Anxiety Disorders Defined

What is Anxiety? Anxiety is a state of apprehension, uneasiness, and tension. What is a Disorder? Some people are put off by the word “disorder”, but it simply means a disturbance of normal functioning—it is something that can be corrected.

anxiety disorders : Anxiety about places from which Tourette’s Disorder (TD): A in which escape might be difficult, or in which help may be both motor tics (sudden, recurrent movements) unavailable in the event of having a . and vocal tics (sudden, recurrent sounds) occur.

Panic Disorder: Recurrent, unexpected Panic Eating Disorders: Severe disturbances in eating Attacks. A Panic Attack is the sudden onset of fear behavior, including Anorexia (the fear of gaining accompanied by symptoms such as racing heartbeat, weight), Bulimia (recurrent binging and purging), sweating, or a fear of losing control or dying. and Binge-Eating (impaired control over eating).

Generalized (GAD): (BDD): Preoccupation Persistent, excessive worry about a number of with a perceived defect in one’s appearance. events or activities. (HC): Preoccupation with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): the fear of having a serious disease. Persistent thoughts that cause anxiety, followed by (TTM): Compulsive hair pulling. behaviors that are intended to reduce the anxiety. Dermatillomania (DTM): Compulsive skin picking. Post-Traumatic Disorder (PTSD): Persistent, distressing recollection or Compulsive Biting re- experiencing of a traumatic event. Obsessive-Compulsive : Social , also called A personality type characterized by a preoccupation Disorder: Fear of social or performance with perfectionism, orderliness, and control. situations in which embarrassment may occur. Other problems that professionals Specific : Persistent fear of specific sometimes include among the OC Spectrum objects or situations such as animals, Disorders are: Pathological Jealousy, Compulsive heights, getting an injection, or flying. Buying, (Compulsive Stealing), Pathological Gambling, Sexual Addictions. Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders Asperger’s Disorder: Severe impairment in “Our anxiety does not empty social interaction and the development of tomorrow of it’s sorrow, but only restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior. empties today of it’s strength.” Tic Disorder: The presence of sudden, –Charles H. Spurgeon recurrent movements or vocal sounds, such as blinking, neck jerking, or clearing the throat. | |