Bentley From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia For other uses, see (disambiguation).

Bentley Motors Limited

Type Subsidiary

Industry Engineering




Acquired by Rolls-Royce Limited (1931

Acquired by !ol"s#agen $rou% (199&


Predecessor Rolls-Royce Motors

Founded 1& )anuary 1919


*+ M+ ,entley

+ .+ ,entley

' Headquarters /re#e00 England0 nited 2ingdom

Area served orld#ide

Key people

olfgang D4r5eimer (/5airman0 /E. '3

oolf ,arnato (/5airman 196199


/ontinental 7lying S%ur /ontinental $8



Production output




Services Automobile customisation

Revenue ?10=3 million (:1

?10119 million (:111


Profit ?& million (:11

-?= million (:1:


um!er of employees 30>:: (:13 '&

'9 Parent !ol"s#agen $rou%

"e!site bentleymotors+com

Footnotes # references


Bentley's winged "B" badge and bonnet (hood) ornament Bentley Motors Limited (/ˈb ɛ n t li/) is a British luxury automaker, and a wholly owned subsidiary of the erman company!olkswagen #$%& ts principal actiity is the design, engineering, manufacture, and distribution of luxury automobiles sold under the Bentley mar*ue# Based in +rewe, ngland, Bentley -otors .imited was founded by W# /# Bentley on %0 1anuary %2%2 in +ricklewood near .ondon and was ac*uired by 3olls43oyce in %25%# Bentley -otors .imited is the direct successor of 3olls43oyce -otors, which !olkswagen  purchased in %220# 6he purchase included the ehicle designs, model nameplates, production and administratie facilities, the 7pirit of cstasy and 3olls43oyce grille shape trademarks, but not the rights to the use of the 3olls43oyce name or logo, which are owned by 3olls43oyce 8oldings plc and were later licensed to B-W # Bentley ehicles are sold ia franchised dealers worldwide, and as of 9oember &:%&, +hina was the largest indiidual market for Bentley automobiles# $%5 -ost Bentley cars are assembled at the company's plant in +rewe, with a small number of +ontinental Flying 7purs assembled at the 6ransparent Factory in ;resden, ermany#$%< utomobile bodies for the +ontinental model line are produced in =wickau, ermany# Bentley cars are largely hand4built# Bentley cars won the &< 8ours of .e -ans in %2&<, %2&>, %2&0, %2&2, %25: and &::5# 6he current Bentley production models are the +ontinental Flying 7pur , +ontinental 6 and -ulsanne# 9otable former Bentley production models include the Bentley

Contents $hide

• % +ricklewood

o %#% First ma@or eent A %2&& ndianapolis ::

o %#& Barnato becomes chairman

o %#5 6he

o %#< +ar models, +ricklewood

o %# Cerformance at .e -ans

 %##% &< hours of .e -ans rand Crix d'ndurance

o %#D 3eceiership, 7ale to 3olls43oyce

• & 3olls43oyce ownership A ;erby

o &#% +ar models, ;erby

• 5 +rewe o 5#% Cost4war standard4steel saloons

o 5#& Bentley +ontinental

o 5#5 +ar models, +rewe

• < !ickers

o <#% +ar models, +rewe !ickers

•  !olkswagen

o #% !olkswagen  s# B-W 

o #& +ar models, +rewe !W E B-W

o #5 -odern Bentleys

 #5#% ;elieries, profits and staff

 #5#& Croduction

o #< +ar models, +rewe !olkswagen

o # -otorsport

• D 7ee also

• > 3eferences

• 0 Bibliography

• 2 xternal links Cricklewood Before World War  in +ricklewood near .ondon, Walter /wen Bentley had been in partnership with his brother 8orace -illner Bentley selling French ;FC cars, but he had always wanted to design and build his own range of cars bearing his name# t was on a isit to the ;FC factory in %2%5 that W#/# noticed an aluminium paperweight, and had the inspired idea of using the lightweight metal instead of cast iron to make engine pistons# 6he first Bentley aluminium pistons went into serice in aero engines for the 7opwith +amel during World War # n ugust %2%2, Bentley -otors .td# was registered, and a chassis with dummy engine was exhibited at the .ondon -otor 7how in /ctober of that year #$% n innoatie < ales per cylinder engine designed by exA3oyal Flying +orps officer +lie allop was built and running by ;ecember, and orders were taken for delieries starting in 1une %2&: howeer, deelopment took longer than estimated, and the first cars were not ready until 7eptember %2&%# $% 6heir durability earned widespread acclaim# ppearances were made in hill climbs and at Brooklands#$citation needed  First major event – 1922 Indianapolis 500 Bentley entered the %2&& ndianapolis :: mile race as their "first ma@or eent", sending one car with works drier ;ouglas 8awkes and riding mechanic 8# 7# "Bertie" Browning# $%Dn a race dominated by specialiGed cars with ;uesenberg racing chassis, 8awkes completed the full :: miles in a modified road car, finishing %5th with an aerage speed of ><#2 mph after starting in %2th position# $%> 6he team was then rushed back to ngland to compete in the %2&& 3+ 6ourist 6rophy#$%D$%0 Barnato becomes chairman ac*uired his first Bentley (a 54litre) in %2&, @ust %& months before he also ac*uired the business itself# With this car he won numerous Brooklands races# 8e was a member of a social set of wealthy British motorists known as the " Bentley Boys" who faoured the cars of W# /# Bentley# -any were independently wealthy, often with a background in military serice# Barnato was nicknamed "Babe", in ironic deference to his heayweight boxer 's stature# 6he Bentley enterprise was always underfunded, but inspired by the %2&< .e -ans win by 1ohn ;uff and Frank +lement, Barnato agreed to finance Bentley's business# Barnato had incorporated Baromans Ltd in %2&&, which existed as his finance and inestment ehicle# !ia Baromans, Barnato initially inested in excess of H%::,:::, saing the business and its workforce#  financial reorganisation of the original Bentley company was carried out and all existing creditors paid off for H>,:::# xisting shares were dealued from H% each to @ust % shilling, or I or their original alue# Barnato held %<2,:: of the new shares giing him control of the company and he became chairman# Barnato in@ected further cash into the businessJ H5,::: secured by debenture in 1uly %2&> H<:,::: in %2&0 H&,::: in %2&2# With renewed financial input, W# /# Bentley was able to design another generation of cars# he Bentley Boys Main articles: Bentley Boys and Blue Train Races


deeloped in Welwyn arden +ity by "6im" Birkin and pushed oer W#/# to market before it was reliable

 group of wealthy British motorists known as the "Bentley Boys"KWoolf Barnato, 7ir 8enry "6im" Birkin, steeplechaser eorge ;uller ,aiator len Lidston, automotie @ournalist 7#+#8# "7ammy" ;ais, and ;r ;udley Ben@afield among themKkept the mar*ue's reputation for high performance alie# Bentley, located at +ricklewood, north .ondon, was noted for its four consecutie ictories at the &< 8ours of .e -ans from %2&> to %25:# n %2&2, Birkin had deeloped the lightweight Blower Bentley, including fie racing specials that started with the Brooklands racing designed Bentley Blower 9o#%# n -arch %25:, during the Blue 6rain 3aces, Woolf Barnato raised the stakes on 3oer and its 3oer .ight 7ix, haing raced and beatenLe Train Bleu for the first time, to better that record with his D?4 litre Bentley 7peed 7ix on a bet of H%::# 8e droe against the train from +annes to +alais, then by ferry to ;oer , and finally .ondon, traelling on public highways, and won# Barnato droe his 8#1# -ulliner Abodied formal saloon in the race against the Blue 6rain# 6wo months later, on &% -ay %25:, he took deliery of a 7peed 7ix with streamlined "7portsman +oupM" by urney 9utting# Both cars became known as the "Blue 6rain Bentleys" the latter is regularly mistaken for, or erroneously referred to as being, the car that raced the Blue 6rain, while in fact Barnato named it in memory of his race# $%2$&:  painting by 6erence +uneo depicts the urney 9utting coupM racing along a road parallel to the Blue 6rain, which scenario neer occurred as the road and railway did not follow the same route# Car models! Cric"le#ood

Bentley 0 .itre <4door sports saloon

• %2&%A&2 54litre

• %2&DA5:

• %2&DA5: D?4litre

• %2&0A5: D?4litre 7peed 7ix

• %25:A5% 04litre

• %25% <4litre 6he original model was the 54litre, but as customers put heaier bodies on the chassis, a larger Bugatti 6ype 5# 6he

Bentley 7peed 7ix

2& ho'rs o% Le Mans (rand $ri) d*+nd'rance

• !"# $th (%rivate entry) (54.itre)

• %2&< %st (54.itre)

• !"& did not 'inish

• !" did not 'inish

• %2&> %st %th %>th (54.itre)

• %2&0 %st th (

• %2&2 %st (7peed 7ix) &nd 5rd

• %25: %st &nd (7peed 7ix) Bentley withdrew from motor racing @ust after winning at .e -ans in %25:, claiming that they had learned enough about speed and reliability#$&% ,eceivership! -ale to ,olls.,oyce 6he Wall 7treet +rash of %2&2 affected the Bentley business greatly, with the reat ;epression reducing demand for its expensie products# n 1uly %25%, two mortgage payments on the firm that were guaranteed by Barnato fell due, and he adised the lenders that he was "unable to meet these debts"# /n %: 1uly, on the application of the mortgagee, the court appointed a 3eceier to Bentley -otors .imited#$&&

6he Cress ssociation understands that -essrs 9apier and 7on, aero4engine builders, hae reached an agreement to take oer Bentley -otors .imited which is in oluntary li*uidation# t is expected that the matter will come before the +ourt within the next few days#

K Cress ssociation, *a%ier To Absorb Bentley Motors , 6he 6imes, 7aturday, /ct &<, %25% pg# %0 ssue <2D& 9apier E 7on negotiated with Bentley's receier to buy the company, with the takeoer expected to be made final in 9oember %25%# nstead, a competitor named British +entral *uitable 6rust offered a counter4proposal and with an offer of H%&,::: outbid 9apier in a sealed bid auction# $&5 British +entral *uitable 6rust later proed to be a front for 3olls43oyce .imited#$&< 9ot een Bentley himself knew the true identity of the purchaser until the deal was completed# $% Barnato receied around H<&,::: in return for his shares in Bentley -otors, haing bought a siGeable stake in 3olls43oyce not long before Bentley -otors was li*uidated# $citation needed  By %25< he was appointed to the board of the new Bentley -otors (%25%) .td# $& 6his attempted total obliteration of Bentley -otors and its founder was one outcome of a highly personal "endetta" between the two engineers, 8ies and Bentley, two men of *uite different natures, begun in %2%< when Bentley was made official liaison between oernment and aero engine manufacturers#$citation needed  Bentley's abiding weaknesses were in sometimes poor personal relationships combined with his apparent inability to curb spending on deelopment# 6he 04.itre was acknowledged$by +hom to be the better if more expensie car# Bentley may hae been the better engineer#$citation needed  8e accepted the position of patron of the Bentley ;riers' +lub @ust before the end of Woolf Barnato's term as its president# Rolls-Royce ownership – Derby

"6he silent "

%25 5?4litre +abriolet by

3olls43oyce took oer the assets of Bentley -otors (%2%2) .td and formed a new wholly owned company called Bentley -otors (%25%) .td# 3olls43oyce had ac*uired the Bentley showrooms in +ork 7treet, the serice station at Lingsbury, the whole establishment at +ricklewood and Bentley himself# 6his last was disputed by 9apier in court without success# 6he old business had not troubled to register their Bentley trademark# 3olls43oyce took immediate steps to remedy that# 6he +ricklewood factory was closed during %25& and sold# Croduction stopped for two years, $&D before resuming at the 3olls43oyce works in ;erby# Nnhappy with his role at 3olls43oyce, when his contract expired at the end of pril %25 W# /# Bentley left to @oin .agonda# When the new Bentley 5? litre appeared in %255, it was a sporting ariant of the 3olls43oyce &:O&, which disappointed some traditional customers yet was well receied by many others# W# /# Bentley was reported as saying, "6aking all things into consideration,  would rather own this Bentley than

$% % any other car produced under that name"# 3olls43oyce's adertisements for the 5 P & .itre called it "the silent sports car", $&> a slogan 3olls43oyce continued to use for Bentley cars until the %2:s# $&0 ll Bentleys produced from %25% to &::< used inherited or shared 3olls43oyce chassis, and adapted 3olls43oyce engines, and are described by critics as badge4engineered3olls43oyces#$&2 Car models! /erby

• %255A5> 5?4litre • %25DA52

• %252A<% -ark !

• %252 -ark ! Crewe  D: acre site was ac*uired for 3olls43oyce by the British goernment on the western side of +rewe, +heshire in -ay %250 in order to support the company's work for the anticipated war # $5: ;uring the war more than &,::: "-erlin" aircraft engines were produced at the new factory# $5: fter World War , 3olls43oyce chose to focus its aero4engine production on ;erby# $5: Croduction of motorcars was moed to the ex4wartime shadow factory in +rewe#$5: $ost.#ar standard.steel saloons

Bentley -ark ! standard steel saloon, the first Bentley supplied by 3olls43oyce with a standard body#

Nntil some time after World War , most high4end motorcar manufacturers like Bentley and 3olls4 3oyce did not supply complete cars# 6hey sold rolling chassis, near4complete from the instrument panel forward# ach chassis was deliered to the coachbuilder of the buyer's choice# 6he biggest specialist car dealerships had coachbuilders build standard designs for them which were held in stock awaiting potential buyers#

6he assembled pressings from Cressed 7teel

6o meet post4war demand, particularly NL oernment pressure to export and earn oerseas currency, 3olls43oyce deeloped an all steel body using pressings made by Cressed 7teel to create a "standard" ready4to4drie complete saloon car# 6he first steel4bodied model produced was the Bentley -ark !J these started to emerge from the newly reconfigured +rewe factory early in %2

Bentley Continental

Bentley +ontinental, fastback coupM body by 8 1 -ulliner

6he +ontinental fastback coupM was produced principally for the domestic home market, the ma@ority of cars produced (%D, including aprototype) being right4hand drie# 6he chassis was produced at the +rewe factory and shared many components with the standard 3 type# /ther than the 346ype standard steel saloon, 346ype +ontinentals were deliered as rolling chassis to the coachbuilder of choice# +oachwork for most of these cars was completed by 8# 1# -ulliner E +o# who mainly built them in fastback coupe form# /ther coachwork came from Cark Ward (.ondon) who built six, later including a drophead coupe ersion# Franay (Caris) built fie, raber (Wichtrach, 7witGerland) built three, one of them later altered by LRng (Basel, 7witGerland), and Cininfarina made one# 1ames Soung (.ondon) built in %2< a 7ports 7aloon for the owner of 1ames Soung's, 1ames Barclay# 6he early 3 6ype +ontinental has essentially the same engine as the standard 3 6ype, but with modified carburation, induction and exhaust manifolds along with higher gear ratios# $5& fter 1uly %2< the car was fitted with an engine, haing now a larger bore of 2<#D& mm (5#> in) with a total displacement of <,00> cc (<#2 . &20#& cu in)# 6he compression ratio was raised to >#&J%#

Car models! Cre#e

Bentleys made !y Rolls$Royce Ltd% in &re'e @85e silent s%orts car@

19= -litre -door by * ) Mulliner

,entley S-series Standard Saloon

,entley 8-series Standard Saloon


• 7tandard4steel saloon

• %2

• %2&A 3 6ype • +ontinental

• %2&A 3 6ype +ontinental

• 74series

• %2A2 7% and +ontinental

• %22AD& 7& and +ontinental

• %2D&AD 75 and +ontinental

• 64series

• %2DA>> 6%

• %2>>A0: 6&

• %2>%A0< +orniche

• %2>A0D +amargue


6he Bentley logo on a %220 rnage

6he problems of Bentley's owner with 3olls43oyce aero engine deelopment, the 3B&%%, brought about the financial collapse of its business in %2>:# 6he motorcar diision was made a separate business, 3olls43oyce -otors .imited, which remained independent until bought by !ickers plc in ugust %20:# By the %2>:s and early %20:s Bentley sales had fallen badly at one point less than I of combined production carried the Bentley badge# $%Nnder !ickers, Bentley set about regaining its high4performance heritage, typified by the %20: -ulsanne# Bentley's restored sporting image created a renewed interest in the name and Bentley sales as a proportion of output began to rise# By %20D the BentleyJ3olls43oyce ratio had reached <:JD: by %22% it achieed parity#$% Car models! Cre#e ic"ers

%20< Bentley -ulsanne 6urbo

Bentley Brooklands

• %20

• %22&A2 +ontinental 6urbo

• %20:A2& Bentley -ulsanne

• %20

• %20&A0 -ulsanne 6urbo

• %20>A2& -ulsanne 7

• %20

• %20A2 6urbo 3J turbocharged performance ersion

• %22%A&::& +ontinental 3J turbocharged &4door model

• %22

• %22DA&::& +ontinental 6 • %222A&::5 +ontinental 3 -ulliner J performance model

• %22&A20 BrooklandsJ improed ight

• %22DA20 Brooklands 3J performance Brooklands

• %22

• %22

• %22A2> 9ew 6urbo 3J updated 2D-S 6urbo 3 with reised bumpers, single front door glaGing, new door mirrors, spare in trunk, engine coer, new design, auto lights, auto wipers etc#

• %22A&::5 GureJ conertible +ontinental 3

• %22DA&::& +ontinental 6J short4wheelbase performance model

• %22>A20 6urbo 3.J "new" 6urbo 3 .WB (.ong Wheel Base)

• %22>A20 Bentley 6urbo 36J replacement for the 6urbo 3.

• %22>A20 36 -ulliner J Nltra exclusie performance model

85is section does not cite any references or sources+ Blease 5el% im%ro

ol"s#aen ( vs3 BM4 ( n /ctober %22>, !ickers announced that it had decided to sell 3olls43oyce -otors# B-W  seemed to be a logical purchaser because B-W already supplied engines and other components for Bentley and 3olls43oyce branded cars and because of B-W and !ickers @oint efforts in building aircraft engines# B-W made a final offer of H5<:m, but was outbid by !olkswagen , which offered H<5:m# !olkswagen  ac*uired the ehicle designs, model nameplates, production and administratie facilities, the 7pirit of cstasy and 3olls43oyce grille shape trademarks, but not the rights to the use of the 3olls43oyce name or logo, which are owned by 3olls4 3oyce 8oldings plc# n %220, B-W started supplying components for the new range of 3olls43oyce and Bentley carsKnotably !0 engines for the Bentley rnage and !%& engines for the 3olls43oyce 7iler 7eraph, howeer, the supply contract allowed B-W to terminate its supply deal with 3olls4 3oyce with %& months' notice, which would not be enough time for !olkswagen to re4engineer the cars# Bentley Gure -ulliner &::5 Final 7eries

B-W paid 3olls43oyce plc H<:m to license the 3olls43oyce name and logo# fter negotiations, B-W and !olkswagen  agreed that, from %220 to &::&, B-W would continue to supply engines and components and would allow !olkswagen temporary use of the 3olls43oyce name and logo# ll B-W engine supply ended in &::5 with the end of 7iler 7eraph production# From % 1anuary &::5 forward, !olkswagen  would be the sole proider of cars with the "Bentley" mar*ue# B-W established a new legal entity, 3olls43oyce -otor +ars .imited, and built a new administratie head*uarters and production facility for 3olls43oyce branded ehicles in oodwood, West 7ussex, ngland# Car models! Cre#e 4  BM4

• %222A&::& Gure -ulliner Kperformance model

• %222 +ontinental 6 -ulliner Kfirmer suspension Modern Bentleys

6he Bentley line4up from late &:::s (from left)J Flying 7pur , +ontinental 6, and rnage

Tueen liGabeth 's Bentley 7tate .imousine fter ac*uiring the business, !olkswagen spent BC:: million (about N7U0< million) to modernise the +rewe factory and increase production capacity# $55 s of early &:%:, there are about 5,:: working at +rewe, compared with about %,:: in %220 before being taken oer by !olkswagen# $5< t was reported that !olkswagen inested a total of nearly N7U& billion in Bentley and its reial#$5 s a result of upgrading facilities at +rewe the bodywork now arries fully painted at the +rewe facility for final assembly, with the parts coming from ermanyKsimilarly 3olls43oyce body shells are painted and shipped to the NL for assembly only# n &::&, Bentley presented Tueen liGabeth  with an official 7tate .imousine to celebrate her olden 1ubilee# n &::5, Bentley's two4door conertible, the Bentley Gure, ceased production, and Bentley introduced a second line, Bentley +ontinental 6, a large luxury coupM powered by a W%& engine built in +rewe# ;emand had been so great that the factory at +rewe was unable to meet orders despite an installed capacity of approximately 2,:: ehicles per year there was a waiting list of oer a year for new cars to be deliered# +onse*uently, part of the production of the new Flying 7pur , a four4door ersion of the +ontinental 6, was assigned to the 6ransparent Factory (ermany), where the !olkswagen Chaeton is also assembled# 6his arrangement ceased at the end of &::D after around %,::: cars, with all car production reerting to the +rewe plant# n pril &::, Bentley confirmed plans to produce a four4seat conertible modelKthe Gure, deried from the rnage ;rophead +oupMprototypeKat +rewe beginning in &::D# By the autumn of &::, the conertible ersion of the successful +ontinental 6, the +ontinental 6+, was also presented# 6hese two models were successfully launched in late &::D#  limited run of a =agato modified 6 was also announced in -arch &::0, dubbed "6="#  new ersion of the Bentley +ontinental was introduced at the &::2 enea uto 7howJ 6he +ontinental 7upersports# 6his new Bentley is a supercar combining extreme power with enironmentally friendly FlexFuel technology, capable of using petrol (gasoline) and biofuel (0 ethanol)# Bentley sales continued to increase, and in &:: 0,D&> were sold worldwide, 5,D< in the Nnited 7tates# n &::>, the %:,::: cars4per4year threshold was broken for the first time with sales of %:,:%<# For &::>, a record profit of V% million was also announced#$5D Bentley reported a sale of about >,D:: units in &::0# $5> 8oweer, its global sales plunged : percent to <,D%D ehicles in &::2 (with the N#7# delieries dropped <2I to %,<55 ehicles) and it suffered an operating loss of V%2< million, compared with an operating profit of V%: million in &::0#$55$50 s a result of the slump in sales, production at +rewe was shut down during -arch and pril &::2# $52 6hough ehicle sales increased by %%I to ,%%> in &:%:, operating loss grew by &DI to V&< million#$<: n utumn &:%:, workers at +rewe staged a series of protests oer proposal of compulsory work on Fridays and mandatory oertime during the week# $<% !ehicle sales in &:%% rose 5>I to >,::5 ehicles, with the new +ontinental 6 accounting for oer one4third of total sales# 6he current workforce is about <,::: people# 6he business earned a profit in &:%% after two years of losses as a result of the following sales resultsJ$<&

%220 &::


/eliveries! pro%its and sta%%

+urop Total Middl Asia Profit or e e loss Staf America &*in .apa /t*e (ear deliverie -K Pacifi f s a e,c n r s +ast c -K ) million

1=: 199& 1 :

1999 1::1

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:1: -= =11; 1== 91: ;;> 9& 9

:: 1:3 :11 & ;::3 :1 1&39 11&; =>> 9 11: : 1

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13& :13 1;> 1:1: 31: 191 1&: 11&= = 91 1

7ources !olkswagen  nnual 3eports and press releases $<5


Rolls &0T &0T Flyin /t*er (ea Mulsan Arna2 Broo3lan A4ur &ontinent $ &oup &a!ri 2 Bentle Total r ne e ds e al Royc 1 o Spur y e

:: 13 131 93  >9 193& : :: 1:9 := 11 >1 3= 1;&1 1

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:: 111 ; 13=& 1; 1:> 93 3>3; 9

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:1 3=3> >3& 1;> 11>9 91:; 

:1 1:&; 3>: 19; 39>: 111; 3 >

7ources !olkswagen  nnual 3eports $<5 Nnsold cars# ;uring the years &:%% and &:%& production exceeded delieries by %,%0> cars which is estimated to hae trebled inentory# Car models! Cre#e ol"s#aen

• %220J rnage saloon

• %222J 8unaudieres +oncept

• &::&J 7tate .imousine

• &::5J +ontinental 6 coupM

• &::J +ontinental Flying 7pur saloon

• &::DJ Gure conertible

• &::DJ +ontinental 6 conertible

• &::>J +ontinental 6 7peed coupM

• &::0J coupM

• &::0J Bentley +ontinental Flying 7pur (&::) 7peed saloon

• &::2J +ontinental 6+ 7peed

• &::2J Gure 6

• &::2J rnage saloon, Final 7eries

• &::2J +ontinental 7upersports

• &::2J Bentley =agato 6= $<<

• &:%:J Bentley -ulsanne

• &:%%J &nd eneration +ontinental 6

• &:%5J Bentley Flying 7pur • &:%DJ Motorsport  Bentley +ontinental 65 entered by the -47port factory team won the 7ilerstone round of the &:%< Blancpain ndurance 7eries# 6his was Bentley's first official entry in a British race since the %25: 3+ 6ourist 6rophy#$<