how to download with skyrim organizer How to Install Skyrim and 4 Mods with Nexus Mod Manager. Chris Hoffman is Editor-in-Chief of How-To Geek. He's written about technology for over a decade and was a PCWorld columnist for two years. Chris has written for The New York Times, been interviewed as a technology expert on TV stations like Miami's NBC 6, and had his work covered by news outlets like the BBC. Since 2011, Chris has written over 2,000 articles that have been read nearly one billion times---and that's just here at How-To Geek. Read more. Like many Bethesda games, modding is one of the big draws of games like Skyrim and on the PC. Nexus Mod Manager is one of the best ways to install mods on your favorite games, and we’re here to show you how to use it. Nexus Mod Manager actually supports many other games, too, including The Witcher games, Dragon Age, Dark Souls, and other Fallout and Elder Scrolls games, so you should be able to adapt the instructions for any other game Nexus Mod Manager supports. We’ll use Fallout 4 in today’s example. How to Enable Modding in Fallout 4. Even though you’ll be using the Nexus Mod Manager, you’ll still have to perform a quick tweak to Fallout 4’s game files before it will accept the mods you install. (Other games, like Skyrim, won’t require this tweak, and you can skip to the next section). First, navigate to the Fallout 4 folder in your documents directory. You’ll find it under C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\My Games\Fallout4 . Double-click the Fallout4Prefs.ini file to open it in your default text editor. It’ll open in Windows Notepad unless you’ve installed another text editor like Notepad++. Scroll down to the very bottom of the text file and you’ll see a [Launcher] section. Add the following line below it: Click File>Save to save the file, and then close Notepad. Double-click the Fallout4Custom.ini file to open it in your default text editor. Add the following lines to the end of the file: Click File > Save to save the file, and then close Notepad. Fallout 4 will now accept and use the mods you install. How to Install and Configure Nexus Mod Manager. It’s possible to manually install mods for a lot of games, or use ’s built-in Workshop (for games that support it). However, we recommend using the Nexus Mod Manager tool to make this process easier and reduce the risk you’ll break something while installing a mod. Download Nexus Mod Manager and install it on your PC. If you don’t yet have a Nexus Mods account, you’ll be informed you need to register for a free account to download it. You’ll be asked to sign up for a paid supporter membership during the sign-up process, but you can just scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “Create Account” to continue. Launch Nexus Mod Manager after you install it and it will search your PC for games. If you have Fallout 4 installed, it will find it. Just click the checkmark to confirm Fallout 4 is installed at that location and then click “OK.” Select “Fallout 4” in the list of installed games and click “OK.” If you always want to use this program to manage Fallout 4 mods, click the “Don’t ask me next time” checkbox here. You’ll be informed that you need to set up the paths where Nexus Mod Manager will store mod-related files. Click “OK” to continue and you’ll see a Fallout 4 Setup screen. By default, Nexus Mod Manager will store these files under C:\Games\Nexus Mod Manager\Fallout4 . There’s a problem with these default folder settings. It won’t work unless you run Nexus Mod Manager as Administrator. If you run it normally, you’ll see an error informing you that Nexus Mod Manager is “unable to get write permissions for” the directory. To solve this, set the folder paths to something like C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\Nexus Mod Manager\Fallout4 . Alternatively, keep the default folders and run Nexus Mod Manager as an Administrator. To do so, right-click the Nexus Mod Manager shortcut and select “Run as administrator.” To always run it as Administrator, right-click the shortcut and select “Open file location.” Right-click the “Nexus Mod Manager” Shortcut, select “Properties, click the “Compatability” tab, and enable the “Run this program as an administrator” checkbox. Click “OK” to save your settings and Windows will always launch Nexus Mod Manager with Administrator permissions. How to Install Fallout 4 Mods. You’ll want to sign into Nexus Mod Manager with your Nexus account for easy mod installation. To do so, click the profile icon next to “You are not logged in” at the bottom-left corner of the Nexus Mod Manager window. Enter your Nexus Mods username and password here. You’ll then see a “Logged in” message here, informing you you’re logged in. You can now head to the Fallout 4 Mods category page to browse and search the available mods. If you’re logged in, you’ll see “[Name]’s account” at the top-right corner of each web page. If you’re not, click the “Log in” link at the top-right corner of the web page. Locate a mod you want to install and click the “Download (NMM)” button to download the mod with Nexus Mod Manager. Your browser will hand off to the Nexus Mod Manager application, which will download the mod you chose. The Download link at the top of each mod’s page will download the main, current version of the mod. However, some mods offer multiple versions, or additional files. To download multiple versions or optional files a mod offers, scroll down on its download page and click the “Files” tab. You’ll see the various files the mod offers, along with explanations from the mod author about what they do. Click “Download With Manager” to download the mod files you want. Once it’s downloaded and installed, locate the mod in the list, select it, and click the green checkmark button in the sidebar to enable it. You can click the red cancel button that appears in this location afterwards to disable a mod. Some mods will walk you through a setup process the first time you enable them. You’ll be able to choose different options, depending on the mod. Go through the setup process and select your desired options to enable the mod. To change these options later, right-click the mod in the Nexus Mod Manager list and select “Reinstall Mod.” You’ll see the same setup screens again. Now all you need to do is launch Fallout 4. You can do so using the “Launch Fallout4” button at the top-left corner of the screen or just launch it through Steam normally. Load your existing game or create a new one–either way, the mods you installed will immediately take effect. To disable or uninstall a mod later, close Fallout 4 and open Nexus Mod Manager. Right-click the mod you want to disable or uninstall and select “Deactivate” to disable the mod or “Uninstall and Delete” to remove the mod from your system. You can also click the settings icon at the top of the Nexus Mod Manager window and use the “Disable All Active Mods” or “Uninstall All Active Mods” options to quickly disable or uninstall all currently activate mods. How to Configure Your Mod Load Order (and Why It Matters) The above process should work perfectly if you’re only using one mod. However, if you plan to install several mods, you may need to think about your mod load order. This is exactly what it sounds like. Fallout 4 will load mods one by one, in the order you specify. If you have multiple mods installed, some of them may overwrite each other’s changes. For example, you may have one “total overhaul mod” that tweaks a large amount of things in the game, including all the weapons. Second, you may have a small mod that makes a single weapon function in a certain way. If the game loads the small mod before the larger mod, its tweaks will be overwritten by the total overhaul mod. To have the second mod function, the larger total overhaul mod needs to be loaded first. This only applies to mods that have plugins. If you install a mod with a plugin, it’ll appear on the “Plugins” tab, as well as the “Mods” tab. To control the load order, click over to the “Plugins” tab. Select a mod you’ve installed and click the up and down arrows in the left pane to adjust the load order. The “Masters” information for a plugin tells you when a mod depends on another mod. For example, in the screenshot below, “Homemaker – SK Integration Patch.esp” depends on Fallout4.esm, SettlementKeywords.esm, and Homemaker.esm. It must appear after all these other plugins in the list. Nexus Mod Manager won’t let you move it above those other plugins in your load order. It may take some trial and error to get the load order working the way you want it. Some mod authors may provide information about recommended load order on their mod’s download page. If you want some additional help, you can try using LOOT, the Load Order Optimization tool. It works by examining your mods and attempting to decide the correct order so that all dependencies are satisfied and that each mod has a maximum impact on your game. It will recommend you a load order you can configure in Nexus Mod Manager. How to Deal With Mod Conflicts, or “Overwrites” There’s another way mods can conflict, and it’s totally separate from your plug-in load order. Sometimes, two mods overwrite the same files in your game, and you’ll need to decide which one you want to take precedence. We’ll use Skyrim here as an example. Skyrim and Fallout 4 share the same engine, and work similarly. Texture packs are a great example of this. For example, the Skyrim HD mod adds over 2,000 high-res textures to the game, making it look absolutely fantastic. But there are also smaller mods for specific textures–like this Real Ice and Snow mod–that (sometimes) look even better. Let’s say you want to replace most of your game with the Skyrim HD pack, but want the ice and snow from the Real Ice and Snow mod. First, you select the Skyrim HD mod and enable it, just like you would any other mod. If you start the game at this point, you’d see that the Skyrim HD textures have been applied. Then, when you enable the Real Ice and Snow mod, you’ll get this message: This happens because you have two mods–Skyrim HD and Real Ice and Snow–attempting to modify Skyrim’s snow and ice textures. If you want Real Ice and Snow, you’ll click “Yes to All” or “Yes to Mod” to overwrite Skyrim HD’s textures. If you prefer Skyrim HD’s textures, you’d click “No to All” or “No to Mod”, and any conflicting textures from Real Ice and Snow would not be applied. You could load these mods in the opposite order, too. If you loaded Real Ice and Snow first, you’d get the ice from that mod, and decide whether to overwrite it with Skyrim HD after the fact. If you’re installing a lot of mods, we recommend loading the bigger, game-sweeping mods first as your “base layer”–in the example above, that’s Skyrim HD. Then, load the smaller, more specific mods after, always choosing “Yes to All.” The more mods you install, the more complex the process becomes, and we’ve only scratched the surface here–there are many mods that require even more steps outside of Nexus Mod Manager to work (like ENBs or interface modifications). But the more you do it, the more it’ll become second nature. If you ever have questions, check the Discussion tab on the offending mod’s Nexus page–there’s a lot of good info to be had, and developers are often pretty responsive. Mod Organizer. Advanced Guide to Mod Organizer by deathneko11, covering stuff like file conflict resolution and using SkyProc Patchers with MO. Please also check out , it might have an updated version of the video. Also be sure to give deathneko11 an endorsement and kudos. Skyrim Mod Organizer X-Plained. Skyrim Mod Organizer X-Plained. Introductory video to Mod Organizer by Bridger. Informative AND funny. Mod Organizer: A Beginner's Guide. Mod Organizer: A Beginner's Guide. Beginner's Guide to Mod Organizer by deathneko11. Please also check out , it might have an updated version of the video. Also be sure to give deathneko11 an endorsement and kudos. User videos. 1 2. 2016 Guide No1 - Series Introduction. 2016 Skyrim Modding Guide No1 - Series Introduction. This introduction video explains the purpose and format for the upcoming "2016 Skyrim Modding Guide" Using an informal tutorial style, this series will compile a number of available reference to build an updated, modded version of Skyrim for the PC. References and Links: Skyrim by : NexusMods for Skyrim: Mod Organizer on Nexus: Skyrim Total Enhancement Project (STEP): STEP Guide v2.2.9.2: STEP .ini Guide: Cal's Personal .ini Files: Gamerpoets Videos: SKSE- .ini Files - LOOT - TES5edit Install - Wrye Bash Install - Dirty Weasel's Installation video for LOOT, xEdit, and Wrye Bash/Flash for FO3 (Same basic instructions for installing to MO): LOOT: TES5edit on Nexus: Wrye Bash on Nexus: Mator the Eternal's Merge Plugins Standalone: Follow Dirty Weasel Media on Twitter: Skyrim Mod Organizer 03 - Profile Load Order und Mod Management Guide German. Skyrim Mod Organizer 03 - Profile Load Order und Mod Management Guide German. Willkommen zurück liebe Gaming Freunde, heute geht es um den Load Order und die Profile bei dem Tutorial im Mod Organizer. Viel Spaß euer TpCatch. ► TpCatch abonnieren : ► Hier findet ihr mich auf Facebook : ► Besucht mich doch bei Steam : Mod Organizer 02 - Grundeinstellungen und Mod Download Install Guide German. Mod Organizer 02 - Grundeinstellungen und Mod Download Install Guide German. Hallo liebe Gaming Freunde, heute geht es weiter mit den Einstellungen im Mod Organizer und ich zeige euch anhand von Skyrim mehrere Methoden wie ihr die Mods installieren könnt. Euer TpCatch. ► TpCatch abonnieren : ► Hier findet ihr mich auf Facebook : ► Besucht mich doch bei Steam : Mod Organizer 01 - Installation und Download. Mod Organizer 01 - Installation und Download. Hallo meine lieben Gaming Freunde, Ein neues Projekt beginnt mit dem Guide vom Mod Organizer mit dem Beispiel an Skyrim . Heute Zeige ich euch wo ihr ihn downloaden und installieren könnt euer TpCatch. ► Nexus Mod Organizer : ► Sourceforge : ► TpCatch abonnieren : ► Hier findet ihr mich auf Facebook : ► Besucht mich doch bei Steam : Skyrim Mod Organizer - Mods Configuration. Skyrim Mod Organizer - Mods Configuration. Skyrim Tutorial | Mod Organizer Complete Guide - Phase 4: Mods Configuration. Mod Organizer Tutorial Phase 3 - SKSE configuration. Mod Organizer Tutorial Phase 3 - SKSE configuration. Skyrim Tutorial | Mod Organizer Complete Guide - Phase 3: Installing SKSE & Fire Starters. Including Skyrim Startup Memory Patch. Skyrim Tutorial - Mod Organizer phase 2. Skyrim Tutorial - Mod Organizer phase 2. Skyrim Tutorial | Mod Organizer Complete Guide - phase 2. Skyrim - Mod Organizer Tutorial phase 1. Skyrim - Mod Organizer Tutorial phase 1. Skyrim | Mod Organizer Complete Guide - Tutorial phase 1. MO primal setup. Let's Mod Skyrim with OWA Part 1 Preparation. Let's Mod Skyrim with OWA Part 1 Preparation. I decided to share my modding experience with my viewers starting from a fresh install. In this part I download and install the needed software to mod skyrim successfully. -- Watch live at Mod Organizer 9 - Steam Workshop. Mod Organizer 9 - Steam Workshop. Using Mod Organizer with Steam Workshop mods. Mod Organizer S.T.E.P. wiki : [url=] [/url] Gamer Poets YouTube channel for the official STEP mod organizer videos : [url=][/url] Thumbnail is 'The Hero-God of Mankind' courtesy of WorshipTheSatan. Keep up to date with what is happening on my twitter account: [url=][/url] Mod Organizer 10 - Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS. Mod Organizer 10 - Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS. Using Mod Organizer to install Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS. Skyrim Mod Sanctuary 90 : Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS : Mod Organizer S.T.E.P. wiki : Gamer Poets YouTube channel for the official STEP mod organizer videos : Thumbnail is courtesy of WorshipTheSatan. Keep up to date with what is happening on my twitter account: Mod Organizer 8 - Conflicts and Priorities. Mod Organizer 8 - Conflicts and Priorities. Resolving conflicts and setting the mod priority correctly using Mod Organizer. Mod Organizer S.T.E.P. wiki : Gamer Poets YouTube channel for the official STEP mod organizer videos : Thumbnail is 'The Staff of Otar' courtesy of Corpsehatch. Keep up to date with what is happening on my twitter account: Skyrim Mod Sanctuary 92. Skyrim Mod Sanctuary 92. Thumbnail is 'Returned' courtesy of titoman. Mod Organizer 7 - Third Party Programs and SkyRe ReProccer. Mod Organizer 7 - Third Party Programs and SkyRe ReProccer. Can you use Mod Organizer along side Nexus Mod Manager (NMM)? And how do you migrate all you mods from NMM to MO? 01:18 Why would you need to add 3rd party programs to Mod Organizer? 02:41 Setting up LOOT to work with Mod Organizer. 05:51 Setting up tes5edit to work with Mod Organizer. 09:40 Setting up shortcuts in Mod Organizer. 12:17 Setting up the SkyRe ReProccer for use with Mod Organizer. Mod Organizer S.T.E.P. wiki : Gamer Poets YouTube channel for the official STEP mod organizer videos : Thumbnail is courtesy of ManaScRYeD. Keep up to date with what is happening on my twitter account: Mod Organizer 6 - Beyond Nexus Mod Manager. Mod Organizer 6 - Beyond Nexus Mod Manager. Can you use Mod Organizer along side Nexus Mod Manager (NMM)? And how do you migrate all you mods from NMM to MO? Mod Organizer : Mod Organizer S.T.E.P. wiki : http://wiki.step- Gamer Poets YouTube channel for the official STEP mod organizer videos : Thumbnail is courtesy of acebace. Keep up to date with what is happening on my twitter account: Mod Organizer 5 - Profiles. Mod Organizer 5 - Profiles. What are profiles and how do you use them in Mod Organizer? Mod Organizer : Mod Organizer S.T.E.P. wiki : http://wiki.step- Gamer Poets YouTube channel for the official STEP mod organizer videos : Thumbnail is 'Warriors Blessing' courtesy of Tinkili. Keep up to date with what is happening on my twitter account: Mod Organizer 4 - Installing Scripted FOMODs SKSE and SkyUI. Mod Organizer 4 - Installing Scripted FOMODs SKSE and SkyUI. How do you install Scripted FOMODS, SKSE and SKyUI using Mod Organizer? Mod Organizer S.T.E.P. wiki : Gamer Poets YouTube channel for the official STEP mod organizer videos : Thumbnail is courtesy of bluecheese1985. Keep up to date with what is happening on my twitter account: Downloading and Installing Mods to Mod Organizer for Skyrim. Downloading and Installing Mods to Mod Organizer for Skyrim. How to download and install Mods to "Mod Organizer", Skyrim in particular. This video shows three methods: From the Nexus, from an archive, and transferring from archive to the download tab. Merging patches is also touched upon. For links to Nexus mod pages see description on main Youtube page. Dirty Weasel Media is now on Twitter: Mod Organizer 3 - Updating and Merging Mods. Mod Organizer 3 - Updating and Merging Mods. How do you update mods using Mod Organizer? And how can you merge mods using this tool? Mod Organizer : Mod Organizer S.T.E.P. wiki : http://wiki.step- Gamer Poets YouTube channel for the official STEP mod organizer videos : Thumbnail is 'This one is mine' courtesy of hanask16. Keep up to date with what is happening on my twitter account: Mod Organizer 2 - Installing Basic Mods. Mod Organizer 2 - Installing Basic Mods. How do you install simple mods using Mod Organizer? Mod Organizer S.T.E.P. wiki : Gamer Poets YouTube channel for the official STEP mod organizer videos : Thumbnail is 'Tear Asunder' courtesy of WorshipTheSatan. Keep up to date with what is happening on my twitter account: LOOT and TES5edit for Mod Organizer Installation Tutorial. LOOT and TES5edit for Mod Organizer Installation Tutorial. Installation and basic use for LOOT and TES5edit within Mod Organizer. Download LOOT here: Download TES5edit on Nexus: Dirty Weasel Media is now on Twitter: Mod Organizer 1 - Installation and Initial Setup. Mod Organizer 1 - Installation and Initial Setup. How do you install mods with Mod Organizer? Mod Organizer S.T.E.P. wiki : Gamer Poets YouTube channel for the official STEP mod organizer videos : Thumbnail is 'VIEWPOINT' courtesy of kaldaar. Keep up to date with what is happening on my twitter account: Mod Organizer - Introduction. Mod Organizer - Introduction. Introducing Mod Organizer: a tool for managing mods in Skyrim, , New Vegas and Oblivion. Mod Organizer - Method to auto download mod details for mods installed manually from archives. After using NMM for few months & because of obvious issues in it, I moved to MO. Now, since I already have archives of all the mods I downloaded using NMM, I can easily add them to MO. But the problem is every time I do this, I have to set Nexus Mod ID for that specific mod manually. Also, I have to change version numbers properly to get future updates. But the problem is, I have over 200 mods & it's not possible to manually edit all of their data. So, I there any method, or plugin I can use to do this automatically?. Is there any way to auto download all of my mod details to MO, without setting Nexus IDs manually?. I hope there is a way. Maybe a plugin based on checksums to detect mod name & version I have? Unfortunately, I think you'll have to manually update the information because MO can't do this automatically. The reason is because sometimes authors have several versions of the same mod and MO needs to know which version you're using so that once that version gets an update, MO can notify you. If you don't want to spend the amount of time to re-download the mods then you can always leave them be and check the mod pages manually from time to time if there are any updates available. If your mods are from Nexus SE you could possibly get some info when you install. If you have placed your mod archive in the mod organizer down load folder. Then when you go to install the mod you get the option to query the mod details. Unfortunately mod organizer takes a guess at the mod id. So you get at best two options. If you pick the wright one it checks with Nexus and updates the mod details. Not a big problem if you pick the wrong one. Just wipe your hard drive and start again (OK maybe not ) Actually you just have to delete the meta data in the Mods install folder and reinstall the mod choosing the other option. Just reinstalling the mod does not work as mod organizer reads the meta data file regardless which id option you choose. Normally I have found that one option is a single id number like number one and the wright one is a several digit id. You can also check on Nexus and get the mod id and at the time of install update the details. If your mods are from Nexus SE you could possibly get some info when you install. If you have placed your mod archive in the mod organizer down load folder. Then when you go to install the mod you get the option to query the mod details. Unfortunately mod organizer takes a guess at the mod id. So you get at best two options. If you pick the wright one it checks with Nexus and updates the mod details. Not a big problem if you pick the wrong one. Just wipe your hard drive and start again (OK maybe not ) Actually you just have to delete the meta data in the Mods install folder and reinstall the mod choosing the other option. Just reinstalling the mod does not work as mod organizer reads the meta data file regardless which id option you choose. Normally I have found that one option is a single id number like number one and the wright one is a several digit id. You can also check on Nexus and get the mod id and at the time of install update the details. yeh. I saw that. Can I put Nexus Mod ID manually and then auto download details about that mod? Yep, just tried it then. Go to in stall the mod. When you select query information and it gives you the two possible options hit cancel. A pop up window will ask you to manually install the mod id. Mod Organizer and Merge Plugins. Hi guys, I have a problem using merge plugin with mod organizer 2, recognize my plugins but when configuring it in framework integrations "I am using mod organizer" then "detect integrations" and an error comes out, apparently I have to mark them manually, but what folders I have to mark I am somewhat lost and the guides and videos I have seen did not help me much, since they choose folders like "Mods\virtualinstall" and I don't know whether to create them manually or I have to select a folder. Please log in or register. Simple mod that adds yet another fun activity for your character to do in the world: 12 epic "Leaps of Faith" across Skyrim for you to discover and complete as you play. Jumping from one of these places will play a custom jumping and falling animation and give you a small (well-earned) bonus. Quests and Adventures By jayserpa. 459KB 34 -- GIHH Deana Follower. Deana is a standalone follower.She is a spellsword, fighting with one-handed weapons and Ice Spike.And she worships the Champion of Cyrodiil (a.k.a. the Hero of Kvatch, the Savior of Bruma, etc.) and considers the daedric creatures to be her enemy. Followers and Companions By GreyInTheSky. 17.5MB 27 -- Dust Adept Armor. Adds Dust Adepts ' equipment to the gameДобавляет в игру экипировку Адептов Пыли. Armour By 4thUnknown. 32.8MB 24 -- Redoran Exile Armor LE. Dunmer light armor set inspired by RuffinVangarr's mod for TES III: Morrowind. All credits to Pulcharmsolis. Armour By 1Kyou1. 177.4MB 24 -- Simply Script Fixes (Papyrus) re-upload to new mod caused by Nexusmods new TOS. Patches By ReDragon2013. 4KB 20 -- JS Unlock Everything. Automatically unlock Doors & Chests with the option to bypass Dragon Claw & Key requirements. Controlled via MCM Menu. Gameplay By johnskyrim. 4KB 15 -- The Companions' Werewolf Bypass. Bypass the need to become a werewolf before you can continue with The Companions' quest line. Quests and Adventures By telamont. 28KB 14 -- Join the largest modding community. More mods. New today 10 New this week 57 Popular (30 days) Popular (all time) More Trending Random Updated. This mod replaces the 8 combat songs in the game with 8 new intense orchestral compositions, making for a more invigorating and energized combat experience. 7.3MB 0 -- This mod replaces the 8 combat songs in the game with 8 new intense orchestral compositions, making for a more invigorating and energized combat experience. Поверхностный перевод патча на русский язык. 10KB 0 -- Поверхностный перевод патча на русский язык. Adds vanilla model accessories and weapons that are enchanted.Add shield magic spells. 78KB 0 -- Adds vanilla model accessories and weapons that are enchanted.Add shield magic spells. Mod adds new ranks to vanilla perk trees. Added +35 perks to 13 of 18 trees. 4KB 0 -- Mod adds new ranks to vanilla perk trees. Added +35 perks to 13 of 18 trees. Once again the Disciples of Vuldur has managed to open another portal on the Westfrost Dovul Bal, west of Vominheim to the Realm of Merentif and plans to struck a deal with the Lord dremora to take back Vominheim. 3.1MB 3 -- Once again the Disciples of Vuldur has managed to open another portal on the Westfrost Dovul Bal, west of Vominheim to the Realm of Merentif and plans to struck a deal with the Lord dremora to take back Vominheim. Adds Woolly Rhino Lizards into Skyrim. 76.0MB 3 -- Adds Woolly Rhino Lizards into Skyrim. for dragon playable lovers. 188KB 0 -- for dragon playable lovers. This mod replaces the model and textures of the clothes Delphine gives to you in the embassy party quest to have the same look of Vittoria Vici's Wedding Dress. 1KB 1 -- This mod replaces the model and textures of the clothes Delphine gives to you in the embassy party quest to have the same look of Vittoria Vici's Wedding Dress. Change the appearance of "Leonara Arius". 3.5MB 3 -- Change the appearance of "Leonara Arius". The appearance of "Brelas" has changed. 2.5MB 2 -- The appearance of "Brelas" has changed. Media. New today 52 New this week 298 Popular (30 days) Popular (all time) Trending Random. The Dragonborn became a dragon. 10 0. 10 0. 12 1. Fertility mode kids - Bosmer children. 19 2. Watch your back. 12 2. Proud parents of their first baby. 14 2. 59 16. You are Domination. 74 4. A Uniquely Differentiated Party. 203 22. 107 19. 87 15. What a Witch looks like. 154 18. Vivi the Necromancer Apprentice. 70 14. 38 0. 133 32. 126 23. Cooking with Ash. 111 28. The Tale of the DragonBorn. 50 10. 53 8. 32 6. News & Updates. All news Features Site news Game news Competition news Mod news Interviews Mod updates. Big news Fallout fans, it's finally happening! Fallout: The Frontier will be available to download on Nexus Mods from 8pm (GMT) and on Steam next week. Skywind - one of the biggest and most ambitious mod projects for Skyrim - has just released a new 15-minute gameplay teaser, showing the incredible work the team have put into the project over the last 7 years. If you've never heard of Skywind, it's a massive collaborative project to build a completely re-imagined version of III: Morrowind (2002) in the considerably more modern Skyrim Special Edition engine. With a huge team that includes many industry professiona. 86 Comments. The Morrowind Modding Community is hosting a four-week long event starting on December 1st called Morrowind Modding Madness, a team- based modding competition where modders form teams and try to meet weekly challenges in order to prevail until the end and win. This is an intensive competition where modders must strategize and collaborate together in order to release four mods in four different random categories from December 1st until the 31st. If you'd like to learn more, there&. 8 Comments. If you were a little nervous about installing a total conversion mod like , this video will show you how to install that mod whilst allowing you to switch back to your old modded Skyrim easily using Nexus Mod Manager and the Enderal Launcher. dwlSsjehgQA. 6 Comments. Today, we’re excited to announce that Skywind, the project that is re-imagining The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind in the Skyrim , is coming to the Nexus! In the past, Nexus discussion on the project has been moderated due to Bethesda’s stance that exchanging assets between their titles is not a situation they can condone or legally support. So for the past three years, the Skywind developers have been working tirelessly to rectify this by creating brand-new mod. 324 Comments. Nexus Mod Manager 0.60 is now available in alpha, but it does things a little differently and the update process is more involved. In this video I show you how I updated to 0.60 using Fallout: New Vegas as a test dummy, and I show you how to restore a backup of 0.53 if you need to. The basic principals should be the same for games such as Fallout 3 and Skyrim. You can download Nexus Mod Manager 0.60 Alpha here. 14 Comments. BiNSRXwliYU A comparison of Realistic Water Two with a couple of other popular water overhaul mods. Mods covered in this video Realistic Water Two WATER - Water And Terrain Enhancement Redux Pure Waters. 17 Comments. SJcsvoYCX8I Mods covered in this video: Follower Commentary Overhaul - FCO Animated clutter Face to face conversation The Shrine Of Kharjo. 21 Comments. ljR3K9G1NFI Mods covered in this video: Breezehome FullyUpgradable ENB FXAA SweetFX Manager and Remover. Skyrim Mod Hightlight videos: Skylight 17 (Skyrim Mods) - Scoped Bows Skylight 18 (Skyrim Mods) : moreHUD . 13 Comments. kUD26vU0xE0 An ambitious project known as Beyond Skyrim aims to bring all the provinces of Tamriel to the game of Skyrim. The team has released an official trailer announcing that we will be able to play in Bruma as early as Summer 2014. Visit the Beyond Skyrim Forums if you want more details, or if you want to help out in any way. 395 Comments. 73A_FtxKlys Thumbnail courtesy of rwdarrow. Mods covered in this video: Dremora of Coldharbour Animations No snow under the roof. Mod highlight videos: No snow under the roof Alchemist Compendium iNeed - Food Water and Sleep. 29 Comments. I25sYB_VDbg This time I take a look at Phinix Natural ENB and see how it looks and how it performs. Download Links: Phinix Natural ENB Dark Dungeons for ENB. 4 Comments. OKBt1x_P1SA An overhaul of the system for equipping your gear in Skyrim that can be customized to give you only the features you need. Thumbnail is courtesy of turningworlds. Download Link : Equipping Overhaul. 21 Comments. MFyzzJ5Yqzw An epic battle using lot's of great mods. Tyrannicon brings 'THE AVENGERS: Age of Ultron' to Skyrim. I will try to add links for the mods later, but for now you will have to use the search function :) Mods Used: Skyrim Avengers by Doc117 Iron Man Marvels Avengers Mod UNOFFICIAL by burke228 Brhuce Hammar - Legacy by Team Brhuce Spiderman Suit by Iceburg Halls of Dovahndor by OKIIR Dragonplate Helmet Fix by. 24 Comments. Thumbnail is 'Cinemascope ENB Serpentie Dragons in Skyrim' courtesy of fiszi. Mods covered in this video: Spybot Warburgs 3D Paper World Map Demonic Soultrap Sound. 31 Comments. rIjZNiq5lNY A few mods that came up on my radar recently. Download Links Daedric Dawnbreaker Improved sneak detection Double Torch Radius Brighter Torches with Bigger Radius Concentrative Fire and Frost Shouts for Player. 18 Comments. 8A7cMHHbgoo In this video I focus on a number of mods suggested to me by you guys after I took a very short break from Skyrim. Download Link: Audio Overhaul for Skyrim A Matter of Time - A HUD clock widget Alternate Summoning Visuals. 27 Comments. c6wIjnGbOAk It was delayed a few weeks but the Beginner's Guide to Modding Skyrim series has restarted with an episode devoted to showing you mods that improve some of the more annoying game mechanics. Thumbnail is "Duel" courtesy of kaldaar. Mods covered in this video: 1. Convenient Horses 2. Better Dialogue Controls 3. Better MessageBox Controls. Mods mentioned in this video: 4. Auto Unequip Ammo. 18 Comments. 7ZsPRFgIDdM Ever wonder what Skyrim would be like with guns, aliens and body builders that cannot act? Wonder no more because Tyrannicon is at it again and the Predator has landed in Skyrim. Full list of mods included in the video description. WARNING: This movie contains offensive/adult language as used in the Predator movie itself. Oh and horribly scenes of violence and carnage just like Skyrim.