Police Aviation News January 2009 ©Police Aviation Research Number 153 January 2009 IPAR Police Aviation News January 2009 2 PAN – POLICE AVIATION NEWS is published monthly by INTERNATIONAL POLICE AVIATION RESEARCH 7 Windmill Close, Honey Lane, Waltham Abbey, Essex EN9 3BQ UK Main: +44 1992 714162 Cell: +44 7778 296650 Skype: Bryn.Elliott Bryn Elliott E-mail:
[email protected] Bob Crowe www.bobcroweaircraft.com Digital Downlink www.bms-inc.com L3 Wescam www.wescam.com Innovative Downlink Solutions www.mrcsecurity.com Power in a box www.powervamp.com Turning the blades www.turbomeca.com Airborne Law Enforcement Association www.alea.org European Law Enforcement Association www.pacenet.info Sindacato Personale Aeronavigante Della Polizia www.uppolizia.it COVER STORY: The final day of the SA330J Puma in German Federal Police service flypast involved a formation of two of the SA330J Puma (D-HAXA & D-HAXG), with a single AS332 L1 Super Puma (D-HEGW) and three EC120 Colibri training helicopters. [Story on page 6—images by Michael Balter/MBAviation Images] EDITORIAL Only a year ago Britain was riding on the crest of an exchange rate bonanza with the aver- age Brit able to visit the USA and Europe safe in the knowledge that the UK Pound Sterling was ‘strong.’ But now that bubble has burst and the sham of it all has been highlighted. Tough times in UK air support are around. Running costs are climbing in the commodity that every nation holds up as the primary cost for air support – DOC’s. Fortunately fuel costs have now receded and that takes some of the sting out of the pain to come but the main concerns for UK operators is that engine and airframe maintenance con- tracts [PBH etc] are priced not in Sterling but in either US Dollars or Euros.