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M)TIC i:. visited .'rieiid.'? at Laggau last Friday even- MAXVILLE Endeavor principles, ladies and gentlemen Miss Ross, of McCormick, left 4L. L. McDOJS^ALD, M. D. ing. W. J. McCart, of Avonmorc, was in town taking part. } Creek on Saturday, where she pw dlcttgarn) ^tos. Mr. Archie Munro, of South Indian, llClI of those I. nUed jMr. A. Grant was in Alo.xaiulria. on on Thursday. spending some days with relatives. ALEXANDRIA, ONT. agent for potatoes was canvassing in town —la PCBLI8BEI>— DOORS, Crnii-t l[lac'-.', are on an extejid.-d vi.sit to their terprise. to inches $60.00 $35 JX) $7.00 ALEXANDRIA, ONT. had notice at tho tiioc of such distribution. native Glen ; they took the train Friday Miss Mary McDougall, who has been Peter the Hermit to rouse up all Europe the week with friends in town. 10 inches 35.00 20.00 12.00 5.00 KBCTOU McLKAN. with fire and zeal to rescue the Armen- We are very bu.sy and would for a Wfcli's sojourn in the city of Mon- confined to her room with a slight attack HThe Rev. D. D. McMillan on S< 6 inches ao.oo 12.00 y.oo 3.00 Dated Skye, 1.3th .Jauaary. ISDO. 51-3 of inflammation of the lungs, is, wo are 6.00 3.60 2.00 1.10 Veterinary Dentistry a Specialty. Rev. Mr. Gomery, Bible Society agent, morning preached for the first time in Good Warm Stable attached. 44yr ask you not to wait until the Wo are quite jealous of your Montreal pleased to state, much improved. A. G. F. MACDONALD. sciibo as he whirls llirongli tho many sets, Mr. Mayettc, of L’Orignal, repairer of of Montreal will preach in the brick church Cathedral. The Rev. gentleman’s < moment you need tlic ma- fj*'8t Sabbath morning at half past ten. Editor and Manager COUNTY NEWS. quadrilles and waltses in iJiat great hall the Bell Telephone Co., was in town on won for him many congratul- terial. with the fair imiicls of Glengarry, while w«- Friday repairing in our local office. Two young pugilists met at the corner on Saturday evening to display their skill encomuims. J. D. IRVINE, V. S. VINEGAR CITY poor mortals sit on tlic cold fence absorbed I’reil Hodge had the misfortune to break in thought and curling tho end of our a bone in his leg on Friday, which will con- in tho manly art, by their action they The Misses McDonell, who have Barristers, Solicitors, &c. GroduRteof Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto I Conr>:puil(hll(.) appeared to say “ strike me but don’t hurt MACPHERSON & SCHELL. mustache cegerly scanning the horizon for fine him to the house for some time. the guests of Senator McMillan, ret Owing to the sc'vore cold and the bad signs of snow. me.” So common sense overiiled their OFFICE -.—Windsor Hotel, Vankleek Hill. The Evangelistic services which are be- to their homes in Toronto on Wedn condiiion of the roads the holidays passed Mr. D. Iv. McLeiimui. of Munro’s Mills, ing held in the Methodist Church are very passions and they both went home wiser P. T. COSTELLO and better men. A man’s a man for Treatment of all Domestic Animalsby thelatest rather qiiietiy. passed throiigli hero hist week. Mr. Mc- well attended. Rev. J.W.Clark,of , night via. C. P. R. They will be ÿ and improved methods. S(diools rc-opcned on Tuesday last under Lennan is exicimiveiy engaged in the lum- j has charge of the meetings. a that'” missed by those who had the please BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, ETC. Salesmen wanted-Pushing,trust- Dehoming w.th saw or clipper. ! the managenient of Miss Margaret fihish- ber business and was paying the farmers Dr. --V. B. Simpson, of New York, founder meeting them. i worthy men to represent us in the sale of i olni. rmr young t*-acher. up for square timber made their farms. of the Christian Alliance Miss. Society, our Choice Nurserv Stock. Specialties Alexandria, Ontario. Di-siaie the inclement weather which A welcome visitor those limes. accompanied by Dr. Wilson, Rev. M. PERSONALS. controlled bv us. Highest Salary or Com- j prevailitd on Tuesday night the boys w^'rc Funk and Mr. Woodcock, returned mis- mission paid weekly. Steady cniploym<*tit I out as Tisiial ushering in theX*-w Year. ' SKYE sionary from the Congo, will hold three R T. OF T the year routd. Outlit free; exclusive J Mr. Hugh .McGillis arrived home from ' meetings in the Public Hall here, on Jany. Miss Eliza Leger left for Montreal on territory ; experienco not necessary ; big A wedding is on the t:>pis. EDWARD H. TIFFARY, Pennsylvania on 'J lusday Ja.st. i The iîimnal elecri'-n of oiTienrs took place 28t!i, at 10-30 a.in., 2..30 and 7.30 p.m. Monday. The semi-annual meeting of the E YOU. pay assured workers ; special iiulucemeiiis G ;ite a number of our young men attend- i ^The annual meeting of the Kenyon Agri- BARRISTER, to beginners. Write at once for p irriculars in the R. T. of T. on 'I’lirsday night and Mr. E. R. I'rith spent Sunday in Ontario District Council R. T. of T To learn Shorthand. New Method, Rapid fil ill,: ^^h■>olil;g mutch at \V. J. Snydt-rs on i rosnlted as follows S(A. Angus Mo- culture Society was held in tho Public Hall, NOTARY. ETC. process. No drudgery. No failures. Pu- to ALLEN NURSERY Co., Roi^he.stfi-, New Vein’s day u:;d report ajollygoodl on Wfdiiesday. The secretary and treasu- Maxville. p -ising the Counties of Stormont, D N.Y. L nd ; V G .Kli/.t B Me!..-.1 ; P.G.. D. J. pils assisted to positions when competent. time. j McLeod ; Gimp., \V. A. M. fn-od ; K.H., rer reports show the society to be in a Mr. E. A. Hodgson spent Saturday in Glengarry, Prescott and Russell w, Office Over Post Office, Alexandria. ReasonableT tuition rates. SchoolO nL . 1 for botliI. A. t« W c lie gliid t'l stale that Mrs. A. Chi.ih- ; Itachel yicSwov'i ; , 1-i M. Bi.-rliijile ; flourisiiiiig condition. The following were Montreal. in Tayside on January 2nd and sexes. Enter at any dale. Write for circular. olni ami Miss .Vniiie McDonald are recover- | elected officers for 1890 Pres., P. P. Mc- TEACHER WAXTEI). 'I nms., R. W. ■ Mi-Leod ; H-rald. D. U. District Councillor, W. E. McKi i ing from a s-jvere illness. I lî-tfuu o ; H.-iiiinel, A. X. Rellume ; Guard, Dougall ; vice-pres., Geo. Bennett ; secy., Mr. Pilon, of Casselman, was in town SPENCERIAN SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND Wanted for Separate Scliool No. 1-5 St. i Wishing you the coinplinieuts of the I presiding. After the opening exerch M. MUNRO V..M.C.A. BUILDISO, MOWTKEAL. D. McRae. J.W.Smillie; treas., J. P. McNanghton. this week. Raphael’s.a teacher holdi >g second or lined iUiss Ann MclGcin, from Rox- Directors, J. .A. Burton. D. P. McDougall, District Councillor gave a verbal rep SOLICITOR, L 6. Wright (0£4ial S(

niic niarlc is placed agaiiTst liis ham.’Sty, | Tlio death of Mrs Daniel WinriT.? for the eU-*ct'>r.s of C.inafl-i luwe fi>r foo long near Thamosvillo, is bolnu inf|r.iicn.so in that village. The man was m-ariy i igaiy About SIXTV D7TVS CGeTTRlNC S7TL.e. progress and development.” The Cardwell THE jiEEonMA’rony. years of ngo.and Ivul lived alo.ae lor a ^ -îv>.^whom arc Tory politicians loyal ? election was b«Md last mdnth. Yet'on the ong' lime. The Alexandria Reformatory has advanc- 7th January in explaining why he and six Althoug the cold weather has only commenced ^ Kobody. At a gcnci’al meeting of tlu' ed another peg. Tlio Public \VorIc.s deiiart- other rainistHi's, including Dr. Montague, iiolders of tho Baiviue du Pc.in'e b.cld I have decided to offer such special induce- ment of Ottawa is inviting tenders for the had IcftBir Macltenzio’s cabinet.Mr. Foster Friday In Montreal, it was wcll shown them- It Is an expensive luxury to swear on jTonr ATMiMieo TORONTO commence on January 10th. Call and get bargains at tho streets of Red Bank.N. J. TIio justices tract be let, that the building may selves possessed of the traits of a certain The cutest thing that Bowell ever did assume respectable proportions before this impose a flue of 50 cents for each oath. di-nth Parliament Ex])ross agout at Terre Haute, Ind., has way savor of political corruption ? There disappeared. Several thousand dollar.? are Lancaster, Ont. met, His Excellency read the nsuul address mav but it is so deeply buried under also missing. I and dapu'ted f jrhisgabsrnatorial qua'ters. SMDUeR’S STORE, Thailbe pinhead, the pea-nnnt.the pap- the accumulation

ghahhail ’ii uair n offor ILL NIGH UNTO DEATH. gheabh ci Faodaidh c’ bin gur You may be a gooil A ClIAlilHRl liO\! dnine math thu, man, but you have THE EXPERIENCE OF A LADY ach cha’ n’ oil not the face of one gnuis deiidhdhuin’ as Neil of the WELL KNOWN IN COATICOOK. agad, mu*n diibh- mountain said to William Knight of Ne'vvporl airt Niall nani the cat beann ris a’ chat LARD CHEESE. Fata.Iy Shot .Stricken With LaCirippo, I'ollowed by Gach ian gu’ nead, Each bird to its nest YOU SHOOLO mi COMPLAIN ’s a shrabh ’n a with its straw in Pnctmionin, She Ln»iguiHlietl For More ghob its beak From an .addres,? delivered by W. D. Grant.of N»-w York, ami published In the Than a Year—Dr. Williams' Pit»k Pills Isole an cocair nach He is a poor cook HUGH ADDY ADMITS THE CRIME imlich a mhiar that doesn’t lick ,\ovv York L’rodiico Review, wo take tho I About hurd times, the scarcity of monc}', or Saved Her When Other Medicines his finger following in regard to one of the abomln- ab <* adulterations tlmt tiro ruining our Hi» Sou Gooi-go Got Married and KeWaa bhe liigli prices of pa)od,s, when you are so ready railed. Tha a ghealach gu bhi Ian da uair air a marUf.t^ abroad and at homo: AniLoyed by the Young Men Who arc »be mo.st oowcrfid. safe sure and reliable I to come to town and yo to some of the mcr- F’’ ^ L'F toile de l'Est, Coaticook, Que. nihios so (Desember.) Bha i Ian air an The Elgin di.strict of Illinois and tho Rnised a Diaiurbanco. Pill OŸ this' Kind in the ^larlcet. Most darna latha, ’s bidh i lau a rithist air an adjacent countio.s are tho location of tho effective remedy in suppressed ireiistru.at-oii eliants here and p'Vi: tlicm from ten to twenty ■' ^lown of Averill, \T., is situated latha mu dheireadli dhe’n mhios. * Tha o and all female troub cs arisire from it. mannfactorios.as theso places are peculiar PrucT'qsls sell it. Bewareof Imitations ami cents on the dollar more for what you buy tluin air a radh nach robh an solus Ian da uair Ihrmtfunl, .Ian, 12.~I'.Spcobil.)— .6 eight miles from Coaticook, Quo., ly achiptod to the inanuf.acturo of those see that pou r/et the Genuine fyinehealc7'’s YOU would have to pa\' if \f)u had come to us. and is the home of Mrs. Ada Hartwell, an Desember riarnh o’n bhliadhna rtigadh g ■a has passed through an experience which April, d.his cias.-i of stntT has to lie manu- BeiUify - -I)ijrL‘'.s a yuiin;' roiipli' >.n (!o lo us and we v.-Ml send it upon receipt of price The moon is to be full twice this month oin-rgi'd with tiring 'bo sT:f: ii-- .'If. U2 by Mail, Postpaid. Send 6c. for Particnlara, tion run away with your dollars, you should be L’Etoile do I’Est thinks worthy of giving fac.urod in the cold wcarlu-r month.-J, bo- jiin/zy .-IS wr-nt'; >'ou lo M-nd ‘cm some (J.)ecember.) She was full on the second Hugh y-rn. His s-n was Winclustsr Chemical Co.. Ohioaeo, IU. sure. Tilts town is not .so lar;;e but wh:U you the widest publicity as many others may day and she will be full again on the last caU'U i: would not .«land llio hoaf, 'iii*> crtvimcry mon in Elgin make n niaiTi'.'d .1 \V' "!< or two ago an'l fan'.'' (,'k'!'k — 1.- it (triglit mi'nnü^lit!;-' derive much benefit therefrom. Mrs. day of the year. It is said that there were ha\'e tiinc to look around it when lierc and if no two full moons in December since the iu! mil ; for their patrons on this r,;i a visii In his: fath-'r's. Following Brlllmy—Nope. Dark. you don’t do so but ^o straii^ht to some of the Hartwell has ever been considered a woman vear in which Christ was born.—The Echo, I .n^-l n 'i'i;ey .'•ay to them ; “ Wo will nav th. usu.il I i/icn-;—Tike them tins chair. enjoying a healthy constitution until about Dec. 21 1895. yon m t. what w -receive for your butter, -d l-.. of th so called cheap stores and find when you com- •after your mi.k has been run through our MAXVILLE MARBLE S GRANITE WORKS two years ago, when she was, like hundreds light ab. « U . ;i?<»•!• Si-V stand T*>zet her. Na’n tionndaidh duine a chulaobh a c ntrifnga! niaciiincs.providing you .allow pare notes with your neighbor wlio trades with of others in this vicinity, stricken with b-uile nair a thigeadh a’ ghaoth’ na aghaidh Wliicij do you love most, your pri]).a or O'? tlic centrifugal skimmcd-mllk.” 'I'hcse mu^a;*' J.iUle (oiarhe: “1 Invo us tliat you have been bled, don’t complain, cha tig an latha a ruigeadh e ceann a •.hi •d‘.‘d influenza or as it is more generally termed mamifactur. rs cltlier make up this sklm- a miKi ” Giiarlic's nu ther: ‘‘Why. thurais. Mar sin, csaii leigoas leis feiu a Ad'h.'s-. which is at the f-'Oi of blame yourself, and next time come in and price la grippe, a disease which carried off many m«*d miik i.i:o fliJod cheos.vor rent a small Chari I 1 imimlit you loved mo most.’' bhi air asiraich leis gach ni a thig cearr space in ilu-ir creamery plant and dispose th. biy winding hill .-nst of the villag->. people in this town and vicinity, and in air, cha dean e moran adhartais ann an I ‘‘(•an t help jt, mamma. Wo our goods and let us convince you tliat we give ofthosklmm d-mllk to tho lard cheese Tr, bnildin-. stands back fr.)m iV-ro ol .‘If. hold togctlier. ‘ the case of numerous others left behind turas na beatha. nmmii'acttir.rs, at 15 cent.s per liundred ni -.n :i sliahr elevation over CM- ;, ^1- you lietter value for your monev tlian any other wrecked constitutions. As often happens, a?-; 1M this point the civ.w.j gaily TRANSLATION. pou lids. Tliey Cîiine I., Him. firm in .Alexandria. \Ve can and will do it. We pneumonia followed the first symptoms of Now it risjulrefl over Iv* to 2 pound.s of m.-.iclnxl up ■,h<- hinc. Arriving at li e n ‘u r I lard :thc value of which to-d.ay is hons.r thov a.w.aki-md the occup;'nis J'lmnicns—Kr—why--I ran ro.ally say are anxious to dispose of all our goods before la grippe and Mrs. Hartwell was sick, nigh If a man would turn his back every time with Ihi' gv-.l-nuturcd call of - (Jeor:- ll):d I write my jokes. They come to mo the wind comes in his face, he would never ,'tho It uc. per p'uind to mix in with the out and show yours'-lf,’’ aski ’ .Ajiril 1st and to do so will offer you wonderfnl riach the end of his journey. It is thus hun Ir.'d pCiUnd : of skimiucd-mllk. This l< : -i .spi.ixh. etc. .After some banter- makes on an avcr.ago Nto^’-i^c. for this .-iMnirus—From whom do llicy comcf bargains not in old goods tluit have been carted witli him who allows himself to be troubled ing Ml' this sort the affair took a-senous — Indlanapoli.-' .Tournai. with everything that goes wrong with him, product to tho one hundred pounds of a.-tii-i-;, when .Mr. Addv. .s,m. rush d from town to town all over Canada but in the he will make little progress in life’s journey. .skimmed miU, .and adding one dollar per Mi;t. partiv f\ros?ed. and having a ; g hundred pouiul.s of milk for tho manufac- c i.:> in ills hand, with whieh. it i.s alP-g- 'i'lir i.y\U‘iit of iiU l-'Ini' Ititest and most fishionable t;oods in tlie market. Tha da fhoghlum aig gach aon agaimi. turing of those goods, whii ii would mom . d, he struck John Wil.son. one of tho .Gulgo. —You admit Jiiiiing iliis man? McLEAN & KENNEDY '.•.renmst of th.. unwelcome vi.-i'o's. See our stock of dress goods. Ft is admitt. d b\ Tha sinn a’ faotainu aon dbuibh bho than cover tho same, you will notice that I’ri.-onor. - 5'cs, your honor; 1 siruck M.\X\ Il.LE. ON'I mhuiuntir eile, agus tha sinn a toirt tho net C'>.st of thi.s .snm.s up to •11c. ]ier Tl-‘ b'..ys hio!:o and ran with jecr.s and (all even b\- rii’al merchants here to lie the best dliuinn fein an aon eile, bho “toirt-fainear.” .-Ut'.outs. I'Ut i[ui.-k}c returned with 'ii,' ( niporti-rs lUid manufartm in's <>f moiin hundred pounds of filled cheese net, ram.' ;;rv. tbm. .Mr. .\ddv. who Judge.—Well, sii])nose wo say tlmt r.i'iital and .nnnrriTV wnl'K assorted in the county. We have a large stocl TRANSLATION. 'I'licsc goods are shb'pcd piinciinill.v to had P.'tiivd after the club incid-nt ck him for 81i>, tin: Southern states, which .are largo con- (anc out more fullv dressed and 'citn Ifl-st giMcli'S of Scotch and f'aiiafliai (of underwear, blankets, o\'er shoes, gum rubbers, Each of us has two kinds of education. sumers of cheese. They are sold to tho a revolver In his hand, with which lio To polish ivory, lir.st smooth the surface Wo obtain one of them from others, and jobbers down there as pure milk choose, fired into tlie crowd two or three times, with tlie fine.st satidp:i[)er, tluiu a. ply Jinnit, . :iiifi nil kind- .'t ' naii)lc. su))cri"i overcoats, read\'-madi’ clothing, ;ind :i few furs acquaire the other from “observation.” branded “Fancy Horklmor County,” and ■■orinmitely no one was hit. but the whiting on a bit of flannel, rub.dn ' it lu \ . .1 tii.'l I 1 1 1.1.1 .i.,ai W. .1 Kni;in>lli|i which we will sell at wliolcsale prices. W( “New York State Full Creams,” and tno .iction i.-aused a terrible panu\ nn.î Cha trie leinn aithreaebas a bhi oinmo well. Tlic whiting may IJ-.: wee wit.i oil : I - F I h \ (. I' \H \.\Tl:l:i>. joiibors soil tLom to tho retailors for the again the intruders fled down the lull rarr\'; (TOSSCUL saws .'ixcs, nails, felt, o'ls, jiaints. air son gu’n d’ fhuirich sinn nar tosd ach is and in various directions, A caucus or water. Finisli by rubbing t!ie ivm'y minig a ghabh sinn aithreaebas achionu same .and the rotaiicrs, of course, dispose uns th-n hehi. when it was deem'd with .‘i slightly oiled bit of linen cloth flour, oatiiical, eormneal, etc., tind if \ou an nach do chum sinn ar teangadh. of thorn to the public. ad\'i.sablo to give up tho game .and re- Ormolu may bo cleauc-d with ammonia or really anxious to s.ive money \'ou will c:dl on us Of course if tho consumers in tho .tïouth turn home. U was ncoossarv. hov.'- apirits of wine. ABLE TO BIDE WITHOUT F.VTIOÜE. TRANSLATION. only knew what they were liuying, the ever. for some of the young men to w'hi'n 1)11} ing any 01 these goods. Of course other sale of this article would fall off IK) jior pass the house to gft away, and oim? unto death. The best of medical aid was It is not often we rogret that wo kept cent, in a short time, and the consump- more getting together tho party quiet- WOOL merch.ants will try to con^•ince you that this is summoned, and Mrs. Hartwell was saved silent but often we regretted that we did tive demand would be killed immcdatcl.v: ly appi'oaehod in the direction of the tdl blow but don’t bedeceived. We arc willing to from what seemed to her friends imminent not hold our tongues. but it is sold to them as pure cheese, and h(;uso for tlio purpose of pas.sing by. Jt i.i supposed tho infuriated man im- let you compare our e'oods and price.s with any death, but when convalescence came, she there i.s not any doubt but tlmt it kills tho agined tlie attack was to be renowe..l, SOME CARDING. sale of tho cenuino artlelo, because tho f.tr when the bovs came nearer he of them and if we don’t succeed in proving what remained deprived of her appetite, ex- liooplo that do purchase it become disgust- DRYING OFF COWS. juslif'd out for :i third time and gave tremely weak, and in constant danger of a ed witli tho stuff, on account of its short- cliûse. firing wildly at tho figures, which SPECIAL we sav, we will then acknowledge our inability, relapse, and all her physicians could do lived quality, and throw it out into the I'C'.at a. iiasty retreat. One of the shots SPINNING AND but until then will sa\ we lead in good goods at could not bring about her former condition In his article In >ha Year Book on the ash pan before it i.s imlf consumed. took deadly offoct. however, for with a groan yoting Knight fell on his kne."-»* low price.s^ of health. Numerous medicines were tried dairy herd and Its managoment, Major FEATURES Alvord arrived at the conclusion lliat It is and cried, “ Oli. boys, I’m shot.’’ His .Vluisca Cow.” Cîi iiiii, Poiilti’v, Hiittcr, t.'ikoii in exchiiiige but to no avail ; she was weak, dispirited doubtful whether continuous milking is cc-mrados cfiiickly rallied around the FOR Tin: MANUPACTÜRING. woundetl lad and he was carried to tlie for goods six days in tlie \vo.*k. and despaired of again enjoying her former profitable, and that better results are be- “Don’t drink too much nil cider, and dwelling of Mr. Robert Fawcett near vigor and health. For a whole year after lieved to bo obtained for cows that are In- however mean you bo don’t abuse a by ami Dr. Mott of Mount Pleasant her attack of pneumonia she continued to clined to take an nununl rest, If not too sent for. When he arrived young long. “A month is long enough, three Josli Billings wrote the above. Uncle Knight was in a very critical condition JOHN SinPSON languish in this state. At last one day weeks will do in most cases,and six weeks Josh, in his quaint old-fashioned speech and it was found necessary to call Dr. Satisfaction her husband purchased a few boxes of Dr. should bo the longest time t ncouragod or spake many living truths. When wo were Digby in consultation. This morning Holiday Season... Williams’ Pink Pills. He had read of the allowed for the cow to bo dry before calv- boys, an old Y'aukee neighbor, who was tho two medical men made a thorough Guaranteed. a splendid farmer and a wise old inaa examination of the wound. Knight many cures wrought by this wonderful ing.” Ho advls(!s watching the udder, and once said: “Mark it down wherever you wa.s struck in the back a little to tho if Jiard, or unnatural hejit is shown, regu- left of the s)iIno, the bullet passing medicine, but procured them, ho says, for lar milking mu.st bi; resinned, and if the seo it: A man that will abuse a woman Dry Goods, Boots and Sim< s, U.i-ady*m:ide Cloths and tweeds (fine through into the abdomen and lodging Clothing, etc., etc., in «mdl» SH varii ty. his wife in order to be able to say "we cow continues to secrete milk it must bo or a cow is a human hog.” All his- thL'i'c. It is impossible as yet lo probe have tried all,” rather than from strong drawn. No cow should be forced to go tory is full of kindly allusions to tho cow. the wound or to state the outcome of & coarse) flannelettes, .She Is tho foster mother of nearly Jialf tho SpocinI Dsirs'tiiiis io Gior. rirs. faith in them. To please her husband Mrs. dry against manifestly natural resistance the affair. 'I'lie patient was resting to so doing. Bef re calving ho advises children. Way back in the dim recep- easier this morning, though he pas^^ed 90 Jbs. Brown Sugar 51 DO blankets and yarn ex- Hartwell willingly consented to take the that the cow may bo kept on pasture alone, tacles of old Hindoo thought can bo found a V(.ry bad night. Addy has surrende.*- 22 lbs. Oraula d ‘* 1 00 Pink Pills, and great was her surprise and if not too luxuriant, or on a low stable tribute after tribute to tho gentle, ed liimsolf to the police authorities and changed for wool. Also diet, mainly of corn forage, about two motherly eow. In old <:»rccian mythology has been released on bail pending tho that of her husband, when, after taking result of tlu.- injuries. Tho doctors The several lines of w.^0k8 before calving. He would include wo are told th.at the oracle of Dclpho.s told cash paid for wool. three boxes she was able to take a short have no hope of Knight's recovery. a share of succulent foo h.anilio incubator hatched ; ing over my sto»tk. that she owes her recovery entirely to Dr. meal i.s bettor. near tills city, once said to us: "I know of chicks is that such chicks are inferior to My- • j tt-ring j)fic'-3. —^9 cows shut down dor milk gate and got equal that marte by otln-r nuxbui t- if k b ^ '•^ > former weakness and again resorted to vestigations have failed to give any satis- chicks than those hat hed iu incubators, A factory explanation of this dread disease even with those farmers every time.” but i>otter care Is given by tho hen. and p a iir 1 Pink Pills, since which time she has not or prescribe means for preventing It. It It is very h ird to make some men see that is what makes tho difference If i:i- Highest tnarket price paid for PottUry ^ Wm. ricEwen, ^ had a day’s illness. seems probable that it belongs to a class of how inuoh money proîlt there is in kind, cubator chicks reçoive careful .nttenthm and Farm Produce^ Dr Williams’ Pink Pills have a more germ disease which requires further re- gentle treatment of a cow. Probably they they 'Will not only be fully equal to tho i» à ^ ^ { M.AXVILI.K, ONT, !—g search.'’ Discoursing upon milk fever, iiad a rough brutal father and camo up on potent influence on the blood and nerves others, but better If they are l)rood.')d so N. D. MCLE0.Ü, ho advises watching the cow carefully tho farm in that sort of way. But they as not to be chilled .‘It any time during Mi;(’riiniiiMii. 0»it. •V.' (ic\:ce r«*c.‘ntiv patented in V. S .-;r.d than any other known medicine, and forty-eight hours after calving,and if such are beating themselves ovt.ry day. Tliuy growth. Tho miserable specimens of ...ivda by OHAtB. OLLPTKLi speedily restore the bloom of health to warnings appear, a votorinarlan cannot bo have got in a habit of rough talk, rough brooders that sometimes roach the tmuikot ^uiuauuuuuiuuuuiyuiUuuimTu^ called too soon Those 'warnings are un- ways to thoir chiUiren and oows Step are the results of careful Imiching bu. J ^^^TABUSSHan 1371 pallid cheeks. Pink Pills cure when all ^ • T»Tnth to month \\utcvitisr (he slat cover over It. A similar tlevic-e for ills of liumanit”. ionnsaicb doleasan learn your lesson the year round. It require.'Jh3r> times as giving water iu a way lo ke p the fowls Nori«-f- is horebv givtui that nil a»;- Tba do leaba cruaidh A funner who sold his milk to a cream- Your bed is hard much .sense to food a now butter cow up out of tho watir vessel, is lo have a mod- <-omiis diM- th - Estât»* Janu s R- y-id»- must Thuit an tuagh uam The axe fell from me ery by the gallon and had hcni rcîuUng a erately high box witli slats up and down l)<* settled fill »)!• l)»-ft»re the JJth day of to her best work for a year is it does to great dc.al about tho bactori.a w.'ws one il.ay ’s ghearr i mo cas and cut ray foot run a fine engine for the same time. one side. Then set the waier disii within •laimary, IKIK) All aec».-mits not settlid STOCK-TAKING mf Dean maith do gach Do good to each one caught by the crc.ainery manager putting and the fowls ran drink through the '•II tlui.t »lat«* will be pul in a lawyer’.s hands J neach’s na biodh and do not bo water Into his milk. Tho creamery man slats. The top of the bo.x, or cover, f»>r (•i>lle« iion. \Ve hop*, to cojnpl. to stock taking alio gruaim ort FJlc'ct »>f Severe Cok'. asked him angrily wJiat ho was doing tiiat r should bo sloping, to keep tho fowls off .■\IAKGAI:KT R.VYSIUK, .1. S. R.WSIUK, present niomh and daiing this time will »iffer The vulnera -lo jioint of a fowl iu winter Chas e’ fhiachlan He gnashed with his for, and as there was nn other plausible from it. gains ever heard of in this town in any goods c- is the comi), and fur that reason birds E.v«*cutrix. Attorney. air son gu do teeth because ho excuse at hand, tho farmer answered: Lauc.aster, Dec. iOrh, 189-5. 17-4 good.s. chain e a leannan lost his sweetheart with very large combs froquonfly fail to “Oh, well, you are always blowing about llcuvus ill llorse>. lay in winior because their combs bocuino Ciod a ta o ag radh? What is he saying ? liow thirsty tJie baetprla are. so I was jest Heaves arc associated by Dr. J.a.v with 'I he ft u I'lir Coats, ('iips Muffs and Roh«*s frosiod, the result being that /nllamma- Ma's e do thoil e If it is your wish a puttin’ in ;i little water to keep ’em the feeding of clover-hay. Ho finds it at prices to cl'-ar out cai’ly. Ovi-rcoats and Suits w Tha 0 ’ua dheadh He is in good health tion occurs, thu pam is severe .and the from catin’ up all tho butter fat.” cut pricts. ^ fowl is useless In a cold climate the most where clover is fed, and least in sec- BLACKSMITH SHOP shlainte (luariers must bo arranged so as t î protect tions where it is not grown, although im- jr,,\NI'F,\rTI'RF,K l)F Remiiiuits acciuiiulatcd during tlieyi.ar i Thainig e an so an Ho came hero yes- perfectly cured hay that lias become mostly liny ]irif;e. de terday again.st frosted combs. It is usually at Diie-Iialf Ilf the people in this world do night, when the b rds are on the roost that dusty may cause it. Ovor-exortlon Is one •Mrrtases, BnAgies, Democrats, WaAAons Cha d’ fhalbh e an He did not go away not know what good bultor is,particularly of the causes tliat induce it. Horses with As wi; ti"siri' to ladiice tin* entire sto.'k, no to-day the co’d wind nips the comb, duo lo the hoarding-house keepers. s[)ar. d to inrfri'si lia.rgain seekers. Wood taken i. supposUiton tlmt “perfect ventilation” small chests are more liable to it tlian Sleighs, Cutters, &c, Thoir deoch dhomh Give mo a drink Tlio tlairy luau wiio allows his cattle to other classes. Feeding on pastures or The unclcrBigiK-d, Mr. I^eter Gvaui, Heavy (..flxals, (jrain, H- ef, Pork, Poultry, P.iittt. Bpion as so mi Pull me out of this must bo given. The Jien tliat is trosted iti I xcluiijgu. on the comb will not lay, and the male i'lOcomo encased in an armor of filth slioukl laxative foods is rccommondodby veterin- formerly of .A-ppIe IIill, b»-gs to aniinmico or all kintls proiii|irI> arremleo c Am bheil sgeul ur Have you new intel- bo comiielled to sleep IJOSILIO them. arians. Hay is limited often to one feed \ II work cuanLiir»'rd agad '? ligence ? Ilia; is .«50 unfor'unatc as to be in the same that he has opened out in Mexville a blank- JOHN McM7 pre-iicapiont w d bo useless. They will Lazy men hate winter dairying. In- per day and grain given liberally. Horses K l-'\ , )\ -TUFF'l \LF,XA\'DR ü Cha’ n’ eil sgeul air I have no news in some of tho Western states do not have bith agam tl . n he in same p ight a.s a man with dustrious and hustling ones follow it up smithing establisiimeiit, wheru lie is pr.- a ocuibef of his bo.ly fro/on. The comb and inako more profit out of it than out of broken wind or tho heaves, and those Bho’o laimh gus am From hand to mouth that have it are said to recover on being pared to rto horsesiioeing and ail kiml bial, cha dean e will never make a yra«uia: y heals by slougliing off. though summer dairyiiig. somctiîues the unfortunate bird dies. taken lo tho.se stutes. Jcnnlng advises repairing. Good work guaranteed. duine coir am worthy man Uur richc.st farms arc those where milk to use upon the throat for five or six Some breeds have very tall comlus »*nd is sold, becauso milk fanners buy grain they lay .a gi'cat many eggs in the <=prirg. weeks, Uirco times a week, a salve well Bho’ nach fhaod mi As I cannot touch enough to more than offset the foflilUy rubbed in, made as follows: Iodine oint- PETER GRANT. Stand Aside And Scc- .summer and fall. i>iit the hens that ar.- the beaotainn do’u the big goosp, I’ll value of the m.ilU. ment, two ounces; blue ointment, one ghiadh mhor, pound the goslings must secure .rom frosted combs arc sucli MAIN STREET MAX VILLE. breed.s as thu Light Brahma, which ha.s a Lund ifi.astcr and roa»l du.si are gooil .d>- ounce, well mixed together and made pronnaidh mi na as the fool said thin with oil. There is to be given in- Parker .roduce a cough, the chance of cure VAItKLfEK HILL, OST. Cha d’riun iad do Salesmen to handle our Hardy Canadian You were not made All breeds have thoir nuTits, but no one is ellra. The cause of heaves is ob.scurc, No use talking “V7e’re Governors” of th* ' sugar and salt Grown Nursery Stock. Wo guarantee 1 rood will be f;cst in all diructioiK. Tlie SeKSON 1595-96. satisfaction to representatives and custom- and the difficulty not well understood. gonc-ral purpose cow iwis li.'r place, but it Some of the symptoms given and tho Sale ever attempteii in Glengarry. Sun ers. Our Nurseries are the largest in the is not so lilgh a slat ion as thaï: of the spec- TKltMR Family licki-ts, Rinule, Dominion, over 700 acres. No substitution causes ascribed make it not improbable ial beef, butler or milch cow. that it is of bacterial origin, yet this is a yJ.OO. Occasinnut sUati-rs iiml sunshine in your heart and money ir in orders. Exclusive territory and liberal ors, udlnÎHsion 10 ri.uta cadi. terms to whole or part time agents. Writ© Misplaced charity on the farm i.s to glv# more suggesliob of littlo value. time you buy from ns. STONE A WELLINGTON, (Head, Office free board to profirlos.s cows Some far n- Open every Tuesday, Tliiimiuy and Raum- Toronto. Out. ^The only Nursery iti era who would send :lu*ir old aunts to the The New's Job Department duy eveninc.s 7 |..m. m 10 :jl> p.m Canada having testing.Occ.hards.J .... poor bouse will feed fi.e or six worthless Caniivalsaml .Matelies.adu.i.bi.m v.vua cattle without complaint. is complete in every respect PARKER &eRAYELEY THE GLENGARRY NEWS^. ALEXANDRIA, ONT., JANUARY 17. 1896.

TRLSTEKS MEKTINC! contents being lofaily destroyed. Tlie fire at a lynquet at iho R .^sinore Hot.-l the i.0CAL AND OTHERWISE Tho first meeting of the Trustees of the we mulcrstand was first discovered by tho simcM veiling. Wc ho[»c to b - In .\ position j Rev. R. A. lUcDtmald, ho being startled from time to lime t > rirproducc for the A ffreat number of our sub- Alexiitidiia Public School was held on Wednesday at 7 p. m. in Mr, Ileavodon’s by tho craclvling of the flames. Alarm was h-IK fit of our rc.-ul^Ts the vor i.l interesting I scribers lire in arrears for their office,when .Inni< s Tumb was elt'<-,ted ch.iir- at once given and the oih.-r inmulrs were pap--rs rviid at this conv.-ntion. subscriptions. Wo would ask mun, John Simpson treasurer, John Irvino aroused from their slumbers. All were AGRICULTU RA L M E E TUN G. them to please remit without collector, and Geo. Ilearnden secretary. fortunate in escaping as the fire had apparently made considerable headway Tho annual meeting of tho Glengarry further delay, as after the 20tli SHIPMENT OF HORSES. Agricultural Society which was hold in the HOLIDAY The residents of the place rendered every Queen’s Hall on Wednesday afternoon iust. wo will proceed to collect Mr. J. McCaig, the well known liorsc assi.st.ance possible but despite their willing Our Political Platform. buyer, was in town tlie early part of tho was poorly attended, only some *20 members all outstaudiiiffs ubscriptions efforts little was saved. In fact tho liquors, As a general election is at hand tho average citizen is revising week, nnd shipped on Monday for tlic being pres«*nt. Mr. D.(j. M U.ie, at the $1.25 rate as advertised fui'iiitnre, Ac., which were carried from his political creed. Ours differs from the generally accepted autho- Boston market a carload comJsting of 11 ,the burning building, were nowhere to be of the Association, occupied ih * oh-.iir and rities in some important particulars. elsewliorc. among the others present wo noticed ; 1. We believe in Canada for the , Ma.xville for the horses. We understand that for quality found‘When tlie fire had subsided, having —How do you like one caleudax* ? Messrs. R. 11. Sangster, .\. J. Grant, ]\I A. BARGAINS ! Glcngarrlans and the Edward’s Trading Co. for all. the string was oqu-d to any purchased by evidently been stolen by some miscreants 2. We hold that there should bo a uniform system of C(>ra- —Prepare for another cold snap. this gentleman on former occasions. nt befel the Masonic fraternity in the London d*s- Tupper.jr.- Theex-HighCommissionerwill —Many of our subscribers have respond- Mr. Lacblin McKinnon, son of Mr. J. trict, and hundreds throughout the entire run for one of the Cape Breton seats and ed to our call for money. A number, how- McKinnon, 34 0th Lochicl. It appears Mr. jurisdiction, will hear with the deepest re- will, most assuredly, be opposed by the NEW YEAR & NEW BARGAINS ever, have seemingly overlooked the matter. McKinnon who was engaged at threshing’ gret of the death after a lingering illness of Liberals. In which class are you to be counted ? at the time, shortly after 1 o’clock,and was three months of Edward Burke,of this city, Examine your label and it will tell you just getting through cleaning up the barn from an affection of the kidneys. Deceased CTIONS. exactly how you stand, then if you find you floor and 'feeding tho mill when liis right bad been complaining early in tho fall of n BARCAIN HARVEST are in arrears, remit the amount due by hand came in contact with the teeth of the the year, but did not deem the ailment of Sale fo»days at the 1-2^’ POPULAR STORE ’-St mail. cylinder the'^^result being that the greater suflic'ent importance to secure immediate portion of fouT fingers were so lacerated medicil attention, and not general Tuesday practic- During the Holiday Season. Prices Ball and Supper—A grand ball This will be the cheapest sale than ever before heard of. - ipperwill be held at the Atlantic that when Drs.\A. L. McDonald and R. compelled to rem^in'ïndoo7s, did* ho call in ally school indiscrimnately cut down so that a As we have a large stock of winter goods on hand, and be- Hotel '.'station), on Friday evening, the Campbell, of Laggï).n, arrived a portion^of. MIS' ai’â of hia family physician. Since little outlay of money brings rich value fore keeping it over till next season we will sell all these 31st inst. Mr. McKay, the genial proprie- same had to be am|^ntat£d: 'AX “Resent The returns indicate the election of 30 goods at less than wholesale price. tor of this hostelery, purposes leaving then he had hovered between life and death in return. nothing undone towards making this ball Mr. McKinnem j^Io'iiig as well as could be and after great suffering passed away at 7 government supporters, foiir straight Fur Caps price 92.00, now for 91.25. Ladies’ Fur Suits price 96.00, now the event^^the season. All are cordially oj oecUd^hder the circumstancx’s. a.m. Saturday in his 57th year, surrounded Opponents, three Independents and one for 94.00. Ladies Fur Capes price 912.00, now for 98.50. Ladies’ Astra- pttend. Tickets, 91.25 per.. Patron. chan Jackets, Men’s Raccoon Coats, Buffalo Robes, Fur Trimmings at HOME FROM SAYABEC. by a sorrowing family -and friends. Mr. FURS prices that will surprise anybody. Burke was born in London, and lived for Groceries Dry Goods klacdofl^^reenfield.) has Mr. Alex. J. McCulloch arrived home the greater part of his life-time within its AN ELECTION EPISODE 20 lbs. No I Granulated Sugar 91.00 Long Overcoats from 93.c0 up to 97.00 RiPflnV.MDnP ni nTUIIiR IrighMen’s FriezeHeavy TweedUlsters, Overcoats 95.00; 93.00Men’s ; Men’fl-Heavy^Heavy IrislT’^ Mr. N. Bray, carriage from Sayabeo Rimouski Co., (Jue., on precicts. Early in the fifties betook up the flUUII mnui. ULUmmU Monday evening. In conversation with 1.00 Short “ “ 3.00 “ 4.50 Frieze Pea Jackets, 93.50. Men’s, Boys’ and Youths’ Ulsters, Melton Overcoats, Beaveir uilQcent now Russian sleigh, p lotographic art and subsequently con- Mr. McCulloch we learned that tliey h»d To the Editor of the News. Best Raisins 25 Good Suits from 94.25 to 910.00 all aizes Overcoats at same low prices. 42 Men’s Heavy Winter suits to be sold at less than cost. ' ‘and seat panels are painted ducted galleries in Woodstock and Simcoe, Heavy Etoffe Pants. 91.25 per pair. We have the largest stock of English Twe^ k DEAK SIU. -A scent) ocemred on the Best Rice 25 Ladies’ Dress Cloth double fold 20c a yd. 'The dash is cane work, and the been experiencing pretty much the same returning to this city some dozen or more f*uit everybody. A good English Tweed suit made to order for 910.00. Queen’s highway, immediately in front of pest Barley 25 Flannelettes from 4Jc up to 12c per yd. A appearance of the sleigh stamps it kind of Weather as we have been having in years ago to end his days. He married of the Public Hall on election day, shortly Japan Tea 1.00 Lamb Skin Caps 92.00 A lot of 25 pieces of Etoffes at 33c per yard; Men’s Heavy Underwear /if not superior to those turned out by Glengarry. That the output of logs for ’4Ô0 a suit up ; 20 pieces of Meltons, all shades, price 2.5c, now for 18c per yd ; Adelina, daughter of Amase Lewis, Esq., after the returning officer’s figures r< gard- Best Japan Tea 1.00 Imitation Lamb Skin Caps 70 j establishments. tho coming year’s operations will bo very Flannel 8c per yd ; Wincey 7c per yd ; Ladies’ Woolen stockings 2 pairs for 25c of Alymer, by whom he had three children. ing the re^iult of the poll bad been an- Thistle Brand Black Tea 35 Also a large stock of Boots, Shoes and largo indeed and that during the past week Mr. Burke’s mother, brother and sister are Ladies’, Men’s, Boys’, Misses’ and Children’s Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, M