a) Name, address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address of person in the Universtiy who is responsible for the provision of “careers information, guidance and assistance” (CIGA) to students

Name Prof.ssa Laura Pagani Tel. 0382 504219 – 0382 504692 Fax 0382 504449 e-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

b) Year of institution of C.OR: (Centro Orientamento Universitario)

The University of Pavia Orientation Service (C.OR. - Centro Orientamento Universitario) was created in march 1999. The Center of University Orientation was established for the pursuance of “Progetto Virgilio”. Thie Project is articulated as follows: I. PRE - University Orientation II. IN - University Orientation III. POST - University Orientation Each area is coordinated by a lecturer who is nominated by the Chancellor. These delagates, together with the President, form a reduced committee that has executive power. The Chancellor nominated one lecturer as a delegate for each Faculty. President and all the delegates sit on the Orientation Council. The Council decides the planning for orientation services to the students. To share the same vocabulary we’ll abandon the term of C.OR. and hereafter we’ll use the common CIGA.

c) Number of students to whom CIGA is available, and number of students who use CIGA, and wheter they are required to pay for it

CIGA offers a wide range of services and approaches different types of students. It’s very difficult to make an evaluation of potential and actual users. Every area has different users’ types and organizes and attends public events. We’ll give more explanation at point f), g) about services provided. The office give a free utility except for T.O.D. (Test di Orientamento a Distanza). It’s a guidance test for the students in the two last years of upper secondary school and provides a counselling with psychologists experinced in orientation.

d) Whether CIGA is available to graduates and whether they are required to pay for it

There is an area dedicated to the garduates (Post University Orientation), a placement and training service. CIGA plans works orientation days and meetings with professional people and company representatives. (see at point f-g). All the services are free.

e) Summary of the objectives of the Guidance Service

As above-mentioned Pavia has forwarded Progetto Virgilio, the first approach by our University towards systematically comparing the problem of orientation through the

1 successive steps taken by a student in choosing between study options when going from high school to University, during progress at University and finally at entry into the workforce. To this purpose a covenant has been signed with I.S.U. (Istituto per il diritto allo Studio Universitario), with the Local Education Superintendencies of Pavia, Lodi, Cremona and with some high-Schools in the Region.

About PRE (guidance to entry in University) CIGA offers a wide range of Orientation activities aimed at fostering independent choice by prospective students involving: · Raising the awareness of students and their schools by helping them make informed choices about their future study options; · Providing a well articulated range of informative material on desirable curriculums and professions; · Self-evaluation based not only on school performance but also on tests discerning aptitudes and personal interests; · Courses which stimulate student curiosity (enrichment courses, examples of lessons etc.); Meetings with university lecturers.

About IN (guidance to services and opportunity in University) CIGA organises activities aimed at increasing the efficacy of university study and at the same time helping the student to gain greater awareness of the choices and opportunities that are available by encouraging him/her to take an active interest in preparing his/her career from choosing a course of studies to entering the workforce on completion of the degree.

About POST (guidance from University to careers) The principal objective of the activities provided is helping students to make the right choice in preparing for their careers as well as facilitating their entry into the workforce.

f) Summary of the services provided for students

Service in PRE:

For students enrolled in their fourth year at high school, CIGA organises: · Meetings in single schools, group discussions and motivational analysis · Meetings with Faculty members · Aptitude and personal interest tests

For students enrolled in their fifth year at high school, CIGA organises: · Porte Aperte which gives students the opportunity to visit and acquaint themselves with the University of Pavia through: - stands which distribute printed material; - meetings with university lecturers; - round tables organised by the Faculties on university disciplines and the professional opportunites they offer; - guided visits to laboratories, research centres and teaching facilities. · Guide to pre-enrolment · Enrichment courses for each subject area and introductory courses · Tests and discussion sessions (must be booked) · Preparation for entrance tests to the Faculty of and

2 Service in IN:

· Meetings with first year students · Cross-faculty introductory courses · Meetings with Faculty Councillors · Tutorials: with the objective of orienting and assisting students throughout their studies and encouraging their active participation in their education, while removing any obstacles to full attendance of courses, if necessary by proposing intitiatives which meet needs and preferences even at an individual level.

There are about one hundred Tutorial projects proposed by faculties presently in force at our University. They can be divided into three distinct types:

· Informative: providing information regarding timetables, subject streams, definition of course structures. · Educational: these involve practice sessions, seminars on specific subjects, interactive teaching in small groups (10-20 students), introductory courses to help students prepare for new or difficult courses, choose study methodologies, and examination trial runs. · Psychological: the objective of these tutorials is to help students find answers to problems involving interpersonal relations or learning difficulties and may consist of individual or group counselling.

Service in POST:

Workplace orientation is supported by: · Work Orientation days · Graduate data base. This data base is constantly updated and provides information instantly, with any search criteria, on the types of curricula required by companies offering employment or periods of work experience. · Meetings with professional people and company representatives · Information on work experience placements, scholarships, Masters’ and other courses.

g) Summary of services .provided to employers, and whether they are required to pay for it

CIGA offers a screeening service to companies to implement traning and placement. It’s a free service that CIGA conducts in two complementary ways: using graduates data base and sticking up advertising in a free admission place.

h) Summary of resources utilized by C.OR. (number of staff, annual budget, IT equipment)

Guidance Service in Pavia is structured in this way: A Director, responsible of each area Two persons on contract in PRE- University Orientation One employee person in IN- University Orientation Three persons in POST- University Orientation (two on contract, one employee) One system admininstrator

3 The service’s annual budget consists of funds assigned by University. In 2000 Scientific Research and Universtity Ministry allocated a contribution to “Progetto Virgilio”. All the information about Guidance Service are available on our website. This website has been created and is continuosly updated by CIGA. It’s included in University’s website.

i) Place of origin (local, regional, national) of guidance services’ users

The students that use our service come form every part of . CIGA didn’t make an evaluation of provenance because for inside-service all the enrolled students are interested; and so it depends from their place of origin. Obviously they come, for the most part, from north of Italy. University of Pavia has also foreign enrolled. About outside service, CIGA attends meeting and events (Italian and European student fairs, meetings, ecc.) and aims to be present in a widespead way.

j) What assestment have been made of Guidance Service

We gave a questionary to students during two important appontments in University (March and September 2000) about satisfaction on the service. We pointed out a substantial approval of our work but we consider that it’s necessary to make other relevations to give a reliable estimate and structured information to improve the service.