Detecting Liquidity Traders+ By Avner Kalay * and Avi Wohl ** This Version: April 2004 This paper expresses the author’s views and does not necessarily reflects those of the commission, the commissioners, or members of the SEC + Former name: “The Information Content of the Demand and Supply Schedules of Stocks” *Tel Aviv University and The University of Utah, currently visiting the Securities and Exchange Commission, E-Mail:
[email protected], Address: Faculty of Management, Tel Aviv University, POB 39010, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel. Tel: 972-3- 6406298 **Tel Aviv University, E-Mail:
[email protected], Address: Faculty of Management, Tel Aviv University, POB 39010, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel. Tel: 972-3-6409051 We wish to thank the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange for providing us with the data. We thank the referee, the editor, Yakov Amihud, Doron Avramov, Shmuel Baruch, Jonathan Berk, Tarun Chordia, David Feldman, Thierry Foucault, Martin Hellwig, Eugene Kandel, Ron Kaniel, Shmuel Kandel, Pete Kyle, Spiros Martzoukos, Roni Michaeli, Barbara Rindi, Gideon Saar, Orly Sade, Oded Sarig, Andrei Simonov, Richard Stanton, S. Viswanathan, Masahiro Watanabe, the participants in the seminars of the Federal Reserve Bank of Washington, Hebrew University, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, New York University, the Norwegian School of Management, Tel Aviv University, the University of California – Berkeley, the University of Copenhagen, the University of Utah, the University of Vienna, and participants in the European Finance Association meetings 2002 in Berlin, the CEPR Symposium at Gerzensee 2002, the conference on capital markets at the University of Cyprus 2002, and the MTS-CEPR conference in Toulouse 2003 for very useful comments and suggestions.