El Rodeo Staff Writer by Marisol Almazan After Seven Years of Work- El Rodeo Staff Member Ing at El Rancho High School, in 2012, El Rancho’S Mr
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Friday, September 27, 2013 El Rancho High School - Volume 62- Issue 1 www.erusd.k12.ca.us/elrancho Faculty makes Kwek quickly connects to El Rancho plans to improve BY ODALYS CHAVEZ API score EL RODEO STAFF WRITER BY MARISOL ALMAZAN After seven years of work- EL RODEO STAFF MEMBER ing at El Rancho High school, In 2012, El Rancho’s Mr. Genis has made the decision API Score was 751 and the to transfer and become Durfee growth target for 2013 was an in- Elementary’s new principal. As crease of 5 points. However, in- a result, the Dons were intro- stead of El Rancho increasing its duced to a brand new Princi- API scores, the scores decreased. pal, Jessica Kwek. Kwek, pro- API Scores are ranged nounced “quick,” was a former between 200 and 1000 points Assistant Principal at Huntington and represent a school’s per- Beach Union High School and formance level based on the Fountain Valley High School. results of statewide testing. As Kwek explored the Dr. Yvette Ventura said “It idea of becoming a principal has been a few years since we she researched El Rancho and have seen a decrease in our API became excited about becom- scores.” Ventura was dissap- ing a part of “The Ranch.” pointed with the drop of the score. “Everyone has been so “Each year our goal is to show nice and welcoming to me,” improvement and this past year says Kwek, “Every day I think our score decreased by 1 point about it and I just can’t get over from 751 to 750,” says Ventura. it.” She says that this has been Ventura believes that the the school where she has felt the reason why El Rancho’s API most welcomed and feels very Scores showed a small decrease appreciative toward the Dons. Kwek sits at her new desk after a warm welcome from El Rancho students. was because of the addition of the Kwek is 32 years old. She are doing everything we can to earned the honor of being Vale- Nancy Drew mysteries were an New Common Core Standards. worked as a Spanish teacher for support you guys,” says Kwek. dictorian of her graduating class. important part of her childhood. “Last school year we in- seven years and says that she Kwek is currently in the She highly encourages all stu- Her favorite actress is Meryl troduced the New Common has always been a very moti- process of learning what the dents to try new things and then Streep and she is a fan of Won- Core Standards to our staff,” said vated and focused individual. school can improve upon and find something they are good at der Woman. Kwek loves dancing Ventura. Starting in 2014-2015, These traits helped her become wants to hear what the students so that they can fully pursue it. and is an avid salsa dancer. She students will no longer take the a principal at such a young age. think. “I want students to defi- Kwek is currently attend- enjoys traveling and defines her CST/CMA. Students will take Kwek encourages students nitely share with me those things ing UCLA and working on her perfect vacation as relaxing with the Standards Based Assessment to make the most out of their high they want changed,” she says. doctorate. She is a very busy a book on a beach in Costa Rica. during their junior year in high school years and set goals for Kwek was born in De- woman but still enjoys things Kwek’s parents are both school which is all online. “No themselves. If students encounter troit but her family moved to such as walking on the beach, educators and she has always more paper tests,” says Ventura. any challenges, Kwek encour- California when she was two. She Disney films, and a good book. been a very driven person. She Ventura feels that since ages them to feel free enough to attended the new Ridgeview High Kwek’s favorite food is French says, “I was always involved in last year’s staff focused a lot on talk to their teachers, counsel- School in the city of Bakersfield. fries. On her playlist Pitbull leadership, which is why I am preparing for this new system of ors, deans, and especially her. She participated in cheerleading, and Taylor Swift can be found. a leader today.” Kwek hopes to testing, the API scores decreased. “Our goal is to prepare students sports, ASB, Academic Decath- Although she reads mul- use the power she possesses to “In addition, we switched for college and to make sure we lon, band, and Drama. She even tiple types of educational books, make El Rancho a better place. to a new testing schedule in or- der to not conflict with the AP testing. In the previous year’s students tested with their teach- Dons’ legend Ernie Johnson passes away ers in each subject and this past year they tested with their 1st BY LAURA EDITH CASTRO-SPENCER erations to find success. One period teacher,” said Ventura. EL RODEO STAFF WRITER way he did this was by coach- In order to increase El ing El Rancho’s football team. Rancho’s API Scores, Ven- Ernie Johnson passed away Mr. Raul Elias had the op- tura believes that there has at the age of eighty-seven on Sep- portunity to play under John- to be a change of priorities. tember 15, 2013 in his home in son’s authority. “He worked “To improve our scores San Juan Capistrano. Johnson is us very hard and set very high [we need] to evaluate the data one of the best football coaches standards for us,” said Elias. (scores) from the previous school to have ever walked the hallways Johnson taught football year,” says Ventura. By evaluat- of El Rancho. Johnson worked players lessons on and off of the ing the data Ventura hopes to be at El Rancho from 1956-1968. field. “[Johnson] gave us hope able to identify the areas that the During his time at El Ran- for the future,” said Elias, “he students need to improve in by cho, Johnson led the El Rancho taught me how to work harder subject area. “Since we are mov- football team to nine League than the next and enjoy it.” Elias ing away from the CST/ CMA Championships. Johnson also says that without El Rancho foot- test to the New Common Core led his team to three South- ball, he would probably be in jail. Assessments, our focus this year ern Section championships. In In 2011, El Rancho dedicat- will be on how to improve our 1966, Johnson’s team made it ed its football field to Johnson and CAHSEE scores,” Says Ventura. to the National Championships created an “Ernie Johnson Day,” Ventura believes that it where they became champions. to commemorate his hard work will be huge for the El Rancho Johnson’s team record of and dedication to the El Ran- Students to undergo this change. 108-31-5 reflects his admired cho and Pico Rivera community. “I think it will be an adjustment coaching abilities. Accord- Johnson will truly be Ernie Johnson will always be remembered as a legend at El Rancho. moving from a traditional test to ing to the website Touch Down missed by his family and people he an online testing format,” said Newport, Johnson “wanted to said Reggie Fields, a former Marine during World War helped and inspired. A ceremony Ventura, “but I feel that our stu- win because he wanted his play- player. Fields told the Whit- II. Johnson was also a mem- in Johnson’s memory took place dents will do very well. It will be ers to know that anyone could tier Daily News in 2011 that ber of the Army Intelligence during last Friday’s football game. new but our teachers are working become successful through “[Pico Rivera] could have been Corps during the Korean War. With Johnson gone, society on developing new curriculum in dedication and hard work.” another little town without an Although he suffered some should know that he has brought order to prepare our students.” Johnson was known identity” if Johnson hadn’t be- injuries during the war, John- pride not only to El Rancho and Ventura hopes the API throughout Pico Rivera. “He gun coaching at El Rancho. son continued to find ways to its memorable football team, but scores increase next year. was the King of Pico Rivera,” Johnson was a former help encourage younger gen- also to Pico Rivera and its people. EL RODEO, PG 2 El Rancho High School SEPT. 27, 2013 WORLD Negotiations help calm crisis in Syria BY CLAUDIA GONZLEZ EL RODEO STAFF WRITER Advisor Paul Zeko On August 21st, it was widely believed that the Syr- Editor-in-Chief ian government chemically at- Angelica Gamez tacked its own people in the Michael Garcia Syrian capital, Damascus. Thou- sands of civilians, including chil- Nazarely Narvaez dren were killed in an instant. Copy Editor The killings started back Darwin Reyes-Vividor in March of 2011 in the Syr- Jesse Enrique Sanchez ian city of Deraa, when protes- Section Editors tors rose up to challenge the News dictator running their country. Angelica Gamez Civilians felt the need to pro- World test because they wanted de- Nazarely Narvaez mocracy and greater freedom. Opinion The government responded Odalys Chavez by opening fire to the protes- The Syrian chemical attack affected people of all ages. Photo Credit AP/Shaam News Network tors, killing four people. Soon Features after, the Syrians began to dump humanitarian support, but the na- these things happened.” “The spoken with Russia’s president, Laura Castro Spencer the bodies of activists and their tion has refused to resort to mili- question now is what the United Vladimir Putin, and the Rus- City family members on the sides tary action.