Rector: The Reverend Canon Cliff Bannister Tel. 01962 852032 Assistant Priest: The Reverend Amanda Goulding Tel. 01962 884585 Associate Priest: The Reverend Karen Kousseff Tel. 01962 850956


A warm welcome to our worship

Large Print Versions of this notice sheet and other papers are available. A Hearing Loop system is in use (NB not at St Lawrence at present). Gluten- free communion wafers are available – please ask a steward.

Morning readings: NT Acts 9. 36-43 Gospel John 10. 22-30

St Bartholomew 9.30am Parish Communion Celebrant and Preacher: The Rev’d Amanda Goulding

Hymns: 56, 724, 33, 681, 232 (tune 692)

St Swithun 9.30am Holy Communion Celebrant and Preacher: The Rector

St Lawrence 11.00am Holy Communion Celebrant and Preacher: The Rector Meriel Walton (LLM)

Hymns: 56, 724, 33, 232 (tune 692)

United Church 6.30pm Service for Christian Aid Week

NB There is no Evensong in the Benefice

COLLECT FOR THE 4th SUNDAY OF EASTER Almighty God, whose Son Jesus Christ is the resurrection and the life: raise us, who trust in him, from the death of sin to the life of righteousness, that we may seek those things which are above, where he reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.


For the World: We pray for all countries affected by cyclones in South East Africa; for justice for the innocent victims of conflict in the Middle East and especially those children deprived of education and medical care who live without hope.

For the Anglican Communion: The Anglican Church of Korea; the Dioceses of Västerås (Church of Sweden), Gloucester, their Bishops and people; we give thanks as the Church marks the 50th anniversary of women as Readers, now known as Licensed Lay Ministers, and their Ministry in this Benefice in recent years.

For the Winchester Diocese: Bishop Tim Dakin and Suffragan Bishop David; for the designate, the Rev’d Canon Deborah Sellin.

Winchester Deanery: Holy Trinity Church in its vacancy.

Local needs: Nightshelter and Trinity Centre; our Benefice Mission Action Plan (bMAP); for the recently elected local councillors as they make up the new City Council; for our preparations for the vacancy in our Benefice.

Churches Together Prayers for May: St Luke’s Stanmore with St Mark’s Oliver’s Battery.

The sick and housebound and all who care for them; for those in residential care; and for those in our parishes who are unwell, especially Christine Birch, Wendy Cox, Pat Mather, Brenda and Norman de la Mouette, Anne Sharpe, Brenda Symes, Jean Warner.

For the Departed: John Clay (Brendoncare), Jeff Morris, Babs Perry (Abbotts Barton NH).


We were saddened to hear of the death of Karen Kousseff's father, Jeff Morris, who died peacefully on 27th April. Please remember Karen and her family in your prayers. Karen will be on compassionate leave until 14th May.

CHRISTIAN AID WEEK 12th-18th May: There is a service of celebration for Christian Aid Week at The United Church at 6.30pm with speaker Claire Aston, Head of Strategic Communications at Christian Aid. Please note that there will be no Evensong in the Benefice. There will be house to house collections in St Lawrence with St Swithun Parish. If you have not collected before and would like to join the team of collectors, please speak to a Churchwarden.

THE BIG CHURCH SURVEY: Every congregation member (including children) is being asked to complete the first large-scale survey of church congregations. It takes 10 mins to complete, either on paper or online: Please indicate your church’s ID number: St B: 24542, St L: 24544, St S: 24545. The deadline is 2nd June. Please see p.15 of the parish magazine for details, or contact Frances Holley (St Bartholomew) or John Stanning (St Lawrence with St Swithun).

CITY CENTRE CHAPLAINCY: Please take a copy of the new Chaplains' Prayer Sheet, and use it to pray for the chaplains and their work in the city.

ST BARTHOLOMEW: The new flower rota is now on the cross aisle. More arrangers would be welcome to join the small list of helpers! Please see Julia Wainwright for more information.

ST BARTHOLOMEW CLEANING: Please join us on Monday 13th May at 10.00am to sweep, vacuum or dust the Church, or just come for a coffee and a chat.

HYDE OPEN GROUP: The next meeting is on Monday 13th May at 2.00pm in Hyde Parish Hall when John Foster will be speaking on Hope and Homes for Children. We would welcome anyone who would like to join us. Contact Daphne (869352).

PALM SUNDAY LUNCH: The collection for USPG for the Church of the Province of Myanmar raised £350 (before Gift aid). Grateful thanks to the Social Committee and to all who contributed.

MESSY CHURCH: Thank you very much to all those who contributed to another successful Messy Church yesterday.

ST BARTHOLOMEW: Thank you to all who attended the enjoyable coffee morning last Wednesday, which raised £41.50 for Church funds.

JULIAN GROUP: Looking for a quiet space in your week? The Julian Group meets Tuesdays at 2.30pm for quiet prayer and friendship. Contact: Sue Tisdall (851621).

SPACE IN THE CITY: The next talk is on Wednesday 15th May at St Lawrence Church at 12.30pm with the Rev’d Canon Dr Peter Lippiett speaking on Praying the Prayer.

THE WINCHESTER MAYFEST, an annual celebration of folk music and dance, takes place in the city centre on Saturday 18th May. Hampshire folk dancing groups and choirs will be at St Lawrence from 10.00am-4.00pm.

ST BARTHOLOMEW: Please return boxes and envelopes for the USPG appeal to Maurice by Sunday 19th May at the latest. . th PARISH MAGAZINE: The copy deadline for the June issue is Sunday 19 May.

BENEFICE SERVICE ON 19th MAY: The Rector’s last service with us is next Sunday 19th May. There will be a special Benefice HC service at St Bartholomew at 10.30am (please note time), followed by lunch in Hyde Parish Hall at 12.30pm for all.

BENEFICE PRAYER GROUP: The date of the next meeting has been changed to Monday 27th May. Please contact Sue Tisdall for venue (851621).

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: Monday 20th May Joint PCC meeting with the Archdeacon to discuss the vacancy Tuesday 21st May Archdeacon’s Visitation: Churchwardens of St Lawrence with St Swithun admitted to office, Romsey Abbey, 7.00pm for 7.30pm

THE WEEKLY NOTICE SHEET: Please send any items for the notice sheet by Wednesday of each week to Caroline St Leger-Davey and Lis Wicks at St Lawrence Parish Office, Colebrook Street; email [email protected] or tel. 01962 849434. Office opening times: Weds and Friday 9.30am-2.00pm. For Hyde Parish Hall bookings please contact Lorraine Curtis: tel. 01962 863361 or hall@three

THE WEEK AHEAD 13th – 19th May 2019

Morning and Evening Prayer in the Benefice Morning Prayer: Weds 9.00am St B, Thurs 8.30am St S, Fri 8.30am St L Evening Prayer at 5.00pm: Tues & Fri St L, Weds St B, Thurs St S

Tuesday 10.00am St Lawrence with St Swithun 102 Greenhill Road Standing Committee

Wednesday 10.00am Holy Communion St Bartholomew Celebrant: The Rev’d Karen Kousseff

10.30am Holy Communion St Lawrence Celebrant: The Rector

11.15am Holy Communion Brendoncare NH

12.30pm Space in the City St Lawrence

Saturday 10.00am-4.00pm Mayfest St Lawrence

Services for THE 5th SUNDAY OF EASTER 19th May 2019

Morning readings: NT Acts 11. 1-18 Gospel John 13. 31-35

St Bartholomew NB 10.30am Benefice Holy Communion Celebrant and Preacher: The Rector

followed by lunch at 12.30pm in Hyde Parish Hall

St Swithun 6.30pm Evensong Officiant: Meriel Walton (LLM)

Evening readings: OT Daniel 6. 6-23 Psalm 98 NT Mark 15.46 - 16.8