Post Office Ltd

Network Change Programme

Area Plan Proposal for , and


1. Introduction 2. Proposed Local Area Plan 3. The Role of Postwatch 4. Proposed Outreach service Points 5. List of Post Office® branches proposed for “Outreach” 6. List of Post Office® branches proposed for closure 7. List of Post Office® branches proposed to remain in the Network

• Frequently Asked Questions Leaflet • Map of the Local Area Plan • Branch Access Reports - information on proposed closing branches and details of alternative branches in the Area

1. Introduction

The Government has recognised that fewer people are using Post Office® branches, partly because traditional services, including benefit payments and other services are now available in other ways, such as online or directly through banks. It has concluded that the overall size and shape of the network of Post Office® branches (“the Network”) needs to change.

In May 2007, following a national public consultation, the Government announced a range of proposed measures to modernise and reshape the Network and put it on a more stable footing for the future. A copy of the Government’s response to the national public consultation (“the Response Document”) can be obtained at

Post Office Ltd has now put in place a Network Change Programme (“the Programme”) to implement the measures proposed by the Government. The Programme will involve the compulsory compensated closure (subject to EU State Aid clearance) of up to 2,500 Post Office® branches (out of a current Network of 14,300 branches), with the introduction of about 500 service points known as “Outreaches” to mitigate the impact of the proposed closures. Subject to EU State Aid clearance, compensation will be paid to those subpostmasters whose branches are compulsorily closed under the Programme.

To support the necessary changes to the Network and put it on a more stable footing and to support the reshaped Network of the future, the Government has proposed an investment of up to £1.7bn as a funding package. This funding package is subject to State Aid clearance by the European Commission.

The majority of Post Office® branches - more than 80% - will not change as a result of the Programme. Post Office Ltd is seeking to implement those changes that do take place as efficiently and sensitively as possible.

One of the key ways in which Post Office Ltd will make sure that people continue to have the best possible access to Post Office® services is by applying the minimum access criteria prescribed by the Government in the Response Document:


• 99% of the UK population to be within 3 miles and 90% of the population to be within 1 mile of their nearest Post Office® branch.

• 99% of the total population in deprived urban1 areas across the UK to be within 1 mile of their nearest Post Office® branch.

• 95% of the total urban2 population across the UK to be within 1 mile of their nearest Post Office® branch.

• 95% of the total rural3 population across the UK to be within 3 miles of their nearest Post Office® branch.

1 Deprived urban – The most disadvantaged urban parts of the UK based on the Indices of Multiple Deprivation (top 15% Super Output Areas in , 15% of Data Zones in Scotland and 30% of Super Output Areas in Wales and Northern Ireland).

2 Urban – A community with 10,000 or more inhabitants in a continuous built up area.

3 Rural – A community not covered by the definition of Urban above. In addition, for each individual postcode district:

• 95% of the population of the postcode district to be within 6 miles of their nearest Post Office® branch.

Changes to the Network can only take place within the prescribed access criteria.

In order to deliver the changes set out in the Response Document, Post Office Ltd has divided the UK into 47 areas (“Areas”). For each of these Areas Post Office Ltd will develop a local area plan proposal (“Area Plan Proposal”) which will set out the changes that it proposes to make within it. The Area Plan Proposal for Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland has been developed and in this booklet you will find information on the changes proposed for Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland. Full details of the Area Plan Proposal for Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland are available on our website or by contacting us at the address given below.

When developing the Area Plan Proposal for Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland, Post Office Ltd analysed a number of factors. These included the proximity of the Post Office® branches proposed for closure to other nearby branches, the number of customers currently using a particular Post Office® branch, the size and ability of nearby branches to absorb extra customers, and the commercial implications of any decision for Post Office Ltd.

Post Office Ltd has also taken into account obstacles such as rivers, mountains and valleys, motorways and sea crossings to islands in order to avoid undue hardship to customers. In addition, the availability of public transport, alternative access to key Post Office® services (such as cash withdrawals, bill payments, mail services), local demographics and the impact on local economies have all been considered. Post Office Ltd has sought information from a number of external organisations and people, including subpostmasters, local authorities and regional development agencies to assist with this process.

Postwatch, the independent consumer watchdog for postal services, has worked with us in assessing the options for change during the period leading up to the publication of the Area Plan Proposal. Post Office Ltd has also engaged with other stakeholders, including relevant MPs.

Local Public Consultation

Each Area Plan Proposal is subject to local public consultation to ensure that the views of local people are taken into account before any final decisions are made by Post Office Ltd.

The local public consultation on the Area Plan Proposal for Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland will commence on 20th November 2007.

Normally, the local public consultation will last for a period of six weeks. Exceptionally in this instance we have extended public consultation by 10 calendar days to allow for the holiday period over Christmas and New Year. Therefore, the closing date for feedback is 10th January 2008. Please send your views and comments in writing regarding access to future Post Office® services in this Area to the address detailed below (payment of postage is not required to a Freepost address). Please note that your comments will not be kept confidential unless you expressly ask us to do so by clearly marking them ‘In Confidence’.

Mark Partington Network Development Manager C/o National Consultation Team FREEPOST CONSULTATION TEAM

Email: [email protected] Customer Helpline: 08457 22 33 44

2. The Area Plan Proposal for Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland

Post Office Ltd is acutely aware of the concerns that changes – including closures – affecting Post Office® branches in the Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland area will cause. In fulfilling the Government’s requirement to reduce the overall size of the Post Office® network (“the Network”) – and to do so in a way which creates similar results across the UK as a whole, and ensures that no group of inhabitants at an area level is overall significantly more adversely affected than any other – we are proposing to retain a total of 318 Post Office® branches across the region, but to close 52 existing branches, as well as establish 7 outreach service points which would use innovative ways to continue to provide Post Office services in some areas where the existing branch is proposed for closure.

If these proposed changes take place, Post Office Ltd will remain the largest retailer by network size in the county, and will still have more branches open than the number of branches of major banks and building societies combined. More than 99.2% of the population will see no change to the branch that they currently use or will remain within one mile of an alternative outlet.

At present the area’s 1.55 million residents are served by a total of 370 branches. Usage of Post Office® branches is falling, in line with national trends, as more customers access services at other places, make more use of the internet and have their Government benefits paid directly into bank accounts.

This Area Plan Proposal supports achievement of the national accessibility criteria set by the Government, forms part of an overall reduction in the number of branches by up to 2,500 across the UK and does not disproportionately affect the inhabitants of the area relative to other parts of the UK.

In addition to meeting these criteria, when preparing this Area Plan Proposal Post Office Ltd has considered factors relating to geography, the availability of local transport and alternative access to key Post Office® services, local demographics and the impact on local economies. All branches where changes are proposed have been visited by members of Post Office Ltd’s staff to make sure that local factors that needed to be considered in developing an Area Plan Proposal have been assessed first hand.

Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland communities are diverse in nature – from densely populated urban areas in and around and Northampton to the predominantly rural districts of South Northamptonshire, and East Northamptonshire and the County of Rutland. 45% of the population live in rural communities and 55% in urban towns and cities. In order to meet the Government's access criteria and avoid undue hardship, Post Office Ltd is proposing a future Network in the region comprising 126 branches in urban towns and cities and 192 branches in rural areas.

The needs of those living in communities defined as deprived have been carefully considered in this Area Plan Proposal, reflecting the specific national criteria set by the Government to give greater safeguards on the accessibility of branches in these communities. Some 8% of the region’s total population live in deprived communities, 94% of them in urban areas and 6% in rural areas. This proposal of future Network provision in Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland provides for 18 branches being solely located in deprived communities.

Post Office Ltd has engaged with various stakeholders when preparing this Area Plan Proposal. We have consulted with the independent consumer watchdog on postal services, Postwatch, and have asked all local authorities within the Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland area to provide information and views relevant to the factors which we are able to consider. Our aim throughout has been to minimise the impact, as far as possible, on our customers and to produce the most effective overall proposal for the future.

In our conversations with stakeholders we have been made aware of regeneration plans covering the period to 2021 which affect areas within the overall proposal, and we have taken these into consideration when constructing the Area Plan. These include submissions from Corby Borough Council and Leicester City Council. Our proposed Network for the Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland area takes account of the locations affected by these and other schemes, their likely implementation timescales, and has regard to the needs of the communities affected by these changes. We will keep provision under review should demand increase beyond anticipated levels in the future.

Corby Borough Council and Leicester City Council have also advised us of their future plans for work on, and investment in, a number of road schemes and transport services. The input that we have received regarding public transport provision does not suggest any proposed reduction in current provision which could leave branches significantly less accessible for particular communities, or make it more difficult for customers to access alternative branches than at present.

In finalising the Area Plan Proposal all branches were carefully considered against the Government’s minimum access criteria which Post Office Ltd must meet, and has had regard to the other factors that we must consider. More than 9% of the initial Area Plan Proposal has been changed as those factors were reviewed and as information from stakeholders was considered and assessed.

Future service provision:

The Area Plan Proposal envisages a Post Office® Network of 318 branches in the Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland area, which ensures that Post Office Ltd would comply with the minimum access criteria set by the Government. For 92.2% of customers this would mean no change to the Post Office® branch that they currently use.

The network now proposed for Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland continues to offer better access to services than that of any similar organisation, while accepting the Government’s decision to reduce overall branch numbers. Subject to the Government’s overriding criteria, we have considered geography, transport provision, demographics and local economic impact where appropriate. We are pleased to maintain 65 branches that support the only essential retailer in their community and 125 that provide the only access to cash in a particular community.

The Area Plan Proposal includes provision of Post Office services through innovative outreach solutions in 7 locations. In each instance the outreach solution would be located within the same community as an existing Post Office branch and provide Post Office services for a designated number of hours per week. Possible types of outreach service in the Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland area could include a mobile service visiting small communities at set times, a hosted service operated within third party premises for restricted hours each week or a partner service within the premises of a local partner (such as a landlord).

Outreach services are proposed in some rural areas within the Corby; ; Rutland and Melton, constituencies.

Post Office Ltd understands the importance of its role in both urban and rural communities and is keen to continue to provide access to services for as many customers in as many of these communities as possible. We have also considered the relative convenience of alternative branches for those customers whose closest branch is proposed for closure.

Of the 7.8% of customers who use a branch that will close, 7% would have access to Post Office® services within one mile as measured by road distance (2% being within half a mile of their nearest alternative). In total 99.2% of the population will either see no change, or will be within one mile of an alternative branch.

Next steps….

During the local public consultation we will seek views on the proposed future service provision in the region as outlined in this Area Plan Proposal.

Subject to the conclusion of the local public consultation period and after consideration of feedback received, no changes would be implemented before March 2008

Post Office Ltd is at a crucial point. Customer numbers are falling, customer habits are changing and many of our traditional services are available elsewhere. It is essential that the changes, which include a reduction in the number of branches, are made if the Network is to have a sustainable future. We therefore welcome your views and comments regarding access to future Post Office® services in this area. In particular we ask for your views on accessibility to the nearest Post Office® branch.


The consumer watchdog

Postwatch is the independent watchdog for postal services, created by the Postal Services Act 2000. Postwatch is working with Post Office Ltd and local communities throughout the programme to help secure the best possible outcome for customers.

What Postwatch will do

Postwatch operates through nine regional and national committees across the UK. Postwatch’s role during the programme – prescribed by government - is to scrutinise Post Office Ltd’s proposals and give feedback, ensure local consultations are meaningful, and that Post Office Ltd’s decisions are sensible and in line with government criteria.

Each Postwatch regional office investigates Post Office Ltd’s closure proposals. Postwatch receives area plans in advance of public consultation, allowing the time to examine proposals, and Post Office Ltd the chance to refine their proposals before going to public consultation.

Once public consultation is underway, Postwatch works to raise awareness of local consultations, and encourage participation. Postwatch will also work to ensure the minimum access criteria set out by the government are maintained.

Where Postwatch thinks proposals are unsatisfactory, they will work with local communities and Post Office Ltd to address these problems. There is an agreed review mechanism between Postwatch and Post Office Ltd for such instances. It is important to note that Postwatch does not have a power of veto on Post Office Ltd’s decisions.

Further information

Postwatch and Post Office Ltd have agreed a Memorandum of Understanding, which sets out in detail the role Postwatch will play in the Programme. This is available on the Postwatch website at

4. Proposed Outreach Service Points

Outreach service is an innovative way to continue to provide Post Office® services in some areas where we may need to close a Post Office® branch. The outreach service will be located within the same community as the current Post Office® branch and provide Post Office® services for a designated number of hours per week.

There are four possible types of outreach service:

The Mobile Service is a travelling Post Office® situated within a van operated by the core subpostmaster or his assistants that will visit small communities at set times and days each week to deliver certain Post Office® products and services to customers.

The Hosted Service is a fixed site Post Office® branch from which the core subpostmaster or his assistants transact certain Post Office® products and services during restricted hours each week. The premises are owned by a third party, for example, a shop or community centre.

The Partner Service is a fixed site Post Office® where a local partner (such as a pub landlord), appointed by the core subpostmaster, transacts certain Post Office® products and services from the partner’s own premises during the opening hours of the partner’s business.

The Home Service is a service for very small communities whereby the core subpostmaster delivers a reduced range of Post Office® products and services which are ordered over the telephone by customers. The products may either be delivered to the customer’s home or at a local drop-in session. There will not be a physical Post Office® building in the community.

For each of these services an established subpostmaster (known as the “core” subpostmaster) will travel into a nearby community to provide a local Post Office® service; in addition to running their own Post Office® branch.

Over the past 18 months, 70 Outreach access points have been trialled. These services have been provided by 28 core branches, and this also draws on our experience of successfully operating over 250 ‘satellite’ branches since 2000

Post Office Ltd is proposing to introduce a number of Outreach service points as part of this Area Plan and is actively working to develop suitable proposals for the branches proposed for replacement Outreach services detailed within this booklet.

We would therefore like to seek views from our customers and their representatives on the hosted outreach services proposed for Somerby and Tilton-on-the-Hill and in the communities of Barnwell, Buckminster, Clopton, Old Dalby and we are seeking feedback as to which of the current Outreach models they think would be appropriate and would welcome any suggestions regarding suitable locations within the local community. Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland area - Post Office branches proposed for Hosted outreach services

Post Office® Somerby branch High Street, Somerby, , LE14 2PZ

Post Office Ltd is proposing to close Somerby Post Office® branch on a permanent basis and to mitigate the impact of the proposed closure we propose to put in place a Hosted Service. The proposed Hosted Service would be operated from the existing location, offering the same range of services and facilities for 8 hours each week; opening times to be confirmed following the outcome of the Local Public Consultation.

Post Office services can also be accessed at the following branches in the area: branch Valley Road branch Thorpe Satchville branch Market Place 52-54 Valley Road 17 Main Street Oakham Melton Mowbray Thorpe Satchville LE15 6DX LE13 0DX Melton Mowbray LE14 2DQ

Post Office® Tilton-on-the-Hill branch Leicester Road, Tilton-on-the-Hill, Leicester, LE7 9DB

Post Office Ltd is proposing to close Tilton-on-the-Hill Post Office® branch on a permanent basis and to mitigate the impact of the proposed closure we propose to put in place a Hosted Service. The proposed Hosted Service would be operated from the existing location, offering the same range of services and facilities for 10 hours each week; opening times to be confirmed following the outcome of the Local Public Consultation.

Post Office services can also be accessed at the following branches in the area: branch Houghton-on-the-Hill Thorpe Satchville branch 7 Church Street branch 17 Main Street Leicester 6 St Catherines Way Thorpe Satchville LE7 9AE Houghton-on-the-Hill Melton Mowbray Leicester LE14 2DQ LE7 9HE

Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland area - Post Office branches proposed for Outreach

Proposed Outreach Branch Name Address Town/City Postcode Constituency Local Authority Hours East Northamptonshire District Council / Northamptonshire Barnwell Barnwell Peterborough PE8 5PG Corby County Council 12 East Northamptonshire District Council / Northamptonshire Clopton Home Farm Kettering NN14 3DZ Corby County Council 2 Charnwood Borough Council / 35 Far Street, Leicestershire Wymeswold Wymeswold Loughborough LE12 6TZ Loughborough County Council 14 Melton Borough Council / Main Street, Rutland Leicestershire Buckminster Buckminster Grantham NG33 5SA and Melton County Council 9 Harborough Leicester Road, District Council / Tilton- Tilton- Rutland Leicestershire On-The-Hill On-The-Hill Leicester LE7 9DB and Melton County Council 10 Melton Borough Council / Chapel Lane, Melton Rutland Leicestershire Old Dalby Old Dalby Mowbray LE14 3LA and Melton County Council 9 Melton Borough Council / High Street, Melton Rutland Leicestershire Somerby Somerby Mowbray LE14 2PZ and Melton County Council 8

Page 1 of 1 Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland area - Post Office branches proposed for closure Branch Name Address Town/City Postcode Constituency Local Authority Council / Arnesby Road Leicester LE8 5UT Leicestershire County Council & Bosworth Higham 44 Main Street, Borough Council / On The Hill Higham On The Hill Nuneaton CV13 6AH Bosworth Leicestershire County Council Hinckley & Bosworth Village Hall, Station Road, Borough Council / Bagworth Bagworth Leicestershire LE67 1BH Bosworth Leicestershire County Council 11 Main Street Barkby LE7 3QG Charnwood Charnwood Borough Council 48 Station Road, Charnwood Borough Council / Cropston Leicester LE7 7HD Charnwood Leicestershire County Council Kingsgate (formerly known 3a Kingsgate Avenue, Charnwood Borough Council / as Greengate) Birstall Leicester LE4 3HD Charnwood Leicestershire County Council Hinckley & Bosworth Newtown 550 Bradgate Road, Borough Council / Linford Newton Lindford Leicester LE6 0HB Charnwood Leicestershire County Council East Northamptonshire District Council / 26 High Street, Northamptonshire Collyweston Collyweston Stamford PE9 3PW Corby County Council Corby Borough Council / Occupation Northamptonshire Road 53 Occupation Road Corby NN17 1ED Corby County Council Corby Borough Council / Northamptonshire Stanion 5 High Street, Stanion Kettering NN14 1DF Corby County Council Corby Borough Council / Northamptonshire Burghley Drive 44/46 Burghley Drive Corby NN18 8EB Corby County Council South Northamptonshire Council / 1 Towcester Road, Northamptonshire Old Stratford Old Stratford Milton Keynes MK19 6AN County Council Council / Northamptonshire The Green, Badby Nr Daventry NN11 3AF Daventry County Council Daventry District Council / Northamptonshire Upper Harlestone Northampton NN7 4EH Daventry County Council Daventry District Council / Millbrook, Windmill Lane, Northamptonshire Staverton Staverton Daventry NN11 6JL Daventry County Council

Page 1 of 4 Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland area - Post Office branches proposed for closure

South Northamptonshire George & Dragon, Council / 1 Silver Street, Northamptonshire Chacombe Chacombe Banbury OX17 2JR Daventry County Council Daventry District Council / Northamptonshire Newnham The Green, Newnham Daventry NN11 3HB Daventry County Council Daventry District Council / 29 , Northamptonshire Church Stowe Weedon Northampton NN7 4SG Daventry County Council Main Street, Harborough District Council / Burton Overy Burton Overy Leicester LE8 9DP Harborough Leicestershire County Council Connaught 19/21 Connaught District Council / Road Road Harborough LE16 7NG Harborough Leicestershire County Council & Wigston 283 Leicester Road, Borough Council / Wigston Fields Wigston Leicester LE18 1JW Harborough Leicestershire County Council Kettering Borough Council / Grafton Northamptonshire Underwood 31 Grafton Underwood Kettering NN14 3AA Kettering County Council Kettering Borough Council / Hawthorn Northamptonshire Road 102 Hawthorn Road Kettering NN15 7JJ Kettering County Council Kettering Borough Council / Northamptonshire Weekley The Village PO Kettering NN16 9UN Kettering County Council 8 Middle Lane, Market Kettering Borough Council / Stoke Albany Harborough LE16 8QA Kettering Leicestershire County Council Gipsy Lane 43 Gipsy Lane Leicester LE4 6RD Leicester East Leicester City Council Willow Brook Road 2 Road Leicester LE5 0DE Leicester East Leicester City Council Walnut Street 103 Walnut Street Leicester LE2 7LA Leicester South Leicester City Council Francis Street 7/11 Francis Street Leicester LE2 2BE Leicester South Leicester City Council Guthridge 21 Guthridge Crescent, Crescent Braunstone Estate Leicester LE3 1JL Leicester West Leicester City Council Henley Road 1 Petworth Drive Leicester LE3 9RF Leicester West Leicester City Council Charnwood Borough Council / Ashby Road 100 Ashby Road Loughborough LE11 3AA Loughborough Leicestershire County Council Charnwood Borough Council / Ratcliffe Road 145 Meadow Lane Loughborough LE11 1JX Loughborough Leicestershire County Council Walton 34 Loughborough Road, Charnwood Borough Council / Le Wolds Loughborough LE12 8HT Loughborough Leicestershire County Council North West Leicestershire 16 High Street, Ashby- North West District Council / Packington Packington De-La- LE65 1WH Leicestershire Leicestershire County Council

Page 2 of 4 Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland area - Post Office branches proposed for closure North West Leicestershire North West District Council / Heather 1 Main Street, Heather LE67 2QP Leicestershire Leicestershire County Council Northampton Borough Council / Northampton Northamptonshire Boothville 3 Booth Lane North Northampton NN3 6JE North County Council Northampton Borough Council / Broadmead Northampton Northamptonshire Avenue 65 Broadmead Avenue Northampton NN3 2RA North County Council Northampton Borough Council / Northampton Northamptonshire Queens Park 147 Kingsley Road Northampton NN2 7BT North County Council Brookside Centre, Northampton Lumbertubs Billingbrook Road Northampton NN3 8NQ North Northampton Borough Council Northampton Borough Council / Gloucester 42-44 Gloucester Avenue, Northampton Northamptonshire Avenue Delapre Northampton NN4 8QF North County Council South Northamptonshire Council / 18 High Street, Northampton Northamptonshire Milton Malsor Milton Malsor Northampton NN7 3AS South County Council Northampton Borough Council / Northampton Northamptonshire Regent Square 5 Campbell Street Northampton NN1 3DS South County Council Northampton Borough Council / Northampton Northamptonshire High Street Weston Favell Northampton NN3 3JW South County Council Rutland Rutland County Council Exton 22 Stamford Road, Exton Oakham LE15 8AZ and Melton 39/39A Main Street, Rutland Rutland County Council Whissendine Whissendine Oakham LE15 7ES and Melton Melton Borough Council / Melton Rutland Leicestershire Stonesby 4 Back Lane, Stonesby Mowbray LE14 4PT and Melton County Council Wellingborough Borough Council / Great 80 High Street, Northamptonshire Doddington Great Doddington Wellingborough NN29 7TH Wellingborough County Council

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Wellingborough Borough Council / Northamptonshire Alexandra Road 88 Alexandra Road Wellingborough NN8 1EE Wellingborough County Council Wellingborough Borough Council / 38 Main Street, Northamptonshire Little Harrowden Little Harrowden Wellingborough NN9 5BB Wellingborough County Council Wellingborough Borough Council / 1 Milton Road, Northamptonshire Little Irchester Little Irchester Wellingborough NN8 2DY Wellingborough County Council Wellingborough Borough Council / Northamptonshire Swinburne Road 28 Swinburne Road Wellingborough NN8 3RW Wellingborough County Council

Page 4 of 4 Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland area - Post Office branches to remain in the Network Branch Name Address Town/City Postcode Abbey Lane 202 Abbey Lane Leicester LE4 0DA Anstey 11 Bradgate Road, Anstey Leicester LE7 7AB Appleby Magna 26 Mawbys Lane, Appleby Magna Swadlincote DE12 7AA Braybrook Road, Arthingworth Market Harborough LE16 8JT 3 Bradgate Lane, Asfordby Melton Mowbray LE14 3YD Ashby De La Zouch 19/21 Market Street Ashby-De-La-Zouch LE65 1AF Astill Lodge 218 Astill Lodge Road Leicester LE4 1EF 1 Earl Russell Street, Aylestone Leicester LE2 8LH Aylestone Park 170 Knighton Lane Leicester LE2 8BF Aylmer Road 7 Aylmer Road Leicester LE3 1NA Aynho Aynho Village Hall, Croughton Road, Aynho nr Banbury OX17 3AP Ayston Road 10 Ayston Road, Braunstone Leicester LE3 2GA Barby 5 Rugby Road, Barby Rugby CV23 8UA Barkby Road 34 Barkby Road Leicester LE4 9HL Barkestone (serve and store) Corner House, 18 Chapel Street, Barkestone NG13 0HE Bagworth Road, Barlestone Nuneaton CV13 0EG Barley Croft 7 Oronsay Road, Beaumont Leys Leicester LE4 0RT Barrow On Soar 20 High Street, Barrow On Soar Loughborough LE12 8PY Barry Road The Co-op store, Barry Road Northampton NN1 5JS Barton 47 St Botolphs Road Kettering NN15 6SR Barwell 47 High Street, Barwell Leicester LE9 8DS Bedford Square 50 Wards End Loughborough LE11 3HB Belle Vue 65 Moore Road, Barwell Leicester LE9 8AF Billesdon 7 Church Street Leicester LE7 9AE Birchfield Road 178 Birchfield Road Northampton NN3 2HG Birstall 3 Hannah Parade, Stonehill Ave, Birstall Leicester LE4 4JE Bitteswell (serve and store) Bitteswell Village Hall, Manor Road, Bitteswell Leicester LE17 4RZ Blaby 1 Leicester Road, Blaby Leicester LE8 4GR Blackfordby Village Hall, Sandtop Lane, Blackfordby Blackfordby Swadlincote DE11 8AL

Blackthorn Bridge Court Bridge Court, Blackthorn Northampton NN3 8QH Blakesley High Street, Blakesley Towcester NN12 8RS Blisworth 17-19 High Street, Blisworth Northampton NN7 3BJ Bottesford G.T.News, 20 High Street, Bottesford Nottingham NG13 0AA Bozeat 3 Camden Square Wellingborough NN29 7JH Brackley 30 High Street Brackley NN13 7DU Brackley Close 32 Brackley Close Leicester LE4 9BH Brafield 31 Bedford Road, Brafield On The Green Northampton NN7 1BD 50 High Street, Braunston Daventry NN11 7HR Braunstone Frith 29 Sharmon Crescent Leicester LE3 6NW Breedon On The Hill Pinnacle Stores, Main Street Breedon on the Hill DE73 8AN

Page 1 of 8 Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland area - Post Office branches to remain in the Network Brigstock Brigstock News, 34-36 High Street, Brigstock Kettering NN14 3HA 5 Hunters Way, Brixworth Northampton NN6 9EL The Corner Store - P & A Stores, Broughton 1 Northampton Road, Broughton Kettering NN14 1NR 134 Station Road, Broughton Astley Leicester LE9 6PW Bugbrooke 32 High Street, Bugbrooke Northampton NN7 3PA Burbage 69 Church Street, Burbage Hinckley LE10 2DA Burton Latimer 10 Churchill Way, Burton Latimer Kettering NN15 5RU Bushland Road 13-14 Bushland Road Northampton NN3 2NS Byfield Acorn Stores, 29 High Street Byfield NN11 6XQ Caldecott (serve and store) 5 The Green, Caldecott Market Harborough LE16 8RR Camp Hill Rainbow Pharmacy, Hunsbury Hill Road Northampton NN4 9UW Castle Donington 47-49 Borough Street, Castle Donington Derby DE74 2LB Charlton Main Street, Charlton Charlton OX17 3DP Charnwood Road 147 Charnwood Road, Loughborough LE12 9NL Checklands 26 Lonsdale Road, Leicester LE4 8JF Clarendon Park 83 Queens Road Leicester LE2 1TT Clifton Way (Temporarily closed) 2 Clifton Way Hinckley LE10 0XN Coalville 8-9 Marlborough Square Coalville LE67 3WD Coalville East 107 Road, Coalville Leicester LE67 3JE Cogenhoe 54 Station Road, Cogenhoe Northampton NN7 1LU Coleorton Lower Moor Road, Coleorton Leicester LE67 8FJ Co-Operative Society Ltd, Corby Alexandra Road Corby NN17 1PE Cosby 11-13 The Nook, Cosby Leicester LE9 1RQ Cottesmore 36 Main Street, Cottesmore Oakham LE15 7DJ 69 Station Road, Countesthorpe Leicester LE8 5TB Road 300 Coventry Road Hinckley LE10 0NQ 27 High Street, Creaton Northampton NN6 8NA Crick 86 Main Road, Crick Northampton NN6 7TX Croft 5 Pochin Street, Croft Leicester LE9 3HA Croxton Kerrial 6 Main Street, Croxton Kerrial Grantham NG32 1QW Dallington 77 Gladstone Road Northampton NN5 7EG Danesholme 13 Neighbourhood Centre, Danesholme Corby NN18 9EJ Daventry 37 Sheaf Street Daventry NN11 4AA Deanshanger 2 High Street, Deanshanger Milton Keynes MK19 6HB Delapre 100 Towcester Road Northampton NN4 8LQ Derby Road 3/5 Derby Road Hinckley LE10 1QD Desborough 6 Havelock Street, Desborough Kettering NN14 2LU 23 High Street, Desford Leicester LE9 9JF Donisthorpe Community Centre, Donisthorpe Swadlincote DE12 7PG Dunston Dunston Village Hall Dunston LE4 2EW 11 Main Street, Dunton Bassett Lutterworth LE17 5JH

Page 2 of 8 Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland area - Post Office branches to remain in the Network 5 Station Road, Earl Shilton Leicester LE9 7GH Earls Barton 37 The Square Northampton NN6 0NA 6 Merchants Common, East Goscote Leicester LE7 3XR Easton On Hill 3 Westfields, Easton On The Hill Stamford PE9 3LY Eaton Village Hall, 2 Vicarage Lane Eaton NG32 1SP Ecton Brook Ecton Brook Road, Ecton Brook Northampton NN3 5EN Edinburgh Square 3 Edinburgh Square Daventry NN11 9BW Edith Weston Off Church Lane, Edith Weston Oakham LE15 8HG Edmondthorpe 5 Main Street, Edmondthorpe Melton Mowbray LE14 2JU Edmund Street 84 Edmund Street, Kettering Northampton NN16 0HU Ellistown 190-192 Whitehill Road, Ellistown Leicester LE67 1EQ Empingham Methodist Chapel, Main Street, Empingham Empingham Oakham LE15 8PR Enderby 12 Mill Lane, Enderby Leicester LE19 4NW Essendine (serve and store) 6 Glen Crescent, Essendine Stamford PE9 4LP Evenley 23 The Green, Evenley Brackley NN13 5SQ 19-21 Main Street, Evington Leicester LE5 6DN Evington Road 189 Evington Road Leicester LE2 1QN Eyres Monsell 20/21 The Exchange Leicester LE2 9BA Finedon 89 Wellingborough Road Wellingborough NN9 5LG 14 High Street, Fleckney Leicester LE8 8AJ Flore 50a High Street, Flore Northampton NN7 4LW Forest Road 259 Forest Road Loughborough LE11 3HT Frisby News, 17 Main Street, Frisby On The Wreake Melton Mowbray LE14 2NJ Fullhurst Avenue 8 Fullhurst Avenue Leicester LE3 1BH Gayton 17 High Street, Gayton Northampton NN7 3HD Geddington 15 Queen Street, Geddington Kettering NN14 1AZ Gilmorton Village Stores, Main Street Gilmorton LE17 5LS Glenfield The Square Glenfield LE3 8DQ Glenhills 3 Carvers Corner, Grange Drive, Leicester LE2 9PE (serve and store) 8 Main Street, Goadby Marwood Melton Mowbray LE14 4LN Goldings Goldings Local Centre Northampton NN3 8XW Unit 3, Gorse Covert Shopping Centre, Gorse Covert Maxwell Drive Loughborough LE11 4RZ Grange Place 7 Grange Place Kettering NN16 0NT Grangeway 7 Grangeway Shopping Precinct Rushden NN10 9JE Great Bowden 28 The Green, Great Bowden Market Harborough LE16 7EU Great Brington 47 Main Street, Great Brington Northampton NN7 4JA Great Easton 6 High Street, Great Easton Market Harborough LE16 8ST Great Glen 11 Stretton Road, Great Glen Leicester LE8 9GN Greatworth The Green, Greatworth Banbury OX17 2EA Greenhill Cropston Drive, Coalville Leicester LE67 4HT

Page 3 of 8 Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland area - Post Office branches to remain in the Network Greenhill Rise 65 Greenhill Rise Corby NN18 0LR Greens Norton 17 High Street, Greens Norton Towcester NN12 8BA Greetham 26 Main Street, Greetham Oakham LE15 7NL Gretton 48 High Street, Gretton Corby NN17 3DE 32 Leicester Road, Groby Leicester LE6 0DJ The Former Surgery, High Street, Guilsborough Northampton NN6 8PU Hackleton Main Road, Hackleton Northampton NN7 2AD Glebe Farm, Hallaton Market Harborough LE16 8TY (serve and store) 3 Manor Road Northampton NN6 9ES Harby 10 Burden Lane, Harby Melton Mowbray LE14 4BB Hardingstone 137 Bouverie Road, Hardingstone Northampton NN4 6EG Hartwell 16 Forest Road Northampton NN7 2HE 12 Cross Street, Hathern Loughborough LE12 5LB The Green, Hellidon Daventry NN11 6GF The Reading Rooms, Church Street, Helmdon Helmdon Northants NN13 5QJ Higham Ferrers 2 Wharf Road, Higham Ferrers Rushden NN10 8BQ Highlands 9 Coppice Drive Northampton NN3 6ND Hinckley 22 Station Road Hinckley LE10 1BA Holwell Main Street, Holwell Melton Mowbray LE14 4SZ Hose Mantles Yard, The Green, Hose Melton Mowbray LE14 4JP Houghton-On-The-Hill 6 St Catherines Way, Leicester LE7 9HE Hugglescote 9 Central Road, Hugglescote Coalville LE67 2FH 8 Main Street, Huncote Leicester LE9 3AU Husbands Bosworth 2 High Street, Husbands Bosworth Lutterworth LE17 6LH Ibstock 118/120 High Street, Ibstock Leicester LE67 6LJ Imperial Avenue 248 Narborough Road Leicester LE3 2AP Irchester 2 Wollaston Road, Irchester Wellingborough NN29 7DE Irthlingborough 10 High Street, Irthlingborough Wellingborough NN9 5TN 2 Church Gate, Kegworth Derby DE74 2ED Keightley Road 91 Keightley Road Leicester LE3 9LQ Kettering 17 Lower Street Kettering NN16 8AA Ketton 60 High Street, Ketton Stamford PE9 3TE Kibworth Beauchamp 40/42 High Street, Kibworth Leicester LE8 0HQ 11 Independent Street, Kilsby Rugby CV23 8XL Kings Cliffe 1 West Street, Kingscliffe Peterborough PE8 6XB Kings Sutton 1 Bulls Lane, Kings Sutton Banbury OX17 3RA Kingsley Park 2 Kingsley Park Terrace Northampton NN2 7HG Kingsthorpe Kingsthorpe Local Centre Northampton NN2 7BD 34 Main Street, Kirby Muxloe Leicester LE9 2AL Kislingbury 29 Church Lane, Kislingbury Northampton NN7 4AD Knighton Fields 485/487 Welford Road Leicester LE2 6BL Knipton Main Street, Knipton Grantham NG32 1RW

Page 4 of 8 Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland area - Post Office branches to remain in the Network Landcross Drive 51 Landcross Drive Northampton NN3 3LN Langham Village Hall, Church Street, Langham Oakham LE15 7JE East 18 Hinckley Road Leicester LE3 3GH

Leicester Gallowtree Gate WHSmith, 39 Gallowtree Gate Leicester LE1 5GD Street 133 Melton Road Leicester LE4 6QS Limehurst Square Limehurst Road Northampton NN5 6LP Little Hill Launceston Road, Wigston Leicester LE18 2GL Little Houghton 52 Bedford Road, Little Houghton Northampton NN7 1AB London Road 91 London Road Leicester LE2 0PF 6 High Street, Long Buckby Northampton NN6 7RD New Village Hall, Recreation Ground , Long Clawson Back Lane, Long Clawson Melton Mowbray LE14 4NA 63 Main Street, Long Whatton Loughborough LE12 5DF Loughborough 8-13 High Street Loughborough LE11 2PY Lutterworth 15 George Street Lutterworth LE17 4EG Malvern Grove 8 Malvern Grove, Duston Northampton NN5 6AY 19 Main Street, Market Bosworth Nuneaton CV13 0JN Market Harborough Mercury News, Units 12+13, St Marys Place Market Harborough LE16 7DR Market Overton 1 Main Street, Market Overton Oakham LE15 7PL One Stop Community Stores, Chitterman Way, Markfield Leicester LE67 9WU Meadow Lane 95 Meadow Lane, Coalville Leicester LE67 4DN Measham 79/81 High Street, Measham Swadlincote DE12 7HZ Medbourne 3 Springbank, Medbourne Market Harborough LE16 8EB Melrose Street 136 Catherine Street Leicester LE4 6EN Melton Mowbray The Co-Op, 54 Scalford Road Melton Mowbray LE13 1JY Middleton Cheney 8 Queen Street, Middleton Cheney Banbury OX17 2NP Millfield 19 Watergate Lane Leicester LE3 2XQ Moira 38 Ashby Road Moira DE12 6DJ Moreton Pinkney home service c/o SPSO, 12 Church Street Daventry NN11 3RA Moulton 2 Cross Street, Moulton Northampton NN3 7RZ 77 Leicester Road, Mountsorrel Loughborough LE12 7AJ Mowmacre Hill Bewcastle Grove Leicester LE4 2JU Narborough 2 Royal Court, Leicester Road, Narborough Leicester LE19 2DF Nassington 49 Station Road Peterborough PE8 6QB Nether Hall Nether Hall Road Leicester LE5 1DR Nether Heyford 26 The Green, Nether Heyford Northampton NN7 3LE New Duston Port Road, New Duston Northampton NN5 6NL 68 Main Street, Newbold Verdon Leicester LE9 9NP Newton Burgoland 3/4 The Green, Newton Burgoland, Coalville Leicester LE67 2SS North Kilworth Lutterworth Rd, North Kilworth Lutterworth LE17 6EP

Page 5 of 8 Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland area - Post Office branches to remain in the Network St Mary & St John Primary School & Community Centre, North Luffenham Church street, North Luffenham Oakham LE15 8JR Northampton 20 St Giles Street Northampton NN1 1AF Northampton Road 196 Northampton Road Wellingborough NN8 3PW Balfour Convenience, Northen Way Unit 5 Northen Way, Redhill Farm Wellingborough NN8 4UF Oadby 34 The Parade, Oadby Leicester LE2 5BF Oakham Market Place Oakham LE15 6DX Oakthorpe 7 Chapel Street, Oakthorpe Swadlincote DE12 7QT Oundle 5 New Street, Oundle Peterborough PE8 4EA Overstone 66 Sywell Road, Overstone Northampton NN6 0AN Mudhers Kooners Superstore, Park Vale 309-313 St Saviours Road Leicester LE5 4HG Peatling Magna Main Street, Peatling Magna Leicester LE8 5UQ Plungar Village Hall, Frog Lane Plungar NG13 0JE Potterspury 100a High Street, Potterspury Towcester NN12 7PQ home c/o Woodford Halse SPSO, service 12 Church Street Daventry NN11 3RA Primethorpe 82 Main Street, Broughton Astley Leicester LE9 6RD Crossroad Stores, 62 Road, Queniborough Queniborough Leicester LE7 3DG Quorn 14 Station Road, Quorn Loughborough LE12 8BS 30 Main Street, Ratby Leicester LE6 0JG Ratcliffe Culey Larwyn, 16 Sketchley Lane Atherstone CV9 3NZ Raunds 16 Brook Street, Raunds Wellingborough NN9 6LP Ravensthorpe 10 High Street, Ravensthorpe Northampton NN6 8EH Ye Olde Village Shoppe, Ravenstone 24 Leicester Road, Ravenstone Leicester LE67 2AQ Village Hall, 1851 Melton Road, Rearsby Rearsby Leicester LE7 4YS Ringstead 28 High Street, Ringstead Kettering NN14 4DA Roade 7 High Street, Roade Northampton NN7 2NW Rockingham Road 15 The Jamb Corby NN17 1AB 9 Woodgate, Rothley Leicester LE7 7LL Rothwell 12 Bridge Street, Rothwell Kettering NN14 6EW Rushden Eaton Walk, College St Rushden NN10 9SH Ryhall The Square, Ryhall Stamford PE9 4HJ Saffron Lane 571 Saffron Lane Leicester LE2 6UN 9 Stanton Road, Sapcote Leicester LE9 4FR Scalford 9 School Lane, Scalford Melton Mowbray LE14 4DT Main Street, Scraptoft Leicester LE7 9TD Semilong 32 Semilong Road Northampton NN2 6BT 43 Leicester Road, Sharnford Hinckley LE10 3PP Sharpley End 19 Sharpley Road Loughborough LE11 4PJ

Page 6 of 8 Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland area - Post Office branches to remain in the Network All Saints Church Hall, Church Lane, Sheepy Magna Sheepy Magna Atherstone CV9 3QS Shelthorpe 206 Park Road Loughborough LE11 2HJ Shepshed 7 Market Place, Shepshed Loughborough LE12 9RT 95 Swan Street, Sileby Loughborough LE12 7NN Silverstone 5 High Street, Silverstone Towcester NN12 8US South Luffenham Village Hall, Hall Lane, South Luffenham South Luffenham Oakham LE15 8NW South Oadby 52 Rosemead Drive, Oadby Leicester LE2 5SF South Wigston 9 Canal Street, Wigston Leicester LE18 4PL Southfields Drive 67/73 Southfields Leicester LE2 6QT Spencefield 43 Downing Drive Leicester LE5 6LL St James End 144 St James Road Northampton NN5 5LQ St Matthews 46 Malabar Road Leicester LE1 2PD St Peters 114 Melbourne Road Leicester LE2 0DS St Stephens Road 11 St Stephens Road Kettering NN15 5DS Stanton Under Bardon 162 Main Street, Stanton Under Bardon Markfield LE67 9TP Stanwick 2 High Street Wellingborough NN9 6QA Stathern Main Street, Stathern Melton Mowbray LE14 4HW Stocking Farm 2A Marwood Road Leicester LE4 2ED Stoke Golding Church Walk, Stoke Golding Nuneaton CV13 6HB 25 Long Street, Stoney Stanton Leicester LE9 4DQ Studfall Ave 178 Studfall Avenue Corby NN17 1LJ The Reading Room, Magpie Road, Sulgrave Sulgrave Banbury OX17 2RT Syresham High Street, Syresham Brackley NN13 5HL 14 High Street, Syston Leicester LE7 1GP The Roundway 1c Hill Rise Leicester LE4 9TD The Shires Unit 65, The Shires Walk Leicester LE1 4FR Thorpe Satchville 17 Main Street, Thorpe Satchville Melton Mowbray LE14 2DQ Thorplands Farmfield Court, Thorplands Northampton NN3 8AG Thrapston 10 High Street, Thrapston Kettering NN14 4JH Three Pots 98a Wolvey Road, Burbage Hinckley LE10 2JJ Thringstone 6 The Green, Thringstone Coalville LE67 8NR Lodge Road Leicester LE5 2NG Towcester 90 Watling Street Towcester NN12 6BT Ullesthorpe Main Street, Ullesthorpe Lutterworth LE17 5BT Under Warkton 2 Isham Road, Orlingbury Kettering NN14 1JD Upper Boddington 17a Church Road, Upper Boddington Daventry NN11 6DL Market Place, Uppingham Oakham LE15 9QH Uppingham Road 210 Uppingham Road Leicester LE5 0QG Valley Road 52-54 Valley Road Melton Mowbray LE13 0DX Gold Street, Walgrave Northampton NN6 9QE

Waltham On The Wolds 15 High Street LE14 4AH

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Walton (serve and store) 2 Hall Lane, Walton By Kimcote Lutterworth LE17 5RP Wappenham High Street, Wappenham Towcester NN12 8SN Warkton 43 Warkton Village Kettering NN16 9XJ Warmington 5 Hautboy Lane, Warmington Peterborough PE8 6TQ Weedon 11 Church Street, Weedon Northampton NN7 4PL Welby Lane 73 Welby Lane Melton Mowbray LE13 0ST Welford 29/31 High Street, Welford Northampton NN6 6HT Wellingborough 5 Midland Road Wellingborough NN8 1HE 36 High Street, West Haddon Northampton NN6 7AP Westcotes 225 Hinckley Road Leicester LE3 0TG Western Avenue 45/47 Western Avenue Market Harborough LE16 9PL Weston Favell Centre Weston Favell Centre, Weston Favell Northampton NN3 8UA Whetstone 51 High Street, Whetstone Leicester LE8 6LP White Hills 12 White Hills Crescent Northampton NN2 8EP Whitwick 15 Hall Lane, Whitwick Coalville LE67 5FD Wicklow Drive 105/107 Wicklow Drive Leicester LE5 4EJ Midlands Co-Op Society, Wigston Century House, Bell Street Wigston LE18 1AD Wilbarston 1 Main Street, Wilbarston Market Harborough LE16 8QQ Willowbrook Road 356 Willowbrook Road Corby NN17 2TR Wing Wing Village Hall, Morcott Road, Wing Oakham LE15 8SA Wollaston Newton Road, Wollaston Wellingborough NN29 7QN Woodford 37 High Street, Woodford Kettering NN14 4HE Woodford Halse 12 Church Street, Woodford Halse Daventry NN11 3RA Woodgate 4-6 Buckminster Road Leicester LE3 9AR Woodhill 45 Wood Hill Leicester LE5 3SQ 45 Maplewell Road, Woodhouse Eaves Loughborough LE12 8RG Worthington Worthington Ashby-De-La-Zouch LE65 1SH Wymondham 55-57 Main Street, Wymondham Melton Mowbray LE14 2AG Yardley Gobion 10 High Street, Yardley Gobion Towcester NN12 7TN Yardley Hastings 8 Bedford Road, Yardley Hastings Northampton NN7 1HJ 80 High Street, Yelvertoft Northampton NN6 6LQ

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