"'v•vvo v1uy14ue IVJondiale M.O. ·No. 216. INTERNATIONAL METEOROLOGICAL I .MO COMMITTEE. 1q13 REPORT OF THE TENTH MEETING. ROME, 1913. 'fVith Additional Appendices concerning the E ?:c!iange of Publications, Lists of Members of the International Com1nittee, 9'-c . ~ublislwl hu ~ uthoritu oi the ~letcorological <l~ ommittu. 03 - S89S Arc. LONDON: PRINTED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF HIS MAJESTY'S SifATIONERY OFFICE . By DARLING AND SON, LIMITED, BA CON STREET, E. To be purchased , either directly or through a ny Bookseller . from "WYMAN AND SONS, LIMITED, 29, BREAl\IS BUILDINGS , FETTER LANE, E.C., and 54, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF; or H .M. STATIONERY OFFICE (SCOTTISH BRANCH), 23 , FORTH STREET, EDINBURGH; or E. PONSONBY, LillIITED, 116, GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN j or from the Agencies in the British Colonies and Dependencies, the United States of America, the Continent of Europe and .A.broad of T . FISHER UNWIN, LONDON, W.C. 1914. Prir:e Two Shillings. 2 LIST OF INTERNATIONAL METEOROLOGICAL MEETINGS. 1872. LEIPZIG , Conference of Meteorologists. 1873. VIENNA, Congress of Official Delegates. 1874. UTRECHT, First Meeting of the Permanent Meteorological Committee. 1876. LONDON, · Second Meeting of the P ermanent Meteorological Committee. 1878. UTRECHT, 'rhird . Meeting of the Permanent Meteorological Committee. 1879. ROME, Congress of official Delegates ._ 1880. BERNE, First Meeting of the International Meteorological Committee. 1882. COPENHAGEN, Second Meeting of the International Meteorological Committee. 1885. PAms, 'rhird Meeting of the International Meteorological Committee. 1888. ZumcH, Fourth Meeting of the International :Meteorological Committee. 1891. MUNICH, First Ordinary Conference of Directors of Offices and Observatories. 1894. UPSALA, Fifth · Meeting of the International Meteorological Committee. ·. 1896. PARIS , Second Ordinary Conference of Directors of Offices and Observatories. 1899. ST. P1~TERSBURG, Sixth Meeting of the Inter­ national Meteorological Committee. 1903. SOUTHPORT, Seventh Meeting of the International Meteorological Committee. 1905. INNSBRUCI~, Third Ordinary Conference of Directors of Offices and Observatories: 1907. PARIS, Eighth Meeting of the International Metemological Committee. a 1910. BERLIN, Ninth . Meeting of the International Meteorological Committee. 1913. ROME, Tenth Meeting of the International Meteorological Committee. A meeting of the Committee was held in P aris in 1900 for the transaction of formal business, in connexion with an open Congress of Meteorologists. TABLE OF CONTENTS. INTERNATIONAL METEOROLOGICAL COMMITTEE. TENTH MEETING AT Rmrn, 1913. MIN,UTES OF PROCEEDINGS. PAGE. First Meeting, April 7 4 Second Meeting, April 8 7 Third Meeting, April 8 12 Fourth Meeting; April 9 14 Fifth Meeting, April 11 16 Sixth Meeting, April 11 17 Seventh Meeting, April 12 18 APPENDICES. I. Address of welcome of M. Palazzo 20 II. Report of the Officers 22 III. Programme of the Meeting 22 IV. Letter of the Deutsche Seewarte with reference to the Synoptic Charts of the Atlantic Ocean .. .. · 23 V. On Meteorology in relation to· Agriculture 23 ·VI. Commission for Weather Telegraphy · 26 VII Beaufort Scale of Wind ·Force ... 33 VIII. Report of the Commission for Scientific Aeronautics . 40 IX. Proposal to be considered by the International Met~oro1ogic.al Committee with regard to the wishes expressed by the International Commission for Scientific Aeronautics. con­ cerning the study of different layers of the atmosphere fo polar regions 42 · X. Report of the President of Magnetic Commission of the Inter- national Meteorological Committee · · 44 XI. Letter from Professor Mohn with reference to the Measure­ ment of fallen snow 48 XII. The new status of the Nicholas Central Physical Observatory, . Russia 48 XIII. Sleet ... 50 XIV. Report of the President of the Commission for Maritime Meteorolog1 and Storm Warnings ... .. '. · 50 XV. Form for Meteorological Observations in Ships 60 .XVI. Report by Captain Byd.er on the Charts of Ice of the Pola.r Sea issued by the Danish Meteorological Institute 61 ADDITIONAL APPENDICES. XVII. Geographical List of Institutions and Persons from whom publications containing meteorological and other geophysical data have been received by the Meteorological Offi<;e during the last ten years... ... ... · ... :.. ... · ... 63 XVIII. Institutions on the Presentation Lists of the Meteorological Office · · 81 XIX. List of Members of the International Meteorological Committee and of its Uommissions ... 88 1NDEX . ... •. 95 (18-1!1.) Wt. 3Jll2_:_3o9/367. 500. 5/14. D & S. G. 171 28 mwt.' REPORT OF THE MEETING OF '.l'H E INTERNATIONAL METEOROLOGICAL COMMITTEE AT R OME. APRIL 7TH TO 12TH, 1913. MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS. Fir.st Meeting, Monday , April 7th, 1913. Present: MM. Shaw (President), . Hellmann (Secretary), Angot, Chaves, van Everdingen, H amberg, Maurer , Palazzo, Ryder, Rykatscheff, Stupart, also the President of the Commis­ sion for Scientific Aeronautics, M . Hergesell. At the invitation of the · President; Professor Bjerknes and Mr. Lempfert were present as guests. · Apologies for absence were received from MM. Mohn, Moore, Nakamura, 'l'rabert, and vValker. The President, Mr. Shaw, opened the Session at ten o' clock with a brief address . Thereafter M . Palazzo welcomed the members in the name of his chief, the Minister of Agriculture, and expressed his gratification at the fact that thirty-four years after the International Congress of Meteorologists in Rome, which had been so important for the development of Meteorology, meteorolog'ists should assemble once more for deliberation in that city . He proposed to send a telegram of greeting to the members of the Congress of 1879 who \\·ere still living, but who no longer took part in the current work of the international organisation, namely, MM. von Hann, Mohn, and Scott (Appendix I.) Mr . .Shaw requested M. Palazzo to express to the Minister of Agri­ culture the thanks of the Committee. M. Hellmann read the "Report of the Officers. " (Appendix II.) . Programme.-The programme of the meeting wa s arranged on the basis of the provisional programme contained in Circular N .S. No . 9, and papers relating to the several items were distributed. The questions set down for consideration are the following : - 1. Report of the Officers. • 2. Questions not disposed of at the last meeting of the Com­ mittee ·in 1910 : (a) List of Observatories (Report of Berlin Meeting, English Ed., p. 8) . See p . 6. (b) Extension of the synoptic charts of the North Atlantic Ocean (Zoe . eit. p. 8). Seep. 6. (e) Commission on Atmospheric Electricity (Zoe . eit. p. 16). Seep. 7. · . (d) M. Eiffel's Meteorological Atlas (Zo e. eit. p. 23). See p . 7. 3. Agricultural ·Meteorology.-A report on this subject drawn up by MM. Angot and Palazzo hris been distributed with circular letter N .S. No. 8. S ee p. 7 and Appencz.i.v TT . 5 4. Investigation of the Upper Air.-The report* of the seventh meeting of the Commission for Scientific Aeronautics held in Vienna in May, 1912, has been printed and circulated by the Austrian Meteorological Office. See p. 7 and Appendi.'C V III. The sixth resolution of this meeting reads as follows : - 6. The Commission resolve that atmospheric pressure be expressed in the publications of the Commission in bars or in one of their decimal submultiples, decibars, centibars, or millibars instead of in millimetres of mercury; but this resolution is only to become operative after receiving the approval of the Inter­ national Meteorological Committee. :Mr. Walker, who is unable to attend the meeting at Rome, has communicated his views on this subject in a letter dated January 8th, 1913, which has been circulated to the members of the Committee. A proposal by M. Rykatcheff dealing with the establishment of upper air stations within the polar circle. See p. 15 and Appendi.v IX. 5. Solar Radiation.-'--:i\L Maurer's reportt on the meeting of the Radiation Commission held at Rapperswyl in September, ri, l~l/J,' ~ as been circulated and will serve as the basis for the ·I"" d1scuss10n . See p. 16. Mr. Hunt, of Melbourne, has submitted the following pro­ posal for consideration, through Mr. Shaw: - " That it is desirable that the resolution of the Inter­ national Committee at St. Petersburg recommending the Campbell-Stokes sunshine recorder as the instrument which furnishes 'the most comparable values,- be given effect to by the adoption of a precise specification of the dimensions, weight, permeability of the glass spheres, etc." See p. 17. 6. Meteorological Telegraphy .-A printed report+ of the last meeting of the Commission on vV eather Telegraphy held in London in September, 1912, has been circulated by the President of t he Commission, Mr. Shaw. See pp. 8-13 and Appendi.ces VI. and VII. · M . Angot has written to suggest "that it may be desirable for the Committee to discuss some of the questions recently raised by the International Commission on Time Signals, p art~cul ar l y that of the receipt and dispatch by radiotelegraphy, of reports of observations made at sea and on land. 'l'he changes in the arrangements for the issue of time signals approved at this Conference will probably come into operation on July l st, 1913. It seems to me desirable to start a service of meteorological radio­ telegrams on the same date." See p. 18. 0 Siebente Versammlung der Internationalen Kommission ftir wissenschaftliche Luftschiffahrt in Wien, 28 Mai bis 1 J uni, 1912. Sitzungsberichte und Vartriige. Published (in German) by the K. K . Zentralanstalt fiir
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