550000 600000 650000 700000 750000 800000

450000 ± 450000


Order limits

Sheet boundary (offshore)

Sheet boundary (onshore) 400000 400000 350000 350000

Sheet 2 Sheet 1

Sheet 3

Sheet 4 300000 300000

Project: Report: Vanguard Development Consent Order Offshore Wind Farm


2.8 Plan of statutory/non-statutory sites or features of nature conservation (key plan)

Doc Ref: APFP Ref: Drawing No: 2.8 5(2)(l) PB4476-006-000-012

Revision: Date: Drawn: Checked: Size: Scale: 250000 250000 01 21/05/2018 LB GK A1 1:450,000

Co-ordinate system: British National Grid EPSG: 27700

0 20 40 km © Vattenfall Wind Power Ltd 2018. Contains data © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Ordnance Survey 0100031673

550000 600000 650000 700000 750000 800000 320000 340000 360000 380000 400000 420000 440000 460000 480000 500000 520000 540000

Holderness Holderness 5960000 Inshore MCZ Offshore MCZ ± 5960000

Humber Silver Pit MCZ 5940000 SPA 5940000

Lincs Belt MCZ Legend:

Order limits

Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ)¹ 5920000 5920000 Recommended Marine Conservation Zone (rMCZ)¹ MABLETHORPE Sandbanks and Saturn Reef SAC Special Area of Conservation (SAC)² Inner Dowsing, Race Bank and Candidate Special Area of Conservation (cSAC)² Wash North Ridge SAC Special Protection Area (SPA)¹ Approach MCZ Greater Wash 5900000 5900000 SPA


5880000 and 5880000 North Norfolk Coast SAC North Norfolk Cromer Shoal The Wash SPA Coast SPA Chalk Beds MCZ

Haisborough, Hammond and 5860000 Winterton SAC 5860000 NORTH WALSHAM

KING'S LYNN 5840000 5840000

NORWICH Southern GREAT YARMOUTH North Breydon Sea cSAC Water SPA

¹ Natural , 2018.

5820000 5820000 ² JNCC, 2017. LOWESTOFT Project: Report: Norfolk Vanguard Development Consent Order ELY Offshore Wind Farm


5800000 Outer Thames 5800000 Estuary SPA 2.8 Plan of statutory/non-statutory sites or features of nature conservation (offshore) Minsmere-Walberswick SPA LEISTON Doc Ref: APFP Ref: Drawing No: 2.8.1 5(2)(l) PB4476-006-000-013 Alde-Ore Estuary Revision: Date: Drawn: Checked: Size: Scale: 5780000 SPA 5780000 04 31/05/2018 GC GK A1 1:400,000 Orford Alde, Ore Inshore and Butley 03 21/05/2018 LB GK A1 1:400,000 Deben MCZ Stour and SAC Estuary Co-ordinate system: ETRS 1989 UTM Zone 31N EPSG: 25831 Orwell SPA Estuaries SPA 0 10 20 nm FELIXSTOWE 5760000 5760000 HARWICH 0 20 40 km © Vattenfall Wind Power Ltd. © Crown Copyright, 2018. All rights reserved License No. EK001-472123. Hamford NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database rights, 2018. Water SPA 320000 340000 360000 380000 400000 420000 440000 460000 480000 500000 520000 540000 630000 632000 634000 636000 638000 640000 642000 Sheet 1 ±

Sheet 2

Mundesley 336000 Cliffs 336000 SSSI


Norfolk Coast AONB Order limits Paston Great Sheet boundary Barn Paston SSSI Great Barn County Wildlife Site (CWS)¹ NNR, SAC, SSSI Proposed County Wildlife Site (pCWS)

Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)²

334000 334000 Local Nature Reserve (LNR)²

The Broads National Park²

National Nature Reserve (NNR)²

Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)² Knapton Cutting LNR Ramsar²

Paston Way Special Area of Conservation (SAC)² & Knapton Cutting CWS Special Protection Area (SPA)²

Pigney's Wood LNR & pCWS 332000 332000

Happisburgh Cliffs SSSI Spa Common CWS

Ebridge Farm Meadows CWS Fox Hill Crostwight Allotment &

330000 Heath CWS Common CWS 330000

Dyball's Allotment Crostwight CWS Common CWS Alder Carr CWS

Marram ¹ NBIS, 2018. East Ruston Hills ² Natural England, 2018. Common CWS SSSI Project: Report:

328000 328000 Norfolk Vanguard Development Consent Order Offshore Wind Farm

Title: SSSI 2.8 Plan of statutory/non-statutory sites or features of nature conservation (onshore) (map 1 of 4)

Doc Ref: APFP Ref: Drawing No: 2.8.2 5(2)(l) PB4476-006-000-014 NNR & SSSI Norfolk Revision: Date: Drawn: Checked: Size: Scale: 326000 Coast 326000 Ramsar, AONB Broadland Ramsar, 03 21/05/2018 LB GK A1 1:25,000 The Broads SAC, SPA SAC, SPA 02 30/04/2018 LB GK A1 1:25,000 Priory Meadows, Broad Fen, Hickling SSSI Dilham Co-ordinate system: British National Grid EPSG: 27700 SSSI

Broadland Ramsar, The Broads SAC, SPA

0 1 2 km Smallburgh © Vattenfall Wind Power Ltd 2018. Contains Ordnance Survey data Fen SSSI © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Ordnance Survey 0100031673

630000 632000 634000 636000 638000 640000 642000 614000 616000 618000 620000 622000 624000 626000 628000 Norfolk Sheet 2 Coast AONB

Norfolk Coast AONB 336000 ± 336000

Southrepps Common LNR Norfolk Valley Fens SAC SSSI Gunton Park Lake SSSI


334000 334000 Order limits

Sheet boundary

County Wildlife Site (CWS)¹

The Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)² Warren Ponds Head CWS Plantation Local Nature Reserve (LNR)² CWS Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)² Antingham Ponds CWS Special Area of Conservation (SAC)² 332000 332000 Totter's Hill CWS

David Hood's Meadow CWS

Vernon Wood CWS Meadow at Rugg's Hall CWS Meadows near Blickling CWS

330000 330000 (stretch 1 and Great & Stretch 2) CWS Waterloo Woods CWS The Bryant's Heath, Tollands Felmingham SSSI CWS Weavers' Bunkers Hill Way CWS Plantation CWS Blickling Hall CWS The Old Felmingham Allotments Cutting LNR CWS Long Hollands, Clump & Holly's Belt CWS Grove CWS Lodge Farm Pond Meadows CWS Wood CWS 328000 328000

Westwick Lakes SSSI ¹ NBIS, 2018. Abel Westwick ² Natural England, 2018. Heath CWS Lakes Westwick Lakes Sheet 3 SSSI Burgh Hall Woods SSSI Project: Report: & Plantation CWS Westwick Lakes SSSI Norfolk Vanguard Development Consent Order Offshore Wind Farm


Blackbridge 2.8 Plan of statutory/non-statutory sites or Wood CWS

326000 326000 features of nature conservation (onshore) (map 2 of 4) Marriott's Way CWS Warren House Lake CWS Doc Ref: APFP Ref: Drawing No: 2.8.2 5(2)(l) PB4476-006-000-014 Marsh Plantation Lake CWS Revision: Date: Drawn: Checked: Size: Scale:

The 03 21/05/2018 LB GK A1 1:25,000 Mermaid CWS Cawston 02 30/04/2018 LB GK A1 1:25,000 Park CWS Sheet 1 Co-ordinate system: British National Grid EPSG: 27700 324000 324000

Cawston and Marsham Heaths SSSI 0 1 2 km © Vattenfall Wind Power Ltd 2018. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Ordnance Survey 0100031673 Cawston Wood CWS 614000 616000 618000 620000 622000 624000 626000 628000 600000 602000 604000 606000 608000 610000 612000 614000 Sheet 3

Brake Hills Plantation& Carman's Be CWS ± Newhall Wood CWS Blackbridge Wood CWS 326000 326000

Legend: Salle Park CWS Order limits River Land adjacent Wensum to Disued Sheet boundary SSSI Railway CWS Salle Common & Adjacent County Wildlife Site (CWS)¹

324000 Land CWS 324000 Proposed County Wildlife Site (pCWS)

National Nature Reserve (NNR)²

Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)² Marriott's Way CWS Norfolk Valley Special Area of Conservation (SAC)² Fens SAC Sheet 2 Cawston Wood CWS Booton Foxley Common SSSI Wood NNR & SSSI Reepham Meadows Broomhill CWS Meadows CWS

322000 Marriott's 322000 Way CWS

Whitwell Hall CWS SAC & SSSI

Eades Hill Meadows CWS Whitwell Common SSSI Land adjacent Sparham to Whitwell Wood Sparham Common CWS CWS Gibbet Hill House Platn & Bawd Grounds CWS 320000 Heath CWS 320000

Sheet 4 Pits Lakes near Mill near Lyng Street CWS CWS Alderford River Wensum Lake Opposite Common SSSI Fustyweed CWS SAC & SSSI Swannington Upgate Sparham Common SSSI ¹ NBIS, 2018.

318000 Pools Grassland 318000 ² Natural England, 2018. River Wensum CWS North Covert adj. River SAC & SSSI Meadow CWS Wensum CWS Project: Report: Swanton Norfolk Vanguard Development Consent Order Morley Offshore Wind Farm Meadow CWS Land south of Cadder's Marriott's Way Hoe Marsh Hill CWS CWS CWS Earthworks Title: Field, Park Farm CWS 2.8 Plan of statutory/non-statutory sites or features of nature conservation (onshore) Woodgate Meadow CWS (map 3 of 4)

Doc Ref: APFP Ref: Drawing No: 316000 316000 2.8.2 5(2)(l) PB4476-006-000-014

Revision: Date: Drawn: Checked: Size: Scale:

03 21/05/2018 LB GK A1 1:25,000

02 30/04/2018 LB GK A1 1:25,000

Co-ordinate system: British National Grid EPSG: 27700

North Tuddenham Hockering Common CWS Wood SSSI

0 1 2 kmEtling © Vattenfall Wind Power Ltd 2018. Contains Ordnance Survey data 314000 Neatherd Green © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Ordnance Survey 0100031673 314000 Moor CWS CWS

600000 602000 604000 606000 608000 610000 612000 614000 586000 588000 590000 592000 594000 596000 598000 600000 Sheet 4 Horse Wood, SSSI ± 318000 318000 North Covert Land south-west West Meadow CWS of Gravel Pit CWS Hoe SSSI Meadow CWS Beetley & Hoe Meadows SSSI Beetley & Hoe Meadows CWS Common LNR Gressenhall Beetley & Hoe Green Orchard Hoe Gravel Meadows SSSI Hoe Marsh CWS Marshes CWS CWS Pit CWS Eel's Foot CWS Land west of Legend: Gressenhall Green CWS Order limits Longham Clay Dentford Pits CWS Wood CWS , Sheet boundary 316000 Gressenhall SSSI 316000 County Wildlife Site (CWS)¹

Local Nature Reserve (LNR)²

Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)² Longham Road Land south of Meadow CWS Dillington Special Area of Conservation (SAC)² Carr CWS Little Wood CWS Baker's Old Carr Wood CWS , CWS Wendling SSSI Rush Meadow SSSI Pump House

314000 Woods CWS 314000 Sheet 3 Dereham Rushmeadow Sewerage Works Road Neatherd Disused Railway Meadow CWS Moor CWS Line CWS Meadow CWS Church Farm Holly Farm Wendling Meadow CWS Meadow, Carr CWS Wendling SSSI Land near Podmore Farm CWS Scarning Meadows CWS

Potter & Scarning Fens, East Dereham SSSI Norfolk Valley Fens SAC 312000 312000

Necton Wood CWS North Grove CWS Great Wood CWS 310000 310000

¹ NBIS, 2018. ² Natural England, 2018.

Project: Report: Norfolk Vanguard Development Consent Order Offshore Wind Farm Fox Covert Land adjacent to River CWS Necton Old Title: Common CWS Wissey CWS 2.8 Plan of statutory/non-statutory sites or features of nature conservation (onshore) (map 4 of 4) 308000 308000

Doc Ref: APFP Ref: Drawing No: 2.8.2 5(2)(l) PB4476-006-000-014

Revision: Date: Drawn: Checked: Size: Scale:

03 21/05/2018 LB GK A1 1:25,000

02 30/04/2018 LB GK A1 1:25,000

Co-ordinate system: British National Grid EPSG: 27700 306000 306000

0 1 2 km © Vattenfall Wind Power Ltd 2018. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Ordnance Survey 0100031673

586000 588000 590000 592000 594000 596000 598000 600000