
Lumea petroliștilor este în fața unei mari schimbări: un gigant american este clasat acum în spatele unui proaspăt îmbogățit chinez. Mobile nu mai este cel mai mare producător de petrol listat la bursă. Pentru prima oară, distincția îi revine unei companii chineze care activează pe această piață de doar 13 ani, este vorba despre PetroChina.

Compania cu sediul în Beijing a fost creată de guvernul chinez pentru a asigura necesarul de petrol pentru economia explozivă a țării, scrie Associated Press.

PetroChina a anunțat joi că a pompat 2,4 milioane de barili pe zi anul trecut, depășind Exxon cu 100.000 de unități. Compania a crescut rapid în ultimii zece ani prin „stoarcerea“ câmpurilor de țiței chinez și achiziția mai multor rezerve petroliere în locuri precum Canada, Irak și Qatar.

Producția companiei a crescut cu 3,3% în 2011, în timp ce cea a Exxon a scăzut cu 5%. Producția de petrol a Exxon este și în spatele gigantului energetic rusesc Rosneft.

Creșterea PetroChina subliniază o diferență fundamentală a felului în care marile companii petroliere plănuiesc să alimenteze lumea, de vreme ce noi depozite sunt tot mai greu de găsit și tot mai scumpe de produs.

Dar analiștii spun că firmele vestice, precum Exxon , au fost mai conservatoare decât cele chineze, fiind atente la rezultate și la veniturile investitorilor. Cu prețul petrolului în creștere cu 19% în 2011, acestea încă fac bani fără să fie nevoite să crească producția.

PetroChina, pe de altă parte, are o misiune diferită. Guvernul chinez are o participație de 86% în companie și țara utilizează aproape fiecare strop pe care îl pompează PetroChina. Apetitul său pentru benzină și alte produse petroliere se estimează că se va dubla între 2010 și 2035.

Chiar dacă PetroChina se poziționează în fruntea companiilor petroliere listate, este încă mult în spatele unor producători naționali precum Saudi Aramco, care produce aproape 8 milioane de barili pe zi. Iar Exxon este în continuare cea mai mare companie din energie listată la bursă dacă se combină producția de petrol cu cea de gaze naturale. PetroChina se plasează pe locul trei, după Exxon și BP, după producția totală de petrol și gaze naturale.

PetroChina a crescut prin pomparea a tot ce a fost posibil din rezervele Chinei, care se estimează că dețin 6,5 mld. de barili.

Acasă > Romania > Petrom şi Exxon confirmă: au descoperit în Marea Neagră gaze care ar acoperi până la de 6 ori consumul României Petrom şi Exxon confirmă: au descoperit în Marea Neagră gaze care ar acoperi până la de 6 ori consumul României februarie 22, 2012 blackjack Scrie un comentariu Mergi la comentarii.

După ce în urmă cu două săptămâni anunţau prezenţa unor zăcăminte de gaze naturale în Marea Neagră, gigantul american ExxonMobil şi compania românească Petrom confirmă: 42-84 miliarde de metri cubi de gaze naturale estimate, care echivalează cu trei-şase ori consumul anual al României.

Operaţiunile de foraj derulate de cele două companii în Marea Neagră au început la sfârşitul anului 2011 şi sunt pe cale să fie finalizate, se arată într-un comunicat transmis de OMV Petrom. Zăcământul a fost descoperit în urma forării puţului Domino-1 de către ExxonMobil, prima operaţiune la mare adâncime în largul ţărmului românesc, cu o adâncile de peste 3.000 de metri. Domino-1 este amplasat în Blocul Neptun, la 170 de kilometri de ţărm, în ape cu o adâncime de aproximativ 930 de metri.

Forajul va fi executat de către vasul ultramodern de clasă mondială Deepwater Champion, care a sosit recent în apele româneşti special pentru acest proiect, după finalizarea programului de foraj derulat de Exxon în apele turceşti.

Oficialii companiilor susţin însă că este prea devreme pentru a se preciza dacă aceste zăcăminte sunt sau nu comerciale.

“ExxonMobil Exploration and Production Romania Limited, afiliată ExxonMobil corporation, şi OMV Petrom SA, subsidiară a grupului OMV, confirmă o potenţială descoperire semnificativă în largul ţărmului României (…) Este prea devreme în procesul de evaluare şi explorare pentru a determina dacă blocul Neptun se va dovedi în final exploatabil comercial sau nu. Totuşi, dacă viitoarele lucrări vor confirma fezabilitatea tehnică şi comercială a producţiei de gaze naturale la mare adâncime în blocul Neptun, viitoarele investiţii în fazele de explorare şi dezvoltare ar putea ajunge la câteva miliarde de dolari, iar prima extragere ar putea avea loc cel mai devreme spre sfârşitul deceniului”, se spune în comunicat.

ExxonMobil şi OMV Petrom intenţionează să continue lucrările în acest an, rezutatele achiziţiei de date seismice urmând să determine următoarele etape, notează companiile.

În urmă cu două săptămâni, o delegaţie a Exxon şi Petrom a fost primită la Cotroceni de preşedintele Traian Băsescu. Acesta le-a spus investitorilor că noile descoperiri sunt importante, în contextul în care acum România este nevoită să suplimenteze importurile de gaze din Rusia, din cauza gerului, la preţuri foarte mari.

Premieră absolută pentru sectorul petrolier românesc

Aceasta este o premieră absolută pentru sectorul petrolier românesc, întrucât, până acum, forajul pe platoul continental s-a făcut doar la adâncimi mici, de câteva zeci de metri, iar acum este vorba de o adâncime de apei de aproximativ 1.000 de metri. Sursa:adevarul.ro our history

Over the last 125 years ExxonMobil has evolved from a regional marketer of kerosene in the U.S. to the largest publicly traded and petrochemical enterprise in the world. Today we operate in most of the world's countries and are best known by our familiar brand names: Exxon, and Mobil. We make the products that drive modern transportation, power cities, lubricate industry and provide petrochemical building blocks that lead to thousands of consumer goods.

The colonel's discovery triggers an oil boom that parallels the gold rush of a decade earlier. 1859 Colonel Edwin Drake and Uncle Billy Smith drill the first successful oil well in Titusville, Pennsylvania. The name Standard is chosen to signify high, uniform quality. 1870 Rockefeller and his associates form the Standard Oil Company (Ohio), with combined facilities constituting the largest refining capacity of any single firm in the world. Matthew Ewing and Hiram Bond Everest founded in 1866 upon patenting a new method of distilling kerosene in a vacuum that produced a high-quality lubricant. 1879 Standard Oil Co. purchases a three-quarters interest in Vacuum Oil Company for $200,000. As a lubricants pioneer, Vacuum Oil introduces a number of popular products, including the revolutionary Gargoyle 600-W Steam Cylinder Oil.

1882 Standard Oil lubricates Thomas Edison's first central generating system. Also in this year, Standard Oil Trust forms to include the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey (Jersey Standard) and the Standard Oil Company of New York (Socony).

1885 The Standard Oil Trust moves its headquarters to 26 Broadway, New York City. The nine- story office building becomes a landmark.

The same year, Vacuum develops Gargoyle Arctic engine oils for newly designed generators and motors that operate at speeds of up to 1,000 rpm.

1903 The Wright brothers, Wilbur and Orvillle, use both Jersey Standard fuel and Mobiloil (Vacuum) lubricants for their historic first flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.

1906 Socony gains a strong foothold in the vast market for kerosene in China by developing small lamps that burned kerosene efficiently. The lamps become known as Mei-Foo, from the Chinese symbols for Socony, meaning "beautiful confidence."

1911 Following a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision, Standard Oil breaks up into 34 unrelated companies, including Jersey Standard, Socony and Vacuum Oil.

The year also marks the first time Jersey Standard's sales of kerosene are surpassed by gasoline, a product that in the early days had often been discarded as a nuisance.

1915 Ralph De Palma, winner of the Indianapolis 500, is the first of many Indy winners to use Mobil products. His average speed: 89.84 mph.

1919 Jersey Standard acquires a 50 percent interest in & Refining Company of Texas. It was during this year that Humble, led by its pioneering Chief Geologist Wallace Pratt, employed micropaleontology, the study of microscopic fossils contained in cuttings and core samples from drilling, as an aid in finding oil. 1920 Jersey Standard researchers produce rubbing alcohol, or isopropyl alcohol — the first commercial petrochemical.

1926 Embodying the phonetic rendition of the initials ‘S’ and ‘O’ in Standard Oil, Jersey Standard brings out a new blend of fuel under the trade name Esso. This field is the first in the U.S. to be discovered by using the technique of seismic surveying, and the first fairly deep salt dome to be discovered by the use of geophysical instruments. 1927 Humble geophysicists use a refraction seismograph and discover an oil field in Sugarland, Texas.

1928 Amelia Earhart uses Mobiloil to protect Friendship when she makes her historic solo flight across the Atlantic. The previous year, Charles Lindbergh used Mobiloil in the Spirit of St. Louis on the first solo flight across the Atlantic.

1936 First commercial unit in a cat-cracking refinery begins operation at Socony-Vacuum’s Paulsboro, New Jersey, refinery. The unit used a process developed by French scientist Eugene P. Houdry with the financial backing of Socony-Vacuum. The process added a clay-like catalyst to the cracking process to boost gasoline yields and octane rating.

1937 Jersey Standard researchers produce an artificial rubber, butyl. Today, butyl is used in the creation of tires, surgical tapes, protective coatings and more.

1938 The world's first commercial production of alkylate begins at a Humble plant in Baytown, Texas. Alkylation made possible the manufacturing of iso-octane, used as a blending agent to produce 100- octane aviation gasoline.

1942 The world’s first fluid catalytic cracker goes onstream at Louisiana Standard’s . The process, developed by four Jersey Standard researchers known as the “four horsemen,” improved on the Houdry method for cat cracking and eventually became the industry standard for producing gasoline. Fortune magazine called it “the most revolutionary chemical-engineering achievement of the last 50 years.”

1952 Jersey Standard introduces Uniflo motor oil, the first multigrade motor oil recommended for both summer and winter use.

1955 Jersey Standard establishes the Esso Education Foundation, a program that gives financial aid to private colleges and universities.

1958 Pan American Airways flies its first trans-Atlantic Boeing 707 flight from New York to London. The flight is fueled by Mobil aviation fuel. 1959 An advertising copywriter in Chicago comes up with the advertising slogan “Put a tiger in your tank.” This breakthrough technology, coupled with the use of massive parallel computers in seismic imaging, has helped our geologists sharply reduce finding costs since the 1980s while increasing new field resource additions. 1963 Humble invents 3-D seismic technology, a revolution that completely changes the way the industry searches for oil and gas resources.

1966 Mobil celebrates 100 years since the founding of the Vacuum Oil Company in 1866 and changes its name to Mobil Oil Corporation. The company launches a wide-reaching identity program to emphasize the Mobil trade name.

1972 Jersey Standard officially changes its name to Exxon Corporation. The name change is approved by Jersey Standard shareholders in a special shareholders’ meeting.

1974 Mobil introduces a synthetic automotive engine lubricant — . Today, Mobil 1 is the world’s leading synthetic motor oil.

1975 Mobil participates in completion of Beryl A, the world's first concrete production platform. The 50-story-high structure was the prototype for other concrete deepwater facilities operating in the North Sea.

Discovered in the late 1960s, Mobil patented the ZSM-5 zeolite catalyst in 1972. 1976 Mobil invents a process for converting methanol into high-octane gasoline through the use of the company’s versatile ZSM- 5 catalyst.

1980 Exxon opens its own facility for environmental health research at East Millstone, New Jersey. Exxon Biomedical Sciences, Inc. conducts research to further assure the safety of Exxon operations and products.

1982 Exxon celebrates 100 years since the formation of the Standard Oil Trust in 1882. In its first hundred years, the company evolved from a domestic refiner and distributor of kerosene to a large multinational corporation, involved at every level of oil and gas exploration, production, refining and marketing, and petrochemicals manufacturing.

1986 Exxon Research and Engineering invents a powerful new imaging technique called 3-D microtomography to study the internal structure of opaque objects without damaging them.

Learn more about the . 1989 On March 24, 1989, the Exxon Valdez runs aground in in . The Valdez oil spill was a tragic accident that ExxonMobil deeply regrets. The company took immediate responsibility for the spill, cleaned it up and voluntarily compensated those who claimed direct damages. 1989 Exxon introduces Exxpol, a single-site metallocene catalyst used to produce consistent, controllable molecular structures that make plastic and rubber products tougher and impact-resistant, with less haze and with excellent organoleptics (low off-taste and odor). Since its establishment, ExxonMobil has provided $1 million annually in support of the .

1995 Exxon establishes the Save The Tiger Fund in partnership with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. The Save The Tiger Fund is dedicated to supporting the conservation of Asia’s remaining wild tigers.

1997 Mobil introduces , an electronic system which automatically activates the pump and charges purchases to a credit card. Speedpass is similar to the electronic toll technology successfully used on subway, bus and highway systems around the world.

1999 On November 30, 1999, Exxon and Mobil join to form Exxon Mobil Corporation. "This merger will enhance our ability to be an effective global competitor in a volatile world economy and in an industry that is more and more competitive," said Lee Raymond and Lou Noto, chairmen and chief executive officers of Exxon and Mobil, respectively.

2001 ExxonMobil Research & Engineering Company (EMRE) develops the SCANfining process, which uses a new proprietary catalyst to selectively remove more than 95 percent of the sulfur from gasoline while minimizing octane loss. Study areas include solar energy, hydrogen, biofuels and advanced transportation. Learn more about GCEP

2002 ExxonMobil, joined by other sponsors, initiates the Global Climate and Energy Project (GCEP) at Stanford University — a pioneering research effort to identify technologies that can meet energy demand with dramatically lower greenhouse gas emissions.

2005 ExxonMobil partners with professional golfer Phil Mickelson and his wife, Amy, to launch the Mickelson ExxonMobil Teachers Academy. The academy is designed to provide third- through fifth-grade teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary to motivate kids to pursue careers in science and math.

2005 ExxonMobil and Qatar Petroleum, with other joint-venture partners, expand development of the giant North Field offshore Qatar, the largest nonassociated gas field in the world.

2007 Limited (a subsidiary of Exxon Mobil Corporation) completes the drilling of the Z-11 well, the longest measured depth extended-reach drilling (ERD) well in the world.