1998 November
Nov. 2 2 l't~B N,SU Clip A sample of recent articles of interest to Morehead State University UNIVERSITY COMMUNICATIONS MOREHEAD STATE UNIVERSITY UPO BOX 1100 MOREHEAD, KY 40351-1689 606-783-2030 Lexington Herald-Leader Monday, November 2, 1998 ;:J{entucky colleges hired people to get the job done. promoting At UK, Michele Ripley, who was pub- lic relatic ns .md development director for · ~ its College of Fine Arts for nine years;·-,<! • was hired after a national search as the ·'i! newllllage marketing director. Before coming back to · l UK, Ripley was director ·: of :orporate promotions '. Marketing efforts at North American Pub- ' lishing Co. in Philadel-. .i get sophisticated phia. -. The marketing posi-. J By Holly E. Stepp tion comes with a ' . HERAI..DlEADER EDUCATION WRITER $55,000 salary. u.~'~l.l~est annual repor:t 1s Just the · On first glance,·the annual re . begrnmng of new marketing efforts port seems straight out of a For KCTCS ,s m the by the university. tune 500 company - thick, c e e process of hiring consul- _ - -. glossy _pages laden with photos Ripley Is ~ts to de".elop i~ cam- ','.''f hldiana focused on fue ~l!>gan, "Quali- and graphics. UK's market- pa1gn, which will be ·1y. education;'Lifetime opportunities," and · It's not a company promotion, ing director. launched by year's end. used ·~;and'ilirecfmail.; ... ",•~;; . ;1,.':.".,.t_,.~ I\<,.;·,•:<,~~ - ,-• ,:..•· ~ though. It's part of a national mar Neither organization•: . : -'it's;:workeil, Simpson said. Surveys keting campaign the University of knows yet how much it plans to spend on conducted after the cainpaigII found that Kentucky is using to boost its im marketing efforts.
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