August 02,1888
volume i;o. Belfast, maine, Thursday, august 2, m number si, Animals Their Own Doctors. Inrest. sort of lie was that when his [ way. proud Some Rare Delicacies. Free Wool. Letter from the Pacific Coast. Inherited Mental Powers. Letter children needed new shoes, lie could tell his from an Iowa Summer Visitor. Animals rid of their Here In lin* years wherein ! stand get parasites by using j wife to take them to and what IIKtll LIVING loll TIIK KPICt’KKH OK Til I-'. I’A- For the first time in of I gaze across the fallow land j Crispin's get seventy-five years the [Correspondence the Journal.] L •»• :* thk ; A> some persons fail to realize tin- d.l.t of "rn-spoiidciK of tl»i- m nii usd vy m.mininc iiv dust, mud, elay, etc. 't hose suffering from fi \cross the they needed. He did it with a flourish. He ( II IC COAST. Journal.J conquest and its *-,,^t; Congress of the United States lias voted to i> the was not one of the he liked to put C. s. Stkamku I gratitude we owe t<» the illu-triou- taller- It the impulse of the average human ver restrict their diet, keep quid, seek dark Hcyond sought-for and tin- lo.-t: stingy kind; ‘•Come and take linn !i with me to-morrow.” Albatross, being And look into and who was wool on Hie free list. In all the vicissitudes thine eyes of joy spend money; when Nettie, the Nanaimo, Vancoi yi.r's IsL.,Jiily 11,‘ss.j who have hu ill up this heaut iful civil i/a! ion in when he visits his friends to tell them all he airy places, drink water, and somet hin Thou brown tnnicked The was a individual, well- pbmge faced, country bo«.
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