RASC Members for 1931 (PDF)
LIST OF OFFICERS FOR 1931 AND LIST OF MEMBERS, JANUARY 1, 1931 THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO PRESS L LIST OF OFFICERS FOR 1931 AND LIST OF MEMBERS, JANUARY 1, 1931 Kindly report any errors in this list to the General Secretary, 198 College Street, Toronto, Canada OFFICERS FOR 1931 Honorary President— R. M. S t e w a r t , M.A., F.R.S.C., Ottawa. President— H. R. Kingston, M.A., Ph.D., London, Ont. First Vice-President— R. K. Y o u n g , Ph.D., Toronto. Second Vice-President— M gr. C. P. Choquette, M.A., Lic.Scs., Montreal. General Secretary— Lachlan G ilchrist, M.A., Ph.D., 198 College St., Toronto. General Treasurer— J , H, H orning, B,A,, 198 College St., Toronto. Recorder— E. J. A. K e n n e d y , Toronto. Librarian— R. A. Gray, B.A., T oronto. Curator— R o b e r t S. D u n c a n , Toronto. Council— D. S. A i n s l i e , M.A., Ph.D., Toronto, Ont.; Napier Denison, Victoria, B.C.; M is s A. V ibert Douglas, Ph.D., Montreal; R. E. D e L u r y , M.A., Ph.D., Ottawa; E. A. H o d g s o n , M.A., Ottawa; A. R. H a s s a r d , Toronto; J . A. Pearce, M.A., Victoria, B.C.; J. Patterson, M.A., Toronto; John Satterly, M.A., D.Sc., Toronto; L. A. H. W a r r e n , M.A., Ph.D., Winnipeg; and Past Presidents—Sir Frederic Stupart, F.R .S.C .; A.
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