110°00' W A' B' 109°00' W Qal Kmu Kmu C' Qal Qap Ks Kf Ks Kc Ks Kc 1100 Kc Kmb Kb Ks Ks Kf Qms Qes Qes 3 Kb Kc Kms Qap Kmu Qes Jctm Xb Xd Xd Xb 39° 00' N Kmu Qam Qes Ks Kmu Qap Qap Kms Qap Kd Xa Jk Jk Qmt Qat Qat Qap Qap Kc Kn Kmb Qms Kc Qap Qap Jsmt Qat Qmt Qmt Qea Qmt Kb Qes Qap Qat Kmu Qam Jk Qam Qap 500 5 Qap Qat Kcm Qes Qat R Qes Kc Qes Qes Qmt Qmt Qmt Kms Qam Kmu T c TRc Qal Kc Qes Kmb Kc Qam Jctm Jw Jk Xb Kmf Qap Qmt Qal Qes Qal Qat Jk Kb 3 Kc 4 Kc Qap Qap Jmb Qat Kmt Kf Kb Qap Kmu Kms Qat Qes Jk Jk Qmt TRc Qat Qap Qap Qmt Qal Kb Kb Qmt Qap Kmu Qal Qat Qat Qes Qes Jw Kmu Qam Qmt Kb Kc Kmu Qap Qap Qes Jes Qal Qea TRc Qmt Jk Qea Qat Kc 5 Kmb Qmt Kms Qam Kms Jw Xa Jw 1200 Kmu Qap Qmt Kms Qat Qes Xg Qam Kmu Qap Qap Qap Qmt Qam Jes Xd Qam Kmu Kmu Qes 600 Qes Kc Qmt Qes Kmu Qap Qap Kms Kmf Jn Qes Qap Qmt Qap Qmt 700 Kms Qat Qat Jctm Jk Qat TRc Xg Jw Qal 700 Qam 8 Qam Qes Jw Qmt Qam Qes Kb Qap Kb Qmt Qmt Qat 5 Qal Jk Xb Qes Qal Kc 600 Qap Qap Qam Qam Jcd Xf TRc Xb Jw Qap 800 Kc Qmt Qap Qal Qal TRc Jk Qal Qap Qap Kms Jes 1300 Jw Qes Qam Kmb Qmt Qat Kmu Qat Jms Xa Qat Kmf Kmu 900 Qap Kb Kmu Kmu Qat Qat Qal Jn Qes Qea Xb Xa Qmt Qap Qam Qap Kmu Kmt Qat Xf Jw Jk Qam Qam Qat Kms Kcm Qes Qal Qmt Jk Qea Kc Kb Qap Qap Qam Qam Qat Qes Jw Xa Qmt Qap Kmu Qam 1500 Jw Qat 1100 Qap Qap Qmt TGE #1 Kc Qmt Kc 1400 Jk Jk Kcm Qal 1000 Qam Qmt Kmu 800 Qal Qal Jw 1600 Xb Kmt Qap Qap Qmt Qap Qam Jk Jw 1300 Qap Qap Kmu Qam Kmf Kd Qes Jk Jw Kmu Kb Kmu Qap Qam Qat Qes Qmt Jmb Qap Kc Qat Xf Qap Qap Qam Qam Qam Qea Qal Xa TRc Kc Kmu 7 Qat Qea Jes Qal Qes TRc Qmt Jk Qes Qap Kmu Qam Qal Kd 1700 Jw Qat Qap Qam Qat Kmu Jcd Qes Qal Qap Qap Kc Kb Kms Kms Kms Qat Qap Jes 500 Qat Jw Jk Qat Qap Kc Qam Qam Qat Jcd Jk Xg Kcm Kb Kmu Kmu Kmu Kmf Kmt Qat Jmb Jk Xb Qap Kmu Qam Qal Qat 1800 Jk 1900 Jw Kmu Kms Kc Kmu Qap Qap TRc Qmt Kms Qap Kmu Qap Kmu 900 Qal Qap Qmt Kmu Qam Qam Kd Jcd Qat Qes Jk TRc Jk Jw Xa Xg Qat Qap Kb Qap Qal Qam Kms Jmb Qat Qal Qes Xa Xg Jw Qap Qam Qal Kms Qes Kmu Qam Qam Qat Qam 700 Jms Qal TRc Kms Qmt Kmu Qam Jk Xa Xb Qea Kmf Qap Qap Kmu Qag Qal Jw Jw Kb 5 Jsmt Jk Xb Xa Qmt Jk Qes Qal Qam Qam Kmf Jk Jk Qmt Qap Kmu Qam Mobil #1-30 Qam Qap Jw Qes Xb Xa Qmt 1400 Jsmt Jmb Kc Kmu Qat Kmu Kmt Jk Qmt Xb Yl Qap Qap Qam Qap Qap Kmu Qam Qat Kmt Qal Qat Jw Jms Kb Kms Qap Kc Qap Qat Kmf Kmt Jctm Qat Qea TRc Xg 2000 TRc Qal Qap Qam Qam Qam Kmf TRc Xb Jsmt Jms Qap Kms 1000 Qal Qat Qam Qat Jsmt Jk Xa Yap Xg Qmt Qst Qap Qap Qap Qat Kmf Jw Qat Qat Qap Kms Kmu Kcm Xa Xa Xb Xa Xg Qap Kms Kmt Qap Jmb Xb Qes Qap Qam Qal Xa Xa Qmt Qal Qap Kmu Qat Qal Qea Kd Xf Jk Kms Qap Qap Qam Kmu Qal Qms Qal Qal Qap Qam Qam TRc TRc Qat Qat Qap Qap Qat Qms Qat Jsmt Jctm Qea Qap Qam Qat Kmu Qat Qat Jmb Jw Xb TRc Kmt Qat Kcm Kd Jmb Kmf Kmu Kmu Qam Kd Qmt Jes Qap 600 Qap Qam Qam Qat Qal Qal Jw Jk Kmf Kmf Kmu Qat Qat Qam Qea Qal Jk Jk Qal Qap Kmu Qap Qal Qat Jmb Jw TRc Qam Qap Qat Qal 1100 Qat Qap Xg Xb Jk Qat Qal Kd Kmt Kmf Qam Kmu Qam Qat Qat Qea Qea 2100 Qal Qap Qat Qaf Qap Qat Kmu Qat Qap Kmf Kmt Jms TRc Xb Jes Kd Qam Kms Kms Qat Qat Qat Qmt Kcm Kmt Qap Qag Qap Qal Qal Jk Qal Kmf Qat Qap Qat Qat Kd Jms Qea Kmt Qam Kmu Jw Xg Qap Qap Qat Qam 1200 Qat Kmu Kms Qal Qap Qal Kmt Jk TRc Xb Qes Kmu Qap Qam Kmu Qaf Qam Qat Kmu Qat Qea Qal Qat Kms Qam Qap Qal Jk Xg Jk Qea Qat Qap Kmf Qam Qam Qal Qat Jsmt Qag TRc Yg Qaf Kmu Kmu Qat Qal Qap Kmt Kd Jctm Jw Qag Qat Kd Qam Qes Qat Kcm Qat Jes Yl Qmt Qes Kms Qal Qea Jw TRc Qmt 1200 Qat Qea Qes Kmt Qap Qal Qea Qat 1300 Qal Qat Qal Qat Kmu Qap Qat Qam Kmf Qat Xg 2200 Kmt Qat Qes Kd Kmu Kmu Kcm Jms Qea Jmb Qat Qal Kmu Kmu Qes Kmf Kms Qat Kcm Kd Xb Qal Qes Qam Kmf Kmu Kd Jcd Yap TRc Qea 1300 Qap Qat Qat Qam Qat Jw Qmt Qaf Qap Kmt 1200 Qal Qea Jms Kcm Qal Qes Qal Qap Jw Yap TRc Qat Qes 700 Qam Qat Kmt Jsmt Kmu Kmu 10 Kms Qat Jmb Kcm Qea Qmt Qat Qat Kmt Kmu Qat Qat 1400 Qat 1300 Jmb Qal Qam Kmu Qat Kd Qea Qea Qea Jw Jk Jw Qea Qea Qam Qat Qat Jcd Jw Kmf Jw Xg 7 Qam Qal Qat Kcm Qal TRc Kcm Qap Kmu Qat Qag Kcm Qat Qat Qam Kmu Qat Qat Qag Jw Qea Yg Kcm Kmu Qap 1500 Qat Kmu Kmu Kmu Jmb Qat Jsmt TRc Qat Kcm Kmt Qap Qea 1300 Qal Qal Jctm Jk Yg Qam Qal Kcm Qal Kmu Kmf Kms Qal Kd Jk 4 4 Kms Kms Kmu Kms Qat Kd Yap Qea Qaf Kms Qap Jw Qmt TRc 1400 Qal Kd Qea Kmu Qat Kms Jms Qms Qea Jmb Qes Kmt Qam Jmb Jes Kmt Qes Qat Kmf Qat Jsmt Jes Jw TRc Qes Jk Qal Qal Kd Kmf Kmu Qat Jctm Qag Jw Kmt Qat Kcm Qap Qal Qam Qap Kd Kd 1600 Jk Jmb Jmb Qea Kmf Kmt Kmu Kms Kmu Qat Qat Qat Qat Kmu Qat Qag Jmb Qal Qaf Qaf 3 Kmu Qat Qal Qms Qea Jms Jctm TRc Jk Kmt Kmf Qam Kcm Kmt Jmb 3 Qat Qea 1400 Qat Kmt Kmf Kmu Kmt Qat Jmb Kcm Qea 2300 Kcm Jmb Qat Qea Qat Kd Qal Qea Jw TRc Qea Qea Qat Kmf Qag Jmb Jms Jmb Qal Qea Kd Kmt Kd Jms Jms Jw Qea Kmt Qat Kmf Kd Qal Jsmt Jes Jk TRc Kcm Qes Kcm Qam Kd Kd Qam Jw Qmt Jms Qat Qat Qal Kmu Kd Kmt Qam Qat Qea Qea Jk Jms Qea Qea Qal Qal Kmu Kmf Qal Qag Qms 1700 Kcm Jmt Kcm Kmt 800 Kmt Kmf Kd Kmu 1400 Kmt Qag Jmb Jes Yg 500 Qal Qms Jn Kmu Qal 6 Kd Qag Qms Jw Kmt Jmb Qal Qea Qea Qea Kmt Qal Jes Jw Jw Qmt Jw Kd Jmt Qap Kcm Kd Kmf Qea Jw TRc Qat Qea Kd Kd 9 Kmf Qea Kmf Jmb 1800 Jk Qag Qam Kmf Kd Kd Qag Qal TRc Pc TRc Qea Js Kcm Kmu Kmf Qea Kmt Kmf Qat Kd Jcd Qes Jk Jk Kmt Kmu Kmf Kmt Kd Qmt Qmt Qal Qea Qes 1500 Qea Kd Qag Qea Qes Pc Jk Qat Jct Jms Qal Kmu 12 Qea Kd Qea Kmf Kmt Kd Jsmt Jn Jk Jmb Qst Jese Qal Qes Kd 7 Qea Kd Qat Kd Qmt Jw Jw Kcm Kmf Qea Kcm Qat Jmb TRc Qea Jmb Kmt Kd 4 Qes Jw Jmb Qam Kmf Qea Qea Qea Qea Jk TRc Qes Qat Qea Qes Kd 4 6 Jk TRc Yq Jmb Qag Qst Jmb Jmb Kcm Kcm Jmb Jk 2400 Qag Qes Kmf Kd Kmu Qea Kd Qes Kd Jk Qmt Jmb Kd Jcd Jmb Kd 1500 Kmt Jms Qes Jcd Jw Qea Qst Qes Kcm Kmu Qea Kcm Qes Qea 6 Kd Kmt Qal Qat Jms Kmt Jmb Kmt Kd Jmb Jk 900 Qea Qal Kd Jmb Qal Qat Qms Jk Jk Qal Qst Qes Qam Kdcm Qag Jmb 700 Jmb Jk Yg TRc Qal Qes Kmt Jmb Qal Qea Jmb Qea Kd Kcm TRc Jk Jmb Kcm Jese Jct Qes Qat Kmt Qea Jw Qmt Jn Kcm Qea Jw Jms Qag Qea Qea Kmf Kd Kcm Jes Jn Jk Qmt Jw Qal Jmt Jee Kdcm Kd Qal Qea Qes Jmb Qmt Jmb Qes Qes Qag Kmu 1500 Kd Kd Qea Jmb Qea Jw Jmb Kcm Js 1600 Jmb Jms Jes Jms Kd Qea Kd 6 Kcm Qms Qat Qes Jmt Qat Kd Kd 6 Qea Kd Kd Qal Jmt Qea Qea Qam Jn Qea Jms Qal Jms Qal Jctm Jctm 1600 Qea Kd Kd Qes Jes Qmt 600 Qal Qes IP Qat Qat Kd Jmb TRc Yg Jmt Kcm Jese Qes Kmf Kcm Jsmt Qal Qal Qes Ybg Jmt Qag Jese Qes Jmb Jmb Kmt Qea 5 Qea Jmb Jcd Js Jmt 1700 Qes Qea Qal Kmt Jsmt Jms Qea Jmb Qea Qea Qea Qea Jw Qat Qes Qes Qes Qat Kcm Jmb Qea Jk Jmb 1000 1600 Jsmt Qat Qat Qea Jes Kcm Qes Kmt Kd 1800 Qes Kcm Qea Qea Jmb 800 Jw Jk Ybg Jese Kmu Kmf Qes Kdcm Jmb Kcm Qea Jctm Qes Qes Kd Jmb Ybg Jct Js Jmt Kmf Jsmt Qea Qes Qea Kd Qea Jk Qaf Yg Qal Kcm Qes Qea Kmt Kcm Jn Jw Jms Qes Jee Qam Jctm Jctm Qal Qea Qes Qat Qms Jw Qea Jk Qat Qal Kmt Qal 13 Qag Qea Qea Jsmt Jw Jk Qes Qes Jmb Qat Qag Jes Qea Jms Qms Jctm Jk Qea Qea Jese Jmt Qam Jsmt Jsmt Qes Qea Qes Qes Jw Qat Jmb Qea Kmu IP Jcd Jmb Jmb Jms Jmb Qat Qea Jw Jw Jmt Qes Kd Qag Qea Jms Qal Qes Qea Qea Qes Qmt Qal Jms Qes Kcm Jk Kd Jmb Qea Qes Jctm Qal Qea Qat Kd Qes Jw Qes Qes Jmb Kcm Kmt Jmb Kcm Qat Qag Qag Qea Qes Kd Jcd Jmt Qes Qes Jms Jctm Qal Jsmt Qea Qea Jctm Jsmt Qes 5 Jmb Qea Jw Qea Qat IP Pure #1 Jmb Qea Jw Jk Qes Kcm Jmb Qea Jmb Jes Jctm 900 Qat TRc Jms Jct Jmt Qag Kd Qag Jsmt Jsmt Jms Qes Qat Jw Yg Jms 1100 Qam Qes Jw Jes Jsmt Kcm Jmb Qea Qea Jmb Qes Qal Qmt Pc Qmt Qes Kmt Kmf Kmu IP Qes Jes Kd Qea Qms Js Qal Kcm Continental Qes Qaf Qat Jms Qes Qea Kmu Qea Jctm Jms Jms Jsmt Qms Qes Qes Qat Jct Kd Qea Qms Qea Jms Kd Qes Qea Jw Qal Qes Jmt Qes Qes Kcm 4 Qat Jmb IP Jcd Qes Qea Qes Qes Qea Qat Jw Qmt Qmt Jctm Qes Jn TRc 30 Jctm TRc 800 Qea Jctm Kcm Qms Qea Pc Pc Kmu Qam Qea Jsmt Qms Qes Jsmt Jctm Qes Qea Kcm 4 Qes Qat Jmt Jmb 6 Qag Jmb Jmb Qes Qat Qat Jms Jmt Kmu Qes Jsmt Jes Qes Qat Jmb Jsmt TRc Qmt Jk Qea Qal Jsmt IP Qea Qea Qes Qat Qal Jcd 8 Qmt TRc Pc 1900 700 Qal Jms Kmf Kcm Jcd Qes Jk Kmu Qal Kcm 6 Qag Jmb IP 900 Jms Qea Jes Qms Jms Jn TRc Ybg 7 Kmu 7 Qea Jk Jn Jcd Jms Jsmt Jes Qes Jes Qms Jmb Jk 4 Jk Jct Js Jmt Qea Qea Qam Kmu Jms Jsmt Qes Qes Qes Qat Jct TRc Qes Jms Jcd Qal Pc Kmf Jctm Jctm Qes Qes Qes Qat Jmb Jes Jw Pc Pc Kcm Qes Jsmt Jcd 1000 Jms Qal Qms Jw D' Qat Js Kmf Jsmt Jsmt Jsmt Jms Jcd Qat Jmb TRc Jct Qes Jmb Jctm Jsmt IP Qea Jcd Jsmt Jctm Qes Qat Jcd Qat Qal Qat Jes Qea Kmt Jw 1000 Qes Qea Qes Qat Jct Qes Kcm Qes Jctm Qes Qms Jmb Qmt Jcd Kmu Qam Jmb Kd Jcd Qea Jw Qst Jee Jmb Kcm Jmb Jmb Jms Jctm Qes Qal Qal Qat Qes Jee Qea Qag Jes Jsmt 8 Qmt Jmb Qam Jee Texaco Smoot #2 Kcm Qam Qag Qea Jes 1100 Qea Qes Jsmt Qes Qes Qat Jsmt Jsmt Jcd Ject Jee Jw Qea Qal Qal Kmf 1200 Qes Qes Qes 4 Qal Kcm Kcm 8 Jee Jmb Qes Jsmt Jcd Jctm Jes Qes Jcd Qes Jctm Jmb Jsmt 1500 Jw Qmt Jes Jee Jes Kcm Kmf Jn Jcd Jn Jes Jcd 2000 Jms Jms Kd 1700 Qmt Qes Qat Qes 1800

Jmb 1600 Qea Jcu Jmb Jk Qes 1300 Qes Jes Qes Qat Jes Jn Jcec Js Jes Texaco #1 McKinnon Qes Qes Jn Qat Jcd Kd Jk Jw Jsmt Jmb Jee Jct Jctm Qes Qms Qat Jee Qes Qea Jmb Jsmt Jes Jcd Qes Qes Jcd 1100 5 Jcd Jk Qal Jct Jee Qea Jms Qes Jes Qat Jmb Qat Jctm Qea Qea Qes Shell 1-21 Jmb Jms Qea 1900 Jsmt Qes Jmb Jctm Qes Qes Qes Qal Jw Qea Jms Qes 1200 Qam Qal Qes Jcd Jn Jes Qmt Ject Jee Qag Qes 6 Jsmt Jn Qmt Jcd Qag Qed Jsc Qes Jn Qms Qat Qes Jes Jcd Jn Jw Qat Qat Qal Jsc Kmu Kmu Jctm Qes Qea Qes Jn Qea Jsmt Qea Qes Jk Qal Jms Kcm 5 Jn Jn Qmt Qal Qal Qag Jsmt Qal Jcd Jw Qea 1200 Jn 800 Jee Qea Jmb Qea Qea Jctm Jn Qmt Jcd Qes 7 Qmt Jes Qes Jms Jmb Jctm Jes Jn Qes Jms Qes Jee Qat Qes Kcm Kmf Jk Qes Jn Qes Qes Kcm Qea Jsmt Jctm Qes TRc Pc Qms Jmb Kmt Kcm Jctm Jsmt Qal Qat Jctm Jcd Qes Jk Qat Jsmt 7 Jsmt Qes Jms Jctm Jsmt Qes Qes Qat Jctm Jms Jn Jw Qmt Jes Jes Jsc Qes Qam Jmb Qea Jk Jms Qes Jee Jsmt Kmu Qag Jw IP Jsmt Qes Jcd Jmb Jcd Qea Qes Kcm Jes Qes Qmt Qes Jmb Jk Qes Jn Jk Qes Qea Jn Jsc Kmf Qes Jctm IP 12 Qes Jcd Jn Jk TRc Qmt Qes Jsmt Jes Qes 1300 Qap Qes Qes Kcm Jcd Kcm Qag Qap Jsc Kmu Qag Jn Qes Qes Jmb Qes 4 Jsmt Qes Qes 8 Qes Jn Jes Qal Jcu Jsc Jctm Qam Jms Jmb Jw Jn Qap Qaf Qes Jsc Jes Jctm Qam Jms TRc Jcd Jk Jn Qes Jk Jw Qap Jctm Jcd 10 Jsmt Jsmt Qes TRm R Jcu Qea Kcm Jn Jes Jctm Jctm Qes T m Jsmt Jes Qea Qal Jms Qes Qes Qes Qes Jes Jctm Qes Qea Jes Jcd Jn Jes Jsmt Jmb Qap Jes Kmf Qea Jes 7 Jmb Qmt Pc Qap Qaf Qat Qat Qea Jes Jctm Kcm 1200 Qes Jcd Jn 7 Jcd Pc Pc Jes Jcu 3 1100 Jn Qmt Jn Jn Qes Qes Jctm Qea Kmu 1300 Qag IP TRc Qmt 1400 Jn Qaf Qaf Jcu Jcu Jes Jes Jes Kcm 1300 1000 1400 Jsmt Qea Qes Qea Qal Jmb Jms Kmu Qal Jes Qes Jms Jk Jcu Jsmt Qea Qea Qea Pc Qal Pc 3 Jmb Kd Qea Jsmt Jctm Jes Qes Jmb Qat Qat Qea Qag TRc Qes Jk Jw Jsmt Qaf Qal Qaf Jes TRc Jw Qes Jcd Pc Jcd Jes Kmt Equity Qag Jcd Jn TRc 2 Qes Qmt Jcu Qea Jn Qmt Jw Jn Jn Qaf Jcu Qea Qes Jmb Kmu Qes Qag Jes Qal Qap Jcu Jcd Qes Jes Jms Jes 900 IP Qes 1500 Jms Qaf Qam Jk Jsmt Qed Qes TRc Jn Pc Qaf Qmt MFS KL3 Qms Jcd Jctm Jcd Qes Qes Qes Qaf Qaf Jcu Jcd Jk Jw Pc TRm Jn Qag Qaf Qea Qes Jmb Jmb IP Jn Jw Qes Qes Jsm Jk Qes Jsmt Jes Qal Qap Jcu Qat Qat Qal Qes Pc Qmt Jmb Qmt Jcl Qea Jk Qes Jsmt Qal 900 Jn Kd Kcm 800 Jcd Jw Jes Jn Qes Qap Qap Jw Qes Qes Qal Jcl Qed Jcd Jmb Qes Jes Jn Qmt Jn Jcd Kmt Qes TRc Qag Jcd Jcd Qes Qes Jn Qal 1600 Qaf Jes TRc Qaf Jes Qal Qat Jcl Jsmt Qms TRc Jes Qes Pc Water Jcl Qes Kmt Kd Jcd Qes Jcl Jcd Jms Jmb Jn Qes Jcd Qes Pc Qal Jes Qes Pc Jnl Jcu Jn 2 Qes Kd Kcm Jctm Jw Jctm TRc Qes Jes 2 Jes IP Jsmt Jk 4 Jctm Jn Jn Pc Jnl Jcl Jcu Jes Qea 2 Jcd TRc Qap Qap Qes Pc Qal Qea Jsmt Jes 6 Jcd 700 Jcd Jes Jn Qes Qmt 1700 Jn Qaf Pc Jcl Jcl Jn TRc IP Jmb Qes 5 7 TRc Qag Qat Qes Qes Qes Qes Qes Kcm Qes Qes Jn Qat Jnl Qes Qes Jsmt Jes Jsmt Jctm Jk 6 Jk Qes Jgc Qaf Jcl Jes 8 Qes Jctm Jsmt Qmt Qaf Jnl Jcd Jcd 2 Jmb Jms Jctm Jcd Qal Qmt Jk TRc Jcl Jcd Qed Qes Qms Jcd Qes Qal Km TRc Qea Jcd TRm Qal Qat Jcl Qms IP Qmt 7 Qaf Qes Jcd Jsmt Kd Qms Qes Jk 7 Qes Qmt Jes Jcl Qes 20 Qea Jms Jcd Qmt 1800 Jcd Pc Jcl Jnl Jn Jn Qes Jes Jes Jes Km Jms Jms TRm Qap 10 TRm Jcl 600 Qms Jn TRc TRc Jn Jn Jw Qmt Qap Qat Pc Qal Pc Qat Qes Qea Jes IP Kdcm Km Pc Qal A Qes Jmb Qea Qes Kdcm Jk Jn Qes Jk Qmt Pc Jnl Qes Jcd Qap Jn Jn Jn Jsmt Qes Qal TRc Qmt Jec Qaf Jnl Jn Qes Qal Km Jmb 5 11 Qmt Jmb Jmb Qmt Qes TRc Qes Qes Qes Qal Jcd Jctm Kdcm Kdcm Qms Jn Pc Qat Jcl Jcd Kcm Qms Jes Qms TRc Qag Kdcm TRc Jw 1900 Jn Jcd Qea Jnl Kcm Qag Jms Qea Qap Qes R Qaf Jnl Qal Qal Qed Jctm Jms Qal Qea Jes Jcd Kdcm Km Qes Qat Jk T m Qmt Jctm Jms Qes Qag Km TRm Qal Jk Mobil 1-7 Qat Qms Jk TRm Jctm TRm Qal Qap TRc Qmt Qes Jn Jes Qal Qms Jw Qes Qea Qmt Qes Pc Jes Jn Qea Kcm Qms IP TRc TRc 4 Jnl Qes Jms 1 Qes Jsmt Jn Jn Jsmt Qat 8 TRc Pc Jes Qed Jsmt Qes Qea TRc Jmb TRm Qes Qaf Jnl Jnl Jn Jms Kcm Jms Jes Jk Jw 1400 Jw Qmt Qap 2000 3 Jn Jn Qap 4 Qes 15 Kdcm Qmt Jk TRc Jk Jnl Jnl Jn Jn Jcd Jsmt Jmb Jes Qms Qal 6 TRm Qmt Pc Pc Jn Qal Qat Jnl Jnl Jn Qap Kcm 3 Qea Qes Jk Jn Qes Jn Qed Jmb Km Jn Qat Exxon #1 Qmt Qat Jcd Jctm Jmb Qes Qea Qes Jms 3 Qmt Qes Qms Pc Qaf Jnl Qes Jms R Qaf Jcu Jn Kcm Qes Jcd Jw Qea T c TRm Qes Qap Jsmt Jcd Qap Qap Qes Jctm Jmb Qea Jsmt Qea Qes Jk Qes 5 Jcl Jnl Qes Jms 2 Qms 4 6 Jes Qea Jcd TRm Pc 2100 Qaf Jw Qms Jctm Qed Qap Pc Qal 4 Qaf Pc Jn Qes Jmb Qea Jn Qes 1 Jcd Jes Jw Jn Pc Jnl Jn Qed Jms Jctm Jmb Jsmt Qms TRm Pc Jn Qes Jk Qms Qal Jsmt Qes Jes Qes Jes 2200 3 Qmt Kbc Qmt Jnl Qap Jes Qed Jms Kcm Qap 20 Jcd Pc Jn Qes Jmb Qal Qes Jsmt 4 Qes Jcd Qes Qmt Qes 3 Qes Jw Jnl Qes Qes Jcd Qes Jmb Qea Qap Jn TRm Qal Qes Qes Jms 6 Jcd Jcd Qap Qmt Jsmt Jcd MFS KL2 Jes Jctm Jsmt Jes Qms Qea Qes Jw Jw Qat Jctm Qes TRm Qap Qaf Jmb Qea Ject Qaf Qal Jn Jctm Jsmt Jsmt Jmb 22 Jw Qal 15 Pc Jn Jcd Qms Jcd Qes Jctm Qes Jctm Jmb Qmt Qap Jms Jn Jnl Qea Jsmt Jes Jctm Jcd Jk Qal TRm Qap Jcd Jsmt Pc Jcl Qes Qes Jn Qes Qes Qap TRc IPpc Jcd Jes Qes Jes Qes Jes TRc Qes Jes Qes Jmb Kcm 1 Qea Jcd Qea Jcd TRm Jw IPpc TRm TRc Jcec Jn Jmb Qes Qea 7 Qal TRc IPpc Qaf Qes Qap Jn Jcd Qes Qal Jw TRm Qes Qes Jes Jcd Jes Jk Jk TRm Qap Pc Jk Jsmt Qes Jgc Jctm Qes Jcd Kcm Jcd Jes Jn Qal Qat Pc Qat Jn Jctm 1200 TRc Jn TRc Qmt Qes Ladd 1-27 Jes Qes Qes Jn Qea TRm TRm TRm Qms Qea Kbc Qal Jes Jcd Jes Qmt Pc Jnl Qap Jcd Jcd Jcd Qes Jn 7 Qmt Qat Jw Pc Qap Jsmt IPpc Jnl Qap 4 Jms Qes Jn Qes Pc Qmt TRm 8 Qes Qms Jn Qes Jcd Qes Jn Jcd Jes Jes Jw Pc TRm Qmt Jms Qat Qes Jmb Jn Qat Qmt TRc Pc Jcec Ject Qaf Jes Jctm Jcd Jes Qes Jcd Qmt TRc Qap Pc TRm Jk Qms Qes Jcd 1000 Qat Jn Jcd Qmt TRc Qmt Jk Qap Jsmt Jn Qes Jn Qes Jes 1300 Qmt TRm Jw Jk Jw Qmt Jw Qes Qap Qes Jms TRc Jms Jcd 1300 Qmt Qat TRc Qmt Jcl Qes Qes Jn Qes Jnl Jes Qap Qes TRc Qap Qap Jsmt Jn Jcd Jcd Qal R Jw TRc 14 Qmt Qal Jcu Qes Qes Jsmt Qes Jsmt Qmt T m TRc Jms Jes Qes Qes Jcd Qmt 1600 Qmt TRc 6 Jn Jn Jes Jes TRm Qes Qes Pc Pc Qab Qal Jn Jnl Qap Jcd Jes Jn Pc Jsmt Jsmt 4 TRc Jk Jk Qes Qes 1200 Qap TRm Qap Jw Jk Jw Pc Qms Pc Jctm Qes Qes Jcd Jes Qal Qmt Qap Jcd Qms Qes Jes Jn Jsmt Qal Qes Jcd Qes Qea Jn Qmt Jk Jmb Jk Qes Qaf Qap Jmb Qes Qmt Qes Qes Qap Jes Jn Qea Qes Jes Qat Qat Qes Jmb Qea Qes Qal Jk Qea 1100 1400 6 Qmt TRc Qat TRm Jn Qmt Jk 6 Jctm Jn Qes TRc 4 Qap Pc Jk Pc Jmb Jn Jnl Qes Jsmt Qmt Qmt TRm Qes Jn Qms Kd Qes Qes Qes Qaf Jw 2 IPph Qes Jk Jsmt Qes Qes Jcd 1000 Qal TRc TRm Qmt Qms Qes Jnl Jn Jn Qap Jcd 1700 Pc 6 Jms Qes Jsmt Qaf Qmt Qes Qap Qmt 5 IPpc Qmt Qmt Qms Qes Qes Jmb Qes Jnl Qes Jn Qap Jcd Qes Qaf Qms Qap Jk Jnl Qes Jn TRc Qes 3 Qms Qes Qes Jk TRc Qms Kbc Qes Qal Qes Qes Qap Qes Qat Jk Qmt Qmt Qes Qes Jn 4 Qmt Qmt Jw Pc Qap Qes TRc Qes Qap Jcd 1 Kbc Kd Qes Jcd Jsmt Jsmt Jsmt Jcd Jk Jsmt Qmt Jn Jn Qes Jnl Qap Qes Qes Jn Qes TRm Qmt Qes Kbc Jn Jk Qat Qmt Qes Qes Qes Qes Pc TRc 1800Qmt Jw Kd Jmb Jnl Qes Jn Qes Jw Qap TRc Pc Jms Qes Jw Jw Jn 1300 Jnl Jes Qes Qea Qes Jn Qmt 6 Qap Pc Jms Jms Jcd 1100 Qap Qap Jn Qal Pc Qea Pc Qat Jnl Jn Qes Jctm Pc Jw Qmt 4 Jw Qms Qaf Jcl Qes Jn Jes 5 Qes Qmt Jw Pc Qap Qes Qms Ject Jn Qal Qal Qes Jn Qea Qmt Pc TRm Jk Jk Qal Qmt Qes Qes TRc Jw Jsmt TRc TRc Qap TRc Qmt TRc Qes Jmb Qap Pc Qms Qat Jn Qes Qes Qea Qes 3 7 TRm TRm Jcd Qes Jctm Jcd Jctm Jcd Qes Qmt Jk Qat Pc Qes Ject Jcd Qat Qes Jw Qes Jw 1900 Qap Qap Jw Pc 4 Jn Jn TRc Jnl Jn TRc Ject Qat Jn Jw Jw Qap Jn Qal Jk Qmt Qap Qap Qmt TRc Jsmt Jcd Jcd Qes Jn Jn Qea Qes Qea TRc TRm Jsmt Jms Qal Qmt Qap Jn Jes Qap TRc Qmt Jms Qes Qes Jcd Qmt Pc Jms Jk Jn Jn Qes Jw Qes Pc Qat Jk Pc Qes Qea Jw Qes TRc Jcd Qmt TRc Qmt Qes Jw Jn Qes Jk TRc Qms Ject Jn Jsmt Qal TRc 2100 Qes Qes Jw Jcd TRm TRc Qap 2200 Jmb C Jes Jn TRc Qap TRc Qaf Qes Jn Jk TRc Qmt TRc Qes Jmb Qal Jn Qes R TRm Qes Qea Qes Jk Qes Jctm TRm Qmt Qal T m TRm Pc Kd TRc McRae O+G Qes Jn Qmt Qmt Jms Kbc 1200 Jk TRc Jn Qes Jn Jctm Qes Qmt Qmt 1800 Ject Jn Jcd 8 Qmt TRm Pc Qes Jn Qes Jk TRc Jcd Jw 2000 Qmt Pc Jk Kd Jnl Qes 9 Qmt 8 Jk Qes Qmt Qea Kd Jn Jn Jnl Jms Jes TRc 2000 TRm Qes Qes Jn Jk Qes Qes Jn Qmt TRc Qes TRm TRc Qes Jk Qes 1400 Qes Pc 9 Qaf Qap R Qea Qea Jmb Jw Qes Jsmt Jw TRm Jk T c TRc Qes Qes Jn Jctm Jn Jk TRc Qes Qmt Qes Qes TRc Jw Qmt Qes Jn Qea Jes TRc TRm Pc Qes Qes Qes TRc Qes Qes Jsmt Qea Qms Qal IPh Qes Qes Pc Pc Qes Ject Jn Qes Qea Jcd Jk Qmt Jw TRc Jes Jes Jcd Qmt Jk Qmt Jn Qes E' Jcd Qes Jk Qes Qea Qes Pc Qmt Qea Qes Qaf Qes Qmt Kbc Jms TRm Qes TRm Qmt Jcd Qes Qes Qes Qes Jw Jw Jn Qea 1600 Qes Qes Jn QTaf Jcd Jmb Qes Qea Qes Jw TRc Jn Qes Jes Jk Ject Jmb Qal Qes Jn Qmt Qat Qes Jk Jcd Qat Qmt Qes QTaf Qea Qes Jk Jn Jk Qea Qea Jw Qes Qes 1500 Qal Qat Qes Qmt TRm Qes Jcd Qmt TRc Qea Qes Jctm Ject 1900Qms TRc TRc Qes Qmt QTaf TRc Qal Jw Qes Jk Jcd Jsm Jmb Qes Qmt Qes Jk Qes Jsm Kd Qal Qes Jn Qes Qes Qes Qes Jw IPh TRm Jn Ti Jes Jes Jsm Qmt Jw IPpc Qmt Jcd Qes Qes Qmt 1500 Jw Jw Qes Jn TRm Qes Qal Qes Qes Jk Qes Pc Ject Jn Qal Qes Qes Qat Jes Jsmt Qms Kd TRc Jn Jn Pc TRc Kd TRm Qmt 1400 Qes IPpc Jn Jmb TRc Jk Jn Jn TRm Kd TRc Jw TRc TRc Qms Qea Qea Qes Qea Qaf Qmt Kdbc Qes Jk Jk 17 Tg Jms Jsm Jmb Jn Qmt Qes Qes Jw Qea Qes Jn Qes Qes Jk Jk Jk TRm Tg Qaf Jsm Jec Jk Jn Jk Jw Qes Jn Qmt 1900 Jmb Jn Jms 2000 Qes Qes Qf Qal Jn Jn Jcec Kd Qes Qes Jn 1300 IPh Jk Jsmt Qal Qes Kdbc Qaf Jw Qal TRm Qms Qal Qes Jn TRc Jn Tg IPpc Qmt Jcec Jsmt Jsmt PLATE 1 of 3 Jw Qes Jw Jn Qea Qes Jn Pc Kdbc Qms Qaf Jctm Jctm Qes Jn Jk Qea 1800 Jsm Jk Tg Jk Qes Qes Qes Qes Qes Jw Pc Qes TRc IPpc Tg Qmt Qal Jw Jw Jn 1200 Qmt Qal TRc Qms Kbc Jk Qes Jw Jw Geological Survey TRcJw 7 Jk TRm Tg Tg Jmb Jmb Qal TRc Qes Qes 1600 IPh Jsm Qes TRm Qms Qms Geologic Map 180 TRc Qes Jn Qes 2100 Jk Jw Jw Qal Qal Qms Ti Qcb Qal IPpc Jk Pc Qmt Qes Qes Jn Qmt Qcb Jk Qes Qes Qes Qes Qcb QTaf Jes Qal TRm TRc TRc Jw Qes 2000 Jms Qes Qes Qes Jn R Qes Jcd Tg Jgc Ject Geologic Map of the Qes Qes 1100 T c Jw Qmt Jcd Jsmt Kd Qes Jn Kdbc Qes Qes Qal Qmt 2200 Moab and eastern part Qes Qat Qmt IPpc Qes Jes Qmt Ti TRc Jcd TRc Qal Qes Qes Jctm QTaf Qes Qes TRc Jk Jk Jn Jn Qes Qes Ject 2400 Jmb Qms of the San Rafael Desert Qes TRm Qal Qal Qat Ti 20 TRc Qes TRc Qal TRc Qea TRc Kbc Jk Jctm 2600 Ti Qms Kd 30'x60' Quadrangles, Qes TRc Qea Jn Jes Jcd Qmt Qcb Ti 24 Jctm 2200 Qes Burkholder Qmt Jes Jcd Qcb Jgc TRc TRm TRc IPpc Jcd QTaf 13 Grand and Emery Counties, Jn Jes Qcb Ject Qms Qmt Qes Qaf Jctm Jn Kd Kbc Jk TRc Qmt Qat Qat Qat Qat Jw Qcb Qmt Utah, and Mesa County, TRm Qes Jk Qes Qmt Qes Qat Qcb Qcb Jmb Qes TRm Jctm 3000 Jmb Qes Qmt Qes R 1700 TRc TRc Jn Jw Jk Ti Qal Jmb Qal Qes T c Qal 1000 Qat TRc Jcd Qcb Jcd Qmt 55 Qms Jsmt Qal Kbc Jms Qes Jk Qes Qes Qes Qes Qes Qaf Jes Ti Qmt Qmt Jms TRc Jk Qea Jgc Jmb Jcec UTAH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Jw Qes Qes Qea Jn Qmt Jctm Qmt Jms Qes Jk Jk Qal Jn Jk Qat Jsmt Jes Ti Ti Jgc Ject Qal Qes Qes Qes Qes Jw Jes Jsmt Ti QTaf Jsmt a division of the Qal Qes Qes Qat Qal Jgc Jcec Qmt Jk Qes Qat Qea Jw Qes Qmt Jsmt Qgt Kd Qms Qmt Qes Qes 6 Jw Qes Qal TRc Jk Qat Jmb Qcb Jgc Qcb Qgt TRc UTAH DEPARTMENT OF Qes Qes Qea Qms Qmt Jk Jk Qes Jcd Qat Qal Jw Qcb Kd Qms Kbc Qes Qal Qms TRm NATURAL RESOURCES Jw Qat Jctm TRc Ti Jmb Jgc TRm Jw TRc Jw Jk Qea Jms Qcb Jgc Qal TRc Qmt Jk Qal Qcb Ti Jgc Ti Qms Jgc in cooperation with the TRc Qes Qes Jcd Qat Jcl Jk Jn Jnl Qes Jk Jsm 2300 Jcec TRm Qmt Jk 1300 Jw Qmt TRc Qes Jms Jsm Kdbc Kmf 1500 Kd Kd TRc TRm Qes R R 1600 Qms U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY T c T c Qaf Jn Ti TRc 1600 Jk Jw TRc Qes Jk Jw Qes Qes Jk Jnl QTaf Qcb Qms Qal TRc Jw Qal Qal Jes Jmb Qcb Qmt 1700 IPpc Qes 1700 Jgc Kd Kd Jgc TRm COGEOMAP Agreement Qmt TRm Jk Jk Jcd Qcb 1800 Qal Qms Jcl Jcl Jn R Qmt Qes Qat Qat Qcb Qmt Qmt T c TRc Jn Qea Qes Jsmt Qcb Qmt Qgt Ti Pc TRc No. 1434-92-A-1087 Jn Pc Qes Qes Qms Qms Ti 1900 Jk Qes Qal 2200 Jw IPpc Qmt Jk Qms Jcec Qmt Kdbc STATEMAP Agreement Jn Jw Qmt Qmt Pc Qat R 1800 Qag Jk T m Qmt Qes Qes TRm Jn Qat 1400 Qmt Qes Jn Jcd QTaf TRc Qat Qal Jn Qat Kdbc Qcb No. 1434-98-HQAG-2067 TRm Qes Jk Qat Qat Jn Kdbc Jgc Qcb TRc Jn TRm TRc Qes TRm Ti IPpc TRc Qal TRc 3000 3400 Qaf Jw Qes Qal Qea 2200 2400 2600 Qmt 2100 1500 Qgt Jgc TRc Qes Jk Jn 2000 Jcec Qes Jnl Qes 1900 Kd Qap TRc Qmt Jk Qat Qes Qmt Qea Qms Ti Qcb Qes Qea 3 Jn Qat Qal Qcb Jsmt TRc Qes Qes Jnl Qal Jn Jn Qal Jw Qes Qmt Qcb Jmb Jn Jn Qes Jw Jsmt QTaf Qcb Jgc Jw Qmt TRc Jn Jcd Qmt Kdbc Jsmt Jk IPpc Qal Qmt Jn Qat Jnl Qcb Kmf 2000 The views and conclusions contained in this Qes Qes Qmt Jn Qes Qes TRc Jn TRm Qes Jk Qes Qal Pc Jn Qmt Qcb Qgt Jms TRm D R Qat Qes Jk Jes Qmt Jmb TRc document are those of the author and should Qes Jn Jn Qmt T m Qes Jw Jk QTaf Kmf Qal Jms Jw Jk Qes Jk Jw Jn Jn Qmt Jgc Qcb Qmt Qes Qal Jn Qat Kmf Qms Jgc TRc Qal Jn TRm Jk Jnl Jw QTaf Qcb Jcec not be interpreted as necessarily TRc Qal Jn Jn Qcb TRm Qes TRc Jn TRc Jctm 1900 Qes Qmt Qes Jk Qat Jnl Jcd Qat TRc representing the official policies, either TRm Qes Qes Qes Jn Jsmt Kdbc Kdbc Ti Qcb Kbc IPpc IPh Jw Jn Qaf Qal Jw Jn Jn Qat Jcd Qms Jgc Pc Qal TRc Jw Jn Qes Jn Jn Jk Jw Jk express or implied, of the U. S. Government. TRc Jk Qes TRc Qcb Qcb Qcb TRc Qal Qes Jcd E Qea Jms Jmb Qcb Kdbc Kd Jw Jn TRc Jn Jk Jn Jn Jk Qmt Qal Jes Kmf Ti Qgt 1400 Qal Jn Qmt Qmt Qes Jn Jk TRm Qat Qat Qes Jmb QTaf Qcb Pc Jcl Qes Jk Qat Qmt Jw Qes Qes Jk Jw QTaf Kmf TRm Qes Jk 1800 Jsmt Jms IPh Jn Jn Qes Jk Qes Kdbc Qmt TRc Jw Qal Qes Jw TRm TRc Kdbc Jctm Qmt Jn Qal Jn TRc Qes Jn Jn Kdbc Qcb TRc Jk Qes TRm Qal Jcd Jctm Kmt Jms Qmt TRc Jk TRc Kmu Qcb Qmt Qcb Qmt TRm Jk Qes 4 Jw Jn Kmf Jgc Qmt Tg IPpc Qat Jk Jw TRc IPh TRc Qea Qms Kdbc Kmu Kbc Jmb Jk Jk Jk Jn TRc Jw 9 Pc Qat Jsmt Jw R TRm Qes Jk Jsmt Jms QTaf TRm Kmu Qms Jgc Qes Qal T c R Qmt Jes Jn Jms Jmb Ti Qaf QTaf Jms TRc IPpc Qes Jn TRm TRm T c Qmt Jw Jn Jk Jn Qmt Jw Qea Qat Jctm Jsmt Qap Qmt Qea Qmt Qes Jk QTaf Kd Kbc Ti TRc Qmt Qcb Qal Jms 38°30' N 110°00' W B 109°00' W Kelli Bacon, Denise Y. M. Laes, and Kent D. Brown, Geographic Information Systems Analysts James W. Parker, Cartographer Grant C. Willis and Jon K. King, Project Managers GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE MOAB AND EASTERN PART OF THE SAN RAFAEL DESERT 30' X 60' QUADRANGLES, SCALE 1:100,000 GRAND AND EMERY COUNTIES, UTAH, AND MESA COUNTY, COLORADO 2 1 0 2 4 6 8 10 Kilometers UTAH by 12.2° E 2 1 0 2 4 Miles Hellmut H. Doelling 217 MILS

Utah Geological Survey 2001 DECLINATION 2001 AT CENTER OF SHEET quartz-plagioclase trachyte, peralkaline lower contact (unconformity) is placed Slick Rock Member of sandstone, in medium to thick, flat beds; of Pipiringos and O'Sullivan (1978), in subsurface in the Rocks and segregations, and locally intruded CORRELATION OF GEOLOGIC UNITS (see description on plate 2) PLATE 2 of 3 trachyte, peralkaline rhyolite, and at base of a prominent sandstone or Jes -- Mostly orange-red or banded orange- generally capped by white to lavender, which is slightly angular; 0 to 275 west part of the quadrangle; both pinch by variably deformed dikes of nosean trachyte; all porphyritic with conglomerate ledge or cliff above the red and white sandstone; generally fine chippy-weathering, finely laminated meters (0-900 ft) or more thick, greatest out to the east. granodiorite and quartz diorite gneiss; Utah Geological Survey Geologic Map 180 brighter variegated mudstone of the Quartz pegmatite -- Mostly fine- to fine-grained to aphanitic ground mass grained, eolian cross-bedded; massive calcareous siltstone; mapped where thickness in rim synclines adjacent to Yq coarse-grained quartz with feldspar; forms dark-gray to black, bouldery Geologic Map of the Moab and eastern part Brushy Basin Member of the Morrison Geologic Map (Ross, unpublished data, see 13 and with local discontinuous partings; white to lavender siltstone appears; salt-cored anticlines and locally missing Rocks Middle . outcrops; Lower Proterozoic. Formation; correlative with the Burro Cross of the San Rafael Desert 30'x60' Quadrangles, 14); intruded at shallow depths as resistant and smooth weathering, but lower contact placed above upturned on anticlines; only 12 to 30 meters (40- Amphibole gneiss -- Hornblende- Section Grand and Emery Counties, Utah, laccoliths, plugs, sills, and dikes; Canyon Formation; 12 to 76 meters not as resistant as the Moab Member edges of cross-beds 100 ft) cover Precambrian rocks on the Lamprophyre -- Composed of amphibole, Xa Yl biotite, feldspar, and quartz; exposed plagioclase gneiss with minor quartz, and Mesa County, Colorado includes breccia pipes; emplaced 25 to (40-250 ft) thick, thins irregularly of the Entrada Sandstone; locally (J-2 unconformity of Pipiringos and Uncompahgre uplift to the northeast; Honaker Trail Formation and Paradox biotite, and K-feldspar; locally Qf Qes eastward; Albian. as dikes, sills, or plugs in Lower Holocene 28 million years ago (). pocked with abundant small spherical O'Sullivan, 1978); 24 to 27 meters (80- Upper . IP Formation undifferentiated (mapped interlayered with thin bands of Qal Qaf Qam Qed ? UTAH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY -- Brown to holes (with diameters up to 10 90 ft) thick; Middle . only in Salt Valley). Proterozoic rocks so age relative to -- Red-orange, metaquartzite; fine to medium grained Qmt Qcb a division of the Kbc gray sandstone, gritstone, conglomerate, centimeters) in outcrop; the lower TRm Honaker Trail Formation -- Interbedded other Middle Proterozoic rocks is ? ? Qgt Rocks , undivided (shown on chocolate-brown, and medium-brown uncertain; Middle Proterozoic. and generally strongly foliated and ? Qag Qms Qst UTAH DEPARTMENT OF and and olive-green to gray contact is commonly crenulated or Jsr cross sections only) -- Includes sandstone, silty sandstone, and minor IPh sandstone, siltstone, limestone, and lineated; gneiss forms small, non- NATURAL RESOURCES mudstone; mostly cliff forming; contorted above the darker red-brown Aplite and pegmatite -- Aplite - Overall Summerville and Curtis Formations, siltstone and conglomerate; generally subarkosic sandstone; limestone is resistant black outcrops with local Qap Qea in cooperation with the Farrer Formation -- Interbedded light- to correlative with Cedar Mountain sandstone of the Dewey Bridge all members of the Entrada Sandstone, divisible into two to four members, but commonly fossiliferous; the lower Yap fine-grained, non-foliated granitic rock quartzite ledges; Lower Proterozoic. ? ? ? U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Kf dark-brown, medium-grained, thin- to with varying amounts of quartz, K- Qab Formation; exposed southeast of the Member of the ; 43 and upper and lower members of the are undivided on the map; lower contact contact is not exposed, but the unit is Felsic gneiss -- Quartz-K-feldspar- COGEOMAP Agreement thick-bedded sandstone and pale-gray, Colorado and Dolores Rivers; lower feldspar, and plagioclase; forms pink Q Qat ? ? to 152 meters (140-500 ft) thick, Carmel Formation. is the TR-1 unconformity of Pipiringos juxtaposed against Paradox Formation Xf plagioclase gneiss with about 5 to 15 ? No. 1434-92-A-1087 green-gray, and brown mudstone and contact (unconformity) is abrupt and thinning eastward; . and O'Sullivan (1978), which is slightly caprock on the southwest flank of the to red fractured outcrops locally cut by STATEMAP Agreement siltstone; ledge and slope former; lower Navajo Sandstone -- Mostly light-hued, quartz veins and pegmatite dikes. percent biotite; overall granitic placed at base of a conglomeratic Earthy and Slick Rock Members of Jn Jnl fine- to medium-grained, eolian cross- angular and is found at the top of the Onion Creek salt-cored anticline; 0 to composition, but locally variable; No. 1434-98-HQAG-2067 contact gradational, placed above sandstone above the slope-forming Jese Entrada Sandstone, undivided -- North more red-brown sandstone of the 1,525 meters (0-5,000 ft) or more thick, Pegmatite - Shown near Coates Creek; highest carbonaceous beds in the Neslen bedded, massive sandstone; lower third medium- to coarse-grained, pink to medium grained with strong foliation ? ? mudstone of the Brushy Basin Member of Tenmile graben and in scattered areas commonly weathers to a cliff, the underlying Cutler Formation; total thickening eastward to the west edge and lineation defined by preferred ? ? Formation; only lower part preserved of the ; 0 to 60 near the Green River where the two thickness is 0 to 400 meters (0-1,300 of the Uncompahgre uplift, missing on white rock with varying amounts of in the quadrangle; 70 to 204 meters remainder into domes and rounded quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase, biotite, orientation of biotite; gneiss forms pink- meters (0-200 ft) thick; Albian. members could not be differentiated in knolls; locally contains thin, hard, gray ft) or more, thinning regionally eastward the Uncompahgre uplift and over some gray to purple-red outcrops locally cut QTaf (230-670 ft) thick; Campanian. mapping. and may be missing on the salt-cored anticlines; maximum surface and muscovite. Both Middle DESCRIPTION OF GEOLOGIC UNITS limestone beds (Jnl); lower contact Proterozoic. by dikes of pegmatite, aplite, and quartz; Neslen Formation -- Interbedded light- Cretaceous-Jurassic Rocks Entrada and Carmel Formations, placed at the top of a thick, white to Uncompahgre uplift in the northeast thickness is less than 300 meters (985 Lower Proterozoic. ? Kn to dark-gray mudstone, carbonaceous ft); Upper Pennsylvanian (Virgilian- Granite -- Coarse-grained, porphyritic, Jec undivided -- Mapped in areas where pink sandstone in the Kayenta Form- and very thick in rim synclines adjacent Precambrian rocks (shown on cross unconformity Quaternary Deposits shale, and coal and light- to dark-brown the Carmel and Entrada Formations ation; 0 to 225 meters (0-740 ft) thick, to salt-cored anticlines; Middle (?) to Missourian). Yg generally non-foliated rock containing p-C sandstone; slope-former with sporadic Cedar Mountain/Burro Canyon and subequal amounts of quartz, K-feldspar, sections only) -- Basement rocks. ? KJ were not differentiated in mapping. pinches out to the northeast over the Lower Triassic. Paradox Formation caprock -- Mostly prominent ledges; coal beds generally Morrison Formations, undivided IPpc light-gray, contorted gypsum with and plagioclase, with minor hornblende, Tertiary Tg (shown on cross sections only). Dewey Bridge Member of Carmel Uncompahgre uplift; Lower Jurassic. Triassic formations (shown on cross Artificial fill -- Clay- to boulder-size less than 0.6 meters (2 ft) thick; lower TR interlayered black and gray shale, thin biotite, and opaque minerals; mostly Qf material in tailings, railroad and road Jcd Formation (member of Entrada -- Red-brown, sections only) -- Chinle and Moenkopi ? contact at top of Sego Sandstone cliff; Jk Formations, undivided. chippy limestone, and sandstone; granite in composition, but includes fill, and dams that are large enough to about 43 meters (140 ft) thick; Sandstone on previous maps) -- Upper lavender-gray, fine- to coarse-grained, some quartz monzonite and Jurassic Rocks half is dark-red, muddy, earthy, fine- medium- to thick-bedded sandstone; locally exposed in salt valleys and along Oligocene Ti Ti map at the l:100,000 scale; locally as Campanian. salt-dissolution deformed bedrock; granodiorite; contains large pink K- much as 21 meters (70 ft) thick; late grained sandstone; lower half is contains local white and dark-brown Rocks feldspar crystals generally up to 8 GEOLOGIC SYMBOLS Sego Sandstone -- Light-gray and yellow- Brushy Basin Member of Morrison interbedded dark-red, red-brown, light- beds, intraformational conglomerate, caprock is the residue after salt is Holocene. Ks gray sandstone and gray mudstone; dissolved from the Paradox Formation; centimeters (3 inches) in diameter; unconformity Stream alluvium -- Sand, silt, clay, Jmb Formation -- Variegated (purple, green, brown, and yellow-gray, fine- to and limestone; forms thick ledges; forms gray to pink-gray bouldery sandstone is fine to medium grained, medium-grained sandstone; upper half generally contains abundant red slope- Cutler Formation -- Interbedded red- up to 200 meters (650 ft) exposed and Qal granules, pebbles, and sparse cobbles white, orange) mudstone interbedded Pc outcrops cut by pegmatite, aplite, and CONTACT -- Includes Kf massive, and cliff-forming; mudstone with gray, white, or brown conglom- commonly has contorted, nodular, or forming siltstone in upper third; lower brown subarkosic, arkosic, and may reach a total of 350 meters (1,150 adjacent to more active stream courses; is slope-forming; displays hummocky micaceous sandstone and lavender- ft) in the subsurface. quartz dikes and veins; Middle contacts approximately eratic sandstone, conglomerate, nodular indistinct bedding and locally contains contact is a scoured surface in the located or inferred unconsolidated, poorly to well-sorted bedding, cross-bedding, convolute brown conglomerate; sandstone is fine Paradox Formation (shown on cross Proterozoic. channel-fill and low terrace deposits; limestone, and gritstone; slope forming white beds; upper half forms slopes or massive orange-brown Wingate Kmv Kn bedding, ripple laminations, and with subtle ledges; purple and lavender recesses between the overlying Slick Sandstone; 30 to 90 meters (100-300 to coarse grained and gritty in eastern IPp sections only) -- Interbedded evaporite, Biotite granodiorite -- Gray to pink, fine- thickness varies widely, but commonly bioturbation; contains trace ; exposures; low- to high-angle cross- Ybg to medium-grained; composed of FAULT -- Dashed where hues dominate in most areas, but bright Rock Member of the Entrada Sandstone ft) thick; Lower Jurassic. clastic, and carbonate rocks; evaporites approximately located; less than 10 meters (33 ft) thick; contact with Buck Tongue of Mancos beds, thin bedded to massive, and forms include finely laminated halite, sylvite, various amounts of plagioclase, K- Ks Holocene to late Pleistocene. green dominates in Cache Valley and and the lower half; lower half is more -- Orange-brown, dotted where concealed. Bar Shale is gradational, placed at the base in the southern part of the Salt Valley resistant, is commonly calcareous and Jw smooth and rounded ledges; carnallite, and anhydrite and may feldspar, quartz, and biotite; age relative Alluvial mud -- Light- to medium-gray of the first medium-bedded sandstone dark-brown-weathering, fine-grained, conglomerate is mostly pebbles to 13- to granite (Yg) uncertain; Middle and ball on down-thrown Kmb anticline; layers of bentonitic claystone cherty, and forms scabs on the massive sandstone; forms vertical cliff constitute as much as 85 percent of the block Qam silt, clay, sand, and minor fragments of bed; about 40 meters (130 ft) thick; underlying Navajo Sandstone; yellow- centimeter (5-inch) cobbles, but cobbles formation; clastic and carbonate rocks Proterozoic. are common, outcrops are generally along canyon walls, commonly stained Kc sandstone, mostly derived from Campanian. prone to slumping; lower contact placed gray beds in the lower half resemble exceeding 30 centimeters (1 ft) or more are interbedded shale, siltstone, Diorite, gabbro, and quartz diorite -- members of the Cretaceous Mancos with desert varnish; abrupt contact with in diameter are common in the eastern West East Mesaverde Group (shown on cross at the base of the mudstone sequence the underlying Navajo Sandstone, but underlying placed at limestone, and dolomite and are Xd Coarse-grained plutonic rock containing Shale; unconsolidated; fills swales in Kmv part of the quadrangle; mostly quartzite, ANTICLINE -- Arrow shows Kb sections only) -- Includes Farrer, or at the base of the lowest are flat bedded; lower half is locally base of massive, cliff-forming sandstone grouped into "marker beds" (Hite, abundant plagioclase and hornblende, plunge direction Upper the softest parts of the ; Neslen, and Sego Formations; does not conglomerate ledge; 90 to 135 meters missing, especially in the east; lower granite, felsite, gneiss, and schist clasts; 1977); includes Pinkerton Trail and with lesser amounts of pyroxene, biotite Cretaceous thickness less than 10 meters (33 ft); or on top of thick, orange-brown, flat- matrix is poorly sorted, fine- to coarse- include lower Mesaverde tongue of (295-450 ft) thick; Upper Jurassic. contact is the J-2 unconformity of bedded sandstone (J-0 unconformity) Molas Formations (see lithologic and quartz; varies from nonfoliated to Kmu Holocene to late Pleistocene. Castlegate and Blackhawk Formations. Pipiringos and O'Sullivan (1978); 8 to grained sandstone, with grains of quartz, column); 0 to 1,370 meters (0-4,500 ft) moderately foliated along pluton Cretaceous Salt Wash Member of Morrison below which typical Chinle slope- lithic fragments, mica, feldspar, and SYNCLINE -- Arrow shows Kms Pediment-mantle deposits -- Poorly to Buck Tongue of Mancos Shale -- Jms Formation -- Light-yellow-gray 72 meters (25-235 ft) thick, generally forming siltstones and sandstones are thick in , but as much as margins that also contain deformed plunge direction Km Qap moderately sorted, rounded to angular Kmb Medium- to dark-gray marine mudstone thinning eastward; Middle Jurassic. unidentified black minerals; laminated 4,300 meters (14,100 ft) thick in salt- inclusions of wall rock; forms black to sandstone interbedded with red and found; 75 to 137 meters (250-450 ft) to indistinct bedding; weathers to boulders, cobbles, pebbles, granules, or shale; forms badland slopes; contains gray mudstone and siltstone; sandstone Upper Carmel Formation -- Western thick; Lower Jurassic. cored anticlines, salt commonly missing brown knobby outcrops; Lower sand, silt, and clay; cover bedrock thin, fine-grained sandstone beds at top; Jcu smooth irregular slopes or gentle ledges; adjacent to salt-cored anticlines, Proterozoic. is fine to coarse grained, cross-bedded, correlative of the upper half of the Glen Canyon Group -- Navajo, Kayenta, lower contact is placed above a gray MONOCLINE -- Arrow shows Kmf surfaces between drainages as much as distinct contact with Castlegate and forms medium to thick lenses; Dewey Bridge Member; mostly Jgc formation missing on Uncompahgre Granodiorite and quartz diorite gneiss - plunge direction; T24S, 120 meters (400 ft) above local base and Wingate Formations, where limestone ledge that contains Late uplift; Middle Pennsylvanian. Sandstone below; 37 to 73 meters (120- mudstone and siltstone form slopes or medium- to red-brown, fine-grained exposures cannot be differentiated; Xg - Quartz-plagioclase, with or without R22E level; commonly less than 30 meters 240 ft) thick, thinning westward; Pennsylvanian (Virgilian) fusulinids; K-feldspar, gneiss with about 10 to 20 Kmt recesses between sandstone ledges; sandstone, with interbedded ledges of combined Navajo, Kayenta, and 0 to 2,450 meters (0-8,000 ft) thick; (100 ft) thick; mostly late Pleistocene. Campanian. percent hornblende plus biotite; medium 2000 lower contact at base of first thick light-yellow sandstone and subordinate Wingate Formations also shown on missing over some salt-cored anticlines, STRUCTURAL CONTOUR- Alluvial-fan deposits -- Poorly sorted, Castlegate Sandstone -- Pale yellow- sandstone bed above the red or lavender conglomerate and finely laminated, cross sections. Lower Paleozoic Rocks to coarse grained with weak to strong drawn on top of Chinle Fm. Kd Qaf thickest at the west edge of the foliation; larger bodies form black to angular to subrounded gravel, Kc orange and light-gray, cross-bedded siltstone of the Tidwell Member of the chippy-weathering calcareous siltstone; Uncompahgre uplift; as much as 1,000 (most of map) and on top of containing cobbles and sparse boulders, red-brown sandstones display indistinct dark-gray bouldery outcrops; also Cedar Mtn. Fm. (north area); sandstone interbedded with minor Morrison Formation; locally meters (3,300 ft) exposed; 75 meters unconformity Kdcm Kdbc in crudely bedded to unstratified mudstone, carbonaceous shale, and intertongues with Tidwell siltstones; bedding identical with that in the upper Triassic Rocks Leadville Formation (shown on cross occurs as smaller unmapped dikes in contour interval 100 meters (245 ft) of gray-white, cross-bedded Ml granules, sand, silt, and clay matrix; coal; sandstone is fine grained, 40 to 90 meters (130-300 ft) thick; half of the Dewey Bridge Member; sections only) -- Limestone and the biotite gneiss; Lower Proterozoic. Lower quartzose sandstone at the top of the dolomite; 145 to 180 meters (480-600 5 West Kcm Kbc Southeast cut-and-fill channel features locally generally thick bedded to massive, and Upper Jurassic. mapped as the upper Carmel Formation Chinle Formation -- Red-brown Cutler Formation in the north part of Biotite gneiss, gneiss, and schist -- Strike and dip of strata Cretaceous present; deposited at the foot of cliff and bench forming; locally where chippy-weathering calcareous TRc sandstone, siltstone, conglomeratic ft) thick; not present on Uncompahgre Xb Contain varying proportions of quartz, Tidwell Member of Morrison Formation the southwest flank of Castle Valley uplift; . mountains, cliffs, and at the mouths of bioturbated, contains trace fossils; lower Jsmt and , undivided siltstones appear; lower contact is at sandstone, and mudstone; forms steep may be an outcrop of White Rim plagioclase, and K-feldspar, with about Mobil #1-30 unconformity streams; thickness commonly less than contact generally placed above highest -- Divisible in field, but too thin to map the top of a distinctive white-weathering slope with Moenkopi Formation below; Sandstone; Lower Permian. - formations (shown 10 to 30 percent biotite and minor Drill hole listed in table 1 15 meters (50 ft); Holocene to late calcareous siltstone in the lower Carmel D-C carbonaceous shale bed in the Jmt separately at the 1:100,000 scale. has basal member of quartzose gritstone on cross sections only). muscovite, hornblende, garnet, and rare KJ Jmb Pleistocene. underlying Blackhawk Formation; 18 Formation; 30 to 37 meters (100-120 or sandstone and mottled siltstone and Permian formations (shown on cross sillimanite; generally fine grained, well Tidwell Member (Jmt) consists of P sections only) -- Cutler Formation and Terrace deposits -- Cobbles, granules, to 30 meters (60-100 ft) thick, thinning ft) thick; Middle Jurassic. sandstone beneath an unconformity; foliated, thinly layered, and openly to Fault on cross section with calcareous, thin-bedded lavender, up to 18 meters (60 ft) of Kaibab Upper Jms Qat pebbles, sand, silt, and clay adjacent eastward; Campanian. maroon, and light-gray siltstone, light- Lower Carmel Formation -- Western contains multiple intraformational isoclinally folded; locally migmatitic arrow showing sense of Jurassic Jcl unconformities adjacent to salt diapirs; Formation and 130 meters (430 ft) of with medium-grained granitic dikelets relative movement to, but higher than, river, stream, and Blackhawk Formation -- Pale yellow- gray, thin- to thick-bedded, very fine- correlative of the lower half of the White Rim Sandstone that overlie the larger ephemeral stream courses; locally Kb orange to light-brown sandstone grained sandstone, and gray thin-bedded Dewey Bridge Member; light-gray, lower contact is the TR-3 unconformity Jmt Jsm as high as 200 meters (650 ft) above interbedded with mudstone, or nodular limestone; all slope forming; light-brown, mostly fine-grained present stream courses; generally carbonaceous shale, and coal; sandstone limestone locally contains large white J-5 unconformity Jsmt contain clasts from distant upstream is very fine grained, generally thick chert concretions; west of 110° W., sources (metamorphic, igneous, and bedded, and cliff forming; lenticular locally intertongues with thick white Js chert clasts); thickness mostly 5 meters coal beds less than 30 centimeters (1 gypsum bodies; 6 to 20 meters (20-65 110°00' 109°45' 109°30' 109°15' 109°00' 110°00' 109°45' 109°30' 109°15' 109°00' East (16 ft) or less, but may be 20 meters West ft) thick; locally intensely bioturbated, ft) thick. Summerville unconformably 39°00' Subsurface Cisco 800 39°00' Whipsaw 200 anticline Jsc (60 ft) or more in salt valleys; late to contains trace fossils, leaf imprints, and (J-5 unconformity) overlain by Tidwell Green Sagers Jct Jctm 400 200 Green middle Pleistocene. River 0 200 39°00' 39°00' rare shark teeth; gradational with the Member. In areas where combined fault 1200 River River anticline Thompson Alluvial gravel, undifferentiated -- Clast upper (Blue Gate) shale member of the with the Tidwell, the Summerville is 200 1800 Crescent J-3 unconformity Flat 1600 Cisco Qag Little Grand 400 Dry Gulch fault 2000 River sizes vary from deposit to deposit; no Mancos Shale, contact is placed at the gray, tan, brown, and red, mostly fine- N Wash Junction Ject particular geomorphic form or location; base of the first thick or medium bed grained, thin-bedded sandstone and syncline Middle 0 Ryan Creek fault zone 70 thickness commonly 5 meters (16 ft) of sandstone; 9 to 40 meters (30-130 siltstone that forms a steep slope and 1200 1800 Jurassic Jsr Jee ft) thick, thinning eastward; Campanian. becomes ledgy near the top; 2-21 meters 200 600 Jese Jcec or less. 600 Jurassic Basin-fill alluvium -- Sand, silt, clay, Upper shale (Blue Gate) member of (6-69 ft) thick. Upper and Middle trace 1 Jes 2 22 23 41 Qab Kmu Jurassic. 400 granules, pebbles, and cobbles; may Mancos Shale -- Mostly light- to dark- 800 of 3

1000 U t a h Tenmile graben Courthouse 24 32 contain local lacustrine or eolian Kms gray, marine, thinly laminated to thin- Summerville and Morrison Formations, 600 800 Uncompahgre 4 33 Jcu Salt 40 Jec deposits; fills depressions created by bedded, slope-forming shale, mudstone, Jsm undivided -- Mapped in areas where 5 25 syncline 29 C o l r a d 600 1000 1200 6 28 30 Dolores West Jcd East salt dissolution in Pennsylvanian and siltstone interbedded with Morrison Formation members and the Yellow Cat graben 35 Salt Wash 800 Wash Paradox Formation; may be as much subordinate yellow-brown to yellow- Summerville Formation can't be 800 1800 Dewey Jcl anticline Dome fault 8 as 180 meters (600 ft) thick; mostly gray, mostly very fine- to fine-grained separated; Upper and Middle Jurassic. Green 1200 2000 Green 10 31 1000 anticline Pleistocene in age, commonly covered calcareous sandstone that crops out in syncline 34 J-2 unconformity Summerville Formation -- Mapped Moab syncline 39 by Holocene unconsolidated deposits. several thin mappable (Kms) zones of Js Cache Valley 1400 11 21 36 separately near the Green River where 1600 7 Jnl subtle ledges and cliffs; the middle, 1000 splay salt-cored anticline Dolores 38°45' 38°45' Tufa deposits -- Mostly drab, light- it is mostly red sandstone and siltstone; 38°45' Salt Valley R. 38°45' 9 R. Qst more sandy part of the upper shale salt-cored Onion 38 yellow-gray, calcareous tufa, some laminated to medium bedded; mostly faults anticline Elephant Creek 16 26 27 37 Jn member that contains most of the ledges diapir 12 17 yellow ocher to dusky red brown, forms steep slope with light-brown Butte Colorado 42 porous, crudely laminated, locally thin is the Prairie Canyon Member of Cole sandstone ledge at top; gypsum veinlets Colorado Moab 1200 folds Lower Jnl and others (1997); zone of thin-bedded, River 13 15 191 Jgc Jgc bedded; weathers in plates and platelets; and thin beds of gypsum in the upper River 1200 Moab anticline 1200 Cottonwood Gateway Jurassic West East formed by cold-water springs and fine-grained sandstone at top; lower part in T. 22 and 23 S., R. 16 and 17 fault graben 14 contact with Ferron Sandstone Member Windows Jk geysers; thickness as much as 7.5 E.; lower contact gradational with Curtis anticline Fisher Valley is gradational; about 1,020 meters U t a h 18 20 44 meters (25 ft); Holocene to middle Formation in far west; lower contact Kings 2200 salt-cored 43 Pleistocene. (3,350 ft) thick; Campanian to abrupt at base of a reworked zone of Castle 2000 anticline 1800 19 Jw

1400 C o l r a d Turonian. Valley 2000 N Mixed eolian and alluvial deposits -- Sand the Moab Tongue of the Curtis salt-cored 2200 2000 Taylor Qea Ferron Sandstone Member of Mancos Formation overlain by red beds; 2 to 1400 anticline Sinbad and silt of eolian origin interspersed 1600 Moab J-0 unconformity? Kmf Bottom Moab salt-cored anticline Valley Shale -- Brown-gray to yellow-gray, 67 meters (6-220 ft) thick (see figure 1600 with silt, sand, and gravel of fluvial Big Flat salt-cored marine, fine-grained sandstone, sandy 3, plate 3 for thickness detail); Middle 2400 anticline Upper origin; generally dominated by eolian anticline 1800 Flat 2000 TRc Cane Creek 1600 Triassic deposits; commonly displays a well- mudstone, and carbonaceous shale; Jurassic. La Sal 2200 developed caliche soil horizon at the fissile to thin bedded; generally forms Summerville and Curtis Formations, 0 5 10 Miles anticline 2000 Mountains 1800 Potash syncline syncline G r a n d C o . Triassic TR TR-3 unconformity top; thickness 10 meters (33 ft) or less; two sandstone cuestas with a slope of Jsc undivided -- Mostly red fine-grained 1200 38°30' 38°30' 0 5 10 Kilometers S a n J u a n C o . 0 5 10 Miles Holocene to middle Pleistocene. dark-gray to black carbonaceous shale sandstone and siltstone; laminated to G r a n d C o . Lower TRm between them; locally fossiliferous; medium bedded; commonly forms steep 38°30' 38°30' Triassic Eolian deposits -- Well-sorted sand and S a n J u a n C o . 0 5 10 Kilometers Qes, Qed silt; deposited in sheets (Qes) and dunes lower contact is a subtle scour surface slope; only mapped in T. 23 S., R. 17 (Qed); commonly fills hollows in sand- locally overlain by lenticular lag 1/2 E. and the southwest corner of T. TR-1 unconformity stone outcrops or collects on the lee deposits of pebbly, medium- to coarse- 23 S., R. 18 E.; 30 to 40 meters (100- FIGURE 1. Principal structural features of the map area. Form contours (dashed) have a 200-meter interval. Datum is top of Chinle Formation. FIGURE 2. Outcrop map of interval between the Slick Rock Member of the Entrada Sandstone and the Salt Wash Member of the grained sandstone; 15 to 40 meters (50- 130 ft) thick; Middle Jurassic. Lower P Pc sides of cliffs and slopes; thickness 15 Morrison Formation. Circled numbers refer to columns correlated on figure 3. Permian Permian meters (50 ft) or less; mostly Holocene. 130 ft) thick; Turonian. -- Brown, gray, green, Tununk Shale Member of Mancos Shale Jct lavender, and orange fine-grained Upper Glacial till -- Very poorly sorted, angular Kmt Emery County IPh IPh Qgt to subangular clasts of all sizes; larger -- Light- to dark-gray, marine shale or sandstone and siltstone; mostly thin Pennsylvanian mudstone; contains fine-grained sandy Trimble & Emery County 1 2 3 4 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 IPh clasts are commonly striated; fills U- bedded, argillaceous and calcareous, Doelling Baker 1946 shaped canyons in the La Sal zones, especially near the top; slope forms slopes and ledges; contains red, 1978 Composite Colorado Pennsylvanian IPpc forming; locally contains concretionary black, and olive-brown chert near top; 13-22S-13E 23S-14E 23-22S-16E 30-22S-17E 33-22S-17E 1-23S-17E 8-23S-20E 36-22S-19E 30-22S-20E 2-23S-20E 6-23S-21E 2-24S-21E 8-24S-22E 12-23S-22E 17-23S-22E 10-23S-22E 7-23S-23E 4-23S-23E 34-23S-23E 1-23S-17E 17-23S-24E 21-23S-24E 4-24S-25E 31-23S-26E 34-14S-104W Middle IPp Mountains; as much as 90 meters (300 Pennsylvanian ft) thick in lateral moraines; early Coon Springs Bed in the upper third of unconformable lower contact (J-3 Salt Wash Member of Morrison Formation the unit; lower contact with Dakota is unconformity of Pipiringos and Holocene to late Pleistocene. abrupt but conformable. The lower Salt Wash Member of Morrison Formation O'Sullivan, 1978) with the earthy 20 17 Talus and colluvium -- Rock-fall blocks, contact is an unconformity where the 20 13 unconformity member of the Entrada Sandstone or Tidwell Member of Morrison Formation 15 14 12 NM Qmt boulders, smaller angular gravel, sand, NM Tidwell Member of 9 Morrison 11 Fm. 9 9 12 10 NM 12 13 13 9 9 14 Dakota is missing (Western exposures) the Slick Rock Member of the Entrada J-5 unconformity J-5 unconformity 8 8 NM and silt; deposited on slopes below and marked by change from green 7 5 Sandstone; 0 to 54 meters (0-177 ft) 23 8 8 8 9 7 7 9 6 6 9 6 11 Summer- Mississippian Ml cliffs and steep slopes; only larger 15 13 13 (Cedar City Fm.) to gray shale; 45 to thick, thickening westward; Middle 24 20 23 ville 18 NM deposits mapped; thickness generally 120 meters (145-390 ft) thick, generally Summerville Formation Moab Member of Curtis Formation Fm. Jurassic. 45 NM 4.5 meters (15 ft) or less; Holocene to 122 NM 22 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM unconformity? thicker to west; Turonian to Moab Member of Curtis Formation 26 NM 1 NM NM 33 late Pleistocene. Cenomanian. 22 Jctm (member of Entrada Sandstone on 40 21 Slumps and slides -- Coherent to broken 30 Devonian Mancos Shale and other formations, previous maps) -- Light-yellow-gray, Curtis Fm. 7 8 2 DC- unconformity Qms and jumbled masses of bedrock that 51 34 J-3 unconformity J-3 unconformity 2 parting J-3 unconformity 32 and Cambrian Km undivided-- On cross sections, includes fine- to medium-grained, cross-bedded, Member of Entrada have moved downslope due to gravity; Curtis 45 Formation Slick Rock Sandstone Buck Tongue of Mancos, Castlegate massive, and cliff-forming sandstone; NM most commonly associated with the Sandstone, Blackhawk Formation, forms a tongue between the 32 unconformity Jurassic Brushy Basin Member of the upper shale (Blue Gate) member, Ferron Summerville and Entrada Formations Sandstone Morrison Formation; varied Sandstone Member, and Tununk Shale and pinches out in the western part of Yq Yap thicknesses; Holocene to late Member of Mancos Shale, as well as NM the quadrangle; rests directly on the NM Entrada Age relative to other Pleistocene. Dakota Sandstone. On map in Salt Yl Slick Rock Member in the east; the Earthy member of Y units not known Bouldery colluvium -- Large angular Valley area, includes lower part of NM Middle Yg Qcb lower contact with the Slick Rock 18 Proterozoic blocks covering slopes in La Sal upper shale, Ferron, and Tununk Member of the Entrada Sandstone is ? Mountains; broken by freeze and thaw members. placed at the base of a prominent parting Ybg Age relative of hard rock units; may be as thick as Dakota Sandstone -- Yellow-gray to or a subtle line, probably the J-3 to Yg uncertain 30 meters (100 ft); Holocene to late Kd brown sandstone, conglomeratic unconformity of Pipiringos and Pleistocene. sandstone, and conglomerate O'Sullivan (1978), which has Quaternary deposits, undivided (shown interbedded with gray mudstone, considerable relief in the Dewey area; Xd Q on cross sections only) -- Mostly basin- carbonaceous shale, coal, and claystone; 0 to 42 meters (0-138 ft) thick Proterozoic pC- fill deposits (Qab); Holocene and commonly forms cliffs and ledges; (including the main Curtis where both 66 Summerville Formation 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 40 41 42 43 44 J-5 unconformity Xg Pleistocene. commonly divisible in the east part of are present); Middle Jurassic. Curtis Formation the quadrangle into upper and lower Moab Member of Curtis Formation, Slick 7-23S-17E 16-23S-17E 36-23S-17E 30-23S-18E 32-23S-18E 33-23S-18E 35-23S-18E 26-24S-18E 23-24S-18E 33-24S-19E 23-24S-19E 20-24S-20E 19-24S-21E 7-25S-21E 18-25S-21E 16-25S-21E 29-22S-25E 20-22S-25E 28-24S-24E 11-25S-25E 1-25S-25E cliff-forming sandstone and Jcec Rock Member of Entrada Sandstone, Lower Quaternary-Tertiary Deposits Salt Wash Salt Wash Member Xb conglomerate and a middle, slope- and Dewey Bridge Member of Carmel Mbr. Proterozoic forming mudstone unit; scoured into Formation, undivided-- in areas where Older alluvial-fan deposits -- Sand, silt, 15 Tidwell 14 14 17 12 14 12 13 Tidwell 12 11 the Cedar Mountain or Burro Canyon they cannot be differentiated. 12 1 8 Tidwell Member NM 8 NM QTaf granules, pebbles, cobbles, and sparse Formations; 0 to 37 meters (0-120 ft) Member NM 6 J-5 unconformity Mbr. J-5 unconformity 6 Tidwell Member 7 Xa Entrada and Curtis Formations, undivided Summerville 12 12 NM 12 10 8 7 6 7 1 Summerville boulders deposited at the foot of the La thick, discontinuous in west part of 20 1 14 2 12 2 11 10 Ject -- Mapped in areas where the Slick 42 Formation Summerville Fm. 11 Fm. Summer- 21 Sal Mountains; thickness 60 to 90 ville 23 quadrangle, thickens eastward; Earthy member of Entrada Sandstone NM NM ~30 Formation Rock Member of the Entrada Sandstone 6 25 Eroded Xf meters (200-300 ft); early Pleistocene Cenomanian. 14 20 29 ~30 NM and the Moab Member of the Curtis 67 24 12 NM Formation to Pliocene(?). Curtis Formation Moab Member 30 Curtis Moab 27 Dakota Sandstone and were not differentiated in Curtis of NM NM 20 Member Kdcm Formation, undivided -- Mapped in mapping. 36 Formation 17 parting-- (J-3 unconformity?) NM NM 19 11 Tertiary Rocks areas where they are too thin or where NM 7 7 parting J-3 unconformity Moab 32 Earthy member of Entrada Sandstone -- 22 8 2 they are too difficult to separate Jee Earthy red-brown, fine-grained Member accurately. Geyser Creek Fanglomerate -- Yellow- sandstone; thick nodular to indistinct Earthyof memberEntrada Slick Rock Member Tg Dakota Sandstone and Burro Canyon bedding; more resistant than the Curtis of Entrada Sandstone brown, light-brown, and light-gray Kdbc 21 conglomerate, sandstone, and siltstone Formation, undivided -- Mapped in Formation above, but less resistant than derived from the La Sal Mountains; areas where they are too thin or where the Slick Rock Member of the Entrada they are too difficult to separate Sandstone below; lower contact is 54 generally poorly sorted and weakly Slick Rock Member accurately. J-3 unconformity cemented with calcium carbonate; generally abrupt, placed above the of Entrada Sandstone thickness as much as 305 meters (1,000 Cedar Mountain Formation -- Drab olive- massive, smooth-weathering sandstone ft), but exposures are generally less Kcm green to variegated mudstone and of the Slick Rock; present in R. 16 and than 92 meters (300 ft) thick; brown to gray sandstone, gritstone, 17 E.; the outcrop pinches out in section FIGURE 3. Correlation of interval between the Slick Rock Member of the Entrada Sandstone and conglomerate, and limestone; mudstone 11, T. 23 S., R. 17 E.; 0 to 18 meters Pliocene(?). the Salt Wash Member of the Morrison Formation across the map area. The approximate location The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the author La Sal Mountains intrusive rocks -- is slope forming, other rock types form (0-60 ft) thick; Middle Jurassic. of each measured section or column is shown on figure 2. The section, township, and range are ledges; locally contains petrified wood; and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, Ti Hornblende-plagioclase trachyte, given above each column. Numeric thicknesses are in meters; NM means not measured. either express or implied, of the U. S. Government. CITED AND SELECTED 2 Chitwood, J.P., 1994, Provisional geologic 7 Doelling, H.H., and Morgan, C.D., 1996, Gualtieri, J.L., 1982, Geologic map of McKnight, E.T., 1940, Geology of the Sable, V.H., 1955c, Photogeologic map Trimble, L. M., and Doelling, H. H., 110°00' 109°45' 109°30' 109°15' 109°00' TABLE 1. Wells shown on cross sections. PLATE 3 of 3 MAP REFERENCES map of the Hatch Mesa quadrangle, Interim geologic map of the Merrimac parts of Crescent Junction and Floy area between Green and Colorado of the Tidwell-8 (Green River SE) 1978, Geology and uranium-vanadium Map and Grand County, Utah: Utah Geological Butte quadrangle, Grand County, Utah: Canyon quadrangles, Utah, showing Rivers, Grand and San Juan Counties, quadrangle, Grand and Emery Counties, deposits of the San Rafael River mining Line Cross-Section Label More Complete Designation Location Utah Geological Survey Survey Map 152, 16 p., scale 1:24,000. Utah Geological Survey Open-File coal zones and adjacent rocks: U.S. Utah: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin Utah: U.S. Geological Survey district, Emery County, Utah: UGMS Geologic Map 180 Cole, R.D., Young, R.G., and Willis, G.C., Report 338, 81 p., scale 1:24,000. Geological Survey Open-File Report 908, 147 p., plate 1, scale 1:62,500. Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations Bulletin 113, 122 p. 39°00' 39°00' A-A’ Texaco Smoot #2 Texaco Inc., No. 2 Government Smoot NW1/4 SE1/4 section 17, T. 23 S., R. 17 E. References, preceded by numbers and 1997, The Prairie Canyon Member, a 8 Doelling, H.H., and Ross, M.L., 1993, 82-584, scale 1:50,000. Miller, W.D., 1959, The general geology Map I-89, scale 1:24,000. White, M.A., and Jacobson, M.I., 1983, Crescent Thompson B-B’ McRae O&G #1 Fed McRae Oil and Gas Corp., No. 1 Federal SW1/4 SW1/4 section 10, T. 25 S., R. 18 E. Green Cisco River 1 Geologic Map of the shown with colors and patterns, new unit of the Upper Cretaceous Geologic map of the Big Bend Hackman, R.J., 1959a, Photogeologic of Moab Valley, Moab, Utah: Lubbock, Sable, V.H., 1955d, Photogeologic map Structures associated with the River 2 Junction 4 B-B’ Shell 1-21 MF-Fed Shell Oil, No. 1-21 Mountain Fuel Federal NW1/4 NW1/4 section 21, T. 23 S., R. 18 E. Moab and eastern part are those used in figure 4, Mancos Shale, west-central Colorado quadrangle, Grand County, Utah: Utah map of the Coach Creek NE (Marble Texas Technological University, M.S. of the Tidwell-7 (Horsebench East) southwest margin of the ancestral 70 B-B’ TGE #1 Salt Valley NW Texas Gas Exploration, No. 1 Salt Valley NW SE1/4 NW1/4 section 23, T. 21 S., R. 18 E. of the San Rafael Desert Sources of Geologic Data. and east-central Utah: Utah Geological Geological Survey Map 171, 29 p., Canyon) quadrangle, Grand County, thesis, 121 p., scale 1:12,000. quadrangle, Emery and Grand Counties, Uncompahgre uplift, in Averett, W.R., B-B’ & 30'x60' Quadrangles, Survey Miscellaneous Publication 97- scale 1:24,000. Utah and Mesa County, Colorado: U.S. Orkild, P.P., 1955, Photogeologic map Utah: U.S. Geological Survey editor, Northern Paradox basin- C-C’ Ladd 1-27 Ladd Petroleum, No. 1-27 U Federal SW1/4 NW1/4 section 27, T. 24 S., R. 18 E. Grand and Emery Counties, 4, 23 p. Doelling, H.H., Ross, M.L., and Mulvey, Geological Survey Miscellaneous of the Tidwell-16 (Bowknot Bend) Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations Uncompahgre uplift: Grand Junction 9 4 C-C’ MFS KL3 Mountain Feul Supply Co., No. 3 Klondike SW1/4 SW1/4 section 31, T. 23 S., R. 19 E. Utah, and Mesa County, Colorado Baker, A.A., 1933, Geology and oil Colman, S.M., and Hawkins, F.F., 1985, W.E., 1995, Interim geologic map of Geologic Investigations Map I-279, quadrangle, Emery and Grand Counties, Map I-12, scale 1:24,000. Geological Society Field Trip C-C’ MFS KL2 Mountain Fuel Supply Co., No. 2 Klondike NE1/4 SE1/4 section 22, T. 24 S., R. 19 E. possibilities of the Moab district, Grand Surficial geologic map of the Fisher the Moab quadrangle, Grand County, scale 1:24,000. Utah: U.S. Geological Survey Sable, V.H., 1955e, Photogeologic map Guidebook, p. 33-40. Green 6 C-C’ Texaco #1 McKinnon Texaco Inc., No. 1 Government McKinnon SW1/4 SW1/4 section 15, T. 23 S., R. 19 E. Dolores UTAH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY and San Juan Counties, Utah: U.S. Valley-Professor Valley area, Utah: Utah Geological Survey Open- Hackman, R.J., 1959b, Photogeologic Miscellaneous Investigations Map I- of the Moab-14 (The Knoll) quadrangle, Williams, P.L, and Hackman, R.J., 1971, Dewey C-C’ Equity Equity Oil, No. 1 State NE1/4 SE1/4 section 36, T. 23 S., R. 19 E. a division of the Geological Survey Bulletin 841, 95 p., southeastern Utah: U.S. Geological File Report 322, 100 p., scale 1:24,000. map of the Coach Creek SE (Steamboat 115, scale 1:24,000. Grand County, Utah: U.S. Geological Geology, structure, and uranium o o C-C’ Continental Continental Oil, #1 Govt. Hall-Federal SW1/4 SW1/4 section 6, T. 23 S, R. 20 E. UTAH DEPARTMENT OF scale 1:62,500. Survey Miscellaneous Investigations 10 Doelling, H.H., Yonkee, W.A., and Hand, Mesa) quadrangle, Grand County, Utah Parr, C.J., 1965, A study of primary Survey Miscellaneous Geologic deposits of the Salina [1 x 2 ] C-C’ Pure #1 Pure Oil Co., No. 1 State SE1/4 NW1/4 section 2, T. 23 S., R. 20 E. NATURAL RESOURCES Baker, A.A., 1946, Geology of the Green Map I-1596, scale 1:24,000. J.S., 1994, Geologic map of the Gold and Mesa County, Colorado: U.S. sedimentary structures around the Moab Investigations Map I-119, scale quadrangle, Utah: U.S. Geological C-C’ Mobil #1-30 Elba Flats Mobil Oil, No. 1-30 Elba Flats SW1/4 NE1/4 section 30, T. 21 S., R. 22 E. in cooperation with the River Desert-Cataract Canyon region, Dane, C.H., 1935, Geology of the Salt Bar Canyon quadrangle, Grand County, Geological Survey Miscellaneous anticline, Grand County, Utah: Salt 1:24,000. Survey Miscellaneous Geologic 38°45' 3 R. 38°45' D-D’ Burkholder I-G-I Union Oil of California, No. I-G-I Burkholder SW1/4 NE1/4 section 1, T. 26 S., R. 22 E. U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Emery, Wayne, and Garfield Counties, Valley anticline and adjacent areas, Utah: Utah Geological Survey Map Geologic Investigations Map I-278, Lake City, University of Utah, M.S. Sable, V.H., 1956, Photogeologic map Investigations Map I-591, scale Gate- D-D’ Mobil 1-7 Mobil Oil, No. 1 Federal-Section 7 SW1/4 SE1/4 section 7, T. 24 S., R. 25 E. COGEOMAP Agreement Utah: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin Grand County, Utah: U.S. Geological 155, 26 p., scale 1:24,000. scale 1:24,000. thesis, 102 p., scale 1:48,000. of the Tidwell-2 (Green River) 1:250,000. way D-D’ Exxon #1 Onion Creek Exxon Corp., No. 1 Onion Creek-Federal SW1/4 NW1/4 section 18, T. 24 S., R. 25 E. No. 1434-92-A-1087 951, 122 p., scale 1:62,500. Survey Bulletin 863, plate 1, scale Dyer, J.R., 1983, Jointing in sandstones, Harper, M.L., 1960, The areal geology Pipiringos, G.S., and O’Sullivan, R.B., quadrangle, Emery and Grand Counties, Woodward-Clyde Consultants, 1984, 7 Colorado 11 River 5 U T A H STATEMAP Agreement Baker, A.A., Duncan, D.C., and Hunt, 1:62,500. Arches National Park, Utah: Palo Alto, of Castle Valley, Utah: Lubbock, Texas 1978, Principal unconformities in Utah: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic characterization report for 191 No. 1434-98-HQAG-2067 C.B., 1952, Manganese deposits of Dettermann, J.S., 1955a, Photogeologic California, Stanford University, Ph.D. Tech University, M.S. thesis, 121 p., Triassic and Jurassic rocks, western Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations the Paradox basin study region, Utah 8 southeastern Utah: U.S. Geological map of the Moab-5 (Dee Pass) dissertation, 202 p., scale 1:24,000. scale 1:12,000. interior United States -- A preliminary Map I-162, scale 1:24,000. study areas, Salt Valley: Columbus, FORMATIONS MAP THICKNESS The views and conclusions contained in this AND MEMBERS UNIT Meters (feet) LITHOLOGY AGE

Survey Bulletin 979-B, plate 2, scale quadrangle, Grand County, Utah: U.S. Eicher, L.J., Hedlund, D.C., and Miller, Hemphill, W.R., 1955, Photogeologic study: U.S. Geological Survey Shoemaker, E.M., 1952, Preliminary Ohio, Battelle Memorial Institute, for CROSS- C O L R A D

15 SECTION document are those of the author and should 15 DIVISIONS not be interpreted as necessarily 1:62,500; plate 3, scale 1:12,000. Geological Survey Miscellaneous G.A., 1957, Preliminary geologic map map of the Moab-16 (Moab) Professional Paper 1035-A, 29 p. geologic map of the Sinbad Valley- Office of Nuclear Waste Isolation, Bates, C.E., 1955a, Photogeologic map Geologic Investigations Map I-57, scale and sections of the western part of the quadrangle, Grand County, Utah: U.S. Probandt, W.T., 1959, Regional geologic Fisher Valley anticline, Colorado and ONWI Report 290, v. 6, scale 1:62,500. 10 Moab representing the official policies, either of the Moab-11 (Jug Rock) quadrangle, 1:24,000. Gateway district, Mesa County, Geological Survey Miscellaneous aspects of the Moab Valley area, Grand Utah: U.S. Geological Survey Open- Yeats, V.L., 1961, The areal geology of 12 Geyser Creek Fanglomerate Tg 92+ (300+)

13 CRET. express or implied, of the U. S. Government. Grand County, Utah: U.S. Geological Dettermann, J.S., 1955b, Photogeologic Colorado, and Grand County, Utah: Geologic Investigations Map I-83, scale County, Utah: Lubbock, Texas File Report 52-138, scale 1:31,680. the Moab 4 NW (Merrimac Butte) 14 Survey Miscellaneous Geologic map of the Moab-4 (Hatch Mesa) U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Studies 1:24,000. Technological University, M.S. thesis, Shoemaker, E.M., 1954, Structural quadrangle, Grand County, Utah: Potash 9 Farrer Formation Kf 70-204 (230-670) Only lower part preserved in quadrangle Investigations Map I-107, scale quadrangle, Grand County, Utah: U.S. Map MF-122, scale 1:24,000. Hintze, L.F., (compiler), 1980, Geologic scale 1:12,000. features of southeastern Utah and Lubbock, Texas Technological 38°30' 38°30' 1:24,000. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Finch, W.L., 1954, Geology of the map of Utah: Utah Geological and Richmond, G.M., 1962, Quaternary adjacent parts of Colorado, New University, M.S. thesis, 96 p., scale Bates, C.E., 1955b, Photogeologic map Geologic Investigations Map I-85, scale Shinarump No. 1 uranium mine, Seven Mineral Survey Map A-1, scale of the La Sal Mountains, Mexico, and , in Stokes, W.L., 1:24,000. Neslen Formation Kn ~43 (~140) Coal bearing Mesa Verde

of the Moab-10 (Merrimac Butte) 1:24,000. Mile Canyon area, Grand County, Utah: 1:500,000. U.S. Geological Survey Professional editor, Uranium geology and general Group (Kmv) Sego Sandstone Ks ~40 (~130) Forms cliff quadrangle, Grand County, Utah: U.S. Dettermann, J.S., 1955c, Photogeologic U.S. Geological Survey Circular 336, Hintze, L.F., and Stokes, W.L., Paper 324, 135 p., plate 1, scale geology of southeastern Utah: Utah Buck Tongue of Mancos Shale Kmb 37-73 (120-240) Tongue of Mancos, thins eastward Geological Survey Miscellaneous map of the Moab-6 (Valley City) 14 p., plate 1 inset, scale 1:95,000 (also (compilers), 1963, Geologic map of 1:48,000. Geological Society Guidebook, no. 9, FIGURE 4. Sources of geologic data. Numbered sources, shown by colors, Forms cliff, thins eastward Geologic Investigations Map I-116, quadrangle, Grand County, Utah: U.S. 1954, U.S. Geological Survey Open- Utah (southeast quarter): Utah 13 Ross, M.L., 1988-93, unpublished plate 2, scale 1:25,000. are keyed to “Cited and Selected Map References.” Castlegate Sandstone Kc 18-30 (60-100) scale 1:24,000. Geological Survey Miscellaneous File Report 54-82, figure 2, scale Geological and Mineralogical Survey, geologic map of the Warner Lake Stokes, W.L, 1952, Uranium-vanadium Blackhawk Formation Kb 9-40 (30-130) Contains coal stringers, thins eastward Bates, C.E., and Sable, V.H., 1955, Geologic Investigations Map I-86, scale 1:2,400). scale 1:250,000. quadrangle, Grand County, Utah: Utah deposits of the Thompsons area, Grand 110°00' 109°45' 109°30' 109°15' 109°00' Photogeologic map of the Tidwell-9 1:24,000. Fisher, D.J., 1936, Book Cliffs coal field Hite, R.J., 1977, Subsurface geology of Geological Survey, scale 1:24,000. County, Utah: Utah Geological and 39°00' 39°00' (Tenmile Point) quadrangle, Emery and 3 Doelling, H.H., 1985, Geologic map of in Emery and Grand Counties, Utah: a potential waste emplacement site, Salt 14 Ross, M.L., 1988-93, unpublished Mineralogical Survey Bulletin 46, plate Forms slopes, local badlands with subtle Upper shale member ledges; sandstone locally cliff forming Grand Counties, Utah: U.S. Geological Arches National Park and vicinity, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 852, Valley anticline, Grand County, Utah: geologic map of the Mount Waas 1, scale 1:82,000; plate 2, scale (Blue Gate Member-- NE CISCO MARBLE Kmu ~1,020 (~3,350) Survey Miscellaneous Geologic Grand County, Utah: Utah Geological 104 p., plates 8-11, scale 1:62,500. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File quadrangle, Grand County, Utah: Utah 1:12,000. CRESCENT HATCH MESA JUNCTION THOMPSONSPRINGS CANYON GREEN RIVER GREEN RIVER SAGERS FLAT WHITE HOUSE BIG TRIANGLE includes Prairie Investigations Map I-114, scale and Mineral Survey Map 74, 15 p., scale Gard, L.M., Jr., 1976, Geology of the Report 77-761, 26 p. Geological Survey, scale 1:24,000. Stokes, W.L., and Fischer, R.P., 1945, Canyon Member) 1:24,000. 1:50,000. north end of the Salt Valley anticline, Hudec, M.R., in preparation, The Onion Sable, V.H., 1955a, Photogeologic map Vanadium deposits in the Gateway area, FIGURE 5. U. S. Geological Sandstone ledges within Bergquist, W.E., 1955, Photogeologic 4 Doelling, H.H., 1988-1995, Unpublished Grand County, Utah: U.S. Geological Creek diapir, Paradox basin, Utah: An of the Moab-12 (Dubinky Wash) Mesa County, Colorado, and the Survey 7.5 minute, 1:24,000- upper shale member map of the Moab-13 (Mineral Canyon) preliminary mapping for Utah Geolo- Survey Open-File Report 76-303, 35 exposed analog for salt-fall structures quadrangle, Grand County, Utah: U.S. adjoining part of Grand County, Utah: DEWEY HORSE SE MOLLIE scale topographic map names KLONDIKE MESA MESA quadrangle, Grand County, Utah: U.S. gical Survey, Grand County project. p., figure 3, scale 1:25,000. in the Gulf of Mexico: Houston, Texas, Geological Survey Miscellaneous U.S. Geological Survey Open-File DEE PASS BLUFFS HOGANS CISCO SW BLUE CHIEF STEAMBOAT BENCH EAST GREEN RIVER VALLEY CITY Kms Geological Survey Miscellaneous 5 Doelling, H.H., 1995, Interim geologic 11 Goydas, Mike, 1990, Interim geologic Exxon Production Research, 10 p. Geologic Investigations Map I-117, Report 45-99, scale 1:63,630. that cover the map area. 38°45' 38°45' Geologic Investigations Map I-118, map of the Fisher Towers quadrangle, map of Fisher Valley quadrangle, Grand Hunt, C.B., 1958, Structural and igneous scale 1:24,000. Sumsion, C.T., 1970, Geology and water

scale 1:24,000. Grand County, Utah: Utah Geological County, Utah: Utah Geological and geology of the La Sal Mountains, Utah: Sable, V.H., 1955b, Photogeologic map resources of the Spanish Valley area, Mancos Shale

Case, J.E., 1991, Geologic map of the Survey Open-File Report 313, 81 p., Mineral Survey Open-File Report 167, U.S. Geological Survey Professional of the Moab-15 (Gold Bar Canyon) Grand and San Juan Counties, Utah: FISHER FISHER 1 DUBINKY DOLORES TENMILEPOINT WASH MERRIMACBUTTE BIG BEND TOWERS VALLEY JUG ROCK SECTION

northwestern part of the Uncompahgre scale 1:24,000. 48 p., scale 1:24,000. Paper 294-I, p. 305-364, plate 39, scale quadrangle, Grand County, Utah: U.S. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File THE WINDOWS POINT NORTH CRETACEOUS uplift, Grand County, Utah, and Mesa 6 Doelling, H.H., 1996, Geologic map of Gualtieri, J.L., 1981, Geologic map of 1:63,360; plate 40, scale 1:20,000. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Report 70-375, figure 1, scale 1:62,500. County, Colorado, with emphasis on the Dewey quadrangle, Grand County, parts of Sego Canyon and Thompson 12 Huntoon, P.W., Billingsley, G.H., Jr., and Geologic Investigations Map I-128, Proterozoic rocks: U.S. Geological Utah: Utah Geological Survey Map quadrangles, Utah, showing coal zones Breed, W.J., 1982, Geologic map of scale 1:24,000. Forms double cuesta with separating MOAB MINERAL DOLORES Ferron Sandstone Member Kmf 15-40 (50-130) black shale, fossiliferous Survey Miscellaneous Investigations 169, 20 p., scale 1:24,000. and adjacent rocks: U.S. Geological Canyonlands National Park and BEND GOLD BAR WARNERLAKE MT. WAAS BOWKNOT CANYON THE KNOLL CANYON RILL CREEK Map I-2088, scale 1:24,000. Survey Open-File Report 81-553, scale vicinity, Utah: Moab, Utah, POINT SOUTH Mancos Shale and other formations, undivided (Km) Large concretions in Coon Spring Bed 1:50,000. Canyonlands Natural History 38°30' 38°30' Tununk Shale Member Kmt 45-120 (145-390) Association, scale 1:62,500. Dakota Sandstone Kd 0-37 (0-120) Ledge-forming, thickens eastward; contains humates to east Kdcm-Kdbc 12-76 0-60 Cedar Mtn. Fm Burro Canyon Fm Kcm-Kbc (40-250) (0-200) Burro Canyon limited to southeast

Brushy Basin Member Jmb 90-135 (295-450) Varicolored slope-forming shale

Lenticular sandstone and siltstone, Fms. (KJ) Salt Wash Member Jsm Jms 40-90 (130-300) locally contains vanadium-

Cedar Mtn./Burro uranium deposits Canyon & Morrison

Morrison Fms. Tidwell Member Jmt 6-30 (20-100) Contains large chert concretions TD 1,356 m Summerville and Jsmt and limestone A SOUTH NORTH A' Summerville Formation Jsc Js 2-67 (6-220) Salt Wash Oil Field Little Little Curtis Fm Moab Member Jct-Jctm 0-54 (0-177) \ 0-42 (0-38) Reddish sandstone and siltstone Meters (Salt Wash anticline) Tenmile graben Grand Solitude Meters Salt Wash Grand Highway Union Earthy member Jee 0-18 (0-60) Moab Member jointed and cliff Red Wash White Wash Texaco Wash Wash fault I-70 Pacific RR Browns Entrada forming 2,000 Smoot #2 Wash 2,000 Sandstone Slick Rock Member Jes 43-152 (140-500) Arch-formers in Arches N. P. KJ KJ Jcec Jsr Jsr Km

1,500 1,500 San Rafael Jcu Group (Jsr) Upper Carmel 30-37 8-72 Dewey Bridge Jcd Locally contorted 1,000 Jgc Jsr KJ Km 1,000 E SOUTHWEST NORTHEAST E' Lower Carmel Jcl 24-27 (25-235) Jsr KJ Jgc East Southwest TR Jgc Jsr Meters Meters Missing over Uncompahgre 500 TR Jgc 500 Navajo Sandstone Jn 0-225 (0-740) P TR Bend in La Sal Mountains Uplift TR Surfaces on this cross section generally mantled with Quaternary deposits P P 4,000 Schuman Jgc 4,000 High-angle cross bedding Sea level IPh Sea level cross-section (May contain thin limestone beds) Jnl IPh P Gulch JURASSIC Locally forms large arches IPh 3,500 Jgc 3,500 -500 IPh -500 Jsr KJ South Mesa Km Ledge and bench forming ? Km Km Kayenta Formation Jk 30-90 (100-300) Ml IPp ? 3,000 3,000 (Jgc) -1,000 Ml IPp -1,000 Ti ? IPp KJ Ml 2,500 KJ Ti 2,500 -1,500 Ml -1,500 Jsr Prominent cliff-former Jsr Jgc Wingate Sandstone Jw 75-137 (250-450) 2,000 Jgc Jgc TR 2,000 Glen Canyon Group -2,000 ? -2,000 TR Geology below sea level highly interpretive 1,500 TR IPp IPp IPp P 1,500 -2,500 -2,500 P P “Black Ledge” Chinle Formation TRc 0-275 (0-900) Modified from Ross (unpublished information) Locally contains uranium deposits “Chocolate-brown,” ripple- Triassic Moenkopi Formation TRm 0-400 (0-1,300) marked sandstone TD 2,382 m TRIASSIC B SOUTH Cross section C-C’ TGE #1 NORTH B' R ) formations (T TD 3,149 m Mineral Hell TD 2,676 m Union Salt Valley NW Exposed in Castle Valley? Meters McRae O&G Shell 1-21- MF-Fed Little Floy Wash Meters Kaibab Formation (subsurface) 0-18 (0-60) Canyon Roaring TD 2,878 m Tenmile Highway Pacific (projected 1 mile) Canyon #1 Fed Ladd 1-27 (Projected 1 mile) Grand 2,500 Horsethief Point Mineral Point Wash Tenmile Wash I-70 RR Little Grand fault Horse 2,500 graben Mesa White Rim Sandstone (subsurface) 0-130 (0-430) 2,000 Hatch Mesa Kmv 2,000 Jgc KJ Jsr KJ Km 1,500 Jgc 1,500 Jgc Km Km 1,000 KJ Km 1,000 TR Jsr KJ Jsr P Jgc Jgc KJ 500 Jsr KJ 500 IPh TR TR Jgc Jsr Sea level P Sea level P Jgc Arkosic and subarkosic sandstone IPp TR IPh TR -500 Ml IPh -500 IPp P P -1,000 Ml ? ? -1,000 ? -1,500 IPp -1,500 IPh Salt Valley Ml salt-cored Cutler Formation Pc 0-2,450 (0-8,000) 2,000 ? Ml IPp -2,000 ? anticline? Ml -2,500 Geology below sea level highly interpretive -2,500 Permian Formations (P) PERMIAN 3,000 3,000

C SOUTHWEST Courthouse NORTHEAST C' Cross-section B-B’ syncline TD 810 m TD 2,387 m Meters TD 2,063 m Highway Little Meters MFS MFS TD 3,683 m TD 672 m Valley TD 5,624 m Sagers Spring Spring TD 2,878 m Equity US 191 TD 3,100 m Salt Salt Sagers Virgilian fusulinids 2,500 KL3 KL2 Texaco Pure #1 Wash Mobil Saleratus Wash 2,500 Canyon Canyon Ladd 1-27 Moab splay #1 McKinnon Continental Valley Wash Wash fault #1-30 Elba Flats Wash syncline 2,000 Jsr Jsr Jsr 2,000 Jgc KJ Jsr KJ Km KJ Q KJ 1,500 Jgc 1,500 TR 1,000 Jgc Jsr Jgc Km 1,000 P Jgc TR 500 KJ 500 Jsr p-C IPh TR IPp Jgc Honaker Trail Formation IPh 0-1,525 (0-5,000) Sea level P TR Sea level -500 -500 Ml IPp P Salt Valley -1,000 salt-cored anticline -1,000 p-C -1,500 Ml IPh -1,500

IPh Honaker Trail Formations (IPh) Ml -2,000 Ml undiffferentiated -2,000

-2,500 Ml Pennsylvanian- -2,500 Salt 1 Caprock Permian Caprock IPpc -3,000 Ml IPp -3,000 (locally exposed) Salt 2

clastics Ismay -3,500 -3,500 Ml Salt 3 -4,000 Ml -4,000 Salt 4 Potash

Creek Salt 5 D-C Ml D-C Desert -4,500 -4,500 Ml D-C Salt 6 Carnallite marker -5,000 p-C D-C -5,000 Salt 7 D-C p-C Salt 8

-5,500 p-C -5,500 Akah Salt 9 Geology below sea level highly interpretive p-C -6,000 -6,000 Salt 10 Paradox Formation “A” marker IPp 0-4,300 (0-14,100) Salts 11-13 Potash (mostly subsurface) “B” marker Salts 14-18 Potash Potash D WEST-SOUTHWEST TD 5,756 m TD 3,796 m EAST-NORTHEAST D' Exxon Sagers Wash syncline Salt 19 Fisher Mesa Mobil Barker Creek Meters Negro Bill TD 3,420 m Porcupine Priest and Nuns Meters Cane Creek Burkholder Sevenmile #1 Onion Creek 1-7 Steamboat Mesa Kings Bottom Highway Canyon Rim Butte Onion Dolores “C” marker 2,500 Colorado Colorado Colorado Castle Professor Mesa Jgc TR 2,500 anticline syncline US 191 Courthouse 1-G-1 Jgc River Jgc TR Jgc Potash Creek KJ Jsr PENNSYLVANIAN Salt 20 River River River Creek Creek KJ TR syncline Jgc Jgc KJ 2,000 Potash Moab Valley TR Jsr Jgc Jsr 2,000 Q TR TR TR TR P P Potash ampitheater Jgc Jgc TR 1,500 Q 1,500 P Salt 21 Jgc TR

1,000 1,000 Pennsylvanian Formations (IPp) TR TR P P IPp 500 500 Cane Creek marker (locally petroliferous) P Moab Valley Castle Valley Sea level salt-cored P salt-cored Sea level Salts 22-26 anticline anticline IPh undiffferentiated -500 IPp IPh Onion Creek -500 Ml IPp salt-cored IPh Alkali Gulch -1,000 Ml IPh IPp -1,000 Salt 27 Ml IPp anticline Pennsylvanian- Ml Ml p-C p-C -1,500 Ml -1,500 “D” marker -2,000 Ml Permian -2,000 Salt 28 Ml Salt 29 -2,500 IPp -2,500 Pinkerton Trail and Molas Formations clastics (subsurface only) -3,000 -3,000 Ml -3,500 -3,500 Leadville Formation Locally petroliferous -4,000 Ml -4,000 (subsurface only) Ml 145-180 (480-600) MISS.

-4,500 ? D-C -4,500 Miss. (Ml) Salt beds from Hite, 1977 Gas wells projected into line of cross section Geology below sea level highly interpretive - -5,000 pC -5,000 Note: No vertical scale intended. Quaternary, igneous, and Pre-Mississippian rocks are omitted in lithologic column.