstantiated by evidence or !act'.Prehxed to an •1-dehned 'realsm', 11 becomesthe a•t:i.ror a doctrinethat WlShes to spare itselfthe trouble of 11JS11hcat1on. Ultimately. neither commonalities nor shared avers1011S sulhce to clearly demarcate Specul11t1ve Realists lrom other pt"ulosophers. Consideredas a pl'ulosophiCBImovement. SpeOJ ­ lative Reahsm 1s vitiated by its fatal lack of cohesiveness Whether we try to dehne1t negatrvely by what 1t rs against or pos1t1vely bywhat 1t 1s !or.weexdude too httleand 1ndude too rruch. Harman1ust1fleshis brand1ngolSpeculative Rea•sm asa 'un1'-"'!rsally recognizedmethod of conveyng111format1on while cutting through 1nformat1onal clutter'.' The problem 1s that those he has enlisted as the brand's representatives diverge on so many fundamentalsthat the noisegenerated bybund•ng them together far exceeds any possible nformationalcontent this groupingITllQ hl havehoped to provide.In the absence of even a mininal positive criterion of doctrinal cohesweness. all that 1s left 1s chatter about something called ·speru1at1ve Rea•sm·-�ac1ng 1t on an ontobg1cal par with chatter aOOut the 'Montauk PrOjOCt'. It 1s not difficult to see how Specula· t1ve Realism passes Harman's existence test. since this test 1s p-edcatedon a principle as s1rrple as 1t 1s dubious: robeIS to be talkedabout. But there 1s another rrore important question underlying the dispute over Speculat1'-"'! Realism's elClstence. It 1s the fol· IOW1ng: Is there anything ol real phlosoph1cal import at stake in the controversy

Contomporsry 'C01trontel' 1� arum pndos nrou on

Mv1rg ove

mOismanddedtsm. Slbject-object�.whoserep.dauon


supposedlojbooncles!royedby theauiqoaof represcnlauon

Bild supplsrltedbyVWIOIJSwr<'fSOI thlikrrg tte f\.rdamentel




adeap!'f ardmoren.dn>s!deallsm lsraalosmrmlloj so ·na�·?



The interest 1n rehab1litat1ng representation and objectiv­ ity remains my cmn personal preo::cupat1on and was cer­ tainly not shared by any of !he other panic1pants then or now. But the rssue of the hnk between representation and ob1ec1Iv1ty generates questions about the status of sc1eri­ t1flc representation. whch 1n turn lead to the more funda­ mental �sue of philosophy's relatlOfl to the natural sciences. This issue is central to Me1llassoux's work. whether 1n the form of his attempt to provide a speciJetive proof of the contingency ol the laws ol nature or in his acC0U1t ol the positive 'meal'lnglessness' of mathematical signs." But 1t 1s eciually fundamental for Grant. whose reactivation of Schell- 1ng1an Noturphilosopllferequires reasserting '!he eternal and necessarybond between philosophy and physics·"-an inter est emphatically reamrmed b{ Grant's ongoing research oto the philosophical 1rrphcations ol the 'deep-held problem' n cosmology. It is precisely this concern with renegotiating phi­ losophy'srelation to the naturalsciences that's conspicuously absent fromthe Harman·sanctionedbranding ol Speculative Realism. For Harman. such concern smacks of 'scient1sm' Indeed. Harman's wealdisdain for 'scientism'(not to mention 'epistemism') confirms the extent to which. notwithstanding the eccentricity of his reading of Heidegger. he remains an orthodox Hetdeggerian. For Harman. metaphoncal allusion trumps sc1ent,flc investigation and fasonation with objects trumps any concern !or obtect1v1ty. Indeed. the irony-as Pete Wollendale's withering dissection ol Object-Oriented Ontology demonstrates-is that n Harman's hands. Specu­ lative Real151'T1 merely exacerbates the diSdam !or rationality. whether ph11osoph1cal or scientlhc. which is among correla­ tlOllism's more objectionable consequences. It 1s this misol­ ogy which Meillassoux's After Fm1tude sought to challenge. Far from chalieng1ng11. HEl"man's Object-Oriented A-iilosophy

9- Q Mellas:lo.i•. ·tt,;rnton. Reotenmon. R

1Q �IH.Gram.'lhe"E!wnal