Extensions of .Remarks
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July 27, 1976 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 24115 amount authorized for construction purposes. effectiveness of all Federal agencies every ten H.R. 14650. July 1, 1976. science and Establishes additional criteria for United years. Technology. Establishes a National Earth States participation in land acqu.1.sition for Terminates such agency ten years after the quake Hazards Reduction Conference. such project. subm~ssion of such report to the President Enumerates the duties of the Conference H.R. 14646. July 1, 1976. Veterans' Affairs. and Congress unless Congress acts to con including: ( 1) the formation of a national Names a. Veterans' Administration hospital. tinue such agency. H.R. 14647. July 1, 1976. Ways and Means. program to develop capabilities for earth Amends the Internal Revenue Code to alloW' H.R. 14649. July 1, 1976. Banking, Currency quake hazards reduction; (2) the establish as a credit against the income tax an amount and Housing. Creates the National Consumer ment of means for disseminating earthquake equal to the qualified land conservation ex Cooperative Bank, the Self-Help Develop prediction information and technical assist penditures paid or incurred by the taxpayer. ment Fund, and the Cooperative Bank and ance; (3) the coordination of earthquake and H.R. 14648. July l, 1976. Government Op Assistance Administration to assist in the related hazard research programs; and (4) erations. Requires the Office of Manage formation and growth of consumer and other the establishment of an earthquake predic ment and Budget to study the efficiency and types of self-help cooperatives. tion board. EXTENSIONS OF .REMARKS NEW RIVER GORGE BRIDGE SYM labor and construction of it; for those who it has staked its pleoge to representative BOLIZED BY REVEREND WICK have forged the steel and scaled the heights democracy and held firm. LINE'S PRAYER to assemble it; for those who have kept The rise of democracy in Puerto Rico dally vigil in watching it rise. Guard the traffic that shall travel across it that no has been paralleled in the past two dec tragedy may befall them. ades by substantial improvement.5 in the HON . .JENNINGS RANDOLPH We pause in gratitude for those who have quality Qf life there, and I am certain OF WEST vmGINIA sacrificed for the realization of this dream, this commitment to progress will con IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES those who have given their life and those tinue in the future. I salute the Governor who have received bodily injury in its con of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Tuesday, July 27, 1976 stnictlon; we remember before Thee, the Hon. Rafael Hernandez-Colon and the families who have sacrificed in separate Resident Commissioner Jaime Benitez Mr. RANDOLPH. Mr. President, con ness for its building and those whose sacred struction of the world's longest steel arch soil and homes were yielded for this measure for their continued leadership and dedi bridge is progressing across the New of progress. cation to the people of Puerto Rico. River Gorge in Fayette County, W. Va. 0 Eternal God, grant this structure to Mr. Speaker, Puerto Rican citizens also When completed, the 3,030-foot long stand as a stalwart sentinel of service, occupy the mainstream of American New River Gorge Bridge will be an inte bridging not only the.gorge beneath it but society, contributing to the public good gral part of the Appalachian Corridor the human rifts to lessen our travel and in many ways. The accomplishments of bind communities of our state and the weld Puerto Ricans have been very evident in System connecting Interstate 79 near ing of new relationships across our country. Sutton and Interstate 77 near Beckley. As this bridge towers above the canyon my home city of Newark, N.J., with an This highway will make a section of winds and weathers the torrents of rain and increasing number of fine public servants West Virginia accessible by modern eternal snows, let it be to us a symbolic such as Newark's Deputy Mayor Ray highway across terrain that heretofore rainbow like God's first one, offering unalter mond Arneses; my good friend Marie has discouraged development of this part able promises for Thy glory and man's Gonzolez, of the Hum.an Rights Commis of our home State. obedience. Allow it to be no novelty, nor per sion; Hosea Rosario, president of the It was my pleasure recently to par mit the labors upon it to be perishable, but Puerto Rican Congress of New Jersey and continue Thy Presence upon all through its Tony Perez of FOCUS, to name a few. ticipate in a ceremony marking the clos completion, through Jesus Christ our Lord ing of the giant steel arch soaring 876 ... Amen. As we celebrate the birth of our Nation, feet above the beautiful New River can we are reminded that the character of yon. It is difficult to use words that ade America is strengthened by the ethnic quately match the majesty of 'this spec diversity of our people. tacular scenic area and the achievement PUERTO RICAN INDEPENDENCE Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to call to in the building of this bridge. DAY my colleagues' attention the celebration On this occasion, the invocation de of New Jersey Puerto Rican Day this livered by the Rev. Billy Reed Wickline year. It will be a significant and joyous of the Fayetteville United Methodist HON. PETER W. RODINO, JR. occasion when, on August 1, 1976, New Church was movingly appropriate. I wish OF NEW JERSEY Jersey holds it.5 statewide parade to to share his thoughts with my colleagues, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES honor the countless contributions of and I ask unanimous consent that the Tuesday, July 27, 1976 Puerto Rican Americans. I commend the Reverend Wickline's invocation be parade chairman, Miguel Rodriguez, and printed in the RECORD. Mr. RODINO. Mr. Speaker, I am hon the master of ceremonies, Raul Davile, There being no objection, the prayer ored to have this opportunity to pay and I am proud to offer my congratula was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, tribute to the people of Puerto Rico who tions and thanks to Puerto Rican Amer as follows: are celebrating the 21st anniversary of icans, who mean so much to the Ameri INVOCATION BY THE REV. BILLY REED enactment of the Puerto Rican Constitu- can experience. WICKLINE tion. Puerto Rican Independence Day is 0 Almighty God, Creator of all things: A TRIBUTE TO SEYMOUR ROBINSON Thou hast arched the heavens above us and especially important, because it symbol enriched the earth beneath us and allowed izes what Puerto Rico represent.5 for the the trees of the forests to clap their hands rest of the world. Ever since the end of HON. HENRY A. WAXMAN and the hllls to break forth into singing. the Spanish-American War, in 1898, the OF CALIFORNIA Thou hast put hymns in the waters and Puerto Rican people have sought to make sermons in stone and strength in steel. We their concept.5 of freedom and justice IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES praise Thee for this matchless morning and into reality. Their steadily expanding Tuesday, July 27, 1976 the occasion of this celebration. We sing unto Thee, 0 Lord, a new song, for Thou Political participation eventually Mr. WAXMAN. Mr. Speaker, it is my hast done marvelous things! prompted President Truman, on July 3, pleasure to join the Westside Community We thank Thee O Father for the vision for 1950, to sign an act authorizing the peo Center of the Jewish Center Association this structure; the task to build it and the ple of Puerto Rico to draft a constitution in paying tribute to Seymour Robinson. strength to continue and complete this of their own; since that time the destiny Mr. Robinson will be presented with handiwork. We beseech Thy blessings upon of the people of Puerto Rico has been all who are gathered this day in this place the Man of the Year award by Mayor and praise Thee for all Thy people. Thanks linked with that of all Americans in the Tom Bradley on Thursday, July 29, 1976, be unto Thee for the draftsman who de common bond of freedom. With all the at the Health Club Award Night to be signed it; the engineers who surveyed it; the troubles which have beset this relatively held in the Weinberger Auditorium of skilled workmen who have thrilled to the small island over the past two centuries, the Westside Jewish Center. CXXII--1521-Part 19 24116 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 27, 1976 proved correct . Once again principle 13 a statesman of advanced design. And it is Seymour Robinson is well deserving of unlikely that he has a capacity for mordant this honor. He has devoted himself to abandoned in favor of expediency just as the Canadian Government no doubt thought satire. So although he is a large man with a improving relationships between the would happen when it decided to curry .favor large sense of mirth, it is unlikely that he Jewish community and the black and with Peking . If Canada gets away with was joshing when he said, plaintively, of the Chicano communities for the mutual this flagrant abuse and misuse of the Israeli rescue attack on his airport: "I did benefit of all. He has been active in Olympics, a far-reaching precedent will have all I could to help Israel and Israel replied movements for school integration and been set that could destory the modern by doing me harm."' enrichment of educational opportunities. Olympic Games altogether. Actually Amin may have pioneered in a new dimension in lawlessness by casting These have been the main thrusts of his The 1980 Olympics are scheduled for Uganda, a sovereign state, in the role of col very active life, but he has been active in Moscow.