Burning Shaolin is the first of Atlas Games’ C o ri o l i s adventures. It contains complete game statistics for both the D20 system and the Fe n g S h u i roleplaying ...when corrup t eunuch officials undermine a once-grea t game. You can find it at your local game retailer or at our ruling Dynasty; when martial arti s ts, white- b e a r ded old website: www.atlas-games.com . ma s ters, and superna t u r al crea t u r es stru g g le for control of power ful chi for ces; when a band of honorable This special exce r pt contains new D20 rules for Fac e l e s s war riors is called upon to battle a demon sorce r er in a Hordes and Wux i a - St y le Combat, bringing the furio u s le ge n d a r y mountain monaster y. Kung Fu action of Feng Shui to your D20 adven t u re s . Call ‘em mooks, call ‘em thugs, extras, what Class — against a DC of 25. Characters may not be have you: faceless hordes are large groups of eligible for this save when helpless, or if they just opponents for the heroes to bowl quickly through, in stand there and allow the hordes to attack them, true action movie style … PCs are meant to slice without fighting back. Attacking a non-horde enemy through faceless hordes like butter, and probably does not disqualify them from making these saves. won’t get hurt doing so. Although they largely exist to Lucky Sho t: Whenever a horde member rolls the show how buff the PCs are, they can be dangerous maximum possible result on a damage die (for exam- to those who fail to keep an eye on them. They can ple, a result of 6 when rolling a d6), he gets to roll the also provide a tactical challenge to the PCs, making die again and add the new result to the original total. it harder for PCs to get to the truly challenging oppo- If the extra die roll is also a lucky shot, he adds it to nents they really want to smite. They can ring them- his total and rolls again, and so on. selves around a magician so PCs can’t interfere with his spellcasting. Faceless hordes can carry off the Feat Vulnerability : Characters with certain combat princess they’re out to rescue, while the primary vil- feats gain extra benefits against faceless hordes. lains pound on them. • Deflect Arrows: Your DC for deflecting arrows Any type of opponent can make up a faceless horde. fired from a faceless horde is reduced to 15. You can even have a faceless horde of non-humanoid You can use this after trying the standard creatures, from giant toads to floating eyeballs, if that Armor check that all characters get against a suits your fancy. If you want to make them members faceless horde. of other creature classes, you can give them addi- tional abilities: a faceless horde of zombies might • D o d ge: You can designate an entire horde as share the usual perks and drawbacks of the undead, the opponent yo u ’re Dodging, gaining a +2 for example. bonus to your Armor checks when hit by any of th e m . Usually, though, a faceless horde is composed of humans or their close kin. What faceless hordes • Cleave: Against faceless hordes, you can act as have in common is a bizarrely unswerving loyalty to if you also have the Great Cleave feat, even their bosses. They’ll wade in, one after another, to when you don’t. fight the heroes, even though dozens of their com- • Great Cleave: When you fell one opponent in a rades have already been easily squelched and now faceless horde, you may get to move on to lie bleeding or groaning in the dirt. another, even when he is not in the immediate Roll once for the faceless horde’s Initiative. Roll sep- vicinity. Make a Reflex check against a DC of arately for each member’s attacks. 20; if you succeed, you can move on to any enemy within 15 feet of you. Once you’ve start- CR 1/6; SZ M (humanoid); HD 1d8, hp special, Init ed to bounce from location to location, you +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 14 (+2 Dex, +2 leather); Atk melee must make a successful Reflex check (DC 20) special (1d6, short sword) or missile special (1d6, for each for each new horde member you wish short bow); Face 5 ft. x 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; AL any (usu- to engage. ally E); SV Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +0; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10 • Power Attack: Against faceless hordes, you can act as if you also have the Cleave feat, even Special Attacks and Qualities: Faceless hordes fol- when you don’t. low these modifications to the D20 combat rules: • Whirlwind Attack: You gain an additional 25 XP 4 hp Onl y: Every member of a faceless horde goes for each faceless horde member you fell with down after suffering 4 hit points of damage, no mat- this feat. ter what. On the other hand, they ignore all damage under 4 points. They’re either up or down. This Extra Attack Vulnerability : When attacking only allows the GM to keep track only of the number of members of a faceless horde, ignore the general currently active horde members, instead of monitor- rules for extra attacks. Instead, you get one extra ing individual hit points for each. attack for every 4 points of Attack bonus, and all attacks are made at your standard Attack bonus. Special Attack Rules: Members of a faceless horde only hit on a natural 19 or 20. Even so, their victims Ragnulf’s Attack bonus is +9. 4 goes into 9 twice. may avoid damage by making an Armor check — that Ragnulf gets 2 attacks versus the faceless horde, is, a roll modified by their total bonus to their Armor both at +9. The following optional rules and style notes EXTRA MOBILIT Y allow you to simulate the inventive stunts of Hong Kong martial arts and fantasy movies. We As if suspended on wires, wuxia characters jump, recommend that you use them in Burning Shaolin. leap and tumble across the scene of a fight, remaining always in motion. Standing in one place and waving a sword is only for characters without STUNTS b e n e fit of Hong Kong fight chore o gr a p h e rs . During combat only, any character’s maximum Characters gain additional XP when their players distance for forward or upward leaps is doubled. describe the method of their attacks in an enter- In wuxia fights, you can make a full attack and still taining way. For example: take a full move. This rule does not make the light “I leap up into the air, slicing at his neck as I jump crossbow any faster to use. over him.” “I kick a cloud of dust into the air, then slash at GRAVITY, SCHMAVIT Y his exposed neck as he sta g gers back to clear In a wuxia fight, almost any structure is capable of his eye s .” supporting your weight, if you run along it fast The XP bonus equals the character’s level x 10. enough. Characters can run or leap from treetop to treetop, for example. Any entertaining move The bonus applies only if the stunt description is should never be ruled out by the requirements of being used for the first time in the current fight. mere physics. This includes uses by other players, or even by you, the GM. IMPROVISED WEAPONS The GM is also encouraged to describe th e actions of PC opponents in this way. (Each fi g h t Characters rarely finish a fight armed with the scene in this adve n t u re provides exa mples of same weapons they started out with. But, curious- things that might happen during the fight.) The ly, the found weapons prove at least as effective as idea here is to inspire your playe rs to do th e the ones they replace. same, by demonstrating how it’s done. Try not to hog all of the good or obvious stunt ideas yo u r- Any failed hit that comes within 2 points of the tar- self, though. get’s armor class disarms him (assuming he uses a weapon at all; creatures with natural weaponry are exempt from this rule). When you’re disarmed, PLAYER-CREATED PROPS your weapon travels 20 – 80 feet (2d4 x 10) in a random direction. Players are not only allowed but encouraged to invent minor features of the set where the fight This is more of a cosmetic disadvantage than any- scene occurs. thing else. Any found or improvised weapon does the same damage as the weapon you lost. This is “The floor is tiled, so I use my toe to dislodge a true whether the new, improvised weapon is a tile, and then kick it towards Kan Kuei’s nasty, length of rope, a branch, or even a large fish. scaly head.” However, during a round in which you regain your “There’s a big coil of heavy-duty rope in the back original lost weapon (or that of another character), of the shop. I whirl it around to deflect the incom - you gain a +2 attack and damage bonus with it. ing arrows.” If you lost a magical weapon, and fight a creature The GM is allowed to declare that certain pro p s only hit by such weapons, your improvised item a re not present, and should use this discret i o n still works against it. Logic? Why, I oughtta … ! when the player is being utte rly unre a s o n a b l e . You should rule out Uzi sub-machineguns and rods of smiting, but not the sorts of props yo u ’ve seen used in movies like D ru n ken Master o r Fong Sai Yu k. AUTHOR: Robin D. Laws ILLUSTRATION: Mike Dutton

EDITOR: Michelle A. Brown Nephew PLAYTESTERS: Jimi Braun, Michelle Braun, Troy Duffy, Paul Jackson, Mark Kay, Joel LeBlanc, Robin Lim, Jeremy PUBLISHER: John Nephew Schrage, Teresa Seenna, Marc Sherman, James "SPARKY" ART DIRECTION & GRAPHIC DESIGN: Scott Reeves Sparling, Shannon Sparling

OPEN GAME LICENSE VERSION 1.0A The fol l o wing text is the prop e r ty of Wizards of You have sufficient rights to grant the rights con- Robin D. Laws is the designer of Feng Shui and var ious othe r the Coast, Inc. and is Copyr ight 2000 Wizards of veyed by this License. the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Res e r ved . games, including the rec e n t l y- r eleased Rune (A tlas) and Dy i n g 6. N otice of License Copyri g h t : You must update 1. Definitions: (a)"Contrib u to r s" means th e the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this Ea r th (Pe l g rane Press). Check out his fiction: The Rough and the co py r ight and/or trademark own e r s who have License to include the exact text of the COP Y - Sm o o th, from Atlas, and the upcoming Pr omise of Thunder, a co n t ri b u t ed Open Game Conten t ; (b)"Deriva t i v e RIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You Ma te r ial" means copyri g h t ed mater ial including ar e copying, modifying or distr ibuting, and You Gl o r a n t ha novel from Issaries, Inc. Robin lives in the city of de ri va t i v e wor ks and translations (including into mu s t add the title, the copyr ight date, and the Toro n t o, where he is currently obsessed with his new DVD player . other compu t er languages), potation, modific a - co py r ight holder's name to the COP Y R I G H T tion, correction, addition, ext ension, upgra d e , NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you imp r ovement, compilation, abridgment or othe r Di st ri b u te . for m in which an exi s ting wor k may be rec a st , “D20 System” and the “D20 System” logo are Trademarks owned 7. 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Identification: If you distri b u t e Open Game wor k, symbols, designs, depictions, liken e s s e s , Co n t ent You must clearly indicate which por- of John Nep h e w and Trident, Inc., d/b/a Atlas Games. for mats, poses, concepts, themes and gra p h i c , tions of the wor k that you are distr ibuting are ph o tog raphic and other visual or audio rep r e- Open Game Conten t . Feng Shui is © 1996, 1999 Robin D. laws, published under license se n t ations; names and descrip tions of charac- 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designat- by Trident Inc., d/b/a/ Atlas Games. Feng Shui is a trademark of ter s, spells, enchantments, personalities, tea m s , ed Agents may publish updated ver sions of thi s p e rsonas, likenesses and special abilities; Robin D. Laws and is used under license. All rights reserved. Feng License. You may use any autho r ized ver sion of places, locations, env i ronments, cre a t u re s , this License to copy, modify and distri b u t e any Shui’s game characteristics derive from the roleplaying game eq uipment, magical or supernatural abilities or Open Game Content originally distri b u t ed under ef fects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and Nexus: The Infi n i te City by Jose Garcia, © Daedalus an y ver sion of this License. an y other trademark or reg i s ter ed trademark Entertainment, Inc., and are used with permission. cl e a r ly identified as Product identity by the 10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a owner of the Product Identity, and which specif- co p y of this License with ever y copy of the Open Co py r ight © 2001 Trident, Inc., d/b/a Atlas Games. Rep ro d u c t i o n ically excludes the Open Game Conten t ; (f) Game Content You Distri b u te . 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Grant and Consideration: In consideration for ag reeing to use this License, the Contrib u to r s System Rules Document Copyright 2000, grant You a perpe tual, wor ldwide, royal t y- f re e , Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Auth o r s Jonatha n no n - e xcl u s i v e license with the exact ter ms of thi s Twee t, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on License to Use, the Open Game Conten t . or iginal mater ial by E. and Dave Arn e s o n . PO Box 131233 5. Re p re s e n t ation of Auth o r ity to Contrib u t e: If You are contributing original mater ial as Open Bu r ning Shaolin open game content Copyri g h t Roseville, MN 55113 Game Content, You represent that Your 20 0 1, Trident, Inc., d/b/a Atlas Games; Auth o r Co n t r ibutions are Your original creation and/or Robin D. Laws. [email protected] www.atlas-games.com