Agenda Item *

For publication

Bedford Borough Council – Mayor

Date of Meeting: May 2013

Report by: Councillor Henry Vann, Portfolio Holder for Education Margaret Dennison, Executive Director for Children’s Services, Schools and Families


1. Executive Summary

1.1 Borough Children’s Services are required to review Post – 16 transport policy and consult if necessary before 31st May each year. The council must publish the (Post – 16) Transport policy within a reasonable timescale after 31st May each year.

1.2 There are two elements of transport policy in Children’s Services which are affected by this review.

• Mainstream School Transport • Further Education (Post – 16) Transport

1.3 There are proposed changes to Further Education (Post – 16) Transport detailed in this report; the proposed changes were issued for consultation between 16 April and 14 May 2013.

1.4 In addition it is proposed that Mainstream School Transport policy and the Further Education (Post-16) Transport policy are merged to form document with clearer definitions called ‘Education Transport Policy.’

2. Recommendations

2.1 The Mayor is requested to consider this report and, if satisfied, to agree;

• That the revised ‘Education Transport Policy’ (Appendix 1) be published.


3. Reasons For Recommendations

3.1 The 2010 Post 16 Transport Policy Guidance produced by the Department for Education (issued June 2010) states that Local Authorities have a duty to produce a Transport Policy Statement. The statement should be reviewed and consulted upon before 31st May each year. The statement should be published in a reasonable timescale for the upcoming academic year. The guidance suggests that the policy should have due regard to all educational activity between the ages of 16 – 18 and support participation in Education and Training.

3.2 There are 4 key areas of policy change in the revised policy, all relate to Further Education (Post – 16) Transport Policy, the appeals proposals, proposal 4 below, relates to all Education Transport Policy;

1) Proposal 1 – Eligibility criteria for students of post statutory school age 2) Proposal 2 – Charges for post statutory school age transport 3) Proposal 3 - Transport arrangements for post statutory school age Pupils 4) Proposal 4 – Appeals process for pupils who have been refused free or subsidised transport

3.3 Further detail about the proposals can be found in Section 5.

4. Key Implications

4.1 This section of the report identifies the implications of the report

Legal Issues

4.2 Part 9 of the Education Act 1996 (the Act) contains statutory duties in relation to the provision of school transport, including the requirement to publish a statement of school transport policy in regard to post 16 year old pupils. The School Information () Regulations 2008 require the Council to publish general arrangements and policies in respect of transport for pupils of compulsory school age. Section 509AA of the Act requires that ‘a Local Education Authority shall prepare for each academic year a Transport Policy Statement’. It provides that the ‘statement shall specify the arrangements for the provision of transport or otherwise that the Authority consider it necessary to make for facilitating the attendance of persons of sixth form age receiving education or training’.

4.3 These duties are respectively complemented by statutory guidance issued by the Secretary of State for Education to which the Council must have regard. The statutory guidance requires that published Council policy should include a clear and comprehensive statement of transport arrangements, explaining statutory and discretionary provision and how parents can hold local authorities to account through their appeals processes.


4.4 The statutory guidance confirms that parents are responsible for ensuring their child’s regular attendance at school and local authorities are under a duty to provide home to school transport, where necessary, to enable them to enforce attendance. Section 444 of the Education Act 1996 states that the child shall not be taken to have failed to attend regularly at the school if the parent proves that the local authority fails to make appropriate transport arrangements under Section 508. However Section 9 of the Education Act 1996 provides that in exercising all duties and powers under the Educations Acts, the local authorities must have regard to the general principle that pupils are to be educated in accordance with their parents wishes, so far as that is compatible with the provision of efficient instruction and training and the avoidance of unreasonable expenditure.

Policy Issues

4.5 The Council currently issues two policies related to Education Transport. Firstly the ‘Travel Arrangements Policy’ relates to Statutory School Age (up to age 16 – Year 11). Secondly, the Post – 16 Travel Arrangements Policy relates to post Statutory School Age (ages 16 – 18 – Years 12 and 13).

4.6 Both policies have general statements of transport policy, the review undertaken suggests that the statements could be made clearer and paragraphs should be numbered in order to enable the public to see the explicit link to policy of decisions made.

4.7 Transport policy links to ‘An Aspiring Borough’ in the Sustainable Communities Strategy 2009 – 2021. A good transport policy supports the children and young people in the Bedford Borough to lead safe, healthy and happy lives and are provided with opportunities to develop their self-esteem, maximise their life chances and realise their full potential

4.8 Transport policy links to Bedford Borough Corporate Plan - Priority Area 3 – Children and Young People. A good transport policy enables Children and Young people to access education and training in order to achieve their aspirations.

4.9 The proposed revision of the Post – 16 element of School Transport Policy means that eligible pupils will be supported to access learning opportunities at schools, colleges and other settings such as training providers providing they are within Bedford Borough. This supports Raising the Participation Age (RPA) by enabling pupils to participate in education up to the age of 18 (end of Year 13) from 2015, although it should be noted that statutory school leaving age will remain at 16 (end of Year 11).

4.10 The Executive Meeting on 12th September 2012 resolved to identify £50,000 of savings in Transport by 2015/16. This proposal contributes c£17,000 based on recent uptake.

Resource Implications

4.11 The proposals with clarify Education Transport Policy and therefore make the administration of the policy more efficient and effective. The proposed changes will mean that decisions can be taken with specific reference to a point of policy and appeals can be conducted on this *(3)

basis. The proposals will achieve a full year saving of c£17,000 in the financial year 2014/15, as per section 5.14. The additional £33,000 savings will be achieved through the transport team by re-commissioning transport service.

4.12 The 2013/2014 transport costs relating to Mainstream transport are £2,480,140 (net budget £2,347,270) and post 16 transport costs are £251,160 (net budget £45,160).

Risk Implications

4.12 The Council may be subject to legal challenge if it does not publish the Transport Policy.

4.13 Clear Transport policy, particularly in appeals, means the council is less likely to be subject to an upheld case of maladministration by the Local Government Ombudsman.

Environmental Implications

4.14 Education Transport is procured by Environmental Services and is done so with regard to the Local Transport Plan maintained under Section 108(3) of the Transport Act 2000.

Equalities Impact

4.15 In preparing this report, due consideration has been given to the Borough Council’s statutory Equality Duty to eliminate unlawful discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations, as set out in Section 149(1) of the Equality Act 2010

4.16 An equality analysis has been completed. The equality analysis identified potential adverse impact for 16 – 19 year olds from low income families in regards to proposal (2) – subsidised transport for post – 16 pupils.

4.17 The policy seeks to mitigate the extent of this impact by retaining a subsidy of 50% rather than expecting low income families to pay 100% of the subsidised charge for transport.

4.18 The equality analysis concluded that no further change is required to the policy.

5. Details

5.1 There are four proposed changes to transport policy which have been consulted upon.

5.2 Proposal 1 – Eligibility criteria for students of post statutory school age: *(4)

5.3 It was proposed that the following eligibility criteria for the post statutory school age subsidised transport policy will be:

• They live in Bedford Borough throughout the duration of the course.

• They are enrolled and attend a full-time course up to and including level 3 (This means courses up to and including A Level).

• They live at a distance of more than 3 miles from the educational institution, measured by the shortest available walking distance but not more than 20 miles by the shortest motorised route.

5.4 And providing the student meets either of the criteria below;

• For students studying AS/A levels they must be attending the nearest provider of AS/A levels to their home address. In Bedford those establishments are; , Hastingsbury Upper, Wootton Upper, Biddenham Upper, Sharnbrook Upper, Mark Rutherford Upper, St Thomas More RC Upper, Bedford College, Bedford 6th Form and Kimberley College.

• For students studying full time vocational courses or apprenticeships they will be eligible for subsidised transport to the base of the qualification provider if a) it is in Bedford Borough and; b) providing it is not in conjunction with an AS/A level course (in this instance 3.1.4 (d) in the Education Transport Policy would apply). The Shuttleworth Campus of Bedford College is included in this definition; it is the only establishment included which is not in Bedford Borough.

5.5 In addition to the criteria outlined above where a student is attending their catchment area or nearest school to their home address, where they live more than 3 miles from their school or where the walking route has otherwise been assessed as unsafe, they will also be eligible for subsidised transport.

5.6 It was noted in the consultation document that, under proposal 1, students receiving post statutory school age transport will continue to receive their current entitlement to transport if they are part way through a 2 or 3 year course for a maximum of 2 more years providing it is the same course.

5.7 The considerations for this proposal are;

1) To date the council policy has allowed subsidised funding for transport to establishments in London and Northamptonshire, this has incurred costs to the council and exposes the council to risk of significant costs related to education outside of Bedford Borough. The proposed policy will only fund transport within Bedford Borough and to Shuttleworth College, which is part of Bedford College.


2) To date the council policy has allowed for subsidised transport to educational establishments offering specific A Level courses, this is at odds with the mainstream school transport policy which provides transport for eligible pupils to the catchment or nearest school. The proposed policy provides subsidised transport on the same basis.

3) The proposed policy clarifies subsidised transport will only be provided for courses up to level 3 (A Level and equivalent).

4) The proposed policy clarifies arrangement for accessing vocational training and apprenticeship training through subsidised transport.

5.8 Proposal 2 – Charges for post statutory school age transport:

5.9 The council provides a subsidised transport for post – 16 pupils. The cost to pupils is currently £132 per term or £352 for the full academic year. The cost is reviewed each year as part of the Fees and Charges decision process. From September 2013 the cost is £138 per term or £365 for the full academic year.

5.10 Where pupils qualify for assistance under the post statutory school age policy, a subsidised transport pass is currently provided free of charge if the student or parent(s)/carer(s) receives certain qualifying benefits; Income Support, Income Based Jobseekers Allowance, Support from the National Asylum Support Service, Guaranteed Element of State Pension Credit or Child Tax Credit (provided that you are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and annual income does not exceed £16,190), or the maximum rate of Working Tax Credit.

5.11 The proposed policy change is that for those pupils approved as entitled to subsidised transport whose parent(s)/carer(s) or themselves are in receipt of the qualifying benefits, be offered a 50% reduction in the subsidised fee, rather than be provided with a free transport pass.

5.12 It is proposed that this change would be implemented for all students starting post statutory school age education from September 2013.

5.13 It was noted in the consultation document that students receiving free post statutory school age transport will continue to receive free transport if they are part way through a 2 or 3 year course for a maximum of 2 more years providing it is the same course and where their parent(s)/carer(s) continue to receive on of the qualifying benefits.

5.14 The considerations for this proposal are;

1) To date the council policy has allowed for pupils in low income families to be exempt from the subsidised fee for transport (5.9 above). The cost of this to the council is on average c£34,000 per annum. It is proposed that, rather than be exempt from the charge; low income families pay 50% of the subsidised fee. This means, from September 2013, a payment of £69 per term or £182.50 for the full academic year and a reduction in costs to the council of c£17,000.


5.15 Proposal 3 - Transport arrangements for post statutory school age pupils:

5.16 Students who are entitled to free or subsidised transport at post statutory school age are currently provided with transport within one mile of their home address to within one mile of their school or college. In some cases, where no public transport is available for part or all of the route, students are provided with individual transport such as taxi transport or mileage is paid to parent(s)/carer(s) or the student to undertake the transport themselves.

5.17 The council is proposing that from 1st September 2013, students who are entitled to subsidised transport arrangements will be provided with bus passes for existing Bedford Borough Council contracted school routes or public transport routes only. Parental mileage and individual transport will only be provided where there is a specific medical or special educational need to do so.

5.18 It was noted in the consultation document that students receiving post statutory school age transport will continue to receive their current entitlement to transport if they are part way through a 2 or 3 year course for a maximum of 2 more years providing it is the same course.

5.19 The considerations for this proposal are;

1) The council policy currently allows for parental mileage or a taxi to be paid. This has incurred costs to the council and exposes the council to risk of significant costs related to taxi and parental journeys to educational establishments.

5.20 Proposal 4 – Appeals process for pupils who have been refused free or subsidised transport:

5.21 Pupils of statutory school age and post statutory school age who have been refused free or subsidised transport have the right of appeal against that decision.

5.22 In addition to the existing appeals process we are proposing that the following is included:

• The Appellant has the opportunity to attend the appeal and present their case to the panel in person.

• The Appellant will have the opportunity at the appeal to present their case, ask questions and answer any queries from the panel and Transport Officer.

5.23 The considerations for this proposal are;

1) Under the current council policy the appellant is not entitled to attend the appeal hearing. The proposed policy clarifies the appeals process and offers the appellant the right to attend.


5.24 It is important to note the following general comments on eligibility and the pupils affected by the proposals:

1) The council would continue to ensure that we meet statutory obligations in providing home to school transport for those pupils who are eligible.

2) Students who are of post statutory school age and those who will be of post statutory school age in September 2013 may be affected by the proposals 1-3 above.

3) All pupils or students of statutory and post statutory school age who have been refused transport will be affected by proposal 4 should they wish to appeal against the decision to refuse free or subsidised transport.

4) With the exception of proposal 4, the council are not consulting on making any further adjustments to the home to school transport policy for pupils of statutory school age. The revised ‘Education Transport Policy’ document does, however, clarify a number of currently existing policy areas across all phases of transport.

6. Summary Of Consultations And Outcome

6.1 The following Council units or Officers and/or other organisations have been consulted In preparing this report:

Councillor Charles Royden, Deputy Mayor and the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Transport Councillor Henry Vann, Portfolio Holder for Education Management Group Chief Education Officer Head of Transport Operations

6.2 Appendices: 1. Education Transport Policy 2. Consultation summary

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Bedford Borough Council ‘Statutory School Age’ and ‘Post Statutory School Age’ Transport Policy (excluding SEN)

Part 9 of the Education Act 1996 (the Act) contains statutory duties in relation to the provision of school transport, including the requirement to publish a statement of school transport policy in regard to post 16 year old pupils. The School Information (England) Regulations 2008, requires the Council to publish general arrangements and policies in respect of transport for pupils of compulsory school age. Section 509AA of the Act requires that ‘a Local Education Authority shall prepare for each academic year a Transport Policy Statement’. It provides that the ‘statement shall specify the arrangements for the provision of transport or otherwise that the Authority consider it necessary to make for facilitating the attendance of persons of sixth form age receiving education or training’.

These duties are respectively complemented by statutory guidance issued by the Secretary of State for Education to which the Council must have regard. The statutory guidance requires that published Council policy should include a clear and comprehensive statement of transport arrangements, explaining statutory and discretionary provision and how parents can hold local authorities to account through their appeals processes.

The statutory guidance confirms that parents are responsible for ensuring their child’s regular attendance at school and local authorities are under a duty to provide home to school transport, where necessary, to enable them to enforce attendance. Section 444 of the Education Act 1996 states that the child shall not be taken to have failed to attend regularly at the school if the parent proves that the local authority fails to make appropriate transport arrangements under Section 508. However Section 9 of the Education Act 1996 provides that in exercising all duties and powers under the Educations Acts, the local authorities must have regard to the general principle that pupils are to be educated in accordance with their parents wishes, so far as that is compatible with the provision of efficient instruction and training and the avoidance of unreasonable expenditure.

Section 1 – Statutory Mainstream School Transport Entitlement Policy

1.1 Mainstream Education Transport Policies - Statutory School Age

1.1.1 Bedford Borough Council has a statutory duty to ensure that suitable travel arrangements are made where necessary to facilitate a child’s attendance at school.

1.1.2 The Education Act 1996 (the Act) as amended, details the powers and duties to which Bedford Borough Council must adhere.

1.1.3 Bedford Borough Council’s Home to School Transport Policy takes full account of the duties and powers detailed in the Education Act 1996.

1.2 Children who are entitled to free travel arrangements

1.2.1 This section of the policy applies only to children of statutory school age.

1.2.2 A child begins to be of statutory school age on the prescribed day which either falls on or follows their fifth birthday. The prescribed days are currently 31st August, 31st December and 31st March, this is the term following their fifth birthday. A child ceases to be of statutory school age on the school leaving date in the academic year in which they turn 16. The school leaving date is currently set as the last Friday in June. An academic year commences on 1st September and ends on 31st August. Raising the participation age does not affect the statutory school age.

1.3 Catchment Areas

1.3.1 Catchment areas represent a geographical area and are used by a number of Bedford Borough Schools to determine the allocation of school places. Each school’s admissions criteria will explain what priority is given to children that live within the priority area. The Local

Authority may be the admissions authority for the school, or the school’s governing body may be responsible for the admission arrangements. This will usually depend on the status of the school.

1.3.2 Where a school does not have a catchment area transport is only provided if it is the nearest qualifying school and the child meets the eligibility criteria contained within this policy.

1.3.3 Academies and other schools may, from time to time change their catchment areas. The current transport arrangements are based on the catchment areas as at 1 September 2011. Every catchment change since that date will be considered on its own individual merits. The consideration of each catchment change since 1 September can be seen below, this will be updated on 31 May each year.

School Area Date Transport Reasons Affected Effective Provided? Bedford Free Bedford September No There was an existing catchment area or nearer School Borough 2013 school to the home address that meets the definition of a qualifying school prior to the change or creation of the catchment area. Alban Norse Road September No There was an existing catchment area or nearer Academy Estates 2013 school to the home address that meets the definition of a qualifying school prior to the change or creation of the catchment area. Sharnbrook Bromham September No There was an existing catchment area or nearer Upper School 2013 school to the home address that meets the definition of a qualifying school prior to the change or creation of the catchment area.

1.3.4 Qualifying school is defined as an educational establishment providing statutory school age education which is free of charge to parents and is registered and monitored by Ofsted.

1.4 Children who attend their catchment area or nearest qualifying school

1.4.1 Children who attend their catchment or nearest school will be provided with free travel arrangements if they exceed the Statutory Walking Distance criteria of;

a) more than 2 miles away from their home for children aged under 8.

Pupils aged 8 years of age who are entitled to receive free transport under the distance criteria will continue to receive free transport until the end of the academic year in which they reach the age of eight.

b) more than 3 miles away from their home for children aged between 8 and 16. Pupils aged 16 years of age who are entitled to receive free transport under the distance criteria will continue to receive free transport until the end of the academic year in which they reach the age of 16. Students over the age of 16 may be eligible under the post-16 policy

1.4.2 The measurement used to calculate the distance from home to school is defined as the shortest route along which a child, accompanied by an adult as necessary, may walk with reasonable safety. As such the route measured may include footpaths, bridleways, and other pathways, as well as recognised roads. The measurement is calculated from the nearest point on the ‘walking route network’ to the boundary of the child’s home to the nearest accessible school gate.

1.4.3 ‘Home’ is defined as the place where the child is habitually and normally resident. Suitable travel arrangements will only be made using the child’s home address, as defined. The Local Authority is not responsible for providing travel arrangements from any other address. The Local Authority is only responsible for providing travel arrangements for children resident in Bedford Borough. The Local Authority will only provide travel arrangements from one address, which meets the definition described.

1.4.4 Pupils who live in a joint home arrangement, who fulfil the other criteria for free transport, will be provided with transport from the home where they live for the greater part of the week to the catchment or nearest school or the nearest school to that home.

1.5 Entitlement on Road Safety Grounds

1.5.1 Children who live under the statutory walking distance may be entitled to free travel arrangements to their catchment school or nearest qualifying school where the nature of the route is such that a child can not be expected to walk, accompanied by an adult as necessary, in reasonable safety.

1.5.2 Pupils living less than half a mile from school are not entitled to receive transport on road safety grounds.

1.5.3 Bedford Borough Council follows the guidance published by Road Safety GB to assess walking routes to schools.

1.5.4 The walking route must have;

a) a continuous adequate footway on roads that carry normal to heavy traffic or b) step-offs on roads that are lightly trafficked, but have adequate sight lines to provide sufficient advance warning or c) on roads with low traffic flow, no step-offs, but sufficiently good sight lines to provide adequate advance warning and d) if there is a need to cross roads, there must be crossing facilities e.g. zebra or pelican crossings, pedestrian phases at traffic signals (including necessary refuges), school crossing patrols, traffic calming (sufficient to enable safe road crossing), pedestrian refuges, etc. or; e) sufficient gaps in the traffic flow and sight lines to allow enough opportunity to cross safely.

1.5.5 Walking routes are designated as safe or not safe by an independent 3rd party assessment, conducted in accordance with 1.5.4 above.

1.5.6 Route reviews will be conducted on a 3 year cycle, this review will take into account changes in the road network or additional pathways that mean a safe route to school has been identified. The next review will be undertaken in advance of the republication of transport policy on 31st May 2016. Major changes to the public highway will be considered as and when the change occurs.

1.6 Children entitled to free school meals, or whose parents/carers are in receipt of the maximum rate of Working Tax Credit

1.6.1 Children who are entitled to free school meals or whose parents/carers are in receipt of the maximum level of working tax credit will be provided with free travel arrangements if the child is;

a) aged 8 but under the age of 11, attending the nearest qualifying school and the school is more than 2 miles by the shortest available walking route.

b) aged 11 to 16 attending their catchment school or one of the 3 nearest qualifying schools where they live between 2 and 6 miles from the school by the shortest available walking route, but not more than six miles (by motorised route) from their home.

c) aged 11 to 16 attending their nearest qualifying school in accordance with their parent/carer’s religion or belief, provided it is more than two miles (by the shortest available walking route), but not more than fifteen miles (by motorised route) from their home.

1.6.2 For the above age groups, the child must be of the relevant age on 1st September of the academic year for which they wish to apply.

1.7 Travel arrangements to schools based on a particular religion, belief or philosophical conviction

1.7.1 There is no statutory entitlement to denominational transport. The Council will however have regard to any wish of a parent/carer to have their child educated at a school on the basis of a particular religion, belief or philosophical conviction.

1.7.2 Having considered the wishes of the parent/carer to have their child so educated the policy is normally not to make such travel arrangements.

1.7.3 The Council would expect that the majority of parents/carers would be able to facilitate their child’s attendance at school, either by providing the transport themselves, or by making alternative arrangements. The Council will continue to meet its statutory obligations, with regard to denominational transport, outlined in 1.6.1(c) above.

1.8 Medical transport

1.8.1 Transport can be provided to the catchment or nearest school on medical grounds for either short term provision where a child has a temporary medical problem or on a long term basis if the child has a particular long term condition for one return journey per day.

1.8.2 In both cases (1.8.1) recommendations must be received in writing from a GP or Medical Consultant. The information from a GP or Medical Consultant must clearly state inappropriate types of transport and be specific about appropriate distances.

1.8.3 The council reserves the right to commission an independent medical opinion. 1.9 Children for whom there are particular exceptional social circumstances 1.9.1 Children who have exceptional social circumstances may be entitled to free home to school transport where these circumstances would otherwise prevent them from attending school regularly.

1.9.2 Each case will be considered on an individual basis. Examples of exceptional social circumstances include:

• A child whose family has needed to be temporarily re-housed due to fire or flooding.

• A child who is Looked After by the Local Authority and transport is necessary to facilitate regular attendance at school.

1.9.3 Transport under these circumstances is usually only provided on a temporary basis and is reviewed regularly. Requests should be put in writing to the Transport Officer at Bedford Borough Council, Borough Hall, Cauldwell Street, Bedford, MK42 9AP.

1.10 General policy principles for Section 1

1.10.1 Where pupils receive free or subsidised home-to-school transport as a result of errors in measurement, such free or subsidised transport be withdrawn at the end of the academic year during which the error is discovered.

1.10.2 If you move address, and make an in year application, if it is not possible to offer your child a place at your preferred school(s) and you live within the area covered by Bedford Borough Council, we will nominate a place at another school. This “nominated school” may be your catchment area school, but only if there is space available or the next nearest local school with space available. In this case, transport will be provided where the distance or road safety criteria are met.

If this “nominated school” is the school where your child already attends, transport will only be provided where the distance or road safety criteria continue to be met.

If you wish for your child to remain at their current school which is not the “nominated school”, the transport arrangements and costs are the responsibility of the parent.

If the child is attending their ‘next nearest school’ as determined by School Admissions then free home to school transport may be provided if the school is not within statutory walking distance or the route is not deemed a safe walking route to school. However, transport will not be provided if the original application to school admissions was not submitted within the published deadlines.

1.10.3 Pupils of all ages may be required to walk up to one mile from home to the pickup point and, where pupils use public service routes, they may be required to walk up to one mile from the setting-down point to the school/college.

1.10.4 Subject to 1.10.3 pupils from year 7 onwards, who are entitled to free home to school transport, will be expected to use public transport (including one route change) to get to school where possible.

Section 2 – Transport Operations Policy

2.1 Code of Good Conduct on School Transport

2.1.1 Bedford Borough Council has a Code of Good Conduct when travelling to and from school. All children and young persons are expected to adhere to the policy. Failure to abide by the code of good conduct may result in a temporary ban from transport or in extreme cases, home to school transport may be withdrawn. A copy of the Code of Good Conduct and additional information is available at or by contacting 01234 276059

2.2 Privilege Scheme

2.2.1 Where children do not qualify for free travel arrangements, Bedford Borough Council operates a privilege scheme which is provided on a discretionary basis. This scheme is only available on routes which the Council has specifically contracted to provide free travel arrangements for eligible children. The scheme is not available on routes registered as a public bus service. Charges apply for the privilege pass. More information about the scheme and the rates which are charged is available at or by contacting 01234 276059.

2.3 Sustainable School Travel Strategy

2.3.1 The Local Authority has a sustainable school travel strategy which is available at

2.4 Passenger Assistants

2.4.1 The Local Authority does not generally provide passenger assistants on vehicles that are used to provide appropriate travel arrangements for children. In exceptional circumstances however the Local Authority will consider providing a passenger assistant. This will be based on a risk assessment having regard for a number of factors, which may include the child’s age, any additional needs a child may have, the length of the journey, the size of the vehicle. For clarity young children are not routinely provided with passenger assistants. Only where there are other relevant factors and a risk assessment indicates the need for the provision of a passenger assistant is one provided.

2.5 Provision of Transport

2.5.1 The council will endeavour to transport children in the shortest possible time and will investigate all possible alternatives if the travel time, one way, exceeds one hour and fifteen minutes. Where possible, adjustments will be made to transport arrangements to reduce

travel time to less than one hour and fifteen minutes provided this can be achieved without a significant increase in transport costs.

2.5.2 Suitable travel arrangements does not imply a door to door service. The Local Authority will consider whether or not the child would be expected to walk unreasonably long distances from their home or school to a ‘pick up’ point. The distance will depend on a range of circumstances, including the age of the child, their individual needs and the nature of the route they are expected to walk to the pick up point. The Local Authority considers that in the majority of circumstances up to one mile would be a reasonable walking distance. This applies at the beginning and end of the journey.

2.5.3 Parents remain responsible for their children before they board the vehicle in the morning, when they are travelling and when they leave the school bus at night.

2.5.4 Requests for changes in transport arrangements in rural areas will be considered but changes, such as additional stops, are not always possible for reasons of safety and timing.

Section 3 – Post Statutory School Age Transport Policy

This Section describes the support available to young people aged between 16 and 19 with regard to travel arrangements to and from schools or colleges that offer education post 16.

3.1 Young people who are entitled to receive assistance with travel arrangements to and from school or college

3.1.1 Pupils are only eligible for subsidised transport if they are between 16 and 19 years of age on the 1st September of the academic year for which they wish to apply.

3.1.2 Subsidised transport is provided for students attending their catchment area schools if they fulfil the normal criteria outlined in points Section 1.4 and Section 1.5 above.

3.1.3 Subsidised transport will not be provided for students who are under-taking GCSE re-takes.

3.1.4 In addition to the criteria outlined above in 3.1.2 subsidised transport will be provided on request to students provided they meet all of the following criteria:-

a) They live in Bedford Borough throughout the duration of the course.

b) They are enrolled and attend a full-time course up to and including level 3 (This means courses up to and including A Level).

c) They live at a distance of more than 3 miles from the educational institution, measured by the shortest available walking distance but not more than 20 miles by the shortest motorised route.

And providing the student meets either of the criteria below; d) For students studying AS/A levels they must be attending the nearest provider of AS/A levels to their home address. In Bedford those establishments are; Bedford Academy, Hastingsbury Upper, Wootton Upper, Biddenham Upper, Sharnbrook Upper, Mark Rutherford Upper, St Thomas More RC Upper, Bedford College, Kimberley College or Bedford 6th Form. e) For students studying full time vocational courses or apprenticeships they will be eligible for subsidised transport to the base of the qualification provider if a) it is in Bedford Borough and; b) providing it is not in conjunction with an AS/A level course (in this instance 3.1.3 (d) above would apply). The Shuttleworth Campus of Bedford College is included in this definition; it is the only establishment included which is not in Bedford Borough.

3.2 Charges

3.2.1 The travel arrangements for 16 to 19 year olds are not free of charge in any cases.

3.2.2 The cost of Bedford Borough Council’s subsidised travel scheme is available at or by Contacting the Customer Engagement Centre on 01234 718004

3.2.3 Students are entitled to a 50% discount of the costs of subsidised transport if their parent(s)/carer(s) are in receipt of Income Support, Income Based Jobseekers Allowance, Support from the National Asylum Support Service, Guaranteed Element of State Pension Credit or Child Tax Credit (provided that you are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and annual income does not exceed £16,190), or the maximum rate of Working Tax Credit.

3.2.4 The subsidised fee is offered at a fixed rate and no further reductions are available for part time travel or where transport is provided after the start of term.

3.3 When to apply for assistance with travel arrangements

3.3.1 Bedford Borough Council will publish the post 16 transport policy by 31st May each year. Therefore, students will be able apply for transport after this date.

3.3.2 Application forms will be available from Bedford Borough Council. It is the responsibility of the parent(s)/carer(s) and student to obtain an application form and apply for transport within the published deadline.

3.3.3 Deadlines for applying for post 16 transport are published each year. Application forms (including spring and summer renewals) received after the published deadlines are not guaranteed to be processed for the start of the term but will be processed as soon as possible.

3.3.4 The Council does not offer reimbursements for travel costs where the application or renewal has not been submitted in accordance with these timescales.

3.3.5 The Council reserves the right to change the post 16 travel arrangements policy, subject to relevant consultation on 31st May each year. There should be no expectation that travel arrangements will continue, other than those arrangements which must be provided because there is a statutory duty to do so.

3.4 General policy principles for Section 3

3.4.1 Principles in this section are applied if the criteria in Section 3.1 are met.

3.4.2 In the majority of cases a bus pass will be provided. The bus pass will entitle the pupil to travel on a public bus route. Where no suitable public transport is available pupils are expected to make their own way to the nearest pick up point to access the transport. 3.4.3 In some cases a bus route is provided by the Local Authority for the specific purpose of providing transport to an educational establishment, in this case the pupil would be expected to make their own way to the nearest pick up point to access the transport.

3.4.4 Bedford Borough Council do not guarantee that this scheme is the cheapest method of transport and you are advised to make your own investigations prior to applying for transport.

3.4.5 The Local Authority will consider what is the most suitable and cost effective means in providing subsidised travel arrangements based on the evidence available. Parental mileage and individual transport will not be approved, with the exception of point 3.4.6.

3.4.6 Young people who have a particular disability or mobility problem (including a temporary medical condition) may be entitled to assistance with travel arrangements to school or college. If their disability or mobility problem (including temporary medical conditions) means that they could not reasonably be expected to walk to school or college, then suitable assistance with their travel arrangements will be made.

3.4.7 The travel arrangements will apply to one return journey per day.

3.4.8 Transport will only be provided to the main establishment where the student is studying. Transport will not be provided for induction days, work experience, placements, extra curricular activities or travel to alternative sites during the day. In such cases the parent(s)/carer(s)/student will be responsible for making alternative arrangements.

3.4.9 Suitable travel arrangements do not imply a door to door service. The Local Authority will normally expect the young person to make their own way from their home, school or college to a ‘pick up’ point.

Section 4 – Appeal and Complaints Procedure

4.1 If you feel aggrieved by a decision taken

4.1.1 All parent(s)/carer(s) have the right to appeal if they are refused free or subsidised transport to school or college.

4.1.2 Parent(s)/carer(s) may also wish to consider the Council’s formal complaints procedure, which is available at or by contacting the Customer Relations Team on (01234) 228597 for further advice. Please note where an appeals process exists this should always be exhausted before making a complaint. Once these procedures are concluded then it may be possible to use the complaints procedure to investigate the issues, however in most cases this is unlikely to reverse any decisions made as part of these separate processes.

4.2 The Appeal Process

4.2.1 The Appeal form is available on line at or by calling Member Services on (01234) 267422. Appeals can also be submitted on-line at

We will acknowledge an appeal within one week of receiving it. Appellants can call (01234) 267422 if they have not received an acknowledgement within 2 weeks of posting their appeal.

4.2.2 If the Appellant would like a friend, adviser, interpreter or signer to come to the appeal with them for support, they are welcome to attend. If the Appellant does not speak or understand English they can ask a friend or relative to help explain their case at the hearing, or we can be asked to arrange for an interpreter to attend the appeal. If the Appellant needs us to book an interpreter, please tell us this on the appeal form. If the Appellant has any access requirements or disabilities we should be aware of please tell us in the access or language requirements box of the appeal form.

4.2.3 The Appellant needs to fully complete the appeal form. If the Appellant would like the Appeal Panel to see any supporting evidence they must collect this themselves. The Clerk to the Appeal Panel will not contact anyone on the Appellant’s behalf and will not accept evidence direct from any third party. The Appellant needs to collect the evidence and then send it to the Office of the Clerk to the Appeal Panel as soon as possible. For example the Appellant might want to submit letters from a doctor if the appeal is on medical grounds.

If the Appellant is submitting an appeal based on financial hardship, they are advised to complete the income and expenditure form and provide evidence of income. The income and expenditure form is available at or by contacting Member Services on (01234) 267422.

4.2.4 The Appellant should normally submit evidence with their appeal form, however if they have additional evidence, it must be submitted by a deadline which will be included in the letter advising the Appellant of the date of their appeal hearing. If evidence is received after the specified deadline, then the Appeals Panel will need to decide whether this information can be considered, taking into account its significance and the effect of a possible need to adjourn the hearing. Evidence cannot be submitted after the appeal hearing. Seven working days before the appeal the Clerk will collect all of the evidence received from the Appellant and

from the Transport Officer. This will be copied and copies of all the evidence will be sent to the Appellant, the Transport Officer and the Panel members.

4.2.5 Appeals will be heard at Borough Hall, Bedford. The Clerk will write to the Appellant at least ten school days before their appeal to advise of the time, date and location of the hearing. The Appellant should attend the appeal hearing if they can as it is the only chance to explain their case to the Panel. If for an exceptional reason the Appellant cannot attend the appeal on the date given, they should call the Office of the Clerk to the Appeal Panel on (01234) 267422. If the appeal cannot be re-arranged and the Appellant does not attend, the Panel will hear the appeal in their absence using the information submitted. Alternatively, the Appellant may ask a friend or relative to attend the hearing on their behalf.

4.2.6 Appeals will be decided by a Transport Appeals Panel of three Councillors. All will be impartial and have no member interests/roles in Transport, Education or Social Services. Appellants will be advised of the names of the Councillors who will decide their appeal.

If the Appellant thinks they know one of the Panel Members hearing their case, please call the Office of the Clerk on (01234) 267422 immediately.

4.2.7 The Transport Appeal Panel will follow a set procedure, which is summarised in paragraph 4.2.9 below. A copy of the full procedure will be provided to appellants before the meeting. The Panel will listen to both cases and are likely to ask questions. The Clerk is independent of the School Transport Entitlement Team but is appointed by the Borough Council. The Clerk is responsible for making sure that the correct procedures are followed and that the appeal hearing is fair but does not take part in the decision making process. The Transport Officer will explain their decision and answer any questions the Appellant or the Panel have, following which the Appellant will be invited to state their case and may be asked questions by the Panel. The Appellant may be accompanied by a friend or relative to support them or they can ask someone to go to the appeal on their behalf. If the Appellant does not attend or send someone to the appeal the Panel will make their decision based on the written evidence the Appellant has sent in and information given (in writing and at the hearing) by the presenting officer. Legal representation is rarely needed; if the Appellant would like to bring a legal representative please let the Office of the Clerk know immediately. Please do not bring any children to the appeal.

4.2.8 Sometimes people observe appeals as part of their training as clerks, Panel Members or presenting officers; if the Appellant does not want them to observe the appeal hearing they should tell the Clerk on the day. Appeals are normally heard in private.

4.2.9 The panel will consider all appeals on their individual merits. The procedure will normally be as follows:

a). The Transport Officer will be invited to explain their case (that is, why free or subsidised transport has been refused).

b). The Appellant and the Panel can ask questions about the Transport Officer’s case.

c). The Appellant will be invited to explain their case.

d). The Transport Officer and Panel will ask the Appellant questions about their case.

e). The Transport Officer will sum up their case (they cannot mention any new evidence or points).

f). The Appellant will sum up their case (they cannot mention any new evidence or points).

The Panel will try to keep the appeal hearing as informal as possible but needs to ensure that both parties have a fair chance to explain their case and that the hearing is fair. Due to time constraints there is no facility for Appellants to make a Power Point presentation or show videos/DVDs during their hearing.

4.2.10 The Panel will make their decisions after they have heard all of the appeals they are dealing with on that occasion. No Appellants will be present and the Transport Officer will not be present when they make their decision. The Clerk will be present to record the decision and provide legal/procedural advice. The Panel will either uphold the appeal or they will dismiss the appeal.

4.2.11 The Clerk will aim to write a letter to the Appellant within 5 working days after the decision is made explaining the result and how the Panel reached their decisions. The Clerk will not tell the Appellant the result over the telephone, in person, by fax or email. If the Appellant has not received a letter two weeks after the appeal hearing please call the Office of the Clerk on (01234) 267422.

4.2.12 The Appeal Panel’s decision is final and binding, they cannot review their decision. However, an appellant may make a complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman if they feel there has been any administrative fault in the way the Panel has reached its decision.

School Transport Consultation Report


A consultation document was created providing details of the proposed changes. An online and paper response form was created. The consultation document along with a link to the online response form was sent to stakeholders. Letters were sent to pupils who are currently affected and could be affected in the future, which directed them to complete an online response form. Copies of the consultation document and response forms were left at all Borough libraries, Borough Hall and the Customer Service Centre.

The consultation ran from 16th April to 14th May and 26 responses were received (which included 17 online response forms, 2 paper response forms & 8 written responses).

Summary of Proposals

Proposal 1 – Eligibility criteria for students of post statutory school Age

We are proposing the following eligibility criteria for the post statutory school age subsidised transport policy:  They live in Bedford Borough throughout the duration of the course.  They are enrolled and attend a full-time course up to and including level3 (This means courses up to and including A Level).  They live at a distance of more than 3 miles from the educational institution, measured by the shortest available walking distance but not more than 20 miles by the shortest motorised route.

And providing the student meets either of the criteria below;

 For students studying AS/A levels they must be attending the nearest provider of AS/A levels to their home address. In Bedford those establishments are; Bedford Academy, Hastingsbury Upper, Wootton Upper, Biddenham Upper, Sharnbrook Upper, Mark Rutherford Upper, St Thomas More RC Upper, Bedford College or Bedford 6th Form.  For students studying full time vocational courses or apprenticeships they will be eligible for subsidised transport to the base of the qualification provider if a) it is in Bedford Borough and; b) providing it is not in conjunction with an AS/A level course (in this instance 3.1.3 (d) above would apply). The Shuttleworth Campus of Bedford College is included in this definition; it is the only establishment included which is not in Bedford Borough.

In addition to the criteria outlined above where a student is attending their catchment area or nearest school to their home address, where they live more than 3 miles from their school or where the walking route has otherwise been assessed as unsafe, they will also be eligible for subsidised transport. Note: Students receiving post statutory school age transport will continue to receive their current entitlement to transport if they are part way through a 2 or 3 year course for a maximum of 2 more years providing it is the same course.

Proposal 2 – Charges for post statutory school age transport

Where pupils qualify for assistance under the post statutory school age policy, it is currently free of charge if the student or parent(s)/carer(s) receives certain qualifying benefits; Income Support, Income Based Jobseekers Allowance, Support from the National Asylum Support Service, Guaranteed Element of State Pension Credit or Child Tax Credit (provided that you are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and annual income does not exceed £16,190), or the maximum rate of Working Tax Credit. It is proposed that for those pupils approved as entitled to subsidised transport whose parent(s)/carer(s) or themselves are in receipt of the qualifying benefits, be offered a 50% reduction in the subsidised fee.

We are proposing that this change would be implemented for all students starting post statutory school age education from September 2013.

Note: Students receiving free post statutory school age transport will continue to receive free transport if they are part way through a 2 or 3 year course for a maximum of 2 more years providing it is the same course and where their parent(s)/carer(s) continue to receive on of the qualifying benefits.

Proposal 3 - Transport arrangements for post statutory school age Pupils

Students who are entitled to free or subsidised transport at post statutory school age are currently provided with transport within one mile of their home address to within one mile of their school or college. In some cases, where no public transport is available for part or all of the route, students are provided with individual transport such as taxi transport or mileage is paid to parent(s)/carer(s) or the student to undertake the transport themselves.

We are proposing that from 1st September 2013, students who are entitled to subsidised transport arrangements will be provided with bus passes for existing Bedford Borough Council contracted school routes or public transport routes only. Parental mileage and individual transport will only be provided where there is a specific medical or special educational need to do so.

Note: Students receiving post statutory school age transport will continue to receive their current entitlement to transport if they are part way through a 2 or 3 year course for a maximum of 2 more years providing it is the same course.

Proposal 4 – Appeals process for pupils who have been refused free or subsidised transport

Pupils of statutory school age and post statutory school age who have been refused free or subsidised transport have the right of appeal against that decision.

In addition to the existing appeals process we are proposing that the following is included:  The Appellant has the opportunity to attend the appeal and present their case to the panel in person.  The Appellant will have the opportunity at the appeal to present their case, ask questions and answer any queries from the panel and Transport Officer.

Summary of Results

To what extent do you agree or disagree with proposal 1?

Strongly Agree 4 Agree 4 Neither agree nor disagree 4 Disagree 1 Strongly disagree 5 Don't know / no opinion 0 Base 18

If you have any further comments you wish to make about proposal 1, please include them here.

Comments below have been included verbatim including any spelling or grammatical errors.

 NO i think by stopping or amend the eligibility for post statutory students would not encourage students to continue with their education as families will not be able to afford the travel expenses to their further education placement, college /school. Now the leaving education has raised this is even more important as parents have no choice to have to pay this extra expense.

 We think that each individual should be assessed as to distance from school and how safe/unsafe it is for them to cycle/walk .How accessible public transport is and cost.

 This seems fair. Whilst I do believe that students, especially of this age, should be able to choose their establishment, perhaps free transport should be given to pupils nearest establishment where that establishment is too far to walk. Should it not be 2 miles though? 3 os quite far to walk.

 If there is already a school bus for the route then any 6th form student should be able to get on it.

 If a school has accepted a pupil - The LEA/school has a responsibility to provide transport. 2. The type of course should not be a critria - if they have been accepted for study on any course means a responsibility. 3. Make things simple say we will provide for all who live more than 3 miles from the educational establishment

 Part time students doing A levels at their catchment school should not be excluded

 A significant proportion of our sixth form intake is from students from other schools, many of whom live outside our catchment area (68, for example, this year). In addition, 16 of our internal applicants live outside our catchment area. As a rural school, we are placed at a particular disadvantage by these proposals, but more importantly, so are the students as they are effectively losing the ability to choose this sixth form and the specific courses we offer here. Our internal students are faced with the prospect of having to quit the school they have attended since year nine, and this can only have a disruptive and prejudicial effect on their academic outcomes and life chances.

 Students doing part time A level courses at their catchment school should not be excluded.

 Not clear if proposals apply to Bedfordhsire or Bedford, we are concerned that if Shuttleworth College (part of Bedford College) is included, our service should also be included due to the specialist nature of the education provision and support that Moulton College provides to young people and vunerable adults.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with proposal 2?

Strongly Agree 4 Agree 3 Neither agree nor disagree 2 Disagree 2 Strongly disagree 6 Don't know / no opinion 1 Base 18

If you have any further comments you wish to make about proposal 2, please include them here.

Comments below have been included verbatim including any spelling or grammatical errors

 i think there should be some contribution however small for all families

 That is a possibility but how would you determine which families could/could not afford it.

 I agree, these families already receive benefits, and this is one option they can choose to spend this on. I think that the changes should come into affect for students already on a course in a years time - if tougher savings have to be made, they should be made to current situations too.

 Being a single parent, a subsidised fee of £352 is still a very large amount of money to find. I feel I am being penalised for being an honest, hard working citizen who wants the best for her child. I have no other way of getting my child to school, other than the bus.

 There should absolutely be no charges for anyone if a 6th form student is in the school catchment area or already on a school bus route.

 In the light of recent benefit changes - these have disproprotinatly hit those on benefits/ low incomes - why hit those families again - this proposal is poorly timed - poorly thought through - for those families with income below the threshold should be free - then a second tier above this up to the average per family household of £26,000 should be at 50% discount.

 Low income families, especially those with more than one child in the sixth form, will find paying this extremely difficult, if not impossible, in the current economic climate, as payment is required on application, i.e. prior to the start of the academic year. Again, this will dramatically and prejudicially affect the academic outcomes and life chances of the young people involved – a group already disadvantaged by their socio-economic circumstances On average, we have around 15 students each year that would be affected by this proposal, in addition to the 84 applicants affected by proposal one.

 50% reduction compared to currently free to those least able to afford and most likely to become part of the NEET group.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with proposal 3?

Strongly Agree 5 Agree 3 Neither agree nor disagree 1 Disagree 4 Strongly disagree 4 Don't know / no opinion 1 Base 18

If you have any further comments you wish to make about proposal 3, please include them here.

Comments below have been included verbatim including any spelling or grammatical errors

 If students are only allowed the above this would save some funds for the borough but also support parenst financially

 All students should be given the opportunity to access school transport.

 I think this is a tough measure, especially as this is most likely the pupils family home which was parental chosen not pupil chosen. But it is worth families considering where they live in order for their children to get on transport to attend an establishment, and where that transport could be free, this is fair. One problem with this, is is the family are in receipt of free travel they are likely to also be in receipt of free housing and therefore their circumstance is less in their control.

 Why make things even more difficult for families and their children accessing school  Again, students who live in the more remote rural areas, away from any nearby bus routes, and who attend our sixth form, of whom we have many, will be adversely affected by this proposal. This problem will be exacerbated, of course, for those students who also happen to fall under the low income category mentioned in proposal 2.

 Accept that transport is not provided door to door but other paid for services such as Moulton's own integrated transport network should be included within the scope.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with proposal 4?

Strongly Agree 6 Agree 4 Neither agree nor disagree 4 Disagree 1 Strongly disagree 1 Don't know / no opinion 2 Base 18

If you have any further comments you wish to make about proposal 4, please include them here.

Comments below have been included verbatim including any spelling or grammatical errors

 If those students have been refused before surely the same reasons would prevail after an appeal ?

 I think the proposals in general save money but this is not cost-efficient. It would involve travel/timetable arrangements and give them less flexibility dealing with a case. For the customer however, this is a much more personal and valuable approach as it can involve questions being answered.

 Amend the appeals process to what?? To be easier or harder to use?

 Any and every opportunity for the child and their family to attend once speak face to face with panel should be encouraged (all costs for time/travel should be re- imbursed to the family).

 No comment. We strongly agree.

 All pupils that have been refused free or subsidised transport of statutory and post-statutory school age should be allowed the right of appeal.

If you have any further suggestions for how we can operate more efficiently, please include them here.

Comments below have been included verbatim including any spelling or grammatical errors

 Young people need education the Government are recognising this so it is vital families are given some support towards transport to and from further education  I think parents should take responsibility for ensuring their children get to school or college. Post 16 pupils are young adults and should take responsibility for getting themselves to the school or college of their choice. It is good practice for entering the adult working world!

 If 6th form students are from the school catchment area and already travel on a school bus then they should absolutely NOT be charged for the transport especially in rural areas. If the buses are already carrying other pupils then charging 6th formers would make little difference anyway.

 In all of these proposed changes - no one has mentioned the elephant in the room - that in the near future all children up to 18 will be mandatory in school - lets make changes with that change to school age in mind - so we can provide free transport not only in the future - but now to all children enrolled in a school - as post statutory will no longer apply in the future...

Please tell us if you believe that any of the issues addressed in this questionnaire could have an adverse impact on any of these groups, or if you feel we could do anything to ensure discrimination does not take place.

Comments below have been included verbatim including any spelling or grammatical errors

 No I believe that no group has been discriminated against and the issue is transport, efficiency and cost and nothing else.

 For current - pregnancy / disability - being picked up and dropped "within a mile" is quite far?

 You could be viewed to be discriminating on the grounds of age. Sixth form students are still at school and not earning - the only difference from the other school students is their age.

 Not certain at this stage. However, individuals with a disability may be disadvantaged if their choice of education is restricted.

Are you responding as an individual, or on behalf of an organisation, please tell us which organisation.

Individual 13 Organisation 5 Base 18

If you are responding on behalf of an organisation, please tell us which organisation

Comments below have been included verbatim including any spelling or grammatical errors

 Alban C of E Academy

 Dean and Shelton Parish Council

 Sharnbrook Upper School

 Wyboston, Chawston and Colesden Parish Council

 Moulton College, West Street, Moulton, Northampon, NN3 7RR

Please tick the box that best describes your interest in the consultation

Parent/carer of a child at a mainstream school 8 Parent/carer of a child or student in receipt of subsided transport of post statutory school age 2 A school governor 3 A member of staff at a school 2 Other (Please specify) 2 Base 13

Equality Data


Male 1 Female 11 Prefer not to say 0 Base 12

If female, are you currently pregnant?

Yes 1 No 10 Prefer not to say 0 Base 11

Is your present gender the one you were assigned at birth

Yes 12 No 0 Prefer not to say 0 Base 12

Ethnic Group

WHITE English / Welsh/ Scottish / Northern Irish / British 9 WHITE Irish 0 WHITE Gypsy or Irish Traveller 1 WHITE Other 1 BLACK OR BLACK BRITISH Caribbean 0 BLACK OR BLACK BRITISH African 0 BLACK OR BLACK BRITISH Other 0 MIXED White & Black Caribbean 0 MIXED White & Black African 0 MIXED White & Asian 0 MIXED Other 0 ASIAN Indian 0 ASIAN Pakistani 0 ASIAN Bangladeshi 0 CHINESE 0 ASIAN Other 0 ARAB 0 OTHER 0 Prefer not to say 0 Base 11


Buddhist 0 Christian 8 Hindu 0 Jewish 0 Muslim 0 Sikh 1 No religion 1 Other 1 Prefer not to say 0 Base 11

Sexual Orientation

Bisexual 0 Gay man 0 Gay woman/Lesbian 1 Heterosexual/Straight 10 Other 0 Prefer not to say 0 Base 11

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Andrew Maslen

Sent: 13 May 2013 11:50 To: con sultingbedford Subject: Scho ol Transport Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Red

In response to your letter regarding the home to school transport policy. I am a single parent working only 25 hours a week on minimum wage. My son lives with me in Bromham, Beds and currently attends Bedford college where he is just completing his first year of a 2 year animation course. The bus fare from Bromham to Bedford is £3.90 return per day and attends college 4 days per week so that's £15.60 per week and just over £60.00 per month which i can not afford. If the free home to school/college bus pass is cancelled or made obsolete then my son will not be able to attend college or finish his course and i find that terrible so we are desperate to keep it! Yours Sincerely

13/05/2013 Page 1 of 1

Andrew Maslen

From: Sent: 24 April 2013 17:29 To: con sultingbedford Subject: RE: School Transport Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Red

Dear Sir/Madame, I think that once you reach 16 and are in full time education, you should be eligible for free transport so that they can get to their school/college, it should free until they are 18 when they are actually adults and should therefore be able to pay for transport for themselves. Some people require transport to get to their place of education, however if they have a full time job or are not in education, then they should not be eligible for free public transport as it should be provided to the ones who require it to get to their college or school. Best Regards,

25/04/2013 Tel: 0300 300 4498 Interim Executive Director for Your ref: Children’s Services, Schools & Our ref: EG/ae Families Date: 2 May 2013 Bedford Borough Council Borough Hall Cauldwell Street Bedford MK42 9AP

Dear Margaret

School Transport Policy

Thank you for your letter, received today, informing us of your plans regarding the review of your school transport policy for the 2013/14 academic year.

We do not normally comment on proposals made by neighbouring Councils but wish you well in your consultation.

We have made schools aware in order that they can respond directly should this affect their pupils and their families.

Yours sincerely

Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Children’s Services

Central Council Priory House, Monks Walk Telephone 0300 300 8000 Chicksands, Shefford Email [email protected] Bedfordshire SG17 5TQ

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Andrew Maslen

From: Sent: 09 May 2013 18:51 To: con sultingbedford Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Red

we have read through the proposed amendments for the home to school transport policy and support the changes. we would however like to suggest the council takes this opportunity to consider another aspect which would greatly benefit all pupils/parents/residents and indeed the council alike. our daughter attends sharnbrook upper school, and is one of the many effected by the changes to school bus routes sept. 2012.we now take her to & from school every day. whilst we understand the pressures on councils budget‐it appears to be a short term fix‐ instead of a long term solution. firstly, sharnbrook, is a small village and was not designed for the volume, and size of the traffic which twice daily tries to get through.therefore any measure to reduce traffic flow and increase safety would be a good idea. secondly, the 'green' impact.from this village alone there are currently 8 children who now have to be transported twice a many other areas, mostly along the current bus route, are effected? how many children? by eliminating these extra journeys the impact on the environment could seriously be reduced. what do we suggest? simply increase the available seats on the present bus routes to accommodate these children on a fee paying basis, similiar to the privilege scheme. minor route changes and/or 'meeting points' could enhance this idea further.

10/05/2013 Page 1 of 1

Andrew Maslen


I object strongly to Proposal 2 as it serves to punish the most vulnerable with additional fees which they are least able to afford. The council should engage their brains to find these funds elsewhere instead of abusing the easiest victims.

09/05/2013 Page 1 of 1

Andrew Maslen

From: Sent: 28 April 2013 15:33 To: con sultingbedford Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Red

As a mother of a 17 year old son going to Sharnbrook from Wymington every day to study A levels, I dp find a fee of £300 excessive. When a child wants to study and his nearest Bedfordshire school is 8 miles away, paying this amount is alot on top of other school fees. A reduction or end of this cost would be gratefully received. Thank you
