July 02,1867
PORTLAND DAILY Established June 1862. 0. 33, Vol. PORTLAND, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 2, is* 7. Terms Eight Dollars per annum, in advene. THE PORXLAM) DAILY PRESS i> publish d CAStllS. IKSUUANCl, BCIiAESS miMUUXAiUiOUB. up. The Reformer* have eve v day, .Sunday excepted,) ui No. 1 Printer** heretofore complain- Commercial Portland. _ KxcJi<tu*c, street. DAILY PRESS. ed chieflv of the lavish ex; enditures of the N. A. POSTER, pBOHUKl DB. BltADBUKY* BitAOBUBT. THE REMOV A l7z ATLANTIC government; but that is always the com- 'J CRMS: ixrilarr a year in advance. poriland —Eight ot the luive this clay removed to NO. 1 GALT plaint outs, and would be taken up by Counsellors at commercial where we snail THE MAINE STATE PRESS, is at tlit Law, WEBLOCK, Street, Mutual Insurance the Tories with readiness iftl e published mutual benefit continue the Flour ami Corn buKuet-a. Company. equal Reform- si'nc pl;»c« every morning ut $2.00 u year, Uauk 51 Wat, Tii' Thursday (taring. liuildiug, Uxcbnngc 81, llio name of our lirm i* ^t, cor. William, NEW YOBK, sday 2. 1867. ers should Invariably in advance. this day changed to Morning, July succeed to power. There Is at 1 BLAKL, JoM-S & GAGE. 1867. BluD Bradbury, Jasijauy, no of Ufe & F recent question any considerable mo- Rates cf ADvr.KTiftOo.—Une inch of space,in A. W. B.adbury. ) PORTLAND. Insurance BLAKE, JONES CO. June ?7-dtf Company, July 1. d2w«&w4w lotiith oi column, constitute* * “square/* Insures against Mabine and Inland Navi- REPUBLICAN NOMINATION. ment before the people of the Dominion.
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