Market Center Strategic Revitalization Plan Advisory Committee (in alphabetical order)

The following entities have been invited to participate on the Advisory Committee, but we are open to adding more Advisory Committee members. To serve on the Advisory Committee, you must be willing to commit time to meetings and reviewing documents between meetings. If you are interested in serving on the Advisory Committee, please contact Kristen Mitchell at 443-478-3014.

There are also other substantive ways to participate in this planning process, including focus groups, subcommittee meetings on specific subjects, such as housing and transportation, and public meetings.

1. Development Corporation, Kyree West 2. Baltimore Heritage, Johns Hopkins 3. Baltimore Leadership School for Young Women (Invited) 4. Behavioral Health System Baltimore, Mark Slater 5. Bromo Arts & Entertainment District 6. Catholic Relief Services, Janee Franklin 7. City Center Residents Association 8. Downtown Partnership of Baltimore 9. Free Library (Invited) 10. Greater Baltimore Urban League (Invited) 11. Lexington Market, Inc., Robert Thomas 12. Market Center Community Development Corporation, Wendy Blair 13. Market Center Merchants Association, Judson Kerr 14. University of , Baltimore, Stuart Sirota 15. University of Maryland Medical Center, Samuel Burris 16. Veterans Administration Hospital, Stephanie O’Connell

Resource Team:

1. Baltimore City Department of Planning, Reni Lawal 2. Baltimore City Department of Transportation, Theo Ngongang 3. Maryland Transit Administration, Patrick McMahon 4. Maryland Stadium Authority, Rachelina Bonacci 5. Maryland Department of Planning, Victoria Olivier 6. Maryland Department of Housing & Community Development, Nick Mayr 7. Representative of Mayor Bernard C. “Jack” Young 8. Representative of Council President , Scott Davis 9. Councilman Eric Costello (+ alternate)