Collective Custom Build is a web-based advocacy tool that makes the case for developing Collective Custom Build as part of a more diverse housing market in the UK, It uses an animated narrative to curate key research findings, revealing them as peelbacks at key points in its argument. Collective Custom Build is part of the Motivating Collective Custom Build practice-based research project within the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) funded Home Improvements Knowledge Exchange based at the University of Sheffield. Motivating Collective Custom build is led jointly by SUCCESSFUL SCHEMES the University of Sheffield School of Architecture, Ash Sakula Architects and Design for Homes. Email
[email protected] Successful schemes in the UK and abroad Twitter @CoCuBuild Summary There are a number of successfully completed schemes - both in the UK and internationally - that can be broadly categorised by the three families of Collective Custom Build1. In the UK, most established models are of the Independent Group Custom Build or Supported Community Custom Build variety. There is a rich, if relatively niche history of independent ‘group self- build’ in the UK, and according to the National Self Build Association (NaSBA) there have also been around twenty multi-unit ‘self-build’ projects delivered by Housing Associations, Registered Providers or councils over the last thirty years, working in partnership with 3rd sector organisations such as the Community Self Build Agency (CSBA) or private sector organisations like D&O Management Services Ltd. These organisations help to set up the scheme, recruit the participants and ‘drive’ them to completion (NaSBA, 2013a, p.