No. 6 February, 1970

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No. 6 February, 1970 VOLUME 16, NUMBER 6 FEBRUARY, 1970 UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Martin Meyerson of State University of N.Y., at Buffalo Elected President by Trustees to Succeed Dr. Harnwell The election of Martin Meyerson, nation- recessed on January 16. A joint trustee, governance, and community problems af- ally prominent authority on urban affairs faculty, and student committee established fecting the character of this independent and university governance, as President- criteria and procedures for the selection of urban university in a time of dramatic designate of the University was announced a new president and subsequently served as change. Our joint trustee, faculty, student Wednesday, January 28, by William L. the search committee which unanimously committee was particularly pleased to find Day, Chairman of the Trustees. He will recommended his appointment. Meyerson and recommend a man who enjoys national succeed Dr. Gaylord P. Harnwell when the was the first choice of the search committee, respect for his contributions to the relevant latter retires from the presidency in Sep- which considered approximately 200 nomi- issues confronting all higher education and, tember, 1970. nations made by all members of the Uni- at the same time, is familiar with the Uni- Mr. Meyerson, president of the State versity. versity of Pennsylvania and the Philadelphia University of New York at Buffalo since Mr. Meyerson, who was a member of community with which it has been in- 1966, is also currently serving as Chairman, the University's city planning faculty from extricably linked since Colonial days. The Assembly on University Goals and 1952-1957, will become the 19th chiefexecu- "His election will help insure for the 70's Governance, which was established in Sep- tive officer of the University. the pre-eminent position of strength which tember, 1969, by The American Academy of In announcing Meyerson's election, Day, has characterized the University of Penn- Arts and Sciences. The Assembly is charged who also served as chairman of the joint sylvania under Gaylord Harnwell's dis- with "exploring, developing, and helping criteria-search committee, said: "At this tinguished stewardship of 17 years." to implement alternative approaches for particular juncture in the University of In response to his election, Mr. Meyerson resolving some of the principal issues af- Pennsylvania's history, Martin Meyerson made the following statement: "No fecting colleges and universities today." comes to us endowed by temperament and American city in our generation has remade His election took place at a reconvened experience with the ability to deal sensi- itself as dramatically as Philadelphia. The meeting of the Trustees which had been tively and innovatively with the academic, renaissance of the University of Pennsyl- vania has paralleled that of the city. One of the most important satisfactions of my life was to be part of both. Therefore, it is with Interest in the greatest pleasure that I return to where Great Cities Reflected much of my professional and academic career was established. Together with the In Career and Trustees, the professors, the students, and Meyerson's Writing (continued on page 4) As former director of the MIT-Harvard From 1952 to 1957, Mr. Meyerson was a Joint Center for Urban Studies, 1959-63; member of the University of Pennsylvania and later as a faculty member and Dean of faculty as an associate professor and then the College of Environmental Design at the professor of city and regional planning. Trustees Endorse Meetings University of California at Berkeley, 1963- (continued on page 6) On Unit 3 Land Use 66; as well as Buffalo's president, Mr. Meyerson has long been concerned with The Trustees resolved at their meeting the interaction betweeen the university and January 16, that the "...full Board of the urban community. Trustees of the University confirms the He was at Berkeley when the Free Speech resolution of its Executive Board adopted movement of 1964 began on that campus. on November 14, 1969, and requests that In the midst of the crisis he was appointed the Board of the (University City) Science acting chancellor and was generally cred- Center expedite to the extent possible a ited with easing the tense situation during response to the Quadripartite Commission the remainder of the academic year. In (on University-Community Development) 1966, he was named President of the State concerning the charrette proposals." University of New York at Buffalo. During It was also resolved that ". the Trustees 1944-45 he was a member ofthe staff of the endorse the proposal of Science Center Philadelphia City Planning Commission. officers that direct negotiations be entered He served the University of Chicago as an into between representatives of the Science assistant professor in the planning program Center andthe Quadripartite Commission." of the College of Social Sciences from The Trustees noted that on November 14 1948 to 1952. Martin Meyerson (continued on page 3) Bernard Wolfman Elected Peace Monument Dean of the Law School The new monument to peace on College resolution endorsing the monument at its Bernard Wolfman, professor of law here Hall quadrangle adjacent to the Van Pelt October 30 meeting, and reads, "This since 1963, has been elected by the Trustees and Dietrich Libraries was dedicated on monument erected by members of the as Dean of the Law School, effective July I. January 27. The nine-foot diameter monu- University Community symbolizesour com- He succeeds Jefferson B. Fordham, Dean ment is formed of stainless steel in the mitment to peace and the principle of since 1952, who will become University shape of the traditional peace symbol in- self-determination of peoples, as well as our Professor of Law. corporating the semaphore signals for N deep sorrow over the deaths in the Viet- Before joining the Law School faculty, and D (i.e., nuclear disarmament) in a namese War of millions of Vietnamese and Mr. Wolfman had been a member of the circle. tens of thousands of Americans, including Philadelphia law firm of Wolf, Block, Schorr Rev. Mr. William Sloane Coffin, Chaplain alumni of this University." and Solis-Cohen since 1948, where he was of Yale University, spoke at a dedicatory Thecost of the monument is being funded a partner. He received both the bachelor service held in Irvine Auditorium. A state- by individual contributions from students, of arts (1946) and bachelor of laws (1948) ment on the reasons for establishing the faculty and staff of a maximum of $1 per degrees here. monument was read by George Castelle, person. Contributions may be made through While a member of the faculty, Mr. a senior in the College, who is one of five the office of the Vice-Provost for Student Wolfman served as general counsel of the student members of the committee ap- Affairs, 110 College Hall, or the Com- American Association of University Pro- pointed in November by President Harnwell munity of Students office in Houston Hall. fessors from 1966 to 1968 and was a con- to plan for the monument. The introduction Other members of the committee on the sultant on tax policy to the U. S. Treasury was given by John A. Russell, Jr., Vice- monument are Donald K. Angell, Vice Department from 1963 to 1968. He was a Provost for Student Affairs and chairman President-Assistant to the President; Dr. member of the advisory group to the U. S. of the monument committee. Lee Benson, professor of history; Dr. Commissioner of Internal Revenue in At outdoor ceremonies adjacent to the Hennig Cohen, professor of English; 1966-67. He also served in 1968 as chair- monument, a dedicatory prayer was led by Robert M. Engman, professor of fine arts; man of Sen. Eugene McCarthy's Task Force Rev. Mr. Stanley E. Johnson, University Richard B. Grose, a junior in the College; on Tax Reform and Tax Policy, and is the Chaplain, and vice-chairman of the com- Dr. John N. Hobstetter, Vice-Provost for author of Federal Income Taxation of Busi- mittee. The inscription on the monument Research and Acting Associate Provost; ness Enterprise, published last year. was read by Lawrence R. Cohen, a senior in Neil S. Lutsky, a senior in the Wharton Mr. Wolfman is presently chairman of the College and also a member of the School; Dr. John W. McCoubrey, professor the University Senate and of the Task monument committee. The text of the in- of the history of art; Dennis C. Wood, a Force on Governance. sripion is based on the University Council's junior in the College. Senate Acts on Research Policy New StaffMembers Named The University Senate at a special meet- statement under which detailed descrip- In External Office ing on February 5, endorsed the recom- tions of research proposals will not be gen- Affairs mendation from the Joint Council-Senate erally released by the University without James Robinson has been named assis- Committee for Implementing University the consent of the faculty investigator con- tant director and Andrew J. Sullivan ap- Policy on the Conduct of Research Pro- cerned. At the same time, any investigator pointed coordinator of community-related grams which states that the elimination of who does not wish to give such consent will programs in the office of the Assistant to classified research contracts at the Uni- have to prepare a detailed abstract of the the President for External Affairs, now versity has been completed. In 1967, the project (to be submitted and processed with located in 117 College Hall. University Council and the Senate had the original proposal through all stages) Mr. Sullivan is a former planner in the adopted a policy against the continuance of which will be generally available and which Office of Planning and Design and will now conducted classified research contracts and this was (continued on page 7) have responsibility for projects supported by the Trustees.
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