Day 719 – 1St February 2007
1 10:16:17 1 THE TRIBUNAL RESUMED AS FOLLOWS ON THURSDAY, 2 1ST FEBRUARY, 2007, AT 10.30 A.M: 3 4 10:39:50 5 MR. QUINN: It had been intended to take Mr. Smyth first this morning. 6 7 The Tribunal has been informed overnight that Mr. Smyth is unwell and it's 8 hoped to take his evidence at some future date. 9 10:40:01 10 CHAIRMAN: All right. 11 12 13 MR. QUINN: In the circumstances, I wonder could Mr. Gordon, please. 14 10:40:05 15 CHAIRMAN: Who? 16 17 MR. QUINN: Mr. Larry Gordon will be the first witness. 18 19 CHAIRMAN: I don't think there's anyone here. 10:40:12 20 21 MR. QUINN: Mr. Gordon is here. 22 23 CHAIRMAN: Oh, is he? Sorry. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Premier Captioning & Realtime Limited Day 719 2 10:40:30 1 MR. LARRY GORDON, HAVING BEEN SWORN, 2 WAS QUESTIONED BY MR. QUINN AS FOLLOWS: 3 4 10:40:54 5 CHAIRMAN: Good morning Mr. Gordon. You can sit down. 6 7 MR. QUINN: Thank you, Mr. Gordon. 8 9 Mr. Gordon, I think you were elected to Dublin County Council in June 1991, is 10:41:05 10 that correct? 11 A. Yeah. 12 Q. 1 And I think you represent the Green Party and you represented the Stillorgan 13 ward, which would be close to the Dundrum Shopping Centre, is that correct? 14 A. Yeah. 10:41:14 15 Q. 2 And I think you were re-elected and in the split up of the Councils you became 16 a member of the Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, is that correct? 17 A.
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