The Muslim Journal Floyd at the hands of a Minne- Floyd murder case. The tion that includes a COVID Newswire apolis police officer, while three beloved was a response program providing MN ATTORNEY GENERAL MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. – other officers are charged as recipient of Al-Maa'uun ser- 200,000 meals to over 200 KEITH ELLISON Makram El-Amin, Imam of accomplices. vices. unique households, providing See Page 3 Masjid An-Nur and Director of Given in the Arabic lan- Al-Maa'uun has been on basic household supplies that Al-Maa'uun, is on the frontlines guage for “Neighborly Needs,” the ground serving the com- include hand sanitizers and in Minneapolis, as his North Al-Maa'uun is housed in Mas- munity from their annual masks, and urgently needed Minneapolis community con- jid An-Nur – the home Masjid Islamic Relief – “Day of Dig- medications. tinues to coil in pain over the of Attorney General Keith Elli- nity” run by his sister Kami- senseless murder of George son, now in charge of the George lah El-Amin, food distribu- Please turn to page 18 GLOBAL NEWS Injustice Spuns An Organic Movement BURN BABY... NO..., with a Macrocosm of Cultures VOTE BABY, VOTE! – PART I See Page 7

Chairman of the African ed States of America at the hands Union on the Killing of of law enforcement officers and George Floyd wishes to extend his deepest con- ADDIS ABABA – 29 May 2020 dolences to his family and loved – The Chairperson of the Afri- ones. can Union Commission Mous- Recalling the historic Orga- WE ARE NOW BATTLING ON sa Faki Mahamat strongly con- nization of Africa Unity (OAU) TWO FRONTS demns the murder of George See Page 20 Please turn to page 18 Floyd that occurred in the Unit- By Leila Diab Yasser Arafat in 1996.) (Editorial Note: These pho- CHICAGO, Ill. – On May to subscribe SCAN QR CODE tos by Gabriella Diab demon- 25, 2020, as people all over strates the next generations of America watched their TVs in human rights activists, as this disbelief at the very sad and the granddaughter of Human emotional situation unfolded Rights Activist Leila Diab in before their eyes, staged in begins training in the ways of Minneapolis, Minnesota, and her grandmother to take the Facebooked across the nation baton and move it forward. and world. Leila Diab was instrumental In utter disbelief, they wit- in organizing the delegation nessed one of the most despi- to Palestine, where Imam W. cable, abhorrent and unjustifi- Deen Mohammed met with Please turn to page 18 2 MUSLIM JOURNAL June 12, 2020 Al-Islam’s Universal Beliefs is The Creator with no partners. Muslims have 99 Popular Attributes for Allah.

What is Al-Islam? THE HOLY Al-Islam is the complete way of life that reflects Submission to the Will of G-d. Islam means “submission,” derived from the Arabic word QUR’AN “Salaam,” meaning “peace.” Who is a Muslim? A Muslim is anyone who submits to the Will of G-d. Everyone is born “Muslim, and their environment makes them otherwise.” With Allah’s Name, The Merciful Benefactor, The Merciful Redeemer How does one become a conscious Muslim? To become Muslim is to make public declaration that “there is no god 162. Say: Lo! My worship and but Allah (One G-d), and Muhammed is the Messenger of G-d.” This is my sacrifice and my living and called the Shahadatain. my dying are for Allah, Lord of the Worlds. Who is Muhammed? Muhammed the Prophet was born in Mecca, the holiest city to Islam in Arabia in the year 570 or in the 6th Century.

How many Muslims are there? 163. He hath no partner. This Worldwide there are just over 1 billion Muslims, or one out of every am I commanded, and I am first five people on earth is a Muslim. In the United States, there are approx- of those who surrender (unto imately 8 million Muslims; 2.5 million are recognized as indigenous, Him). with the remainder by way of immigration.

Aren’t all Muslims Arabs? No. Most Muslims live east of Karachi; 30 percent of Muslims live in the Indian subcontinent; 20 percent in Sub-Sahara Africa, 17 percent in 164. Say: Shall I seek another Southeast Asia, 18 percent in the Arab world; 10 percent in the states of than Allah for Lord, when He the former Soviet Union/Russia. There is a significant Muslim popula- is Lord of all things? Each soul tion in China, Latin America and Australia. Aren’t all Arabs “Muslim”? earns only on its own account, No. nor does any laden bear anoth- er’s load. Then unto your Lord What is the Ka’bah? is your return and He will tell The Ka’bah is the Ancient House in Mecca, Saudia Arabia, toward you that wherein ye differed. which all Muslims all over the world turn as their direction for making prayer. It is the House built by Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) and his son and Prophet, Isma’il (Ishmael). It is built on the location where G-d told Ibrahim to summon all mankind to visit this place; it is believed to be the original site of a sanctuary established by Adam. 165. He it is Who has placed you as viceroys of the earth and What is the Qur’an? has exalted some of you in rank The Qur’an is the last revealed Scripture from G-d and the Primary above others, that He may try Source of the Muslim’s Faith. you by (the test of) that which He has given you. Lo! Thy Lord What are Sunnah and Hadith? Prophet Muhammed was described by his wife, Aishah, as the Qur’an is swift in prosecution and lo! walking and his life examples and practices constitute the second most He is Forgiving, Merciful. important source for Muslims. These life examples are called Sunnah and are compiled in Hadith.

What are the Five Pillars of Al-Islam? Belief in One G-d (Allah), Prayer five times a day to the One G-d, Fasting in the Month of Ramadan, Charity-giving called Zakat, and Hajj 97: Al- Qadr (The Decree) or the Pilgrimage to the Sacred House, the Ka’bah, in Mecca, Saudi Ara- (Border Calligraphy: “There is no god but G-d, Muhammed is the Last Prophet.”) bia, at least once.

What else do Muslims believe? Muslims believe in all the prophets from G-d, from Adam down through the chain of prophets to Muhammed, the Last. Muslims believe in all the Scriptures that the Prophets came with from G-d. Muslims believe in the Angels, the most notable in the Qur’an being Jibril (Gabri- el). Muslims believe in Life after Death or the Resurrection. Muslims believe in the Day of Judgement, when everyone will be called to reckon for their deeds before G-d.

What is Jumuah? Jumuah literally means in Arabic “congregation” and is the most HADITH important day of all days to Muslims. Jumuah Prayer is on every Friday, just past midday.

What is Eid? (6314) Abu Huraira reported: I heard Allah’s Messenger (may Peace Eid in Arabic literally means “recurring happiness.” There are two and Blessings be upon him) as saying: One is not strong because of celebrations every year observed by all Muslims, Eidul Fitr celebrating the completion of Ramadan and Eidul Adha celebrating the completion one’s wrestling skillfully. They said: Allah’s Messenger, then who is of Hajj. strong? He said: He who controls his anger when he is in a fit of rage.

What is “G-d”? (Sahih AL BUKARI) Imam W. Deen Mohammed, leader of the largest indige- nous group of Muslims, explained that in order to show due reverence to the Name of G-d Almighty, that we not use any spelling that could in the reverse mean “dog.” June 12, 2020 MUSLIM JOURNAL 3 In Profile… ATTORNEY GENERAL KEITH ELLISON Minnesota Attorney General TAKES OVER GEORGE FLOYD MURDER CASE Keith Ellison MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. – Keith Ellison was sworn in as Minne- sota’s 30th attorney general on Jan. 7, 2019. As the People’s Law- yer, Attorney General Ellison’s job is to help Minnesotans afford their lives and live with dignity, safety, and respect. His guiding values are gener- osity and inclusion. From 2007 to 2019, Ellison rep- resented Minnesota’s 5th Con- gressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives, where he championed consumer, work- AG Keith Ellison er, environmental and civil- and human-rights protections for Congressional Progressive Cau- From left to right: Tou Thao, , J Alexander Kueng and Thomas Lane (Photo Minnesotans. cus, which he helped build to credit: Henn. Co. Jail) On June 3, 2020, Atty Gen. Keith Ellison brought charges against the four He served for 12 years on the more than 100 members. police officers in the : Tou Thao, Thomas Lane and J. Alexander Kueng House Financial Services Com- Before being elected to Con- all face aiding and abetting second-degree unintentional murder. Derek Chauvin’s murder charge mittee, where he helped oversee gress, Attorney General Ellison has been upgraded to second-degree unintentional murder. He still faces third-degree murder and the financial services industry, served four years in the Minne- second-degree manslaughter. the housing industry, and Wall sota House of Representatives. By Stacy M. Brown came following a telephone for George Floyd,” she uttered. Street, among others. Prior to entering elective office, NNPA Newswire Senior meeting between hip-hop icon “We all witnessed his murder in Among his legislative accom- he spent 16 years as an attorney Correspondent Jay-Z and Minnesota Governor broad daylight. We’re broken, plishments are passing provi- specializing in civil-rights and @StacyBrownMedia Tim Walz. JAY-Z described the and we’re disgusted. We cannot sions to protect credit-card hold- defense law, including five years MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. – conversation as “very earnest” normalize this pain.” ers from abusive practices and as executive director of the Legal Minnesota Attorney General and thanked Governor Walz. Walz’s selection of Ellison protect the rights of renters and Rights Center. Keith Ellison has taken over “Earlier today, Governor Walz comes as uprisings are taking tenants. As the leader of this public-in- the prosecution of ex-police mentioned having a human place around the country and While in Congress, he found- terest law firm, he oversaw a team officer Derek Chauvin in the conversation with me – a dad abroad. It also comes as Floyd’s ed the Congressional Antitrust of attorneys focused on deliver- murder of George Floyd, an and a black man in pain,” Jay-Z, family and their attorney, Ben Caucus and the Congressional ing justice for Minnesotans who unarmed and handcuffed whose real name is Shawn Car- Crump, have demanded that Consumer Justice Caucus. He African American who died ter, wrote in a statement. the other three officers involved also served as co-chair of the Please turn to page 21 because of the actions of “Yes, I am human, a father face charges. Chauvin and other officers. and a black man in pain, and I The family remains outraged “It is with a large degree am not the only one. This is just that Chauvin is the only officer of humility and great seri- a first step. I am more deter- arrested so far, and prosecutors ousness, I accept for my mined to fight for justice than have leveled just the relative- “NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE!” office, the responsibility for any fight my would-be oppres- ly minor third-degree murder Tariq El-Amin offers Words at Chicago Protest leadership in this critical sors may have.” charge against the cop. Rally in Wake of Murder of George Floyd case involving the killing of Walz noted that the icon George Floyd,” Ellison said came to him “not as an inter- Ellison, a former congress- during a recent news confer- national performer, but dad, man from Minnesota who ran ence in Minneapolis. stressing to me that justice for chair of the Democratic The Muslim Journal “We are going to bring to needs to be served.” National Committee in 2017, Newswire bear all the resources neces- This week, Jay-Z’s superstar noted that he was accepting the CHICAGO, Ill. – TARIQ sary to achieve justice in this wife, Beyonce, also spoke out lead on the case with “a large EL-AMIN, Resident Imam of case,” he pronounced. on Floyd’s death on a social degree of humility and great Taqwa Islamic Center on Chica- Ellison’s appointment media post. “We need justice seriousness.” go’s Southside offered the follow- ing words at the Protest Rally in the wake of the murder of George With Allah’s Name, The Merciful Benefactor, The Merciful Redeemer Floyd at the hands of Minneapo- lis, Minn., police officers: IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT As Salaamu Alaikum. May the peace that only G-d can give be THANK YOU! upon you. The chant, “No Justice, For your continued support to No Peace!,” is an often used chant The Mosque Cares (Imam W. Deen Mohammed’s Ministry) in these spaces where the frustra- CONTRIBUTIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE tion and pain of their absence is Believers wishing to support his mission of propagation and community palpable. We are here for justice because assistance are asked to send their contributions made payable to we want peace. You can sit in Imam Tariq El-Amin and mail to: quiet, yet still not have peace. The Mosque Cares (Ministry of W. Deen Mohammed) You can have gainful employ- We’re here reminding ourselves P.O. Box 1061, Calumet City, Illinois 60409 ment that provides for you and and the world that he is owed Jus- your family but still not have tice. We are owed Justice. Until NOW ACCEPTING Paypal! peace. we have Justice, we will have no No Justice! No Peace! ~ No peace. NAME Justice! No Peace! ~ No Justice! We serve a Mighty G-d. A No Peace! Merciful G-d. A Just G-d. And ADDRESS We’re here for George Floyd, a G-d is always on the side of the Black man who could have been oppressed. And if this be the case, CITY/STATE/ZIP any of us, a man whose human then it would make sense for the PHONE ( ) FAX ( ) E-MAIL dignity was absolutely denied. powers that be to get their act We stand here affirming his dig- together before G-d makes them nity, his humanity and our own. Please turn to page 21 4 MUSLIM JOURNAL June 12, 2020 Press Date: June 5, 2020 “We won’t be afraid to agi- Table of tate, because a sheepish paper that tries to keep MUSLIM JOURNAL Contents any waves from coming on Page the water isn’t going to be Qur’an, Hadith and appreciated by our people.” Mission Statement 2 Islam’s Universal Beliefs Imam W. Deen Mohammed Message of Concern Muslim Journal Newspaper is committed to disseminate relevant news to the April 24, 1985 reading public as an independent weekly newspaper that recognizes Islam as a Pro- 4 By Imam W. Deen moter of Freedom, Justice and Equality. Mohammed MUSLIM JOURNAL 5 Insurance Matters Editorial Policy It is an inheritor of a standard of “excellence” dating back to 1827, when the first /MJ Advertisers is based on Qur’an, Hadith of African American newspaper, the Freedom’s Journal was published by Samuel Cor- Study Al-Islam: Students of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) nish and John Russwurm, and the decisive newspaper, The North Star, was pub- 6 Imam W. Deen Mohammed and School of Thought lished in 1846 by Frederick Douglass. Muslim Journal picked up the mantle passed (Mathab) of Imam W. Deen on by Malcolm X (Al Hajji Malik Al-Shabazz), representing the Hon. Elijah Muham- 8 Muslim American Veterans Mohammed’s Ministry. mad in creation of the Speaks newspaper in 1960. Association MAVA MUSLIM JOURNAL is an Muslim Family Life “independent newspaper”

Cartoon by Bendib that recognizes Islam as a Pro- Muslim Journal’s masthead reads: Bringing humanity together with truth and 9 moter of Freedom, Justice and understanding. Its working mantra: “Fill the Void; See The Full Picture!” It speaks 10 Arabic Correspondence Equality. not only to the material realm but also to the spiritual realm of the human soul. Course - Beginners/Advanced ALL ARTICLES appearing Never failing to print a week’s issue since 1975, its community news is disseminated, 11 Education and Clara in Muslim Journal — solic- utilizing the unique language and school of thought ushered in by Muslim leader, Mohammed Schools. ited or unsolicited, by Mus- 100 @ $50 Intiative Imam W. Deen Mohammed. lims or wire services — are 14 W. Deen Mohammed reviewed in keeping with Publications Muslim Journal’s Editorial Prophet Muhammed (SAW) said, “Whenever the Muslim endeavors in a thing, he Imam W. Deen Policy. Please submit arti- seeks to perfect it.” Imam W. Deen Mohammed said, “We have free choice and must 15 Mohammed Speaks cles to the Editor. choose the best among choices.” Muslim Journal aspires to remain in the spirit of a 20 Earth Talk & STAFF free and clean press. The Muslim Journal pledges to its readers and advertisers: “Stay Science Health the course! Hold the line!” Ayesha K. Mustafaa 21 Calendar of Events Editor Sutanah Whitfield Asst. Editor / Social Media The Merciful Benefactor, The Merciful Redeemer 24-25 Where to Buy Muslim Journal Specialist Subscribe to The Yasmeen Salaam 26 Graphics and Layout Director Out of Respect for Man’s Creator Muslim Journal Latifah F. Wangara Administrative Assistant Zubaydah N. Madyun A Message of Concern ATTENTION Circulation Supervisor Subscriptions and/or address Public Information By Imam W. Deen Mohammed change requests and correspon- NGina Muhammad dence in reference to orders should Accounts Receivables / be addressed to the Circulation Vendors Billing What would happen if people would sit in churches throughout Department Muslim Journal, c/o Monte I. Fateen Muslim Journal, P. O. Box 19263, Circulations/Courier the world for centuries with the image of an African American Chicago, IL 60619 $1.75 per copy and subscription rates for one Joan Najeeullah man as savior of the world before them? year - $70.00, two years - $135.00, six Special Events/A Time To months - $43.00. For foreign, six Be Grateful months - $50.00, one year - $95.00 Shahidah Salaam What would this do to the mind of the world's children? and two years $165.00 Special Events / ATTBG Special Assistant Muslim Journal (ISSN 0883 816X) is published weekly for $70 contributing writers What would happen to the world's children put under a figure of per year by Muslim Journal Amatullah Umrani a particular race presented, pitiable, and in pain “the Savior of all Enterprises, Inc., P. O. Box For Youth and Young Adults, 19263, Milwaukee men”? Chicago, IL 60619. Periodical Sabir K. Muhammad Postage Paid at Lansing, Illinois Correspondent, Atlanta and at additional mailing offices. Abdel J. Nuriddin POSTMASTER: Health Columnist Qur'an, Surah 3, verse 64: Lyndon Bilal Please send change of address notic- MAVA Columnist es to Amatullah Mildred Moore “Say, oh ! Come to common terms as MUSLIM JOURNAL Muslim Family Life P. O. Box 19263, Amira Wazeer between us and you: That we worship none but G-d, that Chicago, IL 60619; Columnist, Insurance Matters Ph 773-952-8177 | Fax 773-633-2212 Khalil Bendib we associate no partner with Him, that we erect not from E-mail: [email protected] Political Cartoonist Visit our website: among ourselves lords and patrons other than G-d. If then MUSLIM JOURNAL they turn back, say ye ‘bear witness that we (at least) are is a Member Newspaper of Muslims (bowing to G-d's Will).’” MUSLIM the JOURNAL is preserved on Civilized nations should want that their religions be also civi- National Newspaper Publish- 35mm MICROFILM ers Association, also known as the lized. False worship is the worst form of oppression. We are no Please direct inquiries to: Black Press of America, which is a 62-year-old federation of more than gods. We are only men, “mortals from the mortals, He (Allah) cre- University Microfilms International 200 African American community A Bell & Howell Information Company newspapers from across the United ated.” (Qur’an) 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1346 States. Since World War II, it has also served as the industry’s news service, 1-800-521-0600; Microfilm a position that it has held without peer or competitor since the Associ- ext. 2292; Page Print ext. 2308 ated Negro Press dissolved in 1970. June 12, 2020 MUSLIM JOURNAL 5 Insurance and Money Matters WHY DO WE COMPLETE THE CENSUS? 1,000 COVID-19 TEST SITES WITH CVS CVS Health certain patients. establishes 1,000 Q: Is there an out-of-pock- Covid-19 test et cost? sites across the A: At test sites not located at country. Experts CVS stores (Twin River Casino, agree that test- RI; Georgia Tech, GA; Lowell ing is the num- Showcase Cinemas, MA; Dear- ber one priority born Centennial Library, MI; By Amira in fighting the Gateway Community College, Wazeer Covid-19 virus. CT), patients will not have any If you have out-of-pocket costs and insur- been wondering ance is currently not needed. where to get tested, now CVS At test sites located at CVS Health is making testing sites stores, insurance is accepted. available to any who qualify. Please bring your insurance This started May 29 when information with you. Patients CVS established a total of 1,000 should not have any out-of- testing sites across more than pocket costs, but you should 30 states and Washington, DC: check with your health plan to AZ, CA, FL, GA, HI, IL, IN, KY, confirm before scheduling a LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, test. NC, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NV, If you do not have insurance, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, TX, TN, VA bring your Social Security num- By Jimmy Small, President quality equipment for schools, people have not completed the and WI. ber (card not needed), driver’s Muslim League of Voters of colleges and universities, road Census. The consequences of Individuals must register in license or state ID. New Jersey repairs and highway construc- an undercount are tremendous. advance at to sched- Q: I don’t drive. Can I walk NEWARK, N.J. – The short tion where needed, supporting Politically, local, state and fed- ule an appointment. Once reg- in? answer to the question head- such diverse citizens as veter- eral representation will change istered, they will be provided A: No. For the safety of ing is: It’s all about economics, ans, senior citizens, families, or lead to the possible loss of with an appointment window patients and providers, we are for that same day or up to two currently limiting testing to services, and political power for the homeless, and others who a Congressperson, county rep- days out. to find a testing loca- drive-up patients only. the next 10 years. Over $675 bil- are in need. resentative, or your municipal tion in your area, go to https:// Q: Do I need an appoint- lion are involved for all of us. Census data is used to appor- representative. ment? The census aims to count the tion or divide multiple feder- Funds for schools, play- ing-locations. A: Yes, all tests must be entire population of our coun- al funding streams. The $675 grounds, childcare needs, road THE FAQs: scheduled. Every individual try at the location where each billion is for 132 programs. repairs, police services and Q: Why don’t I qualify for who wants a test must make an person usually lives, and this This includes the list above as other community needs will be testing? appointment at MinuteClin- includes group living situations. well as Medicaid, SNAP (for- cut or even taken away. A: Because of limited supplies Appointments can be In the past, people have left out merly known as food stamps), There are several ways to and in accordance with CDC infants, but they must be count- the Section 8 housing choice complete the Census. Due to guidelines, testing is limited to Please turn to page 21 ed as well. voucher program, and Head the Covid-19 outbreak, a Census For example, if you have Start. taker will not be coming to see seven people in your home, all The data will be calculated to you. This does not stop anyone of them must be included in award matching funds to state from completing the Census. your count. The survey ques- spending programs, including You may have received a tions deal with age, sex and race Temporary Housing Assistance Census form in the mail, back of each person. The Census for the Needy (TANF) and the in March. Please fill it out must be done before Oct. 31, Children’s Health Insurance and send it in immediately. If 2020. Program (CHIP). you have not filled it out but Some people are apprehen- The U.S. Department of Edu- received a reminder form, com- sive about completing the Cen- cation uses the Census results plete it and return it right away. sus because of their immigra- to fund educational programs, The Census can be complet- tion status if they have an issue such as Title 1 (compensato- ed online by going to 2020cen- with the court system, or other ry education) and Individuals and following the situations deemed personal. with Disabilities Education Act prompts. Under Federal law, this infor- (special education). Allocations Some people prefer to use the mation will not be divulged and from this funding stream are telephone as an option to do will not even be asked. also awarded to higher educa- their civic duty of completing The Census Bureau wants a tion programs at colleges, uni- the census. count of all the citizens of the versities, and trade schools. It can be done in 14 different United States. Traditionally, Currently, large portions of Please turn to page 22 urban centers are hard to count because of the apprehension, but the Census is a safe bet and MUSLIM HEALTH CONSORTIUM secure. “Serving G-d through Healing Humanity” Remember, at stake are feder- By providing public health information and advocacy al fundings for the next decade (2021-2031) that include hous- • ‘We are health professionals, advocates, scientists, ing assistance, schools, high- administrators and students dedicated to analyzing perti- ways, medical centers, com- nent data, so as to provide practical health recommenda- munity development and other tions and public health announcements for protecting and grants of many types. strengthening the health and wellness of all communities. Businesses use this popu- lation data to decide where • We also seek to formulate theories using current med- ical/scientific findings and trends for improving the overall to open stores and how non- health of humanity. To access current health information profits are awarded. Local gov- please join MUSLIM HEALTH CONSORTIUM on ernments use it to focus on Facebook. resources and what is to be spent on the needs of the com- For general information, volunteer or internship oppor- munity. tunities within the medical, nutritional, scientific, pharma- Specific examples of where ceutical, biomedical, bioethics, community activism, liberal funding is awarded include: arts and/or media and marketing disciplines…. Building a supermarket in urban areas where none exists, Email: [email protected] 6 MUSLIM JOURNAL June 12, 2020 LIFE TOPICS 2020-2021 STUDYING AL QUR’AN The study of the Qur’an and the life examples of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as explained in the of Imam W. Deen Mohammed (raa).

Conference Dial in Number: (712) 770 - 4160 With Allah’s Name, The Merciful Access Code: 684012# Benefactor, The Merciful Redeemer Call in Time: Sunday, 10:00am – 10:30am (ET) | [email protected]


How many times have you wondered to yourself while “Everything that happens in human life, as designed by the reading the Qur’an, ‘What were the circumstances and Creator, has a sign for our intelligence and for our mind to conditions of the time, under which Allah (swt) sent the angel read. And everything carries both knowledge and mercy.” Gabriel to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) with inspired revelations — Imam W. Deen Mohammed over a 23 year period?’ We are making great strides upon a great legacy and history Now is the time to learn more, as our Speakers present that was realized by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Medina, and historical information about the people, events, and challenges envisioned for us by three of our teachers: The Honorable Elijah during Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) life and journey spreading Muhammad, his wife Sister Clara Muhammad, and their son Al-Islam and building a model community. Imam W. Deen Mohammed (raa).

July 5 Surah 1: Opening Chapter – Al-Fatiha Imam Rashad Abdul-Rahmaan SCHEDULE 2020 July 12 Surah 2: Al Baqarah - The Heifer Imam Rashad Abdul-Rahmaan July 19 Surah 2: Al Baqarah: con’t Imam Tariq Najee-ullah July 26 Surah 3: Al ‘Imran - The Family of ‘Imran Imam Yahya Abdullah Aug 2 Surah 3: Al ‘Imran: con’t Imam Tariq Najee-ullah Aug 9 Surah 4: Al Nisa - The Women Aneesah Dawan Aug 16 Surah 4: Al Nisa: con’t Imam Wazir Ali Aug 23 Surah 5: Al Ma’idah: The Table Imam Rashad Abdul-Rahmaan Aug. 30 Surah 5: Al Ma’idah: The Table Imam Rashad Abdul-Rahmaan Sept. 6 Surah 6: Al-Anam: The Cattle Imam Yahya Abdullah Sept. 13 Surah 7: Al-A’raf: The Heights Aneesah Dawan Sept. 20 Surah 8: Al Anfal - The Spoils of War Imam Wazir Ali Sept. 27 Surah 9: Al Tawbah - The Repentance Imam Tyerre El-Amin Boyd Oct. 4 Surah 10: Yunus - Tariq Najee-ullah Oct. 11 Surah 11: Hud- Hud Aneesah Dawan Oct. 18 Surah 12: Yusuf- Joseph Imam Wazir Ali Oct. 25 Surah 13: –Ar-Ra’d - The Thunder Imam Yahya Abdullah Nov. 1 Surah 14: Ibrahim - Abraham Imam Naim Muhammad Nov. 8 Surah 15: –Al-Hijr - The Rocky Tract Qur’an Shakir Nov. 15 Surah 16 : An-Nahl - The Bee Imam Wazir Ali Nov. 22 Surah 17: Al-Isra – The Night Journey Khoran Mustapha Davis Nov. 29 Surah 18: Al-Kahf – The Cave Imam Yahya Abdullah Dec. 6 Surah 19: Maryam – Mary Qur’an Shakir Dec. 13 Surah 20: Ta’ha – Muhammad Aneesah Dawan Dec. 20 Surah 21: Al-Anbiya – The Prophets Imam Wazir Ali Dec. 27 Surah 22 :Al-hajj – The Pilgrimage Imam Tyerre El-Amin Boyd

Jan. 3 Surah 23: Al-Muminum – The Believers Imam Naim Muhammad SCHEDULE 2021 Jan. 10 Surah 24: An-Nur – The light Imam Naim Muhammad Jan. 17 Surah 25: Al-Furqan – The Criterion Imam Al-Hajj Talib Abdur-Rashid Jan. 24 Surah 26: Ash-Shuara – The Poets Qur’an Shakir Jan. 31 Surah 27: An-Nami – The Ant Imam -ud Deen Shareef Feb. 7 Surah 28: Al-Qasas – The Narrations Imam Abdullah Rasheed Feb. 14 Surah 29: Al-Ankabut – The Spider Aneesah Dawan Feb. 21 Surah 30: Ar-Rum – Rome Imam Wazir Ali Feb. 28 Surah 31: Luqman Imam Yahya Abdullah March 7 Surah 32: As-Sajda – Adoration Imam Abdullah Rasheed March 14 Surah 33: Al-Ahzaab – The Confederates Imam Wahy-ud Deen Shareef March 21 Surh 34: Saba – Sheba Imam Wazir Ali March 28 Surah 35: Faatir – The Originator Imam Yahya Abdullah June 12, 2020 MUSLIM JOURNAL 7 Burn Baby.... No..., Vote Baby, Vote! – Part I

Mayor Bottoms Professor of Black Lives-LA. “We sent afore time Our Messen- gers with Clear Signs and sent down with them the Book and the Bal- By K H ance, that men Hamilton may stand forth in Justice.” [Qur’an 57:25] SEASIDE, Calif. – With Allah’s Name, the Most Gra- level, as a result of COVID-19 cious, Most Merciful. First and lockdowns and shelter-in-place foremost, peace be unto you orders, our people – the African all. Our hearts and minds are Americans – are still managing heavy. And depending on where to be victims of police brutality we live, many of us are suffering and racism on top of the Coro- racial-based trauma firsthand, navirus disproportionately kill- as a result of the pervasiveness ing us, while faulting “under- of racism that has plagued our lying conditions” as the main people for years. cause (another case of blame After sheltering in place for the victim). nearly three months, cooped up Seriously, there is some- inside of our homes and even thing wrong with this picture celebrating Eid indoors, the tip- and people of all ages and races ping point of our frustrations want answers. With lack of came as we watched a rogue cop resources, space and fresh air (I refuse to say his name) place for many marginalized com- his knee on 46-year-old George munities who aren’t privileged Floyd’s neck, choking him in to access quality air, spacious broad daylight, while a 17-year- backyards or opportunities to old young lady bravely recorded walk to the park, lake or beach this inhumane tragedy taking without being harassed, here place before her very eyes. is a timeline that brought us to Typically, whenever a crime where we are in today’s unrest. happens, you immediately call ° Ahmaud Arbery (25-years- 911 with the expectation that old): Jogging while Black and help will come right away. In murdered by a father and son this case, how could Darnella in Brunswick, Ga., on Feb. 23, Frazier, the 17-year-old, call 911 2020. when the cops, who are sworn ° Breonna Taylor (26-years- to protect and serve, were right old): An essential worker (EMT) there and committing the actu- murdered in her own house in al murder of Mr. Floyd? Louisville, Kty., on March 13, Darnella and others help- 2020. lessly continued to look on, to ° George Floyd (46-years-old): record on their cell phones, to Executed by asphyxiation as a voice appeals to the office to police officer kneeled on his relent and even to Ford to “com- neck in Minneapolis, Minn., on ply” – which he responded he May 25, 2020. would but could not move. Since the murder of George In response to Darnella’s Floyd by the Minneapolis Police bravery, she began receiving Officer, hundreds of mass pro- attacks on social media by oth- tests have spread throughout ers for “not doing anything.” To the country and internation- her defense, Mica Cole Kamens- ally in major and small cities. ki, a sister from Chicago, set up Among them include but are The Official Peace and Healing not limited to: Minneapolis, for Darnella Fund on GoFund New York (Manhattan), Phila- Me. delphia, Newark, Los Angeles, In spite of overall national crime decreasing on a national Please turn to page 23 8 MUSLIM JOURNAL June 12, 2020 Muslim Family Life MAVA SPEAKS “An Alarming Call to Stand for Justice” Dedicated to the Veterans of the United States Military and their families who support them, this column will focus on bring- “O you who do justice. Be just; it is nearer intolerable actions in violation ing information that can assist them in obtaining the many ben- have believed, to righteousness. And be con- of humanity, cultural rights and efits due them, including health care, education and compensa- be custodi- scious of Allah. Indeed, Allah is the American Promise. This is tion for them and their families. ans of justice, All-Aware of what you do.” (The an alarming call for justice in It also periodically will single out Veterans who you need to witnesses for Glorious Qur`an 5:8) personal rights, in business and know, so that a human face Allah, even if While Allah SwT is awaken- economic privileges, and politi- is attached to the Muslim it be against ing and calling humanity to cal expression. Veteran. We are grateful for By yourselves or stand for justice, to sincerely This alarm is a call to united the Leadership of the Mus- Amatullah the parents or stand firmly together for the efforts for openly and sincere- lim Journal for extending us Mildred the relatives. right, the test remains to make ly make firm stances against this privilege. Writers from Moore Whether one the Pleasure of the Lord of all the violent destructive move- around the country will con- is rich or poor, the Worlds the focus for our ments in Chicago, while firmly tribute on a weekly basis to for Allah is nearer to both of actions, rather than being driv- demanding those disrespect- this column. them. en by personal feeling of ven- ful of human life and rights be MAVA was founded through the Spirit of New World Patri- “So do not follow the geance and hatred. brought to justice. otism created by Imam W. desires, lest you deviate. And To use injustice against injus- “O you who have believed, be Deen Mohammed. if you distort or refrain, then tice is not calling for the right. custodians of justice, witness- indeed Allah is aware of what “Justice” is a central concept es for Allah…” (from the above you do, All Aware.” (The Glori- stressed in the Glorious Qur’an, opening verse). And from The ous Qur`an 4:135) and Allah is The Most Just, The Glorious (4:58), believers Personal, Family and/or Most Merciful. In response to are guided, “… when you judge THE NOI, FOI AND Community Concern: Why the evil of taking this man’s life, between people to judge with when a peaceful protest is unor- some groups in the city of Chi- justice; indeed, Allah excellent- ganized, it can sometimes end cago are in results destroying ly advises you with it. Indeed, NATIONAL GUARD being violent? the city and vandalizing person- Allah is All Hearing, All Seeing.” Response: A grave devalu- al properties. These protests are Bring good character and ing of a human life has been ending in violence. sober thinking to the situation clearly brought to the attention Throughout the city, hate wherever we are in whatever sit- of the world. Allah Subhana- groups with anger are reacting uation confronts us each, then hu wa Ta’ala [“Most Glorified to a setting of a lack of respect each of us can be of those who and Most High” (SwT)] used for human rights, discrimina- stand firmly and openly for the the steady hand and eye of a tion, police brutality and other right seeking Pleasure of Allah 17-year-old young woman to, by feelings of injustice that are SwT. the use of a cell phone, take a now seizing this time to express Islam commands its follow- video that undoubtedly exposed their anger in violence and ers to be just even in the face the police viciously beat and kill destruction. of strong conflicting emotions, a defenseless man. Are such actions truly send- two major impediments to jus- This heinous crime is being ing a message demanding jus- tice are love and hatred. Allah exposed to the world by the tice? Are these actions calling guides and demands to stand Decree of our Lord Almighty. for those who committed this firm for justice, “… even if it be By Lyndon Bilal And we are being called to heinous crime to be brought to against yourselves or the par- “Say: ‘Truly, my prayer and my make a firm stand for justice. account for their actions and ents or the relatives....” service of sacrifice, my life and “O you who have believed, be are these a means of striving to And to “… be persistently my death are (all) for Allah, the persistently standing firm for close the avenues for such an standing firm for Allah, wit- Cherisher of all the worlds (Sys- Allah, witnesses in justice, and injustice to happen again? nesses in justice, and let not tems of Knowledge).” (Qur’an let not prevent you hatred of a This alarming call to stand for prevent you hatred of a people 6:162) people upon you that you not justice is a call to stand against Please turn to page 22 One of the original institu- tions and bodies formed to be the vanguards of discipline and Remembering an Untold Story …. defense for the Nation of Islam (NOI) founded by Professor FAMILY LEGACY OF AMERICAN MALE SOLDIERS WHO W.D. Farad in 1933 and built under the extraordinary leader- members or units of each state WILLINGLY SERVED OUR NATION WITH HONOR – PT II ship of the Hon. Elijah Muham- and the territories of Guam, the mad (may Allah forgive his Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and As Airman runway and back to its parking man Molette and his fellow errors and grant him paradise) the District of Columbia, for a Molette, I had a space on the tarmac. young Airmen in his squadron was the Fruit of Islam (FOI). total of 54 separate organiza- huge task in my Molette had to then give had on their hands while serving This well trained, highly tions. early 20’s and had the final “thumbs up” for take- on another continent thousands motivated, and fearless group of All members of the Nation- a duty to keep off and landing several times of miles away from their families mostly young men were active al Guard of the United States my plane com- throughout the day and night, and loved ones in the States. It members of the NOI and were are also members of the Orga- bat-ready at all as well as debrief the pilots was a tremendous task! considered the “Fruit” of this nized Militia of the United times in order for when they returned to the flight Many civilians who never “insular nation” that was form- States as defined by 10 U.S.C. By Airman the pilots to fly line. Combat duty in the demil- served have no idea what sol- ing within the United States of 246. National Guard units are Muhammad multiple sorties itarized zones required working diers encounter on and off the under the dual control of the Abdullah America. and drop bombs around the clock shifts of up to battlefield. If they did, there state governments and the fed- in the killing 12 hours a day, 6 days a week and would never be a homeless or One important duty of the FOI was to help defend the eral government. fields of Vietnam. sometimes 7. unemployed veteran on the The National Guard is actu- MY NARRATION: Airman His plane was an aircraft streets in America. It is shame- members of the NOI as well as all African Americans mainly ally older than the United Molette had to inspect his as- which escaped radar by flying ful! States. The forerunner of the signed aircraft each day, in the two and a half times the speed of Many former active-duty from enemies outside of our Guard began in 1636 when ordi- morning and before the end of sound (which is approximately soldiers will never be the same race. But the FOI also could his shift, from top to bottom. He 1,650 miles per hour). The F111 A again upon being discharged deal with those within our race nary citizens formed militias had to walk on and inspect each & B series jet was a multipurpose from service, especially those in who made trouble for us as well. to defend their communities. wing from top and bottom, in- tactical fighter bomber with the the Army, Marine, Field Rang- Similarly, the United Presently, National Guard duty side the cockpit, inside the wheel following dimensions: 73.5 feet ers, Sniper and Special Opera- States National Guard is part focuses on domestic emergen- wells, inside of the massive twin long from the tail to the snout; tion ground units. of the reserve components of cies, but now it can involve engines and had to use hand and 17 feet high from the ground to Airman Molette served two the United States Army and the overseas combat missions as arm signals during the day, as the top of the plane; a wingspan tours overseas to Southeast Asia United States Air Force. It is a well. well as long red flashlights in the of 63 feet long each. on Takhli Royal Thailand Air military reserve force composed Unlike the U.S. Army and evening and at night, to guide Imagine the huge task Air- of National Guard military and taxi the plane to the main Please turn to page 22 Please turn to page 19 June 12, 2020 MUSLIM JOURNAL 9 The Mosque Cares ith d’s Name, The Merciful Benefactor, The Merciful Redeemer Ministry of Imam W. Deen Mohammed __ Council of Imams in New Jersey____ P.O. Box 8390 ~ Newark, NJ 07108~ (973) 373-0344 ~ www.

Stand Up for the Weak/Less Powerful June 1, 2020 MEMBERSHIP E. HAZEL CREST, Ill. – As President of The Mosque Cares/Ministry of Imam W. Deen Imam Wahy-ud Deen Shareef Press Release Statement Condemning the Murder of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Convener Mohammed, I would like to say first and fore- Masjid Waarith ud Deen Ahmaud Arbery Irvington most my heart goes out to humanity-at-large that Imam A. Aleem Razzaqq Asst. Convener The Council of Imams in New Jersey and the Muslim Community of New Jersey extends its loves Peace and loves Justice. Masjid Al Iman Jersey City condolences to the families and condemn in the strongest terms the murders of George Floyd, … Especially the weak in our community, like Imam (Asst.) A. Lateef Sabir Treasurer Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery. Those committing these atrocities against all human the African American Community, and those Masjid Waarith ud Deen beings, especially injustices being consistently directed against people of color by law Irvington who have less power and do not have as big a Imam A.Kareem Muhammad enforcement must be brought to face justice and acts of racism addressed, prohibited and Recording Secretary cease immediately. The perpetuation of violations to the human rights of people will no By W. Deen voice or control over their own circumstances. Masjid Al Haqq The Mosque Cares is a founding member of Newark longer be tolerated by the members of our community. Mohammed II Imam Earl Siddiq Corresponding Secretary the USCMO (US Council of Muslim Organiza- Masjid Ash-Shifaa President of 64. Say: "O people of the Book! Come to common terms as between us and you: that we tions) and stands in solidarity with its efforts Newark The Mosque Imam A. Khabir Shamsid-Deen worship none but G-d; that we associate no partners with Him; that we erect not from and statement released on 05/29/20 regarding Masjid Al-Hadi Cares Elizabeth among ourselves lords and patrons other than G-d. If then they turn back say: "Bear the death and human rights violations of George Imam A. Quddoos Farrad witness that we are Muslims (bowing to G-d's will)." Al-Qur’an Surah 3 Aali ‘Imraan (The Family of ‘Imarran ) Masjid Salahuddin Floyd. Paterson Imam Habeebullah El-Amin The disease of racism in the United States of America and in the world will not effectively be (USCMO Statement is reported herein on page 12) Muslim Seniors of New Jersey Newark addressed and will continue to plague the human family until the roots and influences of Imam Abid Hasan Masjid Muhammad purported white supremacy as portrayed in the bigoted divine imagery of religion is ACGG in Focus on Servant Leaders: Jersey City Imam Aqeel A. Mateen acknowledged, uprooted, and removed. Then and only then, will the psyche of all people Masjid Ash-Shifaa Newark begin to be treated and remedied with the Truth of the One Humanity that we all possess. Imam Hassan Sharif FLOYD CRIED OUT FOR HIS MOTHER! Masjid Muhammad Newark Human social expressions have their origins in the psyche or soul of man. Racism was Imam Khalil Abdul-Aziz Masjidullah introduced in religion by white Aryan (“arya” meaning lord or master) populations, in order Plainfield Imam Abdullah Toure to dominate, lord or become the masters over people of color. This oppression, manipulation, Irvington Dawah Society Irvington and domination persist and plague the world’s societies today. The minds, moral conscience, Imam Khaleed Yaseen G.O.O.D. S.O.U.L.S. human personalities and behaviors of white, black and brown people have been and Paterson Imam Mujahiddeen Mohammed continued to be deceived by these false images of divine authority that people are blatantly Taqwa Learning Center. Trenton and subtly told to submit to, obey and worship. And the message translates into how race Imam Qareeb Bashir Islamic Center of Ewing. consciousness warps and weakens perceptions of truth, reality. morality, ethics, and justice. Ewing Tarik Vance-Harris Masjid Freehaven. Protests have their place, but we must move from protest to progress. Societies are ever Lawnside changing and like human beings they can ascend to higher levels of humanity or descend Advisors into states of being lower than animals. Which path will Americans choose to take? Akbar T. Salaam Unity Brand Halal Newark Faheem J. Ra’oof FJR Planning Associates Irvington With peace and sincere best regards, Elijah Fard Muhammad Cosmic Connections Group LLC Newark Imam Wahy-ud Deen Shareef, Convener Imam Abdul Kareeem Muhammad, Secretary Maryam Sabir Female Community Representative Rita Uqdah Female Community Representative

“New Africa is a Vision, A Vision we want to mlement, To Visualie a Loic we want to Al, A Life we want to Live”

Imam W. Deen Mohammed (raa) “Ye are the The explosive response of the Best of Peoples, community must be addressed evolved for Man- with systemic resolutions to kind…, enjoining this type of barbaric treatment. what is right, Community leaders who are forbidding what servant leaders should plan is wrong…, and with the citizens’ objective solu- By Flem- Believing in tions that address police train- ing El-Amin Allah…. (Qur’an ing and local government poli- President, Surah 3:110) cies that directly address these ACGG NATION- issues. American AL – The inhu- A collective response based Coalition man treatment on practical solutions can begin for of George Floyd the process of healing. None of Good Gov- under the knee us are above the law. ernment of a hired police The faith communities must officer whose engage their principles of primary duty action to help solve this crisis. is to protect the citizens has Our children, fathers, brothers, resulted in an international uncles, aunts, etc., could have a outcry for justice. suffocating knee on their necks What we have been exposed next. to at the hands of those hired Put faith into action and be to protect and serve has been the community example of consistently inhuman treat- what is right in our communi- ment. To hear Mr. Floyd cry ties. Enjoin what is right and out for his Momma and beg for forbid what is wrong. help while repeating over and The American Coalition for over again, “I can’t breathe,” is Good Government (ACGG) simply wrong. And all officers extends condolences to the involved should immediately be family of Mr. George Floyd. We charged and brought to court. It stand with you for justice for Cartoons by Khalil Bendib; All rights reserved by the author under U.S. Copyright is simply the right thing to do. your beloved. laws; no reproduction without expressed permission from the author, Khalil Bendib. 10 MUSLIM JOURNAL June 12, 2020

With Allah’s Name, The Merciful Benefactor, The Merciful Redeemer

D Kh H J Th T B A


K K F Gh A Th T D

SOFT HARD HARD HARD HARD M.A.L.I. (Muslim American Logic Institute) Qur'an Reflections Qur'anic Arabic Lessons By M.A.L.I. Students FORM 10 NOUNS - Identify the underlined Nouns as an Internal 17:13 - Adultery and Fornication Noun, Active Noun, or Passive Noun. The Most Honorable is the Most Regardful FORM I By Jibrīl Abdul-Hafīth Pronoun Command Present Past Do not enter sexual intimacy by other than lawful prescrip- tion! I �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� Surely unlawful sexual intimacy is a shameful disgusting act you m.s. �� �� �� �� �������� �� �� �� �� and a blameworthy path of conduct. you f.s. ��� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� To have sexual intercourse based on other than lawful pre- scriptions is defined as adultery during extra-marital encounters he �� �� �� �� ������ or fornication between people not married to one another. she �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� The Creator has prescribed Qur’anic morality for us as a code of conduct for human civilization. we �� �� �� �� � �� �� �� �� In the reading of Qur’anic language, we discover evidence you ���� �� �� �� �� � �� �� � �� �� �� �� �� �� from a scientific body of knowledge that enlightens us as to you �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� ���� �� �� what is forbidden and obscene regarding adultery, fornication, and inappropriate sexual contact. they �� ��������� ���� �� �� This prescription strengthens us consciously by using linguis- they �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� tic grammatical terms that place restrictions on broadcasting you m.& f.dual �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� ������� �� �� and celebrating shameful sexual behavior. Allah, The Most-High prescribed that the ones that engage in they m. dual �� �� �� �� �� ���� �� inappropriate sexual conduct shall not marry any but a man or they f. dual �� �� �� �� �� � �� �� �� �� woman that engages in inappropriate sexual conduct, associat- ing them with those who error in their worship of making part- TTTTM.A.L.I. Instructor: Hakeem Love+31*'+ +#0'! ,*-%'!T!-+ ners with Allah in worship. Allah warns the thinking creatures: don’t even think about it! [email protected] E-mail responses to: Or go to: Imam Salim MuMin, Instructor [email protected] June 12, 2020 MUSLIM JOURNAL 11

“The purpose of the Nation of Islam was to give us enough faith in our own original Education and creation to make us have faith in our ability to think for ourselves, to think inde- pendently. I can be a factor for that change, because I refuse to give up the practice of Islamic School thinking for myself.” – Imam W. Deen Mohammed, Honoring Sis. Clara Los Angeles, California, Nov. 21, 1992 System Mohammed Especially for Children and Young Adults…. Let Us Continue to Recognize the Hard Work and CURRENT FULL TIME Achievements of Our Students Sis. Clara Mohammed and WDM High Schools Congratula- tions, All GRAD- Mohammed Schools of Atlanta Email: claramohammedschools@ UATES! 735 Fayetteville Rd., S.E. We acknowl- Principal: MahasinAbdullah edge your feelings Atlanta, Ga. 30316 Ph: 404-378-1042 Director: Imam Yusuf Abdullah of disappoint- Sis. Clara Muhammad School ment related to Fx: 404-378-2311 New Medinah, 16 Al-Halim Rd. the canceling of Sumrall, MS 39482 By Amatullah your ceremonies, Director/Principal Dr. Zaheerah Sha- Um'rani, year-end activi- kir-Khan Ph: 601-736-8540 MSW ties, and formal ***Seeking Director/Principal for c/o Imam Alvin Shareef Contributing Writer goodbyes. the 2020-2021 School Year. Send COMING SOON: WDM Boarding We acknowl- resumes to Consultative Board at School edge the loss of time invested in the School's address above.*** planning. We acknowledge the Sis. Clara Muhammad School loss of money that has been paid Sis. Clara Muhammad School 5245 N.W. 7th Ave. in deposits, rentals, and other receive what we ask for that This writer does not presume 120 Madison St. Miami, Fla. 33127 payments. wasn’t good for us. We don’t re- to interpret the Qur’an but to Brooklyn, N.Y. 11216 Ph: 305-757-8741 While doing this, we thank ceive what we desire. pass on to you what Allah, Most Ph: 718-783-1279 Principal: Nia Jackson Allah for all of you who have For whatever we encounter in High, tells us through His Mes- Director: Imam Adib Rashid completed another “milestone,” Clara Mohammed Schools life, we have feelings, and this is senger, through which you may Principal: Darlene Bashir although every day and every a part of being human. We en- receive some “food for thought” 1219 W Charles Bussey Ave. hour that you contribute to im- courage you to take the time to as well as encouragement: Little Rock, AR, 72206 Clara Muhammad School proving your life is a blessing. At acknowledge your feelings, and “No calamity, disaster, or mis- Ph: 501-374-1541 this time, we encourage you and we encourage others to under- fortune comes upon the earth or 103-02 Northern Blvd. Principal: Waheedah Shaheed feel that your accomplishments stand and be empathetic. in yourselves but is inscribed in Corona, N.Y. 11368 are extensions of our own life’s We are encouraged not to fear Al Lawh Al Mahfooz, the Book Ph: 646-939-2670 Clara Muhammad School work. We offer our sincere and or grieve. This does not mean of Decrees before He brings it [email protected] P.O. Box 1869 loving congratulations. not feeling fear or sadness but into existence. That is easy for Principal: Principal Sharifa Dye Newark, NJ 17101 Feelings of sadness and dis- not remaining there. Don’t stay Allah, in order that you may not Director & Principal - Marsha appointment are a natural part there; move to the place where grieve over matters that pass you Sis. Clara Mohammed School Nivins of human existence. We need, the pain or discomfort diminish- by or that you fail to get. Ph: (973) 991-0246 we want, we care, we like. We 32 Cedar Ave. es to a point where the memory “Nor be excessively joyful Hamilton, HMFX Bermuda plan, we hope. We receive what New African Ummah Online is there, not accompanied by the because of that which has been Ph: 441- 292-5986 we don’t ask for; we sometimes feeling. School Please turn to page 21 Principal: Zakiyyah Shakir http://www.newafricanummah. Imam/Director: Basim Muwwakkil com 3588 Indian Spring Road Sis. Clara Muhammad School Green Bay VA 23942 PROJECT SMILE! Test Your Islamic Knowledge 317 W. Wright St. (434) 607-0111 A Dr. Safiyyah Abdullah Production! Milwaukee, Wisc. 53212 Director Dr Qadir Abdus-Sabur Ph: 414-263-6772 [email protected] 64. Which king made the 52. A’oo’dhu billahi mina Principal: Basimah Abdullah iron wall to protect the people shaitan nir rajeem; I seek refuge Director: Imam B. Fahad of Gog and Magog? with Allah (SWA) from satan, Muhammad 65. Which mount is called the cursed one. the mount of mercy? 53. Hasbun-Allahu wa Sis. Clara Mohammed School 66. Name the Prophet who ni’mal-wakil; Allah (SWA) is (Pre-K-8) had control over the wind. Sufficient for us and He is the 3620 Buena Vista Pike 67. Who accompanied Best Disposer of affairs. Nashville, TN 37218 Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) 54. Hud-hud. Phone: 615-485-3488 on his migration to Medina? 55. A very powerful tribe 68. Name the city to which in Mecca to which Prophet angels Harut and Barut were Muhammad (SAW) belonged. sent? 56. Medina. For the month of June 2020, the 100@$50 initia- 69. What is the name of the 57. To bow down before tive will be Clara Mohammed Schoool of Milwau- the Answer Key for Questions 51 tyrant king that was drowned in Prophet Adam (SA). kee, 317 W. Wright Street Milwaukee, WI 53212. through 60. the sea with his army? 58. Rehaan. Attention: Principal Basimah Abdullah or Director Imam B. Fahad Muhammad. Contact them at (414) Questions 61 – 70: 70. Which Prophet has the 59. Dhul Hijjah, the last nephew of Prophet Ibraheem 263-6772, [email protected] or go to https:// 61. How many layers of month of the Muslim calendar. Heaven has Allah created? (AS)? 60. The Thamud people. g5, 62. Allah (SAW) says in the FOR MORE INFORMATION, Quran that the army of Abra- Answers to Questions SEND YOUR ANSWERS CONTACT: Imam Adam Beyah at a ha came to destroy the Kabah. 51 – 60: (and questions) to Daa69i- [email protected] or Which animal did they ride? [email protected] CALL (910) 527-6641. 63. Allah mentions in the 51. Allahumma Bismika or Masjid Al-Mu’minun, 1127 Quran a Prophet by the name of amutu wa ah’ya; Oh Allah, with Hank Aaron Dr., SW, Atlanta, "IF WE CAN CONVINCE MORE THAT Hanif. Who was the Prophet? Your Name I die and live. Ga. 30315. EDUCATION IS OUR #1 PRIORITY, WE WILL RAISE MORE." 12 MUSLIM JOURNAL June 12, 2020 ALL LIFE IS SACRED: The Killing of George Floyd, White Supremacy and the WE WITNESSED THE INTENTIONAL Relentless Persecution of Black America HOMICIDE OF GEORGE FLOYD “For persecution is far more grievous than killing ….” – The Qur’an 2:191

WASHING- being ignored. TON, D.C. The Holy Qur’an, chapter 99, – We join all indicates that there will come a those across time when the earth will behave the nation as though G-d revealed to her, and around …and will throw up what’s the world inside her destroying property, who mourn, environment, etc. We are wit- NATIONAL sight of God … persecution is a the interim, we at the US Coun- By Imam Dr. are outraged, nessing the same. – Minneapolis far greater sin than killing.” cil of Muslim Organizations call Talib Shareef and stand in Being products of the earth, police officers Make no mistake, killing is for two immediate actions and President/ protest of the G-d put it in our nature that if marked Memo- the second-most heinous of give our reasons why. Resident recent mur- we cannot get life’s needs facil- rial Day by suffo- the cardinal sins in Islam. Yet, 1. City and county councils, Imam der of George itated by peaceful means then cating an utterly we can no longer look away and state and federal, represen- The Nation’s Floyd by a G-d made us to get it by violent subdued black from the underlying socio-po- tative bodies, should formally Mosque/ white Minne- means. Destructive behavior is man named litical condition that underlies affirm in resolutions the sanc- Masjid apolis police- not their motive or aim, their By Muhammad George Floyd and underwrites this wanton tity of life (which many now man. All life peace is disturbed. Oussama to death, as he slaughter of innocent African speak of) over and above that of is sacred. Their destructiveness is a pro- Jammal pleaded with his Americans, and especially black all other earthly inviolabilities, We wit- test to awaken in us, leaders, Sec. Gen., last stifled words American males in our country: especially that of property. nessed an intentional homi- government leaders, just like U.S. Council for the right to white supremacy. While we firmly believe in the cide once again by a police in the American Revolution to of breathe. This is part of what Ameri- sanctity of private property – officer. In public, in broad day- free itself from British oppres- Muslim They snuffed can philosopher Charles Mills and especially the sanctity of light, conducting themselves sion, that to ignore or condemn Organi- out the light called in his 1997 book of the homes, houses of worship, and in a manner unbecoming of a the people’s protest without zations of his life with same name the “racial contract” places of cultural importance policeman, the officer applying addressing/resolving the egre- (USCMO) a knee on his – an invisible, unspoken agree- – it does not compare nor rise sustained pressure on a hand- gious actions that have dis- neck, collapsing ment that non-white popula- to the level of the sanctity of cuffed compliant man’s neck, turbed the people’s conscience his trachea. They killed him tions, most egregiously African human life, all human life. with his hand in his pocket like and peace, is to disrespect their in broad daylight. They killed Americans, do not possess the Many upholders of the sys- he really did not “give a damn,” human nature. him over a slow nine minutes. same human moral worth – tem of white supremacy are as they mechanically dismissed Thus, stating that all are not They killed him while con- and, therefore, do not share in now publicly justifying the fol- his life. truly equal members of society. This officer was relaxed The buildup from repeated mis- temptuously mocking the help- equal political, social, or eco- low-up to the egregious Minne- and calm while George Floyd treatment and being ignored less bystanders pleading for nomic rights and entitlements apolis police killing of George repeatedly said, “I can’t will cause the oppressed to mercy, for humanity, for George – as white Americans. Floyd by the equally appalling, breathe,” for close to nine min- scream out “that’s enough” and Floyd’s expiring life. As distasteful as the label organized Minneapolis police utes. His senseless death is the human spirit within all will They killed him even after white supremacy sounds, it is brutality of the last two nights upon the injustice and continu- scream out “I am somebody.” Floyd had died by continuing truly the “unnamed political against unarmed most African al disregard for the lives of Afri- We have heard it throughout to kneel on his limp, lifeless system that has made the mod- American protesters. can Americans. our history. body for another two minutes. ern world what it is today,” as They seek to discredit the The backdrop: African Amer- The human spirit will pro- The US Council of Muslim Mills writes. And he is right. public protest of this open mur- icans/blacks’ subjection to 240 test injustice. This global wide Organizations (USCMO), on Until we acknowledge this der by armed civil servants by years of enslavement, followed outcry and protest is a protest behalf of our members and political reality as a nation and the subsequent damage done by by 90 years of lynching and for peace, freedom, justice, and American Muslims, utterly con- debunk its prejudicial concepts some to private property. cruel treatment under horrific equality, and it demands atten- demn this blatant act of mur- – concepts that belie the teach- They would sanction the ad Jim Crow laws, 60 years of sep- tion, a positive response and der, and we call for the swift ings of Heavenly religion that: hoc killing of African Ameri- arate but equal, 35 years of rac- immediate change from and prosecution on 1st degree mur- 1) all humanity has descended cans like George Floyd by police ist housing policies, police bru- condemnation of the systemic der charges of its four perpe- from a single soul, and that (or those self-appointed “vig- tality, and systemic oppression, institutional racism in America trators disguised as public 2) Decry God’s observable ilante police,” like the killers compounded by the recent kill- and the world. servants in the uniforms and Divine Wisdom: that He has of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia) ing – among others of longer Those protesting are not just behind the badges of the Min- made us into nations of tribes because in the course of a pro- distance in time – of Ahmaud people targeted physically by neapolis Police Department. … and peoples – of varied colors test against it, some people van- Arbery and others. these unjust police altercations … Yet again – after the kill- and different languages – that dalized a corporate outlet. The struggle of African (historically minorities/Afri- ings of Ahmaud Arbery, Eric we may know one another, not There can be no compromise Americans to see their human- can Americans); however, the Garner, Tamer Rice, Sandra hate one another – we will not of the sanctity of human life ity free upon justice and equal- collective conscience, inherent Bland, Breonna Taylor, Fred- be able to bring forth a totally and no comparison of human ity covers centuries and cross- soul, and sense of justice of all die Gray, Marcus Golden, Jamar new social contract for all on life with inert property. es generations. The present humanity is assaulted, disturb- Clark, Philando Castile (the last this soil. 2. We call on elected and inherits the past. This is our/ ing the peace of all. three all by Minnesota police) – For the solution lies not in appointed officials to disallow – America’s inheritance, and We all are one in our frus- a list that sadly runs on and on. merely editing the old, failed, under all circumstances – police there is no peace until there is tration to the point of anger. However, it is to this egre- illusory one that denies its own forces under their authori- justice. That’s why we are seeing pro- gious, legacy of the persecution reality, as we have been trying ty from confronting unarmed Peace is the hope of every tests globally (i.e. America, of African Americans that we to do with our various inade- protesters who are denounc- human soul and the appetite London, Berlin, etc.) We say in the US Council of Muslim quate civil rights and social ini- ing police actions of killing an for peace is the most powerful to the protestors and all people Organizations now particularly tiatives for all this nation’s exis- innocent man and calling for force in the human creation. of conscience, be a firm people call attention with the quote tence. due process. While we denounce all inten- standing upon justice and hold from the Quran that heads this We must bring about a new The Minneapolis police tional violence and destroying to the spirit and purpose of your statement: “For persecution is ideal of a livable social contract shameful action – of coming of property, we do stand with position. G-d has not called us far more grievous than killing,” as a prescription for human jus- out in phalanxes in full riot gear the people’s protest built upon and in another verse: “In the tice and peace in our society. In their plead for justice and peace Please turn to page 22 Please turn to page 23 June 12, 2020 MUSLIM JOURNAL 13

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(Imam Mohammed’s lec- the book, which will make them power is potential. That’s be upon her. When she was told ture on The Night of Power, wise and give birth to scientists. potential for the work. G-d cre- that she was going to give birth in Milwaukee, Wisc., on May Now going back to the inter- ated our life with the potential to a child at her old age, she 2, 2002, follows – Part III.) pretation of the Night of Power for the great work. Now what laughed. Because it was ridic- Allah wants us to love righ- as the Muslim era or the Mus- will free that potential? What ulous to her and her situation, teousness. Allah wants us to lim age reading on the Genesis, will awaken it? What will give her circumstances. love cleanliness. Allah wants the beginning of creation, and it expression? What will release Well, in my situation, in my us to love decency, so that He understanding that the agents it into the world, so that it can circumstances as a teenager, may complete His Favor on us, of G-d, the Holy Spirit and the cultivate the world, produce as a young man, as a man 40 so that He may complete His Angels were really pure beings, and produce? years old under the Hon. Eli- Blessings on us. and they must descend first and Following that formula, jah Muhammad, if I had been The blessing He wants to then the revelation comes. accept purity. Accept your Lord told these things, I would have complete needs us first to And then comes the dawn, like the holy spirit accepts his laughed. I’d say, “You all are become clean and decent in the day, the dawning. A day Lord. He accepts his Lord by stretching it too much.” our hearts and in our souls and with the Lord is as a thousand strictly obeying Him. Accept Ridiculous, impossible. But in our minds. We’ve got the with you. This is scripture, isn’t your Lord the way the Angels it has happened in this day and rational potential. We’ve got it? Before scripture, old scrip- accept their Lord by strictly time. Just recently I sat with a Imam W. Deen Mohammed the intellectual potential, but ture, a day with the Lord is as a obeying Him in the night. That Catholic bishop in dialogue and being differences but similari- that’s not the state that Allah thousand with you. obedience will turn day on for I felt as comfortable sitting with ties. will bless, unless it has decen- So here comes today, the you. Praise be to Allah. him discussing deep knowledge The similarity was so strong, cy, cleanliness. Desire for righ- dawning of the intellect. When That might sound simple with him. it dispelled the differences, teousness, desire for cleanli- this dawning starts happening and ordinary to you, but that’s Understanding where he was caused the differences to disap- ness, desire for decency. for the intellect, then the same what creates the world; that’s coming from and he knew it, pear. I mean deep stuff, deep as So He gives us revelation that thing happens in the garden. what generates worlds. That’s there was just common knowl- you want to go, anybody would before it reaches our intellect it The same things happen for the how worlds are born. That’s the edge between us. He’s discuss- want to go. This is what we were already touches our hearts, and world that happens for the gar- explanation for the beginning ing it from his point of view discussing, and we were on a it wants us to be more decent den. of creation and the repeating of and from his knowledge base, college campus. before our Lord. It wants us to G-d created the man, He put creation. and I’m discussing it from my In the University of Lacrosse, be cleaner before our Lord, it him in the garden and then He Yes, and you who’ve got intel- knowledge based on my point in the sanctity of the Universi- wants us to be more truthful charged him to do what? Dress ligence, and you’re respecting of view and we’re just relaxing ty of Lacrosse, among heavy- before our Lord. the garden. So these ones who what I’ve been saying, then you and enjoying so relaxingly. weights. And they’d come up It begins to work on us, to put love righteousness and purity, are standing on solid founda- The newspaper the next day and greet your little Imam like us in a cleaner state, in a more they will be awakened. Their tion. And it’s just a matter of carried it. It’s a Catholic influ- he’s the scientist of the age. I’m decent state, in a more sincere intellects will be awakened, and time before the world will be in enced town, so naturally his telling you, I’m not exaggerat- state before even the intellect they will see themselves stand- your hands. face was above mine. But that ing anything. comes in contact with the great ing in the garden of their own If not in your generation, you was okay. And they were saying That’s the way they’d come rational message for the future souls. pass it on to your children, it’s that these two representatives and great your Imam. Thank progress of the people on this And they will get the message just a matter of time. Just a mat- of the two delegate religions, you for your wisdom, thank you Earth. from G-d, “Dress the garden.” ter of time. It got into me, and they discussed differences and for coming here. Thank me for You know when the body And the Lord that reveals the look what it has done to me. I showed the similarities in the my wisdom? Somebody had wakes up in the morning, the Word of the Qur’an to awaken didn’t know, if I had known that differences. told me 20 years ago, 40 years eyes open up. The feet don’t try our intellects, to turn us onto things would happened to me So, because he was informed, ago, “Minister Wallace, say in to get out of the bed before the scientific inquiry as well as to that have happened to me in I’m informed. We were able to 1996, you’re going to be on the eyes open up. Allah is blessing obedience as servants, but to these late years, somebody had take what seemed to have been campus of the Lacrosse Uni- us with leaders who love righ- scientific inquiry. The same G-d told me, I would laugh. the differences between us and teousness, who love decency, will have us pretty soon dress- Just like Sarah laughed. Peace present those differences as not Please turn to page 21 who love truthfulness, who love ing the garden. sincerity. These soul brothers will have Allah is blessing us with such their souls dressed up with leaders, males and females, and clothes manufactured by them. these are going to be the ones to With homes built by them, with take us into the Promised Land, factories established by them, the promised land for our intel- with streets paved by them. lect, the promised land for our Now this is dressing the garden. intellect. My soul is here, but it needs So we will have thinkers and dress, so you can see me in my scholars and scientists born dress. That’s where I want to see among us who’ll get the atten- a soul brother. I want to see a tion of the literate world, just soul brother in a skyscraper that like those who got the atten- he put up. I want to see a soul tion of the literate world in the brother in a cement factory that time of our Prophet, from hear- he’s operating, an automobile ing the Qur’an explained and factory that he’s responsible for, taught by him. et cetera. “Are you referring to your- Wouldn’t that be dressing the self?” No. I said, “We will have soul brother? He’d be dressed leaders,” not just myself. I’m up then, wouldn’t he? But now, just one. We will have leaders if I’m reading G-d’s Word cor- who Allah will bless with His rectly, there’s a formula for it. Blessings because of their sin- You can’t get that until you get cerity, because of their desire the first. The first is to want to for righteousness and decency, be righteous, want to be decent, uprightness and cleanliness, et to accept purity in your life. cetera. Praise be to Allah. He will purify them and The Night of Power teach them the book and the The Night of Power: This is wisdom or the rules of logic for translated “power,” but that 16 MUSLIM JOURNAL June 12, 2020

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Congratulations to American Muslim 360® 10 years of Broadcasting Excellence… Visit for the 10th Anniversary Celebration encore! June 12, 2020 MUSLIM JOURNAL 17 18 MUSLIM JOURNAL June 12, 2020 IMAM MAKRAM EL-AMIN ON Injustice Spuns An Organic Movement with a FRONTLINES FOR JUSTICE Macrocosm of Cultures IN MINNEAPOLIS Continued from front page and justice to all people of color “I have never advocated war CALLING FOR MUSLIMS TO able act of murder of an African and unify our voices and actions except as means of peace, so American man, while hand- to save humanity. We have been seek peace….” BE IN THE LEAD CALLING FOR cuffed, pleading for his own life disappointed, betrayed, sacri- African Americans have as one of the four police officers ficed. friends in their adversity, those LAW ENFORCEMENT REFORMS held him down with his knee on But with the murder of protesters who rose to begin side of his neck across his vital George Floyd, as his 6-year- the relief from this doom and veins. old daughter said – “Daddy gloom of police brutality, It didn’t matter to that offi- has changed the world!” – our licensed murderers. We are all cer and the other three who just voices found our footing to living in our own homeland and abetted this atrocity that this get up and move out in huge expect, anticipate we all have man, George Floyd, kept plead- crowds and those voices will the right to just “breathe.” ing for his own life and getting never be silent in the cause of Let us be Hopefu that we can out the words over and over: “I peaceful movements to save all breathe and live in peace and can’t breathe.” With no aid to people of color, to restore to tranquility. The breath of the come and no help to save him them the justice, equality, protesters will breathe for the as one officer held at bay the on respect of human dignity. dispossessed, for those starving watchers who also pleaded that In America and in the unset- for justice, to be the voices for Floyd be let up, we watched as tling world court of today, the voiceless, to advocate civil George Floyd after nine min- there is disparity, injustices and human rights in peaceful Sis. Arlene El-Amin Bro. Charles El-Amin utes became silent, motionless, and inequality so significant pursuit. no longer calling out, “Momma, that it must be addressed now “If we are to have another Imam Makram is second Momma!” in a criminal justice system, contest in the near future of our generation Muslim family in May Floyd rest in peace. But one that now must take off its national experience, I predict Minneapolis. His parents are there will be no peace for those blinders and deliver justice. that the dividing line will not be pioneers Charles and Arlene who remain behind. Protests, The reality is that African the Mason Dixon but between El-Amin. In the 1970s under some peaceful and some violent Americans have suffered for patriotism and intelligence the leadership of the Hon. Eli- as riots broke out all over Amer- centuries at the hands of racial on one side, and superstition jah Muhammad, they moved ica – in large cities and small discrimination and inequali- ambition and ignorance on the to North Minneapolis, and a cities, from the east coast to the ty. Now we all collectively and other.” “Temple” was established for west coast, from the northern together can and must change Ulysses S. Grant became the the Nation of Islam. states to the southern borders. the American justice system to 18th President of the United This is a legacy Muslim com- Multiple protests emerged be free of protections for violent States. His vision then for peace Kamillah El-Amin munity that needs the support organically, taking steps to policemen and blinding court and an end to violence after of the national Muslim commu- make it clear this great injus- systems that disproportionate- the bloodiest war on American Continued from front page nities. Please consider donat- tice and violence against Floyd ly mete out harsh sentences to soil, what would he say about ing to their active campaign at: was an act of inhumanity. This people of color. the slippery slop we’ve found Regarding the murder of act of violence against Floyd, In America and abroad, the ourselves on in 2020 looking at George Floyd, Imam Makram campaign/stand_with_minne- like so many before him, was future lies in the organic peo- social media and fear of regress- El-Amin issued the following apolis_we_cant_breathe#!/ responded to differently, as it ple’s movement, in the natural ing to those darkest hours. statement: For more information, visit was not just African Americans ability to display humane pow- Violence, disrespect for law "The whole world has wit- Masjid An-Nur at https://mas- who rose up and stepped out in ers to rebuild trust, to display and order, killing innocent nessed the murder of George and Al-Maa’uun protests. honesty, to exhibit nobility and people, no due process – we Floyd at the hands of the Min- at Those of all nationalities demonstrate a lawful moral watched as the life was pressed neapolis Police Department. (To be continued from the and colors and races and eth- compassionate compass. out of George Floyd This tragedy is the result of front lines....) nicities organically expressed Then will be evaporated the Palestinians too feel this emo- long-standing oppressive tactics in so many ways that “this is inhuman iniquities of crushing tional pain, feel the rage, the when policing African Ameri- enough!” African Americans violations of human and civil brutality but then becoming can citizens in this city. have suffered enough under the rights. the unjust scrutinized. We too “This event has sparked a AU Commission United States judicial system in Centuries ago, while serving have experienced this injustice. movement that spans the world, this day in 2020 and through- under President Abraham Lin- Alex Odeh, an Arab Ameri- and we are in it! George Floyd Chairperson out the ages of slavery to sec- coln, the Civil War was won to can, was murdered for daring was known in our community Moussa Faki ond class citizenship to outright swing in the movement for abo- to speak out for justice and as a good person..., a father..., on broad street murder. There lition of slavery and establish freedom for Arab Palestinians and a friend to many. We are all Mahamat no longer is any shame to such as lawful the two constitution- being detained without charges grieving at this senseless loss of racial discrimination. al amendments, one the 13th against them, Arabs being shot life. Continued from front page There is this clear and pres- amendment to end slavery and and killed for protesting in a “Masjid An-Nur and Resolution on Racial Discrim- ent proof of crimes against the 15th Amendment to give nonviolent voice for freedom, Al-Maa’uun are working tire- ination in the United States African Americans and other African Americans the right to equality and human rights in lessly to ensure our communi- of America made by African people of color – be they Afri- vote. the midst of the many inhu- ty has basic needs in real-time, Heads of State and Govern- can, Palestinian, Arabs, Irish, At this very space in time is mane inequities in life. including food, medical sup- ment, at the OAU’s First Assem- Italians, Japanese – all have the Leonardo DiCaprio docu- More protests are expected, plies, household goods and bly Meeting held in Cairo, gone through an era where they drama on U.S. President Ulyss- until the murdering police offi- spiritual comfort. Egypt from 17 to 24 July 1964, human worth was challenged es S. Grant, the gallant leader cers who squeezed out the life “As this tragedy unfolds, the Chairperson of the African and their lives endangered and warrior in the Civil War, of George Floyd from his neck many of our brothers and sis- Union Commission firmly reaf- because of violent racism; the bringing it to victory for Presi- are prosecuted and removed ters in Minneapolis are unable firms and reiterates the African list goes on and on. dent Lincoln and the slave-free from lawful society because of to leave their homes due to cur- Union’s rejection of the con- As we are also notified that states. African Americans’ civil their unlawfulness. Let us keep few. Many shops, including gro- tinuing discriminatory practic- Israel has stepped up its bru- and human rights with equal- the pressure on and urge Amer- cery stores and pharmacies, are es against Black citizens of the tality and deadly crimes against ity were to be the result and icans and their government shuttered. United States of America. Palestinians, the other reality becoming the law of the land. officials to take action and stop “I urge the community of He further urges the author- is that if there are no camera/ Grant said, “The friend in my funding bad cops, stop fund- Imam W. D. Mohammed to be ities in the United States of photo/video evidence, these adversity I shall always cherish ing racists organizations and among the leaders in calling for America to intensify their crimes go unnoticed, unchal- most. I can better trust those rogue governments that contin- justice and reform of law-en- efforts to ensure the total elim- lenged, no redress. who have helped to relieve ue to violate universal laws and forcement throughout this ination of all forms of discrim- The United States was the the gloom of my dark hours human rights. country! No one can stand on ination based on race or ethnic society, social order that was than those who are so ready to These injustices cannot the sidelines in this moment! origin. to stand up against racism, enjoy with me the sunshine of stand. Let there be peace. We MUST Act NOW!” inequality and to bring dignity my prosperity.” Grant added, June 12, 2020 MUSLIM JOURNAL 19 MUSLIM JOURNAL in Continuous Publication muslim journal word search since October 1975 June 12, 2020 SUCCESSOR TO THE HISTORIC MUHAMMAD SPEAKS NEWSPAPER! 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Continued from page 8 ricane Katrina, in September disasters, overseas combat mis- MAKE CHECKS OR MONEY ORDERS PAYABLE TO: other branches of the military, 2005. sions to repel an invasion of the the National Guard is state- The Constitution doesn’t United States and to enforce MUSLIM JOURNAL based. Each state government refer to the National Guard the laws - such as when Presi- ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT has its own National Guard. by name and doesn’t give a dent Eisenhower used them to P. O. Box 19263, Chicago, IL 60619 The reason for this focus on “national guard” description. enforce a federal court decision the National Guard is due to the However, it does say that requiring schools integrate in states have the power to call Advertising Policy recent events that have trans- 1957. MUSLIM JOURNAL reserves the right to accept or reject advertising based on our pired since the savagely horren- forth “the militia” to repel Knowledge is empowering…. advertising policy. Check or money order should accompany ad copy. Advertising invasions, execute the laws (Please respect, support, deadline is Tuesdays, 12 Noon. The following categories of advertising are not dous murder of Mr. George Floyd acceptable: by police officers in Minneapolis, and suppress revolutions. and assist your military service 1. Alcoholic beverages 2. Tobacco products 3. Pork or pork products Minn., on May 25, 2020, commit- The Constitution gives Con- members, and consider joining 4. Taverns and night clubs 5. Gambling devices and Pyramid-like Investments gress the power to fund the a MAVA Post near you. To find 6. Fortune-telling (lucky numbers, etc.) ted in broad daylight and cap- 7. Pornography matter 8. “Anything contrary to the Qur’an in word and in spirit” tured on video by a 17-year-old militia and gives it authority out more about MAVA, and to female onlooker and others for over Guard members serving start a post where you live visit: E-mail: [email protected] all to see. the federal government. Later and Then on Fri., May 29, 2020, laws gave the President con- on Facebook. MAVA National Call and receive discounted prices. U.S. President Trump verbal- trol of the Guard. is a 501C(19) Non-Profit Orga- ly sent the “get-ready” orders to In relation to the regular nization.) Secretary of Defense Mark Esper military, the National Guard seeking military options to help was once referred to as “week- quell the unrest in Minneapolis. end warriors, because they In this scenario, military units drilled one weekend every will be deployed under the Insur- month and attended a two- rection Act of 1807, which was week training camp every year, last used in 1992 during the riots while the rest of the time, they that took place in Los Angeles, live a normal life, working at Calif., that followed the trial in their day job.” the abysmal and appalling police However, the Nation- brutality beating of Rodney King. al Guard has grown to serve Also, National Guard units multiple purposes including played a major role in providing Counter-drug efforts, domes- security and assisting recovery tic emergencies ranging from efforts in the aftermath of Hur- armed insurrection to natural NOVEMBER 2020 20 MUSLIM JOURNAL June 12, 2020 CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC UPDATE: “Exodus To Genesis” We Are Now Battling on Two Fronts In the Application Alone The Value Exists As an Emer- facilitate the virus traveling ing face masks, and cleaning gency Physician deeper into the lungs. and disinfecting public spaces and as a human The crowded conditions in and objects. being, I was out- jail and the emergency rooms We must never forget that raged at what I where the demonstrators would the battle against the invisible saw happening be taken for minor injuries, both coronavirus is still waging. We to George Floyd of these places are high risk for are in a position similar to that By Imam by the police exposure to the coronavirus. of the archers in the Battle of DR NURIDDIN LAUNCHES HIS Dr. Mikal officer in Min- Beware, indeed that we are Uhud, who were told by Proph- BRAND NAME NUTRITION LINE Ramadan neapolis, Min- battling on two fronts! We are et Muhammed (pbuh) to hold nesota, who was battling to evolve and change their position at all costs and “Genesis Health and Nutrition” intentionally compressing Mr. the system to one that is more not to let the enemy horsemen The Muslim Journal Newswire Floyd’s airway with his knee po- honest, just and compassionate. circle around Mount Uhud and NATIONAL – The great need sitioned on Mr. Floyd’s neck. All the while we are struggling attack the battling Believers for quality nutritional supple- George Floyd was already to survive the coronavirus pan- from the rear. ments today is paramount to in custody, handcuffed and demic. However, when it appeared helping the global public have subdued. He was pleading for Keep in mind always that Al- to the archers that the Believ- good health. For 30 plus years, nearly nine minutes: ”Please, lah (swt) tells us in the Holy ers had already won the battle, Dr. Abdel J. Nuriddin, N.D., I can’t breathe!” In medicine, Qur’an that He will not change they became anxious, fearing Ph.D., has provided high-qual- there is no more urgent call for the condition of a people until they were missing their share ity health education and reli- help than a person gasping for they first change that which is in of the battlefield spoils. So they gious training to thousands of breath. their hearts. left their position, which en- clients throughout the United States, Canada, and the Carib- The only response to that call Our weapons in the battle abled the horsemen to circle bean. is immediate relief by treating with the coronavirus are test- around and attack the Believers Always using and recom- or removing the cause of the ing, contact tracing, and iso- from the rear. mending the highest quality distress. This case reminded me lation. And since testing and We find ourselves in a sim- foods and supplements for his of a modern-day lynching. The contact tracing are not practical ilar situation today becoming clients as an independent con- picture was symbolic of the de- in this situation, I would recom- anxious to relax our defenses tractor for many brand-named complications. structive weight of systemic rac- mend to the demonstrators to against the coronavirus in pur- companies, he announces Genesis Health and Nutrition ism on the bodies, minds and self-quarantine for 14 days. suit of personal freedom and today after a diligent search for also have digestive enzymes for spirits of African Americans and Keep in mind that we have to the celebrated “return to busi- a manufacturer of the best and kids. people of color throughout our stay healthy to do the work that is ness as usual,” which others highest quality nutrients, the Following in the footsteps launch of his enzyme nutrition histories in America. necessary to turn things around. appear to be enjoying without of the Hon. Elijah Muham- line under the brand name: mad and Imam Warith Deen The spontaneous nationwide We can use that time to improve consequences. Genesis Health and Nutrition. Mohammed, Dr. Nuriddin’s demonstrations with people of our diets, exercise, strengthen All the while, the coronavi- This supplement product mission is to provide holistic all colors, including whites who our immune systems, reduce the rus just the enemy horsemen line is comprised of the high- health education, life-enhanc- are now shouting “enough is stress in our lives, and eliminate at Uhud are poised to make its est quality, vitamins, minerals, ing herbal nutrition and real enough!” Business as usual with any habits of smoking, drinking, comeback as soon as we leave complex carbohydrates, essen- opportunity for financial inde- the racism and injustices is no and drug use. our defensive position of stay- tial fatty acids, proteins, and pendence to the global public longer acceptable. Believe it or not, all of this, ing at home, mask-wearing, herbal nutrients from all food through specialized training We can change this! We are too, is part of evolving the better washing our hands and per- groups. and affiliate marketing strate- better than we have done in the world that we seek. sonal hygiene etiquette. The His product line will boost gies. the immune response, ener- past. NOW IS THE TIME coronavirus will attack us in a Watch this column for new gize the body, relieve aches product introductions and the One commentator described TO PLANT second fierce wave. and pains, allow one to sleep, knowledge of how to build bet- that we are now fighting two vi- It is spring and it is warm Indeed, now is time for us to improve digestion and elimi- ter health. Dr. Nuriddin and his ruses - the virus of systemic rac- and beautiful outdoors, but the enjoy and use the beautiful sun- nation, protect from infection, wife, Connie, send the state- ism as well as the ever-present coronavirus has not gone any- ny days of spring as well as the helps in weight reduction, and ment: “We are deeply grateful coronavirus. We must be care- where. It has not been defeated. spiritual warmth and transfor- addresses male and female Please turn to page 22 ful not to relax our defenses of It is simply lying in wait ready mation from our month of fast- wearing masks, social distanc- to take the easiest path of op- ing in Ramadan, during which ing, hand washing, and person- portunity that it encounters, we have grown in self-restraint, WORD SEARCH ANSWER KEY al hygiene etiquette against the such as crowds, close human discipline and submission to coronavirus in order to combat interaction, hugging, shaking Allah(swt), by His Grace. June 5, 2020 the virus of racism. hands, coughing and sneezing, So now is the time to plant Otherwise, the coronavirus unmasked and uncleaned pub- your gardens both external and virus will come back with a ven- lic facilities, as well as individu- internal. Plant fruit and veg- geance only to burn us later. als who have weakened immune etable gardens in your yards, One elderly demonstrator said systems for whatever reason. on your balconies, and in your she did not want to die from the These conditions are consid- homes and tend to them. Har- police or the coronavirus. We ered low hanging fruit to the vest season for these gardens witnessed that a large number coronavirus. The virus takes will be September or October, of the demonstrators and police note when the barriers restrain- which could be a time of need. were wearing masks, but not all ing its progress get removed. This is also planting season of them. The keys to our limited suc- for internal gardens - gardens Moreover, it is impossible to cess so far in fighting this coro- where new habits get planted maintain social distancing while navirus have been the old tried like seeds into the “soils” of our standing shoulder to shoulder and true public health strategies spirits, minds and bodies. They in a crowd for a long period of of staying at home, social dis- were planted in us during the time. And singing, screaming, tancing, and personal etiquette month of Ramadan. and getting tear-gassed pro- of washing our hands, coughing They should be tended, motes deep inhalations which and sneezing in our elbow, wear- Please turn to page 22 June 12, 2020 MUSLIM JOURNAL 21 In Profile… Imam W. Deen Mohammed Speaks Calendar of Events Continued from page 15 and that’s all. Just Warith Deen Minnesota Mohammed. CALENDAR NOTICE: Calendar of Events listings are versity, on the campus of this I’m W.D. Mohammed. Reg- for not-for-profit events and must be no more than 4 Attorney General college and you’re going to be ular fellow, regular brother, in a dialogue with the Bishop, inches in formatted length for print. Weekly Dead- down to earth brother. I don’t Keith Ellison Chancellor of the university.” line is Tuesday at 5 p.m. Calendars run in chronolog- Continued from page 3 need any flattery. I don’t need He was the chancellor: ical order and according to available space. Muslim had nowhere else to turn. He a special crown to wear. I don’t “You’re going to be in dialogue was also a noted community need to show my bald head. I Journal has the right to edit Calendar entries to with the chancellor and when activist. might be a little vain. I thought conform to format and size; calendars ARE NOT you finish the dialogue, they’re Attorney General Ellison I was cute in this cap that’s why going thank you for your wis- articles. Customers seeking larger display and speci- received his law degree from I wore it. dom.” I’d have said, “Ridicu- fied wording and for profit businesses are invited to the University of Minnesota But I can do without it. And lous.” Law School in 1990. He is the that’s how I want us to be. And purchase Ad Space in Muslim Journal to their own Allah blessed me to go to when we humble ourselves G-d specifications according to Advertising instructions proud father of four adult chil- Palestine and talk on Palestine lifts us up. Praise be to Allah. So on page 19 in every Muslim Journal. For Calendar of dren: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Elijah, radio, and the radio announc- then, it’s a special blessing for and Amirah. er asks me first how should he Events submissions, email Latifah F. Waheed Wan- me to be among you tonight. He is the first African refer to me. I said, “Well, they gara at [email protected] or muslimjrnl@ And I hope what I discussed American and the first Mus- call me Imam Mohammed.” So, with you have helped you in lim American to be elected to when he finished, he said, “He’s some way. statewide office in Minneso- more than an Imam, he’s the We pray to G-d that He ta. Muslims fondly remember leader for the people.” always keep us as Muslims, as July 10 – 12, 2020 - CHANGING TO VIRTUAL WEEKEND Ellison’s willingness to come Now you know for us, the believers. Yes. Muslim is more to Muslim events and speak Imam is the leader for the peo- NASHVILLE, TN – REUNION GOING VIRUTAL: We have important than a believer, to young Muslims, to travel ple. But when we look at these moved our July 11 and 12, 2020, from an In-person events to an when Muslim identifies us in abroad to be a witness for Mus- Imams who are popular in the “On-line Events” at YouTube Live. Pre-register at the following of Muhammed. lim issues. world today, we need a leader But believer is more important and subscribed to the CMS NAA Channel (free subscription); Ellison was a keynote speak- for the people. for the contents of the person. you will be contacted regarding Tickets and Event Links. Tickets er for Muslim Journal’s A Time Not Just an Ordinary Imam. Believer is more important for go on sale in June. Our Historic Virtual Weekend includes Satur- To Be Grateful Dinner in Chi- Allahu Akbar. I’m telling you the contents than just the term day’s CMS-Nashville’s 49th Annual Benefit Fundraiser and the cago in 2007. these things and hope that Muslims. National Alumni Reunion and Sunday, will host the Workshop you’ll understand better. Allah Panel, CMS 101. Panelists are educators, experts in their is my witness, I don’t need to Especially for Children That’s why Allah says, “And fields and businessmen and women.The UOI & CMS Nation- be seen; I don’t need to be rec- the believers shall be victori- and Young Adults…. ognized or anything. I don’t al Alumni Association is Celebrating its 30th Anniversary! Let Us Continue to Recognize ous.” He didn’t say the Mus- need that. I guess that’s why The CMS National Alumni Association represents students the Hard Work and Achieve- lims. He said, “And the believ- Allah blessed me with what He who attend or have attended any Muhammad/Mohammed ments of Our Students ers shall be victorious.” G-d and has blessed me with, because I Schools, i.e., Home Schoolers, University of Islam, Clara Continued from page 11 the believers shall be victorious. don’t need it. Muhammad School, W.D. Mohammed High School and granted you. And Allah does They shall triumph. We pray to I don’t need the fame, I don’t Affiliates. The National Alumni Reunion is held to encour- not like those who are full of Allah for guidance always, for need recognition, I don’t need pride, arrogant, and who are mercy, and forgiveness when we age Alumni of the Clara Muhammad School System, also anybody to tell me I’m great. boastful.” (Refer to Qur’an are wrong. Teachers, Faculty and Staff to come together, to reminisce In fact, I don’t want you saying 57:22-23) For mercy and for guidance and cultivate Schools, and Alumni Solidarity amongst it. I’m not saying it. I’m say- Again, congratulations and always. Amen. past, and present students and alumni. Clara Mohammed ing: I’ve told you what they say your (real) community support School-Nashville is Celebrating 49 Years. Sponsor by sub- and how they act. But as far you. We need you and value mitting an Ad (Full Page $100 or Half Page $50) in the Clara as I’m concerned, I’m just me Mohammed School Nashville’s 49th Annual Benefit’s Souve- you. nir E-Brochure. Submit Ads: Priscilla@scms-alumniassoc. org. Telephone (323) 508-1397, (June 30th deadline sub- Insurance and Money Matters mission). Alumni, recognize your city/state School Pioneers (past/present) by entering their names for the NAA Pioneer 1,000 COVID-19 TEST SITES WITH CVS Awards. To nominate or donate, visit the website https:// What is the 4 CMS Fundraiser Continued from page 5 patient has been infected in the A: MyChart is a medical 2020? An Active Fundraiser with a Goal of $50,000-$100,000. made for the same day and up past. records software that many This fundraiser is part of the NAA’s SOS Program (Save Our to two days in advance (depend- Q: How is my sample for health care professionals use, ing on availability). testing collected? including MinuteClinic provid- Schools). We hope to offer the four recipients $15-$25,000 Q: My state isn’t listed. A: While you remain in the ers. It can be used for secure each. The Fundraising Recipients are Clara Muhammad How can I get tested? vehicle, you will be given a swab messaging between patients Schools of St. Louis, Mo. (restart), Queens, N.Y., Detroit, A: We recommend contact- and asked to collect a sample of and providers, managing insur- Mich. (restart), and Nashville, Tenn.. ing your primary care provider nasal secretions. This is done ance and billing, and keeping or your state’s Department of by inserting the swab into your track of your patient history. It Health to find out how to get nostril approximately 1 inch is free for you to use. tested in your state. into the nasal passage (midway) Q: What if I need to bring “NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE!” Q: What do I need to bring with the most visible drainage my kids or other family Tariq El-Amin offers Words at Chicago Protest with me? or the nostril that is most con- members? A: You will need to show gested if drainage is not pres- A: Understood that this may Rally in Wake of Murder of George Floyd proof of your identity and ent. be necessary; however, only birthdate. You’ll also need to The swab is rotated several patients who have qualified and show your appointment confir- times, removed gently and this scheduled a visit online can be process is repeated on the other tested. Patients must be at least Continued from page 3 mation, either by email or text G-d is with those who are message. Be sure to have your side. Please note that you need 18. Everyone must remain in the get right. with Him. Let’s stay with G-d mobile phone in case it is need- to administer your own swab or car during testing. No Justice! No Peace! and remember G-d is with ed to reach you. bring someone that can do it We’ve stopped in front of a those who stand for justice. Q: Can I get tested if I live for you. (Amira Wazeer is a state-li- monument that testifies to the May G-d make us successful in in another state? Q: How will I get results? censed and federally certified contribution of African Amer- this life and the life to come. A: Testing is limited to resi- A: You will be tested in one of insurance agent with over 19 icans in Chicago. Black people dents of the state in which the two ways. Rapid-result testing years’ experience. She special- built this country and deserve testing is performed. is generally returned in person izes in Medicare plans and final Q: What type of test is per- within 30 minutes of speci- expense Life insurance. Con- to live in peace. We deserve to men collection. COVID-19 lab sultations are free. Listen in to live with dignity. formed? A: Minute Clinic performs a testing returns results within Have questions and We deserve justice. Wherever PCR test, which tests for active 2-4 days. You will be emailed comments, contact celebration. we are, we deserve to live with- infections only. The sites do the link to view your results [email protected] or call 404- out expecting pain or having to not administer antibody tests, Through “MyChart.” 202-1926. Don’t turn 65 without pretend that pain doesn’t exist. which indicate whether the Q: What is MyChart? me!) 22 MUSLIM JOURNAL June 12, 2020 Muslim Family Life Remembering an Untold Story …. “An Alarming Call to Stand for Justice” FAMILY LEGACY OF AMERICAN MALE SOLDIERS WHO Continued from page 8 43) To bring the best to a situa- WILLINGLY SERVED OUR NATION WITH HONOR – PT II upon you that you not do jus- tion, we can learn from when Continued from page 8 ried and birthed two more Beulah, Mama Dorothy, and tice….” (from the above opening Prophet Muhammed salAllahu daughters which then grew the Auntie Willie Mae (her only Qur’anic verse and verse 5:8) ‘alayhi wa sallam [Peace and Force Base and Utapao AFB, re- family to a total of 13 children in sister who had two sons who Call for justice and keep pro- Blessing of Allah be upon him spectively. On his first tour, he all (8 girls and 5 military soldiers served in the Army in Vietnam), tests from becoming violent. (saws)] was asked: “Which of contracted a major sickle cell serving America). We survived canned everything they could. Keep the focus of our actions on the people is best?” seeking the Pleasure Allah SwT disease, where he could have as a large family by growing up They canned what the boys The Prophet said “‘Everyone died, before being rushed to on a small city farm, living off and girls picked off the trees, through following His Guid- who is pure of heart and sincere ance. the military hospital in Bang- the land, growing rows upon and sometimes that fell onto in speech.” They said: “Sincere kok, Thailand, on a C-130 Airvac rows each year of garden vege- the ground from the trees, grew “And those who avoid the in speech, we know what this is, major sins and immoralities, Medical Transport plane. tables. on the vines, and in the garden. but what is pure of heart?” He This was traumatic for him, The boys had to dig up the They canned in Kerr glass jars. and when they are angry, they said: “It is that which is pious forgive. And those who respond at such a young age. As he was land, hoe away the weeds, rocks Sometimes the jars were sealed and pure, with no sin, injustice, being hurriedly wheeled on a to their lord and establish and debris, scratch the ground, in with wax when they ran out of rancor or envy in it.” gurney to the ER surgical room, prayer and their affairs (are con- spade the rows, drop the seeds jar lids. (Hadith recorded by Sunan he requested to call his mother. ducted by) consultation among in the rows, water the garden The canning included jelly, Ibn Majah) The lead surgical physician told daily, and harvest the crops. jams, apple butter, orange mar- them, and from what We have References: him he could not call his moth- provided them, they spend. We also had to assist Grand- malade, okra, tomatoes, squash, https://www.quranexplorer. er, because death was imminent pa in raising the animals, green peppers, and occasionally “And those who, when tyr- com/blog/Understand-the-Qu- if they didn’t operate immedi- anny strikes them, they defend such as chickens, ducks, turkeys, apples, pears, peaches, plums, ran/justice-in-the-quran ately. rabbits and a few hogs – usually etc. Our family and many other themselves. Retribution an https://www.soundvision. He had to undergo a major evil an evil like it. But whoever about five to six feet long. We families in the neighborhood of com/article/what-does-islam- 6-hour surgery to remove his assisted in gathering the eggs, Pear Orchard, Texas, only had to pardons and makes reconcilia- teach-about-justice spleen which had ruptured in- tion - his reward is from Allah. feeding the animals and occa- go to the grocery store for staples (WELCOME! Submit your side his body, causing severe sionally assisted in slaughtering such as rice, cornmeal, flour, etc. Indeed, He does not like wrong- questions, concerns and com- pain to his abdomen and below doers. the animals and plucking when By the Grace and Provi- ments. Subhanallahi wa biham- his rib cage. Post-operation pro- that time came. dence of Almighty G-d Allah “And surely whoever defends dihi, this column has been cedures required 65 stitches and himself after he has been We had many different trees SWT, for the most part, all of established by Imam W.D. metal clamps to be placed on and vines to supply our family the Comeauxs, Molettes, Neds, wronged – then those not is Mohammed to address per- his abdomen, which as a result, against them any way. Only the with sustenance, such as several Slaughters, Davises, Heberts sonal, family and community compromised his immune sys- fig trees, pecan trees, blackberry and others in our family tree way is against those who wrong issues with responses from the tem for the rest of his life. trees, and grapevines hanging were upstanding law-abiding the people and rebel upon the guidance of the Glorious Qur’an Dorothy’s last and youngest on the six-foot-tall chain-link citizens, respectable human earth without right. Those will and Sunnah, the life example, son, Paul Louis Comeaux (now fence surrounding the chick- beings loved by their neighbors have a painful punishment. of Prophet Muhammed (saws). deceased), served in the USAF en house, which was built by wherever they resided. “And whoever is patient and Submit questions, concerns or after graduating from Hebert Grandpa David to keep the an- I am grateful. forgives - indeed, that is surely comments to amatullahmm@ High school, two years after his imals from escaping. of the matters determination.” older brothers entered the mil- Oftentimes, neighbors who (All rights reserved Airman (The Glorious Qur`an 42:37- itary. Paul worked on a missile didn’t “can” their fruits and veg- Muhammad Abdullah can be Base with a Top Security Clear- etables would allow us to pick contacted at 678-508-5958 or ance. them from their trees and from via email eaglevisionmktg7@ ALL LIFE IS WHY DO WE Mama Dorothy later re-mar- their gardens. Our Grandma SACRED: COMPLETE THE The Killing of George Floyd, White Supremacy and the WE WITNESSED THE INTENTION- CENSUS? Relentless Persecution of Black America AL HOMICIDE OF “For persecution is far more grievous than killing ….” – The Qur’an 2:191 Continued from page 5 GEORGE FLOYD languages. Listed below are the Continued from page 12 ly privately funded astroturf can Muslim community express numbers according to the lan- anti-lockdown protests over our heartfelt condolences to the Continued from page 12 and firing maiming and poten- guage preference or usage: tially deadly rubber bullets and coronavirus policy to keep all family and loved ones of George to be nationalists or racists. English 844-330-2020 chocking teargas into crowds of people safe and strategical- Floyd, and all the bereaved and G-d has called us to be more Spanish 844-468-2020 unarmed protesters and chas- ly placed these in various state beloved of the growing number noble than that. He reminds us Mandarin 844-391-2020 ing them down in violence on capitals. of African Americans killed by that our contention, our pro- Cantonese 844-398-2020 the pretext of minor causes – is These funded, mostly white law enforcement and vigilantes test, our campaign is not aimed Vietnamese 844-461-2020 absolutely unacceptable. protesters appeared in full in our country. at anybody or anything but the Korean 844-392-2020 The police and officials have camouflage military fatigues, Moreover, we stand with the unjust, the oppressor. What Russian 844-417-2020 no legitimate justification for armed with assault-weapons, African American community G-d wants for human beings is Arabic 844-416-2020 their own provocative presence sometimes carrying confederate under their burden of increas- justice on this earth. Tagalog 844-478-2020 and actions. These are sponta- flags and Nazi symbols. In some ingly deadly discrimination and May justice be swift against Polish 844-479-2020 neous, grassroots protesters – cases, they actually rushed and shattering loss – and we do so the murderers and may lead- French 844-494-2020 many but not all African Amer- entered capitol buildings, shut acknowledging the sanctity of ers be swift in addressing and Haitian Creole 844-477-2020 ican – expressing their under- down democratic processes, their lives. Your lives do mat- reconciling the wounds of the Portuguese 844-474-2020 standable outrage and calling and aggressively pounded on ter, and hold the highest value, past and present to ensure a Japanese 844-460-2020 for justice for the open, ruthless windows and confronted police every God-given one. more just, peaceful, stable, and TTY/TDD 844-467-2020 murder of a helpless African face to face. We stand, as well, and offer brighter future. The Muslim League of Vot- American man – an all too com- Yet the police somehow our prayers and support to all (Imam Talib Shareef, Presi- ers of New Jersey urges you in mon occurrence in our society remained silent and passive in our diverse U.S. communities, dent of The Nation’s Mosque, the strongest manner: Get the the face of it all. No riot gear. including the indigenous Amer- Masjid Muhammad, in the cap- that threatens each and every Census done immediately! If person perceived as “other.” No rubber bullets. No firing of ican communities, Latino com- ital of the U.S. of America dates you still need help, please con- tear gas canisters. No chasing munities, immigrant communi- back to the mid-1930s, found- This provides an obvi- tact us at or ous comparison and proof of down protesters. Just accep- ties, and our rural communities ed by descendants of enslaved 973-580-4798 and ask for Bro. tance, even protester encour- – each one suffering loss, strain, Africans. For more information, an underlying invisible racial Jimmy Small. contract of white supremacy agement from elected officials, and human devaluation. visit, REMINDER: Complete the including our president. We uphold the sacredness of email info@thenationsmosque. in America. People of political Census now, because your life power and wealth have recent- The US Council of Muslim all life. (MAY 29, 2020) org.) depends on it! Organizations and the Ameri- June 12, 2020 MUSLIM JOURNAL 23 CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC Burn Baby.... No..., Vote Baby, Vote! – Part I Continued from page 7 South Los Angeles took years 1964, who helped establish the just to name a few. UPDATE: to recover and unfortunately, New Democratic Party to get a Trump’s deployment of the Hollywood, Santa Monica, Lou- many of our elders who sur- seat at the political table from National Guard all over the isville, Atlanta, Indianapolis, vived the Watts Riots in 1965 which she and other blacks had nation has, for the most part, We Are Now Washington DC, Chicago, Den- were unable to witness this sig- been barred. sparked more outrage and ver, Flint, and Jackson, Miss. nificant revitalization. The list of social inequities further divided our country, Over 140 cities were in some According to Professor Meli- goes on and on. How many resulting in more and more Battling on state of “burning” passions and na Abdullah of Black Lives-LA, mothers and fathers will con- protesters of all walks of life, physical structures in the Unit- today’s protests are deliber- tinue to cry wondering if they of all races to pour out into the ed States, with President Trump ate and “the violence and pain or their children will be the next streets. Two Fronts and local Governors rolling out and hurt that's experienced on to die? That is exactly why a vast Even the Pope spoke out Continued from page 20 the National Guard. a daily basis by black folks at majority are peacefully protest- against the death of George Driven to protest this broad weeded, protected and never the hands of a repressive system ing, taking part in economic Floyd at the hands of police daylight murder of a black man, neglected. These gardens will should also be visited upon, to a blackouts, including the Black- officers and the Social Unrest people – including our own degree, to those who think that out Coalition on Facebook, tak- happening in our country be harvested at some time in the youth – set out to peacefully future and will serve to feed us, they can just retreat to white ing place on July 7, 2020. today. U.S. Defense Secretary protest but also were getting affluence.” Others are urged to write let- Mike Esper, in a move unau- our families and the community, caught up in the unruliness, the However, the looting that ters of solidarity in support of thorized by the President, con- and our country, InshaAllah. madness to drive some to burn, happened at the hands of non- African Americans and African demned the murder of George May Allah(swt) guide us, bless as they are rightfully angry. Blacks who came out to attack American Muslim communities. Floyd. us, and protect us. Ameen. However, in the aftermath it the Grove, Santa Monica Prom- Listen, this system is broken In the wake of protests, Esper Biosketch: Imam Dr. Mi- is recognized that anarchists enade, Hollywood is another all around, and wise men and said, “I do not support using kal Ramadan has been a Mus- and white nationalists were sab- story. women advise us to learn our active-duty forces to quell pro- lim since 1962 when his family otaging our peaceful protests, Secondly, and fortunately for lessons in an effort to win. tests.” Unfortunately, though even where innocent people joined the Nation of Islam under our movement, more and more There is a global pandemic claiming he did not know the have lost their lives in the pro- the Hon. Elijah Muhammad. He “brown” people are speaking up taking place called “coronavi- objective of the “walk,” Esper cess. Those protesters whose and demanding a new narrative rus” that is killing us in dispro- did not apologize for the vio- was raised in the Muslim com- lives were lost include: munity. He has served as the for justice, too. portionate numbers. People lence or photo-op with Trump ° David McAtee, a 53-year- Thirdly, our youth are angry. are tired and fed up, some not before a historic D.C. church past Resident Imam of Masjid old of Louisville, Kentucky. He They are impassioned and want even receiving paychecks from that has enraged clergy and cit- Al-Taqwa in Chicago, Illinois, as was known to give officers and change. Bro. Hassan Zenni of stimulus or unemployment after izens. a student of Imam Warith Deen community members free food the Islamic Center of South- losing their jobs among the 4.1 Retired Major General Dana Mohammed. during the COVID-19 pandemic ern California shared how his million or more Americans who J.H. Pittard reiterated that He is an Emergency Physician and protests. own children are “angry and are are jobless. there has never been in the his- and has practiced in Chicago ° Chris Beaty, 38-year-old for- demanding reform.” However, pleading with tory of our nation, any time, and Northwest Indiana for over mer offensive lineman for Indi- Social Media is our youth’s insane anarchists, white when the military was used ana University. 40 years. He retired from active “weapon” of communication supremacists and opportun- against U.S. citizens. New York ° Leslie Furcron was shot in practice over six months ago. and witnessing brutality and ists to stop looting is not going State Attorney General Letitia the head with a rubber bul- injustice without consequent to work. We SHOULD never James openly condemned our He has been married to let in the parking lot of the La his wife, Agnes, for over 50 action is not part of this gener- repeat history. W.E.B. Du Bois President and prepared to chal- Mesa Police Department during ation’s movement. said: “The Nation has not yet lenge his use of the military in years. They have four children, protests over a weekend in San I am proud of how youth found peace from its sins; the her state. 11 grandchildren and three Diego, California. from all over the U.S. and freedman has not yet found What Trump doesn’t under- great-grandchildren. He enjoys ° Yassin Mohamed, 47-year- abroad have stepped up, freedom his promised land.” stand and perhaps one of the teaching and distance swim- old, was killed by officers in including Imam Abdul Rash- Fortunately, through all of reasons why Esper and others, ming. unincorporated Evans County, eed in Texas, and 17-year-old the chaos, Minnesota Attorney including the four former Pres- Dr. Ramadan is also a member Georgia. Jalen Thomas, who organized General Keith Ellison has for- idents – Carter, Clinton, Bush of the Muslim Health Consor- ° David Patrick Under- a peaceful protest in Missouri mally charged all four officers. and Obama – are speaking out wood, 53-year-old Federal Law tium; email contactyourmhc@ that outnumbered Los Angeles’. Alhamdulillah, you go Broth- is that our military is filled Enforcement Officer was mur- (See PSA on page 5.) Thank you to Sis. Tamika er Keith! (Bro. Keith’s profile in with African American/black dered from shots fired from a Mallory, Co-Founder of Until this issue on page 3.) soldiers, both men and women vehicle, as he stood outside pro- Freedom, for her powerful We are equally blessed with who also are hurting. tecting the federal building in organic voice. We hear you and amazing leaders, including Images of the National Guard DR NURIDDIN Oakland, Calif. we stand in solidarity with your Mayor Keisha Bottoms of Atlan- and Officers of all shades are His sister, Angela Underwood organizational efforts (search ta, who is also a mother of an kneeling in support of ending LAUNCHES HIS Jacobs, a Republican running her speech on facebook). African American son. Listen to police brutality. Too bad Mr. for Congress posted the follow- These words from 1965 from her. She is passionate, cares and Trump’s not listening. So if you BRAND NAME ing message on her Facebook “Burn Baby Burn by Marvin X: urges us to not burn our com- really want to do something, page on May 30 at 11:17 AM: “My Tired. munities (in the case of Atlanta) then vote, vote, vote. Novem- NUTRITION LINE brother, Dave Patrick Under- Sick an' tired as in her words, we are burn- ber is near! “Genesis Health wood, a federal officer, was Tired of being ing areas that are owned by our It should be noted that Floyd murdered 5/29/20 in Oakland sick an' tired... own, including T.I. Mayweather is paying for Mr. and Nutrition” California, while on duty during (Burn Baby Burn, poem by In a plea for your safety, while Floyd’s Funeral Services, held the riots. This Violence Must Continued from page 20 Marvin X 1965) I cannot tell you to not protest, on June 9 with Memorial Ser- Stop.” for the support of our com- In the words of Marvin X, we I must urge you to join repu- vices held in Minneapolis, My husband asked: “What’s are all tired, sick an’ tired and table organizations as there’s Houston and North Carolina. munity and client base for now different about where we are over 30 plus years, as we have fed up. Tired of injustice, tired strengths in numbers. Remain Joe Biden was scheduled to now versus 1992?” The 1992 of food deserts in our neigh- peaceful. It helps to create attend Mr. Floyd’s funeral. sought to give the best service riots were after four police offi- possible in products, consult- borhoods, tired of the lack of dialogue and allows good law To Be Continued... cers accused of brutally beat- equitable insurance and qual- enforcement to help, to step in. ing and raising the awareness of ing motorist Rodney King were health and a religious science.” ity health care, tired of being Among these are Chief found not guilty. For more information, visit judged by others for seeking out Medaria Arradondo of Minne- Well, three things are dif- his website and shop at www. mental health and wellness (if apolis; Genesee County Sheriff ferent; first, we learned that or call the we can find a practitioner who Chris Swanson of Flint, Mich- destroying our own neighbor- office of Genesis Health and is willing to see us in our areas). igan; Chief Sosa in Houston, hoods, especially in L.A., gets Nutrition at (336) 852-3040. These words also draw from Texas; Chief Hudak of Coral us nowhere. It’s economic sup- (Also see the advertisement in the Civil Rights activist of Mis- Gables, Florida; Ezra Klein and pression. this issue on page 27.) sissippi Fannie Lou Hamer in Abdul Pridgen of Seaside, Calif., 24 MUSLIM JOURNAL June 12, 2020 Where to Buy MUSLIM JOURNAL Muslim Journal ushered in a new era in October 1975, as the predecessor of the Muhammad Speaks newspaper, which was MUSLIM JOURNAL DEMOGRAPHICS started by Malcolm X/Al Hajji Malik Al Shabazz, on behalf of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad. Like Malcolm and his mentor, Imam W. ACCORDING TO THE PEW RESEARCH CENTER, MUSLIMS Deen Mohammed, the Muslim Journal evolved to be the flagship REPRESENT THE FASTEST GROWING RELIGION IN THE Muslim weekly newspaper in the United States, representing a Free Press afforded by the 1st Amendment of the Constitution WORLD, 1.6 BILLION WORLDWIDE. 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Western Ave. Masjid Us Sadiq 2242 Commonwealth Ave. Columbus, GA 31903 46 E. 147th St. Birmingham, AL 35208 Los Angeles, CA 90047 2065 E. 8th St. Jacksonville, FL 32209 Mini-Mart Harvey, IL 60426 Al-Masjidul Al-Kaa’bah Fred Hasan Stockton, CA 95206 Afro Inn Books & Things 1523 Benning Road The Mosque Cares 691 Idlewild Circle, Suite H 120 S. Barbra Plaza Phone: 209-941-4915 5575 N.W. 7th Ave. Columbus, GA 31903 (Ministry of Imam W. Birmingham, AL 35205 Los Angeles, CA 90008 Jumuah 12:00 pm Miami, FL 33127 Salaam Seafood, Inc. Deen Mohammed) Mobile Masjid of Al-Islam Islamic Center of Masjid Al-Ansar 503 E. Broadway 929 W. 171st St. 1559 Duval St. Southern California COLORADO 5245 N.W. 7th Ave. Griffin, GA 30223 East Hazel Crest, IL 60429 Mobile, AL 36605 434 S. Vermont Ave. Northeast Denver Islamic Miami, FL 33127 Imam Talib Shareef Marathon Gas Station Muslim Center of Los Angeles, CA 90020 Center/Masjid Taqwa Masjid Ibrahim 119 Glennfinnan Way 147th & Dixie Hwy. Montgomery Maghrib Trading Com- 3400 Albion St. 6301 N.W. 7th Ave. Kathleen, GA 31047 Markham, IL 4340 S. Court St. pany Denver, CO 80207 Miami, FL 33150 Saleem’s Fish Supreme Hashim Kamau Montgomery, AL 36105 Distributor of Good Masjid Al-Haqq 2198 Pio Nono Ave. 719 N. Winnebago St. Tuskegee Islamic Commu- Edden Halal Food CONNECTICUT Imam Hatim Hamidullah Macon, GA 31206 Rockford, IL 61103 nity 3517 S. Central Ave. Al-Aziz Islamic Center 545 W. Central Blvd. Macon Islamic Center 1103 S. Main St. Los Angeles, CA 90011 679 Fairfield Ave Orlando, FL 32501 2021 Napier Ave. INDIANA Tuskegee, AL 36083 Masjid Ibaadillah Bridgeport, CT 06601 Phone: 407-835-9600 Macon, GA 31201 Gary Muslim Center 2310 W. Jefferson Phone: 203-727-6781 Jumuah 1:30 pm Masjid Jihad 1473 W. 15th Ave. ARIZONA Los Angeles, CA 90018 Jumuah 1:00 pm Ronnie Shakir 117 E. 34th St. Gary, IN 46407 Lamar & Sons Construc- Mikal R. Majeed Masjid Imam Abdul Majid 802 W. Pinestead Rd. Savannah, GA 31401 Nur-Allah Islamic Center tion 1001 E. 83rd St. Karim Hasan Pensacola, FL 32505 of 4615 S. 16th Street Los Angeles, CA 90001 870 Dixwell Ave. St. Petersburg Islamic ILLINOIS Indianapolis Phoenix, AZ 85040 Sultan’s Barber Shop Hamden, CT 06517 Center RTW Veterans Center 2040 E. 46th St. Masjid Jauharatul-Islam 6403 S. Vermont Ave. Albany Thrift Shop 3762 18th Ave., South 5536 S. Martin Luther King Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46205 102 West South Mountain Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90043 629 Albany Ave. St. Petersburg, FL 33711 Chicago, IL 60637 Mikal Saahir Phoenix, AZ 85041 Masjid Bilal Ibn Rabah Hartford, CT 06112 Hakim Aquil African American Veter- 3877 N. Sheridan 5450 S. Crenshaw Blvd. Masjid Muhammad 705 W. Columbus Drive an’s Indianapolis, IN 48226 ARKANSAS Los Angeles, CA 90043 155 Hungerford St. Tampa, FL 33602 Mission Saladeen Muham- New Africa Islamic Students Islamic Center for Human Ameen's Ts Hartford, CT 06104 New Africa Muslim mad, President Association of Indiana Excellence 4657 W. Washington Blvd. Muhammad Ansari Community 1507 E. 53rd St. 3737 N. Meridian St., Suite 210 1717 Wright Ave. Los Angeles CA 90018 437 Sheldon St. Imam C.B. Hanif Chicago, IL 60615 Indianapolis, IN 46208 Little Rock, AR 72202 Watts Kinship Pre-School Hartford, CT 06106 3100 El Camino Real Afrocentric Book Store #2 Seifuddin El-Amin 2201 E. 118th St. Yahya Abdul Shakoor West Palm Beach, FL 33409 4655 S. King Drive 717 N. Cushing CALIFORNIA Los Angeles, CA 90059 Yale Peabody Museum Chicago, IL 60615 South Bend, IN 46616 United Economic Develop- Islamic Development 170 Whitney Ave. GEORGIA Ephraim Bahar Cultural Progressive Islamic Cen- ment Fund (U.E.D.F.) Center of Moreno Valley New Haven, CT 06511 Atlanta Masjid Of Al-Islam Center ter 2191 N. Lake Ave. 24436 Webster Ave. 560 Fayetteville Rd., S.E. 2525 W. 71st St. 2408 Ford St. Altadena, CA 91001 Moreno Valley, CA 92557 DELAWARE Atlanta, GA 30316 Chicago, IL 60629 South Bend, IN 46619 Masjid As-Sabireen Masjidul-Waritheen Masjid Al-Kauthar Masjid Ash-Shura Inner City Muslim Action South Bend Islamic 3931 S. Chester Ave. 1652 47th Ave. 2102 Governor Printz Blvd. 3095 Jonesboro Road, S.E. Network IMAN Dawah Center Bakersfield, CA 93309 Oakland, CA 94601 Wilmington, DE 19802 Atlanta, GA 30354 2744 W. 63rd St. 1215 Lincolnway West Muslim Center Rahman Mujahid Masjid Al-Muminun Chicago, IL 60629 P.O. Box 3687 1221 California Ave. Jamaatus Salaam DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 1127 Hank Aaron Drive, S.E. 43rd & King Drive News South Bend, IN 46661 Bakersfield, CA 93304 1515 McArthur Blvd. Budget Lock & Key Enter- Atlanta, GA 30315 43rd St. & Martin L. King Dr. KANSAS Islamic Cultural Center Oakland, CA 94602 prises Opa Groceries Chicago, IL 60653 Fragrance World 106 N. Alameda Blvd. Milati Islami 1006 Florida Ave., N.E. 812 Ralph David Abernathy Blvd. 5-Star Certified Foods Ronald Owens Compton, CA 90221 The Path of Peace 12-Step Washington, D.C. 20002 Atlanta, GA 400 E. 71st St. 3414 S.W. 6th Avenue Masjid Warith Deen Program New Africa Islamic Com- Shabazz Variety Store Chicago, IL 60619 Topeka, KS 66606 Mohammed 8459 White Oak, Suite 101 munity Center 572 Fayetteville Citgo Gas Station 1030 West L8 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 1628 Good Hope Rd. SE Atlanta, GA 30316 63rd & Wentworth LOUISIANA Lancaster, CA 93535 Islamic Center of Rialto Washington, D.C. 20020 The People Food Mart Chicago, IL Masjid Sabiqun Lompac Islamic Center 18053 Arrow Boulvard Nasir Shahid / Accessory 812 Rd Abernathy Blvd. Muj-Ta-Min Barber Shop 740 E. Washington 1015 North A. Street Fontana, CA 92335 Stand Atlanta, GA 718 E. 79th St. Baton Rouge, LA 70802 Lompac, CA 93436 Muslim Mission Center 23 & H Streets, NW Supreme Fish Delight Chicago, IL 60619 Masjid Bilal Masjid Al Shareef 322 Harbor Way Washington, D.C. 20007 816 Cascade Rd SW Masjid Al-Taqwa Nashid Salahuddin 2104 Orange Ave. Richmond, CA 94801 Masjid Muhammad Atlanta, GA 30310 8211 S. Exchange Ave., 436 Monroe St.. Long Beach, CA 90810 Masjid As-Sabur 1519 Islamic Way (4th St.), N.W. Muslim Community Center Chicago, IL 60617-2123 Gretna, LA 7005f3 Ahmad Abdul-Rashed 4926 15th Ave. Washington, D.C. 20001 1821 Slayton St. Resident Imam Tariq El-Amin Luqman Sacramento, CA 95820 Augusta, GA 30904 Muslim Journal 4243 Degnan Blvd. Masjidul-Taqwa FLORIDA Al-Bayyinah Inc 231 E. 51st St. Los Angeles, CA 90043 2575 Imperial Ave. Masjid Tawhid 3274 E. Main St. Chicago, IL 60615 Al-Madina Coffee Hut San Diego, CA 92102 1557 N.W. 5th St. College Park, GA 30337 Phone: 773-952-8177 2709-1/2 W. Jefferson Blvd. Muslim Community Cen- Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33311 Masjid An-Nur Call for Deadlines Los Angeles, CA 90018 ter Center for Islamic & Ismail El-Amin News Stand 4760 Mission St. Cultural Awareness Inc June 12, 2020 MUSLIM JOURNAL 25 Where to Buy MUSLIM JOURNAL Continued from page 24 Dallas Masjid of Al-Islam Masjid Muhammad P.O. Box 95 1403 Dawson St. 1106 Herr St. Masjidur-Rahim Wilmington, NC 28401 Harrisburg, PA 17102 2604 Harwood Imam Rafeeq H. Nu’Man 6100 Floral Street Roselle, NJ 07203 Dallas, TX 75215 Jackson, MS 39206 Malik Waliyyuddin Shareef’s Karate & Health Harrisburg Masjid 1238 No Johnson St. Ctr. 200 S. 17th St. E.A.R.T.H. James New Orleans, LA 70116 Phone: 601-957-2598 33 McMichael D. Mohammed Hours: Fridays Jumuah - 1:15 pm Somerdale, NJ 08083 406 Dawson St. Harrisburg, PA 17104 Masjid Rajilun Wilmington, NC 28401 Al-Furqan Book Store 5027 Pinson St. 24125 Church St. Sundays Ta’leem - 2 pm Masjidut-Taqwa Ft. Worth, TX 76105 Masjid Bilal 1001 E. State St. Islamic Center & Bazaar Plaquemine, LA 70764 302 Barnes St. 4816 N. Broad St. Masjid Warithud-deen Masjid Al-Islam 206 Lee St. Trenton, NJ 08609 Mohammed Mound Bayou, MS 28762 Masjid Salahuddin Wilson, NC 27893 Philadelphia, PA 19141 37482 Browns Village Rd. Masjid Al-Muminun Chris’ Cleaners 6641 Bellfort St. Slidell, LA 70460 Masjid Al-Halim 247 Broadway, Houston, TX 77087 8 Al-Halim Rd. Paterson, NJ 07501 1500 Harriet Tubman Drive 1217 N. 52nd MARYLAND Winston-Salem, NC 27105 Philadelphia, PA 19131 First Talim Masjid Concerned Muslims Of Sumrall, MS 39482 NEW YORK Muhammad Biloxi Islamic Center Imam A.R. Muhammad New Africa Cultural Cen- Masjidullah Annapolis ter 7433 Limekiln Pike 505 East 401⁄2 St. Shuaib Bin Neel Imam Tariq Abdul-Mu'min 108 E. Genessee St. Houston, TX 77018 205 Keller Ave. Biloxi, MS 39530 Auburn, NY 13021 336 Arnett Blvd. Philadelphia, PA 19138 1970 Scott’s Crossing Way Rochester, NY 14619 Philadelphia Masjid/ Vision Public Relations P.O. Box 6412 MISSOURI Masjid Abdul-Muhsi and Information Al-Inshirah Islamic Center Khalifah OHIO Sister Clara Muhammad Annapolis, MD 21401-8241 Musa Abdullah School 1482 FM 3403 Bilal Ibn Rabah Islamic 3664 Troost Ave. 120 Madison St. Lincoln, TX 78948 Kansas City, MO 64109 Brooklyn, NY 11216 1086 North Bend Rd. 4700 Wyalusing Ave. Community Center Cincinnati, OH 45224 Philadelphia, PA 19131 Phone 979-540-0049 1714 N. St. Paul St. Kwanzaa Martial The Ansar Group Masjid Bilal Ibn Rabah Arts Academy 1371 Fillmore Ave. Ashraf, Inc. Study Group For Al-Islam Baltimore, MD 21202 1374 Hayden Ave. 1201 N. Airdries St. 818 West Ave. Masjid Khalifah 6226 Troost Buffalo, NY 14211 San Antonio, TX 78201 Kansas City, MO 64110 Masjid Nurid-Deen & Sis. Cleveland, OH 44112 Philadelphia, PA 19140 4446 Park Heights Ave. Masjid Bilal An-Nur Islamic Center Tyler Masjid of Al-Islam Baltimore, MD 21215 Mikayla’s Cleaners Clara Muhammad School 702 Peach St. 3313 Brooklyn Ave. 105-01 Northern Blvd. 7401 Euclid Ave. 1017 Center Street Muslim Community Cul- Cleveland, OH 44103 Pittsburgh, PA 15221 Tyler, TX 75701 tural Center (formerly Kansas City, MO 64109 Corona, NY 11368 Phone: 903-526-6911 Hooper’s Better Bakery Masjid Yusuf Shah Masjid Al-Warithdeen Masjid Al Mu'id Masjid Walter Omar) 7301 Superior 4517 Wayne Ave. VIRGINIA 3401 W. North Ave. 4127 Shreve 10 S. 2nd Ave. #11 Masjid Al Qubaa St. Louis, MO Mt. Vernon, NY 10550 Cleveland, OH 44103 Philadelphia, PA 19144 Baltimore, MD 21216 Oasis On The Nile RHODE ISLAND Islamic Center Phone: 410-566-4434 Al-Muminun Islamic Mail Center 1145 Hampton Ave. Center Reggie Qadar 2840 Woodhill Rd. Muslim American Dawah Dar Es Salaam Books Cleveland, OH 44104 Center of Rhode Island Newport News, VA 23607 9185 Central Ave. 1434 N. Grand Ave. 511 6th Ave., PMB 287 Masjid William Salaam St. Louis, MO 63106 New York, NY 10011 Raise Up Sound Leader- 247 Lockwood St. Capitol Heights, MD 20743 ship (RUSL) Providence, RI 02907 614 W. 35th St. Masjid Taqwa An-Nur Pioneer’s Cultural Center New Africa Culture Norfolk, VA 23508 4000 Lincoln Ave. Center 17325 Euclid Ave., Suite Imam Farid Ansari 8000 Martin Luther King Jr. Hwy. C2108 978 Plainfield St. Shabazz Fashion Glenarden, MD 10706 St. Louis, MO 63113 336 Arnett Blvd. 610 W. 35th St. NEVADA Rochester, NY 14616 Cleveland, OH 44112 Providence, RI 02919 Masjid Al-Inshirah, Inc. Shabazz Barber Shop Imam R. Mateen Barros Norfolk, VA 23508 7332 Dogwood Rd. Masjid As-Sabur Imam Shaheed Shakir The Petersburg Islamic 711 W. Morgan Ave. 843 Salt Springs Rd. 12409 Superior 9 Slocum St. Windsor Mill, MD 21244 Cleveland, OH 44103 Providence, RI 02909 Center Mark Muhammad Las Vegas, NV 89106 Syracuse, NY 13224 630 South Jones Street NEW JERSEY As-Siraatal Mustaqeen Sister Naomi’s Open SOUTH CAROLINA Muhammad's Variety Kitchen Restaurant Masjid As-Salaam Petersburg, VA 23803 1400 W. Patapsco Ave. Scrub-Dub Laundromat Islamic Center Bro. Bilal Yasin El-Amin Rashad Sabir El-Amin 1305 Straight Path 12508 St. Clair 5119 Monticello Rd. Baltimore, MD 21230 Cleveland, OH 44108 Columbia, SC 29203 2025 E. Main St. Phone: 443-839-4585 1401 N. McKinley Ave. P.O. Box 241 Richmond, VA 23223 Atlantic City, NJ 08401 Wyandanch, NY 11798 Masjid Al-Islam Abdullah & Bilal Ministry MASSACHUSETTS 1677 Oak St., P.O. Box 03553 49 Meander Row Change Sportswear Masjid Al-Quran Masjidun-Nur NORTH CAROLINA 101 W. Brookland Park Blvd. Learning Center Masjid Ash-Shaheed Columbus OH 43205 Charleston, SC 29212 35 Intervale St. Talib's Shoes, Imam W. Deen Mohammed Richmond, VA 23222 Boston, MA 02121 1231 Mechanic St. 400 W. Sugar Creek Road Shakoor’s Merchandise Camden, NJ 08104 P.O. Box 16720 Clothing and Accessories Qur’anic Study Group A Nubian Notions 1035 E. Livingston Ave 305 Sumter St. 319 North 2nd Street 146-148 Dudley St. Masjid Al-Hadi Charlotte, NC 28297 Richmond, VA 23219 9 Broad St. Masjid Ali Shah Columbus, OH 43205 Charleston, SC 29403 Roxbury, MA 02119 Azezalia’s Nile Valley Masjid Al-Jami Shakoor’s Merchandise Masjid Al-Baqi Elizabeth, NJ 07207 1230 Beatties Ford Rd. Ivory Coast Emporium Islamic Center of Ewing Charlotte, NC 28216 Restaurant Ar-Rasheed 495 Union St. 3760 Lee Road 1990 Hugo Ave. 427 E. Broad St. Springfield, MA 01109 685 Parkway Ave. Ramadan Professional Richmond, VA 23219 Ewing Township, NJ 08618 Center Imam John Shaker Heights, OH 44128 North Charleston, SC 29403 Pope & Murray’s An-Nur Islamic Center Wali’s Fish Supreme At-Taqwa Islamic Center, Barber Shop Masjid Waarith ud Deen Ramadan Inc. Imam Wahy Deen Shareef 1401 Beatties Ford Rd. 743 W. Liberty St. 119 Spring St. 1106 State St. Springfield, OH 45506 Charleston, SC 29403 120 S. Union St. Springfield, MA 01109 62-70 Howard St., Charlotte, NC 28216 Danville, VA 24541 P.O. Box 111566 Masjid Ar-Razzaq Toledo Masjid Of New Africa Quranic MICHIGAN Al-Islam Study Group WASHINGTON Benton Harbor Muslim Irvington, NJ 07111 2735 Royston Road Bulldog News Faheem Abdus Salaam Charlotte, NC 28208 722 E. Bancroft St. 310 Lincolshire N. Drive Center Toledo, OH 43608 Columbia, SC 29203 43208 University Way, N.E. 1181 Ogden Ave. 28 Pain Ave., 3rd Fl. Masjid Ar-Raazzaq Seattle, WA 98105 Irvington, NJ 07111-3916 1009 W. Chapel Hill St. Al-Mustaqeem Muhammad Islamic Benton Harbor, MI 49022 Islamic Center Center of Florence Community Issues Group Crescent Barber Shop Talib Academy Durham, NC 27702 1819 E. Alder Street Irvington, NJ 07111 Sa’id Abdul-Salaam 2580 Shilo Springs 109 Calhoun St. 10828 W. 7 Mile Road Trotwood, OH 45426 Florence, S.C. Seattle, WA 98122 Detroit, MI 48221 Masjid Al-Iman 527 Wofford Rd. Naeem Shareef P.O. Box 4454 Durham, NC 27707 Jimmy L. El-Amin TENNESSEE Community Health Hut 4424 Ingleside Rd. Islamic Center of Chatta- 1819 E. Alder St. 8941 W. 8 Mile Road (598 Communicpaw Ave) New Visions of Africa Seattle, WA 98122 Jersey City, NJ 07304 Restaurant Warrenville Hts., OH 44128 nooga Detroit, MI 48221 Youngstown Masjid 1410 Cemetery Ave. Syid Suni Askia Jamaat Hilal Books & Imports Masjid Freehaven 1306 Fayetteville Street Al-Ikhlas 280 Ashland Ave. Durham, NC 27707 131 Woodland Ave. Chattanooga, TN 37408 1520 Washington Blvd. Youngstown, OH Masjid Al-Islam 1020 S. Seneca, #116 Detroit, MI 48226 Lawnside, NJ 08045 Masjid Omar Ibn Sayyid Seattle, WA 98112 Masjid Muhammad - 2700 Murchison Road OKLAHOMA 3620 Buena Vista Pl. Kassem Petro Islamic Dawah Center Nashville, TN 37218 Bob’s Bar-B-Que Pit Too 8943 Puritan Jersey City Fayetteville, NC 28302 911 S. 11th St. 297 Martin Luther King Drive W.D. Mohammed 1621 S.W. Pennsylvania Kemet Campus Bookstore Detroit, MI 48221 Lawton, OK 73501 988 Mississippi Blvd. Tacoma, WA 98405 Masjid Wali Muhammad Jersey City, NJ 07306 Islamic Center WISCONSIN Masjid Al-Haqq Imam Hassan Yamini IQRAA America Memphis, TN 38126 11529 Hon. Elijah Muhammad 1900 N.E. 23rd Masjid Al-Muminun Tory’s Baloon & Cage #2 Blvd. 687 Springfield Ave. 3015 E. Bessemer Ave. 3807 W. North Ave. Newark, NJ 07103 Greensboro, NC 27405 Oklahoma City, OK 73111 4412 S. Third St. Detroit, MI 48206 Masjid Mu’min Memphis, TN 38109 Milwaukee, WI 53208 Salaam Akhou & Ahkte Masjid Ibrahim’s Islamic Yusuf A. Rasheed Islamic Center of Racine Teaching & Development 1177 Oak Hill Drive 1322 N.E. 23rd Yusuf Ra’oof Barber & Beauty Shop Oklahoma City, OK 73111 519 E. Mclemore #7, 419-21 High St. 6602 N. Saginaw Center Morganton, NC 28655 Racine, WI 53402 392 Chancellor Ave. As-Salaam Islamic Center American Muslim Commu- Memphis, TN 38106 Flint, MI 48505 nity Alkebulan Images Qadeem Shakoor I Imam Hamin Rasool Newark, NJ 07112 110 Lord Benson Ave. 1530 Winslow St. Masjid Imam Ali K. Raleigh, NC 27610 213 E. Young St. 2721 Jefferson St. 1804 Proctor St. Tulsa, OK 74106 Nashville, TN 37208 Racine, WI 53403 Flint, MI 48504 Muslim Muhammad’s Fish, Shrimp Sis. Clara Muhammad 257 S. Orange Ave. & Sandwich Restaurant OREGON Ilyas Muhammad Islamic Center Muslim Community Cen- 2420 Batavia St. School Mu’Min, Inc. Newark, NJ 07103 3000 Creech Rd. 317 Wright Street USA Furniture and Raleigh, NC 27610 ter Nashville, TN 37208 G-4043 Clio Road of Portland Muslim American Milwaukee, WI 53212 Flint, MI 48504 Appliance Imam Abdul Rahman BERMUDA 406 Lyons Ave. Shareef Imam Muhammad Najieb Community Center Islamic Center of Saginaw Masjid Muhammad-Bermuda Newark, NJ 07112 208 S. 13th St. 5325 N. Vancouver Ave. 2418 Batavia St. Imam Robert A. Shaheed Portland, OR 97217 Nashville, TN 37208 #1 Cedar Ave., P.O. Box HM 1508 114 N. Fourth Street H&M Furniture Wilmington, NC 28401-4820 Hamilton, Bermuda HMSX 396 Springfield Ave. El-Amin Halal Market PENNSYLVANIA TEXAS Saginaw, MI 48601 Islamic Center of Chester Muhammad Salahuddin MINNESOTA Newark, NJ 07103 601 Castle St. Masjidullah Wilmington, NC 28401 14 E. 7th St., Chester, Pa. 19013 3001 Oak Springs Dr. Masjid An-Nur The New Shop Austin, TX 78702 1729 Lyndale Ave. North 321 Grant Ave. Tauheed Islamic Center Plainfield, NJ 07060 7191⁄2 Castle St. 343 W. 7th St. Abdul Ansari Minneapolis, MN 55411 Chester, PA 19013 4514 Mar-Vista Trail MISSISSIPPI Masjid Ismail Wilmington, NC 28401 119 Hawthorne St. Thompson’s Barber Shop Abdus Sabir Barber Shop Dallas, TX 75271 26 MUSLIM JOURNAL June 12, 2020 MUSLIM JOURNAL Published Contin uously Since October 1975!

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Optimal digestion is dependent upon effective digestive Supplement Facts Protease is a unique proteolytic enzyme blend that enzymes. Digest includes highly active enzymes with a Genesis Health & Serving Size 1 Capsule Genesis Health & Servings Per Container 90 supports healthy blood rheology.* This formula is broad range of specificities to handle all food preferences.* SupplementProbiotic is a formulation Facts of a carefully mixed Genesis Health & Supplement Facts carefully prepared to assure maximum quality and This formula is carefully prepared to assure maximum Serving Size Nutrition1 Capsuleselection of microorganisms Centerfriendly to the human Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Nutrition Center     Serving Size 1 Capsule nutritional effectiveness.* quality and nutritional effectiveness.* GI tract.* These organisms enhance the ecological Nutrition Center     Servings Per Container 60 Tzyme™     Protease Blend 67 mg † Servings Per Container 30 SUPPLEMENTSbalance of friendly bacteria.* TO LIVE* (Protease and peptidase) (55,131 HUT + 11 SAPU) ABSOLUTELY NO FILLERS ABSOLUTELYSUPPLEMENTS NO FILLERS TO LIVE* SUPPLEMENTS TO LIVE* Amount Per ServingABSOLUTELY NO% FILLERS Daily Value Lipase (7,518 FIP) 24 mg † Amount Per Serving % Daily Value RECOMMENDED USAGE: One (1) capsule two RECOMMENDED USAGE: One (1) capsule with every Tzyme™ Polysaccharolytic Blend 302 mg † Tzyme™ Protease Blend 492 mg † times a day on an empty stomach with 8 oz. of water meal or snack with at least 8 oz. of liquid or as directed by RECOMMENDED USAGE: One (1) capsule upon Amylase 20,000 DU † Tzyme™ Probiotic Blend (5.1 billion cfu**) 225 mg † (peptidases, bromelain)rising or at bedtime with at least 8 oz. of water or or as directed by a health care practitioner. Contents a health care practitioner. Contents may be removed from Phytase 42 FTU † Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, (355,020 HUT + 19as directedSAPU) (by600,000 a health PU care) practitioner. may be removed from capsule and taken by spoon capsule and taken by spoon immediately after mixing with * Glucoamylase 25 AGU † Bacillus coagulans, Bifidobacterium longum, immediately after mixing with a small amount of REFRIGERATE FOR OPTIMUM ACTIVITY Alpha-galactosidase 438 Gal U † Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactobacillus casei a small amount of tepid water. † Daily Value not established Macerase 400 CU † tepid water. One (1) capsule may be taken with Inulin (from Jerusalem artichoke root extract) 18 mg † Protease Store tightly sealed in a cool, dry place. Probiotic Beta-glucanase 25 BGU † meals to enhance the digestion of proteins.* Enzyme activity is measured in Food Chemicals Codex (FCC) units. Digest Store tightly sealed in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. OTHER INGREDIENTS:Keep CELLULOSE,out of reach of children.WATER, Lactase 610 ALU † Lactoferrin (milk concentrate) 10 mg † Store tightly sealed in a cool, dry place. CALCIUM CITRATE Pectinase 14 endo-PGU † Keep out of reach of children. Tzyme™ is a trademark of Transformation Enzyme Corporation. Cellulase 295 CU † † Daily Value not established EnzymeThis proprietary blend of highly active, functional, pH balanced, MANUFACTURED FOR*THESE ABDEL STATEMENTS J. NURIDDIN, HAVE ND NOT BEEN Dietary and GI tract stable enzymes is formulated to enhance the EnzymeEVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG Diastase 168 DPº † *THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN digestive process and impart systemic benefits.* 4250 JULIUS COURT, GREENSBORO, NC 27406 Invertase 56 SU † OTHER INGREDIENTS: HYPROMELLOSE, Supplement ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS Supplement Hemicellulase 28 HCU † EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG Enzyme activity is measured in Food Chemicals Codex (FCC) units. PECTIN, WATER ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS *THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN Supplement NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, † Daily Value not established NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, AbdelEVALUATED J. Nuriddin, BY THE FOOD ND AND DRUG Tzyme™ is a trademark of Transformation Enzyme Corporation. Abdel J. Nuriddin, ND MANUFACTURED FOR ABDEL J. NURIDDIN, ND This proprietary blend of CURE,highly active, OR functional, PREVENT pH balanced, ANY DISEASE. OTHER INGREDIENTS: CELLULOSE, WATER, ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT Enzyme Corporation. Transformation Tzyme™ is a trademark of This proprietary blend of GI tract stable, highly active, and functional microorganisms is formulated to enhance the digestive process and impart systemic benefits.* CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. andAbdel GI tract stable J. enzymesNuriddin, is formulated ND to enhance the 4250 JULIUS COURT, GREENSBORO, NC 27406 **Guaranteed minimum potency at the time of manufacture. 60INTENDED CAPSULES TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR digestive process and impart systemic benefits.* 30 CAPSULESCALCIUM CITRATE PREVENT ANY DISEASE. MANUFACTURED FOR ABDEL J. NURIDDIN, ND 90 CAPSULES 4250 JULIUS COURT, GREENSBORO, NC 27406

Optimal digestion is dependent upon effective digestive Protease is a unique proteolytic enzyme Supplement Facts enzymes. Digest includes highly active enzymes with a blend thatGenesis supports healthy blood Health rheology.* & ServingGenesisProtease Size 1is Capsule a unique proteolytic Health enzyme blend that & Supplement Facts Servingssupports Per healthy Container blood 90 rheology.* This formula is Genesis Health & Supplement Facts broad range of specificities to handle all food preferences.* This formula is carefully prepared to assure Serving Size 1 Capsule This formula is carefully prepared to assure maximum Nutrition Center AmountNutritioncarefully Per prepared Serving to assure maximum Center% qualityDaily Value and Nutrition Center Serving Size 1 Capsule maximum     quality and nutritional effectiveness.*    nutritional effectiveness.* Servings Per Container 120 quality and nutritional effectiveness.* Tzyme™ Protease Blend 67 mg †     Servings Per Container 60 * SUPPLEMENTS TO LIVE (Protease and peptidase) (55,131 HUT + 11 SAPU) * * ABSOLUTELY NO FILLERS ABSOLUTELY NO FILLERS SUPPLEMENTSABSOLUTELY NO FILLERS TO LIVE SUPPLEMENTS TO LIVE Lipase (7,518 FIP) 24 mg † Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Amount Per Serving % Daily Value RECOMMENDED USAGE: One (1) capsule two RECOMMENDED USAGE: One (1) capsule with every RECOMMENDED USAGE: One (1) capsule Tzyme™ Polysaccharolytic Blend 302 mg † Tzyme™ Protease Blend 492 mg † meal or snack with at least 8 oz. of liquid or as directed by two times a day on an empty stomach with 8 Amylasetimes a day on an empty stomach20,000 with DU 8 oz. of water† Tzyme™ Protease Blend 492 mg † or as directed by a health care practitioner. Contents (peptidases, bromelain) a health care practitioner. Contents may be removed from oz. of water or as directed by a health care Phytase 42 FTU † (peptidases, bromelain) may be removed from capsule and taken by spoon (355,020 HUT + 19 SAPU) (600,000 PU) capsule and taken by spoon immediately after mixing with practitioner. Contents may be removed from * Glucoamylase 25 AGU † Alpha-galactosidaseimmediately after mixing with a small438 amount Gal U of † (355,020 HUT + 19 SAPU) (600,000 PU) a small amount of tepid water. † Daily Value not established capsule and taken by spoon immediately after Macerasetepid water. One (1) capsule may be400 taken CU with † mixing with a small amount of tepid water. One Beta-glucanase 25 BGU † Protease† Daily Value not established Enzyme activity is measured in Food Chemicals Codex (FCC) units. Digest meals to enhance the digestion of proteins.* Protease Lactase 610 ALU † OTHER INGREDIENTS: CELLULOSE, WATER, Store tightly sealed in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. (1) additional capsule may be taken with meals PectinaseStore tightly sealed in a cool, dry place. 14 endo-PGU † CALCIUM CITRATE to enhance the digestion of proteins.* OTHER INGREDIENTS: CELLULOSE, WATER, CALCIUM Tzyme™ is a trademark of Transformation Enzyme Corporation. CellulaseKeep out of reach of children. 295 CU † This proprietary blend of highly active, functional, pH balanced, EnzymeCITRATE MANUFACTURED FOR ABDEL J. NURIDDIN, ND and GI tract stable enzymes is formulated to enhance the EnzymeStore tightly sealed in a cool, dry place. Diastase 168 DPº † Enzyme Invertase*THESE STATEMENTS HAVE56 SUNOT BEEN† MANUFACTURED FOR ABDEL J. NURIDDIN, ND 4250 JULIUS COURT, GREENSBORO, NC 27406 digestive process and impart systemic benefits.* Keep out of reach of children. Hemicellulase 28 HCU † Supplement4250 JULIUS COURT, GREENSBORO, NC 27406 EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG Enzyme activity is measured in Food Chemicals Codex (FCC) units. *THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN Supplement *THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN Supplement† DailyADMINISTRATION. Value not established THIS PRODUCT IS Enzyme activity is measured in Food Chemicals Codex (FCC) units. EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, Abdel J. Nuriddin, ND Tzyme™ is a trademark of Transformation Enzyme Corporation. ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT OTHER INGREDIENTS: CELLULOSE, WATER, Tzyme™ is a trademark of Transformation Enzyme Corporation. This proprietary blend of highly active, functional, pH balanced, AbdelADMINISTRATION. J. Nuriddin, THIS NDPRODUCT IS CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. and GI tract stable enzymes is formulated to enhance the INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, Abdel J.CALCIUM Nuriddin, CITRATE ND 60 CAPSULESThis proprietary blend of highly active, functional, pH balanced, digestive process and impart systemic benefits.* PREVENT ANY DISEASE. CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. MANUFACTURED FOR ABDEL J. NURIDDIN, ND and GI tract stable enzymes is formulated to enhance the 90 CAPSULES digestive process and impart systemic benefits.* 120 CAPSULES4250 JULIUS COURT, GREENSBORO, NC 27406

Adrenal Complex includes a synergistic formulation Thyroid Complex includes a synergistic SupplementProbiotic is a formulation Facts of a carefully mixed SupplementGenesis Facts Health & Genesisformulation of thyroid Health gland concentrate and& Genesis Health & Supplement Facts of adrenal gland concentrate, enzymes, and herbs to Serving Size 1 Capsuleselection of microorganisms friendly to the human Serving Size 1 Capsule support a healthy endocrine system.* herbs to promote a balanced metabolic activity Servings Per ContainerGI tract.* 60 These organisms enhance the ecological Nutrition Center Serving Size 1 Capsule Nutritionlevel and regenerative capabilities.*Center Nutrition Center Servings Per Container 60             Servings Per Container 30 ABSOLUTELY NO FILLERS Amount Per Servingbalance of friendly bacteria.*% Daily Value ABSOLUTELY NO FILLERS Amount Per Serving % Daily Value * SUPPLEMENTS TO LIVE* SUPPLEMENTS TO LIVE* SUPPLEMENTS TO LIVE RECOMMENDED USAGE: One (1) capsule a day Vitamin C (ascorbic ABSOLUTELYacid) NO FILLERS65 mg 72% Amount Per Serving % Daily Value taken with food or as directed by a health care RECOMMENDED USAGE: One (1) capsule a Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxal-5-phosphate) 5 mg 294% Thiamine (as thiamineRECOMMENDED HCL) USAGE:10 mg One833% (1) capsule upon Tzyme™ Probiotic Blend (5.1 billion cfu**) 225 mg † practitioner. day taken with food or as directed by a health Zinc (as zinc citrate) 10 mg 91% care practitioner. Riboflavin rising or at bedtime with 5 atmg least 385% 8 oz. of water or Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Copper (as copper citrate) 1 mg 111% Store tightly sealed in a cool, dry place. Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxal-5-phosphate)as directed by a health 4care mg practitioner.241% Bacillus coagulans, Bifidobacterium longum, Store tightly sealed in a cool, dry place. * * Keep out of reach of children. Pantothenic acid (as calcium pantothenate) 15 mg 300% Keep out of reach of children. REFRIGERATE FOR OPTIMUM ACTIVITY L-Tyrosine 80 mg † Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactobacillus casei Tzyme™ is a trademark of Transformation Enzyme Zinc (as zinc citrate) 5 mg 45% Tzyme™ is a trademark of Transformation Enzyme Bladderwrack 70 mg † Inulin (from Jerusalem artichoke root extract) 18 mg † Corporation. This proprietary blend of highly active, Store tightly sealed in a cool, dry place. Probiotic AdrenalCorporation. ThisComplex proprietary blend of highly ThyroidAdrenal suprarenal substance Complex95 mg † Thyroid concentrate 50 mg † functional, pH balanced, and GI tract stable enzymes is active, functional, pH balanced, and GI tract stable Keep out of reach of children. Lactoferrin (milk concentrate) 10 mg † formulated to enhance the digestive process and impart Eleuthero root 30 mg † Anterior Pituitary 25 mg † enzymes is formulated to enhance the digestive systemic benefits.* Licorice root 15 mg † process and impart systemic benefits.* *THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN HypothalamusDietary Bovine 15 mg † † Daily Value not established Dietary TzymeDietaryTM Enzyme Blend 70 mg † Tzyme™ Enzyme Blend 50 mg † *THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN *THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN (Protease, Glucoamylase,EVALUATED Pectinase, BY Peptidase, THE FOOD Phytase, AND DRUG (Protease, Peptidase, Phytase, Glucoamylase, Pectinase, OTHER INGREDIENTS: HYPROMELLOSE, EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG alpha-Galactosidase,ADMINISTRATION. Cellulase, Hemicellulase) THIS PRODUCT IS Supplement ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS Supplement Supplement alpha-Galactosidase, Cellulase, Hemicellulase) PECTIN, WATER ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS † Daily Value not establishedNOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, Abdel J. Nuriddin,NOT INTENDED ND TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, Abdel J. Nuriddin, ND J. NURIDDIN, ND ABDEL FOR MANUFACTURED GREENSBORO, NC 27406 4250 JULIUS COURT, † DailyAbdel Value not J. established Nuriddin, ND MANUFACTURED FOR ABDEL J. NURIDDIN, ND CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. OTHER INGREDIENTS:CURE, GELATIN, OR PREVENT MAGNESIUM ANY DISEASE. CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. Enzyme Corporation. Transformation Tzyme™ is a trademark of This proprietary blend of GI tract stable, highly active, and functional microorganisms is formulated to enhance the digestive process and impart systemic benefits.* **Guaranteed minimum potency at the time of manufacture. May contain fish or shellfish. Bladderwrack algae is a natural aquatic product which may contain traces of fish and/or shellfish . J. NURIDDIN, ND ABDEL FOR MANUFACTURED GREENSBORO, NC 27406 4250 JULIUS COURT, 4250 JULIUS COURT, GREENSBORO, NC 27406 60 CAPSULES CITRATE,60 CAPSULES POTASSIUM CITRATE, WATER OTHER30 INGREDIENTS:CAPSULES GELATIN, WATER 28 MUSLIM JOURNAL June 12, 2020