Las Vegas Daily Optic, 05-19-1898 the Optic Publishing Co
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 5-19-1898 Las Vegas Daily Optic, 05-19-1898 The Optic Publishing Co. Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The Optic Publishing Co.. "Las Vegas Daily Optic, 05-19-1898." (1898). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. COPY Cik . BEST AVAlLACLfc Catt; .5 I No Wise Merchant J la an Ha Kuhtmi aai - i van fcraacaai m a K 3 J TISINd. and tba WUtit jj b r .. aaaaHaaatTtlBOmCJaa fi EGA AILY WTKU THB OPTIC. Jl 1 VOL. XIX. EAST LAS VEGAS, NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY ,19, 198: NO. 161 New MexU o Strawberries ' Arrive evory Wednesday and First National BttEAOS TP E GO! Saturday after May 1st, Bank; HE mm LAS VEGAS, NEW MEXICO. ' Florida Tomatoes JOSHUA S. HAYNOtDS. President. t. Arrive and JOHN W. ZOLIRS, A. B. SMITH. Cashier. every Tuesday " - men to cross of are irriv-in- ? L. F. Assistant Cashier. attempted the Alleghany fny telrgramS sympathy ' Friday, ADAMS, . River on a raft, near Sprlnitdale, PaJ GONE TO at llawardeii. MORE VINDTBAN WAR this afternoon. The raft was swamped, lUWAKnEN, May 19. The last word VETE ' William Anderson, John Quinn, John spoken by Gladstone was "Amen." California Fish Accounts Herach, Frank Stepp, Newten Neal and wHait his son, the Hev. Slephea A)ad-ston- e, j 4. received subject to'check. jtwin umen were arownea. rtel el the ' ; Arrive HIS REWARD litany. everywWednesday, Interest on time . - paid .... i , ' : t deposits. WHERE IS THE OREGON? Bl ll'.l e DlTer. aet Turkeys Chickens, Ducks, CracAGo, May 19.- -A special to the - Ai rive Quiet on vSeas Followed ByTbrria- Journal, from Washington, ssys: In every Wednestlay and CeaJaetUM Ceaoernlnf; the Great Battle . ' formation has reached the Slate De .'i-Iday.-- BROWNE - hip's Praseat Pasltloa. ' The Greatest Man of All Ages ' & fiANZANARES dos on Land. partment that German gunners have . , . Jains the been assigned to the fleet, Washington, May 19. The Oregon, Bnjorily. Spanish Fresh Vegetables fitting out at Cadiz. Herr von Ilohen ' if she left Bahia at the time ; reported feben, German Ambassador, will neither Every day except Monday. COMPANY, in the press dispatches, has not yet had amrm nocdeny tne report. The state time to make the run from Bahia to Department will interrogate him. TOE SPANISH- - FLEA IS STILL HOPPING the and she is still Barbadoes, probably CIVILIZED WEEPS THE BEST Always steaming north, somewhere oft the I.OI.ITY MARKETS. Guayna coast. There is good reason to think that - .. Cattls aad f the big battleship will report ultimately beep. The Plaza to the Navy Department, not from Key Chicago, May 19. Cattle Receipts, Grocery. West but from some harbor much high No 9,600; beerea, $4.000 5 25; cows and heif- But Uncle Samuel Is Bound to . Get Them at the er on Since Christ, Greater Expo ers, Texas & up uie Atlantic coast. , , S2.554.70; steers, 3.904.50; WOOL, HIDES PELTS! Blockers ana reeoers, S4.uug4.uu.' '. You nent of Human - v ' .tyf .- DEALERS Last, Bet. Nobody Chargad Blm. Rights Sheep Receipts, 11,000'; strong to 10c O or First Clas -: IN: nigner; nauve sneep, i3.iu4.ou; west-erna- , Washington, May 19. Secretary Has Existed. - 3.754.45; lambs, 3.755.45. o said this afternoon that he had Long PiitTonlK the All Kinds of ' ' 0 Native Produce received no advices as to the where T;"'i i Kansas City Stock. PATIENCE DEMANDED OF AMERICAN PEOPLE. abouts of the Spanish fleet, and had no ' Kansas Citt, May 19. Cattle Re information that a battle 4,500; ; native steers $3.25 indicating ceipts, steady I Arcade " was imminent. HAWARDEN.MECCA OF THE RACE 4.90; Texas steers,$3.50$4.60; Texas -- ; cows, sd.uu04.uu; native cows and heif Plows; Harrows, Cultivators, Barry Cp the Brst. ers, $a.754.65; stockers and feeders, buns; Restaurant, ' Wia., May 19. A tornado the United States while the Cape Verde May 19. More than sa.ooaa.iu; J.uuo.w. Antigo, Washington, Ha May 19. Mr. Glad Sheep 2,000; firm; lambs, squadron, commanded by. Admiral warden, Receipts, Alfred Puvall, Prop. McGormack's Mowers and leveled scores of buildingi in this place fifty regiments of the volunteers have 5 9i muttons,. 3.uu4.4U. Reapers, off com- ; stone's death occurred at o'clock, this D0.w; last The list of killed and in. Cervera, draws the squadrons either arted for or reached the mo-- night. manded by Admiral and Com - morning. The tolling of the Uawarden .BRtDOB STRBBT - Sampson binziut. point to which they were . Market. Jured, as far as known, is as follows: modoro Sebley. directed te church bell Money proceed by the Secretary of carried the sad tidings to 19. Barr, unmarried, killed; Geo. C. War. The New York, May Money on call Prices reasonabl. and mads Machines. Igoatz volunteers mustered to every sorrowing home in this vicinity. at cent. i Gray's Threshing Dr. F. date number 95,900 men. Prime m.ercantile known oa Ex Sheldon, fatally Injured; I. US AND OUR FRIENDS. iUvet : appllcatloa. j paper, per cent. - ' Drake, arm broken ,Mra. Alex McMillan, cedent servlde. Table sup-- ' the of 4 Injured seriously; Miss McMillan, back Let Them Come. plied with best .very. - - - Bain ' Metal rt V the Hay Rakes, Injured ; Mrs. Hiram Ward, arm broken; Mae Kak.a Bom. App.lntm.aU, Which Market. thlni'ln aiarket. Wagons. Will N. S., May 19." A report Frank Billings, leg broken, amputation th. Senate Conld.r. Halifax, New Yobk, May lTer 57J$; Mrs. Frank Linski was in just received from Getzon Cove, West : accessary. Lead, 3.30j Copper, 11. .; f jured internally. Many others are re Washington, May 19. The Presi Shore, this Province, says that nine Grain and Wool - were off Bags, ported slightly injured. dent sent these nominations to warships sighted Indian ' T0THg today near La Have, this morn- f ' Cblcaca Orala. 00 . two-yea-r Island, Cape The severely injured- - are the the Senate: War First Regiment in a direction. 19. -- ; Mr. ing, heading southerly Chicago. May Wheat, May, : ;w Ties, Fence Etc. old daughter of and Mrs. M, Volunteer Col. - -:- Baling Wire, whose are broken Engineers, Eugene f 1.45; July, 1.07. - . Kelson, both of less New First OLD RELIABLE and otherwise severely hurt. She will Griffin, York; Lieutenants, Nobody Cares. CornMay, 35; July, OaU.-M- BBCOND-HAN- D District of Colum- ay, v . BTOBB probably die. Mrs. M. J. Bly and baby Algernon Sartoria, Washington, May 19. Arrange- 29; July, 85..26. at Stillman Valley, whose recovery is bia; Fitzbugh Lee, Jr., Virginia; Carles Of W. K, Crltes, Wjmio block, to buy or Blankets. 1 ments have been completed by whloh sen our we Navajo doubtful. Holquist l'eter and B. New York ; 'Thomas ail koous in line, ur will sell Carbonel, Troy, J. the newspaper correspondents Tralle the entire basioess oo terms to suit. Fisher, Stillman Valley; Mrs. John Sullivan, Colorado; Karl Fisher, Han- and Jenes will be for Colonel Mass. the of Everett Ludwlz exchanged family sen, New York; Commissary of Sub Cortljo and Surgeon Julian, Spanish ml' sistence, with rank of Major, William now We ' officers, at Fort McPherson. MI Milwaukee, Tfis., May 19. A M. Abernathy, Missouri. HAY, GRAIN. AND FEED Engineer otllcere with rank of Major - special from Uhlnelauder, Wis., riving tt'e WotThorev .. further details of the storm in northern Charles Lincoln Woodbury, Vermont; j, Wisconsin, reports that eighteen dead Captains William D. Beach, Third St. Thomas, Danish West 'Indies, Tlif Earlli bodies lav In the station at ' HeafTord Cavalry; George H. Sands, Sixth Caw May 19. The Spanish Squadron was are to airy; William A. Shuak, Eighth Cav Junction. The victims supposed at San Juan de Puerto Rico, when the 5 be from GifforeYs - alry, Edward Ellis, or (jaiuoroia, as. .... and 3 Camp. As- steamer Rodriguez left there at noen, o.irisr-E3X- aayer of Mint at San Francisco. and have been no intimations re i mil imiii.trnw GOODS 19. A General with rank of there RUIKELA.MDEK, Wia., May sistant Adjutant ceived here of its subsequent arrival. WILLIAM 'eW ART GLADSTONE. Rent the Cyclone passed from west ta east Captain, Patnam Bradley btrong, JNew t Buildings through Pierce nd Oneida counties in York. northern Wisconsin, about 6 o'clock Boanea Blm. was 2 DRIED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES The family summoned at a.m., HUTCHIHSOi. ST. JOHN CO., last Bight. The track extended 40 miles WE WILL REOOLLEOT. New York, May 19. A Bpeclal to owing to the perceptible sinking noticed i from Brantwood, Fierce county, to the from is by the medical watchers. From that v East Las and N. M. Oneida both towns World, Montreal, says: It Vegas Socorro, Pennington, county, learned Senor late time until Gladstone peacefully passed Real Estate, and being on the Sioux railroad. At Pen- that Polo, Spain'a no one left death Mining Gtrmaa;'! DiMsonrttsjr, Hut b. minister te the United States, has ar- away, the chamber. nington round bouse, the depot and The only absentee was little Dorothy General Brokers. Fos-ber- tr. at One. ranged by cable for coal for the Span- bouses were destroyed. Charles Drew, who tearfully complained that section feteman, aad E.