Leiden Journal of International Law (2018), page 1 of 28 C Foundation of the Leiden Journal of International Law 2018 doi:10.1017/S0922156518000274 INTERNATIONAL LEGAL THEORY The Birth of an Imperial Location: Comparative Perspectives on Western Colonialism in China ∗ LUIGI NUZZO Abstract The thematic horizon within which this article takes place is the colonial expansion of the Western powers in China between the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries. Focusing on the foundation of the British, French and American concessions in Tianjin, it aims to reconstruct the Western strategies of colonial governance and the role played by law in the process of productionofanewsocialspace.Openedasatreatyportin1860,TianjinistheonlyChinesecity where up to nine foreign concessions coexisted, becoming a complex, hybrid space (in)between EastandWest,definedbysocialpractices,symbolicrepresentations,andlegalcategories,which does not coincide simply with the area defined by the entity as a state, nation, or city. Keywords China (nineteenth century); colonial law; international law; Tianjin; Western imperialism 1. INTRODUCTION The history of Western concessions in the northeastern Chinese port of Tianjin began in 1860, when the Beijing Convention leased three large tracts of land in perpetuity to Britain, France and the United States, in return for a small ground rent paid annually to China.1 Concession rights were given also to Germany in 1895 and to Japan in 1896, but it was only at the beginning of the twentieth century with the defeat of the Boxer Rebellion and occupation by the allied army (the US, Britain, France, Japan, Russia, Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy) that Tianjin changed definitively. In the 1901 BoxerProtocol,thealliedpowersgainedtherighttooccupy‘certainpointsinorderto ∗ Professor of Legal History and History of International Law, University of Salento (Lecce), Italy [
[email protected]].