PERMITTING CRIME: How palm oil expansion drives illegal logging in Indonesia ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS CONTENTS This document has been produced with the financial assistance of UKaid, the European Union and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD). 3 INTRODUCTION 4 TIMBER SUPPLY IN INDONESIA This report was written and edited by the 7 PLANTATION PERMITTING PROCEDURES Environmental Investigation Agency UK Ltd, and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the positions of Ukaid, the European 8 RATES OF ILLEGALITY Union, or NORAD. 10 CASE STUDIES Designed by: Printed on recycled paper 18 CORRUPTION ON THE FOREST FRONTIER December 2014 21 LAW ENFORCEMENT All images © EIA unless otherwise stated 22 ZERO DEFORESTATION TO THE RESCUE? 23 STEMMING THE ILLEGAL TIMBER FLOW 24 CLOSING THE FOREST CONVERSION LOOPHOLE 26 RECOMMENDATIONS 27 REFERENCES ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATION AGENCY (EIA) 62/63 Upper Street, London N1 0NY, UK Tel: +44 (0) 20 7354 7960 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7354 7961 email:
[email protected] GLOSSARY OF TERMS: AMDAL: Environmental Impact Assessment EIA US IPK: Timber Utilization Permit P.O.Box 53343 Washington DC 20009 USA IUP: Plantation Business Permit Tel: +1 202 483 6621 Fax: +202 986 8626 JPIK: Independent Forestry Monitoring Network email:
[email protected] Regency: Kabupaten, an administrative unit beneath the Province Regent: Bupati, the head of a regency or kabupaten SK-PKH: Decree of Forest Estate Release FRONT COVER: Forest cleared for oil palm in SVLK: Timber Legality Verification System Lamandau, Kalteng, September 2013. BACK COVER: Forest in Gunung Mas, Kalteng, October 2014 INTRODUCTION In June 2013, the Government of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, announced the latest in a long line of attempts to rein in hundreds of oil palm plantation companies operating in violation of the law.