These book returns are accessible to people other than the students/staff of the institution:

EDMONTON MacEwan University 2 exterior book drops 1. 105th Avenue and 107th Street – close to building entrance; easiest to find 2. 105th Avenue and 105th Street – easy access if walking from MacEwan LRT stop to MacEwan Building 5

The King’s University King’s has a book drop open to the public in the foyer of the Main Entrance. Limited to building hours which are: Mon-Friday: 7:30 am - 10:00 pm, Sat & Sun: 7:30 am - 8:00 pm

Newman Theological College Newman’s book drop is next to the library entrance, which is within the college building. Access is limited to building hours, 8:30-4:00 Mon-Fri.

LLOYDMINSTER Lakeland College The Lakeland College book drops on both the Lloydminster and Vermilion campuses are accessible by non-Lakeland persons.

FORT MCMURRAY Keyano College Keyano College has a book drop located inside the college but outside the library that can be used by anyone. It is located directly outside the Library’s main doors and the room number is CC166.

CAMROSE Augustana Campus - University of There is an external standalone drop box located at the south-west entrance to the Forum, in between the Forum and Founder's Hall. It is accessible to anyone 24/7 provided they are able to walk up to it. There is another book drop just outside the library in the Forum building that is accessible to only U of A staff and students.

LACOMBE Book drop is an external standalone drop box completely separate from the building just outside the front door immediately to the left of the library entrance. It is accessible to anyone 24/7 provided they are able to walk up to the building.

OLDS Book drop on the exterior of the building by the loading dock.

RED DEER Book drop outside the Library that anyone can access – they will have to come through one of the two college entrances that will be open for use.

VERMILION Lakeland College The Lakeland College book drops on both the Lloydminster and Vermilion campuses are accessible by non-Lakeland persons.