APPENDIX A Walnut Creek Habitat and Open Space Project Site Assessment Report


WATERSHED CONSERVATION AUTHORITY The Walnut Creek Habitat & Open Space project scope encompasses the conceptual THE CITY OF SAN DIMAS site planning and programming for a 60.9-acre parcel located adjacent to the City of San Dimas, . The project is led by the Watershed Conservation Authority (WCA), a joint powers entity comprised of the San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and AHBE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Prime Consultant Mountains Conservancy (RMC) and the Los Angeles County Flood Control District ARAGON GEOTECHNICAL Geotechnical Engineering (LACFD). AHBE Landscape Architects is facilitating the process based on two key BONTERRA CONSULTING Environmental Service phases: Site Analysis and Assessment, and Outreach and Concept Development. CALIFORNIA WATERSHED ENGINEERS Civil Engineering TASK 1: SITE ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT JACOBUS AND YUANG Cost Estimating In this phase, the project team’s goal was to develop a clear understanding of the RESTORATION DESIGN GROUP Landscape Restoration issues and opportunities around the site, evaluating site characteristics that can be THE ROBERT GROUP Outreach used as inspiration for the conceptual design development, and identifying a list of key TOURAINE RICHMOND ARCHITECTS Architecture stakeholders that will be engaged in the design process. This work is summarized herein in this Site Assessment Report.


SEPTEMBER 2011 In this phase, AHBE and the Design Team will build upon this Site Assessment Report and outreach to a larger audience to initiate development of a Preferred Conceptual 2 guidelines tobeconsideredby WCA astheproject movesforward. preferred conceptualdesignproduct willidentifydesignstandards,technicalcriteriaand permit requirementsandrequired agencyapprovals.Inadditiontothedesignitself, alternatives validatedbycostestimates, andaclearunderstandingofthenecessary visioning workshopswiththecommunity, developmentofthreedistinctconceptualdesign a technicaladvisorycommittee, meetingswiththenecessaryregulatoryagencies,three regular meetingswithaprojectsteeringcommittee,vettingoftechnical designissuesvia for generatingthisalternativeincludestargetedmeetingswith project stakeholders, Design Alternative fortheWalnut CreekHabitatandOpenSpaceproperty. The process TABLE CONTENTS OF H JURISDICTIONAL G ARCHITECTURAL PLANT PALETTE &HABITAT ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT F STAKEHOLDER EVALUATION E INTERVIEWS D HYDROLOGICAL C CULTURAL EVALUATION B BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES A GEOTECHNICAL CONSTRAINTS APPENDIX JURISDICTIONAL RESOURCE LIMITS.....52 ANALYSIS FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS 05 06 HABITAT CULTURAL SITEHISTORY...... 16 04 SITE COMMUNITY OUTREACH...... 12 ...... 36 03 PROJECT CONTEXT ...... 8 RESOURCES...... 28 02 01 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...... 5

3 WALNUT CREEK HABITAT AND OPEN SPACE PROJECT SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT Right: View of Smith Hall (center) and Uncle Charley’s Cottage (right). Both buildings served as residential units and SEPTEMBER 2011 are a part of the “core” Voorhis School for Boys Architectural/ 4 Historical District. Ecological Area thatisintended toincrease wildliferichness part ofthe proposedEast SanGabriel Valley Signifi amphibians, reptiles, mammalsandbirds. The siteisalso areas, createa wildlifehabitatforcommon speciesof These resources, incombinationwiththeother vegetated Sage Scrub,Black Walnut andCoastLiveOak Woodland. Californian vegetationcommunities, includingCoastal Ecologically, thesiteishome tosomepatchesofnative planning anddesignprocess. engage thecommunity(thesite users)inallaspectsofthe to thissiteevaluation,anextensive outreachprocessto approximately 9-12monthsand willinclude,inaddition plan/conceptual siteplanprocess isexpectedtolast of aconceptualsiteplanandprogram itinerary. The master should beusedasinspirationaldriversforthedevelopment history, hasvaluableecologicalandculturalresourcesthat The 60.9acresite,whichhaslaidvacantinitsmostrecent Site Plan. development ofanOpenSpaceMasterPlan/Conceptual site’s multi-faceted resourcesasadeparturepointforthe communities. This reportoutlinesaninitialevaluationofthe that canbenefi tremendous potentialasahighlyvaluableopenspace the Walnut CreekHabitatandOpenSpaceprojectholds within proximitytovaluableenvironmentalresources, adjacent toexistingregionalrecreationalresourcesand Located withintheresidentialcommunityofSanDimas, EXEC UTIVE SUMMARY t theadjacentsocialandenvironmental cant cant goals and planning processes. These interviews were goals and planningprocesses. These interviews were interviews tofamiliarize keyconstituents withtheproject’s Part ofthisinitial phaseincludedaseriesof stakeholder plan development. buildings thatcould bere-purposedaspartof themaster the landscape. Today there aresomeremnantcampus the closeconnectionanddependence betweenmanand philosophy ofeducationthatcelebrated andexemplifi Polytechnic StateUniversity. Bothschoolsshareda and latertheSouthernCalifornia CampusfortheCalifornia The sitewasalsohometothe Voorhis School forBoys recognizable intheCalifornialandscape today. California establishedmanyland-use patternsthatarestill devoted toraisingsheepandcattle. The Rancherosof the lastSpanishlandgrants,andturnedintoaRanchero the mid-1800’s the communityofSanDimaswasapart Tongva, supplementedbyroots,leaves,seedsandfruit.In Acorns fromCoastLiveOakswereastaplefoodforthe and wereinherentlydependantonthenaturallandscape. Dating asfarback500BCE,Native Americans livedhere the landscapehavehadacloseandbenefi The sitehasarichhumanhistory, whereman,natureand contribution tothelargerregionalecologicalwellbeing. as apriority—notonlysiteamenity, butalsoasa existing vegetativecommunitiesonsiteshouldbeseen and movement.Preserving,addingtoenrichingthe cial relationship. cial relationship. ed ed that emphasizea primarily bededicatedtonature-orientedpassiveprograms stakeholders overwhelminglyagreedthatthesiteshould site’s existingresources andfuturepossibilities. The also utilizedasanopportunitytoreceiveinputonthe common concern. common concern. attracting largenumbersofsitevisitors,wasraisedasa desired, theexactlocationofthesepoints,inadditionto that areaccessiblebymultiplemodesoftransportationis surrounding neighborhood.Whilecreatingaccesspoints development, access,publicsafetyanddisturbanceofthe apparent whendiscussingconcernsabouttheproject’s programs, suchasplayingfi site interventions,versesadominatedbyactive wilderness experience elds. A consensuswasalso with minimal withminimal


ECOLOGICAL • Orchard • Parking area • Ecological restoration • Interpretive walks (educational signage or • Horse staging area • Naturalized open space (minimal intervention mobile docents) • Multi-purpose lawn area and program) • Human site history • Kite fl ying area • Creating, preserving and enriching native • Flora and fauna California habitat • California land use history PRIMARY CONSTRAINTS TO • Connection to Antonovich Trail • Land conservation strategies THE SITE’S DEVELOPMENT • Wildlife animal shelter/sanctuary • Watershed awareness • Access continues to be a signifi cant concern to EDUCATIONAL • Exploring biodiversity all the stakeholders involved in the site. • Nature center RECREATIONAL • Attracting too many users • Outdoor education facility • Recreational trails for hikers and horseback • Fire safety • Ropes course riders • Noise pollution • Permaculture demonstration area • BBQ area • Habitat and wildlife viewing education • Picnic area • Ranger station • Outdoor kitchen for larger school group events • Gallery space • Outdoor theatre • Water-wise garden demonstration area • Camping area • Sculptures representative of area wildlife • Benches • Bird viewing platforms • Swings • Bird houses • Children’s play space • Firefi ghter training area • Typical playground • Search and rescue training area • Natural/Interpretive play space • California native garden and habitat Gardens • Outdoor fi tness area • Oak woodland • Multi-purpose deck area • Sage scrub • Multi-modal access

SEPTEMBER 2011 • Meadow • Restaurant • Native plant nursery • Bathroom 6 Above: Historicphoto ofWalnut Creek (circa 1960)


The proposed project site, consisting of 60.9 acres, is lowest elevations at the project site are within the stream located in an unincorporated portion of Los Angeles bed of Walnut Creek in the northwestern portion of the County. It is a joint partnership between the City of San site. Regional topography is shown as sloping toward the Dimas and the Watershed Conservation Authority, the two southwest. land owners of the project site.

The eastern portion of the project site supports rugged, naturally vegetated hillsides that drain in a north-western direction into Walnut Creek. Walnut Creek traverses the area along the northern boundary in an east-west direction. The central portion of the site was previously occupied by the Voorhis School for Boys and the California Polytechnic University, Pomona (San Dimas Branch) campuses. To the north of the site are campus facilities occupied by the Tzu Chi Foundation. The western portion of the site is open space, with Walnut Creek traversing along the northwestern edge of the project site in this area. The project site is west of the Orange freeway (State Route 57). Surrounding areas to the south of the project site are zoned and developed for residential purposes, including the Woodwalk subdivision. Areas to the north are zoned as light agricultural and open space.

The project location is shown on the U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) San Dimas 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle in Township 1 South; Range 9 West (S.B.B.M). The project site elevation ranges from approximately 650 SEPTEMBER 2011 to 910 feet above mean sea level (msl), with the areas of 8 highest elevation along the eastern edge of the site. The 5 Santa Monica Pacific Ocean 101 101 118 5 Santa Clarita 405 Glendale 170 405 Burbank 10 101 210 110 14 105 2 Los Angeles 110 134 710 405 91 Long Beach Pasadena 10 Palmdale 210 605 5 Azusa 10 60 57 San Dimas an Charter Oak Glendora San Dimas Puddingstone Reservoir PROJECT SITE HABITAT SPACE OPEN AND WALNUT CREEK La Verne

9 WALNUT CREEK HABITAT AND OPEN SPACE PROJECT SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT SAN DIMAS DEMOGRAPHICS population) lived in households, 837 (2.4%) lived in non- REGIONAL ECOLOGICAL CONTEXT The 2010 United States Census (All data are derived from institutionalized group quarters, and 372 (1.1%) were The Project site and immediate surrounding area abuts the United States Census Bureau reports from the 2010 institutionalized. the northern fl ank of the San Jose Hills. The San Gabriel United States Census, and are accessible on-line) reported Mountains are located approximately 5 miles north of the that San Dimas had a population of 34,980. The population The population age distribution is spread out with 9,950 Project site, Puddingstone Reservoir and the Frank G. density was 2,163.1 people per square mile (835.2/km²). people (28.4%) under the age of 18, 2,113 people (6%) Bonelli Park are located to the east of the Project site aged 18 to 24, 9,825 people (28.1%) aged 25 to 44, 8,933 and to the east of the I-57 Freeway. Its proximity to such The racial makeup of San Dimas is: 26,116 White (74.7%); people (25.5%) aged 45 to 64, and 4,159 people (11.9%) a variety of natural areas has allowed the project site to 1,156 African American (3.3%); 243 Native American (.7%); who were 65 years of age or older. be part of the Los Angeles County Signifi cant Ecological 3,286 Asian (9.4%); 73 Pacifi c Islander (.2%); 2,569 Other Area (for more information on this SEA, see pages 44-45). Races (7.3%); 1,537 two or more races (4.4%); and 8,163 (US Census 2010) Hispanic (of any race) (23.3%). The site is also located within the South Coast Air Basin, which is defi ned by local mountain systems including the The Census reported that 33,771 people (96.5% of the on the north, the San Bernardino Mountains on the east, and the Santa Monica Mountains on the west. ETHNIC BACKGROUND AGE DISTRIBUTION

unaccounted under 5 The Walnut Creek Park Trail/Michael D. Antonovich Trail 75 to 84 is located north and east of the Project site. This is a Hispanic (any race) 65 to 74 5 to 9 60 to 64 over hiking and equestrian trail that winds through several San 64 10 to 14 Gabriel communities, offering trail users excellent views 55 to 59 under 18 of the surrounding area and the San Gabriel Mountains. Other 45 to 64 15 to 19 The trail links to the Frank G. Bonelli Regional Park trail Pacific Islander White and is part of the Los Angeles Trail Linkage System 45 to 54 Asian 25 to 44 20 to 24 (Section 04 Draft EIR Vista Verde Ranch). Native American African American

35 to 44 25 to 34 SEPTEMBER 2011

10 Azusa West Covina Covina Glendora RECREATIONAL R RECREATIONAL City ofSan DimasParks LA CountyParks Designated Open Space

S c h a b a r 210



- S



y Charter Oak



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l A


t o n


v ic h T ra il City ofWest Covina Parks City ofLa Verne Parks City ofGlendora Parks 57

San Dimas

Bonelli Trail Bonelli Vargus Trail Vargus Puddingstone Reservoir

Park View Trail N

o City of Azusa Parks City ofCovina Parks City ofPomona Parks Middlecrest Trail r t h

S C Trail Kikos h o o y r o e

te T

r Tr a

a i

il l





b l y i r T a Pomona La Verne Project Site Golf Courses Multi-Use Trails N 11 WALNUT CREEK HABITAT AND OPEN SPACE PROJECT SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT Preservation of Trail Systems Habitat Open Space Restoration


In Summer 2011, the Watershed Conservation Authority A range of community stakeholders and leaders participated • City of San Dimas Elected Offi cials (WCA) and the City of San Dimas began work on the in the community outreach and public engagement process. • City of San Dimas Staff Site Planning of the Walnut Creek Habitat & Open Space Sixteen interviews were conducted in total — designed to • Los Angeles County Department of Parks & property. The goals for the Site Planning Effort are to solicit feedback from key stakeholders about their visions for Recreation enhance and expand upon open space potential and the site, and to identify their priorities and concerns as the • Los Angeles County Fire Department recreational opportunities of the site, while following the planning process commences. Information gathered from the • Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department WCA’s core mission of conservation, restoration and interviews will help apprise the project team about the issues • Mountains Recreation & Conservation Authority environmental enhancement of the San Gabriel and Lower that may arise as the planning process moves forward. • Offi ce of Supervisor Michael Antonovich Los Angeles Rivers Watershed area. A thorough community • San Gabriel Mountains Regional Conservancy outreach effort has been incorporated into the larger planning Representatives from the following stakeholder organizations • Tzu Chi Foundation effort for the Walnut Creek Habitat and Open Space Project and governmental agencies were interviewed: • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to ensure that the public is heard at critical milestones in the • Adjacent Homeowners Associations • Watershed Conservation Authority decision-making process, and that their input is incorporated • California Department of Fish & Game

SEPTEMBER 2011 as the project moves forward. • City of San Dimas Commissioners (Equestrian, 12 Parks & Recreation, Planning) still expanding greenspace forthecommunity, isidentifi Conserving thenaturalhabitat forplants andanimals,while the activerecreational opportunitiesofLoma Vista Park. Some interviewees alsoexpressedaninterestin expanding Antonovich Trail isrecommended. trail systemwithWalnut Creek Park,BonelliParkandthe loop a priority, particularlyconnecting multi-modaltrailsintoa connections withotheropenspaces andparksisseenas ecosystem, includingwildlife corridors. Makingregional of openspaceandthenaturally existinghabitatand passive recreation. They areinterestedinthepreservation Stakeholders overwhelminglyenvision thesiteasanareafor VISION FORTHESITE to increase recreational opportunities. Integrating the toincreaserecreationalopportunities. Integratingthe Interpretive Signage ed as of the planning effort. of theplanning effort. environmentally friendly practicesisstressed atalllevels Maintaining a focusonsustainableplanning and Adaptivereuseofexisting structuresforranger • Restrooms(though afewintervieweesfeelthat • Presenceofstaging areas. • Connectivityoftrails. • Improvedaccessto thesite. • that stakeholdersseeasimportant include: a centralgoaloftheplanningeffort. Amenities andfeatures Opportunities Educational Educational creative uses. creative uses. housing, educational purposes,storageorother misuse). issues duetothepotentialfor vandalismand restrooms couldcreatecostand publicsafety volunteer staff. volunteer staff. to theSheriff’s Departmentofcombiningpaid staff and organizations andnon-profi ts, orusing asimilarmodel to comethroughpartnerships withlocalcommunity Long-term careandstewardship oftheparkissuggested ISSUES OFCONCERN for increased vehiculartraffi recreation. Severalinterviewees believe thatthepotential between theadjacent homesandareasused forpassive mitigated bythe creationofagreenbelt,orbarrier, placed neighborhood is identifi ed as akeyissue. This canbe local proximity. Potentialdisturbanceofthe surrounding to boththenaturalsiteand neighborhoodswithinthe Central stakeholderconcerns includepossibleimpacts Site History c in the area will be a challenge c in theareawillbe achallenge 13 WALNUT CREEK HABITAT AND OPEN SPACE PROJECT SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT as more vehicles will encroach the neighborhood to visit the through prior litigation with the Bible College. Access from and social history is identifi ed as important – particularly site. Speeding and increased use of street parking in the San Dimas Avenue would require a bridge into the site. the Native American history, and the past use of the site at neighborhood is also a concern. This is recognized to be costly and will have environmental various times for the Baptist Bible College, Voorhis School, impacts. Finally, access could eventually be achieved and Cal Poly Campus. There are public safety concerns about fire hazards through the west end of the “Butterfl y Property”, but this (particularly fuel modifi cation), the isolated nature of the will require coordination of land exchange and easements COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT site, human-wildlife interaction, graffi ti, vandalism, and between the City of San Dimas, the Tzu Chi Foundation, Interviewees believe that the local community will be misuse of any on-site structures. Although unlawful activity the County of Los Angeles and the WCA. The Tzu Chi inherently interested in the site as a community resource. has not been common on the site, past misconduct has Foundation and Los Angeles County currently own the Stakeholders envision that most community feedback will included users trespassing onto adjacent properties and property necessary to accomplish this public access. be about the contested issue of access, but that the area youth consuming alcohol and creating noise disturbances has a long history of volunteer engagement and stewardship on the premises. Interviewees suggest the area should SITE USES of other community resources. Interviewees recommend have formalized security such as an on-site park ranger or Stakeholders identifi ed a wide range of users as likely to using local media outlets such as city newsletters, public patrolling by local law enforcement, and that the site needs visit the site, from local residents to regional visitors from access television, homeowners associations’ newsletters, to accommodate emergency vehicle access. the greater Los Angeles area. Interviewees believe that the and distributing fl yers at targeted locations to promote site could have both local and regional appeal, particularly community engagement and increase participation in the The largest stakeholder concern is access to the site. with connecting multi-modal trails to surrounding sites. In planning process. Planning multi-modal access through several points is addition, stakeholders believe visitors will be likely to use the identifi ed as important to increasing regional connectivity, park for a smaller, more local wilderness experience, and but the issue of where to place access points is highly as an alternative for local residents to the more distant and contested. Access points are recommended through Loma larger sites of Bonelli Park, or the San Gabriel Mountains. Vista Park, Calle Bandera, San Dimas Avenue and the Stakeholders identify the site as having the potential for west end of the Tzu Chi Foundation’s “Butterfl y Property”. educational opportunities, and recommend partnering with An entrance through Loma Vista Park will expand access local school districts to plan fi eld trips and provide educational through an existing developed area and will also enhance exploration opportunities for children. Another suggestion is active recreational opportunities at Loma Vista Park. Access for the site to include interpretive signage, or installations, through Calle Bandera is identifi ed as an option, however about the local habitat in order to educate visitors about the street is currently blocked off by a locked gate. The local sustainability issues, including fi re safety, plant and animal SEPTEMBER 2011 homeowners have fought past attempts to open this street conservation, local water systems and geological history. 14 to public traffi c, however the City controls the gate and use In addition to the natural history of the site, the cultural Stakeholder Recommended Site Access Locations “Butterfly Property” “Butterfly Property” Los Angeles County Foundation Tzu Chi

Parks Watershed Conservation Authority Ave Center Valley


Avenida Loma Vista É County Parks Los Angeles

Loma Vista Park City of San Dimas

Tzu ChiFoundation



a l

Calle Bandera







e k Woodwalk Subdivision County Parks Los Angeles Conservation Watershed Authority County Parks Angeles Los

É San Dimas Ave Dimas San San Dimas Ave 57 N 15 WALNUT CREEK HABITAT AND OPEN SPACE PROJECT SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT PREHISTORY The Late Prehistoric Period includes the fi rst few centuries The later prehistoric periods of the of early European contact (1542-1769 CE). It is known as coastal region are generally described in cultural horizons the Prehistoric Period due to the low level of interaction CULTURAL SITE HISTORY developed by William Wallace more than 50 years ago. between native Californians and Europeans prior to These four chronologies are generally defi ned by the Portola’s overland expedition in 1769. Archaeological temporal and spatial distribution of cultural traits: records reveal a substantial increase in the indigenous • Horizon I: Early Man or Paleo-Indian Period population the few centuries prior to European contact. (11,000 BCE to 7,500 BCE) Some sites may have contained as many as 1,500 • Horizon II: Milling Stone Assemblages individuals. Many of these village sites are believed to have (7,500 BCE to 1,000 BCE) been occupied throughout the year rather than seasonally. • Horizon III: Intermediate Cultures (1,000 BCE to 750 CE) The Walnut Creek Habitat and Open Space Park project area • Horizon IV: Late Prehistoric Cultures (750 was the home of the Gabrielino, or Tongva. The Gabrielino CE to 1769 CE) Community of Weniinga (aka: Guinibit) is documented to

1932 1956 Voorhis School for Cal Poly campus Boys Completed relocates to Kellogg campus

1928 1938 1961-1971 Construction Voorhis School Campus used for Voorhis Closed. Property as an Educa- School for donated to Cal Poly tional and Boys Begins Retreat Center


16 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1972 on Mexican land grants. on Mexicanlandgrants. Angeles area,theGabrielinoweredispersedandworking By thetimefi gave theGabrielinotheirEuropeanizednameGabrielino. villages. This association withtheMissionSanGabriel Valley. ManyGabrielinosjoinedthemissionandlefttheir County, inwhathassincebeencalledtheSanGabriel Mission wasestablishedinSouth-CentralLos Angeles the arrivalofMissiondeSanGabrielin1771. The Gabrielino communitiesandculturebegantodeclinewith also exploited. fi saltwater supplemented byroots,leaves,seedsandfruit.Fresh valleys, desertsandcoasts. Acorns werethestaplefood, living off thebounty ofthevariedmountains,foothills, peoples. They were primarilyhuntersandgatherers, Great Basinregionandgraduallydisplacedtheindigenous part oftheShoshonean(Takic speaking)Wedge fromthe in theLos Angeles Basinprobablybefore500BCEas have existedinthevicinity. The ancestralGabrielinoarrived sh, shellfi sh, PACIFIC COAST BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE TRANSITIONAL TZU CHI & WCA FUTURE . FUTURE &WCA CHI TZU TRANSITIONAL COLLEGE COAST BIBLE BAPTIST PACIFIC rst American settlers arrivedintheLos sh, birds,insectsandmammalswere 9019 002010 2000 1990 1980 Campus Walnut moves to (PCBBC) Bible College Pacific Coast 1972 Campus PCBBC Walnut 1998 leaves Charles B.Voorhis (oneoftheearlyexecutivesGeneral With avisionofstartingschoolforunderprivilegedboys, California nativeOaksandchaparral. streams ranthroughthepropertyamongstalushvarietyof known asOakKnollRanch.Walnut Creekwashandother undeveloped spanof157acresarroyoandmesa In theearly1900sprojectareawasasecluded, VOORHIS SCHOOL Fe Railroadcamethrough. refl name waschangedbytheSanJoseLandCompanyto by theresidentsofrancho.Inlate1800s,city’s operations inadditiontogrowingcropsforconsumption Mission deSanGabriel. The ranchohadsheepandcattle Ricardo Vejar in1837,wascreatedfromlandthe Rancho SanJose,startedby Ygnacio Palomaresand Spanish landgrantissuedbyMexicanGovernor Alvarado. after theadjacentMudSpringsMarsh,waspartoflast The communityofSanDimas,initiallycalledMudSprings ect the San Dimas Canyon to the north when the Santa ect the SanDimasCanyontonorthwhenSanta property fromPCBBC Dentec purchases 2001 livestock endeavorsandplayingfi site, withitsrichsoilandamplelandforhorticultural Motors) sawthatthelandwasverysuitableforacampus to acreative The designandconstructionofthefacilitywasclearlylinked for boys who were in need of a better living environment. for boyswhowereinneedofabetterlivingenvironment. operated forthenextdecadeasa were plantedandnurtured. The Voorhis SchoolforBoys groves ofcitrus,avocadosanddeciduousfruittrees residences. Inadditiontothearchitecturalenhancements, library, chapel,infi fi boasted Mediterranean SpanishColonialstyecampus. The campus begin thedesignandconstructionofabeautifullycrafted property in1927andassembledanarchitecturalstaff to School forBoys,aswrittenbyH.JerryVoorhis. Hewrites: described ina1928Guidebook/BrochureoftheVoorhis of the 150 acres is in rich, level ground which will of the150acresisinrich,levelgroundwhichwill half waybetweenSanDimasandCovina.Much The schoolissituatedintheSanJosehillsabout ve dormitory cottages, an administration building, ve dormitorycottages,anadministrationbuilding, philosophy ofeducation Walnut Campus Dimas onthe home inSan permanent settles intoits Headquarters Tzu ChiUSA 2004 original WalnutCampus fromDentec WCA Purchases remaining1/3of 2008 rmary, classrooms,cafeteriaandfaculty 2020 elds. Hepurchasedthe home awayfrom . This is eloquently . This iseloquently 17 WALNUT CREEK HABITAT AND OPEN SPACE PROJECT SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT be devoted to horticulture, gardening, and the raising of small stock. Here, under proper direction, the boys may learn to till the soil, plant and care for the trees or crops, and perfect themselves in whichever of these industries they may wish to pursue. Part of the acreage is composed of rough, hilly country on the banks of Puddingstone Creek. This is the “Boy Preserve” where nature will be studied at fi rst hand, where ardent explorers will wind their toilsome way, and where, no doubt, occasional scenes of tribal confl ict will be enacted.

The buildings are on an oak-dotted mesa from which an unobstructed view of Mount San Antonio (Old Baldy) and his lesser associates offers Above: Charles B Voorhis (1870-1961) Above: Voorhis School for Boys construction (1928) inspiration...... The ideal of this school-home is Below: Jerry and Louise Voorhis (circa 1975) Below: Recreational activities on the Walnut Campus grounds (1939) “home” life in the fullest sense of that word, that is, understanding, educative, guiding, and loving home life. The ideal is, further, that this home life be offered to such boys, without schools of this type, would never know it. Here the orphan boy, the boy from the broken home, the boy whose “home” lacks most of the elements which give the word meaning, or the boy of a widowed or over- burdened mother, may fi nd comfort,understanding, and shelter. This ideal of the Voorhis School must be apart of the atmosphere of the place, something SEPTEMBER 2011 taken entirely for granted by every member of the 18 community, old and young alike, a part of the fabric the Voorhis SchoolforBoysandCalPoly Below: Horticulturewasakeycomponent oftheeducationalphilosophyatboth Above: DedicationoftheVoorhis UnitofCalPoly(April 22,1950) testing ofnewpracticesontheCitrus Groves Below: The CalPoly Agricultural department Above: Inclusionandrespectfornature Southern California.Heresearchedtheir interested inthepotentialofextendingtheircampusto the property, CharleswasinformedthatCalPoly spring of1938.Whilelookingtofi The lastVoorhis SchoolforBoysclassgraduatedinthe CALIFORNIA POLYTECHNIC CAMPUS fl Inspection ofdiseases orinsectssuchastheOriental fruit as theschoolfocused muchofitstrainingon Agricultural were converted tolaboratoriesforentomological studies certifi two-year vocationalcertifi Agricultural Inspection.Students couldworktowardsa campus: CitrusProduction,Ornamental Horticultureand Three coursesofstudywereinitially offered atthe southern extension oftheSanLuisObispo institution. Cal Poly’s SouthernCaliforniacampus,initially asatellite another educationalbasedinstitution. Thus the birth ofthe no longerinusebythecollege, itwouldbepassedonto one stringattached:aprovisionthatifthecampuswas was donatedtotheCalPolyinstitutionwithapparentlyonly coincided withhisown.Inthesummerof1938,campus educational philosophyandwasenthusiastictofi y. sacred tobemadeamatterofanyevidenteffort. because itsfulfi of thingsaboutwhichnoonewilldomuchtalking, cate. Severaloftheoriginal Voorhis classrooms llment is too fundamental and too llment istoofundamental andtoo cate orathree-yeartechnical nd anewownerfor learn-by-doing nd it it nd 19 WALNUT CREEK HABITAT AND OPEN SPACE PROJECT SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT The Voorhis student body outgrew the San Dimas facility less than two decades after its doors opened. In 1956, 550 students and 30 faculty members moved one mile away to the Kellogg campus, an 813-acre horse ranch donated in 1949 by breakfast cereal magnate W.K. Kellogg.2

PACIFIC COAST BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE From 1961 until the early 1970s, the Walnut Campus was used as an educational center and retreat by numerous groups and industries. In 1972, the Pacifi c Coast Baptist Bible College (PCBBC) leased the Walnut Campus from the State until it purchased the property in December 1977.

Enrollment at Pacifi c Coast Baptist Bible College reached Above: Cal Poly Stock Building (1953) Above: Athletic fields of the Voorhis Unit at Cal Poly included a running track, 500 students in the late 1970s, with students coming mainly Below: Transitional use as an Educational Center football, field house and a baseball field in the 1960s Below: Pacific Coast Baptist Bible College on Walnut Campus from 300 churches in the western United States. In 1995, Pastor Terry Randolph led the college through a time of fi nancial crisis and declining enrollment which eventually forced the relocation of the college from the Walnut Campus to Oklahoma City in June of 1998.

TZU CHI FOUNDATION AND WATERSHED CONSERVATION AUTHORITY During a transitional period, the campus was purchased by Daniel Singh of Dentec who named the project site Vista Verde and split the property into two ownerships in 2001. Currently, roughly 2/3 of the original acreage is owned by the Tzu Chi Foundation, the remaining 1/3 is owned by the SEPTEMBER 2011 Watershed Conservation Authority (WCA) and City of San 20 Dimas. Below: Tzu ChipartnerswithSanDimastocleanWalnut Creek(2010) Day,Above: Tzu ChicelebrationofMother’s Buddha’s Birthdayand45thanniversaryatWalnut CampusUSHeadquarters(2011) Campus. that werethefoundingprinciples oftheoriginalWalnut recreation andfollowstheeducational-based philosophies for sustainablewatershedprojects, providesopenspace the campuswhileenvisioningafuturesitethatismodel the CityofSanDimas,WCA isembracingthehistoryof River andtheLowerLos Angeles River. Inpartnershipwith improvement inthewatershedsofbothSanGabriel provide openspace,habitatrestorationandwatershed Control District(LACFCD).Itsfocusisonprojectsthatwill Conservancy (RMC)andtheLos Angeles CountyFlood The WCA isajointpowersentityoftheRiversandMountains charity, medicine,educationandhumanisticculture. Tzu Chi: major missionswhichembodythetranslationofname government humanitarianorganizationfoundedonfour The Tzu ChiFoundation isaninternationalnon-profi compassion andrelief . These missions include . These missions include t, non- t, 21 WALNUT CREEK HABITAT AND OPEN SPACE PROJECT SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT VOORHIS UNIT / CALIFORNIA STATE POLYTECHNIC CAMPUS Walnut Creek Historic Buildings Quick Reference Guide A historical map of the Voorhis Unit Campus drawn circa north 1938 is shown on the opposite page. The project boundary outline (in red) can be compared to the quick reference guide to the right, illustrating the full site extents and buildings that remain within the current landscape. These maps indicate that although fi ve building features are located on the project site, they are physically and visually removed from the core of any potential Voorhis School for

Boys architectural/historical district. PROJECT SITE BOUNDARIES

Left: Voorhis Campus circa 1931 showing the original buildings and agriculture fields in the background.

Top Right: Quick reference guide to the historical buildings that remain on the project site.

Bottom Right: Auto and Farm SEPTEMBER 2011 Shops (as seen highlighted as #8 on the above quick 22 reference guide). HISTORICAL CAMPUSMAP (CIRCA 1938) PROJECT SITE BOUNDARIES SITE PROJECT PROJE C T SITE BOUNDARIES T SITE 23 WALNUT CREEK HABITAT AND OPEN SPACE PROJECT SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT BUILDINGS The following buildings, remnants of the previous landscape, are located within the WCA/City of San Dimas Boundaries for the Walnut Creek Habitat and Open Space Restoration Project.

08 07 09

04 06 05

03 01 02

LEGEND Terrain Existing Roads Existing Buildings Concrete Building Remains Dry Streambed SEPTEMBER 2011 Major Contours (5’ intervals) 24 Minor Contours (1’ intervals) window putty, drywallandjoint compounds. has friablelead/asbestospenetration inmasticadhesives, hold “no[historic]architecturalmerit orvalue.” The structure alterations. The designandconstructionareutilitarian and and hasundergonewindow, doorwayandsurface wall This 1-storyclassroombuilding isrectangularinplan HUGHES HALL (c.1940s) 01 joint compounds. penetration inmasticadhesives, windowputty, drywalland architectural meritorvalue,”and hasfriablelead/asbestos altered bynewdoorwaysandwindows. Itholds“no[historic] structure hasaverylowpitched gableroofandhasbeen located inanareaonceserving asacorralbarn. The This 1-story, post- PRINT SHOP (c.1940s) 02 Voorhis period,utilitarianbuildingis insulation andtransitpipe. Lead andasbestosareassumed tobepresentintheduct and retainssignifi as stucco. The one-storystructureisvirtually unaltered and coveredinagunite-likesurface thatvisuallyappears period ofoccupancy. Itisconstructed withawoodframe This SpanishColonialRevivalbuilding belongstothe ORIGINAL “RANCHCOTTAGE” (1928) 03 cant architecturalandhistoricalvalues. Voorhis 25 WALNUT CREEK HABITAT AND OPEN SPACE PROJECT SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT 04 05 06

LAUNDRY BUILDING/SHED (c.1940) OPEN STORAGE SHED (YEAR UNKNOWN) ORIGINAL “INCINERATOR”/VACANT SHED (1928) This small, one-story, utilitarian structure is constructed This small, one-story, utilitarian structure is constructed This marginally infl uenced Spanish Colonial style building of stucco, gunite and clapboard and is associated with a of wood with a corrugated metal shed roof, however from the Voorhis period contains no decorative detailing. The concrete loading dock and metal shed. It was built during appears unfi nished. It was built during the Cal Poly period structure has been altered, but remains a minor contributing the “Cal Poly” period of occupancy and has “no [historic] of occupancy and holds “no [historic] architectural design historical feature. No asbestos is present, however the architectural design value.” The building and shed tested value.” The open structure tested negative for asbestos and exterior stucco has very low levels of lead. Associated ash negative for asbestos, however they have lead-containing lead contamination. material sampled from the structure contains elevated levels exterior paint, and suffer overall structural damage. of metals, the extent of which is unknown. SEPTEMBER 2011

26 and jambs however leadwasfoundinpaint onwindowtrim,doors and historicvalueoftheunit. Noasbestosispresent, decorative ventsandchimneyscontribute tothearchitectural the secondfl oor. Wood shutters,ornamentalironwork, maintenance baysonthelower leverwithclassroomson Voorhis This SpanishColonialRevival stylebuildingisfromthe ORIGINAL “AUTO SHOP”(1928) 07 period. It is a 2-story structure containing industrial period.Itisa2-storystructure containing industrial . tile intherestroom. negative resultsforasbestos.Lead wasfoundinceramic value. The structureisingoodcondition and reported area contributetothebuildings architecturalandhistoric shutters, ornamentalironworkand circularventsinthegable the This L-shapedSpanishColonial styleCottagebelongsto ORIGINAL “COTTAGE J”(1928) 08 Voorhis periodofoccupancy. The archedentry, wood the greenpaintonexteriorwood siding. value” andtestednegativeforasbestos. Leadwasfoundin partial encloseoftheopening.It has “nohistoricarchitectural been alteredbytheremovalof the garagedoorandby has awoodframeconstruction with clapboardsiding.Ithas This 1-storystructurefromthe GARAGE/STORAGE SHED(YEARUNKNOWN) 09 Cal Poly period of occupancy periodofoccupancy 27 WALNUT CREEK HABITAT AND OPEN SPACE PROJECT SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT 04 SITE RESOURCES SEPTEMBER 2011

28 29 WALNUT CREEK HABITAT AND OPEN SPACE PROJECT SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT SITE UTILITIES Utility systems (i.e. hydrants, drains, former fi re prevention to the former print shop building. Electrical and natural gas systems, power poles with mounted transformers, etc.) are service is provided by Southern California Edison and the present in the project site. Other improvements include: Southern California Gas Company, respectively.

• Chain-link fencing (various areas north of According to online resources provided by the California and within the project site). Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas and • A concrete lined drainage swale located Geothermal Resources, there are no oil, gas or geothermal along the southern boundary of the project wells located on the project site (Phase 1 Environmental site adjacent to the former incinerator/ Site Assessment, Advantage Environmental Consultants, current storage shed. LLC). • Unimproved trails and paths north of and within portions of the project site. • Two circular concrete features that were at one time utilized for irrigation purposes are Above: Portion of a drainage ditch along the southern boundary of the project site. present in the western portion of the project site (former grove area). Metal components Below: Concrete structure (former irrigation devices) in the were observed in the structures, as was Below: Excavated pit area (suspect underground storage tank) western portion of the project site. located west of the garage building located on the project site. some standing water. A water line connects each structure to a hydrant.

Potable water and sanitary sewer service in the vicinity of the project site are provided by Golden State Water and the Los Angeles County Sanitation District, respectively. However, it is possible that water and sewer services within the project area are currently, or were historically, private systems (i.e. wells, septic tanks/systems, etc.). A subsurface vault and what appear to be pumping systems SEPTEMBER 2011 for a well or water distribution system are present adjacent 30 Los Angeles County Foundation Tzu Chi

Parks Watershed Conservation Authority Ave Center Valley

Avenida Loma Vista County Parks Los Angeles

City of San Dimas

Tzu ChiFoundation W










e Gas Line Storm Drain Outlets Storm Drains k Woodwalk Subdivision County Parks Los Angeles Conservation Watershed Authority Electrical Conduit Sewer Line Gas Meter County Parks Angeles Los

Fire Hydrants Water Line San Dimas Ave Dimas San 57 N 31 WALNUT CREEK HABITAT AND OPEN SPACE PROJECT SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT HYDROLOGY The San Dimas area enjoys a typical Southern California Only a tiny sliver of the Walnut Creek Habitat and Open Loma Vista, however there is a concrete channel that Mediterranean climate regime typifi ed by cool, wet winters Space project site touches the creek bed in the northeastern collects water from the subdivision and enters the project and warm dry summers. Almost all rain falls from November part of the study area. Developed or low-relief parts of the site into a storm drain near the Cll Frondosa area. through April. Weather records for the San Dimas Fire site in the central and western parts of the project are Station indicate average annual precipitation between 1906 generally at least 130 feet higher than the incised canyon The Walnut Creek Habitat and Open Space project area and 2009 was 18.5 inches. The wettest month of the year bottom. Cobble and boulder stream sediments atop discharges runoff to the north and northwest. Principal lines is January with an average rainfall of about 4.3 inches in bedrock occur near the northeastern project limits, while of concentrated fl ow would be four steep-sided natural the project area (Western Regional Climate Center, 2010). sand and gravel bottom conditions appear to predominate ravines in the eastern part of the site and one large ravine in farther downstream. the central and western areas. Infi ltration capacity is limited Site contour maps show that all surface runoff from in the eastern area due to slopes and shallow bedrock. the Walnut Creek Habitat and Open Space project site The Walnut Creek Habitat and Open Space project area Some surface runoff could thus be expected from most eventually empties into Walnut Creek. Believed to currently receives off-site runoff from several very small tributary typical winter storm events. The fl atter parts of the site are fl ow year-round from a mix of natural and anthropic runoff watersheds southeast of the site; and an indeterminate judged to have much greater infi ltration capacity. Surface sources, Walnut Creek drains more than 58 square miles portion of the Tzu Chi complex. The tributary watersheds runoff would be less common and would generally move by upgradient of the project. The watershed encompasses drain natural, vegetated mountain slopes spanning an sheetfl ow. All tributary ravines to Walnut Creek appear to the northern San Jose Hills and Puddingstone areas, the estimated 22 acres in aggregate. Anthropic contributions to support only transient, seasonal water fl ows. One small 60- suburban community of San Dimas plus parts of Covina, runoff in these natural watersheds are close to nil. Runoff to 80-foot-long zone of seepage or surface fl ow was seen La Verne, and Glendora, and several smaller tributary from the Tzu Chi property originates from a mix of natural in the upper western ravine during AGI’s reconnaissance; canyons in the San Gabriel Mountains. Regulated fl ows exit slopes, landscaped areas, roofs, and paved surfaces. The however, the location suggested a possible man-made from an earth and rockfi ll dam for Puddingstone Reservoir school complex pre-dates requirements for water quality origin from the Tzu Chi property. (Geotechnical Feasibility east of the site. The reservoir and surrounding Frank G. management plans, implementation of source control, and Evaluation, AGI). Bonelli Regional Park are Los Angeles County facilities treatment control practices. There are no features on the maintained for fl ood control and recreation benefi ts. site that are suggestive of active water quality management. Elevation 971 is the reservoir spillway elevation, although Surface drainage at the site is currently facilitated by a the lake is contractually maintained at about elevation 942 series of area drains. to protect surrounding recreational uses. To our knowledge, it has spilled only twice in the last 40 years. The reservoir In addition to the aforementioned off-site runoff, the is quite likely a signifi cant recharge source for downstream project area receives some discharge from the Woodwalk SEPTEMBER 2011 reaches of Walnut Creek and deep permanent aquifers in residential tract. Most of the street and lot runoff from the 32 the area. adjacent properties is directed via side streets to Avenida Los Angeles County Foundation Tzu Chi

Parks Watershed Conservation Authority Ave Center Valley

Avenida Loma Vista County Parks Los Angeles Subwatershed West

City of San Dimas

Tzu ChiFoundation W











Drainage Areas Storm Drain Outlets Storm Drains k Woodwalk Subdivision County Parks Los Angeles Conservation Watershed Authority Walnut Creek Jurisdictional Streambed East Subwatershed County Parks Angeles



GEOTECHNICAL LEGEND Older Fan Alluvium Silty and gravelly sand with Qofs clasts derived from San Jose Hills sedimentary and volcanic formations Glendora Volcanics Tg a Primarily dark gray andesitic flow breccias and minor intercalated tuffs and tuffaceous siltstone

Qls Landslide Block or Debris

Approximate limits of landslide +796.00 seismic hazard zone. (California Walnut Creek Geological Survey, 1998) Tributary +645.00 Woodwalk

SEPTEMBER 2011 Approximate limits of liquefaction +664.00 Subdivision seismic hazard zone. (California 34 Tzu Chi Geological Survey, 1998) breccia andsomeinterpretedandesitefl ows. Unitsare Major rocktypesconsistofcementedorweldedandesite mantled withusuallythinhorizonsoftopsoilandcolluvium. half consistofvolcanicrockstheGlendoraVolcanic series, by severaldeepravines.Geologicalmaterialsintheeastern of theProjectsiteishilly, brushy, steeplysloped,andcrossed of geomorphicandgeologiccharacteristics. The easternhalf At thesitescale,areaexhibitstwoquitedifferent sets GEOLOGIC SETTING mudslides ordebris fl areas ofknown landslidesandsomepotential forsmall Geologic hazards attheprojectsiteconsistofhighly localized bedded siltstone. bedded siltstone. a landslide-pronesedimentary unitcomposedmostlyof underlain bytheLaVida MemberofthePuente Formation, the northwesterncornerof site,slopeareasmaybe slopes peripheraltoWalnut Creek. Closetothecreekin also includessmallerareasof steepravineandcanyon weed abatementandburrowing fauna. The westernhalf surface alluviumhasbeendisturbed byagriculturalpractices, low claycontent.Layeringorbedding isnotobvious.Near- to comprisegranularmixturesofgravel,sand,andsiltwith low-relief olderalluvialfansurface.Olderalluviumappears The westernhalfoftheprojectincludesagentlyinclinedand of amajorsynclinalfold. believed todipsteeplysouth,formingpartofthenorthlimb ows in eastern ravines. ows in easternravines. elongated ranges and intervening valleys. elongated rangesandinterveningvalleys. characterized byyouthful,steeplysloped,northwest-trending Gabriel andSanBernardinoMountains. The provinceis Valley troughandsouthoftheelevatedterrainsSan southwestern CaliforniawestoftheImperial-Coachella recognized inCalifornia. The PeninsularRangesencompass Ranges PhysiographicProvince,onoftheelevenprovinces San DimasliesclosetothenorthernmarginofPeninsular REGIONAL GEOLOGIC SETTING local street) andPuddingstone Reservoir. Siteobservations axis iscentered moreor lesscoincident withVia Verde (a freeway ispaired withawest-plungingsyncline. The fold the SanJoseHills anticlinenortheastoftheInterstate 10 asymmetric anticline. More-recentworkstrongly hints Olmstead (1950) indicatedthemtobeawest-plunging fi The LOCAL GEOLOGICSETTING includes youngfoldsandactive thrustramps. the transformfaultsandachange indeformationstylethat streets givesrisetoincreasingdegrees ofverticaloffset along approaching theLos Angeles Basin,wherecompressive limited totheblockmargins.Exceptions aremostnotable structural deformationandlarge earthquakesaremostly seismic activitycanbefoundwithintheblocks,intense system. Although somefolding,minorfaulting,andrandom bounded byactivefaultsoftheSan Andreas transform is composedofanumberrelativelystablecrustalblocks Structurally, thePeninsularRangesprovinceinCalifornia rst detailed mapoftheSanJose Hills,preparedby aquifers are not interpreted for the site. aquifers arenotinterpretedfor the site. deeper sandstonesofthe Topanga Formation.Deepalluvial stored infracturedbedrock,mostlikelyGlendoraVolcanics or areas. Mapinterpretationindicategroundwaterwouldbe to thecreekupmorethan200feetinhighest-elevation groundwater intheprojectsiteprobablyvarynearzeronext a lineofrecharge.Itfollowsthatminimumdepthsto coincident withtheelevationofWalnut Creek.Itisconsidered groundwater depthsbeneaththesiteshouldberoughly measured, itwouldbereasonabletoconcludestatic Although nodetailedaccountsofgroundwaterhavebeen GROUNDWATER sedimentary bedrock close to the northwestern project limits. sedimentary bedrockclosetothenorthwesternprojectlimits. San JoséHillssyncline site volcanicunits,representativeofthenorthlimb included convincingevidenceforsteepsouthdipsinproject . One tiny exposure of in-place . Onetinyexposureofin-place 35 WALNUT CREEK HABITAT AND OPEN SPACE PROJECT SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT 05 HABITAT



Coastal Sage Scrub Ornamental

Non-native Grassland Ornamental/Ruderal

Mixed Woodland (Coast Ruderal Live Oak, California Walnut, Ornamental) Non-native Grassland/Ruderal Coast Live Oak Tree

Ruderal/Coastal Sage Scrub Western Sycamore Tree +855.00 Ruderal/Non- Disturbed/Developed +695.00 native Grassland Coast Live Oak Woodwalk Woodland No Data Available

SEPTEMBER 2011 Tzu Chi Subdivision California Walnut Woodland/ 36 Coast Live Oak Woodland special status species are discussed in detail in the Special special status speciesare discussedin detailintheSpecial is dominated byalargeexpanse ofnon-native grassland. All walnut woodlands, whilethesouthwesternportion ofthesite northwestern portion oftheprojectsiteisprominently oakand by ornamental vegetationandruderalvegetation. The these disturbed/developed spacesareareas dominated for thecampusfacilitiesarepresent. Surroundingmanyof disturbed/developed areaswhere thestructuresandroads The centralportionoftheproject siteisdominatedby due topreviousdisturbanceof nativevegetationtypes. coastal sagescrub,withsmall areas ofruderalvegetation The gentlertrendingslopesinthese areasaredominatedby and drainagesaredominatedby oakandwalnutwoodlands. In theeasternportionofproject site,thesmallcanyons BIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS SITECONDITIONS Horehound Marrubium Common vulgare Sagebrush californica California California Artemisia Artemisia aurantiacus Deerweed ( californica type isdominatedbyCalifornia Sagebrush( areas intheeasternportionof projectsite. This vegetation the westernportionofproject siteandinlarger, contiguous Coastal sagescrubispresentin smallscatteredpatchesin COASTAL SAGESCRUB Status section(seepgs46-47). ( common Horehound( common intheopen areasofthesagescrubcanopy include Poison Oak( Isocoma menziesii Ripgut Grass diandrus Bromus ), CaliforniaBuckwheat( Lotus scoparius ), BlackSage( Toxicodendron diversilobum ), Fascicled Tarweed ( Marrubium vulgare ), BushMonkeyfl Salvia mellifera Monkeyfl Eriogonum fasciculatum aurantiacus Mimulus ower Bush Bush ). Other species ). Otherspecies ), and Western ), andWestern ower ( ), Goldenbush ), Goldenbush Deinandra Artemisia Mimulus Mimulus ), ), Wild Oats ( madritensis ssp.rubens Ripgut grass( forbs, dominated byvariousnon-nativespecies suchas areas include patches ofdenseannualgrasses and areas scattered withinthecentralportionof site. These southwestern portionoftheproject site,withadditional A largeareaofnon-nativegrasslandispresent inthe NON-NATIVE GRASSLAND fasciculate Tips ( ( perfoliata ssp. Galium sp. Mediterranean Layia platyglossa Schismus Schismus barbatus Avena sp. ), Wand Mullein( ), and Common Miner’s-Lettuce ( ), andCommonMiner’s-Lettuce Bromus diandrus ), Mediterranean Schismus ( ), Phacelia( ), Cheat Grass( ). Verbascum virgatum ), FoxtailChess ( Phacelia sp. Bromus tectorum ), Bedstraw ), Bedstraw Schismus Schismus Claytonia Bromus Bromus ), Tidy- ), ), 37 WALNUT CREEK HABITAT AND OPEN SPACE PROJECT SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT Anagallis arvensis Datura species Scarlet Jimson Weed Pimpernel

Schinus molle Agave Fraxinus species Peruvian americana Ornamental Ash Pepper Tree Century Plant

barbatus), and Doc (Rumex sp.). ORNAMENTAL Brazilian Pepper Tree (Schinus terebinthifolius), and Gum Ornamental landscaping is present on portions of the project (Eucalyptus sp.). Additional ornamental species present RUDERAL site, mostly in association with the Voorhis School, Cal in these areas include Century Plant (Agave americana), Ruderal areas are present with a patchy distribution Poly Pomona campuses and adjacent Tzu Chi Foundation Oleander (Nerium oleander), Greater Periwinkle (Vinca throughout the project site. These areas have typically been property. Additional ornamental landscaping occurs along major), Mission Prickly-Pear (Opuntia fi cus-indica), and disturbed by past vegetation clearing activities, often for fuel the southern boundary of the project site, where plant and Garden Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus). modifi cation near structures, and are dominated by various trees from adjoining residences have encroached upon the weedy native and non-native plant species that have re- project site. Ornamental areas are those landscaped with Several native California tree species appear to have been established. Plant species present in these areas include non-native vegetation, including shrubs, trees, and vines planted on the project site, due to their location immediately Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis), Radish (Raphanus planted for aesthetic purposes. Common tree species adjacent to building sites on the property. In addition, sativus), Tocalote (Centaurea melitensis), jimson weed observed in these areas include Ornamental Ash (Fraxinus several of these trees appear to have been pruned for their (Datura sp.), Shortpod Mustard (Hirschfeldia incana), and sp.), Kaffi r Plum (Harpephyllum caffrum), Mexican Fan Palm aesthetic value. These ornamental native trees include

SEPTEMBER 2011 Black Mustard (Brassica nigra). (Washingtonia robusta), Ornamental Pine (Pinus sp.), Olive Western Sycamore (Platanus racemosa), California Black (Olea europea), Peruvian Pepper Tree (Schinus molle), Oak (Quercus kelloggii), and Coast Live Oak. It should be 38 occur on the upper margins of the slopes, with more direct occur on theuppermargins oftheslopes, withmoredirect a higher occurrenceof Oaks, whilethe Walnuts generally of theslopescloser tothecreekbottomgenerally supporting the othervaries ontheprojectsite,withlower portions ( bottoms alongWalnut Creek. in manynativehabitatareas, especially inmoistcanyon native ornamentalplantsarealso presenttosomedegree properties tonativehabitatareas withintheprojectsite,non- noted thatduetotheproximity ofresidentialandcampus Black Walnut ( The woodlandsonsitearedominated bySouthernCalifornia WOODLANDS Coast Live Oak Coast Quercus agrifolia Quercus agrifolia Juglans californica ). The dominance of one species over ). The dominanceofonespecies over Platanus racemosa Western Sycamore ) and Coast Live Oak ) andCoastLive Oak Redberry ( Poison Oak, Toyon ( ssp. caerulea ( both treesinthesemixedwoodland settingsincludeMulefat exposure tolightsource.Other shrubspeciescommonto recently alteredbymechanical activity, existingbuilding, fuel modifi These areasinclude vacantclearingswithcompacted soils, the Voorhis SchoolandtheCal PolyPomonacampuses. vegetation and dominate theareaspreviously occupied by Disturbed/developed areasaregenerally devoidof DISTURBED/DEVELOPED Baccharis salicifolia Baccharis salicifolia Mulefat cation areas withexposed soilsthathave been Rhamnus ilicifolia ), LaurelSumac( ), MexicanElderberry( Heteromeles arbutifolia ). Malosma laurina Black Walnut californica Julgans Julgans Sambucus nigra Sambucus nigra ), and Hollyleaf ), andHollyleaf ), Western ), Western concrete buildingpads,parking lotsandpavedroads. Heteromeles arbutifolia Toyon 39 WALNUT CREEK HABITAT AND OPEN SPACE PROJECT SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT Didelphis Spermophilus virginiana beecheyi Virginia California Opossum Ground Squirrel

Peromyscus Eptesicus Canis latrans maniculatus fuscus Deer Mouse Big Brown Bat

WILDLIFE HABITAT Wildlife species observed or expected within the vegetation Deer Mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus), California Pocket site throughout the year. Other species are present only types on the project site are discussed below. All special Mouse (Chaetodipus californicus), and Dusky-Footed during certain seasons. For example, the White-Crowned status species mentioned below are discussed in greater Woodrat (Neotoma fuscipes) are expected to be present in Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys) likely occurs on the project detail in the Special Status Wildlife section (see pages native habitats onsite. Larger mammals potentially present site only during the winter season and then migrates north 48-51). include Coyote (Canis latrans), Bobcat (Felis rufus), and in the spring to breed during the summer. Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus). Bats that may occur MAMMALS onsite for foraging and/or roosting include the Big Brown Scrub vegetation types onsite support an avifauna that is Common mammals species observed or expected to occur Bat (Eptesicus fuscus), Hoary Bat (Lasiurus cinereus), comprised of species adapted to the dense, low vegetation onsite include the Virginia Opossum (Didelphis virginiana), California Myotis (Myotis californicus), Western Pipistrelle that typifies these areas. Although large numbers of California Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus beecheyi), (Pipistrellus hesperus), and Brazilian Free-Tailed Bat individuals can often be found to inhabit these vegetation Western Gray Squirrel (Sciurus griseus), Broad-Footed Mole (Tadarida brasiliensis). types, species diversity is usually low to moderate. Year- (Scapanus latimanus), Botta’s Pocket Gopher (Thomomys round resident species observed or expected to occur

SEPTEMBER 2011 bottae), Desert Cottontail (Sylvilagus auduboni), Raccoon BIRDS in these habitats include California Quail (Callipepla A variety of bird species are expected to reside in the project californica), Anna’s Hummingbird (Calypte anna), Bewick’s 40 (Procyon lotor), and Striped Skunk (Mephitis mephitis). The can often benumerous, especiallyduring winter. Year-round than most othervegetation types,though thesespecies Grassland and ruderal areassupportfewerbird species Crowned Sparrow (winterresidents). Goldencrowned Sparrow( and Rufous-CrownedSparrow ( ( Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher( Hummingbird ( Migratory birdsexpectedtouse thishabitatincludeCosta’s ( ( California Thrasher Wren ( Pipilo maculatus Catharus guttatus Tyrannus verticalis Thryomanes bewickii Western Western Kingbird Calypte costae ), California Towhee ( Toxostoma redivivum ), FoxSparrow( Polioptila caerulea Zonotrichia atricapilla ), Wrentit ( ) (summer resident), and ) (summerresident),and Hummingbird Calypte anna Aimophila ruficeps Chamaea fasciata Passerella iliaca Anna’s Anna’s ), Spotted Towhee Pipilo crissalis ), Hermit Thrush ), Hermit Thrush ), andWhite- ). ), ), ), ), Picoides nuttallii House Wren ( inornatus Jay ( nuttallii Quail, Anna’s Hummingbird, Nuttall’s Woodpecker ( migrant species observedorexpectedinclude California value habitatforbirdsthroughout theyear. Resident and Oak andwalnutwoodlandvegetation typesprovidehigh- Savannah Sparrow( ( Western Meadowlark( Dove ( residents andmigrantstothese habitatsincludeMourning Tyrannus verticalis Woodpecker Aphelocoma californica Zenaida macroura ), Hutton’s Vireo ( Nuttall’s ), Bushtit ( Troglodytes aedon ), American Pipit( Psaltriparus minimus Passerculus sandwichensis Sturnella neglecta ), Say’s Phoebe( Vireo huttoni ), Oak Titmouse ( Hermit Thrush Hermit Anthus rubescens ), Acorn Woodpecker ), Acorn Catharus Catharus guttatus ), Western Scrub- ), Western Kingbird ), Western Kingbird ), Bewick’s Wren, Sayornis saya Baelophus Baelophus ). ). Picoides Picoides ), and ), and ), ), cooperii Hawk ( the projectsiteincludeCooper’s ( Lesser Goldfi ( Shinned Hawk ( leucurus the winterseasoninclude White-Tailed Kite( ( Shouldered Hawk( but notexpected tonestonsite. ( Carpodacus mexicanus Melanerpes formicivorus Cathartes aura Falco sparverius jamaicensis jamaicensis Red-Tailed Red-Tailed ), Red-Tailed Hawk ( ), NorthernHarrier ( Buteo Hawk nh ( nch ), ascavenger, isexpectedtooccur allyear Accipiter striatus ). Additional raptorsexpectedtoduring Carduelis psaltria Buteo lineatus ). Raptors expected to nest within ). Raptorsexpectedtonestwithin ), Western Bluebird( Circus cyaneus Buteo jamaicensis ), and American Kestrel ). TheTurkeyVulture ), and House Finch ), andHouseFinch ), andSharp- Sialia sialis Accipiter ), Red- Elanus Elanus ), ), 41 WALNUT CREEK HABITAT AND OPEN SPACE PROJECT SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT Sceloporus Coluber occidentalis lateralis lateralis Western California Fence Lizard Striped Racer

Eumeces Crotalis viridis Diadophis skiltonianus Western punctatus Western Skink Rattlesnake Ringneck Snake

REPTILES (Pituophis catenifer), Common Kingsnake (Lampropeltis associated with drainages and canyon bottoms. Reptilian diversity and abundance typically varies with getulus), Western Rattlesnake (Crotalis viridis), Ringneck vegetation type and substrate characteristics. Many species Snake (Diadophis punctatus), and Coachwhip (Masticophis FISH occur in only one or two vegetation types; however, most fl agellum). Walnut Creek may have year-round water due to urban will forage in a variety of situations. The vegetation types runoff, and may support habitat for native fi sh species. on the project site provide a variety of suitable habitat AMPHIBIANS The non-native Mosquito Fish (Gambusia affi nis) is also for varying reptile species. Common reptile species Amphibians require moisture for at least a portion of their expected to occur. This species is widely used by vector observed within the project site include the Western Fence life cycle, and many require standing or fl owing water for control for mosquito abatement. Lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis), Alligator Lizard (Elgaria reproduction. The canyon bottoms of the project site provide multicarinata), and California Striped Racer (Coluber lateralis suitable habitat for common amphibian species including lateralis). Additional species expected to occur, especially the Western Toad (Bufo boreas) and Pacific Treefrog in the native habitats, include the Side-Blotched Lizard (Uta (Pseudacris [Hyla] regilla). The Garden Slender Salamander

SEPTEMBER 2011 stansburiana), Western Skink (Eumeces skiltonianus), (Batrachoseps major major) and Black-Bellied Salamander Western Whiptail (Cnemidophorus tigris), Gopher Snake (Batrachoseps nigriventris) may also be present in habitats 42 Garden Slender Batrachoseps Salamander major Western Toad Western Bufo boreas Batrachoseps Black-Bellied Salamander nigriventris Pacifi (Hyla) regilla Pseudacris c Treefrog c Gambusia affi Mosquito Fish nis 43 WALNUT CREEK HABITAT AND OPEN SPACE PROJECT SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT WILDLIFE MOVEMENT Local wildlife movement within the project site is expected to a concrete-lined fl ood control facility. Wildlife habitat and Cactus Wren population in Bonelli Park is a reference for occur within most of the naturally vegetated drainages that movement from this point on, towards the San Gabriel River, target species restoration in the Walnut Creek project site. feed into Walnut Creek. Most of these drainages are oriented is signifi cantly compromised, essentially isolating wildlife north to south, and connect with the east/west trending species within the Walnut Creek area to the east. Walnut Creek and the unnamed tributary that parallels Walnut Creek in the western most portion of the project The proposed East Signifi cant Ecological site. As a result, there is expected to be a general east-west Area (SEA) represents a regional wildlife corridor between trend to wildlife movement, with wildlife species using the the San Gabriel Mountains and the / side canyons at high elevations for nesting, denning, and complex. Unlike the commonly held concept of a corridor, this foraging opportunities. SEA contains a series of discontiguous habitat blocks and patches rather than an unbroken corridor for movement. As Frank G. Bonelli Regional Park and the open space such, this SEA facilitates movement and exchange between associated with Puddingstone Reservoir are located larger habitat areas by allowing for terrestrial island-hopping approximately 850 feet from the eastern boundary of the between and among the individual SEA components. The project site. However, there are no effective wildlife crossings manner in which this SEA allows wildlife populations in under San Dimas Avenue and the Orange freeway. Wildlife different areas to interact is less than ideal. The extent of species capable of fl ight or traveling within high traffi c/urban this exchange depends upon urbanization. areas (, raccoons, etc.) may periodically make the crossing to the Bonelli/Puddingstone area; however, these The East San Gabriel Valley SEA contains habitats, or conditions are perilous to these and other species that occur plant communities, that are generally considered unique, in both locations. of relatively limited distribution, or of particular value to wildlife. These are oak woodland, oak riparian forest, walnut Regional movement to the west of the project site is woodland, southern willow scrub, and coastal sage scrub. expected to occur along Walnut Creek; however, the native Despite the fragmented nature of this SEA and adverse vegetation and terrain becomes limited as the creek enters edge effects from surrounding development, a number of a more urbanized setting. Approximately 6,000 feet west sensitive plant and wildlife species have been observed or of the project site, the creek and natural hillsides narrow may occur here. These species are considered sensitive SEPTEMBER 2011 to approximately 200 feet, where a natural corridor travels due to declining, limited, or threatened populations, resulting 44 for approximately 2,000 more feet to where it then enters in most cases from habitat reductions. As a example, the Temple City Whittier El Monte Arcadia Duarte West Covina 605 Covina Puente Hills Azusa 60 10 210 Glendora San GabrielMountains 57 Chino Hills San Dimas La Verne Pomona LEGEND 71 Claremont Existing SEA Boundary Proposed SEA Boundary Chino San Antonio Heights San Antonio Ontario Rancho Cucamonga Project Area Puddingstone Reservoir 15 Norco N 45 WALNUT CREEK HABITAT AND OPEN SPACE PROJECT SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT Atriplex California Calochortus serenana macrophylla plummerae var. davidsonii Round Leaved Plummer’s Davidson’s Filaree Mariposa Lily Saltscale PO: May Occur PO: May Occur PO: May Occur

SPECIAL STATUS BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES The following section addresses special status biological listing status of plant species; and the CDFG’s List of Special STATUS resources observed, reported, or that have the potential to Vascular Plants, Bryophytes, and Lichens. Federal (USFWS) occur in the project site. These resources include plant and FE Endangered FT Threatened Wildlife: wildlife species that have been afforded special status and/ The CNDDB (CDFG 2011); various Federal FC Candidate or recognition by federal and State resource agencies and Register notices from the USFWS regarding listing status SC Candidate State (CDFG) private conservation organizations. In general, the principal of wildlife species; and the CDFG’s List of Special Animals. SE Endangered reason an individual taxon (i.e., species, subspecies, Habitats: List of California Terrestrial Natural Communities ST Threatened or variety) is given such recognition is the documented Recognized by the California Natural Diversity Database SR Rare California Native Plant Society (CNPS) or perceived decline or limitations of its population size, (CDFG 2010). List 1A: Plants Presumed Extinct in California geographic range and/or distribution resulting in most List 1B: Plants Rare, Threatened, or Endangered in cases from habitat loss. In addition, special status biological The tables that follow provide a summary of each special California and Elsewhere List 2: Plants Rare, Threatened, or Endangered in resources include jurisdictional drainages, regional linkages status plant and wildlife species potentially occurring in the California, But More Common Elsewhere and vegetation types and habitats that are either unique, of project site, including the presence/absence of suitable List 3: Plants About Which We Need More relatively limited distribution in the region, or of particularly habitat. Information - A Review List List 4: Plants of LImited Distribution - A Watch List high wildlife value. These resources have been defi ned by California Native Plant Society (CNPS) Threat Rank federal, State and local government conservation programs. SPECIAL STATUS PLANTS Extensions .1 Seriously threatened in California (high degree/ Sources used to determine the special status of biological Many special status plant species are known to occur in the immediacy of threat) resources are as follows: vicinity of the project site (i.e., San Dimas USGS 7.5-minute .2 Fairly threatened in California (moderate quadrangle). These species are summarized in opposite degree/immediacy of threat) .3 Not very threatened in California (low degree/ Plants: Electronic Inventory of Rare and Endangered table. immediacy of threat or no current threats Vascular Plants of California. (CNPS 2011); the CNDDB known)

SEPTEMBER 2011 (CDFG 2011); various Federal Register notices from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) regarding 46 Hubby’s Phacelia PO: May Occur May PO: Phacelia hubbyi Phacelia LIST OFSPECIAL STATUS PLANTS Symphyotrichum defoliatum (Asterbernardinus) Senecio aphanactis Quercus engelmannii Phacelia hubbyi Microseris douglasii var. platycarpha Juglans californica var. californica Horkelia cuneata spp.puberula Dudleya multicaulis Centromadia (Hemizonia)parryi ssp.australis Calochortus weediivar. intermedius Calochortus plummerae Calochortus catalinae California (Erodium)macrophylla Atriplex serenanavar. davidsonii Asplenium vespertinum Androsace elongatassp.acuta CETFCNM OMNNM STATUS COMMONNAME SCIENTIFIC NAME PO: May Occur May PO: Mariposa Lily Intermediate Intermediate Calochortus Calochortus intermedius weedii var. weedii hpra awr . Mayoccur;suitablehabitat ispresent. Mayoccur;verylimited suitablehabitatispresent. Mayoccur, suitablehabitat ispresent. Mayoccur;suitablehabitat ispresent. 1B.2 2.2 4.2 4.2 Notexpectedtooccur;no suitablehabitatpresent. Mayoccur;suitable habitatispresent. 1B.1 San Bernardino Aster 4.2 Notexpectedtooccur; nosuitablehabitatpresent. Ragwort Observed throughout thesite. Mayoccur;suitable habitatispresent. Englemann Oak 1B.1 Hubby’s Phacelia 1B.2 4.2 Mayoccur;suitable habitatispresent. Small-Flowered Microseris Mayoccur;suitable habitatispresent. Mayoccur;suitable habitatispresent. Southern California BlackWalnut 1B.2 Mayoccur;suitable habitatispresent 1B.2 Mesa Horkelia 4.2 Mayoccur;limited suitable habitatispresent. Mayoccur;suitablehabitatispresent. Many-Stemmed Dudleya 1B.1 1B.2 Mayoccur;suitablehabitatispresent. Southern Tarplant 4.2 Intermediate MariposaLily 4.2 MariposaLily Plummer’s Catalina MariposaLily Round-Leaved Filaree Davidson’s Saltscale Western Spleenwort California androsace Chaprral Ragwort Chaprral PO: May Occur May PO: aphanactis Senecio PO: May Occur May PO: Many-Stemmed multicaulis Dudleya Dudleya Symphyotrichum Symphyotrichum PO: May Occur May PO: San Bernardino San Bernardino

POTENTIAL TO OCCUR(PO) defoliatum Aster 47 WALNUT CREEK HABITAT AND OPEN SPACE PROJECT SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT Actinemys marmorata Spea hammondii pallida Western Spadefoot PO: May Occur Southwestern Pond Turtle PO: Not Expected

Salvadora Anniella Phrynosoma hexalepis pulchra pulchra coronatum virgultea Silvery Coast San Diego Coast Patch- Legless Lizard Horned Lizard Nosed Snake PO: May Occur PO: May Occur PO: May Occur

SPECIAL STATUS WILDLIFE LIST OF SPECIAL STATUS WILDLIFE A total of 18 special status wildlife species that are known SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME STATUS POTENTIAL TO OCCUR (PO) to occur or potentially occur in the area are listed in the Amphibians following tables. Several of these species are State- and/ May occur; potentially suitable habitat Spea (Scaphiopus) hammondii Western Spadefoot SCC or federally listed as Endangered and/or Threatened present. Species. The remaining species are considered to be Reptiles Not expected to occur; no suitable “of concern” by the CDFG. Species with potential for Actinemys marmorata pallida Southwestern Pond Turtle SCC habitat present. occurrence are discussed below. Note that these species May occur; potentially suitable habitat Anniella pulchra pulchra Silvery Legless Lizard SCC are listed taxonomically. present. Phrynosoma coronatum Coast (San Diego) Horned SSC May occur; suitable habitat present. STATUS (blainvillii) Lizard Federal (USFWS) May occur; potentially suitable habitat Salvadora hexalepis virgultea Coast Patch-Nosed Snake SSC FT Threatened present. State (CDFG) SEPTEMBER 2011 FP Fully Protected 48 SCC Species of Special Concern Athene cunicularia PO: May Occur May PO: Burrowing Owl Burrowing Lanius ludovicianus californica Polioptila californica Elanus leucurus Circus cyaneus Athene cunicularia Aquila chrysaetos savannarum Ammodramus Birds CETFCNM OMNNM TTSPOTENTIAL TO OCCUR(PO) STATUS COMMONNAME SCIENTIFIC NAME ogredsrk nsig C Expectedto occurforforagingandmay occur fornesting;suitablehabitat present. SCC Gnatcatcher Coastal California Loggerhead shrike (nesting) ht-aldKt nsig FP White-Tailed Kite(nesting) otenHrir(etn)SSC Northern Harrier (nesting) some winteringsites) Burrowing Owl(burrowsite, rshpe pro S Mayoccur;limited potentiallysuitablenestinghabitat. SSC wintering) Golden Eagle(nestingand Grasshopper Sparrow PO: May Occur May PO: Ammodramus Grasshopper savannarum Sparrow Northern Harrier Northern PO: May Occur May PO: Circus cyaneus Circus T S Not observed; limited suitable habitat present. FT, SSC S Mayoccur; limitedpotentially suitableforagingandnestinghabitat present. SSC S Mayoccur;potentially suitableforagingbutnonestinghabitatpresent. SSC nesting. Expected tooccur forforagingandmayoccur fornesting;suitableforaging habitat,limited nesting. Expected tooccur forforagingandmayoccur fornesting;suitableforaging habitat,limited Aquila chrysaetos Aquila PO: May Occur May PO: Golden Eagle White-Tailed Kite PO: May Occur May PO: Elanus leucurus Elanus 49 WALNUT CREEK HABITAT AND OPEN SPACE PROJECT SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT Antrozous Eumops perotis pallidus californicus Pallid Bat Western PO: May Occur Mastiff Bat PO: May Occur

Nyctinomops Lasiurus xanthinus macrotis Taxidea taxus Western Yellow Bat Big Free- American Badger PO: May Occur Tailed Bat PO: Not Likely PO: May Occur

SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME STATUS POTENTIAL TO OCCUR (PO) Mammals Antrozous pallidus Pallid Bat SSC May occur; potentially suitable foraging and roosting habitat. Eumops perotis Western Mastiff Bat SSC May occur; potentially suitable foraging but no suitable roosting habitat. californicus May occur; potentially suitable foraging habitat, no roosting habitat; may occur for foraging; not for Lasiurus xanthinus Western Yellow Bat SSC roosting. Nyctinomops May occur; potentially suitable foraging habitat, no suitable roosting habitat; may occur for foraging Pocketed Free-Tailed Bat SSC femorosaccus only. May occur; limited potentially suitable foraging habitat, no suitable roosting habitat; may occur for Nyctinomops macrotis Big Free-Tailed Bat SSC foraging only.

Taxidea taxus American Badger SSC Not likely to occur; limited potentially suitable habitat present. SEPTEMBER 2011


Three main agencies have been identifi ed as having USACE jurisdictional resources exist within the project See Appendix Report H for full Jurisdictional Assessment jurisdictional resources within the project site: the U.S. Army site, any discharge of fi ll within “Waters of the U.S.” must Report. Corps of Engineers (USACE), the Regional Water Quality be authorized by the RWQCB under a Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), and the California Department Certifi cation pursuant to CWA Section 401. of Fish and Game (CDFG). Any work conducted within the project site must adhere to the regulations set forth by these The Final California 2010 Water Quality Integrated Report departments in accordance with the Clean Water Act (CWA) developed by the State Water Quality Control Board has Section 404 (USACE), CWA Section 401 (RWQCB), and implemented new changes within the reach of the Walnut the California Fish and Game Code Section 1600 (CDFG). Creek project area. These changes could affect the 401 The guidelines set forth by these agency regulations could permit if the Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) are impact the proposed project as follows: developed before the WCA applies for a permit. At the time of the 401 Water Quality Certifi cation application, WCA USACE JURISDICTIONAL RESOURCES: would need to address the water quality effects of the All drainages within and/or adjacent to the project site project and demonstrate that the project will not worsen the contained evidence of Ordinary High Water Mark. Therefore, existing water quality at Walnut Creek and its compliance impacts to these resources would require regulatory with any adopted TMDLs for the listed pollutants. The types authorization (Section 404 permit) in accordance with CWA of improvements that may be proposed on-site are unlikely Section 404(b)(1) guidelines prior to the implementation of to create the types and amount of pollutants that would be any activity that involves the discharge or fi ll within these a major concern to the RWQCB. drainages. These fi ll materials could include sand, rock, clay, construction debris, wood chips, and materials used CDFG JURISDICTIONAL RESOURCES: to create any structure or infrastructure in these Waters. Due to evidence of seasonal water fl ows and the presence No drainage features within the project site boundaries of riparian vegetation associated with all drainage features contained evidence of “Wetland” resources. on the site, these areas fall under the jurisdiction of the CDFG. The limits of CDFG jurisdiction were measured from RWQCB JURISDICTIONAL RESOURCES: the top of bank to top of bank. When riparian vegetation was The RWQCB shares the same jurisdictional boundaries present, the limits of jurisdiction were determined by the SEPTEMBER 2011 as the USACE when the USACE determines that outer dripline of vegetation located within or immediately 52 jurisdictional resources occur within a project site. Since adjacent to the drainage. Valley Center Ave Center Valley 4ft 7ft Drainage 1 4ft 8ft 5ft

Avenida Loma Vista 7ft 6ft 5ft 3ft











e k Woodwalk Subdivision Drainage 2 JURISDICTIO 3ft 2ft 2ft 2ft 2ft CDFGJurisdictional Streambed Walnut Creek USACE “Waters oftheU.S.”(width notedinfeet) NAL DRAINAGE AREAS NAL DRAINAGE Drainage 4 Drainage 3 2ft 2ft


Any impact to USACE, CDFG, and RWQCB jurisdictional This regulatory permit process does not include the 18,000 resources will require the following regulatory permit preparation of a Biological Assessment and focused surveys • Detailed HMMP: $9,000 to 12,000 authorizations: USACE CWA Section 404(b )( 1) permit as if a federally listed wildlife species would be impacted and • Regulatory Permit Processing/Coordination: either a nationwide permit (NWP) if impacts are below the consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) $25,000 to $60,000 impact thresholds or Individual Permit (IP); RWQCB CWA is required under Section 7 or Section 10 of the Federal Section 401 Water Quality Certifi cation; and CDFG California Endangered Species Act (FESA). Also, this permit process Note: These costs do not include permit application fees, or Fish and Game Code, Section 1602 Streambed Alteration does not include approval of a California Endangered FESA Section 7 or 10, or CESA Section 2081 permit costs Agreement. Please note that permits from these agencies Species Act (CESA) Section 2081 if State-listed plant or that would be incurred if federally or State-listed species generally require that mitigation for potential impacts to wildlife species would be impacted by the project. would be impacted by the project (Jurisdictional Assessment jurisdictional resources be provided by the applicant, which for the Proposed Walnut Creek Habitat and Open Space may take the form of on-site mitigation, off-site mitigation, Mitigation may be satisfi ed through the purchase of in-lieu Project, BonTerra Consulting). in-lieu fees, mitigation bank fees, some combination of these, fee mitigation credits from an offi cial mitigation bank. The or other negotiated arrangement. WCA is currently investigating the process of becoming an offi cial mitigation bank or sponsor of an in-lieu fee program. The permit application packages for the resource agencies The per-acre fee is estimated to be $120,000. generally include a completed application form, project plans, completed studies, proposed impacts, proposed mitigation, The following cost estimate ranges are intended to represent and CEQA documentation. More detailed information on the costs for a consultant to provide mitigation planning and the permit application packages can be obtained from the regulatory permitting services. The total cost would range following websites: from $74,000 to $124,000 and would include the following tasks: • USACE: Pages/reg_permit.aspx • Pre-Application Meeting: $2,500 to $3,000 • Los Angeles RWQCB: http://www.swrcb. • Conceptual HMMP: $12,000 to $18,000 _issues/programs/401_ • Jurisdictional Delineation Report: $7,500 to water_ quality_ certifi cation/index.shtml $9,000 • CDFG: • California Rapid Assessment Method SEPTEMBER 2011 forms.html (CRAM): $3,000 to $4,000 54 • Regulatory Permit Applications: $15,000 to PERMIT PROCESSINGSCHEDULE Permit processing. Anticipated permit approvals. Initiate DraftDetailed HMMP received. Agencies must determineifapplicationsare completewithin30daysfrom dateofapplicationsare application isrequired. (Threeweeksfromdate ofapplicationsubmittalto agencies). Contact agenciestodiscussapplications todetermineifanyadditionalinformationfora complete RWQCB andCDFG. completes); andtheproposed mitigationstrategy. Submitthefi nal applicationpackagetoUSACE, the JurisdictionalDelineation Report; thePreliminaryJurisdictionalDetermination(ifUSACE CEQA documentation(previouslyprepared); theNoticeofDetermination;CDFGfeereceipts; Applications withCitysignatures andapplicationsforCDFGRWQCB permitapplications;the Streambed Alteration Agreement, andtheRWQCB 401Water Quality Certifi cation Notifi cations/ WCA Determines Time Frame Prepare thefi nal Permit Application Packageincludingthe USACE404Permit,theCDFG1602 mination FormforWCA Review. the JurisdictionalDelineation Report; theMitigationConcept;and Approved JurisdictionalDeter- CEQA documentation(previouslyprepared);theNoticeofDetermination; the CDFGfeereceipts; Alteration Agreement, andanRWQCB 401Water QualityCertifi cation Notifi cations/Applications; the Prepare thedraftapplicationpackagethatincludesaUSACE 404Permit,aCDFG1602Streambed completed atthesametimeasconceptualHMMP. mination FormtotheagenciesfollowingWCA reviewandapproval. These documentswouldbe Prepare andsubmitformalJurisdictionalDelineationReport andPreliminaryJurisdictionalDeter- 30Days Prepare conceptualHabitatMitigationMonitoringPlan(HMMP) forjurisdictionalresourcesimpacts. nation andCDFGfeereceipts. WCA preparesandadoptstheCEQA documentandapprovesproject.ReceivesNotice ofDetermi- identify potentialmitigationopportunities. tion. ItisrecommendedthattheWCA developamitigationstrategyinadvance ofthemeetingto impacts resultingfromprojectimplementation,avoidanceand minimizationmeasures,andmitiga- U.S. FishandWildlifeServiceshouldbeincludediffederally listedwildlifemaybeimpacted.Review Schedule aProjectCoordination/Pre-ApplicationMeetingwith USACE,CDFG,andRWQCB. The Select thepreferredprojectdesignalternative. TASK 1 yearif individualpermit. 4 to6months ifanationwide permit. 30 Days application information. additional permit Last daythatan agencycanrequest Agencies 30 DaysfromDateof Transmittal to 1 Week 30 Days 30 Days WCA Determines Time Frame 1 dayevent TIME FRAME 55 WALNUT CREEK HABITAT AND OPEN SPACE PROJECT SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT REGULATORY PERMIT COST ESTIMATES

AGENCY PERMIT APPLICATION APPLICATION FEES FEE Nationwide Permit $0.00 USACE Individual Permit $0.00 Based on Cost of Project: Less than $5000 $224.00 $5,000 to $10,000 $280.25 $10,000 to $25,000 $560.25 CDFG Lake or Streambed Alteration Notifi cation $25,000 to less than $100,000 $840.25 $100,000 to less than $200,000 $1,233.25 $200,000 to less than $350,000 $1,673.00 $350,000 to less than $500,000 $2,521.50 $500,000 or more $4,482.75 Initial Application Fee $640.00 Water Quality RWQCB Fee Calculator (9/21/09) based on the Discharge $5,504.00 Certifi cation by acre or length, whichever is greater (Example 1 acre discharge) FESA Section 10 or Section 7 Take Permit/Biological No application fees for processing Section 10 or USFWS Opinion (BO) where a federally listed wildlife species $0.00 Section 7 Permits would be impacted Section 2080.1 Consistency Determination When a No fees for processing a Section 2080.1 Consis- wildlife species is listed by both the federal and state tency Determination request by the State Resourc- $0,00 CDFG agencies and a BO has been issued by the USFWS. es Agency CESA Section 2081 Take Permit where a state listed No application fees for processing Section 2081 $0.00 plant or wildlife species would be impacted. Take Permits

Mitigation Through Habitat Creation and/or Restoration

USACE Habitat Mitigation No Fees for HMMP submittal $0.00 Mitigation Monitoring Plan (HMMP) RWQCB Habitat Mitigation No Fees for HMMP submittal $0.00 Mitigation Monitoring Plan (HMMP)

SEPTEMBER 2011 CDFG Habitat Mitigation No Fees for HMMP submittal $0.00 Mitigation Monitoring Plan (HMMP) 56 57 WALNUT CREEK HABITAT AND OPEN SPACE PROJECT SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT