A LIST of the Principal Officers, Civil and Military, ///England, in the Year 702
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A LIST of the Principal Officers, Civil and Military, ///England, in the Year 702. Queen’s Regiment in Holland, 9 Dutchy of Lancatter. Tower and Hamlets, Montagu-Venables Tht Hight tlavtitrable tht Lvdt, and others, Lord Chief Juflice, and Juflee in Eyre, of Troops, 36 in each, 390. Chancellor, Sir John Levefon Gower Bar. Earl of Abingdon. cf Her Majefly's Mofl demur able Privy- aft Her Majefty's Fore ft s, &C. Henry L&mley Efq\ Coll. Vice-Chancellor, John Weddel Efq; Warwick, Goerge Earl of Northampton. CounclJ. Q» the Southfsde of Trent. William Palmer Efq; Lieut. Coll. Attorney-Gen. Sir Edward Northey Kt. Northwales,and Lancafhire, Wiftiam- Richard-Glcrge Earl cf Derby. Tho. Crowther Ejq; Major. Rince George of Denmark, Ld High Clerk of the Dutchy, Cheek Gerrard Efq; P North-Riding of York, John Marquefs Coll. Windham's Regiment <S Troops, On the Northfide of Trent. Receiver General, John Chetwind Efq; Admiral of England, Hugh Windham Col. William Duke of Devonfhire. Auditor the North, Hen.Ayloffe, Efq; of Normanby. 'De.Temifon, Ld Archbifliop ofCanterbury Francis Palmer Lieut. Col. Rangerefs of Windfbr Fere(l, Auditor/^the South, Tho. Gower Efq; Weft Riding of York, Charles Earl of Sir Nathan Wrighte, Lord Keeper. Philip Chenevix Major. Sarah Countefs of Marlborough. Deputyy&c. Mr. Benj. Ayloffe. Burlington. Sidney Lord Godolphin, Ld High Treaf. Earl of Arran s Regiment the fame. Warden of New Forrefh Regifter, Mr. John Baker. Thomas Earl of Lord Prefident. Charles Earl of Arran Coll. Charles Duke of Bolton. John Marq. of Normanby, Ld Pr. Seal. Conflables and Governors of Caflles and George Kellum Lieut. Coll. Ranger of Hide Park. Judges of the Civil Law, &e. William Duke of Devon. Ld Steward. Garrifond Places, Robert Napper Efq; Major. Anthony Row Efq; Dr. George Oxenden Dean and Official Charles Seymour Duke of Somerjet. Berwick, Brigadeer Edward Maine. Colonel WOM/’S Regiments in Holland, Ranger of St. James’s Park. Principal of the Arches Court of James Duke of Ormond, Brianels-Caftle, Charles Ezrl of Berkley. 6 Troops, 34 each, 248.“ Colonel John Granville. Canterbury, and Vicar-General to Charles Duke of Bolton. Beaumaris Cattle, Rich. Ld Vif Bulkdcy. Cornelius Wood Efq; Coll. Warden of the Forrefl of Sherwood, the Mott Reverend Father in God Meinhardt Duke of Schonberg. Chefter, Peter Shackerhy Efq; Match. Ducey Worton Lieut. Col. John Duke of Newcaftle. Thomas Ld Archbifhop of Canterbury. Thomas Duke of Leeds. Dover, and Cinque-Ports, His Royal John FetherftonehaJgh Ejq; Major. ConflableandGovernour e/WindforCattle. Sir Charles Hedges Kt.Judge of the High Robert Earl of Lindfey, Ld Great Cham- Highnefs Prince George of Denmark. Duke of Schombirgh's Regiment^ 6 George Duke of Northumberland. Court of Admiralty. berlain of England. Deputy-Governor , and Deputy-War- Lord Warden of the Stannaries. Deputy Dr. George Br amp ft on. Troops Charles Earl of Carli/te, Earl Marfhal. den, Charles Earl of Wincheljea. Maynard Duke of Schombergh Col. The Honourable John Granville Efq; Sir Richard Raines Kt. Judge of the Ed™. Earl of Jtrfey, Ld Chamberlain. Gravefend, and Tilbury, Major Gene- j Chidley Coot Efq; Lieut. Cof. Chief Secretary, ..... Hooker Efq; Prerogative Court of Canterbury. Jlubrey Earl of Oxford. ral Cholmondly. Charles Sibourgh Major. Groom Porter, William RowUy Efq; Her Majefty's Advocates in the High Charles Earl of Dorfet and Middlejex. Guernfey. Chriflopher Lord Vifc. Hatton. | Lord Windfbr Col. Surveyor General, Samuel Travers Efq; Court 0/Admiralty. ^ _ George Earl of Northampton. Surveyor General of the Works, Sir John Cooke Kt. L. L. D. her Majefty’s j Hull,and Block-hdufe, John D. of Newca- Good win Wharton Efq; Lieut. CoK Charles Earl of Mancbefter, Sir Qhriftopher Wren Kf. Advocate General. Hurft-Caftle, Henry Holmes Efq; (file. 1 Charles dela Tour Major. Thomas Earl of Stamford. Henry Newton L. L. D: Comptroller of the Works, Capt. Vanbrugh Advocate to the Holy I (land, under the Care of the Go- Royal Regiment of Scotland. Charles Earl of Bwhngttn. Pay-Matter, Thomas Lloyd fclq; Lord High Admiral. vernor of Berwick. Lord Tiveot Col. Charles Bodvile Earl of Radnor, 1 Three Kings of Arms. William Oldys L. L. D. Affiftant to the Harleigh-Caftle Char. Nicho. Eyre Efq; Lord Hay Lieut. Col Charles Earl of Berkley. Sir Thomas St. George Kt. Garter Princi- Queen’s Advocate for Prizes. Jerfey-Ifland, Thomas Lord Jermyn. George Prefton Major. Z>/*K/V/ Earl of Nottingham,Secret. ofState . Landguard-Fort, Colonel J«w.r. pal King of Arms. Laur Eurl of Roche ft rr,Ed Lieuc.of Ireland of the City of London, viz. The Lord St. Maws Caftle, Hugh Bofcamn Efq; Sir Henry st. Georg* Kt. Clarenceux. DRAGOONS. Montagu-fenables Earl of Abingdon, MAYOR, Court of Aldermen, and. Milford Haven, The Earlof Car bery. Lord Raby's Royal Regiment <$ Robert Devenijb' E(q; IMorroy, Ralph Earl of Montague, Chief Officers. Troops 5,4 each. There are Six Heralds of Arms, and Pendennis Cattle, Six Bevil Granville- John Earl of Marlborough. Sir WiUiamGore, Kr. Lord Mayor. Lieut. Coll. Killegrew. Major Roffiter, Four Purfuivants. PJimouth, and Strick-Ifland, Majot Richard Earl of Scarbrough. Sir Robert Clayton Kt. Queen’s Regiment, Coll. Lloyd & Knight Harbinger, General Trelawney. Francis Earl of Bradford. Sir William Pritchard Kt. Troops 54 each, Malachy Thurfton Efq; Porrfmouth, Major General Erie. Henry Earl of Romney. Sir Robert Gejferey Kt. Lieut- Coll. Gote. Major Kelly. Officers of the Band of Gentlemen Penfloners Sandon-Cattle, Colonel Crawford. Richard Earl of Kanelaugh. Sir Thomas Stamp Kt. Earl of Ejjex's Regiment, 8 Troops Charley Duke of St.Albans Captain. j Sangate-Caftle, Phihp Herbert Efq; Thomai Lord Vifcount Weymouth. Sir Fleet Kf. 45; each. William S y.nour Efq; Lint. Aldermen Sheernefs,_ , Colonel, , Crawford. Henry Lord Bilbop of London, Sir William Ajhurfl Kt. Lieut. Col. Hawker. Major Holdgate. Charles Fane Efq Stand. Bearer. above the Scarborough, Anthony Duncomb Efq; Thomas Lord Wharton, Sir Thomas Lane Kt. Rub.-Manley £lq, Clerk of the Check. Chair. Tinmouth Fort, Henry Yilliers Efq; Foot-Regiments in Englijh Pay. Rnber' Lord Lexington, Sir )ohn Houblon Kr. Tower of London, Montagu-Venables Earl William Smith Efq; Pay matter. Fkft Regiment of Guards, 28 Com* William Lord Dartmouth. Sir Edward Clark Kf. of Abingdon. Richard Reeves Gent- Anniger, panics, do in each. Robert Lord Ferrers, Sir Humphry Edwin Kt, Ifle of Wight, Lord Cults, Officers of the Yeomen of the Guard 0} Earl of Rumney G>/. Thomas Lord Copingsly. Sir Francis Child Kf. Windfbr Caftle, George Duke of Nor- Her Majefty*s Body. Col. Withers Lieut. Col. Sir Edw. Seymour, Bar. Comptroler. Sir Richard Levett Kt.' thumberland. The Marquifs of Hartington Captain Coll. Shrimton Major. 'Peregrine Bertie Efq; Vice Chamberlain. Sir Thomas Abney Kt Governours of her Majefty's Territories Thomas Mawl t fq; Lieutenant. Coldfircam's Regiment of Guards 14 Henry Boyle Efq Chanc. of the Exchequer Sir Salathiel Lovell Kt. Recorder. in America. r Richard Uphill Efq; Standard-bearer. Companies, do in each. Sir John Holt K . Lord Chief Juftice. Sir Samuel Dajhwood Kt. New England, and New Hamplhire, Meers Efq; ? Lord CiittS Cod. James Vernon, E^q; Sir Jo£« Parfons Kf. Colonel Jofeph Dudley. Davenant Efq; £ Exempts. Robert Yard Efq; Col. Matthews Lieut. Col. Sir Cha. Hedges, Secret, of State. The t7 Mafler sin Chancery. Sir Thomas Cook Kt. Virginia, Francis Nicholfon £fq; N Sir John Uvefon Cover, Chancell, of the Equerries to her Majefty. Anthony Duncomb Efq; • Sir Joiw Trevor Kt. Sir Jofeph Smart Kt. Col. Matthew Major. Aldermen' Maryland, Nathaniel Blackifton Efq; Hugh Gkudleigh Efq; Receiver-General Jihn Brewer Efq; Sir Lacon-Willia'm Child Kt. Sir Owen Buckingham Kt. Royal Regiment. Dutchy of Lancajier. below the Barbados, Sir Revill Granville^ The Hon. Robert Rulkeley Efq; Secretary Anthony Burnaby Efq; Sir John Franklin Kt« Sir Thomas Rawlinfon Kt. Earl of Orkney Col. "John Smith Efq; 'p Chair. Jamaica, William Duncomb Treafurer John Brewer Efq; Sir John Hoskins Kt. & Bar. John White Efq; Lieut. Col. John How Efq; Efq; Sir Robert Beiingfidd Kt. Leward Iflands, Col. Chri. Ccdnngtou. ifiael Fetiding Efq; Comptroller Tho. Ryves E(q;' Sir Robert Legard Kt. Andrew Hamilton Efq; Major. Sir John Trevor, Matter of the Rolls. Sir William Withers Kt. Bermudos, Benjamin Bennet £fb; Theop. Oglethorp Efq; Thomas Lifter Efq; Dr. John Edisbury. Brigadier Sir Henry Bellafis Regiment, Sit Tho,Trevor K.t.Ld.Ch.Juf,of the Com. Pi. Lord Privy-Seal. Sir Charles Duncomb Kt. Hudfbn’s Bay, John Methwen Efq; 10 Companies 3d teach, 445. at Sea. Colonel John Granville. John Marquefs of Normanby. Sir Jeffrey Jeffreys Kt. New York. 'Lord Vifcount Cornbury. Lord High Treafurer of England. Samuel Keck Efq; Lieut. Col. Billing. Major Dufie. Sif Edward Northey, Attorney General. Clerks of the Privy-Seal. Sir Samuel Garrard Bar. Sidney Lord Godolphin. Sir Richard Holford Kt. Major-General Chur chili*s 10 Com-* Sir Simon Harcourt, Solicitor General. Tho. Goflin Efq; Gilbert Heathcot Efq; Commiffioners for Greenwich Hofpital. Secretary, William Lownds Efq; Thomas Pit Efq; Sheriffs EUft. Prince George of Denmark. panics, 59 each, at Sea. Clerks of the Council. Sir George Pearfe Bar. Officers of the Exchequer, relating to Thomas Gery Efq; Sir Robert Bedingfield Kt. Arch Bifhop of Canterbury. Lieut. Qol- Peyton. Major Negus. Clerk Extraordinary, Robert Yard Efq; George Sawyer Efq; the Dijpofal of Her Majefty*s Revenue. William Rogers Efq; Sir Samuel Garrard Bar. York. Brigad. Seymours Regi. the lame, at Sea*. Sir John Nicholas, Knight of tht Bath. Henry Ludlow Efq; John Tench Gttl. Dep, The Ld Keeper. The Archbp of Thomas Cuddon The Lord HighTreafiirer of England. Lieut. Col. Rook. Major Cary 11. William Blathwaite Efq; The Hon. Henry Boyle Efq; Chancellor, Clerks of the Signet.