MUSLIMPublished Continuously JOURNALSince October 1975! www.MuslimJournal.net Vol. 45, No. 39, June 12, 2020 BRINGING HUMANITY TOGETHER IN MORAL EXCELLENCE WITH TRUTH AND UNDERSTANDING $1.75 - $2.00 outside U.S. IMAM MAKRAM EL-AMIN ON FRONTLINES FOR JUSTICE IN MINNEAPOLIS INSIDE THIS ISSUE CALLING FOR MUSLIMS TO BE IN THE LEAD CALLING FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT REFORMS The Muslim Journal Floyd at the hands of a Minne- Floyd murder case. The tion that includes a COVID Newswire apolis police officer, while three beloved George Floyd was a response program providing MN ATTORNEY GENERAL MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. – other officers are charged as recipient of Al-Maa'uun ser- 200,000 meals to over 200 KEITH ELLISON Makram El-Amin, Imam of accomplices. vices. unique households, providing See Page 3 Masjid An-Nur and Director of Given in the Arabic lan- Al-Maa'uun has been on basic household supplies that Al-Maa'uun, is on the frontlines guage for “Neighborly Needs,” the ground serving the com- include hand sanitizers and in Minneapolis, as his North Al-Maa'uun is housed in Mas- munity from their annual masks, and urgently needed Minneapolis community con- jid An-Nur – the home Masjid Islamic Relief – “Day of Dig- medications. tinues to coil in pain over the of Attorney General Keith Elli- nity” run by his sister Kami- senseless murder of George son, now in charge of the George lah El-Amin, food distribu- Please turn to page 18 GLOBAL NEWS Injustice Spuns An Organic Movement BURN BABY... NO..., with a Macrocosm of Cultures VOTE BABY, VOTE! – PART I See Page 7 Chairman of the African ed States of America at the hands Union on the Killing of of law enforcement officers and George Floyd wishes to extend his deepest con- ADDIS ABABA – 29 May 2020 dolences to his family and loved – The Chairperson of the Afri- ones. can Union Commission Mous- Recalling the historic Orga- WE ARE NOW BATTLING ON sa Faki Mahamat strongly con- nization of Africa Unity (OAU) TWO FRONTS demns the murder of George See Page 20 Please turn to page 18 Floyd that occurred in the Unit- By Leila Diab Yasser Arafat in 1996.) (Editorial Note: These pho- CHICAGO, Ill. – On May to subscribe SCAN QR CODE tos by Gabriella Diab demon- 25, 2020, as people all over strates the next generations of America watched their TVs in human rights activists, as this disbelief at the very sad and the granddaughter of Human emotional situation unfolded Rights Activist Leila Diab in before their eyes, staged in begins training in the ways of Minneapolis, Minnesota, and her grandmother to take the Facebooked across the nation baton and move it forward. and world. Leila Diab was instrumental In utter disbelief, they wit- in organizing the delegation nessed one of the most despi- to Palestine, where Imam W. cable, abhorrent and unjustifi- Deen Mohammed met with Please turn to page 18 2 MUSLIM JOURNAL June 12, 2020 Al-Islam’s Universal Beliefs Allah is The Creator with no partners. Muslims have 99 Popular Attributes for Allah. What is Al-Islam? THE HOLY Al-Islam is the complete way of life that reflects Submission to the Will of G-d. Islam means “submission,” derived from the Arabic word QUR’AN “Salaam,” meaning “peace.” Who is a Muslim? A Muslim is anyone who submits to the Will of G-d. Everyone is born “Muslim, and their environment makes them otherwise.” With Allah’s Name, The Merciful Benefactor, The Merciful Redeemer How does one become a conscious Muslim? To become Muslim is to make public declaration that “there is no god 162. Say: Lo! My worship and but Allah (One G-d), and Muhammed is the Messenger of G-d.” This is my sacrifice and my living and called the Shahadatain. my dying are for Allah, Lord of the Worlds. Who is Muhammed? Muhammed the Prophet was born in Mecca, the holiest city to Islam in Arabia in the year 570 or in the 6th Century. How many Muslims are there? 163. He hath no partner. This Worldwide there are just over 1 billion Muslims, or one out of every am I commanded, and I am first five people on earth is a Muslim. In the United States, there are approx- of those who surrender (unto imately 8 million Muslims; 2.5 million are recognized as indigenous, Him). with the remainder by way of immigration. Aren’t all Muslims Arabs? No. Most Muslims live east of Karachi; 30 percent of Muslims live in the Indian subcontinent; 20 percent in Sub-Sahara Africa, 17 percent in 164. Say: Shall I seek another Southeast Asia, 18 percent in the Arab world; 10 percent in the states of than Allah for Lord, when He the former Soviet Union/Russia. There is a significant Muslim popula- is Lord of all things? Each soul tion in China, Latin America and Australia. Aren’t all Arabs “Muslim”? earns only on its own account, No. nor does any laden bear anoth- er’s load. Then unto your Lord What is the Ka’bah? is your return and He will tell The Ka’bah is the Ancient House in Mecca, Saudia Arabia, toward you that wherein ye differed. which all Muslims all over the world turn as their direction for making prayer. It is the House built by Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) and his son and Prophet, Isma’il (Ishmael). It is built on the location where G-d told Ibrahim to summon all mankind to visit this place; it is believed to be the original site of a sanctuary established by Adam. 165. He it is Who has placed you as viceroys of the earth and What is the Qur’an? has exalted some of you in rank The Qur’an is the last revealed Scripture from G-d and the Primary above others, that He may try Source of the Muslim’s Faith. you by (the test of) that which He has given you. Lo! Thy Lord What are Sunnah and Hadith? Prophet Muhammed was described by his wife, Aishah, as the Qur’an is swift in prosecution and lo! walking and his life examples and practices constitute the second most He is Forgiving, Merciful. important source for Muslims. These life examples are called Sunnah and are compiled in Hadith. What are the Five Pillars of Al-Islam? Belief in One G-d (Allah), Prayer five times a day to the One G-d, Fasting in the Month of Ramadan, Charity-giving called Zakat, and Hajj Surah 97: Al- Qadr (The Decree) or the Pilgrimage to the Sacred House, the Ka’bah, in Mecca, Saudi Ara- (Border Calligraphy: “There is no god but G-d, Muhammed is the Last Prophet.”) bia, at least once. What else do Muslims believe? Muslims believe in all the prophets from G-d, from Adam down through the chain of prophets to Muhammed, the Last. Muslims believe in all the Scriptures that the Prophets came with from G-d. Muslims believe in the Angels, the most notable in the Qur’an being Jibril (Gabri- el). Muslims believe in Life after Death or the Resurrection. Muslims believe in the Day of Judgement, when everyone will be called to reckon for their deeds before G-d. What is Jumuah? Jumuah literally means in Arabic “congregation” and is the most HADITH important day of all days to Muslims. Jumuah Prayer is on every Friday, just past midday. What is Eid? (6314) Abu Huraira reported: I heard Allah’s Messenger (may Peace Eid in Arabic literally means “recurring happiness.” There are two and Blessings be upon him) as saying: One is not strong because of celebrations every year observed by all Muslims, Eidul Fitr celebrating the completion of Ramadan and Eidul Adha celebrating the completion one’s wrestling skillfully. They said: Allah’s Messenger, then who is of Hajj. strong? He said: He who controls his anger when he is in a fit of rage. What is “G-d”? (Sahih AL BUKARI) Imam W. Deen Mohammed, leader of the largest indige- nous group of Muslims, explained that in order to show due reverence to the Name of G-d Almighty, that we not use any spelling that could in the reverse mean “dog.” June 12, 2020 MUSLIM JOURNAL 3 In Profile… ATTORNEY GENERAL KEITH ELLISON Minnesota Attorney General TAKES OVER GEORGE FLOYD MURDER CASE Keith Ellison MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. – Keith Ellison was sworn in as Minne- sota’s 30th attorney general on Jan. 7, 2019. As the People’s Law- yer, Attorney General Ellison’s job is to help Minnesotans afford their lives and live with dignity, safety, and respect. His guiding values are gener- osity and inclusion. From 2007 to 2019, Ellison rep- resented Minnesota’s 5th Con- gressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives, where he championed consumer, work- AG Keith Ellison er, environmental and civil- and human-rights protections for Congressional Progressive Cau- From left to right: Tou Thao, Derek Chauvin, J Alexander Kueng and Thomas Lane (Photo Minnesotans. cus, which he helped build to credit: Henn. Co. Jail) On June 3, 2020, Atty Gen. Keith Ellison brought charges against the four He served for 12 years on the more than 100 members. police officers in the murder of George Floyd: Tou Thao, Thomas Lane and J. Alexander Kueng House Financial Services Com- Before being elected to Con- all face aiding and abetting second-degree unintentional murder. Derek Chauvin’s murder charge mittee, where he helped oversee gress, Attorney General Ellison has been upgraded to second-degree unintentional murder.
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