rrr> som« wer« tbss trat Is fill aa Tr.'Miinr on tbe ticket, dm returned from one PlCCiaOt, kmwi %*, Oxfrri n ,v, |jMt.rtUlly (in,-^ (hiwsi.o. Oil 18.',?. men to the entire am'berday pr»t*n»-e Tswp Friday, »' »>- W. » Tnlwaa. M tha, aniiim tl.e Fre« Su'f carry This B-otrale/es Ike Feee-Sut» t >te, and ffi m *o I Hi vr>te« wen» po' ed the echoed d»v. ere ir«er.d in the Albany Mutual (or ft.uuo oa arTnaätr wi 1 - h,q Cor,-, 1,000 that I.nthrr WrigW* P.ak .-¦?etii B. Au account of hi* erraiui. and the circum¬ Cives UM D.etri. t, which *leru tire* C >apr: men and Now. «e. ro t e to th at t sue of the Pro Slavery maa and 91 .«CO cn wh < Ii will caver ? »,,»> It ami >r.d Boston fM \M. HV. patte-t«, tVI The LsU On'arts Bark is stances aode* wbi< h it was undertaken, wh grven to tbe Pro t NrU v'ii'nlini*! Of H«* *' " -^tire, an.' payinjrofT ajl TV ro«-t:r»l by Senator Wilson in bio sp-teh this rate will I ave a in tbe Legislature. tM'f.ulatum of k*f in '.rat a dt*»» a/bene*. .' evenii^. The Sena'or took OCQBSioi also they majority r.jiif emb noMTi'oi tetiirea give pr*r*)ti f"^ie evi- Hallacks ineater. the Bark, Ten Lake Or.tano Rank is but 1..:tl<*ap^aaina; meeVog*, SatBTOnj mm e?..-*-v,. | ,. %n(j A r aim* a^timr attended. Tti-'e have beao to idaTiinittor. to the originator* snd JohteoB County pnlVd .Vre rf b* ng triuididert throughout. niriorityof the lui.dii g, h avifotin ir pre-Ktnl baaaing are general'y poorly eaatie^tioa tot one-tt ird tbeitbabirants ran be found ;n the >u lOoTfl J be BS reasonable aad honest from CAI IH 5BANI>. ottUj,y " itnri some m to tho asV Jost IUCK; OK. LOYKI AND " ifluciter iLeet.nes Mr. 1»vi k s, tires of .Ja^oVrovi twporti lr rn ( outtv es this very fear Gent, and G"it. to '.'tiling of those who ar» en'i'Vd ba tka SSM J 1,788 rrajority. 1b addition to tbe new an v*«*rbl drama r.-u.'. *ic# which he gave t<» C»v. Kobinsiu ty, say .. We lean *hat Secretary St-ir-t.>n op°nly av ¦*» » hi* I MH pre Wilson and Mr. Burlin^ame draw tolerably wel', t.ve fret-d i-e order the afl BBOaths' Tie .Inoed at thai n a tkraa- MA>SACHl SETI» BANE BILLS. Lane. BroteYTptSM. cer\»"f the Court ofthia tlettioc wa* rtr<7 tore, and nowhere io the eueh rirei.int.tances, he can no eer- a ii V a th ab« ve I. aa... I at ober SI ISST. l>u* abili'y reputation Superior Territory cnuree. und*r give Ml y Iba tit'e, by 0. S ee«K Bo.-to!«, Friday, A' laneuil (fall and tin < ih ffttii ill at h,s r> i.deuce iu Ws> «>< over five hundred bal'ot* can in oae It [¦ . I at"-* ba/ed npon them. Indeed,ehnu fler.d Baaks, and ti/ned by many up large ' :\u .: .." d v :«st m.inett'y f 1 0 either t de. At the i n» of his marriage, Sir .nare-ount of the difficulty eipeneioed Mess-is. Baser and Hrewsier. hii Speaker«, di» Oor-««p .cd»nc» of ST1)» N. V. Trtaane -he ¦!»'» in Aavwi of the "Tre of Kar .a* have «tuked tb'ir at' «¦'« > quire to throw Pro-SIavitM j e«.pV Fdwerd is in lore with arother woman, a leraoa ot* rrt m to be Mr. A. C. is iick. . other dietant seelioos. kl passio« 01 very Betire. Gary low v Cirv. Oct. IT. 1857. and sll tbe irterveiiBe t.me up to tb- n turn ef starest ipra tl eh- tioa ar.d cost they Uas* ttmmd and in loany to eotne out soon defend himself of th-ir :st I tt tn .net atd fashion, as we leara, aad bit He promise and has be* n eon-uaieti iu atiiitg new names i to b;'defreaocd «sain'e;t j light*. btauty eli'ise'ie bar.k b'ls. "V .¦ .(!'! i. ii over, and the smoke ; -hooks, ».» \% do tvli ineo of V he-etofore Mspsalont, fn in tie cbarte of baring agreed to go for Fremont clearing to the lit*. t e e^am uiot;«trati d u* that there rew'y-nrade wie is enamored Coloeel doers, % 7/, /: /n,/*/sJrrr. box. what altSTMatcn i* "f *. 0«.«-""' if he could hnvo $.'»iii). It is easy t believe that if awny. This count) (J< hnion) gave a small lv-mo- The frau^l is eo hare'aeed that -v.n Drigge, the ta be p'a.vd rtp-t the ballot friend of hlsowoihtr A H. liavenport). Taa bttaW %tmmvm\ mmmtmrn » suppor. named that his it wa* de¬ editor of 'i'l' ¦^saasaeen Suit mo! kit bta that of perpe'ral degrsda'i.a ai:d slavery, or ia orf-r ta Cary price for services, rnttic insjoidy. Samuels, DoiOCiatic caodiiate fiaaastvat, spoke to tl rieal RSOftof lalffl the bridegroom of atl her faults, State t..ket. clined. baa never been BO here, or i> n üt-eia'ory o. tbe pror-eecitire, and deetared that a prrtrpt rrrn-rerre etpasssawod he at'.racttd a Money plenty has a 30. Ourtwean- the ar 1 down-trodden ,' Those now in authority. j bba fbt aetua'it-'es, and matches natural State Fair to-äay larger so that a roan of ?or Governor, nsprityol Start, n would never pernrt oeathV ite to be gtvea peoples rpan Tttr As,ri< 1001100, t have ta¬ 'ran on aav The purchasable politicians to the Oeceral Assem¬ t.» at v but t»,o,e elect. r> by legal votee.»lie - ¦-peeisl y ti e S« retary and Governor reetreg rath one of hat shortcoming! by frankly previous day. caliber could command fSOO for any didafep for Representatives re tamlKrof BpSSBairiW some fart Gary's political B ate cet.eidates. The rvffiiaa ware aware that the nposj them, at ibis taoaaeai,a aaoot asuu. incasi* int 1 g his own. She thee recites bow at board- of catt'e and horee«, including service of the kind mentioned. are defeat d b> Iii and 81 votes the official fair 1 I their wi'dom and iu>'i. e in this <.««. display prize- features. bly * lectioa oould not be carried by mentis, and eonn tbia arc the result of it tie Fret-State perty they say, peace" I tad the of listening to wna Mr. S. C. jority count/ large "OtbeDo'soe To thetn it wa« ihu I et th< n beware for they tread at-in a tsatoaao w-.Tim matt at ti friend of her owe, aad isprorod pieasiiie spaum'sgnao. " Tbe ef t' e of Kan*'a* vin^t'. PAILÜRK Mniue, a I«v»>er of Chelsea, and au active cam¬ iniportat.ooi of Irish from neignboring pabiio dsatb-strosgas.tha Inlsrseeing spa." betwrvn then rigbta froaaaea ng bis opt. ortanities as every gentleman should. Totale if orce lost, forever loht anU"h flainaalias aatlUO. ' Oct. 2«, IteT. He devoted a deal oi attention to works, b*sides many were manufactured by the aadetein'y; Sir Fdwaid that be is in love with tho flee St. L'jcis, F.iday, paigner. good I which are it' mob. a ua- hi vrsi bayonets will prove in. ftHent for tne at >t. replies of this ei y, Got. Oardoer. I should from the tenor of seesic n of tie Cnited States District Cour: reocoofBcotrsststo.-etile, t on of whoso seat* are thus fiaassaiaaAlf weapon and to the understand eeoSt ¦aam Ker.iek ard Pe'erson, barker*, jodgo late I iure that it rime tome of them 'o stand aaSHlbaTI aforooaki; parties are his remarks, thai lie l-.ns not that unbounded confi¬ night obtained, nrd who aovoi ean olttain th-m tx..'o' s me is t tend J*?/. Tbe Cot- Lava payment. Toe r a-i-efs ample. held in this c ty. These fraudulent votes, cast by na t, [''.!¦;. a'd fooh upatoo*." The outrages of ttbtr TLis legal «/>/» najsatM dence in bis Excellency which MajorCobb exhibits, have boon snoctod; the baBot4soxes have through complicity of tbs K\eoutive OSkeera. Bash Ol a visit to Sir Kdwari ft more than overbalance tbo 56 again be held first iu to an out¬ paol BSjssttkSB, making or even that preference for him which Mr. illegal reign voters, I been invaded ; the government usuro- i by Pro- odJkeis sha". responsibility qaalified Should eettiiii it. a be ou such 'over'ike,"been d< "perately poa*h- MONETARY AFFAIRS W SEW ORLEANS. abo Mr. Hiilard have iately arowed. Mr. Dt moerati* n tbia county. Tbe ro'u't demagogues, aid ttieir damiable proceed- raged p i'ple. given (baVBkf, already, IK57. Winthrop ni»jc.r:ti*»« Blavstj Iratelulent let the be ta set ii g 1 n bh Btei in onvt-raatii'o with tha Ncw-Orlean*, Fridsy. Oct. Sü, Maine (iiscii^ses. not always in a candid way, 11. ard sar.< tinned the Gorannor and returns, people prepared doaaahso), Uooe, perhaps in the State is to day, POBOedcd by the Opposition, instigated by tie tbi« n etloe in a manner that slia'l sffsctnallv out bares thatha kssa Mordauat. aw are and it la itnpo:V,b'e to the Governor's Vetoes] but one of his direct asser¬ of the Territory. A fdnlass natanftty trying si, probably Lad] Monev tnaMers mMtmmi, From the returns at hand Secretary s aud a drunk-n an end to military dictatorship and tutli-ui rala la Kit- bio tone tions is so rt mar kable that it isWOfth while to it. I,'-publican. already hy tl e am e f Foiten Statt dragoons taste was a young person at school with dehr-.rely. Agio>my prevail) print the io- Governor, to rule with the iron heel sas.' report anything are con- I send it to as an illustration of the Governor's from the controlling of the State, I Slave-propagating a s;s««r anfweiirg to ber dfctiptioo. AooornV kwarst tbcu-h the sti"ei reports you portions I of an majority. For three T'e h»< <'t l.'o'-r, publishei a'. CeLtropoüs, gottaaaary, financial skill. Mr. Maine stated, in substance ¦1 io itions are a doubt that Lowe and Fay- dtepoLism overwhelming irgly the bannet lade out win the lever lav rlut;ir. Tie newspapers rejtort uotbin.;. prent beyond I »eare have the freemen of this Territory -truggled Fr» e-S'ate \ ap< r i f the moderate M rtaU Freedom that while the bill for the reliefof the Vermont and sille, RepvbHeai candidates for Oovemer and againstopswseston, (breednpoa them bv theii'ncral whicb baa advooatad at all the bogus Bat the ba-ottt s fashionable Insouciance, and bio Massachusetts Railroad was on its what' referred staaap, Toting if tit. oti. . won cautc lira to leave tha \ BTO( K BOARD, program throsgh are elected I (.1 verdient, and for beeanse 'hey | has have faith thai hi the an, I'HILADFU'HI the Lient'Goreruor, by 5,000 majority. r..r <«?. e v-a:< the ii, lbOtk'itO, and has har tue *aiu length of tins fa t! I row ipesksout boldly as follows: Raft', id, Riilroad, 1', Pennsylva- nor, by pos¬ Republican >\ pi ;le. w t bereheeon b. Tbo wife, told, that the bill would be Uo- Sbamo- I I »u »b< it petition- been »li-hted, anj tli union- '. Jokasoa CoaatT, aojoinini; .Mi*snu!i. has been ti e I thai rprotleco*. tia Railioad, itively "approved." Senator In of Gen .!< nes, the present »¦> un «1 »i i t at tha Bat of a m .re e fat tbe finds cause of is- ,- place I straaces fan| aaaao of :iir.eo( trie bla< kost frauds against tho rights th, il aioa colonel, joalosay i'< r this comforting assurance VOrmont and M ever w;v. V\'. k-r agk and between the crat incumbent. I cori'emptitue rarcal thar .letlr^yf of nrosaas n ever perpetiat. d by a political paity. This ¦I the BShssSrS wbO has faseiuated her bus- HI w SCHOOL PRESBYTERIAN SYNOD. cbtisetls stock went rapidly up, I a «..nt here to revive the or of the iands baSSty t .,'» :s not decided whether the next session of lobat political brtehstar, eoaaty 1* s!uio.»t entitely eosspesed a; tl the of her maid F.i ><.:. 1857 vi con v c rsat ion lock with Mr. It jet He ha^ . ' bsi d under guidance Lacy (Mass Wammoto*, lay, rime hen the place vitiated ratki of the ProdSlavar* party. fi i dm \» l '.' .¦¦<¦ Shawoee Indians, ant ths taTswosrisisoogaBsaoodsottlfcag on these I mds, Edward, She even goes ro far as to request secretly ever tbe griattr of that S'ate, the western shore unites. and that Lawrence is "rebel- part tions had of dollars \r»nli and I idea in the hut Booth, \t<', wb' u tf !.. bogus c. n-uswas taken, tbe whdo mim- tbo colonel to her to a matipaerade, ba of hi \iand, and the District of Columbia. dispooed tight*}rtesssewd " ita friendi. and tbij Winter a st-te banking law; a-id that the teal accorrpsny of the ttock! a nice Can we lieoc t:d uaStureatiooary,'1 only b^rtf eotstsitMstotsd was 196,thasaairsaopahatioa to tic in aad ber To tbe Rev. Dr. lJ .nfr.rtb, from the Committee Quite "operation will in the Free State on order see btauty question, day l )>i Clev-j- thai the Governor was ebosen a Director of otker laws conforming to the new io«trum-nt, I rnfriiit^ be'otg paity. B90, At the IWetios the ISth of June, only 190 her baa- on Minutes of the General Assembly, bel wonder ( ant 02 of eutbeiett sine to crumble the citadels of nsj Oetober this same ah is douh'y inrlauied itto love for it sf for them of Commerce the other tb» ia still true to the r EffJOO. vctes wire cart: yet Monday, 5, us'y lard last May, reported that impossible the Bank day. very day, Im n ade. Iowa ,'.t! hi d of aacrs he Ik in the Sorarnor over which w. re in bebddiro the said on his area. Tnerefore. on M Russia, dllj rxbhor] COCnty polled OTOl 2,020. LOOO of band syren hanging to corcur in the views therein expressed. if I correctly remember, which the tnk ol nns u the of I^wrenoe town a is l ;ft to fie aiti inative of dis for Governor of has aasstal sia dirootsd City cn-t atOsford, a small asparatsd from Utfs M> snw bile, the w.fc's love for the (.'clone! had bee the S} ood of Virginia C< minerce, with all the othei Bmks, came to tbe The following are the majorities Em lbs »e »>f cariyiuK by IdTOS what canno' be i, a street be'weei, its connection w.th the General and purp. drill B sts Fd Misaooi by single pas«in< for .-ome n ast ns of a moral nature, connected solving Assembly, conclusion not to p"»y its notes! Cau we wonder Iowa, fcr fer as returns have been received: I done by fraud and u»*utpation. The artillery tho two Thi-< precinct was established for the eaohsg nuke tins recommendation. The Com¬ D>ur horses and ecoordirply that Mr. Robert C. Winthrop and Mr. lien. S. Hd- Ciivntiri. Re pub. waj Cuuntin. reij. be on fotth a werlike roued upcti of peacoa- c ial aecommodation of tbe border rulliins. and with loogi"g cherry hveries, mittee in tbi-« course, that they believe f«" Alamakee. 908 If tbe haOota are no'cast ep» woman say" suggesting the lard line for the fust time in four come to the Beaton. I ble OOBBSsaS ty. SSWioos sobly have trey avaiit d them«-;ves of this advantage. reaasil l eg IbooO of the fashionable of are tbe sentiments of great major¬ years, 810 Jobrscn. 30 tbtre is but one aitercalive left.a latSfft to arms. " they expreesiaL' after the cor elusion that ,J. Gardner is of tin ir Rncbanai. I out, A omaaitti S waited on (Jov. Walker previous to Sir Kdwsrd was enamored. This equipage and ity of tbe Choidies, deliberately formed Henry worthy 898 Dnbnqnfl.1.960 The fiee mm of Kansas deserve tj be slaves if they end him to station at and when a'l the nmaus of delicate and seeoted I CVilar. SSO the election, r.i|ue-ted troops ont tie vt ife had of her husband in molt an.p'e discussloa, toffrage Poweebih. 96 Dee Momes. I pern t this wanton oii'rag.- to b.; forced upon thorn this but he ri a* n« exi nie that be Bshod pursaa and t o efT'rts for united actun have The has retunied from an agricul¬ 858 the pell, fasod, glvrfog latter told tha reccnci'iatior, Governor lately Mtn-ra^ne . >'-tl I**.. I Government is constituted by tbe consent of gov- would not bo r-. for the blood that wonl 1 bo of her coquelish idea. Thereupon the been exbansted. tural in the western part of the State, lie 810 Deoatnr. 138 Kanea-i nave a to spon.»ilile of of tho campaign Jsejer.. I err,»d sad tha people oi tight say »hnl provided hoi.id to.the Pro-Slaveiy partyhavirg Ct losel to Mipply them to hat wife, as a couponaatMS 8everal resolution", deprecatory agitation is very much opposed to Mr. Hunks's course in Jones. 188 Van Unten. 458 I whetb'rth-y aiil be bend ILawmsce. and tbe 1 501 Fr. Btato saalority of Uougla (.' >untv offered a substitute report, gave w . 888 Guibrie. ambulance drove inte our at lady Mordaunt that her bliebest! lege, was a'ninst such a practice. He ill find, how¬ .JetT«rien. A Govarnsaoal huirierily is overbalar.c .d by the 1 tit 0 illegal votes polled supply, billing r ee to more than ordinary duooaasoa). It people 900 Patawataania. 8411 in front of The Herald w;th In voters. a as he Sir hid spirited re- that the which thi hive Citato. I city ibis afternoon, etoppinp of Oxford, a little picayune town, roald not etVcrd such gift, 1 ward) has) siiV-tano* that the Committee beetcu-ied from ever, experience peop'e Marion. . 388 pe'haps in own Lien. 380 I FtitäoM aad no higher worthies aUghtsd than Iris is another beautiful exhibition of popu ar which iuressod tha on tbe minutes of the General Assembly, aud bad for the last four years of his novel system 7"> 131 oflkeo, just lost £50,000 at play-a ruse, poitiL*' to IJlavlon. B'K.m». tbe Goverror and Secretary of Kansas Territory. Ili- Missouri has again elect a a Legislature that tbe rei>erve-dehiiit? ajt'on on tlie relation it of cli ctioiieering has rendered them quite callous MaCi on. 3S a* u-:eii soveteigty. creeesal afTe.tton of the wife for her husbaas* byuod 15 inks has intro¬ Reoknh. 244 I gubernatorial prectnre attractea no gathenn^, fo: Kansas, and the Adiiii,.i*fration, through Governor Itutains thereto, unt 1 the next Syaudit al DkeottDf, any innovation like that which Mr. M'i>hrll. 850 Greene..68 I to be the ca^e when <.i ai v. Si.annon and Rssderoams to has tuim da" deaf ear" to the entreaties of as she with bis 1,.--.. Finally, debate cr -m« the meii'ii of the worse than to 6d Wa'ker, eympa'hi/.ed A warm d, frvolving duced. If Mr. Banks docs nothing TetBO. 890 Lues:. town: no one mentioned his arrival or seemed anxious or i the ballot box. Hut tbe end of wet n and bag and wai f^antfaaetl oatll n Ute hoar 3*1 Mseas to protOOt duel was to come oil' bei husband lover; Slavery i|tiestlon, introduce a system of stump-speaking by candi¬ MabatkaJ. 880 Wepollo. I to lot k upon bis and coutemptible irovernor- th s is not aeoaa eve The Rev. Dr. Sunderlaud of this ety Davis. BO HHIpatlM yet' that wasloet sight of (if we remember aright by thin ting. dates for office, he will con e off bbvmeless. A por¬ Lonfca. 898 nut oven a untyman, who wai aahwdtac his oart The names of the creatures whooflioiated as - Judge* was to aeitrtriri. but ta botsreen libatty and the West is said ajeett. 886 Lard¦hip, the but ail seemed staaei ti, at d a das I diti come off between a CaadL oppvtidbe the former in itself tion of theGovernor's errand to Total.1 T'.'l by, BOticsd angnst potentate, of Flection at tbe Oxfoid I'recinct, in Johnson County, adj bondtge, emphatically preferred the to have been to reiuonsCrtte with Älr. Fisk, pub¬ 78Mills. I alike to regard him with profound c.m'empt. The Fa-hmor* und Sir Edward, Iu cause tho Captain hadl eeMkserctV If this was AbrHtiocd*a, let Syn*d 36 s sanctum for the ate as follows: Jam^s II. Nounan, C C. Cs'ron, and Bovu issue of a in Palmer, who, Caes. (o vernor hnrviad into tbtf editor pur- insulted Mordaurt nben at ths masquerads make the most of it. Tbe Rev. Dr. joined lisher paper alterreceiving Werten. 450 communion ami lellow. with we.o: Barnett Lstly t a with¬ at the Governor's has I p. SS of hjoMiag ohsta hip Hat; .lores. The Clerks 8. D. and Q. wforn Sir Edward would not all with Mr. Burdeilsid. and earne y advocated several offices bands, proved Dilles. to his friend hi h but. alas1 Brown with tbe Colonel, as declare himself in favor of Mr. I sympathising orat, D, Hard. Jones is a member of the Constitutional to it drawal irom the Qaaeval Awtanly, so recreant to I'o'k. 888 I had t.e to ou'he same mieeion. ÜB- to fight for his wife, preferring do himself, institute an gi Ltcompton el :;or. Banks. Tbe Governor may well isjqoif] Iowa. ISO I fortunately lot both, at d f.nInnately for tb-- peoDlo, Coas. th in wb't h ber hnsband was placed ba tt IN is no w. adly danger l'I.MOCKATIC MEKT1XG ALBANY. into this subject There glory, but «real Monroe.. SO sath otaor unnoticed, and WaLkat nt Tki fi> th n Traveler says: which Dasiimore wan comj Oct. ^t, 1X17. to u-e tbcypasssd wu will '¦ Kansas, dasl (by wounded,) AuatrT, Friday, in bunting Mr. Fisk. It is, Sydney Hit bell. ISO I aaayaswire as be tame, ami doubtlees lin A letter from a friend, datsd Qulndaro, so was held In the utility, ' ;1 e bare of the wife for him; and ber father, The I»emocra*'c raiirieition meetine .Smith's ill0itration, like the burgomaster bunting a I i. turn just as f. ol.sh. Not a word beiw^eu < sei hi r 9, raj Hy a fair vote we have carried the ^ was (>er. pa.-.-ad « tears a for divorce whioa Parktori^bt. The tendance very lar^e. rat in a Dutch dike, not for fame, but for fear the Tot.il.ösoj I tho Governor at .1 any of our < [(Isens, out some twoor 'eVetii s, ban ;t hnpofsibls to tell what Bscrotary Dornegttm op petition The were D-tniel S. Diok- so far e AU on- re GaJvort presided. speakers rat may flood the If the Palmer pub¬ Ri-putilican majority 1,833. I i! r. ooadf »«ended enough toward tho InstitultoBof 'Staates will do about pivin^ cevti8catos. Edward and ehe had signed, and the couple are S. k acd Tremaiue. Tlie proviuce. a o.' ' < to < and ineon^ Dan. 1'.. t, Judge shall be allowed to strike at tbe hand that Tbe above 44 ewaattas snow Republican 'c;;n Slavery to converse with Secrt-tary Stauton concern- de tl e election of our DelsgratS 'ongress, der'd I sppy- and the lover becomes moral. at 10 in., with cheers tor the lisher I i: £ the fiaud in Johi.ron ' v. W'hlker told me that he wou d meetirv, adjonrned p. more of the on the vote tat State Register bed Ivt County. 8< ye*te.rd*y piob- -t writf-n as to Sat feeds him, what security is there that ahoot 3,000 ' In to Sexret The play very well larguage, ticket. when tbe Democratic candidate w^ e'oct'd When iateirogatedconcerning the rsrtidfistss, Staa ably have ,1,(^1 mejoti'y.' rslatioa .ry 3,500 office-holders who have been appointed within Bpi 'i:. I ton said he believed the wboss transaotion to hivo Stenton we are triad' to be able to say two big'ilv difkient fn corstruction. Tbe world justly leva ? afi. rd assarar«. or the " DEATH OF MRS. DR. BUSH. this e wars wi'l not do the sane tbiiu? by ufttmajerttjr, and strong I been coticoi ted nr. p iratory to the election, and that it rsspeotabis p.-ntiem^n, reesafyfrom Kansas, tsstsfy lentin eat;" and a c< idiog its Interest was with Oot.99 1857. can < re "earns a man do what i« SkauTona. Ftlday, Statement of the number of Gardner's sp- e eetkni ot the Repubi Slate tickei. Tt was a base firand born beginning to end, and that hs 'hat Alt'. BtaaOSS b who Will ritrht dkotrded aWOlUIotd bt fotehar.d, notwitl] Mrs I »r. Ru h of4f w..o has been sifk My J Ihem UBtUevideBce a, died is :10t made at random. It is the result to be itiie if ary donbt tiiat t'ae L.'gi.la'are ii bt-pub- j shoatad witbhold in eertifioatss, moieoytr, bis and generous There was at the I I.'< 4 S ,1 .- Hotel here fcr tWWBOiirhS, poiutuicnts and nine I to ptove it as mch, unless t'.at i.uu>lier ot moo (six* bin toll a Free-State nun. Tbo geothsmea refuted to ng 100eg patwion. of actual Iu the Iwo years lican in both branches. . more than in Uiiafoieaoon. lnfeati|atkll. snhnadredand larenty^barj did actually vote a* -pf nt ar boar or more with Gov. Walker beton Is iv- hta'ing moral.'y in the third, any months he lias been iu office bis appoiutmeuts have tbe ink he is of ae I By S>!«irT»pk | I Oi'oid pre'-itct. and thrn proper Mbnaal (hi Dg Kansns, and they tl very dosfarow get- 1.1 ', a< t of tbe inairiage relation, poetical lojon TIIF BARK ELLEN. beent 3,421 in number, and before the year expires I TWIraad U so it I mm the and will do s> on tho Frd.iv Oei is-,7. iai tn Ths N. T Tribune. I^ghdatare. palpably nejast,)thai ing away Ttaitory, v-a* e ote the Colorel, and nothing could ompouoojSh Nohroi ai r>, the number will no doubt reach 3,750. In looking SjM-f Diipatrb I rv.-n n ake.- \\ alk. r tumble in hip bo->t'. Tiiere i- no lust opportunity." t -dav for Liberia. She was Oct. 1867.10 A. m. '<« fcr that. The sur»«eei.<-i' ethii's of tho wife wont faw The t>>rk Ellen suis over the li.«t of appointnaentt I observe ore. at least, Ciik ago, S3, I doubt but v1.at the Kite r>t, man wi.l haw the Leg fitted out aud rep\ red at tbo eipense ot her owners. that has b«en made i legally, and iu violation of the We have returns from filty-sii counties in loiva. I i.-Vure. If tl. y cannot get it one way, they wd LAKE or <': .rl. 11 al iirc-litutiot of tbamard t ot teceieed a dollar of the eub- the inj. At St. SHOCKING ACCOUNTSFROM8ALT Capt. etsibttaon hai Goverm i s oath ol office. Keubeu A. Chapman, an of TiV» I eoct'.ii, aid V\"n,k> r is spprissd Of ard the eleventh-hour eotjlaohn)\ ns rt land it- Norfb k au't Portimoath, slo wing a Republican majenty 8,663 River oao baadied and riagoiieoosslc'eied, sartptli able and of kfsryi ha tbe Bias froclnet Csswasaeadsass of T. » St 1....h Republican. '! e huabeuii were extenuated no bis lawyer respectablegwtleman Spring- have carried both branches of th- l n aad oao out of thu onssbet drmatitilly was on '.'Ist of December a .Jus¬ Republicans I sixty votss pol I, Sr. 11.1. 13 |v'.7. u wa< «no'het's loss. fie'd, tbe appointed Net over tw voters live ia the JostPH, Mo., rnd'ially gnrlgbti 1 losasi TITE BARK DAVID NICKELS IN DISTBE8S. The Seuatc ataiida.Rcpublicau, .Jti; Pres State. nty pre who wa< in the ilice ofthe tice of the PetCe und Quotum. A law of the Statd Legielaiure. tit et. Ii: Atcbisofl outrageous fraud wa< Mr. C. Graig, Surveyor* Mr. Le-der. we think, cover acted so well.so f'res LOSS OF CAITAIN AND THREE OTHERS, no j County, General of I'tah la.-:. and who lot there tiom six months bad declared that person who Deinocrata, 10. wall r was seen to a Spring, «1 : AoetrsTA, V.'edneslay, Oct. '21, 1857. previous I loaiaVlttifl itKickapoo hag ix. al the M rVona w If llostrafion so thorimghly interpetatraied from holds office under the laws of the I'uited SI VttM F-.rt carrier soldief '.! vr nder appr. beiirioc* of p BSm Bran ormons, The bark David Nicke.'« of BaakTaVjMBt, Maine, any We have lost Minne», fat, Saelling drnahoa ani-ay, saaay obllgs -bowed mo a 1.1 r arhloh be had Ft- with ti.e character ho lie waa adsnirav issue an* watraut lor The I < t\-'rr- r .. \ yeststdej just 1-presented, him to OTother to votii'ir. '. bound to St. Mary's, put into St. Augustine which qualities w. lions you 'V a i> ectable and veracious first Mtltrttt evei, thing. At Iii- lv: ka. .¦<¦ t«. ..; Bui- i from -| gentle- b'e, os of '.he best French youag* oa ttio iu distre -.». Her captain wa^ lost over¬ process, or grant any cert ficate uuder either of tne I "salubrious." ;-r h'ghlj who had reminding Ir'.h, a were oast, irsr.statirg thatWilUatll 11. Wilsoo, also man. Mr. baa but needs board. The first mate and two of the orew lowered Slave acts, shall bold any effi-e of honor, I dred Dh iral baPota beeu m same been Davenport talents, study, of thorn are Fugitive is rive thousand. emp'oytd tho office. Bad lately beat and went in search of bun, and all trust or cinolumeut under tbe laws of the Common I 1'inott's msjotity atx.'iit taken out some and lial lie btoaalsf oftso badly, sing-robging it from OSS SB> On her arrival the second mate, Kansas!" by of Biigliam Young's men, supposed to be lfttt. wealth. This may be harsh; it may be impolitic; Jin t sag, a ri diawn tight around his aoeh an.I a | istul pre- t^eme e f the scsle to the other, without reason. hTa Charles Smith, two of the cresr and tbe cook, wore Oer. Jim atrived this afternoon from n.mi- pe lut that the Legislature had a right to enact it, uo STUPENDOUS ELECTION FRAUD. Laas setiied to bis head, and ras threatened with iiAtant wa« baaly t.r.. . tl too. LIa< k trowaers are not worn aboard of her. Pdota are searching for the missing and largely m favor to one or or lawyer has yet cenicd. Mr. Hillard ex- We from a res deut of who I pkaa, rsporti Doo'pbaa Ceansty death nnUss be tow all he knew in regard with frock ooa's iu 1b His dsficiea- boats. juilfce unt'ersland Quiodaro, I of tire labor. The Geteial »»id he had all Le coalil of wis society Eagland. admitted it, and went much fur her iu his mspartners BUncald,aadhs Bnallyraiaasoi ai d oostumo are press)* left Ksnsas on tbe loth ii: t it at the fraud in I do *o l..»t ibsBen is Donipbea from goiag inunad on Ci r.dition that be would lhat t > riss ol easily cjcrrigibss. OF THE NIAGARA. li.it ni^ht. Weil, Mr. Chapman hap¬ *t< sn ! of the orly bring partner or over-aev DKPARTURE rp»ech Friday was eten more baref-.ced than we I ly to K:tkap.rf> banging the Jadjes therr. It.-te-ad, ofbringiug b'm, ha gave Mis. leas bar over-pronunciation Hwu ax, Friday, Oct. 2 i, \&>T. to be a Dnited States Commissioner, aud Jobr,H>n County on of the frauds. howsvar, iloty, pens qual¬ Kbtiicn receipt damualde him aii BOO unt of what L- ha l und th. y bot i e< wss J: and she was dressed aad> The If. M. Niagara arrived here from to act as a I t believe he be. When the closed iu j M.annen autl a-< lord. 0000, ntwatioa, got neatly steamthip ified slave-catcher. dou had it to polls I He aid le VFoodoOB . 'i. in the and it i* ar» oi their wa7 n at and sailed for supposed regarded leaped oily, hoped locked TLe maid was mUostodtt) Boat) 11J o'clock laid n'gbt again iro;/,'iri- bm et ob bant aa of this o ly, At tie of tbe the suMiorwas loneTs LOSS OF IHK BRINDBER. relinquish Now is the time ti. to Kan-as. physh obae piece, PBOPELLER his offices. Bot the Governor has no right delib¬ lave been thrown >nat wa conta:hiag just eleven ui.n'igrare Property was a'»" in the Sinveyor-General's oflaBO at tho t'tne ohl'.-d but did not The gives swi- Cai< aoo, Friday, Oi t. 33, ix">7. I is ai d the go\eiLmt-nt will soon be in tb H was taken out sr.d, he that the lor, appear. comedy here and to violate a law of the State, hud coiitei office Col. Titus aod Shenil cLeap, at Wilsen wing to do better with The propeller Reindter, lanni'.g"between erately te uses. The next moruicg I baLds of botest men iiifte.id oft;rar.tsi. Thorn never ifOtPOOS Were iu of biOJ. be b-ap>-.i Vom a d. nee, we think, of abdity things to on Point Au able ou a u.auwho is debarred from hold¬ to .t and a pursuit Miatit .,1 went |.ie«es Monday. upon expressly Jo- es rede down to Oxford and hal a conferenc* aasabottei rue jr.v, than at present, whadow scd ran toaarns hVs son.b; but aiore experience in WTiticg fur the stags. It was weft A.l were lost. it. j f-«? never dswie'd oar two-ttot} bkioi-, exiepto.;,' two, ing with clerks of election. brightei prospeol sfpoaos upon raport Stated tint bs wa« ovor.ak' n and mordered. e«,v#o, and wi'l be r»pea'''d is mt in which Gardner thejndjeaand Fhepoik I loe Gesjrensaent isours, aud, we ;hiuk, He wss a firrr aud r. *>j!ute Gentile, whos- fice d. nur This the only instsnee Territory, as. IX were but Lot t receive I All who want a hou,e t)io« to Kan f, « . o> n ir i-oi'ties of the IfOtBSOSM had rnUt CINCINNATI. has slown contempt for the lVrsuutil Liberty la*. preaeotly opetifsl agair, psaccaUy. OBStRV i.R. «i?. Governor of ! re|. er. d bha o'>noxio3s to them. At about 7 CiacinvATi, Friday, of 'J hat law declares, sec. IT, that tbe "$kmll vo: i; alarpry tor tLe oonvoniaasBO tbojndgea, vsty Fmted o'clock this evening tiie nurar retioery or Uiore l.'.e Viler states that the Mormons say ths in cnunn/ one CofUnis the Btmoa Oct. 1887. a R Ibreatb. McKenzie A tot.illv "appoint irtry who devoted the to tegistermg not K. T., 11, .- l. 't t< iect fere s there to 'lit I.i til Com from tha On. tyaj destroyed by " " day QcunikBo, Star¦ t a 1.1 s.-fTi- whsp er, pcr.onsl iequitlesof sinners to aid in the aVfeaM of acrnjert.« niter thishs thare are thousands of order who view of do coaditicu of the different the coiistitutii of this MiMMiiriniis who rad Ma'es. Hie V tee State in» n have beta defrauded of be tc fr< m th-> thraldom of Hrigham ing present uahty provision by Braking J DS would glad ercepe iu that some but where I iSMIllisnVaas wore reuns. a r'ess. hi tMess names attacledto do known l,< -iattire by miHme> of the counties there are now uo per- Johnson Cuaaty, dhsotly exterrunatitf? so foul and vi'taiuocs an organisation, 13.000outo| spir.dles, Sajro The Academy of wirg ur,! ii ranorted to ti." nolltd Vv.,tts. s,uc-i thea t'i I r erob we»k. 'J be t'iint W orks era in full operation, wi'h an auuiunco to tho best of last sous author zed to id as Commissioners. Aud it is Jobcsoa County Bowofteia>l] Bistdayof election, I would you the rame <,f the w,-i'«-r of lotti night, equal fit 1 JI 'be rutiiher has been swell-t to 1 11)0, Which mske« give it the t'.a..', »oard bin inn only five ntyr. Sea;on, dtsnits the hn'd times. The opera nloeoi ou tliis* of the Personal law that have beeM carried b) 1 nejority. A number of in¬ I it wn't) Lot, opinion of Mr. works are ka upon very point Liberty I the pro slavtry majority in .1« hnson Ctiuntv 1,884, h'* Y< ur to 8i!t I^ike, aad it ths (m the Apple tou two-thirdo of the Air. Cbnrles Mathew.i commences an OaV and his Hunker brethren are dctiOUM ! lit S If H.rO p <1e d- * 1. tn j rd tbe ;,ext lh%, paper goes waoh. Sakardey. Gardner 0, day stead of about 900 a> report, d huretoiu.e. rstfasg Mi imens what be tm l h would aot live ©j *retioo, but Ihey run only live days per nt on men as nullitierr. and a: wrhtsa, w of IHGO f«gerne Mondwy._ the Anti-SlnTcr] enrmios of to call upon fie judges of election.'but ttey were I »i' firiobed in BTOIJ part of the couuty, except atoriier day if they ctuld help it. The I.; ii< t. have sti pped H50 ont leotnw, law and 01 der. I Ovf. rd. on and it Bot a* s pre- and ex| tot to 12.0 moie within a sboit time. T&af r. to be found. Monday, ii populous stop NATIONAL CHESS CONQRE88. Gen. has his rt oiBct as aoaao stben m the county. Johnson Cosinty ere now r unning six days, but expect soon to atop otus Ciishirig put up "shingle" upon v. Free Stat .- [ By TelefTsph J has been that that* Block. It is not however, that he OtViofotBUt lays tLat G Wa'.ker aid Sec I beitg ctnneoted with Douglas, the heavy Jay per week. .Notice given feat of five blindfold Niies's beuered, I Voti m this lati. r county is overwuelmefl, LATEB FBOM SALT LAKI CUT. wi 1c be a r»du< lion in the price of Labor, but tho par This unparalleled phyine. l!a^ any serious aatesHiOB of making the law bis pro- retary Stanton pretend great inJ.gnatioa at the populous Tne looms uot wrs a c in¬ I Pr. representativesaoi St. L-^ri* Vrtaaj, 0?t 2:1, i*»ü7. est, has rot beer fixed upon. stoapod games at cbe.se simultaneously, brought to feSslOB for the remainder of his life. He w. Johnson C' and swear that wiil not gititgtho Slavery partyei^ht wsro those on wbU-h -«vy oiotax Mr. Paul¬ prob- untj fraud, they tr't-» (,,uti i'Teu at on.- fell iao,ip. A of Ti'>' jtawatWiwa BBSs8sooehaa*' tili« corporation clusion at oc Thureday. Four of be eleetad the House of at vote which turned cone-poni'eit wen -.> that the r. .motion in tbe nsiabor of m'dniglit sbiy to Kepn««entätives »> e it cairi- J out We ihali se»\ Should its vote Tbe tual psdled st BLiekapoo, \ *d confidsntiai made, sen's ran b?ing within a fssr move of liom This is tbe from which ale ia this Lsavetrwurth) oonnty. wns845 mors ir^ rtcer'Jy (>r-n Cap: FoUot, BgjBnt pounds iiianulactured ia nearly one-half. cpjHii.ei i, Newbtuyport. place be tte Free State wi'l have fie at Karsa*. who was works are eheek-mato The Sfth j>re« ded over by Rabe^t he started, in 1851, aftcl his downfall in reject'd part) Leg- tl ar iu Leavenworth Citv with ten times tb- iahabi- cf ths Govemmer t, Palssstto, On the SofTclk ore-half of the stoppaeL board, political tsc's. He tha*. the art] tie 0.I.0rs ran six per week. basso ass J. a draw. it not been Ibe of Folk a: j the M. xican SVar. lie h to i»lafjre ly a Ij-jie üjfj< riry. In hDy event tt.'y re'uiLitg from Bat I.vke. represented days They Dodge, esq., re»u.tednn Had days l' > mt on the Tremost is course of a few hot not until DeXl sssBaag: "t. enter tho aid that Piighsm Yourg pu'n'.c y de> retl^ weulö have had the 1 ner of vaniui^hing Mr. Paulsen. days, probably # Dein t Baejoilt] for ail practical purposes. It is Cnnlirt Baaesaa Parr city, of which they have stopped 1171. They have rasssra^ wesk. There are that he has had l.na..L« . *»i'I bs'nthe thus As it wss, wi;b the de of a LtokV reports lat-'y r:h. clr.re* that i.» prairies, depriving n. ti< 0 t' at tbe wages will be reduced IVJ psw hefon^ht emkaatloa interviews with (-'ard;it r. it is 8'ir- tbt ufht tint the rail foil polled wJl not be far AV-bi»«D. M but too much his several Qoi. and U*5 ths acimaleot" the expe 1'tion of sub;i-tence. andbu-u o" n mete.rgon tbo November payment. idas, ro-ifidenee brought aUiut S!a> of interviews was to do fioui IT o0o. Duuaia.. t one in which aneetaasw b>»» mircil that the puip,*e these Jehasaa.,._.:t>M .-an if mt before he will submit to the »n the Menimac, mill, coinfitave. Mr. s Mr. .. *t! LIs city ce-.*>ury, 0-cinyac game, as aNo that of for his in a d w;iy. 7*s St Laui» .m. b> en maile, is All tho other works Mianething Kxcelleocy po'itic The uteirgert emItwaskBdeat of .. 1» The for'* stopped. ' Frero, were well conduced on R.^barii. öemaods of the Coited 8'atts Governm.-nt. week. have rednoed their part, but their Put I believe that Cushiuit. iu hi* anil >«Si' Bins six daya per They speech, /'i mtxrar fvriles as toilows ia regard to this last I BtKk-i rfctfa._. slotg ths rente are to be h bad Lut the reduction is not the same 0 advereary was one t x> many for t iem. rid mmend tbe Democracy to stand by th.«ir own B^urixjo. T» repr«sent«d repair, of bibor t» st . 10 to 16 cent, and will Ml. Pauleen was not in the iutorv;ew with lheGovernor d greatest vdlamy: I Dto... ._.U and incspsbleof affe.rdiog' BnrHcient protection for tie w.ik I' isf.oon per elig'u*e»t degree tV;guerl rr'iuiratioDs. llii piob- Aaaewea. .. Ö in November. 1 is s'ates that he si me lonuection with his owu little mat¬ RFTLRNS OK SIXTKEtf BM and . wt with exeituu *, and ctuld just as wel' had fRAUDULKMf STUM J.yS^ca. . trocpe. _ tin the Boott sr* stoppwi, sbly .. 1« All the mills i . '. sii or eevtn at a time BS live. The m> u- ter.tbe sent in tbe House. DEED AM» 1WKNrv POUR VOrESPtOH i.ot learn when are to start np agam. play gauies i-jar.* in Ai baht..AU.ut Ia'eassblbsi they ont of I £SI ^ae ars bars M tVe wbetiier their be There are, however, ominous fears among the JORVSOH ma- C^srf asBariftF On the Martaehosettt 350 Congress doubt any limit COURTT. The borks in stowed s« in the Booood Dlsfenlal was but loot Says per friends of Mr. Banks thai a number of Demo I poll Doc'pban County we u...tr.bg. tbo policeman sf. std the others are .Tinning lo his , aid wi h rssitOS lar^e Lawatxact, K. T Oet Ij. 1857. ler Panott. but what the returns exhibit it n ULd-t, be discovered smoke lor Gardner, or that, on tbe eve I] gl g hb emerging p^ed, -tgg'yjf?'. l. cratswillgo jus* Of ail the b» Id aid oemifgated frautis wu.ch uave nava tot >et leaned. ft ni tbe extec.-ive stove estab'iehment of Maesr*. statement made by os last Mom'a. , that that < Gardner w iil transfer his fori es over WThe bad vote* AasR;«"A!t Gimrat CoVMnTii.~I.a-t rtbeSsVotiesa, is l>een r cuidt d iL Kan»as, there has nevtr bseu one WALKER. Ratbbtme A- Co., Bteo. 'J and 11 Green street He Directors of the Massachusetts Corporation is It kKMOVAL »»F GOV. - eraaiasj to Beach. But this last fear groundless. in 1. led an alarm, hn* ...-for- the Depart¬ wan not crrect. tbe American < Ban i - ..u«, t , BS> BSOdkBtsly to _ General Comm-tteo met, Zjpha: Mills too hto for such a movement, and Cuahimi Bad damnable, gkajkaglf It mn-rr.-l >.l the that the officoisin the army ment was bronirht to bear, tbe lire had extended from stop, 101 out of Cl looms arw and iode\oid of all the wnieh city for On the Fretcott st^pawd, iotbo cbair, Coiaelius H fThttahor nVoreiary. Gardner betb know it. Tho PesBocmttehaasViri utiut., djepi of principal, rtal ned in Kar^a- have ths Präsident *h» firrt to tbe fourth story, aad through »he aiiioiriog and the others are mnt.ing but tbnr days per wsoh. :n a< one petitioned mter- we ere at tbeiieed le> Tbe t me, place of B SataB| and Lumber of deloj tt U triply say that wLat-\t r mty bo the result of th» snafl] 'injte, ruffianly cLaiac'ers, the prac- Iba lemovai of Gov. Wa.kf on accooxt of his loft cvsr the itoev-stars of Mi Coy Jc Clark. Wha Of tbe Middlesex Company «¦ir water fr»m the that have not fe¬ from eat h district to BtBSad the Poll, s and Civil Jus¬ vote this year, .,1 *!l cany tho Stati next year. t'eed a: fie Oxford Precinct io Jobr«,.n County. theen to vo»e at the abutdant ruoply of the hydrants nuke no statement, except thoy yet their they I 'eiecee wttB the troope to indnco LtDding was sneeduv inundated and the flaim** aim nded «bat they thail do tice Conventions were No o:iier buaiac« And calculation would be no means absnri Mea wore sect from this place aid to the late n. conduct was reprehensib'e desigt»trd, in the b) VTyankiotU, eleeti. Certainly his oondemna- icstsnt'y cheeked The Ore b sopno ed to hayeorigi- Tbe Lowell Company have sp»pp-d al! their ooU<>a vf ieiportatice was transa< if, mean while, Mr. Buchatiaa'a first Con- o fftrent Pteth Ota n Johnsen C unty. t > b:ag up the El tlc.extreme. atd deeerves the atrongeet rated from in tbe in the sec- wotks. Something more than three-fourths of that - . agrafe a however, whether the Pre-dent wii. |«»licy placed rcawlt as soon as the pells were closed. I era* in DPy- Woi oaht, -e of sad 8 ry Of Katbbone ox Co. a. Ihe beartbstoi.e wtiks in tbe carpet departiueut are tamatig ire days betört) the lave tbe to remove srt»r such sn eviden connected Bkkmsi.a eoawtry. Buchanan'.' present thttermg SllsVdtS and saw tneu who c .d not leave until the grit bim from re.t.d npe.n a piece of timber which in a we. k. isLLotv Faiak IB Advu ee from Ber- lots are no Gen Pierce's were poi's i-^.; l ro Ibe South. Our torre«pond»nee with tbe This is to have he¬ This company h*« al»o (riven notice that »he wages prssf brightat than c ard cleiied la all tbe Precinct* in in tha election* m rloorirg. supposed t» ¦uda to the 1st iuat. slato toat the BUbbbB This? trf dVT the Si ii.mer after he took oath ofotfiea. we:e osed, rinally Kansas ehows tbe grossest fraads roine cbsr:. d to such art exteat as will be redu< 1 d. The redaction is not nuiforss, bat Dg his T: -.tt to see a specimen of the <'">".<*¦ war Brilliant bad a-nved at HaaaBtoa from Granada As soon as Cot gress meets, will <>n the .). Inj-, n Ccurty. ry Btndavsd rssnüt, giTuig Kst-s.. TLosa woo wish have igiiad after tte place I cn CihTerer.t kiade of work. Slavery pu«h trat net in which the " sovereignty doctrine tnrooeb the en- ardsaütd ha HsJLfaz. She had ItMl cases of lieim cratic to -ome pew which wiil is PioS'avery par.v 841 a.aj. ;>.ij-. On my amval squatter tuese I-t- last evetifg. ard the tire spread ins yeUow party owtewfa, is carried out ta.-.Lot do' b-tter than read tire it was discovered, fever Bronae the in t1 Ii eor.'obora'ive l«wi wai in cirrnlation. SB. esUbliebment beforo and in¬ Hon. H. Ceo. of this city, was mar¬ aaong Ler crew, and 81 deaths, the chaplain of Bgain sleeping spirit of the Northern 7lace, 1 m Daaa stat, Amj. are T. Norton, es Lsmrm nTfWBsärra i refers to this bag P »ton. for *. 000 bat the dsmago probably M ssMiiiam F. Fo'.Üb, danrhter of Cbarloo FolHs, imu not it ... and until next u. ^ad tn »x-*f ed to _ of M'. Richards, from S. C, tm cdiatel), pnstpoao ye Sid JoLostn CouBt.es ^-c« >vdrwhslauagiy a- bsji $1.1011 |1,800. , in erq., of Now OrlesBa. In tbe sbesscs Fcllin, Geirgetown, Martinique will be sure to feel as grievous a the A Co. an larored is the Frank fUe had arrivesl at ^ crew all »ick They very disi|>- tavcr of Freecvm. La* anal cp to 8*e-etarys Batbhaao for the bride was iven ex-Gov. Anthoay. Ueyrge, her with mtor' 1 tiiH'nt a« the man who dreamed he wi- '*JahaaaaOawaty Pro- and the .Etna, Hartford |io,000 utK)n f sway by p' BVJtiled rs'.urti* r^s'-hsd L- eftce re urn* f. r the oonnty tote 1..00 adelphia. loss. no W steh Bjittetil fever. " Lüt r the cfTr al oairtoa, gl> ng are ef. will cover their -lbs Hon. I'ieiro Son't- is lying extremely to take a and, iu«t*«d of « ight s . m.tes of these re'nrns from tfc.ir ok. which sNng, Maaid »»:s cvtioc- rv mso ntv. Tb- occ thei third and, fourtiNofts Or'esas. with a disoer* in tka ordered it to be made hot, aui wh .e m ut fof iV atitothe aaaysiroof nlksatthosewha thtf Oxford a lit!."* town Jt'.he stiasccn line, McCoy A Oath upied and U Green stroet at his reaideooe in New Contterfeit g w« stoIV-! precinct is on ths orerthe-r warerooms. \os. tl1 lato visit to Ue^ »- |3 bDhj on the Ws tsrO aaty BaDk BW'i ke. Btsd amanosc-ptjos*. fifyf'" -»V er rather, tb« village, what there is of it, a amount ot '.lu^al. cotitiaoHa hje '¦ r W »»»ten Uvj/ at where had collected U|etbsr large diuia| -lackstouo. Mass., are in CMtuiaUou .5 B ¦>.:¦ a, Thsjanaj J M.irsb, recai tfj a s i labs State C a : B| r!orsj I..? / .J sä I '¦' ';./" al: IIJaaoaH Th»r« ar. act >^ they