29 The award-winning student newspaper of Imperial College . 01 “Keep The Cat Free” . Issue 1,451 10 ffelixelix felixonline.co.uk Films of 2010 This week.... Smoke-free campus? DPEW felix looks ahead at the rreleaseseleases set tries to ban cigarettes to blobloww our minds! PPageage 17 for I voted News, Page 2 Ashley Brown STOIC makes a triumphant comeback... ish... as ICU President So News, Page 3 felix celebrates record label what’s Tru Thoughts’ anniversary Music, Page 21 changed? The iPad: giant iPhone, pile of poo or both? We interview Union President Ashley Brown on the successes and failures of his term, Pages 4 & 5 Tech, Page 25 2 felix FRIDAY 29 JANUARY 2010 News Editor Kadhim Shubber NEWS
[email protected] Smoking stubbed out on campus? The world beyond AAlicelice RowlandsRowlands through. This reporter wonders wheth- er Mr Silver’s dislike of walking through the Quad may go some way to explain John James, Deputy President (Wel- his sporadic attendance at the office. College walls fare), presented a controversial paper A lot of people feel a student of Im- to central Union’s Representation and perial College ought to be able to ask Welfare Board (RWB) last Thursday, another to alter their behaviour, if they calling for a ban on smoking on all Un- see it as offensive. As pointed out by ion premises, including Beit Quad. The non-smoker, Jess Poore: “If it’s got to paper asks the Union to: Implement a the point where we can no longer rely ban on smoking in any part of Union on common courtesy and the ability to Sri Lanka premises and a ban on the sale of tobac- ask someone to move away from you co by the Union and to lobby college to if you find them smoking unpleasant, implement a smoke free campus.