A List of Edible Insects Sold at the Public Market in Khon Kaen, Northeast Thailand

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A List of Edible Insects Sold at the Public Market in Khon Kaen, Northeast Thailand Southeast Asian Studies, Vol. 22, No.3, December 1984 A List of Edible Insects Sold at the Public Market in Khon Kaen, Northeast Thailand Hiroyuki WATANABE* and Rojchai SATRAWAHA** In their book Edible Insects in North­ the insects sold. The junior author has east Thailand, Varaasvapati et al. [1975] been making a study of edible insects in describe various insects eaten as food, northeastern Thailand since 1981. including stink bugs, water-scorpions, and mantids. This was followed by Mung­ A List of Edible Insects Sold at the Public korndin [1981], Forests as a Source of Food Market in Khon Kaen to Rural Communities in Thailand, which The following list covers items consist­ deals with the edible plants and animals of ing of a single insect or a main insect the whole of Thailand. Moreover, Sang­ with a small admixture of closely related pradub [1982J found that insects account species. Mixtures of diverse insects sold for 44 percent of edible invertebrates 1ll unsorted or of a main insect with other northeast Thailand. insects for bulk are beyond the scope of We have found that various insects are this list. The seasons of sale are coded sold as food at the public market in Khan as follows in the list. Kaen, a major city of northeastern Thai­ land. This paper describes 15 of these A: Most or all of the year insects, their prices, seasons and other B: Mainly the rainy season (May­ details. October) The senior author stayed 1ll Khan B': A short period at the end of the Kaen several times in the period 1979-1981 rainy season (September-October) and often visited the market and checked C: Mainly the dry season (February­ April) * iltjll51z., Division of Tropical Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Kitashirakawa, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606, Japan While some insects are sold Uve, most ** Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, are first steamed. This is indicated in Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand the list as "live" or "steamed". 316 Thai Name Scientific Name Common Name Remarks (Price, Season of Sale, etc.) Malaeng Da Na Lethocerus indicus Giant water bug Very popular food. One male, 3-5 baht; one (Maeng Da Na) Belostomatidae, (Adult) female, 2 baht. A, steamed or live. Usually (Hemiptera) used to flavor Nam Prik Malaeng Da. In late rainy season people eat the mature eggs in the ~ ovary. (Photo 1) :Ei > Malaeng Krachorn o-l Gryllotalpa ajricana Mole cricket One shallow scoop (diameter about five em, as > Z Gryllidae, (Adult) shown in the picture), 2 baht. B, live. (Photo > ttl (Orthoptera) 2) t'l III ::l Duck Dae Tua Mai Bombyx mori Silk worm Very popular food. Five scoops, r5 baht; one 0. (0 Bombycidae, (Pupa) kg, 25 baht. A, steamed. (Photo 3) ~ (Lepidoptera) o-l ~ Malaeng Tub Tow Cybis sp. Predacious diving beetle Three scoops, 5 baht; Two scoops, 1 baht ~ :r:> Dytistidae, Water beetle (Sept. - Oct.). B, steamed. (Photo 2) > (Coleoptera) (Adult) tr:l 0. Malaeng Nian Hydrous sp. Scavenger beetle Price is the same as the above. Often mixed ~ H Hydrophidae, (Adult) with the above. Steamed. ::l ~ (Coleoptera) ~ CIJ (f) Kood Chi Copris sp. Dung beetle Five small scoops, 5 baht. B, steamed. (Photo o p:: (Good Gi) Onthophagous sp. (Adult) 4) 5' Scarabaeidae, 9o (Coleoptera) ::l ~ Pong Peng Aeschnidae, Dragon fly Only large larvae are sold. One scoop, 2 baht; ~ Malaeng Ngum Libellulidae, (Larva) three scoops, 5 baht. B/, live. (Photo 5) ::l (Odonata) Ching Reed (Chi Reed) Acheta bimaculata Cricket 25 adults, 5 baht. B/, steamed. (Photo 6) Ching Klang Brachytrupes portentosus (Adult) Chi Porn Gryllidae, ~ ~ --1 (Orthoptera) C/o) 1-& 00 Thai Name Scientific Name Common Name Remarks (Price, Season of Sale, etc.) Tukkatan Locusta sp. Locust Popular food. Sometimes mixed with grasshop­ (Tucka Tan) Locustidae, (Adult) pers, mantises or green hoppers. One scoop, (Orthoptera) 1 baht; 100 gram, 3 baht. B, steamed or sometimes live. (Photo 7) Malaeng Kinoon Daeng Holotrichia sp. June beetle Daeng has metalic colored elytra, Mone has Malaeng Kinoon Mane Exopotus sp. (May beetle) dark elytra. One scoop, 1 baht. B, steamed. Scatabaeidae, (Adult) (Photo 8) (Coleoptera) Pung Apis sp. Honey bee One beehive, 5-10 baht, depending on the (Rueng Pung) Apidae, (Beehive) size and maturity of larvae. Live. (Photo 9) 1lBf (Hymenoptera) 3Rt ~ ~ Khai Mot Daeng Oecophylla smaragdina Weaving ant Two scoops, 2-5 baht; one handful, 10 baht. ~ Mae Peng Formicidae, (Larva, Pupa) Prices depend on quality, being cheaper with ~ (Hymenoptera) a higher proportion of adults. C, steamed. (Photo 10) ~ If C.:I Malaeng Tub Sternocera sp. Metalic wood borer Two adults, 1 baht. B' , live. (Photo 11) ~ Buprestidae, (Adult) (Coleoptera) Malaeng Krarm Xylotrupes gideon Hercules beetle Two adults, 1 baht. Females are preferred Duang Ma Prao Dynastidae, (Adult) because they are not pets but food. B' , live. (Coleoptera) (Photo 12) Malaeng Muan Won Notonetidae, Swimmer One small bag, 3 baht; three small spoonful, Manghua Qai (Hemiptera) (Adult) 2 baht. Usually several other aquatic insects, e. g. water boatmen, are intermixed. C?, live. H. WATANABE and .R. SATRAWAHA: Edible Insects Sold in Khan Kaen Photo 1 Giant water bug (Malaeng Da Na) Photo 2 Mole cricket mixed with water beetle (Malaeng Krachorn and Malaeng Tub Tow) 319 Photo 3 Pupa of silk worm (Duck Dae Tua Mai) Photo 4, Dung beetle (Kood Chi) 320 ------- H. WATANABE and R. SATRAWAHA: Edible Insects Sold in Khan Kaen Photo 5 Larva of dragon fly (Pong Peng, Malaeng N gum) Photo 6 Cricket (Ching Reed) 321 Photo 7 Locust (Tukkatan) Photo 8 June beetle (Malaeng Kinaan Mone) 322 H. WATANABE and R. SATRAWAHA: Edible Insects Sold in Khan Kaen Photo 9 Beehive (Fung) Photo 10 Larva of weaving ant (Khai Mot Daeng) 323 Photo 11 Metalic wood borer (Malaeng Tub) Photo 12 Hercules beetle (Malaeng Krarm, Duang Ma Prao) 324 H. WATANABE and R. SATRAWAHA: Edible Insects Sold in Khan Kaen The insects listed are important protein pictures of the insects. sources for rural people in this region and they are also saleable in urban areas, References being quality food available in quantity. Mungkorndin. Sompetch. 1981. Forests as a Source To ensure a continued supply, however, of Food to Rural Communities in Thailand. FAO Regular Programme No. RAPA 52. collection methods will need to be im­ Bangkok. proved and rearing methods established. Sangpradub, Narumon. 1982. Edible Invertebrates The authors would like to thank Miss in the Northeastern Part of Thailand. M. Sc. Thesis. Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University. ~ayoko Fujioka, who stayed in Khon Kaen (in Thai with English Summary) for two years from October, 1981 to October, Varaasvapati, Varakorn; Visuttipart, Jumnong; and Maneetorn, Chookiat. 1975. Edible In­ 1983 as a Japanese language teacher at sects in North-east Thailand. Research Note Khon Kaen University, for her kind assis­ No.7. Mahasarakam: University of Srinaka. tance in providing information and taking rinvirot. (in Thai with English Summary) 325.
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