Food loss and packaging Food loss and packaging Document description 1. Title of publication Food loss and packaging 2. Responsible Publisher 6. Number of pages Danny Wille, OVAM, Stationsstraat 110, 2800 Mechelen 3. Legal deposit number 7. Number of tables and figures 4. Key words 8. Date of publication Food, packaging, materials 5. Summary 9. Price* In 2013-2014 Studio Spark, VITO en Pack4Food did research, commissioned by OVAM, on the relationship between food waste and packaging. This was done in close collaboration with a Steering Committee representing different chain actors. Finally, a communication strategy was presented. 10. Steering committee and/or author Willy Sarlee, Joke Van Cuyk, Miranda Geusens (OVAM), Gaëlle Janssens (Fost Plus), Caroline Auriel (IVCIE), Kris Roels (Departement Landbouw en Visserij), Liesje De Schamphelaire (Fevia Vlaanderen), Geraldine Verwilghen (COMEOS) 11. Contact person(s) Willy Sarlee, OVAM, Unit Policy Innovation, 015 284 298,
[email protected] Gaëlle Janssens, Fost Plus, 2 775 05 68,
[email protected] 12. Other publications about the same subject Voedselverlies in ketenperspectief : OVAM, 2012 Verzameling van kwantitatieve gegevens van organisch-biologisch afval horeca. Mechelen : OVAM, 2012. Nulmeting van voedselverspilling bij Vlaamse gezinnen via sorteeranalyse van het restafval. Mechelen : OVAM, 2011 Voedselverspilling: literatuurstudie. Mechelen : OVAM, 2011. Information from this document may be reproduced with due acknowledgement of the source. Most OVAM publications can be