i HE GLE V » VOL. IV. ALEXANDRIA, ONT., FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1896. NO. 51.^ M)TIC i:. visited .'rieiid.'? at Laggau last Friday even- MAXVILLE Endeavor principles, ladies and gentlemen Miss Ross, of McCormick, left 4L. L. McDOJS^ALD, M. D. ing. W. J. McCart, of Avonmorc, was in town taking part. } Creek on Saturday, where she pw dlcttgarn) ^tos. Mr. Archie Munro, of South Indian, llClI of those I. nUed jMr. A. Grant was in Alo.xaiulria. on on Thursday. spending some days with relatives. ALEXANDRIA, ONT. agent for potatoes was canvassing in town —la PCBLI8BEI>— DOORS, Crnii-t l[<ni'=c Covmvall, on Saturday. D. P. McDougall spent Friday in Mon- Office acd residence—Comer Of Main and Ttu'.-(lav.‘2Sth .Ii irv..\.l).,J::‘:i.Àat.-2p.m., pur- I)f. McDerniid, of k'ankleck lliil. was in on Tuesday. A Mr. Donald McPhec, son of Cou’ / EVERY FRIDAY MORNIK 0» Elgin Streets. sua'it to stiituti- town last Wednesday. ?.Iiss Maud McLaughlin, of Montreal, is Miss Aird, of Sandringham, is engaged D. D. McPhec, left on Monday- —AT THE— vrtl). ]b!iih as teacher in the school at the east end. Sash, Frames, WDKl.W I. M VCDONKLE. Our boys arc talking of getting up a the guest of Mrs. A. H. Edwards. resume bis studies at tho JesuiL . QLENOARRY “NEWS" PRINTING OFFICE Gouiif V Clerk, D. A ( lacrosse team next season, if such bo tlie Jas. G. Howdeu, of Montreal, was in A number from this vicinity attended MAIN STREET. ALEXANDRIA. ONT case, some of the older tcants around will town on Monday Rev. R. McLeod’s farewell addresson Mon- Montreal. DR. MCLENNAN, have to got a niovc on as wo have tho J. M. Young arrived in town from Lon- day night in Dunvegan. Mr. Jas. McRobie, of Irociuois, a; TBRUB 09 SUBBCRXETION—ono dollAT per TOAT POORING CLAPBOARDS ANO EXECUTORS NOTICE. right matcrinl here for a g«)od team. don on Monday, where he spent the ’Xmas l:iverything looks so bleak and dreary If pAid in AdvAnce,or within three months from OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Kenyon now that one instinctively shivers and caps in town on Saturday and left for beglanizi^ of yeer; $1.26 per year if not so paid. A concei I i.s to lake place here in the holidays. In Uu'matter of flic Kstiite of Norman Mc- near future. Geo. Caloren is in Cornwall attending are draw’n further down to protect ones No. 9 Lochicl, where lie has been enj ADVBBTiaiîTo RATES—TrAnslent advertise- Street, Alexandria. HOUSE FURNISHING Lean, late of the Towfisliip of Kenyon, in the ears from the not too gentle caresses of Mr. meats, 10 cents per Nonpareil line for first in- Clo'intv of Gici;;;nrry. laboarev, «iceiaiscd. Messrs. W. M,-.Li-nd and -1. Rand are tho meeting of the Creamery Association. as teacher. » sertion. 3 cents per line for each snbseqaent busyily (‘t»gag< d (••.niiing wond. Jack Frost. We long for the return of NOTICE islun-ehV givcti pursninit to 11.S.O., Installaiiou of officers took place in the Mr. Duncan McMartiii brother ot Insertion. Cap 110. tltat i-reditors aiul others having i-lnini.s .M. IV. St'.-wart got- Ins foot badly A. F. and A. M. on Tuesday evening. the “ beautiful ” and with it the merry OoKTRACT BATES—The following table shows asamst Uie Estate oi tliu above ennied Norman hart last week jingle of the sleigh bells. J. J. McMartin, contractor, spent so onr rates for the insertion of advertisements for E. FITZPATRICK, D.D.S. dfel.ean, who died on o- n.bont tlio sixth day Messrs. C. H. Wood. C. T. Smith, J. A. .Mr. Dum-an Campbell was vi.^iting at Mr. Reed, of Ricevillc, visited bis daugh- days in town this week a guest Vt tpeoifled periods:— DENTIST. of August, IS!».!, are r-<iiiircd to deliver or fioml McDougall and 1C. O. Sadler took in the bv post prepaid to Hector .l/'cLeiin. Skye i’ost Mr. Munav’s last week. j shooting match at Apple Hill on Wednes- ter, Mrs. G. Roe, on Wednesday. Advertisements, without specific directions, Commercial Plotel. Ofiice. Ontario, tiic -\dniinistrat<»r of said deceas- day. Mr. Campbell, of Michigan, visited Mr. will be inserted till forbid and charged accord- OFFICE ed, a statement in writing containing tiicir GREENFIELD. D. C. McDougall on Tuesday evening. ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid :—Main Street, nYLIXjLS. raiH. s. Hddrc.s.-e.-i and I'nll partienlars of their Messrs. D. P. McDougall, J. Hoople, R. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Charron, wr in advance Rev. J. Cormack, of Maxville, occupied VANKLEEK HILL. elaim.H dnly veiiliocl by statutory dcelaralion Mr. A. r\TcL Symminglon, of ^Montreal, Rothwell, W. H. Barnhart. E. A. Loney for a few days the guests of Mr. Advertisements will bo changed twice each on or i)efore tiie the Presbyterian pulpit hero last Sabbath visited fj-iends lu-rc last week. aud W. Dousett attended the district meet- Charron, returned on Monday ta month if desired. For changes ofteuer than Mr. Alex r'l ii-jer. (»f .Vshland, Wis., is tlie ing of the L. O. L. held at RicevUlc on afternoon at the close of the divine service. twice a month the composition mast bo paid for Hawkesbury :— ist Tuesday 20tli D.4Y OF FEBRUARY, 1806. He declared the church vacant by order of homo in Contrecoeur. Que. At regular rates. guest of his brother, iMr. Duncan Fraser, Tuesday. After which date tlic said .\dministrator will the Presbytery, and also at the close read Changes for contract advertisements must be of each month for five days^ of the west '-nil. John L. Wood is building and Hooding a Miss Catherine A. McDonald, dat CUSTOM PLANING, SAWING AND proceed to distrilinto the Assets of the said a letter describing the •• Armenian atroco- in the office by noon on Tuesdays. l-Istat*-among thii jiarties entitled thereto liav- M Messrs. A. 1). and J. D. Kippen, of skating rink. Mr. Wood should receive of A. B. McDonald, Esq., of the ing regard onl.v to tho claims of which ho shall Omemef, North Dakota, but formerly of the support of our young people in his en- ties ” written by Rev. Fred Macallmn, SPACE. I IT». I 6 MO. I 8MO. } IMP. H. A. COXROY, V. D,, ii'cn h.avc notice and he will not bo liable for Missionery in Marash, Turkey. Oh for a Hotel, Lancaster, spent the early pal TURNING. any claim or claims of whicli he shall n<^t have this [>lac'-.', are on an extejid.-d vi.sit to their terprise. to inches $60.00 $35 JX) $7.00 ALEXANDRIA, ONT. had notice at tho tiioc of such distribution. native Glen ; they took the train Friday Miss Mary McDougall, who has been Peter the Hermit to rouse up all Europe the week with friends in town. 10 inches 35.00 20.00 12.00 5.00 KBCTOU McLKAN. with fire and zeal to rescue the Armen- We are very bu.sy and would for a Wfcli's sojourn in the city of Mon- confined to her room with a slight attack HThe Rev. D. D. McMillan on S< 6 inches ao.oo 12.00 y.oo 3.00 Dated Skye, 1.3th .Jauaary. ISDO. 51-3 of inflammation of the lungs, is, wo are 6.00 3.60 2.00 1.10 Veterinary Dentistry a Specialty. Rev. Mr. Gomery, Bible Society agent, morning preached for the first time in Good Warm Stable attached. 44yr ask you not to wait until the Wo are quite jealous of your Montreal pleased to state, much improved. A. G. F. MACDONALD. sciibo as he whirls llirongli tho many sets, Mr. Mayettc, of L’Orignal, repairer of of Montreal will preach in the brick church Cathedral. The Rev. gentleman’s < moment you need tlic ma- fj*'8t Sabbath morning at half past ten. Editor and Manager COUNTY NEWS. quadrilles and waltses in iJiat great hall the Bell Telephone Co., was in town on won for him many congratul- terial. with the fair imiicls of Glengarry, while w«- Friday repairing in our local office. Two young pugilists met at the corner on Saturday evening to display their skill encomuims. J. D. IRVINE, V. S. VINEGAR CITY poor mortals sit on tlic cold fence absorbed I’reil Hodge had the misfortune to break in thought and curling tho end of our a bone in his leg on Friday, which will con- in tho manly art, by their action they The Misses McDonell, who have Barristers, Solicitors, &c. GroduRteof Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto I Conr>:puil(hll(.) appeared to say “ strike me but don’t hurt MACPHERSON & SCHELL. mustache cegerly scanning the horizon for fine him to the house for some time. the guests of Senator McMillan, ret Owing to the sc'vore cold and the bad signs of snow. me.” So common sense overiiled their OFFICE -.—Windsor Hotel, Vankleek Hill. The Evangelistic services which are be- to their homes in Toronto on Wedn condiiion of the roads the holidays passed Mr. D. Iv. McLeiimui. of Munro’s Mills, ing held in the Methodist Church are very passions and they both went home wiser P. T. COSTELLO and better men. A man’s a man for Treatment of all Domestic Animalsby thelatest rather qiiietiy. passed throiigli hero hist week. Mr. Mc- well attended. Rev. J.W.Clark,of Ottawa, night via. C. P. R. They will be ÿ and improved methods.
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